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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE COUC1L BLUFFS , IOWA SArilRDAY , ATVUST 12 l < J8k. The Daily Bee : 'COUWMLJLUFFB. ' Saturday Morning , Auc. 12. SUBSCRIPTION UATESi Offlco : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Near M. 0. &HIFFIK , Manner. H. W. Tl LTON , City Edltor.fl MINOK MENTIONS , J. Mueller's Pulfwo Mtwle Hull. There have been no marring * Hocuses issued for nc rly ft week. Everybody rends TUB DAILY JUKE. It Jg tbe paper to wlvrtl'c in. Shcrradcn mnkepl | > otogr8ph . The out-RolnR trnln thin afternoon t over the Chicago , Uurlington A Qulnoy road. Eugene Sclill' , llio South Main street OJutcher , clls thq ] 3cnt Meat of nny In town. A number of thoao who delight In seeing baeo ball contents , went across the water yotertUy. Writing ruado easy , by the use of 11. I. Seaman's j > enclls. Thu item was writ ten with one of them. Seeman has removed his paper , book and utatlonery stock to No.405Uroadway , next door to Harkncss , Orcutt & Co. ThoBO Interested In legal matters should bear in mind that court will open on the 17th initcad of the 14th. Hav. W. It. Anderson , of St. Louis , will preach in the Vresbytcrian churcu to morrow morning and evening. The subscription list to Tun DAH.V BEE In Council liluffs Is booming. The Jjest paper wcit of Chicago , nnd at only twenty cents n week Is appreciated. Sheriff Mlddlcton , of Harrison coun ty , stopped hero yesterday en route for Mt. TL'leiwant , where ho waa taking n very in- flano man , The justice eliopn were desorlod yen- tcrday , ttio magistrates even having gene across the river to BCO the base ball con test. A band of gypsies were here yesterday , and a delegation called at the jail to In terview the prisoners from Nrolo , with whom they eocmed to bo on friendly terms. The man Dlctzf , who was caught In T. A. Walker's houi-o , and who niadu snob an assault there , has been adjudged innano and taken to the asylum. A very detlrablo piece of property for Bale , on couth ( Ida of Sixth uticct , in the block opposite tbo ntw Opern Home , on Uroadway. Front twenty feet. 1'rico three thousand dollars. Enquire at Jli ) : : office. Yesterday afternoon the police rccelv. od ft telegram from Do Molnea asking for the arrest ui a man described In the dis patch. Late in the day an umbrella tinker was found , and locked up , on suspicion of being the ono wanted. Arrangements nro b'elnK made for Imv ing flags of the leading European nations iloat from the top of the large building at the driving park during fair time. The * stars and stripes will bo given the place of honor , of courio. Tbo Lilliputians entertained crowded " houses yesterday afternoon and also last I" evening , and delighted all with their "Jack the Ghnt Killer. " Tbo troupe goes to Red Oak this morning , then to 1'latts mouth , Nebraska City and Lincoln. The cricket club just organlzod hero is Indulging In almost dally practice , and promises to dovclppo Into a strong club. It held Its own pretty well in n game with Omaha last Thursday , but , of course , wax defeated , Omaha should not glory too much , however , but wait a Htllo till the boys hero got In a little butter trim. All the xaloon men but two catuo into court and paid their $25 "liccnso" for Au glint. Ono of tlieto , Nick Hackus , dolayoil until yesterday , and proposed to kick as iio did the month bofor < > , but finally paid up , though ho had to pay the cnsU in ad dltlon to the 825. The other delinquent will probably bo brought iu within a day or two , The commissioners appointed to locate the now government building departed , taking their secret with them , There Is much speculation rlfo as to where It will bo finally located , and much anxiety Is felt by these who expect to make n staVe by the advance of the value of property adjacent to the silo finally decided upon. "Cayoto HIM , " ono of the prisoners at the jail , has just completed a wonderful bridle , it being very neatly braided anil handsomely ornamented , without u stitch anywhere in its make-up , Ife is at work on others of the eamo kind , and shows great ingenuity , whllo at the eaiuo tliuo il nlFordu him pleasant mi t prolitablo em ployment during hia confinement. At the entertainment given by tbo young folks of the Baptist church Thur * > day evening there was au interesting fea ture of the missionary part of the pro gramme , iu which were introduced bevcra' characters Iu costume representing nation- Clitics. The cloilng feature of the oyeulug waa of a social nature , It being a mingling of au lea cream festival and neck-tie patty , which waa evidently enjoyed heartily. James Kralnoy , the most stylish Mer chant Tailor In the tteat , has in this Issue uprung his tvlvcrtluement to the breeze , in Another column. Never waa BO complete and fanbionRble a stock of piece goods Brought to our city. Jim will do a very jlargo bu lncs . Blnce openimr yesterday morning , Jie took orders for twelve utyllih vuIU of clothes , lie is direct from New York , with the latent styles. THE I5KB called attention to the horrible rible condition of the streets in front ol Thrall & Kracht'ii store , und straightway , tlio authorities began repairing it , but stopped before completing it. Yenterday morning the A't ' > n | urcll copied the notice from THE UIK : , verbatum , without giving any credit , of oioute , and straltwty the work waa resumed sgalu. It seems to take the full ] x > wer of the Ipreus to get the work dune. Horsford's Acid Phosphate a * a Cooling Driuif * Dr. II. II. IJonry , Wow York , eaye ; "It poBBOMca claima as a bovcrujjo , be y end anything I know of in the form yo o f inodicino , and in nervous diioanoal inow of no preparation to equal it. " "CONTEMPT IOP COURT. Jolin Martin AprWs for Ho1ot\eejou ( a Writ of Ilabena Corpus. On Wednesday last John Martintho nldcat of tlio oxpre smon , was fined $10 by Justice Frainoy for contempt of court by using abusive Inngtingo in the court room. In default of pay ment the justice issued n mittimus committing him to jail for three dayti , and while ConRtAblo Fox was taking linn thither ho mixdo good hia escape , Yesterday afternoon Deputy Shorill Ohattorbuck found Martin in his house and took him into his charge. Martin secured the presence of his at torney , Gco. Carson , and an applica tion was made to Judge Aylcsnorth for his release on n writ of habeas corpus. The ground of discharge claimed was the illegality of the mit timus in failing to set forth that the letmlty was imposed for non-payment jf fine , and not stating that the pris oner could bo discharged before the Lhroo days wore up if at any titno ho did pay. Judge Ayloaworth refused .o discharge the prisoner , and the latter then proceeded to arrange for the payment of the fine and to lix up bonds for hia appearance to annwor to the charqo f resisting an ollicor and also to the charge of perjury which are hanging over him. FOH SALE. My ronidonco , JTo. 815 Fourth street ( Bancroft ) . L. F. MunriiY. Joseph Durrinltirgcr.Dro&dway , Buf falo , wan Induced by ms brother to try PIIOMAB' ] Cci.KCTiuo OIL for n sprained an kle ; and with half a dozen applications ho was cnabbled to walk round againall right. aug7-dlw Teachers' Thanks. The committee of the teachers' in- ptituto , which has just closed its three weeks' session , request TUB I3ui : to give place to the following resolutions , which were adopted unanimously : Wo the teachers of Pottawatamio county , Iowa , realizing that our pres ent normal has been ono of unusual internal , profit and pleasure , and as an expression of our aontiinento deem it proper to give public expression ivs follows : licsolved , That the great success of the present Normal is duo to the good judgment and public spirit of our county superintendent , J. K Cooper. 2. That wo tender our sincere thanko to Messrs. Cullison , Ilubbnrd , Girton and Warner , conductors and instructors , for thuir untiring energy and scholarly ability in the manage ment n nd instruction. a. That the youngladiea and gentlemen - tlemon who furnished the excellent music bo commended and kindly ro- ini'inborcd , with the request for their services again next year. 1. That wo shall gratefully remem ber the people of Council Jilufla for their kindness , sociability and general good feeling toward us. 0. That wo tender copies of thcBu resolutions to the city and county press , with a request that the same bo published. FIIKD. H. NUOKNT , AI.UKIIT PETEUHEN , ANNA Bit ANT , ELLEN E AMENT , JOSIK MAYNE , Commiteo. BAIUIAUA ANDEIIHON , Secretary. A CARD. Do not trust my brother , Ernest Mueller , on my account. lie is not connected in any way with my bus ! noss. J. MUELLEU. Oar Glorious udopondenoo. What can , bo more glorious than to bo independent of sulTering , caused by dyn ncpaln , Indigestion , conntlpatlou , sick head ache , or other diseased emanating from the stomach. This can bo easily gained by n timely use of DUIIDOOK lii.oon UITTKKH Price SI 00 , trial 10 cents. ouT-dlw At the Stock Yards. There is every indication that the season just opening at the stock yards here wiil bo much the liveliest of any yet on record. The yards are the largest and moat complete of any ol the west ami are under the suporin tendency of J. F. IJoyd , who is attentive tivo , courteous , and energetic as a manager. Commission men are gath ering in goodly numbers , and ix world of activity seems to have sprung up there. It is expected that to-day there will bo ono hundred cars of stock received , and from this time on there will bo lively times there in all TBS- poota , Mr. lllirenstfln , Itoaton , Moss , , wrltesi "Your Si-iiiNO Ui.O'jROJt ' has cured me ol clyHpnpata , of four (1) ( ) years standing. I lia > o regained my normal appetite , can "loop well and fool like a now man. " Trice 50 cents , trial bottles 10 cents. aug7-dlw PERSONA ! , . Leon Mead , of The Boston Test , Is tak ing a look at our city. J , F. Williams , of Cincinnati , waa at the Ogdeu yesterday , George T. Mlleu , of Denver , waa among the Ogdou house guesta yesterday , Knglnocr Wheeler , of the Rescue engine company , receives congratulations on his recent marriage very gracefully , They come In thick on him. Fred I , Uvans , the general agent of the American Refrigerator Traneportatloi company , of St. Louis , waa In the city yesterday , a guest of the Ogden house. J , J , Sullivan , of the firm of Sullivan ft Fitzgerald , baa returned from a trl ] through Dakota , where he baa Invested h lands , A. O.Atchtson.of Tha PHUlmrK Manufacturer - facturer , U In the city gathering notes for a write-up for his paper. He pronounces Council Bluffs osolferfng more advantages to manufacturing Intereata than any other point in the west , and propones to show It up through the columns of hig paper , uhlch lias a lar o circulation. \V. II. Miller , of CMIllcothe , Mo. , _ HorUt and nurserynmn , who la widely known , waa among the callers atTiiEllKi oth'ce yesterday. Ho la shipping a large quantity of fruit , and li oa energetic , well posted and square nctlsg a mail aa can b found in the business , William Laughmau , of Shelby , boa just returned from Dakota , where he baa been locating land in liand county. He ia won dorfnlly enthusiastic over the proipects of kotA , and brought back with him nome excellent Btrnple * of what products can bo firtduc'd there ev n from fod. Mr. Loughman has lo-alcd land near St. Law rence. 1 he e was not a rail driven there fist April , and now there It quite a town with one thrce-ntory , 85,000 hotel end two others being built , while stores and dwell ings are going nu on every hand , Mr. ughm-ni intends disposing of his prop erty in .Shelby M noon BI possible and move westward. Obituary , The Ifarlan tlorald has the follow- ng concerning the death and burial of Mr. James Harvey , father of Mrs. A. 8. Clough , of this city : Mr. James ilarvey , ono of Ilarlan'a n'ghly respected citizens , who has ias boon Buffering for aomo time with cancer , died at hia residence last Sun day night at 11 oclock. Although his death had for several weeks boon mo mentarily expected , the sad news fell iko a pall upon his largo circloof friends vhoso life-long social intercourse with ilm had taught them to admire his many excellent qualities. Thursday at 10 o'clock a. in , , the funeral sor- ices took place from the family resi dence on First street , whore a argo congregation of friends gath- ; red to follow the remains to the oinb. The fiorviccs were conducted jy Roy. Detwilor , atoistcd by llov , franklin and Lucan , the remains bo ng deposited in Harlan cemetery , Mr. Harvey was a tmtivo of England , md at the titno of his death was about i3 years ot ago. In early life ho joined the Congregational church , of ivhich ho waa a member until his [ loath. The bereaved family have the deepest sympathy of the entire cotn- nunily in this sad hour , and wo trust ho cheerful faith in hia transition from rain and suffering to peace and | oy will comfort and sustain them. CITY COUNCIL Election of Flro Chlof and Oil In spector. At the mooting of the city council st night an ordinance was passed providing for the appointment of an oil inspector and guagor , fixing the Donds at $2,000 and the compensation at H cento per pnckuuo in lotn of twur ty or leas , at 4 centn ouch in lots of more .ban twenty. A ballot was taken which resulted W. H. I3atcholor , 4 ; E. A. Troutman , 3. Mr. liatchelor wag declared elected. [ Jo is a young man , a telegraph opera tor , and in politics a republican , while Troutman is democrat. The sheriff reported the condemna tion of land for building the first inilo of the river levee , the total being SOGO. On motion of Alderman Newell , council proceeded to the election of chief engineer of the fire department. John Teinploton received 5 votes , \nd F. U. Gnanolla j ) . JEWELED GARTERS. And Costly and Expensive Chemise Studs The Present Rage Among Ultra-Fashionable radios. Post-Dhpatch. It has boon whispered for some time past that there was a mania for jeweled garters among the fair de votees of fashion , and not a little interest was developed when the question was agitated. It ia an ac knowledged fact that , if the custom did indeed exist , the public was not made aware of it , for it is not a mat- uor that usually forma the subject of social chit-chat , though no doubt in the sacred precincts of a lady'o boudoir there hau been no little discussion of tbo fashion. A Post-Diopatch reporter made n few inquiries thin morning among the loading jowolcia , and they report as follows : Mr. Morrick said ; "Oh , wo have had samples in atuck for u long time past , .but most of auch ailturo are inudo to order , for wluui punpio desire such articles , they usually bring or BO- lect a design. At the mime time I can hardly nay that the business io a general - oral ono , but 1 believe it will soon amount to a craze , for of l.ito our or ders are coming in faster than ever boforo. " "Who are they ordered by ? " "They are occasionally ordered by the gentlemen fur their wives , but very seldom to bo married , and just before the eventful day ho Bonds a pair. 1 should judge , however , that most presents of that nature are between twoon ladies. For instance a mother will present her daughter with n choice design on her wudding day. I have hoard that in the east they tire Bomotiinca given as bridal presents , but I do not know of any euch case in this city You knotr wo nuver maku inquiries about the recipients or do nors of any articles that wo may make or neil ; in fact wp have no right to any such information , " 'How do they decorate the claapsl" "Usually with a monogram. I do not know whether the monogram rep resents the initials of the giver or not , Should presume it wr.a the Indies' let- ors who adorn them. " "How much ia the average cost ? " "I cannot say as to that. Wo have made thorn to coat $200. I hardly think that any poraon has n costlier pair in this city ; und they can coet only ? 5. The - iwurnvovpuld proba bly bo $50 or $7u , In this aamo con nection I would state that there is a growing demand for elaborate chemiae studs or buttons. Now I Iiavo here a sample that is to bo a favorite , " The reporter waa here shown a but ton of hammered gold , on which waa incruatod an elociuit eolitniro diamond. "Well , " continued Mr. Morrick , "you would not notice that it is separable arable- , but by unscrewing this top you BOO a rocuptaclo for holding a per trait. This will , 1 think , euporsodo the custom of carving a locket in which n lady beam the fao-siinilo of her ideal , Thcno buttons coat as high na $ . ' 100 , though they can bo had much choaner. There ia really moro demand for these buttons than there ia for tlioao garter oluspa though the latter article will no doubt receive its full share of attention when the belles re turn from the oast. " Mil , GOODMAN KINO , of Merniod , Jaccard & Go. , said : "Now. I really do not like to talk about this affair , oa it la , to a certain extent , a delicate ono for an uninar- Iriod I man , nnd besides a morning pa per has already published some re marks I made which I did not expect to see in print , but the fact is , it ia fast becoming n fashion , and there is no knowing where 51 will ond. Wo make them to order and have samples in stocks. The lowest priced silver clasps are $4 , and from that amount there Is no limit to the cost it depends - ponds on the purao and taste of the person desiring them. It is by no means unuaual to have orders for gar ters that will cost $100 , although as n rule the price is a little lower than that , and wo have made them that cost a great deal moro. " "How is the demand for ornamen tal chemise buttons 1" "Well , now , I will only say this : Th < ro is a case of ordinary samples. If wo had no demand wo would have no samples , " The general manager of the Eugene Jaccard company said : "Jowolod garter clasps have been in use for many years in St. Louis , though of Into the demand is far moro pronounced than it over boa boon , It is the fashion now , and the conoral public would not have known it had it not been for the Now York gentleman who , while looking out of a fashiona ble club house , eaw a lady , while en tering a stage , drop something. They rushed out to tccuro the lost article ono man going through a window to secure the prize and found a jeweled garter. Of coursethov were dumbfounded. The story got about and the finder is known all over the city as the knight of the uartor. It was a fashion long before that time , but this little incident made the matter known to the world at largo. As a rule they are decorated with monograms of the wearer , and there ia no limit to the cost. Wo have made them at a cost of $300 ; the general price is a great deal leas. Wo have a number of samples flowers , horso-shoos , etc. , but make thorn mostly co ordor. " "Do you know whether they are made ua wedding presents ? " ' 'Of my own knowledge , I don't , but. I think a person presenting a pair would find that his present would not bo duplicated. " "What is your experience- cxpon- nivo chemise buttons ? " "That is not a now fashion. It is an ordinary matter to make a chemise button inlaid with gems to coat $300 or moro. Wo have u vant number of orders. " ' 'Aro they given as prpuouta and by whom ? " ' 'Ladies often give them to ono an other. Sometimes a very intimate friend will present onu to a lady , but not often. I have hero a scarf-pin of hammered gold , with diamonds , cap- phires and rubies eticrnatcd BO aa to muko a quaint looking face ; well , that was a chomiao button , and I presume , did duty in that capacity. A young lady will present that to an admirer. That ia surely a token of nlfoctiou , " 8200.00 . BEWAED1 Will bo paid for the detection and con viction of any person Boiling or deal ing in nny boi > us , counterfeit or imita tion Her iiircBRs , especially Bitters or preparations with the word HOP or Hors in their name or connected therewith , that is intended to mislead and cheat the public , or any prepara tion put in any form , pretending to bo the same as HOP BITTERS. The gen uine have n cluster of GHEEN Hors ( notice this ) printed on the white label , and are the purest and best inodicino on earth , especially for Kid ney , Liver and Nervous Diseases. Beware - ware of all others , and of all pretended formulas or recipes of HOP BITTERS published in papers or for Bale , aa they are frauds and swindles. Who ever deals in any but the genuine will bo prosecuted. Hop BiTTEiiH Mro. Co. , jy22-lm UochcBtor , N. Y. M&JLJN STltEJST AND All Shippers and Travelers will find good accommodation and roasonabla chargca. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietor ! . Muiray Iron forks Burlington Iowa Soml Portable Engine , FOR OUEAMEIiiKb , Printin' ' Offlcos * Etc. , Specialty , The Largest Iron Working Eatabliah- mont in the Stato. MiSUrACTl'ItBHB or Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Out-Off Steam Engine , ScnJ for drculir. 33-lm THE KENDALL PLilTffll } IACHIE ! DRESS-PEERS' OOMPAHIOH , It plalU rooj M9 o ! * n Inch to width Iu the coarsest felt * or Qncst si Vl II dae * all kinds ud tt > lci o ( | laltluy la us No I < ly that doea her ou droBB-uiaklng can aOord to do without ono u nice plaUlcir II D t cr out ol fashion , U cacn II elli Itself , Foi Machines , Circulars or Ajenl1 * terun oddrcw OONOAR & CO. , Admi8t , Cbioaco COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ( wlvcttl'crncnte , rue as tx t , Found , To Loan , For B.Mo , To Rent , Wnt , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate of TKK CENTO PKR LINK far the Erst Insertion unJ FIVE CF.ST3 PER LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion. Lo&ve kdv ertUcmcnts t our office , No. 7 Ptarl Street , near llroftd y. Wnnta. Immediately , one hundred men WANTED at Florence Cut-on , in 'Ncbra'k * . north of Oratha , W gca : men , tl.7E : team * , 83.50. Kimulro on the grounds , or at Dm office , Coun- ill lllufls , la. WANTED School tthclicu , mlnl tH , tu- denta and others cm a > d to their income liydcvotlnjf a portion of their time to ctnrrmlnif lor our itMidard hooka and periodicals , or cnn make lurtra trc ! ljydr\otnp ! their whole time to It. Wo MI tan active malonr fenalo < K < nt In every townjhlp In Iowa and s oliraaka , and will oiler extra Inducon ctits. For tlnulvs < ! Arc * Wcsttrn Hook Company , liox 6(1 Council III at , la. A peed , compcUnt clrl none WANTED nml acply for general houseworn. Mrs. T. E CM In , 423 south bccond > trcet. Everybody In Council BluBs Io WANTED TUB Unit , 20 cenU per week , do llvcred by carriers. OlUcc , No 7 Pearl Street ntmr Broadway. To buy 100 tons broom corn WANTED addrccs Council Cluffi Broom Factory , Council Blxfls , Iowa. 05S-29tf For Solo and Rent SALE MUy toni < f Ice delivered on c M at Ncola , Iowa. Sandiut furnished. Ad * iircrn. Martin Ca-cy , Council Hinds , or 1 ! . L. MoWlliUmit , Ncola , Ion a. nuglO-3tt TOU BALtt Two claims la Nebraska , choip , JU by Odcll & Day. Jj24-lw 7710R SALE Ilea'itllul residence lots , $00 Ij each ; nothing down , and $3pcrmonth only , by KX-UAYOIl VAOQIIAN apIJ-tf Miscellaneous. TTAUCOURT & SMOTHERS , Council Blurts 1TJL and Omaha exprcsi. Ordirs left at Bostou lot store , Main sir ct , Counr I tiltiffs , or J. C. Elliott , lies Farnam trcit , Omaha , will receive prompt atlonton. jylfit' AHEAD Great eucco s. Call and BOO STILL accessories and specimens of pictures tan etil > the reliable gelatine bromldo process , at tbe KxcelBlor Gallery JOJIainstreet. ) . W. L. PATTON Physician and"Oculist. DR. Can euro any case of core cyc . It 13 only a matter of time , and can euro generally In from three to Qro necks It inakcn no differ ence how long diseased. Will straighten crocs eyes , operate and removeI'treglmnH , etc. , and Insert artificial eyes. Special attention to re- tuovclriK tadoworms np5-tf Facts forth Knowing A now crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 75c Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of fered at 75c GOe Very Eiuo Young Hyson , equal to that offered at § 1.00 75o Wo Mean Jmt What Wo Say. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Blnffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Otllce and Works , Muln Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo K'VO ' special attention to Stamp Hills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK vtlll receive prompt attention. A general as- Borttnent ol Brass Goods , Belting , Pioinir , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foumlry , Pig Iron , Ooku , Goal , CflAS i j DEALHUS IN GROCERIES , PRSVIS10NS , Crookory , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also agents lor the follow log lines of Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , American , and State Steamship Companies. For gale on the Royal Bank ol Ireland and Bank ot Ireland , Dublin. Those wl o Intend to send ( or friends to any ] > art ol Kuroj > e will find It to their nicrmt to call on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway , Council Blufs la- MRS , fl , J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Hroadwnv Council Blnffs- FAST TIME ! In goln ; Eaa > Uie th * liMcago&Iortliwest- Trains leave Omaha 8.40 p. in. and 7:10 : a. m. For lull Inlormatlon call on II. P. LIUKIIL , Tic ket Agent , llth and Farnain sU. J. 13 ELL , U. I * Hallway Dtpot or t JA11KST. CLAKK , Qtner * HARKfsESS , QI1CUTT & GO. , RV A * fc.T5'tt ? 4 * $ A TTfc TFfctFTinni ° W jr * Iff ? * & TM AND CARPET HOU3K Broadway , and Fourtli Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa mnr-2-3m mnr23mTUTTTTPT T Ifl U JoJLj Jj IP GKIGKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJ 3L , Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- third off. Agents wanted. O Oorrespon denes solicited J. MUELLER , O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , fa Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Blnff and Willow greets , Council Elnffs. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET , 'J HE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY None but lirst-cluss Bakera employed. Bread , Cake , Piea , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wajs'ono run all day. - P. AYRES , Proprietor. Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landa and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. .Office with W. S. MAYNK , over Savings Bank , - COUNTOIL BLUFS HOES. are Offering Special Bargains in All Einds of Summer WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF "JET" J3L " 3E5 IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. 412 Broadway , Connoil Bluffs , C. A. IlKillll' , W. II UN VAN , W. BEEBK C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Hetall Dealers In V AND CROCKERY * o.s. 7 & & * j Broadway. Council Bluffs. INFIRMARY ! ' UCADYJJ.J.S . . , , ( f.ato Veterinary Surgeon U , 8. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the Oity , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All ol the beet Hiyalcluijn la Council DluOd ind Burroumlln u The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Kmploy the beat Bread Baker In the West ; l o a choice hind for Cakei and Plct. I Bread delivered to nil imta ol the city. MAUREB & OBAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Glaaa , Fine French Oulna , Silver Ware &o. , 810 BlOlBWAT , t COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) IIIOH. , u. u. nair. OffiCEE & PUSEY , Gouncil Bluffs , Ia. Established , - - 1856 Dealer * In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and lump securities MSS. J. P. BILLTJPS , PROPRIETOR Of RESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 South Main Street , Council Blufli. New house and newly fitted up In first class it ) le. Meals at all hours. Ice cream and Icmo- aiie e\ try etulug. . Fruits ai d confectlonirte J. M. PALMEE , DEALElt IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.