Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
rnbtohed every mornlnjroxoffpt8nnd j'
If ho 'S j Alotulay Uiornlng
One V w . * 10.00 I Three Month . 3.00
Bit Months 0.00 1 One . . 1.00
P |
ty "Wednesday.
. . . $2.001 ThrecMooths. . M
* , 1.00 1 One . . , 80
Mni'NKWs Con PANT , Sole AgtnU
or NeWBilcalers in tboFnUcd Stfttc * .
OOlU'.BSL'oNUMNOK All Uoinmnnl'
Mtio' < iclatini ? to New ftnd Editorial mat-
enuumH be atldnuwed to the KDITOR or
Sax 1'T-
nd RcmitUnce * should be ivd-
i to Tin Rr.n PnjitisniNO COM-
, OMAHA. DrMts , Checks and Post-
ffioo Onlom to bo made payable to the
rder of the Company
Jho BEE PUBLISHING 00 , .Props. .
VALENTINE has returned from Wash
ington to find , as ho says , his political
fence in perfect repair. When the
time comes Val. will find that his third
term corral will not hold the voting
cattle of the Third district.
PAHTY platforms are only valuable
AS expressions of party sentiments
which eorvo aa a basis from which to
judge the records of party candidates
A candidate with a monopoly record
standing on a platform containing an
anti-monopoly plank is an absurdity ,
Ho is a contradiction in terms. Hoc
ords not pUtforma will secure votes in
.Nebraska at the coming election.
AN" important decision has boon
rendered by the United States circuit
court for tho'northern district of Ohio ,
which boars upon the question of dis
crimination iu freight rates. Tlio
complainants wore 'coal doal6ra , ' who
wore charged higher rates than
parties who made larger shipments ,
and for this they brought their action
against the Pennsylvania railroad com
pany for violating the laws relating to
common carriers. The court has de
cided that a difference in freight rates
is justifiable by the difloronoa iu
cost of shipment , but that the
quantity a shipper may send in
the course of n year does not
outitlo him to a discrimination
against a shipper who sends less in a
jroar. It makes a difference to
railroad whether ono toner a thoua-
.and tons bo shippon at n time , but it
is a matter of indifference whether
the same quantity of tjooda bo deliver
ed by ono or by sovural shippers in
Hho courao of a your'n business. Rail
iroad companies under this decision
ihavo no right to make any diecrimina
tion in freight ratea which uro nol
justified by the actual oxpqnbo in .the
cost of carrying. ,
"VALENTINK'H homo organ "is " highly
Indignont over the opposition ot papora
andpYrtib'ioutiu'do'itf 'th'o ' Third' dj
trict to the third term candidate.
According to that organ a congres
sional district ia aa much entitled to
the management of its own affairs as
to it seems proper as is a county
Wo presume our Val does not objccl
to the efforts , of his Into clerk , who
lives in another' district , ! to champion
his third term. Our Val and his
home organ labor under the de
lusion that the people of the
state outaido of his district have no
right to take an active part in the
canvass against him. Ho ought to
know bettor. He knows well onougl1
that our congressmen represent thu
whole state , and the otato haa a vita
Interest in being represented by 11101
of known integrity and first clasi
ability. 'Tho lawa that congrossmoi
inako are not made for ono
district or oven ono ntato
They govern the whole countrj
and it is absurd for any intolligen
man to assort that the people outside
of the ono congressional district have
no moro business to meddle with
candidate for congress in the other
district than the people of ono count ;
Jmvo to nicddlo with the aflairH of th
people of another county ,
TUB attempt of Dr. Miller and Sterling
ling Morton to force the prohibition
issue to the front is a flat failure
Even the Germans refuse to bocaugh
by such chaff. They do not proposi
to be used as catspaws for the luouopo
lies on the ono hsnd and the demo
orats on the other. They know that
Miller and Morton owe no moro abou
the prohibition issue tnan they di
about the Chinese question. All they
want and all they ara scheming
for is to servo their mastoro ,
the great corporation * , and incidentally -
ally to * proad a drag net for foreign
voters whom they know to bo bitter
ly opposed to prohibition. Whilq
the -corporation strikers 'aotinj
through Finch & Co. , have beoi
working up a prohibition boom frou i
Lincoln , Morton & Go , have sough
to orga-jizo an anti-prohibition .movfe. .
mcnt at Omaha. A Blanco at tho'liji '
of names attached to the 'cal
for tlio anti-prohibition oonvontioi
shown that U is for the mos
part a crafty political scheme int
which a number of respeotabld bust
noes men have boen'rdpdd undor'fofs '
pretenses. AB'H matter' ojf ftio tli
whole thing wtt ' wcbc'lod , , tirpo ) o
four Yflska MO at a atar chambdf-teon
clave ' ' '
hoiamitf'VflUpU . .h.cfts'o'
er the pornonal direction of Ji Bter-
Ing Morton. But this ia not a good
oar for side shows and tide isiucs.
? lto people of Nebraska cannot be di
verted from the main issuo. They
lave determined to enforce their
ighta by throttling the monopoly
vampire , and they moan la fight that
ssuo until the contest is decided.
ENT , ,
The board of education hair it last
done what ought to have bo6n done
u the interest of of our'pUbttfi efcilbois
nero than ton years ago. They have
aisod the salary of the superintend )
int to $3,0t)0 ) a year and tcnd'orcdtho
position to a practical cdticalo'r ex-
> oriencctt in the government of public
schools of largo cities. More than ten
years ago many prominent cili-
ona of Omaha , interested in
our public schools , urged Iho
xrnrd of education to plnco at
ho head of our school nyaiom anox -
lorioncod organizer who thoroughly
understands the methods of publicin-
itruetlon as adopted by the most nd-
vancod American educators. A penny
wUo and pound foolish economy pn
-ho part of the board caused them to
rofuHO such an advance in tlio existing
salary of the superintendent as would
induce a first-class man who hold a
similar position in ono of the
largo cities to cotno to Omaha ,
until at last the board has reached
the conclusion that men of first clans
ability command high salaries everywhere -
where , and Omaha can only hope to
rank with eastern cities in her educa
tional system when oho has placed
man of fira t class ability at the head of
bet public schools. Thrf solocjio'ri of
Mr. James promises a now era for
Omaha. , Mr. James , is a goptlomnu
who , for fifteen'yearn , haa. boon inti-i
'thatbly 'ddhnootod ' with the practical
management of what is known aa the
best public ' schpol system In .thp
country7Wo have"Mr. " . llickoifs
guarantee of Mr. Jamos' fitness for
the position , and no man in America
is a better judge of the qualifications
of an educator than Mr. Itickoit , who
stands at the head of public school
superintendents in this country.
Omaha has always bacn disposed to
bo liberal in every matter affecting
her educational interests. No
tax' is paid with so little
grumbling as her School tar. Her
high j school building is the most
imposing and beat appointed in the
west. Her ward Echools are solidly
constructed. But for years complaints
of the conduct of public schools have
been on the increase and the growth
of privoto ach6ols and the numbers of
children sent abroad for education
have proved tliat many of our parents
have foiC oottjfdtncp | ! 'School syc-
tcin aa a. practical and thorough
means of'educational advancement , It
id pll-aqaii't 'to know Chat | ( tho'boqrd1' ' of
knowledi/o of > the fact that < bn6k > htid
. . ' I . . ( .t i , : . i I I'l-i ' ; . , ; . .
mortar di ) not , myko n. ectiool , , system ,
and nblo 'bnpofintdndontsV Wlio'nre
alwuyfl in' demand' ' , givunqt bo , fljifqr , H
on thr salaried 'of uponhd'ntte'moh. '
The clouda of diaeord which hayo
buon hanging oyqr the CoiiBtuntinopl
confercnco have been dispelled miring
thu paat wool ; by thu amicable understanding -
standing which neenia to have brer
reached by the representative * of the
poworo regarding the policy
unicod Europe will pursue regarding
the Egyptian muddle. Bismarck's
firm stand on behalf of J'Jngland'i '
coursa brings with it the suppott o :
Italy and Austria , and the sukan has
reoDgnized the turn in the lido o
events by finally iasuing his long deferred
ferrod proclamation declaring Arab
Key a rebel and upholding the author
ity of the khodivo. This , with thi
dispatch of Turkish troops to Egypt
is a substantial acquiescence iu Lori
Duffurin'a demands on .behalf , of the
Gladstone ministry , iji 'making hi a
proclamation the sultan took oocasioi
to aflinn his regard for the Engltol
alliunco and to commend the goo (
ollices of his old and tried ally. This
may all bo a wall assumed disguise ,
but European sentiments tend to thu
opinion that the porto placed botwcor
the two fires of adverse criticism ,
fro.n his subjects , or lots' ' of his sov
ereignty , has wisely decided to take
the course dictated by self interest.
The question as to , thu military preeminence -
eminence of the English or Turkish
commanders remains yet to bbWilled .
Tla * conference will attempt , Jo don' ' oio
with this subject in tlmir coming nea- o
sions , together 'with the perplexing o
quoalioil of a ! joint protection of the o
Butz nans ) . ti ' * , ' . , P
r iiniral Nicholsdn's report pf Ui6 >
bombardment < of A'loxandri > * . disposes Jifi
finally of the criticism upon his inter * :
y nton | after the dUostor. Ilia vos-
spl lAdeu down wjth Ritivcfl Vqtur dd
to , the harbor as soon iia the forts b V
were silenced , and with porfeol
rioiy the admirat send , word to the iiti iib
khdivo | that he proposed ro-ostabliaj ti
1 % tjho Amorioan eonsuluto. Ho was titc
given permission to do BO , mid also tcn
ibi 'cud to qld iu
ro-MtablsbIns , ! : order ti
| U the ruined city. This ho did' ' , tin
M fl Auxiliary forca to Iho British , but dl
ha an otlicor with the Instluqts of hi
inanity would Jutve doile. IU | does
not < | nterftndbuy ! detailed aocbunt'tf
the otnbat probiblj ?
fora mor'a lelabpraio raport * t' ' tuoro )
favo ablu ! , y pj u wty. . Ui .i
in every point of view was admirable ,
ci the caption critics who strove to
ike him an example for the gratifi-
cain .Jon of ignoble prejudices have
tii 4 their labor for their pains ,
\ ( ii
.England . ought toVhaVo. learned ! by' '
tllif time that there is nothing gained
, .
I i 1 V f ! ill' 1 J ' ild ' i
' . ' 1' 1 " 4 i Ti'T A
ay's reConnmsanco in lorco wuh t.
vie f of fooling Arabi's lines at tKafr >
war ; atp/faar8i ( in thp 'Hghl of an
r if ions blunder , which Qoneral Alii'
! 6n s report docs 'not ' all Explain nWay ,
onoral Allfs'ot ) dppcars - to , n
tie acd wjth tlio.roauU , hltfioUKll ju t.
win t particular advantage ho gafnotl
toe i no } , appeal llo wcnt out to
Arrbi , .nad after sopioikjrniu
wit was compelled to
fall back'tbj'llamloli ' ' , leaving Vho
ono ny holding the situation11. 'But
Ge oral Allison nnys that his with-
dra .val aa' ' irrlCd oat , with the inoH
l > er
trot ps falling me. ay nUernhto oom-
pai OR with iho regularity 'of a field
day" ! Thq rqconn.oioanco gave Gen
eral Allison an opportunity to display
the training of his troops in field tac
tics and to try their nerves , ' bit't' ' tht
mo omont did not redound to his
croc it as a cdniinnnding officer.Ac -
con my 'ir > , hin'own'ifcp rt' it post , Jiim
the lives of four men , ono1 of ttyohi a
pro uising young lieutenant of ' the
Six oonth rifles , and twenty-nine
wet ndod. Itjla just such Affairs lhat
luac Arab ! n'nd ils men todcspisotho |
Bri ish..v It gives'thb , Egyptians ct > ur-
ago and if .England ia loft olqno to
face them and may ) gain' moro hard
knocks than ho or dnd glory. '
C rant's hopes are based on thij ar-
. I of' the Indian contingent , which
ow landing at Alexandria. It
'coir ' prises 7,000 men and is composed
o'f hroo'batteries of 'foyil1 artillery ,
the Six'ty-fiftii regimqnt'of royoldn-
fn ry , the Sovonty.DCCond High'-
IttlH ors , tlio Twentieth , F rty-fiftli
ant , Sov'enly-fi h'rcginiont of Bonal
( . unlive ) infantry , the Thirteenth
Hoi gal ( Sikh ) lancers , the Second
Hotabay I ) and the Third Madras ( nn
tive ) infantry , and two companies
each of Bengal and Madras engineers.
Included in the artillery is a battery
of 40-poundor breech.loading Armstrong -
strong . ' ! 8 grooved rifled gunw , the
aain'o as tlji ti which'ia dcocribcd as
having made such splondod practice
in tjie rojbnnoissanco under Gen. Ali-
Btin [ last Sunday. This gun is the
peril and pot of the English field
' '
Borv'ico1Us'Jprincipal ; qualities being
comparative lightneju , oaao. and cel
erity lili 1 tiknalinff , and perfect ac
curacy at long and hhort range. At
3,500 yards- GOO feet less than two
. the gunners of the 40-pounder
ertftlijtjtf ) | hitting
any Iting that can bo noon at that dis-
tam o , and tjt'aotn&l ) test of the rocon-
noir jaiico Saturday makoB , i np
/ ' * >
paV nfc tlmt-tho , aasurunco fa'i ; wel
< f * ' r- '
iq LiDcir 'aoamun in f India who
sij bxicauao. , their vessels we : o to
Li - jtraiisporling Iroopp t (
Ind itjjwill iiit , 'int'erfero with tlip ox-
pod tion. If they had struck for the
' ' . . _ . . _ . . it"
ron'on ; i i .1 ' it"i *
: , 113 intimated , that us Moluui-
iniaiiH ] ihoy Djinputlii/o vith tn
Egyptians , it would show that thuro
WASmorodanger ] ofii'lioly war than
hnsjliurofoforij sco'inod probable ; 1
inoi'oliltoly ' , however , ( hat they are
ufnud of Dotting drawn into danger4
itiidj thureforo prefer to atiiy'itvludia ,
Thi } Lascara nro good Bonmcti in plooa
dut iwou'thor. but thuy nro grout coW'
tird "when 'tho B(6nny ( 'winds do
blow. " They are employed on nccoun
of their chi'apnes.i , and can easily bo . paying wliito inori'a wsgea
The Btrikb of the Irish constabulary
suoins to have onclcd. The demand
of tliu men for u nhilliii ; , ' ndditiona
pay itt day and aa inoroaso of ponslona
to disabled and
ngud comtablun ; canio
nt a moment when the govcrnmon
could ill iiffurd not to uno moamirt's o
paoificntion. There nro over 13,000
oona'tnblca In" Ireland , distributbU
throughout the various diatricti , and
their aoryjccs have proved In limes
paat of moro value to the crown than
the preaonoo of the troops tliomaclves
Ninety thousand dollars has been dia
tribyted among tlio diaaffcotcd mti
and the lord lieutenant has made pro
ftiBO jiromiacs to'inquru ' into the griov
complained of. \
J > lrt ( Jlftdatono haa gained n well
t battle la Bciuring the
of 1 10 nrtoan o rout bill by.thbhqusp .
of li rds. Ilia plana were well laid
out. In coae of a rofusnl on ( ho par
of i ho lords
the prime niinUtor pro
posed to prorogue parliament , am
upon ( the Uoginniug of tin noxtooseioi
\ : ) oinbor fntroduoi the ouuuty
frail' ' ihlau bill , This njoaauru oxtoud
the : to almo'ai universal lorm
as it makoa every Englishman of acto
with certain limitations a voter. The
bill unco paaaod U waaLIr. Gladstone's
h\toi tion to again present the arroan
bjll 1 o the lords for their considura
tion , and in the event of their refusa
to di taolvQ parltunicnt and call fqr
new election , which , with the coun
tins ) ill in operation , would , certain ! ;
resu' t in a larger liberal vote. Thl
) > n lied and firm Attitude seems to
have o'obrpo ! } the Jords iuto sense am
.tljo i > finifc ndUU qr from
rll iu < inconyoulenco ;
TI ilnlatry inay ba .
" " ' '
wor 'biHtyiiid'or
ccativo force , but until the ministers
prove their capacity in some marked
manner it will bo difficult to regard
heln otherwise thnn as stop-gap.
: 'artly composed of iho former minis-
ryt it presents hn odd appdaranco.
Of ho now members tno world known
not < ling , while of ( some ot iho old it
cm ws nltogo'.lior too much toexpect
liny statesmanlike policy. The vonor-
abli I Le Blondj the now premier , .has
pnn od Ills aavcnty yoars.ii ! such close
PI ol jticai secla'sion that It is a pity to
PIi ub cot him to the humiliation , that
ii temporary . 6lovatldri ( , will 'nioal
> ro mbly bring upon him. .With the
oxc iption o't ' 'Admiral % Iaurcpultieiry'
nd pontiibly Mi Oochery , there ia no
cabinet. _ t .
nco Ecrfilom WLH a o tslftil in Uuv
sia pie gold mines in Siberia have lota
nuih of ; the valuoformerly cot upon
.bom , for hoVccht of working tlietu
ian bocn ihnriby increased. Between
182 i and 1 50 was the period of their
; roi toot prosperity , in spite oftho , fac )
, ha in moro'recent , years the , number
of i lines niis been largely augmented , .
The bfficial estimate of the nyorago
vnli 6 of ho yearly production is .now
30(0dbo0f. , but it is .believed Jhiijt
this' ' sum ibtoq high by one-fourth.
Gon. 'SkobelofT died possessed of 'a
iarg3 fortune. 'Ilia ' annual incorhb
frotr it ) is 'reckoned ' to harp beeri
abe it iOp,0 < i6 rubles , Bj * , his ! wilfh'o
gavi i butn small sum tolib divorced
wife ; the remainder ho > , divided in
oqu L ! sharoa1 among hia' ihroo alatero ,
the Djtchossf o Leucht'onbe Prin
cess Bporalaki ! ! , ( ' anil , J-'nucosu Beau-
harnais , It'iwa ' ( through the Princess
Boa iharnaia thatSkobelfeif was rotated
bo imperial 'family .of llnsaia.
' i ; iji :
It is proposed that , a statup bo ,
oroc ted at Barrow to the memory of
the late , Lord Prodorick. Cavendish ,
and already .mon/than 2j'000havo
boon subscribed'fbr ' it. In view of
thisIprpuipt support a committoohas
1 instructed to carry out thb'pro-
and in iho first instance to got
estimates from , several sculptors of
ropi ' tation .for. both ' brouzo and mar
FiahermoiinWho IIVA along the Med
iterranean shores'oaythb ' digging of the
Panama ahduCdrlndi canals is likely
to influence the future character of
the finny trjbeS'lin ? the .waters which
thos'o canals vifill 'joih. ' They point' to
their own1 experience since the. Suez
undertaking wna completed. Nbt a
ainglo shark ww , formerly known in
the Mediterranean , , a fact which'madc '
the fish supply of that sea inexhausti
ble , but sharks now migrate into it
freely .from the Red
i , . .and.nuxkpBa.d. . hayoon'offisli
that have a-market value.
1 1 * "
T 10 railway accidents in Great
ain ahd''IroUnadnrlng'"the ' year
shows ailistr.f ajOOOukillcd'and
i - - - - - - f
thd railroad eotupaniea c r , oontcactors ,
snvo 407 kulod" and 256 injured , who
sveVp either suicides or persons who
mot ] with accidental injury or death
on tiho tracks.
Thu Princess Eugenie , mater of the
ltin ( { of Sweden , recently uold her diamonds
mends to raise fund a in order to com-
plctb n hospital iu which she ia inter-
oateid. When Visiting this hospital ,
after its completion , a suffering inmate
wept toara of gratitude na aho stoot
by his side , and the princess exclaim
ed , . "Ah ! now I see my diamonds
again. "
MulhpjUnd.jAlUny. K "Y ,
wrjtpn : ' or'isevml' jiars r have nuffercc
from "ft-recurrliii ; bilious headacie9 { , dye
tiefmla , nnncoinlalnts'iocll"nr ] l' ' ' "v S(3X
Hliui ) using your HUUDOOK lir.ooi ) UITTKIIH
I mil entirely relieved. " Price 31.00 , trio
hize 30 ceuta , . . . . > niiil.Uw
largo , QrlBt on Orlmmai
Ground Out Yoatorday ,
Tlio police court was unusslly inter
estlng yostordap compared witl
the dullnoaa of thofow prucodiug days
There was business like unto n wasp's
tailevery , whore around , from tho'gch
tlo playing of the zephyrs among ih
cobwebs onthe ceilingto , tho. ascend
ing corves of FJynii'u Jumbo niotis
10 first couple that came 'upon the
; and who wore uqcordud tho.heat
set In the judicial ootilion were Miohao
Uilli gan find hia' ' bbl'oVod wife Mollio.
The r tripping of tlio light fantaslio
was jomewhat a contra dance for Mol-
Hol ad first complained of Mike for
threjitoning her life. The latter is an
antiquated member ; of the misdo-
mvafior family in Omaha and the
scaliia of jiutico gonqrally drop p
their own -accord when ho oppeara as
dofoidant in court.
B sides , the evidence 'showed ho
was guilty and hts honor decided to
put ( him under bauds to keep the
peaco. Not being able to furnish the
suctij-ity ho was placed in grate soclu
sioti ,
Itioeoms that Mollie was so elated
at htr husband's fate that she became
intensely intoxicatud , and for ihis slio
was ! jailed , not having the requisite
amount to satisfy the craving Cuaicia' |
apputttu of Slocumb.
Peter Murphy was compelled to retire -
tire to the hill for ten days , he having
been a penniless drunkard.
Three men were found sleeping in a
box car and brought in as tramps.
Bolng ublo to show that they had visi
ble moani of support they were per
nutted to go free.
Edward Thompson an& , QiMTrgo
Kiilly , two fcUui , filick slnowy , sallowy
und J evidently , slippery'4 Individuals
were arrested for stealing a watch from
J ho boardidg'hoiiio ' ol Frank PiVpnda ,
The ] bvidenW ngains' * , \hdin \ , although
iroumstantial ) ia.quito strong. ,
Buoklln'o Arnica Balve.
The BE T SALVE m the ; world"for ( jnt
Jipises , Sore * , UleArs , Lalt ItHehm , Fever
ver Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hand * , ChH
ilftihn , COTOB ; and n\l \ nkin > eruption * , nn < ?
Kit5 cJy cures piles. It , is guaranteed tc
rlsd sntlffnclfotl' of money roftirided ,
' 'rioo , 2A cents per box { Jfor 'iiiutjfrr , O. ,
' ' , Goodman
.0verwor.kod'inen , and. women , pxsr.
ons of. ecdontory , habit , and others
whono system ' needs recuperation ,
nerves ton ahd'muaeles'strenRthon- / ' -
cnVnhrmld' > uo'Brown's Iron Bittern
, . on Ami'nil rttA. , winm di.u
. ' ( . ( | VIM IAU. * < ) A1 i
' . ! ' > . ' 4,1:0 : f.m
rtjeru. ) . ' 1l MHO | i. tni
IM O'.u , v imin tii'-r ) ' S > r .
'B 33 & . m. ' ' 5 } i , . n. ; ; . p. ! m.
i , | i o K. tr. . ii.iO p. uu
. i'.i 7:1 : 1 x pi. 3:4 u r. a i
a > i.bMve &t&5 : f. . w.ft'na , ) : : s
' ' Wtbr LorMi' 6tl' ! t. m. nd CbS
. 1 1
* F. , 'litfrt ' t > 8 B. m. Dd 8:10 : p.
it Si. Ix-nlti tC:40 : < . 'in' ' . Mid TWO
irwr u
S" ' ! l. D.nicr ijt'ttii. KJ6
1 . ft M. UbcUl K > fj r < ws-fl SS p. hi. '
o t > , On iliml J37i > riw. , 12lj : p. m.
f I j R. V. lot CliKclc , 11:10 . a.
I * It V. forWcoIa" tffi : ft. m. '
1C , IP h ieht No. JiiJOIw '
* .1" irlgiit Ko. .0 , tZO& ,
0. Pi.'rtlifhtNo. Ifi , SHi" : ) rn.
U.l | > . taUU Ko. V , 8:10 : p. m. emigrant.
L.f.i ) ! nvur oxpu * ; , 7:8D : p. m.
0. ! ? fiiJi-hi ffo 11 , 11:30 : p. ro ,
Oj ' P. WUVM f f ( Iicht , 8 : S p. m. '
30 a b 8'ju B.OOa.ftv 7:40p. :
< > . | ii X Vv. , 1/I6 : . ra. 7Ui p. m. ,
r 3. 1C i ; P..fl ; S a. nt P:05 p. rt.
< | C. . , Sf. JoUfc'O Bl.'TiSfc ' * . In. fljBOf
11 Atsjvisa numrni srrs 4va .sociawior. .
.7 ! R. V. from Lincoln 1:08 : p. m.
, < J. ' P. 1'frHflc1 V'Ttiitftai 3zS :
i'/i M.Jot.Torkipicro MJI p.m.
H. | a ! 1. Lmtoln Exjircoa : tO a to.
' U. : P. Denver Oi pro w , 7:36 : a , m. i
U. i * . Freight Ho.'ll2CO ' : Km ,
. No. 0 CM ; . to , Brolff.ftnl
P. freight Ho. 14 , ti:16 : p. m.
P.'ttd ' ' 8-iflKX > ; n.
Ll'.Ko. 12 l ! , v m. r ,
.0V. Penvor.tfelRht , lUOn. iq. ,
( V.p B. V. nixed , trV4lBp. m
I tttntar riurai i BITW U"oaiiu 'AJti i
| . . , , ' OOOSC1L BLDTT8. . . , I
vc ( Jiaali'H t BcO : , ' ktw , 10:00 : uid UBO :
ISO' 'ftOO. ' (8COl4 ( : l 0 end 6W : p ! mf
SsWra. ; I'tlS..ZiZB.iBllS. ' Zs' ' ni/,5:25 ! :
.aati-&j-s Th8"aiunraylci'rea'0rpiih ' . t 9OT
t ilPOk. n.2:00 ; : 4 0tind 6:00 p.'m. _ iLexttf
ecU BluBs ,
Bel 46 : p. m. ' " "
yi.ronih'ind'looM ' pMsengulr
tmfii widgcnnUI IJluCj.
> , I : BU .in. ! 8:10. : , 6:46 : , 6-OOjp. la. Arw
i-Jiis-WO , 11.-S6 ; 11:45 : . m.j : JOf 7:05 , 7:1 ? ,
Missouri Pacific trains 'will ' „ <
and , arrive as follows ; 'Omaha time :
Arrive. ' < pepart ? .
Exprcea. . . . , 7-15a. : in. 0:55 : p.m.
Mnif. , , . . . 7:20p. in.
Troins leaving G:55p. : m. andarriying
at 7:45 : a. . will hayo Pullman
sleepers ,
Op nlnKno Gletlnu of M lli.
' 'orra. ' OMMJ.
. m. p. ci. . ca. p. iu.
0-ilcaxo j. H ; V. . -.U.W 8:00 : 6SO : 2iO :
, . . I. * Pic ! o.tioo : 9oa : 6-.SO SiO :
i , D. ft q. . . . .11:00 9CO 6:80 : X:40 :
, 12 9 6:30 : S10 !
F < .if-C. ! . 9:00 : 6:30 : 3:10 :
pJcltts :00 : 11:40 :
V , . . . 4-.00 11:40
Mtl. tuSeb . :00 : 8:10 :
O'raWi. a H'o-4 CH ? . . . . 3:00 : 7SO
H 'Mcl'olij . -
i ' i lO.-iCJ BJOO
0. 111 ; ) > . . rujn.-Uy. < 1:83 : 11 0
J.'i'j i-tnviir Eiii.l. . . . . 'Joo :
> l mails ( or Btalti o/ icluvi bnl one *
; 'EC ' : 3a. m.
p 5 } " njcrHundayt ' 'OT IS m. to 1 p. m.
] mportod tintl Doracotlo.
rincitrSolcbtloii luT
] * rioest
1 "romjHal ? n , Dollar , Dowa to fio.
; Sc hroten v& . Becht's
. . , ,
Dtli'nuil Ffirunxn Streets ,
Hiiimln ? wntqr oxpcjUnccd loichcr cooc3 !
pUcq in hb city "liu ot basin , fifix35 - < loitb | o
writer , Ofcctiml Ol.feoc. I'riocs Hcia in ticket
35ooi flyo l.aths , tl.o , ' : Flnglo liath , . 25 cents.
FrcofoWo a , bfitlilnj trunUa and driuiii rooms.
Sealed propoaals for the erection ani
cnrnnletion'of I'ower ami Meclmnio Hullti
on DouulaBlcdunty fair cr < ) umlswli ! bi re
ceivj.' ijllio o { 0. F. DrUcojl , Architect
wlioru iilaua nnjgpocifiuationa antbo teen
HulMiufjH to be finished by So'p.tember .1th
( JUKit' ? fcscryrd to reject nny or all buto
ijropp .ih"to bo oirtnprt Thut-inlitv. Ang
lOtlj ntJ o'clock. W. H. McConi ) .
Olialrinan of Committed.
III III * t3"l"f \ ' ,
J _ _ L jc ± j Jru c
Jlu ; oldest and most lellaMo
In North Onntia. Ytiy choice
Meat , Poultry rantl 'Vegetables '
COOK & STOEHM : , Propriotoro
Jud-Om 2Oth and uumlntr.
Remove to No , 611 16th St , (
Dealer in"1 '
i i
Ho 106 North 18th St , T
C HOE : 108 FARflATH rT , ,
Money Advanced on Goods Stored ,
rent tot Stonge b ( Kyrntturo. T ) o
phone " \ \ tlit Sm
Qoneral Undertakers ,
BatFuraam aud Dougliu.
, ileUlllc , Wood Hid Cloth Covered
, OIIAPE , AC. "
cor tantly 'on Ouindi Ord ri from -'the country
1 T
JlJ ?
Farms ,
! 1 " 7 " - '
i i
* ' ' '
; ! -
, , !
Boiutltul building titos on Sherman avenue
lOtn street ! south ot Poppleton's and J. J.
JroWn'a residences th tract beloaglt g to Sena-
. or- Paddock ( or BO m&njr ycaro being
81 ? ( cet west IronUgo'on toe avenue ,
81bl fr.itn . 300 to ,660 ( cob In depth ,
running eastward to the Omaha tt St Paul K. R.
Will bell In strips ol 60 ( cet or moro | ronta < e on
the avenue with ( ull depth to the nUlroa-1. will
sell tbo above on about any terms that purchaser
maV { desire. To parties who will agree to build
' hoila costing (1200 and up nurds will tell with
out iiiy payment down ( or ona year , and 6 to 10
tQUaJ annual pnymcnta thereafter t 7 per cent
iiittrrst. To parties wbc do not Intend Improv
ing Immediately will sell lor t no-sixth do n and
5It equal annual payments thereafter at 7 l < or cent
Choice 4 aero block In Smith's addition at wept
end . 61 Karnara ttrect wiltgiro anj'length 6f
lima ] required at 7 per cent Interest.
Alia a splendid 10 acre block In Smith's addi
tion on t > atno liberal ter no foregoing.
Noi. SOS , Hall lot on near , 20th '
No > , SOJ. Lot on 18th strost near Pan ) , 91200.
Ko'302 ' , Lot 30x280eet on 16th street , near
No 209 , One quarter acre Curt etrcot , neat
Dutton S500.
No'2)7 ; , Two lota on Blonde near Irene street ,
? -2tO and 500 each.
No296 ! , Two Iota on Georgia near Michigan
Street , 81200.
< NoMS , Twelve choice re'tdenco lota on Ilnuill-
go ftrcct In Shlun's addition , fine and }
60 to $ SUO each.
No291. | Dcautlful half lot on St. Mary's av-
enuei | 80x180 fc'ct , Bishop Clarkson's ' and
iflth ttrect. $1600.
"Noi2fl2 , five choice lots on Park avcnua , COx
160 each , on street railway , $500 each.
No 201Six lotn In Mlllard & . Caidwcll'a addition
ohbherman Avenue near foppletou'e , 3COto
J150 each.
N > i 2a9 , Choice lots on Park avenue and street
; ar line on r.iad to 1'ark , &lfO to 81030 each
Noi2S5 , Eleven lots on Dcca ur and Irene
etrccu , near Saunders street ! < * 375 to $150 each"
Nd V2. Lot on Wh near Paul street , $760.
Ko 281 , Lot 65x140 ( eet near St. Mary's avenue ,
and 20th street , 81600.
No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Irene street , $326.
Kt. 273 , Four lots on Caluwcll. near Saunders
utrdi , t , $5oa cad. . ' ! " * S L i ,
Nc 270 , Lot on Clinton street , near shot tower ,
$126.Nq 27fi , Four Iota on McLcllan street , near
Ion lo , Kazan's addltl Jii , | i'J6 < uch.
I-i'c 274 , Tnroo lots near race course : make
offftri. . , -
lie. 20 , iBfentlfijl cornri o rajot on California'
Btrcc : , .o ( > poeUa 4njl-idJ6Iilng Hifred IjeattOod-
" '
vent -round * , Jioro.
No 2CO , Lot onll.-non , m > ar lflh street , $1,3GO
* -10U In "Credit " " '
* ots Fonder"and "sQranil'Vlew' ' <
aJdlaoi s , Just south-east o ( U. P and II. A..A1.
1 nilrwj VciKjtVrftiigitjgfrora $1(0 tofloOOca .i
131 .utlful llcsldcnce Lots at a bargain very
ytoshoiis 100 toSOO CM : ] ' ' , ipvroorlt'db'wii
nd d per cen t per month. Call ana ( 'tt plat oud
ullljortlcularn. > _ i i
No ] 26U , 'Full ' corner tcl bn'JoaoB , Near 16th
Btrocl. $3,000. ' - -
, No25i ! , Two lota oq Center street. , near CUBI-I
Ing etrect , SOOQ lor toil. ori-MtO liach !
No ! 51J , Lot on ticward , near KlDg street ,
$3f > 0. | ,
No 210. ( " lot ' on Dodge , pear 11 .h btr'loa
< 2,1W ) ] , 1 . i '
No2t7i ; > our 'beautiful residence lots1 nc r
Crnlihtou College ( or ill Separate ) t8,000. ?
No240 [ , Two lots on Center , near Cumlog
etiwt , 8100 each. N
' Litqn Idaho , near Cumins street ,
* i
.bo''M ' , ( Boautlful corner acre lot on Cumin ; ; .
uu'ar ! V > .tt n ottoct. mar new Convene of tiered
mit , # 1,60(1 ( / n
No. 2il , Lot on Kirr.ara , near 18h ; etrcot.
. .
No,2l3 , , LoiCOby 1 on Calego. st cl ,
lear bt. ilary'B avenue , $700. MI
N 2I1 , Lot on Farnaui , near 20th etrett ,
No 910 , .Lot CO by , 69 ( cet CD , .Botith Javcnuu.
neat 'Mason ' street , $660. . *
, , No ) ! S)9 ) , Corner lot 'on Burt , near 22d street ,
2 , QO. 3
NO-J38 , 120x132 ( cet t > i Hariioy , near 21th ,
reut ( illcutltup2,400. )
Nd 231 , Lot on Douglas ttreot , near 26th
' 232 , Lot on Pier fatrect , n ar Eewara
Nu227 , Two lotaonDccatur , utirlronu 1 ra
00 each.
ho 2-ii , Lot 113 by 441 fuct on Slier ian avi.
uue | ( lGth at. cet ) . nca Qrocc , $2 100 , will dl vldu ,
NO 2 0 , Lot 23xOrct' on Uoilgo , near 13li
atrcot ; make an filer. .
Nii2i7 , Lot oil 23rd noirClarMUK ) .
Kd 21U , Lot en Hamilton near King , $ ° OJ.
N4 209 , Lot uu Ibth street , near Mcholac
No 207 , Two loU on 10th. near Pacific streat ,
JI.600 ,
No.QI \ , Buautlful reeUcnco lot on Division
street , near Cuinlng , i''OO ,
No lU i l.otd on 16tb street , nim I'U'rcu ,
WXX ) ,
Nd I9.-J , Lota on Sauuderg street , near Sow.
ard $600.
Nolul ) , Two lot * on 22d , near Grace street ,
( f300.
f300.Nq in } , Two lota on 17th street , near white
N 1B8J ; One ( ull block ten lota , near the
barricm , 8400.
I Nul91 , Loti on Porker , itreet , near Irene
' " 1 i
Nq 183' Two lull on Cats , near tilst street
RlltWe ) . W,00j.
Noj IbO , Lot on Pier near Reward , $6SO.
Noil70 , Lot on Paciflo street , near llth ; make
flerj I
, Six lota on F rnam , near 21th ttrect
' '
. . .e
Noil03 , Full block oil' 2Mb atrrcot , near race
uraX utid three lota , ( nabu' addition , near
' iiiiiulero and Cauiut , Btrccta , 82,000. , „ . .
. .No 127 , tot on Iftn 'ettott/niear while' lead
- ,
jl ' ! , W m ( ort (2 Iqv ) ou 18th itrecl , .
' ' (
'J'opplitoii'a , If ,600. * I
NojlIV , Thirty h lfai re lots In M UrJ A Ca | .
dwull addition * qn y > u'tujiii ayeuue , Spring and
Snr l iga utrcvta , near tlie'cnd of gieea btroot
'cart ack , S50toJMO un : ) . f
Nub , Lot on Chicago , near 22d ticej ,
NojSS , Lot on Cflldwull street , Dear Saundcrs ,
8&00. 1
No 6a , Corner lot on Charles' , near Baond-
Ko.7S , 04xb2 ( eet on Pacific , nijar Stli atreet
K'ofj'o , Ightocn loU on Slat.22d , 2S4 and
rtaur iler * utructn , near Grace mil Blunders atruet
IriiUfc , WOileadi. '
No'U , Ouo-fourth block ( IBOxlJJ feet ) , noa
lha Convent of Poor Claire , on fAiullton ettect
ya Jidunilol the rod ltect car track , $ { ,050
Lot No 0 , oiillarcy bttuut , near 9th utrojt
BOX , ,
Handled By a Bojr.
Thd box netit Ukcn bit the wagon and
all thorlwllcil
Grain and Grass * oeojl Is r
It cnata less than the old etyte racka. Every'
standard wagon Is told with our rack complo.e . - " * *
Or buy the attachment * n \ pp'.v ' thorn lo
your old wiutoti box.- ! For sKIa jNebrcik-j bj
J. C. ca iJL\ncolnl. \ 'lii\ \ . . ' .
KRKD ' 'KTDII , Grand Island.
" & Quit.1 ! , IllV Vll'3. ; , * ' f J'j | 1
-.Coltunlms. IJ.'i j.
c'-TfrcftAXB A Co. " , lied Oak , Iowa.
L.V. . HUSSRI. .Olciiwoo1 , Iowa
And every llrst cla- $ dealer In the west. A k
them tor dcscrlptlvo circular or send dlrocl
to us.
jj MoGallum Bros. Manufg Oo , ,
\ Office , 21 West Lake Street , Chicago.
I may23'lw
100 000
N O XV I. . ti 'U ' S E.
They surpass alt other 3 ( oroisy ridliie. style
nd durability. f
They are for aalo by rvll Loading Car
riage Luildora ahd Dealers throughout
the country.
For ealc by
Henry Tim ken ,
Patentr e amiRullclrr of Fins rariiat'a. i
O ?
' "
A're aoknpwle5ged to ba the , .
best bj all'who' Havb put them'
: ba'pra : foil test'
r T , ApAih'KDt'A'b. . ' i r f s r
COKE OR'WOOD./ ' / \
Piercy & Bradford , , >
Every Corset is . .irorrantedtatU-
, factory to its wearer Inqvorr way , 3 ,
.pr tho.wonoy will bo rpjunrtod by '
the person from wliomit'wa lxmfiht > '
The onljr Oonet pronounced by lour leading t > hyitcUuu
not Injuriout to tliBwe rer , uidrndonedbr ladle * 01
tb < "moitcomfortAliIe and pcrfuct fitting Corwt ever
PniCE8by Mull.l'o.Ugeralill
.Abdominal ( extra beury ) 48.00. Jitfrtlttf , 1.60
U lth l'r Vrvln ( One raiittl ) 2.00. l' ri 0tt
. 1.0 II. ' '
r r le by lcudln Jtctull Ktultr. CT
CUUSUV CO , , Cblcauo , HI.
"Brathor n.hKiiowlo ieef Uo EVural I w
which Otoru the 0ieraiirK | ol | ; : and
mi tllluu. > r.4 by a c ru'ul niiull uii n ol Uio
Hue rroprtcs < i | no IB Ice d Ox-oi , Jlr
E jii hup m ded fur Vruakf.s- ! t with
eel . clty \ II , \ . itu b.-Vt ! ao -vli o i n ay \ u
ra. nrii ry .octon'ol ia it 1 TJVI | Ju'H'l ' S
iu f nidi nttlclM of flet Ihiit n 4 n.tlt Ven
m ylie gr.d vly h il-up imll ; KIrotiii enough
ta iat\v. \ y r Unileae , J iluije. UuiJivd *
ot eutitls miKdo r < > Ibitlnir'ar uifd in rcnJy
toivtuck wh.revvr there I < e. w.sik ] > oUt , Wo
urn tHCjun. jy y a J.ul thall J > y kmpliw ou -
> l\ci-l romnt-d wi b | imo LI od aiJa prXp-
crlv'uouriihal Irtfno. " Uitil tt-rilci Uaiitt . < v
Uvi fImply withlmlllin ; w t < > r or milk , . Sold
Intlui0ulfijntfciidlb ) la'alur" -
' ' 4JAMES ° " * *
BPP8& 00. -