Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1882, Image 1

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    1L/Y H.H
( Suoosssors to Fred Lang. )
Wo are now prepared with our now
stock to offer
T * /A. VfcP& fk V ISkYfNI
in the following goods :
Laundry Soaps ,
Canned Oysters ,
Fine Crackers ,
Fine Extracts ,
Butter and Eggs.
Wo cnn assure the public that wo
can show the very choicest butter and
eggs the country can produce. Wp receive -
coivo daily , both , in largo quantities.
Wo invite to como and give us a call.
Wo know it will bo to their advantage -
vantage , as wo sell CHEAP
and keep always the best
stock of the
Wo can challenge the World , as wo
daily receive the very bust
proofs that
OT Me 'Flow ,
As it makes the LIGHTEST and
Wo also"invito all "thti desire' n rood
cup of Coffee or Tea to our stock.
Juat'received a lot of
0. G. JAVA ,
and MOCHA ,
Wo can show ear'y picked
Yamaihiro ,
Japan Young Eyson ,
Japan Oolong ,
Fine English Breakfast
Souchong and Congou.
All of thoao Teas wu can recommend
to bn pure of any poisonous colors ,
as wo pay special attention to this
brunch of business.
Wo have also received a largo lot of f
Jellies and Preserves
in 16 and 25 pound pails , and wo pro
pose to sell them CHEAP. This
is the bust chance
Families that may wish pure
of the purest quality , should not ail
to give us a call , This we lately ed
to our business , mid wo keep no other
but the purest brands of these goods ,
which wo only Bell for medical purpo
ses. In addition wo keep the purest
Boots & Shoes
Wo have as largo n stock as can bo
found in this city , both for Ladies' ,
Children and Gents' , which wu sell
Jeasonable prices ,
& Dormann | ,
Corner 13th and Jackson ' ,
The Struggle of Bight Against
Might oil the Outlawing
of Aralri ,
The Latter Invited to Lnylthi
Down hit ? Tools nnd Re-
tire for a Time.
His Response Visible to tbo
Naked Eye from the
British Lines ,
The Enemy Pace to Pace at
Several Points and Beady
for a Tussle.
Ireland Keeps Her Poker Hot
to Warm the Britissh Rear.
The Buckshot Brigade TroMod in
Dahlia Duriutf Exposition
A Variety of General Foreign Mows ,
Special Dispatches to Tin UK * .
an indication of spirit which prompts
the porto in Bonding troops to Egypt ,
it is stated that twenty Christian
medical men who were appointed to
accompany the .Egyptian expedition
and who had received pay nnd inado
ovnry preparation for departure , were
stopped at the last luonunt and their
places supplied by mussolmans. The
resolution to proclaim Arabi Pasha n
rebel , was reached only after a pro
tracted discussion between the
palace clique and the min
isterial party. Grand vizier
and minister of foreign affairs insisted
upon the necessity of the proclamation
and declared that a war with England
would bo a terrible calamity for Tur
key , because Russia was ready to
march into Asia Minor , and Austria
would march on to Salonica. Arabi
Pasha was invited to lay down his
arms , and until n reply is received
front him the proclamation will not
become olltcial.
LONDON , August 13. The army of
occupation in Egypt will bo reinforced
by the Third division of the First
army corps. A number of regiments
have been ordered in readiness for ac
tive service. The troop ship Malabar ,
at Portsmouth , is under orders to
take this week about 2,000 additional
officers and men to strengthen the
regimontfl already in Egypt , while further
thor detachments of artillery will em
bark on the transport Teviot at Wool-
wich.ALKXANDHIA , August 13. The
Coldstroam Guardn landed this morn
ing and marched to llamloh , where
the whole brigade of foot guards are
now camped under command of the
Duke of Connaught. Gon. Allison
having written the commander of the
Gorman gunboat Habicht that security
can now bo guaranteed in Alexandria ,
the Gorman sailors guarding the Gor
man hospital were withdrawn yester
day. This removes the last of the for
eign landing party.
GIBKALTAU , August 13. The trans
port Nopaul , with the Forty-second
regiment , passed on her way to Egypt.
, MALTA , August 13. The transport
Tower Hill arrived to-day and pro
ceeded on her way to Alexandria. The
troop ship Euphrates also arrived and
to-morrow takes on board the nccond
battalion of the Manchester regiment
nnd a battery of royal artillery.
GIIIKALTAK , August 13. The trans
ports Grecian , Tagas and Ludgate
Hill pissed to-day on their way to
Anglo-Turkish military convention is
not yet arranged arranged. The Sul
tan has not yet given approval to the
reports submitted by the ministers
Saturday. The draft convention pro
posed by England differs in several
particulars from the Ottoman draft.
There is no ider of giving the khedive
command of British and Turkish
troops in Egypt.
Cherif Acnolooirfick , brother of
Dusalin Pasha , formerly grand sheriff
of Mecca , lately assusinated , received
the decoration of the order of Ojinanio.
The decoration ciusod a Hoimtion ,
AEEXANIHIIA , August 13 Church
services were held Sunday afternoon
in the city.
The enemy's main defenses appear
finished. It is rumored that Arebi
Pasha is sending laborers away to
avoid the necessity of feeding thpni.
The Duke of Connaught applied to I
have the marines brigaded with the
guards. This is taken us a compli -
inont by the former. lieh
News is just received of a ukirmleh
to the westward of Alexandria , be
yond Moks' forts. Sailord and ma
rines drove a number of Arabs back
with the fire of small field pieces. No
loss on the English aide.
Foreigners are beginning to grum
bio and have formed a so-called vigi
lance committee to watch European
internals. This movement will bo ana
source of considerable annoyance to
Sir Garnet Wolsoloy unless firmly >
dealt with. lym
LONDON , August 13. Five complete
ploto railway trains , consisting of
twelve carriages each , have boon pur
chased for use in Egypt.
ALEXANDUIA , August 13 After the
guards had been inspected , General
Adyo formed the oflicers into n circle
and pointed out the duties and hard
ships of campaigning. Ho reminded
them that they must bo prepared to
meet an enemy of great strength ,
courageous , determined and thJ
armed. Ho cautioned them againi
being too sanguine and over confident ,
and to guard against surprises. Arab
, i
PashVn vidottca on Aboukir
drawn in
ALEX AN nnt\ , August in. It is reported -
ported a party from the gunboat Con
dor : went ashore Sun lay HiuUlestroyed
stores of gun cotton , etc , beyond
Mcks' ' forts , belonging to the enemy.
Th skirmish beyond Mckn , reported
in a previous dtsp.itch , occurred on
this occasion. Several of the enemy
were killed ,
i Lord Churl es Boreaford , with n
patrol party near Fort Muks , had a
narrow esc > po from bcinir cutoff by
tin Bedouins. The sailors on shore
were sent to their ships Sunday. The
' ironclad trains have been put out of
commission ,
SUEZ , August 13. The rebels in
great force hnvo taken up positions
immediately threatening the cannl.
The English admiral occupied the
water works. Ho will not allow uny
interference whatever from De Lcs-
kish delegates to the conference in
formed Du florin tlint no troops would
bo landed in Egypt until the arrival
of a Turkish special commissioner.
MALTA , August 12. Qoitoral Sir
Garnet Wolsoloy arrived hero onrouto
to Alexandria. Ho is quite well.
CONSTANTINOPLE , August 12. What
Duffurin insists upon in order to secure
harmony of action is that no move
ment of Turkish trosps when they are
in Egypt should tuku place without
the preliminary consent of General
LONDON , Augunt 12. The Times
says : "When the army of Arabi Pasha
has been dispersed nnd iU leaders
brought to account for their misdeeds
wo shall have to make nure that the
difficulty may not recur in a now form.
Egypt will bo in our hands. It will I
not bo open to us to retire from the
country and leave events to take their
own course. This is the resolve of
England and wlion it becomes IICCOB-
Eary to nock the sanction of the other
powcro for result , the concert of Europe -
rope will be onvoked in u sense very
different from that with which wo
have lately boun familiar.
YEHHAILLKS , August 13 The court
hero has sentenced to death Fcnayron ,
a retired apothecary , who murdered
his wife's lover , another apothecary ,
named Aubort , at Chaton. Fonay-
roil's wife , at her husband's instiga
tion , inveigled Aubert to visit her on
the night of the murder. Ho was
sentenced to penal servitude , for life ,
and Fonayron's brother L'icieii , who
aided him in the crime , to BOVOU years
servitude. The trial oxoited extra
ordinary interest , as the public prose
cution did not press for the extreme
penalty in event of the jury consider
ing that Fonayron was actuated solely
by jealousy. It appears the jury
must have adopted the views favored
by the prDBCcution , namely : that
Aubort was murdered to prevent his
divulging the guilt of Fonayron in
lomocasoof poisoning or felonious use
if drugs'
MANCHESTER August 13. There
was a demonstration to-day in con
nection with the Land League con
vention , Commins presided. Big-
par and O'Oonncr wore present.
Commins claimed that the Irish party
had forced the house to yield much
moro than the house ever intended ,
lie urged continuance of efforts to
abolish the union. A resolution
thanking the Irish national party in
America was unaniinoubly passed.
Biggar said the Irish purly contains
Domu of the ablest men in the com
mons. O'Connor ur od bin hearers
to renewed efforts at the next general 1
DUULIN , Aug. 13. It is otntod
h'uns have been placed in the upper
yards of the castle and other precau
tions taken in view of possible riots
during the O'Goimoll demonstration.
Largo bodies of infantiy paraded the |
streets with guns , to-night , causing
some excitement , The authorities
are rotricont in regard to the increased
DUULIN , August 13. A constable
named Brown was shot fatally to-day
utParconstown , County Louth , Four
bullets entered his body.
The police arrested five of a company . -
- . . . . - ,
pany of fifty men drilling nour Dun
The committon in charge of the
Limerick races rofuaod an ollor > 10y
Oh'lord ' Lloyd of n cup valued nt 50
The inspector general of the con
stabulary forwarded the county in-
spoctora of Ireland ' 180,000 for dis-
tributiou among the constabulary.
LONDON , August 13 The utoamcr
Mosel is settling rapidly , Heavy turns
have washed many of her fittinga.
BEULIN , August 13 , Tim Hmpross
of Germany , while walking Saturday
in the schloas of Babolsburg blipped
and was thrown to the ground , receiv
ing a severe shaking up and several
alight contusions.
The supreme board of health has
decided to enforce immediately strict
quarantine against all vessels from
Bnrnoo , Toploo Islands and the Phil *
lipino Archipelago , on account of the
prevalence of cholera ,
LONDON , August 13. By the acci
dental explosion of a barrel of gun
powder in a tradesman's shop near ina
school house in Grodinu , Russia ,
almost all the children in the school
house , who were Jews , were killed. .
A Urge number of bodies wore taken
from the ruins. The windows and
doors of the nhurch and other build
ings in the neighborhood were shat-
DUULIN , August 12 , The garrison
llM ro has been strongly reinforced ,
prolnbly to guard ngainat any out-
m-rak during exhibition wcok.
. . , . . . . . , , August 11 ! . A tliipntch
from Buenos Ayres states that a ves
sel cotivorinjc St. Bcol and members
of the Italian antarctic expedition
have been wrecked off Capo Horn.
All on board saved.
LONDON , August 12. The Pall Mall
Qazotlo says there is good reason to
believe that roubles of the most no-
nous kind hftvo broken ouc in Coiv.i
whoso relations with Japan nro not
altogether friendly. There is also n
very powerful party in Cores strongly
opposed to the recently concluded
treaties with the United States and
In the house of commons the post
master genera ) stated that there was
not thn slightest chance that the post-
office department would over purchase
the telephone linos.
&ho Irl h nnd Egyptians
August 13. The
Land Lvacrutf . . of . Philadelphia this
-C.B. \
evening.decided it would not advance
the cause of Ireland to assist Arabi
Boy by sending money or troops to
Egypt. A telegram from Parnell de
nouncing such action was read. Steps
were taken to ascertain the names of
parsons who are charged with an at
tempt to sell out the league to a politi
cal party ,
Donoonoiuu Ororit Britain.
iipoc'nl ' Dlipatch to Tim IKS.
NEW YOUK , August 13. The Cen
tral labor union to-day adopted the
following : resolutions :
Resolved , That the Central labor
union donoutico the action of the
British government in'otrosting Henry
George < while In the poiformance of his
duty as journalist , ns cowardly nnd
tvranical , and also as deserving repro
bation of all true Americans.
Resolved , That wo demand of the
American government it shall take
immediate stops to compel the British
government to mnko full and complete
reparation for the unwarrantable and
atrocious insult it has heaped upon
the dignity of American citizonuhip ,
which should prove a shield and bul
wark to Americana in whatever land
duty or pleasure may lead them.
General Sir Garnet \Volsoloy tins
arrived at Malta , en routa to Alex
tQTho postmaster general of Great Brit
ain sayu there is not the slightest ch.iuco
that tlio pOBtofllco department will over
purchase tlio telephone lines.
A dispatch from Buenos Ayres states
that the vesaeV'Convoying Lieut. Hnwa
and members of the Italian Antartlu ex
pedition hiiH beeuwrecked off Capo Horn.
All on board were saved.
The fiullarx.of ' urkoy hoa directed that
In addition to-tho proclamation ha mndo
declaring Arabi JPrvdha a robot , is resisting
that Arabi cct-i Jf. fcory to the precepts of
the Koran. Iinpoi'inute is attached tct
this express mention of the Koran against
Arabi. >
Parnell and other > ncmbc s of parlia
ment arrived in Dublin on Saturday to
attend the festivities in connection with
the approaching opening of the exposition.
The streets were already extensively dec
Tlio annual convention of the Irish land
league nf Grent'Britnin ' opened at Man
chester Saturdav with cloeeddoors. Com-
mine , member of parliament for Hose > m-
mon , presided. Throe hundred delegates
were p osent. A resolution of sympathy
was pas cd relative ] to the death of MIns
Amu I'arnoll.V report was presented
stating the hi lil&nds of Scotland aie rife
tor land ft itutii.nk. An amendment wan
proposed etnbodjing tbo principle * of
.Uavitt's laud naturalization nchome , but
after an anim "ted discussion the original
resolution wan overwhelmingly carried. A
resolution panned recommending to the
fannoia In Irelnnd the justice and expedi
ency of aldlntr the cauie of laborers ; re
commending payment to Irish inemberH of
parllau.ent for their services in the cause
of the land league ,
Triple Murder.
Sptichl Dispatch to Till llxi.
EVANBYILLK , Ind , , August 1 ! ) A
German saloon'keeper named Alex
ander Wiobor , his wife and 7-yotr-old
son were found murdered in their
homo this morning. Their heads had
boon crushed with a hatchet and their
throats cut. A six months' infant
was loft unharmed in the crib , Efforts
are being niado to discover the perpe
trator. Two disreputable chaructoio
were arrested on suspicion.
Special Ddpatch to Till 13 Ki.
WASHINGTON , August 13 , Acting
Secretary of the Treasury French lm
addressed n letter to the collectors nt
Now Y ork , Baltimore , Philadelphia ,
Boston nnd Portland , calling thuir it-
tention to the not of congress making
provinton for the establishment of itit
tlu quarantine itationB , and stating ito
is the drsiru of the department to pro
vide proper fihoUer for imported c.ittlo :
at these ports as noon as convenient.
Collectors are instructed to consider
the best mothqcl for doing tin ? , and
also \vhoro each quarantine ntation
should be establithed. The troianry
cattle coininiftiilon has been authoruutl
to advise with ) oollootora on this sub-
Tlio Siffrou Scour ( jo.
Special Dlipatch ty Tin llxi.
LAIIEDU , T jas , August 13 For '
the 2-1 hours ended at 0 p. in. , August
12 , Brownsville had 25 new coses of
yellow fever and one death , and
Matamorns 23 now cases and 8 deaths ,
UuowNsviLtE , Texas , August 13 ,
Twenty-two now cases of yellow fever ,
all Mexicans , ono on American ,
The northern mail was sent
back from alovo. There is more
alarm at a distance than there ia cause
for as yet. Physicians are apprehen
sive of a chanp in the weather ,
MATAMOUAS , August 1 ! ) . Wight
deaths for the week ending at t ) a. m ,
Total deaths from fever , CO.
Killed by a Poliooinau-
„ , Plipitcb to Tin UK.
FOUT WAYNK , Ind , , August 13.
Policeman Doyle this afternoon at
tempted to fairest George Alexander
and a companion for disorderly onto
duct. Thoiwo beat Doyle , injuring
htm sorionqly. Doyle shot and killed
That Whioli tlio Merchants of Sidney -
noy Mtiuoli as They
on tliBValo of Steers ,
Ptioto from the
Foddorlnnd of Western
A ThorotiKhljPotod City In n Mil-
itnry Homo Gonornl Now *
Oorrotponvldncd ol THR llm.
SIDNKY , Nob. , August 12-Sidney
has assumed immense proportions
since last I visited this section , nnd
it surprised mo greatly to note the
progress and advancement of this
beautiful little town , situated 4,800
feet above the level of the son , its cli
mate ia nature'a snreotost , and in point
of strength and invigoration it can
not bu excelled. Many tourists and
invalids make this n special stop
ping place to enjoy the luxurious at
mosphere and drink the "aqua pure"
from the many valuable springs in
this vicinity. While but ajahort time
| ago it was the centre of an Indian
country where daily raids were made
upon the settlement , to-day it stands
pre-eminent among the towns
on the U. P , , and its business
, men hnvo nssidtously labored
to give the city every in
I dication ' of a promising future. They
again the bad element that forniorl-
constituted the major portion of socie
ty and did so much toward deterioration
tion hn been thoroughly stamped ,
so that the reputation of Sidney ai
a model town ia nustainod. Nowhere
can be found better or more enter
prising people , ready to do anything
for the promotion of industry than
those of western Nebraska.
The Plaindoalor-Tolejjraph , pub
lished here , is a spicy journal , ably
managed by Win. Strute and edited
byV. . M t ) < l"X , a young journalist
from Now York. Their last wcok'o
paper was the beat that UVUT emanated
from their uilioe and reflucts great
credit on the gentlemen in charge.
Its viowfl nro liberal.
hero is the establishment of the head
quarters of the Fifth cavalry , com
manded by Col. 0. E , Compton , an
efficient oflicor nnd gentleman. The
regimental band , consisting of thirty
pieces , will arrive hero next week
from FortLaramio and take its station
at those barracks. This makes quito
an acquisition to Sidney and a long
neodeil necessity. About 815,000 has
been appropriated by the dopartmJit ;
commander for the enlargement of the
post and building will begin in n short
time. Another company of cavalry is
expected soon , making this a five com
pany post. It is conceded that Sid
ney barracks are the prettiest in the
department and Col. Coniptou , to
gether with his subordinate ollicors ,
deserve credit for its appearance.
are no small item to Sidney , and are
largely increasing , many of the cattle
men having added largo herds to their
present stock. The "round-ups" are
over and the shipping season begun ,
Beeves nro fat and hearty and the
prices thuy bring in Chicago are an
evidence of this fact.
Among the wealthy stock men can
bu mentioned D. Slitody/TuolorBroa , .
Hosier Bros , Thus. Lawrence , Ooud
Broi , Champion Muyfiuld , Col. Bronri
son , E. S , Newman , Dave Hunter ,
Both Mobry , Barnhart , Burns & Co. ,
John M. Adams , I. n , Sparks , Thos.
Kane , Price & Jonks , E. > . Reid ,
J'ratt it Ferris , Koolino Bros. , II. S.
Yantassel , E. II. Cowlos and Oroigh-
ton & Co. Those are only a few of
the most prominent whoso herds have
added much to the revenue of Chey
enne county.
is also becoming u profitable business ,
and Pole crunk is flocked with many
very largo herds. The wool has sold
nt good prices , and sheep owners are
encouraged nt their future prospects.
Over 70,000 head have already been
contracted for delivery next month.
Among the county oilicers whom I
met wore J. J. Molntoah , whose ef
ficiency 1ms HO often boon commented
upon by by hin honor Judge Guslin ,
of this circuit. Km books are kept
neat and attractive. The county
juil f , Juliuu Neubaiior , is indeed n
perfect gentleman , whose decisions
ure rendered with care and precision ,
nnd the dignified position he occupies
makes him u cordial , genial advisor
and advocate. The county superin
tendent of schools , Joseph Oberfelder , ,
has done excellent work , and does
honor to the position ho was chosen to
occupy. HeitiforniH mo that the schools
vill reopen September 4th , John W ,
Haas , a stauch republican , is postmas
ter , assisted by William Cartright , I
noticed them distributing THK BKK
to-day and found THK Bui : had ton
subscribers to one of any of the other
Omaha papers. This proves THK BKK
is the accepted paper of the people
of Nebraska.
In passing to
I found the house of James Suther
land & Co , doing the largest grocery
trade. Those men oUo conduct heSS
forwarding and freighting business )
from Inn D to the agencies uud the
Black Hills. Among the leaser grocers >
who do a goad traie are Aug. Grannc-
man and Ed , McLurnon , lend
Next cornea the clothing trade , and
in that line I must say one can find
goods equal , If not better in stock here
than in much larger cities , Obur-
fielder Brothers do the leading busi-
ness in this line , having been the flrut
to start a regular clothing house iu
town , Bob & Joe are both pushura
and energetic business men. Their
courteous treatment to everybody )
wins for them the esteem of a confid
ing public.
Tlio hotels nro ( Icing well , the Met
ropolitan footling fran one hundred
to two hundred persons nt a meal.
The Lnckwood and the llumsoy house
also thrive , the former under the
management of Kd. Countryman , the
latter by Henry lluinsoy ,
There are sixteen licensed saloons
hero , and all seem to exist , among
whom J. Ilubel it Co , do a largo out
side wholesale trade. By an Agree
ment with the county commissioners ,
the saloons pay $150 a year for
liconscs. It is bettor thus , as it helps
to swell the school fund. There are
few people hero who favor prohibition ,
and thosp who do can bo soon slipping
around the back alleys and standing
the bar-koopora off for a drink. Such
men are a n uisaiico , and wo are fast
getting rid of them.
The tragic death of William Aust ,
of Omaha , in tlio sand hills near
Snake creed , 72 miles north of hero ,
was a sad allair Indeed , His remains
are now interred in your city , and so
wo let the subject drop , as much has
already boon said ,
Vic , Bierbowor ia mentioned as a
possible candidate for the attorney
generalship of Nebraska. Ho in now
east trying to capture the convention.
Wo hope he'll get thoro.
Ex-Senator Gee , II. Jewott begins
the buildingof a 820,000school house ,
as per contract , nt Pine llidge agency ,
in a few days.
Quito a largo delegation of people
from hero will attend the G. A. U ,
reunion at Grand Island on the Uuth.
While writing of this healthy re
sort I must not omit to state that the
record at the bureau of vital statis
tics shows that 32 children have been
born hero within the past five
months , with plenty moro to hear
liowf Dra. Boggs and
the attending physicians.
Merchants are buying heavy stocks ,
p.-oparing for a largo fall trade.
Building Is going on rapidly and thu
carpenters hardly got time to eat.
Sells Bros * . ' uigantio circus shows
hero on the 25th inst.
More anon. IN VINCI 111.1 : .
Muioulnr Vulgarity-
Spoclil IHipatch to Tint linn.
Nuw YOUK , August 11 ! Watts ,
president of the Amateur Oarsmen's
Association of America , arrived last
evening from Liverpool by the City
ot Montreal. In nn interview he
says that the real objection to the
Hillsdalcs was personally stated to
him by Chattoris , president of the
English Amateur rowing association.
Ho said the two hist crews from
America the Cornells and Showoo-
oniottoss had ] proved very ungentlemanly -
gentlemanly in their conduct , and
it was the determination to guard
against giving another crow an oppor
tunity to display their vulgarity ,
which prevented their acceptance of
the llillsdales challenges. It it should
turn out that the Hillsdaloa were a
regular amateur club , whoso challenges
would bo considered acceptable by the
regular clubs of America , OhaUoria
said further , the English amateur
rowing association would accept their
LONDON , August 13 , The Sportsman -
man says : Offing to the satisfactory
answer from the Yale Boat club , the
Thames Hawing club have accepted
the challenge of the Hillsdalp crow.
The ' Hillsdale crow started Friday on
ft trip to the continent. All efforts to
intercept them have thus far failed ,
Their passage homo ia already booked.
It can be canceled , if necessary. The
match , if it comes of , will take place
about one month hence , over the
Hampton ship cmirsn
Precautionary Polioo
Special Dlipatch to Till UKK
JKIWEV CITY , August 13. The spe
cial ; police of the Pennsylvania rail
road were paid off to-day and dis
charged. The police force of the Now
York , Lake Erin it Western railroad
will be reduced to ton men to-morrow ,
These extra police wore employed
when the freight handlers' strike
Imiiatlo Asylum Uurnetl.
Spuclil Dlipatch to Tint UKK.
LANOAHTKU , Pa , , Aug. 13. This
afternoon the barn of Samuel N , Wot-
znll was burned by an incendiary ,
While the fire was in progress the
county insane asylum near by was dis
covered on fire and was entirely de
stroyed , together with the futnituro ,
The building was erected fourteen
yearn ago. Total loss , $70,000 ; in
sured , $35,000. The insane inmates ,
114 in number , were all saved after
great exertions. The origin of the' '
fire IH in doubt ,
A. Souildo Paulo ,
Eroclal Plupatch to Tim UKK ,
Lox < ! UiiANcu , August 13 , The
guests of Hotel Bollovne , near Sea-
bright , stampeded because of two cases
of typhoid fov r. The proprietor of
Uio hotel pasted thn notice , "I will
close this lintel Monday , sure. " The
patients are N , W. Andiows , brother-
in-law of Cyrus W. Field , and Albert
Levy , relative of the banker Bolignuui.
Physicians say the paMonta cannot bo
removed within ton days , and the
proprietor demands to keep the hotel
for thorn that time f 2,500. Each of
the friends of the sick persons say
they will pay any reasonable aum for
their maintenance , but not the amount
demanded ,
A Battered Boat.
Special Dlipatch to Inn IHi ,
. .August 13. The report
. . . _ ' _
-l /I T
of a collision between rival Coney Is
land boats this morning caused much
excitement in this city and Brooklyn.
Inquiry showed that the Sea Beach
boat ran Into the iron pier , The '
boat wau badly damaged , No person
Injured ,
Tbo Iriib Heroiuo.
Bpurl * ! Dlrwtuli ] tolllnlUs.
CHIOAUO , August 13 , The Irish so
cieties of this pity participated in a
demonstration iu memory of the late
Fanny Purnoll this afternoon , which
was largely attended , It oonsiuted of
a procession , speeches by local orators
tors , passage of memorial resolutions ,
reading of Miss Parnell'a appeal to he.r
countrywomen , etc.
Ho Sees tlio Oomtag Storm.and (
Attempts to Break its Forco. V
A Eod Hot Appenl to Gnrflold ;
for the Smnlhvftrta of 'j '
New York. . t |
How MnoVolRh nnd Jntnn * for tlio
Cnblnot Torrlfloil thn Chief'
Star Router.
The Turpin of Thlovea Proaohoa Pro
priety to tbo Ltoad President.
WASHINGTON , August 12. The Sun
day Gazette in an article attacking-
the prosecution in the ppndirg star
route coses , and moro particularly ex-
Attorney GenoratMacVcigh , publishes
a letter over the signature of ox-Sena
tor S. W , Dorsoy to President Gar-
Held , in which It professes to find the
animus of the star route prosecution.
The editor of The Gazette , lliohard
Uinton , WAS in charge of compilation
of documents for distribution through
the republican national campaign com-
inittoo of 1880 , under the supervision
of Senator Dorsey. In his article ho
says ho had in his possession a largo
number of letters from various sources ,
ono of which ho selected for publica
tion. The following is the letter :
NEVA YORK , July 7 , 1881.
DI-.AU GKNKHAL : Col. Gco. Bliss
called on mo recently and introduced
a Mr , Knox , who said ho was n class
mate of yours at Williams college ,
and further stated * that ho was about
leaving for Mentor to visit
you at your request , to dis
cuss the question of the proper
net-son to place in your cabinet from
Now York. It cannot bo possible you
would call upon Mr. Bliss , much less
upon Mr. Knox , to give advice re
specting so important a question to1-
you and to the people of this state.
Both of those gentlemen may bo hon
est , true and respectable. So far as I
know they nro , but Bliss and Knox do jj |
not represent the people , or leaders of jj }
the people of Now York , no moro than f i
I represent the king of Slum. All 3 !
ouch advice aa this is pretentious 5 ( V ; .
idiocy , and if you are occupying your j * ' )
time in listening to men like those , I 3-1
wish to express in the most emphatic 'i M '
wny that you and your administration V ? ' , <
will prove n lamentable failure. You. < !
should take the bit in your tooth and t- { ]
decide for yourself what you want in \ |
your cabinet. What do you want of 'f
the advice of man , every ono of whom > 5
has an axe to grind and a schema to , i |
push ? If ou want advice in Now ' < t ]
York , who don't you send for Conk- i
ling or Arthur , two men who elected i ]
you with the uid of Grant ! Why ( ? -
don't ' you consult with somebody who i A
has the status of name and n following t |
in Now York ? Now I toll you and '
I toll you without a grain of selfish
ness that you cannot afford to have
any friction arise between yourself * r
and Conkling and General Arthur. f * ! .
Whenever you determine to assail \ j ,
thcan'mon you drive the last nail in
your political coffin. You cannot
ignore them to make peace with Curtis ,
Wayne MaoYoagh and others of their
class. You cannot disband an army
to got recruits. Wo now have a great ,
well organized , active and aggressive
army. If you want to muster out
that army in order to pick up the
sneaks , bummers nnJ deserters in
the rear , go ahead , and I
predict you will laud in a sur
rendered camp. I am tired of
thin blathering talk about MaoVoagh
to go into the cabinet from Pennsyl
vania and James from New York.
Such a detestable sot should bosmokod
out at once , and you ought to do It
in some public way. Aa I have re-
poat.odly urged upon you , there is but
ono appointment you ought to make
from No\v York , and that ia Chief
Judge Folgor , to bo secretary of the
treasury. You don't ' need any Bliss
or Knox to ascertain or to prove his
character , capacity and standing in
New York. Running for chief judge
on the same ticket with you , he re
ceived more than double the majority
you didj Now take my advice about
this , and I ask you to do that because
you know I have no earthly interest
except to see a successful and honora
ble administration , and my advice Is
this : When you got ready to select
a citizen of Now York for your cabi
net , send for Senator Conkling , Gon.
Arthur , Gov. Cornell. J , D. Warren of
Buffalo , ox-Gov. Morgan and Thomas
0. Platt , nnd men of that class , and
cot ' their best judgment. Bliss and
Knox ! What nonsense , I beg you
not to permit Knox to run around this
state inquiring about men fittest for
the cabinet and pretending to repre
sent you. By aotH of this kind you
injure yourself and cost an unpardan-
able reflection upon men who can and
ought to bo the best judges , and who
represent the republicans of this state.
I don't want to bo put in the position
of being obliged to lecture the presi-
dont-tjlect , and especially in regard to
the formation of his cabinet. You
have repeatedly urged me to toll you
whenever I should think you were
going wrong. I write you when
I think you are about to make
a mistake , and I hav& not and
shall not mince words in pointing
out your errors. You drop all this
stuff about Oonkling. Ho don't want
to fight you or any one else , Ho ia
not prancing around with a chip on
his shoulder , challenging all mankind
to battle , All Conkling wants and
all Arthur desires , is n fair show and
an honest deal. Thoco two men ,
with their friends , represent the in
telligent , the progressive and aggres
sive elements of New York republic
anism , They possess the wisdom ,
force and courage that the people
of this country and nil countries
always udmire. You know my inter
ests and purposes are solely to BOO
the successful consummation of our
cront work , I have presented to you
some fioron facts. I sincerely hope
you will give them your candii
and careful attention.
Your friend ,
( Signed ) S. W. DoBSEV.
To Gon. Jas , A. Garfield.