1 THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA MONDAY , AUGUST U , FINANCE AND COMMENCE. -FINANCIAL. tea l'r-vt hitio Tim HSR , Xsw Yow , August 12. > IOSE\ . -\Ione-At \ ; 3f ? I per cent , closing at 3 per c iit. Pi tua Mercantile Paper 5i@6r r cent. SteilmgExrihanga-Bankers'IMs tteady at ? 1 S3J ; Rlcr.lng exchange doinand at ? i.sy. Government Ucn Is Tinn. Stocks The market waa dull , with frc- [ uent iluctuathu ? , closing gwserally nbout steady , \vltli Uio general list 4 < 51 per cent below closing fiRnres of yesterday. OUVKllNMbMS. OUVKllNMbMS.Yesterday. . To ilnv O's loli 101 } 0' 1014 lOli 4Va 114i 1UJ 4'a ' llUg H--8 - Pacific 6's of 1895. 130 130 Control Pacific 110 Erie Kconds , . . . . . ' . . . * 9 | Lehigh & vVilkcsbarre 10CJ Louisiana cousols. G8 Missouri O's " 110 St. Joseph "Ill St. 1'aul ct StouxCity Grats..lll Tennessee G'a 5GJ do new 6G Union Pacific Jot mortgage. .11(3' ( i do luml Krauts..lUt f f do bulking fund. , 12 Virginia C' 38 do coiieola 0' < M' do deferred 12 Texas & Pttosiic land grants. . 074 CHI It. U. iliv. . . . 86 STOCKS. Adams Express ICOi 139J Alton & Tcrro Haute WO 140 do pfd. . . . fcti 80 American Express :01 : 94 Burl , , Cedar Haplda & "North 80 80 Canada Southern ( J3J G2J Col. , Oin. , & Ind. Central. . . . 13 133 Central I'atifiu 03" 91 Chesapeake & Ohio 25 do 1st pfd. . . 38' do 2d ptil. . . 'JflJ Chicago & Alton 13l 144i do pfd HU 140 Chi. , Burl. & Qulnoy 138 137 Chi. , St. L. & i > ew Orleans. . 71) ) Cin. . Sand. & Cleveland 55. Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . M Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .117 $ Del. , : Lack. & Western 143f Denver & Kio Grande Oif 001 Erie -lOi A'Jt ' do pfd fcO 80J Fort Wavno & Chicago 134i 131 Hannibal & tit , Jobeplu 85 85 do pfd. . . 01 91 Harlem 205 205 Houston & Tex.a Central. . . . S7 Illinois Ctntral 141 137J Intl. , Bloom. & Western 40 4G ICemsaa & Texas 47.1 Lake Erie k Western 4l4 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .115 115 .Louisville i Nashville 74i Loui v. , New Alb. & Ohicago 7V § Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd10 do 2d pfd 'J Memphis & Charleston 58 Michigan Central 110 .Missouri Pacific. . . . , IOCS Mobile & Ohio 22i . Morris & Essex 1'7 -Nashville & Chattanooga C11 New Jersey Central 7'Jf Norfolk & Western 55tf ' -Northern Pacific 05lj : 50J do pfd 5i 04i Northwestern 144J do pfd . 1C5 1G5 New York Ce-itral . 130 1304 Ohio Central . 17i ' ' Ohio & Mississippi . 3S' | 3 ! ) do pfd . 105 105 Ontario & Western . 2H ( Pacific Mail . , . 15ji Panama . 105 Peoria , Decatur & Evansv. . . S ( ! 3C Pittsburg it Cleveland . ,138 138 Heading . 59 .Kock iHUml . 139 issi .St. Louis & San Fran . -IS 411 do pfd. . . . iiO do lit pfd 98 .St. Paul & Milwaukee . 123tf do pfd. . . 137 137 .St. Paul. Minn. & Manitoba. 137 140 ht. Paul & Omaha . fl 51 do pW . 110 1103 Texas & Pacific . Blfi Union Pacific . 1174 United Swifs Expr.-f s . 74 Watu-n , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 371 37 do pfd. OOi 05- , JVgo & Co. Kxprena.l2aj rn Union Telegraph. . . 8U lEiat Tennessee . 11 do pfd . Ifl Caribou . I'i Central Arizona . 4 Excelsior . 1 llonieatnke . 19 Little Pittsburg . I Ontario . 371 Quicksilver . * 10 do pfd . 49 Silver Cliff . $ Standard . 134 Sutro . | llobinsnn . 1 South Pacific . 13 Minneapolis & St. Ljuls . 32 do pfd. lilij 'Offered. Omrxrui V/tnloBulo Mr-rJiot OCFIOB or TUB OMAHA UKK , i Satnrd&v livening , August 12. ( The wholesale trade of < hu city far the jmst weak was iu a fa'rly ' aitiva coudttloa for the Heason , About the same volume o business transacted ta li t week aud iu ch mga ia v.ilne.i worthy of note , thoucti Home line ] nro atrong at rwjtatiiiiH. The present liin weather girct > [ tr > imise nlinos an a-suraccu i-f the greatsst corn croj ever harvettud in thin aastijnof t'ie coun 'wfttry , miii jribberx generallf ne lookiu ; for Avard to aii.r.otive fall bmlmtfii. Dfuga Ii6' gin to dhow slgiu of aniuiatlflii ; tnorphin . and quinine ara strong at the advanced . notations , fi'haoils of wintcrgroen , pen nyroyal , pepfennint and rose are firm with .en upward tendency , lioote and shoos hats and caps and clothing tnutlnuo to re port increaeed activity. Dry good are with n Itir movement Iu Kama < le on iniall order account. The grocery market was without material change either fc volume ul Ltrnesj or priced. The coal-trade id mare native , the recent decline hiring uUmalsted tlio de mand. Building materials and ceils uol j ifalrly at < ] uotatom. ! The produce juurket waj ( juito active Butter nuneil ni-ro freely , nn-j choice lots n era of firmer tone on local account , tulliuu at li ( eeutvpick -en' stock aelllng at H centi , Cheese can- tiauex slow end eel I inat / 10 cent * . Egg are in fair supply , demcad good , and neil ig at lC@17 < ; enU. Apples are iu almmlaui eupply and oull- 32 50@8 03 per lurrel for ciwlce t stock. Pedlern1 stock aolrf at 1 00@2 00 per harrel. Pcachea are In good eupplj' , free etone eelllug at i)0c@ ) Si 00 per box and 75 cents for peck biuli l ( | ing ttoned in good con dition are tailing c 075 ceuU per box , pedUra1 stock selling from 20 to 40 cents per bur. California fruit in arrhlng freely and prices somewhat unsteady , the jRh firm shipping stock sold readily at quotations. [ Moujou'i watermolonu ara iu abundant supply and selling at 15 00@25 00 per hundred : nutmeg inelojw ar Belling at t0c ! 00 per dozen , iierrlei of all kind * have been ecarce and hiRher ; the same may bo. s Ul of toml\too Flour was of bottot raovcwcnt , the gl > the market was gor.orftlly quiet and pnce wnchanga I , Other jnlllstufls were quiet though firm , with only moderate olT rlng * . Cut mcatj of nil kinds and Unl are nc'.lvo nn. I prices romatkably steady , The receipts of hog ? for the past week are 25 oar. , pftskers piyine § 7 " for ijood. The local grain market continues quiet and pricts 'comparatively steady. The only changes reported ia the mar ket to-day are as follows : Wheat , No. 2 , advanced Jc. Ilarley , No. 2 , declined Ic. Barley , No. 3 , declined ic. It ye declined { c. Itorpeah ica advanced fiOo per keg. Hides advanced llc. Potitoes declinoJ S@10s per buAcl. Uut'er advanced Ic. Cantalopes declined aJcfgSl OOpirdoren , Local Uraln UealiiiKi , WHEAT. Cash Nn. 2 , S5ic ; caih No. i , 7Stc : rejected , 50o. 11AULEY. Cash No. 2. ? Scj No. 3 , G"lc. . .YH.-CaRh. Me. COHN. No. 2 , G3u. OATS. Ca * . 30c. STHKBT WUCUS-Corn , GSs75j ( eaU , 40@l5j. Proiuco and ProtVslons. POTATOES 20(5,253 ( per bushel. ONIONS nO@7Cc per bushel. NEW TOMATOES-Scarce ; 81 per boxBUTTEH BUTTEH Choice country , 12@15c. KU US Scarce. 18c. HONEY Califorjia. perlh , 22c. APPLES Per barrel , S2 75@3 00 C * NTALOPES Per dozen , 00c@l 00. OYS I'K US-Select , G5c per can. WATEUMELONS-Per 100 , $25 00 ® 2800. Grocers' List. OHKES3 Jfull Croatu , 12oi Part Skim. 10 } i. BKANi- Imported German GO per bushel. oOFFE E , JUo , fair , lloj Klo , good Ilio , ' . to choice , 12Jo ; Old gov't Javn ; a'Al ; i ] . Mocha , 28ic ; Arbucklo'd , TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 41 > @n5 ; 'hcicc , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; Ob-e ! C0@7nc ; Young Hyson , good , 36 © SOc ; choice , G5c@31 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , < 5c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c : Oolong , goi-d , 35@40i Oolong , cho.cc , 40@ . ' > 5j Souchong , < > od. 35ffl40c : choice , ST45c. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels. & 900 ; do in half bbla , S 25 ; emails , in hblu , 11 00 do , iu halfbbls , 700 ; gherfclno , in bhln , 13 00 ; do , in half bbla , 7 00. WOODENWAUK Iwo hoop pailp , 1 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20. Tub * , No. ttaerwasbbonids , 1 85 Double l.'ru\ra 2 90 : Well buckets , 3 50. LEAD Bar. SI 65. VINEGAR Pure apple eitra , IGc : pure apple , 13c ; Prusains traro acnlo , IGc. SUGAlS-Cut ! loaf , lie ; Uruahod lie ; Granulated , 101c ; Powdered , 11 ; Fine powdered , lloj Standard Coffee A. 9fc | ; Now York Confectioner's Standard AUSc ! : Good A , 9gc : Prnirio Exira C. Oc. HOPE Siaal , i inch and larger , lOjc ; 1 = inch , llc. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , ? 1 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 'A ' 75. Lobsters , 1 11) jxjr dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 8 Ib per case. 300 ; Corn , 2 Iu ( Mountain ) case , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do rr Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per owe , 3 15 ; atring beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 85. Succotash per ciwe , 2 00. 1'eas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , U 40 ; strawberries , 2 Iu , per cano , 2 GO ; raspberries , 2 It ) , per case , 830. Dam- lions , Z t ! > , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett peara per case , 3 00@4 CO. Whortlebtrries per caKo,240. Egg plums,2 Ib porcine , ' * 75 ; Green gages , 2 Ib per case , 2 75 ; do choice , " tb per case 1 50. line Apples , 2 Ib , per case , 4 00@5 75. Pcaclres , 2 Ib per case , 8 10 : do 31b , case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pto ) , 3 lb , per ca e.'J50 ; do pie , 6 lb , per dozen , 3 50. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl. L 05 ; Ash- ion , in sac ks , S 50 ; bbls dairy GO. CD , 3 fiO HOMINY New , S5 00 i > cr bbl. SODA Dwi cht's It.pnpe" . . ? 2 85 ; D oud do , S 85 ; Church's. 8 C ; Keg ( -odi - 2c.CANDLES } CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8 : 15cboxos ; 40 Ibs. , 1C o ? . , ( a , I5n , KICE Carolina , 748c ; Lonidiann , 7 @ 8c ; fair , C@GJ. SYKUJ'H. angur honso , bh s , 55c ! ha' bis , 57o ; kegs , -U gallon eT $2 iV ; choice ivblfl ayrup , 03c ; half hhls , 55oj kojjB , S3 CO. STA11OH. i'earllie : Silver Gloss , Hi iJSJc ; Corn Staich , 8J@'Jc ; ExceUioi jr\i \ > * . 7c : Corn , 7io , SUCKS. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c i loves , 4Uc ; NutmoifS , ? ? 03UScjCnama , Muco 8100. MATCHES Per caddie , UOa ; roun jaueii , $7.05 ; square cases , 85.10 SOAl'S-Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 33 , ' Kirlc'a satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's Btandard. 3 80 , Kirlc'B white ItuHuian , 5i'5 : Kirk's Butoca , 2 15 Kirk'n Prairie Queen , (100 ( aakos ) , tO ; Kirh'a magnolia , 4 35. DYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 810 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pennsylvania can * , 4 doz. , In cane , 3 35 ; Babbitt'a Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 GO : Anchor Ball 2 doz in caws , 1 50 , FIBLD SKED Ked clover , choice w , -C 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover now. $7 00 ; white clover , now , $14 00 ; tl fllfft clover , new , $12 50 ; ftlsike , now , 61BOO. Timothy , good , new , 83 00 , blue grass , extra clean , 31 50 ; blue ( rraos , clean51 25 ; orchard grais 82 GO ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common orMissouii , SOc ; millet , German , $100 to $1 2j ; Huucariun , SOo. UIUOr Sl lD Osage craniiq , 1 to 5 buehole , $5 00 ; osage orange , 10 Irishels or over , 81 CO ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per 100 11)3 , . 25 00. ] iUH J Family white fish , 90 Ih hf hbls , 85 Sffij iVci , 1 white fiah , 00 lb hf hblfl. 7 00 ; No. a whits fish , in 10 lb kiln. 110 ; family 10 lb kits , 5c ; Now Holland hojrdng. per keif , 1 85 5 Kussian sardines. 75c : Coiui"- bla a"or halmon , per lOOlba , 8 00 ; Haul : coillith , Oc ; Gun , Ijouelom tjc ; bur/elt-si fish , fijc. AlAOKIUI"'j lIalf bblii meaamnokerol , \m \ 11)3 , 12 oO ; hf bbl No , 1 er ulioio do , 1 > 00 lUi , fl CO ; hf bhlii , fat family de , 100 lw ? , C O'lj ' moHB.raackfrel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ec liore , 12 lb do , 1 50j No , 1 ihord , 12 lb do. d 00 : tat family , 10 lb do 7 3. PKANOTS Roasted , choice , red Ten- nec se , 10oi > er-lb ; fanoy white , lOJo perlb ; ra v whitfl Virginia raw , lOc ; roosted , IZic. Dry Qoodi. imOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , navj Awilaton 2LX. , 7c ; Atlanta A , fts ; Boott FF , S4c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot TV , 7le ; Chtttour-ogo A , Gc ; Ureat I'alU E , Hicj Hoodior , 640 ; Jion&it Width , 8 0. In dian lictd A , Hie ; fodlari Standard A , 85c ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8 c ; I/awreuce LL , 7c ; ilyatlo Kiver , TJc : Puquot A , 8Jc ; Bhuvuiut LL , Vci Utic O , 54c ; Wdchus-i ett U , 7c ; do A , 8'c ; do B 48 , 12'oVal ; - < uutt HB. 8i < i FINK IIUOWN COTTONS AlltJidalc 4.4 ; 7ti ; AlUgatcr 3-4 , 8 ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 a ; Atlantic LL , Olc ; Uadgor State X 4-1 , 7c ; Benuiu jtun C 4-4 , Cjc ; Budceye S. 4-4 , fitcc Indian Orchard AA fl-8. SJo ; Laconl * O 39 , 8jcj Lehirii Et4 , Oic ; Ix.nHdale 4-1. lOc ; PepuereU N 80 , fc ; ofo 0 32. 71c ; do It SO. 7io ; do E S9 , 8Jc ; Pocasdit 0 4-4 , 7j'c ; WunuutU. 4.4 I3o BL1"ACHED COTTONS Androicoj ; trin L4-l,0"cllIackstoneAA ; iu perial 8fo ; do do half lleashe < J4.J,9c ; Colmt 1-4,83 ; Fidelity 4-4 , 9Jc ; Vruit of the Loom , 10 ; do can.brio4-4ifcdo : ; WatcrTv/iat,10"cl ; Jreat FaUsQ , 10jc ; Indian Headihnmk 1-4 , 12cs Luiid'lalo , lOc ; do cainbriis 87 , 12Jc ; JSV * York .lills. 12c ; Pemiot AlUc ; lW rul N a Twill * , 12Jo ; PocahontM 1-4 , 9io ; Pocanot 4-4 , 8ic ; IJtica , llo ; vVairuuthi , 0 X X. 12Sc. uol"Colored ! ( ) AlUny K brown , Sc ; do C , drab tles doVA. . itripCM f.tui ilalilfl , 12 c ; do XXX brown and drab. trip < i i.iui plaHg , i2icjVrllui'ton fancy , 19c ; Hrunawlck brown , ? o ; Chariot I/UK I2jc ; du extra J envy , 20c ; JVl Uhti irowu , extra heavy , 11 i ; Indian * A ; rown ix 1 Vtnonnet A I'T' ' n. IV , TlUK.liNU ? > rtmodloai. A O A S2 I9c ; do XX Hue 2 , 9Jc ; Clftrcmont 11 B , 15jcj Gonostoga x trn , l"ic : Hamilton D , lljo Lowistou A 30 , 15c ; Mlnnehahn 4-4 , 2Qc ; Omega . < uV2r cxtrn 4-4. 28o ; Pearl Kivcr 82 , 16o : Put nam XX blue strijxs , 12 { Shotncket S lOic : do S3 12c : Yeoman's blue 2'.i , 9e UENIMS. Amoke&k , blue and hronu IGic ; Andovcr DD blue , Ifiic ; Arllnf-X hluo Scotch , 18ic' Concord OOO , blue n w brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do ISJn doXXto tlo do l4Jc : Haymaker's blue nnd brown , Hie ; Myatio Ktver DD Btrii > e , Ifijc ; Pearl River , blue nnd brown , 1'Jc ; Uncasvillo , blue mid brown , Hie. OAM1UUCS llarnnrd , 5Je ; Kddystono lining. 24 inch double face , Sic ; Garner A glared , S c ; MHuhattnn clove finish , 5-c } ! Newpott do 6c ; do ghizod , RJcj Pcqtiot do 5c : Lockwixxl kid finish , Oo. COliSKT JEANS Amoty , Sc ; Amlros coggin Rnttccn , 8js ; Tlarendc a , OJcCones : o ga B.ittcons , 7"c ; Ualloncl , So ; Indi J Orchard 7Jc ; lNarriRnnsettimprovedc IVpperlll i tt < v > ii OJc ; Rocki > ort. TJo. PRINTS Aliens 6J.c : American , OJc ; Arnold , "c ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cochcco , 7u ; Conestosfa. GJc ; Dunkirk.IJc ; Dunuell , GJ7cj Kddystono , 7c ; Gloucester , Get llaniiouy , 5J" ; ; Kniekcrlxxiker , GJo ; Mcr- rini.ic D , yc ; Mystic , fijc' Spnunies , Cc ; Southbridge , Cc ; do. Oinglmuia , 7c ; Marlboro bore , CJc : Oriental OJc. GINGHAMS Aim < skoftK , 12jc ; Amos- keiuj dress ! ) J ] Argyle , lujc : Atlantic , 9cj Cumberland , 7ic ; Highland , "ic ; KenilxTorth , 8ic ; Pluu kett , lOJc ; Sus- Bex. Sc COTTON A DKS Abhcrvillo 13Jc ARate , " ! 0c [ American , lie ; ArtUtan. SOc ; Cairo D nnd T , ISJc ; Clarion D and T , 17"c ; Deccan Co. stripes D nnd T , IGc ; Key stone , ISJc ; Nantucket , 19c ; Konpnrcil , ICc ; Ocean D and T , 13jc ; Koyal , 1GJ i Sussex , 12o ; Tloga , 12Jic ; WachuscU nhirt- 111 JllrajlB , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York. plain Nankin. 12ic ; do , checks , atripoa and fancy , 12Jc ; do , 8 oz , 20c. SHEETINGS AndroscogRln 10-4.27ic ! do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; Now York mills 98 , 85c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22"cj Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Penuot 10-4 , 28JC ; do 7-1,19c ; do 49 , lOc ; Pepperoll 30 , 29c ; do 67 , 21cj do 57 , ISct Utlcn 90 , 35c ; do 8,22ic ; do 48,17o Oleart und Tobaccoi. CIGARS. Seeds , 315.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , § 35.00 ; Scod Havnun. S50.00 ; Clcarllavnna. ? 75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Kulo , 21 lb , GOc ; Our Rope , first quality , G2c ; Star , pouiuls , 24 lb , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 2-1 lb , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 lb , butts , 60 ; Army and Navy , pounds , 55c ; Bullion"pound3 , 59c ; Loril- lard'a Climax , pounds , GOc. FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , fiOc : Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Catlins O. S. , 5 UTboxes , per lb G3c : Lori- Ulard'a Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , 6(1 o. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , 16 oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 4Cc ; Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebraska - ka , Ifl oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bugs per lb , 81.85 ; Marburga' Puck 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Do ? Tail 65c. Paint * Oils nnd Varnlthei. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P. . fi'c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , B"J tj Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cnriR , 20c French zinc , gum seal , 12c ; French zinc , red Heal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French zincc , iu oil assi , 15c ; Raw arid burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw und burnt Sienna , 13c : vnndyke bro vn , 3- rafined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lcc ; i"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L , M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green. 18o Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red. 9c ; Tuscan i"rt , , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &P. , I8c ; chrome yellow , L. , Ml , , O. & D O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; patent Iryer , 8c ; rrraiuing colors : light oak , dark 3.1 f , walnut , chestnut and ash 15o Drv ° alnt \Vhlte lead , GJc ; French inc , lOc : Paria whiteing 2"c ; whiting gildera , IJc ; com'l l"c . Germantown v biting , ; Ir.mpblacU - town , 14c ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prus sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4csienna ; , burn t , 4c ; Fiannn , raw , 4o Paria green genuine , 25c ; Paria graon com'l 20o ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indiiui red , lOc , rona pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Coolcoon'a " > Ao : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rod lead , 7Jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , I2c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2j"o ; ochre , ilmericau , 2c ; Winter's mineral. 2"c ; lahigti In-own. 2 c : apanish brown , 2ic ; Prince' * mineral So' OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , lljc ; I'M headlight , per gallon , 12c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , IGc ; linaeed , raw , per i/allon , < 7 ; Hnsood , boilu-l , per gallon , Gllc ; Ian ) , winter ati'd , per sal- Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 83c ; No. 2 , 7Bc ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 10 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; awcet , per gallon. 85c ; aperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot extro , per gallon , 75c ; No , 1 , G5c ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; Hummer , 15c golden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No 2 , SO : aperm , aignaler ] gallon , 80c ; tcr pontine , per gallon , 55c ; uiptha , 74 , pe gallon , 18o ; 64' . 17c V UINISIIES Barrolo per gallon Furniture , extra , $1 1C ; furniture , iNo. 1 $1 ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; each , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; upau , 70cau ; phaltum , extra , 85c ; Hhollno c3 60 ; ban1 oil finish. SI 30 PAPER Straw paper , 2Jc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , f"smauili ; paper , lOc newa piper. Be. Heavy Hardware Ll t. Iron , rateu , 3 40 ; plow utuol , Hpccin cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; special urCJurm.infie caat tool do , 15@'JO wagon npokos , Htt 2 25@3 00 ; huba , per eot , 125 ; felloon , inwei dry , 110j tongues , each , 70@85oj axles , each , 75c ; aquaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc waihera. per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie coil chain , per lb , G@l2a ; malleable , 8c. iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 60 ; harrow tooth , 4o ; tiorDeahooa , per kc"r | , 5 00 ; apiim ' steel , 7d$8c ; linnlen'H horseshoes , fi 60' Burden'H muleHhooa , G 50. SHOT. Shot , 31.65 ; Buck shot , 82.10 Oriental Powder , kcga , 8G.40 ; .io. , hall k's. ? 3.48 ; do. , quarterliega , $1.88 ; Blast- intr. koifB. $ .1 35 : Fuse , oer 100 foot 50o. BAi > BED WIltK In car lota,8 80 po 100 ; in leas than car loU. fi 55 per 103 , NAILS Ratea , 10 to COC , 4 00 , Leather. Oal : Hole , 38c to 42o ; htxalock Hole , 28c to 35c ; hemlock kip , 80c to 100 ; runner , U5a to 60c ; hemlock cult , B5o to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23o to 2c ( ! ; oak upper , 2lo alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 32@3r.ci Grelaeu kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oil : kip , 80o to 100 ; oat : calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; 'French kip 110 to 1 55 ; Fionch calf , 1 K to 2 00 ; rus' uotte , 5 SO to 7 50 ; llninga , G 00 to 10 50' toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B , L. Morocco , 30c to 85c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35o8imon ; ; 2 TO to 3 00. HARNESS-No : tar oak , 42c ; No 2 do , 39c ; N . 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; Ho. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. do , 34c , Horse * * nd Mules. The market Ia brisk and all gradea are telling well ft v11ght advance k ) p'icoH. Vho demander good boraeu exjaaeds the aaideraoly. Prices range MS fol Fine dingle d-lvers. ( ISO. to 800. ; Extra ilrtft horses , { TtA. to 225 , ; Common druit boNea , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm lorst * , [ 51U1 , to 125. ) CoiErnoii to good farm L-oraeH m. to 8100. ; Extra plugri , S-CO. to 75. ) Uominou tilugg , 629. to10. . MULKS. 15 to lf > i bamin ( extra ) , 0125 , to 150 ; 144 to 1C hands , $100. to MO.j 14 to 144 hauojj , (75 , to 100 , ; 1X $ to 14 bande. fW. to 75J ( J uonr , ALCOHOL 187 J-roof. 220 pwt Jc't ( ulloii ; extra California njiirits , 187 j rou ( I 2tJ i-er proof gallon ; triple rolinwl BpIrJU 187 proof , 1 24 iKr proof K llon ; re-dl.it | iioJ ? fci kie , I 001 50 ; fine blended , 1 ROfaJ ' . 50 ; Kcctucky bouiboim , 200@7 00 ; Ken- ucky and I'enusylviiuia ryw , 2'tO f ? 00 BRAN WES-Imported , fl 00@ 1C 00- omodtlc 1 404 00. GINb Jir ported , 4 CO O 00 ; domestic 408n3 00 , HUMS Ln wrtod , 4 60 , 0 00 ; New JnRland. 2 OOfrM 00 ; doine-aio , 1 W&'A 60 PKACH A > , * D APPLK BRAKiiY- isr'i oo. OltAMPAGia i-Iwi-rt ' 4 nor csue , 30GX33 < OjAtCitUU , Daw , IJS'JO ® 000 , I CLARETS Per owe , 4 60@10 00 WINES Rhino wine , per case , 0 00@ 20 OOj CaUwba , per ca. o , 4 00@7 X ) , Lumber. WHOLESALE. Wo cjfcoto lumber , atn and hingle < on ! ara at Omahn at the following price * : JOIST AND SCUNTLTN&-IG ft , mid under. $21 CO ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMUHUS-IH ft. and under , 822 PO. TIMHERAND JOIST 18 ft. , S2.1 01 ; 1C ft. 52-J CO , 23 ft. , S27 50 ; 24 ft , 527 M. 1'KNCING ' No. 1 , 4 nnd G In. , 822 00 ; No. 2 , S20 00. SHEKTtNG No. 1 (2nd ( common board. ) . SIS M ) | No. 2 , S17 00. STOCK HOAni > S-12.to. D , 82iOOi ; 12-iu. O , $ Ti 00 ; 12-ln. B , 51000. M.ME 1'cr barrel. W 15 ; bulk po ou . 3T > c Cement , bbl , $1 75. town piaster. bM , $2 00. Hair per bu , 35o. Tarred felt 100 lb , C3 00. Straw board , $3 CO. COAI/ Cumberland blaekMiilth , C12 ; Morris Run BloMburg , ? 12 ; Wlilt bro.v.t lump , fil M ) ( Whitclireaat tint. f PO ; Iowa lump , SO r.Oj . Iowa nut G 50 ; Rock Spring , $8 ; Autlnaulte , nil aito * , Sll 0 } . Uruc * . DRU S AND OHKM1CA1S Acid Dover's pirmion , per Ib , 81 40 ; Kpson alu , per lb. SJc ; Glycerine , pure , pur Ib , r Sc ; Lead , Acetate , ( XT lb , 21c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , par tfivl , f15 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 9100 ; Oil , Olive , per pal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50e Opium , 83 00 : Quinine P. & W. & R. A S. , per oz , $2 30 ; PottSHium , Iodide , per It 81 'JO ; Salacm , per OK , 40c : Sulphate ul Morphine , per oz , 83 85 ; Sulpnur Hour , per lb , 4c ; Strrchnlnr. i > or oz , $1 35. Wool. Merino unwua ed , light , 14glGc ( ; neavyo > ® 1315cj medium unwaHhod , light , 1820 washed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOo ; tub-ding aud w. , 2Sc ; burry , blaokand oottod woo Hldei Mu , Etc. HIDES 'jirecn butcher's hide , cureil 7ic ; hldca , green Bolt , part cured 7o hldea , Ulc ; dry flint , BouniL 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@llc ; dry salt hides , sound , 10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs , , 10@llc ; green colt , wt , under 8 lb , per kln , 50o : Rreen polio , f)0@l 25 ; green lamb skins , SI 25 ( 150 : damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored nnd one prub , clnsaed two- tLinls rate , ) branded hldeo 10 per cent. off. Coon skiug , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 60o ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , IDo ; No. 4 , 3o. Fox , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , blach , G5c ; abort atripe , 40o ; narrow Htripo 2f'C ' ; brood stripe. lOc. Tallow 7c. Proanuo. CIIICAOO. August 12. Receipt' " the pint week nggrgatid Flour , 4 1,000 bands ; wheat , 405,000 bus ! els ; com , G02.000 ; oats , 169,000 ; ryp. 21 , 000 ; barley , 0,000. Shipments Flmr. 4 1,0 ' 0 ; wheat , 817,000 ; corn , 835,000 ; oats , 254,000 ; rye , i2OuO ! , ; barley , 7,000. Com pired with the tame week last year th movement shows that leas than half th Hour , about the same amount of wheat , about one-fifth the corn and considerabl less oats nro arriving. The shipments the week exceed the receipts about 700.00J bushel * , aud thi ) scanty stock iu Btore i decre.itted by that amount , aside trom citj dr.ifta. Regtilur wheat is steady , but ope ratorx nipear | rather indifferent iiliou making largo trades , and bueiuons is lielo the ordinary volume. Wheat -Active , firm and higher ; regu lar , 1 OH for August ; 98jo for Septcm her ; ! )8@9Slo ) for October ; U7c for the year No 2 red winter , 1 03@1 03J for C H ! 1 02i for August ; No , 2 epilng , 1 05 fi cash. cash.Jorn ( Jorn Unsettled , but generally liighei 773@77jo for cash ; 77jjo for August ; 77 77ac for September ; 707G3o { for October ; G7c for the year ; G7jc for May , O ts Fair demand but lower ; 43c f cash ; 47o for Aug-ist ; 3i@30Jo ( for Sop toinbcr ; 30go for October ; 35Jo for tb < year ; rejected , 40c. Rye Steady nnd unchanged. Birley Market easier ; 90c I' lax Seed Steady and in fair dcmam 1 25 ® I 20. Hu.ter Stronger ; creamery , 19@25c dairy , 11@20. EJJJS Steady at 18c ; fair demand , Pork Iu good demand but lower ; 213 © il 35 for cash ; 21 30Sj21 ( S''i for Sep temi.er ; 21 40@21 I2i for OUolwr ; 19 52. . fur the year ; 19 90@19 1IJJ for January. Lird Dull and lower ; 1240 for c.is 12 401'J 42i f , r September ; 12 47J © 12 50 for October ; 12 30 for thu year u Jami'jry. Whiiky- Stronger at 1 10. Roo'ta. Shipm't Flour . 5,000 7,00 Wheat . 43,000 103,00' ' Ooru . 114.COO 213.0CK OatB . GI.COO 33,00 Rye . 3,00) ) 2,001 Hurley . none non Cliloago Zitva atoolt. CHICAGO , August 12. Th Drovers' Journal leporta IM fol luw : llo a Receipts , 0/05 ; market fairly ac. tlvu and namely ; eulcs common to gout mixed , 7 75@8 35 ; good to choice packin and chipping. H.8 80 ; light , 7 bO@8 K skips , 500r (750. ( Cattlo-Receiit ? , 2,007 ; general ! . strong ; no good cattle here ; quotation firm ; oxpoits , 725(5,8 ( 00 ; good to chotn shipping , G 40@7 00 ; common to fair , 4 2 ! @G 00 ; mixed natives steady , 2 C0@4 75 utockurH and feeders , 3 00@1 25 ; range cat' ' tie ateady ; Texnns , 3 75@5 20 ; hall Woods , 4 40@5 20 ; American- 86@5 45 , Sheup Receipts , 7 0 ; strong and Iiettei ! emand for fat nnd butchers' aheop than nnv other kind ; sales poor to fair , 3 00 ® 100 ; medium to good , 425@1 40 ; choice to extra , 4 0035 00 ; market generally toady. The receipts of cattle the pant week hai bom 27,500 head ; hogn , 51,000 ; up to dati Him o March 1 , only 1,2I9,0/0 ( hogs bav _ been packed , hecaua-1 nf thu light packing busluens last year of 520,000. The Iron Trado. PiTTSimiKi , Augnst 12 , Thu nituiitton of geneial budtnesn hat undergone a material change nlnco lax week , Mvrchuntj and maiiulacturoiH con- tinno to coir plain of dull trale. and no improvement U expected while the labor troublcM exist. It is thought , howiver , thut both the iron and cual strikeu an neariug the nnd , and that Iu a few wcold nt furtnereat the mills and mines will bi iu ( jjierution. Pig iron is dull and nomi nal. Sales uro few and the demand of u limited character. Manufactured iron I dull and unchanged , CI.KVBLAKII , Auguat 12. The iron market remains nbout the ftuiin ns a week ago. Pig iron Is quiet nn < steady , TJio condition of the market i satUf > vtory and a hotter trade in looked fo in a week or two , Minufaetured iron wa = actlvo nnd blocks badly broken , Prices are rm nnd unchanged , NaiU scarce and wauled. Steel raild quiet and nominal. 8t , ST , LOUIN , AiiRiut 12. Wheat Irregular and lower ; No. 2 red , 9G@lKi ] , ulotirig at Iiuido prices Uflla for August ; 07 Jo for Septembers JlSjcfor Oct her ; 1.03 for November ; OOjJo for the year No 3 red , 92,921c ; No 4 rod , 88c. Corn Higher ; 77Jj@78o for cuth ; 70 for Augmt ; 75lc for September ; 72o for October ; 'iujc for November ; G'J o for the year , Oats Oath higher , options lower ; 3IJ@ | Uo for ciwh ; 38j for August ; 3ljc | for Sep. tember UIJo for October ; 33Sc for the ye r. UyoSlow , at C5Jo bid , Uuttfr Steady ; dairy , lfi@22c ; cream. ar.v , 22'fl)25c. ) Eif.a 16Jo. Whisky-Higher ; 1 W. 2'crk-S'owj 21-70. St. LouJ-j Itlvo Btavlt- Sr , I OUIB , August 12. IfGg Receipt , Gl ; nnno here ; jnarket louitnully unchariKe-il. CattlalUceipU , 900 ; dtjiau < I Knodviip. > ly go dj 'JVx.iiH raiiflug at 3 4) ) ( > ! > 00 ; latl.o butchciii' , 4 00 ; imtlvH cow * , I 0 , Khep RewipU , COC ; t'etiian-l good ; > lferlD tllght ; f Ir to fancy natives. 3 CO i',500. i . Now Yorh Prortno * . NEW Yomc , Augunt 12. \Vh ( " t t'liclmngpd ; rn hlol4i JC" ) let ter ; pilous opening tinner , but nlterwitd ( irclimtl } Jc , closing tronger ; receipts , IIIU.000 bu. ; exiHirt * . 274,000 bu. : No spimfr , imminAl ; unervled Kd , 1 00@1 II ; No. ado. I llj < ait 13'titcAincr No 2nd , 1 13.M ( W ; mixed winter , 1 11J@1 12. CWn Ca h quiet mi'l ' steady ; option * tritlo better , clewing * k ; rou'fpta , I'.OcO lm.p\por t , GSO bu ; Ungrnd d. WOfiSUo ; No. 2. S'lc. Outs Cash Iff3io ( higher ; receipt" , Si"- 000 bii. ; expott , ' , nones mixed western , f > 0 © Ov ; white western , GSWOc. 1'v'K * Western fresh quiet and utondy nt 2-'J@23c. Lanl I'lrm ; prime uto.im , 12fl2Jr l2 Ki. Butter Quiet ml firm Ht llfcillwo. QAI T S.no money nnilonlor wit illrecl from OJAL I ti , uo fililp | > roni | > lly by mil nt the lo i < l | io < slhlo nvsh t > rko Io Ml wottrrn points. mO-.lm TV UHU SALT CO. . ftigliiAn City.Mlcli Iho dentil U r.niioiinced of Bmm : ng nu , late German minister to Ciienh | > < tiiii , Tlu > nest meeting ( if the American Hir n ( < > cittoii ! " will bo liel t at ( n.cn Brier SjiriiijK ) , VA lix-l'i.ltcd Statcn Senator George R. onnifi , of Mnrylund , died Snmliiy in Sdiiicnett county , aged 01 , Mr. T. Bennett , a prominent innrchnnt of Lub.mon , Tonn , , wn < \ murdered aud robbed nt Lcb.itum Saturday night Frank 11 , Smith , a Harvard f.tiulent , shot July 'J'Jtli by Sergeant Donnia Kelley of _ tlio n > KUlar army 11" Fort Poiiham , while within the government enclosure , died yesterday at Hath , Mo. The court house of Randolph county , nt Huntnvillc , MIL , burned to the ground. All otllcinl documents of the ctlyof HunU- villo were deatroyod and many county rec ord' , including those of the circuit clerk , probate judge and aherilf. Senator Logan haa returned ti Chicago from Washington. After spending n few daya there , ho will go ti > Notv Mexico for a month or no of rest nnd recreation. The general drc'nrca ' ho hna never paid to ruy- body that ho h or is not n cnuditnto for the lirefidentiul nomination in IBS I. The Mii < ! ppi state board nf health will atnlilinh immodlatlya iiuarantlno station at Oaykn , on the Now Orleam iV. Clilcngo railroad ; 1'ort Adniin * , on the Mississippi river , nml at a point in Unucork rouuty , on the Mobile nnd New Orleans rnilrond \ certihcato from thobonnl of ho ilth will bo icdulreil from nil persons trnvellug. The firtt span of tlio Northern Pacific bridge of tlio Missouri river at Hiomarck was finished Saturday. Thobtidge , when completed in October , will bo over 1,300 feet lung , 75 foot above the river , nnd thu only bridge on tlio river having a solid granite oi.r. Work on the bridro ; began two j ears ago , Tim total cost ia nbout u million dollars. On election day in Pike county , Ky. , a Iriuody nllrny occurred between the Mi- Coy nnd Hntfield families , in which one of tlio Hntlirlds wn xliot nud cut HO thut ho died. His friends banded together , ciught thren of tlio McCoys , tied them to tieea and chot tin. in deml. Moru bloodshed is expected , ns the fmnilit-n nro Humorous nml vindictive. In eighteen or twcn'y of the best grain growing counties of Canada half ot the wheat nnd barley 1ms been exposed to weather Midi IIH will probably reduce the polling value 25 to 30 percent. In the county of Kent nlono the damage Buttered dining the taut five days was enough to convert n harvest which promised to boone ono of the bent on record into ono that will furnisli very poor recompense 'or the yoar'u toil. Notice has been given by the Holm- bncher forge and rolling mill of St Louis , that hereafter none hut non-union work men will bo employed there , This thiowH about ono hundred union men out nf work , nnd irf the result of n disagreement nbout the mnking of muck iron , the union men insiatinX' that it should hi nude nt the mill , while the company nxsort they will obtain it where they please. The domocrataof the Second congroi-ton al district of Virginia after two day 'n > mien ut Keyer , chnincU-'ri/cd by mui.li per sonal bitterness between friends of ilval candidates , family splib into two factions and cinivontiouH , each nominating candi- di-toi Judge IIogi1 , sitting mem'er ' , nnd Daniel IS , Lucas. The feeling b twccnthu factions Is so gro t that it is thought both will prefer the election of a republican to thu bucceas of either faction. Tne Lincoln county republican conven tion nelccted Saturday the following dulc- giittH to the oungrohsional ouii voution of the Third district : Hon. John Tulfu , lion 0. L. Wood , .loaeph R. McC..nuell , R. D. Thompson. To the xtato convention : An- thnuy Rien , A. D. Buck.worth , A. 11. Church , Tli" delegation to the congres sional convention were instructed for .vluj T ife for congress. Carleton Hoivlanil , n well known grain inspector , arrived in St. Paul Saturday from tlm west , where ho has mntlo an ox. aminn'riti of whont , with special refer * ence to quality. His rojiutation inakin his opinion of interest and value. Ho Htntcn that GO per cent of the wheat in Northern Mimics itn nnd Dakota would grade No , 1 , and a great deal of the balance would go No , 2. Ho nUo tinted that there would be a material per cent of soft varieties of wheat. Ho pronounced tin average berry the best ever raited in the northwest. Secretary FrclingliuyHfii has been ir c-jimnunicittloii , with Minister Lo veil , ul London , in reference to the case of Stephei J , Menny , of New York , who was arrest cdat Ennis , In Inn I , Friday , for nllexci violation of thu repreusion net. Asalntnu Secretary DuvU telegraphed Miniiitoi Lowell to ) ; ivo thn cfuo Immediatu atten tion anil to iuveHligatit unit report to th dopaitment. An answer wa ivc-ulvoi from Lowell Saturday fluting Unit the lor , clgn o/lice / had no otlicial information 01 theKubjucr , blithe understood Menny hu born reloaded , D.uirt thereupon tele Minister Ijiwoll to gtt exact Information IIH to whether Alvany U frea or not , The pi ojm t of oitnhliHljIng a Mcxlcai cominerclul exchan o in St. honln is re uuwod with a good prospect < > i Its being cairiod out. .lohn I , Cahill , Mexican ton Hill In Ht. LoiiH , who Is llni origliuttor o1 fchenie , aid thu mutter before the hour , of dlrectora of the Merchants' exchungu SaturJuy , and the board adopted u resolu tion ndor Iiig the project , not only as one of intcrent to merchants and manufacturer ! of St. Louln but of the en tire Mixiiihlpp , valley , and worthy of general support. Vho purpose Is to furnish n commercial mo dlniii between the United States nnd Mex icu and offord quick and prompt menus foi tnumiioU.'ii of buslnaiis between the Iwi oountrie'i ' through well duvUed oxitonlt of 1'jtdiiik' proiiuctx and maniifactu 01 of each , which Khali be open to inspection at all times , The Prckldent In Now YorJt. BruicUl Ulfjntvli to Tun HKK. NKW VOIIK , Au uiit 12. The utuuiuur Diiiputch , with thu proaidou tial imrty , hni urrivod. Crop Entlmnto. Snic'sl DJkjatili tu TIIK UXK , DKTKMIT , Aumiat IU. It ia estiiuut. od Unit over nlovon million bushola of whuut lius IJLMIII ( Katroyed hinco Mn 1st ; and the totitl crop , inntuud of lie itig thirty-two miUiorm will not uxcood twutity-oiio million huahols , A SurprlHo. On Thursday evening , thu 10th irist. , t'io roaiduncu of Air , David llarpstor , Fourlconth and Olu'ciigo , ran bt'aiugcd by H eulcct party of r-ouug puoplo , who Jiud aBccinblud for ho ptirposo of nurpnaiiiK Mma Kluw , ho occasion buin lior 18th birtlulaj. ) .uiuiiig wan the ordi'r of thi vc ing , ariod by uoiuo iiuu anlcctions of vocal . .ad. limtruinontal muaio by several Indies , mid yonllomon , whoso rcpiiln tinu U well known. An uliv.ui' ' * up pur WHS snrvt'd. Tlio party broke up ut 12i0 : , uvery una expressing thu opinion thai they hml passed oi.o of the most enjoy.ihln evenings t-f the scnsnii. Atnoni ; lliosii present wore Misses Itlanoho nml Allio WjHinoll , Susie nnd 1'llio Pholp1 ! , Liswio nud bon Loiaotirtng , Cliuanurt Ratio l.uok , Kttft Homier , Flora Young. Millie Morris , Minniu Stelling n id UU Si'X- auer , "Messrs , Chnrliu JVjlor , KiVtil Franco , Ingrain , Gynor , Young , Stel- lunt , Hnrry And 1'rod ' Li > ieonriii | : , M.irrin D.moll , Cox , Slovens , Bahrain nud Tomple. PERSONAL ! . Clmilea A , DavU , special pteos agent of the Intor-Ocean shnw , Is in the city. Sunnier Johnson , formerly of TllK l'-KK , nud nt present wllh the Sioux City Tlmr" , win In Omnii'x over S uulny Ho It look ing well , nud no uero glid to fee. his famllinr f co g.ilu. Ho In now miperln- tcnd > nt of n SuuiUy rchoM ia Sioux City. ; ! ccrtrno W. llomaii , Sr. , who went out with the buttermilk brigade on route to Montana , ho * roturno ! homo uro tly Iicno- litteil by the trip. Theo. Hargroavca , K i , purchasing agent of the B. & M , railroad , nud Jnnio LVttcrmni , fieUlit ngout of the cnmo coin- pany at Omaha , have savored their con nection ulth the Ituilington louto ami ivill eiiKago in the cnuimUaimi hurliiext nt Dcii\cr. Hon. JnmcH Laird , of Hastings , Hon. Sam Ohnumnn , of Plattamouth , and Gen. Mclklile , if Lincoln , were In the city over Sunday. Mr , Althof , representing tlio firm of Pret.zler S Althof , of Burlington , Ia. , was In the city jcatcrdny. Ho ecox great great changes Iu Onuihrt ninco liin last visit. Frank Xcller and Minx May /oiler , ol Council Blullu , were at the Creighton Sunday. .1. Cianuoll , of Tckamah , wna nt thu Croightoii yesterday. C. S. Warner , of Jackson , Mich , , wan at the Canfielil over Sunday. Sam C.irtcrt , of Lincoln , was nt the Metropolitan lust night , J1. M. Dotwllor and J. H. Henry , of Walnut , loxvn , were guoatu at the Mlllnrd yoitordiiy. A. 1) . "iiiHConi and wife , of ] vnn aa City , wore nt the Crcighton lus night , John Majbury , of liiinan , Holt county , wa in the city yesterday , at the Crolgh- ton , W , B , lilixou , of Hasting * ; ; ' . C. Aycr , of Gibbon ; Thoo. Stover , of LincolnFmnk ; Carrutli , of PlntUinouth ; Robert C. Par- rottnud wife , Lincoln ; Dick ThompMon , HastlugH ; John Birtloy , Fairmont , nud Goo. Jiurke , North Pintle , were among the Nehriska people nt Iho Millard yes terday. W. K. Andrew * , of Dei M > Iios , was nt the Mutrop > lltun hist nfght. Hon. J. K. North and E. W. North , of Columbus wore at the Mlllnrd yea- terday. J. 0. Morgan , of Th ? Council Bluffn Glebe , \vt\i nt the Millard yuatciilny. Frank Klcfnor went out on the Lincoln train yesterday , and relurntd on No. 4. T. A. McSIiauc , the Cmning street grncor , went out to Ohoyenno yoatcrday. Sum Boyd , of Portland , Ortgon , ono of the cnttlo Icings of the PnclHo Hiopo , and a brother of Mayor Boyil , loft fur hin homo yi'Hturdny. William Um ; horson , nccompaniod by his Hun , Master John uUiii ] > hem > n , and Muster ChaileH Connoyer , Jr. , went out to meet the Columbus excurnhn y outer- day nfternoon , Hon. Put. O. Hnwca lotnrnod yester day morning from Washington , D. C. , looking freah ill n d&iay , Charlli ) MardH goes cast to-day to bill Iowa for the Grand Inland ro-nnioii , rep- reHentlug the Union Pacific pansengor de partment , William Vivian nnd / . Waterman , ol Plattmnouthero at the Canfield last night. S. J. King , John V , Kvnna , George T. Kelley and A , M , Severance was thu dele gation from Logan , Iowa , ut the Canfield yesterday. Hon. Thomas F. Dalloy made u ehott trip out on the U. P , yeaterday. B. P. Moreo wan an eaut bound PIE- conger last evening. I , W. Miner left last evening to join hla family In thu cant , Hon. C , P. Mnthowfion , of Norfolk , was in the city yeitter.lay. Fred , Davis , cashier of thoFJrat National bank , went east yofctorday. P , 15. Her went cast on 1 , st evt'iiing'a train , August IJock. Mr. August lieck , far about eight years chief clerk at thu military heud- quartern in this city , lias met with an accident which , though painful , wo uro glad to learn is not very eorioua , Mr. lieck hits been transferred f rom his position hero to n aimi'iir ono at hcadquurlora military division of tlio MioBouri , at Chicago , and etarted on Saturday morning to tlio depot en routy to liis now atr.tiim. Deforo pro- ceediug fur , thu vohiclu in wliioli ho was bunted wim upeet , nnd Mr. Deck sustained auvero cuts and breisua nbout the taco , whieli liiu phyaiciaa tliinka will pruvunt lilu depiu-tuiu for tun UllVB , During Mr , Itcck'n reaidcimu iu Oni'uhu hu haa , by Ilia gontlumanly clu- pprtmunt nnd guniul nature , mudu for liimaolf u lioat of friondt , M'lnle tlm ollicuru nudur whom liu hau served fully npprociuto the prompt , faithful uid : efliciunt inunnor in which hu hus jiuifcinncd all nf Inn duties , Our bust * ifh"t ) will accoiiijuny h.m to hiu nuw lioino , OMAHA ON P A Dulwy Mup of tlio City to Boon , TUB BKK reporter waa yesterday ihnivn the fiiiHst tluiiK iu tlio bhapo of 11 ! uji < 'f Omuhi v > r noun in * ho dty MI * tlitHi pu iwi will bo endorsed by .hu jribhu when it Ia out. TJiu map WUH drawn by M r , J. ct b llnnck , an experienced draughtsman nnd a fine nrttot , vrho spent over five months on I ho work. The map wrta originally five by eight feet in nizo but haa been reduced to four by six , in which ahapo it will bo published. It takes in the outirn city and nil ita mlditiona , extending out as far na Iho barracks. The principal buildings are photographed an naturally aa life nnd appear in their proper positions. They include the now court homo , the con vent , poor fnni ) , hii < h school building , B'icred lluiitt ixcndemy , Creiuhton College , Haumann'a brewery , the rcsi- deitcea of Hon. A , J. ropploton , J. M. Woolworth , otc. The original drawing is photo-litha- Rrnphod by the American Photo- Lithoynph uomnnny , nnd is na fine a piecu of work of the kind aa hna over linen put out. It , will l-o p'tblinhed ' by Qoorijo 1Uomis , who has copyrighted it It wia drawn nndor the direction of City Engineer llosowatcr iintl County Surveyor Qoorito Smith cciti tles to ita correctneis. 1&IJ3NEY-WOKT HAS BEEN PROVED' 'hr SUREST OURS for KECNEY DISEASES. Uool I Uluo back or ndliordrndutino Inillonlo.hntyouoron'vlcUmf THENDO MOTUEfllTATKi u 8KIDNKY-WOHTnt onradtrufCRtaUirtoominrniltt ) nn < t I twill p dliy 3veroora Uioillicoaoa hralUiy notion to all Ilia orc u . n to yourrrxiiu < MiMptln | \rtaluiour < , KIDNEY-WOHT liuniur. t piUuiHluiitTrlll not prompUy mult/ifoly. 1 KlUior Box. Inoontinonoa , rct utlan ol urine , brick iliut or ropy dtpodta , and dull Ifi " drairflnfr patnj , all ipoodlly yield toltj our- | UTO power. . ( il ) EMrWQRTJ i-GIA NOTICES. I710K 8ALK Or will eichft RO for Omnha ij porty , an Improved § oe on ot iMid lull liiK a elation on U. P. It. K. U. DUNIIAU. U1J 181. , Onub.i. HICK FOK B JOS-tt E8TABKOOK h COX. nOK 3ALI4 Iho roi'ULAK HOTKL , known I ) n the BOY8' 1IOMK. Tlili helm * Is - trslly located , h-w scti'h ami rant Iront , 'ul l Riirroundoil ntil flnu uliadu ticca : cent iln thltty B'oeplnjr room * , ha lea noiico. uunilry , eample room , Ac. linn ft world w.do . rojmutlon nnu licttur ixxtroniiL-o timii innny hoiueg ot twlc" Itt enimulty. I'rlcc O.'i.OOO Fnr rurtlculurK vl- ilro 9 , A. A. HA\VliY , llod Cloud , Xieb. . EM-tf &ELL & AMES' Real Estate Agency , 1G10 FABNAM STREET. TPIOHIAM ! Vnhmtiln rmliloic - pr l > crly , eu't nb o In nit . .pith Jwtlllnir , fruit auilBrivJo neon , on St. M i'y'cinvcniiD. Tliuu mi incut' . 26-12 OH : I-\ r ncio' , uiilaprovtil , i 1 Onmln. 20 IB SALS Iwcn yt o lot I near streut r r FOIl . Tlinu ( jlvon. 2T-VJ OIl B > I.K Knur acioi , liousili rn null , c' . tern , fiult anil uhadu tieon , licnntllully loot- toil in went Onmlii. Tcrirs tOfciilt n/Id'N Ul1 OnJuiyi ! ? . In West uiuuha > i. 1. il.itk Iny nmro witli < no white lilinl f < > co lar marl , H at il inn I wlilto spot on drol.oil , 10 cr \erunl.I. . au | { 12 6t oed ; J. li VANDUUCOOK. TIIAYII due Iron Krnttrnocltlw iyo r olJ. wnlk < a lltt o btlfl n\ troinIran. . Ltl > i U or < l mwAnl In.hU ri'i-rneiv Mill bj ptM I r by W. Vainlorkrcok , ncrtbim'corner llitti nnd Manon Htrcct- . UHJ 3lwl > IK ' * * ' AGIINTS lor Xcbmk * . Kanim nnd BI'KCIAti 1 to mire-cut tlio INDUJTUIAI , I , FK A8300IAT10N cf Indl ni > [ ioll9 , Indlnna , uli'eli ' tun stood tlio teit o ( tlmn \ all IOIHOJ In full ; ntraiwly Imlartml bv Uio l-eit Imura co nutliorl lun ; Uiorou , ! / cxtklilUliul , caiitly uorkuil , and ! not 01 the cvoiicr.itUo or old line ) ilan. Liberal rontiactn inida with oner pin I j nuonti at a corapcmuttnn ot from two tloiiK.uid tothrca thoiniiiil dollars per year Adilics < I.N'DU Til AL LII'K AS-iOCIATIO , No. 70 I6t ilarktt strcit , llidl&napolls , Ind , EDWAEO KUEUL MAfilHTBR OF PAUtYDTKKY AMI ) CoNPI TlOIJAI.li/r , tUi TJ. tl , J'icot ' , iKtHocn fr.uro 'iJ ' Ilirnov. Will , with the M ol KIUMIIID I'lill , nlilain for any ono f > iI nt'0 ' " ' * I1" ' ar.il ) irai".i.t , nnd on certain condltirno Iu iliu tu > tuio Koctu uhlShfi-i' Ado to wlsr. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varlus. A umrie ! ot p y. itron tli und | IOC | > BOUUIIVSI. More ocuno nifcul ttun ( ho ordinary kinds , arid cannot b told In competition wllh tlio multitude ol o test , ohort weight , alum or phosphate pomlbto donly l i-aiid. Korib IliKiia > * owaiti Ux fl W * Ht. Nnw York INCREASE $10 YOUR CAPITAU Thoio ilodrinj ; tonnVo miiicj-on nmu'l ' and iniiiilm ItiVJitmcntl In 20 pro\lnloi an J a took Hu < : ulu- tlo.D , em dj no t.yoiHrallDtf on our plan I'rain y 1. 1881 , to llm pro. WHEAT tent ' 'uto ' , on Invd , ( in n ncf Slu.OO to fl.CUJ , cat ) prolHi hatu linen ru 1 zoj mid pill to Investor * niiioiln InjftOkuvor ] Ilinoi t iHrlf S50 liul Invcatmori , ntlll luiviiu Iliu or Klnil liivo'tiiiniit uuiUiit'iuouoy orpijablnon ilunmncl fxphniito- STOOKS ry circular ! ami itumno'iti tf film ) W ) iitiro4 Wo want rui ] > o ilblo njciiti. who wll rf | rt oncrupi mil Int oduoi Iho pi in li l > orr.l coin- $100 paid , inlulon AlcrciiauU , j ! jor 1)1 jck , ChU-ab'0 , III. Vlw V fi. lumiiu , Kir ftrdTres THE i/JUFAOTUBIIt / ! 00 Lincotn , OP Uoru PlantoiH , IJrrrf vr..l"xrm ftollt-ru Hay Hivto , Uu. e a , inrulH , o Wear prop rod 1 1 ilo J ' v -I ( a Jrii n'ao turliu or othiiipaitl- > . Ai J iiullor-ltr * i. JSBlUtA'KA M NtFArriltlVU IO 'n. ' o