Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1882)
THE DAILf BEE-OMAHA MONDAY , AUGUST U , Id 3 &OO , , The Only Exclusive r o t 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA " - HEB. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DKALEU N Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. _ _ IROTIH : & Wholesale Lumber , . 1408 Farnham Street , maha , THE MOLINE STOVE Manufactured by Theymnko a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and have this : onr plarecl In the market niof the MO-.T ECONOMIC AND HOST SAIISKACTOIIY STOVKSc\cr made. They makobotn Plain and extension top , and guarantee all their goods. The agents for the company ore. PIERCY & BRADFORD ; - DEALERS IK - Furnaces Fireplaces , Heaters , f Je , * IMC ML. 3KT T 321 IM S3 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For sale byj MILTON ROGERS & SONS. jull-m&ely DIRECTORY OF LEAUIHC WESTERN HOTEL * HOTELS , PJiOPRTKTOIiS ARLIMOTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Kec , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 0. STELLIfilUS Mllford , Neb , MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Neb " COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromiburg N * HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loultvllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , N b , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. O. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb , GRAND CENTRAL t. SEYMOUR , Nabraika City , 'Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wnter.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Nab. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAyFIELD , Greenwood , Heb ] COMMERCIAL HOUBE , E. 8TOREY. Clarlnda , low * ENO'O HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremor.t , Neb1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , h'th , MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. OftUUII , Guldo Rued , No . SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN K necKr.f ? , Oreiton , In. HOUSTON HOUSE , QCO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , l . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , B. BURCE88 , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Ol A. w LLIAM6 , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS , M. E. OUMMINQO , NEBRASKA HOTEL , J'L. AVERY. Rtanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W , BOULWARE , Burlington Jurttlon , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blinchard , l . PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , COMMEROAL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb BAQNELL HOUSE , OHA8. BAQNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllso , I * . JUDKINSHOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , It , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Osceola , Neb , DOUQLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , MaotvllleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WIN8LOW HOUSE Q. MCCARTY , Seward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M , B. JONES , Auroar Neb , CROZIER HOUSE O. R. CROZ'ER , Sidney , Neo , AVOCA EATING HOUSE D. W , ROCKriOLD , AvocaUa. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOK WOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak' ' FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis a WHITNEY HOUSE , E. HAYMAKER , Qrlswol DEPOT HOTEL , O , L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la. LU8K HOUSE. J A. LUSK , Logan , la , DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow City , la , JAQQER HOUSE , JAQQRR& SON , Oenlion , Is , BRAINS BOUND IN J-EITIIGR. The Mental Oications of Ma tu Minds Collected in OrnJgli- ton Block , Wbore' onth nnd Ace Gather j ally to Cciuimmo with 1' Axithore. The Union Cnihalfo Library It * FroHout Poi os lon * nntl Fu- tnro Plans The reporter wns walking txlong tlio thiid-Btory cortitbr of Croighton Block , n few Sundays ago. Ho was in scorch of news. Or , porlmns , to be n little more precise , ho was in aonroh of somebody from whom ho expected to get n "pointer. " On the east side of the corridor , ono of the room doors , opening therefrom , stood ajar. And , aa the reporter pixsacd , the sound of voices , musical nud low , engaged in "converse sweet , " struck his ear. Ho paused for n moment , then called upon the gentleman from whom ho expected hio news , nud returned ; finding the door still ajar , and the voices , now merry with laughter , seemingly _ at tuned to the notes of a rich-voiced piano over the keys of which some delicate - icato fingers were moving rapidly. The room waa certainly not a private no. It had every characteristic of being a public place. This fact impelled the reporter to enter. HK DOFFED HIS TILE , adjusted his tie , smoothed down the wrinkled front of his HUBSIVO brow , and was about crossing the threshold when ho was tapped gently upon the shoulder. The reporter turned , and ; ho eyes of two old acquaintances met. The reporter wns about to explain when the new-comer , anticipating , said : "Going in I see. Glad to hear it. Let mo escort you. " The reporter and his friend entered the former found himself in n room jfteon feet square. The lloor was cov ered with n beautifully linoleum carpet - pot , the north wall decorated with two joautiful steel engravings , the south wall with two handsome oil paintings ; .hrough the east wall , by moans of three largo windows , the apartment was lighted , the rnyu being tempered by a dark brown Bhado which wns drawn over the windows. Along tno west side of the room stood a black- , ralnut book-case , decorated and nice y _ carved , and with largo plato glass windows and a dozen nhclves filled with J100KS 01' VAUIOUS SIZES and modes of ornament. At a table immediately in front of the case sat an industrious young lady poring over a mysterious little contrivance con taining a number of small pieces of card-board. Around her wore seated a number of young ladies , engaged cither in conversation , or making a cursory examination of books which they hold , or in giving the numbers found upon the volumes , to the lady at the table. The number thus given was entered upon ono of the little > ieco of card-board above referred to , as also the number found upon a large ; rcon card , of ono of which each lady n the group seemed to bo in possession. Josides these entries upon the curd- > oard , a third , appearing to the ro- lorter like the "day and date" waa nado. Each little card thus inscribed , ho date was marked upon the green > oard , and the latter returned to the ady who temporarily surrendered it or that purpose. Between this ; roup , or circle of ladies , and the ) ook-caso , and looking intently at and n a number of the books thuro found , wore several other Indies , and a num- ier of gentlemen , of whom , at inter- uls , ono would approach the lady at tie table , call out a number , aa pro- iously described , and ( stand by while lie manipulation of the small cards , nd the larger green card was gone trough ns before. Thin over , in lomo instances , the party with the > ook left the room ; in others , ho of ! io , as the case may have been , ad orn nod to another flection of the iparunnnt to peruse some magazines > r engage in conversation , which was > oing cheerfully conducted in various > arla of the room. By tliia time the nature of the work vhich had been going on hud become ntelligiblo to the mind of the re- > orter. lErOUTKUfi AUK ALWAYS HO IllUQIIl , nd the reporter in question is BO par- icularly bright , that explanation on lie part of the latter'a guide became innocessary. The statement , there- ore , ot the reporter's conductor that he former had boon witnessing the 'drawing" and the recording or books i a library was not Jems gratuitous : ian appreciated. It struck the writer too that the system of record- ng waa voiy similar to that in prac- icu in the public library in thia city lo waa informed that such wu really 10 case , and that it had but recently ) cen introduced here , and that it was working well. Approaching the book-case , the ro- > prter'H moat gulUnt and deferential lir was assumed , as with bewildering [ 'ility of tongue Ilia conductor intro- uced him to the lady at the table ltd a number of thu ladies by whom lie was surrounded , A delightful onvereation ensued , vivaciously con- ucted on all sides , because Indies and eportora are proverbially most happy md vivacious. They talk of nothing ) ut these subjects that arc "bright and air ; that coaalosa cliarma impart ; of 11 things high and noble that exalt lie generous heart , " In thia lieu thu ocrot of the mutual pleasure which oems to bo experienced by writers nd ladies when thuy meet in the so- ial circles. The books in the caao wore all sizes nd valnoa , and in almost every style f decoration. They stood there in ; ooaly array and commendable nuin- ler in fiction , poetry , history , travel f science and religion "the pro- ious life-blood of the world's master pirita " The reporter waa shown a lumber of the choicest works , and in ach was noticed on the inside of the rent coi er the worda , "UNION CATHOLIC UUIIAUY , " Turning to the gentleman at hla ido , the reporter queried ; "And ia thia the Union Catholic library i" The ansirer was la the affirmative. Strangely the reporter Imd scvora times thought of asking In whom th institution belonged , but otho thoiightt had driven that intontio nwny. The answer of the gontlcma was information , nnd it wns also i Mirptitu. To the wntnr who hai hover had nn opportunity of Icarnin for himself , the name of tl.o U. C. L A. , familiar though it was b ith to hi Scs and car ? , had been ai that of tlodifiilinu , struggling with the roughlj tempered wind , from \\hich uoarl ; every nssochtion nnd most frcqucntl ; every librniy association seek to bo protected. Aa it now nppinrod t < him , it wna tlmt of n parent bird which , with a well feathered home might employ itself in distant ntu branching pursuits for the greater advantage of the members of its family. Everything in the way of the np pointmcntR of the room , especially these already mentioned were of lirsi class stjlo , workmanchipaml material. They wore arranged v , ith a keen np appreciation nnd a knowledge of the art of decoration. Everything scetnei to be JUST 1NTHK VLACK intended for it , nnd where it lent a iharm to the foaturoa of the room , llunning from the east to the wosl side of the apartment , was a stage about two foot high , upon ono etui ich was disposed a number ol chairs , and on the other , a three cornered Ohickering grand piano , par tially encased in a green cover most , beautifully and richly embroidered. A gentleman waa seated nt thu iiutru- mont , lightly touching ita gleaming kcya , nnd summoning from it n suc cession of brilliant andintercsling pian- Issimoa aufliciently audible to retain the attention of her or him \ \ ho cured not for conversation , nnd i avu zest to the pleasure of these who were in conversing mood. The writer has not aeon a finer nor heard a sweeter toned instrument thia Bide of the Missouri. Taking the KKl'OHTEU IlVlHi : AllM , the young gentleman escorted him through a majesticarch , which opened into the "south room. " Thia np.xrt- mont was lighted and shaded like the other , with the addition of several windows on the south. Ita walls con tained sonio mottoa , and a lanjo souvpiiir of the play of "Waiting for the Verdict , " which the U. 0 L A. dramatic club rendered BO acceptably at the Academy of Music the last season. Thu souvenir consists of a photograph group of the characters of the piect > surrounded by "cabinets" of the novural performers. Uosidrs these , were two companion pieces , in Uoro'a boat style , entitled "La 1'aix , " and "Li Guurre. " These ijioces have ox- oiled universal admiration. Running along the west wall and partly along the noith and south walls were racks , upon which were filed nome novon or eight papers , "abstracts and brief chronicles of the times , " and at which several gentleman were standing read ing the news both of the d y and the week that had just past. At a largo table in the middle of the room , were seated a number of persona of various agce , pouring over illustrated papers and the latest "monthlies. " Near ono of the windowa sat a couple of gentle men studying out a problem in chess and seemingly oblivious of all save the mimic heroes whom they were mar shaling in fateful conflict. 0 thorn , ladies and gentloiron , were disposed about the room , conversing in low tones , smiling cheerfully , and evident ly it full appreciation of the pleasure afforded by the rooms for the weekly meeting of congenial friends. Two more pictures , one of which ia framed , arc soon to bo added to the number already decorating the walls. The first of these will be the "St. Patrick's cathedral of Now York , " covering fifteen square feet ; the name of the other is not yet known. Other pictures arj also promised , which , with the aid of decorations nnd placquoa now in the handa of the lady members , will niake the walla of the association room probably aa richly and irtiatically ornamented aa thotio of nv association in town. Thus far , it seemed to the reporter , that A (1H1UT DUAL HAD 1IKEN DONE to give a stimulus and have a boncfi- sial effect upon the mental and moral improvement of the members. Ho learned subsequently that the rocioty lontomplnted a monthly sociable iluring the corning fall , winter and spring , In which vocal and instrumen tal music , reading , recitations , issaye , debates , and petite comedies , would nt intervals comprise the programmes. Lectures in the "dimo aoriea" will bo continued , ns lost year ; and it in un derstood tlmt ono lecture or two , outside - side that course , by some of the most aloquont lecturers In the field , will ilso bo given. The lectures of the latter kind , already delivered , have been those of Bishops O'Connor and Ryan , the latter of St. Louis. It , is thought , too , that the "Verdict" Jra- matio club , who have become known through this association , will bo able , early in thu fail , to produce at thu npera house lioucicimll's play of thu ' 'Colleen liawn. " In which event , it iplondid piece , with a good amateur 3iiHt , will bo the tittaction. The association is in , A FLOUUIHHINO CONIHTJON , [ fc has considerable inonny in its treas ury , evidently a Urge number i f hene- Factors , am' ' , it would touin , hosts of friends , While the reporter was JMSH- ing through the "north room" n second end time , the secretary WAS busy giving receipts forannual ducH which wuro being - ing paid him by parties who had them selves applied for membership or boon introduced by older members. Said the reporter's guide : "Tho secret of the success of the library is to bo < lis- covered in the inanyadvantagoa which ita enjoys and the several foaturoa which it strives to retain and which ap peal to the taste , fancy and inclination of a largo proportion of the communi ty , " Though a Catholic organization , a number of ita members are not of that religious belief. It ia n social society in a aonne , besides being a lit erary and musical one. It imposes no heavy duties upon its members , exacts regular attendance from ofllcors only , but oncouragcH every member to como to ita rooma as often and with us many of his friunds aa ho may fool disposed to bring , The reporter's evidence that those whom ho saw were in en joyment of the facilities of the rooma and the benefits of the association , ia hero cheerfully given , THE The association (9 ( officered aa fol lonsi President , John A.'Crolqhton First Vice President , Kd. A. D'ltrion Second Vice President , T. , T. Fitzmor ris ; Secretary , .1. P. Knglish : Trpas nrer , I ) . , ) . O'Donnhoo ; Librarian Miss Stncia Cnnvlcy ; Board of Mana pors , Messrs , .lohn Murphy , ,1 , T Cox , .T. 11. 1'Venoy , .1. K. Dailey niu Miii Maggie McCarthy. The reporter had bidden adieu t < the ladies nnd the gentleman nhom hemet met in the hall , and donned hia tiK > satisfied himself that hla tie was al right that he might appear irrusistibK nn the street ; nnd , with the serene am complflcont demeanor of a well-ioiii ; latfd ecribo who has struck something f > end , Was hnsloning In the stairway when ho stopped. Ueturning to the iloor , ho found thu guide , he had jusl left , informing the ladies Hint thu re porter unan married man. There- porter hint rolurnod to impart that in formation lo the guide niulnsk the Int- ior how much it would cost to make the acribo and his family , that ia , him self and ifu , membera of the associa .ion , "If I mistake nolj" said the guide , "newspaper men , with us , nro priv- loged creatures. Thuy are , I bpllpvo , lonorary members of the association , To other mortals , however , our dues are two dollars per year for gentlemen and ono dollar per year for ladies. " The sctibo bowed nnd withdrew , anil ns ho did EO the guide smiled , bowed , nnd requested the former to c.Ul again. And ho will Free of Olmrgo. All itersoni milTi'tiiif , ' from ConulisColds , Vnthinn , lircmchltl' , Loss of Voice , or any direction of tlio Tin ( ml. nnd IIUIIK'H , HK'stoit to call nt C. V. (5ooilmnti'n drnt ; tore and ( jot n Trial llottle of Dr. King'a \BW Discovery for Consumption , fieo of har c , which will convince them of its nnulcrful merits nnd nhowvhat n regnlnr tllnr-siro bottle will tli > . Call airly. airly.'E 'E ' luiprovetl inr TI1K lir.ST AMI ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE K70II.OVK IN THR WOULD. Every houml.uepor fontntho wantof omulhintr that mil cn k the dally oed andavoidthoexcosoivehcat , dnst , ittor and aslios of a coal nr wood stovo. IDE MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO IT , bettor , quicker and cheaper lian anyothermoanH. It is the ONLY OIL STOVE mudo with the OIL lESEUVOIll ELEVATED at the > ack of the utovo , away from the heat : > y which arrangement ABSOLUTE AFETY is securodas ; no gas can bo generated , fully twenty nor cent more icat is obtained , the wicks are pro- orvod twice as lung , thus saving the rouble of constant trimming and thu xppnso of now ones , EXAMINE THE MONITOR and you will buy no then Manufactured only by thu Monitor Oil Stove Co , Ulovolanil 0 , Send tor descriptive circular or call > n M. Ilogora & Son , auonts for No- > raskn THE Of Omaha. M imrilmioJ ol o. , o [ rrovl'loii.o , It Ia8isfu which la uar- ntccd In wrltliifr to b "ahtolutelij bttrutar run/ fur a purloil ol tlnrty-Blx hauru continuous nd u idUturliod attack with the line o ( Huch oolnand apiitltaiicuiiaaa hurKlor ran employ , ' nd In a practlca'ly ' unconditional way , 'lli'.rtlunk ' < ] < ' < > lr.H n thorough tout made upon lU Hafu , and In cmo ol failure to stand It , the unk will bo at llbdrty to pnrcliauo any other afe and may return thin lo thu manufacturers. Any jiarty U at liberty to undertake the attack ho Mill luridah aatlifottory bond to puy a ] inline to the safe , In cane It Is not entered In 10 utlputalul tlinu. TneCorli .iCoin ) > aiiy agree tvrllliiK ta dop'JHlt with thin bank the gum ol . ,00000. upan Dm nl.iliu ol an nKruument Ijovo thi ) uald HUIII to l > o p'acod within 1 the fe nnd to be forfeited to the puty operating In ate Itlu forciuly opunvd and hi contents rab neteil _ liKN UY W. YATK3 Caihle. Genius flowarded , on , he Story of fclin Sowing Maoliino , A taandaumn llttlq jmrni'ldot , blue and [ Old xivo 'rlth nuiiL < aui' euirraYlnKH , will be AWAY o uy nuult I'jrecu calling for It , at any brtucb r nnfi-ottlcoof nifSin/ir Hanufacturlnic Coin- ii. j , or will be ocnt bj mull , fott paid , lo uy ptiraon living at B dlntanco from oar olilcei 'hfl Singer Manul'aoturing Do , , 'riuoipal ' ) llio > , U'l Union Hquaro , TTBW YORK _ _ WESTERN GORNIGE WORKS ! 0 SI'EOHT , - - Proprietor. 12 Harnoy St. - Omrha , Neb. MANUl'AOTUlKltS OK COHNIOKS , DOHMKIl WINDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing , Speeht'a 1'atont lolalio Skylight. Patent Adjusted JtatcLot Bur and Bracket Bhulvinf ; , I am the icnoral ; agent jor the ubova linu of oodB , IKON KKNOINO. Orettlnai , Baluitradea , Ver nd JOrTle * nd Dank Ralllnat , Window and Oell r ( Quardi : alto QUNKUAL AGENT tnrlde of ! ron , J'rrwHa n JlarkantlVhoiiphorwiln a pnlaktiile fonn , Tito nnluprrparatlon nfirot that trill nnt l > tatlm t ! trrtht < Khnrartcri ! < tlct > ) nllirr iron preparation * . ,1 MKN Ininy tirnrlKxiol a > yrrn in mralirimt , I luivn lounil nnlhlmcVi RTvnTTm mult * thiit IJR. V I IIAHTI n'n IIION Toxin il'oi. Inrju wof Nrrrm lr 4rMI n , K mikln IM nM iIy r < 1F' * .aivllmpn or. Mnxl tvnlillon of tlmIi1 l.thM i -rl j ( n m ly hw. In mj hun.lx , mmln immn wonderful ciinw. y * * < * tn t hATn | i\Uo < l fn > mn of our Inrwl nmin ( nt t hylrIMII UA O yicltlnl ta UiU prroit nn.1 lncomr * rAl > lrt r mrny I prrftcnl' * ! It tn rrcfotfnf < itni > LiT lrtmpri'i llnn nixlo Infwl. mrh rnmp'nnrt M I > a llAIiinr * Innn Tomai < no. ronnil J-Imnj | ir f tire , Illl UDIiKUT Mlll.l.S.nlftl Wimh ATn . St I tarn Mo . NOT SMh , " " nuf nnif hnttllifiil tone tn | rt npjiUfitlilf tn tlenrrall Jtrlitlttii , lx > o/1.f > ' > " 1- | tltr , I'nMfrir/Joii or > ol JtiirrM iimf IiiijuifrMcr./ MANUFACTURED UY THE DU. IIARTCR MKDICINE CO. . 213 N , MAIN ST. , ST. LOUIS. "FTRTT1 Tl1 ? TWT WTdlTT'M"1 A T"KT IYIU U ll 1 JilJDl GKDIiID 51 Mining and Milling Company. - - . . . . . * [ at Valu * of Bh > ro > , - - . - . . . . 155 , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Minoo Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I. T110MAH , PrvKlilont. Cimunlni W ) \VJI. R. T1LTON , Vl < ! < t < lrnl , Oaminlni , Wjotnlng H. N. IIAUWOOI ) , Socrotiry , CnmtuliiK , Wj-omlnf ; , A. (1. LUNN , TreMvircr , Cummins , ( Wyomlo Df. 1. 1. Thoniki. Loillfl Miller W , S. lltumel. A. O. Dunn. N. lUrwooJ. Francis Lrnx oni. 0 o. It , Kftlon. f.owls Zoltuan. Ir. J. C. tneSJ m QUO ( > V. , \iilnrli ) I V < mt ( nr Silo of n - ' < n , o , . Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that is supplied with complete machinery 'or Laundry work. Send your orders l > v mail or express. GOTTHI3IMEH , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Farnlmm Street. PAT1T El PULLEYS. E. M. MAXWELL , FREMONT , NEB. , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following advantigos nro lalmod for thli Tulloy : IT i .STHONaKii nnd moro lurnblo , owing : 1. To tlio absence of alirinkngo strains. 2. To the Incromed num- > or of nnrH. II. To tlio fnct that the rim la much Btrongor than the cast rim. IT 13 IBTTKlt 1IALANCKI ) . IT IH MUCH LUIIITBII. IT HAVK8 BELT1NO. IT IB CHKATKIt. Tfaero x no danger of breakage In liaudling when ehlppcd IOOBO. When shipped loose they instead of first-claHH nnd the weight Is nro gonornllv nccoptod n tlilnl-olftm freight - , ns nly ono-iiulf tlmt of cast 1'iilloys the frnlRht U still further reduced. WK CUAUANTEE HKM to perform xatlsfniitorily nny work from the lightest to the heaviest , Si'MT PUI.LKYH from 12 to 48 IncheH iHainetor only. I'lilleys of wider face than 18-inch are provided with two sots arms without extra harge. harge.Wo supply each I'ulloy with two net-screws without extra charge. ALSO I Hot Polislefl OUR OL.AIMB. What wo claim for our PATENT HOT POLISIIKII SHAVTINO h : Int. That It Is round and Htrnlht. | 2d. It can bo ncoiinitoly rolled to uny desired Kn o. 3d. Tlmt it Binfnoo bem composed of magnetic nxldn of Iron obvlatei nny un- no tendency to rust or turnUh , wuilo it nt the same time gives ono of the best journal r bearing mirfiicoH over ( Uncovered. -llh. That It will not wiirp or nprlng in key Heating. Tith. Thnt It la nmda of the vury brut of refilled utock. or furthur pirtlciiluru , pritu list and discounts , send to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry and IV'nciiino Shop , Fremont Nob. HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. HADU IIV BIOHAKDSOW.BOYNTON & CO CHICAGO , ILLS. KmlioJy now 1882 ivtimuntg. Mot. nniotionl ' > ' * : Jit loHH rdir ; Uw loan fault , W'U ' ' " .moro hunt nj a larger voliuuu ol pui'o all1 "lin " " 'X iironcd luadt ) , Sold by 1'IKIICEV & BKADFOIll ) , Omaha , Nol > _ J)2l-U3ai PERFUWE _ , Murray & Lanman's ? WATER. Best PIP TOILET , BATH and I AHDKEBCHTEF , Aiiuiita lor the Lllo 'limes ud ( lS.-oanlioron Written by h hi ) only lift ) authnrltu < l by her , and hlch will not bo "Blood * a il Thunder" ttory , euch aa XM men und wlU bo dubllahvd , but a true Lilt by ho only ntnoa who II lu poeaet.lon ol thu locu a faithful and devoted wile. Tiuth U more InUrentmg than fiction. AyenU ihould apply lor territory at on-.e. Send 75 ct for B m pie Book. J , U. Obumliarn & Co. , uio-ooJ-iw-o StJUoali , Mo , D. M. WELTY , ( Bacooxor to D. T. Monut. ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddlesi Harness , Whipsr FAWOY HORSE OLOTHINQ EobQS , Dusters and Turf Qoods of AU. UKSCR1PTIONS. Agent for Jus. K. II111 | & Co.'d CONCORD , HARNESS "Tho Best in The World , " Orders Polliltod. OMAHA , NEB mo ly HULL VAPOR COOK STOVEc llio Plonwi audoulvVuiw * Too" " BIOVJ ttml oas utuod I l.o nut oi INitcnt Orllle" , I-- | rt > r t iv Me NvwOoi V < \ 5' Wtu < , Nitiv Mud tvKui 'ulr. V SiimiB r U6 tliCSB Sin'v * lt > - ( ' tw V Tliosa celebrated stove * for lale by 1'ieroy & Bradford , Omaha , Neb , 29 1m.