Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , ATVUST FIRE AND WATER , The Electric Light Run by Water Moter. A Very ProttySlgJtt Saturday Nle lit The UBO of the electric light , nov substituted for gas in so many of oui Western cities , including Sun Fran cisco , Suit Lake City , Ogden , Denver file , , has thus far been limited ir Omaha to a few individual cases , nnd hardly served as n fair experiment , Wherever used it has become vorj popular , being cheaper and furnishing a clcurcr , brighter and steadier light than gas. The finest exhibition of the light yet seen in the city was that given in tliu vicinity of Douglas and 14th Satur day , that locality being brilliantly il luminated from an electric lamp , the generator being worked by ono of Davis tt Thomson's water motors , f t the Omaha novelty works. A very beautiful and steady light was omitted from the electric lamp for over an hour , and it was demon strated beyond the shadow of a. doubt that the water motor ns 5 power for operating the generator is a grand success. The experiment Saturday was witnessed by a largo number of persons , who all acknowledged that it was a BUCCCBP. The motor used is n small ono , fifteen inches in diameter , and using only twenty-six gallons of water u minute. It is n double ur- bino wheel , taking water from the center , discharging it outward through the periphery of the wheel , thereby gaining in connection with the impact or pressure the centrifugal action , vrhich it is claimed will equal all loss by friction. The motor has been demonstrated to bo far superior to any now in use , and saves sixty per cent , moro water than any other. Saturday it was demonstrated that the motion of the water motor for the operation of the electric light generator is superior to thatof a steam engine , as the motor runs steadily and docs not have the unsteadiness of a steam engine. The light that was omitted Saturday burned very , steadily , and was far ahead of any electric lights in Chicago , The ex periment was made for J. B , French & Co. , the grocers , to whom the elec tric apparatus belongs. They at tempted to run it with antoamonginc , but this proved very unsatisfactory. Now that the water motor 1ms been K tested and found to answer the pur pose , they propose to nt once put in a , * 24 inch double wheel motor to run three electric lights and nn elevator at their grocery store. The job is to bo dnno by the Omaha Novelty Works , of which Messrs. Davis & Mnrcy are the proprietors , the above partnership having recently been formed. Mr. Davis , who has long been in the business , is ono of the best machinists and mechanics in the country , and is also an inventor. The Davis & Thompson motor is partly his invention nnd property , and is destined to rapidly auporcodo its compotitora. Owing to the fact that Omaha has a fine system of water works , with a heavy pressure , the i motor is bound to como into g use hero. ' Do Not Bo Deceived. In tlicso times of qunck medicine adver tisements every wliere , It I * truly gratify- IDK to tlud one remedy that la worthy of praise , and which really docs ai recom mended. EHctrio Bittern wo can vouch for as beluft a true and reliable remedy , end ono that will do IIH rrcoiinnoiidud. They Invariably euro Stomach and Liver Complaints , Diseases of the Kidney * nnd tprinary difficulties. Wo knuw whereof we speak , nnd can readily Bay , give them a trial. Sold at fifty ceuts n bottle by 0. P. Goodman. ANDERSONS ANSWER. The Board of Education Blnrmish Portends a War. The last meeting of thn board of nducation was a rouscr as far as talk was concerned. Especially was the word war pointed between Messrs. Anderson and Forga- eon. Their debate was on the location - tion of the North nchool , on which the committee that has such matters in clmrgo endeavored to cntisuro Mr. AndorBon. Tlio latter claims that ho aclod perfectly fair in the matter , only doing what he ought to do an a commissioner , and might do as a citizen ; that is recom mend certain property as a school sito. Mr. Anderson also sayn that Mr. Me- Bhano and himself are totally ignored by the other four on the board , und they are not placed on committees at all. Ho is particularly strong in this opposition to President Long. In a few days Mr. Anderson says ho will give the public the true inwardness of seine doing of our educational guardi ans. ans.While ho maintains that ho is in fa vor of improvements and the necessary help to carry thorn to success , Mr. Anderson says that the preatnt work on the hiuh school ground in entirely without the meaning and spirit of the law. No contract wan made in writ ing , oa the statutes require , and the heavy pay roll that monthly cornea to the board , In hia opinion , is illegal. With OIT police , common council and school board at sea , it is about time for somu power to command the troubled municipal waters to bo placid. Can you find a case of liriglit'a Disease of the Kidneys , Diabetes , Ur inary or Liver Complaints that is curable - able , that Hop Bitters has not or can not euro ? Aak your neighbor if they can. MANDERbON'S MUDDLE. A Bold Attempt to tlnko an Orphan Asylum Out of a Luwyor'u OiUco. Everybody knows. Qon. Manderaon in theeo parts. In fact , ho has u na tional reputation ho comes from Ohio. The general is genial yes , ho is generous and he can tell a story that would make a veteran fisherman scratch hi * left ear , Saturday there came into the generals oilico a lanky follow , tmch as the state of Missouri ought to have pictured on her banner did the popula dcsiro decide on individual roprcscnln tion. In war times _ Charles F. ha < mot such men , but in pence ho con fronted them moro circumspectly. S ys the stranger in return , "Is oh Savage horot" The bland general replied : "If yotii remarks refer to Col. Savage , jud < of the district court , and the enl ] popular democrat in Nebraska , excop Jnmos K. Uoyd , I have to give a negative tivo reply. " "I did not como in for a Litin Ice * turo , " said the stranger. "I kindoi herd that the jedgc , or the colonel , ae you call him , wanted to ndopt n boy , nnd I broupht him up four lively little roosters. Hero they aro. " Hero Mandorson quavered. He found his old wound received ton years ago renewing its pains , In fact lie was non-plnsscd , Ho did not know what to sny in behalf of the Judge , who ianow skirmishing on the Now Hampshire hills , bccauso ho , Alandcrson , was in the same boat him- self. Ho muttered a reply , however , about "Distance lends enchantment to ( ho view , " etc. ' Well , " said the Missouri , , "talo them for a time. " Then that Arabi Boy of railroad inattorg , Mat C'air ' , who happened in , said : "L'nir of a kind boats n ( lush. " Mruiderson's pallid countenance then lushed , and as the Misaourinn went down ntairs , leaving the four unkempt , 'oiitha in the lawyer's parlors , ho said : 'General , treat them kindly till old 3avngo returns. Make 'em lawyers , jut for the sake of the memory of Jcsao James never lot them write for a paper. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Warner's ' Safe Kidney and Liver 3uro. aug-dlw "A CITY OF HOMES. " Real Estate Mnrkot and Sato of City Liots. At present there is but little doing n the real eslato market in Omaha , hough the traiuactioiio in that line his spring far exceeded in number and nonoy consideration those of any year > rovious in the history of our city , "ho comparative dullness at present is ttributablo , chieily , to the season of ho year rather than to any decided or marked falling oil'of the demand for ity property. Contractors and build- ra are busy in all directions , but es pecially in the suburbs , and the buni- less roviovr for 1882 will allow the ro- ult in a-moat gratifying way. Omaha s emulating Philadelphia in her chief haractoristicn aa "a city of homos , " hus identifying her population with all her public interests , for in no way an a community become moro active ind alert in public expenditures and mprovemontB than to have a money ntercst in the property to bo affected hereby. A very largo number f thn business men , mechanics and aboring men of Omaha are the owners f the homes they occupy and in many nstancos young men of small incomes lave invested their moderate savings n outside pioperty during the past pw yours to find their financial condi- ion surprisingly improved by the ratifying increasein values of real atuto our city has witnessed in the ) asb eighteen months. The cotnplo- ion of the St. Mary's avenue street car line has brought into active demand i largo uxU'tit of residence property in ho vicinity of Hanecom Park where , liroo years ago , Mr. llanscom and ithorlargoreal estate ownoraworoofler- ng lots free to parties agreeing to build ipon and occupy the same , with no akora. The improvement of Farnain tract has attracted attention to the ) fnutiful tract of land lying directly rest of the city proper , and the trans- era which have taken place in that ocality this season will boar fruit in lip way of now houses Co bo erected liis fall and next spring by the parties lurchasing. The experience this year f owners of real oatnto in tho'south- vostem part of the city shows the cd- antago of street railway extensions md next year should witness moro of ilia sort of enterprise. HKllK AND THl'.UK. Bogga & Hill have laid out their lilrd addition recently , consisting of i ton-aero tract near the Bhooly pack- ng house. John I. Rodiok sold to Lymnn Liclmrdson hat [ week a piece of real state on the south side of the oxton- ion of Furnani street , 140 foot front y 350 foot deep , for $4,000. , Forty- no lots in his addition , placed in the larkot this sprint ; , have been sold fern n average of $ l,2fiO eaohl Ho also > ld a farm near Fremont recently for 7,000. Judge J. F. Morton has laid out an ddition just south of the road to the > oor farm , which ho calls "Orango rove placo. " The old homestead of 0. B. Soldon , onaisting of 100 acres , has all been isposod of in four aero tracts , with 10 exception of twelro acres. A. . J. HttiiBconi has sold nearly 200 ota in his addition since latt Novom- ) ur. ur.An effort is being made to open horidan street from St. Mary's avc- uo to Farnam street , with a view of itting a line of street cars out on ? arnam. Fenr Not. All kidney and urinary complaints , specially Dright's Disease , Diabetes ud Livur trouble , Hop Bitters will uroly and lastingly euro , Cases ox- otly like your own have boon cured i your own neighborhood , and you an find reliable proof ut homo of what Hop Bitters has and can do. CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE. uo Approaching Annual Mooting at Waterloo. The fifth annual meeting of the North Platte Christian co-operation f the Church of Christ convenes nt Vatorloo , Douglas county , Nebraska , August 17th , ut 8 o'clock p. rn. Each congregation is requested to oud throe dolt-gates , and instruct horn how to answer the following uestiona ; 1. Shall wo employ an evangelist in his district ? If so , how much will ou pay to support him ? B , How luoh preaching do you expect to lave in your congregation ? 8. Hmv mcli will you give to have the cause established in destitute places ? 4 How much will you give for a trac fund ? C. Report condition of churcl G. Report condition of Sunday echoo TIIUKSIUT , August 17. 8 p. m , Sermon by J. If , Stark. Fmiur , August 18. 10 n. m. Social meeting conducted 1) W. If. Winters. -Introductory by President , "Churc organization. Fifteen minutes' discussion by T. J Oliver. Ten minute * ' review by Wm. Mcltityro General dincupsion , Intermission , 1:30 : i > . in. Social exercises by J , M. Van 2 p. in. Election of officers and appoint merit of committee * , p m. Dutlcs of Ktilers , by J , A. Gar ner nnd .Ttuhua Dobljlni. General dii' ' tuition , 8 p , in. .Sermon , J. W. Ingram. SATUUDAT , August 10. 0:30 : n. m Social meeting , Shall wo create a Tract fund ? Uiicufslon by J. H. Stark , nnd W. H Winders. General discusniou. 11 a. m. Duties eif an Kvangellst , by L .1. C'irrcll nud K. D. Kvnns. General dlscuiMon. 1:30 : p. m. Social cxcrchco. 2 i ) . in. Sunday Bchoolg ; by J , W. In grnrn. anil A. Alton , General discussion. 3 p. m. IteporU from church e < nnd Sun day ncliooN. 8 n. in. Sermon by L. J. Corrcll. Preaching three times on Otinday. Rheumatism , disordered blood , gen onoral debility , and many chronic diseases oases pronounced incurable , are often cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. RAIL RECORD. Folsht KtitGB to Omalm A Chootty Chicago Editor. Mr. Qeorgo II , Daniels , of the Iowa Trunk Line association , has is sued the following circular relating to the equalisation of rates on salt : From and after August 10 the rates on ualt in car lots to Council Blufisant Omaha will ba iu follows : From Detroit , 25J cents ; Toledo , 22J CRiitB ; Chicago , 22J cents ; Easl St. Louis , IDj cunts ; St. Louis , ! : cents ; Hannibal , 12J cents. This circular cancels the rates 01 : salt quoted from Detroit , Toledo tint ; other points east of Chicago in the circular of August 1 , 1882. HTJUVINfi TO AGUEK. It ia evident that another deter mined effort is to bo made by the Union Pacific , Burlington and Atchi- aoii to ayrco upon a pooling arrange ment. The president ! ! of the three roads are at the cant. They failed to agree last wook. They are now sum moning their matingera to assist in bringing about a settlement of differ ences. Mr. Potter , of the Burling ton , loft yesterday for Now York. Mr. Dodge , general manager of the Denver & Kio Grande , has also boon summoned and in now en route from Colorado. Mr. Wheeler , of the Atchison - ison , Topeka & Santa Fo , remained iu Boston from the adjournment of the last conference , and will bo within calling distance when the conference is roaumod. It is probable that the coming meeting will take place nt the Union Pacific offices in Now York. The indications all point to a compro mise agreement at the next sitting of the magnates. Chicago Times. HllfP&r 1'KKl'OSTEUOUH. A preposterous rumor was started at Omahn , Tuesday , to the ollect that the now line of the Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul and the Union Pacific are to bo operated as ono line , as an ofl'sot to the Burlington's continuous line to Denver. The presence of the officials of the St. Paul road at Omaha was seized upon as the ocwsion for fabricating the roport. Chicago Times. Buoklm'a Arnica Waive. The BEST SALVK in the world for Cut < Hmians , Sorcn , Uluora , knit iUicum , Fever ver Sorca , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chll blninn , Corns , ana all ttldu eruptions , am' positively curofl ; > IIen. It U guaranteed to clvo eatlafactfon or money refunded , I'rice , ! i5 cents per box. For V. Goodmun HAVERZiY'S MASTODONS. They Will Appear at Boyd'a Monday , AUK. 21 et. Mr. Charles II. Xooshin , general agent of Havorly's Mastodons , while In the city Friday , made arrange ments for the appearance of his com pany at Boyd's Opera house on Mon- Jay evening , Aug. 21at. The Masto- ions played at Salt Lnlcu Friday night nnd go to Denver next. They had a big season at San Francisco , playing to $49,000 in six weeks. The Boston Herald of April 14th , jays ; llavorly'tt Consolidated Mastodon minstrels have proven a magnet of wondrous power at the Globe theatre this week. From a completely tilled house on Monday night they have sprung upon UH nightly the rarely soon emblem , "Standing room only. " This , too , at half past sovou o'clock , an event entirely without parallel , Last night hundreds were actually turned ivway from the doors who could not get oven the poor satisfaction of standing room. Iluvorly's name has always boon a tower of strength in Boston , but this clinches it forever. All Imiljlavorlyl Horsforil's Aohl Pbnaulinto ns n Coollufi Drlulr. Dr. ol. II , llonry , Now York , says ; "It possesses claims an u bcvorago , be yond anything I know of in the form of medicine , and in nervous ditoascsl know of no preparation to equal it. " Huumno Bocioty. The regular monthly meeting of the Nebraska Humane society will bo hold this evening in the recaption room of Boyd'a opera houso. A paper of general interest to the public will bo read by ono of the members of the society. B , E. B. KKXNEUY , President. JNO. T. BKI.L , Secretary. Nil Doii > orumlnm. When your girl nlvou you the mitten , ami your heart IB broke. Don't give way to black despair , but treat it a * a joke. Get your healthlu flnt-rlati order , a bottle of Hniixa JlLossOM buy , Ami gaily join n ntugiui ; ela&vnnd f ° r au- other sweetheart try. Price 50 cunU , trial huttlej 10 cents. aug7-dlw "Proporvo and Rogu'ato , Not Do Btroy , " l a soiinil motto In inculcations n we ! us ft u m mh p. I'rcscr-o the \lror ol the il t'csll o nrginn und res " , lilo the ftcrctions wit 7arroi.t'i Hcltr-cr Aperient , ami jouull cur and lltcl to.7ilalnt | by Ainc harnioi y with llm Invunf Nnturc. Violent > no ' Iclntthftioliod their da } . They < l. vllallw tin MBlcni , llcnsonan ttell n the ftonneh reject thcai , Hcly on this ixhllcratlnj ? t | ) clCc. aiig SOI.U I1Y ALL DUUOni818. QRAY'S. SPECIFIC TRAOC MARK , Knullsh rein edy AD fill In if cure ( or Hcmlnal 5 . ol AFTER TAHItlO. Uolf-Atnne ; iui tons of Memory , Universal tansl tudo , Pain In the Back , Dlmncm ol Vision , 1'ro mature Old ARO , and many other Dlic&sca thai lead tn Itmnlty or Conouinptlon and a Prcm > < turo Clravo. ( larFull particulars In oar pitmnhlut , whicb wo iletlro to send free t email to ci cry one. JTTho SpocIS cMcillelno in wld hy all druK'elnti at U per jiacltaifo , or Opaclnsco for $9 , or v.11 : 1)0 sent free by mall on r < " * ipt of the money , bj 11 ' 7HKOK/Y IKDICIKRCU , " , K.7. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE FROM COL. L. T , FOSTER. Youngstown , Ohio , May 10 , 18SO. En. II. J. KENDALL * Co. 1 hid ajvery valua- ile Hamblctonl in cott tint I prlznd \ cry I Ighly , lohaJftlatRe bono spavin ( n one Joint and a mall ono on the othirlilch made him very amo ; I had him under tlio iharpo o' two voter- nary turvcona uhlch failed to inro him I not ) onoday rcadlnfftho dvartlscnicnt of KendaU' * Spavin Cure hi tha Chicago KxpriM I determined at once to try It and fol oiircni/K'Bts ' hero to send ( ir It , and they ordered three battles ; 1 to'k nil anil I thought I wouU iho ; It n tboiouRh rlil , I used It acordlni ; to dlrectlnnt and tlio ourtli day the colt co Bed to bu Inmo and the uni n ba\o dlaippcarcd. 1 used bir ono bottle nnJ ttiocolt'alliiibn aroni ( rcool lumpiand as moolb 03 any Iiorso In the Btata Hn lurnt'rc- y cured. The cure w > so rcmarliable that I melcttwoof my nolifhbars liavo thn remain- ng tuo botllca ni ore no A unlnclt. Very rrapcctfullv. L. 'f. FOSTER. Send for llluetraiod circular K\v\ng \ \ positive proof. l'ilcol. All Pnvclsti havo" It or ran tot U lor jou. Dr. 11. J. KoncUll to Co , ' , Pro- irletor. . Knosbnr 'b Kalis , Vt. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. d-w-ly _ [ \ISE SES Incurable by other trcitincnt \J \ aa noo.urnal losocs , stitctures , varlcocole , MI 1 , u Innry , gfavol , atone , ulcers , llrlj'bt'ii , lalicton , dropsy , consumption , sere threat , en- nrrh d'zz'ncfs. ' bUllolBnc 8 , inalaiH , ncuralgh , heuniatbim heart , kidney and bladlcrol cites , ru ( urcilby the A > ahtl Mineral SpilriR Water , r the perfccto I treatment of the European ana \ \ \ crlean Mcdfcil Bureau epcchlty \ livcltlai.s In .ondon. Path , Vleiiiu , Berlin , nnd Now York nmplilct , with dlrrctlo s and cc-rllflcitci of urns , frco Slcdlo 1 treatise on Impotence , icrliity , dUcavjd i rostr to gland , a ds.tphills , 5c. ulllc , 131 Lexington ave. New York city wi m NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cnrn GnariJbtoocl. Dr. B. O. Went1 * Ncrvii and Uralu U'reatmcnl . spool Uo ( or llystoila , Illzzlncas , ConvuUlona , 'ervous Hoadachc , Mental Dopreeulon , Loiti of ! emory,8p < ; rmitorrlia' , Irapotcngy , Involuntary iinldslons , Premature Old Atre , caused by ovcr- soitlon , sclf-abupo , or mer-lnjiilgencb. which cadi to mlairy , decay and death. One box will uro recent casos. Kn hboi contalnncuoinonth's reatment. Ono dollar a box , or fill boxes ( or vo UolUri , fcnt by mall prepaid on receipt of > rlco. Wu imnntco'slx boxeg to any case Vlth each onler received by na for rlx boxes , ao- ompanlcd wltb Cvodollaru , will ocnil tlio pur. hiwer our written ( ruor.inl o to return the inonoy It thu tieatracnt do * cot tffict u euro. 0. F. GooJuiM ) , Dru'nt , Sole , liolciale and ofrul Agent , Ornnln , Vcb OrdM-a by mall nt his Olieaso 3E. 3C SSr Mictlier in its Primary , Secondary , or Tertiary Slago. cmo\esall t accsof Mercury from IhoKvitem. Cures Scrjdi'a ' Old Eoren. nhiuinatl u. Eczma , Cn arrh , cr any Dlood Diccasc. Ouroa When Hot Springn Fail MAVBRN , ARK. , M ay S , IBS ! Wo hi\e taamln onrown town wan lived nt Uot Bprlugf , nd were finally cured with 8. S. S , ItrCAUMnn k lluaur. C - 1 Memphis. Tenn. , May 13 , 1881. \Vo lina sold 1 ! M bottl ( o ( I ho 8. S. S. In a ear. It basirhcn unlverol tatlsfactlan. Fair ulndcd jibydclans now rtcDnimccd It aiaposU \oepcclllc. tS.MihHrii > LU&Co < g touU\lllo , liy. , May 13.1891. S. R. S. lias then better anti-faction than any cdlciuo I vvirtold. J. A. FLKX.NKR. Diimr , Col. . May 1,1681. Kury purchaser iptaks In thu iihrhcst tirmsof H. H. L. MKISSITSR. H.H. S. hiBglren Letter latltfactlsn than any cnudylor biocd d.ti.-atei we ho e\er honJlccf. STBV.MJ. Have fcn 8. 8 , S. tcp the lulr from falling it liatbort time. Wonilorlu cffccti ) InalUkln r blood iJUvasua. * hi * , W. II I'ATTKRSOX , Dallas , lex. Wliou nil Other Homodios Fail ! V YO" Until.I. mme to < , ( \n nrl \ K WI.L tnuu tin t < i tn iliiiuriuii iii riuui * A > k any prom ) . ncnt UrucL'Ut fn to our i Ol.UiUI litiwarU t e lutd to Mil chemist who ulll find , on umlj l * ol 100 Vntllt of louo purtlcleol Mrrrurlorildi of Polie- ( luio or t.y iliporal kuMauce. Bwincsi-Kou'joco. PIICII of nniftil dim , Jl.OO , Luge die Jl.U.l Hold by nrnif n nr , > lr | DR. CLARKE BIAI1I-181"r-u 811 - - JUooiut St Kt. LonU , Is still treatIng - Ing all 1'ltlVATK , NUlt- VoUS. C1IUON10 and tpjcUl pluciki1 * , Sptrum- tiinhcwx , Iuiiottiiey ) ( Sa\ * nal ) ) , Feaialt DKrlcultU , etc. ' t * lailc .tt'nil 5 centu pn A ' 'valuable \\otl " drilled "Ulje.biij cl W'orotu , tc. " Wcrk n I'IIHOMO ntsiip. I Sull-abuto or 1'rUnto Dli * ' , or l'euMUTiii > 'WcuK8i'M Ntrviui mJ ttxuil Usutso * . delimitation iicrnonily or by letter , KKi ; Contu t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS UUKi > . OillcJ In qukt. rrlnto , rr poct bl lac * . You K-O no ono but tlu doctor. Pr. larVo U tbo only jiliynlcltu in tlu city who vn- uuU cum or uo pay WeJlclics tent \cry here , lloura , 8 A. u. to 8 r. u , yon suffer from Dyspepsia , two HUHDOCiv 'LOOD BITTE119 II you arc fitHlctc.1 with Illllousnca" , ute BUUDOCK 111,001) BITTKU3 II you are prostritcd with tick Hcful.ache , take 11UKDOCK I1LOOD UITTER3 f your Bowcln are disordered , rcfiihtu them \iltl nunuocK HLOOD BITTEUS H MMir BlooJ li mpurc , putKy It with BUUDOCK BLOOD IHTTr.llS Kyouha o Indigestion , ) ou will hndan antldoU In BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTKU8. If you * r troHbled vlth Spring Complaints , cr ndlcate them viih BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTBHS. If your Llvcrls torpid , restore It to hcalthyactlor th BUUDOCK BLOOD BMTEBS If jour Llvcrls allcctcd , ) ou will find a sure ro BtoratUcln BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTKUS , If you have any species ol Humor or Tlmplc , full not to lake BUHDOCK BLOOD niTTEnS. If j ou have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curatho remedy will bo found In BUIIDOCK BLOOD BllTEllS. For Imparting strength and \IUhty tothosj tern , nothing can equal BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Ncrvom anil OencrM Debllltj- , tone up tht system with BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTEUS , Price. 81.00 pel Bottle ; Trla Bottle. 10 CU FOSTER , HILBDBN , 6 Co , , J'rops ' , BUFFAX.O , K. Y. 8o ! < ] at wholesale by leh & McMahon and 0. F. Goodman. Jo 27 eod-rao DUenso li nn ffoct , not a caueo. Us origin la within ; Us manifestations without. ) < tncc , to euro the disease the CAL'sumust bo rcmoted , and m no other way can a cure ever I e effected. WARNER'S SAFE KIDNDY AND LIVER CURE la catabllehod on just tbls principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of nil diseases arlzo from deranged kldnoya on liver , and It strikes nt once nt the root of the difficulty. The elements of which it Is composed act directly upon these great organs , both as a Foooacd HK8TORBB , and , by placl&c them In a healthy , conditlcn , drive dlsoaBo and tiatn from the system. For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un healthy Kldncja , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the dlstresslnc Diaordcraof Women ; for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this great rcmtdyhat no equal. Btwaro of Impostors , Im itations and concoctions said In bo just aa good tor sale by all dealers. HH. . WARNER & CO. . e Rochester N. Y. The Great Lugiish ilomedy iNovcr falls to cuio Nervous Debility , VItal - ; tal Exhaustion , Emis sions , Seminal Weak- ne8.stsLOSTMAN HOOD , and all the | vll cffecta of youth- ul follies and exces ses. It btops pcrnia < nently all ucakcnlnir. Involuntary loaataanu drains upon the sys tem , thelnoUtablo re- . . . . 'suit ' of tlioao evil prac tices , which ar'oBO destructive to mind and body nnd make Ufa miserable , oltcn leading to Ineanl- ty and death. It strengthens the Ncrves.Braln , ( memory ( Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Organs , It restores ti all the oriranlc functions their former \lgot and vitality , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , S3 a bottle , or four times the qunnilty 810. Bent hy express , secure from obacnatlon , to unyaddreas , on receipt of price. No. 0. 0. 1) . Bent , except ou receipt of jl us a guarantee. Lcttero rj qucitiiiR answer ) mint Incloso stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tr } best and chcatxist dyspepsia and billions euro In the market. Sold by all druggists. Prlca 60 ccnta. Du. MINTU'B Kit/NtT EEMBDT , KirRirriciru , Cures f II kind of Kidney and bladder cotnplalnte , rouorrhca , gleet and leucorrhea. For sale by all daugclets : II a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INBT1TTJTK , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. SSS33SiC& j lSf > K jou i ra man ? jyrir"i J i ff oriiu > lnr.jwraL l , n.c-cl l-y tlif tour ilutlid avolt' ' .ilk-lit vurt ti > itiitinlantinnil U4t > Hop Dittf.rJ IAtU Ililj HOP 0 If ) ( , iniroyouiipincl . . .Uerlji fiou at. ( kuti , if you nn , ' . ; rlea or HnBlP , old r - * mnif , uiri-i Int ' IK ) r ) ' ltl orUuipil n oa A bdti i < t > > now , rtly on Hop Bltt ri > . \VhiTir youarp. nl.fUCTOf you fml njuli ; Jromi vha.t your ijtUui form ut K I o n e > in orfi cleaiininir. ton- that ml ? ) Ivir nr tliuuluuuir , ' tkkti Hop Oil to . Or I. C . It en .tioclu iJiliit , iliirote ot tbfroiuaM , Kid oirrl > . tdooil. < mr riwntf I Vou will he eiirvilttyouuu Hop Dlttoro . ) r lm . , Hy.o bn. 6 ul ( , ? , k nml K tj rv . Ultmlkr. iiwrHlrltiil.try Ut It mny HOP Btrr 4 > . live your llfft. It lltU ved AT r i > uOi.t. CTi m.sjsw To Nervous Sufferers 'I HE OR EAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J , B. Bimpeon'a Specific II U a [ > ctitlvccnrti | tor bpcrmstoirbeJt , Bemlnk tVevkLc < . loijictoncy , and a < l diseases rcdultloc' 'run1 ' Beif-Abnw , M MvnUl Anxlrty , LOCJI y. rains la the lisrk or Hide nd " that load to Cousumptlon lnsanlty1 a earlygrarg The bpoclflc Hodlcino I. being u d with uondcr- . . -rf _ _ _ _ ! r Pauiphleti wiit tiee tu oil. Writ * for trwia tad get full pai. ; lcuUr > . r"riet , Spcl3e , Jl.M p r | ma'rg ( , or dx pack. LHOJ for > i.W Addruna t'.l o > d > ri to B. BIMSOK MKDICINK OO. No . 104 aad 108 Mitlu Et Buffalo , N. T. geM In Omaha liy a r. Ooodui o , J. W. Btll , r , K. I < b , and all atugjlitaiverywberi ; . . t WB. MILLAKD. J3. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peek & Batiste Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOUNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. OO OMAHA , NEB. O. T3JST DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. * 2TAnyono contemplating building store , bank , or any other fine nllt flnJIt to their aj- vantage to coma end with us before purchasing tbolr Plato Glass. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB , IF. O. I2J3 Farnhsm St Onnhn. WHOLESALE- QJsfr JL& Ou Eiver Bank , Befc. Farnhaza and Douglas Sts.r -DEALERS IN Fire and Burglar Pr33 - 1020 Farnham Street , fry AND JC3BBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Coeds > and All Grocers' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of OI&AES AMD MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BStlWOQD NAILS AHD LAFLIK & RAND POUfDEfl CO. J V la ib JOBBER OF AND W I EASTERN PRICES DUPLSGATED. 1118 FARM AM ST. - - OMAHA .B AJJI ) KCTAIL UKALEU IN JS& Lath , Shingles , Pickets , BASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MQLDfKCS , LIJViE , GEMEN MT8TATE ACinNi FOB MILWAUCKK OUMKST COUPAKV1 Wear Union Pacific DaDOt. - - j t.T nE > ' POWER AND HAND \JR * T Steam Pumps , Engine Trimsnings , im 0 ! ALLADAYWSND-l\aiLLS \ CHURGH 'Ai4Dil88HOOL BELL8 Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.