Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Mornintr , Aug. 1C
Wonthor Koport.
( The following ot crvntlon < are taken
the rAtne moment of time nt All the tatl (
tmmeil )
WAH DurAnTMENT , U. 8.
V7OB , OMAHA , Aug. 0,1832.
Hirer 8 feet 0 Inches aboto low water mark
Omaha , I foot 11 Inches at Yankton ; Jllsilwlp
4 feet 10 Inches at La Crosss , and 7 feet 2 Incl
at Djbuquo.
Mrs.V. . A. Cttmtngn hns prcscnti
her husbnnd vth | a little daughter.
A. II. Sand g has nlroa < ly occtip'i
hia elegant building , , n SaunJers and GUI
A delightful mualcak Wftg enjoyed
the residence of 1' . L. 1'orrl.o Thosilny.
It Is not necessary to BO to uP mnu
tains this year tobn nb'.o to sleep -inj
blanket ) ) comfortably In Auitust.
Somebody tried to carry off n chick
coop from Allen Bros. " store the oil
night , but left It in the alley , with o
chicken in it.
A lawn party and musical cntertal
mcnt will bo given at Urownell hall .Tui
liny evening , August ICth , under the nt
pices of the "Cathedral Builders. "
The approach to tlio U. 1' . freight c
pot , between the city track ? , is boi ;
paved with mountain rock , which will
nn acceptable improvement that Icnmstc
will appreciate ,
The citizens of North Omaha are i
jolclnf * over the completion of the Twcnt
third street bridge over North Oinal
creek. Vehicles crossed It laat ovenli
for the first time.
Graham T. IJroWno has two cxt
fine thoroughbred Jcrspy licifore , 18 mont
old. heavy with calf , and ono f ur ye
old cow in calf. For sale ot Nebrasi
' Yards West Omaha.
1'ouHry , 7-Ct
There is a good clmnco for those wl
wish to learn Italian now , as wo nro I
formed that a competent teacher Is dei
rous of obtaining some pupils. Send yoi
address to THE DKE oQico.
The U. P. car No. 130 , common
known "OlclGunboat"orthe " .
as , "Urar.he
HOD Special,1' w s taken to Lincoln Tuca Is
In order to carry workiuoa from that ell
to the Oregon Short Line :
A number of privates from the dlffe
ent companies in the department of tt
Platte left for their respective posts on tl
train yesterday , having come to Omal :
to engage in tha rlflle-shootlng contest.
Special car " 03" was attached to tt
west-bound U. P. train at noon ycstordo
L and conveyed Gcnornl MAnagop S. H. 1
Clark and Assistant General Prolgl
Agent Shelby on their way to San Frai
clsoo , where they go on ralbood buahiesi
The mysterious disappearance of M
Peterson , the Tenth street news dealer , I
reported. lie put bis store In charge of
friend about thrco months ago and left tli
city on a business trip of some kind , sine
which tiino nothing has been heard of him
Klmer S. Whltmore , late'ly employe
by the Tribune company at Lincoln , an
the correspondent of the Bt , Lonls Posl
Dispatch and Denver Tribune , has rt
ceived the appointment of treasurer c
Uoyd'g opera house , and comes [ hero Soj
tcinbor 1st.
The ladles of St. Philip' * Guild nr
preparing for an entertainment to bo give
at Standard Hall on the 22dof thtsinontl :
The entertainment will consist In part c
musical and literary exercises by a nuir ,
ber ol young people , under direction c
Mr. Cyrus Bell , organist of the clmrcl ;
" The proceeds of the entertainment will b
' 'I ' used in paying of expenses Incurred In fll
ting up the church.
Trinity SunJay school picnic , whlc ]
was postponed , will take placetoda
nt Ilonscom'a park. Cars will leave th
terminus of the rod line In Shlnn's addl
tion for the pupils of Grace mission , an
the Lake addition terminus for the pupil
of St. John's mission at 10 a. m. , and car
will leave the cathedral at 10:30 : u. m.
General Superintendent Clark , of tli
Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Paul road , say
that regular passengertralns | will be place
on that line to and from Council Ululfn a
Monday next , August U. At the staj
but one passenger train will bo run oac
way per day. A morning train will leav
* t 9:10 o'clock , and tha evening train wl ]
Arrive at 7 o'clock.
lUNDBEUT-Jcnule Mary , daughter o
Mr. and Mw. Leudbert , atjed 3 month
and 10 days.
I'unorol to-day at 2 p. in. , from Ui
TealiUnco on Eighteenth and COM utreeU
All friondg invited.
Gathedrnl of New York.
In thotuhow windows of McOurthj
& Burke , .Fourteenth atroot , botwooi
Fanuun mid Douglas , may bo soon i
magnificent lithograph of the now
Catholic cathadrnl of Now York. Tlu
cathedral is ganorally acknowledged tc
.bo the moat beautiful and costly ro.
HgiotiB Btructurn in the country , The
picture IB fraraod in mahogany and
gilt and ha boon moat artistically
done by the firm ui the head of thii
paragraph. The picture will bo on
zhiuition for a few days after whicli
time it will bo taken Juud placed in the
rooms of the Union Cctholio Library
Association , where It will bo sur
rounded by other rich aud beautiful
/subjects. / The lithograph and fr&mo
present a surface of fifteen square foot ,
It haa boon generously presented to
the U. 0. L. A. by Win , M. .Bush
man , Esq. , of thii city.
The Omaliofii Journeying Tliron ,
the Lani of Sago Brash. .
Recks on the Route Oomp
ments of the Kitchen
Brothers ,
TnnUnc Nnniy Writer nt n Kondtl
Spring nnd Other Note * .
Speclil Corrcrpoadcnct o < The Bee.
FRIDAY , August G , 7 n. in. Still
board the regular tram in coinpn
with the board of trade , lioro wo f
among the sand hills and the sn
brush. The track runs np a narn
valley of from ono-fourth to ono ni
in width , On oilhor stdo the blulfa
rock and sand rise almost porpondic
nrly to a height of 200 to 400 foi
Ihoy are barren and the valley I
Lwcon is dotted with clumps of BO
brush about a foot in height. At
ho mining center for the colobrat
lock Springs coal , there nro novel
thnfts now working , one of which i
) H88od as close as possible , and t
jdor of sulphurated hydrogen almo
itiflod us. This point has about tt
.housand inhabitants , of which mai
ire Ohinatnun , and nearly all a
nining. The town ia built up of n
norous small frame houses , ot h
oems each usually , and invariab
hey are paintud rod , Occasionall
iay u block apart , appears a sign
'moat market" or "groceries and
; arB. " There sooma to bo little or t
' aularity about it. I saw n Him
0 "l
" ° % ro still in the sandy valley b
fore npoon Of. 8 wo proceed tl
clumps ot , ago .ruah are on amn
mounds twtor tlroocot ] hgh ; U |
ctoubtodly cau _ by the wind blowii
the aand o way hm between them.
Somp places nlpi , the blufla minoi
have dug m honzoimiy for coal , bt
is for as soon without nffiectiriK ani
* 'n.B ° f JmE ° rtTanC- , ? * Cormatio
n thoao blulls , I think ; is Puojy vo
janic. Tnny are compouod ol i&yon
Frequently n layer of white or hUl
iko clay is soon. This may bo aov n
root in thickness. Then a shell rocl
.lion a stratum of slate coal , tlu
land , etc. On two bluffs , atandit
lido by side , this strata will differ I
.ho arrangement , but not material
n the composition , which shows cot
ilusivoly that ono was thrown up b
'ore the other. Some Hrnoa thci
are at an nnglo of GO degree
laving evidently slid over from son
muse , although the veins are usuall
loarly lovol.
One peculiar lookinc bluff is conic ;
n shape and rises to a hoighth of i
east 300 feet , and is surmounted wit
i largo Hat rook with ragged edge ;
aid is of about 10 foot in thicknus
uid covers the cntiro elevation. I ai
lot able to state as to whom or whn
iut it up thoro. Now wo pass throug
. deep cut ; the walls are some 30 foe
ligh , and are composed of aillca crj
talizod in all forms. At
:20a. m. , Laramie time , which :
no hour and five minutes slower tha
Chicago time , the excursionists ai
embled together with the occupanl
if four palace and two day coaches , i
be spacious dining hall of the Desci
louse , and after a hearty exchange <
rolcomo the fast was broken with the
olish known only to the travelers
Salt Lake pototooa , California fruil
pring chicken , and everything nice
a is expected when ono outers a houa
f which the Kitchen Brothers hav
nything to do with. Wo all ahall re
lomber thia breakfast and upon bei :
or of payment therefor wo were pc
toly informed that "no charge to th
pard of trade ; complimonta of th
litchon Brothers. "
Just after leaving Green River tie
! io right , huge piles of rook known olio
lie Olub Hocks are soon , the moa
trlking of which is said to ho 110 foe
bovo a pyramid of siuid , making
Hal height of 500 foot above th
rack. It is known as "Tho Church.
'ho ' high pile of rock , when viowoi
rom a distance , resembles a steeple
'hero ' are several other groups of thos
3cks that stick up in peculiar forme
nd'a irwuntain lion were aeon ( in
ugo ) at the Kitchen 13roa' . hotel
iixt attracted some attention.
Now wo cross the Green rivet
hich is truly very green from aom
ilnoral cause. On the right ban !
10 palisades are walled up for aom
istanco. Tiicso are composed ft al
jrimto strata of ( dilleront kinds o
> ck , the weather having beaten awa ;
: io aoftor portiona , leaving the mor'
ard ones projecting. Each uppc
no recedes a little , which gives thru
no appearance of of a terraced ban !
it on edge , without any grass. As w
) ave the river the HICK disappear
rom view. Now conio knolls of aani
'ith shoots of sago brush about si :
jet opart , with an occasional cluni ]
f yellow llowored weeds , and the enl <
Bliof of the monotony , To the lot
nd to the westward the white bank
f snow are plainly soon with tin
akod eye , covering the "Nortl
: ango , ' [ which is the source of tin
latto river , and near there was foun <
10 celebrated Centennial mino.
Good judges say thoao hills are 151
tiles from the railroad , but they an
sar to bo within u day's walk.
id rabbits are frequent all along tin
no , Two hours ride from Grooi
vor , the augo brush is tailor , it
any clumps the height is six ti
ght feet. The plant cloce no
isemblo the garden sago at all , I
oki moro Hko a "savin" brush or i
my half.atarvud white codar. Tlu
> w grown foilago on this plant is of i
; ht or pea troun color , it is nn over
eon , and the loaves havu an astriug
it taste , quito like the common augi
uico the iiBino. The loaf is fine cut ,
.tiuh and pinnated at the ends with
woody stem of slow growth.
0 Oregon Short line intersects the
P. II. 11 , , this line will go to
irtland , Oregon , when completed.
azmg is conducted on a email aculo
ro , and the cattle are slick and fat ,
ery ono wonders what they food on.
In the small crooks that wo cross.
1 leen largo quantities of railroad
tics nofttitiR clown stream from t
mountain. Many of them are lodg
on the dry bcda of the creeks , but
favorable times during rains they cr
tinuo their course , there is no popu
tion hero to inlorforo with them ,
for many miles. At 10 a. m. <
party becatno fully awakened and 1
gan entertaining themselves , singi
"John Brown's body lies moulderi
in the "
The eonorou ? basso voice of A !
Liningorsoftened by a female chori
was charming. Marshall tried
"duett" alone while Max Moj
passed the butter milk. Chorus "I
miller's dog lay on the B-a-n-g-o v
his name.
There WM three. Chorus. Si
brother , sing.
ox-mayor of Omaha , is stationed
Carter , receiver of government goc
for Fort Bridgcr , which ia station
fifteen miles to the southward. Carl
is an important shipping point , fifi
eight miles west of Green river s
station ,
Contrary to my expectations
cacti have boon seen except the am
group before referred to.
the courteous Pullman palace condi
tor , Mr. J B Piper , very kind
stopped the train for a few momoi
for the special benefit of the boat
Hero , midway between two statioi
and at the foot of the bluff just aou
of the track , ia a spring inclos
within a rough box , whoroono can d
up clear crystal wutcr that ia atronp
impregnated with soda , having
alight pungent acid taeto. It is ve
pleasant to drink , and tastes slight
uf sulphur and iron. There is not
building in sight nothing but t'
sanio hilly and uneven country , fi
iuontly ornamented ( ? ) with scrub !
clumps of sago brush , Wo passed
largo herd of line looking cattlo.
This ia the great American Dcso
Dropor. To the westward largo snc
lanks are aeon covering the top of tl
lilla. This looks very odd as tl
weather ia rather uncomfortably war
tnd thcao hilla do not scorn too ui
lommonly high , in fact they do in
ook to bo higher than does the blul
if Iowa opposite the city of Omaha , i
'iowod from the latter pines. At
, ' saw six largo charcoal pits plaatorc
ip with cloy. The town haa 50 popi
llMon , composed of whitoa , In dim
mt Chinamen. Savoral log house
with irt ; roofs with a few frame built
ings con OBO the "city. " Onoof thct
rustic stri u , . , ) , , boara the aign c
"Meals atatihuurs. "
A > 1 IIILL1AIU ) ,
i town of Bovouy.flvo people , BUI
rounded with a very uneven and BBm
parron country , aom , twenty railt
Tom tha snow coverej mountaini
linro IB timber shute
a fcvnit UD r ,
lombling a truaaoled railroad tracl
vhoro logs and wood are floated aOw
rom the mountaina and manufactutv
nto charcoal at nilliard , by thirl
argo moaon worked pita built for tli
nirposp. The ahuto is about foi
oat wide and two feet doop. Whe
ho wood ia to bo delivered a gate
> ut in and the overflow of water ca
ion it over the aides. At 12:50 : , La :
imio time , wo roach
"or dinner. An wo approach th
lountry is moro uroen with grass an
.ho . hills aasumo a moro ronk an
igid appearance. Evanston itf nin
lundrod and fifty-five miles frca
) maha , and has an elevation of G,1E
cot and is located in the valley b <
ween much higher bluffy
An wo moot the east bound ma
rain I cloao. The party are a
iappy. Sago bruah and aand hilla ai
o bo continued. p.
Ln Interview With a Poac Tradt
From the White River
Dr. Lecompto , formerly acting ai
istant surgeon in the army , and no
iost trader at the camp on the Whil
ivor , Colorado , ia in the city pui
baaing aupplioa for hia atoro. Di
.ocompto had aucceoded Mr. Hugt
a [ poatrador at White llivor , an
irings glowing reports of the cond
ion of affairs in the country BUI
ounding the cantonment. There ai
ivo companies and a band at the posl
rhich , as the regimental hoadquai
era of the Fourteenth infantry , i
no of the moat important in the dc
artraont of the Missouri. The quar
ara for the men are built o
dobo , warm and comfortable
'hilo the oflicora are provide
rith log quarters of ampl
imonaions. In aituation and conve
ienco the peat ia aecond to none o
lie frontier posts in the department
Vithin the last twelve months Bottl"
lent in the neighborhood , haa pro
roasod very rapidly. No lesa thni
irty ranches are now located on th
Vhlto river , while along the Gram
tockmou and settlers uro coming ii
ory rapidly. All supplies are ahippoc
y way of llawlins , to which point i
ilograph line ia now in course of con
iruction. There ia every indicatioi
mt the coming spring will witness i
r > ld excitement of largo proportions
igginga aomo thirty-live miloa fron
lahn's peak are already showing von
andsomo results , aud some fiftj
[ aims have already boon slaked out
i many of which dirt ia paying I
jnU to the pan. Arrangements ar <
oing made by several parties to on
ago in hydraulic inininc on a larci
sale when the winter closes. Dr
ecoinpto states that the Indians an
mot and cause no foara of trouble ,
ho post ia an excellent ono for trad
IR , no lesa than 18,000 pounds oi
uokskin having boon sold at thai
Jint by the Utes last winter. The
unting and fishing are practically in
AHHINOTON , D. 0. , August 4 , ' 82. J
Information has boon received x1
us dopartmontfromMr. Samuel Hal.
° , ' th ? ' ? ° Oonsul of tljo United
; ates at Beirut , of the death , on the
Ith of Juno , 1882 , at Beirut , Syria ,
, Joh , fK J ar , Oonsul of the
nltod State * at Beirut.
The legal representatives of the do-
asodoan obtain further information
' applying to thia department.
Enticed From the Train , Bobbed ai
THE IRE sovnral days ago publish
an article from a Denver piper , in i
jard ? to the telegraph operator Char ]
E. Schultz , who left the norvico of t
Western Union company at Denv
In the latter part of May , to visit 1
parents at Minneapolis , Minn , Not
ing was heard of the whereabouts
Schultz by any of his follow operate
at Denver until the 1st of Augui
when the county judge at Sidney to
grapod to the manager of the W.
at Denver , stating that the dead boi
of a man had been found near Julc
burg , who had been murdered '
being shot through the heart , ai
evidently robbed. The only thti
found on hia person to furnish a cl
to his identity waa a telegraph blan
on which waa a portion of n mosaaj
as received at the Western Unii
office at Denver , which , , was
Schullz's own handwriting. Tl
blank was enclosed by the judge
Manager Batoc , who recognized t !
writing as Schultz's , and it loft i
doubt as to the identity of the bed
Advertisements had been publish
by Schultz's father for information
to his whereabouts , from which it a
pears that his son left Donvcr f
home aa expected after n visit to 1
parents on hia return trip , Jui
0h. The telegraph ollicials uotkno
ing that hu had been at homo hi
traced the half rate ticket purchaai
by him over the Kansas division of tl
U. P. to Kansas City , it having bei
used on the sanio day it waa purchase
May 29th. The next they know
the unfortunate man wan when the
saw the advertioemonts in the tel
graph papers. Aa Schultz had co
aidcrablo money with him , it ia au
posed ho got off of the train at Jult
burg and was seized or enticed awi
and murdered for the money. H
relations have been notified of tl
finding of the body , and they wi
probably have the remains removed
liis homo for final intermont.
\n Expression From the Mombora <
Plnnot Lodge K. of P.
The oflicora and mombora of Plain
Uodgo , No. 4 , K. of P. hereby tondi
heir thanks and gratitude to tl :
> rave and and reupected scout , Mr. '
VIcCoy , assisted by Messrs. W. L :
barter , S.V. . McCall , W. J. Koll ]
the last named who by the wuy :
ho gentleman vho first found th
: orpao , ) and the two bravo aoldien
H. B. Chester and W. llichard , wh
iccompanied Mr. McCoy from Sidno ]
After finding the body in a
advanced state of decomposition , M :
HcCoy immediately summoned a coi
incr's jury and in their present
gathered and appropriated such art
sles of tno unfortunate man aa woul
ead to the identification of the bodj
10 being asaurred at sight of th
iorpao , that it waa the man ho was i
oarch of.
The remains were then and thoi
nterrod and a atalco sot in the groun
0 mark the fatal spot. After Mi
HcCoy's return , and submitting a
ho evidence found in the case , th
norabors of Planet lodge No. 4 K. c
' . , togethar with the brothers of th
endowment , aewtion 95 , concluded t
end ono of their number after the r
n 4n , tobanbh all doubts aa to hi
don ty , and bnvo the aamo brough
lore 01 decently buried , as become
1 Knight. Mr. Henry Niomann , th
irothor soltotod for the arduous duty
ound in Sidney inMosara. Oborfolde
fc Co. the ,
kinat 0 friends , willini
md ready to aaamn ; everything the
lould poaaibly do.
Mr. W. 0. Couch druve Mr. Nio
nan to Snake Creek and aiter'ward
issiated the party , consisting of johi
I. Smith , S. W. McOall , Robe-t
iValdschmidt ( atock tender at Snak
Jreok ) , in raising the corpse , and ar
11 and every ono entitled to ou
Loartfolt thanka in behalf of Bro
fiemann. The corpao arrived i ;
) maha Saturday , August 5 , at 3:2 :
i. m. , and waa buried Sunday aftoi
icon at 2:30 : o'clock , by the folio win
rdorp , of which Mr. William Aue
raa a motnbor : Planet ledge No. 4
L of P. , Omaha fire dupartmont atn
) maha Miunnorohor , under the moa
rnproaslvo coromonioa. The procos
ion waa very impoaing , the Knight
f Omaha lodge U. D. and Nobraak
idgo No. 1 turning out in full num
era to assist in the last sad iittu , uiu
ally 100 carriages followitiu' th
Omaha , August 7 , 1882.
Virtue Acknowledged.
Mrs. lr * Mulholland , Albany. N. Y.
rites : " .For several years I have HufTeiei
om oft-rccutrlnc bllloun headache * , tlv >
epsii , and coaiplaluta peculiar to niv K.'X
inca using your Ilunnocic HLOOD llmKii
am entirely relieved. " Price 51.0" . ni ,
ze 10 cents. augl-dl * v
ho TarJtt fayatom aa Viewoa by i
Prominent Free Trader.
A fair audience groolcu Prof
rthur iffltham Perry at iho open
aaso last night on the occasion o
10 delivery of the first of a series o
cturoa throughout the state on thi
rotootivo system ,
After a few remarks of an intro
ictory nature the speaker procoodoc
i point out the difference botwooi
ivonuo tariff and protective tariff
o aoriously objected to the applica
on of the tariff aa a prohibitory
oaauro , which ho claimed it is IIOM
iod for , IIo cited among the othci
Helen blankets , spool tin cad , atoo !
ila , clothing and paper , whicli
lough inanufacturod on an enormous
ale practically paid no revenue to
10 government , and yet the prices ol
ese noceesaries of lifo were exorbi <
ntly high in consequence of the
iniquitous protective system. "
The only people who were bonofittod
' thia system were the manufacturers
omaolvoa. The general drift of hia
gnuent was to compare the high
tcos paid for certain articles in thia
untry with those paid abroad , and
qavo some very lengthy illustra-
> ng. Ho also claimed that the in-
crease of waRes under protection
not a Bufliciont ccmponsation for t
cost of the necessaries of lifo result !
from that system.
While Prof. Forty is a very atjrc
able lecturer , and haa a very flue
and easy atylo of delivery , ho soei
to have given far moro attention
the art of rhetoric than to the stu
of the logic of facts. 11 o took gn
pains to inform the atidionco that
was lecturing from the purest of n
tivos , and that ho did ao for no p <
aonal gain. As compared with orate
In general this ia a pure caae of so
sacrifice. Aa a whole the lecture
highly entertaining , and waa listen
to with marked attention.
The Latest From the Kansas Fron
An Exciting Ohaso.
lion , ( Henry Bolln has taken gr <
interest in the capture of the di
tardly Calhoun musician who scduc
from her happy homo the young g
Fraliin because ho has known t
family for many years , and is m <
willing to do anything in his power
rescue their daughter from t
clutches of a villain. It will bo i
momborcd that ho and Marshal A
goll wont to Mound City , Kanai
after Peppercorn. Tuesday inf <
mation waa received from Mr. Bol
which goca to show that the chaao
quito exciting.
On arriving at the city nbovo nam
it wa learned that persons answorii
the description of the fugitives wo
some fifteen miles away in a wild so
tion of country which could only 1
reached by private conveyance. Ti
Omaha representatives atartod out
promptly aa possible and then disco
orod that even in the sparse aettl
monts thereabouts the man thought
bo Peppercorn waa auapected and l
DUO was anxious to have anything
do with him. Thia , taken in connc
Lion with the evident desire of tl
fellow to ignore publicity made the
take to the woods , which in that 1
; ality are of extensive range at
irory dense. From aomo lu
breed Indiana it was learned that
man and girl were camping in a wi
md lonely part of the forest , at
Messrs. Bolln and Angell immodiat
y concluded that they were the coup
.hat were wanted in thoao parts. A
sordingly gaidca were secured ar
juito a little expedition formed to fc
ow them up The rumor having bee
circulated that the young girl wna tl
laughter of ian Omaha milliouair
md that untold wealth would bo tl
oward of her abductor's captur
t was with difficulty tl
mlf breeds could bo 01
; agcd to accompany the pursue
inlpsa exorbitant prices were paid fc
heir services. The party waa orgi
rized , however , and from a dispatc
ecoived from Mr. Bolln laat night
ippoars that they have reached
mint only a mile distant from whei
ho object of the search are campec
! n all probability they will effect tli
apturo , and if it is Poope ,
orn ( ot which there ia but little doubt
t only gooa to ahow what a moa
pology of a man ho is , and what dei
10rato chances ho determined to tali
vhon he led his young victim whet
10 haa , The news received Tuosdn
laa added to the oxcitftnent amen
ho many friends of thoFrahm family
nd Peppercorn will have to be can
ully guarded when ho is brought bac
r there will be music , if not a mus
ian in the air.
Qterestlnpr Police Court Case Othe
Cases Among the Wayward.
Yoatorday the attention of Judg
toueko and a largo audience was take
p by the trial of Mollie Boyle an
lizzie Wilson for keeping a disorder !
ouoo. It seems they roaido in a ten
mont struiAuro on Jonea street noa
: hirtoenth , and acceding t0 the man ;
ritneasea examined the girlb WVo dis
urbod tha whole neighborhood wit :
ightly orgies most acandalous to dc
oribo. The testimony for the cit ;
amo from elderly ladies whoso norv
lower had boon transposed about th
ears of the Mexican war to the !
anguoa , and they gave accounta o
ho terrible shocks to their systems b ;
ofondanta * action in languag
lost forcible and in a man
er .most fearless. Their atone
ertainly established the fact that th
loyle and Wilson girls were no
lutes and that they had enough mail
dmirors to carry an election fo
Iderman in the Second wird. I
luck niiu luintd Grt'tn , who livis u
111 tlMjctllr T ill IllH , tol.J U Kr.llnl t
ir drtl tu yen , ti Ii j-iiiy colon. ' '
1)11 ) < f l ! . iiiiit tbii u * dor ii in-tl Hili
i iliti ( iynimi.t' _ , i.t'ciipii-'l hi ti D u'e
'I.Oa , - , ui.- . < l I , Hi llTH i < t Ull
isi- . . .1-1 l' . linl.ihtr 1 tlujir
iiy'o ' , .i If [ | IIJUllllnKtIIJ ( .11 1,1.111
mull nfl i en uiMiivij , but tin
/idfncu ivo too uiiotig ugDirii
ID two young ftiniiloB. Out
Id lady wound up her evidonct
y. saying that the girJa were whiatlata ,
'h ' a eettled it. A whistling girl anc
or9wing lion , according to prophetic
iyingajiever como to any good , Ir.
icr , thtf exiatonco of the former or
lis mundane aphero is the undoubted
IUBO cf''fthp non-succosB of female
jffracjo.TJie defendants had no inv
ortant evidence to offer , except thai
toy were no worse than their neigh-
are , and Judge Benooko adjudged
loin guilty aa charged. A line ol
vo dollars on each and the coats wa :
Henry Qhorko was complained
rainst for overcharging M. 0. Wilson
ir hauling 350 pounda of freight. He
largod ? 1.50 , whereaa the legitimate
o waa 81.00. Ghorke claima that
a had to carry the goods up-ataira ,
id hence the extra half dollar.
J. S. McOormick ia complained
: ainst for allowinc a nuisance on his
remises , Thirteenth and Hartley.
Pat Wolf is summoned before the
urt for ill treating his family.
Iwo Italians are under arrest for
wtruoting the streets with their pea-
it carts.
Three colored men were com-
ninod of for raising n disturbance ate
o reaidetice of John Lewis , also col-
od. Ono of the number was fined
and costs ; the complaint against
a second waa withdrawn , and the
ird man U not yet arrested.
Preparations for Sheltering 1
Guests at the Hounlon.
J. O. West , of Grand laland , pasi
through the city yesterday , return !
homo from a trip to Chicago , Lot
villa and St. Louis , IIo went to
euro additional tents for the 0. A ,
reunion at Grand Island the lat
part of this month.
At Louisville ho saw the asaiati
quartermaster general and secured
order for 300 additional to :
from Jeffersonvillo and ' .
from Philadelphia , the former boi
Bhippod yesterday by tl'O steati
"Buckeyo" to St. Louis , from whui
they will bo forwarded by the M
aouri Pacific.
Another double center polo cin
tent was secured at Chicago and
rangumenta were made with a'i
Louis Gnu to got two hundred ad
tjonal tents on twenty-four hours i
tice. There ia a big ainglo polo t <
at the latter place , whicli will pro' '
ably bo purchased for prosa hoadqu
tors ,
The "Hawthorn Centennial I
cclsior Roof Paint , " was patented M
24th , 1881 , and letters pjtent nu
ber241 , 803 , Any person found
known to tamper with the mat
facluro of said paint will bo punii
od to the full extent of l.iw. No p
son haa any authority whatever to a
receipts. HAWTHORN & BUCK ,
Lancaster , PA ,
Department Kotos.
The staff and field of the Pout
Infantry , with the regimental bar
came in on the oast-bound train y
terday afternoon.
The headquarters of the Ninth i
fantry will bo transferred to-d
to Fort Niobrara. A special tra
from Florence takes the troops oat
in the morning.
Lieutenant Palmer , of the Ninl
loft yeatorday for Chicago on
seven-days' leave of absence , afl
which ho joins hia company at Ft
UBK Kcddluij'a PauHJa Sake In t
hotioe ami use IlettdiugV Ulissiim Salve
Lho atablo. T y > t-
If TO LOA.V On II at LuwOrucucf
MONK Thomaa KojmH Ciclshton Block.
SOKA AAATO LOAM At S pi * coot
3 > 40uUUU tercet In ourm.if ei',600 a
ipvrarde , for S to n ynare , on nrstclowcity 3
propurty. BMIIB RBAL Kiitir .nd Lo
itth Md UnurUs Bin
D-A cook and Olninfr room girl at (
WANT ho'cl. 4-tl
Five cornice hands ard E tlnnci
WANTED to Western Crrnlco Woiks , 12
Jarney ttreet. i n <
ITrANTKD An exp.rlcnced jrlrl f jr gonci
TT housework. Apply 620 nuith IBthstrci
ITT7 * < ) NTED A compet'nt girl to da genei
T V hoiweworv In familv of thrco prrsor
Vpply at 325 18th nroet.2 ( doors from St. Mar <
009 tl
01il for general house work. A
WANTED 1722 0083. trcct.
tTT ANTED 100 men for ra'lroad ' work.
TT Mannwcllcr , o-nploymcut agent , 11
trcct , ncaf Farnam. 903tf
[ TTANTKD Ten teams. Wage * 83.50 per da
T V Inquire M. Vlncjnt. at Florence Cut-off.
D Ono hnndJcd men. Wages 21 , !
VV pcr.d y. Apply to Mltchc'l Vincent , ;
lorcnce Cut-off , Line mil. s north of Omaha.
[ TtrANTEP At St. Chorlcs hotel , two tin
VV class dining room glrlj. 9G3-tf
100 tons old Iron. Anclresj
080-Ot Omaha , Neb.
nCTANTI D Boardera at. 110 South 13th S
W Board $4,00 ; ilsofurnlalied rooms. Fran
'avs. ' ! o.14-tf
A llrst-cla s nnatrcok at tno 8
Charles Hotel , Harmy strict. Apply c
< premises. 03itf
iTT ANTEU A.',93 eir | nm.t fcc Roe
VY cook , washer i. i | , oncr Wntf ( > f ? 4 C
er week. Inquire at Leo , rcj | 4 Cotg or ,
o > o'Bca. ' rm-tf
[ XT' ANTED BOO pnvy vau.M , BlnKs And cei
rV pools to clean with Sanitary Vault an
ink Cleaner , the best In use. A. Evans & Co
'Bidence 12M Dodge street. Omaha. _
[ TTANTED Two or three rooms suitable f
YY physlciaLa olllco. Addries Dr. Pert
eo office. 609-tf
, T7/NTEB-Byayr.ung dcanillnavlan plrl ,
I > situation as clerk In dry goods store , r
i as1) st in millinery and dressmaking. ( Speak
re Ish ) / dilrrai A. P. Boo office. 3-10
\V \ > JIiit"HANT TAILOK8 : A thorough !
1 < > xpe-t c'U o-ana tal'orwanti ' a sltuatloi
" me ao d Ntbra k n nclty. Hofcrorces Prsl
w d rtsi , p A Hi j t , Laramie City , Wjc
I-- OM-9
\T'D infin'ofal' kiri'H'n eleMi ani
rcu \ io i- the r.t tp o c'l etv'r. ' A
.ii.irr , Uiu id , 1)115 S , it , , n , . tHO
gt d I mlly J. Weigh
a' out 1,103 p uiuB icus bo sound am
W. J. WrLSHAhS ,
-'O cor. S h and Fatiiam.
\T AN l KD - binrTiuntt 15 , a bouse of i o
' V 6 rooms , on Una ol street railway prefer
il. AdilrcHi "Hoii-o "Ileo Olllco. aul-tf
i-on Rfctrr-HuusEc AND i-Ar < D.
1011 IlKNT A one and one-half story hem
\Uili8rociiH 1 and barn. City water. In
lire 2,33 Davenport , bet , 24 111 and 25th street
J10R KENT Brick store , ! 0x66 and 8 rociii
1 above , on Padflo s'r ot , between 6th am
b. The location > ery dcblrable f < r Diuir
itcher. Hotel , cr Orocsr. Unqulre at II. Tofi' ,
thandFarnhamitreeti. 0)7-22
1011 RENT Two now house' , 25th Chicago
ilx rooms each. Inquire of a J. Ituildlsa
a and Chotnut streets. _ pQ3 tf
10R RENT Kcw house of eight rooms , ( true
cars , do-lrablo nolshborhuod , $30. 0. II
llou , room B , Union Block , 038-10
10R RENT Cottajra of f ur rooms , con * en
itnt. 0. II. Bilou , room 5 , Union Block
OR RENT Three furnlslud roonH for hnuao
keeping ; also a piano. 113 North 13th tit ,
_ _ _ 055-101
\OU \ HALE A good mare , harncta and tot
bvgar , b > ' W. W. Roberts , Fort Omaln.
_ _
1011 RENT Houe with fl o rooms. 20th and
Charles St. Inquire ot Dr. Paul. 078-0
IOU REN C To roorai inultable for two or
four gfntlemcn , at S. W. corner 16th mid
Uornla itreet. _ 073 1 |
O RENT Rooum furnlibod and unfurnlehtd ,
d. W. corner of 8th km ] Howard St. lioocu
now aud command line > Iew of the river
ige , different railroad * and Council Bluffs.
OR RENT Three housoi.lDciter L.Thoraa >
room 8 , Cuigbtgo Block , 063-10
j OR RENT Furnished room at 1518' Dee >
_ ? 'trect. 9.6-9 *
FOR RENT House of 10 rjoms , cor Chicago
and 13th street 8so-H
FR RES Four room cottage , tart ; * ln
south 17th , J u Welkins , 1BC3 far-
nam street. g&.tt
FOR REST ABOO ! fUrni heTlojrnTsultabio
t r to i ent'.eman 111N , 13th stico' . Rs
crence required , 051-tf
r 10 KENT A nice y furnished rooir , at north
J west corner f JSthond Davenport ttroets.
"VTICELY furiiUhcd front loom. CJI 607 * N
JL > 17th street. | 0 0-tf
REST ' nc ntatly furniihed room , wl h
X1 prhi'o.o tf m Jjlnlnfv ( , ISIS Mebst e
trcct. _ 942-U
"I70R RENT \ ploif&nt furnlfhcd rotm for
JU cnotr twi go.iltmin. Inqnlro is 1912
Calif jinU it ogt 950-1 f
FOR H * NT Two nvw dwellings ana two other
dn-clllrgs In dcsirasle locally , by HcKoon
Np.J614J > ou l < Mrct.t _ 817-tf
l l ) room lor ireiitlcman with refer
cnco , 1312 DodjjO street between 13th and
1 AAI-O18forleas t25iw per aniura , racri
lylfora term ol Joirs. at"0r no Ororo
1'lftU" aJJi lnlne Hansojm P rk on the et ,
H > n minutes w U from t tt et ran Jloi ey ran
bo obtained to build lth , by pcrwns lca lnn
tlioto lots at regular Mt. ' .
_ On premlsca. oil a 1 15H Pu n-vm Street
"VT INhllOUnlJ'j FOR HfcNT small and largo ,
Ji two to twelve roe 1,8 each ! ono or two new
ones with all moilcrn convenience ) . Ono nf 12
rooms , snltable for boanune and room renting ,
17th and Douglas bta. II KM 1 3 , Acci.t ,
Ju23-tf _ 15th and
KENT Furnished room with bjard ;
Foil ImpratcmpnKn few table hotrdcra
can bo accommodated , at 1718 i. oilgo street.
REST A p'cita t fninUhiil room on
FOR < first floor , ono Lhck from street car , at
ZJCSliarney street. 91l-tf.
011 KUNT Brick Moro. l > qtllro at Drug
j S'orc , comet 10th aijd 620-tl
FOR RENT Uou o of 0 rScms , newly plas
tered and p Intcd. ? 15oo per month.
North ot ICth street bridge on 15 h street. Con
venient to shops Apolv coiner 12th ai d Howard -
ard street , Newspaper Union. R87.ll I
RENT. Two now elegant houses. In-
FOR at Peterson's Clothing B ore , near U.
P. Dei > nt. 602-tl
oou MlSNU x rurnMOcti 11,0,1n a
.P chnDU'Rxchnnirc.N. B. ro ? in ht.rdDodr
ctrect * . 'to. f
8AL.K Proposals f r the jiurchft'n of the
Mount House on Nrth Karnor ettco' . to-
tween 15ih and 16 h. nlll bo nccivril nt my
stoic until August 16th. C. F GOODMIK ,
BALK llousa fi rooms nnil corner lot 132
FOH square , SltOO. ilcL'ORUu , opposite l'o t
olllce. _ | 977.f ,
FOR BALK A five ncro lot and good houco
ono niilo north of larnck ! Inqulro on
premUcs or Gco. II Pctcison , No bO , 10th
etrcct. 017-lm"
HOUSK and lot for sale , No 025 Montana
street , near Cuml g. Inquire Cigar store ,
corner 10th and Jackson streets. 88Va25
SALE Hou o and c me- lot , at 31,060.
FOR . McCAOUE , oppo Itu 1' . O , f3IU
story building for ralo at n bargain. Lo
cated at north-eas corner ot 17th street ,
and Tanltol avo. Must bo n-ovcil on or bcforo
August 7th proximo. BhMIV
770-tf A gent. 1 Cth Rlid Donglas.
IX BEAUTIFUL l.OIS 60x160 feet each in
S Hanscom riacc on street car lino. Rest lota
in whole addition on very ca y t > rnnanJata
great bargain. BRUIB' a < ent , 16th and Douclas
streets )16-tf
1'LENDID I' Or-URTY Foil SALt At n
BAHCIAIV , cno lar o brick house , and ono
largo frame house , with full lot onCass noarlBlh
street. Fine ch mce for inveotnicnt , rent f r 870
per month. Call for full particulars , on
609 tf Agent , IStha-TlDouglaBstB.
FOR SALE. The Arlington House
HOTEL class ; all furnished. Tha only hotel
in town. Thu cheapest propo'ty in the Btato.
lias all the traveling nun. Will bo eold cheap on
lerrr B to suit. Enquire of E. Fullo , proprietor ,
\rllngton , Washington county. Nob. era tt
T70R SALE Or will ozcha fe for Omaha pro *
E Percy , an Ircprovrd sec oa of land flloln-
ng a station on U. T. R. R. 11. DUNHAM , 3 411
Farnham St. , Omaha. 770 Em
BRICK ESTAIiltOOg U < > K. .
UAL.K llio i-oeULAR HOTEL , knriwn
E10R the SOYS' HOME. This house Is cor.
< rally located , has eou'h and east front , and ia
urronnded w th Ono phadotrecn ; cont&lnathlrty
neeplng rooms , bos Ice houBe. laundry , sample
com , to. Has a world wide reputation and a
letter patronngo than many houses of twice Ita
apacity. Price ? S,000. For particulars ad-
Irofu , A. A. SAWDEY.Red Cloud , Neb.
ALKJi HAT At A. H. Sander1 Feed 81
\ ( \ RF.WAKD Stolen on August 5th
f * u.\J\ > < .nodar < bay rraro , 5 als eld ,
nd i re bay horio w th wc while hind feet ana
ihito ftrlpe In face , 8 ycara old. The above te- "
fard will bu paid for their return to John Begf
; y 3 mi cs south of Omaha , , noir U. v. raff ,
.ad tra k. 033-11 *
? l OUw najcs tunesand [ striken. i.oolc
ut for the blgrillle , Get your ticket * and PCO
hat luck you have. A gold inusic.l and strlk-
ig viati h , one tlno diamond ring and an opoftt
loiln. Octynurtlckcm bt Pat llaminon'j and
o latisflcd. From now until the 10th to tuy
our tickets. Sue 0. E. P. W. OKBMIURO.
MTUAYE ' Ono Iron grivmarocolt.twjjoara
3 old , walka a litt o ttllln front legs. Lib-
ral reward for his recovery. Will ba piid for
y W. Vanderkreck , norttcasl corner luth and
ln.3on strccte. 083c 3twl C
- ' . AGENTS for Nebraska. Kansas end
? urri.SoSlit , j2 reprctent the 1NUUSTKIAL
' ASSOCIAlio o , Indianapolis , Indiana ,
tilch has stood the teat ol tlms P IB all losses
> full ; stronRly indorsed bv the bout Innurafco
uthorl ics ; thorougoly cstablldied , easily
orkcd , and la not on the co-opcratho or old
no plan. Liberal contracts made with ( Her
etic ogenta at a compensation of from two
lousand to three thousand dollars per year
o. 70 East Market street , Indianapolis , Ind.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iuly28-lmo.
JTKAYED One white cow. some rid < n nock ,
3 ana short horns , and one Hunt rtd cow about
: ven jears old , roj < o around the rhornj. Were
jout to bavo cihes. Any inforraUicn loidlng
i their recovery will be suitably rowirdcd by
07&-0' MHS , KOCH'S daloon lOtU stroit.
10NAMST , 49 ? TeUh Stre t , 'iclwcenh' * ) -.nrr.
idllttner. Will , with the Md ct Kiurliai
ilrita , obtain fufKiy onoagianoe t t'io > < '
id prs-ent , and on i > .ala condlllnni It , tbc la
ire. Eof te aud 8hc J uiado to jider.
! > ' nt
Absolutely Pure.
"hl powder never varies. A marvel op
strength and wholt om-ncsa. Here ceo DO
aj than the ordinary kinds , and cannot b
1 In competition with the multitude of o
I , abort weight , alum or photphata powderi