Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1882, Image 1
* i HE OMAHA DAILY Ar- I A * < \ * - BEE IS § TWELFTH : YEAH. , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , AUGUST 10 , is,2 A DESPOT'S ' DESPERATION The Russian Ozar Thirsting fo War to Eogain tlio Oonfi- doiDB : of His Sorfd , An Army of 200,000 Men Ool looted on the fchores of the Black Sen. A Wholesome Fear of Qer mauy Alone Prevents the Disturbance , Gladstone Proclaims to th World the Heal Object of the Raid on Ejjypt. British Troops Departing for th Sent of War Loudly Cheered by the Homo Gunrd > Ii. A Qonoral Variety of Foreign Nowa RUSSIA PREPARING. Special Dltpntch to Fin Unit MEN AND MUNITIONS MASSING. NEW YOUK , August 9. A Landoi cable 8a > s : It is admitted in politico circles that Russia ia making oxtcnsiv war preparations. Troops have beet hurried down towards the Caucasaus where , it is said , 200,000 men are now collected with stores uiul munitions o war ready for n descent upan the Bos phorus should the opportunity oiler It ia said that the delay of Englntu in forwarding her uriny to Egypt ha bcon caused by the knowledge of thus facts , and the calling out of the Eng lish reserves and acceptance of service of some of the volunteer artillery ar DUB TO THAT KNOWLEDGE. The internal alnto of Russia is sue that any chirigo would bo for the but tor. Not only are the gicat bulk o people discontented but among th upper classes there 1 eonsidorHblo hus tihty to the present czir. Under thcs circumstances the emperor turns to ward foreign affairs with iho expecta tion that war with England , nhic would bo very popular , would uni all Russian classes against the com mou enemy. The only obstacle t war is the attitude of Germany. Coun Bisnnuck is said to give IHB unawcrv ing support to Gladstone's eastern pol icy and in event of a general Euro pean war Germany would bo support ed both by Austria and Italy. VIEWING THE TUOOl'3. ST. PETKUSDUUO , August 9 Th emperor and empruts and other mem bora of the emperial family , accotnpa nied by the queen of Hellers , arrive Sunday by rail at Krasnoo. Honda ; they visited the military camp and in spooled the troops. The camp was gaily decorated and massed bands comprising 800 musicians , played th national anthem. The force takin : * part in the maneuvers numbered 45 , ENGLAND'S INTENTIONS. Special DUpitch toTiiK linn. A SPEECH BY GLADSTONE. LONDON , August 9. At the lord mayor's banquet to her majesty's ministers istors this evening , Gladstone , ro spending to the lord mayor's congrat ulutionssaid ho has boon fifty years ii the service of the country and expressed pressed the hope ho should nut fai during what may bo the short rumain der of his public life , to soivo hii queen and country faithfully to the end. "I am sanguine , " ho sairt , "we haAo parsed a moment of danger and that there will bo w a dom and harmony in the woik awl deliberations of parliament for the remainder of the present year. ' Referring ; to the E.yptiijn ; _ question ho said : "It is of vital importance tliu the position of England should not bo misunderstood. Forces havu gene to Egypt in prosecution of the gre it in terests of the empire. Unless those interests existed it would not bo im possible for us to find justification foi intervention. But lot it bo known ant proclaimed from this spot , which af fords a channel of communication with the world not inferior to the aonato itself , that those interests arc not ours alone , but the interests wo have in common with every atatp in Europe ; nay , with the whole civilized world. " [ Cheers ] Referring to the Suez canal , Gladstone said ; "It is essential sontial for mankind that tlutt gutu should bo open , and that Iho country in winch it is situated should bo peaceable and under A legal govern ment. The utmost wo have in view , though the burden and honor of pur- forming it may fall upon ourselves , is a work which it is essential for every country in Europe to perform , and the perform ance of which cannot but rebound , if it bn associated with high and disinter cstedobjectsto the honor of those up. on whom the burden falls. " Gladstone continued ; "Wo do not go to war with the Egyptian people , but rescue them from the oppression of military tyranny. Nor do wo raako war upon the Mohammedan religion , as English men respect the convictions of bo- Hovers in every other faith. Wo do not want to suppress the growth of liberty in Egypt , but desire that she or bo prosperous. England goes to Egypt with clean hands , and with no : aecrot intention to conceal from other ) nations. There is a class of men besides the military who require to bo overawed , who wore it instruments of former oppression and tvri who wish well to the military tyranny tvriJ because they would provide for a re were rival of the abuses and cruelty already weOf extinguished or mitigated. " Glad- 'ho atone expressed a hope for a speedy and successful issue to the expedition. " "fi He referred to the passing of the land au m bill and maintained that some progress > auul had been made towards restoration of all Bottled order in Ireland. ulhe : Chilliera , secretary of state for war , 'ho replying to the toast to the army , said ry that from to-morrow two or three ho ship * in succession , day after day , wi bo hnding troops in Egypt ready t strike a blow at whatever point Si U.trnot Wolsoloy thinks right to ope rato. rato.Karl Karl of Northbrook , first lord the admiralty , replied to the tons to the navy and Earl Cowpor to th toast to the reserve. Lord Shojborno , Lord Carlingfor and Lord Kimborland were among th guests , who numbered over 300. INDIAN moors err rou EGYIT. BOMBAY , August 0. Five trans ports with troops sailed for Egyp yesterday. Seven more start to-day General Sir Herbert McPherson an stuir ntart to day. ON THB WAY. LONDON , August 9. The Roya Irish dragoon cunrda left Aldorsho this morning for Southampton , wlior thoj * ill embark for Egypt. STILL ENTIIENOUINO. ALEXANDUIA , August 9. Th enemy are entrenched at Sandy Ridg whore his principal resistance wa made on Saturday , and behind whio ! numerous temts prove that reinforce mena have advanced to the ridge froi : K. fo El Dwar. ANOTJIEIl rilOCLVMAIlON. The khedive will to-morrow issue proclamation declaring Arabl I'ash and his followers rebels and accusin Arab ! Pasha of the massacre and pil logo of the llth ot Juno , and bein the cause of the destruction of Alex andria and of the mnasncrcs at Tanta and Horha. It is said tha Arabi has fiftop hundred men thfoco miles from Ismail ia , from which p'lfaco ' the governor an his wife have Ilia to Port Said an gome on board H. M. S. Ponelopc. DEKVIBOH SNUnilKI ) . CoNSTANTiNoriB , August 0. Dor visch Pasha , having completed preparations ations for his departure , wont to th palace yesterday and asked for order before embarking for Egypt. Th sultan replied that as certain arrangn monts had atilllo bo made ho nuis must wait for instructions. In soin circles this rogly is interpreted a meaning that Darvisoh Posha will nebo bo entrusted with command of th Turkish forces in Egypt. AFFAIltS IN EGYPT. ALEXANDUIA , August 9. Osmai Boy , khedivo's master of the horse escaped from Cairo and arrived her via I'lolman. Ho stated the rebels wore fortifying Nsfriosa Junction , whoru the Suez , Ismailia and Cuir lines of railroad moot. They hav five , . guns and two regiments of infuntr ; thtro. Stone Pasba'expressea great indig nation at the conduct of DoLessopt who refused tor furnish him n luunc to . convey him from Ismailia to Per c. i Said. Owing to the scarcity of water refugees unprovided with passport are forbidden to land. Hadji Moussn , deeply implicated in massacre of. Juno 11 , was arrostoc to-day. While doing police duty , it 1 alleged , ho murdered Keywasa , an at taoho of the French consulate. - CpNSTAMTWoJB. August 9. An imperial proclamation announces clear ly the intention of the sultan to sup port the khedive. The Turkish for eign minister informed Lord DulForin of the intention of the porto to dis patch the firat detachment of Turkisl troopa to Egypt to-day ( Thursday ) The detachment consists of 0,000 men BYMPLY AN EXCHANGE. ALEXANDRIA , Auguat 9. The ar mored train , on the usual patrol this uvoning , exchanged a few ahots with Arab ! Pasha's second line of entrench- j monts near Mahalla Junction. DEl'AUTUUE OF THOOl'd. SOUTHAMPTON , August 9. Tin transports Grecian with a battery o artillery , Olympus with a battery o artillery , California with a com pan ; of engineers , City of Now York am o Greece sailed for Egypt to-day. Tin Duke of Cambridge and Prince Ed ward , of iSaxeVeimar , visited eacl ship before its departure. The Prince of Wales inspected the last four ves sols. Queen Victoria , Prince Beatrice and Duchess of Connaught , inspected the Greece arid witncstod the depart of ure of other ships. Much enthusiasm prevailed. on UISMAUCK'S OUGAN. BEHLIN , August 9. The Nerd Doutsches Xoitung , organ of Bismarck , n an article friendly in touo toward Engla'id , denies the rnmor of the in- ention of placing the Sue/ canal permanently manontly under the control of i nixed commission similar to that ol the Danube. GENERAL FOREIGN KEWS. of Illtpatchcs to TIIK Bun. son LONDON , August 9. Thomas Walsh , arrested at the time of the seizure ul anas at Olorkonwell , and convicted of ho charge of treason felony , has been sentenced to seven years penal sorvi udo , did Justice Stephen instructed the jury hat they could not find Walsh guilty , unions they behoved that a conspiracy ixistod in Ireland to raise insurroo- ion , and that Walsh was participating heroin. The jury only took ton minutes to consider the verdict , arr TUB MOSEL AOIIODND. ho , dla The steamer Mosol , from Bremen New York , ia aground undo.- at re jizard Point. Her : atul position is pro- ul arious. She has a hole through her o OW. t LONDON , August 9. The steamer Hosol will probably prove a total wreck. She J struck this morning and tugs sent to her assistance. AH the laasongora were landed at Ponzano. 1 weather Is calm and 1VI hazy. ivo Immediately after the vessel strik- Ml , two boats of the Mosol were t aunched and the Lizard life boatcamo Ut , The forward compartment was ill of water , The rocks on which ti vessel lies are vary dangerous , lower bertha and engine room are ill , The vessel ia luting to port aa air tide ebbs. Should the weather mo : continue fine , it ia probable the carg will bo aated in a damaged condition ailKECE ON THE WATKH. ATHENA , August 9. A commission has boon appointed to proceed to En gland to contract for the constructioi of powerful war vesaols costing fort ; million drachma. TUB LORDS COME DOWN. LONDON , August 9 The Nowa un doratanda ' that at a mcotinir of tli peers yesterday , Nortkeoto present , i waa decided to abandon the firs amendment to the arrears bill. Th autumn session of parliament begin the 124th of October. AN AMKIUCAN INSTITUTION. PARIS , Aug. 9. A decree wns pro mulgatcd citing the duly nuthomei American Joint Stock company logs status in France. TIIK KINO'.S KMIIHACK , Isi'HE , August 9. The emperor of Germany and Auatria-Hungar ; arrived to-day on a special train They were met at the station by th emperor of Austro-Uungary. Th < meeting of the emporoia at Ebonse was most cordial. Much onthusiaan waa manifoatcd by the people. CLOSING THE CHAMMKUS. PAIIII , August 9. The decree clos ing the session was road in both chain bt'ra to-day. BOSTON IltY (10ODS CLERKS. President Orovy received a deputation tion of Boston dry goods clerks. The address to Orovy waa replied to very cordially. Ho warmly congratulated the fir mo who sent thnr clerks to study the process of European * industry- 11di hoped this example of practica democracy will bo imitated. Tht clerks . will bo received by Victor Dugo to-morrow , after which they visit the prefect of the department of the seine THE IlllSit LA110U MOVEMENT. DUBLIN , August 9. A meeting o Dillon and other supporters of the labor movement was held yesterday when a provisional committee wa formed with a view of the election o a permanent executive for the now Irish Labor and Industrial union. CAPITAL NOTES. Sp.clal Disiulch to Tin IKK. A POINTER ON POTATOES. WASHINGTON , August 9. The department partmont ot state is in receipt of ad vices from Consul Tanner Liege , A Belgium , showing the crop of Etiglam and , Belgium suffered severely througl the protracted wet weather. Farmon oia Belgium only hope at best to aecuri a half yield ot the wheat crop. Mar ket gardens sustained heavy damagi and Irish potatoes were taken out o the aoil so wet that they commence to rot a week after they are gathered roL Largo importations must necesanril ; follow . , and American farmers are strongly | urged to devise means for placing their potatoes on the markets of Brussels and Antwerp , where they will meat with ready sales the coming winter. At the da to of the consul'i writing ; ( July 20th , 1882) ) the prospect of the hop yield ia England and other European . states was gloomy ia the ex treme. Persistent wet weather ruinec the cron. strrpnfcssioN OF KTIDEMICH.- The president , who has $100,000 available for the suppression of epi demies , has referred the matter o : yellow fever in Texas to ancrotary oi the treasury. A number of female clerks in the oflico of the secretary of the navy was dismissed on account of failure of ap propriations. THE PRESIDENT'S FLAO. The secretary of the navy has ap proved the design of a ilug to bi known . as the president's Hag. It wil from the main mast of every vesse used by the president. The first one toDi bo used will lly from the steamer Dispatch , when the president loaves or that vessel for Now York. CQMKIOIIOKK HHUKELDT flora explanations which remove many of the charges against him , but his letter to Senator Miller , touching the Chinese , is still the subject of com plaint. Shufoldt ia very hopofu' touching our relations with Corea. YELLOW riJVKB ki The reports to the National board health show the yellow fever epi an demic ia gaining alarming proportions hiwi the southern border. There are wi fifty cases at Brownsville , and the or disease ia spreading rapidly. The Snmo Storv. Special Dlfjutcli to TIIK lintc. ST. Louis , August 8 Hundreds of otters received by business hounos lore from correspondents throughout ho noutli , southwest and west , say hat there have never been such crops corn and oata raised in Texas , Ar- . 10 cansas , Missiesinpi , Alabama , Tonnes- dah Indian Territory Missouri : h , , Kentucky , souri and Kansas , aa those of the onhi iresont season. Most of the southern him states will , not only hnvd all they m want for consumption , but have a Al argo surplus for shipment. The oat nti crop is harvested and corn ia in splen iecc condition , and promises a most cc ibundant yield. The acreage also is rta argoly in excess of forrnnr years , oi Under tlio Now Law. It jicclal Dispatch to TIIK Ilm. 101 [ SAN FKANCISCO , August 8. On the die arrival of the City of Sydney to-day dr was not allowed to dock imino- a lately , aa she has a Chinese cruy who not provided with return certifi- atos in accordance with the now law. Subsequently the crow were removed a hulk and the utoamor booked , en ia understood that the Pacific Naval nal ompany will make a test case by pro- Hiring a habeas corpus in the United tales circuit court , Fixing Kutcs. pedal Dlsjatcli to TIIK JKI. ! NKW YOUK , August 8. The oxecu- committee of the railway dom- ma missioner expected to meet this week H. Commissioner ( Finta oflico for the urpoao of considering the question of on ifldrontial rates on passenger tickets , la understood that aomo aort of an ho roomont ia likely to bo arrived at , Ithough nothing can now bo ascer- 'he ained aa to what the basis of agree- ully nontwill bo. why THE BEERLESS BRETHREN Bather in Largo Numbers in Illinois and Massachusetts , And Hurl Weighty Rosolvea Instead of Stonmoha the American Bnr. Iowa find Kansas C lated on the Fnrolcivl Work ing of Prohibition. Political Tlokotfl Pine Ml In the Field for Preliminary Prnotlao Party Conventions in Other Places. Flu oh oil the Floor- S'olal | Blsintch to Tim Unit. HLOOMINOTO.V , 111. , AUR. 0. The prohibition state cpnvcntion assem bled here this morning and organized. Out of six hundred and seventy-two delegates , only about n hundred have yet arrived. lolin B. Finch , the Nebraska pro hibitionist , was prf eont and was called for a speech. lie made an earnest ad dress advocating prohibition , after which the convention adjourned till this afternoon , BLOOMINOTON , Ills. , August 9. The afternoon session opened to a full house of visitors , and a perceptible increase in the number of delegates. The afternoon trains were expected to bring additional. Permanent organ izition waa affected aa follows : Presi dent , Halo Johnson , of Jasper ; vice president , II. F. Smith , of Lincoln Johnson ( addressed the audience. The speaker gave his version of what hap poncd in the Springfield convontior when Harts , of Lincoln , offered r resolution to submit an amendment saying the motion waa mot Ivy a regu lar howl of derision. Ho had become disgusted with all attempts to seek salvation in the regular parties. A motion limiting speeches to five minutes waa carried. Hurts , now the prohibition candidate from this dis trict , waa called for and made a loni , speech. The declaration of principles pro aontod by the committee sets forll that largo numbers of citizens of Il linois have for years petitioned for submission of a constitutional amend- niont prohibiting the sale of intoxicating - cating liquors , but have been rofusot by the legislature under the influence of 12,000 liquor dealers of the rtato that a request waa sent to the repub lican convention aakim/ embodiment of this petition in its platform , whiah was refused by a vote of G13 to 133 ; that nothing ia to bo hoped from the democratic party , which courts the support of the liquor dealers ; holds that all governments must keep pace with the progress of public sentiment , or go down ; and that the submission asked for waa in accordance with the genius of our institutior a ; that under tnosp circumstances' V only meant of reaching the desired end ia-political organization ; that boycotting anc bribery by liquor interest in the elec tion of members of the legislature make it imperative ; therefore , they ask co-operation of all good citizens regardless of party. The platform proper declares the manufacture and stile of intoxicating liquors as a beverage a sin againsl God and a crime and curse to man , which no human enactment or usage can make right , and that Christianity , humanity and patriotism demand its prohibition > ; favors the submission to the people of a prohibitory constitu tional amendment ; favors the enfran chisement of women , and opposes the application of the fund raised from the liquor traffic to the support of the common schools. A resolution wits alof adopted pledging the candidates of the convention not to go into a caucus with either of the old parties. The entire evening was occupied in discussing the platform and nomina tions for state ollicors and delegates to the ! Chicago convention August 23d ind 2-1 th , of whom there are several iiundrod. The following nominations were made by acclamation : Treasur , Judge J. G. Irwin ; state superin tendent of public instruction , Prof. Andrews , of Galoaburg. After ap pointing twenty-two members of the 8 state central committee the convon- tion adjourned sine dio. 8 SOI Tompareuoo in the East. to Spcilal Dlsputch to lilt HKI , BOHTON , August 9. The prohibi- .ioniats met in state convention to- lay. Amos Cumrnings waa temporary chairman , and J. II. Roberta perman El chairman. Speeches wore made hewing the necessity of the atato and lational prohibitory party. Charles and Alomy , ot New BedforJ , waa noiniiu of itcd for governor by acclamation ; for icntenant governor , John Blackmail ; ccrotary of stale , Solomon F. Hoot ; reasurer and receiver general , T. J. jathrop ; auditor , Jonathan Buck ; at om ty general , Samuvl M , Falrliold. was Mated 81,000 at least wore peded for the campaign. A liny , can- The idnte for governor , made a short ad- Iross < promising to faithfully servo as candidate. i The usual prohibitory evolutions were adopted , also the fol- The owing : Kcaolied , Tint wo extend our icarty congratulations to our broth- in Kansas and Iowa , where a sig victory has been achieved , and wo vua xpross our sympathy with other stutea on where the atrugglois still going on Spc Maine OronnlmcUor. peclal UlbimlcJi to TIIK lieic ; for BANOOU , Mo. , Auguat 8. The near Jangor Messenger , a greenback orean , Liiai withdrawn the names of Harria ) ai Plaiated , Jos. Dove , Daniel II , 101 Shing , George W. Lidd and Thomp- at March , fusion nominees for con into gress , and placed at the of its columns kil nuino Solon Chase and a straight roonback ticket for congressmen , Messenger aays the atop ift care- Spc considered , and gives ita reasons SpcJ J the greonbnckers cannot support mo PIniitcd , nhoso election , it says , wns hailed all over the country aa a demo cratic victory. n ConRrnmiamn. il | > Atc > i to TUB HKK : BKAUDSTOWN , Ausust 8. A congressman grossman convention of the Twolftl district , which adjourned from Mount Sterling to day , proceeded with bal loting until 1,4 , JUlh was reached , whor the convention adjourned till to-mor row. The Inst ballot stood : Singlotor 20 , Wiko 22 Withers 22 BKAHijsrow.v , III. , August 0. The conyressioiml convention ussomblcc early this morning and added fifty bal lots to their score , making an ovei 1,000 , and took recess for an hour There tvns no change in the ballots. BIAUI : STOWN , 111. , Aug. 9. J. M 'SKi ' ° f Scott county , was nominate ! oiVI the 1,521 ballot. Singleton hadSt votes. Indiana RopuliHonim- INDIANAPOLIS , August 9. The republican publican Mate convention met thii morning and effected a pernianon organization. A platform which was adopted whlcl recites Ihu achievement of the republican can party expresses sympathy witl the "oppressed of Ireland , " and endorses < dorses ! < the "industry , wisdom , and firmness , " of Arthur. The present state olllocra were unanimously ronominatod , Of Couno- Spcclil bhpntcli tTIIK Unit. MONTGOMERY , ALA. , August 8. The ollicial vote will not bo kno\\n till Saturday , but but enough ia known to insure the utectipn to the democratic alato ticket by an immense majority. PJnn. Special 1)1 | tch to Tun Dun. Sr. Louis , August 8. Chauncy J. Filley , chairman of the republican atato central committee , has prepared a forty page pamphlet to the republi cans ot Missouri , advising the repub licana of the atato to unite with the groonbaokora and not to place a repub licitn ticket in the field. Ho reasons that in the pist the republican cause in tlio atato baa been a hopeless one and that the democratic vote has been decreasing ami that by uniting with the groonbackcrs the republicans can car ry the atatu. Thousands of thu docu ments were mailed to-night to all parts of the atato. PouoRylvnutn Politics- Sjuchi 1) Hpitili t ) IIIK UKK : PniLMiKLi'iiiA , Aug. 9. A apodal from Cliambersburg Bays Senator Stowari , , independent republican cand idate for governor , laat evening for warded a letter to General Beaver , republican candidate , proposing joint discussion with Qonoral Beaver if the political differences in thai atato , at such places and times as may bo agreed upon by the chairmen pi the respective committees. It IB said Stewart also contemplates inviting Comptroller i Patterson , democratic candidate for governor , to moot him in joint discussion. Tlio Eleventh Iowa , Special Dlipntch to Tin Usi. DES MoiNtH , Augut 9. The green- backers of the Eleventh diatrict to day aominatod 0. F. McOarty , of Greene county , for congress. Kanimi Politics. Special DlfpiUh to IIIK HKI. TOPEKA , August 19. The convex tion mot again at 8:30. : Temporary organ/.ition ! was made pormaw nt ami the convention adjourned till morn ing. Still nt It. Spcc'al 0 gpitili to Inn llnx Ciin Aao , August 9. The Chicago , Milwaukee it St Paul company has old to two English syndicates repre sented by Chase Brothers 1,000,000 acres of land in the pipe atone diatrict at $1.00 per acre. Agin WhUhy. Special Dlftpilih to TIIK UKK , ATLANTA , Oa. , August 9. In speech nt Aoworth yesterday Qov. Colquitt , candidate for United States senator , planted himself squarely upon the platform of temperance and against the manufacture and sale of whisky. A Burning Barfgo. fipocUl DIspatcli to TIIK HKH. ST. JOHKPH , Mich. , August 9. Al Bt o'clock last night bright lights were aeon off this port , which waa believed bo u burning steam barge. Warriuji Rtioos. b Hjicclal D.HpaUli to TIIK UKK Mi GALVKHTON , Auyiiat 8. The News' tb Paso apuo'al says ; Mexican section tbrr lianda on the Southern 1'ucilio attacked Dhincso laborers at Yesta yesterday ive drove them to this city. Several inri the Chinese lire badly hurt. riw Murdered by His Ml tro . w fp.thl DUpatclu ta 'Jim HKI. nc HKW YOUK , August i ) . FJorontino At . a lahor.'r aged 19 , waa mur dered by hia mistress , a young girl olv named Kate Hertz , this morning , ! murderess is ut large , to The Tariff Commlnalon , to Special DlitpitUi to 'I UK HIK LONU HiiANuif , N , J , , Auguat 9. tariff commission this morning heard statements in favor of the ad tlo" vance of duties on Hour , oil , cloths , til lignuma and linoleums , and that can- the used in their manufacture bo put the free list. ous to Fatal Hull ran a Aooldeut. Special lhp.iUli ) ti TIIK UKK. LrrrLK Ilouic , Ark. , Aug. 9 Information - formation has just boon received tint cess Pittsburg station , on the Eist Line & Rod River railroad Texas , early Tuesday morning. The eastern buund passenger train was derailed a bridge and one car fell through of the water. Five persona were killed. The Fuiuoun Trotter. Special UUpatch to TUB Ilm. MILWAUKEE , August 9. The fa > mous trotter St. Julian was brought tel City \l ' \ the farm of Dr. Ormand , vctorinnry surgeon , near Bay View , to bo troatcc for a broken superior ligament in on of his fore logs. The trainer an < driver expect to have the horse in condition for the track again in a few weeks , WIDESPREAD RUIH. Northern Ohio Devastated by Rccon Storms. jwUil II > pi\tch to Tun DKR. CLW.LA.ND , 0. , August9 Report , continue < tocoino in of widespread dev astntion by the recent storms in northern oia Ohio , which have boon of unpar allolud ! aoverity. The Leader's spcciu from Wakoman says the atorm there yesterday was accompanied by hai which cut down crops and gardens over a considerable extent of territory Thirty bridges wore swept away 11 llolmea county. Oats are totally destroyed stroyod , potatoes nearly all ruined ant corn greatly damaged. Whole farm on hillaidea wore denuded of soil a well as crops. Decaying vogotubli matter on bottom lands ia ulreud ; becoming offensive and producinj sickness. Barns in many plaeoa wor ntruck by lightning and burned , witl stores of harvested crops. The case olVI this character are numerous am very considerable in the aggregate SPORTING. Spoohl UlapitcliM to nit HKI. t KOCH ESTER DHIVINO PARK , . . Aug. 9. 2:38 : class , Wilson won , Rocton second , Ma ; Thorno third , Eva fourth ; time 2:24 : ] , 2:21 : , 2:2fiJ : , 2:2-1)1. : ) Clusa2S3 : , Unuhtla won , P. J. ace oiul ) | , Muttle third , Lady Rolfo fourth time 2:21,2:21 : : , 22U ; , 2:2-1 : } , 2:25A : , A rum : naiir. NEW YORK , August 9. Partial ar rangements Vioro made to-day for a prize light for § 2,1500 a aide and the championship of the world between Tug Wilson and Jamns Elliott. Now Orleans or within 000 miles of it WHS agreed upon as the fighting ground , 11ABE HALL. PnoviDENin ; , Auguat 9. Ohiougoa ! i , Providence 1. BOSTON , Augiiat 9. Boatona Olovelunda 3. TROY , August 9. Troya 7 , Do- troits 2. WORCESTER , August 9. Bufiiiloa , Worcostera 1. CONEY ISLAND RACES. NEW YORK , August 9. Firat race , 7 furlongs , Barney Aaron won ; time , 1:32. : 1:32.Second Second race , mile and a quarter , Monk won ; time , 2:12. : Third race , throe ( Barters of a milo , Alrok Amont won ; time , 1.10. Fourth race , aovpn eighths ot n mild , Bnrnun won ; limn , 1:31. : Hurdle race , milo and a half , Jin ; Vundorvor won ; time , 2:19. : MONMOUTH I'AUK HACKS. MoNMOirrn PARK. N. J. , Aug. 9. Brooders' stakes , throo-quartora of a mile , Battledore firat ; time 1:20. Champion stakes , one milo and i half , Eoloo first ; time 2:13J. : One mile and a quarter , for thro year < olda , Duplex won ; time 2:20. : One mile and an eighth.Mniithon firat ; time 2:20 : | . Sevon-oightha of a milo , Sthrothsb ; won ; time , 1J3. ; Steeple chase , full course , Borna dlno won ; time 5:18. The Qold Dunt DUnttor- Special Dlnpntili tu TIIK llp.n. ST. LOUIH , Augint 9 The slimmer City of Alton , with the wounded bj the explosion of thu Gold Duat , u Iliel-man , on Monday , arrived here thia evening. A great crowd of people composed of relatives and friondu ant those simply curious to BOO tlio vie tinm of the dii.wter , congregated or the ' wharf , but only relatives and near friendo of the victinm were al lowed to go mi board. A very largo proportion of thu crowd were negroes , friunda of the wounded roustabouts Whi.'o ' many , fully lifty to [ ] sixty persons , on board are injured by burns or scald * , only cloven are in anything like a eorioiis condition. Captain McCord and two or throe othora were able to leave the boat alone and went to their homes , but the remainder of the badly hurt were carried ashore on stretchers and convoyed either to their liomeaor to the city hospital. DELIGHTFUL DANCE- Buccosaful Luwu Hoclublo ut Hona com Park Laat Night. br The two Jurgo picnic vans of Mo- , Shane and llomun started from Max Meyers' jewelry store lust evening at about 8:30 : bearing us merry loada ot irropresaiblo joung people aa could well bo found any whoru. Their JosQJ tinution wna Omalm'a ' favorite pleasure ground , lluiiflcjin park , and the lawn S sociable given under the manage- | inont of Mr. Harry Hunt and friunda. 0- the park tlio spacious platform waa vi found brilliantly lighted with brightly colored lanterns in great profusion. Everything hud been done by Mr. her Hunt and hia cllicient committee men make the gathering a success , and merely say that it waa a BUCCOSS ia had scant praise indeed , To the splendid niusio of Ilollman'a his irroaiatible orchestra the "light fantis- " wua tripped by merry dancers un fur into Iho "woo sin a1 hours" of and morning. Not less than sixty couples were present , besides numer visitors. All at length returned their homes , with the fooling up permost in their thoughts that with HoU'inan to dance after and Hunt to niunugu' for them , a tremendous suc will alwuyn bo assured. TELEQKAPH NOTES. The democratic congressional convention the Tenth Ohio district nominated Frank Him ! . A severe utorin in the eastern part of Mansachusett i did coimlderabla damaj , ' " to buildings. m WANTED. A good aocond-hand icyolo. Address box X , Central , Neb lO-Ut BLOODTHIRSTY BLACKS. A Frightful Riot at a Colored Oamp Moating in fnnocent Spoottitora Killed and Horribly Mutilated With Clubs. A Coupling Pin Stops a Him and Pinnhy Glided the Mooting1. The Whitoa Organizing for Re- veneo With Plenty of Bopo and Shotguns , Mexican Troopi Prnotlco nt Shorten on Apnrlio Prisoner * . Qonoral Variety of Villainous Deeds. A Cnmp Meotiun Out. | > tcli to TIIK Ilm , ATLANTA , On. , August 9. News reached hero to-day of a riot in East- man's , Sunday afternoon , when five persona were killed. For some days a colored ' excursion to a camp mooting F'j E.iattnan has boon advertised in F'p and surrounding towns , with a premise that "more amuaomont will be furnished than at any camp moot ing over hold in Georgia. " There ap- ptmra ' to have boon whisky drinking and gambling in the vicinity of the camp : mooting ard a victim complain ing to Marshal Buchanan of the loan ol hia watch , taken by Jake Johnson , A NOTORIOUS COLORED OAMIILElt , the marshal , with deputy Harm ] , wont to arrcat Johnson , who knocked the deputy down and ran. The mar shal opened tire mid killed him , which BO incensed the negroes that they clamored for revenge. Seeing a whit o man running through a grove toward the deputy's house , they made after him. The mob toro down the fence , and securing the palinga aa weapons , made u demand of the occupants of the house to surrender. A young man named .lames Harvard , of Co- ohlan , who accompanied the excur sion , accreted himself under the house , but was discovered , dragged out and beaten over the head with the palinga , and then the negroes put a piatol to hia head and I1LE\V HIS RRAINS OUT. After Harvard waa dead the infuri ated mob continued to boat hia body and mashed hia skull. The citizens of Kiatinati armed themselves and a general engagement took place , in which three negroes were killed and several persons wounded on both aidoa , the negroes being routed , When the oxcuisioutsts started homo in the afternoon the rioters were still boisterous , and had a general row Ic * the passenger coaoh. A negro out bnt wife to pieces , pistols were drawn , all' around , and the conductor in attempt ing to ojoot the man who did the cutting - , ting waa THROWN FROM THE FLATFOHM with him , and his life was in imminent peril until ho scoured a coupling link and knocked the desperado sonsolcf- The rioters put the boll line of the train , but the engineer discovering their purpose pulled oiu the engine lover and ran into Macon , making the fiiatest time on record on that road. Numerous arrests worn made , the principals being cant-lit , and quiet has boon temporarily restored , although the citizens of the town in which liar- vurd Jived have organized , and the lynching of the rioters is apprehended. Mnstaorcs lir Apnulios. Special Dlmuitcli to TIIit UBK. TUCSON , Auguat 9. Dispatches from Uuaymas , Sonoru , state that a band of Apaches raided utid killed all the inhabitants of tin ranchon in On- riao Sahunripa district , Souor.i , Mexico ice , last Wodnocday. Women and children were included and the houses burned. They muidured a vaquero near Polomas , two escaping , being a little behind the one killed. They ambuscaded a scouting party of ran ch ores , consisting of fourteen man , two of whom onh escaped , eleven being loft on the field , while one of thorn , who waa shot through his logs , , a dragged a short Otitancj into thu jrush. This inusa < jurn occurred at ho Hpliondn mine , which ii but a short distance from the Yaqui river at llocoda , and lies luitiveon the Califor nia and Piilroro mile's , belonging to the Lubarranco Mill and Mining com pany. The name day a mail rider waa also shot while crossing the Rio Chico. A Triple Traced ? . > cclftl Diujmtch to The IJee. CiuuAflo , August 8. At 10 o'clock to-night , in front of 2018 Wentworth avenue , Dietrich Peterson , a cigar- maker , fatally shot his former sweetheart - heart , 1'Vida Kriokompior , wounded companion , Francis Mauss , and then blow out his own brains. The cuuao of the tragedy was that the girl cast him off. The first shot hit Mauea by accident. Then ho followed fleeing sweetheart for half a block , firing at her. She has one bullet through her body and one in her neck cannot live , After she fell ho turned into a side street and put the revolver to his own head , Peterson tried to shojt her last sprint ; , and waa under bonds to keep the peace , Shot to Death. Special DlBjatch to Tim UKK , MATAMORAS , Mexico , Auguat 9 , Twonty-livo Apaches , who were cap tured by Mexican troops , wore pub licly shot at Chihuahua Monday. They mot their fate with an expres sion of the greatest contempt on their faces. At Urnapam , a Mexican olh'sial named Ninz , had eight prisoners publicly shot yesterday without provo cation. Forest fires are extending ia sjtti.