Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1882, Image 1

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VTCAT ? . . ,
That Undertaken by England
with the lid and Comfort
of Turkey ,
"Our Firm Friend and Faith
ful Ally" Lovingly Loana
oa Ottomans.
'JLho Rebel Chief Proclaimed
and Ordered to Bow to
the Khedive.
Arnbl Responds by Mounting
Eleven More Guns on His
Lines Near Ramleh.
The Irlih Arroara Bill Pnssod and
the Pcolcm Sooari * Mora
" 48 Ar.'ost of Henry George Conviction
of Fenians , Etc.
Speclnl Dispatch to The lice.
sultan's proclamation declaring Arabi
Paoha a rebel , also condomod the con
duct of the military leaders as rebel
lious and criminal , and mentions the
friendly relations of the porto with
great anti-Chnatmn dcmonotration oc
curred at the funeral in Boyrout of a
Moslem found murdered , and who
was reported killed by Christians. The
police sympathized with the mob.
Many Christians fled to the moun
tains. A score of others woroarrcsted ,
but only ono killed. Further dis
turbances are feared.
LONDON , August 10 - In the com
mons Gladstone stated Admiral Say-
mour has given the khedive distinct
assurances relative to the intentions
of the government. The indefinite
ocsupution of Egypt , ho said , was not
contemplated. 'The ultimate condi
tion of Egypt could not bj settled by
any on * power.
AiexANDitiA , August 10.-Two of
Arabi Pasha's spies have boon cap
tured. Troops will henceforth bo sup
plied with water from condensers.
Cartright , acting British consul gener
al , in v'ew of the difficulty of obtain
ing water , has sent a circular to for
eign consuls asking them to inform
their respective governments o the
great importance ot preventing an in-
croaao in the number of arrivals hero.
Arabi Pasha mounted eleven addi
tional guns in his first line of en
trenchments to-day.
A Circassian who passed through
Arabi Paaha'a camp , states that a col-
: encl , uaptaiu..ind Bubaltdm and seven
ty-six men were killfd on the rebel
i side in the engagement of Saturday.
k He confirms the report of Arabi'a bad
health. He nays twenty-five battalions
and eleven batteries are posted along
the canal between KafrElDwar and
the advanced outposts. An Egyptian
trooper of the khedive'a guard woo
' taken prisoner while attempting to
cross the lUniloh lines. A paper in
Arabic was found upon him. The
probability is ho was making for
Arabi's camp.
While Mrs. Stone was waiting for
the train , Yakob Pasha expressed his
regret that Qetiorul Stone h..d cast his
lot with the E.iglish. Ho begged
Mrs Stone to tell her husband the
Egyptian army would showhowgroatly
it had profited by the twelve years' in
structions it had received from him.
It is reported the enemy will
evacuate the works opposite llumlah
following is the text of the proclama
tion upainat Arabi Pasha , communi
cated to the conference :
Arabi Pashu , having a second time
transgressed the law by taking author
ity which does not belong to him , and
having presumed to menace vessels
belonging to the old and tried friend
and ally of Turkey , is for these mis
deeds proclaimed a rebel , together
with his adherents. Bo it known to
all , that obflidonca ia duo solely to tie !
khedive , who ia the representative of
the sultun.
to-day'e silting of the conference the
Britiuh ambassador announced the as
sent of England to the proposal of (
Count Corti , Italian ambassador , for : >
temporary international piotoction of
the Sutz canal. Ho repeated his
declaration that the landing of Turk
ish troops in Ejiypt must bo preceded
by thu proclamation against Arubi
Pasha , and conclusion of a military
convention with England. The con
ference will take no cognizance of the
Anglo military convention. It is un
derstood Lord Duflorin does not insist
that England shall have supreme com
mand of troops in Egyp * .
council composed of Admral Seymour
and leading military authorities have
boon sitting on board the Helicon loa
investigate the effect of the bombard
ment of the forts , The i-vidance aof
naral and military officers is that masonry -
sonry is useless against modern guns ,
but that earthworks turn every shot.
A council was also held , at which
the Duke of Connaught wan present.
LONDON , August 13 , In the house
of lords to-day , Lord Carlingford : ,
lord of the privy seal , moved the
adoption of the amendments of the
commons to the house of lords amend
ments to the arrears bill.
Salisbury mid the object of his
amendments to the bill was lo pro
vide against Injury to landlords who
had solvent tonanta. Ho believed , ho
said , the bill was a public blunder and
tint it would not bo a final measure.
The bill without a provision requiring
the assent of landlord would bo most
pernicious and an act of simple rob
bery. The peer * , ho atldpd , who as-
sistcd in passing his amendments con
sidered it not advisable to reject the
bill. lie therefore would now chul-
lonpo a division. Salisbury added the
conservative peers at a meeting at his
residence to day , decided by an over
whelming majority , that , in view of
the state of affairs in Ireland and
Egypt , it was not expedient to reject
ths arrears bill. Ho snid ho was not
of that opinion , but ho found himself
in a small majority.
All ro-amondmonU of the commons
to the arrears of rout bill were agreed
to , after Karl of Limerick and the
Marquis of Watortord , conservatives ,
had added their protests.
The chief secretary for Ireland
stated in the commons that when the
arrears of rent bill becomes i law , the
government will toke into considera
tion the proposa of the Canadian gov
ernment to grant lands to Irish
DUIILIN , August 10. The Ladies' '
Land league discussed n resolution
proposing the establishment of leagues
throughout the country for the purpose -
pose of teaching the rising generation
their country's history and encouraging -
ing the circulation oE national litcra-
The lord lieutenant visited the con
stabulary depot at 1'hwnix park to
day and addressed the men. Ho re
ferred to the irreproachable character
which the constabulary has hitherto
borne and oxpresiod a sincere hop o
that nothing would occur to mar their
splendid reputation. Ho regretted the
course the men had adopted and an
nounced that 180,000 will bo imme
diately distributed , n'nd that any griev
ance would bo immediately inquired
into. Hia statement was enthusias
tically received and the men expressed
complete confidence in his assurances.
The grievances of the constabulary
were in reality a demind for an ad
vance of ono shilling a d.iy in pay , in
creased allowances to married men
living out of barracks , and an equali
zation of pensions. The disaffection
was greatest in IMuustcr and Con-
naught , where the constables have soon
pretty severe service during the last
two years ; four-liftha of the _ whole
force in Ireland sympathised with the
movement , and followed the load sot
in Limorick. There are about 13,000
men in the cunntabuViry.
SOFIA , August 10. Eastern Bul
garia , as fnr as the river Youta , was
proclaimed in a state of soige in con-
Bcquenco of the prevalence of brigand-
DUBLIN , August 10. Henry George
was rearrested to-day under the crime
act at Athonay , ftho was about to
board a train for Ualwoy. George
protested. He said his arrest was
persecution , as ho had previously
given a satisfactory account of himself
to the Loughroa police.
John Connor , Maurice Costello ,
Ilichard Savage , and Timothy Kourko ,
indicted for having , on the 17th of
March , perpetrated several outragefl
in the neighborhood of Fahoy , Coun
ty Kerry , were tried to-day. The
attorney general , who prosecuted ,
ri/ad a number of extraordinary docu
ments found on the prisoners , especial
ly on Rourkojprpvinc ; the existence of
a planned organization. The prisoners
were found guilty. Sentence was de
August 10. M. Floquet ,
prefect of tlio department of the
Seine , to-day received a deputation of
American dry goods clerks. Ho said
every facility will be afforded them to
visit objects of utility and interest ,
and remarked that they represented
the great causes of labor franchise-
ment and social progress.
PARIS , August 10. It is stated the
condition if Tripoli is alarming to Eu
ropeans. El Hadji has returned to
Tripoli from Constantinople. Ho an
nounces the pbrtoj after settling af
fairs in Egypt , intends to send an
army to drive the French out of Tunis.
The natives talk of massacre of Chris
HAVANA , August 10. Advices from
Sagua report the destruction ot the
corn crop owing to extreme drouth.
Thu president of the central board of
agriculturoof the republic of Columbia
writes captain general , warning him
to take cfTectivo measures to pre
vent the larvae of louusts devastating
that republic being introduced into
Cuba by vessels carrying cattle to the
island , Ho recommended cattle on
vessels bo fed with hny only. Ho
thought the locusts would invade thu
United States after reaching Cuba ,
Wou't bo Bulldozed.
Special DUpatch to Tin UKK.
CHICAGO , Aug. 10. A Denver
special saya the Burlington road re
fuses to pledge itself not to lay any
nioro track in Colorado , and an ex
plosion-of the po 4 is regarded as im
minent. It is quite evident that the
Bulington h pushing toward a pass
which will enable it to build to the
Pacific coast.
Crippled Ijy a Mower.
fcpccftl ! Dlapatcli to THE I'M.
OAKLAND , Ia. , August 10. A boy > ,
three years old , son of Edward Fur-
gusou , had his foot cut off by a mower
this morning ,
Mnrder and Snlolde-
Special DUpat.-h to Tim UKK
CHICAGO , August 10. Paul Follner ,
a machinist on Division street , said to
hia wife , "Will you obey mo after
thlsl" Receiving an evaalvo reply , he
pulled is 32-c.iTibrr revolver and fired
two shoU into her bresst , killing her
inMantly , and then put a bullet
thrown his own heart. They had
been married two yoari and had ono
. .ResolutionsAdopted by the Ameri
can Unr Association.
Sptcinl Dispatch to Tin Hun.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , August 10. The
American Bar association adopted the
following resolutions :
licsoh'td , That this association rec
ommends the passage by the legisla
tures of the several states and terri
tories of an act relating to acknowl
edgments of instruments aftcctingroal
estate , as prepared by this association.
Kcsolvtd , That in view of the fre
quent recurrence of cases of irregular
and fraudulent practices in the conduct
of suits for divorce , involving the
abuse of the process of courts , breach
of professional obligations anil connivance -
vance nt actual crime , local counsels
of this association and the several
state and local bar associations bo
respectfully requested , as far as possi
ble , to expose irregularities and frauds
and secure the punishment of all par
ties concerned in them.
Jtoolml , That in view of the crow
ing ! evil of hasty and ill-cjnsidored
legislation and of defective phraseol
ogy in statutes , the association recom
mends the adoption by the several
states of a permanent system by which
the important duty of revising and
maturing . acts introduced into logisla-
t tires ahull bo entrusted to competent
oflicors , cither by creation of special
commissions , or committees of revision ,
or by devolving the duty on the attorney -
tornoy general of the state.
Alexandria R Luvton , ot Georgia ,
waa elected president. After the ma-
jorily report on tlio relief of the
supreme court of tlio United States
was read , Prof. Hitchcock , of St.
Louis , and 0. C. Honey , president of
the Illinois State Bar association , supported -
ported the majority report and Edward -
ward J. Phelps of Vermont , and W.
H. Kussoll , ot St. Louis , ( who was severe -
voro iu denunciation of Senator Davis"
bill recommended by the majority re
port , and gave statistics showing the
increased cost of the present supreme
court ) favored the minority report.
The debate will bo concluded to-mor-
Special Dispatches to UK UK < .
NEW YOUK , August 10. The Spirit
of the Times confesscss to _ some dis
appointment with the decision of the
executive committee of the Monmouth
p.irk association in the KollyValton
book making scandal , and says : ' 'Wo
had expected it would use the occasion
prononted to summarily rid the turf of
ono of the groatosc abuses which has
befallen it. If employes are to bo
corrupted , if the natural result of
races are to bo reversed to minister to
unscrupulous avarice at the expense of
the owners and the public , whoso
honestly invested money ia taken from
thorn , then wo will not bo surprised
if the owners disband their stables
and the public let the sport severely
PUOVJDENDE , August 10. Oliicagos
8 , Providence 10.
BOSTON , August 10. Boatons 0 ,
Clovolands 3.
August 10. BufTalos
4 , Worcester 9.
NEW YOKK , August 10. First , three
quarters of a milo , Lute Foglo won ;
time 1:17. :
Second , milo and an eighth , Col ,
Sellers won ; time 1:1GJ. :
Third , milo and a quarter , Aleck
Amont won ; time 1:21. :
Fourth , Bov m-oightliHof a mile , Joe
Murray won ; time 1:29 : } .
Fifth , milo and an eighth , Dadotto
won ; timol:09- : .
ROCIIK.STKK , N. Y. , August 10.
Class 2:25Pacing : race Joe Bowers
won ; Limber Jack second , Mattie
Bond third , Marion fourth ; time ,
2:18 : , 2:20 : , 2:20 : , 2:20A : , 2:27 : ? , 2:31. :
Class 2:2' : ) Overman won ; Abe
Downing second , Yellow Doc third ,
Bigolotta fourth ; best time , 2:21 : | .
The freo-for-all pacing rnco was
postponed until to-morrow.
Special Dispatch to TIIK UKK.
CHIOAOO , August 10. J. 0. Helm ,
the DAHO who became notorious last
week through having buried on the
lake front several children whom ho
was charged with firat murdering ,
having , been acquitted ot the
charge but fined for irregular burial ,
became diuguatod with Chicago ways
and started down South branch yes
terday afternoon In a small skill" with
a BOH o od 14 Before going a great
distance his frail bout upgot and both
wore drowned.
Another Dnfnnltor.
Spoc'a ) Dlapatca to ' 1MB DKK.
MoNTKEAL , AugUht 10J. . 8. Illlll-
tor , notary , is defaulter in thu sum of
8100,000. lie wan appointed BIX years
ago to manage thu estate of the late
Charles Phillips. It ia feared ho has
abstracted largo sums entrusted to him
by others.
Resolution * of Xlogrot
Special Dispatch to TUB Ilix.
NEW YOJIK , August 10. The gradu
ating class of 1870 , of the school ship
St , Mary , to-night presented an on-
groaned resolution to Capt , Watton
for the widowof their iiiBtructorLieut.
DeL'jng Lieut. Danonhowor and
Vicar General Quinn made addresses.
Strlhltig for Back 1'ny.
Special D It patch to flU Kit
CIIICAOO , August 10. The boiler
makers of the Wabisli car shops at
Springfield to-day Htruck for vend
An Old Friend.
He woo alillctu j with a lauie back and
general debility ; he waa rccommendeU
THOMAS' > CLKCTIIIO OIL which cured him
at once. This famous epecitio la a positive
reueJy for bodily pain , au7'i dlw
All Incomparable Showing of
Growing and Gathered Grain
Throughout the Country ,
Wheat and Corn StrugRliuR
for First Place Among the
World's Produotions ,
While Cotton Comes Up Boll-
but a Few Points Be
hind Ita Predecessors. .
Nebraska Captures Wheat
Coufeottonp , and Kansas
Taken the Corn Cake.
BnukoriPropnrlnn ; for the ItolU-
coming Immo of Gold
CorUflontfl *
A Variety ot Army Horns and Other
WashlnUon Matters.
Special Iisi > lclics to Tin Hit * .
WASHINGTON , August 10. The Au
gust crop returns to the department
of agriculture , the work of about
0,000 correspondents , give estimates
covering tlio entire producing nroa of
ever 1,500 principal agricultural ipuu-
tics in the United States upon the
conditions of most of the crops now
growing. The condition of cotton
has improved the past month' , The
general averAge advanced froiiiMM ! to
94. This is higher by three yoiuts
than in August , 1870 , and lowr * by 8
than the August average of 1880) ) also
2 points lower than at this date m
1875 , and 1 lower than in 1878 , but
higher in the five other years since
Wheat returns for August rolivto to
spring variety. Ita condition in higher
tlum : for several VI-IUB. It wag 88 in
1880 ! and 81 in 1870 und 1881. It is
now 97 , against 100 lust month. ll is
somewhat late , but nearly ready for
harvest at the date of returns. There
are some indications of rust and
blight in parts of Minnesota. In
Northern Iowa the crop is hold to bo
tin beat Biuco 1877. .Returns from
Dakota and Nebraska are favorable.
The gbiiorul averages of the principal
status are as follows : Wisconsin , 90 ;
Minnesota , 98 ; Iowa , 03 ; Dakota , 99 ;
Nebraska , 103 ; Colorado , 90. It is
quite probable that the product of
winter and spring wheat , without loss
by sprouting after harvest , will slightly
exceed 500,000,000 bushels , but exTh
truvagant estimates , which assume 15
to 20 per cent , moro , are wild arsunipngi
lions needlessly tending to leduco
wheat in the hauds of farmers.
The special agent at the department
of agriculture , London , cabltji' to-day
that : wheat in England promises an
average crop of good quality ; in I < Yan.i ,
a medium crop , MiglitJy damaged by- "
rain in the blooming period ; in Germany
many , recent heavy rains have de
teriorated the quality of a fair abund
ance of the product ; llussia and Aus
tria , an avorauo crop , and in Hungary
15 per cent , above the average. The
European outlook is favorable for a
medium product , with some reduction
in quality.
The condition of the corn crop is rep
resented by 83 as against 77 last your.
At this date in ' 81 the eflect ot ihe
drouuht was aeon in the reduction of
13 points in the general condition
during July , followed by greater de-
toriorotion in August. At the prosy
ent time circumstance s are favorable
for farther improvement in most of
the states. The averages of southern
states are nearly above 100 , The surw
plus of producing states averages as
follows : OhicrTT , Michigan 78 , In-
diana 78 , Illinois 59 , Iowa 70 , Misp
oouri 91 , Kansas 100 , Nebraska 98 ;
Now England ranges from 87 m Masni
sachusotls to 90 in Connecticut ; New
York 85 , Pemmylvaniu 90 , Now Jer-
BOV 93.
The general average condition of
other crops as follows : Oats 102 ,
spring rye 100 , barley 95 , buckwheat
97 , potatoes 101 , tobacco 87.
The clcrkn of the national board of
health have boon disniiBsod , congress
not having provided for their calarii-s.
Each regiment of artillery is to
have two now light batteriou , making '
ten batteries in all ,
A general court martial has boon
appointed , Goo. 0. 0. Auger , prrsi-
clent , to moot at Nowp'irt bariaolts ,
Ky , for the trial of Mnj\r .Joseph
II. Taylor , adjutant gonoral'ii do-
purtment , on charges of conduct
subversive of good order und military
discipline !
Colonel Barr , military secretary teas
the secretary nf war , domes ho has
been tendered , or would liu accept ,
the ofiico of assistant necrotary ( , ( war.
The death of Lieut. Col. Warren ,
promotes Major Goo. Ii. Klliott.
Major Lydecker , engineer of the
commissioners of the District ( f Cjl-
umbia , is assigned to the additional
duty of charge of the water works of
the district , vice Col. Casey , of the engineer -
ginoor corps , relieved at his own no -
quest. ,
A general order from the headquarters -
quarters of the army was issued today ; -
day , providing for reciprocal crossing
of the international boundary line by
troops of hc United States and Mexico
ice in pursuit of hostile Indians.
The commissioner of Indian affairs
recieved the following from Santa Fo ,
Now Mexico , to-day :
"By the use of troops , 39 absentee :
Jucanllau have boon taken without
resistance and held ut Fort Union.
Pallos1 main party were driven in the
direction of the reservation. I re
quest instructions to send prisoners
directly to the reservation.
( Signed ) TuoiUH , Agent.
to the wnouiit of $100,000,000 will bo
printed. T/lo / assistant treasurer at
Now York states the amount of gold
coin held by the associated banks is
500.000,000 , and that all banks will
probably nnko largo and rapid oilier-
iiisjj of their gold for the now certilT
c"Urs , and that banks are anticiwUiiiK |
their issue now , by making priority
The j treasury department to-dny
purchased 218,000 ounces of iiuo sil >
vcr for the mints.
loft this evening in the steamer
Dispatch , for Now York.
The society of the army of the
Cumberland , through its Garfield
monument commission , have dolor
mined to have under provision of the
joint resolution of congress , August
5th ! , 1882 , a national fair and baear ,
industrial and art exposition in the
rotunda of the United States capital ,
Washington , commencing on the 25th
of November , 1882 , anil ending the
3ri of December , the object being to
raise the uroatost posaiblo amount of
funds ' to aid in the erection of a
statute nt Washington , to the memory
and honor of President Jas. A , Gar-
Li . The gonural plan of the project
jccM will bo carried forward under the
following management : A board of
control to consist of members of the
On Hi old monument commission of the
society of the Army of the Cumber
land ; a board of directors , consisting
of thirty , with an executive committee
of sovcn : ; a board of commissioners to
consist of six members from each
state , three of whom shall bo residents
in the district of Columbia , and three
in each of tluiir rospcotivo states , and
u board of award , whoso duty it shall
bo to examine and report upon the
various exhibits , awarding medals and
such honorable mention an in their
judgment may bu deserved. Timely
arrangements will bo made at the
general headquarters for receiving and
forwarding such exhibits as may bo
ollVrod , und when placed on exhibi
tion : will , excopMng perishable articles
cloi , remain from the opening to the
closing of the fair , and shall , when it
isnr.i so desired , bear the name of the
maker and donor , and in all canes will
bo disposed of by sale or such other
procuas an the board shall decide , for
the benefit ot the monument associa
tit. John Rtmomluntocl.
Spcc'M D fpUch li > IIIK Unit
Ivas , AuguMl 10. The re
publican utato convention roat omblod
this morning. The platform adopted
ha , the strongest kind of a prohibition
plank , asks for lawn to prevent railway
discrimination , endorses President Ar
thur's veto , and requests the next leg
islature , to pass n law allowing women
the right to nulirao ( , John P. St.
John was then roiiominalod for gov
ernor , receiving 287 out of 283 votes.
Thatcher received 82.
The protest of auti-St. John men
against the nomination of St. John ,
telegraphed yesterday , was then pre
sented and filed witfi the proceedings
Of the convention. The remainder of
tin state ticket was nominated as fol
lows : D. W. Finney , present incumbent -
bent , for lieutenant governor ; James
"Smith , , present incumbent , for nocro-
tarr of state ; BIcOabe , a colorott man
of Graham county , for auditor ; Samuel
S Howe for treasurer , W. A. John
son for attorney general , U. 0. Spoor
for atnto superintendent. After the
appointment of a state central com
mittee the convention adjourned sine
Ht. Julioa Sonna.
nccltl Dispatch to Tint UHK.
MILWAUKEE , August 10. A report
having | , boon ptartod to the cfl'ect that
31 . Julion ia here to bo treated for a
rupture on the superior logamont of
thu , fore leg , the doctor who has the
horse , under treatment puts in a gen
eral denial. Ho nays St. Julion was
brought to Milwaukee quietly , but
without any attempt at secrecy four
weeks ago for treatment of a slight
injury to the sheath of the ligament.
The animal has boon at work on the
track every day but two since then
and to-day ia an good as ovor. Only
recently his owner refused an offer of
? 40COO for him.
ThoYollow Plague.
Spcilal Dlnpatcli to Tun HIK ,
LARKDO , Texas , August 10. At
Mulamoras , on the 9th , there were 0(8 (
deaths , Tlio number of cases is un
obtainable , hut there is no abatement.
BROWNSVILLE , August 10. Ono
death to-day. There is a decrease In
thu number of nowr cases. The
weather continues cloudy and raining.
TLn Irou Worliora.
Upctlal Dlvpatili to Tim UKK.
CHIOAGO , August 10. The ainul-
ganatod iron workers' association
completed tlu-lr work this afternoon
by the election of oflicors and ad
journed to meet next year in Phila
delphia. The following were elected
ollicoru : President , John Jarrott ;
secretary , Win. Martin ; trustees , Samuel -
uol S. Wainaught , Win. Woiho , Edward -
ward llogerflj treasurer , Goo. W.
Iiidlaii Volnntoori.
Epedi ! Il i > atcbii tn Tin Unit.
CALCUTTA , August 10. Nopaul and
many other feudatory states in India
liavo volunteered to furnish contin
gents for the British army in Egypt.
Tlio Gold Cortlflontos.
Upiclat U'spaUh to Tim H .
WASHINGTON , August 10. Gold
certificates will bo issued in a few
days ,
Tha London amateur rowlnff tla-
tion hiu declined the challouKe of thu
The uegro who outrauul a white tfirl
wan taken out of jail at Nawiiian , Oa. , niul
hung by a party of Beventy five num.
Voreat limi arenpreaillnB at Bamtwloli ,
Mann. Three humes were saved yuuturiluy
with difiioulty ,
Au effective medicine for kidney
diseases , low fevers and nervous pros *
tration , and wull worthy of & trial , ta
Brown's Iron. Bitters ,
Tlio Union PaoJlo Extends
Sheltering ; Wing to tlio
Milwaukee Line ,
A Defensive Alliance Perfectedti
to Compel the "Q" to
fc"lfn Away I to Rights.
The I < nttor Rend Rofnunn to Stop
Short lit Colorado *
An Interesting Skotcu of U. P. IfrolRht
Agonta nml ttiolr Despotic Power.
THR DEK was thn first to announce
the rumored alliance of the Union
Pacific and Chicago , Milwaukee it St.
Paul roads , by which the former
would scouro a through Chicago-Den
ver lino. The Chicago Tiinos s ys'
"Thoro is a minor that an alliance
is to I bo formed between the Union
Pa and Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Pa , so as to give the former road a
through line from Chicago to Denver
ns a stand-off for the Chicago , Bur
lington Quiiicy's through lino. "
The Tribunes Omaha corrosponnu
dent , who is always posted on railroad
nlFiiirs here from headquarters , says :
"There is well defined
a rumor cur
rent in railroad circles here that the
visit of GoiicrtI Manager Merrill mid
General Superintendent Clark , of the
Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paal road ,
to this city was occasaionod by nego
tiations between their road and the
Union Pacific looking to an alliance.
If carried out this will give the Union
Pacilio a continuous line from Chicago
to Denver , and enable it to wage a
stiff opposition to the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quinoy. "
Will the railroad editor of the Her
ald continue to deny the alliance
longer ?
Mr. J. T Clark , general nuporin-
dent of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St ,
Paul railway announces that the line
of his road from Chicago lo Council
Bluff * will hereafter bo known und
desiuuatod as the Chicago it Council
Bluffd division. Mr. Ol.xilc also anf
nounces thn following uppointmontu :
Mr. II. 0. Atkinn has been appointed
oBnistant general superintendent , with
ofiico at Milwaukee , and will have
charge of the following divisions :
Chicago it Council Blulls , La
Orosse , Prairie du Ohion , Wisconsin
Valley , and Mineral Point.
ARallroml Alllnnoo *
Special Jl ji&tcli to TIIK linn.
CHICAGO , August 10.It is stated
to-day that the Union Pacific and the
Chicago , MUwaukoo t St. Paul railhi
ways havo. formed an alliance by
whioli the Union Pacific will bo enaru
bled to compete with the Chicago ,
Burlington & Quinoy to Chicago. .
The Question at IMUIU
Spoclil Dltpatcb loTliC BB .
' TJosTOW , Acquit 10. The Journal
says , in relation to the condition of
attain between the Union Pacific and
Chicago , Burlington it Quinoy rail
roads , of which nearly every day
brings its different version : The plain
truth of the present status of thu
question at issue is that at the confer
ence in Bostorwft ohort time sinoo , ow
ing to the fitot that u satisfactory un
derstanding could not bo arrived at , it
was agreed to leave the mutter to the
general managers of the two roads
and upon their reports. If the prosi-
clouts , Dillon and Perkins , cannot
make amicable arrangements a com
tnltteo from the directors of the roads
are to wrestle with the questions ut is
sue , the further extension of the C. ,
B. it Q. road in Colorado being the
principal ono. Faoiilo Bniidti.
SpucUl Lilaimltli to'lilt : UKK.
OTTAWA , August 10. It'is an
nounced , that 88,000,000 of the 810-
000,000 Pacific railway bonds have
boon taken up. The Maiiohentorbank
took $5,000,000 , and 8300,000 were
taken up in Toronto , and the remain
ing $3,000,000 disposed of in Canada.
En toru Pauaoiicor Raton.
al ulnintUi tu Tun UKK.
NKW YOUK , August 10. The Trunk
line passenger agents to-day adopted u
lower schedule of passenger ratoa for
all railroads botwoun this city and
Tlio Inosorablo Vlnlntf.
San rrantUcoUliroiilclu.
The telegraph informs us that there
is to bu another turn of the screws in
the freight extortion from which wo
have so long been suffering Freights
by Panama have hitherto been lower -
than by rail , but an edict has been in-
eued that all goods sent by the Pacific i
Mail shall hereafter come by the over
land roadt ) . The news which receive
ceive is to the effect that the last
steamer which loft Now York for the
Isthmus took little fruight for China
and no domestics. The contracts with
traiiBcontinol shippers includes all
freights to San Francisco and beyond ,
and in view of possible inteiruntiou i of
tralllc by the SUCK zanal the railroads ,
wo are informed , havocnnoludod tliuy
must pay u higher rate , and have ,
therefore , advanced the tariff from
SIB to $18 per ton by steamer to15
by rail. Naturally , Now York mer
chants are indignant , nud are canting
about for moaua of relief.
Thin action could originate only
with the ownera of the Central Pacific
railroad in this city. They control the
freight tnulio from Panama to Son
Francisco by steamer , and own both
the nloaiuihip Hues from this port to
China. Nothing could bo done with
out their co-operation , and very littiu
in the way of overland freight ex
tortion is done unless at their
mujgcstion. It is Homotimoa veno
out from the ollices at the corner n
Fourth and Townsend that the kno
of magnates who there register the !
edicts are innocent Jamba led to the
slaughter by a terrible ogre known aa
E.Ur P. Vining , frcighl agent of the
Union Pacific. They nrer that they
would gladly brine frciffht at n low
rate to San Francisco morehants , but
Vining forbids. As for the infamous
contract system , they would never
have attempted it except for Vininp.
Vining evolved this plausible chemo
of invitation inlo the railroad par
lor from his inner consciousness
and the trembling Stubbs
, repro-
Bonding thodcopnbasomcntof Messrs ,
Iluntinplon , Stanford and Crocker ,
was obliged to accept it. Even now
they would give it up , but Vining for
bids. All now freight schedules , in
tended to crush out merchants who
have a woxknosfl for shipping around
Capo Horn , are fratrroa by Vining ,
whoso fiendish fertility in that kind of
Invention , we are given to understand ,
is without parallel in thn history of
railroad management , Tilling is the
ine.xoriablo Jerkins , who sits in some
inaccessible back ofiico , refusing to bo
placated and of ad adamadtino nature
that never yields.
To anyone who knows the- methods
of the gentlemen who manage the
Central Pacific all this is tie purest
invention. It is a tale for marines ,
and not for San Hancisco merchants.
Beyond the fact ttat Mr. E. if Yin-
ing is n gontlomnn of insinuating
manners who labors under tha hallu
cination that Hairvlut
was not n
woman , and that Shakespeare knew it
all the time , there is not the slightest
reason for the iiuput-ition. ThoUn
ion Pacific could not jregulnto freights
to San Francisco if it desired.
It never dictates to < the Central
Pacific. The giant monopoly of Cali
fornia would not suffer luch distatiou
for a moment. Purhupn now and then
the more gentlemanly portion of1 its
has intervals of moral distress , during
which it is apologetic. At other timoa-
it is wont to boast , throu/jh / C. P. Ilun-
tington , its chief mouthpiece , that it
controls $300,005,000 ot capital , and-
that ityill either control the North
ern Pacific or break it. AHthoohanjo
in rates made by the four lines which
connect Chicago with Omaha are
made by Mr , Stubbs under a general
order from his masters It was <
Stubbs who , under a Chicago alias ,
raised the rate on hardware
from that city to San Francisco , last
May fiO pur cent , in order to dragoon
certain dealers in hajdwaro and agri
cultural implements in this cily into
making , contracts. And ho succeeded ,
for , of the half-dozen firms then ship
ping around the Horn , not one to-day
darus to bring a pound of freight to
San Francisco except by rail. They
are ( not compdlled to enter into a con
tract , says Mr. MopliistopholoaStubbp.
QJ , no ! There is no compulsion about
jt. But when n man who must now
and then replenish his stock speedily
by rail to- keep his custom finds that
his . neighbor is getting the same a <
ticlos nt ono-fourth the rate , and
that as much is charged for hi'a-
small shipments as the shipment cf
his , entire otook would cost under con
tract , ho knows ho is in danger-of
ruin and is obliged to yield. If a
highwayman puts a pistol to a trav-
owr's head and says , "Your money or
your life , " the traveler is not obliged
tj , put his hand Into his pocket and
dfraw out his puraa and other valua-
bws. Ir toniU > f doing this vojjmtarj-
nJ it ho can give his life. There is no
compulsion about it. So with-tho
San Francisco merchant. He need
not sign a contract ; ' lie can bo ruinod.
It is perfectly simple and exquisitely
logical. There is no tyranny in the
case , but thn most admirable forbear
ance i and the amplest liberty of
action I
ucot As n alight relief from thia mon
otonous raising of freights , wo have
from Chicago a faint intimation that
tlM Chicago , Burlington and Quinoy
railroad company contemplates build
ing west from Denver to the Pacific
count. The plan ia not n now one , ,
and there in uomo possibility that it
may some day bo realized. It ia an
organia.ition : quite , ts powerful as the
Central Pacific , and h the only ono
on , the continent that the latton-
fears. The merchants of Dnn-
vor have for many years ,
been Buffering from the extortion of
the t Union Pacific what those of San
Francisco are now enduring from the >
Central Pacific. No sooner hud the
Chicago , Burlington it Qaincy reached )
that city than , without solicitation ,
and as ono man , the injured shippers ,
took their business from the company
from which they endured so much , .
and gave it to the new comer. It was
o simple act of justice from which our
own Monopoly might learn a useful
lesson. 1
Nil Dosjionimluin-
When your girl given you the mltton , nndl
your heart In broke ,
Don't wive wuy to hlack daapalr but troai
it ax a Juki ) .
Get your health in ( irit-rlasa order , a bottle
( if SriiiNd KojfWOM buy ,
And fully j"l a ninnli'K ' clang , and for aa *
other sweetheart try.
Price 50 oenttf , trial bottles 10 cents.
State of Nohrmlm , DoUKlaa County M :
At a County Uoutt , hold at the County Court
Itoom , In widifor Bald Ccunty. July 27th.
A. I ) . 18H2. 1'roeent , A. M. OIIADW10K ,
In tlia niatttT of the esUtu of N. 1 * . Itaxd , do
nned ,
On roidlfii ; and filing the jxitltlon ol T.
UUImrdo , admliiUtiator du bouls IIMI of lulit
fstato , 1'inylnt ; inr Iliotcttleiuaiit aiui allowauca
ol III * ttouimit I lila day ulr J.
Ordoiul , Thai Aufiut 28th , A. Pt 1632 , at
0 o'clock a , in. , It lunik' nod for boating Raid poll-
Ion , whan all pontons Itivrvntod In. Bld matter
uay appear at a County Court to bo hold , In and
or sill County , and tnow came why the prayer
if | Hitltlonor tliould not l > o iraiitad , and that no-
tlco of tlio iHimlciicy cf luUd iatttlon and hoarln ;
tliuroof , bo given to all persona Interested In aam
imttor , l > x pulillslilrvf n copy fit tlim nnlo la Till
OUAIIA. UilLY IlKH , & nowgnuiier 1'rHJtod lu laltl
bounty , for tout nuccowlrit wix'kn , prior to
naladiyof honing ,
JA. true copy. ) A. M. CHAD WICK ,
lyJl-U County Judge ,
Notice U hereby fli'ii Hut on the 4th dayo
Hoioiubtr. A. I ) 18 , WKn Caruy putchascd
at public aln the folio * Ing deicrlbtd rval tsUto ,
Ituatud In Oniahu , UOUKJUII county , tal qf No.
broma , to.ivlt : North nl lity-tlffit lent of th
tut ouo-third of lot four In bluck tuo hundred
aim (11 ( y-oiie , ( n 8S J ct , cj ! t i , blsck 251) ) for
thudty ttiunuf 1B7U.
Ihoraidfllou Ciruy vtllldomuDda Treaiuieru
dtod upon mid real utato. on or after tleUU
day of No\mber , A , 1 > . UW , the tlmoot roi
domptlon haIDI ; then I'xplitd unlesdicdeinptlon
bo uiado In tlio meantime.