Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
"Wednesday Morning , Atttr. 0
BunscntrrioN RATES :
% r Carrier , - - - - - M ctntd per week
Omco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Noiv
Jf. O. 6KIFFIN , Manaptr.
B. W. TILTON , City Editor. !
Great b ig JBB l HIM.
J. Mueller's Palace Music Hall.
Sverybody reads TUB DAILT BKK. 1
3s the paper to advtliso In.
A new line of neckwear nt Bliss' .
The Presbyterian yotitiR folks indulged
in a social nt the church parlora last even
A full line of ! lk nnd ktd gloves nt
Slierrnden nialc iili
The board of trndo fftlled to get a quo
rram AlonJny night , the ttrno for the
Co to Dll ' for your'gloves.
Haircloth tklrta nnd hugtlco ot
The Bubtcrlpllon list to Tn DAILT
Bra in Council Bluff * la booming. The
Tbcst paper wctt of Chicago , nnd nt only
twenty Mats a wcok ii appreciated
T * . D. Cousins IIM a car load of cob
for Bale by the wagon lond. Addrcna him
mt P. O. box 760.
Sccmon has removed hin paper , boo' '
nd stationery stock to No. 405 Broadway
xezt door to Ilarknow , Orcutt & Co.
Officer dough nmlwlfohavo been nail
dcncd by the death of liar father , Jamer
JIarvoy , an old and highly rcBpcctod real
mtof Ilarlsn.
Mien Jvmma LfnUiogcr WM happily
msnlndcd of her birthday by n curprit
party t her home , in which many friend
joked. She wan alto the recipient o
jKxne elegant itlftn.
A-vcry dcilrablo pleco of proixsrty fo
> Bate , on south tldo of Sixth street , in th
fclock'oproftltotho new Oern Iloueo , on
Broodway , Front twenty feet. 1'rlc
ttreo thousand dollars. Emjuiro nt BFJ
Several of tire city fathcro ycstcrdv
coaornlng visited the driving park and vl
canity to look over the ground to see wha
ii best to do In regard to the propoaod
mUng of one street and accepting of an
Giber in Its place ,
Postmaster Armour desires not enl ;
that houses should bo numbered , but Ms
thftt the rctidcnts should begin bavin ;
their letters directed to their houses , c
that nil may bo got in readiness for th
IcgtoninK of the carrier nynlcm.
There nro ( till houses which are no
Knmbnrcd. It-is a little thing to see to
Irat if oreryono would attend to that littl
ihice promptly It would ho a great improve
OBQcnt and convenience.
who was fined $5 am
oostn Monday last for whipping his wife
cans to have aot'gotquito-enoughrovcngi
en LIs better half , but proceeded to
thrash her again , slnco which Urto ho has
kept out of the roach of the officers.
Charles We t , who tuns TUB
fciry brtween here and Omaha , had a
lively experience with Frank Ilughcs , th
layer of the old roan on Hobday. West
waiathls boat , and beard tm tof the
bloody transaction. He with others fol
. knrcd Hughes after the Minding , and was
thoonowho really capturad.hlm. Ilughoi
drew his revolver on West , end tried to
fire , but fortunately it inbccd. West is
not anxious to have any more experiences
of thin kind.
In the matter of fcnccu both about
public and private property in this city
there is a great chance for improvement.
fluuio of the finest buildings and residences
are enclosed by board fences or cheat
picket oner , giving often n dilapidated air
to prctnues which otherwise wculd bo
beautiful and attractive. A towdollarH
end n little good tanto would mnko A do
elded difference in the appearance of many
jJaces here If judiciously used in fcnco 1m
The Nonpareil yesterday had n meal
citcf ailing at 1'oter IJechtele , the wcl
known hotel man. This ia in accordance
with tbo well known ingratitude and in
justice of "tho colonel. " Not only IIUH
Jlr. L'echtelo occupied poiitionH of trust
lieic , and worked nobly for the growth ol
. the city and ittiiotereits , but ho has work
ed hard for Col , Uhapmun politically , and
gave him much -valufablo asaistance when
the latter ran : for county treasurer in
IBCi ) . Mr. Bcchtele , fortunately , U so
veil known hero that ho need not fear be
ing injured by any little fling that The
Nonpareil can uiako ,
O. A. Brown , of Walnut , waa among
the welcome callers at Tliu Bill office
f T.M. O.Logan , the godfather of tbo
town of Logan , waa in the city yeator-
Dr. Archibald , of Qlenwood , has re-
tamed from his Colorado trip , and favored
TUK Bin with a call ytsterday ,
Charles If , Deere , whose nairo Is so
lattlllarly connected with the manufao-
taring Interests of Molluo , Ilia. , was In Uio
city yesterday.
Mlsa Julia Tarbot , of Living Spring ,
Sllrer Creek township , who has been attending -
tending the teachers' Institute la this city ,
and * > gueit of II IB * Wesley , returned
bone yesterday morning , feeling that her
Uy here bos been one of profit as well as
B , V , Clayton was In the city yesterday
on his return from Nebraska , where he
'hu ' been look ing after land , and making
iionie purclmes in which T. V , Evan * aid
X. L , Shcgart were aho Intereetnd. The
land bought amounts to between 5,000 and
0,0(0 acres , and tbo amount paid was
.bout $10,000. The land lies in Gosper
ad 1'belpa counties , and Mr , Clayton
eem * to be very confident of having wade
purchases in * which there will be good
profits in time. He expresses ulinself as
veil pleased with the country , and says
that land U leiug Ukcn very fact and r p-
They Oonoludo to Select
Oil Inopector For
the Oity ,
The Monthly Roporti of City Of
floors nnd Other Intor-
ettinc Items.
At the mooting of the city counci
Monday evening all the members wcr
present nnd the mayor in the chair
After the reading of the minutes , th
monthly bills were nllowed and pott
tions presented.
Among the petition was ono signc
by several leading business houses requesting
questing the council to appoint an ol
inspector , in accordance with the law
the petition being signed by inor
than the required Gro. The potltio
was urged on the ground that oil wn
being sold here which was not inspocl
ed at all , other oil which was markc
much higher proof than it really was
Granted , and Mr. Siodcntop'f norain
atod Ii. A. Troutman for the posltini
of inspector. It appearing that th
oflico ia n Tory important ono , am
that the fees charged dealers wnult
mnku the oflico a very lucrative ono
Homo objected to any haato in the matter
tor and so it was postponed until th
next meeting.
A petition was presented in bohal
of Thomas Buckncr to ho appoints )
as city scavenger. Laid over until tin
next meeting.
A petition of J. T. Ilart , II. 0
Cory , A. B. Walker and others fo
the establishment of ntxalloy in blocl
10 , JefTorioB & Hyatt's subdivision
was roferrod. ,
A communication of the vrato
works company was presented , call
ing the council's at'ontion to the law
requiring the city to designate sucl
property as was benefited by th
water works , and subject , therefore
to a special tax. It also urged th
council to make preparations to fix
the special levy for paying the amoun
duo each aix months on the watu
works contract , so that it might b
made at the time of the regular as
scEsmont. The communication narra
ted also the progress and prospects o
the work , there- having boon fifteen
miles of water pipe laid out of th
twontyno required by contract , am
135 out of the 200 hydrants already
placed , and the pumping apparatu
would l > o ready by December 1. Th
communication was placed on filo.
George P. Wright , representing th
0. , B. & Q. railway , asked the coun
cil to allow the company to provide , a
its own expense , an indirect drain fo
the water coming from Bancrol
street , instead of having it pass di
rcctly through their yard. A resolution
tion to that effect was presented an
The sarno attorney also appeared fo
Captain Williams , the city woighmaa
tor , to protest against the counci
licensing for $10 other parties t
weigh for the public. Ho doomoi
this unjust to Mr. Williams , who ha (
already been elected , and had pro
vided at considerable ozponeo th
means for performing th
duties of the oflico , with tin
understanding that ho waite
to receive all the revenue from tha
source. Then the council had licensee
other scales. Ho bad to pay 20 per
cent of his fees to the city. The
athora paid only 810 for a year's
license. Bo doomed it unfair for the
council to allow the Income of his
oflico to bo cut down so that ho hac
i > eon obliged to seek other employment
mont , in the postofllco. The matter
was referred to the city attorney anc
judiciary committee.
A proposal was presented from John
Short ottering to settle a claim against
.ho city for money paid Mrs. Oraw
'ord , instead of himself , on proper
condemned for Union avenue. Ho
A petition was [ .resented for the ap
pointment of C. D. Walters as forcuiai
of Ilcsciio engine company. Placet
on lilo.
The report of the city auditor
ihowcd that during July there ha <
been warrants isiuod to the amoun
of $ < ilGGOir , making the total amoun
of warrants issued by thiu council to
date , ? iyfi80.55.
The report of the city treasurer
showed the following cash balances 01
land :
fjihrary fund . $ 'IS
Noveo fund . 2-107. < i :
L'urk fund . 7.'t3.8
Hood fund . , . 4,1121.0
Judgment fund . . . 17.CX
L'olico fund . 4.S7I.OS
General luiul . 1,103.35
Total . ,
The collector reported that
> f the 1,018 persons served with no-
.ices , 345 had paid , 440 had worked
> ut their taxes , $54 had boon secured
jy suits , and the total cash collected
was { 825. His commission on this
was over $200 , and the council order
ed fifty per cent of the foes paid now-
The city woighmastor reported that
n July bo weighed 510 loads. The
receipts of the office were $53.70 , and
ho city's share $10,74.
The city olork reported that ho had
collected cash during July $3,220 ,
which included fines , coot * , licenses ,
The bonds of Ed Lincoln , as runner -
nor for the Pacific house , Julius Fried
man and W. 8. Smith as runntra for
lie Ogden , Andrew Uonton , W. A.
toolo , and Ed Grlmmorman as coin-
ion carriers , and Matilda Davis as
tawnbrokor , were approved.
The city engineer reported that the
> ids for building a culvert on Indian
irook , would bo opened on the 14th.
lo reported on sundry other matters
f street improvement.
Aid , Shugart called attention to the
'Agnaut water on a lot near thn corer -
or of Pine and Main streets. The
touncil ordered that tbo owner bo no-
Tied to suppress the nuisance at once
> y filling in dirt , or else the city would
o ' it at the expense of the property.
'Tho city attorney announced that
le had prepared an ordinance amend-
ng the license ordinance in regard to
mblio hallt ; also an ordinance in ro-
; ard to the street which It waa pro-
> oaod to vacate to enlarge the driving
mrk , the Driving Park association to
; ivo the city another in its placo.
Joth ordinances were laid over.
The mayor announced that ho had
cceivcd notice of a suit against the
ity by Patrick Fooloy , who claimed
81,300 for damages done to lots by
surface water ; also a suit for $1,000
brought by Ellen O'Hearn against the
city and Gunnoudo & Taylor , for in
juries sustained by falling through a
collarway. Ilofcrrod ,
The mayor announced that the
plans adopted for a pest house to bo
built by the city and county jointly ,
would necessitate an expenditure of
$1,100 , so that the city's one-third
would bo something above the $350
Alderman Blodontoph reported that
the committee of the council had bar
gained with Peter Bechtolo for the
purchase of 128 feet of his property on
Bryant street lor $3,000. , The coun
cil confirmed the contract , and ar
ranged the } erms of payment to ex
tend over a period oi three years.
It waa decided to do away with the
penalty for those who had neglected to
pay the license on dogs owned by
them , provided such delinquents paid
during the month of August.
Adjournment was then taken until
Friday evening.
At the mooting of the city council
last night the ordinance in regard to
licenses was amended so as to charge
sovonty-fivo dollars for each circus
performance. The tax levy for the
year was fixed as follows : General
fund , 10 mills ; sewer , 2 mills ; library
fund , | mil ) ; and judgment , mill ,
making 17 mills. The matter of ap
pointing a coal oil inspector was
brought up and discussed fully , but
action was postponed until Friday
night , till which time adjournment
was taken.
A Number of Minor Coaes Command
the Attention of tbo Su
perior Court.
There wcro a number of drunks and
disorderlies who spent the night be
fore the bars , and who appeared yes
terday morning before the bar. Two
of these were John Rachel and Chris.
Christian , who were found with others
on lower Main utrect engaged in a
lively row. Oilicor Brooks captured
the first ono of the fighters ho found ,
it proving to bo Christian , who was
sadly dishonoring his namo. A citi-
con who came to Brooks' help captured
the other , and the crowd gathered
around to rescue them , but were driv
en olF. The prisoners struggled lusti
ly and had to bo knocked down two
or three times , and hold down until
Officer Barhytn came to the rescue.
They were then marched to the sta
tion , and yesterday morning pleaded
guilty to disturbing the peace , and
paid up.
A whole Hogshead was discharged
yesterday. Ho was up for disturbing
the peace ; ho having boon in a row on
lower Main street , but no witnesses
coming to the front , ho was lot # o.
John Mulonoy , a plain drunk , and
Mike Korby , a dead drunk , were dis
posed of in the usual fashion.
James W. Emerson , arrested for
boating the Coy house , was tried yes
terday. The evidence showed that he
was owing about $20 for board , and
that when ho skipped out ho tried to
got his baggage out of the window.
The fact that ho waa a regular boarder -
dor , however , lot him out from suffer
ing the penalty of the law , as it draws
a distinction by which it is transients
only , who are to bo punished for beat
ing a landlord.
J. J. Rudd , the good naturcd labn-
drvman , was the victim of unfortunate
circumstance , which brought him into
court yesterday. The night before ho
was sitting in a saloon , playing cards
and drinking beer with another man ,
until both were pretty mellow. Rudd ,
on leaving ; picked up a bundle of
shirts belonging to tbo other man ,
and took thorn to his laundry to have
them washed , and ycHtorday ho was
charged with the larceny of the shirta.
Ho could not explain the matter very
well , except that ho wes a little mel
low and ditln't think much ubont it
when ho took thu shirts , except that
ho was goint ; to have them laundried ,
but had no intention of stealing thein.
The judge thought ho wai technically
liable , and fined him $5.
Ycstorday a follow , supposed to be
ft sort of coiilidenca man , was com
plained of for having enticed u little
colored boy into his room under the
pretense cf getting his boots blacked ,
nnd then treated the hey in a shame
less manner. Other boys claimed
that ho had tried to got them into a
Ilko scrape , and Marshal Jackson ac "
cordingly wont after the young man
and brought him to the police station to
await investigation. Just outside the
: ity huildini ; the follow cave Jackson
thu slip , and ran up Glen avenue.
Jackson pulled his revolver to shoot
at the escaping prisoner , but a "pal"
of his interfered , and then one of the
city horces stood hitched between him
and his fleeing target. Jackson turned
about and arrested the fellow's "pal"
on general principles , and then started
with horse and buggy to head of U > o
mo who had skipped. In the mean
time Oilicor Edgar hurried after the
irisoner , and succeeded in finding him
liddon in the weeds near the bluffs
and brought him in. It is not cor-
ain what will bo done with the pairl
rue Commlualonors Looking1 Oror
the around for a Location.
Yesterday the commissioners ap-
> ointed to locate the now government
milding bulk here , arrived In the
ity , they being J. P. Burrows , of
Jlarinda , chairman ; W. M. Wilson ,
Jscoola , and James M. Pierce , of
Bedford. They spent most of the
ay in looking about the city and
lowing some of the sites which par
es propose to sell for that purpose.
Hioro are a number of those localities ,
mong them the property of Charles
loud , on upper Broadway ; the Platt
er property next to the city building :
toiler's property , corner of Broadway
nd Bancroft streets ; Gallagher's
ropcrty , just back of the now Emp-
io hardware block ; the Catholic
roporty ; Judge James' property ,
hero ho now resides ; the property
ornor of Center and Broadway , and
Irs. Amy's property , which the city
as often thought of purchasing. The
ouimlsslonera will not be in a hurry
n arriving at a decision , and will
pend a day or two la the city , and
| lookat other property probably besides -
sides what is already named , and re
ceive * other proposals if there bo any.
Joseph Durrinlurger , ttrondway , Buf
falo , wan Induced by his brother to try
TKOMAH' KcuscTntP On , for a sprained an
kle ; and with half A dozen applications he
was entbbled to walk round sgalnall right.
Democratic Primaries.
The democrats mot last night to
select eighteen delegates to the state
and congressional convention , which
meets at the court house to-morrovr ,
The followinaro the delegates selected :
First ward N > rman Green , W. R ,
Vaughn , 0. D. Walkers , I. Boekompe.
Second ward Henry Wagner ,
Wm. Mynstor , John Stagg , Robert
Huntington , Thomas Bowman.
Third ward-John Dohany , L.
Xurmuchlen , Andy Graham , J , 0 ,
Fourth ward 0. Ii. Mitchell ,
John J. Fraincy , W. L. BiggsV. . 0.
James , J. F. Hart.
Oar Olorions Independence * .
What can bo more glorious than to bo
independent of sulT-rlng , canned bv dyf-
pepsin , Indigestion , constipation , sick head
ache , or othnr di ea rs emanating from the
stomach. This can be easily gained by a
timely nun o ( DunnocK BLOOD BITTKIIS ,
Price 81.00 , trial 10 cents. au7-dlw
The Merry Hum ot Shonf ana ShokolB
Near Woodbine , Iowa-Other
Matters of News.
Correspondence of The lice.
WOODIIINE , Iowa , August 7,1882.
Farmers in this vicinity rejoice in a
bountiful harvest. The small grain is
all cut and in the shook , stacking is
nearly done , and a few have thrashed
trom the shock. The yield ia big and
the quality excellent.
P. T. DoVold has sold his farm ad
joining town. The sale of this place
illustrates the advance in value of real
ostato. Three years ago it sold for
two thousand dollars ; DoVold sold it
for three thousand , and Mrs. Stevens ,
the purchaser , has since been offered
a nice profit for her bargain.
The base ball mania still raises ; wo
have four nines. The latest organiza
tion is the Infantiles , who wont to
Logan and dotoated a picked nine , to
the tune of 25 to 3.
Wo had a sensation in social circles
last week , caused by the marriage of
Fred Forrest and Miss Etta Jones. It
was surprising because unexpected.
Their many friends extend hearty
congratulations , and our only wish ia
that they may live long and prosper.
Building improvement still con
L. Crane & Son are building a brick
addition to their store , and also ven
eering with brick the old part which
will give the whole the appearance of
a substantial brick block.
Ed. Howarth , a prosperous farmer ,
who owns a fine farm cast of town , is
building a fine dwelling in our city seas
as to give hia children the advantage
of our schools.
Hon. Fairchild Audrus has pur
chased a lot and will build a resi
dence , and become a permanent and
desirable inhabitant.
Hon. D. 0. Stanton , son of Eliza
beth Cady Stanton , Is ( pending the
summer hero. Ho makes an occa
sional trip to his brother's farm on
the Pigeon creek.
A. Powloy and W. W. Mathis re
cently returned from a trip to the
eastern part of this state whore they
purchased ono hundred and twenty-
eight young cattlo.
Mr. Owen Thorp , ono ot the old
settlers of Harrison county , dtod at
the residence of 0. W. Willey , August
3d , at the ago of 75 years.
Tl\o schools will open the first Mon
day in September.
The interior of Gidding's drug store
is receiving thu finishing touches from
the hands of 11. Ycisloy and M. M.
A child of A. Emgio died last Fri
day , and was taken to Magnolia for
A tramp ehoemakcr , who has been
boarding at the Woodbine hotel , tried
to take "French leave , " but Marshal
Jones took him in , and ho now boards
at the hotel doMidtllcton.
Boise & Do Con intend to build a
twenty foot extenaicn on their store.
W. D. Cronin will undoubtedly
build a largo brick building next sea-
eon on the site of hin present place of
Dr.V. . 0. Samson is still at the
"Hot Springs , and is not improving as
rapidly as desired ( R. E. I'OIITKII.
$200.00 REWARD 1
Will bo paid for the detection and con
viction of any person selling or deal
ing in any bogus , counterfeit or imita
tion HOP Birmis , especially Bitters
or preparations'with the word Her or 1
Horn in their name or connected
therewith , that is intended to mislead
and cheat the public , or any prepara
tion put in any form , pretending to bo
the same 'as Her BITTKHS. The genuine -
uine have a cluster of GHEKN Horn
( notice this ) printed on the white
label , and are the purest and best
medicine on earth , especially for Kidney -
noy , Liver and Nervous Diseases. Be
ware of all others , and of all pretended
formulas or recipes of Her BITTKIIS
published in papers or for sale , as
they are frauds and swindles. Win-
over deals in any but the genuine will
bo prosecuted.
Her BITTKIIS Mm. Co. ,
jy22-lm llochestor , N , Y.
All Shippers and Travelers will find
jood accommodation and roaaonablo
iliargcs. F
Jouncil Bluffs Iowa
, - - ,
NOTICE. Special adtertlscmenta , fat M
txxt , Found , To Loin , For 8 1 , To Ilcmt ,
Wants , Bonding , etc. , will be Inserted In thli
column at the low role o ! Tf.N CENTS FKR
MNK ( or the nrit Insertion and FIVE CENTS
PER LINK ( or each tubtc < | tient Insertion
Leave odv crtlecmcnts at our office , No. 7
'Pfflrl ' Street , near llroodg r.
\7 ANTED School tucliem , mlnlitm , stu-
V > dent * and others cm a d to their income
l > y < ! eve Ing A pottlon of tho'r ' time to c
tor our ttandtrd booVs and periodicals , or can
nmltetargd wigoi byd-voMnr ( their whole thno
to It. Wo want an actlvo mala i > r fa < ale ( , ' -ct
In every towmhlp In Iowa and t thraslta , and
will ctTrr extra Induccrrctits. Frr clriuta s ad *
dro Western nook Compiny , Box 654 Council
Bl fl , Ia.
An ciptrlenccd liinlncss roan-
WANTED thorough took-Xcrper doslrcs to
Kit some IftUllcil jojllloh In CcllQCll BlufT ) .
Addles' , Ntw YoiVer , tlce office.
"V17ANTED A ccod , cwinfcttr.t Rlrl none
VV other need oiiply ( or general homework
Mrs. T. K. Carln , 423 s&ulh btcond etrcot.
Everybody In Council BluBa It
WANTED Tin Uiit , 20 cents per week , do
Ilvcrcd by curriers. Office , No ,7 Pearl Street
near Broadway.
To buy 100 ton ) broom corn
WANTED addrcea Council Blufft
Broom Factory , Council Bluds , Iowa. CES-SBtf
For Sale and Rent
BALE The c cnptst hot-Bo and lot In
FOK . Aprlytoll. IIowo , No. ? 14 Broad
way. jy20
FOR SALE Two cUtms la Nebraska , cheap ,
byOdcll&Day. J)2Mw
FOR SALE A red Ir'sh fetter drp , 1 year old ,
thoroughly yard broken , will ecll cheap.
Address S. I' . O. b X 1042 , C. I ) . Iowa.
"T710R SALE BcA'itKul residence lot * . 00
JD each ; nothing down , and 83 i > cr month only ,
& SMOTHERS , Council Bluffs
and Omaha express. Orders Iclt at Boston
To store , Jhln str ct , Counc'l ( Hulls , or J. C.
Elliot , 1S06 Fftnikin ttrcct , Omaha , will receive
prompt atlenton jylBf
QT1LL AHEAD Great euccoon. Call and BCD
O " w acccsaorlcs and specimens ot pictures
ta cnb the reliable gelatine bron.Mo process ,
at the Excelsior Gallery JODltalnstreet.
DR. W. L. PATTON Physician and Oculist.
Can cure any casn ot sore cyon. It Is only
a matter ot time , and can cure generally tn
( rom three tc fire weeks It makes no differ
ence how long diseased. Will straighten cross
cjc , operate and remove Ptyrcglnmn , etc. , and
Insert artificial eyes Special attention to ro-
movcinit tadcMomis v ap6-tf
Facts fortli Knowing
A now crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 7Go
Fine Japan Tea , equal to that offered -
fered at 75c GOc
Very Fine Young Hyson , equal
to that offered at $1.00 75c
We Mean Just What Wo Say ,
16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffis , Iowa ,
OUlco ana Works , Main Street ,
We give special Attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will receive prompt attention. A general as
sortment of
Braea Goods , Belting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Coal ,
President ,
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
A'so ' gcnla ( or the following lines of
Steamship Companies :
unatd , Anchor , Qulon , American , and StUe
Steamship Com ] antes.
X > X > ML. 3E * O ? 8 .
Tor sale on the Royal Eank of Ireland and Bank U
! Ireland , Dublin. Those w o Intend to noiid lor
rlends to any | urt ol Europe Mill flud It to their
iterett to rail ou
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
J43 Broadway , Council Bluffs Ia.
MRS , fl. J. HILTON , M , D , ,
222 Broadwav Council Bluff-
The moot cent rail r located hotel In the city ,
loom * TV11,00 , ft. M and ttOOpjrday.r
Flnt Clisa RctUurint connected wlta the
old.J. . II , HURST , - - ( Prop.
Corner Fourth and Locuit Street * .
AHT1 , . TTOTTSl ! ,
Broadway , aid Fourth Street. , .
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Burdette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all.
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
.A. third off. Agents wanted.
.A.O X
O Oorrespondonoa solicited ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Willow greets. . Council Bluffs ,
THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but first-class Bakora-
employed. Bread , Cake , Pica , &o. , delivered to any part of the city. On *
Wagons run nil day.
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , alee , Railroad Lands
and a number 01 Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYKE , over Savings Bank , - CPU MOIL BLTJFS
fe . Offering Special Bargains in All
Kinds of Summer
"SETM. < O >
412 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
. . . ,
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Ketall Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
. . . . . . . ,
( fjite Vttfrlnary Surgeon L' , 8. A. )
? he Only Votorinory Surgeon
in the Oity ,
11 of the beet rhj-elclau } ! la Council Bluflj and
lurrountlln e
The Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
nploy the best Bread Baker In the Wottj also
choice hind ( or Cakes and Plea.
Bread delivered to all parts ot the city.
nicb Out Glass , Fine French Cnlna ,
Silver Ware &c. ,
Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pine , Iron and Brass Fittings anfl
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Banoroft or ( Fourth Streets. )
THOU , orricmi. w. ii. u. rpair.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - (858 (
Dealeri In Foreign and Domestic Exchange
and home securities.
813 South Wain Street , Council Bluffs.
New house and newly fitted up In first dan \
ityle. Meal ) at all hours. Ice cream and loco-
o 1e every evening. KrulU and confectloncrla