Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
THE DAILf BEE-OMAHA SATURDAY , AUGUST U l < iS2 ' CZEZD&OO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA NEB. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AMI ) DKALKU N Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. IROTIBC & CTOIsTlLlS holesale Lumber , No , 1408 Farnliani Street , malia , THE MOLIRE STOVE Manufactured by Theymnko a specialty ol COOKING STOVES , end have this joar plared In the market ncof thoJIO-TECONOM.O AND MOST SAtlSFACTOHY STOVES c\er made. They make boU Plain and extension top , and guarantee all tliclr goods. Xbo agunts for the company arc. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN lrFurnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters IMC A. 3301 OC1 33 X. P3 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKIKC , ; is only attained by > Stoves aicl Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE mm DOOES , For ualo by ) ' MILTON ROGERS & SONS , t ; Jull-m&clv a DI EGTOR OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ? . : HOTELS. PROriilETORS TOWKt ARLINGTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Not : , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 Mllfbrd , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Neb [ COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , iltromtburc M HALL HOU8C , A. W. HALL LouUvllle CITY HOTCL , CHENEY Be CLARK , Dlalr , Neb. COMMERCIAL MOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb ORANO CENTRAL - . , SEYMOUR , Nabraika Oily.'VM , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THpnp , Weeping V/at rf ( > . COMMERCIAL HOU3C A. O. OAARPEn , xjrdy , Neb , GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MACFIELD , "rnnnwood , Nab1 ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , C. STOREY. Clarlndu , low * ENO'8 HOTEL , C. L. ENO , Eremont , KcL1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , o. D. HACKNEY , Ajhland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LGVELL , Atklnton , Ktb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUUD , Quids Rood , Na , D SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BEOKER , Or < 9 ton , la. in HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. OALPH , Extra , la. ftl , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , IK WALTER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGE88 , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , DI A. W'LLIAMS , Hirlan , la , PARK MOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , OornlnK , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. AVERY , Stanton , of ' 'MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. BOULWARE , Burllnffton Jur < rtlon , M fn COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Bianchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , ia OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb iagii BAQNELL HOUSE , CHA8.BAGNELL , College Spring * , la. gii ; COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIN8HOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , l , of ofCi BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la Ci COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F. 8TEARN8 , Odebolt , la dc [ WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarki , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J , T. GBCEN , Bedford la , BII ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & BON , MarjtvllIeMo tel pa NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER. , Norfolk Junction Neb WIN8LOW HOUSE . . feat Q. MCCARTY , Seward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar Neb. OROZIER HOUSE O. 0. CROZ'ER ' , Sidney , Neb , atW AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD. AvocaUa. W ( CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak' of FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewli a ofT WHITNEY HOUSEi E. HAYMAKER , Grliwol T DEPOT HOTEL , 0. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la. as LU8K HOUSE. J A , LU8K. Logan , la. BUe DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTOV , Dow City , la. e JAQQER HOUSE , JAQGRR& BON , Denlion , la , ah ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. CONFIDENCE CUSSES. Undoubted Proeonco of a Bnd Gfthg mthls Vicinity. The frequent frauds committed on verdant travolora of Into , by moans of the bogus check and IncKRsa swindle , vo boon noted in TIIK BEE on tlio dates of their occurrence , nnd the nr- rest niado Thursday has developed facts that provo that there is a rogulnr organized gang of confidence men plying their nefarious trailo between Omnhn and the BluH'j. BrmiBon , the man from Do Soto. Iowa , who caused the arrest of the venerable old duflor with no real natuo but many aliassoa , was very desirous at the oil'sot that the prisoner should rucuivo the extreme penalty of the law. In fact , ho said that ho would spend one hundred dollars lars to hiwo the mattur properly pros ecuted to the bitter end. It seems , however , that his atdor dampened Thursday afternoon , for ho settled up his claims on the Ruilty party on the receipt of fifty dollars , more than ho lost in the iirsl place. His story is that when ho came out of the police court n st.'angor approached him nnd introduced the question of settlement , inasmuch as the prisoner WAS such an old man. Urutison told the stranger that his terms were § 50 and not n cent less. 11 o was told to wait ati hour. This ho did and in the meantime two other parties approached him and broached the same question , both of them en deavoring to have the amount of set tlement reduced. Finding Branson was firm an appointment was made for thrco o'clock nt a largo store on Ftirniun street , the proprietor1 ! of which know nothing of Brunson , the other parties or the business of either. Promptly at three o'clock an other individual , not any of these BruiiBon had previously soon with him , nnd paid over the sum of filty dollars in settlement of his claim. This goes to show that the confidence man arrested Thursday has many co- laboriiiQ friends in this city. Very fortunately , before ho wan lot go on the BruiiBon charge yesterday , a young German called on the police authorities and immediately identified the prisoner as a man who boat him out of fifty dollars at Lincoln last week. The ailair happening in Lan caster county , the case will liavo to bo tried there , but the confidence man is ntill held hero awaiting further dovcl- Dpomonts. To show how sharp the old follow is it will bo remembered that ho ap parently , by mistake only , took thirty- Four dollars from Brunson , when ho had asked for thirty-six , thus by one dollar destroying the penitentiary penalty , in case of conviction. Every effort possible should bo made by the police , and indeed private citi zens , to break up this confidence gang. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. aug7-dlw CONFIRMATION STRONG Indications that "tUoUattloof Armag- eddon"ia | at Hand. The various floating rumors con cerning an alliance between the Union Pacific and the Milwaukee & Omaha line would scorn to Gather additional weight from the following special dis patch to The Chicago Tribune , dated it Denver , Aug. 9th : "An open rnpturo between the pooled Colorado railroads is generally anticipated here. The fact that all Dvorturcs for a settlement of the pool Jiflicultioa nnd the onfrancn of the Dhicago , Burlington & Quincy have sndod in Biuoko is regarded as being Miiinous. It ncema that the principal ausu fur conflict batwton the Union Pacific and Burlington Is the demand f the former that the latter inako n ilcdgo to constiuct no more railroads n Colorado. This the Burlington poo- ilo have pointedly refused to do and n defiance of the proposition they mvo recently lot the contract for the ionstruc'ion ' of a thirty-five-milo jranch from Bush City to Qroeloy. L'hiu atop ia a very important one , us indicates to those best acquainted yith the railroad situation in the stuto hat the Burlington is being pushed o the continental divide to anaunio iommand of a pass to the Pacific. It looked upon us a fixed fast hero that .ho Burlington line will soon bu on o the Pacific coast , and the Union Pacific directory are very much oxer- used ever the matter , and will proba bly make pool conciiB&ions sooner tlun otain an attitude that will force the iurlington into ottrome measure * . Pho probability of a freight war hut juon agitated to long and the aspect ins been so threatening the vlioleaulo merchants have allowed heir warehouse etockn to become ex- ! i.iuHted , The result of thin pool trou- > ilo h that the butanes * of the Btatohau n oun materially aflected , nnd in many natanoos curtailed , " lu ' , Answer This- Can you find a case of Bright'a j' iseano of the Kidneys , Diabetes , Ur- naryor Liver Complaints that is cur- blo , that Hop Bitters has not or can- ( ) lot cure ? Ask your neighbor if they Department A'otoa Oapt. JohnQ. Bourke , aide decamp General Orook , arrived yesterday rom a short visit to Philadelphia. Judge Burnham , advocate general , homo from a vacation spent in Vir- tnia. It is thought that Lieut. Col. Mason , the Fourth infantry , may roplaoo yol , Royall as inspector general of the lo epartmont. A dispatch to the adjutant general nnounccs that Oapt. Noidy'u coin- iany , Fourth infantry , with 33 men , : A sft Fort Laramie on the 10th inat. Omaha barracks. Gen. Warren , who died on Tuesday ' Newport , was groomsman at the B.IWi redding of Gen. Wilson , commissary the department of the PJatto. 01 NOWB of the courtmartlalllngof Col. (01 'aylor , who is to succeed Ool. Martin / adjutant general , occasioned great * L urpriso in the department , It is enerallv believed that some uncon * idorod language of Ool. Taylor over his chance of station is responsible for the trouble. Lieut , HcngAti , qimrlcr- nmntor nf the Ninth infantry , remains nt Fort Oiiinhn for several weeks , on * cngott in transferring his stores to Lieut Soott of the Fourth. First Lieut Baldwin , whose com pany is the only ono of the Ninth left * t the post , lookn lonely. A Vexed Uiotvyiurm. l.ven the pntlcnco of .lob would l > coino oxhauntrd wore ho ft preacher nnd cndpAV orlug to Interest lili ft ml lento while they were keeping up nn lncrei Mit cnuchitiff making it imiwoslblo for him to I c heard. Yet , how \cry eiuy ci n nil thli be Molded by dimply uifncr Dr. Kfng'a New Dixcovc- ryfor Oonsumptlon , Coughi and Colds Triftl Uottlos KI\OU nway ftt C. F. Good , ns.m'g drug gtora THE CDSTER COMRADES. Mnttore of Intoroata In This Pcet of the U. A. R \Vo learn from Frank M. Moore , commander of George A. OustiT I'ost No. 7) of this city , that the foltonring is a pirtial list of the number of com rades belonging to that pool nnd the stntoa in which they enlisted : IOIVA , 20 ; Now York , 18 ; Illinois , 18 ; Ohio , 15 ; Pennsylvania , 13 ; Nebrntka , Ki ; Missouri , 9 ; Indiana , 8 ; Wisconsin , G ; Michigan , 0 ; United States navy , 5 ; United States infantry , C ; Massachusetts 3 and Kansas 2. Nearly all the other states have a repre sentation of ono or two mombcra. It should bo remembered that Ous ter Post will give a picnic at Ilascall's pnk on the 20th inotant , and the boys should bo encouraged by a largo attendance - tondanco and liberal patronage. Tlio following comrades compose the com mittee of arrangements , which is suf ficient ensure the success of the day'u festivities : Judge Lippincott , Harry Erdman , S. Stover , 0. II. Fitch nnd M. J. Feonati , It behooves each and every member of the post to individu ally exert himaolf to make this picnic the grandest event of the social season All yotcrana of the nrmy and navy wishing to join Ouster post before the Grand Island reunion , should procure blank applications at Wyman'a book otoro , Oroighton block , and present themselves at the next regular meet ing , which will occur on the evening of the 21st. It is expected that eighteen or twenty now members will then bo mustered in. On the first day of the grand reunion Ouster post will have its headquarters est.ibliuhcd on the camp grounds at Grand Inland , where comfortable acommodationi ) v\ ill bo arranged for all the members and their families. This is n matter of in terest to all old Eoldiern and should bo carefully remembered. Womim'sTrno Prloud. A friend in need in a friend indeed. This nonocandeny , especially when nnsistiuicois rendered when one liHorely atllicted with- dlnengc , moro particularly tlioi-o com- plnintH and wcnknoHse.i so coniiniin to our foinalu population , Kvory woin.ut should Unow tlmt IClcctric Hitters nro woman's true friend , nud will positively rcntoro her to health , evcu whea all other mneilien full. A single trial alwaya proveuour as- : Bcrtion. They lire plcus.uit , to the taste , ami only coat iifty cents n bottle. Sold by 0. I1"1. Onnflman D. M. WELTY , ( Snooossor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANOY HORSE CLOTHING Dustora and Turf [ foods ALL UESCnilTlOKH. : H 1s. on fui Agent for J\i R. Hill ft Co ' * - C3 333 i 3D , T3 fuiI I 'The Beat in The World. " OrJerj Solicited. OMAHA , NEB tno ly TO BRIDGE CONTRAOTOKS. Rcalotl rfOpoWs will he received at the bounty Clork' . olljco u all BaturJay , Au < ust IB , IBS ? , at 3 o'clock p. rn. for Ilia erection of A comblimlloii lirliU-o of ( II foot span , to Inbuilt - built ever tlio K\t \ laplllon at or noir Mr aimb McArdlo'd Alia ono ombliiitlon lirM 'o , CO feet cjini , vcr It ttlo Papilllon , neir Andrew fjorcnicn's BOC 10 , tw | > ID , r. 12 I'laiis ' an I upotlll-atlona can lie BCCII at County Jlork'd olticj. Also ono coml'limtlonirifo \ \ \ ever Lowtr I.Ik- inrn river , ol 140 Kit BIUM , In eo 3 , tun , ID , 10. 1'artlca proponing 'or ' thl. lirlilgo , mny accoin any ttiolr hlls wlili I'laim ' end ipccillcatlons of hi I r OH u llio right to icjo t any or all lids Is hereby eservod. ' Hy order of tlio Hoard of County CoinmU- tciI : loners. JOHN IHU'im , Comity Cloik. I . uuiS : 6t ill. iloi ret nia ; SUoe&OounoilPM ? U Till 0 < il Direct Line to ST. LOOTS TI AMDTHBKAtrr Prom Omaha and tbeWeut , WJY / A train ) Icavu U. A U , Dsnot , Oman * : lie * ) ( iac.o of ct it be ) rtrCoutjx ica / * . , * r.dbtii ono Mm < ct O1IAHt > J YOKL' to i r Da.Iy Passenger Trains ly rfllN AND WtTKRW OITJUli r. b I > SI 1 OUAROKH r J 1 ! , . .MiVAKCciII OT'IKK I irtRS Pr ouilH Itr.u Ic equjpixd ulth nllniia ! .o bleeptn ; ( itrgi , I'ILIOD t > tjOotchtv , Mil rt'i itety 1'Utrarui Oonplf r , nl the ceittir-l i ! V i Alr-lirvkt. V" . , v- , . . . yo-i tta t VIA iiAPflAI IIJ1HT. . J03KI'U - ( XUNOU. BLUFITS fli. D-d , rU Ut. Joph s.ud Hi. touli. tin Tic.etl for l l At .11 oatinna itailonilo thi not /Ml. J. r. DARNARD , bee 0. DAV/EiJ. Ocn. Bupt. , 81. Joeonh , U | the Oio Pw. .od Ticket Art. , 81. Joaeub. Mo , thea A-DY BOKOU , Ticket A - Dls lnt < for i W. ; .Diviro T , U PMU Agent , pie PLAIN TRUTHS The Mood is the foundation of life , it circulates through every part of the body , nnd unless it h pure and rich , good health Is impossible If disease 1ms entered the system the fiify sure and quick way to ilm c it out Is to purify and enrich the Mood. These simple facts arcc \ \ ktioun , and the highest medical Authorities ngrcc that tiftMitff hut iron \\ill restore the Mood to its natural condition ; and also that all the jron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth , cause head * Ache , and arc otherwise injurious , HuowN'b IRON Htm.Rsilltliof oughly nnd quickly nsMmilate \ \ ith the blood , purl I ) ing nnd strengthen * ing it , and thus dnvc disease from any part of the system , and it "ill utt blacken the teeth , cause head- nchc or constipation , nnd is posi tively net injurious , Saved his Child , 17 N. lluUwSt. , lUltlmore.MJ. . . ! ' k i , 1880. Cent * : Upon llie recommenda tion of A fncml I tried HROWN' * . - IKON llmnm m n tonic and re * ttorjlivc for my daughter , uliom I was thoroughly conduced wa * wasting away with Consumption. Having lost tlitce diughlm by tlic terrible ditc.itc , under the CMC of eminent iihyilcun * . , 1 \ \ loth to believe Anything could nrrt't the proRrcsj ol tlic tiUca e , but , to my creat surprise , before my { laugh- t cr had taken one bottle of IKO\YN'I ] IKON UiVTims. she begin to meml nnd now Is quilo restored to former lieallli. A fifth ilaughtcr began to show signs of Consumption , nml licn the physician was consulted lie quickly M "Tonics were re- nulred , " and when Informed that the elder tlttcrwns UklmrllitowN's IKON HiriKKS , responded "that ! a good tonic , take It. " AIXWAM BROWN'S IRON Ilimus : cffccttml- ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion and Weakness , and renders the gicatcst relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasting diseases ns Con sumption , Kiducy Complaints , etc. PERFUME' iT , irray &'s PLffliiiBA . ' WATER. i-vjj * * n i\nttii \ mmmm mmmmmmummmr Best fir TOILET. BATH .vl \WPKERCHIEF. i . HEAT YOUR HOUSES URNACES IN THE WORLD. MAIM : nv HOfl ARDSOW , BOY NTON & 00 CHICAGO , ILLS. Kinliody 1 TIOIV 1882 i'tipr ' vuiicnf . llor , iraotioul foi "PH. Coit IOSH tn ku 11 In : rdtrj Ubulo fitnl ) will i.l\o moro liu t nJ a. larger voliuuo u' ' pure uir H' ' * "y arnace niailu Sold by I'IKltCJV : & IlUADroilU.Oiimlia , Noli J)21-U3in Kor R ( ) iiut'tou ) ( coiiliiry f/r moro llcutcltir'n 'jMnatft II tttri I KB liccji llie ru'Kiiln ' ppetl o rlncllKetiloiidjtiriiiiila | , Juvir a M | tguo , n lo.o | > liiilV4l fttniria , liver cainpl lit and other LcrJcrj , and lm > li.'in inn t cni | > li Icully In. od liy mtdlclne mcuai lieallli a > il tlrci'lli ( loiM\e Utoiia vr * < t a tuinlu cv t ) pro- latnra d < c y , and HJntalim arid cuirloitu Die -t-daud lullrm For ale by til Druirtrlrtfl and Otalcrd ( . CIHT.I y. tolas Rewarded , OR , iio Story of the Sowing Maohlne , A _ ( .cd ii-o llttlo pamphlet , tine * .u _ gold . ire vltb nuicrroun cogratlui ; ' , will be &IVJM AWAY ny mult rninon rt'.lln ; for It , at my tir ncb tub-ollio ( ot ttio Hlasvt MiMiUcturlnn oVia my , or will ha iiunt uj mil ) , pott paid , to rcnon llrlnj ; > t dltUnco fnuu our officoi Tlio Slupor HaiinfaoliirJufi Oo. , Hue ! pi i 'MIloo , 34 Union Hquaro , NKW YORK. AK flU 101 Ulu Utu 11111(1 and Trenolioro by h only llfu au'.li0iltol by hir , and vthlth will be a "Illood a a d Thunder" itory , luch M hat IV cn and vtlll bo uutillibud , but a tru Llfu by only r > cmou who U lu poiwoj.lon of the fact ) Al falibful and dovotocl wife. Truth li more lor tercitmtf tlua tlctlou. A ciitu ihould apply to territory at onoo. Band 76 cti , for 8am * toMe Book. jr. H * OUam-en & Co. , Me meoJiwo Ht I uuii. Mo. . Inritlf of Iron , Jlarkamll'hatphorutln n pnlntaliln form , Tlirr only preparation nflrri' that teillnot Maekrn tit cJiarartrriteof Ihn rramllA { hat Dru 'prpaia. ' ami ImiKw . : trondlllonof Uiolil < l , llu | x 'tlix rfm < xlj buo. In rn-handu , nuulfl nome wondori nl cnro * . DAMP MIL ( h t > afl ] ! ftrtmo of our mn-t wnlnont phrnictam hao yVM l to thl fnrat * Jnl InromparaMe rrmslf I p > pcntxi ttlnpr fi'n > ntViaivlront'TOO. MI < rn nvulo Infiwt-fnrh arcmpnnnil M Hn. HAnTrn'MnniTomo h m. * - 1n mr pr rtJ i. _ _ Hn. UllllKUTHAMilKI . aifflSVimli Am , Ht louK , Mn , NOT , gilh. " ttaturnl hra one lo pttHe Jtrbillty , litnn of .f ; > r > r- Htt , JVof rnHnn of t'itnl MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HART A MEDICINE CO. . 213 N , MAIN ST. , ST , LOUIS. THE JELM MOUNTAIN OLID AND jf WL ppr-f. m _ * nMf VPOTT mHMnTHCVI MMVUnrWM * * a-x r MBsRn-i vnsLnE-nl F ii.iiE-naiiifl Mining and Milling Company. iVorklng OaiilL.1 - . - . . . . . ' " * " " " Jl.MVO * Par V-lue'of 8h rc , - . . _ [ . . . _ 125. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AlTD MON-ASSESSABiK Miuoa Located in BUAMIDL MINING DISTRICT. UU. j. I. THOMAS , I'ruMont , Ciimmliu Wjoiulnc. WAI. K. TIl.TOJf , Vlci'.PrcflUlant , 0 Imlnlns WJO.HI . , / It. N. IIAKWOOO , Bu-.roUry , Cunitutnn , W > omtnir. A. 0 , MJNN , Trovnint , Ciiranilru , JWyom'r. ' Or. J. I. T1iom . Loula Miller \V. 8. Ilritmrl , \ . a. H. Uktwcot ) . Francis Loateni. Oco. II , Kalon. Ur. J. 0. TVktklnr. raeJJ tin ORO.W. M > ! OVfjrjiliinnl \\t \\\t \ \ nt Omaha Steam Laundry. ' The only Laundry in Nebraska thnt ia supplied with complete nmcliinory fur Laundry work. Sund your ordora t > v niuil or oxnrcsn , GOTTI1EIBIEH , GODFUEV & CO. , 1207 Furnham.Stroot. PULLEYS. E. M. MAXWELL FREMONT NEB . . , , , , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following mlvnntngcs nru Intmed for thin 1'iilloy : IT 1H BTliONailll end more- durable , owin : 1. Tn the nhscnco of elirinkago Btralan. 2. To the IncroiHcd num ber of artcs 3. To Ilia fact thnt the rhn U much stronger than the cait rim. IT IB HKTTEK DAI.ANOKI ) . IT IB MUCH LUHITKIl. IT HAVU ) IILLTINO. IT 18 CIIBAl'KIl. There in no clangor of breakage in hnndllnj ; when nhippod IOOKO. When tjhipped IOORB they are gonorallv ucceptod as thlrd-claa < freight Innlond f firat-claan , and as the weight fa only ono-lult tlmt of cant Pulleys the frolght IiBtill further reduced. WE QUAHANTKE. THKSt to perform entlafiir.torlly nny work from the HKhtest to the heaviest. SrMT 1'urxnvs from 12 to18 InchcH diameter only. I'ulloyn of wider fnco than IB-inch nro provliloil with two nuts anm without uxtiu charge.Wo Wo Hupply each 1'nlley with two uot-Borowrt without extra charge. ALSO lot PoMolI SlaftiBg OUE OJj IMS. What wo claim for our PAIKNT HOT I'OLHiiisn SHAITINO It : ] nt. Tlmt It in round nnd Hir.ilght. yd , It cim bo accurately rolled to uny do'lrod gauge. 'M , Tlmt ! Ufcitifoo3 liolni { comiio/oit of in'ignotto uxida of iron olivlntet any un- luo tendency to rum or tirnUli , wnilo it nt the sanio tlmo given ono of tilt ) hott j ) iirnal r honring Riirf.icua over dlHcovurud. Ith. That It uill not wiirp omprlng in key Renting. nil ) . Tlmt It itado of the \ury heut of r < 'lined Htoalc. /t4)'For furthoi i jrticul irs , [ irlco Hut and dUcouuln , fond to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry nnd Mnchino Shop , Frrmont Nob. DHICAGO , PEORIA , ST , LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , EW YORK.BOSTON , And all Polutt Eatt andWouth-Cmt. TIIEUNECOMI'IIIUKU Nearly < ,000 nilJtu Ho ] I it Smooth Steel Trade 11 conrmctlorn tire maUo In UNION DbPOTB \\m \ \ a Nivtlonal Hciintatloii belnj ; thr real Throuuh Oar Line , uml In unlvunutllv KicodoJ to bu thu FIMEOT EQUIPPED Kail In tlio world for all clat > * a u ( travel. Try H end you will Uutl truvclliiK a liuur ) mtvaj of a Jlucouilort , Throui'li TlikuUtla rhla Colcbratod IJue (01 Jo at all olllcul lu tlio Wist. All Information about Hates o Fare , Bleeping ir AcocmtuoJitlons , Tlmo Tables , lie. , will lit iccrlully ( 'l cn liy aii | > lylulu ; ( to ill Vlcc-l'ro 't & dun. JIaim orChlciio ; , PEROIVAL LOWELL , ( l'ai > t > uv < er Agt. CLIcayo , W. J. DAVKNl'OUT , ( leu Aueut , Comicll Hluffa. II. 1' , DUKLL , Ticket Agt. 0 wli niorn-oJ ly " MOKQAN PARK IILITARY ACADEMY , ChrUtlan Family School for Ilayg. 1'repareB rColloxe. Hcloiulllo School or Uunlnesa Solid Ottpt , KD , N , KIRKTALOOTT Principal , jrrganV ark , Cook Co. , Ill , , for catalogue. JlWlOn / Sloe Bit } THT3 RIOUX OI'T'V 0' TB Kiin t Xolld Tr ln 1i.nn Iffiu Oouiicil Bluile -'t. l ltlioj | Ohciiau Tl" f ) n 1 OO WLEljTl7l > > k . ' -IK I'M' nirlMCM-i t.t . if on . : tu i 11 > > 11 , AU , _ d tuO. V ' ( ' . - t lli * V i . ( Ji'-xJ > if.r. kV i ! ' " . , , 'A ( - . . . ' . ' . - . i ( H * POK * le iri * 11 i. s t J. Pulinmii ' * AW hlCi/ | ( c 4 1.r ru t'f 1 1 > ' ' ' 'Of. nMV.iBb lwi > 'Ua' 91 ( i'i yam ! SS. 111111 , > U ni'i'-fl' ' HluU fc3d HI i'H ' City ' ( run * l/ ( n Lilian l' . lt . . .i.iMor l Conn ell filui/rf , at 7 " , i. t. ' * 11) mi arrival rl Kciuu/ 0t ! < Ot Jcvitiiih unit uninicil HluSn train ( mm the South. Arriving l fleiu Oliy USt : ! in. , tilai | 'ii-t > ' .iT Onion tspvr " * . Pml t H'JO T'N HO1 ! . * It * AIH'AJIICF OJf AHTCTllKH ROUTE lirtiviiiii. , tv.r In tuktm , ' Hit f\oux \ City llont yonitct Tliroiiih Trf.ln. Thu Bhortoti Un lh QuI'kcitTtmo nJ t , OomfoiUblo Hide In Ih. Ttroiiati rsis iH'twnen COUNCIL ULUKi'U ACID OT. PATJL. nrSi-uthttjour tttrli-li mvt vl the "Slcne cty ; nii IVIIlo IWroal I H. WATfLIW , , H. DOOUANAN Hu crli < ten < 'oiil , fitn' Pui3.AMii | C U. UOIIWtON ! , A 'l llcn'l Puss. AK' > . . MKiourl V&IIey K. W C. UAVIU , UoiitbwubUm Oauncl WESTERN CORNICE llfftnlfl 0 Sl'EOllT , . . Proprietor. 1 12 Harnoy St. - Omrlia , Nob. MANUFAOTtWKHS OP Galvanize. Iron , CORNICES. DORMER WINDOWa ; FJNIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Koofing , Bpooht'a Put out Motalio Skylight. Put out Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving , I am thn general agent for the nbovu line of gooda , 'inON FKNOINQ , Orettlngt , Dalu trade , Veranda JOfflc anii. Dank Railing * , Window and Oallar < uuardi ; al o UENElU.Ii AGENT