THE DAILY BEE : COM DOJLL BLUFFS , IOWA MONDAY , AUGUST 14 18tf2 The Daily Bee. COM. BLUFFS. Monday MorningAVK. . 14. bUllSf ItllTIOK IUTK3 : ny Currier. - - - - - SOccntiptr week , ? 10 00 Yfftt. Br all - - - - - - per Office : No. 7 Potvrl Street , Nonr Brojidwny. U. 0. GnUTIN , Mdnsgcr. H. W. TlLTOK. City Kdltor.B MINOFC MENTIONS. J. Mueller's Pnlftce Music Hull. Tlie trustee * of tlio imbllo library tire to meet llil" nf ttrnoon. " " Kverylnxly rcrwl * THK DAII.T BEE. It Is Die pup" to ach elite In. SlirrralenitinliC ( < liliotogrni > hii. Thcro WAS AH Interesting fong fctvlco nt the CongrcBntlonnl church last night. Lugeno Sclill1. lite South Main street Uutclior , rolls the Best Meat of any In town. Itov. Mr. Ucndetton , of St. Louis , occupied the Presbyterian pulpit ycatcr- day. At Broadway Methodist church last evening there wan ft platform meeting In the interests of miflfllonH. Writing isodo easy , by the use of II. K. Seaman's pencil * . This Item was written - ton with ono of them. 1 Itobert MoWndo Is expected to ap pear at Dohany'n on the 21th lust. , pro > a- ably In Kip Van Winkle. Leave to wed was on Saturday given to Chrhtin John Kghelm and Mary Sorensen - onson , both of this city. A stranger who hired a team at the Ogdcn house livery stable baa disappeared mysteriously , team and all , S.ockholders in the Driving Park who ha > e not received their driv ing tickets arc riqucste 1 to c ll upon Dr. McKune. The now Council Bluffs line of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Tnul ralhvny begins to tun pnfcsennor as well as freight trains to-day. K-3 Michael 1'cron , of Omaha , was so ( ! drunk nnd disorderly in n hallway in Kvcrett's block that ho had to bo cared for liy the police. There were ninety-one arrivals nt the Ogdcn Saturday. Pretty good for ono hotel In n city which hasn't , according to The Nonpareil , n ulnglo good hotel. The law firm of Arvent ft Slum having been dissolved , Mr. Slma IB to continue in the piofcjsion , ccc-apylng the smno olfico on Broadwny , near Pearl street. Col. Dickey arrived Saturday with five Kpcctly horses belonging to A. II. Swan , of Cheyenne. The horses arc now being cared for nt the drhing park , nnd will show up in next month's races hero. A very dcsirixble plcco of property for tale , on south sldo of Sixth street , in the block opi cslte the new Opera Home , on Broadwuy. Front twenty feet. Price three thousand dollars. Knquiro at BLE office. There was a pleasant reception at the home of O. 15. Stone Friday evouiug In honor of Mr. 0. A. Frokerlcks and MM. Carrlu 35. Pallet nan , who were recently married in Omaha , The Council Bluffs hunting and fish- kg club has elected as its oflicere for the coming jear : S. Farnsworth , president A. 0. Graham , vice president ; A. 15. Avery , secretary ; Charles Officer , trcas- uicr ; 11. Green , director. Clmrlea Wcstrope , the young mai who , on account of mental weakness , is at times dangerous , is now locked in jail not btlng able to give bonds to keep the poaco. poaco.A A four year old boy whoso father am mother live In the H uthcrn suburbs of thli city , was fatally scalded on Saturday , hli death ensuing on Sunday morning. Tin family are strangers in the city , having moved hero only three or four days ag and are in destitute circumstances , A threo.year-old child was found wandering about the vicinity of the Hock Island depot , evidently lofcl. Olliccr Kd gar had about two hour's sharp hunting lefoiehe found its horteo , which proved to bo ncarDohany's hall , John Dlngman and JCrncH Mllleruero on trial in the superior couit Saturday fo disturbing the jicaco. The evidence nhowed that Miller came to Dlngmau with a knife , and the latter \cry properly knocked him down , Dlugman was there fore ( discharged and Miler } fined ? 5 and costs. In Justice Abbott's court Saturday the case of Barbara 15. Bradihaw vs. the Singer Sowing Machine company , and Conitablo lloBccrans was long drawn out. The jury brought In ft verdict about 0 o'clock at' night , finding in favor o the com i any. Deputy Sheriff UlattcrbuaU has nr- retted near Duulap and brought to this city Joseph Strong , who is charged with grand larceny , it being claimed that ho stole the liouso and furniture of Mr. Big- ley who lives on the bottom , The exam ination will bo had before Justice Abbott. It Is now quite certain that the proposed - posed new daily In Co > mdl Bluffs ] will not tart , owing to the difficulty In securing telegraphic reports , A new weekly promiiea to appear soon , however , of which Mr. CbtUIln , of the firm of B. T. Wnlkei & Co. , is to bo the presiding geiimn. John Martin , who vas lined $10 foi bis contempt of Justice Fraioey , after upending one night in jail concluded Sat urday to pay cash. He then took chacge of venue In the two other cues ngaliist Mm , one for perjury the other for retUUpg n ofiic r , nd the cases wers sent to Jus tice Bond , before whom they will come up to-day , A telegram from Atlantic described a man wanted there for burglar } ' , Ollicei Sterling's eye spied a fellow mending um brellas uho answered the dffcrljitlun , and mated Urn. Saturday night an officer urri\ed from Atlantis , who ayi the pris oner in the one wanted. The umbrella in an gives his name as John J. Held , and denies everything , of coime , At'the meeting of the school board Friday ulghl7"MUs Webtter was elected principal of the high school at a salary of 91,200 ; Mis * 0. O , Clark , tuuditaut , at 85 > uontbj Mrs. Bhepbard , principal of the * y'rk ; w- tchool In Hall's { addition , S-W n month ; Mi i Josle Wayne , primary ttacher In iiticelivillo rchool , 10 ft month ; Mir * Itomie Lyr < n , primary tenchtr in fcliool Hnll's addition , 810 n month. An ugly hole ii ctuscd nt the corner of Bryant nnd Broadwny by the tumbling In < ( the rotten icwcr. Officer Tycon has arrested G. W , An drews on the clmrRo of stealing n revolver nt Silver rilff. Andrew * has glvtn ball for hi * ftppenrnncB Tnwilay. Officer Cu ! ck on Sntanlny night ti- roktcd Henry 1'ell nud Adam Tnlbert for dl'turblng the poaco. They will lo ad justed tliii morning. The notion of the city council In elect ing Bachelor ai oil inspector , inntcnd of Troutmnn , is said to have pricked Mar r Bowman to the quick. When this demo cratic mayor went into office , ho retained the old police force , re ] nlilicnn And demo cratic alike , nnd now In electing oil inspector specter , his choice , Troutman , Ii to sed overboard , nnd n republican put in by just ono vote. It is understood that ho is now planning revenge by cutting off the heads of some of the republican policemen , nnd putting democrats In their places. A regular soldier from Foit Omahi , and belonging to company G , Fourth U , S. lufanlry , was found upon ; the streets here Saluulnyevcnlng in ncrn/y condition , Ho told Constable Fox that ho owned the noylum at Jacksonville , 111 , ; that he came i vi r from Omaha rn big own special train , and that ho had 325,000 invested in Fort Omaha. For , under the pretense of show ing him nround town , steered him to the jail , but the lunatic was rmlck to nee the game , and fought lustily against being shut up. In the struggle the cmistablo had hl coat torn into shroda , but ho succeeded in housing his man , who now awaits orders from the other side of the rivor. A OARD. Do not trust my brother , Ernest Muallor , on my account , Ho is not connected in nny wny with my busi ness. J. MUELLKH Mr. Bireii8t ! in , Boston , Mass , , writes : "Your SritiNO BLOHHO.M has cured me. of dysj psln , of four (4) ( ) years ulnndtng. I hnio regained my normal appetite , cnn sleep well and feel like n now man. " Price 50 cent ? , trial bottles 10 cents. aug7-dlw SUND/tY SHORT STOP. The Propoeocl Ball Game Yesterday Postponed , and a Trio of Troata Promised Instead. Thu announcement that Spaldin 'a Chicago iiino and the Dubuquoswould piny a gnmu hero Sunday afternoon , called forth quite n storm of righteous indignation , M ny who nro not over religiously inclined themselves wore nmong the protoatora to this lack of reverence for the day and disregard of the bolter sentiment of the commu nity. The indignation was not awak ened from the fact of ita bointj on un usual thing for Sunday to bo disro- ; arded , for there worn doubtless yes- ordny , as on other Sundays , many fiolationa which caused no auch pro- eat. Nor waa it caused dimply by the act that base ball games on Sunday ; tro an unusual thing hero , for on ivory pleasant Sunday during the canon ono or moro amateur games arc played horo. The chtot cause of .his unusual indignation lay In the fact , hat the clubs proposing to play nro professionals , troll known , and the jrounda on which they proposed to ploy nro devoted especially to base ball pur poses. Thus the proposed game was irtually a proposition to commit an act which would indirectly place base ball in this city as a Sunday game , and indirectly place base ball circles on record aa disregarding the day. The Council BlulTs nine has titnound again received propositions to play Sunday Barnes , but has always declined and very properly so. In view of this fact , it naturally arosod some indigna tion that two foreign oluba should bu permitted to disregard the public sen timent ngainst Sunday games , and es pecially when they would not be nl- owed to play in Omaha , mid in other cities. Yesterday morning Mayor Bowman was waited upon by ruprpHCntatives of the Young Slen'a Christian Assoc ! ciation , who protested against a Sun day game being allowed. They wore informed that hu could do nothlm about it , unleai the players disturbed ho pcaco of the city. If nny ono filed i complaint charging them with that of course the oilicors would BOO tlm they were dealt with according to law. Somu of the stockholders in * ho club here took the matter in hand , lio\r evar , and in uccordanoo nitli their ob jectinns it WAH dtcidtd ( lint they cuuli not have the grounds for a Huiulnj game , and that Buttled it. The Un buues ] had already uirivud nnd won at the PaciGo house ) , nnd the Spuldliu niiio who waru in Otiwlm worn noli iiod hy telcphnno. Tlui public will liuvo plcitt ) i f bnvi ball this we nil , however. incuts liavd bt'in nmdo for thrn games , each iflnch will pro'.o t treat. This nftcrmion the Dubuquca am Oouncil HI nil's clulu will play. Tuesday nfteinoon the Dubuque will play with tlio Spuldlng nine , uiu Wednesday afternoon the Couuci niull'd bos will meet the Spalding nine , Thlu arrangement will furnis plenty of chances to BOO oicellon play , These who protested B strongly against n Sunday gamoshoul now turn about nnd patronize liber ally the work-day games and let th boys BOO that there is more money a well as moro houor gained by re yarding the duy of roat and worship , To > eph Durrinlurger. Broadway , Bu falo , as Induced by his brother to tr FIIOUAU' KOLKCTHIO On , fur a ejiralned an lie ; and with half a dozen applications 1 was vutbbled to walk round again all rlgh augT-dlw FOU SALE. My residence , No. 815 Fourth a tree ( Bancroft ) . L. F. Mum-iiv. Liver , Klduoy oudBrJKlit' Dlioaio A medicine that destroys the geri or cause of Dright'a Disease , Diabutes Kidney and Liver Oomplnints , and ha ptiHur to root them out of the systen is above all price , Such n medicine : Hop Hitters , and positive proof of th cun bo found by one trial , or by askin your neighbors , who hnvo boon curt by it/ OPERATING IN luo Appointment of an Inspector and tlio Law Govotntug the Matter. The city council hap , ni an outcome of the kerosene war being waged in the city , clcctnd ns inspector nnd 'auger Wm. II. IJacliolor , nnd on Sat- itday ho began posting up in regard > his duties , intondinc , ' in ontnr upon lorn nt o ( . j The state law creating m oflico , provides : that the council on 10 petition of any five inhabitants mil annually appoint ono or moro in- ) Lctors , not interested in the Bale or nanufacture of coal oil , koroBeno , or ny product of protroleum , the com- mnsation not to exceed five cents a lackngo , to bo paid by the party ro- uiring the services. Its second section provides thut , pen the application of nny person , mrchnncr , manufacturer , refiner or > reducer of , or any dealer in auoh oils ir fluids , said inspector shall test 10 Bamu , with reasonable dispatch , jy applying the proper flro tests leroto , in ( { uantitioa not less than no pint. If the oils or fluids so estcd will not ignite or explode at a ompornturo leap than 150 degrees ralironhoit , the inspector shall mnrk > lainly and indollibly , over his ofliclal gnaturo , with the date thereof , on nch cask , barrel , tank or package so csted. "Approved , fire teat being ICO ogrces , " or more , as the amo may irovc ; but if auch oils or iluida will gnito or explode nt a temperature USA than 150 degrees , then the in jector nhalt mark on each package , Condemned for illuminating pur- oses , fire test being degrees. " V. record shall bo kept , the on tries to > o made within twenty-four hours , nd this kept accessible for oxnmina * ion by nny person. Thu third section provides than any orson who ahull fnlsoly brand or nark nny package , or bo guilty of do- eit , muconduct or culpable nogli- ; once in the discharge of any of his iflicial duties , or who shall directly or ndirccMy deal in nny nny such oila or uids while holding the oflico of in- pector aliall bu fined not exceeding 100 , or imprisoned not exceeding liirty days , and ho hold liable to the > arty injured lor all damages. The fourth nnd concluding section ) rovldea that any manufacturer or ro- nor of , or any dealer in said oila or uids , who shall sell , or offer tor sale , o any person for illuminating pur- loses , without the same shall have > een so inspected , or shall sell , or ( For for dale , nny such oils or fluids vhicli nro below the , teat of 150 do- jroes Fahrenheit , or who shall use any sask , barrel , tank or package with the nspector's brand or mark thereon , : io oil or fluid therein contained not laving been so inspected , or whoohnll ountorfeit any such inspector's mark , liall bo subject to the same penalties s stated above , nnd the same liabili OB. PERSONAL- Mr. Wheeler , the Jovial nnd popular andlord of the Kovoro house , expects to tart to-day for Denver , intending to bo bsent two or three weeks. Prof , A. E , Clarendon has returned rein the cant , where ho has had the pleas ire and profit of meeting nnd mingling with some of the leading educationalists > f the country. Mr. Hnnchott , of the Chicago unlver. Ity , is in the city , visiting his brother , ) r. Hnnchott. He is the collegiate who : npturcd the first honors in the recent nter-stato collegiate contest , Joe Dnnbnum , of Cromwell , who showed o much pluck for n boy by chasing and cat luring an overcoat thief , recently von the prize in n foot race at Creston. Joe la a Council Bluffs boy , who has many Honda hero , who will bo glad to learn hat ho is prospering at Creston , where he snow employed. Mm , Henry McKano , whose husband , low dead , was formerly an engineer on the Krlo railway , nnd an old nud intimate 'rieud of Constable Itosecrnus , is in the city , n guest of Mrs. llosccrans , aa are also Mis. Charles and HOII , of Belloviow , Hev. C. F , llamlln , pastor of the Con gregational church , expects to start this week upon his vacation trip eastward , nnd will be ntsont two nnd probably three Sundays. For the first two Sundays supply has already been secured for bis mlplt. J. F. Barke , the well known pho- .ographer , returned homo yesterday from Indianapolis , where ho baa been attend ing the ineetln ? nnd exposition of pho tographers , He rep rts thut there were CiCO of the piofectlou prcrcnt , repruMmtlug every tuctlun of the country , uiul the sin wing of nrt win not only interenting but > ory in tiuotivo. ; Mr , l ) rl > o in quit' ' cntliUHlustlo ovi r tlio trip nt.d the moot ing , and la euru ho got revrral humlroi' worth ( > f pointers Our Glor'ous uil < pnmlt noo. What can le more clotloui tluin to 1 e Indviandcnt of ftuiriii > g , caiued by dy > p < p lv , indltrtstion , conitlp&tUm , hick head ucho , or other dhfiues cinanntiui ; from the stoiuucb. This can bx lasily gained lyn timely use oi lUmnocK lii.oon BIITKIIH Price SI 00 , trial 10 ct-nts. au7-dlw Obituary , Jnmos A , 1' ' ugnte , ot Council Bluffs son of J. II , Fugate , died at his homo in the above mentioned place Sunday morning at 10 o'clock , For severs days Mr. Fugate has been soriousl ; ill and up to the last moment hi friends had hope that his recovery was almost certain , but iu spite o the efforts of the best physician ant nil that loving hearts and tender hand could do , ho passed peacefully awa ; to that bolter land. The remains More brought to tin city yesterday evening and will bo buried at the con.otory to-morrow a 10 n , in. , in accordance ) with the solemn omn rites of the Masonic fraternity of which he was a valuable member , James A , Fugato waa born ii Schuylor county , Missouri , in 1848 we believe , and removed to this cit ; several years ago , where for a Ion ] time ho was known prominently as business man. Faithful to over ; trust , honest us ihu dny was long , h will ho remembered and respected a one of the boat of citizens. To hi widow and the two orphan cliildrei go out the warmest sympathy o I all the large circle of friends mid ac quaintance. The funeral will taVo nlaco from the residence of his brother , II M FdKatO , on North Court street , AH friends of the family are invited .o attend. [ Ottumw.i Democrat. Virtue Mrs , IM Mulholland , Albany , N. Y. . writes : "Knr Rovrrtl jeara I have sullcml rom oft-rccurrin ? bilious headaches , dye- > epsh , am complaint * peculiar to my sex. Hnco using your BUIDOCK HLOOD BITTKIIS : nm entire y relieved. " Pilco 31.00 , trial Ize 10 cents. auql.dlw Muolo River Matters. ; orrc pondencc nf Tux Ds MAPLE UIVER JUNCTION , la. , Aug. 2. On Thursday night the monotony f our quiet village was broken by onsidornblo shooting. No job for ho undertaker or doctor. Our throe. saloons nro doing business ulotly and peaceably. | They all com to bo anxious to cloao on Sun- ay aa desired by our citizens , but lioy scorn not to bo able to withstand lie pressure from Carroll. What a ) urdon ? The untrained Carroll youths wny Irom homo. No doubt their do- oted mothers too frequently neglected o bring on the buttock blush in hildhood. What a pity ? Our Mr. D. says : "It was miserably lealthy. Ho is going away on busi- ess next Thursday. IIo will boone ; ono for a few weeks. We shall bo lad to ace him return , Whor t is in shock and stack. The tiaMty and quantity of wheat , oats nd barley is good. Corn ia growing apidly regardless ot low mercury , nd the prospect for a good crop is air. D. J. * # * "Noceasity is the mother of in vention. " Diseases of the liver , kid- leys and bowels brought forth that lovoroign remedy KidneyWort , which a nature's normal curative for all those lire complaints' . In either liquid or [ ry form it is n perfect remedy for itoso tumble diseases that cause BO many deaths. _ _ IOWA ITEMS. Dubuque refuses to uiko the eloc- ric light. A § 25,000 Catholic church is being > uilt at McGregor. Blackberries sold for § 8 a buahol at Ulantin a few days ago. The Gazette complains that Bur- inpton ia full of loafers. Fort Dodge can obtain an opoia lousu for n bonus of 83,000. Iowa college sustained damage to , ho amount- 81,045 by the cyclouo. S. 13. Zeiglor , of West Union , has returned from a trip nround the world. There is a stock of 800,000 cans ready for Marshalltown corn at the factory An Elkhart ( Ind. ) carriage concern demands a bonus of $25,000 to locate at Des Moines. An army recruiting officer is in Dav enport to enlist Hawkeycs ambitious to shine ia Undo Sam's cavalry. Frank Doud , a Hock Island engi neer , seduced un orphan named Agnew - now of Stoart and fled to Manitoba , vhoro an officer is going in pursuit. Carrie Woods ran an obnoxious bag nio at DOS Moines. A few nights ago dozen able bodied men surrounded .he . house and with brickbats broke every window in it. Carrie took the lint , S200.DO REWARD I Will bo paid for the detection and con viction of any person soiling or deal ng in any boqus , counterfeit or imita .ion Hov Brrmis , especially Bitters or preparations with the word Hop or [ loi'.s in their name or connected therewith , that is intended to mislead and cheat the public , or any propara lion put in any form , pretending to be : lie same as HOP BITTEUS. The genuine - uino have a cluster of GKKKN Horn [ notice thin ) printed on the white label , and are the purest and best inedicino on earth , especially for 3Cid- noy , Liver and Nervous Diseases. Bu- ware of all others , and of all pretended formulas or recipes of Hoi * BITTEIU- published in papers or for sale , as they are frauds and swindles. Who ever deals in any but the genuine wil bo prosecuted. HOP BITTEUS MFO. Co. , jy22-lm itochcstor , N. Y. MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLE , All Shippers and Travelers will fine treed accommodation and reasonable charges , SOUTH MAIN STREET , OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Bluffs Iowa Council , - - HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. Murray Iron forks Burlington Iowa. Sorul Portabl FOR flRM M1LLB , Printin ? Offlcos Etc. , , JA Speoialty The Largcat Iron Working Establishment mont in the State. Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. Tlio Howard Automatic Out-Off Steam Engine , Scud lor circular , COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , KOTICK. Spcclil advcHHcmenU , sue M fp& , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Heiit , W&nte , BoMiilnp , etc. , will ba Inserted In lhl column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PET , INF for the flnt Insertion and FIVE CKN'TB PER LINK for c ch subsequent Insertion Lciro Klv crtl'cmcotfl tt our office , No. 7 ' < * > rl Strut , npar Uroadway. Wnnts. \ \7 AN'T' D fllrls at tlio K. C. Homo , on > y Uuntli Main Street. - Immediately , ono nunJrcil men WAI-TED Cut-off , in Nebraska , nntth f Omahn. WKRCT : men , 81.76 : teams , $3.51. rmi'ro on the grounds , or at Unit olHcc , Couti ll Illiifls , In. WANTED School tciiclicrj , minister' , stu dent ! ! and others cm aid to tliclr incline ydexo Ing ft Coition of tlioir tlraotocamas lii ) , ' oronr ( lindartl bookn nml i'cno"lcnls , or tan make brfje uJitc * liy ilMolltiK tliclrvbo1o time 0 It \Vu watitan itctha moloir fo i lo cg < rt n ever ) tnwji-lilp In Iowa and t-ebraska , nnd 111 cflrr extra Induccn.ctit9. For ctriUlvs &d < icVrnt , rn fbok Conjinny , } ! ox ESi Council 1 tts , Ia. , " \7 A fTKD A Rr ° d , c-imroUnt girl none W other i.wd i ply for gcnetal houtework. Irs.T K CM In , 42J Boutli beccnd ntrcot. ; TrANTED Evcr > body In Council BluBa lo W to take Tim IIIB , 20 cents pet neck , do vorcd by oarrlera. Offlco , No 7 Pearl Street oar Broadfny. HI /"ANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn YV For particulars addrcen Council Illufll room Factory , Council IllwITs , Iowa. 658-29tf For Sale nnd Rent 7IOR S LK Onojounjf bay I one , suitable for 1 cirrhgc ; also ono line drHlv marc. In- ulro of J. M. U Ith , Council liluITs , auglt tf OIISALE flxty tons rf lee delhered on an 1 at Neo'a ' , Io a. Sandust furnished. Ad- rets , ilaitln Casey , Council DlufTs , or II. L. IcWIIllamB , Ncola , Io a. _ auglO-8tt 7IOH SALE Tno clilms la Hibra ka , clioip , J by Odcll 4 , Day. Jj24-lw 1011 SALE Dcu'ltiful rcnldrnco lots , fOO ' each : nothing donn , and ? month i only , y EX-MAYOU VAUOHAN apl3-tf MlecollanoouH. & 8MOTI1EHS , Council Illuffs HARCOURT and Omahn cx | rtsa. Ordita left at teuton o store , Miln str-ct , Counc 1 hluffs , or J C. -Iliot' , 1205 Farntm itrcct , Omaha , ill rrccho irompt atlcnton. j)16- CJT1LL AHEAD Great success. Cill and BCO j new accessories and pcclmcns of pictures akcnb the roll'bblo gclatlno brotctdo iiroccsj , t the Kxcclstor Gallon lOOKaln street. . W. L. PATTON Phjelclan and Oculist. DR. euro any cain of pore e > c . It Is only matter of time , nnd can cure generally in rom three tc lUo uioka It nmkcB no ililTer- nco how long dlsiagid. Will straighten cross yts , opcritc and rcmoro rtjrct'liimB , etc. , and nscrt artillclnl cjcs Special attention to re- lovclnp tailc onii9 np5-tf Facts forth Knowing V now crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 75c Tine Japan Tea , equal to that of fered at 75c COc Very Fine Young Hyson , equal to'that offered at SI. 00 7oc We Mean Just What We Say. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Conncil Elnffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS rq L H"ft 5 MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OHlco and Works , Main Street , OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , We gl\c epecUl Attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOI8TERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will iccolvo prompt attention , A general ag eoitment ol Brass Goods. Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Ooal. OH AS. HENDRIE , President Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DEALERS IN GROCERIES , REVISIONS , Crockery , Glabsware , BOOTS , SHOESETC A'so ' igenta lor the follow Inclines ol Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oulou , American , and Stitc Btcamshlp Comf anlog. 3O 3EC. k. 3E OC1 8 For ale on the Hoj al Bank ot Ireland and Bank ol Ireland , Dublin , Those w o Intend to wild to Irlendt to any part ol Kurope will llnd It to thel nterett to ( all on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Sroadway , Council Bluls Ia MRS. B. J , UILIOJ * . M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Broadway Council Bluff . JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Omct-l'roajwuy , l > et ien Ualn and Tear SttoiH. NM11 practice iu btate and Federal Court * . HABKHE88 , QKCUTT & GO. Broadway , and Fourth Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa mnr-2-Rni J. . SSO3C.I3 IP CHICKERING AND WEBER PIANO , IP.A. Burdette and Western Cot IM : .A. tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. Importer and Dealer in of MUSICAL all kinds. Sheet MERCHANDISE Music one- s third off. Agents wanted. so a Qorrespondeuos solicited J. MUELLER , o COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. O El Ei Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and fillow greets , Council Bluffs. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET ! 'i HE BEST BREAD IN THE Oll'T. None but first-class Bakora employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. Has For Sale , Town Lotb , Improved and Unimproved , also , Eailroad * ju and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W..S. MAYNE , over Savinga Bank , - CPU MOIL BLUF3 SUMME HOES. e are Offering Special Bargains in All Kinds of Snmmer SHOES AND SLIPPERS. WE GARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF 3E" X 3XT 3ES Car O O ID IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. Z. T. LINDSEY & 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs.W. . . . A. BEKDK , \V. RUNVAN , W. DEEDS C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholeaalonnd Hctall Dealers In " * FURNITURE AND OROOKERY Nos , 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. INFIRMARY I UCADYJ-D.J.S , , ( UU Veterinary Surgeon I ) . S. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the City , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFERENCES : AH of the b.Bt J-hg'cl Dfi In Council Klufli anil Burroucdln e The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIKST , Emplor the belt Bread Baker lo the Wt-itj aluo a cbolce bind lor CaVet and 1'leu. Ured delltertdto all | arti ot the city. MAURER & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out aiaae , Fine French China , Silver Ware Sic. , S10 BaoiDWiT. COUNCIL BLUNTS , IOWA. Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) Tiioa. orricKB. w. n , u , n SET , OFFICER & PUSEY , Ooecil Bluffs , Ia , Established , 1856 Dealer ) In Foreign and Domestic E and home securities , _ MBS , J , P , BILLUPS ; I'KOPBIETOll OK UESTAUKANT& EATINB HOUSE , 813 HtutU ilnln Street , Council Bluffs. Ntw house and newly flltcd up luflritclaet lt > le iUal t all hour. . Ice cream and Icmo- it-ie t\ity e > eLlnif. Fruit * a < d conlectloncile J. M. PALMER , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , CO UNCIX < BLUFFS , IOWA.