THE DAILY BEE JF11IDAY , AUGUST 11 1882 O. a. OO crxc ic GO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Bluffs , low * , WHOLESALE FLOUR. HOUSE , Oener&l Accnta lei the Olcbr tcd Mills ol 11. 1) . Hu h & Co. . Golden Kittle Flour , Lmvenwoiih Kan , and Queen lU-o Mllln. Sioux Falls , Dakota. _ j * fit rente , Smith k Ctlttfnilm , Council tlluft * . In. ZEE. IE WIOLESALK AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT OFFICE" or.vsr. . cjtra : c3ESAc c : < cs > . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES , NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - IOWA. HI. L DBSOZEsT , 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Heady-fitted uppers , In cMI kln uml kip. Oak and Hemlock bOLE LEATHER , and M cods apportnlnlns to the tioe trulo. Oo-didold Mchcnp in In thoKut. E PERIS' ' SEW IILLINERY STORE FOll STYLISU SPRING SIILLINERY PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S ' HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. . Council Bluffs Ia. That never require ctlraiilnfr , at Sirs. J. J. Good's Hair Store , nt prlnw nocr befcro touched liy ny other hair dealer. Alao a full Una ot w itches , etc. , nt > really reduced prices. Also gold , elhcr and colored nets \Vmc8 made ( rom Ivllcs' own balr. Do not ( nil to tall tioloro purchuilug eleewhcre. All goods narmutudaa represented MRS. J. J GOOL ) , 29 Main atreoi , Council BluQs , Iowa. BiTMBIOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated , Vnpor , Electric , 1'lungo , Douch , Shower , Hot and Cold Batha. Competent < potent male and fcnnte rurHe and attendant ! alaj 8 on hand , and the bent of rate nnd at ten tlon glen patrono. Special attention given to batnln ) ; children. eetlgatlon aud patronagu lolicltcdDR. . A. H STODLEY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Treatment of chronic diseases made n epccUlty. REMOVED without the CAUSES 1 drauinK of blood or use of knife. Cures lunp diseases , Fits , Scrofula , Liter Com- _ AND . , OTHER . p'alnt. Dropsy , Kheuraa- Til M fl R S tl9n ) . fuvcr and Mcrcur- I U EVI U n U Ial 80rc8 > Erysliiclas. Salt Rheum , Scald lloid , Oitirrh , weak , Inllamcd and granulated Eyes , crofulous Ulcers and Fe male Disease- all kinds. Alio Kidney nnd Vencrlal diseases. Uomorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon the principle of veget able reform , without the utio of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished who desire them. Hernia or Hupturo radically cured by the use the Elastic belt Truss and 1'laatcr , which had superior Iu the world. CONSULTATION TREE CALL ON Oil ADDHESS 1 Drs , R , Rice and F , D , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old eland. Council Bluffs , Iowa. WILLAUD SMITH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting PliysiciananilSiirgeoiL Office and residence 615 Willow avenue , Coun- cl Hlufla , Iowa. SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Extractlngand flllln a specialty. First-class work ( ruarantccd , DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 11 Pearl Street. Houi , 0 n. in. to 2. , and 2 p. in. , to 5 p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central olllce. F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Office No. 5 , Everett Block , Broad way , ever A. Louio'a lleatuurant , Merchants Restaurant J , A. ROSS , Proprietor. Comer Broadway . .nd Fourth Strccta. Good accommodations , good fare and cour teous treatment. S. E. MAXON , Office over aivlnga bank , OOUNOlLi Iowa , BLUFFS , - - REAL ESTATE. W. 0 , Jamee , In connection with hia law and collodion kuslnew buys and eellg tul estate. Persons wlihtngto buy or sell city propert ) call at hll office , o > er Buahnoll'd book Btore , Pearl itreet. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 4l5Broadway , Council Bluffs tcknowl ged WATER WAVES In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair TOILET RTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price < Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa MRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Elcctropathlc Institution , Phlla dclphla , 1'oonn. OfflCB Cof , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dlscaaoa and pnlnlul dlf- flcultlea peculiar to fptralca a gpocUlty. _ J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Office over First National Bank , Council Blufia , Iowa. Will practice In the elate and federal courta. _ FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can always be found a D. DANEHY'O , 130 Upper Broadway JNO.JAYFBAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 014 BROADWAY , Oonnoil Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B , MAYES , Loans andRealEstate , Proprietor of ahetracta ot Tottawattamlc ctninty. Ollico corner of Broadway and llalu Hircctf , Council Blulfa , lowo. _ JOHN STEINER , M. f ) . , ( DouUchcr Arzt. ) ROOM D , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. t/lKaaca of women and children a Bp3cialty. _ P , J MONTOOMERY , MrD , , PllBK DlHl'ENHAIlY KVEltY S.VTUKUAY. Ollico In E\crctt' block , I'carl trect. Ie ! l ] dcuca * 1:3 Fourth utrect. Office hours from 0 to 2 a. in , , 2 to 4 and 7 08 p.m. Council Muff * FTb. CLARK , PKACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl 7pi lte the postoffico. One ot Iho oldest pratltloncra In Council llludn. Balls Ufactlon ( rutrantoed Iu all ciecs DE , F. P , BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH Pli. CHARLES UHBTKCN. Office met drat store , 411 Broadway , Council Bluff * . Iowa. A ) diseases of the cyo and car iruitcd under the incut approtcd latuiod and all JOHM LINOT , UTORHEV'-'AT-LAW. ' Will practice ID all EtiU ) and Ucltod Statil Jourt * . 8p ak Oetmin lAnj iago , THE BOYER VALLEY. One of tlio Sickest Agriculfcura Regions ill Western Iowa , Ita Wealth Pouring Into th OftpnoioutJ Goffers of Donieon. A Sliotoh of iho Towu ami It People. DENISON , lown , July 28. - county is one of the largest countic of the atnto , having twenty townships and over 700 equnro nitlos. Th Uoyor tivcr taken itscoursu in n eolith westerly direction almost oxnctly froti corner to corner ; the northwest i drained by the Soldier and it bronchos , vrhilo the East Uoyor am West Nishnabotna , include the aouth east , making this one of the boa watered ns uoll M moat producttv counties in the state. Hero an outlr failure in crops lias never boon known although Inst year was tlio lightest 01 record , and this year Iho heaviest aa i whnlo. The barley ia just bcginnini to bo put on the market , wheat i mostly in the shock or utack , corn i looking as healthy aa it over was seen and coming on fnst to ntako up for tin backward spring. All the corcala an unusually good and the potato has i largo acreage" . _ Thin county ia not a well favored with atone as some otlio counties , but has largo fureat tracts ii the south , is Bottling up rapidly , at though there uro good farming landi yet to bo had at fair figures. Dow City , in the aouthwcat , am Vails and \Voataido in the northeast , are noticed in other letter , being oner Kotio. growing young towno of fron 500 to 800 population each. Netulj all of the county ia a HOLUNO 1MUIUIK , and all of it ia fast comingUinder gooi cultivation. The citizen of Orawforc county may well bo proud of his homo and of the rich fields that endure tin droughts of the Rovorpst summers am the Hoods of 1882 , without failing tt yield a bountiful harvest. Just bad of Dunison the land ia broken and hai boon avoided by the Yankee farmer But lately THU OEHMAN VKOMiB huvo boon taking up largo portions o this , and some English families alac have secured parts of it and are tt convert it Into sheep and cattle farms The Gorman element hcreabouta ia o the better class , and form a largo mi norlty of the population of tin county. 11KL01T , BOVOII miles to the north of the count ) Boat , is another ot the Council Blulla settlement. It haa two mills , a gun oral atoro , postoflico , church , black' smith shop , etc. , and is reached b > mail atago , which makes two round trips between Dcnison and Odoboll each week. It ia supported by a rioli farming country on : > ll aidca and con tains about 100 inhabitants. The whole region haa an abundance of good , water from the numerous streams and springs , and by sinking wolla usually twenty-five or thirty feet deep. There ia no etono or coal , but stock and grain are the success , ful productions , v/ith the dairy jusl coming into notice , and the shipping facilities are excellent. DENISON , the county seat , is centrally located and is a town of about 2,000 inhabi tants , and is about G5 miles from Council Bluffs , 40 from the Missouri river , and 115 from Dea Moinos. The town waa laid out in 1850 , by J. W. Donison , from whom it derived ite name. The plot embraces COO or 700 acres , and haa a handsome block re served for a public park. For ito ago and the advantages of being the county seat , it. haa not made the pro gress that many other young towns of the state exhibit , although it haa many good business firms , and moat excel lent energetic business men. There is no building going on this season to neto , and many of the business houses , sidewalks , signs , and the general ar- poaranco of the town indicate that time has been marching along while they have slept , and indicate that iu many cases private enterprise and the needs of the hour are the uppermost in the mind and perhaps lead to nar row channels of business. Many of the finest residences are located on the beautiful avenue load ing from the depot to the "up town , " or the principal business center. Here there is much taste displayed , and the residences show every sign of Tiiiiiirrv IIOMKS , and of refinement , cultivation and wealth. The walk ia shaded by for- eat trees , the house * are kept in good repair , the great variety of fruit and ornamental trees are healthy and well kept , while flowers of rare col lection and great variety and abund ance are arranged artistically ; they please the eve , the morning breeze brings the rattle of the lawn mower , and the dwellers in such localities of the city may well bo proud of ouch "homes In the \veat , " which uro in some respects more desirable than a residence on the world-renowned Euclid avenue In Cleveland , Ohio. ( Jraco park , in the northern suburbs , is the property of J. Fred Moyore. It will in limo'bo improved , and become "thing of beauty , " and at present it Is quite a popular resent for picnics. TUB I'OIIMO IIUIUUNOS wo always taken as an index of the antorpriao of a town. The brick sourt house , which waa built aomo pears ago , has boon enlarged to meet the demand of an increased popula tion and business , It stands on a beautiful knoll , just above and near to the chief business part of the city , in ; ho center of a fenced grove of largo naplo and other foront trees , which lalf hide it from view , and make the jourt yard a pleasant and popular re- lort during the summer days , aa it is k-cpt cleau , and provided with a van ity of benches and chairs. It ia ox- looted that bettor school buildinga ntll soon bo provided. TJIK JIKLIOIOUS JNTKIIU8T8 i ! the place uro not overlooked. The Lutheran , Kpiicopal , Presbyte/ian , iJaptiat , Methndint and CUtholio ihurcheii are orginized , " with good tuildinga , some of which are brick , and the Init throe of the list at strong. THK SRCKKt SOCIETIES include the Masonic , Odd Follows an Iowa Legion of Honor , which ar strong and numorotm , and the V. A S. , 1 , O. G. T. and 0. A. 11 , The Gorman Opera House , quit recently finished , la owned by a Btoc company , principally German , an would bo a credit to any of th ynungur cities of the west , and i probably a bolter honao than DC hanoy'a at Council UlutTs. It ia beautiful frame building atandingalon on the corner , aboto the buay cento of Iho town , is furnished with an c.\ collont stage and stage furniture , an n largo gallery and ia supposed to sea 1,000. THE HUE HKVAUTMENT has a full organization , and isprovidei with a large chemical engine , heel and ladders , etc. , and the boya hav the reputation of being "on hand when needed , The city fathora have protidci sovetal troot lamps , which are pluinl ; visible in the day time , and have es tabliahcd n "grade. " The city ala boasts of a good band , a good location a mixture age , and good businesn rola lions. THK LOOA110K is just above the { unction of the Uoyo and East Uojor , and principally on ai elevated ground bulnuon t huso at reams The Northwestern road , from the cast follows along down the Eaat Buyer p.isalug the edge of the city , and thoi makes n bend directly to the south weal , aa it enters the valley of tin main river. The numerous elevators , mills , shops , foundry lumber yard nnd trading houses no well a dwelling located in Iho valley , near the traoki form a little village almost by itself which has boon termed cullonuially "Tho Navy Yard. " Upon the side o the hills , and along the slopes , ovei beyond the business part of the town neat cottages and comfortable homo ; are pooping out from the forest 01 ihado trees , and the principal businoai liouaos , which include scuno very fun brick blocks , are located 50 or 70 feel above the valley on a bold ridge whicl slopes away in many directions. A portion of the town rising up on thoai tulla and inclines , adjacent to tin rivers , commands magnificent viewi of the village and the surrounding country , and reminds the student o : Valontia , the claaaical athena , tin "City ot the Violet Crown , " whlcl waa surrounded by hills on all aidci but the south , and caught justice oratory and the aria , and gave to tlu world the massive atone temples ii the original Doric architecture , whicl BO closely resembled wood work , as w ( find to day. But turning the dia linger forward again 2,000 years , am we can not do justice to Donison with out noticing some of the larger buai ness houses and some of THE BEI Family. The W .A. Jl'lIKNIlY HANK , on the corner of Main and Broadway , ia one of the earliest institutions ol : ho city. It waa established in 185 ( ) , by Morria MoHonry , now county siir voyor , and for sixteen years count ] troaouror. In 18G5 , his brother , \V , A. McIIonry , came out of the urmj and formed a partnership with him , loing principally a land business. It : 1807 the now member of the finr jought out the older , since which time t hua continued under its prcaonl lame. Mr. MoIIcnry , who ia alee a brothoi of the Me Henry , who wan ono of the chief projoctora and organizera of the Atlantic & Great Western railroad , hai illed an important place in much ol the development of this county , and if doing a general banking business with a paid up capital of ยง 100,000. During , he past year ho has sold 30,000 ncrcr jf land , deals very largely in lands ellis lis own , and during the year haa drawn eastern exchange In the amount of nearly or quite $1,000,000. Hia illico ia in lar o , commodious roonif n hia two-story brick , and is supplied with a good vault , safes , timolocks , ttc. , after the most improved pat > ; erna , and the building ia finished with tera cptU cornice , window caps , ind trimmings , which is seldom found n the weat. Mr. E. HeflloQngor , > resident of the OJIAWKOUI ) COUNTY BANK , iaa been a resident of the place foi ixteen years , The bank waa organ- zud in 187 < > , is located on Main street n a largo brick , and supplied witli a good vault , Hall's aafo , and Yak line lock , does an exclusive banking , txchango and collection business , and draws about $00,000 exchange eacli nonth on an average , They handle n argo amount of money , and in such n ray an to seem absolutely safe. Mr , ) W. Shaw , the cashier , has been nth the bank from ita infancy , and Mr. W. F. Wahl , the aaaiatant cashier , a recent addition to the force , hail ilaced his money in thn institution , ind expects to ( jrow up with it. j. n. JIOMANH , n Liub'n brick block on the opposite orner , ia the oldest bualncou man in own but one. Ho curries a very ienvy _ stock of general hardware and arm implements , and has a tin whop 'attached. " Ho hnn sold 100 liar- testers and binders during the pact car and expects lo do the same this 'car. ' His large salesrooms , warn- louses and sliopn , makes his uaineaa corner eeom like a illago itself , He iu the pioneer hard ware man of the place and cornea like nany othorn of this locality from Minion county , 1 ! . H rUMlTON , list across the street , is the oldest maincBs man of the town , as any thora , who wore before him , are ono. He hua been in business more lian a dozen years , and been a real- out twenty. Ho haa u largo stock of oiieral merchandise , has a good and egular trade , uud owns and nianaiiea nether general sloro at the old town f Boloit. But the visitor in this reat went is sometimes surprinud when he finds hero and there a great rading houao like the general store of I'ENNKV AND MOWJAN , H the cast dido of Main street , in Liiub'a block , Thia "twin" Btoro has no department or room , with cloth- ig , boota and shoca , hats and capa , nd another full of dry goods and ujcorica. They carry heavy stocks of nu goods in all their sovorul lines , nd are supposed to huvo the largest : ock of general merchandise goods to o found between Cedar Rapid * and Council Blu ( & . They were born merchants , and , eared in the buaiaoas , huvo all tlio B , experience and busiiitaa cnur- gf that moke the ancceasfiit bosinos man , and with all they have , what i many men lack , the manners of bus ! noa gontlcman. They are yet youni and have been hero ono year , soil fo ciah , did n $50,000 business the fira yoarj carry about a $25,000 atock discount their bills , and nro doing jus what they Intended to do when the ; C.MDO horti , deal in such A nay lhat i is nn advant.igo for people to dca ngAin , nnd so put young blood lnt < tin's old town. OUKOOUY A\I > ANDr.KSOK , just oppoaito Court llotiso avenue are another firm whore Tin ; : ox peeled every day. They do an ex tensive drug business , and carry i Inrgo atock such ns la generally fount in stores of that kind , They an men of experience , financially Bound have the confidence of the public , di a largo businnas In a btifiineaa < y and may bo termed another prime fao tor In the general progress of 111 place , na their many years of o\porl oiico in this city ia allowing , L. T. I'AHU , next door or two , ia another of th early citir.ena of the place , having booi many years employed hero as clerk ii storea and the poatollice , and now fo eight or 'en yours he htia boon build tug up a business for himself , and to day ho han about the latgoat atoro 0 books , toys , musical inatrnmenla urn stationery , to be found in any rotai store in Western Iowa , and about in largo n store building as any in town , Ho has a large and growing trade , a he has nlmo't the latest slock of thli clnaa of goods between Boone nnd tlu Dlull'd. c. it , in ; wotr , at the "Navy ynrd , " is the volorai lumber man , hnving been in the him her trade hero for sixteen yearn. Tin first half do on yoara he waa the onlj lumber dealer hero , and used to pel building material to parties at Yank ton , Spirit Lnko nnd Ohcrokoo , na tin nearest lumber yards then wore Car roll on the eaat and Woodbine on tlu weil. Ho ia carrying a large atock o : lumber , lime , coal and cement , is recognized ognizod as the pioneer and an independent pendent thinker , has a steady urn uolnblialiod trade , nnd hnndlea about i liundred car loads of coal during tlu year. Mil. u. NTONK IB another of the "aubatantial" met who ia hardly expected to "blow away. " Hois carrying on an extern atve trade in lumber , grain , mill anc live stock , nnd ia the center of largi and very important buoimm interest ! connected with the prosperity of tlu to nn. The old COMMKHIGIAti 1IOUS1 ! liaa boon refitted , repaired , ronowct' and restored to its former glory. Mr , 0. F. Caaonday , the genial host , n always "on hand" with hia naunl energy ergy to minister to the wants of tlu traveling public. Tin : JAOOKU HOUHU iaa modern institution , nnd wni opened to the public juat before the "glar now year. " It ia a largo three atorj [ ramo structure , with bnaotnont , capa < bio of aucommodating a largo trade , and having some DO or10 guest rooms , and ia situated between the depot ami the business center nnd coat probably $10,000. Mossra. Jaggor & Son , tin proprietors nro men of lifo long experience - porienco in hotel business , nnd under- jtntid the public wants , and have furnished the liouuo in n manner thai reflects nn honor to their judgement and a credit to the oily. I ho alrangui la struck with the careful attention It every wenl , and the cheerful way ol anticipating every dcaiio in a mannoi that ia efficient and yet unobtrusive , both in the ollico , the dormitory anc the dining loom , and foolu n conli denco when he realizes that skilled nnd truatod help are everywhere proa < out , and there in no danger from the asual uncertain and irregular "help" : hat ia often the torment of the traveler. It ia no wonder that the veritable "traveling man" should clutch wildly at my arm aa I stepped oil'the train here and say "Jagget Eloiiae , yea indeed. Oh , what bread 1" [ t was hero wo mot the busy A. I , Manuel , the trusted agent of Metcull Bros. , on FarnamRtroot , and the rep resentatives of one or two other Omn- ia houses , who were making the "initial trip , " and having a good trade for the first visit. Hero too wo mot II 0. Holloa , of the H. A. Holloa1 book store , stationery nnd binding es tablishment at the Blufia , juat oppo- Bite TIIK BEK office , nnd F B. Woodrow - row , of Omaha , who ban ao many fear been the confidential agent of the liradstroot Commercial Agency , nnd one ot the beat buBincus men on Ihu road. But wo leave the new hotel and new bus nnd the "happy family" ; o notice the nnwapapora. THIS 11KVIKW Yiis established Hlxtocn years ago , has 'or many years published n Gorman ind English ropublicaneditiona , claims a circulation of 1,500 and the "boas" ypo , who is the sister of Iho present editorial head , nnd n nmrvnl of nccur- icy and rapid execution , The paper mu for 8 or 10 yeani boon under the control of J , Fred Myers , the preuent lOHtnmatcr nnd editor of the Konpa- oil. During the pant year it IIUH > aayud into the hands of the Wrigley iroa , , who have been putting in some low "machinery , " and propose to keep ho ofiico up to the full standard , T1IEUUAWKOUI ) COUNTY HULLHTIN a u nine column folio , and one of the ending democratic paptrn of Western own. Ita editor and publisher , A , 1 , Keith , has been identified with this mpcr since its infant days , m n nutivo if Maine , the "Fox atato , " haa been lonored by the party us ono of ita taiidiird-buaierH , who desired to bo looted to the position of Secretary of Stale in Iow ; publishes hm circuln- Ion at 1,200 , does good mechanical work , nmketJ hia editorials on type writer , nnd mix them up with more un , wit , " ( HIM , " dreuma and "nilkinds of politics , ' to the uquaro inch , than litiylhiiig to be found this aide of Brick 'inner y and the Boomerang , It ia no of Uiu official papers of the county. OONNKU ANI > HIIAW re , perhaps , the loading law firm of ho county. They nro located in jlrecnoiigh & Bullock's block , have jet'ii nearly n decade na lawyers at hia place , keep u cot u ( abstract > ooks , and do a large law , collection , oan and real oatalo buamcsj , and aa u aw firm rank aa tint oldeet in tlio ounty , Mr , L. M. Btmw , of thiu inn , haa no "hankering for ollico , " jut , J , P , Connor , hid partner , han ived in the utute from childhood , and s thn proiaaiitlng attorney for tlai 'hirceunth district of lo\ra. aAllUITON AND UUllKUTii ro another active firm of energetic To tlie Consumers of Carriages & Buggi Ux ) I have a complete stock of all the Latss * ; Stiylen of Carriages , Phaetons and Open and Top Bugg esr Consisting of The Celebrated Brewater Sida Bar , The Hamlin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring , The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton. Also the Old Reliable JBliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are ell made ot the best materials , aid un der my own supervision , . I should bo pleased to have thosa desirous of pur chasing to call and examine my stock , I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIBLUFFSiA. - . , ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LACKAI AfflA , LEHIG-H , BLOSSBTO AND ALL CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC , Oillco No. 34 Fenrl Btroot , Yards Oor. Bihth Street ivnd Blovonth Avenue , Oouncll Blnfl'a. P. T. iMAYNE. 0. E. JIAYNE GOUiGL ! ! BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Best of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Hlghont. Murkot Pries Paid for 'V ' Corn , Oats [ , Rye , Barley IBIROOIM : Parties Wiahing to .Bell BroomJOorn Will Pleaae "Send Snmple. OO. GOTO 536 r 1 klnda of fancy gooli , auoh as IACOI , Kmbroldorlos , Udlos' Undormii' ot all dcacrlptlona. Also llandliorchlela , both In nllk and linen , hoao of all Klnd , throil. piuj iiuoilloH , i to. Wo hope the laules will call and sou our stock of Roods at 633 Broadway b'foro ire i'lg olBowliero. M E T C A L F BROS. , ' WJ10LK8ALB UKALKIW IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves , OHIOAQO PHIOEa DUPLICATED. r'oiuig ' moil , who are doing a Inrgo luainuaa in law , lunn nnd ubntruotinn , 'and have tliuir ollicu ever the Mo ll miry b.uik. If wo ImJ not nlroacly made hit ) lutlur too long , wo would nolico Japt , W. Kraniliuu , who lius bold n mlf million iicroa of hind in Ihia und adjoining countiew during tlio punt du/.on yuiirfl ; tlio inainiiioth druK store of JJnllook and Ahrona ; W , T. Wright , ii. D. , who , aa un old citizen , triinu- brtnod into n now doctor , Imu ro > urnod to hplp rcliovo tlio paine that 'ilimh in lioir to ; " the crcamury , and ha display of out orprlso und ijood tuoto n tlio arrangoinont of the tjrouiidti , ) ! iriH and ollicoa of the railroad coin- > any liuro , but tuny bo periniltod to io BO at an otlipr limo. Avoca and ) iuilnj ) pool with Council Blud'u in tolding the honors of foot racing no- orioty , and Dunlap , Dow and Wood' jlno ara joined with old Kanovillo to contest the diamond fluid ; West Side and Vnil are all agog over every fua- turo of the horao racing , and Doniaon Biniloa r.nd "druania" over the nniond- nuut , and from it ago and location nuy bo called the Gibraltar of the Joyor vulloy. HUCKKVK. C.U1 you find u cvio of Bright'o > iaeuao of HID ICidnoya , Dmbutoa , Ui1. nary or Liver Coinplainta that IB cur- ublo , tliut Hop Bitters him not or can. lot euro ? .Adk your neighbor if they can , MOEGAN MILITARY ACADEM'Z , A Clir.nt'Mi Kanilly Pchool for lloj . 1'rtparia trL'o \ ' > ju , H leu II. . Inn ) or lliialnnu b'u d o Otipt , I'JD , N. KIIlKTALOOrT | > | * n 1 rKitiil' ark , Cook Co. , Ill . ( or catalo ue , ' JlUJlQw a BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMINING AND GRAINING , Shop Corner Broidway and Soott 8k HUGHES , I&.TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Contectionery , FruitslTuts Cigars aud Tobacco , i'resh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season , 12MAINSrf. , Oouuoil Bluft'd. _ Ono of the beat attend claea Hotels In tha West In I he BROAD W AT HOTEL , A. i : mWH'.N , I'roi'rlutor. ' Nos. 631 and 630 Broidtvay , ( ouncll Blufld , low , Table supplied nlth tha boat tha market af ford * . ( } uod rooms and Jlrnt-elwfj boJj. Toriua- tcry UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C , Gerspacher & Son * KIllST CLASS HOTKt , AT UKASONAULE1 I'HICUS. TKANB1E.TM ACCOUltOOATED- IIUFKL FOB HALC. CI001) HUA80iJ3 KOfc MKLLINU.