Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
THE DALLf BEE-OMAHA WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 16 3 VL f &OO , The Only Exclusive 1108 AND IIIO HARNEY STREET OMAHA - - - - - NEB. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DKALKR N Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. "h olesale Lumber , No. 1408 Farnham Street , mala , THE MOLINB STOVE Manufactured by Thoymnlto a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and hmo this jcarplared In the niarkot mot the MOiT ECONOMIC AND HOST SA I IStAUIOKY STOVES c\cr made. Thoymakeboth Plain and extension top , and guarantee all tbclr goods. The agents for the company arc. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN - Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters XKC jOk. WT * B ? 3E1 X. , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB _ PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND. BAKING , is only attained by using Stoves and Ranges. WITH TO GAUZE OVEB DOORS , For sale byj MILTON ROGERS & SONS , OJMC/VIRT & . . Jull-tnielv DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS , PROPRIETORS TOWN1 ARLINQTON. J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLINIUS Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Btromiburg N * HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Holluli. Neb. GRAND OCNTRAL E. SEYMOUR , Nabrcska Clty.'Net ) MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WnoplngWaterN COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPEI ? , Hardy , Neb. QRECNWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFICLD , Greenwood , Neb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. BTOREY. Clarlnda , ( own ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont , fcb' CXOHANQE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Athland , Kcb METROPOLITAN HOTEL FRANK LGVCLL , Atklnion , Neb , MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUUO , Quldo Roccl , N , SUMMIT HOUOE , SWAN & BECKER , Oretton , In. HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOU8C , D. H. WALKER , Auiiubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURQEBS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A. w LLIAM8 , Hnrlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MR3. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , Oornlnc , la , NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL , AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Juritlon , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , B'mchard ' , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , OOMMCRO AL HOTEL , HCNRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , CHAS.BAQNELL , Colleca Sprlngt , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKINSHOU8E , . FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUOE B , F.8TEARN8 , OdcbolUa WOODS HOUSE , t JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarki , Nob. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINQTON HOUSE , J M. BLACK & BON , MarjivllleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTCR , Norfolk Junction Nib WINSLOW HOUSE Q. McOARTY , 8eward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JON 8 , Auroar Neb , CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , Neo , AVOCA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD , Avocalla. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis a WHITNEY HOU8E | E. HAYMAKER , Grl wol DEPOT HOTEL , O , L. CHAPMAN , Dunl p , la. LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUBK , Logan , la. DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTOV. Dow City , la , JAGQER HOUSE , JAQQRR& SON , Denlion , la , Care of Brood-Sows. A hrood-N > w should bo a good tnilfc cr. llo\TO\cr peed iu othur respects if deficient in this , she should liardl bo rotnincd ns a bret dor. An abuiid anco o ( tnilk for the lint eight or tci weeks oi their cxistonco in the bos preparation young pigs can Imvu < o fi them for profitable growth in after life It it not nlwuys possible to dccid with certainty whether or not n youm snv will provo to be a good milker , bu as with oows , so with piga , wo tna ; learn from observation and trial ti know in aomo degreu , judpitig iron their general nppoaraucu , what to ox pcct. Much will depend upon tin dam and grnnd-dnm in this regard Milking qualities in swine nr as sure ly transmissible to progcncy as in cat tlo. Thus it is as true of swine as oi cattle that this trait may bo grcatl ) improved by retaining only good milk ors for breeders , as 17011 as by feeding them when young , with a view to then development as mi k producers rathoi than as fat producers. For this reason son spring and early summer litters nn usually the best from which to sclecl yotinit brood sown. They can bo kepi through the summer almost entirely oi yniss , which , if abundant and in variety , will make them grow nicely , nnd at the simo thno the oxerciau rp < irod in gracing will keep them in good liealth nnd thnft. Uy the tinu the cold weather comes on nnd cor ' is to bo fed , they will have become nonrly old and largo enough for ser t iico.But oven after Una , continued care should bo taken that too inucl corn or other fat-producing food shouKi not bo given them. Wo must , however over , bear in mind that at this perioc nil animals naturally lay up fat wind afterward goes to enrich the milk , LI once , while they should not bo nl lowed to become over fat , they should yet bo so fed as to supply this domain ] sf nature , nnd to retain the general licalth and vigor of the system. When ihoy have dropped their first litter the most they n ill need for the first five or eight daysn ill bo cooling drinke and very little rich feed. Wheat bran scalded and then thinned with water , to which mny bo adttcd n liandful of nhip .tuff or middling , may 1)0 given. In ton dayo or two wools the richness of the feed may be jnulutlly increased , great care jeing taken , however , both is to the quality and quantity , that , heso changeo may not injure the loalth of the sow , or so clloct- the nilk na to cnucu Pcentra in the pigs. [ t is n veiy common miatako in food- ng sows havinp yount * pigs to give too much strong feed when the ) igs am quite young , It ia not until ho pigs are three or four weeks old .hat they rpally begin to tax the ao\v loavily. Then it is that the BOW ihould bo liberally and regularly fed on good nutritious milk-producing ccd , and at the same time the young ligs should bo taught to oat by thom- iclves at a trough out of the reach of ho sow. The strength of the for in or s kept up , nnd her disposition to pro- [ uco an abundance of good rich milk o encouraged as to fix this as ono of ho best tniits of her nature ; while ho pigs , by the extra feed given hem , will makoa corresponding rapid ; rowth , nnd that at a comparatively unall cost. jlvor , Kldnoy and Bright' * Disease. A medicine that destroys the germ or cause of Height's Diaoaso , Diabittoa , vidnoy and Liver Complaints , and has jowor to root them out of the system , s abovp all prico. Such a medicine is lop Bitters , and positive proof of this an bo found by ono trial , or by asking 'our neighbors , who have been cured > y it. . Tbo Canning1 Industry. No application of scientific princi- iles to the useful arts has resulted in greater good to the people of this sountry than that which pertains to ho preservation of meat , fish , ripe ruits , perishable vegetables , and othur rticloa of food in vessels rendered ir-tight. It is now a great industry n itself and it assumes greater mag nitude and is applied to n ( 'renter number of purposes every your. It las also stimulated other industries nd has roaulted in swing many pro- ucts that were formerly of very lit- lo vi\luo. It has been a blessing to lorticultural pursuits and has served ot only to increase the production of yorything rained in the orchard , ineyard , and garden , but has given tiom a much greater value than they vor before porscasod. It has Iso resulted in giving irolitablo employment to largo lumbers of persons , many of horn nro unable to do heavy work in lie field or factory. A largo propor- ions of thu persona employed in can- cries are women und children , where ro able to earn good wages. The aiming process has r.lso resulted in luiaponing the price and improving iio quality of the food consumed by jcpplo at largo. It has rendered lux- iries common with all chases. It ma greatly extended the time in vhich many articles of delicious food an bo used , It haas added to thu umber and quality of our exports , nd built up now branceo of trade in nany foreign countries. The canning utinof-s has not been na well con- acted in the west us it ha ? in the aat , still considerable has been dona pro. The Utica ( N. Y. ) lloruld ivus the following interesting account [ the progress of the canning busi est ! in central Now York : The diecovory of the fact that fruit ind moat may bo preserved by aonling n an air-tiaht can has buon oluimod or Franco and claimed for England , 10 definite date can bo given for it , ut it is now conceded that it was neal oal , and for mankind nn immensely mportant , discovery. In this conn- ry the business has been given a du- elopmont not exceeded , and probably ot equalled , in the world. The first ; oods packed in cana wuro oysters , liicli were cooked and put into tin CIIH in H small way at Baltimore. About 1813 the canning of fuh was ogun in Newfoundland and Maine , A year or two later the canning of met corn was begun in Maine , and 'jrtland retains n place na ono of the neat important centers of the indus- ry to this day. lliltiinoro is a rival , here there n immonao establish- nents. The civil war stimulated , ex- ended and greatly developed the bus- ness. Though the government was windlod out of vast sums , especially n its meat contracts , through dishoa- sty , and hasty and imperfect packing , 10 canning industry niado gains thun which it has not ainco lost. An export rado has boon built up which is no of the promising features of the country's business. Not only nr meat and fish cooked nnd ciiuicd nii ( aunt to Europe nnd all over the wot-al but our canned vogutablos hnvo boot received with great favor. In Ot r many nnd in other countries of Ku rope thsro arc stores devoted rntirely to Atnericiui good * , nnd canned good mnka up nn important part of thci stock , In 1880 the preserved vegota bca [ exported from our rhoies are to down by the burenu of ttatiattcs n Wndiinuton to ha n boon wortl $1331)00 ) , against $37,880 in 1870 F9r preserved fruits the figures fo the ! > o curs were $81,375 in 1870 , to $48it,21)0 ) in 1880 The benefits which hntocotnoto man from this business nro not trillmtr. If it bo true thai man was intended or n vegetable aiu fruit eating animal , ho hits boon brought nvarrr to n state of nnturo bv the hermetio can. In any casi1 , his good health lias boon increased by al lowing him to have in something like their natural state the vegetables iitu' fruits which , lip to forty yars ago , were confined exclusively to thu spring and summer avnaon , In csntrnl Now York , the town which first wont into the busmcps ol canning , nnd which still 1ms n trailo of the largest magnitude in that di rection , is Camdun. There as early ns 1831 Ananias and Ezra Edgutt bo- yaii to put up chicken , beef , mid corn in a snmll nay , Thu Oneidn commu nity , probably in part looking for work which would give employment for women , nnd encouraged by thu character of the neil of its farm , be gan the canning of vogotablta , Itn goods have become very famous , and thin branch of its butinosj hna more than any other contributed to the prosperity of that company. Within ton nnd especially within five years , a largo number of corn-canning facto ries have boon started in Central New York , most of thorn prepared to put up certain other vegetables or truits when the markoto Bcom to have call For them. It remains to bo scon ivhothor they are exceeding the do- maud , and that is bullovcd by some persona. Many of thorn have been started on small capital , and when not nblo to quickly dijposo of their pro duct have been unable to pay the farmers for their corn , or their em ployes their wages. Central Now York seems to bo well fitted for grow- 'utr corn , as is the lower Mohawk ey for broom-corn , and possibly for : ho sugar beet. The tomato nlno promises well , nnd though tomato- canning factories nroory common all over the country , the vogutnble will probably bo canned in the corn facto * nes of Central Now Yoik in increas ing quantities. Wlicin corn canning was begun about here , the corn wua cut from thu cob by hand , boiled in n largo kettle , and then put into thu cans , which were sealed while it was hot. Two mem bers of the Onuida community got up a machine to cut it from the cob , the ideas of which have since been the basis for machines for tha nuiposo. In 1807 the Day brothers in Oamdun begun partly cooking the corn after it had been put in the can n method since followed. The cans uru sub sequently opened to allow steam to es cape und thun quickly cloned perman ently. The condition of the corn t.hun it reaches the factory has much to do with the treatment to which it is best adapted there , nnd there are two general processes the cold bath process and the. hot bath process. By the cold bath method , which is thu only ono used in Camden , the corn after being put in cans is placed in water , and thus brought to a boiling point , cither by etoam or fire over ar ches. In the hot bath prbcoan the corn nfter being put in the cans is placed in a steam clu-st , whore it is cooked by steam passing about it. Be fore going into the cans , corn IB very commonly cooked now by n patent cooker , which consists of two cylin ders , u smaller copper ono inside of another. Some steam is lot into the cooker proper , directly upon the corn , nnd more circulates about it , keeping it ut any desired degree. Thu corn is gradually worked through this by an Archimedes screw turned by machinery , and is BO far forwarded in its cooking that much lens time is rrquirud in the steam tight cheata. Some of the boat factories are tlua year putting armros at the up per ends of their cookorp , that Bilk und bits of cob may bo thoroughly re moved before the corn enters the can. The general prnctico ia to contract for corn to bo delivered unhuakcd at the factory. There it ia huakod nnd paid for by the hundrnd pounds , It ia to bo with full kernel and pickod.whon it is in the milk. The price this year runs from sixty-five to oovcnty-fivo a hundred. The tiiowell evergreen , the Hickox improved , the Egyptian , the Concord , the Crawford und thu Asylum are nil esteemed varieties , and they can bo BO graded when plant ing that they will not bo ready for canning exactly at the same time. The canning season for corn generally runs from four to six weeks , and dur ing that time thu factories have to em ploy largo numborB of persona , aomo of them running up as high UH two hundred or more. If the business ia not done with n ruoli , the corn growa hard and dry , Tn.iu und mnthoda of cooking make the great difference to bo detected between canned corn. Though the aanu cure bo taken in handling arid in cooking , the product of n fcctory ia auro to vary to aomo extent , with weather conditiona and nith the utago of development ut which the corn reaches it. Ono year the corn of a whole auction ia soft and juicy ; another it is dry and hard , The late and wet spring in central Now York and the cold weather of Juno have effected the corn crop more acrioualy , perhaps , than any other. Corn ia very backward , and though warmth ia now in abundance , it is combined with drynosa. The value of the crop is now in great mcasura to depend on the time vrhon the first froats come. I'orhups aix weeka of growing weather may yet bo counted upon , and unions they ahould turn out to bo very drv , the oatimatea are for two-third ; ) of un average yield , The Oneida community began can ning twenty-six years ago , and twenty yearn n o began the canning of corn. Boon after two of ita membara got up a device for removing the corn from tha cob. A much greater variety of vegetables IB here canned than at any point In central Now York , and fruits are also largely put up. Some of these are very valuable , so that the product of the establishment repre sents much more than the number of cana seem to do , The community will fill about f > QOOOC , cans nnd ghss jtrannd bottles tliif year. Among the things cinncd A ) tiio ttorks this your , flomoof which nro finished , but most of which nrc yet to bo done nro the following Corn , succotftih , tomnloca , pcaa WAD * , pumpkin , ncp-xrngus , chickoi and tomato coup , chicken , duck tur key , nnd goose , strawberries , rasp berries , plume , blackberries , ponr * poaches , huckleberries , currants quinces , pineapples , boiled ciiornm catsup , In many cases sovora varieties of ono kind of fruit nro can nod. The company , finding that fo many of ita fruit products it wn obliged to Rend to the western part o the atato , has established at Niagara Fitlla a brAiich factory , By this means It will avoid much loss from trans portation , and from the decay o frtiita while in passigo. Cduntitif what it has from its own farm , the community will have the corn product of 225 acres and will probably cm about 250,000 cana from it and whn ! other is to bo obtained about. Woanlng Lambs. If the lambs have not already boot separated from the owes , it ahould bo donn nt unco. The lamb that has tug gi'd and buttoa ita dam four months should give her n rest , and learn tc depund on grass and the extra fooc which the careful shepherd will pro vide. Whan the Iambi a o separatee they should bo handled to sro if they are infected with ticks or taga whict should bo removed. If they were nol dipped nfter shearing time , it should now bo attended to. It ia important , too , that the lambs go on to a fresh , old paatuio , short nnd clean and free from burs. Some advocate Burning lambs on to the grain stubble. Tliere nro two dangers attending Una prnctico. The Tirat is , the fence corners mny have burrs or weeds > that will in jure thu wool , and the second ia , the weeda and young clover and grass will likely Bcnur thu lamb. The giaas nnd weeds nnd stubble being ao touch , too , ho lambs will get wet and chilled in .he ceol mornings , which IH most dam aging. The best p sturu for them s short blue grass that has locn freshened up by n rest of n week or two. To the ; rass should ba ad od rations of bran nnd oats , that there bo no chock in jrowth. If thu lauiba have boon aught to eat bofoie weaning , they vill now go right along without any heck or derangement of digestion. L'OO many farmers treat the lamba and pigs na little scavengers that must tick up n living , nnd ouch farmers nro lot the men who improve the stock of ho country. Take care of the Iambs nnd the nmbs will take care of you , is the old Scotch rule. Our experience is that ; oed lamba and good pigs pay quicker nd heavier dividends than nny othur ivo ntock. L N. 11. Du Not Bo Docolvctl. In these tlinoA of qimok modlcinu ndvcr- idomcntn ovcrywhcio , It ID truly grrvtify- nntto find ono ruinedy that ia worthy of iraisianil which tenlly doea m rocoin- ncudcd Kliotno lit tern wo cnn voucher or as btluK a true and reliable remedy , nd ono that will do as r commended , ? hey invariably cure Rtomnch and Iilvor > imii > lftlntH , Dlxonsea of the Kiduovs nnd rlnnry difficulties. Wo know uhoroof wo Bpoak , nnJ can readily Ray. give them it trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by H. F Onnilman ran CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Poluta Eatt undWouth-Eait. TIIKUNKCOlIl'ItlSKS Nearly 4,0 0 mllia Hoi Id Bmooth Stool Track * AH commotions nro made In UNION OtPOTO t lu a National lie imtatloii M liolnir the creat Through Oar Line , anil Ii universally oiKOdcd to 1m the FlNEHT EQUIPPED 1UII- oaJ In tlio worM lor ull Clowe * of travel. Try It ami i on will Hud traveling a Inxur ) intend nl a aUoomfort , Throujth Tickets via rhla Ccleljralixl Line (01 i&lo at all otlluH In thuVunt. . All Information about Halm o Fore , filooplnij Car AcoLmuiodntloni/llniu Tallies , lie. , will be Jietrfiilly xlvuri tiy aiilylnln | ) < to id Vlt-o-l'roa't & 0mi. MannKcrChluo | , PEHCIVAl. LOWCLL , Oun. I'lwecivji'r ' Act. Chicago W. J. J > AVr..NI'OKT , ( Jen Airent , Council Jllurtn. II. 1' , IfUKLL , Ticket Ak' morn-od ly lyOity S Pacific 1'HB SIOUX OITY ROUTE Hunt * llolU Tula lurougu frou- Council liluila to Bt , Paul Without Ohnnao Time , Only 17 Hour * IT w S.O" D M1I.S3 TUK U1IORTE8 KOUID raou COUNCIL BLUFFS CO BT , PAUL , UIHWEAPOLI8. DULUTtl OH UL'jllAUOR id all point ) In Northern low * . bnt tiott. lull line lo r/iulppwl vnu the Izsprotb1 /LdtlnKhCi'ioo Antomctlo Alr-lrnto rod lillli U-tforin Oouiilcr rn.l . Iluflrr : tncl fur tU'KKll , OArtT ? AN OOMffOCT uniuri otkod. I'ullnkn I'alfcco Hlrcplng Cm iithrann'tilTIIOUr OUAHOK Iwtww n lion ttCllykiiJ Ut. fc.ivU \ Coaccll EluUi r. loiu Oltr Tmluu k-tvo Lnlon Paclfto Trimfcr ul Oou/i I iJluffu , i > t I'M p. m. dally on arrival oi Kkicn tty.Et Jcwtpliarjil Oauncll Jilnffj train Jure latoutb. Arriving r.t Uloux City 11:31 ! p. 01. nl at tUo Ktw Union Dupai > l LI. I'f.ul at ! * : ! OOQ. KM HOI7US IN ADVANOK Ot ANYOIHSB HOUTK. flirjiemetnler In taking the filosx City Ilout ou et ft Through Train. Tbo bhottort Line jg Quickest Time and a CoujforUuli 1UJ In th 'Urouirh Otra liutwicn COUNCIL ULurra AND or. PAUL. jET3eoth your Tickets rc&d vU tbo "Bloat y\ty \ and PoclOa lUllro a i.U. WATTLK8 , , R. DUOIJANAH Buperlntendenl. Qnn' Paa.Ageol P. E. UOBLKBON , AlVt Oen'l POM. A t. , Mlawurl Valley , a. W. K. DAVIH , BonthwMtcra ' , Oouncl tnxiaftifJrnn , Jlarhantll'hospliortttlti n pnlntalitn form , Tlir onffprfjmral Inn nflrnr tluit trill not lilnrJtfn Hi trrthtn tliararlrrlnUfoj ollirrlron prrparallons. f1 KNTI.KM1 N * in my rtmniooof ift jrtwrs n limn. ) iln "tn fTvn rRn""r < olt Jhit Dn _ .MMuura. DyxpcpsK , nd lmpo cr. IOnM tiiidil ion of 1tiAlilop < itniM iIn rli nd < , miuloi > nm wonr1 ( > tinlciirrji. CiiM thathtTf. itMtlf-d wmm ol ! onr tnmt rminrnt. . . . . il loiliUirr t nilnroinp r iil < > rcnir < 1r , It Iniwfi'rT-nwIoviTlronprfivttMlonrnMi' . In ! < ( , mrh aromnmindM Dn. : ! UnTrn' InnN ToNip I ? nn. ranlf ? In HIT timelier. On UOHPUTH tMtll.ia.ainSVMri ( AT. n . , St lfil , Mft , NOT naturalhrnlttiftil toiin to I thf tllff ruttftt orj/ " ' " " " ' I nrrroii < tfintrtn , tiiaH ( tiff I < l npnliml'tf to ( Jrnrral ! JtrbUitft , Ixif * olpprl rr , JVo * rrt o oVr J JViiprr/r nr : < l ImjtotrntfJ _ MANUFACTURED BY THE DK.HARTER MEDICINE CO. . 213 N. MAIN ST. , ST. LOUIS. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining and Milling Company. Vorklne Car.ll\l i1 plt l Biock. Car V lue c ( Hlurcs , 125 , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located iu BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. Dll. J. I. TUOUAS , I'rosldcnt , Cummins Wjomlng , WM. K. TILTON , Yleo-ritilJont , OJiuintns , Wycmlni E. N , IIARWOOD , Secretary , Cuinmtns , Wyemlnjr. A. (1. LUNN , TreASurer , Onmmln , JWjromln Dr. J. I. Thomat. Louli Miller W. 8. Urivmcl. A. O. nunn. N , lUrwooJ. Fnncli Lravcm. ( Ico. II. FalM. Liw ! Zolmta. Dr. J. C. W Ulnp. uieSS Cm OKO . V. K1 VD\tt , , \7iit lor Stto at " t\s . Omaha Steam Laundry. TIio only Laundry in Nobrankn that is supplied with complete ninchinory for Lnundry work. Send your orclorn hv until or oxnroas. GOTTIIEIMEK , OODPREY & CO. , 1L > 07 Farnhiitn Street. I PULLEYS , E. M. MAXWELL FREMONT NEB. . . , , . , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following ndvnnttgoR nro Intmcd for this I'ulloy : IT m BTKONOKR and more durable , owing : 1. To the nlmcnco of nlirlnkngo strains. 2. To the incroised num > jor of nrim 8. To the fact that the rim ti much ntrangor than tha omt rim. IT IH 1KTTER 11ALANCK1) . IT IH MUCH J.lflHTKIt. IT HAVJ'H lltt-TlNO. IT IH CHKArKH. 1'horO no danger of breakage In hiinilllng when shipped looao. When shipped looio they ttio onor llvnccoptcd 03 thlril-clas frolglit Iimtmd of firat-clais , nnd IVH the weight IB only one-lull that of cast 1'ulloys the frnlcht li still further reduced.VK OUAIIANTEH TUKSI to perform Ratlsfantorilynny work fiom the lightest to tbo heaviest. Srr.iT I'ui.tKiM from 12 to 13 InchcH diameter only. " i" 1'iilloyn of wider face than 18-Inch nro provided with two sets arm ? without extra clmrpo. clmrpo.Wo supply each Tullcy with two Het-Rcrows without extra charge , -ALSO OUR CLAIMS. What wo claim for our PATENT HOT PoLiHiun : SitArriKa is : fl Int. Thnt it Is lounil nnd Htriilght , lid It can lie ncruratoly rolled to any desired Ktmgo , Mil. That UH Billfooa belnif composed of miKualto oxldo of iron obviate * any nn > no tendency to runt or tarnish , while it at the -umo time gives one of the bast journal r bonrlng HiirfiicoH ovur diBcovored. 1th. Thut it will not warp or Hprlng in key Pcntln ; ; . fith. Tlmt it Is made of the very bfr.t of refined Block. jt4TFor further particulars , price Hat and discount * , Bend to E. M. MAXWELLS "Foundry nnd Machine Shop. Frnraont Nob. Ma For a iiiarU | > rot a century nr more tnmih 1 > Her * a IICCTI ( lie rolkiiln ( jiocc orlndlifc iIoniljjjH'iiila , fuvirr and CK O , n lo t f l > li ) l < , al htiniim. liver tciiililnt | u il other l" > rjr < , ami lin li'eu mot cni | > li Irallj In- or.nd liy inediclno men ax licalili at il ttrui 151(1 ( e.tor.thu It ( .ounitrartu a timloiuv ti | iru < naturn ilcuiy , and uustalnu und luiuforta tliu KcdaiiflluHrm for Halo by all Driblets and Dealer ! lit pi rally. Iur lliu Ulu uu Written ty JOSBO JaiDO& li only IKii uutljnrlzcd l > y her , and which will not be a "Illood a p d Thunder" story , aucli KB lias bcin arid v. Ill bo ilubllthed , but o true Ufo by ho only j > luon ljn In In | iinnoi.lnn of tlie faetii .1 f&l litul and devotol wife , Tiutli In luon ntireatini ; tluii llctlon , Aent4 ) thould apply or Urritory ot oinu Senil 75 ct for I , win- > lolJoot < . J H. CHiunilinra&CO'i ine.nnil-.Vu " 'st t oulJ. ( tin. _ r\ i vi U"MEOH NIOAL ANU MININQ EN- / QINEfc'Hlna.nt the ncniiolaer Polytech. riTc Institute , Troy , H Y. 'Ihoollojt ntliitor > nifw-bool In America Next term koglnii Hip. . Hth , 'Jbu re K'.T lor IS.tontllna u tot tliu k'railimes for tliu | > ait 65 j tarn , wltb liolr 1'Cmltloin , also , c'uri cl tudy , rt'iulre unu , exiLii u . no. Addrcm BAVID M. GREENE , dtwim _ _ Uivootor. " " MORGAN PAKK MILITARY ACADEM5T , A Christian Family School for Coju Pnparei or College , HcioiulflHclnol or lliulncw. bond ( o Oupt , HO , N. KIRK TALOO IT. Principal. ilorman Park. Cook Co. . Ill , , ( or catalogue , HKSLL 'rfflPQia Cutitf S ' 1 tin 1 itniluulyVaii M Clio1' SlOVfl ' ! ( lui nils BUMXI II. ii i * t ot yr.ifS and XVt * u inllre unq I'nfr Hi Illc , r"ii"l il > -ir Ini' HTM lml - iri > rlV filti Niuv n V'llt ] : rn r on f n F > * > lu } , \i'\vMnlVv r > nit : t" u t tlauo M.HVC. luUlJpoij .i Thoao colabrated utovod for J'Jeroy & Hradford , Otntlu , Nub , T > 1m _ _ "HEAT YOUR HOUSES 3 ° o a FURNACES IN THE WORLD. HADK I1V EIOHARDSOW.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , ILLS. Embody now 1882 luapromcnts. . Mor. prnotioal Io u . ; Cost loss t ko-pln urilut ; Utulesi 1'uolt W > U * - ' * " tuoro beat aii'l ' a larger volimio uf niiro air t'11" an/ furiiaou niiitu Sold by I'iRRCEY t BUAUFOIH ) , Oinalu , Nob' J)2l-d8ffl EUROPEAN HOTEL , The most coulralU located hotel In tha city , HIOIIU 75o , 41.00 , jl.ManJ i 0)inday.t | Flrot CliBJ llcxtauraut councctcdlth the h ° UI . HURST. . - Prop. Corner Fourth Rod Locust Street * .