Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser i ]
that indications point tnet-Govciiior ltd
ben K. Fenton ns a prominent figure I
politics of the Btnto i ( New York this yea
1 General" Snm Gary tells nn Aubiii
reporter that the precnback party 1 "ilea
as a tmolt anil that there is no unity <
( cntimcnt ia it. " Add Sam Cary did t
ranch M anyl.ody to kill it.
Mr. Whnrton Barker , of PhllaJclnhli
sys that ho Is confident that the Indi
pendent republicans have no thought <
nuking nomination ! for members of cot
grew In the districts cf riiiladelphla.
Mr. Stephens will make only fou
speeches during the canvass in Georgia-
one each nt Augutta , Atlanta , Amcricu
and Savannah. Many people in the lowe
part of Go > rglix have cover seen him ,
The attempt of Congressman Singleton'
cncmt B to defeat him lor rcnomfnation b ;
gerrymandering htm nut of his district li
AllBtisnipplhuB failed , and ho hnr beet
chosen at n candidate in the Vth district. .
lie ts LOW serving hltftovciith tcnn in con
grcs. ' , and also served two terms in thi
rebel congress.
Senator1 Stewart , the independent re >
publican candidate for governor of Pcmy- !
vania , has challenged General Bcavi r , the
regular candidate , to meet him ui > on the
etump nud dlocuas before the rcptibllcanr
of the state the isnucs dividing tbo twc
factions. General Beaver will not accept
the challenge.
The bid the democratic : leaders in Ii ill-
ana made f < r the liquor vote may result In
wcakcninir the party more than it will
Rtrenitlun It , The liquor dealtrs nronot
( utisEoil , nnd an important element in the
party 1ms been allenato 1 by the null pro-
hlbltiiin platform. Tlio dlssatififuctlon
among the rural democrats in outspoken
and may lead to a actions break in the
Numerous chnnjcs , it is predicted , will
bo made , in the present delegation to con-
green from Pennsylvania , Molt ot the
members are candidates for lenomination ,
but not more tlmu ten are sure ' f being
gratified. Some ( f tlioothrrs doubtlcts
will pull through after a html fight , though
the outlook now is not particularly cheer-
ing. A few have declined a rcnominution
in odrunco.
An exchange Bays that nn Indianapolis
yoatiR man ban never voted , and has vowed
that bo never will until bis mother nnd Bin-
tor con accompany him to the trails. If
the young man's mother and sinter are tuo
btny to accompany htm to the polls , they
should employ a imllceman to go with him ;
though a man who is afraid to go ulone
doesn't dpcorvo to cxercUo the privileges of
an American citizen. Norn's town Herald ,
There is said to bo a bitter struggle for
the republican nomination for cougioss in
the Third district of Louisiana , r-'ctmtor
Xollofg and Mmnm. Boattlo and Durr.ill
are candidates. It Is charged by the dem
ocrats that at a recent primary election In
St. Mary's parish , after 1159 voter- had d-
poeitrd their biillots , there wore f und in
the box juitt G15 votes. The rcpuhllcanH
do not deny it , but each 'factions puts the
rcBponalblliU on tuo other. Mr , Kellogg
beam the blunt of the blame.
The Eyil Effects of the War Ovrr-
* * 1 -4 i * i r\l i-t f
April 10,1881. fTho
II. n. WAHNEH" & Co. : Sira- The
privationa of thu war imposed upon
mo what phyDicintm call "chronio"
diarrh < oa. Your Safe Kidney nnd
Liver Cure ia the only inodichio that
ovcr , did mu any good.
1-ld-lw SETH W. HOHNKTEI ) .
Tbo Romance and Reality of Railroad
'To the Kdltor of Tne.Now York Times :
In the light of the piat , wliou' nl-
most every ono has muro or losn rca-
son fur remembering the poouliar
habit'in vogue among many of our
railway , toli'Rraph and mining coin-
panics of doubling up tlioir capital
Btoolc and otherwise manipulating it
in thb most confuaing and astonishing
manner , it ia exasperating to road
in Thu It nil way Ago of the 27th of
July the following picco of twaddle
and nonaoiiso.
'Who gets the most out of the rallwayn ,
the Moated capitalists who have the impudence
denco to build them , or the down.troJtlo i
jioojilo who rule on them und * li\i \ > by them
.at nstunlalilnglv owioap rates and the vast
onny uT men , women anil chlhlicn whom
they suppoit ? Iiitussco. In round num.
benin ifcSl :
"I'lio railways earned S72S.'IOO.OOO.
I'lioypild out for woikniL' uxpcnuOH
9CX'.0,0. ( '
'Tno interest on their boiuh was $128-
( iOO.OUJ.
' 'riiey ' paid their utockhoklorb In divi
dend * Sltt.SOO.OOU
What fanner , out of every 8100hlch
he receives lor his crop ? , pnyn his labororn
SU2 ; the holder * of his u ortfRu ? 17 , puts
Into other necousary outlays SI ) , and kcopa
only 812 for his vapitul , labor , and rlak ?
Not one. "
At ( irat sight this strikes ono as
. being very proper , but after a little
reliction the fallacy of it becomes
apparent. According to thin state
ment $128,000,000 goes annually to
pay intttruflt on bonds. This is tqual
to G per cunt interest on over $2,01)0- )
, 000,000-an amount tlmt would build
and equip a better railway system
than wo have in tno country to dity ,
Six per cuntum being considered u
good return fur invested capital , fur
what , may I ask , ia this tniling $93 ,
000,000 puiu ?
Ib it to pay dividends on anuther
class of securities , commonly known
as stock , which cost nothing to the
original holders , usually styled "pro-
motors" or "members of the syndi
cate. " For example , we will suppose
a number of individuals ( prbmutora )
oocuro.u charter fur a railroad unu
form themselves into a company , und
then proceed to negotiate for the capital -
tal needed to build the road , Wo
will also suppose tha actual coat of I ho
road to bo $3,000,000 In otder to
aocuro this uniuuuc the "promoters"
draw up un elaborate prospectus , in
connection with they issuaa iiuunciol
statement about like this ;
Total construction , . . , $ a.000,000
Stock ; . $ 5,100,000
Bonds , 0,000,0 0
Total $10,000.000
To syndicate let making ad.
vancca and neKotlatliij ; bondi :
Stock , . , , . $3,000000
BoucU 4,000,000
To promoter * for rlgiitr , fran
chises , surveys , and expense *
to date ;
Stock , 2,000/00
Uouds , l.OOi.OOJ
Total $10,000,010
All this done , the next thing is for
the ' 'promoters" to cast about until
they find a number of capitalist ! ) willing -
ling to form the syndicate , undurtaku
to "lloat" the bonda upon the public ,
and in the inoantimo make the nocea-
aary cuth iidvmiccs. The next thin ; ;
It to build the road. Bupposing it
novr to be built , it ia an easy matter
to toll ihe bondb i t or about par , thus
reimburaing thotuselvoa for tlioir torn-
porary outlay , and leaving the syndi
cate" and "promoters" the happy poa-
Bcwor of $7.000,000 In o ah and Block
( uni profit nil a trangaotion involving
only 83,000,000 in money.
"What farmer" would bo satisfied
with such o profit as this ? Wo wil
continue n little further , nnd auppos
the road R&ca into operation. Th
first year it manages to pay the intoi
cat on its bonds , and at the end of tli
third ycnr after the "down-troddei
people" have been allowed to ride 01
It and to "ship by it at astonishing ! ;
chcnp rates , " it pn > s n dividend ol I
per cont. on its stock. This seems al
correct enough , and is n very modes
allowing until you commence to figure
"Lot us see. In round figures G pe ;
cont. of $10,000,000 stock and bondi
is exactly $000,000 ; and , by a quooi
concurrence , § 000,000 is also exactly
20 per cont. of $3,000,000 , which wai
the real cost of the road. "Whal
farmer" would bo content with BC
small a return "for hix cipital , labor ,
and risk ? " I was going tn add thai
G2 per cent , of the gross earnings if
rather heavy for working cxponscs. ]
suppose this might bo reduced n little ,
say , ono-quartor , if our railroad Pros'
idonU wera not quite so expensive , and
and if wo had not so many friends and
relations to farniah with "soft" places ,
nnd if our Directors would travel like
rdinnry mortals , and if everybody
took only what belonged to them , and
but this is diverging from the sub <
To resume , thus it appoaro to me
hat our railroads are stocked and
bonded for three times their actual
ash cost ; tens and hundreds of mil
lions in stock ( .ind bonds too ) are
issued to " " and "
"promoters" "syndi
cates" and construction companies
without 1 cent of substantial , buna
lido consideration being given in return
turn , And still wo find The Railway
Ago a journal given to statistics , com
mitting itself to a needless statement ,
calculated to bo credited only by the
most verdan ( , and making nonsensical
comparisons between the farmer and
our world famed railroad wrecker. As
well compare a steady-going , hard
working mechanic with a slick and
wily member of the Now York Stock
Exchange aidowalk
* * * "A coward can bo a hero at a
distance ; presence of danger tests
presence of mind. " Presence of dis
ease test the value of a curative.
Kidney-Wort challenges thin teat al
wayo and everywhere , so f r as all
complainta of the bowels , aver and
kidneys are concerned. It cures all ,
nor asks any odds.
The Grand Army of the Republic nnd
the 28th Day of August.
The Grand Island ro-union commit
tee mot at the parlors of the Wiltzt )
hotel in Grand Island , Saturday , Au
gust D , 18 2.
Present , Gen , 0. Wiltzo , chairman ,
Ool. J. D. Blooro , secretary , pro tern ,
Col. Webster , S. Alexander , S. B.
Tones , 0. L. flowell and Gen. John
M. Thayor.
Previous resolutions in regard to
omall arms was changed BO as to road
500 muskets and 3,000 rounds of am
Committee received information of
the shipment of 500 wall tents and
two cannono.
On motion Ool. Moore was appoint
ed a committee of ono to attend to
procuring necessary bomba and fire
works for gunboats , etc ,
On motion W. H. Michael was re
quested to take command of the gun
boat Monitor , with the rank of cap
tain dnring the ro-union.
On motion a committee of four was
appointed to arrange outlines of a pro
gramme for publication at once , de-
lulled programme to bo prepared at
next meeting. General Thayer , Col.
Webster , Ool. Mooru and Gen. S. B.
Jones appointed as said committee ,
Tno committee reported thu follow
ing , which wan adopted and ordered
printed :
The grand soldiers and sailors re
union , under the auspicica of thu
3rund Army nf the Republic , to bu
leld at Grand Island , Nebraska , com-
inencing M ! nday , August 28 , 1882 ,
lontinuing through the week , bids
'air to bu the largest gathering ever
leld west of the Mississippi.
The committee of arrangement hav-
ng the re-union in ohargo , have about
iomplotod the most elaborate pro para-
ions for the c.xro and entertainment
if the thousands who will attend.
Tents under thu joint resolution of
: ourosa will bp Inrniohcd free for
.he use of those iirnttendance. Hay ,
itraw and fuel , ulso free , have been
lonated by the citizens of Grand Is-
and and vicinity.
President Arthur , Senator Roscoe
Ounkting , Senator John A. Logan ,
lit'Govoniord Kirkwood and Stone ,
jf Iowa , Ool. Vilas and Gen. Bragg ,
at Wisconsin , Gen , Aken , of Penn
sylvania , toijuther with many other
notable statenmiMi and orators , have
promised , and all are expected , from
whom on the afternoon of each day ,
EummoncingTueBday uddrcBBcs will bu
inn-Jo to thu old soldiera and citizens.
Ono day will be assigned to thu dif
ferent states grouped together , and
to uuch group an utternooii and even
ing will bo given to hoar from their
BlioBon representatives , In the after
noon uddnatoa and evening camp
Ample and beautiful grounds ndja-
cent to thu city , including the Dull
county fair grounds , have been BO-
luotod for the encampment , where an
abundance of water , with dining halls ,
booths , markets , and every con
venience will bo located for the ac
commodation of all.
As a part of the programme not yet
completed will bo tno bombardment efFort
Fort Sumtor , on Tuesday , the night
attack by the gunboat Monitor , in
which a genuine gunboat with mortars
and bombshells will bo used , being
constructed expressly for the purpose ,
ou Tuesday night.
The sham battle of Friday after
noon , in which all the uoldicra on the
ground will engage , with a battery of
artillery , a regiment of cavalry , and
five hundred muskets in line , will
make s display equal to a genuine
battle field. These , together with the
different state reunions , the reunions
of the G. A. H. by peats , the grand
rovtow of all soldiers on the ground ,
and the evening camp-fires in thu
mammoth pavilUons will makoreunion
week the most notable event over as
yet witnessed iu the west.
"Westward the course of empire
takes iU way , " and with it comoa the
national headquarters of the G. A , U.
with Gun. Paul Ynndorvoort , of No
bratka , commander in-chief , wit
headquarters on the grounds.
Reduced transportation , very lov
has been secured on railroad line :
and all uniformed bands will bo tram
ported frpo
A detailed programme will bo pn
pared by the committee , announcin
on what day the prominent statesmc
and orator * will bo present , as soon c
all have determined what days woul
bo moat convenient for them to speal
Quartermaster General 0 , li , How
oil reported the work of laying ou
the camp had been completed accort
ing to diagram , which wan submitte
and adopted , It was resolved that
copy of the diagram ba furnished t
each post of thu department.
The committee then adjourned t
moot aeatn August 10.
GEN 0.VILTSE , Chairman.
Coi , , JOHN MCOUK Seo'y pro torn.
-i * Explicit directions for every ue
are given with the Diamond U > ct
For dyeing Mosses , Grasses , Eg e
Ivory , Hair , < vc.
Plowora or the North.
New Ort nns UIMS.
Thu floral business is now ono of th
best , most prosperous and most rapid
'y increasing of any in the country
In Now iork $10 000,000 ia now expended
ponded for flowers annually , and a
much as § 5 given for a single rosebud
The town haa gene flower mad , ant
no ono can pat or dance or marry edie
die without a shower of flowers , ant
this croze is spreading. And hero le
us call the attention of our florists i <
the fact that they do not make sufli
ciont display of their goods. In vail
have wo searched their windows ovei
or a single cut flower ; they contnii
lothing but Mttjolica vases and driec
grasses ; whereas in the North , these
windows attract and win customers b ]
the magnificent floral displays the ]
Buoklm'H Arnica tialve.
The UKST SALVE In tha * orld ( or Cute
BruiaoB , Huron , Ulcora , bait Khoum , Ft
Tor Sorci , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chi
blnlng , Corns , ana all akin eruptions , an'
positively cures illca. It la guaranteed tc
ivo sAtinfuctfon or money refunded
? 'rice , U5 cents per box. For * aleby..C ,
V. Goodinun
Better Horses and Hotter Prices.
Chirlcs Aldrlch tn the Icmn llotui-stcaJ.
Never in the history uf line stock
interests has such rapid improvement
in any branch of etock raising been
made OH has characterized the Ameri
can draft horse. Americans have
crossed the Atlantic and obtained the
very best specimens of French and
English draft horses , the proueny ol
which have been acattcrod throughout
the country ; yet farmers are alow tu
improve thu opportunity oE using
them , but will continue to use mon
gruls because they are cheap. There
is not a more profitable business con
nected with the farm than raising half
and three-quarter blood draft horses.
Wo will suppose the reader is a farmer
and poasesutiB four or live work horses ;
wo will also suppose that three out of
the five are marcs , or can bo ex
changed for mares. You breed those
three marcs to ono of the many little
stallions of the country , and you pro
duce a colt us6less until it is throe
years old , and his cash value is then
from § 00 to $1CO. Take the same
three mares and breed them to a thor
oughbred draft horao of .any kind of
the popular breeds , Norman , Clydes
dale , English draft , Suflolk , Punch or
Cleveland Buy , and the offspring will
bo colts that can bo put to work at two
years old. Wo have known yearlings
to bo used for light work , but do not
recommend that. After working their
colts two summers , thereby receiving
satisfactory returns for feud and trou
ble , at four years old you will find a
ready sale for them at from $120 to
$250 per head. Wo know a farmer
who pursues tin's course , turning off a
team of four-year-olds each year , at
[ iric a that were never lower than
$37S per tcnm ,
Decllno of Man.
NcrvotiB Weakness , Dpupcpsia , Im
potence , Sexual Debility , cured by
"Wflls1 Health llmiowrr " St.
The blood is the foundation of
life , it circulates through cvciy part
of the hoily , and unless it is pure
and rich , good health is impossible. ,
If disease 1ms entered thu system
the < w/j' sure and quick way to drive
it .out is to purify and enrich thu
blood , ,
These simple facts are well
known , and the highest medical
authorities agree that nothing but
iron will restore thu blood to its
natural condition ; and also that
all the iron preparations hitherto
made blacken the teeth , cause head
ache , and are otherwise injurious.
UROWN'S IRON UiTiKRs will thor
oughly and quickly assimilate \ \ ith
the blood , purifyiiif ! "d strengthen.
ing it , and thus drive disease from
any part of the system , and it will
not blacken the teeth , cause head
ache or constipation , and is post.
lively not injunous.
Saved his Child.
17 N , Eutaw St. , fhltlmorc , Md ,
1'cb. , 1680.
Gent : Upon the recommciula.
lion of a friend I tried HKOWN'S
IKON HITTERS at a tonic and ft.
iterative for my daughter , whoA
I wu thoroughly continccd was
watting away llh Consumption.
Having lost three daughter * by the
terrible diieatc , under the care uf
eminent phyilclani , I wai loth to
Ixlievc that anything could arm !
the progvtki of the uiicaie , but , to
niy treat turpriic , before my daugli-
icr nad taken one bottle of IIROWN'
IKON UirrKKS , the began to menJ
and now li quite rcttorcd to farmer
licalth. A lil'ili daughter began to
thow ( tgni of Ccniuniptlon , and
vlicn the ( ihytlclan vat coniulled
} > e quickly tatd "Tonics were re-
uulrcd ; " and vthcn Informed that
the elder titter as tallnK HKOUN'S
IKON lln | K > , tcsponded "that U
a good tonic , tale It. "
BROWN'S IRON Uirrr.RS effectual ,
ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion nnd
Weakness , and renders the greatest
relief and benefit to persons suffering
from such wasting diseases as Con-
fcuiuptiou , Kidney Coujplaautb , etc.
; OHH BtlBLlK , HftOMt BCTHMr ,
PrMldenl. Vice Prwi'l.
W. a. Diunim. Kec.andTrfiM.
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Planter * , HrrrowB.Pnrni Roller
Mulky Hay KnUod , Bucuot Ulovntltif
Winelmille , &c
We t pr ( , . , rcj to da Job work and m rmf
turlnffl rotho | nitlm.
AdiKR * a 'order
llnroln. K ,
\ISEttSESlraciirabl < i1 > y other trtitmcnt
JLM noo.urnal I i (8 , ttiictutC9 , rail cccla
i-xiul , Uilntry , itritvil , Mnnb , niters , IUljlit.V
d'lix ' ton , ilrb | > j , consumption , core ilm M , en
larrli d r.r. nclilllloisnos , tralMtt , r.ciiid'ifla
rhctlmntlgm heart , kldi.oy and Mail crtl cues
ra 'Utdlliy JheA khcl Mineral Hpilns U'nter
or the peifcctcl Ircivtmintol the hnropitinTK
An crlcan MtOlcil Bureau spfchlty li-hli'ltiiK It
I/rdon I'atl' , V tun > . lcrlu ! ! , nod ov York
Inniplilct , nith dlr ctlo B nnd c. r Incite o
cur-n , Ireo Mcxllc 1 < riatlai on Impotcnc ?
tcrlilty. dlfca 'l loi'r to gland , a di phills
2Sc. i me r , 131 Lex n too ate. New York city
oily > An un-
railing euro
for Seminal
Weakness ,
Ihca > Im ? ° * :
ency , and all
BEFGHETAKIr1S.ic < iuenco or AFTER TAniHB ,
SelfAbii"c : Low ) of Memory , Universal LMH )
tude , Pain In the Rick , DImnou ot Vision , Pre
mattira Old /f o , and many other Elactitci ) that
lead tn Insanity or Consumption and a I'rcma-
S"Fnl ] partlculan tn our paninhlet , which
wo ilr.nlrc to lend ( rco I v tcall to ovcry ono.
CVTho Spool n ( Hcdlclno IB told by all dniRglBte
ttfl per package , orOpocktees for 96 , or will
ho sent free by mall on re" ipt or the money , riy
BnfUlo , N. Y.
Youngetown , Ohio , May 10,1890.
DR. n. J. KENDALL4r Co. I hod a very vnlua-
ilo llamli ctonl n colt tint Ip Izoi > cry Ighly
loliid a latg b > i.op.iln ill ono j mt and a
miOl ono on the ntlur wllc'i made lil-n very
Hue ; I hat ! him under tl o tharpo o tuu vi > ter
nary nurifconsHcT filled to euro him I as
iifliUy nad ngtho dvnttlscmcnt of Kendall' *
| ) a\in CUM In th Chlcairo KX , risi I dctern Inod
toncj tn try it a d p t our cm gsts f cro to
s ndf rlt , aid they frd rcdt rca buttle- ; to k
allaul I thought Iv uU KUO t a thoiouifh
t Ul , I used It a cjrdlnif tJ dlrcitl TH and tha
ourtn day tVo toll co sed to bo nmo and the
lum hov J'sipuariil ' | ) I used bu ono bottle
and t u eolt'a liitifu rons ficoof limipiaiidos
utioo'h ttan y liorxo In the tlatu Il tatufro-
ly ctiro'l. ' Thn turo wi si remarkable that I
haio Icttwo of my ncUhbors lm\o tlio rcinalu-
nt ; two botilts ln are no * u-lnnlt.
Very lespcctlnllv ,
Bond for Illustrated circular giving positive
proof. Pilcogl. All DruirzUti have It or can
KCtittor you. Dr. n. J. Kendall * Co' , Pro
prietorsEnosburith Fills , Vt.
Mu'.ynhrlnkfrom pu U Ity In conn * ctlnn with
B. H. U. . but we are permuted to refer tit * u f ol-
lonlng pcnonswho x\e known and wincii.od :
ita WLii.crful iffcctsL
* Eimr , Houston Co. , Oa.
We havj In wn "Bulit'apecillc" lej ed In
hundreds olmott ohsttnaiocaa sot lood Poison-
lug , Hircurla Hh utuattm , Scrof U , scroi ,
Iczoin , Cat rrh ole , n il do coi sclentlously
tmilfy l hit it mot wl h th most perfect ami slg
nul ucct-ns , cdec'cJ tadiia ami perm ncntcur < .s
In eve l c to without a slnulo cxoct > tion.
Hugh Ij llenhard , Goo. tV Kill n ,
John U , llr uvn , Oco. W. Mugl ton ,
Wm. Urunwn , J hn H. Hunt ,
Jamo 0. harp , K I Warren ,
llcorc fu to , J , W eclvm ,
J. W. VVImt.ctly J. W Wooltuck ,
. D lorcc , hcrlff , J W. Mann. Oo. Troas.
O. C , Uunian , T. M. Klllcn.
li y A. dordon , T. ii. tu'i or , liollff.
\SVaro | crdo ally a q-alntol ulili t 11 0 II'-
m n nlioso H itna Una uppu. r to t > o above cor-
tllUatp. ihtyaro Itlzoeof said c untj.ot the
hlghoitriKpucubllltx und u iniaitor.
/ * . f. aiLE.s , Old nait , llctutou Ca.Oa.
D. 11.'K Mup. Lt.-llouiton Co. Qa.
"Kothlnr uut faorabloicpart > , Bcllcvo S S.
B , it nepmlflc for all Illood 1)1 cautu. It gl 01 Bitl.fu tlon "
0. W. JOMiS fc CO. . Mtraphl8Tcnn.
"S , P. 8. ultra bettor Batlsfactlon thin any
thing \voba\uvicr liinillel. : "
J/VL'K-J & CO. , Helena , All ; ,
"lino nev r hiard u co nblalnt f a. H S , "
AHI'itUK rii'liit : n 00. , u u sullo , Ky.
" . > . 8. S bat gtten vnt ti satisfaction to every
one. " A. U. ItlCll MCL > . , bhcruiac , ' 1'ux.
"I have had excellent lalu f r f. S. a. and the
rcsulib Imoliefii tno.i.iu Is'.i tor ) . "
J , 0 , UUK < * n , lljwl'ii Cr ! en , K )
"Oursalet < ! " > , S. S.lmo been trooJ , and Its
8UCICU4 u rfoct. "
JO.SKd ft CAIIKV , llintgom ry , Aln.
Oll"S. . S. S. has given cut re < atltfactlon 'o every
Oll u" K UKUdS , I'aiU.Txu.
"S S S. his given un v rsal eatN'ac Ion. "
. W. I U\mtd & CO. , lucliuioiiJ , Va. '
31,01)0 Xtownrd will be paid to an
eheuiim wco will unu , uu auAiyuisol 1VO I'otUi ol
J. H. b.ouu iwrtlcleol llercuiy lodldi of foil
iliim or any Mmurjl gubeuncu.
/Mlanta. Ga
Price ot Banll alic , II.CO
rioj'd \ > \ all Drue Uls.
To Wervous Sul-herers
Dr , J , B. Simpaon'H Specific
It 1s k pa-imnuiru tor Hpenuatoubua , Eemtna
IVooXucib. , and a ! ) dltwisui rctuHior
duui Self-Abuse , M Ucnral Anxiety , Loan
Memory , I'aius In tha llick or Bide , and dtjcuec
Uiat load to
luvanlty an
> nu Specific
WWn $ & * ! > $ Uedldno being used li
® $ M J $ with ( ul Buccera. wondci
_ famphlett
ot ( tut to M ) , Write lot ttem ud ret ( nil p
. < cuUrt.
I'PrlcQ , Spo-Jile , tl.oo rer p ek jt , or ulx ptck
H'oti for $ s.W. Addrotu all ontcra to
Nos. 101 and 106 SJtln St. tuH to , N. V ,
SoH In Omaha l > r C. r. Ooodnuui , 1 , W , Dell ,
J.K. lib , and nil drnjclibwrny whore ,
t .4k
URE ? St. Ixjuli , li ttlll treat-
Inp all I'KIVATE , NKU-
pecUl U'Mlm.8 ' , t'frnia- |
tor liuja Iini-od ncy ( Sox.
nal lnciiacltX | r'oi'ala
I ) rmIrrfgularitlcj ,
Ulll'ctiHIcs , itc.
( ( taniut | p ynjirfW
chargen on a ' 'valu bh
.flrgggs ; \\ort" vn'ltlcdhe let
ol Women , etc. " Wcrk
on 1'n HOMO InsRisra , ono it nip fiTYIctl-
ol Sclibu.B or 1'rlvo.te UUuaw , send t iiaiupt
lor UKLKttuTXD W oKka mi tn ui ind fxuil
I twj cj. I'jneultatlcui pericmill ) or by luticr ,
f lK Contu t Ilie old Doctor. TIlOUSANl-a
Cl'RKi ) . Offlco ID quiet , irhatc , rr poctal > le
plies. You MO no ono bu the doctor. Dr.
II rkoli the only ph ) lcUnlnth clly bo r
ia > U curm or no p y Jiodklnti tcot evtry
where. Itouri , 8 A. u. to 8 r. u. d&wly
Mrs J. O. Ilobortaon , I'ltlrbur ? , PH. , wrltou : "
was sufferinirrrom general debility , want or ap
petite , constipation , etc. , BO that Ilfo wan a but
den ; alter uslnt- Burdock Blood Hitters t lelt bet
tcr than ( or j ears. I cannot praise jour Bitter
too much. "
It. Olbbg. ol nuffilo , N. Y. , writes : "Vou
Burdock Blot Hitters , In chronic illsoiunsol tli
blood. liver a.J kidneys , have been elgnall )
marked with success. Ihavo used them tnsol
with host result * , tor torpidity ol tha liver , and Ii
ca ol a friend ol mine Buffering from dropsy
the effect waa man clous. "
nruco Turner , Kochcatcr , N. Y.wrltcs | : ' ! havi
been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock lilooi
Bitters rcllmed mo before hair abottlo was used
I reel confident that thor will entirely euro mo. "
> Aecnlth Hull , Blnghampton , M , Y. , writer
"I suffered with a dull pain thrsujfh tny cfl
lunjf and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appctlt (
nnd color , and could with dlltlculty keep tip al
day. Took jour Burdock Blood Hitters as di
reelednnd have felt no | ln since Crot week at
tor uslnc them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "Aboul
'our ' years ago I had an attack of bilious rover , ant
no\cr lully recovered. Jly digestive organs
vcro weakened , and I xvould oo completely pros
; ratcd ror days. After using tno bottles ol youi
Burdock Blood Bitters the ! mproement was BC
- Itlblo that I was nstonljhod. I can now. though
01 y curs ol age , do a ralr and loasonablo day'i
C. Dlnckct Robinson , proprietor ol The Cnnodi
? rcsbjtcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : 'Torvcan
. ' fluffered greatly Irom olt-rccurrlng headache. 1
used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happlcal
resulta , and 1 now ilnd mvjell In better hcaltl
than lor years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , vrltesI havj
used Burdock Blood Bitten lor ncncus and bll
lous hcada"hcs , and can recommend It to anyone
requiring a euro ( or bllllousncss. '
lira. Ira llullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
'For several years I have tufletcdrum ctt-ucur.
ring billions headaches , dyspepsia , and com-
> lalnta peculiar to my BOX. Slnco using youi
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price , 81.00 oei Bottle ; Trla Battle * 10 CU
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon andC. F.
Ooodruan. In 27 eod-me
Dlsoasn IB an effect , not a cause. Its origin Is
within ; its tnaniroiUtlona without , licnco , to
cure the disease the CAUSiimust ba removed , and
In no other way can a cure ever I e effected.
IiIVER CURE Is cstabifuhed on Juet tola
principle. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
ol all diseases arize Irom deranged kidneys an
liver , and It ( tilkcsat once vt the root ol the
difficulty. Tlieeicme tsof nhlchltisconipoacd
act directly upon these great organs , both as n
roon a > d jiKHTOKBK , and by placlLg them In a
fccalthy , condltlcn , Jrlvo disease and pain Irom
the syttem.
For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un
healthy KldnejB , Liver anil I'rinary Organs ; ( or
the dihtro Hliijr Uleordcrsol Women ; ror Malaria ,
an physical Ueranginicnts gcnemlU , this great
rem dha * 119 equal. B ware or Impostors , ira-
tattoi'S nnd coiROctlons Bald t > bo Just as good.
For ualo by ul ! dealers.
H. H. WARNER & CO. ,
m Rochester W. Y-
The Greai lingiish ilnmody
Never rails ta cuio
Nervous Debility , Vi
tal Gxhaiibtion , Kmli-
vlons , Seminal Wcak-
HOOD , and all tli
k'\il effects or jouth-
( ul rollius end CXCOD-
4t-s. It Htopn pcrma
licntly nil wt-aKcnlng.
Involuntary loss sand
dralt.n inwn the oys-
toiu , the Inevitable re
tultol thcraovilpr C (
llcas , which are ea destriio > lve to mind and uodj
uid niako lira mlserablo , ottcn leading to Ineanl-
y and death It strcinithons the Ncnra , Brain ,
lucmorjl Blood , JlnscleJ , Dlgwtlve and Kepro.
hictho Orvms , It restores to nil the ort-anlo
unctlrns their ( ornior vigor and vitality , mi-
Ing Ilfo cheerful and onjojablo. Price , $3 a
lottle , or ( our times tl.o quantity 810. bent by
impress , eecure Irom chain atlon , to any address ,
in receipt ol price. No , C. 0. 1) , ecnt , except
) n receipt ol 81 as a guarantee. Letters rj
lucstlni ; answers must Inclose stamp ,
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
ire tl > bent nd cheapest dyejicpsia and bllllout
uro Iu tbo market. Sold by all drugxlata. Price
10 cento.
'urcsill kind of Kidney nnd bladder coiuplulnte.
joiiorrhua , gleet and leucorrhca. For tale uy all
UuggisU : * 1 a bottle.
VIS Olive St. , St. l.oub , Mo ,
For Sale In Ouiaha by
. nt r.n J > H *
Hop Uittero u < Mop Q >
1. j on NO > otuirf nn "
JI lull ) if"Tnnur , a >
irlecs 01 m BO. ! old erne > -ouiift ) iutTcrlnrrrf
no * raW * r luiiiul ii jliiir ou * boo ' { &
rilj on H o p J Bitten' , ,
f1- , llim-'ihaVtiie
i njaliv { rain > * ( rr
form ot K iuaei
that your tem ] 1 ' Lai
uffd > cliuiuuiK , Ion i [ lulKlit
{ un 01 tliuulotmir ,
wttkoutintOflM I ' tr * 'i > l
tUo Hop
Bltte .
, .
ptft'a. Muury O.I. O
r.rut 'nancoin - U no * bsr.lutt
llalnt , dlsi't'U
and IrrvnUtb
ol la uoinucA , HOP l > la c u r v lui
tiaicil * . tlaod , drunkcnneei.
li r ot nmu FAIL'i ,
You will be tr ! < tecoi c- '
Mop Bitter *
k and ? UU Bs
ply w e k
fwij.iriuittry NEVER Circular
It i It may notnrrru *
i live your FAIL .
Ilio. U hn co. ,
dived hun .JI T
* T roaw , Oil.
A Onro Quurantoed.
Dr. E. 0. Wu > ? e Ner\e uJ Lralu Treatment
, ipecl&o lor Hyvterla , Dlulaeaa , Ccnvulilona.
lervoui Head&cho , Dcprculon , Losa ol
[ cmory.Siiermatcrihai.lioiwton--y , lavolunttry
taluloni , 1'rcnuture Old At-e , cuuBoJ by ovcr-
urtloD , i l ! . buu , or otcr-lndulgtnce , which
: idi to inlwry , dec y and doAlh. One box will
are recent ct cj. t h box ccaiUlni one month'i
roatment , One dollar a box , or elx boxu ( or
ve dolUrt , tent by null prepaid on receipt of
rice. We guarantee lx boxes to cure tny CMC.
i'lth uch order recched by us lor tlx boxei , c-
: mp4oled vtltb flve dollar ) , will lend the pur-
liiwir out arltttn iruuuitee to return the
loner II the treatment do not tfli ct cure.
0. t. Goodman , Dru 'it , Solu. Wholesale and
jjul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Otd'ti by mall at
J ) . dftwlr
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peek & Baushors Larfl , and Wilbor Mills Flour
, - - -
Boots and Shoes ,
- IE1.
Window and Plate Glass.
< 3T Anyone contemplating huttdlnt * store , bank , or any other flno will find It to their advantage -
vantage to corns end n 1th us before purchasing their Plato Glass.
"TCP .
1213 Farnham St. . Onnaha.
Ou River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
< Tear Union Pacific Donot. - - OMA FAN ?
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.