Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Mfhed every morning , eioep Snnch ;
Vh on.y Mon..ay Morning rtftlly.
Ono Tsnr . $10.00 I Three Month .e3. (
( Mr Month * n.OO | One . . 1 , (
TUB WKEKLY BKB , pnbllsbed v
ry Woduwday.
One Year. . . . . $2.00 I Three Men thn . . I
1.00 | One1 ' <
or NowBdcnlcre in the United State * ,
litlons rclatini ; to Ncw4&nrlKdltorialma
en uliouH bo adilrenied to the Kmion o
tetters ftml KemUtancos nhould bo ftr
drwi ed * to THE Uri : ruBLiHHiNB Cov
AHT , OltAHA. Drnlto , Chocks and Vw\ \
ffice Onlern to bo made payable to tli
rdor of the Comormyl
V.i ROSEXVATEU. K lltor.
Ouu Vnl will be homo presently li
look aflor his fences. They are sad I ;
out of repair.
KAILUOADS deny that they corrup
politics They only grcnso the creak
. ing wheels of adverse legislation.
OFFICIAL reports make it extreme ! ;
doubtful whether the English rccon
noisanco on Saturday was not , afte
oil , a aubstanlial victory for Arab
MARSHAL ANOCI.L reminds us of th' '
good cat that allowa mice to run between
tweon its logs and plays with the rats
Instead of nabbing and caging tin
birds of prey that prowl round ou
city , the Kood marshal pots them am
pi ay a with thorn.
THK democratic stale central committee
mittoo have hold a solemn conclave t <
fix a day when victims are lo bi
chonon that are to immolate them
aolvos in the coming campaign. Mr
Sirloin Mutton will issue Iho dcclara
tion of gore against the republicans ,
Ex SK.VVTOK SPKNOKU , whom tin
a'.ar route prosoculion prolonds to bi
eoarching for , turned up in Schuylor
Nebraska , a few days ago. Now thai
the trial is closed , Spencer will presently
ontly appear in Omaha in full iorco. .
with proper requisitions for an eating' '
house franchise on the Union Pacific ,
Ho is a government director.
AN order has been issued by Post'
matitor-Gimoral Ilowo reorganizing
the railway mail service. No branch
of our civil service shows such ellici-
coney. Promotion and appointment
have been made largely dependent
upon merit , The salaried arc , however -
over , still too low for the work per
formed especially on the weotcrn div
ision whore thu chief clerk upends the
greater portion of his time in excur
sions and junketing tours , and the
subordinates vary Bcnorix y cao'1 ' d °
the work of two men.
EABTKUN uuuituiiES are acsortcd
during the hot season , and perspiring
preachers are taking delightful vaca
tions at sea side resorts and across
the bjuo water. The Now York Sun
comments thus irreverently on the
state of affairs : "Think of the preach
ers boating , fishing , bathing , resting ,
fanning , and fattening in a thousand
and ono places in these days. Think
ot the parishioners , .sweating , work
ing , frottinir , and suffering the strug
gle for existence through this hoatad
term. "
Ninv YOUR republicans meet in con
vention on Iho 20th of September al
Saratoga to nominate a state ticket.
Indications point to the ronomlintioii
or Governor Cornell , who , on the
whole , has made a satisfactory gov
ernor. The entire campaign in the
atato will bo affonled by the part which
the great democracy tickler , John
Kelley , takes in the contosl. Tam
many hall wilh ils 30,000 voles is an
important element in any election in
the Empire slate.
Tin ; hundreds of individuals whu
are moving hcavon and earth for posi.
tions in thu diplomatic and consular
service will do well to study the mor
tality list of the past your among our
foreign ministers. General Judson
Kilpalriok in Chili ; General S. A.
Hurlbut in Peru ; Ur. Garnet In Li
beria , and Mr. George P. Marsh in
Italy , sll have fallen victims to death
alnco the beginning of the year and it
is but little moro than half over. The
coincidenoo becomes tha greater as
they all died at their official pouts in
the lands lo which they hud boon ac
PKHSONH who fill mutilated coins
with ether metals may bo interested
to know that such action has been
legally decided to bo counterfeiting
undoi tlio construction of the law defining
fining that offense. Judge Lowell , of
the United States circuit court of
Massachusetts ) , holds that silver coins
are required tg bo of a certain weight
and fineness , and uro not a legal ten
der if they fall below the standard ,
"If such a coin , " ho says , "has hud an
appreciable amount of silver removed
from it wo cannot say that it remains a
good coin for its original value or oven
for its proportionate value , If then
the hole is plugged with base metal
or with any substance other than sil
ver , the act is an act of counterfeiting ,
because it is making something appear
, tp be a good coin for Its apparent
.value which was not BO before. "
* - /t1
11 ;
t _ _
An objection Is made to Oongrosf
man Vnlonllne by n certain "anti
monopoly" journal on the score tha
ho lias done nothing to lift the or. .
prcssivo burdens from the shoulder
of the poverty-stricken farmers c
Nebraska. It is too bad It is pass
inn strntiRO that wo can't got a man i
the house or in the senate who wl !
take the proper care of these burdoni
* * * *
List winter Van Wyck succoedc
Paddock M aenator. The cortai
nnti monopoly journal was not dn
pleased with Van Wyck , and * inco h
has been elected has supported hiri
with moro hcartinpss than It has eve
used in favor of any other man. Wha
has Senator Van Wyck done with th
biirduns ? Ho has reinforced Iho wor !
of Senator Saundora by doing notli
niir.witli . them. Active in every othe
way , ho Imi boon inacUvo in thia.-
' 1'liuro are none so blind ns thos
who will not soo. Vulontino has bee
iti congress lliroo yeara and n hall
Senator Van Wyck has been there
littlu moro than a year.
Up to this day Valentino has nr
Fathered nny mo.isuro tending co nl
Ford relief to the producers of th
o-junlry , cither by reducing tnxatio
or setting n limit to the exactions o
corporate monopolies. Vnn Wye'
liad not been in the sonata sixty day
before he introduced bills for the re
lief of the farmers that had been di
frauded by the St. .Too and DJMVC
land gran. , and by his vigorous rlfuil
ho has secured the relief that fn
years had boon vuialy sought by him
dreds of our moat thrifty settlors. 11
has pursued the same courao to war
the settlers in lown , whoso lands ha
boon wrongfully claimed by n Ian ring. When it was propose
to postpone much needed reduction
in the tariff onj articles In general us
by the pcoplo by nppoinltn
the tarill' commission , General
oral Van Wyck opposed th
commission at every step , voting botl
ugainst the bill and the conflrmatioi
of the commission. On the othe
liand , Valentino voted to continue tin
iieavy bardon imposed on farmers hi
supporting the tariff commission bill
Only last week Senator Vim Wyol
wont upon the record as the consisted
opponent of monopoly in n mcasun
that touches not only Nubraokn , bu
.he whole country. A bill to en
courage and promote telegraphic com
nunicutiou between America nnd Eu
rope was reported by the committci
m foreign alFiiro through Sonaloi
Ijipham , The following extracts fron
ho CoHijressional Jtccord of August
ixphiiu tlui position of fjjnulor Van
IVyck in relution to corpor.ilo abuses ;
Mr Vuu Wyck I Imvo foil that in
liia bill there is no protection where
s needed. It seems to me it is orgun-
/.ing another tclegruph company to
ombino in tlio future with nnothur
olegraph company , nnd thn people
irill rccaiyo no bom Ih nt nil from the
oinbination , und the company will in-
ronso the rates just as land telegraph
ompanios do.
Mr. Windom If the senator has
pit that , ho hits felt it without having
cad the bill.
Mr. Van Wyck Very likely. I
runt to sue it.
Mr. Windom If the Konalor will
uok ho will find that this bill does
irovido against all these things , that
t prohibits the watering of stock , pro-
libits combinations , authorizes the
ccrclary of state to fix the rates for
lie government , r.iul provides that
ongrcss shall hereafter havu author-
ly to pass a general bill regulating
atos , und it in every way conforms to
vhut I know to bo the wishes of the
Mr. Van Wyok My frinnd says the
ates for the government uro fixed ;
ire the rates for individuals fixed ?
Mr. Windom I say the bill ox-
iroasl y reserves the right of the gov-
irnment to fix the rates by a general
Mr. Van Wyok I want to say to
ny friend that although the right In
in rates alluding the public may IK
eserved , it will amount to nothing.
fou reserved in 1801 that right ovei
ho national railroad lines to the IV
: ilio , and you have never oxoscised it
o this day ,
Mr. Windom The uonator would
wrdly uxpeot to Imvo everything pro-
rided for in this bill , in ( ho last ciayt
> f the session.
Mr. Van Wyck I prefer to have
he rates fixed tiotv in this bill , nnd
vhen the tutCB uro fixed I shall have
to obj lotion to thu bill.
The I'ro&idonl Ob-
& pro ( omporo -
action buing , the bill goes over.
Mr. Morgan I should llko to say to
liu Buiuitor from Nebraska bofuro this
) ill goes out of reach tint I think it
s the most important bill in refer-
incp to the trnna-ocrnnic telegraph
) usinvss over presented tn the Honnlo ,
md it will bring down the rates of
olugraphing to ten cents a word if wean
an puss the bill.
Mr. Van Wyck Will von put in
ho bill what tlio r.vtes shall bu ? Will
on fix the ratus in the bill ? \Vhilo we
iavo been organizing telegraphs "upon
hnlund the rates havoboun continually
ncriliBcd ; and now I ask thu gontlo-
non to doaignalo a hut of rates in thin
> ill.
A lively debate followod.
During the debate Mr. Hale , of
klaino , oll'urod an nmendmont to limit
ho cable ruto to twenty cents pet
rord , This was accepted by Sonalot
fan Wyok but objected to by Mr.
The debate then proceeded ns fol-
ows ;
Mr. Van Wyck I auk the senator
rom Now York if ho will include the
mondmontof Uiosonalor from Maine ,
r rather if ho will protect the public
n the same way that ho will protect
ho goTornmont , by saying tlio rates
hall not exceed twenty cents per
Mr. Lapham-I am not authorized
> y the commiltoo to uccopl the
Mr. Van Wyck-lf the senator will
lo that and protect the public , then I
hall have no objection ,
Mr. Bayard I suggest to the sena
tor from Nebraska that the protectio
does exist when you expressly rcsorv
the right to fix the rates by genon
law. I know very little of the coi
of this business , but when you n
servo the right to fix by general la'
any excess can bo prevented.
Sir. Lapham Wo do fix the rate rte
to the government.
Mr. Van Wyck My answer to the
is , as I said beforothat it is no protci
tion to the public. In 1804 you prc
toted the public by reserving th
right to congress to rogulalo the rate
on the Pacific railroads. That neve
has been dono.
Mr. Bayard Docs not my frion
think that competition is the boat roj
ulation ?
Mr. Van Wyck Wo have boon tel
that would bo the effect of compel
tion in regard to our land tolcgrap
lines , nnd jot every organizUion of
now company under the compotitio
is absorbed by the old one , nnd th
public sutler by thn watering of th
stock in the increased rate of charge !
I say to my friend that will bo s
horr. If you intend to protect th
public ns you claim you are willing t
do , do it here and noiw by saying t
the public they shall bo protected i
the same way that wo protect thu gov
eminent , nnd make it twenty cents
Mr. Halo Lot mo aak the sonatr
if wo have not had the same expc
rionco in rogird to competition in
only on land telegraphs but "on se
lolegrapho ? Wo chartered n cabl
company with the idea that compel
lion would keep down the rates , an
the lust.coin puny chartered waa opot
aled for n time , but when they wor
consolidntrd within thu last tw
ironths thu rates wcio at ouco put n
from twenty five cents lo fifty cents
word , so that competition does not nc
compliah the result. Compotitio ;
runs for a while , but amalgamation i
the end of competition. 1 airoo lull ;
with the Hcnator from Nebraska tha
hero nnd now ia the pl.ico in which ti
put the limit thai shall bo charge
upon Ibis line for public or privat
messages , nnd if wo do not do i
now wo never shall do it.
Mr. Van Wyck Never.
The President pro tempore Th
aonalor from Now York nska for th
consideration of the bill. Does th
senator from Nebraska object ?
Mr. Van Wyck I do.
The Presidnnt pro tempore Objection
tion being made , the bill goes over.
The outcome of this contest wa
that the committee on foreign affair
agreed finally to limit the cable rate t
twenty cents per word , and the bil
will doubtless pass in that shape
This is thu first time within the las
twenty years that n limit has beci
fixed by congress in the charges of tin
telegraphic companies to the publii
since the Pacific telegraph charter o
\Vhon the now cable ia complete (
sompo'ing lines will bnvo to roduct
their rutoa to meet the rate fixed bj
: ongroos , and the patrons both in thii
iountry and Europe will reap the ban
ilit of Sinator Van Wyck'a ett'urt , no1
noroly for n day or a year , but ni
eng as thu ciblo remains in operation
Will the champion of Valentino nm
lufendur of monopolies , still content
, lmt General Van Wyck has dom
lolhing and is doing nothing townri
ifting the burduna from the shouldon
jf Uio people ?
There will bo very lilllo regret ex
pressed throughout the country ovoi
: ho final adjournment of congress
Cho last three months of the scssioi
iiivo been spoilt in profitless discus
lion , filibustering and vote dodging
L'lio closing days witnessed the passagi
) f the long dolnyod appropriation bills
uid the encinooring ; over the prosi
lout's veto of the greatest log rollinj
iteal in. Ii3 records of the nationa
ogislaluro. If both the sonito am
IOUBO had done their duty the country
night have boon spared the oxponsi
) { a continuance of tno session boyoiu
: ho first of June. Neither of tin
lolitical parties would have lost any
thing by the move.
It is usual with congresses ns will
legislatures to dcolaro that each ii
ivorso than the last. While the prns'
ant congrcasJiBS failed signally in tin
performance of duties which the pub
lie demanded and which the loaders ol
joth parties promised nt the begin
ling of the ncsaion , its work tukon oil
n all has not fallen behind Ihonchiuvo
nontn of iti predecessors , A numbei
if substantial measures havu boor
ilaccd upon the statute books. Anionjj
JiEBO are the following : the nppor
.ionment , fixing the membership ol
ho house for the next toll years nl
125 ; thu Ohincau restriction bill , which
) rohibits the importation of coolie la <
ior into the United Stalin ; the bil !
kUlhorizing national banks to extend
heir charters for twenty youra with n
) revise for the issue of three per cent
Hinds and for the granting of curtili-
; ates on the dopcsit of gold coin ; a bil !
iroaiing n tarill' commission of niiu
itiraonn ; ti bill estublishir.g hoard ol
ilcctioii commisjlonors for Utah ; n
) ill providing for the distribution oi
ho Qonuva award ; n measure rog
ilating the transportation of pasaon
; m-s by sea and imposing a hond tni
> f fifty cents for each Immigrant , unc
k bill revising the duties on knil
; oods. All tlioso moasuroa havinj
joon passed by both houses have resolved >
solved the executive approval nnd bo <
iomo laws ,
Many measures remain pending it
iommittees of either the sonata or the
IOUBO , having baon pnssod by OIK
jody , Among these are the Japanese
ndomnity bill ; the bill to reduce tux-
ition ; to create n court of appeals ; tc
ilaco flonoral Grant on the
otirod list ; to admit Di-
cola into the union , the bill tc
egula\o \ the mode of counting the
iloctoral vote , and last , but not least ,
our Val'fl bill to crcato a cabinet offic
for the man nt the head of the gardo
Bass bureau. The postal savings bil
the bankruptcy , educational , intoi
state commerce and llawniian r <
ciprocity bills , though considered i
committees , have not been touched b
either house ,
It is worthy of notice that privat
jobs have fared very poorly with th
present congress. The closing houi
of the session have been free from th
usual disgraceful scones in which th
private calendar was cleared of th
most disreputable claims nmtd th
smoke and disorder attending ac
journment. If many of tha most im
portant measures have remained ur
touched , few objectionable bills oul
raging the good sense of thn countrj
the river and harbor atci ! nlono o ?
copied , have run the gauntlet of bet
houses. The nation might have gen
farther than the present congress nn
fared worse.
The oven balance of political * parlic
has made individual and party n
sponsibilily less. Where a few nl
Eunices or n convenient pair wi
change tha entire tenor of n vote
congressional cowardice is always at
premium. To this was largely < lu
the lack of determined and positiv
notion on the pirt of both sonnto ru
house in regird lo Uio great question
of the tariff and tax reduction. An
the fooling that neither party could b
undo to bear the odium of the p.isar.g
of the harbor bill over the prosidtnitir
vole was undoubtedly responsible fo
the final succors n ] mcasurovhic
democrats and re ; . , 'cans alike vote
to Bocuro.
Tha first scssic the present congress
gross will doubtless bo blamed mor
than for any ono other delinquonc ;
for their failure to deal squarely am
honestly with the question of re
ducing the taxes. It was a delator ;
nnd cowardly policy which passci
over the final adjudication of this subject
joct lo the next aeesion after pro
trading the meeting of both aonati
nnd house for at least a month longo
than was necessary on the pretext o
finally disposing of the revenue ro
duclion bill. Gut as wo said bofon
congress might have done much wow
under its present composition and thi
nation may bo profoundly thankfu
that they have ndjournod with so little
tlo damage done to the countrys in
Tin : last appropriation bill passec
congress on Saturday night and com
plctccl the list of fourteen which nn
iicceEsary to the maintenance of th <
various departments of the govern
ment. There is a substantial increase
in the tatal of nppropnalions over las !
year , and a at 11 moro marked showing
when a comparison is made with 1881 ,
Tvfo years ago the total appropriation !
For the general government wer <
§ 190,000,000. Last year thoj
mounted to $216,094,388 , nud thii
year they have been ' awollec
to the sum of $293,055.49. The in
crease ever last year's appropriation !
is 870,801,101. From Ihis , in jus
lice , must bo dcduclod $32,000,000 ,
the increase in pensions demanded bj
Iho enlargement of the scope of UK
arrears bill , and § 29,000,000 ; n deficiencies
ficioncies loft as u legacy by the las !
democratic congress. Of the $15 ,
000,000 remaining , § 9.000,000 alom
is credited to the river and harboi
bill , leaving $0,000,000 to bo dis
tributcd among Iho other department
of the Borvicu.
Under any ether circumstances thai
a treasury overflowing with the ro
suits of excessive taxation such unor
mous expenditures would nrouso i
storm of indignation among tax payers
ors , Even in the present condition o !
the treasury they uro indefensible
The fifteen millions of unnecessary
appropriations represent fifteen mil
lions of dollars unrccossnrily ox <
traded from the pockuts of the pe h
; > lo of the country. The nation will
earn after a few moro such cxperi-
diets what an enormous treasury sur
plus is n constnnt incentive to ex
travagance and jobbery.
THK strnddlo of thu Indiana domo-
orals on the prc hibition question dore
lol plu.ito Iho Ilooaier saloon keepers.
1'hoy complain that Ilendricks nnd
McDonald pray with Iho pious nnd
.Irmk with thy dry , nnd that approval
jf sumptuary legislation does notsuem
to bo confini-d ( o the republican party.
The Inaldo of * < ow York Politics.
New York CorrwpoiuloioiCl idnuail Comincr-
u& .
Within the past week there havu
) cun curtain development ! ) , in Iho way
uf movements , which will exert u povv-
Jrf nl inllueiico upon the politics of this
Stato. For the uut : month the Dam
nation of Cornell haa bot-n conceded
jy nearly everybody , but , suddenly n
chiviiL'u has taken place and the Gov
ernor's ronominatioa haa becauio a
natter much in doubt. The Admin-
str.ition has taken a direct hand in
the politiai of our Stato. This may
DO denied , but ibis a fait nevertheless ,
During the whole summer the politi-
sal workers , who follow , and have fol-
owed for many years , the political
Fortunes of the President , have waited
with no little impatience a sign from
Washington , which would indicate the
jollcy to bo pursued by the distinc-
: ively Arlhur Stalwart wing. And
while they waited tl-oy watched with
nanif < < 8t displeasure tha work the Oor-
loll adherents woroilaing , unobstruct
ed by organized opposition , The
eng session of Congress has boon
m embarrassment to thu President ,
to far as Now York politics were
joncornod , but the time was come , if
Cornell was to bo prevented from
walking off with the gubernatorial
cake again , when interference mu
take place , So , notwithstanding con
grcss was in session , the order wa
passed nlong on Friday last to sprin
to and array all the torcos of opposi
tion against the governor , Yetterda
morning John J. O'Brien , chief of th
bureau of elections in New York Oily
ono of the most dovotcd of the presi
dent's adherent , as well ns ono of th
shrewdest political workers in th
state , returned from Washingtor
bearing the plan of campaign nud th
instructions to the ether leaders c
the Arthur etnlwarls. There ha
been previously some effort made t
combine the half-breeds and the stal
warts of the Arthur stripe upon
candidate. This failed , liad it nc
been for Roscoe Oonkling , perhaps ,
combination upon Congressman Wadi
worth , who , by the way , is the strong
cst republican in the state , migh
have been effected. The hatred bi
twcen Conkling nnd Wndsworth i
intense , and Antedates Wadsworth1
prominence in politics. Finding
combination upon any ono candidM
impossible , it was agreed that bet
factions should enter into the field an
secure candidates to the atnto convci :
tion independent of influence nn
pledged only to vote against Cornel !
And with this understanding the wor
haa begun. The administratio
takoa a direct hand in the fighl , nn
thu onscqticnco is lo make what bu
n week ago scorned absolutely certai
extremely deubtfu' ' Cornell's nomi
nation. 'Coincident wilh this dircc
notion of Iho administration is the nr
pointment of Michael S. Dady , o
Brooklyn , by the president to b
superintendent of the public building
of the east DidjM nppoinlmont ia
matter of the greatest surprise to th
politician ? , for.Jio has not hitherto bee
considered n urm of power or promi
nonce. Hut a short time ngo ho wn
principally known as ono of "Al. " Dag
golfs chief "heelers , " and that con
utilutcd hia solo claim to celebrity
Later ho quarreled with his chief , nm
cinco has been conspicuous because o
hia virulent opposition to the ex
sheriff and ex-weighing contractor
Dagqott about three weeks ago sud
denly turned to bo an aggressive sup
porter of Cornell. Ho expected ti
bring with him a largo following ti
the governor , but in this ho was mis
taken. Dady , in the meantime , became
came a bitter opponent of Cornell
and has been engaged in endeavors tt
defeat Daggott's nuns in these dia
tricts over which the latter is sup
posed to have control. Herein , then ,
lies the explanation of Dady's ap
pointment. Congress has passed c
law authorizing Ihe ornclion of a nen
United S.ales building in Brooklyn ,
Thia will give Dady palronago righl
away in that city to assist him in liif
war ugainafc Dagett and Cornel ) , st
that it is ono of the first indication !
of administrative action in the Cor
nell contest.
The Arthur stalwart * are nlreadj
claiming that the governor will not be
able to control moro than one-third ol
tlm delogalcs to the state convention ,
This body ia composed .of four huii'
drad and eighty-sight delegates , and
two hundred and forty-five are noons'
-iary to a choice. Of the four hundred
Lincl tighty-eight , ono hundred and
twenty-livo como from Now Yorkc.ty
and Brooklyn , and the opponents of
Cornell boldly assort that ono hun
red of thiss number will be found in
iinplacablo opposition to the Cover'
nor , ar.d this claim is not ill founded.
Cornell's strength lies in the country
distiicls , and it is there that the Gov.
ornor has put in his hardest work. It
will require something mo'ro than more
assertion to make people believe that ,
as the opposition claims , every county
in the State containing a largo city
will bo against a nomination. There is
justice hi the claim tint thb gover
nor has obtained a fictitious strength
by having the field to himself for sc
long a tune , and while I am not will
ing lo admit lo myself that ho is beaten -
on yol , us they claim , I am quilo cer
tain that Cornell's renomination is nc
longer a foregone conclusion. Foi
the first time the half-breeds and the
stalwarts of the stalwarts nro shoul
der to shoulder , working for the same
end. There is little talk as yet as tc
who will bo the nominee in tbo case ol
Cornell's defeat : Such names aa arc
mentioned are Congressman James W.
Wadsworth , Altornoy General llus
sell , Congressman Richard Crowley
and ex-Insurance Superintendent 0 ,
W. Chapman. It will not bo aur
prising if it bo Iho latter , for ho is n
cross between a half-breed and a slal <
wart a surt of man compromises fall
Another development has been the
issue of a call for a convention of Ihc
labor men ,
This is an important movement , for
in it and Ihe anti-monopoly agitation
.its the success or failure of the two
jld parties. The organization of la
bor in this stalu is moro Ihorough and
iomplete than it 1ms over been before.
U ia quite certain Ihal Ihis conven-
.ion ot labor , which is lo moot in Buf-
'alo on Septumber 12 , will represent a
, 'otiiiK strength of at least fifty thous-
ind. Suvcnlv-fivo per cont. of Una
role ia democratic. If the conven-
.ion , which ia instructed to take into
( iieation thu advisability of putting n
; ickut into the field , and if deemed
ulvia.iblo to nominate i' , should go
nto independent pxixtonej , Uio
lemocrulic party ii ruined from thu
u'ginning , for it can not possibly aus-
ain the withdrawal ot thirty-live
houaaiid votes. Thu democrats
aroly learn Rnything from the lessons
> f the p'lHt.
In 1877 tlio labor party put a ticket
n the tiuli ] , and without a dollar in
ho trousury to aid in the canvass ,
wiled 30,000 votoj. That year the
lomoorlitio party barely escaped do-
oat. In 1878 labor combined wilh
ho green backora , cast 75,000 votes
md boat the democrats woefully.
I'heru is littlu greenback vote in the
itnto apart from labor , nnd this then
nay bo called n labor nchiovomont.
[ n 1879 Iho labor men opposed lo gov-
irn llobinson'a canal r.nd state prisons
: ontract system , cast in their lot with
Colly and took 77,000 votes from the
Icinocrata. Without organization or
ipooial effort , in 1880 they cast over
10,000 votes , and bent Hancock in
hia stalu. In 1881 they aided again
n democratic defeat by casting 10,000
n conjunction with the greenback
tarty , The separation from the
; roonback party ia practically complete
low and all the labor represented
heroin , ia represented by a handful of
ommunists who carry with thorn no
oting strength. The greenback party
taa fallen under the control of ' a fel-
ow named George 0 , Jones , whose
life has been spent as a lobbyist elthc
at Albany or Washington , and wli
uses the party for trading wilh one c
other of Iho two older ones for h :
own benefit. His con rol over whf
is left of the greenback parly is nbs <
lute , and it is astonishing that ho ca
bamboozle Iho honest old farmers i
the way ho does. However they wi
cast , notwithstanding labo ? has gen
into independent political existence
at least lateen thousand votes , an
that is a liberal estimate.
The important development hn
boon that the antimonoplists will g
inlo the field with a ticket for Gp\
crnor. There is in this orgiuiizitio
a strength of ono hundred thousand
This ia not speculative , but is th
number of the membership of th
branch leagues established in the on
hundred nnd twenty-eight aasembl
districts of the state. It ia sifo t
say that sixty percent , of this strengt
was democratic. Now lake the Tan
many contingent , and Iho diflicultic
in Iho way of Iho democratic BUCOOS
nro apparent. There nro indication
going to chow that the nnti-imnopc
llstn will support thn labor tickol , ;
the Buffalo convention nominates
man Balisfactory to Iho league fc
governor. And Ihero are indication
showing that tholnbormenaronnxiot
lo find Hint man. If that i
done Tammany Hull will undoubted !
support that ticket. The democrat
can achieve BUCCJBS by adopt i ig th
candidate of these outiido elements
That they will do FO is prujuppnsm
them to have wisdom und brtiiii
They will lese the forthcoming election
tion and their charcea in 1884 , be
cau-o tha situation this fuitunm wi
present a gloiions opportunity fi' '
committing a .stupendous blundei
The present indications , therefore
lire that the republicans will nominal
a man to whom the railroad interest
can give their individual and powcrfv
support ; and that the democrats wi !
nominate n candidate unsalisfoclor ,
to the anil-monopolists and Iho labor
ing man , thus alienating a hundrui
and fifty thousand vote * , and puttin
thereby at least two ether candidate
in Iho Hold. Unless the signs chang
Now York stale is eafo to the republicans
cans for 1882 and 1881.
bund League Fair.
Thu Omaha Land League mot 01
Sunday al the Il ' 0. L. A. rooms
Mr. James Harrigan presiding , wh
staled tha object of the meoling.
The ladies all favored a literary am
musical concert instead of a fair , am
bho ccnllemon acquiesced in thui
ideas. A committee of fourteen la
Jios and seven gentleman was appoint
3d to make final arrangements foi
carrying out the programme. Th
following sub-commitlooa were ap
pointed :
OnLiloraturo Miss Stacta Crowley
Miss Sarah Bronnan , Miss Moran
Ohas. McDonald , E. A. O'Brien anc
Jno. Rush.
On Music John llegan , Michae
Ililoy , Miaa Sidio Ililoy , Misa D.-lis
lieolan , Miss E. P. McCartney.
On Hull Jumus 0. Brennan , Thos.
Ou Befrcslynen a Mrs. P. Mo
Snire , Mrs. Al Donovon , Mrs , Wm ,
Elonnubsey , Mra. Gen. O'Brien , Mrs ,
ligan R ftlullin and Thomas Tallou.
The leagues and committees allmeel
igain next Sunday at the Citholic
library rooms at 3 p. m. sharp unc ]
cordially invilu all well wishers Ic
participate with them , when the date
nd programme ia expected to bo an-
'Woman's Trno Priouil.
A friend in need is a friend inilecd. This
lonocan deny , cjpeciully when nssibtancd if
reudered wlien one is eorcly ndlictod with.
Jitease , more particularly those com.
plaints and weaknesses BJ commoii to out
female population. Every womau should
know that Electric BitterH are wuman'e
true friend , and will positively restore liei
bo health , even when all other remedies
fail. A Binglo trial always proves our ns-
sertion. They are pleasant to th-i tnsto ,
mil onlv cost fifty cenU a bottle. Sold uj1
0. f. fionclnian
Aaltiafor all tlio painful dlBCoecv of Uio
It cleanses the eyntcm orthe acrid poison
that causes Uio dreadful suffering which
only Uio vicUma of rheumatism can roalizo. .
of the worst forma of tills tcrrtblo dlscanc
have boon quickly relieved , and in short
MtlCE $1.1 iqt ID cr IIUV , POUI l > ; Mil CG1STS.
Pry can bo nent by mall.
\ Clir'Bt'an Family Fchool for IJjys. rrijmres
orCo'l.c , S in fl H h1 or I'.mln sn Suit !
o Oapt , BD , N. KIBK TA UOO PT
Principal ,
Ionian nark , Cook Co. , Ill , for
Of Ornaha ,
las purrlmcd of the CorUf &ife Manufacturing
! o. , of Providence , K I. , a unto whl h ( a ( 'uar-
ntcod In urltlng to b "absolutely lurjlar
iron/ for a period of thirty-nix liurscontinuous
rid u dittutbcd a tack ulth Ihe Uio of udi
ooli and avrllcanccs a > a burglar can employ,1
ndinapractici ly unconditional way ,
1 hta bank dtin t a thorough t t mads upon
hUrafc , and in cisa of fallura to stanj It , the
ink ulll bo at liberty to purchaue any other
aftanduiuy rotiirn this to the nuiiuUctutcra ,
Any party U at Ibeity to un Jertuke ths attic <
ho Mill lurnUh gttUfactory bond to piy al
lunge to the sale , in case It U not entered In
lie stipulated tluiu. TheCorll&iCoiupiny agree
i writing to deposit with thU bank the turn of
3,000.00. upon the tinning ol an airconcnt :
bo o th ) fald BUUI to be p'auoj within Ihe
> fu and ta be forfeited to the pirty operating In
iso It U forcibly opened and ' In coutenU rab
Iractod 11KNKY W. YATE3 Coshlc.
V "ka and'clcur '
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
The bax need never be taken off the wnzon and
all the bhdlcd
Graiii and Grass Seed Is Save
H c"9tilci thin Ih" old tlvlo ncki. Every
standard wagon Is sold with our rick complo o
Or buy the titt.ichTr.ont . * v pp'v thorn to
jour old iv.ifoii box. Kor Mlfc 1 Xcliraikubj-
J. C. Ciitmc , Ii'iuoln ,
KKFD ' winit , Or.tnd
IlARot.r.TT A ( iniKV , Hast net.
, ( . 'll.UU.VH Clll.ODKKIl , CotUinlllU.
SpA > OOLR.t f'tINK , Itcil ClOllll.
Ci. H. CRINS & t'o , lied O.ili , Ion1 *
li W. UrsfKt , , n.onwoo' , low *
Ai d cvcrv first cUn iloalcr .n the well. Ak
thoni for ilosurlp'.lvo circuhr or send dlrecl
J , HoOalluin Bros. Maiiuf'g Co. ,
OlIIco , 21Vot ; Lake Strca1 , Chcngo. !
They purtia s all other a ( or cssy rlJInt' . style
anil durability.
They are for silo by all Loading Car
riage Euildors and Dealers throughout
the country.
For Bale by
Henry Tim ken ,
Patentee and Uuildrro ( FIne Cfirrhi ; s ,
231 ? XiCftTOTESS , - - 3VCO.
Are acknowledged to bs the
best by all who have put them
to a praiticil test.
Piercy 6 Bradford ,
Impravi-d lor
THK lll'.HT ANJ >
Kvery linunokoopcr foolothu w , iitof
lomcthinx Ihnl will coi-k Iho daily
oed nndAVoid thonxcuasivulieat , dual ,
itlor andaahoj of a coal or wooduwvo ,
30 IT , bollur , quicker mid clioapur
Imn any oilier inoaiiH , It iathoONLY
)1L STOVE inwlo vlh the OIL
mck of thu stove , awayfroin the licit ;
ly which arrangoniont ABSOLUTE
; AFE TV ia oocurodjai no gas can bo
[ onerated , fully twenty pur cent moro
i04t id obtaiuad , the wicks are pro-
orvod twice as long , llius saving the
rouble of constant tiimmhig anil the
xpense of now ones. EXAMINE
-'HE MONITOR nnd you will buy neither
ither ,
Manufactured only by the
lonitorOilStoyoOo , OlBvolanao ,
Send for doacripltvo circular or call
n M , llogora & Bon , agents for No-
COLLEGE Three courts ; opsn to both
AUADEChislcil ani F.nglUb Choi
10 boUof train.nj for college or but n
FBUKY HaLiL-Stiulnary for Vouns
illca. Unaurpossoil In beinty and hcal'hful. '
m of tltuttioii , and In extent of tdtantagcs
Icritl and thoronghncM ol tra'nlngtlrcn , On
xke Michigan.
Yc r beilns September 13.1882. Apply to
BEST. QBEGOHY. L,8l o Foreat. III.
] ) -15-codiu