Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Pale maize-yellow 1 more faglioonhl
than old gold ,
The abort apron-front oversklrt Is necn
upon new French drosses.
Thre flounces of equal width cover new
velvet skirts from top to bottom.
| A Robespierre collar and Louts XVt
vcit pp r with thn newest jackets.
The most becoming plastroni ore pointed
od At the lover edge and made of horizon
tat puffs.
Pointed tilk gnure jaboto , reaching from
the throat to the belt , nre novel an
India red , ft bright scarlet shade , Is Hi
most effective color lor combining with th
genuine India pongee ,
Short skirts of bnll toilets are made shor
enough to clenr the flour nil nround nn
ahow the tips of the r-llupern.
Near lluunm , La. , lives a 13-yenr-olc
Ijlrl who II B crowinL' on her face n
brown beard two inches long ,
Velvet collars , cuff' , such nnd many
bowBof velvet ribbons trim the cotton nut
tceo drctsos worn in the country ,
Hod nnd blue velvet patnuols trlimncc
with flowers , lace and embroidery , nro
carried in open carriages nt the seaside re
The courts nf Connecticut bnvo hole
that a husband has no legal right to licirte
whip his wife because she won't attend the
same church li docs ,
Lucy Stone wants men to piy women
the same wages ns men receive , Luoy
keeps n servant girl and pays her 92 ptr
week , mitead of ? 12.
Glossy taffeta silk in small checks of the
colors ot cheviot nnd of Scotch clnghain Is
a fashionable choice for summer dretscs ,
with velvet trimmings ,
The I'ngllsh style of dresslmr the hair
with fhort curls on the forehead and n
very small knot of buck hair is becoming
only to ladies with very small features.
Wisconsin women who go to the sea
shore never go In bathing until after dark.
Then the spectator * can only tell by the
tracks In the sand who has been there.
Block cmboldcrycro.,0 dochlno mantles ,
lined with palo blue plush and trimmed
with flulTy inches of seek chenille , are the
most elrgnnt carriage mantles worn at the
seaside ,
1'nlllo has completely regained Its for
incr popularity Its pliability and noftnoBi
adapting itself to every style of tiimmlng ,
as well as to the tklrt and txillco them-
A New York crltto says that Mrs , Lang-
try's form is perfect. That means n bus-
tie , hip pad * , patent skirt , tight nhoos ,
stuffed calves , shoulder pun4 and small
corset ,
At her waist belt the belle of the period
now wears a llttlo mueio box , playing In
the falutust possible tone ( tingle tuno.
She also wears an artificial bunch of lettuce
tuco on hir lint.
The simple styles of hair dressing In
vogue at the fashionable watering plncea
discard all falsa switchc * for the back hntr
and frizottes in front , limiting the wearer
to her own natural hair.
Flowers have almost driven feathers out
uf favor for trimming summer hats. A
full wreath of rosoK , without green leaves ,
it tied by tons' ribbons nround the crown
of wide-brimmed inanlla hats ,
Satin ribbon three inches wide is worn
tied around the walbt in preference to stiff
bolU. Pointed bolts mitlining the lower
part of the corsage are more Htylish than
those that pass straight nrcmntl the vv.ilet.
Artistic jewelry of nnticjuo sliver , quaint
ly chased , is very fu-biunubly worn , and
silver chatclalneH in the mnycn ago style
MTO much Boutibt after , as are nli < o i.roochos.
lace-plan , and ngrnfeit , of the unino ilescrlt ,
The clos Iy woven Marguerite mitts of
black silk are the coolest and most uteful
gloves for summer , as they may I e worn
with all kinds of dresses without offending
taste. Terra-cotto and dark red mlta are
-also popular.
lilock and terra-cotto nro the colors
vmost useful for silk stockings , as they can
now bo worn with almost any drets of the
stj lish shades without being too striking ,
At the watering places they arc worn witli
very low slippers of t > lak kid that are not
trimmed with bows or beadlog.B >
A man and his wife changed cars at
Peoriu. the other day , and had leached
Pekln before it occurred to thnm that the
bleiiscd baby had been left behind. They
returned In time to relieve the Poorin de
pot dlllclula of n great embarrassment.
Barque * with crenelated edges nro great
ly m favor with many loading inniiiHcH ,
and they iidudt of a ijreat variety df tyl .
Some have n tall of lace or a kilting under
tl-otabs , others Irnvo the rqume piece *
piped and lined with a deeper ulmdo or n
contrasting color nnd fabric.
Stylish young ladles with nvcnliig dress
twine tow nfter row of pcnrl or Irkleicent
beads around their tlalnty throats , until
one might take them for ladlisof quality
in inlands barbaric In the land of the
FIJI. Some of thceo beads nrocrygio -
teequo in shape nnd design , uml the moro
BO the better in present estimation ,
It is not often that n white man marries
n block worn i' , and Mr. Uoodhue , of St.
I/mix , whoso hue la reasonably white ,
wishes ho hadn't. Ilo is suing for a rtl.
vorce on account of cruel treatment , Ilo
Ijoro with his Hxhle siiousc , ho xUys , as long
as she struck him only with her open hand ,
but when she used her double fist and
threatened his Ufu. his soul revolted and ho
filed a bill.
A Louisville young lady writes to a
modest nud stupid youth : "Yu , when
you nuked mo If. I would nmry jou ohl
I ought not to hnvu done it , I suppose-
but then it was such an opportunity , and
BO I nulled the cue to jou and ntiBuorot
'NeverI And you stupli ) , you froze and
Lowed like a telegraph pole nnd left. Ohl
dear me , and I certainly thought that at
thin day thoio was n body under the sun
who was so uupardauubly obtuse , * < > far
behind the ago and the rage , that ho would
not have Intttnntly met uio with , 'What ,
neveif uud given mo the chaucu to reply ,
'Well , hardly ever. ' "
Colorado paper ; Wo wjntts \ \ \ Girls
who can get themselves up In good shape
to go to a ilanco. The boys nro gutting
tired of receiving invitations with a ro-
qumt that they "bring ladiei. " They ore
like oranges and apples very scarce , Wo
want girls who will go to church and to
Bible class on Sunday , and that kind who
can draw a congregation of I ho other sex
And who will Uke a buggy ride after the
lessen is over , This will help the livery
tmninfu * and will ulno hasten the sale of
of residence lou , fur buggies are the vehl-
clea in which homo * art ) first thought of by
many people. Wo want ( 'lils that can
wait en the table , who can smile us Into nn
.appetite when ttouiach bitten are linto-
tent , aud who will make the boarders regu
lar at their meub , We want girls for
sweetheart' , so that when we got an arm
shot oil. or kicked by a mulfl , orurath own
from a bucking horsa and are laid away
( or repaln , we may hear a gentle voice and
pee the glitter of a crystal far spoken and
dropped in unconscious ij mpathy for our
pain ,
Mies Molhe llunl or , ot Cincinnati , is 31
yeam old , and Jl ury Itechtin , de-lrfng tn
marry her , M ent to tlioJicento clerk fur a
liceme , but his mother came in and pre
vented further proceeding ? , for Henry 1 *
but 17 year of uge.
A clerujmon who hod just married a
couple , felt laitlguant when the biiitcgroom
ga > him a fee of otilv ha'I a dollar , Mulled
gnuly , an1 ald : "Never mind. You'll
have to pay a lawyer $100 for undoing what
I have done.
Tl most "touey" tt > le at a wedding
now is to pieteut each gueat with pieca
, of the bridal cile in u box tthaped like n
itiortctlioe vud tied with a true-lorer's knot
of white atln ribbon , the end * of whi h
'bear the tnonoirrum of the t ride and groom.
r New York Tritune , In the golden wtet
each guest Is given A box of liver-pills am
dream book to go with the pills *
A hoosler youth named Qosley or Go
ling , probably the latter , saw ft girl
churcn , courted her two hours , and at th
end of three was married to her , A ma
who docs up all hl courting in two bout
and marries misses lots of fun. It's Ilk
stuffing himself with peaches and cream I
five minutes and then having dyspepil
the rest of the year ,
No marriage is legal in Trance cicoi
with the consent of the parents of bet
parties ; but a man or woman ovir 25 ma
'respectfully cite" his or her parents t
show canoe why they refuse consent. 1
they fail to show good caune , the marrUfc
may piocecd In snita of them. Such pro
ceedings are rarely resorted to ,
The Old Knrma Days.
The old farm gale hangs sagging down
On rusty hingts , bent nnd brown ;
Its latch Is gone and , here nnd there ,
It shows mile tracei of repair.
That old farm g to has seen , each year ,
The blotsoius bloom nmlditappear ;
The bright green lou res of spring unfoli
And turn to nututnii's red nnd gold ,
The children hnvo ii/on it c'ttog ,
Anil in nnd out with rapture swung ,
When their young hearts were good am
pure ,
When hope was fair , nnd fnlth was sure ,
Heslde that gate hav loysin true
Told the old story , always new ,
Have made their VOWP , have dreamed o
s ,
Have sealed each promise with a kisi.
That old farm gate linn opened wide
To welc imo home the iicw-uiado brldo ,
When lilaci bloomed , when locusts fair ,
With their swett fragrance , filled the nir
That gate , with rusty weight and chain ,
Has uotoil upon the solemn train ,
That bora her llfclens form away ,
Upon a dreary autumn day.
The lichens gray , and mouses green ,
Upon ltn rotting ports are seen ;
Initials carved with youthful skill
Long years ago are on it still.
Yet , dear to me ahovo nil things ,
ily reason of the thoughts It brings ,
Is that old gate , now sngxing down ,
On rusty hinges bout and brown.
A movement h on foot in Boston to
change the hour fur beginning Sunday
morning service in the churches from 10:31
o 11 o'clock ,
A conference of the Ilaptlst churches ol
Ltermany will be held at Hamburg in An
{ imt. uolcgations will nttcnd from Amor
en , Knglnnd , aud Sweden.
The Presbyterian church at Oyster llay ,
tf. Y , celebrated itn one-hundrcd-and
lltieth anniversary July ,10. Eight of the
ormcr pastors of the church were present
In nnswur tc n call for piece * of silver
ind gold , of which to make n commuuioi
orvico for the Church of the Holy Com
nunlon in St. Louis , twclvn and n hal
mundd of silver ami an ounce of gold wore
* ivoii , from which n paten , flagon , two
. Imllces and largo alms basin woru made
The Welsh Presbyterian Synod of Wis
consln IIJH hold iti first business B04 i > m a
( Jhiongo. Th Synod lint 49 mininters , 131
aiders. 3,450 full members in itn nevent
churches , nnd 1,718 probationers. The
question of funning a new Stnod of tin
ilmrclieH in Missouri , ICansnn , Iowa , nnc
Ncbrnskn , was dlscusmd , and decided in
aver of the proposed change.
The revision of Luther's Bible , bfgun in
SOJ. has just been finished. Of the thirty
jrlglnal mombvrs uf the revlhinu commit too
jut fourteen live to KCO thu revision coin-
rioted. The work lu now to be printed uni !
ubmltted to thu unlvenlty facnltloH , for
irltlci-m. It will probably be ready for
he public In about two years.
The oflioial anmmlro of the Holy See for
ho present year , which has juat appeared ,
Ives the following particulars : Pupe Leo
CIII. IH the iiOItt succi'tisor of St. Peter.
? ho College of Cardinals , when complete ,
jonrlsti of 70 member * , but at present bus
inly 05 , of whom U are bishops , 40 prlesU
met 13 doucons. Among thceo cardinals
> nly one was created by Gregory X.VL ,
' illnrtl Schwnrzenboig , 40 are the creat
ires of Pius IX. , and SI of Leo XIII. Of
hexe princes of the church 4 me over 80
'earn of n < o , 2'i ' over 70 , 15 over 00 , 13 over
0 , nud 2 between 40 and 50. Twenty
nomt era of the Sacred College Imvo died
luce Lee XIII. baa heenori the Pontifical
hrono. The Catholic Hierarchy pom-ems
, U8' ' ) titled nmunt ; whioh immlxir tlioru nro
CaidlriKU , 10 Patriarchs ot thu Two
UtcH , 115 Latin Arclil.iuhop * , 018 lliehow | ,
U Kiihtern Archbishops Mid Bishops , 15
'relates imlliiH dioccKiH , 20 Apostollo Del-
gales or Loxntoo , 102 Ape tollo Vicar * ,
9 Apostolic Prefects , 9 Provisional VIcurH
rid Prefects During the Pontificate of
joe VII I , it Aicliiil | eopiil Sees were
routed ; " Kplcopnl Steit woremuda Arch-
piocoiial ; the Hlorurchy wan in 01 rased by
If ) KpUcopnl Seen , 0 Apostolic Vicitrlatoa
mil 3 Apostolic Prefectures.
My Neighbor.
Vint if my neighbor lies nbcd ,
Until thu uioininif Is half spent ;
Vhilo wife nud I hnvo worked instead ,
And rarnod vnough to pay the rent ;
lo H'ueps nnd IIIIH no runt to puy ,
Ve toil and sing the live long day ,
Vhnt if my nelghborilrivea a pair
Of blooded horses slok nnd float ;
Vo ftkvo enough to pay our fare ,
And tnko the horse-car down the street ;
lo makes a picture on the way ,
Ve look anil hnyo no charge to pay ,
Vhnt If my neighbor goes to churoh
Aud proudly Mt where all can see ,
Vhilo we are loft qutto lu the lurch ,
Aud in a corner bend the knee ,
) f piety this it no test ,
L'hu poor in spirit uro the blest.
know my neighbor rich has grown ,
But cannot aeo his heart within ;
only need to scan my own
And keep It free from . nvious sin ;
o Him in whom thore'n ilaught obaorc ,
Ml men nliko are weak and poor.
It's ebery nigger a duty to be baptized ,
iven if ho uln't got do faith , do wutcr'll do
Im tood. Arkansas Traveller ,
How would the world have been afff cted
f the freight h tndlera had struck when
Joah wan loading up the ark ?
A sermon on the vanities of this life is
weakened by the time it travels over a
urge congregation of t eautlful bonnets.
Biz Milwaukee clergymen went on a
ehlng ezcumiou tpgethur without lotlng ft
It of character. All they lost was their
ig dinner baiket.
Waltz up to a deacon and ask him which
'inn , i In lie of ft kind or tt\o pairs , and
10 rhaneet are he'll tell you without
jinking and then I e fearfully embarraucd
nd declare ho doesn't know what you re-
er to.
The reason colored camp meeting in
ihio drew to a sudden close was because
10 colleo'iou hat came bach : with only
jree cents In it aud the elder told the
rowd that Satnn wouldn't buy the lot at
wo cents apiece ,
The Menuonltes of Manitoba are divided
nto the Hook-aud-Kye party and the Hut-
on party , The former are couserv itivoa
ud eea danger iu buttouuj the latter are
adlcal nndiir grrsalvr , imistlug UJKIH the
mocence of buttons , nUo their convent-
nee an 1 cheapuens.
* The lector of a churoh In Philadelphia ,
a. , has in hit jio-aesgion a sllvor dollar
vhlch ho hai offered to 111 men , who
epresented themselvex as unable to get
mplomeiit , and v\era suffering from
uoger In counequeuctj. Tlie coin was
ffered to them if
they would remove a
mall pile of oaud In the rector's back yard ,
nd they nil courteoualy re tuned and
awed on.
"Which li the first and moat Important
sscramentt" asked an Austin Sunda
tchool teacher of little Rlrl in his clasi
"Mairisge , " wan tlie prompt response
"O , no ; baptism Is the firrt and mo t Im
pnrtant sacrament , " replied the teacher
"It may lie In i-omo fmnllies , but marrlag
always c > mes firrt in our family. Wo are
respectable people , wo are. "
At Sot of Sun.
rHltuletphU Times.
If we sit down nt s t nf sun
Aud count the things that we hare done
And counting find
One lf-denylng act , one word ,
That caned the hc-irt of him who heard ;
One glance m * t kind ,
That felt 'Ike ' sumhlne where it went ,
Then we may count that day well Hpent.
But if through all the life-long day
WO'VH eased no heart by yea or n y ;
If thr ugt. . It nil
We've done not hit g that we can trace ,
That drought the snanhine to a face ;
No act , mi'nt small ,
That hclK | > ( l some soul , and nothing cost
Then count that day ss worre than lost.
.fol n McCnllotif-li opeis the campaign
of 188J-I1 , ntSt. Paul , early in September
Ln ta has succeeded in oipllvntlng the
Londoners. She Is said t'i bo very popu
lar H.C lally ,
"Sunlight of the Sierra * " is the title of n
now sensational drama written by it > oung
St. L ulsan ,
Hublnstotn will ploy the platio nn more
In public Ills only appearance will be ns
n director.
Giltnore distinguished himself by playing
In a comet duo with another member ol
Ills baud nt .Mnnhnttnn lately.
Mile , 'lli eo will bo supported by a com
pany of 1'rcnch singers , including Mile , de
lUvcF , Victor Cnpou I , and AlphonteMalrc ,
n tenor.
Mr. Bjon-ki n is the musical name of the
gentleman who will warble tenor ballads in
the Intervals of Christine NUs on's retire
ment. Let us hope Mr. Bjn sken will no )
attempt "DJainbnrraesmcnt" or "Bjgood-
by Bjiwcethenrt. "
The Lltts > concert company has been re
organized lor next scaion as follows : Mile.
Marie Littn , soprano ; Miss Bo ro , alto ;
Bfgnnr Krnojito Bnldanza , tenor ; Herr
Julius Borcghy , hnHni d Mr. Louis Blum-
enberg , violoncellist.
Grau's season of French opera bouffo ,
with MilThoi ) , will Cjmmcne on Sop.
tember 11 , at the new Casino , Mllo. Theo
will sail from Havre on August 11 by the
steamship Labrador. M. Victor Capoul
will bo in her company.
A performer in the London theatre * in
"Btliol and Bijou" cal's ' himself Marian ,
, ho giant Amazon queen. She was born ,
t is stated , in 180(3 ( , nt Benkcn < lorlf , n vll-
ago near the Thurfnglnn niountnlnii , Ger-
n any , and has attained thu remarkable
lelght of eight feet two Inches , nnd is still
The next Slmkosporoan tovival at the
[ jon'ion ' Lvcoutn will bo "Much Ado
About Nothlm,1 In which , of course. Mr ,
Irving will play Benedick , and Mia Ellen
Terry lioatrico. The scenery nn < l cos'
.urnen will be upon the ficalo of uingnlfi
: ence to which Mr. Irving Imi iircuatomed
iir pat'ons. In the moan while the scenery
irepared by Alma Tndimn for "Cori-
oanui" rtands Idle.
Wllhelmj has written to his fnmlly nt
IVicHlm 'on. ' from Naples , to nnnouuco his
ntontlon of v failing them after the cnnclu-
ilon of Ins London engagement. Ho hai
iecn nway from homn nearly four years ,
during which time he has traveled all over
he United .State' , Chlun , India , Japan ,
.Vr.-iu end Italy But for the political
roubles ho would alsd have mndo a tour
n Egypt.
In the production of the "Eomany Ilyo'
at Booth's theater some Improvements
will bo rna lo iu the scenery and effects
which woia not In the original production
n London. In the fourth act the steamer
vill rnovo from thn dock and uu the stage
nstead of remaining stationary , OH in Eng-
and. This will require considerable ma-
hinery ns tliflrj nro between forty and
ifty persons on thu et igo who will have to
ho moved with the i-hlp , In the wreck
oeno In ttio lant act a new effect will be
ntraduued showing1 n plnwphorencoBt lighten
on tha water uu'd the rUb und fair oflhe
vavcH. Tnli is an oriplnnl invention of
Sen Shcrwi od and bus never been done on
A butanes * ninii of Dodie , Nev. , adver
ted for n partner , nnd Milled , "A good
iok r plnjor is preferred" The nd. did
lot hnv o H NC'conci publication.
If any ono lm told you thnt oranges
ilckod from the trooj Insto butter tbau
himo on the staiidH , jou ma ) dispute him.
I ho latter nro declared the bctt ,
A Key West shark , ciptured the other
lay , hint among the contents of hit stom-
ncli n hulf dollar with a hole in | it. The
hark in auppomi to hnve tnben It ntfoity-
ivo cents
A Inzy man nrnr Fort Smith , Ark , ,
bbandoned .1 neil after digging four feet.
[ 'ho man who bought the farm ilug down
another foot uud struck a vein of coal
torth thousands ot dolhirx ,
A Tei as paper defends a friend in the
'allowing- ' manner : "Friends of Ben
Tlnmpmm deny with iome indignation
hot Im has killed SO odd nun. They say
Ight or 10 will cover the sum total1 !
If you want to know whatlliisuia needs.
vhut England thould do , or how the United
States uniiuld bu run , ( jet n horeo and
.uggy nnd drlvo out to the first country
tore. The ILCU on the step * can tell you
II about It.
"Aro you n member df any temperance
rgnulzatlou ? " naked a clerical looking gen-
loman of n red-uouod man silting on n box
n Auetiu avenue. "No , iblr ; I uslied
ei bu n moiiiber , but Its no u h for me ter
ry to bo m > mb r < h any moro ( hie ) . " "You
uyht to become a member ugulu ! " "Can't
o U ? ' "Why can't you I eunmo a member
train ? " "Becausii I cau't remember
au'i remember to refuse a druiK , Texas
Seated ono balmy afternoon on the ver-
lulu of Mrs. Howo's rcxldenco at New-
> ort. Otcar Wilde was heard to remark ta
Indy who was present ! "Strange that a
air of eilk Blockings should BO upset a nn-
Ion , " whereupon n well-known gentle-
IIMI , sitting n little remote from tlie poet ,
iterpo.od : "It's the calf that la iu the
iockiugs. "
Fear Nat.
All kidney and urinary complaints ,
specially Bright'a DisoasOj Diabotca
ud Liver froubloR , Hop Bittora will
uroly and lastingly euro. Oases ox-
otly like your own have baon cured
n ynur awn neighborhood , and you
an find roliablu proof ut homo of what
lop Bittora has and onn do.
aide Spring Attaohiuont Not
A. . ,
1100 nd 1111 DoJgo Street ,
aug 7-mo Oiu OUAHA , NED.
"Proporvo nnd Regulate , Not DeStroy -
Stroy , " I' a Round motto In inculcations M well
as tUUsnnmh p Pres rre the ior of thedl-
irettl e organs and rtctiMo the secretions with
larra t' Heltzcr Aperient , and jou mill curs
dytpep-U and lltci to/nlilnt ) by a iTcexIn
harmo y with the lamof Nature. Violent mol
Icln ffhavthod trclr day. They d vlUlito the
system , IUn or > n itcll > s the ( torrcvch rejects
thiST , Hcly nn thn eihllcratlng fptcl c.
aur ( SOLI ) IIY > ll. DHUOaWS
TRADE MARKrn ? ' . ° ' ' * tTnDB MARK
> Jx > siolMemory , Urmti
ft , Pud I- li ) Dwt , , Ulmncss of Vlrlo/ , . Pro
mikturpOM A. , u , ind many other 1)I ) M th t
loirl in Inranlf ) or Consumption nit i I rema
turoO to . .
CS"Fnll partlculrrs tn oar pacicnler , which
we dcslra ta ecml free IP mall tooeryona.
tSTTho Specif c Medicine I ) told by all dniKgliU
At 81 per p&ckiwc , or G | iack\ecs ( or (5 , or will
he sent ttn by mall on rif l ] > t of tl > c money , by
o , N. Y.
Youngiitown , Ohio , Ma } ID , 1830.
DR. B. J. KKMIAU. * Co. 1 hid a very \alua-
ilo HatnblctonUn colt thtt Iprlznricry I Ighly
ichad n large btto rpa > ln rn ono Jimt and a
mall ono on the i4hcr utlch made hlnMcr
ameIhad ; Mm under tl o charge o two voter-
nary suncorja which failed to i uro him I VM
ono day reading the dierllsoment ol Kenda'Tn
Spavin Cur.i In tin Chicago Express I dcterailnod
at once to try It a d gut ourtru/gets hereto
i nd f irlt , and they nrdtred three bettlia ; 1 to k
all aril I thouvht I would she It a thoioucih
' 111 , I used Itaicnrdln to directions and the
ourth day tl e colt co scd ta bo Inma nnd the
um 8 ha\o clltuppeaml 1 used bu ono bottle
and the colt's llniba tre ai [ rco of lumju anil on
smooth as any horse In the flato Hn 18 'rt'ro
y curoil. Thn euro wi go remarkable thnt I
ia\olctt oof my neighbors ha\o the remain-
ng two bottles whniireno * urlnglt.
Very TCipcctfullv ,
L. 'f. ' FOSTKU.
Bond for Illustrated circular Riving posltUc
proof. PrlcoSl. All Dni lctfl hn\o It or can
: ot It for you. Dr. D. J. Kendall ft Co' , Pro-
irlctorc. KnoBbnrirh Fallu , Vt
P\ISEi SE IrcurabU by other treitmcnt
U a < i nocturnal I > tris , strictures , \nji ocoln ,
muiI , U'lnarj' , gravel , etono , ulcers , HrlKhtX
liabitca , droiwj , ( onsumptmn , sere tbrrat , en-
arrh dizzmenH , bllllo tenors , malatli , ncuraigU ,
heumatlsm , heart , kidney and bladlcruiicti-cs ,
ro rurcd by tlio A ahel Mineral Spring Water.
r tha porfccto I treatment of the huropenn and
Liicrlcan Mcdloil Hurenu specialty hidichrsln
inndon. Part * , Vlciini , Berlin , nd > 'o York
'amphlet , with iMrfctlo s and c.r ! Qcato < of
urcB. frco Medic 1 Irratliu on Impotence ,
terlilty , cllsca o1 i rostr to gland , a tlstpbilli ,
OHlo s , 131 Lexington u > a. New York city
Dr. E. 0. WcoPn N rvo and ffrnln Trcatmeut-
L BpoclOc for Hysteria , Dlzilnoet , Convulslona.
fervous Headache , Mental Depression , Loss ol
IemorySp rrafttorrh im , Itn potency , Involuntary
KmlBslonf , Premature Old Age , caused by over-
ixertlon , self abuae , or over-lndulgenco , which
eads to mloery , dccjy and death. Ono box will
ourcr recent otu4 ? Krh boa contains ono month' *
roatment , Oi e dollar a box , or six boxes for
Bve dollars , sent by mall prepaid on rccelptof
irlco. We guarantee elx boxej tn cure any case.
Vlth each order received by ns for six boxes , ac-
ompanled w 1th D o dollars , will tend the pur-
hascr p'lr written gntrantve to return the
money If the treatment do < not offt ct A cure.
0. F . Goodman , lrug"'fit , Solo. Wholesale and
i tl Agent , Orafthn , Knh Otd > m by mall at
u'i\ '
St. Louis , Is ttlll treat
ing all I'ltlVATE , NKH-
cpiclal Diseases , Hpcrnm-
torthooa , Impottncy ( Sox-
iml Female
Diteas. . Irn
UltHcult/cg , etc.
tar ladles , sen J 25 centi
( In ctaiups ) t p yexprcsj
cliar on on a 'laluiblu
ork" entitled "l > i > o oj
of Women , etc. " Work
n CHRONIC DISKISKS , ono itAinp < 4TVIctlu > ii
fSoU-aljuso or I'rhato Disease , eond 28lam |
or Cri-miiAIEU WOHKH i n * and texutl
llsoascs. Ooniiullatlon peraonally or by letter ,
'KKK Coiisu t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS
CURED. Olllco In quiet , i rhato , KBJ octalilo
ilace. You MO no ono uu ( the doctor. Or.
l.irko IK tlie onlj phjulclan In the ell } uho w r-
aiitn euro or no pay I'eillilncB ' rent c\crj
where. Hours , S A. u. to B r. 11.
'hlisrez \ * ipocilla curei that most loatliu.rao
dl cast )
S " 5T 3t I3C 3C X. 3C
Whether ni.ita Primary , Secondary ,
or Turtinry Slugo.
Irrnoca all t nc < cl Mercury Irnm ( lie syetcm ,
Lun-a bcr ( u a Old Soteo , Ittmunatlsra ,
Kczraa , ( a arrli , cr any Dlood DlBeaio ,
Oaros When Hot Springs Fail
UIVIBN , ASK. , Mky C. 1S81
We have uio * tn onr own town who lived at
lotSprlngi , ind ncraflully cured with 3. 3. 8 ,
llomihU. Term. . May 13 , 1881.
We hire gold 1 81 0 bcttli B of ' be 8. H. H. In a
ear. It liaj i-heii unlvcr al tatUfactlon , Fair
nlndod | > hilchui now recommc' d It a posl
\e0necUlc. , B. '
Toulitllle , Ky. , May 13.1831
S. B. 8. hughon better B tl > fiction than any
nedlduol cur old. J. A. FLUNKK.
I ) n > er , Col. . May 1,1881.
E\cry purchaierrpcakaln the blgbeal t'rnnol
. 8. B. L. MUBSITIK ,
8 H. S. li > itcn tct'er rut'.faclhn ' than any
ciiud ) 'or li c < d d i wei wo h > e ovir lundlej.
Ha\e wen S. 8. S. cop the lulr frnn falling
ut Ian fhort time , WonJorlu cflccU In all aklu
r blood illnoMm.
illnoMm.W. . H PATTKRSOX , DolUi.Tex.
3urps Whou all Other .Remedies
Fail ! .
IP YO11 doubt.roiuo lo ell andK WTtI
UU h i ttri7ir"cnarif utitniiiw I I
&rtKui r& kiul oniiv 0 * t.mfc MJH. * ! .
> thrjrliirniu t i A V any pruuii
nit uiiuuut IB to our
: hemUt who Ill IIud , on analyaliot ICO bottlt of
i.8. 8. , one nirtlclool Mercury , Iodide of Pctio-
dum or aor JUlucml subetanco.
sw irr spBoino oo. rrepi.
( I'er llo'tle ) AlWa , Ga. ;
PiC Ot diuall lit * . fl.OO ,
Luge oUe Jl.T .f
Sold by Dicggkli OecerallT.
yon niffer from Dytpepma , use
If you are affllcUd with DIllousncM , use
If > ou % ro prostrated with trick Hcadiche , taka
f your Boncljaro disordered , regulate them will
If vi'ur Blood Ifl mpure , purify It with
Ifjou la o Indigestion , jou will find an antidote
If vou/rt troHblctl ulth Sprln ? Complaints , cr
odlcntu them with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTEIIS
If jour Lhcrls torpid , restore It to healthy action
If your Liver la aBccted , you will find a sure ro
If you have any spcclcg of Humor or Plmplo , fal
[ f jou have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sores , a curative remedy w 111 be found In
Tor Imparting strength and vitality to the sys
torn , nothlnz can equal
For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the
Price , 81.00 net fictile ; Trl Bottle * 10 Ct
, , Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by I h & McMahon and C. F.
Ooodman. J0 27 cod-me
Disease Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin l
within ; Its manifestations without , tlencc , to
ure the disease the CAUsittuuat bo removed , and
n no other way can a euro ever lo effected.
LIVER CURE Is established on Jut > t this
principle. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
3f all diseases arlzo from deranged klJnoj i an
Ivcr , and It strikes at once nt the root of the
Itficulty. The elements of which It Is composed
ct directly upon these L'rcat organs , both as a
OOD acd RESTORER , and , by placing them In a
ealthy , condition , driro dltcabe and pain from
he system.
For the Innumerable troub'es caused by un-
lealtby Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
.he dutreislne Disorders of Women ; for Malaria ,
ind physical derang-cments generalij , this great
cmrdy has no equal. Beware of Impostors , 1m-
totlons and concoctions said to be just as Rood.
For Diabetes , as f or WARNER'S SATE
o Rochester N. Y.
The Great Lngiish Kemedy
Never falls ta cute
Nervous Debility. VI.
3tM Exhaustion , Kmls
Unions , Seminal Wcak-
ilHOOD , and all the
j v 11 effects of youth-
jjlul lollies aud execs-
jits. It dtops perma
Silently all H < akenlng.
{ involuntary loaai 8 ana
( drains upon the BJS- , thr Inevitable re-
iiilt of these evilprac-
ilccs , which are so dcstriiotlv o to mini ) and body
ind roaku life miserable , oltcn leading ; to Ineanl-
: y anddeath It strengthens the Ncrvcs.Ilraln ,
munorjt Illood , Muscles , DUcollvo and Rcpro-
luctlvo Grains , U restores ti all the oriranle
unctlrns their former visor and vitality , ma-
'In , ; life cheerful and cnjojable. Price , 8J a
lOttle , or four tiroes the quantity ? 10. Bent by
ixprcss. secure from observation , to any address.
> ti receipt of price. No. C. O. I ) , sent , except
> n receipt of 81 as a t-mrnntoo. Letters FJ-
luostlnj ; answers must Inclose stamp ,
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Fills
ire tbl best and cheapest dyipepsla aud bllllout
rtiro lu the market. Sold by all druffil8ta. Price
> 0 cents.
Da MINTIB'S Kiuvir nxMRDT , NErRiricini ,
3uresill klndot Kidney and bladder complalute.
ronorihea , clcet arid loucorrhca. For eao hy all
laugglstii : 81 a bottle.
TIBOlhoSt , St. Ixuls , Mo.
For Sato In Omaha by
rmn of liv Bi
fuur dutlu aruli < nlvtit work , to rM
torn brain ncrf en
Hop , waste utu Hop Hi
U j oil nr yoi'jip anil eulterln , ; from til ) fi
,1itcutlou or UHklia ttuiii K } on an/mar
rle < t or ilni'l * , old ° .r GUUI ? , eulTcr lnCrut (
In on a bea A ( >
una , rf ly on Hop Dltter * .
Vhuo er yftnarf. *
ftcl i from WM1
Tbeoirir you
that system I fonn'jf K I o n o >
need * your iltansmir , * i pdlsfoia that rnlKli'
or itliiiulutlus ,
k I lir timely M * I
take Hop Hcp .tteri
Ditto' * .
. .
ipi < a , O. I. O
I * an * ltacluU
and Irreilitfc
utamli. HOP We c u r e tot
tamli. Hood , druiikennee *
Uwrotnmt * ! , UM o' opium ,
Tou will ti * tr nocn , k *
euredlfiouuw narcotlci.
Hop Dltter * IIEffi -
U jouarvplm
weak and ? lt ( . StfQiJ f cr
loi.HlrlUJ.trj NEVER Clrcultr
Iti It may
* HVO your FAIL CO.
life. It hat ,
sa eit hurt *
To Nervous Sufferers
3r. J , O , Simpson's Specific
It t a i utlrocere ) for bpern'ttoirbia , bemlua
yoaiDs.v. lu.potancy , and all dleeaaea rctultLag
TO.D ! itl-At > a , a $ Slontal Anxiety , Loeai
lataoty , I'ana lu Uia Hjtch or Side , and dlH < ajei
' - ' " - - jj j j j
- an ,
_ e flv
The Breclflc
UcJUlna ti
b Ing uud
vvltb irondvr-
ful mccueo.
Pamphlet *
* nt 'rrc to clU Write fcr theui and get full par.
Trice , Speclfta , Jl.OO p i pacV > Ke , or cix pick.
, je4 for J.C > 0. Addrcu all or Jars to
No * . 101 and IM Main St. Buffalo , N , T.
Bol 1 In Ouuha by 0. V. Goodman , J. W , Hell ,
I.K. Ish , aada'l jjuiiljticverywlicit.
s 1 > 4kw
Storage , Oommission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Pock & BauBhera Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flonr
, - - -
Boots and Shoes.
O. IE1.
Window and Plate Glass.
laTAnyono contcmplattnfc building store , bank , or any other One will flnd It ta their ad
vantage to corns end with us before purchasing their Plato Olais.
OMAHA . - - . NEB.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Onnaha.
On River Bank , Bet , Faraham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar
1020 Farnham Street ,
efvtt pl F > 1 / BsiJiTa
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
. / > .
Near Union Pacific Depot. - - OMAHANB
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,