J * & * ' THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY AUGUST 8 , T / The Daily Bee. * OMAHA. Tuoadav Mornincr , Aug. 8 , "Weather Report. { The following observation * are taken tbf same moment of time at all the static named. ) WAH DurAimiENT , U. S. SIONAL SKI . TICK , OMAHA , Aug. 7,1882. (1:45p.m. ( me SI runes * . 3.3 . mp. Denver. > . 29.09 Mght Clc r 30.01 U lit clcir 30.09 Far 80.OS MK Fresh ' .Ir Omxhft 30. Cfl Kreth Ftlr Tun V ton. 80.CC Krcih ' lr 30.03 Frtsh ir Davenport. 29.81 W -Ight Fair St Pmil. . . 29 PI NW Fair St. Ixruls . S9.07 NW Jruk Thrcft'r Hoorhnul. . 80. 7 N Clcnr Ylnrcnt. . . SO.OI V reih lcr lUmuick. . 30.C9 NK .l.ht > tr Bafonl. . . . 30.03 Pnch I ondy Crater. . . . . SO OS Freih Ctur Daulnootl. Asslnlbolnt Hirer 8 fcrl 7 Inches above low water mark i Omaha , BtoetO'lnchcs at Yankton ; lllsilwlpt i ( ett 9 Inches atA Crowo , and 7 ( eet I Inch at D bnque. LOOAL BREVITIES , County conrt opened yesterday and U docket will bo called at 0 o'clock th morning. In another column will bo found s , ni tlco ot tbe reopening of tbo "Orrmli Turkish Bath [ nod Klectdcal Institute , Dr. Dlnsmoor dcservea a large pntronaj iromonrpeople. Htacnlerprlso and detcrn { nation hnvo been shown by the rcopenin of this health resort after having bee three times flooded during the novoi terms of the unmrncr. Every instilulio looking to the welfare of our cltizeni health , education and public morali ehonld liefostercx ] and encouraged. Omab is proud of her "Bath Kooms. " In appl * nccs and conveniences the Oronha Turl i&h Bath Rooms rank beside those of Chicago cage and St. Louis. Thanks to Dr. Dim moor , who , in his five yean * restdenc here , has built up a largo practice nmon cur beet citizens , and is regarded as one c trar leading and most succosuful physician1 City council to-night. Next Saturday the Union Paclfi land baa its annual excursion and picnic Another individual waa arrested Sut day ( or sleeping on the sidewalk , but wn discharged this morning. Unlf A dozen operators from tbo West cm Union office of this city have gene t Denyer to toke tbo places of the striken Efforts are being made by some jell ; good fellows to organize an Irlsh-Amerl can social club. The same will bo in jo pendent. Tvuemplng & Bolte , proprlolors of thi Omaha Cornice Works , are the mechanic that put up the cornice onFrenzei's block , fifteenth street. The spile driver and stationary engini of the U. P. are at work on Ninth ant Jones , where there was o washou * , durlnj the big storm. Anton LItka ia considered to have re covered suillciently to bo removed to hli homo In Chicago , and his brother left with him yesterday. The next Saturday races will bo , we hope , very interesting , aa ncvoral of tbi best roadsters in Omaha will be brought tc the front. The prizes to bo given arc very fine , especially the gold-muuntoc whip , which will bo an ornament to thi ono that wins it. J. W. ] hmdlo hired ono hundred mcr to work on tbo Oregon Short Line , am after collecting a $2 fee ami from each om atid getting them all down at the dopul Saturday evening to Btart , disappears and left them minus their 82 and theli job too. This business la getting too com inon. The young IrlilcAmcrlcans of tin city have icsolvcd to organize n ncci.il clul for monthly parties during Iho fall nut 'winter ECHBOD , A meeting will bo hold ot Thursday to elect officers and ntnmgo prc limlnary plans. The now organlr.atioi promhea to bo one of tbo social events o ; the t city , and as those who have tin arrangements in hands are eomo of out roost popular young men , wo know UK club will bo tmcccBiful In catering to plcas < uro in its beat meaning and greatest worth , A pleasant party met Sunday alter noon at the residence of Mr. JohnlUmlcky , er. , in South Omaha , the occasion bciiif tbe birthday of Miss Hosicky , Messrs , Cbas , and Ed , Kaufmann with ladle * , \Yigir and lady , Westberg , Yodt and Wl Hams with ladles , F. Vodickn , Joe , Michael , V. Wollescliensky with ladles , Mr , Mailender , Mr. Sykora , John Macli with lady , and others wore present , ami enjoyed tbe hospitality of the .hostess late Into tbe eyenlng , The paper for Bachollcr & Doris' ' uliow , which will be in Omaha , August } l 18tb , is being spread on tbo bill boards yesterday , and is vcry ( handsome indeed. There will be a regular meeting of tbe St. George society at their hall , 1314 Douglas street , this evening. Tbe literary exercises will begin promptly at U o'clock. General Superintendent Holdiege , of the I ) . & M. lly. , has imued an order chancing office hours at headquarters to from 8 a. in. to 12 in. , and from l'J:30 : to 4:30 : p. m. Graham P , Browne ha * two extra fine heifers , 18 months old , heavy with calf , and one four year old cow in calf , Vor sale at Nebraska 1'oultry Yards , Wont Omaha , 7-Gt There were four drunks In the lock-up yesterday. Two paid their fines , one WM sent up for five days , and the fourth , Amelia , Lewis , WAS discharged on account of her sickness. A staging at tbe house which Is being erected for Mr. Cook at Twenty-fifth and Douglas streets , fell Saturday afternoon and precipitated two carpenters to tbe ground , a third man escaping by springing to another scaffolding , One of the men austaiued a severe shock by the fall , and the other escaped by fallinir on soft earth. A decided sensation was created in the family of Jacob Houckcn Friday last , by 4 the reappearance of Robert Buchan brother of Mrs. Houck who had been mourned aa foully murdered , robbed and burled In a distant utatc , It WAI a clear case of mistaken Identity. Some otl manhadbten buried at bis expense , Mr. Honck proposed , when Bncha estate was settled up , to reimburse htmi for the money paid out for the funeral New Buffalo. Now th t Mr. Buchan 1 returned to Omaha he will , of course , e tie with Mr. Houck. V/hy don't you attend the Mponitl at Denver ? You can go via the Bnrlli ton road , leaving Omaha every morning 8:15 and arrive In Denver the follow ! morning nt 7M. Hound trip tickets ot $30. good to return October Slut. For fi ther Information apply to Andy Bord < ticket agent , 102J Parnatn street , or at k M. depot. Mayor James E. Boyd returned Su day from a business trip to Chlcngn , Tl Is the first time his honor hat been abac from his business desk In two year * , whi goes to show that even when one is on t top rung of the ladder of success he h still to keep up tbo Industry that ma- dim what he l BROKE JAIL. A Couple of Birds Toke an Ear Flight. The first escape from the city ja which has happened for some tin was made at an early hour Sundr morning * , by ono Burns , nrrcstod t Oflicor Kaiper for vagrancy and Yo rick , arrested by Oflicor O'Grady f < intoxication. The two were put in cells over nigl as usual , and nfcor- the regular o'clock morning roll call , were allot ocl with the rest of the prisoners I walk about in the hall until bronkfai time. This opportunity was uoirx : to make their cscapo. A uhov was gotten hold of and wit this they pried oil a couple of tli bars of the partition made at the cai end of the corridor. The bars woi of heavy wood and faced with Iron being fastened to the ceiling b wooden cleats. The top waa prio looao and the bars stripped oil. similar break was then made in th door out the front way , which ha boon permanently closed for some titn past. past.Tlioro were three other prisoners i the hall-way , who refused to go , an ono of whom had to bo throatone with deathIf ho "squealed" ; 01 tholtwo. Though the two holes thi easily made the men got out and mad good their escape , which waa discos orod about the time their breakfast wcro taken down. If they only put good distance botwnon themselves an the city , it Is a good riddance , an their work only shows the nocosslt for a good jail for city offenders , th present quarters long having boon disgrace to the city , though kept Ii bettor shape than over betoro. Omaha's Favorlto Musicians. Every ono who attended the Etnrac performances last week were rojolcoi , o find the Musical Union Orchostr m "this sldo of the footlights , " am irolcomod their appearancewith ap plouso. No finer orchestra exists ii my opera house in the country , am ) ur amusement ; lovers who have on eyed hearing their sweat notes si > f ton last season are most desirous t < neot them again in their old place vhon the next season opens. Mr Sinmot personally complimented thi Jnion and Julius Meyer , to whom thi loner of its organization belongs , 01 Jioir artistic ekill Ho said that ! vna the best orchestra ho had lioari n a theatre for many a day. Espo sially pleasing wore they on his owi 3ompoaitions , and the genial Joe Bail that Omaha should feel proud of it jrclicstrn , and of course it docs. M Tulius Meyer , who 1ms guarded th interests of the Union so faithfully deserves the thanks of all our musi lovers us well aa the complimcnta o Uinmot. "RouRh on Rats. " Oloaro out rata , mice , roaches , flicc inta , bud bugs , skunks , chipmunk ? gophers. 15c. Druggists. PEPPERCORN'S ' CAPTURE. Fho KloplDQr Proloeeor of WuHic Dla covered lu Kansas. The olopomcnt of the music teacher 3mil Peppercorn , with Miaa Frahm > f Florence , has been published ir. al ts details , as well as the fact of send ng out of a thousand circulars ncconi ? anicd by photographs of Popporcon ind oli'oring $500 reward for his cap , uro. The circulars acorn to have accom : lishod their object as Marshal An toll Sunday received a long lottoi rom the marshal of Mound Oily Cansas , stating that a couple of par ios answering the description exactly , ivoro thoro. The letter gave an elab irate description of both , which wet o true that the marshal loft Sundaj rlth Henry Bolln to secure theii nan and will probably have him hero 11 the course of a day or two , A BIGGER DISAPPEARS. Jyatorloua Abeonco of a bouth Omaha Man , A woll-digger by the name of Fin- ate , living near Uascall's , outside of lie Bouthbtti limits of the city , is miss- ng since last Wednesday. That day o finished a job on Eighteenth street , ud was hoard to say that ho would 3 to see a party near the Oamha & t. Paul depot about a job .and haa ot returned since , At first the family , consisting of a ifo and several children , thought lat ho might bo on a spree , but ag ays have paisod and ho has not hewn up , it seems that either an ar dent haa happened to him , or else o has left town. The latter ispossi- lo , as it is said by those who know eat that at times that particular home as not a "awcot homo , " although tore was of late no disturbance and o immediate causa for abandonment n the part of the man. At the time of his disappearance head ad about $40 on his person , and , al- lough not a habitual drunkard , waa Idlotod to occasional sprees , which as the cause of the disturbances at jme , CLEAR GUSSEDNESS. An Old Man Brutally Assault ! by a Desperado. Without'Any Provocation I Carves Him With a Hatchet. The Skull Cut Open and an Chipped Out , What Followed the Purlornit of a Valise , TIio Prisoner Jailed and Victl Dead , Between 0 and 10 o'clock yostc day a gentleman who was waiting foi train at the depot informed oflic Dixon that some ono had picked i his valise that ho had left on the pin form while ho stopped across the trai for a moment. Dixon immediate sot about discovering the whoroabou of the lost article. Bo learned that man with a valiao such as describe had jumped on n Missouri Facil baggage car as it waa bolt moved to the bridge a oho time boforo. Expecting a long chni a telephonic message was sent to pi lice headquarters for an oflicor. A Dixon started toward the bridge well-dressed man approached h'm an returned the valise saying that h "partner" had taken up the valise t mistake and desired him to return i Just then a party came running up th track shouting that an old MANUAJ ) BEEN KILLED. on the bottom. A'l ' that could bo ai curtained from the informer who coul hardly speak English waa thi a desperado had carved on man to pieces with an ax dow by the river , and the assailant wa then escaping across the bridge. Oil : cors Gorman and Jacobson arrive * about this time and ran towards th railroad bridge , About throo-quai tors of the way across the river the ; saw a man holding two or three other at bay with a DIUWN REVOLVER. The officers wont Immediately to th rescue , and when they wore Been th first party throw his revolver into th water , crouched down on the trocl and awaited arrest. Upon boln , brought to this side h sank down as if exhausted and a wagon had to bo procured t bring him to the county jail. Sooi after starting , however , ho sudden ] ; recovered , and showed fight in such \ forcible manner that the aid of twi citizens had to bo called on to over power the prisoner. Those who pur sued him on the bridge stated that thi old man bo nad struck with the n : waa dead , and the crowd felt ver ; ' much like taking the law into thoi' own hands. Jacobson procured thi instruments of assault , which consisto < of an ordinary sized ax and i largo hatchet , the latter ontirol ; COVEUKI ) WITH HLOOI ) . These , with the prisoner , were brough to the county jail. In the meantime the victim of this atrocious , am fatal assault , was carried to h'l liomo , which is in ono of Faul Ncl sou's houses , corner of Jones am Seventh streets , and Dr. D. P. Binge ; waa.immcdiutoly summoned. A rep roscntatlvo of THE BEK was on ham on short notice , and was ono of thi few witnesses to a most sorrowfu family scone. The wife , daughter in-Jaw and several neighboring womei were naturally wild wuh cxoiteiuon when the old man , completely coveroi with blood Hiul apparently in a dyinj condition , waa curried into theii prcsoiioo II h appearance wna horri hlo , aa the he nil und upper portion o the body \tero completely covcrec with blood , flowing in struama fron sovornl taping wounds , two on tin back of the head and ono where tin right eye-brow hnd been clipped off the EYE 8EVEJIE1) IN TWAIN and part of the cheek cut. As tin man swooned once or twlco it wai naturally thought the spark of lift was gene out , and wore waa hastily sent up town. In deed , it spread rapidly , one 9 crowd soon assembled at Jacob's un dertaking rooms , having hoard "tin murdered man's body was thoro. Dr. Bigger soon revived the auflbror and commenced surgical treatment. Large pieces of bono were removed from the : lrclo over the eye and this terrible nround and two incisions on the back D' the head , one an Inch and a hall ind the other two and one-half inches long , and both penetrating the skull , were drt'ssod , The patient's mind wandered during the operation and liis wild worda and the wail- nga of his grief-stricken rola- ivoa around made the scene ar from an agreeable one. Doctor 3igger said the chances of rccov- iry were greatly against the suflferer. Faking his age , the frightful nature if hia wounda and the audden shock if the unprovoked attack into consid- ration there was but little doubt but [ oath will result. THE VICTIM , Aa all the parties present at the line the blows were inillictod have mt little knowledge of the English inguago and were frightened beyond escriptlon at the attack made upon heir old companion , it was'with real difllculty that the true story of bo assault could bo ascertained. The following are the facts , as near a could be learned by our ropresenta- Ive : The old man's name is Jens omen. He Is a Dane , and only nmo to this country in April last , > n Saturday ho moved with hia fain- y. conaisting of hia wife , a daughter- i-Iaw and ono son to a house owned y Nolaon. An older son is employed n the railroad , and is absent from the Ity , Jensen had no regular employ , tent , but was accustomed to secure rift-wood down on the river side and at it up for homo use , \ostor- ay ho wont down to the river as sual , and was engaged In chopping , hen suddenly a wild-looking young ian ran up to where the choppers ore engaged and attempted ) take ono ol the boata lying on the water near by. Some of the choppc refused to lot hita take the boat , wh ho seized an axe and with loud oat aworo ho would SLAUGHTER THE All ran away except Jensen , wl failed to understand what waa goii on. The desperado then mndo an a tack on him , knocked him down wli the ax and then seized a hatchet lyii near by and proceeded to carve tl old man to pieces. When ho had satisfied his brutal it ho ran up to the bridge and attempt to cross it when arrested as befoto d scribed. The affair occurred nei A. J , Clark'a sawmill , just north < the bridge , and was witnessed by tl men employed there , eorao of whoi ran to the assistance of Jensen an others in purauit of hia assailant i quickly as they could. It was ono i these , Frank Morton , and a ma named Jim Murphy and ono Wcs who followed the man out on tl ; bridge and assisted in his arrest. THE DEBFEIUDO , On reaching the jail the prison ! was or feigned to bo so exhausted thi ho could not speak. From papei found on his person , however , it wt discovered that hia name was Fran Hughes ; that ho ia a painter by tradi and worked on the Paxton hotel. llo boarded at the St. Charles hoto where ho came Juno 31 , and lie we regarded by those connected with th hotel as an extremely quiet yonn man. Nothing detrimental waa know of him. Ho drank occisior ally and Sunday night and ycatei day ho waa intoxicated , whic undoubtedly i ia the cause of .his pret ont unenviable position. Hughes wa readily identified as the ono who teethe the valise at the depot , and it wo probably fear | of arrest therefor the mulu him run down on the bottot ind endeavor to reach the other aid by boat. His attack was entirely un provoked , and as the chancea of Jon ion's death are great , Hughes ia in aad fix. On hs ! person was found ibatly written letter from hia siatoi Ellen , in Now York , which goea t show that the prisoner comes from respectable family in < ho metropolii vho will hoar the nowa of the unfot .unato fellow's doings yesterday wit ! grief. KOB BeSS The sister tolls of bright horn affaire , past and anticipated pleasures uros , and particularly of a pic nio arranged for that very day August 7 , in honor of a brother John who Boomingly has lately embarked ii i moat successful business and wa o bo complimented by his friend with a social time. Regrets were o ; courao expressed that Frank could nebo bo with the merrymakers. The latto will undoubtedly have occasion to remember August tbo 7fh , 1882 , bu certainly not on account of the picnii pleasures of hia relatives and friend on the beach- Coney Island. SAtTMER'S BTJJDQET , The Weekly Meeting of tbe Board o County Commissioners. SATURDAY , August 5 , 1882. Board mot pursuant to adjourn rnont. Present Commissioners Drexel Corliss and Knight. The following resolutions wen adopted. Resolved , That the county treasur er bo , and la hereby directed to roduc < the valuation of personal assessment of W..H. Stratton from $755 to $15 tor the year 1881 and collect tax aa oordlngly , on account of error in as- losamont blank. Petition having been filed by John Logan , Omar Whitney and others tc straighten the Elkhorn river , there' Fore be it Resolved , That the county aurvoyoi bo , and ho is hereby directed to nrakc the ntccesary surveys , plata and esti mates ns will bo required to carry out the law in such caeca made and pro vided , uHd report to this oflico as BOOH s convenient. The appointment of appraisers on road No. 188 waa this day revoked , Mid all further proceedings therein irdcred slopped on account of irregu larity in petition. The following ncwunta wnro allow- 3d from the nuiDai : FUND. Win. VnnUohren , bridge work. . S 28' ) 00 " " " . . " 1200 Fames Wa'ab ' , bridge viork . 15 00 FIIOM THE OUNKIIAL , F. II. liraack , work on road . S IS 00 0. N. Miller , jailor anil guard. . . 93 00 'eter Cosaidy , work on road . 12 00 "i. Shipley , work on road . 18 00 V , Double , grading . 4000 1. O. Thumas , eroding . 14 00 I. Urego , batllUg and witnesses fees . 1800 X Stulzner. painting bridge . 3 00 . 8. Ilascall on account of grad ing . 93330 L O. Wllllhy. grading . 159 30 ) , N. Miller , boarding prisoners , 450 25 i. Wllke , case for county clerk. . 24 00 ' . Baumer , on account tax Hit. , . 200 00 I. H , Felix , groceries for poor houM . 122 GO I. Bolln & Co. , groceries for poor 4 75 ! has. Karbacb , goods for county. 10 00 'erklns&Lear " " . 50.1 "osier & G ray , Lumber . 14 72 V. 8. Street , coal for county. . . . 18 25 t. Soiauer , groceries for poor , . . . 7 50 . A. Wakofield , Lumber for county . 26 00 ) . M. Welty , repairing at jail. . . 4 50 t'e Publishing Co. Printing . 7 SO Tebraalta U as Llijht Co , , gas . . . . 14 00 I. T. Duke , hai d ware . 19 00 i . I. D. Solomon , gooda for poor farm , , . . , . 250 . . Donecken , work at jail . 2100 , D. Cooper , goods for county , . CO 00 , M , Jester , work on road . CO 75 , H. Conkllug , medical serviced. 10 00 eter Lown , grading . 36 25 , Itoblnsou , on account grading , 500 00 COUIIT HOUSE FUND , ) hn F. Coots , on account of estimate mateNo. . 5 . $5,48679 Adjourned. JOHN BAUUKH , County Clerk. LAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE iade from the wild flowers of th LB FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY , if the moat fragrant ol perfumes. Manufactured by H. B , Slaven , San rancisoo. For silo in Omaha by W. Whttohouao und Konnaia Bros. , Co. C mvt Get It. Diabetes , Bright'a Disease , Kidney , rinary or Liver Complaints cannot i contracted by you or your family if op Bitten are used , and if you have ready any of theao diseases Hop Bit- n is the only medicine- that will pos- Ivoly euro you , Don't forget this , id don't got some puffed up Bluff that 111 only harm you , RIDING IN THE ROCKIE Becord of the Journey of tl Omaha Board of Trade Excursion , Points and Features of tl Many Wyoming Stations on the Route. The Board Keeping op Iti Hlla Ity A * it Got * Further Awny. Special Cotreepondence of the Bee. After leaving Cheyenne the aconoi became moro varied , the aurfaco of tl country moro broken and moro do tituto of civilization. Small ac acrubby pine trees scattered promii cously about the land without ar regularity , interspersed with larg roundish rnoka ptlod upon top of oac other in auch huqo or gigantic hoaj that they asaumo the appearance i houses at a diatanco. Again thci plica of rock abound in groups at it torvala of say a mile apart , the spac between , apparently fortila and love ia covered with grasa. Erory ct alone ; the track is covered with snoi sheds which ahuta out the light froi the train , Those are frequent. AT SHERMAN , wo roach the highest elevation of an point on the U. P. B. R being 8235 foot above the love of the aoa , while Omaha only 000 foot. Sherman ia 540 mile from Omaha , and has sixty soula an a few Chinamen , two or three builc inga adorned with the work of a tax demist and polished onyx atonot etc. , at pricca ranging from ? 3 up. On the loft and close to town , sui mounting the summit , ia a largo mt sonic monument , built in the moraor of Oliver and Oaken Amos , the found era of the great railroad. It ia noarl ; completed , and ia as largo as a ama ! house , built of cut rock. The soil ia gravelly , with largo boul dora cropping out at frequent intei vala. Some are looao , evidently hav ing been moved hero from the mount nine by the glaciers , while othera ar a constituent part of the formation and present a slaty texture , and ar af a reddish hue. TIE BIDING. Several cords of wood are her piled along the track , which ia indica blvo of timber coar , though none la ii light. HOUBOS are far apart indeed und the habitation of the country i about as scarce aa news items Iho foothills of the Black Hills am the Rockies are plainly visible to thi westward. There haa little improvement beoi 3ono in thla country , except thi towns , for the lost 20 years , accordinj bo the statement of partioa who thot traveled through hero with ox teams They Bay it now looks in the countrj just aa it did then , only that a fov fences across the valloya have takoi the place of the elk and the buffalo No plowed land or vegetation , oxeep buffalo graaa and a few wild flower ire found here. FORT SANDEBS -a a hamlet of government building , aid ahantioa , with nothing stirrinj ibout it , and ia located two milei mat of LAllAMIK. Wo arrived hero at 5 p. m. Friday , \.uguat 4th. Thia ia the rendezvous 'or the forty liars , in all a progreaaivc ind wide-awake town , of which I wil ipoak again on my return. About ten mi'ea west and north o ] Lmramio several email droves of ante opca were plainly aecn in the dls ance , quietly feeding. As wo crosa the L.iramio plains lothing in the way of vegetation if loen that ia of any great account omo very scattering blades of grass , vith n great lot of aago brush and omo tow weeda. Tbo soil ia com- josod ohieflyof gravel , and numerous mall lakes of clear water abound. Fho air ia refreshing , and I experience LO inconvenience in breathing what- vor as yet. AT ROCK ( WEEK. \Vo took euppcr Friday evening at :20. : Hera 1 aaw the first specimen f native cactus , the ono found here icing of the ' 'prickly ' pear" variety , lock Crock is an unimportant ship- ing point of about CO population , 'he face of the country ia atill irokon , with gravelly knolls , but free rom rock ainco leaving ijirainio. I oticed the saddles of an antelope anging on a telegraph polo near a tation , and upon enquiring I waa aid that fresh meat of any kind , if uug up out of the reach of prowling nimala , would keep any length of imo without the aid of preservatives. Leaving Rock Creek at 8:20 p. m. ago brush is the only object of at- raction , During the night wo will ass several unimportant stations and 'arbon ' , the center of the Wyoming ) al mines. I am informed that one f those mines ia now on fire and haa pen burning for ton years. I will isit the place on my return and report ronta. Wo will also pass 11AWUN8 , town of l.COO people which I will isit again. Our party are as yet very hllarioua , withstanding the fatigue of the IIR journey No doubt this ia duo i the buttermilk of which there is a > od supply , F , Notice- The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex- Isior Roof Paint , " waa patented May ith , 1881 , and letters patent num- ir 241 , 803. Any person found or town to tamper with the manu- cluro of aaid paint will be puniah- ! to the full extent of law. No per- n haa any authority whatever to sell coipta. HAWTIIOKN & Buo. , Lancaster , Pa. Kidney Complaint Cured' B. Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : "I ve been for over a year subject to tcrloug order of the kidney * , and often unable attend to buslneaa ; I procured your IUUOCK ULOOD IhTTEiw and waa relieved fore half a bottle was used. I intend to itlnue , aa I feel confident that they will tlrely cure we , " Trice $1.00. WANTED. A good ccond-hai bicycle. Address box X , Centi City , Neb 16-3t SPECIAL NOTICES. LOAN-MONfcY. O.SEY TO LOAN OMI at b w Utnca of M L. ThomM RooraB Cnlghton Block. LOAN At 8 per cenl Mt In lumn.of 17,500 t npw rd , for 8 to 5 je&rs , on flrft-dws city n form property. Bima RIAL Kstiri and Lo AOHCT , ICth and Douelts Sts. HELP WANTED. \\T AjNTED Nurto girl , H. K. cornc' Iblhlij Q74-E WANTED Situation by a ynunp maa In bank , lo ur inec rotner office where tru writing Ii required. Ejpetlcncc Tno jc r a ' < ! cstato an J Inturatice ofEco. A. F A . D office. OSC 8' - two ecat buggy , 1318 Fi W nam St. VX7 ANTEB Olil ( or general house work. A VV ply to 1722 C88 .Ircet. ANTED-100 men for ra'lroad woik. Mannwcller , e-nployment agent , 11 street , near Farnam. 90311 rURPENTERS anil Cabinet Makers wan to \J Apply on llth street , between Fanram ai Douglas , niit steam laundty. 862.7 * / 1 ML WANTED Inqulro ! 4il Chtc gostrc < \JT aug 7-3t A joungmanat Mau ' Ice crca WANTKD ISIS ' Dodge street. 0707 A lady of education and famine WANTED , act ass ecla ! solicit'r , ( salary orommlstlo.n Apply at rooms 0 and Ercre t Block , Council lilufli. No letters a : swerod. 987 6 A stoidy young man who undc WANTED diy goads and clothing. None bt experienced man m ed apply. References rcquc tcu. Address M. Kohn , Aurora , lies. 008-3 Ten teams. Wages 83.50 per daj WANTED M , Vincent , at Florence Cut-off. OCO-tf TTTANTfD Ono hnndicd men. Wages SI , ; VV pcrd y. Apply to llltcho'l Vincent , i Florencs Cut-oO , ifno mll < s north ot Omaha. 965-tf ANTED -A light , square box top W and slnilo hirncsa. Must bo n bargafi Enquire 1020 Farnam street. 931-U D A dining room girl at Rclneke WANTS er 13th and Jackson. 958-7" - girl about 11 or 15 years ol WANTED-A of a baby , Apply at 1519 Jacl son street. 031-7 } At St. Charles hotel , two firs ! WANTED room glrlj. 063-tf 100 ton sold Iron. Address WANTED J. R. QILCHRKT. 060-91 Omaha , Neb. ITT ANTKD Good milkers , at YV 072-8' LITTLKFIKLD'S DA'RY , Ssratog. ' ANTED A situation as watchmaker an jeweUr ; 20 yens' cxpetlanco. Jut ( rom the cast. Addrots , Watchmaker , It-R. Boarders at 110 South 13th til WANTED (4,00 ; also ( urnls'icd rooms. Fran Day's. 0 - Agcntu tl solicit ( or the Octroi WANTED Benefit AisocUtlon ot Detroit Mich. Good Inducement * to tha ilfrht pirlci Money to loan and loans negotiated on libero termp. Inquire ol N. R. Buck , Agent ( or Kc broska , Room 213 , lath street , upstairs. 9 < 0-7 _ A llrflt-class m < at cook at the St WANTKD Hotel , Ilarniy strict. Apply 01 kho premises. O3.tf A Drst-cUss girl mu t be gcoi WANTED washer And lioncr. Wages 84.0 per week. Inqulio at Leo , Fried & CO'B , or a Boa olHc. ' . 03i-tf TXT"ANTED 600 privy va-j.ta , sinks And cca VV pools to clean with Sanitary Vault nn < Sink Cleaner , the best In use. A 817tf"t reddened 1206 Podge street. Omaha. TTITANTED Two or three rocros suitable ( ( VY physicians cffice. Addnso Dr. I'rrtr Bee offlco. 99-t ( SITUATIONS WANTED. Competent nurse wiches to take care oft A llttlu crlld , at her homo , 51010th street , ui itairs. 972 7 * MEUCHANT TA1L0118 : A thoroughlj TIO expert cut crand tailor wants a situation n some good Ncbra kia nelly. Bctcrei ccs first laai. AdJrcsj , F. Albait , Laramle City , Wyo nlng. 054.9 Situation as coichrcan and dc WANTKD \\ork around the houso. Good cfcrcnccjgltoi } . Aitdrcsa "Q" tblaollice. 057-71 MICELLANEOU8 WANTS. A " -TED Ono or two boirders atS2t , 18th W street , S5uth of Lca\eiiwoith. 070-7 * AKTED-A house h tho" weft end of the the ilty , contilulng about tlx room * , f'th Btab'o and tcriligo room attached. Must a > c water and bo convenient to street rar. Ad- rcs3 J. P. II. , Mctrojoliian hotel. au2-3t lTT"ANTEl-To rent , bou.e ot 10 or 32 r om ยง . YV Must bo In good locat on. ilc ( ) tue , op- 'Ditto ' P. 0. 007-4 JTTANTEDbont August 16 , ftlicusool 4 or YY 6 rooms , on line ol street rn'lnay prefer- cd. Address ' 'House " Dee Olilcu. aul t ( FCR REMT HOUSES AND LJVND. SALE A good nittru , Imrncfs and to i FOR , by W. W. Hobcrts , Fort Omsln. ' OS5. ' . ( KKNT Hciiio with II\o rorma. SOth and FOU . Inquire it Dr. Paul0780 [ 710R RENT Furnished room at 1518 Dodge [ J ttreit. 0/0-0' / FOR'RENT House of 10 r oms. nr , Cn"i g3 and 13th street. 080-tij | REN r Tivo rooius esultable for two or 'our gfntlcmoi , at 8 , W. corner 18th and lalifornla street. 073 tf PO RENT Rooms furnUhcd and unfurnlth d , L d W. corner of 8t * > and Howard St. Roans renew and cimmand One \low of the rhcr , ridge , Different railroads and Coun-.ll Bluffd.i 030 tl OK RENT Three furnished roomifor house- J keeping ; alsi a piano. 113 North 13th St. 055-7t OI1 RENT Three hoii80iDextr L.Thoma , ? room 8 , CicUbtoo Block. 053-1 T1 < R RENT Four room cotUge , large lot , J south 17th , J L. Welsbans , 1503 Farm - > m street. 905-1 f 1 ? OK KENT First and second Hoers In brick ; house , 14 0 Clikago street. 059-tf 7011 RENT A suit of 4 rooms In Ililombg ; block , corni r ICth aud Divenpoit Sts. M-7t 71 OK RENT A laige front room for two gcn- ; tiinoo ; alsi two rooms sultible for fam- r.all plouantly locited. Inquire at No. 034 In street , bet. Jackson and Leavtiiworfii , 952 7t 710U RENT A good furnished room , suitable ! for two gentleman. Ill N. ISth strcef. K ance required , 051-tf 10 RENT A nlco'y f uinuhed room , at north west corner cl 18th and Davenport streets. 978-lt TIOELY furnished front loom. Cill C074 N N 17th street. 030-tf 10B BENT FurnUbed room , 32 ! B. 16th 1 street OTO-5J 10ft RENT One neatly furnished room , wlh privilege of adlolulcg par.or , 1813 Wcbste cct. 942-U TOJl RENT Large hous * . 1 ! rooms , new. tiood locatlcn. McC.gue , opposite f. 0. 869-8 WR BENT A pleuant furnlihcd room for one or twj igoatlemeu. Inqnlro at 1012 llfarnla itioet 053-if 10R RENT Large room , with board or lib board cheu. 1808 California Bteret. 18 H ( OR IUNT Two new dwellings and two other dwellings In desirable Iccillty , by McSoon , , 1514 Dougla. lUect. 817-tf * rentleman wllh refer r ence , 1812 Dodjfe street beUefn 18th and "t . " ' 111 for ' " M 00 per annum , each ' ' termof je rs , at "Oranw Grove adjoining Hanscom Park on the weit , Bvft minutes walk from met cars. Money ran be obtained to build with , by persons leasing thwe lots at regular rates. JAME8 F. WORtON , s On preml > e , cfflca 1S15 Farnam Street VI INK HOUSES FOR HKNT srall and large , J _ > two to twelve rooms each ; one or two new ones Ith all modern conveniences One of 13 rooms , snltable for boarding and room renting , 17th and DouglMBU. BE1II3 , Agent , 15th and Doiulaj 8U. TTIOR KENT Furnlihel room with beard ; JC modern Improt eraents , n. few table ratrders con be accommodated , at 1718 Dodge street. 651 tf FOR REST A ptewant furnUhcd room on tin flrst floor , ono block from street car , at 2 > 03 Harney street. oin-tl OR HENT-Drlek store. Icqulro at Drag Store , corner 10th and Douglas sis , 620-tt T710R RENT llou e of 6 rooms , nenly plas- C , t r d and p.lnted. $1500 per month. North of 16th street bridge on 15 h street. Con venient to shops. Apolv corner 12th and How ardstreet. Newspaper Union. 887-tf i FOR RENT Furnished room , 1723 DouglM treet. _ 494-tf RENT. Two new elegant houses. In quire at Peterson's Clothing store , near U. P. Depot. _ _ E02-tt 1TIOR KKNT 1 fnrnunen rcooii over M. .L1 chant * ' Exchange , ! * . ! : , cor. Klh and Dodg ! * " > > . 9f _ _ _ FOR BALE OK SALE Hoitss 6 rooms and corner lot 132 feet square , SUOO. McCague , oppcnlto L'oit | J7Mf _ TJ10R SALE A fire acre lot and good house one mile north of Barrack * Inquire on premises or Qeo. II , Peterson , No. 801 , 10th street. OtT-lm" C. SORHXJOU. _ T71 0R SALE House anil lot 33x300 feet on Cal- X1 Ifornlt street , eattot Sacred Heart Convent. . McCAOUE , 030-t ; Opposite postofflco. _ HOUSE and lot for salt , , | No. 026 ilonUna street , near Cuml. > g. Inqulro Cigar store , corner 10th and Jackson utrccts. 88-a26 FOR SALE Houo and corner lot. at tl.050 , bargain. MoCAOUE , opposite t * . 0. E84tt rpWO story building for sale at a bargain , to. J _ catcd at north-east corner of 17th street , and Capitol ave. Must bo moved on or before August 7th proximo. BKMIi' 770-tf _ Agent , 16th and Donglos. Q1X BEAUTIFUL LOT8-60X150 feet each In p Hanscom Place on street car lino. Best lots In whole addition on very easy terms and at ft great bargain. Bums' agent , 16th and Douglas streets QPLEND1D PROPERTY FOR SALE-At a KJ BJUOAIN , ono large brick house , and ono largo frame bouse , with full lot on C Ra near IGth street. Fine chonce for Inrciitment. rent far $70 per month. C I1 for fall particulars , on liEMia , 009 tf _ Agent , 15th ar d Douglas sta. I OTEt , FOR SALE. Th Arlington House . _ L First class ; all furnished. Tha only hotel In town. The cheapest property in the state. Has all the traveling nun. Will bo cold cheap on terms to suit. Enquire of E. Fullo , proprietor , Arlington , Wosnlngton county. Neb. 663 tl "TOOK BALE Or will cxcha go for Omaha pro. -D I perty , an Improved sec da of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , 1411 Farnham St. , Omaha. 7 0 8mt RICK FOR EAL1L B S03-tf EAL1LESTADUOOK * COS. T710K SALE rho FOPULAU IIOTEL , known I ; as the BOYS' HOME. This house Is cen trally located , baa souih and cost front , and Is surrounded w tb fine shade trees : contains thirty sleeping rooms , has Ice houso. laundry , sample room , tc. Has a world \rido reputation and better patronage than many house of twice Its capacity. Price (5,000. For particulars ad. ilress , A. A. SAWDEY.Red Cloud , hen. S51- HAT At A. D. Bander' Feed BI BALED St. 10-t " MlaCELiLiANIOUS , TIAKES UP. Largo rtd ciw with white spot J _ under belly and white tint In the face , one jorn broken off. Inquire I'.ter Nelson , South Diuaha , Souther's Hill. 831-7" rjTRAYEi Ono Iron gray mare c-H , wi years O old , walks a llttio stlfl in front legs. Lib- iral reward for his recovery. Will be'pTlcTf r jy W. Vanderkreok , nortleas * corner 12th and Mason street ; . t > 83c3twlt rJPKCIAL AOEItTS for hetirafka. Kanua and O illfHCU'l to represent the INDUSTRIAL : .1FE ASSOCIATION of Indianapolis , Indiana , vnlch has stood the t < t of tlmr , pays all losses n full ; strongly Indorsed by the be-t Insurauce mthort les ; thoroughly established , easily vorkcd , and U not on the co-operathe or old Ino plan. Liberal contracts made with tner relic agents at a compensation of from two housand to three thousand do'lars ' per year Vddresi INDU-iTRiAL LIFE ASSOCIATION , Vo. 70 East Market street , Indianapolis , Ind. 1nly28-lmo. AYED One white cow. some red on neck , ST ana chart horns , and one lUht red cow about even years old , rope around the r horn ? , w ere icout to rave c.lvcs. Any infnrmttlcn loidlng o their recovery will be suitably rew rded by 076-0' MRS , KOCH'S Saloon 10th btrot. BDWAUD KUEHL 1AOISTEII OF PALMYSTEUY AND JCONDI 10HAL1ST , 198 Tenth Street , between rarnJ.ro ndHarner. Will , with tbe ( .Id cf guiril'Kn ' plrlts , ohta'u for any one a glance at the iue | nd present , and on co/t > ln condltloiig In Iho fa- art ) . Boots and Shoes LiaiJo to jnier. Fcrfta ' c lnn fn r ntf l If f ? WH ra $1 i ' \ POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot p 1 , strength and wholesomenees. More econo ilol than the ordinary kinds , and cannot b ild In competition with the multitude of o at , abort weight , alum or phosphate powders donly In cans. ROTIL BAIINO I'OWDIB Co. . 0 Wt St. . New York lamuel C. Davis & ( Jo , , DRY GOODS / IOBBERS IMPORTERS , ashington Ave. and Fifth St-t ST. LOUIS , MO.