Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , AUGCST M 1832 m\ o. o. a o otis : jax oo > . COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Bluff ) , lana , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE. General Aftct4 tor n > u l'cltbrat d Mlllsof II , 7) . Kuih & Co. . Golden Kngle FUrar Lcavenwoitti Kansas , and queen Dec Mills , Sioux Fills , Dakota. u -SJtnltli t Ctlitfiulcr , Council ninth , la. . IE W10LESALK AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. f I f L E A B S T RA Of OFFICE or. i r.H. . cj TDT 1 : ra DEI AD o o . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS COUNCIL BLUFFS ' " IOWA j : _ _ _ _ _ SI. L-A-IRSOIISr , 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Ready-fitted uppers , In calf skin Mid kip. Oak unit Hemlock SOLE LK/.T1IKK , Mid & ooda apporfMnlne to tlio shoo trado. Oo'dtgoM in cheap M In the East. _ NEW MILLINERY STORE FOR STYLISH SPUING MILLINERY PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping , at .Mrs. J , J. Good's Hair Store , nt prices never before touched h any other hair dealer. Also n lull line ot awltchca , etc. , at grimly reduced price * . Also goh ellver and colom ! nets. Waves made from liullos' own hair. Do not ( all to mill before purchwln elsewhere. All gooda warranted ns represented. MRS. J. J. OO01) , 29 Jlaln strroi , Council lilufls , Iowa.k ra ar \ t ! 'S ' DEEDS HOUSE , t % Bluffs. In first class a and leniCv * fectloncrlo SE , ATE INT , IOWA. Bethesda BATIIHBHOU8BI At Bryant's Spring , Ccr , Broadway and Union Sfcs. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thin , Medicated , V per , Electric , I'lungc , Dcuch , Shower , Hot and Cold IJath ? , Com- ji'jtcnt male and teinala Mirfes nnd nt'cmUiiita ohvavf ) on hand , aud the heat olraio and atten tion ( jlven patrons. Spucial uttjiitlon chcn to batiiltii ; children. ln\cttlb'atloii aud patronag ] SDllcitc.t SDllcitc.tDR. . A. H STCCLEY & Co. , 106 Ujiper Broadway. Dr. Stud'ey : Triattnent o ! chronic diseases made a e EMOVED ithout the CAICEESS f blood or usa ot _ Cures luntr A vn ni'WWR Ftt , Scrolula , Ll\or Com- P'alllt' 1 . - -i > ' T II M n K S ttoi , Fc\er and Jlorcur- I U HIi U W ial 80rcgi Erysipelas , Salt Rheum , Scald HciJ , Catarrh , weak , inriaincd .and sranulated Ljes , tfctoluloua Ulcers and Female - male Disease- all kinda. Alao Kidney and Vcnerlal diseases. Ileniorrliolds or Plica 'cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon theprlnclpleof tf ct- .able reform , without tba > use of mercurial -pold- onsor the knife. Electro Vnpor or M dicated Baths , furnished vho desire them. Hernia or Rupture raillcally cured by ths UBO the Elastic bolt Truso and I'laster , Ulch hna eup rlo In the world. OONSUI.TA.72ON FREE CALL OS OK ADDRESS Brs , , Rice aM P , 0 , Millar , , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed anil Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet'a old Btiuid , Courcll Uhiflii , Iowa. WIC.L.AKD SIIITII. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Pfactttioncr of Ilauioopathy , consulting Pliysicianani.Snrgeon . : Office Jiid residence 616 Willow avenue , COUB- cl Hlulls , Iowa. . SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Poai-1 Street , Ooimoil Bluffs. Extractluaand filling a tpealalty. Flrst-clr-sa worl ; guaranteed , DKA. . P. IIANCKETT , SURGEON. "into , Nu. 111'carl Street. UOU.IH , 9 a , m. teA A , Mld p. ur. , to S p , W. Uugtdcnco , I'M Er.ncrolt utroct. Telephonic connection with Central olllcii. F. T. SEYBERT ffi. D. . . , . . , . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. "COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. O2ico No. 6 , Eyorott Ulook , Broad way , over A. Louio'a lleativurftnt. IwifiiitGEestaurant , Proprietor. . Corner Uroadway _ nd Fourth Streets. Oood accommodation good faro and ocnr- teous treatment. S. E. 3C la ? < S3 3 "J- * . Olflc over mvlu a bank OOUNOIt , BLUFFS , - - - Iowa. . 0 , Jamca , la connection with hia law and collection business buy * and avlld re-l estate. f croons wlihlng to buy or Bell city proper t > call t hit office , over Dushnell'a book Btorc , Pearl Itrwt. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4l5Broadway , Council Bluffs ' * andrnort < ige Jdrawn , tnd WATER WAVES In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair TOILET RTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price. Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa Er JTHAEDING , M , D , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEGOLOGIST. Ora.uata of ElocLroiuithtc Institution , I'hll * deluLia , 1'ocuu. . Office Oor , Broadway & Gleim AYO. COUKCZL DliUFFH , IOWA. The treatment a ! all diseases and iw In till dif- Bcultiea peculiar to Impairs n specially. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Ofllcc oot First National Hank , Council IllnHs. Iowa. Will practice In the xtati ) and federal courts &ame and Poultry , Can alwajB be found a B. DANEHY'3 , 136 Upper llroadw y JNO.JAYFEAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs. - - Iowa. W B. HAYES , Loans andEealE&tate , I'roprietor of nbiitracta of Pott.-\satlamlo county , Olfito corner it Ilroadwaymnd Main sireetj , Council HluiTn , loua. Mill STEIHEH , Wi. D. , ( DeuUchor Arzt. ) RO3SI 5 , EVEREST'S BLOCK , Council BluiTa. 1 of women and children a 0pacl Y.y. " KVJJItC SATUHDAT. Office 111 1'J.vtM'i block , Fc&rl treet , Ke _ ] dencu KS F > vrth strett. OUijc touru from 0 to 1 a. m. , 2 to I tnd 1 08 p. ui. Council UuBs PRACTSOAI , DKHTIST. I'carl ty aHe the poatofflce. One of thxj oldodt pr : titlonai in Council tilutf. Satil ( ' .faction k'unrjntoe-l Iu all CMOU DE. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DH. CIIABLES DKETKEN. Oltlcoovcrdru { store. 414 Aroaduay , Council Illutlj , foua. At disease * of the eye and car treated under the moat appiorul method aud all curt * KuarantouJ. JOHN LIMBT , RTTORNEY'-'AT-IAW. ' Will > ac'lc Iu ll Mttc and U ilw 3ul 'ourli pcakg Otriajfl SATURDAY'S SUMMARY. Tologrnphto News from n.1 Pftrta of the Country. Temporary HnUjiu ( Fniln to Ex tort Coui'oftiim front Sup- ponod Criminal * . Sptclal D' p\teh to Tim Hun : ST. Louis * , August 12 Later ilia l\\tchos from Tnylorvillo say lh gro.xt crowds gnttiorcd nruuml tha jiv during the evening , and uptoDo'cloc ' roinnuicd quiet , but nftor tlmt lion they bocntno iluiuoiistrntivo , nnd sum of tlio bolder onoa uudur the iuiluunc of liquor damtutdod the prisoner This \vijs refused by the shurill' , butt short tiino afturtvtuds nioro doctdut efforts \vcro nmdo to gut into th prison , and nu entrance was ( intillj nmdo by force into the building. Tin shontr thun Abandoned the jail urn the mob pushed their way up stairs to the cells where the prisoners wuro con final , nnd took Montgomery nnd 1'ut tis out thiough n halo in the top of cell nnd handed them over to th mob. A rope was quickly producoc nnd thrown around the nocks of th inon. Then mob then , by blows threats nnd other means , ondenvorot to make th men confess , but witlvpu success. They protested their inno cunco in the most earnest terms. Tin cry to hang them was then raised ant the mob dragged the poor wrotche from the building to the jail yard Iloro another effort was made to extract tract the confession , but withou avail. The men continuing ( o pro test their innocence. The , wore thun taken to the cour liouao yard , the rope adjusted to n tree , and Montgomery was pulled u ] nbout four feet from the ground am hold there nbout ono minute , when h was lot down again limp and exhaust od. When ho recovered sudiciently to speak , ho assorted his innocence. A D. Bond , the father of the outrage ! girl , was then brought on the gronm nnd another attempt to make Mont goniory confess but ho etill muiutainoc his innocence as firmly as before. Ii the meantime 1'ottis had been trentet in much the sumo way no Montgomery but they could not obtain nny thing from him but protestation of hia innocence. Up to thi time the crowd had failed to find dementi , but finally ho was dia covered , and Ho too was subjected to the same treatment , but without pb taining a confession of uuilt from him Shortly after this a ilro broke out ii town , which had the oilVict of attract ing n largo part of the crowd and th mob was practical ! } broken up. Mr Bond and the prosecuting nttorne ; appealed to those of the crowd win had not gone to the fire to lot the men go to trial nnd have a fnir chance fo their lives. This had n mollifyin effect on the crowd , nnd Mr. Bon. nnd the attorney took the prisoner ; back to jail , where they were placet in their cells. 'JL'ho Hofe Back Wreck- Special Dispatch to Till HnK. WJLBEUA , Minn , August 11. t serious railway accident ; ind on which will provo fatal to several par tics injured therein , occurred nea what is known na "EIop Bick"on th Minneapolis & St. Louis railway about four miles south of this city , between twoon 0 and 10 o'clock last night. J construction train having on bcnrt over fifty laborers in charge of Thoa Norton , bosB , nnd Hamilton , oilginour started from below New llichland where they had boon surfacing fo : Wivaoca. They loft their empty grave cars i r the gravel pit between Now Richlnnd and Wnseca , and the engineer ginoer running backward with the cabooGo , in which wore iho fifty-novel labosora in charge of Norton , who wore going to their homea in Waspc It wna nttuohed to the online by the draw-bar 'tho of the - on pilot engine Just as the engine hud passed the trestle nnd reached the fill at the 'Hog Back , " it la supposed the track spread nnd 'tho drive wheels of the engine left the track' , and the caboose containing the laborers was thrown from the track and turned completely over nnd down the embankment into the wntor oi tlio slough. The con ductor of the train , who was not eori ously injured , at once wont to Wnsecii , and a relief train was aont to the wreck , nnd the wounded men wort srought to Wnsoca , whore they wore cared for. Thirty of the laborers wore injured , several of whom will proba bly die. _ _ Pny. Special Dispatch to TJIH UKK WASIIINUTOK , August 11. The claims ot army officer. ! for longevity > aj' under the "Tyler decision" will bo mttiled in order of their presentation. : lercafter none of this ciaaa of clainiH will bo mudoepocial , without u further decision by the Secretary of the T n Will frpeeiil ll , ntcli to THE 11 KK. NBVI YOIIK , August 12. On Goto- her 10 , 3871) ) , Dr. Henry J. Phillips , surgeon in the United Stattia army , died leaving a will in which ho ejcclud. od llie wife , and after making simil ) bequeaU gave the re idue of hia estate to relating in England. The wifa , who vtA twelve yearn hia junior , nnd who la u niuco of Judgu McAllister , of the aupromo court of Ban Fruncieco , contented the will unou the ground of untluo influence , Tha contest wnu aunt to u referee and after many sea aions thu cnuci was eumuied up before Surrogate IJollina a few montha ago. The couple were married in 18G5 nnd lived moat of the time at military eta ( ions in the treat. In 1872 they were atntJGned ut Alaaka , then nt Oregon and finally returned to tins atatc , the doctor having boon grantix ! leave of uheenco on account of Bicknuaa , The tettiinony takeu in the contest allows that the doctor waa a paralytic , pub- joct to ( epileptic iita , and waa of u pjAeionate and jealous natuio. Ho made a will HI May , 1873 , ( jivint ; hia wife only whut the luw allowed , lie iniAu three utt mptH to procure divurcn without her knowlddgo , but without-.vail. In the tcatiinony given Mra. Philllpa waa roprcaonted aa pi- ; tiunt , forbearing and olf-aacrificin . She claimed ho had inwiio doluaioi.n in regard to hia wife. Surrogate Rollins to-day rendered a daciaion , 'ivinn very long opini n , admitting the v/ill to probate. Among 'ho Jotters produced in evidence , Mra. Phillip. ! writes to Jicr husband , "An you continue to talk of me , I will now begin to ast. Within Itou day. ! bo in Wnahington , nnd rest as ure < that if I can do you a friendly turn won't fail to do so. You have on watching mo , so hnro I you , nnd sti ngniii whntovor kind of divorce yoi got , allow mo to ( ell you I nm nlrond engaged to bo married. 1 congrntu Into you on your engagement to thn old womnn. 1 wish her joy , n wora fnto I could not wish for my bittoreo enemy. She is quite welcome to you Tlio old woman cnn support you with out n commission. She must bo font of superannuated cripples. " The Surrogate snys : In connectioi with one of those divorce suits n certain tain Dr. Auria played a coiispicuou part. Ho was culled as n witness fo the contestant , nnd testified that ii the spring of 1870 ho entered into very contemptible plot with the decedent codent , by which it wna ngrood tha after escorting to the thentro Mrs Phillips nnd another Indy living in th npnrtmotils , ho was to rcturi with them , and , in the sight of liirec detectives , employed for the purpose of Bwcnntig to what they nhould ob oorvo , he wan to appear ut the door o the room in half uudicfs so as to giv color to the imputation that ho ha been criminally iiitimato with the do cedont's wife. Auris aworo that tin plan wna in fact eiiisiimmuod * ; tha ho recyivL'dfromtiie decedent the sun of § 1,000 M a rownrd for his infamy nnd tlmt when ho wna nakoi to fulfill the conditloim of his coutrac by making an ntlidavit for use of th dccodent'a lawyer in the divorce liti gation , he refused to do so , Surrc gate llollina says in connection will this : "Attor tolling thu whole alory Ho in my mind until it hna nnusentei mo , I am inclined to believe tlmt th decedent was n willing party to scheme for procuring false ovidenc to be used against his wife in his proceedings coedings for divorco. " In conolusioi the surrogate says : "Without fur thcr analysis of the facts it seems sutli cicnt ID say that they fall far short o proving that nt the time when ho oxe cutcd the instrument hero offered fo probate the decedent was not of soutu mind. A decree may , therefore , b entered admitting to probate the in strument hero pronoundod na hi will. " _ _ A Shrewd Seizure. Special Dltpatch to Tim Br.K. DKTUOIT , August 12. At mldnigd last night the only remaining transfo boat of the Great Western railway a this point wua cpuiotly seized by th shoritr by directions of the car lout company. After that hour the boa would have passed into possession o the new consolidated Grand Trim ! company and the car company evidently dontly thought it best to force th fighting of title under the circtim HtancM. The piH9nngers : wore sen east by the Canada Southern. There is now no means of trnnaferrin loaded earn ncrosa the river nt tin point. Firo. Special Dispatch to Tun UKK. Qur.UBc , Aug. 12. Five businos blocks nnd a number of dwelling were destroyed lust night by fire ; Jos $30,000. Throe or four people nro re ported injured. The ihmea spread ii a moat alarming manner , nnd ther was u perfect panic nmpnc the pee people , who Had for their liven , bearing ing all their household goodn am clothing , Thieves made off wit ! everything they could lay their hand on. Kidiioy Complaint Cured' B. Turner , Jtochester , N. Y. , writes : " have been for over a your subject to eerlou disorder of tlio kiiliioyn , and often unabl t attend to busirieHs ; I procured you Buuuocii BLOOD BITTKIIH and was rullevut eforo lialf u bottle was u etl. I intend t ontiiiuu , nu I feel cnnfidont that they wil entirely cure me. " Price 81.01) ) . nni:7Jlw : , titiltKl Lt&t , U113U ILO13ABOITS , ISires ) . Line ro 8 ? . A tii > v.- l u\ii 1) 4. U. Bopof , Oniurii : rlo'ti 1.1 Mil o a hrt\7nen OVAIIA fc il YOKK Daily Passenger Trams > 'HIWO All , jn WKjrKiw crriKu WHL tK i H fl t.V AHVANOB nt VI t ; OTHICI1 J.IN1O Hue u muijip'ji ] ( whh uln.i ! ( . n'nf | Cur IXIwe Jty ) Condi1 , Wll ur'i ' l > * < I'll.tlniln uid Coupler , kill ! thu * I ! ( AO tUt jou HclivlMile VIA o-AH-J i.mT. . joiiwvi : COUNCIL nsii'tfiri' ( U crtn , vlik in , jMiph wd ! t. Icnlt. ' [ 'i-tek * tor ' 111 ni frll cDDpon tU'xvBlol * ' . J. I' , lUJU.'Ai'.J ) , CAWW ) , H. &OptBt. Jo > , Ut ) Oi.ti . P - nri T'it / ( ! . , HI. , 'iH.iili , Mo. lour UOUJ.IK , Ticket A-nit , W. J.DAVKNpnHT , we For a ijuartor cl a century or moro Hoitcltfr't Itainach 11 Hen lias ( icon thv rolK'ilnu po.19c orlnillirtnlon , dytpvimla , ( over a'd ague , loti ( | < li > fclcal ftimim. Jiicr urmpl lot anil other Ix-riiir * , ami lii li-cii iuo > t tinpha lull > In- or-uU liy nudlclnv iiicna < a health ami tru'j'Hi o > u H foun crui'tj a tvnilu , uy t > ) > io- aturo < ltc y and tutUlna and coiufoitu tlio 'xdniidirillnn Far ulo ) jy all nru 'ijluta and PcaHrj y < incf > lly. FAST TIMEI fa rain ; Kae' t l the lliioap & lortliwest- - nni Traliu Inavv Omtha 8.10 p in and 7 : < 0a. m. or tjll iiif'jriuitlon call 01 U. < * . DUIJIIL , 71c- t Ktnt. 14th and Karnam U J HEM , . U 1' ay Vjjot oratJAME T CAU Oen-m PLAIN TRUTHS The Mood is the foundfttion of hfc. it riroubles ihrougli every part of tlic body , nnd unless it Is pure and tich , good lic.illh is impo siMo. If diwi < c has ctitctcd llie sjucin llie tnfy sure and quick wny to diive it out "is Io purify nnd enrich the Mood. These simple fads arc well known , ami ihc highest nutliorilic.s n rcc that netting but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition i ami alto that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth , cauie head ache , ami are otherwise injurious. HKOWN'slROS HlTTKRSwilHllor- ouglily and quickly-nssimilatc with the Mood , pmifyliifT nnd strengthen- in } ; it , and ihus drive disease from any pail of the system , and it will lift blacken llie teeth , cause head ache or constipation , and is posi tively net injmtous. Saved Ins Child. 17 N. Euuw St. , nslllmore , Md. 1'eb. i > , 1880. Genus Upon the recommemU * lion or n frieml I tried ItiumN's lium llmniis a > n Ionic aiul i < - Moratlvc fjr my tliuilitcr , uliunt I wa < thoroughly coiuincrd \ > .i < w.ntini ; nway uilh CoiiMiniiHion. H.IVIIII ; lent threeil.uiihlct by the tctrible ili c.ise , tinder the rare uf eminent rliysic.Un , 1 va loth t 1'clicvc tint nnylliinf ! could ntreM the prcRrcsi of the tmca < e , liut , to my preat surprise , liefoie my dangh. tcr had taken one bottle of IluowN'i IKON lltrrims. ihc began to meml nnd now U ijullc icMmcd Io former licahli. A lifth d.ttiRhtcr brfi.ui to show * ign < of Consumption , and vhcn the ph ) ! clan nai conMiltcd lie quickly < ald "Tonics wercre- ciuircd ; " nndvlicn Informed thnt the elder tister wai taVlnclliiowN's IKON Htmuis , rc ] > nndcd "that ii a good tonic , t.Uc it. " A Don AM Pit ELMS. UROWN'S IRON IIITTIRS : cITcctnal- Iy cities Dyspepsia , liuligcstiou and Weakness , nml lenders the iieatesl ; relief ami benefit to persons suffering fiom such wnstiny diseases ns Con sumption , Kidney CuniplahUi , etc. - FOR - CHICAGO , PEORI- ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORK.BOSTON , And all Poluta Eatt andMauth-Eatt. TIlKIilMKUOMI'HIMKB Noilly 4 , QiiO inllcrt Solid Hinooth Kf eel Trick All ccniuitlonn | tire made In UNION DUPOTO t IIHD a National Hcpntatlon n belni ; thi creat Through Cnr Line , and lJ unlvcrBallT encoded to l > u the FINEST EQUIPPED Half road In the woild for nil claw * u of Irnvcl. Try It and YOU will find traveling a Inxur ; Inatoa-l of a dUcoinfort. Tliruili | ; Tlckctn via rhlfl Celehratoil Line lei Bale at all olllci u In the \\'CH ( . All In formation about lUUit ) o Fnre , tlleoplnx Car AcocmiiioJationi , Tlmo Tables , lie. , will br cheerfully K'lvmi by apjiljlnlnt to T. J. COTTER , Zd Vltu-t'roH't & den , M' rmircrClilcaco PEnCIVAL LOWELL , Oon. 1'uani'HVi'r Ak't. ChlcifO W. J. DAVKNPOUT , ( Jen Airent , Conricll IllnDu. II. ! ' . DUKLL , Tlikot Act. o > "M" moni-ed ly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ffionx ( Jisy & THE BIOiJX CI'JT llncin ! < r.ll'l 'Iriln 'IhrOL rt ( run Oouncll iilulla r.o ( . . Without Criiinj ; * . T'ITKI , fnil * IT - if I'- 111" M TO IT. I'AIIJ. , tudall Io r lti 0 * > linn l ) t'th \min\ii'nt A W 'c ' r. > in' him * t ni ( /.MI wouj'Ofi u nnauri < i > > H < i I'nl'pi.ii I' AKli . | i : , O.i runtbron/li ivlIIJOLT < ; ilAI"j ( : liirtwm - . K.n llC'lty r.'ij Ut Pfciil vl. iUiinill Dlivf * kri emu LMori l'ifii < . liauXcr i-l < in < ell IlhiJu , at 73d ; p. m. dally on anlral o ! KMKII CIS } . Ht JdMjili and I'oiuiUl Hlnff Uvlr fion tliuPoutli Arrlvlrc at Ulaui ( Jlty tl.-SR p. in , , i.rd ft tl'n ' N xf Union lnv > ut t M. * t HSC : r.coa , tVfl ( KIURU IN Anv. AO OP AMT OTIiBB ROUTS' . tryUeniui.hrr In ttlfln/tti > llnjiClty I'.ont on tut ft Through Di6 * ilnrtnl 1,1 i\c ' . ' btTlP-JUi < ) nCi.ifirqi til PMnlnti uri hoMuui , , liCiUyfD AKD dl. I'AIH. t Hio that ynur TliitBl : wi VM ll > "Ui.n > City and ri-i"o ll llrn .l / B. WAT IJ.K * . . tl. IIUO'.f'.NA r.iij'flf' ' at'r d'jnt j'j' I'ulf Aj' l I1. K r.'hli > MK , Am'l Oon'l ? A.J < An'S. , tflfcourl Vulky W K UAVIH. MiMithnniUm f cuid cuidflHKI flHKI ! OOKPAHIOK It [ lutta ri'.u 1- . ' ' ' u Inch to ddtb In Itio 1'uifM.r.t fUu ur UruM rl I . It riaid .11 kiuii t..iii utyltii of | Uitlii In aju No Lvly ti. t dooj UUOKU druiK-muklii ) { cub Son ! to daltboiU ono 04 nluj plaltli. } ; Ii n > v rout ol f.uidoti , If Min it uellj Ituclf , fn > 'tfl ' , CVruiut" ur Moi.l ter.dJ aildrou CONOAfi A 0 ( ) . ( MORGAN PARK MILITARY ACADEMY , L'lirlitUiu Kaiully School for ll a , I'rtpani crC'oihvf , HUeu'lfli U < h > ol or IliKliKHd Hond o dipt , JTD. N. KIHK TA I.CJO I'T. I'niicliuil , orrxun Park , ( look f o. , Ill , tn WU u xuu. To Hie Consumers of Bamajes < te Buggies . I have a ciuaplflto stock of all the Latis'i Styles of Oarriages , Phaetons and Opea and Top Btig tes. Consisting of The Celebrated Brewster Side Bar , The Haralin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and Tre Mullhalland Spring , The Dexter Queou Buggy and Phaeton Also the Old Reliable Kliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are * U made o the best material * ' , aid un der my own supervision. I should be pleased t.o have those desh'ous of pur * chasing to ca1 ! and o famine nw stoclc , 1 will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , JltiX. . . ( Successors to J. "W , Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEIIS IN LACKAIAi'JA , LEBM , HLOS8BDB& AND ALL I CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC , Office No , 34 Pearl Btroofc , Ynrda Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh A.verm , Council Blnfl'n. P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. AIAYNE COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very B-i'st of Broomw Oonafcnutly on Hand. The Hlphent MHvltHb4"rioe Fair ] for Oorn , Oats , Rye , Barley 2. 2.K OO.TE&1ST - . Parties Wiahiag to Bll Bi-ooiu Oora Will Plij Bond Snmplo. Snmplo.&c &c OO : 1 JAMES FRANEY , Merchant Tailor 75 > BROADAVAV , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Always kiepi onhanilthoflnuiitaiuortuientoftiiat rial for Kcntleineii'awiar. batlsf ctIoniMinrantctnl I'or all kinds of I'ANOV aOOIJS , uucli ab of all descriptions. Also llaiidkorchlofg , both In bilk and linen , IIOBO of all Hindi , thruad , plDi , ncodlux , itc. Wu . hope thu laulou will call and bee our stock of footlt at 030 llroadHay bifote kOhK elBewhcro. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. 'Dili limn liyJioJ ) Jiutliuen op < inod tor bun | . now , and wu are niw prtpuod Io do U indrr vork of all kind * and K" ira'iloo nal Istnttlon A rpoclalty ina-lu of line work , such a * oolUrn , . uli ) , line khlrto , eU : Wo want cveryboly to ' - i trial. LA11SON ifc ANDERSON. p HDMUNUHOV , K. I. . HIIUIMKT. A. V HrilKKr , Vlcu-1'riBl. ' CITIZENS BANK Of Council under Ihu lawd ol tliu btatu of In n. I'.iid up capital . 8 "S.0'0 Antlioil/ul cajilial . WdOtX ) Intcreil paid on tlinailupjvlti. Dtalls ISHUU ! on thu ) innciiil | vltUs of the Unltod ritatiH anil Curopu. h ] > u'iul iittmtlo /hu.j to colloctloiiu and correupjndonco with jiroinpt ruturus , PIKKCTOKH. J. I ) . Klinuruliori. K f. . fchuirart , J. T. Hart , W. WVUIico. . J. W llodlor , I. A , A. W. Btrecl , Jy7dtf On Avenue B , I o , 1902. ( MAH IIIIUiUUjtY. ) C'lotluxi ( fathered up aid delivered | > romptl > . Jest of datiafaotion Guavaneod ; , fjtnl Cloth Hiuadagoi'l. ' ' a'K LAHtflRY V/J.ST Ot1 OH.OAGO. jr. jr. STARR & BUNGHt HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPEIl HANGING , KALSOMINIffft AND GEAININB , 8hop Corner Druid way and Soott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars aud Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Couucil Oue ot tha b 9t luond-clu * Hotels Iu tha i BROADWAY EOTEL , . A. K 11UHW.V , I'roprl , tor. Ned. 631 and 63(1 ( llroidw.iy , ' ouncll Illuffi , low * . Tublo nupplluJ Hltli the b 3t ( ho market f- fordd. O x > d raouii aii'l Urjt-cltt > i bed ) . Tornu Wry roaoanablo , UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Qerspacher & Son. KIK8T CLA-'S UOTHr. AT tfUAKOSAULK I'HI-'m. TliiVN IENTS ACCOMMODATED 1 OTKL IX ) t fUMi , UOOH UKAbONS KOU Hi LIJNU ,