Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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pec'al Dlppokhoi to Tin Itmt
Ns'w Y'-IIH , August 11 ,
Money Loaned dp from U$7 perccnt.f
down to2J per'ctn' , at wblh figure It
1'rinio Mercantile 1'nper 5@C t cr cent
Sterling Exchange - Steady ; , bankers'
blitc , 4.SBJ ; demand , 4 89. ,
Imports ot ary goods for the week § 3 ,
Governments wcro strong end i per
cent higher for li's ant ! extended 5 s nnd
unchanged . . t
SiKculatibn Lu the clock Exchatjgc
tame dm ing ( he morning and quite Irregu
lar. There wirefrcquentchttnjjeibetwcen
firmncta and depres I6c , bnt taken alto-
r/ether the ui.iiket won loner ; Wabswh
preeircdt ( and Jcxeey Ccntrd fell 1@1J
per ceAt. In the Init half hour stocks
wcroxvtak andliacron higher rates f < r
rnoueyf nnd/ther revival ot exaggerated
rumors nbout the prevalence of yellow
fever in the eomh and damages to crnp iu
the wi st by recent storms. Lake Shore
and some othcjr stocks sold Alltel freely
and went dlf at J@lil per cent. , ublch lit-
focted thu hnlauco of Ihu Jift.i In final
sales , however , n steadier ftclingprevailtd. ;
Dr. Nurvin Greet ) , eoUvtWng with a
reporter upon a dispatch announcing Ida
retirement from the presidency ha
Western Union Telegraph company , in
order th it I.e miy ussunio a ebniiar posi
tion un the Louisville & ' Nashville railroad
company , at u ualary $5 ( 000 atyoor , said : '
"I heard eoinothlng about this rumor in
Wall street eoino weeks ixto but did not
think it worth contradicting , for no one
who knows anything about the matter
wou'd'believe ' I was going tpmako uch a '
change ai.d perhaps increase thq , value of
stocks , of whiuh I bold'vtry'littUvnnd ' de
crease tha value of stock of which I hold
corai nrativcly a great deal. Ibis Is sim
ply a Wall street tale which1 has found its
its way into a newspaper. The only
causes for it that I can think of , are the
facts thutI , bought n big house in Louisville -
villo when I wai tberq this sluing , nnd
that niy BOH , who lives there , was elected
a director of this railroad. This gueaser ,
whoever he in , will have to try again. '
Yesterday To day
; r.i..loij " loii
5' , . . . . . . . .ioi. 191 !
IL' ( & llDd
i'uciVicO'dof'is'JS. ! ! ! ! . ' ! ! . ' . ' . ' ! iso
,110SD3. %
Cahlr.l t'aciliu . | . , . . . ' . .H5J 110
Erie seconds ! . . . ' . . . * 974 * 9 3
Lehigh & Wllkcsbarre 107 10UJ
Louisiana m noold > 08 CS
MiMiouiiO'd = * 110 110
St. Joseph Ill Mil
St , 1'uui & Sioux City firsts' . .115 111
Teuneaiee C'u . " . : . . . 50 E6i
do new 515 BU
Union I'acifii : 1st mortgaie..llUj ; 11GJ
do land ( trantj..ll4) 114J
do sinking fund. . 123 liM
Virginia 6's ' , . , 37i 83
no consols G'g * 5U . 5'J
do deferred 13 12
Texas & 1'ucitic land grants. . C8 C7j
do It. a. div > , . . 8GJ W
Adams Express 139J 13'JJ
Alton & Terre Haute 140 140
do pfd. . . . 87
AmtriBdii Express , . . 04 OJ
Burl. . Cedar ilupids North 81 80
CunaiU Soutberu 03 CH ;
Uol.\31ii. & 'lnJ"Ceutral.i..n3 laf
Ueutral i'atifluJ..v : ! 01J U3J
Chcsap6ake & . ' Ohio.- ' . . . . 25 25
< > do ' ! i lstifdl.3'J- 3Si ;
4 At , t Ii2d idtli. . ' 2G 20i
Chicago & Alton 144i 131f
dn pfd 140 110
Chi , l > uri. & Quiuoy 13'J 133
Chi , Sc. JL , . & . \ewfrleaiiB. . 10 70
Ciu. . S nd it Cleveland 0-H 55
Clerc. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 80 84
IJelawnra A : Hudi-oii canul. . . .117 $ 1178 (
Dui.Liok , & Vcstein H3i 1135J
Demur & Ku GMiido , . .018 * > T ,
Krio 40 | 40i
d pfd 80i 80
' . . 1'ortVuj no Chicago 13j 13Ji
A v - Jlaunibal & 'ftt. Jo.iepht. . p , 85 o. >
Harlem. " ; { ! - . . ' . / : ' . ' 205'j j
Houston & TiXus . . . 80i 7
Jl.iiuU Cttural UU 111
Ind. , Ulooin. & Wehtcni. ' . . . 4(51 ( 40 >
Kansas & Texas -lO 47f
J uku Erie & \Vfbtcri 'loi li 4
Lake Shorn ic Michigan bo..llfit ' ! ' ,
Loulsvillo k Nrtblivifla. . . ' . . . 74 74 $
Loni.v. , New Alb. & Chicago 71 7'
jMarlitta& Cincinnati l cpfdiO 10 .
do 2d pfd * 0 0
Met ! pliU& Charleston tiO 58 Central 100 110
Mi-Miiri I'.ieifio. , . ) 107 1003
Mobile & Onto ' . . 22f . 'ty
Jilorii * & E-sex 1 7 17 ,
Nadivillu ic Clmttauooga O'Ja oil
New Jersey I'entrul 70s 791 .
Norfolk & XVe-t ni , . K > i W {
Noribern .i'actlic 51rf - ol { }
do 1'fd ' u' Jl'i
NortbweBtern / . . , , , . 141J
do pfd I'5 ' I1'5 ' .
New York Ce-itral Wga UIO
Ohio Central , . . - . } ° f - . , ! ,
Ohio&Missiufiippir.A.j' . MS , ' X15
* do pf'l " " U'li
Ontati & Western. . . „ , 2jjlf 5
Panama < . . . . i < | Jj J ' i W \
1 > , oilu , Decaturik EVIUISV. . . S/t jjjj
Pittsb..rg . & Cleveland Ijto l.i
lUiatlng Vnf. .
llock island ' -f1 ? ! 17 ; {
St. Louis &Sau Frau. . . . . . . . 4.84 ' " 7
do pfd. . . . Oi Ij0
do l"t pfd " > f ° .
St Paul Ac Milwaukee. ' . < . , . .12J
St 1'aul , Minn. & Manitoba. 13G | 137
Bt.raulflc Omaha. . . 614 "
do . . . . , . . . < J4 " " C
Texaa & , .i. . ° 'B ° * |
Union 1'aoitioi ; J' " " " ? ? " ' 74 4
WttbviiSt.Li'ucifio. . ! . ! 37J ; } fi
do pfd , Orj ' 'OS
Wrfi , i'argo & . ' 0o. Express.lloT 129J
Western Union Telegraph. . { 89 } ' 89
EMTenne ee , . . . . , . , . - , . ' " 3
do pfd , l ° i J , .
'Central Arizona i 4
' ' ' ' ' '
UtUefmsllurg'/.A' / , 'f' , . . . ( W j | . 1
Ontario"J - . l
tpfd : : : : : : - : : : : .
Silver Cliff. 'U- . . . , . . ( . ' . . . . 5 i ; , Jf
Standard . . ' . , < l.-r- | . < - ! ] ? ' , ! W3
Sutro V.h..A. ' ' B' ' - 8
Jlobinson , * i f
SoUtb Pacific.- . . . . . .i-- '
Minnea1 , lis& .L , , . . . ; 3gj
_ _ ,
Oznuaa Wliolosalo Murliot-
Orvioic ov TUB OMAIIA lie * , 1
Evening , Aiigu'tll , I
The only changes reported la pie mar
ket to-day are ah follows :
Callforni t honey declined Jc.
App'e * declined 25o per barrel.
Cuntalopea dpdinad'Spc per.djueri. ,
Local ar ln'O altne * .
71io ; talectei ) , wo. J/ rj '
ii * , > T i.'v j'oui , Vn .9. 79cj No ,
" " "
, .
C011N. No , 3 , Cc.
OATS. Cash , 30o.
STIUU1T PltIOE3 Corn , 65g75 ( ! oatis
Produce nnd Provliloni
POTATOES 25(1 ( } 35o per bushel.
ON10NS-r @ 75o i > er bushel.
box j
BUTTEK-Chotcn country , 12@153.
KGGS Scarce , 18c.
MEATS Ham * , 15@lGc ; breakfast
bacon , I5c ; clear bacon , 13kc ; shoulder * ,
Hie : dried beef , ICc.
Minnesota patenlp , 4 70 ; Jack Froit , 4 75 ;
Shawnfe fancy3 75 < California "Pioneer,1
3 78 ; Triumph , spring , 3 25 ; rye lU > r
3 2i ; rye , Graham , 250 ; wheat Graham
3 25 ; hay. 0 00@0 f 0 per ton ; baled , 10 00
chopped feed , 1 CO ; chopped.00111 , 1 50
brMijtlOO per.owt ; Mraw , 46) ) per ton
PEAUS-Callfornia , 40 Ib boxes , 82.PO
@ 3.00.
PEACHES-Californh , 20 Ib boxo.- ,
52 : Sou'lieni , per box , bi@ > c.
PLUiMS-Cillfoniia , S.O II ) boxcc , SICO.
GUAPKS California 20 Ib boxe * ,
. . .
HONEY Cnliforaia1. per 1 . 22c.
. APPfcKS Prfbamj , S2 "id',300 '
b'v TALOi'ES-rPer"dozin , PL 6&
200. * '
OYSTHUS--8 Icct , 05c per can.
WATERMELONS-Per 100 , 52500 ®
2S 00.
, * . Orocors' UJDt , .
OIIEE32 .full Croon. , ' 12j ; Part
Sltiiii. 10J )
1 JlHANi Imported Gorman CO per
fcrtshel. ' ' ' ;
wvMiFi5.-Vlt { ; > i lalr u s RllliS9 ° il
.Tvto , i .1 ill's to choice , ,12Je ; Old gov't
Jh > l , 284j ! V'iil iMocJvi , 2344 ; ArhuckleV.
TEAS . 'GUnWdor | , good , 4fi@55 ;
Ohcico , C0.75cj ( linilcjial , good , 40&45c ;
tJb Lt , 50(3756Ybling ( ; Hyson , good , 8Co (
5Jo ; oholce OSoTJjSl' < * ) ; ' , Japan Nat Loaf ,
i5c : Japan , choice , ix75oOolong ; , good ,
'rf5@4Q ; Otiluag , cho.ce , 40@Bo ; Souchong ,
' "
"NEW riCKLESMedlum , In barrels ,
$900 ; do in half bblfl , 5 25 ; small" , in bbls ,
1100 do , In half bbls , 700 ; gherkins , In
bobs , 13 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 OD.
WOODENWAHK Two rump nall ,
'l 95j ' three hoop pails , 2 20. . Tub , Nb.
cecrwishboardf , 185 Uoublo Crown
2 80 ; Well bucket * , 3 f.O ,
LEAD Bar , 31 05.
VINEGAR Pure apple , extra , lOc :
pure apple , 13c : Prussiue miM , M > le , ICo.
dUGAHS-Ont loaf , Ho ; Crushed
lie ; Granulated , lOlc ; Powdered , 11 ;
fine powdered , lloj Standard Colleo A.
9c ; Now York Confectioner's Standard
A. 9jo : Good A , 92 $ ; Prairie Kxtra 0. Do. '
HOPE Sisal , J inch and larger , lOJc ;
11 , inch. lilt. 1
CANNED | GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per ] cose , 2 75cdo 2 Ib ( Standard ) , pur case ,
3 7o. Lobsters , 1 11) per dozen ,
180. Tomatoci , 2 30 ; do 8 Ib per
case. 300 ; Corn , 2 , lb' ( Mountain )
per case , 310 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
r Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 315 ;
string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Limn beans
per case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00.
Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
240) , ) strawberries , 2 Ib , rwr case , 2 CO ;
raspberries , 2 K > , per case , 3 20. Dam
sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 15. Dartlett
peare per case , 3 00@l CO. Whortleberries
iier , , case,2-JO. Egg pi tuna , 2 Ib percide , ' 75 ;
Green gagea,2 Ib per cose , 2 75 ; do choice , "
fo i per case 1 50. 1'ino Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
| 00@5 | 75. Peaches , 2 tb per case , 3 10 :
jc 3 Ib , case , 4 505 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
C.16C.250 ; do pie , 6 It ) , pur doren , 3 50.
SALT , Dray loads , pur bbl , 1 03 ; Aah2
ton. In sac ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 00. SB , 8 60
UOMINY New , 5 00 per bbl.
PODA Dwi gilt's Ibpaperu. 62 85 ; Do
end do , Si 85 ; Church's , $ J Sli ; Keg eoda
CANDLES Boxen , 40 Ibe , Ifi oz , SB
IScjboxes 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Cs , 15o.
RICE Carolina , 74ftEc ! ; Louljiaun , 7
@ 8c ; fair , G@GJ.
. . SYltUJ'S. dugarhonhe , bb s , 55o IhaH
bis , 57ckess ; , U gallon * " 5250 ; choice
table syrup , 5Sc ; half bbla'i 55c ; kcgH$2 50.
STARCH. Pearl , 44c : Silver Uloaa , i
-f | ; Cora Starch , 8i9c'l ; Ekcolnlor
i31os , 7c : Corn. 7ic. j < /
'SPICES. Pepper,120 , ; ' { AlMoe , 20o ;
.Olovea ' , 40c ; Nutmoai UJ'OO25cOaJi [ { ,
SMacb SLOG. j / 'J ' ' " f " f
ilATCHES Per coddle , 90c" ; round
: nses , § 7.05 ; square casou , 55.10
. SOAPS Kirk's Savou linparial , 335 ;
Kirk's satinet , S CO ; KirJt'a standard , 3 KO ;
ICirk'a white Hussion , 525 : Kirk's
} )
Eutoca. ; 2 15 Kirk's \Prnirio \ Queen ,
ICO cokes ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 35.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 840 :
Western , , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 CO ; Lewis'
lye. 400Jowolllyo , 276.
POTASH Pennsylvania sail ! ; , 4 doz. ,
ln case , 3 35 ; Uabbitt' * Ball , 2 doz. in ciise ,
I W , ) : Anchor Hall 2 do * in case. 1 50.
FIELD SKKD Kcd closer , cliolcfi
uew , 8000 per bushel ; mammoth clover
uew. § 7 00 ; white clover , aew , 314 00 ;
l .Ufa cloer , new , 812 50 ; nlsiky , nuw ,
l\ 1SOO. \ . Tiiivjthy , gnu'1. ' , now , * 3 00 ,
bluegrasa , oftro clean , § 150 ; blue Krasf ,
cIiiAH , , $1 25 ; orchard grasH $2 50 : red top ,
choice , 1 03 : millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millei , German , U 00 to 0125 ;
Hungarian , < 50o.
HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to f
bushels , 35 00 ; osngc orange , 10 bushels or
aver , 54 50 ; honey locust , per lh. , S3c ; per
100 Hw. , 225 00.
I'l.S i Family white fish , CO Ib hr lililp ,
r > 25 ; Is'o , 1 white fieri , 90 Ib hf bblH. 7 00 ;
No. , 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family
JO Ib kitH , ti'ic ; Nqw Uiillaud herring , per
kotf . , 135 ; Hussion Bardincs. 75c : Colui"-
hia river flalmon.per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; GeorgV :
> ank codfish , Oc ; Gen. boneloaa codSJ. ;
OAc f ; bonolofls fish , 5Jc.
' M ACKEHEL U lf bbls mcssrnaclti-rcl ,
100 f Ibs , 81250 ; hfbhl No. lex shore do ,
.100 Iba , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
jh i. 6 00 ; mofin mackerel , 12 Ib kitH , 225 ;
N o. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
15 Ib'do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c. '
PEANUTS J toasted , choice , red Ten-
ne ( ec , I'Jcptr Ib ; fancy white , JOJo perlb ;
ran \vl.itii VirKiuia raw , 10o ;
me. ]
Dry Qoodi.
IJltlMVll COrrONS Atlantlo A , Sic ;
AppletonXX , 7c : Atlanta , A , 8c ; ISaott
FF 8lo ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
7le : ; Chittenant-o A. 04c ; Hreat Falls E ,
Klcj lloosier , GC ; Honeat Width , 8Jo. In-
ttian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A ,
K2c ; Indian Orchani d. v8J,0 [ Lawrcnco
U > , 7cj Mystic lllver , 7ic ; Pequot A , fijio ;
Shuwmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5ic ; Wachuo-
etfB , 74c ; do A , 8c ; do E 48 , 12Jc ; W l-
cott.UB.'Sio. (
4.4 ; 7lc ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Atlantic LL , GC ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennington 0 4-1 , CJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Cico
Indian , Orchard AA 9-8 , SJc : Laconla O
39 , 8Jo ; Leblfjh K 4-4 , Djc ; Ix/nsdale 4-4.
lOc ( ; Pcpperefl N 80 , 7c : do Q 32 , 7Jo ; do Jl
30. Vlo ; do E 39. 8Jo ; Pocaaset 0 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Waniautta 4-4 180
iiin It 4-4,9JcBlackstoneAA ; Imperial 8c ;
do do half Veached 4-4 ; 9oj Cabot MM
° .f thelrodm , 0 ; do
FttUuQ , 104o ; Indian Head shrunk -1-4 , I''o :
Ixinadulo , lOc ; do cambrip 87 , 12ej Jxew
York , Mills. 12Jc ; Pcmiof lOc ; Pepperel
N G Twills , 121c : Pocahontaa .4-J , OJc ;
Pocassot 4-4 , 81c ; Utioo , Uo ; Wanwuttu
OXX121c. | 4 ' ,
IJUCKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown.
8edoO ; , drab llw do XA etripos and
plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes { and plaids , 12ic ; Arlington fancy ,
1'Jc 1 ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy ,
12lc 1 ; do extra heavy , 20c > Fall Hiver
brown 1 , extra heavy , lljoj Indiana A
brown 1 l i" Neoonset A brown. 15c.
'J'lUltJiNJimosUeag A U A 32
19c ] ; do XX blue 32 , lajc ; Arrowar.r.8 ,
yic ; Olaremont H B , Iflioi Conestoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , llie Lewiston .v
30,15c ; Mlnneimha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega super
cxtw Mo ; Pearl River 32 , Iflfgi Putnam -
nam ' XX blue rtrii * , 12c ; bhetucket it9o
lOic ; do S8 12o ; Yeoinan'n blue 20 , 'Jo
DENIMS , /Nmoskeak , bluoaud bronn
ICJc ; Andover 1)D blue , 15ic ; ArllngX w
° > : to
ido del { 4icCi l y lake 11 blue , brown ,
Oioj MySt/o / Hiver DD itripe , IBJoj Pearl
Iflver , blue and brown , lOcj Uncasville ,
blue I and brown14 Jc.
A f ' r ' ' ! '
OAMimiOS Uanwrd , Sic ; Kddyntono
llnino. 2-1 Inch doubln fnco , 8Jc ; Garner A
clared , 5o ; Jr nhntti > ri clove finish , CJcj
Newport do Go ; do RlMed,5Io | Poqnot do
T o : Loc-kwood kid finish , Co.
COUaKT JEANS Arnorr , 8cAndro ;
cojrgin tattecn , 8joCl ; rendcn , 6JcCone :
o gn Battocnn , 7io ; Ilallowel , So ) Indi i
Ore him ! 74o ; Narr > gan ! ottlmprovoilo
Pepperill Battixtn 9in ; Hockport , "Jo.
PHINT3 Aliens , Cc ; American , GJc ;
Arnold , ? c ; Ucnvlck. 4c ; Oocheco , ? c ;
Oone < tmn. ; 6Jo ; Dunkirk , IJc ; Dnnnell ,
6J@7o ; Kddystono. 7c : Olouccster , 60 ;
Htinnony , SJc ! Knickerbocker , GJo ) Mor-
rlniao 1) . fc ; Mystlo , f ic : Spronies , fx : ;
Sonthbrldgp , Cc ; do. Gingbnini , 7e Marl *
bore , PJcj Oriental
. AiiH'skoivc , ISJc ; Amos-
kcwr tires * . Oil Argyle , lOJoi Atlantic ,
Oc ; Cnmborland , 7Jc ; Highland , 7joi
Ucnilwortb , 8Jc ; Plnn kctt , 104 < i ; Buff
(4x. 8e , .
' " vrT ( WADES Abben Illo WJc
i , 90c ; Amcrioani Ho ; Artisian , 20o ;
Cairo D and T , 11 % ; CUrion 1) and T ,
Ific ; Dpccnn Co.ntripes DniidT. ICc ; Key
stone , 13 Jc ; Nantnokct. } Nonpareil ,
Ifie ! Ocean D nnd T , ISic ; Itoyftl. WJ \
Sussex , 12cj TlnfJa. 12jc ; AVrwihufCtt shirt-
itW ibocks. lUic ; Mo , Nankin , 12c ; Yinrk.
plain Nankin. 12jc ; do , checks , utriixw and
Unoy , 12Ao ! do , 8 or. 20c.
. _ . 0-1 , 21c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Contlnentnl 0
4C , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-J. 27i | Now
York mills 98 , 35o ; do 78 , 30o ; do 58 , 221p ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 25cJ Ponuot 10-4 , 2840 ; do
7-4 , llc ! ; do 411 , IGc : Peppercll 30 , 29c ;
do 07. 21c ; do 67 , ISo- Utica PC 35o ; do
8 , 22io ; do 48 , 17o
Cigars and Tobncco * .
OIG AHS. Scoila , $15.00 ; Couuccticut ,
S25.00 ; Mixed. 835.00 ; Seed Havana ,
8.r.0.00 > Clcafllnmnn , 575.00.
14 ! Ib , GOc ; Our Hope , first quality , G2c ;
Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butte.GOc ; Huno Shoe ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butt , OOo ; GUt KiUre ,
pounds , 24 Ib , bulU , GO ; Army and Navy ,
pounds , C.- < ? ; HuHIonJj > ounds , 50c | Loril-
lard's Climax , pounds , GOc.
FINE OUT In pallo. Hard to Boat ,
75a ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80c ;
Favorite , G5c ; Hocky Mountain , GOc :
Fancy , ,55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil
Catlius O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c ; Lori-
illard's Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , GOo.
SMOKING Allgradea Common , 25to
33c. Granulated Blackwolls Durham , V >
or. Bloi Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 4Go ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras-
kft , 1C oz , 3Sc ; Lone Jack , i or , linen bags
per Ib , 81.35 ; Marburps' Puck 2 ot , tin
oil , 5fie ; Uoi ? Tail Gfic.
Paint * Olli and Varnlthet.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. . OJo ; white load , St. Louis , pure , OJ-j ;
Marseilles fereen , 1 to B Ib cans , 20o
French zinc , gison seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
rod seal , He ; French zinc , iu varnish asst ,
20c ; French zinoc , in oil assi , I5o ; Haw
and burnt umber , . ! Ib cans 12c ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13o : vnivlyko brtnvn , 8-
i-efined lampblack , I2c : coach black , l"c ;
jwory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. & D. , I4o ; bllnd.and Bhutttui
green , L. M. & D. , IGo ; Paris greeni IBo
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian rod. 'Jo ; Tuscan
drt , 22c ; American Vonniliod , I. & P. , I8c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. k D O. , 18c ;
yellow ocbro , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; patent
dryer , 8c ; Draining colors : light oak. dark
oat , walnut , chestnut . and _ . _ oali 15o.
Dry. . ° alnti . . . .
White lead , GJc ; French rinc , lOc : Parisi
whitcing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJoj
ubiting comTl , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; bmpblack , ordinary , tOc ; Prus
sian : blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , bumt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
lcsienna I ; , burn t , ' 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com I
20u ; cbrome green , N. Y , ' 20c ; chrom-
green K. , 12c ; vennlllion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc ,
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cookson s
S5c : Venetian rod Am. , IJc ; roi lead , 7ic ;
chromo yellow , genuine , 20c : clirorao yel
low , K. , 12c ; ocbro , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ;
Winter's miuoral. 2ic ; lehigd brown , 2io :
Spanish brown , 24c ; Prince's mineral 3o'
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon ,
HJc ; 150 heaillight. per
124c ; 175" headlight , per . .gallon
1I 1 I
per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
\ 55 ; fish , W. 13. per gallon , GOc ; ncatafoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri-
eating ec , zero , per gallon , 30c ; Bummer , 15c ;
KOlden ( ' machine , jNTo.l , per gallon , 35o ; No.
2 , SO ; npenn , signhl , per gallon , 80oj ter-
puntino , per gallon , 55c ; unptha , 74 , per
gallon , ISc : Or. 17c
VARNISHES IJarrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ! ,
? 1 ; coach , extra , ? 1 < 40 ; each , No. fl ; .
$51 $ SO ; , 'Damar , extra , 1 75 ; nmn , * * " } asj
phaltum , ' extra , 85o ; hellao ? 350r-hftrd
oil finlih. 81 30 .
PAPEIt Straw paper , 2 c ; rag pap-r ,
4c ; dry goods paper , G.maniia ; paper , lOo ;
news paper. 8c.
Heavy Hardware Ll t.
Iron , rates , ? 3 40 ; plow steel , special
cast , 7cj cruclblo.Hc ; npccialurCerm.infic ! ;
ciwt tool do. 15@20 wagon apokoH , net.
2 25@8 00 ; hubs , per Bet , 1 2f > ; felloe , unwed
dry , 1 10 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75o ; Hfiuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
T/asherH. peril. 8@18c ; nvett' , ner Ib , lie ;
coil chum , per Ib , G@12o ; tnallenble , 8c ;
Iron wcdcCM , Cc ; crowbara , Co ; harrow
tenth , 4c ; liortcshDOH , per ktg , B 00 ; eprlng
hteul , 78c ( ; Hurden'n boreoshoes660 ;
Burden's muleshoes , (5 ( 50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck eliot , ? 2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 : do. , half
kegv , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast-
Inir , koss , 83 35 : Fuso. uor 100 feet 60c.
13 A Mil ! I ) WIRE In car lots,8 3'J ' per
100 ; in IBOS than car lots. H 55 IMT 100.
NAILS-llates , 10 to COtf , 4 00 ,
Oak Bole , 38o to 42o ; hemlock eue , 28c to
35c ; houiicck kip. bOo to 100 ; runner ,
C5o to 80c ; hemlock cnlf , 85o to 120 ; hem-
loci : upper , 23oio20c ; oak unper. 24o ;
alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 3235o ;
Grolsen kid , 2 50 to 275 ; oak kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 55 ; Fionch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
HotU. B 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 ;
toppings , 9 < K ) to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo
to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; slmon
2 f 0 to 3 00.
HAIlNESS-No 1 utar oak , 42o ; No 2
do , 39c ; No. 1 Old' ) oak , SSc ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 31o.
Honei end Mulei ,
Tlie market is brisk and all grades ore
eelling well at P liht | advance In piices.
1Tho demand for good horsea exceeds the
supply coplileraJly. Prices range on foj.
Iowa : i " , j
Fine single drivers. 81CO. to 300. ; Extra
draft horseu , 0176 , to 225 , ; Common dtah
horses , 8100 , to 150. ; Extra farm horses ,
8110. to 125. ; Common .to good farm homes
690. , to 8100. ; Extri plugfi , $60 ; to 76. ;
Common plugs , $20. to $40.
MULES. 15 to J5J hand * ( extra ) , 8125.
tolDO. ; 14J tojg hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 14J liandt , 876. to 100. ; 13 ( to 14
hands , 00. to 75.LI
LI uor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 220 nor wine
fallen ; extra California spirits. 187 proof ,
2U i or nroof gallon ; triple refined spirit * .
187 proof , 121 per iiroof gallon ; re-distilled
vtiskleu , 1 00@1 5U ; fine blended , 1 CO ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bonrbons , 200@7 00 ; Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00(5)7 ( ) 00.
BRANDIES Imported , 6 00@16 00 ) ;
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Ircported , 4 Wg6 ) ( 00 } domestic ,
1 40 < 5j3 CO.
HUMS Imported , 1 60 ( 0 00 ; Now
England. 2 00aj4 ( 00 ; domestic. 1 bO@3 50
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Iini'ortod per cose ,
2800@SI OjAmsrlm , caw , 1200 i ®
1000 ,
OLAHETS Per case , 4 fX18 ) 00
WINKS Hhlna wine , per cose , 6 00 i ®
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00(2)7 ( ) 00 ,
We quote lumber , atn and shingles mind
ars at Omaha at the fiillnwintf prlco i
under. 821 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00.
TIMBBUS-10 ft. and under. $22 00.
TIMBER AND JOISTr18 ft. , 823 00 ! ) ;
1C ( ft , 824 CC , 22 ft. $27 50 ; 24 ft , * 27 50.
FENJJl Gel , 4 ftctl B ln.822 50.W ;
No 2 , $20 00 , , ,
8HKKTINO No. 1 (2nd ( common
bo rd ) $18 fiO ; No. 2 , $17 00.
STOCK BOARDS.-12-In. D , $2300 ;
12-In. 0 , 835 00 ; 12-1 n. U , $10 00.
LIME F r barrel. f I IBj bulk po ona-
S5o Cement , bbl , ? i 7B. low * plaster.
bbl , 32 00. Hair per bn , 86c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. S3 00. Htrftw board , * 3 00.
COALr-Cnrabcrland blnekMiilth , 812) )
Morrit Kim Ulowburg , $12 } Wbllobrcast
lump , $0 f.O ; Whltcbrwut nnt , ? G 10 } town
lump , $ ( l CO : IOWA nut P050 : llocVSi ring ,
58 ; Anthracite , nil iltim , 811 00.
Onir * .
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartarlo , 0c : llalsum
Oopnbla , per Ib , 70c | Bark , Ha alran , per
Ib , He ; Calomel , per Ib , 7f > c ; CInchorJdtft ,
nor ot , $1 15 ; Chloroform , | > er Ib. 1 00 :
Uovoi'd powder * , pqr Ib , ? 1 40 ; Kpaon.
( lalts , per Ib. njo ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
Sc : , Acetate , per Ib ,
Oil , Oo tor , Nt. . 1 , per # 0 , * J 15 ;
Oil , Castor , No. fl , per Jjal , 91 00 ; Oil ,
Oljvd , per pal. $1 f > 0 | Oil , . Origanum. Wo
Opium , $ . " I'll ; Dulnine 1' . A W. A H. i S. ,
l > cr oz , ? 2 30 ; I'otruuiluni. Iodide , per 11
Jfl 90 ; Salacin , { > cr or.tOc ; Sulphate of
Morphine , per oz , $3 85) ) Hulpmir flour ,
pftr Ib , 4cj Htrvchidno. twr ox. 31 M.
Merino tmw&s ed , Unlit , 14 ( lGc ; lismr.o
@ 1315o ; medium unwashed , light. Wr)2 ( 01
washed , rhofco , 3ic ! | fair , 30c ; tub-dlng
nut ! w. , JWc ; burry , blftokand wttoil won
IlldoJ ur , Eto.
HIDWS-'aretu butcbor's.hide , Cj20J'
cuted 7Je ; htilcs , green salt , part cured 7c
hides , ( lie ! dry flint , tionml , 13@H < > : dry
calf and kip , 12@llo ; dry salt hldw.faund ,
10@ilc ; gretn call. wt. 8 to 15 MM. , llVnllcj )
xreon calf , wt , muter 8 tlxi , poi skin , 50 < i !
irvecn iiclU , 50@$1 25 : gwcn lamb skin- ,
SI 2569150 : damaged hide * , two-third rate ,
out scored anil one grub , cla-wed two-
U-lrds rat % ) branded hides 10 t > cr ucut. all.
Coon Bklus , No. 1 , 45oj No. 2 , UOo ; No. 3 ,
JO. ; No. I , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , 15o : No. 4 , fco , Fox , No. 1 ,
OOc ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
< J5c ; short stripe , lOo : narrow stripe lie ;
brund stripe. lOo. Tallow 7c.
Now York Px-odniw
NKW YOUK , August 11 ,
Dining the week wheat is a rule has
been quite tteady , showing soma
at the cloBO and adecllna f BOiuethiogovcr.
a cent n bushel. *
Corn lias been somewhat irregular , but
prices were pretty well sustained. Opera-
ton on both sides are disinclined to Uko
hold on ac , omit of uticertnlntien of tlio
coniing crop.
O tj have been a leading speculative
Ijrain in the market and cash and August
deliveries have been run up some 5a or Co
mi ncc.mnt of a light stock nnd small
receipts and chances * of u corner. A
the close there was a considerable decline
in August options and other months yield
ed Kouiewhat.
PetiolcumPrices have bi > on irregular ,
Ibictuating within a range of 3c or 4a for
] cimib oil , A fair amount of Imciuoju is
doing , but nuttiiuR of particular intorcsst
in trade.
freights Tliero Is a better supply nud
leas , demand fur grain room , with an eat
ing i off iu rales. Petroleum room isinfidr
request nnd talcs are fairly well maintaia-
Flour Steady ; superfine state western.
3 40@-1 ( jf > ; cuumon to good > xtrn , 4 10@
523 ; good .o ch'iice ' , 5 20@8 CO ; wlutt-
wheat extra , 7 00@ < CO ; extra Ohio , i 1,5 ©
7 BO ; at. Louis , 4 U5@8fiO ; Minnesota putout -
out process , 7 2o@S 70.
Wheat Unsettled } ! , l@2c : lower on spot
lot" , J@ljc lower on optionr ; No 2 spring ,
nomiuul ; ungraded red , ( ISc@l 13j ; No. 'A
red , 1 ll < jgl 12 ; steamer Ni . 2 red , 113J :
No. 2 rtd , 112i@l 13J ; certiHcatoi , 1134
© 1 Mi delivuiiHl ; No. 1 nd , 115@1 lei ;
mixud w.uter , 112 $ ; No. 2 whiiu , 1 lu ;
No 1 white , 1,50 ! ) bu nold at 115 ; No. -
icd for August , 2(51.000 ( hu bold at 112J o.
11HJ. closing at 1 I ! ! } ; do. fur September ,
5GO.UOO bu na.d at 1 131 1'U , closing at
1 13A ; do. for October , 072,000 bu uold ut
" 'SOMS ' ! . sb ? ' A i ; . .fc N. . .
V mrJtr , 1) ) 8OOJ bu suld at 1
clo-Iiitr. atf 1103 ,
Corn Opened somewhat' ' stronger but
fubHttjuvntly became weaker and declined
i@lc , cioi-iiig , , t the liM'Cht point ; ungra
ded. ! 83@sSo , ; No' . 2 , h7A@b7i ; i > " . sturc ,
898io ! ) iluliyeied ; nugw.lod ' white , J-c ;
No , ' 2 white , % OJ1 02 ; .nb. 2 .f"
_ " " 87c ; do. for Seplem
her , SU"l@874o , "closing t 8ifc ( ; do tot
67cj white western , . /7 < a(55c. (
lluy h3 toady with .1 Iiur denmnt ! ; G.J ©
Cqlfeo J5ull ; Hio cargocH , quoted at 8J
Sugar Dull and iincluiwiljfair to good
lufinini ; , ( juoted nt 7 l-.fl73c ! ,
MoluKHHHQuint but sluiuly.
Itice In fair demand and llniily Hold ,
Tallow Sto dy ; S n&'lc.
llosm-3atier : ; I b. > fe2 00.
Turpentine Finn ; 4niy-l > ic. (
Kro.-h woatoru , hold linn ; 2
1'ork Finn ; now IIICBH , 22 25 ,
Iteuf Quiut nnd unclmiiguil.
Oiit MeitaQuiet but linn : lonff cluir
middles , 137fi. '
I j d Steady ; pi line uteiiiii , 12 K0@
lliitter-Qulct but firm ; U@2lc.
Cla'e e Kirni on line ; wottera ll t , 5
Keo'ts. Shlpni'tn ,
Klo'ir . JMOOt ( I.OLO
Corn . 1'J.5 ! < > 0 .
O. tu . . . . . . 7.700 MO
Couuoll JUlutln Market.
i , UI.UFVB , 'Anfjiiiit 10.
KJonr-CryHtal .Mills Koldou.Hlieaf , a 'M ;
1 o tt KunHd > brjiiili , 3 OOtiM t.0Uruliutn ; ,
: iW ( ; lyell'iir , 300
Ooin MHA ! 1 70 for wbltoj yellnw , 1 00 ;
corn cli p , 28 00 pur ton ; corn nnd eaU
chop , il'J 00 per ton ; chop , yi : 00 per ton ,
Whuut Wo. 2. 7&J. $
Corn No. 2 , 67 , ! ;
liarloy None.
Oatn Nona
I-'HUITH - Ulnckbenlca , Ifio yer box ;
apiilex , 2 M@'l 00 per buirel.
lirooni Corn SJfeOc.
Hay Ixioue , 7 UOtS'J 00 ; baled , CO per
Wood fi 00@0 00.
Wool 1D@25.
Jluttor Creamery , 20oj In rolls , wrap.
ued , ICu ; rollx not wrapped , 12io ; mixed
colors ,
Onions 7i > a per bushel.
JJve Chickens 1 7o@2 25 per dozen.
Potatoes SOo er Imnhel.
25(3 ( lOo per doz.
TurnliiH 40uiier bUKhel.
1UVJ3 8TU K. CuttleKxtro , 300@
3 60 Vo l OttleB fiO ® ' ' 00. riojB
700@725 ,
ICun ii City htaok
ICA dAS ClTV , August 11.
< ! Live Stock Indicator ol
Cattle KecelpU , 1 700 head ; active ,
firm nud a cluw-to higher ; no native nhip.
inis' Hteers offered ; natlv- feeders nf 1,010 to
1,110 llwuolij at1 IW4K10 ; cows , U Oil ®
II t,0 ; 'I'ex .11 ntce of H'J-i to UOO ILiu gold at
a o
Hi'K " "d-lptji. 1,100 ; active mul higher ,
rom 7 0&j8 ( 30 , with thu bulk nf
at 7 U'feH JO.
- U Cfiiitd , 'J70 ; quiet ; good to
uhoicu iiutlvei ,
Zilvnrpnol Froclnon.
I iVKlD'Oor. , August 11.
ISreaddtutli A , email turlnoa wastranv
acted nt lower priced ; wheat , wluu r roil
wortern , 'Jife'Jj oj ; corn , weatern mixed ,
Pork Prime uiei07 * .
Yarns and fabiloi at Manchester , ijn
butsttody. ' ,
Jtoovlpts of wheat for 'be j > a t three
daytf , 158,000 coiitals , 95,0X0 ueutaU being ,
American , ,
Trolicht & Dunker , r
O3T *
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices arid Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable'Selection. '
St. Xionti frodnoo.
ST. 1 < OUI , August lit
I'ltiur ( Jn'qt aiid unclmnireit
Wheat 'Opfiinl lower and declined , but
l od with u slight rccoto'y anil firmer
fcoliug ; NIL 2 rod fall. ' .IGK'Jt.Jo ' for cish
IHiJc for Atigin * ; ' .VJo for Si > m < Miib > r ; O'iJi
flir Octvltr ; Wt'a fur Nnxeiulvr ; IlOJo fur
tint year ; mil * uuio nuilu lit IHiiffi''ii ' ci foi
for October ; 'JOltrfllje tor the venr. No f
rti.1 fall , Ji'/aSlte ; No 4 ltd f II , 88Jo
Cum Iiowor ; 77W77Jc fur c h ; 771@
77-ju fi rAuKU lj 7fiji7fljo ( | ! ! lor oi'temberi
72tffi72Jo ( for Ortobvr : 1110 for Nirtctubor :
O'Jo for thu ye r ; iloHinj ; at thu inside
Oats Lower ; JWJfollOjr for ca h ; S'J'H ' )
37JJ for Auguitt ; 3ljo for September ; ! ! Hjo
for tlio yo. r.
Hjo-nuli ; fM@(5Gio ( bid.
Buriey Dull nnd noiuinnU
Butter Steady and unohunpeil.
KifiN Steady nml unchanged.
'Whisky ' Hlubbr ; 117.
Provi foili Vury dull nnd only a small
jiibbin ? tratie was transacted at generally
faster prices.
Itecolntn. J111IJ ' W .
. 'lour 0,0rnl' ' 11,000
Wheat 115,000 119,000
Corul J4.000 . 2,00
OatJ | V'.OOO ' lu.OOO
Cbioogo Ijl f > Btook.
OltioAoo , Augiif t 11 .
Th Drovers' Journal rep.irts as fol
lows : i i
liocs Itcceipts , 14 , ( OC ; sliipmcntH ,
O.liOO ; general market strong nnd active at
Immir rnti-r. ; comiuon to goud mixed ,
7 7U@8 35 : good lo prime henvy packing
and ( .hipping. 8358 1)0 ) ; light , 7 60g8 40 ;
skipe , 4 75a ( 7 50.
Cattle Ktcuiptc , 4.0CO ; ld | > mcntn , 3-
100 ; tiMiket luiak und lOa IdghiT ; ox-
poitn , 725 ( < i'8 00 ; good to choluo shipping ,
G 50@7 00 ; oominon to fair , 4 50@)0 ) 00 ;
butchum' 2 G0@ I 75 ; moderate supply of
cnnniug ramo cattle was in tlio inurUot at
10@15o higher ; Tex aim , 3 ' .I5if)5 ( ) 00 , with
th- bulk Belling at. 1 00& t 0 : hulf lueeil ,
4 50@5 25 ; Atu > * ticaii > . 4 755 50 ; stock-
orn and feeders , II 00 © 1 25 ,
Sheep KecelplB , 1,0 0 ; shipments , 300 ;
market nit her weak uml Blow ut barely
btoady ratohj infirlor to fir , 3 00 4 00 ;
moilium to gooil , ! 2.@l 50 ; choice to ex
tr , 4 705 00.
Gl. gow cable advices to the Drovers'
Journal rep rts cattle lo and whi p IJo
lower per pound tlnm K t week. 1'ii'lKlit
rates from M outreiil mo yOfeSis and 3J > ( )
104 oncattlu irotn Boston ,
All foreign market * nro reported bad ,
and American export cattle nnd > .hcep can
not etand the coat i rice , insurance , freight ,
etc. _
Kow York Llvo Gtook
NKW YOIIK , August 11.
Tlio Drovers Journal Buru.iu reports as
follows :
Beuvcs llccoipts. 2,2K ! ) ; active and 25o
@ 50j higher ; fair Tex. . in. and hiil ( > brocd
steers showing the mont hnpiovrmont ;
fair to ir.d , . nativ M , 9 25'ai4 00 ; ftdr to
good ludf-breedc , ! ) 75nll ( ) 00 ; Texan-Cher
okee steers , 8 7510 Ou ; cxporterv uaod 1 0
fat tct'rn at 12 75 : shlnniilH | { of live ttdck
a'nd fresh iniatWlho week , including h
cargo of botf nnd mutton to go out to
morrow , are 180 neuLof live cattle , 1,809 '
live t < her | ) , 1,424 quartern of beef nnd3.3 I
CJrouustM i'f mutt n.
Sheep lieceipls , 5,35(1 ( ; steady and firm ;
lamliitHtouly with n fail ilamnnd and 6'to '
higher ; cxt'i-mu , 4 00@5 7 > per cwt. for
nlieep and G OO.rfB 00 jior cwt. for lamb * ,
with a deck load of choice Pennsylvania t
liimbs suld at 8 Xfi.
Swine Kfcrlpti , 1,100 ; slcady for live
Iioga at 8 50 ( ; 8 i-'O DcrcU-t.
City Pnuliioo.
KAK. AH Cirv , ,
Wheat Weak mid Ituvfr ; ho. 2 red , 81
@ 8U-forc.isli ; 8 : a,8Hjo for Auuit t ; 8L'4
@ 82/c / for Soptembir ; A'o. 3 , 70jffi77o ) ( for
Corn Weak ; Nn. 2 mixed , 7Ua bid
fir ciinh ; 70o i > ld for Au uiit ; IJSo tiid for
O.iU r/wor ; No. 2 mixed. .Tijo bid for
cash ; 30jo bid for August ; 21)Jj ) fur Sep
Butter Unchanged.
Eg-1) ; Unchanged.
lleo'U. Shipia'tH.
WLcat . 311,000 35.000
Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100 2,000
StXiouiK Llvo Stock.
Sr. I.OUIB. Atigunt II.
Cattle HucelptH , 700 ; Hhlpments , 900 ;
supply light , ilimand urgent and prlwm
itim g and bfcttor ; .oH'c'ringrt almost entirely
Texiin * and h > H lirocdn ; c.inniijg gradea
rnnued from Vfig , ! 25 ; best Bt err , 4 5I ) @
rrOO ; lorn half bi-oojs. 4 7fi@5 50 ; gra-ii
4 25MGOO ; gofdto bout uhlpplug
tiirH. li 50r li 50 ,
Kheap Hec , | | ls. GOO ; nhlpinent , 1,100 ;
ieUve anil i-tioriK ; fuir to liuut nalivi H , 3 75
< < ? /i 0) ) ; TexhnK , : ifiO@lW ) ; stock sheep
wanted at 3 Oii ( ! 7 f'O.
Poti-oloiini Murl/nt. ,
NK\V YOIIK , Augiibt 11 ,
Petroleum ( Juicl ' 'lit ' t a < iy ; United ,
( < 0j ! 'i crude , ( < iiJfiljc | ! | ; > * llniid , i'.7o.
PITTHIIUIIO , Pa , , Aupusl 11.
IVtrnloum Qulfli ; United certificates
wettknr ; clo ed at G0n ; refined , ( iOja f r
J'biladeli Ida d silvery.
Chloao | Proitno * .
CIIICAOU August 11.
Wheat In fair demand , Imt lower rates
regular , 1 < > 0@1 OflJ for Augnjt ; 072 ; 98c
for September ; WWMlo for October ; JMo
fur the year ; No. 2 red winter , 1 01J for
cish ; 1 01 lor August ; 1 00 for SopUm
her : nprlpK , ni'mlnally ' 1 01 ,
Corn n f Ir demand , but lower rate-
78o lor cash ; 77iJo for September ; 7G'/T $77B ;
( or October ; U7io for tho.year ; rejected
7 If *
( Lin Dull , weak and lowei45oforcanh ;
1133 for A"B ' Sli J for Septoadier ; 35/i /
fur October ; : i5o for the year.
JtyH Stfa y and unclmnued , y-M rk teasier ; UOJo
> lux fited'-Hte.idv , with a fair demand
Tiui'itbySced-W.akcr ; aa * > @ 216 f
cnmtnon to KIKK | ] 2 25jfi2 ( 32J f r prime t <
a high grade ,
jl , , tei Steady and unchanged ,
Eifs Steady and im > bunged.
I'urlc Dull ml tfiiding downward ; 212
for cablii 21 IWfe l 3iJ for hep
tern er ; 21 4'Mkl r > for Octohtr ; 19 0
( SUlli : > for.Iauu iy , , . . , . . ,
Lirrt-K ler ; 1'40 for omb ; 1240 ®
Ii 42i f r September ; 1250C { )125.'J ) fo
1) tuber ; 12 .p , ( < cl2 374 for Janiury. , .
Bulk Mi-iitH Ka ier : dlumldnia , 9 GO
abort rib , 1305 ; cli .rt . cluar , W S' .
Whisky SuwJy and unch.iLgedj 1 I/ .
Iteo'U Uliipm't
( l.dOO 8,00
8 , < 00 lll.OOf
H i COO 130 1 OC
1,001 G.oo
Wool Murkot-
, , I5QSTON.
The maiket'for wool
3 *
teady and price * unoliangvd. Tlio I'D-
mini In L"W | Mip | of the week will ag >
JJ A I f Ko niniiFnml rntrr ttlt Jlrcct from
> r\L I ( i < , i\v < ltliiroinltlr | | ( lijr r ll at the
lo\\c t | 'U"'liIomjli lirloo to all \Tiitcrn iiolntii.
niii--tiii TYI.KI ; \urco. . . stisinxw uitrMich
Iilvur , KiiluojnuilBrlubl'nXMnnnno. .
A muilioinu that dixttroya Mio germ
or cAiiso.of Bright' * DIMUHU , liabtitoa ,
Kidney uuil Lu'frCouipLiititK , und'aiti
now or to root thum out of thu system )
in above ivll prico. Such n iiuxlioinii is
Uop Uittcra , mid | KMIIIVO proof of tbin
uati bo found by ono trial , or by a knii <
your uolghbgrs , why have l iuit cured
\ by l it. .
The "Ilawlhorn Ocnlcnnwl ,
tcclf ior Koof Paint' , "jviis iintontuu May
-4 tli , 1831 niul luttera
- , , patonb uum-
bee 2 (1 ( , 801) ) . Any ] icraon found on
known to tamper with the niannJ
faeluro of' ' paid pniut Will bo punish-1
od trt'thb'iull ' extent of ] nw. No jier-
soti lias ntiy'huthority wbatuvor to sell
OCoiptB. JlAWTUOlUJ & BUO. ,
Lancaster , l'av
linby'n WnrnlDjj.
When luby hns ( mini > t < lo l cf nljli * ,
ilolherln n frljlit , lather In iv plight ; ,
When unrinsiloliltoMiy \ \ must cry ,
It ffor ets In , bMiyinunt illw ,
It CMIIPT J ! IH kill Loonort ,
let tbftt holiito tlierulnno CwiorU ,
Forniotnerslcnrn wllhnnt ilolny ,
< i > toil. > curfs | iy oUlit and ) > } ,
CuUirrh of tlio Bladder.
Stinging irritation , iiilUuntimtinii ,
all Kidnuy and Uriimry complaints ,
urod by "liuchupaibn , " . $1 ,
I'ronlilpiiJ. Vlcu Frw'l.
W. S , Uiinnr.u , too. and Treat.
Lincoln , Nab.
Corn PJnnterH , Hrrrowa.P'iirni Tiollors
Hiilky liny icnltoa , iiucuoo KloViitlu
Wladiuille , &o
w are iirep-roil to tb Job work and ina-nifac
urlnu for oilier | BUIIW. |
ilil-m nil orlgr
Lliionln. N'A
Thi e Ju'lrlnif t. > nnlio inonby on
smft'l nnd miiium linvntiMoiiti In
urilnltiro\J > lou an 1 HlouK Hjiuuuln-
tloni , c ii (11 ( s \ by oi.-mtlr'f | ( on our
] ) Un KromMtj 1 , ItiHl.loilmprii
WHKAT . * ullt "f"0 ! ° " luwitii n s of ? lnoa ,
to sOOJi | ( tt , , , , , r0iu | Imu boon
rolzul juli ta
uOu ' " ' ' i"1'11' " " < " " " lei 'U flu
w * ' * '
or > , liiil liHDlniint ) < .inkiiKinoni < y
nr p jwilfr f ) Monmiul Hhnr.t ) ( > '
' XT s IroiV tftt } It ] ppZMlhlu
niiont ) Svhrt wll c'l irc o . .orlli nml
liit oJUQ' Hi" j'Un ' Ii bur l V3IU-
rfjKrtM'iVd' ' MKi.ltlAM , Onm-
' ' JlcnjliiuitH , iM.Jor llbik ,
. . . . P.J , Ml.
Wurni all lil frlcn tn oml thom thit ila huv Kup
iltnrOurpotn , Stovi mul C'Mclferv. Init ho
cin bo f lUnilnnlynt N'o W > DonirlM'tKot "nd
i o other | ! too Vi u troditlly nniioHoii ti | > un h )
rthcr Uoalen whn riiru > viii > tac 1 own their
H ori'H 1 lu\o llio Ittrijunl utock anil ut Ihu law-
ml jirlcoi In hu tli >
Thu iK'nt lu the country ; fur tlio tnonoy.
M. A. McNamara ,
No. 214 S. FourcoontU Street OmnUii
&a , ull klnJl of Jnliwork doiio.
s'ow liuiMliiKH crovtol. I'liiu auj upcolnca-
tlom lurnhhcil
141B Harnuy at , but , 14tli&15fcli ,
Cornioesi &o , Manufaoturod
T. S I N H O L D
lith ) St. . 410. Oinlm. aNob-
DK. B' . BOHlflRHB.
Physician and Surgeon.
Uudlclnog ( urnlihod at olflce.
OIBco.JW , W , corr.or 13th and I'irium lrcot
over Stata lUnk , Omaha , NuK
Notlcelilifroliy ( jhinllmtoi tlio 4th < ) aye
Novoinlitr , A. 11 1 * 0. Wliii < J ruy " "rfliiMiui
tnubllu-ftNthofolioilnirili-wrlliiil ro l clat ,
hltaatol In Ouiabii , Uouflnn couuiy , itato of No-
II.OK , to. H : north cUhty-eltfht fott of th
cait one-thlril of lot four In hlick
u ni y-oini , ( n 81 tt , vl Ut , Ijljck ) for
thu 1 1 y t'xuiol H79. . , .
The > IJ > I'on ' U ioy will domind a Troamre rt
dud up n mid r al tutitiu on or af r tf u4lh
iU > cf .Nomilier. A 1 1 , the time of ro-
dump bit harn K then ixplrcj unlcKiu
Utoratl ,
Ibu Cio ) , wt , LaiKiktanJ cUolcodt 90 ! I lion
ID the W et.
Ciuh [ > ai\ for rJudOttiVllund Tiouk
or oxchain/ol for m > w , '
" ' '
HUN for tmlMtnjr mill dim acrmg tlio We : na
tltar A jUil iiifirtllc.CUxtf county , N ljtk kA.
I1 ni < i.iM | > 'clflif tint mint ncojmriany
1 M. AHIil'ln ( Mini l > e frrom nnlrd by irool
IntKliifiir lie III liful | i-Tr.iriniiico of tmttact ,
hnd bi flhil hy imnn of Alt 'int IP , 18S2 , l Flr-t
Nttlntnl tvtrilcrt fltintrln ; , .Noli/ 'Ujh'.r.fl - > il
' , tnnr or alililil * . , lt. 1 IIOIjMBI. , (
U12I .
4 :
; , ! J : -i s.u. . ' 'aw *
-lti' 'r. ' V K A ' J * .tooi
5J j < 7 ffl ( If I1 ( ' * tOf
t \.f | ] L * i' I -J-IIV *
in < < > , e > Ana
id' . . j > Uf-
n. 11 < r -
ffuV- MarsTSWUiai W m it ) HSU
lKLLjtM& VW MU t * ? w' ' III U5B
i * sr s , . /i / \ . ' rirwi'ntoiw
' ' * ' ' " ! '
lil'u' N'pJ. ' 'S'rnVP".n 'lwi. ft
Tlieno celobratrxl utrfves for sale by
Pieroy & Bradford , Oinulm , iNob.
' Samuel 0 : Dam & Co. ,
Washington Avo. and Fifth St ,
> 'J
Of Omaha.
. , , j
Ilaa ) nirclU9cd of the Ooilln-Ufo MaiiutacturlDff
Co. , of rrovlilonro , K. laMfe\vhl-h Is Rimr-
antooil In Hntlni ; to b "abiofvttlil burglar
jtraafor a purlO'l ot tli'rty-nlx lioiua uontliiuon *
and u'dlrtnrbod aitnck wlili tlio UKO of Much
tiiolrt and nMilc ) ! tict ma liurglar can vianl iy , '
ainlliini'raclicn ly nncoiiilltloiml wny.
ThU liunk d 'Urm a tharou l | tut in&Uo upon
IliU mlo , and In conn ol falluru to stand It , the
bunk will tin nt llliiTty to purclmHa any other
Bolt and may roturu thin lo thu nmnubcturcrv.
Ailputlyhftt Ibvity lo muloitiko tlii'Httac *
who will Iuriil"li Ui'lbfactory bond to piy M
dilu Ko to ttiatulr , In ciuto It U npt unurud In
tie ) ntlimlalcil tliiiu. TlioCorlbwCoiupiny ngroo
111 wiItluK to ilio | lt with tlih Imnli thu emu cf
$ J,000.00. upon tbn liitiK ( | ° ' * nuruornvnt
tthoTO til' laid Mini to lie p'acuij within the
tafu uml ti ho forfeits ! to thu iiirty'oporatlnKln '
caxu It Id forcl h oiium.d and h contents r l >
tractwl 11 KM V W. YA1KH Ca ) iii ,
Ituprovod tor 1UU2.
Every Iiousokuopor fools tlio wan tot
something that will cook 'tho ' daily
food nndavoid thoexcusaiveheat , dust ,
jitter nnd ashes of a coal or wood stove.
CO IT , butter , quicker and cheaper
than any other roeanu , It IB the ONLY"
OIL STOVE ? niido with tlio OIL.
back of thu utovo , uwiiyfrom thu huat
by which aFrnugomejit ADSOLUTifl
SAFETY is secured ; uu no gas cano
gpnoratod , fully twenty per cent inoro
heat is obtained , the wicks are gro-
Borved twice aa long , thus caving the-
trouble of constunt trimminc ami the
uznonHo of now onoa. EXAMINE *
THE MONITOR and you will buy no
other ,
Manufactured only ty the <
Monitor Oil Steve Ou , OlevfllaudU ,
Send tor iloucril'tivc circular or call
OU M , llogoru & Son , nyuuta for No *
JtJCCniEC fcl E" ' '
The moat von'rail ' ? locattil h' t l } n tl.o city ,
Fiitt Cl'itu HciUur.iut , wjoyDuted with''tlio ' r
hotil. '
J , II.'mmST. - ' - IProji- , , 4
Corner Kourtharn Locv'st StreeU.J
jsatrx.ovja :