THE DAILY BEE OMAHA. MONDAY , AUGCST 7 , The Omaha Bee , Fa Wished every morning , except Sand * ? ha only Mon.Uy morning dully , TKHM8 m MAIL - One V r 810.001 Three Montha,93.00 Biz Months. o.OO | One . . 1.00 IHB WEEKLY BEE , published ar ty Weduesday. TERMS POST 1'AID. One Year $2.00 I ThreeMonlhg. . 60 BltMcntlu. . . . 1.00Ono | t . . 20 AMEBICAK XEWS COMPANT , Solo Agents or Newsdealers in the United States , COKKESPUNDENOE All Communl. | ttlun.i reUUnq to Jew and Edttorinl mat- en1 shouH bo nddrcxsed to the EDITOB or Sat : liKfc. BUSINESS LETTEKS All Bnalnow Batter * and IlcmlttnnccA nhould bo ad. AttfaAto * TnK BEE PcmUHiimo COM * f ANT , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * and l"o t- o flet Orders to be made payable to the o -dor of the Company The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , .Props . , Ei UOSEWATER. Editor. THK Waring oyatoin of sewerage Is Wearing well in Omaha. JUST jxt present Omaha streets nro "all toro up" and so nro the people who travel on thorn , WIT which amuses itself at the expense - ponso of nationality and religion is amusing to a very few. THE now'throo pur cent , bonds arc bsing taken up Tory rapidly in ex change for the 3j'n. No nation in the world now enjoys a bettor financial standing than our own. THE methods adopted by Valentino's strikers in Lincoln county to throttle a f rue expression of the party through the primaries is in keeping with the course of the whole gang that seeks to force Valentino upon our fltnto for a third term. Such outrages must bo repulsed by our congressional and atato conventions. Boss rule in Penn sylvania was never more aggravating. SEVERAL of the senators and repre sentatives who voted to pass the river and harbor bill over the president's veto approve heartily of the senti ments of the veto and otpress the hope that it will guido future con- grosos. Such commendation is like that of Artemus Ward's lecture com mittee who passed a resolution asking him to repeat his performance in other towns , . COMMENTING upon the star route thieves' purchase of newspapers the Washington Star lays : "They bought papers right and loft , and when they did not gobble up an entire establishment mont , they purchased silence. " This sentence is respoctfully'roforrod to the editors of the Republican and Ilcmld in Omaha who might , if they would , throw some confirmatory evidence upon the subject in connection with the late star route trials in Lincoln. AND now Minnesota is bragging loudly over her crop prospects. The harvest it is said will bo ono of the largest and best over grown in the northwest. The grand total of the wheat crop will not bo less than thirty- eight millions of bushels against thirty millions in 1881. Oats far exceed in quality and qantily any previous yield , while the potato crop is simply enor mous , The man who takes care of the Kansas statistics hud butter look after his laurels. OMAHA'S boaid of public works scorn to bo earning their Halary and find it necessary to hold almost dnily meetings. Dodge and Sixteenth streets arc being curbed and guttered , the north and south sewers arc under construction and Douglas and Tenth streets will bo paved as rapidly as pos sible. Eternal vigilance is the price of good work in nil city contracts and a wide awake board of public works will more than save their salary every year of their existence. THE present is not the first congress which has protracted its session into the middle of August. The first ses sion of the Forty-fourth congress lasted 254 days , from December 5 , 1875 , to August 15 , 1870. The Thirty-fourth congress continued its first session from December 3 , 1850 , to August 18 , 1850 , in all 2GO days. The Thirty-third congress continued Its first session 240 days , adjourning August 7 , 1854. Tno Thirty-second congress beat all the others before or since , silting from December 3 , 1840 , to September 30 , 1850 , in all 302 days. All othnr congresses which sat all winter took care to got away from Washington before the dog days Mil. BLAINK in an address to the republican voters of Maine counsels harmony of action , not only on ac count of local influences but for the effects upon other status in the coining election ? . Mr , Blaine is eaid to bo personally interested in the Maine election as a legislature which is to se lect United States senator is to bo choirin and the ex-secretary of state will doubtlees bo a candidate. From Blaine to Frye the dctcont was a very Bleep one , and the people of Maine who ere almost as devoted to Mr , Blaine as Massachusetts was to "Webster and Buinner , are only wait ing for the chance to send their favor ite luckto his old chair in the senate " " * * , CONGRESS AND THE NORTHERN - ERN PACIFIC. The influence of the railroads has been more strongly fnlt in the present session of congress than at any time since Tom Scott's ' Texas Pacific lobby ruled both houses at Washington , In senate and house the committees at the beginning of the session were carefully packed with friends of the corporations , The lobby was well or ganized , carefully disciplined and am ply supplied with funds. With the committees to strangle unfavorable resolutions and push bills in their in terest , and with sufficient retainers on the floor of the bodies to provide against any lapse on the party by the committees , the railroads have suc ceeded in accomplishing nearly every scheme which they have inaugurated , and in stifling every bill introduced counter to their interest. The land grant roads have bcon under active discussion , and early in the session the question whether the Northern Pacific railroad had not for feited their lands under the charter by reason of failure to comply with its conditions was roforrrd to the judi ciary committee. On the O'.h of Jan uary the majority report of the com mittee , signed by eight of the fit teen members , was presented to congress. The majority reported that the land grant bore no reference to the com pletion of the road by any specified time and that as the company is now proceeding to complete its line as rapidly as possible , there is no ground for the interference of the government in any respect except to issue certifi cates of land as the work progresses. The minority report vigorously dis putes the position of the majority in regard to the legal question of the for feiture of the land. In addition they show how a generous government and people hayo donated to the Northern Pacific company a great railroad and several millions besides , President Villord's report shows 3,083,055 acres of land sold for $11,505,460 ; residue , 30,410,047 acre * , § 98,540,117 ; total , $110,105,581 ; cost of 2,400i miles of road , § 93,525,008 ; surplus , $10,578- 015. After making the * company a present of the road , the value of the latris loft in its treasury by the gov ernment exceeds the enormous sum of sixteen million dollars , upon the oflicial exhibit of the president , The minority of the committee do not ac cept the figures of President Villard. Upon the data furnished by the gov ernment auditor of railroad accounts , the value of the land grant is § 108- , 750,000 ; the cost of constructing the road , § 07,400,000 ; surplus , $41,281- , 000. But the minority take the mean between the reports of President Vil lard and the government auditor , and state the account thus : Value of the land cold and unsold , § 101,105,584 , ; cost of construction , § 80,484,932 , ; sur plus , § 20,010,052. This enormous sum is the neat little - tlo plum which is to bo divided up among Northern Pacific stockholders after their road is entirely paid for in government lands. The judiciary com mittee minority are of the opinion that a liberal government has done enough for those meritorious stock holders by constructing their road without making them a present of n colossal fortune to boot. In the face of such revelations , the Philadelphia Itcconl thinks it is no lunger a mystery how enormous for tunes have bcon made In a few years by manipulating hind grant roads. The original owners of this stock of the Northern Pacific who stood on the "ground floor" have never paid n dollar of thnir subscriptions , but have received it as n free gift from the government , with lauds to the value of thirty millions more. They have a railroad extending across the conti nent to the Pacific ocean , which cost them nothing , and upon which the people must pay them the highest rates of freight that the traflio will bear. Still worao is the history of the Union Pacific and C ( ntral Pacific rail road companies with the Credit Mo- biltor scandal. In the construction of those railroads Oakes Amos , Iloxio , Durant and their follow-conspirators robbed the people of their lauds and money and the shareholders of their rights. The cost of construction was from § 12,000 to § 1)0,000 ) n mile , the enormous profits of which were di vided among the plunderers , And , as a result , colossal fortunes amount ing to ton , twenty , thirty and oven fifty million dollars have boon accumulated - mulatod from the land and labor of the pooplo. Someof these days a movement will spring up against rail road monopoly which may become as unjust and unreasoning in its fury as its objects have been dishonest und rapacious in I ho purauit of wealth and power. Mit. VALENTINE'S committee clerk revamps his old challenge to argue the anti-monopoly issue with the editor of Tin : UKK through the columns of the lleHttllican , and charges that Rosewater - ter refused the challenge when it was last given , Any one who has read Tut : BEE knows that the challenge was promptly accepted. But as soon as the editor of THE BKK expressed his willingness to meet the question , Val'e clerk declined to be considered as a champion of the railroads , or to speak for any one but himself in the diecusbion which ho sought. As the editor of THE BEK is not ac customed to fight windmills , ho promptly declined to furnish gratuitous advertising and cpaco in his paper tea a would-be antagonist who represent ed no ono and nothing. Such a dis cussion would have been profitless. If the Republican wants to post its read ers on the railroad side of the ques tion it will have ample opportunity to do so during the coming campaign. It is sustained on corporation pap for just this purpose and in doing so it will only bo carrying out the wishes of its Union Pacific masters , It can not , however , use the circulation of THK BEK for a contest on conditions which would make any discussion n mere waste of time and paper. THE effect of the Iowa prohibition amendment according to the report of a committee of prohibitionists is not entirely satisfactory. The best legal authorities declare that the amend ment is practically inoperative , and will remain so until supplemented by further legislation. The Kansas City Journal says that the prohibitory law does away with the license system , but the report concedes that it does not prevent the manufacture and sale of wino and beer made from fruits grown within the state. The reason for this ia that these drinks were not included in the provisions of any law upon the statute book at the time of the passage of the amendment , and that the latter cannot enlarge the scope of any exist ing statute. Therefore it is afllrmcd that the statute , which did not declare the manufacture and sale of beer and wino from native fruit a crime , re mains in force until repealed by the same body which declared it. The effect of this decision , ac knowledged by the prohibitionists themselves , is to render the amend ment a nullity for the present. Iowa breweries can go on making Iowa beer from Iowa barley , and Iowa whisky may bo distilled from Iowa corn , and people may drink them both with impunity ' punity , so far as the law is concerned. The amendment Is only a sort of pro tective arrangement , by which manu facturers are obliged to purchase their raw material within the state , llonco the anxiety that the governor shall call an extra session to complete the prohibition and provide penalties. Meantime the traflic is practically as unrestricted as ever , and will remain BO until further action by the execu tive and the legislature. A conuESPONunNT of the St. Louis Louis llcjmblican has boon interview ing G.'orgo Francis Train , who for eifiht ytara hats been sitting in Madi son Square philosophizing on men and things. lie eaid to him : "Train , why do you sit hero all the time ? The world is passing on and you are making no uoiso in it. No ono cares for you , and all pass you by , save now and then an old friend stops to greet you. " Uo replied , laconically : "I was once in the world before the public The world did not under stand mo then 1 llow can they now ? Ilad I needed money would I have L'ivon away half of Omaha ! " Were the history of Train's ' life ever written ; by a man who know the cense- less activity of his brain and the various conflicting motions and events which have troubled its course , the story wouM road more like a romance than a recital of facts from real life. the result of the Star route trials , the good wrought by MrJ Jameu' reform management of the postal service , la likely to bo enduring. The poatoflico department is at last self-sustaining , and no administration will hereafter lot it sink back into de ficit. There is no reason why with honest management it should not pay its way. As business increases the task will become easier. For the fis cal year ending Juno 1882 , the re ceipts'were § 10,000,000. Next year will doubtless witness the addition of at least § 5,000,000 to this sum , while the cost cannot of course increase in anything like the same ratio. Unless another attack of hard times comes op , the pgstoflice department ought by another year to bo strong enough to take up the question of cheaper pos tage. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WiiEtf every other resort of language fails the democratic politician in con vention assembled falls back upon Thomas Jefferson and the famous Jef- fossonian principles which ho was sup posed to have invented and whose possession lies exclusively within the democratic paiiy. Thus Mr. ilugh G. Thompson in accepting the nomi nation for governor of South Carolina said that ho felt confident that the platform would "contain the original principles of that old Jefl'orsonian democracy upon which the main tenance of free institutions in this country depends. " Just exactly how those time honored principles ought to bo applied to tissue ballots and south ern redistricting wore subjects upon which Mr , Thompson throw no light. NEW YOUK is beginning to suffer from n lack of water , the old Oroton aqueduct proving insufficient to meet the demands of a rapidly growing city , A demand is being made for an additional aqueduct which will Have the five hundred million gallons of water which daily go to waste over the Oroton dam , Now York is ono of the few cities of the world which obtains her water supply by gravity alone , without the accompaniment of pumps and filters. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. [ Continued from First Page ] bor on business concerning his de partment shortly before the vote was taken , but so far from six ing anything in favor of the vetoed bill ho inci dentally expressed to several sen ators his opinion that the bill was a very obnoxious measure and the veto ouuht , by all means , bo sustain ed. The secretary further remarked that ho voted against every river and harbor bill that cnrno before the sen ate while ho was n member of that body ; that ho made speeches against four of them , and thai as a matter of fact , ho regarded the lost bill , as much worse than any of it& predecessors. Special DlipitclitoTnr. Em. SENATE 1'ROCEEISOS. WASHINGTON , August 5. The senate - ate receded from its amendments to the deficiency bill for miloagn for sen- tors for the special session , Senator Bayard then submitted the joint resolution appropriating § 33,000 for mileage. Passed unanimously The tax bill was laid aside inform ally , and Senator Miller of Now York spoke en the knit goods bill. Senator Bayard advocated an amend ment to the bill , which ho desired to continue in force until general reformation mation of the tariff could bo rondo , increasing the duty on woolen manu factures trom 35 to 50 per cent ad va lorem , and fixiiu ; the tariff on wools at 25 per cent nd valorem , Committee amendments wore not concurred in. The Bayard amend ment was voted down yeas , 22 ; nays , 29 ; a party vote , except that Senator Voorhoos voted no with the republi cans. Senator Davis , of Illinois , also voted no. Senator Harris moved to substitute for the bill a provision fixing the duty on imported -wools at 25 per cent ad- valorem. Ilejectcd without discus sion yeas 12 , nays 35. All the affirm ative votes came trom the democratic side. Senator Bayard desired to have ex pression of the sense of the senate aa to whether the range of tariff duties shall exceed GO per cent advalorom. Ho offered an amendment limiting the duty accordingly upon merchan dise described in the bill. At this point Senator Anthony , from the conference on the bill for the publication of the agricultural report , reported on agreement by which the senate amendment is retained in the bill , This contemplate * the printing of 300,000 copies of the agricultural report. Adopted The pending amendment of Senator Bayard was voted down yeas 20 , nays 28. Senators Voornees , Brown and Voorhoes voted no with the re publicans. Senator Vest offered an amendment placing salt , in bulk or in bags , sacks or other packages on the f reo list. This was rejected , 21 to 20. Sena tors Mahono and Brown voted no with the republicans. Senator Vest then offered an am- nndment providing that duty on flan nels and blankets shall not exceed 50 per cent , ad valorem. Rejected , 21 to 20. The vote was identical with the proceeding ono. In ottering amendments the republi can side refrained from debates in or der to facilitate passage of the meas ure and steadily voted against any change which would necessitate re turn of the measure to the house. The bill finally passed without any amend ment and as it came from the house ; yeas 30 , nays 15. The tax reductions bill then came up as unfinished business , but was laid aside informally , and the house bill ox ton ding fees of certain officers over the territories of Now Mexico and Arizona passed. Suiatpr Logan , from the conference on the bill to remove certain soldiers of the late war from the charge of do- scrtiou , reported agreement. Agreed to , and the senate considered the an nual house post route bill , which pasted. Senator Allison presented the con ference report on the ( sundry civil bill. After a long debate the report wu adopted without division , and the sen ate udjournod until Monday. HOUSE I'KOOEEDINOH. Senate amendment to the joint resolution elution for the establishment of diplo matic relations with Persia was con curred in. The resolution granting the use of the rotunda to the Gar Cold monument ment committee of the society of the Army of the Cumberland , from the 25th of November to the 3d of De cember , to hold a bazaar and recep tion , the object being to aid in the orectlon in Washington of a statue to the memory of Garfield , was agreed to. Senate amendments to the bill amending the statutes relating to steam vessels , was agreed to , The conferees on the naval appro priation bill reported an agreement. The report was accepted and the bill passed , Senate conferees receded irom their disagreement and ns agreed upon the bill loaves the closing of the navy yards to the discretion of the secretary of the navy. A joint resolution was passed in structing the secretary of the navy to convene a court of inquiry to Investi gate the loss of the Joannetto. A joint resolution providing for a joint select committee of throe sena tors and representatives to inquire into the condition and wants of American ship building and ship owning inter ests , passed. The conference report on the naval bill was agreed to. Pending recess , the speaker laid be fore the house n message from the president transmitting the report of the secretary of atato respecting the case of American citizens under arrest in Ireland , Referred , Mr. Wilson ( \V. Va. ) from the com mittee on foreign affaire , submitted a report upon the power of the house to conipel Shipherd to answer curtain questions which he had declined to answer and produce certain evidence. The report was referred to the house calendar. It says ; "Blair is not a member of the house of representa tives and it has no jurisdiction over any supposed conduct of his , so it would seem the demand for the Ship- herd uapers douoncratea into an in quiry into the private affairs of citi zens. If this is true wo cannot de mand his papers nor compel him to answer questions , Believing that the facts now existing makes it improper to demand Shiphord'a papers , wo re spectfully recommend Shipherd be discharged and his examination bo proceeded with no further. " \ The secretary states the only per sons alleged to be American citizens stilt in prison in Ireland are O'Mahony , McSwecny , Slattcry and Grannon ; that McSwceny and Slattcry produced regular certificates of naturalization and Grannon established his claim to American birth and O'Mahony was irregularly aturalized on the ground of services in the navy. Th ) report further states that it appears by a note fromMiniatorLowoll thathor majesty's government docs not entertain at present any intontion'of bringing these persons to trial , but it olio red them a discharge on condition that they leave Ireland for America , which was re fused. Lowell has again been in structed to urge a speedy trial. Recess till 8 o'clock. At the evening Reunion Mr. Calkins submitted a conferonca report on the bill to relieve certain soldiers of the late war from the charges of desertion. Aqreed to. The bill as agreed to ex tents of provisions , to technical deserters who nerved more than sic months in the army. Mr , lliscock presented n conforcnco report upon the sund.-y civil appro priation bill. Ho stated simply that the senate amendments had boon re duced by the conference committees to $958,000. After debate the confer ence report was agreed to. And thus the last general appropriation bill was disposed of by the houao. After | several recesses during the ovcning the house ot 12:30 : a. m. took a further recess until Monday at 10 o'clock. TELEGRAPH NOTES The steamship Avondale from Charles ton fur London , ia reported ashore nt Isaac's harbor , of Halifax , ' Estimates place the wheat yield of Da- kota-nt 60,000,000 ; Minnesota , 38.000,000 ; highest yield per acre , 21 bushels. Tlio score at the close of the walking match in Boston , Saturday night , wax : Hart C'J7 , Noremao 505 , ITarriman 600 , Campana SCO. The corporation counsel of New York declares that a contest , such ai the recent glove fight between Sullivan and Wilson , ia a prize fight within the meaning of the law , and the police have ample poverto prevent any such exhibition and to arrest all parties concerned , both principals and spectators. Kx-United States Deputy Marshal T. G , Hewlett , shot and killed _ Sandy By- num ( colored ) , the most prominent leader of the republicans in Madison county , Ala. , nt the independent rally at Huntsville - ville , Saturday. A mob of negroes congre gated , vowing to kill Hewlett , but they were pacified with great dilliculty. Hew lett fltd. John Ward and John Urooka fought with soft gloves at Milwaukee Satiuday afternoon for S200 a side. The fight < * ns won by Ward in the third round , Brooks being knocked down in the corner and falling to CJIBO to time. The aflair after the first round was all one-sided , as Brooks was so exhausted aa to render hia case hopeless , nnd it required considerable urg ing on the pwt of hU seconds to induce him to come to time. I'rof , McMshon , champion collar ami elbow wrestler , acted as referee. The American ship 'I heobold. which left Philadelphia December 10 , 1881. with a miscellaneous cargo fur dan Francisco , and which was supposed to have been lost , no tidings having been received of her since January last , has , according to a latter re ceived in that city fiom the chip's mate , Anderson , arrived at Callao , Peru , 205 days out. The vessel was short of pro vision' , having encountered heavy weather for the entire voyage , particularly oft Cape Horn. All are well. The cargo is in good conditi . The ship and cargo hud been insured ia Boston ollicea for $100,000. Colorado FJoodi. Special Dispatch to The Bee. DENVI.K , August 5. Destructlvo storms have raged during the past two days in several sections of the state , causing floods , land slides , and con sequent loss of lifo and great damage to property. The loss on the Coclio La Poudro river to crops is $10,000. Dividing tUo Spoils. Special Dispatch to Tin HER. CHICAGO , August 6. By private advicea from Boston it ia learned that the conference between the officials of the Union Pacific , Burlington , and AtchUon railroads has adjourned without resulting in an agreement. It is the intention of the officials , how ever , to meet again next week for further consideration of their claims and differences. Those are territorial in naturo. The Union Pacific will not sign any agreement that does not obligate the Burligton not to build any now lines in Colorado. Upon all other matters the roads agreed. The ofliceis of the LJurlinctoii line state that pending further consideration of territorial differences the companies agree not to permit any cutting of rates. It is believed hero that a com promise agreement will bo reached under which all three companies will bo privileges to occupy certain terri tory in Nebraska , Kansas and Cole rado. Blaine tor Harmony. Special Dispatch to Tim 11 EK. NKW YOUK , August 5. Elolno , In a letter to the people of Maine , calls at tention to the fact that the approach ing campaign in that state partakes of the nature of a national election inas much as the legislature and four con gressman are to bo chosen , and the former are to select a United States senator. Ho counsels unity and har mony of action among the republicans that the state may not bo divided , but cast her vote solid for republican can didates , and against free traders. Ho closes as follows ; "It may bo our happy fortune by unity and victory to sot an example to the republican party of other states , and of the whole country , and thus conduce to that harmony and cooperation ation which are indespunsiblo to sue- A Florida Murtlor. Special Dispatch to Tux OKI. OTTAWA , 111 , , August G , A private dispatch from Florida announces that W. D. Nelf and wife , who had started an orange grove 140 miles from Jack sonville , were murdered and their bodies burned. Further particulars are wanting. llio Grand Army Reunion , Special BUpatch to Tim 13KK. GmcAao , August 5. Mr. 0. S , Stobblna is in the city to perfect ar rangements with connections of the Union Pacific for reduced rates to the reunion of the Grand Island of the Kopublic at Grand Island , Neb , , Au gust 28th to September 2d. The rate in Nebraska on the Union Pacitic will bo one and one-half cents per mite each way , and Mr. Stebbins is trying to induce the roads past of the Mis souri to make a similar reduction. Mr , Stobbins 8 ay a this reunion will bo one of the most memorable over hold. Congress authorized the secretary of war to loan the association several hundred of army tents. President Arthur , Gen , Grant , Gen , Logan and a-number of others usually notable have promised to bo present. Texn * Rnilrond Hofjnlntion. .ll > ecl l bfopatch to Tim UK * . Lnrr.F ROCK , August 5 A special Dallas , Texas , dispatch says that the 3 cents per milo law wont into effect on August 4th throughout Texas. _ If roads cluugo n cent or a fraction ( hereof abovn 3 cents a milo they nro subject to n fine of $50 for such of fense. Govornmnnt Anxiety. Fptdat Dispatch to Tin Kt.K. LONDON , Aunust 5 A confidential circular has been addressed to county inspectors throughout Ireland , re questing them to report whether any largo number of persons are arranging to visit Dublin on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition and the un veiling of the O'Connell statup , nnd whether the loading land leaguers or Fenian suspects are expected to bo present. A Monument to John Brown Special Ulspitcli t ) Tin HSR. CHICACJO , August5. Arrangements for a mass mooting in this city to promote a fund for the erection of n monument in honor of the memory of John Brown are rapidly approaching completion. It is probable ( hat a largo number of distinguished gentle- mod from other parts of the couutry will bo present. Yesterday the presi dent of the committee of arrange ments received the following letter from the daughter of John Brown , which gives assurance that the widow of the here will bo in the city on the 23d to grace the meeting. SARATOGA , Santa Clara County , Oal. , July 28 , 1882. Daar Sir : Your letter to my mother , extending an In vitation to attend the monumental celebration on the 23d of August , was received yesterday. I hasten to re ply that she is happy to accept the in vitation. To visit the east pnco more has long been her great desire. Please accept her heartfelt gratitude and that of her children also. Very respectfully yours , SAIIAH BKOWN. Bate Bull. Special Dispatches to Tim null. WORCESTER , Auguai 5. Worces- ator 0 , Dotroits 5. PKOVJDENCE , August 5. Clove- lands 2 , Providence 1. BosToy , August 5. Chicngos 12 , Bostons 2. A Fatal Firo- Special DUpitch to Tne URI. PITTBBUT.O , August G. At 3 o'clock this morning a lire broke out in McKolroy Bros' , carriage factory on Diamond street. Twenty-five firemen entered the. burning building. Ten of their number ascended to the second story , and had barely reached there when the sida , floor and wall gave way , precipitating them to the base ment floor. All were more or less in jured , four of them , latally. The re maining 15 were on the ground floor , and managed to escape unhurt. Lessen on building and stock , $25,000 , par tially insured. < uonn nn ijWUU.UU Will be paid for the detection and con viction cf any person soiling or deal ing in any bonus , counterfeit or imita tion HOP BITTERS , especially Bitters or preparations with the word Hop or HOPS in their name or connected therewith , that ia intended to mislead and cheat the public , or uny prepara tion nut in any form , pretending to be the same aa Hoi1 BITTKUS. The gen uine have n cluster of GIIEEN HOPS ( notice this ) printed on the white label , and are the purest nnd beat medicine on earth , especially for Kid ney , Liver and Nervous Diseases. Bu- ware of all others , and of all pretended formulas or rocipea of HOP BITTERS published in papers or for snlo , as they are frauds and swindles. Wha- over'doals in any but the genuine will bo prosecuted. HOP BITTERS MFO. Co. , jy22-lm Kochester , N. Y. IS A SURE CURE for nil dlooasos of the Kidneys and ( LIVER It has speolflo action on thl > moat Important B organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and t inaction , cumulating- healthy secretion ; of the Bile , and by keeping the bowels In free i P condition , elTcctinciU regulardlschurgo. I F > I oi t * t O Ifyou ere suffering from UN did I Id * jnal rlahavoUiMhlll , are bilious , dyspeptic- conctlpatcd , Kid- t \viUiurclyrolloTobqulclOycuro. . " .IntliloscMOntocloansothoSyatom , everyone ono should take a thorough course oflt. ( tl ) SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. Price 61. - W O'RT * * i ' 5,0 AND THE Of Omaha. Has purchased ol tha GorllBSafoM iuifacturlu ( Co. , cf I'loildence , 1 ! I.asAu wnl'h In t'uar. anteed In writing to In "absolutely iiirjlar proof ( or i rloJ ol thlrty.tlx hiura continuous and undisturbed attack nllb the use of euch tools and applicants as a burglar can employ , ' antllnniiractlci'ly ' unconditional way , Thlj bank deolrcg a thorough test inade upon thU safe , and In cua ol ( allure to stand It , tbe bink will be at libnty to imrchiao any other ear * anJ may return this to the manufacturer ! . Any t > arty U at liberty to undertake theattacn uho will luriil.h BttUfactory bond to l > iy al damage to ttio &afc , in case It II not entered In Uie utimilated tluio. TueCorllu Company agree In writing to deposit ultb this bank tha turn cf 85,000.00 , upon the elgnlu ? ot an agreement above the said sum to bo p'acoa within the cafe and to be forfeited to the pirty operating in case ItU forcibly openrd and "In contents rib ttractod llENKV . YATE3 Cashli. THE McGALLUM WAGON BOX RACKS. WEIGHT ONLY 100 IBS. , ' 'yflDEy j B OX. Can Be Handled By a Boy. The box need never bo taken oil the wagon and all tbe rhelled Grain and Grass Seed Is Save It cos to lesi thin the oM style racks. Every standard wagon la sold with our rack complein BUY NONE WITHOUT IT , Or bur the attachments an pply thorn tl your old wagon box. For salt 1 Nebraska bl J. 0. CLARK , Ii'ncoln , \ MASMXO& Ilnu , Omnha , \ FRKD Ifr.DDR , Grand Island. > HAOOLKTT & GRitm , Hastings. ClIAUUH SCIIKODISKR , Columbus. BPANOOLR& FUNK , Hcd Cloud , C. II. CRANK & Co. , Red Oak , Iowa. L. W , HfsiKL'Olenwool , low * And every flrat cla < > dealer In the west. Ask them ( or descriptive circular or Bond direct to us. J , MoOallum Bros. Maimf g Oo. , Offlco , 24 West Lake Street , Chlcngo , may23-lw 100,000 TIMKEN-SPRING VEHICLES NOW IJN USE. They 8urpa > s nil other.a ( or easy rldlnir. style M and durability. They are for sale by all Loading Car riage Builders and Dealers throughout the country. SPKIflGS , GEAIH & BODIES For sale by Henry Timken , LA L ' VI I Patentee and Builder of Fine Carriages , EJTT X.OXTXS , - - 3VEO. jl-6m _ ' < * . / Are acknowledged to ba the best by all who have put them , to a pra stio il test , ADAPTED TO H4FD & SOFT COIL , , . M ( COKE OR WOOD. MANUrACTUUED BY JS STOVE CO. , SAIST LOUIS. Piercy & Bradford SOLE AGENTS FOU OMAHA. Improved tor 18H2 , THE BEST ANU ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE STOILOVE IN THE WORLD. Every housekeeper fools the want of V" something that will cook the daily food anduvoid the oxccaaiveheat , dust , litter and ashes of a coal or wood stove. THE MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO IT , batter , quicker and cheaper than any other means. It is the ONLY OIL STOVE made with the OIL RESERVOIR ELEVATED at the back of the etovo , awayfrom the heat : by which arrangement ABSOLUTE SAFETY'is secured ; us no gao can ho gotioratod , fully twenty per cent more heat is obtained , the wicks are pre served twice as long , thus saving the trouble of constant trimming and the expense of now ones. EXAMINE THE MONITOR and you will buy no other. Manufactured only by tbe Monitor Oil Sfcovo Oo , OlevelamlO , Send tor descriptive circular or call on M. Rogers it Son , agonta for Ne braska LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Three cour < ci ; open to both AUADE Classic * ! and EnglUn Che ] tbe te.tol tnui ; , iu lor coltjecr ! bin n FiSRKY HALiL-Ssuimary ( or young JIsn. Unsurpassed in bointy and heal hu | . ness ol sltuiticii , and In citi'nt cf advantages offered and thoronghncsj ot tra'iiliiCkUcn. On I-ako Michigan. Year be-rlmi September 13 , ISji Apply to PKEST. GREGORY , JLHe Foreat , 111.