THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , AUGUST 7 1882. &c CO The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware * Hous 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET OMAHA - NEB. or. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. . Omaha Neb. IROTIB : & li o 1 e s a 1 e Lumber , 14f8 Famhani Street , inalia , M THE MOLINE STOVI Thoymnko a Bpcclalty of COOKING STOVES , and have this jcar pla eJ In the marke niof thoMO-sTECOKOM 0 AND MOST SATISFACTORY STOVEScxcr mule. They make butt PHin anil oxtenalon top , anil guarantee all their gooda. The agents lor the company urc. PIERCY & BRADFORD , DEALERS JN IMC k. 3ST O ? EJ 3d 03 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , * * HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using * Stoves and Hanges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For aalo by MILTOH ROGERS & SONS , 111 JUll'tD&ClV ' OlflEGTOHY Uf- LEADING WE8TEMH HOTEL * EOTELS , ARLINQTOrV , J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLINIUS Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E.MANS , BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromiburff N * HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulsvlllo CITY HOTEL , OHENEY & CLARK. Blair , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J , G. MEAD , Nellgh , Nob. GRAND CENTRAL S.iSEYMOUR , Nshraikd Clty/fiob MISSOURI PACIFIC HGTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.No COMMERCIAL HOUSt A. C. CAARPER , Hardy , NO. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ] COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , low * ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont , \ > t' EXOHANQC HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Kcb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnton , Neb , MORGAN HOUSE , E , L. cnuurs , Quldo Recd , No . SUMMIT HOUSE , nWAfl Ei BECKER , Oreiton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GCO. OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , It , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 6. BURGESS , Neola , la , CITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMING3 , Corning ; , tm. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. ! AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J. W. BOULWARE , Burlington Jurttlon , U COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blinchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILL8 , Dayld City , Neb BAGNELL HOUSE , CHAS. BAGNELL , OollegoSprlns ; * , I * . COMMERCIAL HOUSE , //M. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , I * , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE H , F. BTEARN8 , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. Q. DUNHAM , Olarki , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. CBEEN , Bedford la , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J M. BLACK & SON , MarjivllleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WINSLOW HOUSE Q. McOARTY , Beward , Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. B. UONE8 , Auroar Neb , CROZIER HOUSE O. R , OR07'ER , Sidney , Neb , AVOCA EATING HOUSE D , W. rtOCKriOLD , Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUCK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewli a WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Qrltwol DEPOT HOTEL , O. L , CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la , LU8K HOUSE , J A , LU8K , Logan , la , DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTOV , Dow City , la , JAGQER HOUSE , GQRE& SO-i , Dcnlion , la , TRl JOTTINGS , St. Paul's burnt district is tains rebu ! rapidly. The KWardion connty Jail hasn't I inirmto. The AVI n T CongrcRfttionAl church nbout finished , President Arthur will Attend the Gran Island reunion. The Liberty pnftottico has receh od J new lock boxes. A library association ts being formed i Dloomlngton , A I're bytorlim church , 2Si 10 , is to t : built nt SUplolmnt. Shelton Im * organized A ball club , to I known rtg the Clipper * , J , I. Nesbit was elected principal of tb North 1'latte schools. iVrrAtiRsmenli Arc being made to slftrt creamery At liloouitngton , The new MetliodUt church nt Supcrlc will bo dcdlcnttd on the nth , Frank E. Conklin and Annie Diddle , t \lnia , united on tlio 23d ult. ( iRtjo county farmers reimrt cats comtn out GO to 70 InHiels per ncre. The West Point school board clcctc Prof. Cathcrwoo.l prlncipAl , Uev. II. A. Guild KOCH from Jtininta t the Asbl.-ind Baptist church. JncltEon Ins got up n fins programme o rnccs at their new track. The Gngo county republican conventloi will be held on September 2d. H. II. Itoed , of Kort Calhoun , will ill ; 1,200 bushels of potatoes on sk ncre * . Tlio DKou county tnir will bo held n 1'nncn on September lith , 7th ntul 8th. A Hanover ( Ivnu. ) Sunday School hni nncxcursiun to Grand lelnn.lon the Sth. The corner stone ot the big hotel golui up nt L'luvneo City will i > o laid on the lUti The 1'resbytcrlnn church nt Gibbon 1m been repairul nnd was reopened last Sun day. day.The The Washington county republican con vention will l held at 131air on Ssptembe 5th. 5th.Dakotn Dakotn Ulty twins on the 21st nit. to the wife of M. 0. Ayres , a boy nnd i girl. Clmtlcs M. Aldrlch , of Ilarlnn county tlire'licd sixty-five bushels of rjo to tu ncre. Kearney o.unty will hold n Snulni school conventional Aiindcn on the 20tl nnd 27th. The Indians fny\\ hen the helianthus i scarce on the prairies it is n sign of a mill winter. A Pawnee county man with n , lurgi orchard will tell his peaches nt CO cents i bushel. The Pawnee county republican convcn tlon will bo held at JL'nwnee City on Aw. guat 12th. Jullun Ftnnk , of Maitlnnd , Mn. , rnn inti Brownvillo on the 20th ult. , nnd ( nutria Amalva Marolm. The poituiaster of Central City has i new outfit , -I32 new boxes , of the Yali company's make. There is talk of dividing G RO int < halves nnd innMUR Wymoro the .countj seat of the south half. IjIderJ. C > rringtm and Alt. Cnnfield of Tccunueh , etatt for Europe soon , to buj thoroughbred horses. Mrs. Frnnk I'.ller , of Columbus , died 01 the 23d nit. , during child birth. She wai the mother of eleven children. On the 2Cth , nt Hastings , Jnq. B. Scan Jan , telegraph operator nt Kearney , ant May Ballnrcl , were married. lUv. T. W. Iltitchinson preached bii farewell sermon in the M. 13. church al Blooniingtou on the 30th. A. S. Donaldson , of Antelope county , killed a wild cat a few weeks ngi > thui measured seven feet from tip to tip. Mrs. C. C. Bltven , of Dakota City , wni thrown from a buggy on the 29th ult. and sustained injuries that caused her denth. Settlers in the L > up country north ol Kearney have sustained great loss by the destruction of their crops byhnil this BCO/ son. son.A A son of Fred. Schumacker , of Seward county , burst a blood \ eesel of the brain last tt-nek and one t-ulo of his jhoad la para- lyzod. At Dannobrofr , on the 31st ult. , n IS year old son of Carl Wnlirreen , was run uyer by a reaper and killed , being cut to pieces. James II. Baldwin and Miss Tlieo. L'lnco were married at Plattsmouth on the 27th ult. , and left for Palmyra , where they will reside. Ojn McGog , a horse Ihief , was captured it Beatrice last week. Ho stle a team From C. W. McLaughlin , four miles cast of lecumseh. Prank 1'ingrce , ono of the finest youn/ nen of Kearney , is i olng to get into the column of the papcrx In a mort timo. Fritz lloefer , of Aurirn , in tryinp to ihoot n dog. put n hall into the brenat of Harvey Bell , n young man \\lio wan lying m the grass near by. Asa Br-dloy , f irmerly of North Platte , is running an engine cm the Northern Pa- : lfic , and I'd. Searlo nnd Ad. Sentcr , other ; > ld North Platters , have trains on the Unnitoba road. The Morrison BriJgo nnd Construction ompany , of B ston , will budii the Blair Bridge ncrofiu the Missouri It must ba rmished by December 1 , 1883. The U. P. ( rain out of Beatrice on the iOth ult , had a narrow escape , as the jridgn over Klk creek , south of Oketo. , vent down a few minutes after the earn gassed. Prof. Selah Waite a deaf mute teacher , if Jacksonville , III. , who had been visiting IV. G. Marshall , of Lincoln , died there m the iHh. ! His remains wcro cent to [ IHnois. Dr. McNamnra , of the Beatrice Kplsco. ml church , fell from a f lowly moving it Crete aii't ' would have l.eon run over if i railroad man standing by h.vl not pulled ilui on" the mil. One of the attractions at tin Grand In- and reunion will bo a Gunboat , nn exact lounterpart of the monitor , Chnge10 feet eng , and 12 feet wide , fully manned , arm- id and equipped. Col. Martln'H "conflict" story In The ) akota City Aigns has crossed the river .1 Sioux City and is working down the Nebraska slue. It gives some editor * up hat way pretty hard deals. Henry Lenhart and Win. Andrews , laiming to be from Mt. Ploisant , la , , irokc into the house ol Frank Kgolf , near ) orceHer , on the 29th and dole n quantity f clothing , They were subsequently ar. estcd , Dnnno College library has just received rom Mrs , Perit , of New Haven , Couectl- ut , thrcu boxen of valimble boulta and lerlodlcala. including moro than twenty cars of the North American Itevlew , ( if. een years of the American Journal of icience and Art , five years of the Nntion nd other Htandard publications , Our wlmt harvest in now In full blast , he rye and barley hnvingalready been cut nd partly threshed , llyo jjoeH from 30 o -15 bushel * per ncre , nnd barle'y from 15 n 72 bushels. Wheat will probably i | iut\Ht * > KVMU * VIIHllJHlHj give n averoKO of 20 bushcln , nnd oita from -10 u CO Imshela per aero. Potatoes larKO crop , anil even now there are uoma f the early planting , ) matured. Tiio 'e&ther in fitio for Hiving the cropu , linden Gazette , G. A , McCulchnM , rf Irirrmn , haa jmt rawn as a prl/e Jrom Tin : OsrAHA HFE n jiirtecn inch Julm Decro stirring plow , a cauty. This Is one way the busy HKK aa of working up uuch a largo Hat of tub- crlberu , but the principle thiiiK which ive it Buch an extciiulvo circulation and ifluencc , In that it invariably takes the Ide of the people. O'Neill lianuer. The seven year old daughter of John lyerB , merchant of Jackson , met with a ; rlous and what came near proving a fatal ccldent. She had cllmed up Into n uewly tri i msd lml tree , and by some men lo t her hold and and fell striking tlio stt of ft brunch on her way to Iho ground , c\i UrtR n terriblepmh In her llttln body , ni almost expo ing her entml , Dr. Brew wn * called in and e ed tip and drc" od tl wound. She Is doing well Dakota Cil Chicken thlevoi are troubling Auror.i. Kearney Is talma a kindergarten. Shelton Intends to build n new sclio b ) \it e. lllchnrdson county Ins eight weekly p pars. pars.Tho linmboldt Advocate Ins enlarged column , A new elo\fttor Is to bo built at Bit Springs. Bins Springs turf men hive laid out race course. Indlanolacltlicmh'wo ' sulxcribsd ยง 3,00 for n hotel. Axbland nroposc * to hold a horse nil cattle snlo fnlr , 1' , K. llowen , of Omaha , thinks of stntl Fulleiton. g n creamery nt OtooV old fcttler * hold their picnic t Xcbrnskn City on the llith. A Knight * of Pythias lodge wa < orgar Ized ntwymoro on the 21'th ult. Jittcrson county Is botheird by how thieve * nnd unlimited sunflower * . A nlglit blooming ccrou * at J. C. lUacl man' * , Fremont , bloomed on the 4th. The Hurt county republican comcntlo will bo held t Tcknmah on August 1 111 The 1'olk county ropubltcnn c-wcntlo will bo held nt O'ceola on September Utl The lloono connty republican com or tlon will bo heldnt Albion on Aug nt 'J5tli Mall Rfrvico lietwoen Kearney and l.ou City h.a been oxpndlatud to ft daily route The UuiTnlo county ropubllcan com on tionlll bo held nt Kearnoj' on Augua 2oth. 2oth.Alex 0. Btlc , of Clnrtavillf , plmitod on potato lust * prins nnd hfti dug a bushel , n the result. The Fillmore county republic con \cntlonulll Icheld nt l euova , on Aug gutt 2Gth. The Sherman county republican con vcutlou will bo hold rst W > vid Ulty , Au U8t 23th , Uluo Springs U in n qnauJryhothc to build n 8.0,000 ouhool IHIUBO ur n S40.00 opera houne. The Blue Springs M. E. society ha $1000 In itu treasury nnd thinks of bulldliif a church. Fremont's roi\-l machine works like i "daisy , " nnd Iho pcoplo will have gooi roads to trn\cl on. Dims. .1. Noac'c , of Snurnmculo , Cain , vrni mnrricd at Asblnnd On tlio 20th , ti Ida S. Beretrmu. Nlobntrn hni dec ! led to pay its Echon principal S1000 n yenr , and wnnts 1'rof AlcGmitio , of CnUuiibiH. Clinton Mcllugh dicit at Syracuse o bleeding of the Ings cm the Int. Ho c.mi from Lexington , Illinois. Otoo county has tliroo horse thief a no ctntlons , but n robber got away \villi a vnl \\n\i\o \ \ tenm ucnr Uimdilln on the 31a : ult and hasn't been caught. The North Uend Flnll says thnt C. C Kendall , n prominent bwtneeB man of tlm burg , lint decamped nnd loft Ida family i ; n bad tmnpa tin mclnlly. Miss Alph t Taylor , n Sherman countj Rchoolum'.tin , nttemptod to drive a tuuli tenm hitched to n lumber wngon nnd * n thrown out , her bhoulder being dislocalod A trnin wns ditched just north o Lyons on the St. Paul road , on the 31 t , nnd .1 Chicago man named Chin. Licuuib , who was standing on n platform , was in jiired. , Fred Gregory mot with n painful nccl- dent on ThumUy night. While lidiin his liyciclo on the iiUttonu nt the dt-pot h ( canjo nor going under the driving wheel' of the locomotive of the passenjtr train , which was running up to the depot. In order t > save himself from instant dent ) : ho wns obliged to fnll from bin while under full hoidway. Ho fell on hit arm , which was BO badly bruised that it will bo a month before ho cnn use It. It WI.H n very narrow eacnpo. Neligh Advo cate. George Meredith , Jersey City , write i "The STRING BLOSSOM you sent me has had the happiest eltcct on my daghter ; her headache and depression of spirits has van ished. She is ngain nblo to go to school , nnd is as lively in a cricket. I shull cer tainly recommend it to all my friends. L'rice 50 cents , trial bottles 10 cents , nujfl-dlw BEAVER CITY SENSATION. riio Naked TrutU-Tho Best Time on Record. ; orrcii > oncknce ol The lice. Mon have apont much time and abor in attempting to write from hotr own imaginations oomotlnng to jleasa the great mass of ruadora , and , jy raiaiin ; u laugh , lighten the burdens if cycry-diiy lift1. At the same time ivontB nre taking place every day thnt ire fully as comical aa anything that san bo produced by tlio best wita of ; ho time , "Liugh and grow fat , " is our old laying , and if it ia a true ono the citi- iens of Beaver City , Neb. , will Boon JQ ao fat that there will not bo roomer or them in the town. Your cor respondent took it into hia head to risit Beaver City and ascertain if poa- liblo what the good people wore about , Die firat man lie aaw was the proprio- or of the hotel , who received him nth a broad amilo , but thought that lothing iinuaml aa hotul inun are nl- rays ploaaud to ueo newapapor non , as' they are a liberal utof fellowoand for the most _ part nillionaircB who spend money with n eokless hand. Dinner Mas served by , smiling waiter , and glancing out hrough a window tlio reporter uaw a mall boy sitting on the fence and iughing at , if ho would throw off tlio mt button that hold up his trousora. loimj out into the atreot people werj ocn porminj their ordinary dutioa , mt all wero" laughing , buaineaa men ere laughing , morohanta , lawyers , eaters , yea , and oven the under- nkor , wore a ghastly amilo , TiB.ivor ! ity and all the citizens were ovi- entlyull" of laughter. At least man wan found who could sufficiently nntrol himself to explain the cauao f the unusual inorriincnt. The other afternoon two young ion , F. Buck and L. A. Ilicka wore aturning from work in a ) wagon wnod by the Uttor. Aa they came ) the water supply of the mill about mile and a half woat of the town , liey concluded logo in bathing , They tid aaido their clothing in the wagon nd left the team without hitching , as 10 homes wuro old and accuatomod ) buing loft in that innnncr. Both ourig men wont down into the wa > ir and wore just out of eight of the orsca , Impelled by some evil spirit Hnt on mischief the horaea walked uiotly away , and when the bathora inio out were nowhere to bo soon , ho confusion woa complete , oacli iokod upon the other to discover imo way out of the dilliculty , iko our iirat parents their eyes were iddonly opened to the oxtrotno moa- jrncaa of their wearing apparel , Aprons of fig leaves could have boc sold at a premium in thnt vicinii about then , At lhat moment tlu hoard Iho runaway horans walk aero the bridge by the mill , which is nlo. half a nnlo from whcro they \ > ere nn only a nulo from town. It was n tor ous problem , -vonld llioy , with tli team a half milo the start and oni ono milo farther to go , overtake thoi before they should reach thotiwn , ] was the only hope , nnd both struc out at their best upocd. Fn t limo lit boon made by the profo.'sionalrunnoi of ancient nnd modern times , but thoi time i > aa a snail psco ns compared wit the lloetnesa of these two youths win clothed in innocence only , ran wit nerve ( qual to their desperate oircntn stnncos. The hot sun streamed dowi upon their unprotected bxckg and at tacked them with its fiercest rays. Oi they rushed unmindful of nil oxcop that the ti-nin was Hearing the towi and they worostill some distance nwny The praino dogs forgot to bark am plui.god into their umUrgrouiv nbodiM , jack rabbits leaped aside tin made for the nearest placeof safetj birds ot all kinds took to wini ; , all nn imal life was p.irnlj zed nlth four n the two rminors danhod over the prairie rio , throning up clouds of dust i their mad c.ireor. Hicks made n spin nt the end of the race and ovortoo the te.xm nnd rprang into the wage iuslnsthiy reached the suburbs c Beaver City. Sjoinn n cnrringo nji proachiny ho turned thu horses abou and started in the opposite diroutioi intomling to improve ilia toilet ns BOO : an ho could got tart her from the town llo h.xd only qono ; a short diatnno when ho mot a gentleman and tw ladies , there was a wire fence on boll sides , there \\rvs nn turning out , it hai to bo met. Buik Ind by this tiai como up nnd ns lie is very largo wn mistaken by the astonished beholder as a veritnbio " hito elephant " Th boys aurvh od nnd nro now of the opin ion that when they go in bathing th next time , they will leave their clothe on the ground. When the Bcaverito first hoard the sto f they laughed s loudly that the people of Arnpihoc fifteen miles away , hoard it und prepared pared for notion , thinking they hoan the war hoopi of hostile Indians. "Only Dytpeptln , Doctor , " tal I a intlont t Abornethi. "irhit nouM xou Imxur'Halil th grcnt BiirtfOHi' "tlic | > liuuor' luillxeitinnli tli BOiirco ol ronntlriK niorlnl nl ou ,1 Chi'ck I e rly Hlt'iTAiiiuM'a arLTZKii AlKii'RNTnnil CF cAjuet euro ItiiroKon uironUii anil it ( uolixbl ejii-oimcnocj , K iuiU'cte I. 801.0 ll\ ALL DKUCGI TH D. M. WELTY ( Snoooxicor to D. T. AlnuutO Mnnulnciiirer mill DcVcr In Saddles , Hirnnssi Whips FANOV FIORSE OLD 1'HING Robes , Dusters and Turf Goods ALL UK3CIUITIONH. _ _ . -S.TT""fjSEW -gyj viXc- * * - * Agent ( o Jvi. H. Hill & Co 's " The Best in 'Iho World. " Ordcri ollcllul. OMAHA , NEB mo ly KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE , Cho Moat ( lucceitful Rainedy c\cr illncov ircil , an It la cortiln In Ita ultucta uid duos nol illatrr. HEAD I'llOOP IKU\V Also oxccllonl nr human Ilex ! ) TROW A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN , WasbliiKtcmlllo , Ohio. June 17 , 18S1. IB 1 , J. KINDAU , , ft L'a : uoiitu Heading your ad < 'crtlneiiiuiit In Turl , Field and Karm of youi [ ondnH's Hpivln Cure , a d having a valmblc ind speed ) liorjo which hnd heun lame from pn\ln ( or eighteen nionttn , I eont to you ( or lottlo ly oxprcBi , which li nix wcoltu remuvod ill lamoafHH uud onlnrKeinout and a lart'J i)1lnt | ) rom another lioruo , and both liorsos are to-day a sound ai colts. The ono liottlu wan worth to ne ono Imndrel Jollaru. lUBi | ctlully 'O'UB , H. A. D. lirOl.KIT , II. J ) . Bond ( or Illustrate" . ! circular KlvlriK' podltlvc irnof , l'rlcui. All Uruk'itlatu havu It or can ctltfor 1011. Ur. I ) . J. Kendall ft Co , I'ro- irlotors , nobtir h Kallo , Vt 3OLD BY ALLDRUOGia/'S. / d-wlv _ A < untii ( nr Iho LKo limn nd Trouoborou. Written > 1 , * JOSHO J ! , ' ' Oi hn only IU' < niilhorlro'l uy her , and wlilih willet ot bo a "lllood ac d Thundur" etory , auch as Ims leon nn'lulll DO iljlilltliod , hut a trim Lllu by ho only i ) rim who la In iimmyloii ol tlio ( ucl. -a ( al Mill and duvotod wlo. Tin tli H moro ntoroHtiiu than fiction Ain > nt Hhonlil apjily 3r territory at onn Sinit 75 cli. for Hum. ila Oook , J , JI. niiamlion & Co. , i. * .n St hunt * . Mo. For A ' | imUr ol a century or mcro Hrutcltf r'li onutb II tttrj ) aa bom the rel nl'i tpocllu rlndUeitbn , d > < iici > ala , tv\vr and ntfiio , a lo i jilijukil t > mua , llvtr caiiijil lot and othur uiratri , and h < bun ino-t ciiiplia Ically In- irtod by medicine mena * a hutllh i.d ttrurKth .torntUo UcounvucU a temluocy tl ) > ru- iture clcoiy , and tuntaluii and couioit the rd anil Inflrui , for Mis by all Druiftcl'ti arid Dealerj gcm-rilly , PIT .IT mm HI PULLEYS , E M MAXWELL FREMONT NEB , , , , , , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR TUIS STATE. The following advantages nro claimed for this Pulley : IT 18 STito.NOKn and moro durable , o\\Ing : t. To the nlmcnco of shrinkngo utrains. 2. To the increased num. bcr of nnrs 3. To the fact tint the rim 1 much stronger than the c * t rim. IT 13 llNTTKtl lULANCKlt. IT 18 MUCH MflllTKli. IT SAVF8 lltl.TlNO. IT IH CHKATKIt. TherO is no danger nf breakage in Imndling when shipped lee o. When shipped loose they nto gctiornllv necepted n < third-ctas freight liwlood of first-clani , nnd as the weight la only one-hall that of caU Pulleys the frolRht U still further reduced. WK OUAIIANTEG THKSI to perform natMnotorily nny work from the lightest to the heaviest. SM.IT l t' from 12 to 18 inches dlnmoter only. 1'ulleyn of wider face th-ui 18-Inch arc provided wl itb two sets nnm without extra chargp. Wo supply each Pulley with two so'.screwa ' without extra charge. Apit for OUR OLA.IAI8. Whnt wo chim for our PATENT HOT POLUUKD SHAVTINQ is : 1st. That it Is round nnd stt. tight , 2d. It can bo nccurntoly rolled to nny desired gauge. 3J. That itsnuifnco bolng compotcd of magnetic nxid * nf Irou obviates any un due tendency to rust or tarnUh , while it nt the same time gives ono of tlia belt journal or bearing mirfacos cvur discovered , Itli. That it will not n-arp or tipring In key seating. 5th. That it is made of the very best of refined stock. * arFor further putlcuUni , price list nnd discount * , tend to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry nnd Jlnohino Shop , Fremont Nob. AND 'IE Mining and Milling Company. C iiltal CitpltalBlock , P r Vtluo ol utiarixi , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Miuea Located in BBAMHL MINING UISTBIOT. WM. K. TILTOM , Viivl'ni ldrnt , O.imiuln * . Wynml , > H. HAIlWOOti , HPUK'W ) . ln , iiiidin , Wyoming , A. 0 , MINN , Triut'iioi , Ouminln , w rO'Hin Ol. J , I. ThomM Lnuln Miller W. 8. Urimtl. A. 0. Dnm , N. Ilarwood. Kranclu Lccn . Oeo. U. Kalou. Lewis Zoluiti , . Ur. J. 0.Vatkln . moS2 OKO. V. lir * l - Si " V" * " f n MtWv / > ? ! i ifHlGpil K k.W ! lM ! l > in , out Kuvorllo Ml OHIOAGO , PF.ORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETRGIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORKBOSTON , And all PoluU Cnit nnd loulli.En t. TJIKUNKCOMl'UIUKS ' Nearly 4fl'JO ' inllca. Solid Smooth Steel Tracla All connuctlons aru niiilo In UNION DbPOTO , t hna a National Huiitilatloii f > I'C'Ini ; the rent Throiili Car Line , inul la tilth oraillr coiirHod to lie the FINEST EQUIPPf.D Hall road In Ihuuorld ( or nil cla < mnor traul Try It ninl you nil ! find trnvullni ; a Ituurj liiBtca'l ol n illHconifort. Throujih TliKHtH\la rliln CoUJiraird Uno lui > ilo at nil oillu a In the Wnu , All liioriiiatlnii uliout ItatoN o fin * . " leiiiiliiu Car AcociinuoUiloiiH. Time Tablet * , Ac , , will l chcerdilly Klvi'ii hv npplylnln y to T. d. POTTER , 2J Vlcc-1'roii't A Ocn MtiiuKert'hlcazo [ , PERCIVAU LOWELL , Ufii , l'a ! ji'iiviir Airt. Chlcatro , W. J. DAVIINI'.OKT , ( Jen ARUit , Conncll Illnlfs. II , 1 * DUKU ; , 'llcUct .Aft. onmhi morn-od Ij- _ HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. 1IAUK I1V RIOHARDS 3WBOYtTTON , & 00 CHICAGO , ILLS. Kiubody now 1882 Impr ivonr.enl . Mor , praoticnl uru > , Cost lois In , iavt ; uloN i'uoli will uho moro iiid a larKtir vuluiun u' pura iiir tlun any urnato inauu , Bold ly I'JKHOKV il DUADKOItD , Omaha , Nub. ANTLMONOJ'OJW , luuiuuuriinip role * ( or tlm antl-inonpoly cavue. ooiitalnlii ; utatuiuunt of prlncliilu met- ic Jj oi prvcvdure auu lumructlong how to orfan. to will iMMnt on application ! to O.VI. ( J l , klelroy , Nib. KoUouuitkiuv. . , ( ult-l | G3QK STOVE , . . . 'Iho I'hneoi t * mi'nalvVapoi ! ' . ' . * " 'ov ' llT'il , ' ! E'-T : ' / PA'Sllli i tl , ' ' ' . - ol MM I AJ is-s ; | yi " ' xi"t-I * V i' * " * 1 ruction. * Cvsr 75,0119 , in Use. I'aio'il liuI , ; , ur ) tor 1 ! < K _ OrllU..i . . | rl : < > 'j'tinnier * linlrMr > irit < 1 > 1n [ 4i > w Our Vit ll-riii-r on t i > * 3 fTSm IM. r.'i-iv hnlVtv Hu < - Ir. TJioeo celebrnted stoves for snlo by i'lbioyi lirndforcl , Omahn , Nob. 29 1m Sioux Oity S FaoUic THE P CITY ROUTE Hunj a flollil Train IliTOiiRh Iron- Oouncil Lluflpo St. Paut iVIthout Ch nc riin Onl17 Kourt. X.OOt aiLttB TilJS dllOKTES HCnTB HOI ! OODNOIL BLUFFS "ML , KINNZM'OMl DULLTDJ OK U1HUAKOK ailkll paint ! In Northern Io n , IllnttHvU nd , Thle line la lyiulprinl with tlio Improved Khaivio Automitlo Alr-ljr ks tml Vlllle PUUonn OouDler and Buffer : and ( or RPhBI ) , SAKETTi AND COkKOKT n uni\in'a H.'i. ' I'ullmixi 1'ihco .Slcuirliiw- Cir iun thrcufli WITHOUT OHAKQK bet ? con Ktn MCltymd m p ni l& Csunrll HluSo and Hloux Uty Truliid Icavij U'lKiu l'ic.5o ! Iruniter > Caan ll U'liiCd , at 7:3.1 : p. m Ully on arrlvnl of K'unfH Ulty. Ht Jn > ivi > h MX ] Council llluffn train ( rom the South , Arrlvlnir Ulout City ! ! : ! ! & \ > , m , , tpil at tln < N w Uni'in r > ino ) * : it Pul al 18:38 : aoou 1.1 ( mu < Itt l VA.NO * Of tN'YOTUKn ROU1V. .KiriUmginiKir . in tiMiv cnu Hloai Lily lloat ou . ( ot u Throuk'h Train. Tlio . 1,1 no .ho QuIckcitTlma aiU a ( lamfortiblo HIJr la H Chrouifh Card between COUNCIL IJLUrYa AND ST. J'AHX , . 7"H fl that your Tickets road vU the "Blfnt llty and Pacific lUIIroaJ / fl. WATTLK3 , . n. BUCHANAN lluperliitondent. Oen' I'isj , Acert I' . S KOniNHOH. Au't Con'l Fail. Atr't , . Mleuouil Valley a , W K. IMVIK , Eouthwe < tcrn Conucl 380. SHOirrLIHE , 1880. _ KANSAS OI.TY , 3t , Joe ( feOounca Bluffs U TUC OI1LT Direct Line to ST. AA'U TJIK KAUT From Omaha and thw Wsai , A tralnn leave n. & M , Depot , Omalu ; .Vob. Ko rui heiwvtti Omiln uuJ 01 , i kurt ual oat butwion OU..J NEW Oaiy ! PasscsngerTr / MD WlMTPRN Ol'iiii'iHuaUC a ( HUKU&j kiJ IN ADVANCE of Ul , OT-IU ; iTK i * entire lint ) 1 c uimud ulth alloiin' Cul i HlcophiK t' r < , fiUcu J)6y Ccuchcw , kill cr'l ' r I'lntlonu ami Coupler , ind the ceietxatod Wutlntnoueo Alr-br > k . tsrbeo lh t jour tuiel rods VIA nANSAB dlXf , HT. JOUUfU * . COUNCIL DLUnrU K * rund , vii Ot. Joirfh mJ El. Ix > ul . TlfktU lor lo > l all cnupon tUtlootlotki West. J. f. BAHKAUD , I ) r > 4im > , Oon. Eupt. , St. Joieuh. Vel A. ' Oeu POM. and Ticket At. | , 81. Jojeph , llo. AIVT BO&DU , Ticket Ag olb 1010 runhun MnfeL W , J.DiViSfOKI , Oenmal AKOO | ,