1 THE DAILYBJBK : EBIDAY , AUGUSI 11 \ THE VETERAN Sailroafl Engineer iu the Worli His Quiet Eesidonce la Omnln Sketch of ft Llfo Full of Strlklr Events. A representative of THE BEE lia the pleasure find honor this mornir of shaking hands with \V. W. Goodnt who Is without doubt the oldest loci motive engineer in the world. Ho ri sides nt present in the city on Waltu street with ft son-in-law , Joseph Ua atoad , n conductor on the U. P , whither ho came from Urookfloli Mo. , about four months ago. Mi Qoodnlo is now almost blind , havin had his eyesight injured ycara ago a horoaitor doacribod. In 1831 ho first went on the rallroa and the difference between that or , nnd the present in this branch o business , of course , opens up n them that would require volumes to treat ii full. Mr. Qoodalo's life covora thii opan of momentous events , and ol course an interview with him canno' fail of interest.Vo present the ro suit of a brief conversation with thi veteran : W. W. Ooodalo was born in North nmpton , Mass. , Decembers , 1803 , anc consequently is in his Bcventy-nintl year. Ho was a steamboat onginoot on Lake Erie iu 1830-S1-32 , ruuninc the old William Penn , one of the first fltoamors on the lakes. Ho com menced running n locomotive-engine on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad in 1834. As is well known , this was the first railroad operated in the United States , and it wan begun in 1828. When Mr. Qoodalo went onto it , the roadway waa in running order to El- licott Mills. Ho distinctly roinombora about the great excitement in connec tion with the enterprise , the prophe cies of failure and the wondorn at its Duccoas. The engine ho run was the old "Arab , " ono of the first put upon the road. At the opening of the Cumberland Valley road in 1838 , running from Harrisburg to Ohamboreburg , Pa. , he took u now engine and wont to work upon this road. From there , shortly after , ho wont to Philadelphia , and in 1810 ho shipped n newly built ongint from the old locomotive manufactory of Norria & Long , of that ctty , by schooner to Now York , from Now Yoik to Albany on a barge , and from Albany on the Erie canal to within ton miles of Rochester. Hero ho sot the engine up himself , put her upon the track of the now Rochester A Auburn road , which was only com pleted at that time for four miles , and , preparatory to raising steam , had to till ho boiler with water carried from the Erie canal in buckets. Ho stayed on this road till 1842 , putting the throe first engines on the road and remaining until it wan com pleted. From there ho wont Buffalo , and on the 2d day of September , 1812 , pulled the first train over run 'out of that city. The trip was from Bullalo to within a few miles of Attica. Wil liam Wallace was Eiiporintondent of the road and a man by the name of Ponfiold was the conductor ouv this train. At this time there wore BB yet no "T" railn , all were of the "strap" variety. , . Mr. Goodalo stayed on this toad until 1844 , then worked for a tinio on the Philadelphia & Reading road. In 1845 or 1840 ho took the engines "Jack Little" and "Henry Rugbies" on the Long Island road running from Brooklyn to Groonport. Some time in 184(1 ( , ho wont on the Nor- wicli and Worcester road with n now engine. This was at a time when the fast-running excitement broke out , and the roads wore attempting to es tablish schedule time of ono mile in ono and a half minutes. Ho stayed on the road until 1849 , when Norris , the Philadelphia locomotive manu facturer , sent for him to take engines to Chili , South America. Before he started on his trip , ho run for six months on the Hudson river road. The engines for Chili being ready they wore shipped in a sailing vessel around Capo Horn , but Mr. Goodalo crossed the Isthmus and arrived in time to receive his engines. Ho soon had them up and running on the Oal- dora & Oopladown road , part of which has since boon sunk by an earthquake. Ho returned to the United States in 1852. In 1851 ho came West and wont to work on the Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy , whore ho remained until 1857 , when , in fix ing the grate in an engine furnace , ho became overheated and took a cold which settled in his eyes , causing blindness that lasted to the present. At this time Mr. Goodalo was pretty well off , Besides losing thu four years' time , hojipont $5,000 for medi cal treatment. Nome , of Philadel phia , finally sent for him and placed him under the care of the celebrated French oculist , Latollo , of that city. Ho finally recovered sulllciontly to re sume work at intervals. In 1805 hu came ouf. on the "Old Reliable" Hannibal & St. Joseph , during the administration of L. W. Towno nnd Charley Mead. Ho was given u new engine , the "Fort Scott. " Ho ran on this road nt such times as his eyes would permit , until about four years ago. His last work was running th switch engine in the yard at Brookfield - field , Mo , After that ho kept n board- ng house , but did not make the bus. inoss succeed ; iu fact , ho says , ho lost over $ iOO in it. Mr. Goodalo has been married three timoH , His last wife died the lath of December , 1880. The old gontlemiui is quite well preserved for ono of his ngo. His health is need except his , eyes. Many a man fifty years of ago looks older than "Papa" Goodulo , an the railroad boys are in thu iwbit oi calling him. His mental faculties ore yet strong and active , iiis memory particularly good , und ho him n very interesting and intelligent convcrea- tional manner. Ho is undoubtedly the oldest living locomotive engineer in the United States , if not in the world. Think ol a life of fifty years on the rail , begun ou the first railroad over built in thu country , and ou almost the first engine ever put upon the road , und continued almost uninterruptedly until the ngc cf 70 is reached. What a life of thrill- ing experience and wonderful remit isconco ! Lots of newspaper spa < might bo filled up , to the great intu est and profit of a world of reader from the recollections of this old ci ginocr. During all his service on rai roads ho never had but ono accidcn when an explosion occurred , Iu speaking of this Mr. Goods laughingly said , "Just ask A. Trs ; nor , the U. P. baggage man. IJ was my fireman nt the time nnd ca describe the blow-up better than L Besides other losses of hard earne money , Mr. Goodalo hassullorod froi endorsing for n fatso friend so thi now ho is n poor man. Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Ltvt Cure. aug7-dlw Army Orcloru , The following nro the latest ordoi issued from the department of tli Plntte : First Lieutenant James F. Slmpoor R Q , M. , Third cavalry , is relieve from duty at Fort D. A. Russell , W T , , and will , under instructions of th general of the army , proceed in chnrg of the onlialod men of his regiment n ForlD. A. Russell , W. T. , to Whip plo Barracks , Arizoua. The quartermaster's department wil furnish the necessary transportation Recruit James Boggs , enlisted a Fort Omaha , Neb. , is assigned t < Company I , Sixth infantry , nnd wil bo Bent to his station on the first favor able opportunity. Private William H. Cormick , Trooj F , Third cavalry , is relieved from dutj as messenger nt these headquarters , Privates William H. Cormick nnd Frank Glover , troop F , Third cavalry , will proceed hence to Whipplo Bar racks , Arizona , in charge of public animals. The quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transportation , md the subsistence department commutation - mutation rations for fifteen days , it being impracticable to carry cooked rations. The quartermaster's department wil furnish transportation fur ono man quartermasters employe , hence to Whipplo Barracks , Arizona , in chnrgo of public animals. Private Charles J. Donaldson , band Fifth cavalry , now nt Fort Omaha , Nob. , will rejoin his station , Fort Sid ney , Nob. Leave of absence for ono month is granted Major Edwin V. Summer , Fifth cavnlry. The general court martial convened it Fort Omaha , Nob. , by paragraph 5 , special orders No. 70 , current series , from thcso headquarters , is dissolved. Roj uvonatod. 72 PKUU STREET , \ Ind. , July 8 , 1881. / H. II. WAUNEH it Co. : SIM For twenty years I have boon nillictod with liver complaint. I tried various rem edies , but received no benefit until I commenced the use of your Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure , which gave mo permanent relief. augl-dlw EDWIN A. CASTOR. THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT. EJow It Is Constituted A Feeble Representative of the People. Jipt. Mt ) no Hold In N. Y. Tribune A man without mangy , or of only uodoruto moans , entering parliament , s a thing never thought of. Such a nan never thinks of it himself ; what ever his self-knowledge of fitness or tiia ambition may bo ; and no more , however fit others may doom him. Even the preliminary expenses of elec tion are sufficiently deterrent ; nnd , rhat must accrue after , whether elect- ) d or rejected , will further impoverish f not totally ruin him. For a poor nan , therefore , aspiring to parliament , , ho cost makes its absolutely prohibi- , ivo ; and the few such sent thither are inly eccentric ncoptions , whoso 'riends and admirers have stood spun- iors for them by footing the bill. With the house of commons com- losad as it is , it wore the veriest bur- esquo to speak of it as a ropresonta- ivo assembly. In numbers it has mpugh and to spare , but in all else do- icioncy ; and I venture the affirmation , htit if the names of the first thousand non mot promenading the strootq of London were written upon slips of pa- mr , thrown into n hat , and G52 of : hem drawn out again by blind lottery , , hey would bo found quite as fit legisla tors as the elect of St. Stephen's. Per- : iaps better fit , for allowing thorn only ; ho fair average of honesty nnd cnpac- ty it is not likely there would bo as nany numbskulls nnd political em pirics among them ; certainly there iould not bo more , In serious truth , the parliament of England , as at present constituted , oprosonts not the English people in my way worth their being represented. Vnd just for this reason is it nil but loworloss , as the crown and its secret ulvinora thoroughly well know. In- loud , its action is almost as mythical is its imaginary representation , In iroof of this many events of daily oo- iurronae.uiight be adduced ; but none jottur demonstrating it than the va garies of the late Lord Bouconsfield , , vho as prime minister for n matter of lix years ruled the realm as though parliament had been swept out of ex istence. With the crowu at his back ind nothing else , ho declared wars , ind levied armies to wage them ; ordered troops to bo transported from [ ndia to Malta and back again , do- jreod an invasion of Afghanistan which commencing with dishonor , Midod in disgrace ] did the same in Southern Africa , with like results ill merely to exalt himself and gratify the vainglory of the god Jingo that nalovolont divinity too oft presiding n-er the destinies of England And ill this murderous , wasteful work , yas done without the authority of par- iamoiit , or warning given to it even 10 much no saying "with your leave , " When done , parliament was merely wkod to pay the bill , or rather do- iimndud to do so , siuco it could not well bo repudiated , The extravagant uxppudituie , not yet paid nor fully indited , has coat thu nation sonioH-lO- 300,000 storllnp ; as sacrifice that will bring retribution for the wrongs done , if not humiliation. And its baneful affects will hang like a millstone wound England's nook for the next half century of her existence. Iu point of fact , the English parlia ment , oven allowing it to bo n fair representation of the people , instrni uf a feeble ono , is intrusted with only i portion of the national law-making ; i largo slice of it emanating from privy council , in other words , dire from the crown. This permanent a thority is endowed with all the thn powers of government judicial at executive as well AS legislative ar can issue decrees or edicts many < them relating to most important ma ters. They are supposed to need ii doreomont by the parliament befoi becoming lawj but there is a voi loose construction put upon this leav which is often forestalled , and usual ! taken for granted , The people , nccu tomod to bo ruled by somebody abo\ them , never call those decrees inl question , but look upon thorn as ha' ing nil the force of law. To them tl privy council is n mysterious bi potential entity , of yhich they mu not speak , or only with bated breatl If disposed to complain of its actioi they know it to bo an irrcsponsib ! power , far above and beyond tl ; roach of their voices. As a result of this its natural an logical sequence Is the indifferent of the English people to exercising tl franchho a very apathy. For whi interest can a man have in voting wit the conviction that his vote is n < worth the casting ? For it Is not wort casting in England , at least as rcgarc her parliament ; and were this dissolve to-morrow , and permanently , it woul not bo greatly missed , So I once more repeat my assortioi with the hope that I have justified i saying : If over there was D. myth c misconception in the world , it is thr of England's having n rcprosontntiv form of government. Nor fear 11 add that ono nearer the opposite coul not well bo contrived or imagined short of absolutism itself. -A pint of the finest ink for fare Hies or echools can bo niado from ton-cent package of Diamond Dye Try them. STRONG FACTS ! A great many people are asking what particular troubles BROWN'S IRON HITTERS is good for. It will cure Heart Disease , Paral ysis , Dropsy , Kidney Disease , Con sumption , Dyspepsia , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood , thus beginning at the foundation , and by building up the system , drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism , Baltimore , Md. , May 7 , iB8o. My health was much sn.ittereil by RhcumaiUm when I commenced taking Ilrcmn's Iron Hitters , and I scarcely had strenptli enough to at tend to my dally liouiehold duties. I amnowusingthethlrdbottleand I am redlining strength dally , and I cheerfully recommend It to all , I cannot say too much In praise of It. Mrs. MAHV I UIIASIIUAH , 173 i'rcstmanst. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg , Va. , i83r. Suffering from kidney disease , from which I could cct no relief , I tried lirown's Iron iiitlcrs , which cured me completely. A child of mine , recovering from scarlet fever , had no appetite and did not teem to be able to eat at aI. ) 1 gave him Iron Hitters with the happiest results. J. KVLU MONTACUH. Heart Disease.Vine Vine St. , HarrlsburR , Pa. Dec. 3 , iBSi. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving nny benefit , I was advised to try lirown's Iron Hitters. I have used two bottles tles and never found anything that gave ine so much relief. Mrs.JitNNin Hess. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies arc subjecl , BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine , D. M. WELTY , ( Successor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING iolios , Dusters and Turf Goods of ALL UKSCIUPTIONa. Agent to ; Jas. IU Hill & Co.'s IQNCOitD , HARNESS ' 'Tho ' Best in The World , " Orders Solicited. OMAHA , NEB mo ly Side Spring Attachment Not Patented. A. J. SIMPSON , LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY , 1409 and 1411 l > oJo Htreot , aug 7-mo Cm OMAHA , TS73BCX1 MONITOR OILSTOVi Improved for 1882 , THK BEST AND ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFI STOILOVK IN THE WORLD. Every housekeeper fools the wnntc something that will cook the dail food .indavoid the cxcoasivohcnt , dual litter and iwhea of n coal or wood stove THE MONITOR OIL STOVE WIL1 DO IT , bettor , quicker and cheapo than anyothor moans. It is the ONI/ ! OIL STOVE nmdo with the Oil RESERVOIR ELEVATED at th back of the atovo , a way from the heat by which arrangement A13SOLUTJ SAFETY is secured ; an no ga-s can b goncrnted , fully twenty per cent mor neat ia obtained , the wicka are pre nerved twice as long , thus saving th trouble of constant trimming and th expense of now ones. EXAMIN3 TI1E MONITOR and you will buym other. Manufactured only by the Monitor Oil Steve Oo , Cleveland 0 Bond tor descriptive circular or cal on M. Rogers & Son , amenta for Nebraska braska THE Of Omaha. laa purchased ot the CorliaaSMo Manufacturing Co , , of I'rotldenco , H. Ta8.tfa which Is guar anteed In writing to b , "aloluteltj burgtai iroof for apcrlod ot thlrty-elx hours continuous ind u dltturbcd a'tack with the use of sue ! tools and appltcanccaaaa burglar can employ , ' and In a practically unconditional way. This bink clctlrts a thorough test niado upon hla cafo. nndln casd of failure to etand It , the lank will ho at llbnrty to purchase any other safe and may return this to the manufacturer * . Any party lx nt liberty toundortako thoatracn who will furnish e-itlsfactory bond to pay al lama ro to the safe , In case It la not entered In hv Btiimhud time. Tna Corliss Company agree n writing to deposit with this bank the sum ol 5,000 00 , upon the signing of an agreement above thu raid sum to bo p'accd within the afo and to bo forfeited to the pirty operating in case It Is forcl ly opened and hi contents rab traded I1ENKY W. YATES Cashlc. THE KENDALL PLAITIM IAGHHE I DRESS-OTERS' OOIfiPAHIOH , It plaits raai l-.jof a n Inch to width la the coarsunt ( cite or flno-it si ks It docs all kinds ana styles of I tilting In CBD No lady that does her own drcw-m&klng cat Cord to do without ono oa nice plaiting U Dover outer faxblon , if seen It sells Itiiolf , foi Uachlneu , Circulars or CONQAK & 00. , GRAY'S SPECIFIC MIUMCINE TRADE BIAnK1" GreatTHIlJl MARK English rcm- edy. An un failing cure i for Seminal Weakness , Sparmator- rhea , Iiunot- ency , and all Diseases that4" BEFORE TAKIMa.ioquerncaa AFTER TAKINO. Sell-Abuse ; as Loss of Memory , Universal Lassl tude , Tuln In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Premature mature Old Age , and many other Diseases thai lead to Insanity oi Consumption and a Prcma. turo Grave. 9FuIl particulars In oar pamohlet , which wo desire to send free t v mall to every ono , ffTbo Speclfl cMcdIcla ( old by all druggist ! at 81 per package , or Gpacktzes for ? 5 , or will be sent free by mall on ree' ipt of the money , by addrejslu ; TUEQIUY 1EDICINK CO. , BuBalo , N. T. ncTrnp-cfid y vff - 'fj * , hU great rpccillc cum that most loathsome . Vhothor in its Primary , Secondary , or Tertiary Slago. cct of Morcuiy from tl.oejctc urea Scrofula OJd t'oron , Hlmiiimtlsm , Kczma , f a arrh , or any lllood biecaso. Jures When Hot Spriugs MAVHRN , AUR. , May . 18S1 Wo have caioa In onr own town who llrad at lot Snrlnga , and were finally uircd with S , S. B. llnGAMMON k llCBKT , Mcmphli. Term. , May 13 , 1681. We hare sold 1 2IU lottlie of the S , B , a. In A ear. It hau eltcu uul\cr al tatUfactlon. Fair ilnded plij.IcUna now retominoi d It ai a posl- \eijxclfiu. ks. MAMiriitLu & Co < g | LouUUllu , Ky. , May 13.1631. 8. R. 8. li 8ghen btttcr uil > faction than auy ucdlilnu I ever told. J , A , KLKXSKK. Danur , Ccl. . May 1 , 1631. K\ery jmr.ha ert peaks In the tiiKhcst t'ranof . S. a. L. a. H. 8. liMgheu better B&tlefactlon than any cmedy lor bicod d siaioi wo II.MI over handled , f CI1IU.XR A STKVl.NH. HUOPOCIT S. 8. S. atop the lulr from falling ut In a ihort time , Wonderful eflctU In all tklu rtlooddlsoaeoD. W. H RmitRSON , Dallag , Tex.H lures When all Other Homed ics Fail ! f YOU doubt , come to ug and < K WILL oii cliarm notniui ; 1 1 > rtlcuiar uil copy 01 III'4 " " " Ui uno UiitortuimtMmii/iriii A lt any prumT out drur Ut B to our nUndlng. 81.UUU Bo\7crd * l b P ld to * " * ' hemSrwUo OT find , on analjiliof 100 tottleof . 8. B , , one particle of llercury , Iodide ot PoUB- am oi any Mineral iutxtanro. BWire BPEOIPIO CO. Prow , ( Per Dottle ) Atlanta , da. Price ot umall alie , ' 11.00. BroKliti OenerUlr. yon suRer from Dyspepsia , USD nUniOCi'LOOD D1TTER If you are afnlcUJ with nilloii'ncsiite nUUDOCK KLOOD BlTTEUl If ) ou are jirostratod with tick Headache , take BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTER ! f your Bowels are disordered , rcpulate them wit B011DOCK BLOOD BITTER ! If iur Blood Is nipuro , purify It with IlUKDOCK BLOOD BITTER ! If you ha o Indigestion , jou will hndan nnttdol In BUKUOCK BLOOD HITTER ! If you are troubled with Sprlnp Complaints , ci adlcato them with BUUDOCK BLOOD BlTIERf If your Liver Ii torpid , restore it to healthy nctlo with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver Is affected , > ou will find a sure n etoratlvoln BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Ifon hn\cany npcclcs of Humor or Pimple , fa1 not to take BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If you hao any symptoms ot Ulcers or Scrofulou Sores , a curathe remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS For Imparting strength and vitality totheejE tern , nothlug can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS For Ncnoun and General Dcbllky , tone up th pjstcmwlth BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Price , 01.00 pel Bottle ; Trla DottlealOGU FOSTER , MILBURN , & Do , , I'rops ' BUFTALO , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. t Ooodman. Jo 27 cod-mo Disease la an f fleet , not a cause. IU origin U within ; ita manifestations without , llcnce , tc cure the disoiso the cAUSRmust UD rcmoxed , and In no other way can ft euro ever bo effected , "WARNER'S SAFEK1DNDY ANB LIVER CURE Is cstaulisheJ ou just this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arize from deranged kidneys an liver , and It strikes at once at the root of the difficulty. The elements of whichlt Is composed act directly upon thcso great organs , both aa a FOOD at-d RPSTOPXR , and , by placlDg them In a healthy , condition , drive disease and pain from the sjctem. For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un healthy Kldnejs , LUer and Urinary Orpans ; for the dlstro slnp Dleordcraof Women ; for Malaria , inrt physical deranpcmeiits gonerallj , this great rcm-dy ha ) no equal. Ill u are of Impostors , Im itations and concoctions said to bo just as good. DI For sale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER & CO. , mo Rochester N. Y. The Greftt Lngiish Komedy falls ta cute gNer\-oU3 Debility , VI- fltnl Exhaustion , Kmls- unions , Seminal Wcak- Bnc39oflLOSTMAN \1HOOD \ , and all the jc11 | effects of youth- Jltul follies and oxces- 'lies. ' It stops perms- ncntly all weakening. I involuntary lossts and drains upon the BJS- Item , the Inevitable re- . , „ "suit of these ovilprac- Ucea , which are so destructive to mind and body ind make llfo miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Ncncs.Urain , ; memorU Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Kepro- Juctlvo Organs , It restores to all the organic [ unctirns their former vigor and vitality , ma king llfo cheerful and cnjojable. Price , S3 a Bottle , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by Bxprcss. secure from observation , to any address , Dn receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. sent , except in receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Letters rj- ; ucstlng answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills ire tbt best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous mre la the market. Sold by all druggUU. Price SO cents. Du. MiKTix'8 KruNir REMXDT , NicrRirriccM , Purest II kind of Kidney and bladdcrcomplalnte , ronorrhca , gleet and leucorrhca. For eale y all laugglsts : tl a bottle. KNOLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. Jan26-lv jV If jouiiii m n V v of uuj4w-sa , al Yv jmir ilutlea uvoli' jt \ > rrlc , to ret lore brain ni'M i hr Hop OitteVa > l > l' Hop Q Ujouarejounpmil dtecivtlon ur dluslpft Hun i If you art. in > rle < t or l t'l , old or i-ouiiKmiri.rlii } ' ' " * porw altti ur ItutRiilfU I Int ; on it fC ) A % i neva , rtly ou Hop iBltttirfl. WhuoTer yoanro. lit from > > inK .rhinuvcr you In I ' 11 ° * * K 1 u that your -f-luflllf. ? Inkur lUtiiuiatlnir , take Hop Bit te * . jvjii'ta , Milriry , bumU. Mood , hfutn < rnl You will tie curudlfjoiiuse Hop Dlttar * Ijou rp Im rlr weak and Io rHlrlUdti7 it i It m n y ave your liro. It hne aitvnd hun dreds. To Nervous Sufferers THE CHEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific H Ii a ponitlvncure for bptrmatoithea , Ecmlna Yeohures. ImixtUncy , and all dlscosei rcsultlog ram Self-Abuse , as MenUl Anxiety , Lossi y , I'tlni In the Ctck or Side , and dUcisct ' ut jc a t0 Consumptloa insanity aui . - . earlygrare 7) ) The Srcclflc Medlelno U uelu ; used with wonderful - ful curceas. . _ . . Pamphlets cot fre to All. Write foi them and get full pur- Pflce , Spociac , $1.00 per package , or lr pack , , iti for 18.00. Addrres all orJen to 0. E1USON HKDI01NK CO. Nog. 101 and 106 lliln Bt BuHalo , N. T. SoM In Omaha by 0. V. Goodman , J. W , Bell , ' , K. Iih , And oil arujiflitaoTerywhere. i i - ifcw W.B. MILLARD. jj. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PllODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Pock & Banehers Lard , anfl Wilbor Mills Floor OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : ORLVHA 1SATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. cr. T.BEIO"W : : CT& ; oo Boots and Shoes , OMAHA , HEB. O. IE1. TCDKT , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. /HTAnjono / contemplating bulltllng store , hank. or any other flno nlll find It to tholr Ad vantage to cor res end with us bclora purchasing their 1'lnto Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. IF O MMM tm * r n 1213 Farnbpm SK 33 WHOLESALE- h On River Bank , Bet. Farnhani and Douglas Sts , , tno DEALERS IN Fire and Burglar a . V 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , JMSGN & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS > AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of mm m IANPACTURED TOBACCO. Lgonts for BKNWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & EAND POWDER CO. JOBBER OF AND WINDOW EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA' ' % $ afit&l \ynoLKaAu : AND RETAIL DEALKR IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , JASH , DOORS , BUNDS , P iflLDiNGS , LI IE , GEM EM -8TAtK AQKNt KOB MILWAUKKS CEMENT COUPANVJ liTear Union Pacific DotDot. - - OMABAWB POWER AND HAND trarcraui Cl3 ut Kn S Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , , .mm . PIPB' IALLADAY.W1HD-IV.ILLS CHURGHVUWG.IOOL BELLS Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.