Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1882, Image 8

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    THE i > AlLy Bfifr-O'MAllA SATLll f : H 188
Morning AugvlO ,
( The following ot > ert-atton ruotftWn i
the game moment of time ntaH the nUliot
namod. ) ' '
" ( \VARDkrAniMRJfT , Ui S. StOMAtSKn-
VICB , OMAIJA , Aug. 11 , 1882. (1:15 ( : p.m. ,
De'rlrcr , . , , .
Cheyenne 11
YanVton. . .
DCS Molncs.
BtSt. . Loul * .
llbothcaj. .
Vincent . . .
DlaiDarck. . .
Ouster. . . . . .
Dead rood.
.Amlnlbblne ,
' Wa riakle ,
Hirer 8 left 3 Ininn above low tratir mnrK h
Ore h , 4 fcctll Inches at Y&nlitonJ MlssUnlppI
4 feet 4 Incho * t L\Croweanil 7 ( cell Inchc
' , Ujbuquo.
MH othtr biutncia moi
nhould rend the nottco of the Allen 1'rlnt
ing Company , which appears in thli.Muc
p The regular quarterly meeting of tin
ITJnlon CatlfoKo I tjrary aMoclj" " 'r "
fbo held next Tuewiaycvonlng nt
-Tho i Omaha , OricKft club
their monthly meeting nn Monday ex on *
ing at 8 o'clock sharp , nt l'etors , < oornci
of Sixteenth anil California.
n't ' / ) ttj ' * i * i it 'i
iVStudents of Crdlglilbri , Oollegi iwho
failed in the annual examination , ( mil who
f desire to "undergo another examination in
order to bo promoted to the next clans ,
" should apply jiolho vice president of the
ctfllc'go about August 15 , New Btudcntn
\who i way desire , to enter hhonjdiprcs.cnt
thcfugilve * fof fcxamiuftton dt\rjngtho [ last
week of August. Classes will bo resinned
on the first Monday in September.
"Twenty Army Ballade , Favorites of
tlio 3oyswho were the Blue , " In.the titlu
of a very ( proty'llttlo ( ' , song-bool Junt is
sued by Capt. S. ll. Jones oa nn ndvcrtino-
nentof the Grarid Island ro-uniom I ia
for free distrlbijtlpn n Un a neat reminder
of Iho forthcoming grand time among the
old GiA , R. Coinrnde3.
l acl 10 httB iiromfaedjto
Ftrautport nil stock am farm products des-
-ned for exhibiliJnt tl o. etato fairlo rtnd
, _ . . .
* * i. H '
cbargei. V.sf |
-i The Street ntallnail company has
taken up the curve leading from Twentieth
' < 'street cstwardlnto)0urnlngitmd ) has made
h a ntraight track ncrosfl/Twcntiotli etrcet on
\ < j Gaming to Kighteonth. ' J
, ? ! The eloctrio light is still something of
I | a novelty hero. A 3,000 candle-power
f f Brush light vJas exhibited at tyuvip & .jrnr-
I ' * coy's OinaU'NWelty1 ' Works- * Thursday
I -their new motor being used.
. , Assistant Chief Engineer Hunt , of ftho
i Omaha fire department , bid a cent stolen
rom him while nt dinner ycatcr-day , be
incautiously lofMt at his barn. . As ho lost
rfour by'tha rooent'fire hin st&k of conU
ia getting pretty low.
The many friends and admirers of
Prof. Goo. F , Bauer , the musician , will bo know-that ho will return to
Omaha on Sunday next > and make it his
permanent homo. His pupils who desire
to resume their musical studios with him
will pleneo lea ire orders nt Mar Meyer &
Vro.'s store.
The Iuiuque base ball club \fM in
town'-yeatonlay inaking'-thrco ' ns8oclatlonn
of the diamond green from abroad , To
day Omaha will listen to the munlo of the
J spheres. f
. As I'hll Konrney pout , G. A. II. ,
changes its hcadtiuurtcrB v.-itli those of the
regiment of regulars who-oomixiHo it very
likely there \yill 1 o another home post
gtablishoil hprp , as the jNinlh regiment
? lwa gou'etitrort l Iobrara , ' t
ll r i * ! t
rljS.ttenliou IjjvrcnU [ due } Chlldrqn
Coino to the Unitarian church Saturday
nt 3:30 , where ft class In vocal innoto Svill
be organized for tlioso sexes under the ago
"of 17. Tennvouly 8lOOJpr twelve les-
V sons. Nobooks rcqufrpdyaCoiico.Vtatthe
5 closa of term. , - n . ,
t l ! Jl K'vo , f" Kraoyi [ lianque i kni ' ball nt
i ( StandarJ lml.1 . , In honpr of thq Bi'lyor wed-
. ' , diug anulvereivry of , Mr. and Mrs. Ilonryi
/ \ j I'undt. The music will bo furnished by
I t , ' "that popular organlzntTon , the "Musical
' ' "Union Drcliostrn. , ( i .
' . ' ' 'Ilio entertainment to lie given by thft
Jadies ofjtho Trinity church next Toesday [
, . ( ' < ihe IBtbf will Lo in 'Masonic hall , inntcai
| -of Urownell liny. , Tlio ooiuio operetta ;
{ , 'Penelope , ' [ will form .the jmi | c l featuri
> f. by Hoffman's orchestra during the erci :
' i , Ing and later on for the'dancing.
j \ j'UjThohayln bat.vcBt.haa iYiinmonwdl !
' '
a llftly'manner fri'dll rjnrli of 'thijcoun'iy
nud the indlcatlojia are hat jiut a eraa
blade wilfb'eleft ataiidlng'l"Sini { hay th
Aorry mower and tar nation 'tnonoton ;
of the buuliwti under u broiling sun au
the uncertainty of the market , both star
tatlon for the qwarterwMter'n doiiartment
went to Fremont to-day to attend to th
LtesMpprtaUonof ajiurnbeflif oldier > un
j are on tUeir wB1 . , „ . .
Duejetmo. An exira carVar attache
v to the noon trnlu to accounuodato the
troops. ,
' yrriraHe GrUTra , Litter known a Marlon
' ' 3U'Mia , a justly famouu and aduilrcjl
jirima doouu o ( A'ow York goea ca > t tu-
day to settle up her allttrs them , afUir
which blip vrlll return t < j jQiiudia and make
the Gate City her jw.'rmeiHiit rcildcnce.
Oyitdin id to bo congratulated lipca thu
pro p ctie i-ojulrtitiou of to uotcd a blngur
. nnd we can aMuru Ihelwiy of most cordi
al reception on tlie j > crt of ull oar beat
clllltUi ,
, ' " llr. T , Y , Ijyont , the city bill Coster ,
i. in the proprietor of the fmetit dtiveitUiiv ;
g , tOM evened by any UU riosUr In the ITnitwl
* , BUte . He hoi JtAt got jt put from A , 4'
i filmpaon' * carriage factory , where be htil
* r re'toucbed , and H' "A d bo 'pow * ujl
310 intetako. The moat notable ohaugo fa
npnce nloug the top of earh niile , and i
the ret being owned hy J , 13. French
Co. , the well-known Fnrnam street gr
cera. It l a big ctrd for tliln trio , ni
attention rin our fitrcel
IjnJpn 1'ftclfic 1ianUfexdur ton to-di
lo Wnlioo.
The TurncM oxcnrt * to Columlnn t
i th'e German theater pr
( ; ress rapidly.
, Tlio Iwc balllsls wore favored ] by ll
wcatbec clerk yesterday.
The North Omaha rcople would ilk
to know how long rx/oro / trio Sauridei
street biid&o Ii td bo pat up ? '
[ Itcof.Btofik bus taken a terrible tumhl
nnd Itwould ba a good idea for meat oatei
now to contract for stcaki for winter dolls
Ruth Jtcljieea Degree Lodge No/11
0. 0.1' . , meet ( to-day ) Saturday e\er
Inc' . A full attendance is desired , W. J
Scovlo , secretary.
Tlie1 number of red lights burnln
over the trenches on 1'arnam street lar
night looked like n convention of rallroa
cabooses was being held.
Tlio German society , comprising 17
members , bos been organize , ! with the fol
lowing ollloern : H. H. A. I'undt , prc i
donti limit IlurmcUor , corresponding fee
rctaryj Julius Meyer , fininciid soorctarj
A. Dnnnan , trenjurfr. It1 ft the Intontlo
of the society to erect a largo ball nn
establish enl maintain a frco Gcnnar
lurtgliuli Rchnol Three tbouBand dollar
have already boeu .donated , nndi th
ameunt will undoubfolly bo 'doublet ] an
n fine building' tie putfay ] , t ! . , $ j i
Hon. Asmntad Bartle'ti and bare HCH
BtirdeltCoutstlioVwcathliatladyt \ | ii
England , and licr hunband , the latter
ronng American , nnd the two probably n
atnous the world over as. any strictly irii )
ire slopping at * the Mlllard hotel. The )
ire making a tour" of Jho United jState
> ut do nut register the English namiJ
The particulars of their romantic woddinj
tro known already fro'm tha many article )
iopIedLfrqm our eastern.exchanges , Thoi
.ro verV , Distinguished RncsU indeed. * L '
T"ho Concordia society haio decided t
elobrato their fourteenth aunlvernar
rlth n grand concert and ball at Stamhr
ndl , September 20th , which will cclips
riythlns of the kind over bcforojgvcn ( ii
) maba. The coinmittco in charge coiv
Ists of : Julius Moycr , chairman ; H. It ;
L PitmU , T , Slnhold , Htrman Schwabc1 ,
" . IVLund , A. Dorman , and L. Jtaapko.
Choto who know the care with which thf
/pncordia arranges f9r such , cntcrtajn }
nenti ontho character of .tho commiltcf
pp'ointed , will know tiatrthoir | exptiota-
Ibnx cannot bo pitched tdoihigb.j I' ' '
The Missouri Taclfic dcpoi atVLonIff
illo was broken into Wednesday night by
urglnra nnd about § 8 taken from till
rXwer. A trunk , which liad been left
vcr night at ' the station by a traveling
inn , was 'rifled of its contents The
urglnra effected an entrance hy prying uji
window witli the aid of a spade and A
Higjbolt ! 'In all probability1 It was the
fork of Wiups. t.'Jusplcious looking cha < -
cters were scon in the vicinity nbjut l6
'clock in the evening. Some ono must
ave been badly cut , as there was blood on
bo iloor , and drops could bo detected for abort
bert distance alonct the railroad track , I
Rev II. W. Kuhris onoofths pjoneor
Bllgious workers in thli state , is in the
Ity on a ton days' visit to old friends. Mr.
Luhns came UfOmaha m the spring of
358 , and built the Lutheran church and
arsonage on 'lio'nglaa ' street , near the
Hllard hotel , which were torn down
itbln the past year to make way for now
aildings. Ho remained in Nebraska
ntil December 19th , 1872 Ho was th
ganizer of the church vork for , bis der
Dinlnation in , this country when it waj
111 n toriltory , and lie sees great change !
nco that time. He is now located at
/cstminstor , Md n city of 3,000 inhabi-
intn , within an Hour's ride of Baltimore ,
o is the guest while hero ot Hon. J , U (
'otwllcr ' , I qrmaif Kountze , KJII. , and
.her old frk'iida. *
o Gran ( Doulors , Lumber " -Donlora ,
Ooal DoftlerB/Llve Stock-Ceulera ,
JJorclum , uuU Buulueua Men
Oouorally , tmt are In Need
of Job Printing of
Any Description.
Having extraordinary facilities for
tinting , latontvles and great fvariut ; '
icod'nud ooinpotont workmen in p\
apartments , and n large stock o
? oda in thin line , the AJlon JPrintint
ompany , Omaha , Nebraska , , wpult
ispootfully call attention tto the fol
iwlng nrticlea , of whioh they make ft
, and oll'erbotfor in'dacoments
, prjcos and Duality pf ( work '
'any ' IIOUBO west 6f Cnioa t/l/ ,
, ttor Iloadg-
NololfWda ,
Dill Heads ,
Statomenta ,
Businesa Oarda.
YisitiiiR Oarda , ,
Envoloiios , "
1 * 'Shipping TagiJ/,1
Soalo Hooka ,
. Oonl Hecolpts ,
Blank Roceipta ,
, , Meal Tickota ,
Circulars ,
Postora ,
Dodgers ,
Prtinphlota ,
Uriofs , ,
id all other kinds of flue Cominorclnl
the only printing house In
10 west that koopa in stock and
akoi to order livestock cutg of every
ascription , ptook nnd poultry dualors
ill ( ind it to tholr ndVantauu to send
ir cotlinatcs nnd samples bofor6 Bond-
V cast for thirt clasa of woi-k ,
Write for prices , bstlmutoB , sam >
cs , eto. Addrcaa
18 and 220 B. 14th Bt. , Omaha , Neb.
ode from the wild llowors of th
is the ipost fraarant o | pcrfuniea.
anufaclured by/ir / , B. Skven , Sin
nclooo. l'q ? Jo Jn Omaha byVf
WhUohouso and Konuaio Bros. , '
Oo xrr , . f. f
It Both Wins and Lores Whoi
Diamondai are Tramps.
The Urion Pnciuca Win th
Ninth Victory of the
Qiao Won't Stick
Omnlm'a Sllok Bntter * .
lialtroads Against ; Banks A Wlnnln
Onmo for the Former.
The B. & M. 11. R. hcadqnartoi
nine opened their" grounds to Ih
public yesterday with a match gam
with Spalding'a Chicago's. Mr Spal
ding , the votorau baadbatlor and 1161
manufacturer Of horting ] iroods , prom
ucd the B. & M. Athletes two game
with his nine , assuring them the ,
were no "Droadimui hts , " but player
from bis own choice nnd backkhg
Not wishing o see his club com
homo defeated as the "Dreadimughts
were py the Union Pacitics , July -1th
ho took the prucation to add to lii
general number of meiiVlio | play ball
and make them , Sir. Scott ono
Ohicauo'a finest 1st basumon , jiaiu
Mr , Yutli , the 'crack ileldur and narc
hitter. Those gontlunien toguthe :
with two or threu others in , tlu ) dia
mondwero at unco ' spotted1 by , ( jiosi
poatcd in bnsu'ball Dilatory , .and re
pprtpd to bo "old tlme e , " tljuao adl
ditioim were expected to bp onuugl ;
for them and mal o it a little oxtrJ
warm for the boys who give pasaei
and qluck , yvny bills. They corfainh
prcsontod a finer uppcarancl
than atiy of tin ? clubs wjio have
so far visited Omaha , 'Their unifpnnj
are thb year's league style , buing oil
tlio "c\own" \ oidur ; and ' v ry showyj
TJio game commenced , 'about half past
3 with the grand stand comfortably
filled and ithov B. & M. ut the , ,
Kotlinan made a safe hit aud got in a
run by a qood drive to loft from Ellis ,
Ellis stplo three bases and came in oil
x passed , ball * Side out ; two runs ,
luno earned.
The Chicagos completed tlioir first
innings with thru ) tallies to tlieir
: rcdit , one of which was earned. In
: his inning the B , & MA diamond
work was weak and they appeared
lomewhat demoralized at the way the
oung willow 6lm\ero were butting
; hem.
The second i nd third innings proved
i gooao egg for tioth aideo and as the
Dhicagos wore QUO ahead it looked , as
.hough the youths who iiguro on pas
longer earning , and play ' 'ball ulutl
jit1' would got the worst of it.
The fourth juning1oponedl with ox
: itomont all over the grand stand a
, holi. &M.'a topk the bat Coab ;
truck out , .Tiuiiaon ontned up wit'
i two bagger and came in home on i
yild throw jby uth. , Ben wont ou
> u a grohndcr "I'q , O'lJay. , 3rand
nation ahorl dr ya , , 19 right , andgot ,
lis Bccond on' a sjcal. Burgoo wont
mt on a foul'lip. , vTho , Cbicagos failed
oecoro , and yverq rp'jrpd { in.qrie , two
hreq ordbr. TJjij game now , stood 3
o 3 , | and more excitement tlian ever }
The filth , inning proved the .winner
or the homo club. Kortman litout ,
irith.a two-b ae hit , fojlovfed by SuU
Ivan with a uafe" hit to first , Ellis
nd Jones each got in a hit , rand 3
uua ivertj added tJth'o B A M.'a all
oady even aooro before the 'side was
ut. The Chicagoa made a terrific
( Tort to got oven with those align
dds , but only got I in the aovontl
nd 1 in the ninth. The B. & M.'a
mdo 1 in the next inning , and the
amo atuod 7 to 5 in favor ot the B
The Mpaldinga played aa fine a field ;
ig game , if not better than the B. &
l.'s , but wuro uablo to hit Durkoe. .
ho Bcoro will show they made only E
its to the B. it M.'u J3 , while they
, ruok out uu Uurkoo 3 times to
moa on 0'Day.
The B. it M.o made their finoa |
oldiiig display in the fourth inning
; ilia making u beautiful high'on
anded catch from Bent und puttin
'uthouton aecond , who tiqu | ) , > | it [ IK
ad u sure thing of a tv > o bagger' , '
The Spaldings expreaa thomsoivci
ell pleased with their treatment m
tr , and think they willbo , able to go
nray with 'otn , to-day. Their ' 'alug
Ing" la jropprted'to ' bo , th'eir atront
oint , and in to-dijy'a game aomo fine
laying may bo oxpectpd , I
The following ia the score , ' I
n & M.'H.
n. o. AU In , I'o.A
lortman , 1st b 3 2 6 3 B
iilllvan , : U b
Uii , 2db.v..2 3 6 215
m , 1. f v..1 ,
Dby , s B. . . . . . . .
niUou , r , f , . . . . j.,1 ,3 , 3 I lf ,
ent.M. , , . . .fJ..0 , a 3 ,1 , o ,0
randt.o. , , . . , 0 3 4 1 81
urkee , p 0 430 a" 0
Total * , . . .k 7 27 5 13
, , . . . . , . . , .
: ottlaU ,1 , , , '
uelme , 'JJ b. . , . . . . ,0 3 ,
errll/Bb. ' . . , . , ' . .111/
oacUiS. d..u > .t.\.a iU f. . . , . . .wu.lOJ 4
' 4
cckcr , f. l.\ . ,
' i '
a'otal . . < i
, 1284 fi0780- .
* . . . . 2001 31000-7
. 3 0000010 1 ti
ir- . 0.
Three b se hits Kortman , 1.
Struck out U. a M.'a , 3 : Spaldlngs 8
rnssed balls-JJr ndt. 1 ; Yott , 0.
? itteanJii \ : , . - : ' / .jii'i' / iMBo ' K.,3.
Tune of sime 2 Jioiira.
Omaha is oKiUn vlctorioua , not only
3featiug the Iowa ball players bqt
so the Illinois boyi , and yesterday
us u gala day for base ball Jn Omaha ,
large and enthusiastic ) audience as-
mbled at the Union Pacific Aasocto-
> n park yesterday afternoon , to
Itncss the game between the U , P.'a '
id the Council Binds nine. There
) ro 014 ticked ; taken ai the gate , of
! iloh 155 were froni the Bluffi. There
M also a largo number oftlno | turnp ita
ntalnlng many 6f the first people of
this city , The ladies section of tt
grand Bland was full to overllnwinj
and the applause was none the lei
earnest in this quarter , following
good piny by either side , than in otln
parts of the gand stand.
The iramo was called promptly t
3.30 with the U. l' . to bat. The hn
inning resulted in a whitewash ft
both sides. In the first half of th
Second inning Funkhousor , the Blai
cottc , made the first run for the Ui Pi
followed by a second " 0" for the (
B . In the first half of the third ir
iiincj Dorr and Whitney made n coi
each. M , Brown and Askwoth of th
U. Bs , followed with ono each , Th
score now stood 3 to 2 in favor of th
U , Pa. In the first half of the fourt
the U. Pa got a " 0 , " the 0. B. mal
inc ono by Olniton. First of liftl
Whitney and Trnflloy both made
trip nround the diamond , m also di
Slockwoll in the Us I half. First c
iicth , Dftrr and Whitney both we
"round the thuin. "
The Council Bluffs boys followed
with thrco wind pounders , Gdorg
Brown , Smith and M. Br6wn , makin
the score Ut the end of the sixth in
ning 7 t6 4 for the Union Palics.
1'ho seventh inrting was where th
boys from over the river fell , h
Bandlo , Uwyer , Newman , llollani
and Ifart each nindo a ecoro. Stubb
of the d B.'s made ono in thd laa
mlf 'of the aeventh , the score standinj
12 to 5.
, In the eighth inning neither id <
made a nortru. Itl the ninth Bandli
and Nnsli each made n run' for Ihu tl
P.'a , followfcd by StubUs and M
! 3rown f the C. B.Xwhich finishec
ho gamu , the ecoro at < uidi\ig \ 14 to 7
n favor of the Uiiirtn Pacifies , makinj
heir ninth gamu this season withon
a defeat ; ' '
" " " ' ' . Ah. . ' Ml. ' A. lo. K
Bandl6's.snrid2J. .tO 2 2 I1 1,1
jytidon ; r. fk < . t , . < . . ! . 1 00 0 ' (
) err , p , Bs.rf.i. . . . .5 ' 1 1 .fi / 0 ' .
VhUuey.Ud , p . 0 3 2 1C | 3 (
rralil&y.o. . . . , . , * , ,6 11 1 10 I
) w.\crtsU..f..C
unlthpnscr.'c. f . G 1 2' I ) 0 (
Vowman lf. , rfi , 8K..5 1 2 0 0 (
lollahtlUtb.w / . 4 1 ( i 0 7
Iartrif. . , . )2 ) 100 0 (
Vash , ! . { . . , . . „ . 3 1 1 , 0 0 !
'Totals ! . y5d 14 13 a"l * 27 ]
' AI ) . n nn. A. jo , K
tubbs/nb. , cf . 0 -I Ito
to kwell , < * . r 1 1 0 7 ]
Ic3orloy , p . 3 00 0'3 j
tie < lc , , cf.,3b . fi 0 1 1 2 1
Union , Ib . , , . . .4 , 1 0 0 H 1
5rown.G , s. B . 4 00 3 0 J
mith , 2b ' \ ,
3nwn , M. r. . 4 2 2 ! 2 1 t
Uskwith.1. . . . < . . 4 1 1 0 1 C
ToffUa . 40 7 0 10 2(5 ( iji
Jmon l'rtrifics.0 1202250 2-14
Jouncil Uiuffii..O 0211010 2-7
Ilims earned -U. 1 ? , I , T. K. 1.
Stmclt out-U. P. 5 , C. B. 20.
fwo bade hits Handle , V/hitnoy , Dwy.
r , Newm n , Atiliwitli , M. Bi'own.
J-'ftflsed balls Tnflloy 0 , Stookwell 3.
Wild pitches Whitney 3.
tTi i > ire Mr Stewart. '
111 the third inning Mr. llarh while
elding a ball fell and threw hia knee
utwf joint. Dr. Uyde' was 'cilledf '
nd relieved him ia a few imnutesj
lash took Hart's placo. a ti I"i
Mr. Dorr , who has been sick two or
nfoo days' , was unable to pitch longer
ndi took : the short ' atdps position.
lahdlo Kping on , second base and
Vhitney in hia old position , aa pitcher )
Ir. AVhitnoy did aoinelfino pitching ;
ud allowed that ho had not forgotten
mt "in-shoot" of his yet , although it
i his-iirat attempt at pitching this
mson , , ,
Too much praise cannot bo given
Ir. Dwyer'al playing , aa ho showed
imsolf to bo first-claaa , both on third
ud at the bat. >
Mr. Fuukhouaer made EOIUO boauti
il luta at the bat.
Mr. Holland played first haso as
ly "Jimmy" can , and TUB BKK re-
jrtor hoard it remarked in the grand
ilnd , by persons wh6 had seen n great
3tU of base ball playing that Holland
au ono df the beat tint b.isomeil they
id over aeon.
In the last half of the seventh in *
nt : Dorr nna ao nick that he was ob >
; od to leave the ground and Mr.
yndqn took his place , who , in the
at , half of the ninth inning made a
n ; bat into the rifjht , fied. |
Mr. Newman ol ; 'the C. P.'a did
fliw finb playinj } and aljowod him
If tf ) bp a JNo. 1 ball player.
NoUblo plays for the Bluffs' aide
era made by Str9ck , Clinton , Aak
( th and Stpckwoll.
The pitching of McSorloy was not
effective as nsuol ,
The bank boys and the Union Pa-
fie "Second'1 ' nine ployed n gume
liursdny evening , which roauliod in a
oroof)28 ) to 5 in favoriof the latter ,
lie aocend nine of the Union Pacific
is thus far defeated every Opponent.
iioy play irelli -
The fullowing'ls ' the
inlnga. , . . ' < (1 2 , ' J 1 CC , , 7
. 1 > . 8eBonW'.P 10 0 2 S 'S ! - . ' { <
inks. . . ' . . . . ' . . .1.0 a' 0 0' ' 0' ' 2' ' 0 - 5
riireaBnsHIts' } Mur tbn !
Htrupkilmt-lUnlci ; 7.
, Tito Secretary . . , . , _ . . . _
Mr. P'Jk Williams , thopeiltle'riunlj'
crerary'o/ ' / Til. E. 'church , called
Tni $ BEB , oflioo yeateyiayj and
aired o mivke o brjofi abatement jn
ply to the communication recently
iblished over the signature of. Kir.
' , II. Gamble , right worihjpfuf grand
crotary of the moat worshipful
tdow'a son grand lodge of F. ana A.
, Y. M. of the state of Nebraska
Air , Williams states as regards the
lit of the Rough Ashler to lay their
rner stone of liia church , that , ser
r as the church waa concerned they
idcrstood their buslneaa , nnd , that
o invitation was issued to all the
Jorod Eociotioa of Ooiub * to partlcl-
, to , and if the M. W. Widpw'a Sop
and ledge did not turn out
d assort their authority , it WM not
9 fault of thoao 'who issued the in-
tatlon , and thpy ceruinly were note
o judgca OB to who wore clandestine
isons and whp were not. Uo aaya
la merely in justice to hia church , ,
d does not enter into any coiitrq-
ray as to the rightsof the f
U to masonic jurisdiction.
'Jtt lioJiUug'i ItuMlft jSalre In the
no MU ( u a Haddiug' * IluuUn B lvo in
utablo. 1'rVlt.
Tlie Oommeroial Tourists Koan
Heaven tlian Ever Before ,
Snow and Sage Brush , Moui
tame , Mules and Herders ,
The All Atjiorblns Item * of AttrA
tloim .along tbo Ronto.
Epccltl Correspondence of The Boo.
BLAUKFOOT , Idnho,1 August 0 , Gil
n. m. Having refreshed the inn <
man with fine mountain trout an
Rocky Mountain beef steak , the Moi
tana excursionists oasomblod id tl
aomowhat crowded narrow gauge Pul
man cars and roaumed their journoi
The entire party look as cheerful au
vigorous an can bo expected nftor
long continued trip. Every poasibl
advantage has been given us to mak
the trip a pleasant ono. Bluckfoot i
a small place of GOO inhabitants , wit
the uawo wild appcnranco so chanu
toristio of all far western townss , dc
noting a scarcly of material and archi
tccturnl design.
ia ono of the largest and richest of ou
mountain territories , though ndt a
well known tia somu others. It extend
from the 42d parallel of north lati
tuto to the British possessions nru
iontains 80,204 tquaro inilos of laud
'Moving ' ndrth irom Blaikfoot thcr
ia/on'tbo loft , n brbad phtteuu extend
Ul { * ha far westward 'as ' the eye cai
reach. 'This ' is nearly barren aavo b
n vast quantity of sago brush. Thi
[ and ia however very fertile nnd pro
ducca'largo crops of cereals when th
land iq irrigated. Bcyortd this tabl
[ and can'bo seen'm the distance higl
peaks 6f the mountains , aonio of whicl
are timbered. They crop "up like a
many big warts and are massed to
Bother in the far distance.
' Ori the right is the chain of blnfl
which the railroad has'followed ' sinci
leaving Ojjden.
Early vthis morning aoino of tin
party saw -
They started near the track and raf
ilougaide the tender , evidently trying
.o pasa ahead of the engine , but failec
.o win the race nnd foil back , tnrnist
nto the brush. Iho few bludos ol
vild grass are dried up nnd paichoc
The air ia so dry that I cxperienc
omo inconvenience with my nose am
ips. They nro nwollcn and puiloc
.nd fee ! dry and parched from the at
3 who rowe cross' the Snake river
lero a hugopilo of rock in the cento
if the creek bed is utilized as at
.butmont , and an iron bridge span
ho chasm , which is not inoro that
.00 fee't > wide , but the wutoris deepo
han can bo aoundod. Some think-i
ias no bottom. H ro an old tinio
milt a rustic structure , and convertcc
t into a wagon bridge , and from told
harged it is claimed ho has amassoi
, fortune of half a million. This if
ho original trail and 'has been uaec
or many .years.
1 '
10,000 SHEEV
ro quietly grazing at this point
'or the last fifty miles'thero has beet
0 change of scenery or vegetation
'ho road follows the course of th (
nako river , wh'ch dashes along Hi
joky bed with a swift currant.
1243 miles from Ogdon. Moro snow
1 seen to the westward , lodged mnorij
10 hollows of the mountains nbom
irty miles away. A fuw herds ol
orses , guarded by Indian herders ,
lostly flquawfi , nro the only objects ol
; trnelion. This valley , or bench , it
tfhapa sixty miles wide and runs
eng in n northerly direction bo-
vcen two ranges of mountains. It
a desolate country to look at ; veg-
ation is conlined to three or four
iriotios of weeds.
A few varieties of cactus , of the
: ickly pea ? kind , are seen. Further
eng I see a small stream of water
ow nearly dry ) fringed with i\
itural growth of cottonwood trees of
scrubby , wretched appearance , thq
st timber ebon for some time. To
10 right are aeon the
id to be 12,000 foot high , witl }
onty of show on their tops. There
o four peaks pointing heavenward )
ainly soon in the distance , although
r. Wood claims they are 100 miles
F. As wo near > I
10 formation of Iho country changi a
ho track goes up a heavy gradu fo
nn ) distance. Along ( no s'reani
id on the mountains to the ltf > an
irtluvtn' ' , com ! puod pmo lre ( i > iir
ovuni' Tli'Murfrcn of .the Ibntlj
iuii ( > Bu ) jif liurt lee * ; inin.iuy pl'io.s
IH tietiiil llti ntvcriiuut , HIM ! ewMw
Jcijk At thouu'i ' thuy un ht.Jmv
; ei > i > uX dliiviu by huud. The hill
suingft / urciintr appcaranctv flu <
ok a ? lthoUil\i it n ight bu 'n good
azing district , tl fi\w eomU altalf
owijitf Hpoutauooualy .tliojock ;
lolls of Idaho1. foiuo mpro cactt
unto pro aUa aeon. Fuvthur t > u w
nta lo n oaw-mill , with ! plenty of
( 8.n d ilumber laying arouad " it ,
osvly piiifl , ' , H i
At } , o'clQuk p. in. , as wo utar thfj
ontatu line , wo come to the foDtr.of
o IlocViea. If tlioro Is anything
at I am utterly ignorant about , it u
cks. Such a pile of stouo is found
> whore also , and the casual observer
111 wonder where they all coino
am , The are piled up in gigantic
iapa , assuming almost every conceiv
110 form , and comprise all sUed boul
irs imaginable , Wo now enter
lich contains majestic Boonory. A
lall t ar stroaui of water runs rap-
ly along aide of the track. On the
ft U a heavy growth of piuo timber ,
lilo ou the right are rongh and
ggod rod * . The green and brown
ya growing thereon forms au object
111 worthy the pencil of an artist.
'tor leaving the canyon we enter are
; ro productive country. Vegetation
more luxuriant , with no rooks to
nulor of. Hero are upward of thlr-
wagous , jnost of them alx niulos
eng , eu route .for Washington ter-
ory ovorlftnd. A ilargo hoed of ]
ilea on the track neatly otoppod.tho .
tin. i
1'ho day la bright and warm , with
liigh peaks of the snow c < orcd.rang
are again visible tq flib jlcft. " * BJVOM
Indian huts andftonts are BcOn nlon
the road. 5J fc * * ' " <
At 1:45 : p. m. wo reacfie
the territorial line between Idaho an
Jlontaua. The elevation , bore is G ,
730 .feet. The party having -lake
lunch , the , ueital , rou(5ho't ( of romtin
imecdoles' , etc , etc. , is' the order o
the dny , The vegetation is mor
green and the hills nnd ridges loss at
rujt ( as wo , progress , . The field * ar
ornamented with a htimofoui v'nrict
* 'V
WILD ! FW\\'ER3f
many of which are picked by the un
easy travolora as wd climb tlio cfookoi
patti of this trundle-bod road at .
snail's gait ' I ,
Now wo have a splendid view of th
snow-capped niounUins close to .ou
16ft , not ton miles distant. F.
Special DlipiUh to Tun DIE.
IlELENA/Mon. / , August 8. A delegation
ogation bf the board of trade arrive ]
last evening and will moot the remain
der of the party at National Yellow
stone parkdn SlAtday , next. kAll { nr
well and hovoibeeii cordially received
Saratoga Chip ? . \ ' '
Thb concert of the Union Sunda ;
v '
evening on account off 'tho inclon on
weather , will ba hold to-motiow even
in , A. 0. Smith having charge of t\u \
pr'opariHons. Ph'o Icliool will picnij
at Pcics' lake SaturdHy , Au uat 10th
A grand titno la anticipated V. H
Lawton , D ,7. Smith , F. N. Poltoi
and Frank Smith are the committed
on arrangonent $ .
William II. Weber and , familywonl
to Chicago yesterday to bo absent BOV'
oral woeko. \ f t . . , , i t i
Mrs. 0.D. . Br&wster has aold hoi
homo , on'NOrth TwontyHhird Ur'o'otj
to Honuman Bros. , market gardonorFi
Miss Jennie L'.vtrick ii at Blair/vis ;
iting her sister , . Sirs. J. IJ SnmfcV
G.irfiuld avenue ia being rapidlj
improved under the supervision ol
'Gao CMcKonzio , Jr. ' " v' ' rn
There is ircat ; compjaint of the
promiscuotiB and reckless 'shooting a ]
the roadhouse , opposite the fort ,
of J. 15. Fair , Esq , by thoBov. G. Ft
Stelllnu. D. D. , Mr. lilmer E. Fair and
Miss Kate Qulgley , bothjd Oinnhs , ' k
DIED. e , |
BARIl Susan Augusts infant .daughter
of Galen Barr , died August.IJth , 1SS2 ,
at 7 n. n. , of chplera iuf ( ntu\n\ " flged S [
months. i
Foncril at 2 p. m. parfrd.'iy.'tAtiBiu
L2th , from 23j Leavenwoith , between 13tlJ
mdWth. ' " ' ' .1 ( i ) .fc i ,
WA > rr.D A good nncond-hanu
Dicyclo. Address box X. Central
" - ' ' " ' " '
> cst , Found , Wautg Ucardlns ; , tic. , wlffbeln
crtod In theao column : once for TEN OK
r line ; each subsequent Inaortlon , FIVKGKNT3
r lino. The drat Insertion never loot thaA
,10 LOAN MOrjtY.
r O.NKV TO LOAT O&ll t L w umcc o ( D ,
I L. Thomw Ro m8 CrelzhtOQ Bloi.k.
SOKA ArtATO liOAft At 8 per contln
y4O\J.\J ( [ tercet In BnniB.of 2BOO and
pwards , for B to 5 yeara. on Bret rlisa city And
inn property. EIHIS H AL KJIUTI ktul J
r. 16th and Dourlas Sta
\VANTED-Oood wno ( . Apply to
CIIVNER , Vermlllioa , Uakoti. 47-11
-tTASTKB-Girl for ( 'onnrnl , houiovvork.
Mastbe agotdcook. Email , ii.
dc21st 8. net , a cond dour tro 21 I.ia\cnncitli.
10 tf
T7"ANTED A fltft < l ( cima ( > fertolr * 6t In
lIowaand > obraka No letters antwer i ) .
I > I > 1 } at rooms C nt d 7 , ' Council lijuire. S-lo
TjTANTED In produce horue , an ablo.bodli'd
V mill , not atr.ld of work. Applv corner
hand IlLwird S > t. r 12J.1
TTANTPU-A crokandiilnlngroom t'lrlnt Dei
ly telJentil fcuul 4 {
TTANTEH An expsrlcnced girl f jt
! \ hoiutwoik.i' Apply SiOni/ifh IBtti'ttrcct.
jrANThD-j-lCO men for railroad.wqilc.I II
[ V Malinwollar , ouplojmcjit'igt ! ll Ulll
Fornam. v * ' 903f -
r ct , star ,
T7"ANTKD Ten teams. Waic $3 fX ) per da\ [
i V , Inquire M. Ylncant , ftj t Iproipe Cut-P/I.f /
I ) Ono hnndaed men. 'Waxes 91 76
per d j. Apply to lllUhe 1 Vtiueiit. at
Gut cfl.j Ino loll s north of Onuilii. I
- ' , * I. TilII - I
\T .NTI At ht. lharlcs hotel , two first
> Y ilani ilnilii ; ronni irlili _ _ 088-tl '
r\ liuiiJji,0o ( ; Uofurrls tdrcoiuc. 1'ritl.
i\ . , " jp _ " * "
fJ\ I f IVR'r J k i"T 1 ' "f ttlojn.
< > < Ii rl * niiiu , .1 r j f Amilyon
iOiren i , OSttl I
\ if.i -A ttr-t'tl'tuKlr ' , in , til )
looJ , wi-mr I'nd lioiifr. W if
.r Aoik , liqui.u at Lee. Filed & CO'H , fir o. ' ,
. tO i ' ) 03tt |
und con
f\ fOtt to Uai wltli.Bjnltirj' Vault anil !
Hi tfjn cr/jUff' ' it/JolJsKjIAl / ai ? Oo. ,
l.pW | | 1 iM'DW" ntreet.rnm h L *
T17"ANTF1 > Two or ttrec rocum tu'tnlilofo
TTANTK ' A | rtner with H.OPO to 5 OCp.
'V ' In general merchandise-and firm Implf.
enU Good trade futabllthed. Apply to Kqlc
> xt3 , Wjraore , kob 20-18) )
"VrANTED AH\e room uottaxo 1thln fllteou
i V minutes walk ot IT. V. licadquartcrj
T7ANTED about Aufcutt 16 , a lirueo of I pr
( V 5 roomn. on line of ttrect railway prefer
d. Addreua ' 'Home " Bee OQlce. aul tf
: < OK 11ENT Nett cottage of fire room * .
! Euqulre y , F. cor. Ulh pd Clilcajo 19 Itl
| VR RKNT Three furulib d rotin for bouie
' keeping ! nlbO piano , 113 North 1SU at ,
10R RENT TuroUhed rootu. Iiqulroattbe
1 Drug store , car. l lh aad Dcuga V tf
10K RENT Furntthtd front roonj.Bnuth 16th
atrcet , near Lav nmjr li. T-12
10R IlENT House with 8 oonw In
repair , at No1(09 Capital at aue , Abe
utoof 6 rooms al No. 1119 south loth lrnt.
( Oil KENT Two new bouts * , JBth Chloro ,
lx room * each. Icqulr * ol A J , Boddli at
i and CbMtout itreebi. ( KM ) U
ir 3uth Thlr-
tcenthit. 19 tf ty. o. WRIOI1T.
TjOK RF ? < | TTA ono and om-half itoty housa
_ I ? ivjth 8 TOflrni and/birn. / i uty w tcr. In-
qjiliglS8 rchponrbct , lljSi tid 25tu trcet.
filOR BUST Brick sioro , ZUx'B ml 8 rooms
i ) bov , on 1'atlfic s.r.ot , lutwctn eth and
7th < The location % etj fcMrablo It Viur.
lintchor. Held , irOrccir , Enquire at M < oil's
18th ami Fftfirh ai itrfft * . Di7 22
IT OR RKNT tAf'.jJfiom , with POMMI diy
JL1 fooarJghoj , lMf 'California rtrttW
. . . . . 18 It
"TJHIR KENT 10 rooms r-Miitable fortwo or
C tour gfiitkmen , at S. V > . corner ISth and
California street. i f g3 ? tf
mo RKST HrfoTTW fnrn hcd and"xinfurfilshtd ,
JL d. W , corner ofEth and Howard 8t Rooms
are no * ioi ) etd-tnaod fine \lew of the tlrer ,
bridge. Clffurcnt railroad * and Council Bluffa.
_ _ _
| j OK MhNT House ol 10 rooms , tor. thloago
.1 anil ISthafrect r' 9SV tf
'tTlfoR HEN Fcrir robm cottage , larpo lot
JJ 'eduthlTlh , J L. Wehlans , 1603 far-
tiam Btrept. 08 tf
\riqnl.Y furnished front loom. O Jl 607J N
_ LN * 17th slrest. ifco-tt
ITIOIt RKXT-t > ne.ncaty | lurni'Jtcdrooci , ' Hh
JL1 prli lloso cl a. JoluUig par.or , 1813 U hbsta
trcot. 042-tf
T710R [ RKhfT A pleasant ftirnfthcil team for
E 6nS t > f two Boatl4nlpn. Ihfjn to at 191
CalltatnUtti ot 050 It
"plOR IUNT T n ntw lUclllnurs anA tuo other
il . yl7-tf
tc" ? M ' e"B * t0roniro llrovo
w Haijjcjni I'.iU ou the uo.t ,
ll\o > nnut ( > 9 ttaU from s net COM Wo cj ran
bo obtallfat to build with , b } pcr ons leasing
, / , r JAMCST vnurpH
U I K l > t\t \ ( \5\-f it hAii
txili'iliJN rin ji And inrtfo ,
( two to tttoJvq n .i s each ; pee or two neve
iwltu allinodern coinoulcntfu. One ( if 12
rpomg , eultftlilo Ipr boardln : anil room routine.
l > th find DolilftTHtS. ' UKM1S , Acent ,
"pjn' KKNT PurtlsheH 'robro ' with lisardt
'JFJ'liiodern linproictaihts , a fowtabl6 boirdor
can lie 1718 uctlro street.
,051-tl ' * i _ < ' \ , ,
| OR UKJi'T A ploMnnl' furulshul joompn
tl ( Drst floor , 900 Usck. from street.etr/at
Ilarney atrect. , ' , QWlt
EOR KENT Brick store ll qulro at Drupt
-Btoro , coiner 10th and Douglas et , - S20-tf
1 011 RENT Uou o ot 0 .rrrnn , ncivly plas-
r tend amUpilntod. eifivO per month.
Kortho(16thtttD9t ( rdJodB.15 h street. Con-
konicnt taehopa Apolr corner 12lh mil How-
irdntrcct , Novupapcr Union C87 tf 4
Fori KEI r'Jl'wo'nevjelegant ' ' fipu fcs. Un-
ulio | a clwsoifi Clothjn R otu. _ nodriU.
BALE , r _
8AL11 A S06A hmrbli4rnefs and top
> ' , l > y W. W. Uobirts. ' Fortpmahi.
K , I
FOft SALE Propotoh frr thojiurcha n of the
Mount Ilousu on N'rtli Uarney etico' . be-
, wc , n IMh'ond 18 h , will liOittCoUul t my
itoii until August 16th. C F
SALK IIouio 6 roon-B nnd corner lot 132
Pill squire SltOO UcCaRtic , opposlle Vo.t
'Hies. ' t977- '
FUR" SALE A flvo scro lot nnd good house
ono uillo north of Barfuk ; Inqnlroon
ircmisal or Ceo II. Petersen , Nn SOI , 10th
trcct , 047-lin * . C. SOBKVBOV.
HOUSE and lot for ealo , ifo P25 llonlana
strwt , near Cumi-R , Inquire Cieir store ,
orner 10thand Jackson Htrcctd 88S a2S
[ 7IOR SALE Hou-e and. ciniot Jot , ! 8lOlO.
n lurmin. ttrCAOUE.'rtppo.ttB K Q.n
story bulldln for pjilo at a bdr-al 'j.o-
cattdnfrnoitli-uftss confer 6f 17th .htroct ,
nd Capitol ovc. Must ba-icOVcd on Or Wore
August 7th proximo. IJEMI.V
i 770-tf Agent , 16th mid Douglas.
MX BKAUTIFUL LOIS 50H60 feet achln
3 IlanScom Place on street car line , n st Iota
i whole addition oncrj ta < y ttrms and at o
root bargain. BKM is' agent , 15th nnd
rtele ' i
. fhOItltlY FOli SALhAt a
3 nAttaiTO , oho la o brick home , anil ono
, Tga frame houeo , with full lot fan Caw ncir IBth
.retV. 'FlnofchinceforlnvMitmenf , rentf V870-
er month.11 Call far full particulars , on
' BKMI8 ,
609 tf Agent , 15th yd PouglaB fts.
"Tf OTKIj FOR. SALE Tha .Arlingtonljouse
JL First class ; all furnished The only hotel
i to n. The cheapest property In the stato.
as all the traveling mtn. will he sold cheap on
im s to suit. Enquire ol E. Fulle , proprietor ,
rllngton , Wasnl nston countj , Neb. DBS tl
T\QR BALK Or will exch * Be for Omaha pio-
! pert } , an Improved see na of land uljoln-
K o Btatfon on U. P. It. B. JI. DITNDAM , 1111
-rnhamHt. py\aha. 720 Bmt
> RICK COi ; HM ?
" > ! * KSIADROOK ft ; J10E.
, AOrt OAL.IS itii l-'il'ULAlt UO1EL , known
1 M the BO1 > C UOMK. This hou o Is cec-
illy locitbil , hvt NCU l and cast front , and la
.rrnnuavil W th BUD thaJe frees : pant 'Inothlrty S
Lopln ? rocDig , ban Ice home.tannery , saujplo
iori , da. Ua * a world n do reputation and a
; tter i itronrKt than many houaco ol twlco Its
.paclty. Price Ir.oco Per purilculara ad-
wa , A A. HA\Vli.YKcd ploud , * it'
> ALEl ) If V At A. n.'tndor' 1'itd St
> IP13 nftn-ov Ht / iia .
J10UV11 Crr.wurind wlilto do ? . Owner can
I h \o bj ptjlnjr cliar te. Addrtas , "
, " tice otDco.
JU WAUD Sioltn on A u n U Mh
"v.uvcn dark gray mare , finals old ,
id orobay hone w th twawhllo hind feet and
'Ma ' Mripalnfaco , Bjtaraold. ltoabo\pre-
rd will bo paid for their ntum to John Bee-
3 ini'cs Botitli o Oinaha , , near U H. r ll-
ad tra k , 093-11 *
TKAYK Ono Iron gw mare colt , tw/joar
void , walk ! a lltt o etlll n front If en. Llo
il reward for his reixncry Will bo pilafjr
\f'Janderkreek , norticaaS comer IJttUand
ison street * . B83i Stwlt
VECIAL AOI'.NTS'Jor Nebraska , 1Cati 8 > nd
i Mlssoutl to represent the llbUSTRIAr <
FK ASSOCIATION of Indianapolis , Indiana ,
Ich baa stood the toot ol tlnv , pa > B all losaoa
full ; strongly Indorsed by the licit liiuurjnco
tborl jus ; itborongcly , rstabUihed , eABlly
rkBd'and N not on the cooper the pr old
oplan. IJhcral contracta made with tncr
Ilo agent * nt a comptusatloii of from two
) ugand to three thouund dollars per year
> . 70 East Market street , ludlanapolU , lud.
JDWAJii ) rlv
llf'inoy. Will , ulth Ui M , n < rr-iJI > r-
rlti- obtain for uny ono BlwoB [ > Ttln |
3 pr-ftnt , and on certain candltloni Ia tS in.
s r l' tas B9Baim
ibsolutdly Pure.
tt powder narer r rlc , A umel ol p
ttrength aad wholesomroua. Wore ecooo
* 1 than tba ordinary kluji , and cannot b
I In competition -with the multitude bf o
: , abort weight , 'P ' or ptiotpbata twwdtrl
donly tn cant. ROT * ! Bl ia Pcw nOo.
Vfa St , New York