Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1882, Image 5

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\ Dltpatchoi to Tint HER
NEW YPBK , August 8.
"Money 2@3 per cent.
I'rimo Mercantile 1'npcr 5 ( < ? .C per cent.
Sterling Kxr.bnngaBanker ' bills were
sUaily , 4.S5i demand , 4.83i.
Produce exiioits for the week , $3,472,000.
The stock market At tlio close WM
strong , nnd there were li.dicitions
some of the lending speculators who have
been working for a decline have given up
the tusk ns nn unprofitable ono and hive
joined the bull side.
The i\cning : 1'ost nays : "Ordinary
spccttlntive ctpitnli U of Wall street can
control price' , but it hixs often been shown
Hint , as ( igninst the public , tinleas the Ut
ter can be demoralized , they are an In-
feiior power , nt least through early ntngei
of n contest. " The sania paper says tlio
secret of tlio stteiinth of tlio mrket ! the
extenshc bujing of tlio public , which each
year II.IH more and more money to invest.
Tlio public now to be inthicnced in
tlieir puicli-vse ? , mainly by two cousldera *
tioiiM one , thnt even with n short jlcld in
some crops bo 10 nnd there tlii country , ns
a whole , will htvo the inrgcst iropn ever
] iroiiiccil ] , nnd from tlio pro.Jcnt-inoic.x-
tious will hnvc n guod inirkct for them ,
alii theotlier , the ttuakllneV policy
.this year Is directed 10 ( ecuring full rntcs
for freight , uh-io a ngo HH ftirpiue
ectnicd to be the rt\e to In other wotd- ,
tlio public in Luyiug hhnrcs in r.illrnad
property nro c untiiu un larpo tomin0-o
and en yo id rates for the tiiino.
The indicatiuus cle rly p hit to nil. tbcr
'bull niovcineut , leading operators liaving
botn largo buyers i n the recent decline.
There is ncon tdorablo thortinterest in tlio
market , A tact whi li will assist tbo rise
materially. TJio strength of the Western
Union was a fc.Uure ot the dealing , tttocVs
tiling eu the official unnouiucineiit tint
Mr. Gould had tran ftrred ! hia large hold-
ingin tlioMntHnl UuionconipAnynt n very
low figure , which prevents tlu poaiibilily
of warfare between the two corporations.
Tbo fact that the earnings of the Western
Union nto largo , nnd elco tbnt Mr. Gould
ami his following were bonvy buyers , its-
.slsted the upward movement this after-
Yesterday. To tlay
.C'g 1011 luli
C'd 10l | 101
1B ? 120J 120
Piicilic IJ'a of 1893 ISO laO
Cjntral Pncilic HCi 115J
Erie Becouiia * 'JS ' 'J7i
LobighVilkesbirro * 10S 107
l.ouiduna cuusuls 7" S
Ulissouri 's * 110 110
St. Jcbeph 112 lit
St , I'ttiti & Sioux City firsts..Ill 11 li
Teuue eo O'a 57i 07
Jo new & 7i 57
Uuiun I'ttcilio 1st mortgage..11GJ llli
do Inutt irauts..HIJ UI4
do binkiug futul..l2.l 12
Virginia O's Jit
110 CUUbO'B ( i'd 5'J Of
do lUferrtd 12 V2
Texas & I'.iciliu laud grants. . 08 OS
tto 1 ( . U. div. . . . 8 bU
Adams Express 13'J ' 13i !
Altoiiit I'cira llnuto 1S7J 11U
do pfd. . . . J-H 8j
American Express ill Oi
liurl. , Utilar llipidi A : .Noita 8t bl
Oanatta Suuthem ( i j '
Uol. , Oin. & luii. Uoutr.vl. . . . Hi l-
Central r.vviliu 1)3 ) U-
Cheaaneake At Ohio 24 -l
do 1st pfd. . . S7 hO
di 2d pid . . 2 > 23
Chicago & Alton 113 144
do pfU HO 140
Chi. , Hurl. & Quiucy 138 13 ;
Chi. , Sc. Jj. & oew lyrleaiiH. . 7S 78
Ciu. , Smd. if Clevclund 57 6u'
Cleve. , Cel. & Umcmtmti. . . . b5i 80
Delaware & lluiisoii cuual. . . .116 | lltig
Del , L ick. ic Western 1 > 8 139 *
Denver & Jlio Grande Cli 0 *
Erie 40i 40i
do i > Id SO,1 ! 80i
Fort \VnyiiB& Cliic. o 131 131
Hannibal & fat. Jo.-tjiih 8. ) 81
do i-ft. . . UJ D/
Harlem 203 2ui !
Houston & Texus Central S3 bt )
Itiinjis Cetuin ! 14fJ
Ind. , Uloom. k \ \ eUeru 4 *
Kansas & Texas 3b
Lake EiieVci > tjru -IL'j Hi
Lake Shore ix Michigan Ho. . .1154 II'1) ' )
Louisville & Nunhvitlu 7.1 | 71
LouiiV. , New Ali ) . it o'liicago Oa 70
Marietta i. Cincinnati 1st pfd10 * ili
ilo 2d pfd 'J U
JMoiophinJi Cluilestori MJ 01) )
Michig n Central ! UIS 101
MUxouii l'.citic lu&i lOti
Mobile & Ohio 21 21
Horrin A : Esfeex 1 Ojj 1 ; 7
Nushvillo ft Chattanooga 03J 01J
New J erney Central 774 71) )
Norfolk ti tViMtern 03 00
Kurthern racilic 453 004
do pfd 8'J * J\i
Northwestern 141
do pfd 101 ICI
Now Yurk Co'jtrul 130 1374
Ohio Central 1G 17
Ohio & Mississippi 37 'Mi
do nfd 113 11.J
Ontario & We = tern 20 \ 27
1'ucitio Muil 411 llij
rnnuina lu'3 10j
I'turU , Decatnr & Evansv. . . 30J 37t
Pittsli irj ; * Cleveland 13S 138
Ht a < ling OS1 CO
Jlock Island 13uJ 1 7
.St. Loins & San Kran 42 42 (
do pfd. . . . GO i Of
do lat pfd DS D.Si
St. I'diil & Mllwaukeo 1223 1H >
do i.f.l..l3J4 13'it '
St. 1'j.ul , Minn. & MauitjOu.lSll 1-
St. I'.iul & Omaha My OL'J
do pfd HOA no/i
Texas & I'aclfio 61A & - &
Union 1'rtciho llb H'J
Uniceil S aves Uxnr th 71 74
Wabaili , St. L. & i'acllic. . . . 3fl 8J
( to pfd. 0U ( Mi
WellF.irgo & Co. K fiie .l'"J 12 i
Wo U-rn Uulon Telejjiapli. . . 88i OUi
EistTenuesuo U
du pfd l
Caribou l
Central Aruun i
JixceUIor , 1 1
llumestnko 18 lo
J.ittle I'ittsburg 1 1
Ontnrio 3 ; ! ! S
( Juickbllver 10 10
do pfd 45 15
Silver Cliff. . 'i *
. Standard 13 | I3
Sutro I 4
Itobinson 1 1
South 1'aclfio 14 1J
JlinneapolU & Si. L juis 32 32
do pfd. COi OS
Offered. .
Quialm V/holonnle Murliot-
OrKion or Tim OMAHA UEE , I
Tuesday Evening , August 8. J
The only changes reported in the mar
ket to-Jay are an follows ;
Wheat-No. 2 advanced lo.
33PreyNo. ] 2 declined 4c ; No. 3 declined
clined 7c.
Jlye advanced 3jc.
Cora advanced 3o.
Tomatces advanced 25o per box.
Eggs advanced le.
Shoulders Advanced 2jc.
Local Qraln Dtallna * .
WHEAT. Cwh No. 2 , S5a ; cn h No.
J , ? 2ic : rejected , 60o.
UAltU&-Cash No. 2 , 8lc ; No. 3 ,
COHN. No. 2 , 03 * .
OATS.-Cnsh , JWc.
STHBET PUlCES-Corn , 65fl,7o ( ; o l ,
40@45 : .
Produce and Provltlont.
POTATOKS-25g33o ( pfr bushel.
ON10NS-M@7r.c per bushel.
13UTTKU Choice country , 12@15 ; .
KGS-ScArce , ISc.
MEATS Hums , 10@lGo ; lircnkfnst
bncon , lac ; clear bason , ISJcj shoulders ,
llic : dried beef , ICc.
Slinuesotn patontp , 4 70 : Jack Frost , t 7" > !
Shawncofmicy , 375 ; California ' 'Pioneer ,
3 75j Triumph , spring , 3 23 j rye tl.itir
H 2i ; rye , Grnbiin , 2 OOj wlient Grnhnin
3 23 ; liny. 0 000 fiO per ton ; baled , 10 00
chopped feed , 1 tiO ; chopped corn , 1 50
brnn , 1 00 per cwt ; strnw , 4 OJ per ton
lee f > ! 5 00 baled.
PEAlW-Cnlifoinia , 30 li boxes , S3.25.
PE ACHES -Cnllft.niii . , 10 Ib boxes ,
S2 ; Snutliern , p r Imx , T > cfil.23.
PIjUM8-Californin.:01l > mixes S..50.
GKAPES-Callforntj , 20 Ib boxec ,
] MNKY-Cnllfor.i ! , porll' , 22Jc.
Al'PI-KS Per lmrn-1 , S)2) : ) .
C \ xT l.OPIJS-l'cr dozen , S2.00.
OYSTlillS l' r can , C > : > c.
Grocers' List.
JCHEKai 1 < all Oreaii , 12 Part
jkltn. 1" " Js.
l < EANt--lniport d Gciinan UO per
vA'WE B.--lMo , lair , lie ; Kin , gyoJ
io ; Ulo , ] ill , . lo choice , li'ic ; Old ijov't
J' v\2'm ; tMorh \ , 28 c ; Arlmolcle' * ,
TEAS .Guuniwiler ; , good , 4. * > l5r ) ;
Jticicu , liO@7oe ; luipcrinl , | { oed , 40ft4oc ( ;
' ice ! X7ic ) ; Young Hycon , good , 36 ©
iQc ; choice , tocfe : ? ! i > : J.ipnn Nat Lenf ,
H/CJ .Taiinn. choice , COg.T c ; Ooliiuc , go l ,
. c : t'huice , ; l.
NEW P10KLKS iMwitum , in barrel
f)00 ! ) ; do in half libls , 6 25 ; nmalla , iu bbln ,
1100 do , in hnlfbbls , 7 l Oj gheikius , iu
bMs , 13 00 ; do , in hnlf bbla , 7 03.
WOUDISNWAUI'J Two mmp pail'i
103 ; tin on hoop pnilo , U 20. Tub' , No.
1 , < r,0 , No. S , 8f.O , No 3 , 700. Pio.
neer wu-.hboards , i 81 Viouble Crnwn ,
2'JJ ; WollbuckctM , 3 tO.
LEAD 15nr , SI 05.
V1NEGAH Pure apple extra , 1lc ! :
imro apple , 13c ; Pmssinc uuro uuulo , lOc.
aUGAKS-Cut loaf. He ; Crushixt
lie ; Granulated , lO cj Powdered , 11 ;
Kiuo powdered , lie ; Standard Cotleo A.
9jo ; Now York ( 'onfcctiouer's Standard
X 9ic : Good A , Ojc : Pfairlo Extra U ! ) c.
HOPE Sisal , 4 inch nud larger , lO c ;
liinch. Hit.
CANNED GOODS Oystora , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per cnse , Si 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 75 ; ( to 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cnso ,
3 7' ' ' . Lobsters , 1 1T per dozen ,
1 SO. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do 8 Ib per
ise. 300 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per txue , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cn"e , 3 15 ;
string baaus , per c.ise , 2 10 ; Lima bonus
per case , 1 85. S'iccotnih per C.IGO. 2 00.
I'cas common , per cnfco , 2 00 ; ncaa , choice ,
per cnse , 3 15. liUckberrios , 2 Ib , per case ,
240 ; Htrnwbenk'u , ' 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20. Dam
sons , 2 11 > , per cn ° c , 2 n. Bartlett
pears per cace , 3 OOg 1 T'J. Whortleberries
per case , 240. Kgg plmns,2 Ib , V 75 ;
Green gages , 2 lii per capp , 2 " 5 ; do choice , "
I ! ) per case 1 00. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , jrarcaae ,
\ 00@5 75 , Peaches , 2 10 per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
jahc.2 00 ; do pie , 6 tb , per dornrj , 3 50.
SAIiT. Drav loa'i. ' . Pr bbl , 1 05 ; Abh
.011. in no Its , 3 r.O . ; bbls dr.ii ? fiO. 5 , 3 TO
HOM Y JSew , 65 ( X ) per but.
fODA DwirlH'u Ibi-ajiers S'2 85 ; DC
end do , SJ 83 ; Church's , 8 83 ; Keg soiin
CANDLES-Uoxcu , JO Ihe , 10 or , Ha
15cboxcn ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Os , lOu ,
KICK Carolina , 7i@8c ; Louisiana , 7
@So ; fair , G@G } .
h. sugar houBe , bb s. 55c .half
bis , 57e ; kegs , tj gallon T 552SO ; choice
.able syrup , 53c ; half bbls > 552 ; kofi,82 ! 50.
STAUUH. I'earllie ; Silver UIOSH , 8J
gBJc ; Corn Starch , J ! @ 9s ; Excelsior
ilo < ! 3. 7c : Com. 7Jc.
Sl'ICES. Pepper , 20 ; AUpIce , 20 , : ;
Cloven , 40c ; Nuttnesp , 1 0025ou ; 3i < ia ,
Mace ? 1 00. .
MATCHES Per caddie , 90c ; round
onBoa , ? 7.C3 ; equaro casor , 85.10
SOAPS Kirk'8 Savon Imperial , 335 ;
Kirk'a entinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 3 80 ;
Kiik's white Husaiau , 5 25 : Kirk's
Eutoca , 2 15 ICirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk'a magnolia , 4 85.
LYE American , 3 10 ; Greenwich , 340 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 27ft.
POTASH Peuus-ylvaulr. cam , 4 do * . ,
iu cane , 'I 85 ; Babbitt's } 5all , 2 du * . iu case ,
t 90 ; Anchor Hall 2 doz in ewe. 1 50.
FIHLD SKK1) Hod clover , choice
new , 8' ' ! 00 pur bushnl ; mammoth clover
new , ? 7 00 ; white clover , new , 814 00 ;
il nlfa clover , new , 31250 ; aleiko , haw ,
$1300 , Timothy , good , no . S3 0 ( ) .
blue ijMfl' ! , extra clean , SI 60 ; blue era DM ,
clean , 91 25 ; orchard grata 82 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common < > r MitBomi ,
80c ; millotOormnn , 8100 to 31 tW ;
Ilumrariati , 80c.
HKDftKSUKD Onii ; ? orantfi1 , 1 to ! >
bunhelH , § . ) 00 ; osage ornnge , 10 bushels or
over , $1 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
F1S J Fnmily white linn , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
35 25 ; No. 1 white fish , CO Ib hf bbln. 7 00 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; fnmily
10 Ib kits , 8lie ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 3. " > ; Kufmian unidines , 75c : Colup'-
bij liver Bnltnou , per lOOlln , 8 00 ; Gcor i'i
Bank codliHb , Gc ; Gun , bouolom co , Xuy
flic ; bciiielcHH lisb , 5 c.
51AOKKHKL HalfbbNiiesininckerul ,
100 Iba , 812 50 ; hf bbl No , 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibe , 8 00 ; lif bbla , fat family do , 100
lbn , 00) ) ; nirss mackerel , 12 Ib kitw , 225 ;
No. 1 or uhore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. I nhoro ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
PEANUTS Jtoabted , choice , red Ten-
newce , l'io per Ib ; fansy white , lOio perlb ;
ra-v whita Virninln rnw , lOo ; ronstcd ,
12 > c.
Dry Ooodi.
llitOWN CD'rrOK'H Atlantic A , SJc ;
AppletonXX , 7c ; Atlr.nta A , 80 ; IJoott
KF , hjc ; Uuckoyo LL. 4-1 , 7e ; Oabol W ,
7ic ; Oliittcnnn A , O u ; ( Jreat Ksills K ,
8lc ; llooaicr , lijc ; Honodt Wi-lth , K\e. In-
itlan Head A , 8Jc ; rii'linu Standard A ,
8je ; Iiiillan Orchaul d , w. , Sc ; Lawrence
lili , IK ; Mystic lUver , 7ic ; IVijiiot A , fijo ;
SlwTiimt lili , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5tc ; Wftchiw
ett U , 7Jc ; do A , 8Jc ; do K 48 , 12jo ; Wai-
co'.t 1JU. 8Jo
1.1 ; 7ic ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argyle 4-1 , 7''ej ' '
Atlantio LL. lie ! ; 15adtor ; StntP X 4-1 , 7c |
Hcmiimjton 0 4-4 , OJc ; lluckoye S. 1-1 ,
Indian Orclmril AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Lnconia 0
89 , 8HcLuhiih ; ! K 4-1 , 9 < c ; Loiwdalo 1-4 ,
lOc ; I'cniierefl N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7tc ; do li : l
30. 7c ; do U 89 , 8'c ; l'.ewnet 0 1-i , 7Jc ]
Wamsuttn 4-1 13s
tin I' l-I.9lJlackntoiioAA ( ! ; inperial8fc |
do do half bleached 4-1,9c ; Cabot 4-l,8i
Fidelity 1-t , 9icVrnit ; of thajOom,10i an
can brio 4-l,13odo ; WnterTwiut , lOJc ; Great
Falls Q.lOio ; Indian Head shrunk 4-1 , 12e
Lons'lnle , lOo ; do cambrio 87 , 12io ; Now
York Milld , 12Jc ; Penuot A.lOc ; Poppercl
N (1 Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontaa 4-1 , 9ic
Pocassct 4-4 , 8 0 ; Ulica , lie ; Wninautta
0 X X. 12ic.
JJuC'KS' ( Colored ) Albany K brown ,
8c ; doO , lirab , il do XX stripes nnc
iilaida , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and dial ) ,
stripes nnd plr.ids , 12jc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; Urunawlck brown , 8Jc ; Chariol fancy ,
12jc ; < ! D extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Hivci
brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana A
brown IMcoixmset A brown. 15e.
T1UK1AUB arnoBkeag A U A 31
19c ; do XX blue 82 , 18JOJ Arrowanco ,
Uic : Claremont 15 U , 151c ; ConcBtogo ex
tra. 171o ; Hamilton D , Ilia Lewwton .1
30 , 15c ; Jillnuehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omep Btipei
extra V-l , 28c ; Pearl Hiver 82,10c ; Put
nam XX blue Btriiw , 12c ; Hhetucket fc
lOic ; do 88 12c ; Yooinan'B blue 29 , 9 (
HKNIMB. Ainodkeak , blueandbrom
Andovcr DU blue , IBJc ; ArllngS
blue Scotch , 18ic | Concord OOO , bine i w
brown. 12Jc ; do AA A , do do 1SJ ; do XXto
do do l4JclIayrnnVpr's ; blue And brown ,
91c ; Mv tlc lUver 1)1) slriiw , IGJc ; Pearl
litvcr , blue And brown , ICc ) Uncaaville ,
blue And brown , HJc.
CAMBKICS-Barnard , 5lc ; Eddy ton
linlnz. 24 Inch double * AC , Sic ; Gntner A
glazed , Sic ; Manhattan clovp finish , CJcj
Newport doCcdoclazcct,5jc ; ; Peqiiot do
5c : Ixckwood kid nnisli , Go.
COKSKT JEANS Ainorr , 8cAndro :
coggin atteeti , Sjc ; Clarcndcu , GJciConci
o 'ga sattcons , 7k ; Hnllowol , 8c ; Indi }
Orchani 7Jc ; J > inrr ian8cttlniprovo < Io
I'epiierill sattwn 9Jo ; Kockxrt | ) , "jo.
PJlINTS Aliens , Cic : American , Gjc ;
Arnold , 7cj Berwick , 4c ; Cochcco , c ;
Cne9tofft. . CJe ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Duunell ,
Cj@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Oci
Ilarnumy , 5Jc ; Knlckcrliockcr , f ic ; Jlcr-
rimac D. 7c ; Mystic , Sic ! Sprarue * . ' ;
Southbrlilgcs Oc ; do. GingliKius 7c ; Marl-
born , 5Jc ; Oriental CJu.
GlNGHAMS-Aiiuwikpag. 12jc ; Amos.
ke 5 dr ss 1IJAnry'o. ' . I" } " ! Atlantic ,
9c ; Cumberland , 7\o ; Highlnurt , "tc ;
Kenilworth , SJc ; Plun kctt , lOJc ; Sus-
BOX. 8e
COTTONADES Abbervlllo l. Jo
Agate , ? 0c ; American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 13ic ; Clarion D and T ,
17Jc ; DeccHii Co. stripe * D and T. IGc ; Key
stone , 131c ; Nantuckct , Ulc ; Nonpareil ,
IGc ; Ocean 1) and T , 13icj Koynl , 1GJ
Suseor , 12c ; Tiogn , 12jc ; Waclm'ott liirt-
In ? sbt-cks. 13jc ; do , Nankin , 12lc ; York.
plain Nankin , 12jc ; do.cliocks , striixw and
fancy , 12Jc : do , 8 oz. 20c.
SlIEl'TlNGS-AtuiroRC.gilnlO-4.27c ; } !
do 9-4 , 21e ; do 8-1 , 22e ; Continrntal C
J2 , lie ; Fruit of the I-ooni 10-1. 27J ; New
York mills Oy , 3.V ; do 78 , SOo : do 5S , i > 2ic- ;
I'embroko 10-1 , 25c ; Pomiot 10-1 , 2Sic ; do
7-1 , l ! c ; do 19 , IGc ; Popperoll 3l , 20c ;
do G7 , 21c ; do 57 , 10C Utica M , 35o ; do
8 , 22ic ; ( to IS , 17o
Clean ni ) Tobaccos.
OIOAKS. Seeds , S15.00 ; Comu-ctlcut ,
f.3.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Hnvnun ,
650.00 ; Ploarllax-ntin , 875.00.
TOP.ACCO PLUG. Golden Uule ,
JJ Ib , ( AJ ; Our Kope , first quality , G2c ;
Star , pounds , 21 Ib , buttrtiOc ; HorHoShoo ,
poun-ts , 21 Hi , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds , 21 Ib , butts , GO ; Anny and Navv ,
jouuil.s. 55c ; Bnllioniounds | , B9c ; Lorll-
lard'nCHmnx , pounds , dOc.
FINE CUT In imlb. Hani to Beat ,
7tic ; Golden Tluead , VOc ; VounUiu , 80c ;
Favorite , G5c ; Uocky Mountain , tiOc :
Fancy , 53c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil
Cntllns O. S. , B Hi boxes , per Hi G3c ; Lori-
lUanl's 'I'itier , G.'c ; Diamond Crown , ( Wo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 26 to
83o. Granulated Blnekwells Durham , 10
oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 07Ilia ; Seal of
North Carolina. 10 oz , 4G ; Seal of Ncbrns.
lea , 1(5 ( 02 , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 cr , linen bags
per Ib , 61.85 ; Marburgs1 Puck 2 oz , tin
oil , 5 Sc ; UOK T ail G5c.
Paint * Olli and Varnlihot ,
I'AINTS IN OIIi White load , Om.iln
P. P. . Gic ; white lend , St. Louis , pure , 03" !
Marseilles green , 1 to B Iti cann , 20o
French zinc , gis-jn seal , 12c ; Frsneh zinc ,
red Boal , lie ; French zinc , iu varnish nist ,
20c ; French zincc , in oil nsst , 15c ; Haw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and
burnt Sienna , 13c : van-.iyko brown , 3 , ,
rofincd lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ;
l ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo
grocn , L. M. A. I ) . , 14c ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. & 1) . , IGc ; Paris green. 18o
Inilinn red , 15c ; Venetian rod. Do ; Tuscan
ilrv , 22c ; American Vcnniliod , I. & P. , I8c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. k D 0. , 18e ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , lri ; patent
dryer , 8c ; prainiug colors : light oak , dark
oat , walnut , chestnut and ash 15c.
Dry ° alnti
White lead , GJc ; Krencn fine , lOc ; Paris
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders. IJc ;
vihiting com'l , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , He ; Imipblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prur-
sian blue , 55c ; ultr.unarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
brown , fie ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , rnwL
lcsieuna ; , burn't , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
Paiis green genuine , 2"c ; Paris green com'
20o ; chromo green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom
green 1C. , 12c ; vcrmillion , Eug. , 70c ; vcr
million , Aniericr. , ISc ; Indian red , 10o1
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cookson'B
' ! Jc ; vcn tau ! red Am. , le ; roi lead , 7i
cliroiiioj-ellow , Ronuine , 20c ; chrome yel'
low , K. , 12c ; obre , rochollc , 3c ; ochre ,
Freacb , 2c ; ochre , /Vinerlcan , 2c
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; leliigli brown. 2Jo
Spanish brown , 2ic ; Prince's mineral So
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon ,
llAc ; I'ol ) headlight , per pUlon ,
12c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , IGc
" " - linseed , boile-1 ,
per ual1
castor ,
. . . . . . sweet
v v. ji i jiiiun , j. AV > A W. / , A. vuf ,
l > er gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 55 ; fish , W. B. . per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , b'5e ; lubri. .
eating , zero , per gallon , 80s ; Hummer , 15c
Ko'.den ' ranchino , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No ,
2 , SO ; aperm , signal , j-cr gallon , 80c ; ter
pontine , per gallon , 65c ; nnptlia , 74" , per
gallon , 18c : Or. 17c
VARNISHES Barrels per pallou.
Furniture , extra , 51 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
81 j coach , extra , $1 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Dnmar , extra , ? 1 75 ; npan , 70c ; as-
phaltura , oxir.i , 85c ; shellac 83 50 ; hard
oil finish. $1 30
PAPER Straw paper , 2c ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 61 ; innuila paper , lOc ;
news piper. 8c.
Moavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , rat < n , $3 40 ; plow steel , special
cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; HpocIalorGermanGc ;
ca t tool do. 15@20 wagon Bpokes , H6t.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per net , 1 25 ; felloes , eawed
dry , 1 40 ; voufiies , each , 70Q85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; siiuuie mite , per Jb , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib , 8@18o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , C@12c ; malleable , 8c ;
irou wedges , Go ; crowbars , Oc ; bivrro-.v
teeth , 4c ; horsoahoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel , 7@8c ; Burden's liorsoahocB , B DO ;
Burden's muleshocs , G 50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck abel , 2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 ; Jo. , half
kegs , C3.48 : do. , fiuarter kngs , 51.88 ; Blast-
luif. kocs. 83 35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c.
BAl.BED WIltK In car lots,8 30 per
100 : in IOKB than car lots. 8 55 n r 100.
NAILS-RatcB , 10 to GOlj ? , 4 00.
Oak dole , 880 lo 42c ; hemlock bo'.o , 28o to
85c ; hemlock kip , 80c lo 100 ; runner ,
G5o to 80c ; hemlock culf , 85c to 120 ; lii-m-
loci : upper , 23c to 2ic ( ; oa'c ' u > per. 21c ;
alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; c.ilf kid , 32fer : > c ;
Grt-iHon kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8llc to
1 00 ; onk culf , 1 20 to 1 ; French kin ,
t 10 to 1 B5 ; Ficnch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rns-
uettn , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , C 00 to 10 50 ;
topi iiiK , 9 00 to 1050 ; B. L , Morocco , "Oc
to 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 35c ; fciinon
i rO to 3 ( X ) .
HAIlNKSS--Nol Btnr onk , 42c ; No 2
do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , S8c ; No. 2 do ,
35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 3lc.
Hormi and Mulei.
The market iu brink and nil grades itrti
colling wcil at fR ! it-lit advance In p Ices.
The demand for good luirHCfl etcoodH the
supply consifleraoly. 1'ricoa range n fol.
lir.v'H ;
Fine uingle drivers. 3150. to 300. ; Kxlra
draf t horses , 8176. to 22" ) . ; Common
homes , $100. to 150. ; Hxtrn fann h
13110. to 125. ; Common to good farn horsed
QUO. to 8100. ; Kxtra plugn , SCO. to 75. ;
Common nlugH , 820. to $40.
MULKS. Hi to 154 hands ( extra ) , $125.
to 150. ; IU to 15 hands , 8100 , to 110. ;
It to 144 Imndri , H5. to 100. ; 13i to 14
; bauds , 2'JO. ' to 75
LI uom.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 20 per wine
: gnllon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 20 per proof gallon ; triple refined upirils.
187 proof , 121 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
, vtiBkles , 1 OOfel 50 ; fine blunded , 1 60 ®
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbona , 200@700 ; K n-
lucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 Uw)7 ) ) 00
UKANiUKB Irnporte'l , 80 OO IOOO ;
domutlc 1 10@t 00 ,
( ilNH Iu.ortod ; , 4 50fl 00 ; dumoHio ,
1 40@3 00.
UUM8 linjKirtod , 4 50rg6 00 ; New
Kngland. 2 OOM1 00 ; domestic , 1 50(0)11 ( 50
175 © 100.
OHAMPAGNCS Imrorted per cane ,
280031 OjAinsti : j , case , 1200 ®
OLAKKTS Per case , 4 60@10 00
WINKS Hhliie wine , per case , 0 00(3 (
20 00 ; Oatawba , per cane , 4 00@7 00 ,
Lumber ,
? o quote lumber , atn nnd shingles on )
ars at Omaha at the following price" ;
under , $21 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00.
TIMUKK8 18 ft. nd under. $22 00.
TIMNEHAND JOIST 18 ft , , $23 00 ;
JC ft . $24 CC , S2 ft , , $27 50 ; 21 ft , $27 M > .
URNCING-No. 1 , 4 and C in. , $23 00 ;
No. 2 , $20 00.
SHEKTINU No. I (2ml ( common
board * ) $1850 ; No. 2 , $1700.
STOCK UOAUDS , D , $2300 ;
12-in. C , $35 00 ; 12-ln. 1) , $10 00.
LIMK Psr barrel. $115 ; bulk pe Otis.
S5o Cement , bbl , $1 75. Iowa planter ,
bbl , J3 00. Hair per bu. 35o. Tnrred
felt 100 ibd. $3 00. Straw bonrd. $3 CO.
COAJ./-OuniberlMid blaekiunlth , $12 ;
Morris llun lUossburg , $12 ; Whitcbrewt
lump , $0 TO ; WhitobrcAat nut. $ f. . CO ; Iowa
lump , $0 50 ; low.- * nut $650 ; HockSprlnf ,
$ .S ; Anthrncito , nil nl w , SH & 0.
Carbolic , HOc ; Acid , Tnrtnric , ROc ; lUlsum
Copabin , per Ib , 70c ; Hnrk , bnMnfriw , t > cr
Ib , 14c ; Calomel , i > or Ib , 75c ; ClnchomMia ,
per ot , $1 IB : Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ;
Dover' * iKiwdern , \ > cr Ib , $1 40 ; Epson
< aHs , per Ib. 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
3Sc ; 1/cad , Acetate , per Ib , 2lo ;
Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per gnl. " 1 ' 5 :
Oil , Ciutor , No. 8 , per gnl , $100 ; Oil ,
Olive , per pal. $1 50) ) Oil , Origanum. We
Opium , ? > 00 : Quinine P. & W. fi II. A S. ,
lor ot , $22 5 ; Potassium , lodldo , per H
< ll ! K ) ; Salacin , per OR , 40c ; Hulpliato of
Murphlne , j-ct oz , $3 85 ; Sulpnur Hour ,
per Ib , le ; Strvchiiine. ner ot. 81 S.1.
Morlno nnwai ed , light. H@li > o ; h nvv.o
® l315c ; ma.llum unwaihs.l , Ik'ht , IS'ftJOl
washed , choice , 82c ; fair , .Wo ; in1villtii (
ami w. , V' . c ; burry , black wl ootto.l won
: lea'
Hide * F-ura ,
-reen butoherV hiilu , d fiir
curoil74c ; Iiidt" , irceu ; tult. p rl etir . 'il 7e
hide * , ( > lc ; dry Hint , nouud , IRijiUc ; drv
calf and kip , 12@14c ; drj * * olt hMoK.sound ,
lOdSllc ; green calf.l. . 8 tolfilln. , 10 ; lie ;
green calf , wt , under 8 llw , pot skin , 50c-
( rucn poltn , 50 ( )31 ) C5 { grtien lamb Rklli" ,
$1 ' . ' .VrilfiOi ilAiuagod hlciea , two-third rate ,
cut ncoreii and onu grub , cla-uvl two-
tl Inli rats , ) branded hliltM 10 p"r oout. Jll.
C < un okitis , N1. 1. 5o ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
20. ; No. 1 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , Ifle ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , oc. 1'ox , No. 1 ,
TOc ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
f5c ! ; short trii > o , 10o ; narrow alripo ! ! 5c ;
broad ntripe. lOo. TftHow 7c
Chlonyo 1'rtnluor.
Flour Qiilot ami unchanged.
Wheat-Llnsottleil ii'l lower ; regular ,
1 Ol'J for Augiut ; 933ifi9lo ! ) for Septom-
brr ; 99jjj for October ; l)9jis ) f T the year ;
No. 2 ted winter. 1 02 for caili mul An-
gnut ; 102J for September ; No. 2 Chi-
cngo cpiiiig dull nml nomhnl.
Coin llnsottlcd , but ROIIO ally htitlier ;
774 )778 ) J for cimb : 77c for August ; "OJc
forSopteinbnr ; 75Jo for October ; 71c for
November ; I ! i'c for the year
Oils Active , but lower ; 51c for c.vh ;
lljinllljs for Aug let ; 3"o for September ;
: tl ) ( < < f3io ( for October ; 35o , lor the year.
Itya Firmer nt OSJo.
H irley Steady anil unchanged al 93o
I'Lix Seed Quiet nud uiiclinngoil
Uu .ter Firmer , out not qiiotably
l g s Market easier , 18J@l9e.
Pork Unsettled , but generally higher ;
I 1521 0 for cash ; 21 15 for August ;
1 20 for SeptemVpr ; 21 302l 32J for Oo-
olicr ; 19 j2i19 75 for the year.
Linl Unsettled , but generally lower ;
2 10 for c.mhlJ42i@12 ; 15 f , r Senlom-
jcr ; 12 50 © 12 fi'j lor O tobcr nml No-
.mber ; 12 30@ 2 Wi ir the \ear.
' with fair do
15u'k Meats-St-aily , a
iiatut ; shoulders , 9 GO ; short rib , 13 00 ;
h > rt clear , 13 25.
Whiiky-Steiidy nml firm , 1 Ifi.
Freiglitj Itatcs on corn to ISulf lo , 23) ) .
Wh at Fair deuiairl , lint at lower
lies ; regular. 101J for AugiKt ; D93o foi
SipUmbei ; 99io fur October ; No. 2 ru'
ymter , 1 02i ( il 03t lor c.ish ; 1 1)28 ) for
UKIHI ; No. 2 C'hicii o spring ininiin-U.
Coin Market easier anil drcliiinl \
O.its Irregul r ; 4IJj for Angtitt ; HI
or Septi'inbei ; 30jo | for the yivir.
Pork-Ui ettecl | ; 21 12ift2I. ( 15 for Sen-
enilier ; 2112A tor Oct-iiicr ; 19 2"iC31 ! ) 2J
or tbo je-ir ; 19 72J for Jnnn try.
Lanl Kieier , but not qiut .blj * lower.
Flour . 7,500 4,000 ,
Wheat . 83,1 ( JO 205,000
Corn. . . : , . 109 COO (51,000 (
) its. . . ; ; . 15.COO 81,00
llyo . . 2,30) ) 3,000
rley . 1,100 3,000
Cotmoll Hlulfs Mnrlict.
CODKCII , BLUFFB , August 8.
Flour Crystal Mills goldeu ghent. 3 30
test Kannat brands , 3 OOCa)3 ) tO ; Graham ,
3 00 ; rye fl .ur , 3 00.
Coin Menl-1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 GO
Cornell p , 23 09 per ton ; corn ntfJ oats
chop , 32 00 per ton ; chop , 33 00 per ton
Wheat No. 2. 75c.
Corn No. 2 , 57 J.
Rye New , 47gfiOs. (
Barley Nono.
Oats None
FRUITS - Blackberries , IBo per box ;
apples , 2 50 3 00 per b.nrel.
Broom Corn ( * ! ) .
Hay Loose , 7 WJ9 00 ; baled , 75
halt ) .
Wood 5 00@G 00.
Wool 1B@25.
Butter Creamery , 20o ; in rolls , wral ) .
nod , IGc ; rolls not wrapped , 12&i : ; mixed
colors , 10@12ic ,
Eggs I U- .
OnidiiK 30c per iloz.
Live ( JhickfiiH 2 2."i@2 BO per dozen ,
Potatoes Old , out of market ; new ,
l @ 50c.
C.ibbngej 2j@10c per do * .
TiirnipH 40a tier bushel.
LIVE STO K. C.ittlnExtra , 3 00@
350 Veal CulvosB 60 ® ' ' W. Hos ,
7 007 25. Sheep-3 BO.
St. iionu i'roduoo.
Sr. LOUIH , Aiignet 8.
l''lour Q liel nml imchangwi
Wheat Oiicnrd lil ber , but declined ;
No. 2 red fall , 9Sr9Sjc | [ , closing at the in-
nida figure for c.vsli ; 9aj@9iUo ; for August ;
09jo | for Si-ptcmbi r ; 1 OOf for Octji cr ;
I tilt f"r November ; 98Jc forth' ' ) jear ; No.
3 ro.l fall , 95Gi9.liM . ; > . 4 n d fall , ! Hu.
Corn Ojieneii lilKbcr. but ( Icclliioil ; 77
( iji/'Ja for o cb ; 77o for Augiut ; 75Jc ( or
e , tuinbir ; 7IJu fur October ; Ol' o for
November ; ( ilj : fur tlio vu r ,
Onts Opened lilKlitr , bnl ilooHncd ; 451
( ajlOi'i for cash ; li i for Augutt ; ! f"iji ; for
SuDtum' ' or nml October ; 31Jo for tbo ycr ,
Jtyo-Firmer ; ( MgCUUJo bid.
Hurley No nurkut.
Hutter Steady und uii hinei1 ( ,
Ki M Steady nn Imichangcd ,
Whisky .Ic.idy ; 1 15
Pork .lobbing , 21 ® ? 75.
15nlk Moati ) Stun'ly ' ; HhouMori1 , 9 50 ;
short ribs , 13 10 ; i-hoit clour , l.iOO ,
lituon Higher uirl i-carce ; ilioulilorn ,
1050 ; short ribs , II 1-H ; short clo r ,
II 87J.
Laid Dull an.l ii'iminnl. '
Itecohtu , Slnp't < . .
Fiour 5,0'0 7,000
Wluat 1VH.OOO lllXn ( )
Corn 20,000 1,0,0 ,
3(5,000 ( 01,00(1 (
Oity I'rnduno.
KAN-IAH Crrv , AuguttS.
WJioat-AVeakcr ; Ho. 1 red , 91 Jo bid for
cash ; No. 2 ru I , H-/ ) - 5go for ca ) i ; 85jro )
85/o / for August ; bUofor September
Corn-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 71) ) < ! i75c
f r Cihh73obidf ; r Auxiistj70io bid for
.September. t'
0 -Higher ; No 2 mixed. 39o bid for
cash ; Ilia bldfor AugnU ; UljgiU' o bid foi
Soiitt inbor.
ISutter LTncbaiiKCil ,
Egi < Steady at 15o.
Ilec'ta. Shlpm't * .
Wheat . 75,000 SG.OOC
Corn . , 1,000 l.OOC
Fotroluuia Murkot.
NEW YOIIK , August 8.
Petroleum Dull and nominal ; L'nited ,
GOc ; crude , GO < % GOjej r fine < l , 07c ,
PlITsin no. Pa. . August 8.
Pelroleutn - Qniut ; United ceitlfiejlea ,
wo kcr ; closed at 59/a / ; refined , GGo lot
Phlladel ] hia delivery ,
New York Prodnoo-
NEW YOKK. AugnntS.
FlourDull ; gnperfino tate wojtcni ,
2 SOCdU 50 ; go xl to chnle * , B2" ( < i)8 ) B0 | whlta
wheat oxtre , " 00o\S 5 ) ; nxtra Ohio , 4 GOS
7 B ; St. Ixiulj , 4 GO a S 50 ; Minnesota pat
ent iiroco" , 7 0i8 S5
WhoU Un ttlcd nnl frv ri < h : cash
lots opened strung , but closed l@Jo lower ;
option o ] > cnod go" jo lowfr , bntunbseiptcnt-
ly recovered from tbodccllne And n ivaiieed
a tritle , closing wcsk ; No. 2 ( p-Ing nom-
in * ) ; utiirr.ideil ret ) , 1 03@l 17 ; Xo 3
reJ , 1 HjS'rfil Ifil ; dtenmer No. 2 roi ,
I * ® 17 ; NS2 twi , 1 lBJlUili
ccrtlticxten , 1 17l@l l"j dellverod ; old
N'o. 2 red , lU7jNo ; , ro.l I Rtore.l 17 1 18 ;
mUeil , 1 nl 15S ; ungrailel whit- ,
1 l * > i : No. 1 while , 2000 bu. sold nt
1 20 ; steamer No. 1 whit , 1 H ; No. 2 red
for Aliens ) , 331,000 bu. nol.l alllBJ ®
1 l J , clnslug at 1 15Jdo ; for September ,
7o3OiK ) Ini. sold nl I ir > jMl lij. ; closing
Ht 1 1.1 } : ln for October , 100,000 bu.
MM at 1 IGJrfit 173 , clmliitf at 1 1G } ; d .
for N'vcmlicr , 170.001) ) bu. rold nt I 173
I'orn Tub lot * , Jffo ( higher , ami
stroiia ; oiiti'ins oiionoil ij/ ' higher , but
cli > < M Wt < . V , with the a < l\Auco partly
losl ! nngrndoil , 8i'i-J8"Jc ; No. 2 , SOc ; , SlUi'.doll.urod ; nnginilndhlto ,
IKK-Xi. : 2 for AiiRMst , 8153 ( T.Vjc , olontnc
at l-iiijfc ; dn. | for Sopleiiilnr , R' rifStHc ,
rliisiiiB nlS-'fjc ; do. for October , Ml'u S.c ( ,
rloslmr nt Xijc ; do for NoMinber ,
Si'JfiiSl Jc. chxing nt Si jc.
l' ls I(8i3j ( loner ; tiilxj > d | < vestcrn , ( WiS
O-'c ; wliito woatrrn , "t'C" ' ( Bo.
lUvIn \lrdemand and firmly held ;
GriCn 7 ) j.
t'olfi'i * Firm and unchttitoilltio ; c r
gnrs , Sl'rtll ic ; lot * , SK " > l2o. Dull niiJ .incli nij'-ilfnlr ; to good
tefinliii ; , iiintpd | it 7 3Gfn 7 i
MoliiKsiM Dull ni < d vnic.-i. ;
liico tjd et , but ( Inn. _
T. i n MO < lv ; sjnSJc. L7HI -
R > sin -Mull nnd unt-'bnnged.
'I'lirihnlinMull ni d n 'tut ml ; 4ltj ,
l-'ii-s 1'n h \\o < ti'rn , firm for cuoleo ;
JJlfti 23. %
r.irk Higher ; now HIPS * , 21 87JW I'Z 0) .
B of I'u I iiuilnonlnal.
Cut Mo its Dull mill uiimlnil1o.ii ; ; c'ear
mlldlcs 1 1 15.
Ijxul I.D fi'rj piluio BliMln , 12 O-'i
Hut'.i'r Quiet but firm for cholio ; II ®
Cheese Firm f.iline Ohio ; (510o (
Iti'c'ts. Sblpm'ts.
Flu-r . 13,000 1,2 0
Horn . 2i ( K ) 2OOJ
Oats . . . . . . 87.0 0
Ltvo stool : .
CllH'Aiio , Angii'l 8.
Hoijs-IJecolpti" , lli.'O' . ' ; shipment" ,
2,1.00 ; the market W.IH hiink'itul thu snplv [
eaieil up quickly , luing ftrom ; nt Kb nd-
inco ; ( . ' 0111111011 to go nl mlxpd. 7 fil8 ) III ) ;
eivyimc ing ami hip | ) IIB' , 10ffv15j ( high-
r , at s 3'iGfi.S 75'no 10 illy | rune being of-
crcd ; light , 7 3W8 30 ; skipI I 50ffl7 ( 15.
C.ittlu Ktcoipti , I.OCO ; f-liipiiients , 2-
DO ; f.ilr market ut uctlyu anil stiong rates ;
xpuits72."i53'8 03 ; gooil to choice slilppiug ,
507 00 ; cominon to fnlr , I 50atl ( CO ;
iKeil butcher * ' strong , 2 IU ® I 50 ; rani ; ' ' ,
im ; Texan , 10a h'gber nt 850 © I 10 ;
nlf IneeilHI 005354" ) ; general supply
ell sold.
Sheep ISccciptu , 9,0 Ojslilpmenti , none ;
.roiik' nml nctiro nt lirlv firmer mitt
ml ilcnmnd g id ; uouiinon t i f ir ! , 3 00 ®
00 ; inerlimn > > good , 4 2"OS I 50 ; rhoice ,
BiitUli ndvici'K t' ) thn D.IIV < M' Journal
hit \\eek dcnoto a gcii'-raHy unclmnguii
iiiiilltton of air.iiiM in ihu live t.iclc miir-
1'tp ; fgoo ) , KM i/17 * M per cwt. cs
Imated dead weight ; good lo pi imo nhci p
The Wool niuvltnt.
lUisio.v , AiiMi | t I.
The wool market is alviulyiitb f.ilr
jiniiid truin .tbo miniif.icturt'rs
t pricis iuilii a Ing no mal oli.mgKi.
) liio u PiMi-ylv til II ( ( ( ! > . , Ud'l2cfor )
X nml XX , tbo Intti'pii -o for fliolce HU-
fctinm. ; .Mij'i an X 3 ! ) a It ) U.Miihm , '
nil dulaiufo'n tiout In iliiiniml n it film
i1 I3C . 15 for fine Miibi-ui and Oliio du-
nine ; 4llo-17 lor fine nml No. I combing ;
1'iwasliol ivoul rUa'ly nml co .tlnu ) in du
muni nt. 'J.'idr ) ! l for line aid iiii'dlini ;
iiulo ; li)2.'t ( ) fur low an * u unc ; Culifor
li.i woul contiuius iii | ! > ! i ; m innfiictiiier
till riforrliu Tuxa < id tcrrilorv wools ,
-h' pa'o.i ' have b < u Hiuill , lots of sprlm ;
filing nt 20(0,23 ( ; pulled wooN co'ilinnu in
teailv dcniiii'l ' nt 4rito-n for clioiio nf
astern nmtjMaiii' ' BiipeiK ; " 7@'I2J for com-
nun to gooil. Foici n wooU ( iniet , mi
n Cni o Monteviiio nnil Austrnlla nothing
> ( any coiunptoi co IIAH been done. Car-
let wools scarce.
St. Louis lilvo Stonlc.
Hr. Loui * * , Angunt 8.
Hogs Higher and fence , butchcm pay-
ng 2T48 M ) for 225 Ib liog ; shipping
) igB , 7 10@7 ( ! 0 ; goo i porkers , 7 708 00 ;
intcliern' to bo-it lieavv , 8 2U@8 ( ir > ; cilll ,
-)00,0 ( 5J. KecolptH , IOO ; ghlpinantK , 400.
0 ittlo Supply Unlit , iiltngetber of griiHs
Vexniif , nnd prices sicmly ; canning grnilos
if < cuttle , 3 25L41 ( 0' ' ; good to top
( rade , 4 25 © 1 75 ; common , 2 J5@3 00.
llaceipt' , 1,00.1 ; sbipmoiils , 400.
Sui'pi | Decinilild gr ulo * nciivc ; fair lo
'nnoy natlvi's , 3 ISO'S : i 7 ; common , 2 85 ®
125 ; IVxns. 300 11 25. KecoiptH , 1,500 ;
shipments , 800.
Knlisng City Livn btoolc.
KANSAS CITV , August 8.
Cittlo H'celpts , 2 hOO buud ; nctlvo ami
film ; natlvo i-leuis of 1,188 to 1221 Ibn , ,
sold nt 4 ( X5 ) H5 ; cow2 50@l 40 ;
Ti-xas steers ol 80J to 910 Ibs. , sold nt
) I0@3 75 ,
Hngn Iti'celpts , 700 ; firm , nctivo nml
lii'liur ; d Kr ) i8 10 , witb the bulk of Miles
it 7 8 @ 8 00.
Hlit'oii Ko ciptf , none ; nominal nt 300
@ 3 50 for good to iholce.
Pi"iiiA : , Augusts.
Corn Firm , bill innttivi > ; high mixed
K"-7rf ; mixed , 77)7743. ( )
O its Hiwher ; No. 2 whi e , ( i2@n ( ; ? .
Rye Firm and nonilnil ; No. 2 , G8u
H iah A iniH ! Steady ; uia-bangod ; 1 11 ,
JUCIH. ShlptH.
Wheal . 450 . none
Com . 11,0 0 it.lOO
Oils . 1,100 7,000
Kyo . ' . ' ,00) none
IJarley . 1,100 noun
I iviiiirooi. , Aiiguitt 8 ,
Brc-uiUtulft Dull , fxieitc'irn | ' , which In
firmer ; wxtum mixed , 7 5 1 ,
1/iwnH iinl fabrics at ManuliCHlor , dull
but no' . 1 iwui.
ReceiptH f > r tlio past three ilnyn :
Wheat , 2.9,00 ! ) tvntuN ; Auu-rioan II nir ,
3,000 bljln. _ _ _ _
S AI T nio iiioiiiiyniiil onli r mlt illroct from
v/lL I ii4 , uitlili | pro iiplly by rail at the
louiul Ii04tllilouisli pilru 10 all uuitiru poll ] n
' '
in thu mother of in-
vtuiiinn. " iJino.ihi'd of the livur , IsuV
iifyB .iiid l > D./oh brought forth thai
sovciriitfn loinuily ICidncy-Worl , whicl.
iinuMiru'ri norinnl curutivufornll thoac
dire cuin Liintii , Tn oilhor liquid 01
dry form it m u perfect remedy fui
thuco turrililu diauusoa thut uiuio m
many dfnO.8
' hf t'JREST CUnc for -
Dee i i lame ImoU or nd'aonl'relurino °
ludlcato hatVouuraavlc'tiraf 1)0 M
jiicoCdruTe tcrocuinruc ; dlt ) and It will
ifcdlly ivofoinu tlio d , ; : " . -oaudrajl <
In allliy action to all lliocrta .
D rl I A c ° r cauiplaiiiUpooulJar
MMO-4I % ZDB toyourhox uuoliattpftUi
aasod , mil twin act promptly aivl mfcly
Kltliu tlcx , Inaonllnuuco , icloutlon ol
urine , brick dait or ropy depaalta , anil dull
droffglnit jmlnflaJJipoodUy yield toltaour.
atlvo power. ( e )
Congress Finally Dissolves and
Disappears For a Time ,
The Country Mombsr GmbH
Hia Grip and Hutrloa Homo
tj Fix Hia Pence" .
Pho Closing Houra Bobbad of
Their Ponip By the Length
of the Session.
The Testimony in tbo
JRoutu Onsoa All in nnd Ar
gument Followa.
ThnExpriUttcm For the Billion of
Do Lot > u nud Companion !
Onloroil to Sturt.
Tlio Wlilaky Uliiff InvbatlKiitlon Mis.
coll.inoous Horns.
HKN.VTK rilOOKIilllNllS.
, | lllCll tl ) Tlllt IIHK ,
Annual 8. The son-
ito ngrcod to mljoimi duo tlio nt II
> . in.
The bill to transfer tlio property of
, ho SoldiorH1 mid Sailors' orphans'
loino to the 0 irliold Memorial lionpi-
nl passed.
Tito aonato appointed Senators An
thony nnd Hiyard to notify the proai-
lent that eongioai would adjourn to-
Jny , and at ono o'clock wont into ox-
stuivo suasion.
Ufi5 tho'doora when
At ; ro-oponod ,
rciiiust ] by Senator iWorrill that tlio
tax bill bo limned by unitninioiia con-
Rant mot with donsivo latightor on the
democratic sidn.
Senator IVndlolou ollbrcd a rosolu-
lion , which was adopted by n nnani-
noua vote , tendering Ihanka to D.xvid
U.ivi ? , pruaidont nt ihu senate , for the
uniformly courteous and iinpirtinl
manner in which ho presided over the
deliberations of the Bonnto.
When the hand of the clock indica
ted the hour of three the presiding of-
licer formally tonninatedtho | session in
brief speech. Ho said ;
"SKNATOUS After a very long and
laborious suasion , in which the senate
has performed its part of the public
duty faithfully , wo are about to sop
arato. My thanks are duo to each
and every member of thii body for
generous consideration and for friendly
support in the chair , Wishing you all
health and happiness , 1 now dic'nro
the senate adjourned without day. "
The announcement of the chairman
was received with applause , and the
members indulged in mutual congr.itu
lationa and farewells. The number ol
vmitoni and night oeora was much Ion :
than unual on tlio hist dny of the BCS
iioi'.si : i'uociiiiiNi.s. : : (
Tlio lioiiBO met and took a recess
till noon. The house rouancm'ilod ' ut
noon and look a recess until " 45.
Before- the last reecin the Konaio
nincndmont to the homo resolution
lor a final adjournment waa concur
red in.
A committee waa authorized to wail
upon the president and announce that
congress waa ready to adjourn , and
Hiscock. C.irpuutur and Atkins were
appointed on the cjinmiltoo.
When the house reassembled His-
cock reported that the committee had
waited upon tlio president , who Raid
he had no further communications to
m ilo congress.
Mr. llorr ( Mich ) , from the com-
nittteo on commerce , ollered and
asked present consideration of a joint
resolution to correct an error in the
river and harbor appropriation bill jo
hat appropriations made for the Kun-
.ucky river might bo immediately
Mr. llohnan ( Ind ) objected , how
ever , and the resolution vna with
Attempts inadoby several members
.o puBts senate- bills were without ef
The speaker announced as mem
bers of the joint select committee to
uxamino into the causes of the decline
in American shipping , Messrs. Page ,
( ) ; Chandler , ( Mass. ) ; KobcBon
( N. .1. ) ; Dingloy , ( Mo.j ) MoLano ,
( Md. ) , and Cox , ( N. Y )
The hour of U o'clock having ar
rived , Speaker Koill'er addressed the
house ns follows :
"This house is about to terminate
itu firot noasioii. It hai been an im
portant ono to the country. With
, thanks for the generous and kind
treatment on the part of the house
, and with my best wiahoa for all ita
njomborH regardless of party , I now ,
as authorized and required by the
concurrent retiolution of the senate and
hoiiNo of representatives , decluro this
IIOIINO adjourned without day. "
[ Loud Appl.umo ]
After Hpemlir > K about half an hour
in hand nlmhin ; , ' and taking leave ol
eiich oilier , mom burn left the hall
many of them going direct to the do
B , > tlal D.qulcli to'JIM HKK.
Till' KK.MAINH OK 111 ! .I.ONII.
WAHHINOTON , Auijiist H. Scoretao
Ohundicr cabled the United Statet
mininter at St. I'utiTaburg tint COIL
grcs4 made proviaion for bringing
homo the rnnniiiH of Du Long and
uompanioiiB , and anked thut he telegraph
- graph to Yiikutnk 10 have bledget
built and bring the bodion to Oreii'
burg , vhuro metallic IUKLH will bt
. found in waiting.
( 'f.O.MXO HOKM'.H.
J'rcaidenl Arthur , accomianiiul by
o his BOH , Suorotniy J'Vlgor ' and Attor
nuy ( Iwioral JJruurHtor , arrived at tin
capitol at a < i i.uter pant 2 o'clock , nnd
tu the president' * room
\ , lit re Secrotarii'ii Lincoln and ( Jlmtid
lor wnro already wailing. The prosl
dent u'r.a kept busy for half an houroi
more Diguing vari nia bills submitted
for Bigmittiro. All bills presented t <
the | , rusidunt were Nignod , and re
ported back to congress before ad
An soon as the senate ndjournod
many of its members visited the prosi
dent's room , and an informal recoptioi
took place and congratulations won
exchanged upon the linal tormiimtioi
of a long session.
The senate , though inoxocutivo sea
sion an hour and throe quarters , con
finned but ono nomination , that oC
Mrs. Mary II , 0 , McOauslin , pott
mistress at Provo Oily , Utah. Thv
greater portion of the session wa *
taken up in reading nnd discussing oL
the treaty with Mexico.
The number of printed columns oc
cupied in the Gongrossisnalllocord bjr
the proceedings of the house is 9J23l'
senate , 0008. The number of hours of.
session of the house ia 1000 ; senate , . ,
In the star route trials Bliss an
nounced they were through with ther
exception testimony of Ec-Sonator *
Spencer , who had loft town , andaskod.
postponement till ho could testify-
The coutt denied the motion. The ?
evidence closed on both sides and thcu
court took a recess.
In his aflUavit asking a postpono-
nienl , llliss Buys that wlicn ha WAS itu
Dorocy's room the latter HOMO lirndy ]
an envelope containing § ( ! ,000 in bills ; .
The following is the substance of a ,
counter aflldavit offered by Ingoraoll ; .
which ho will file when the court :
loots to-morrow : "It ia not truer
ml lie ( lorsoj ) had any convorsa- .
on with said Gjor oK Sponccr , as ;
aot forth in said aflldavit. AflUnl
irther says that it is not true said ,
puncor on one occasion was proaoRfc.
i the room of this aflhnt when thim 'fl
Haul took from hia packet and placet .1
i onvclopea aix bills of $1,000 each ,
tid the envelope with the billi. in 'it.
the table him ( -mid
n , tolling - Spon-
3r ) that ho ( the nllhnt ) expected ,
'hoinas ,1. lirady to come in n aliorti
me and ho ( the ) wished tor
liow pnid Spencer what sort of man.
trady wan , and how bo ( this nfliant
id busltu'Bs ; and it is not trtioi
aid Hrady called and after n ;
o\v \ mi'inonls' casual convorsat'orc
lull this told u.iid Itr.idy some
no had left an envelope with him for
Jr.yly. Neither i.s it true , aa atliant
elieves , that said Spencer uvor told ,
nybody ho would so tostify. Admit ,
tates there was not ono word of truth ,
i the statement that ho over put six :
ilia of the denomination of $1,000 *
ir said linidy , or any number of bills ,
f any denomination , or any bill of.
ny denomination , for said lirady
Imt the whole story is without tho.
lightest f imndation in fact. Alliant
irther s'lyn it ia not true that this ;
Mi.uit , Biibsciiuont to the conrcr-
ittion tuntilied in this casu
s having occurred between ,
lerdoll and James , and ilcrdell and.
raoVuagh , that this atliant Trent tp <
lie room of s.iid Spencer in the l' > orT
It house , Now Vork , in great troubles
nd despondency , and aUtcd to said.
> poncor that hm cletk had gene bacfc
n him and given away the whola
tory , nnd had destroyed the wholtx
lunineea , with more to that effect. is further informed and
iovcs naid Spencer was hero uiatlond-
iico upon this court for n long time ,
.lid . he is informed that he ( Spencer
reciuontly naked to be put upon tlvo
land in this very case , frequently
tuting that ho know nothing ngainqt
his aliiniit , and could tootify to noth-
ng that would in the slightest degree-
mplicato this atliant or allow that bo
lad over conspired ns set forth.
,11 the indictment , or bad
done anything illegally in connection
with star routes. Alliant further
iaja ho ia informed nnd boliovco ; in ,
'act , knows , that aaid Spencer was.
lore in attendance upon this court fur
u long time , and frequently oskud toi
bo put upon the stand , elating that.
" private busincas wan sutlering and.
that it was of great importance to hint ,
that ho be examined nt ouco and dis
It is expected tbat other nffiJavita.
of n similar character will bo filed by
the defense. '
When the court reassembled Judge-
Wylio said ho bcliovod it best to ad
journ until to-morrow , counsel mean
while to arrange among themselves , i C
possible , the order of argument. *
The report presented to the sonata
by Sunntor Window , chairman of thai
select committee to investigate the al
leged improper use of money to pro
mote or defeat the bonded spirits bill ,
states that the committee obtained
much valuable information as to the-
whiskey trade and methods employed ,
to obtain relief from over production ,
but they did not find that any money
had boon corruptly employed to pro
mote the passage of the bill. ,
, The select committee of the housa
to examine contracts and applications ,
for appropriation work , &o. , for tha
improvement of the Mississippi river ,
organised mid agreed to meet in Giiro-
early in November nnd proooud with
the work. The committee appointed
to inquire into tlio decline of Ameri
can shipping ia ns follows : Mo rs.
Page , ( Oil. ; Oandlor , fMiss. ) ; Hobo-
HOM , ( N. J. ) . Dingloy , ( AIo.j ) Mo Line ,
( Md ) , nndOox , ( N. Y. ) . on part o
house , and Miller , ( N" Y. ) ; Ojngor , V
( Mich , ) ; and Vest , ( .Mo , ) , an part oC
The president haa decided to miku
his trip by water , and the United
States D.spatch hail been placed at
hhdifpiflal. Jlo will probably start
, Tlio cabinet hold n ulioit ncsnion to
< day but considered only measures that
rcijuired immediate attention.
On nee unit of the reituotion in lha
appropriations for salaries of lighl-
hoUBO keopera , nsslstuntkuupjrs\vill ba
' ' -
] \fr. llllfeiiHt In , ISosU'll ' , MUHH , , wiitcar
"Vour .SriilMi II.O.-HOM ! Imi cured me ot
dj'Hix-pslu , of four ( I ) yeaw Btandliijf. L
have n'Kiiined my normal appotltu. MIL
hloep will win ! feulllko a now man. " 1'iicu.
GO cciitH , trial bottles 10 cents.
ttug7-JIw I
' Pulled from tlio breast , FIJIIOCZ i | from the liottlo *
Htonnclm will traiir anil mill. wlllcurJIo :
lliliyhall lujjh all that nl lit.
llouwlniil immiiliuhuiJu HI A < ( ul fright.
Don t deny. 'twu thin.witli Vjc'DrU
Sl lit w.n | | , cm without Cibtorla ,
\Vht no > lljclt | , lor imiccfiillunbcr ,
All 8 > U tliiir ( iraycm and klcpt ln > u tl.umler.
Tlnio Jiilrl'i - t'imiko nunoy an
mm I and niiii'iui Invntuunti la
20 irralu , | iro\iilu H an 1 svw' ' < u.usuli-
tici j t , a n J > o by oil irMug on out
pU'i IV Jin Uiy 1 , ihatta \
WHEAT tvut ilatu , on injitm > ii ot 3l,9J
to $1,00) , i in } prollti luvo liooii
roliul and pill tj liv < tttri
ainuu'i In , ' ! o 3m or. 1 tluioi tioorlg
$50 liiil Invixttiiijii' , utlll loivlnr tin
or i > . ) uli'.o ou JoiiunJ Kxpluuito-
STOCKS ry ulrcii'an ' ami titoiuontJ of funj
Wiitro ) Wo wiut roiiDiiilUa
ujviitn. who wll rqiori ancrapi ud
* Int'oiluoi th | > lui. Inborn oDm
$100 inlsuloiH laid. A'Jdrou >
KC.KU.MlNU & MUIUUA.1T , Oom- =
inlulou MorclianU , Utlor Dljck. .
, 111.