THE DAILY BEE-SArUEDAY , AUGUST o 1882. ' " m O. O. OOobK A : OO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Dlnffj. law , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE , Oener&t Agent * ( or the Celebrated Hills ol H. D. Hush & Co. . Oolilen K gle Flour , Leavenwoith Kan as , und Queen lies Mil s. Sioux Fail * , DakoU. f. t-mlth A Crllt'nden , CVmnell ItluT , fa. . DB. SE UVClSr , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FICE. OT. 'VW. te Q XT X OR. XI Ac O O. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND sCONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. ZBL L IRSOZCsT , 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Keftdy-Ottw ] upperf , In call ( kin and kin. Oak anil Hemlock SOLK LKATUKU , anil al eods appertaining tothoiOioo tr de. Oofrd old ai chcapailn thoKftat. i. EIS' ' BE ! mmW STORE FOIl STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping' , nt lira. J , J. Good's Hair Store , at prices nc\cr befero touched by any other hair dealer. Also a lull line of switches , etc. , at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , eihcr and colored nets Wn\c8 nmilo Irom Kdlca' own hair. Do not fall to < M before nurchwlnif elsewhere. All gooda warranted as represented , MRS. J. J QOO1) , 29 Main street , Council llluffs , Iowa. Bethesda BATHIM HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts , COUNCIL BLUFFS Plain , Medicated. V < per , Electric , Plunge , Douch , She cr , Hot and Cold Baths Com petent 'i ale and tiinalo i.ur-ea and attendants n Us aye on hand , and iho host ofcnio and attin. tlon K\\cn \ natmua. Special uttjiition KMII to batning children. estimation aud patronage eollclteilDR. . A. H STUDLKY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studloy : Tnnlmeut of chronic diseases made a specialty. REMOVED without the GilCERS drawing ot blood or ueoot I knlfo. Cures lunjr diseases , Fits , Scrofula , Lhcr Com- A Nm n'iMJi'i ? iVii BM A i i P'allltt ' > P3y , Khcuma. TUMORS tl8" > . * ' " on < 1 Hercur- I U III V II W ifcieores , Erjalpclas , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Catarrh , woak. Inflamed and granulated Ejca , Kcrotuloua Ulcers and Fe male Disease.- all kinds AUo Kidney and Tencrlal dlst-ascn. Ilomorrholdaor Pilca cured money refunded. All dlicosea treated upon thoprlnciploot\cpot- able reform , without the U9o ot mercurial pols- ooa or the knlto. Electro Vapor or Medicated Batha , turnlshed who dcalro them. Hernia or Kupturo radically cured by the use the Elastic bolt Truss and Piaster , which baa superior In the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL O.V OR ADDRESS Drs , E , Eice and F , D , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand , Council IluI ! ( < , Iowa. \VILI.AIID \ SMITH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner ol Homeopathy , consulting Physician and Surgeon , Otflco and residence 015 Willow menue , Coun- cl Bluga , Iowa. SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Council Blufl's. Extracting and Oiling a specialty. First-class work KUarantcoil. DR. A. F. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 1'tarl Street. Houu , 0 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. m. , to 6 p , m. Itcoldcnto , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central olllcu. F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA , , ] T - 5k . . Oflico No. 5 , Everett Block , Broad * * " way , over A. Louio'a lleataurant. Merchants Restaurant J , A. KOSS , Proprietor. Corner Broad tray bnd Fourth Street * . Good accommodations , good fare and cour. teem treatment. _ _ S. E. MAXON , .A. zc , o OEX xxr , aa oor. . Office over savlnga bank. OOUNOIlj BLUFFS , . - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. Jtuues , In connection with hla law and Collection hualncsubuya and eella real estate. Persons wishing to buy rr sell city proport > call t his office , o\cr Dushnell's book store , Pearl street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs Dtedi andmortgagei drawn and ackooul ged tats * HAIR JMODS. WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price Guaranteed , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa MRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Elcctropathlo Institution , Phila delphia , Pen 111. Offlco Our , Broadway & Glenn AYB. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseases and puinful dlf- fluiltlsa peculiar to fou'aloa a BpoclMty. J. G. TIPTON , Attfirney& Counsellor , r Office over Fir-it National Bank , Council Hlufts , Iowa. Will practice In the utato and courts Game and Poultry , Can alwaja be found a D. DANEHY'H , 130 Upper Uroadmy JNO.JAYFBAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Ooimoil Bluffs , - - Iowa. W B , HAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of abstracts of I'ottawattamle county. Olllco corner of I ) road way and Main aircctf , Council Blulfa , Io a. JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( DeuUcher Arzt. ) ROOM 6 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. nUeaeoa of women and children a epaclalty. P , J , MONTUOMERY , M , D , , FKEB DISPENSAUV EVKUY SATUKDAY. Office In Everett's block , Pearl troct. Real ) donee OliS Fourth street. Otflco hours from 0 to 2 o. m. , 2 to 4 and 7 08 p.m. Council Huff * F. C. OLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the postofflce. One of the oldest pratitlonera In Council Ulufls. Batls Ufactlon ( Tuarantoeil In all canes DE. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DU. C1IAKLK3 DECTKEN , Oflico our druj ; store , 111 Broadway , Council Illulln , Iowa. Al dlacasu of the e > o and uir treated under the most opj > roi.d method and all curuj guaranteed. JOHN LI0SBT , ' ' ATTORHEY'-'AT-lAW , Will practice In all Elite and United UtaUi Courte , Speaki Oermao lAnKuage , PBPPEKMINT DROPS. The price of mummies wilt rule for Mine time to came. The Uofton A < lveni er ! ill. cu lng the question : "Do HMi vet'pire ! " If fish read 15o ton paper they do. VIOK * nro o thick In * ome of tin poncU of Knn .is thitt they hnve to take turn ! Rltting on the grft- all night. Ikcro ( eno oil WM telling fnt n cent a gnllon some man who had no clinnco to sink $ jO,000 in a dally nenipnper would tfi aiiout ilrhing n new well. When you buy blackberry jam at the Rtoccr'a don't ack Mm If it i < mailc of wormy Res , poft | ic.\clics niul poor brandy. Itonai never In the fuumlty where ( such thingjA c put up. What hng become of all the train rob bers ? Can it bo txuMblo that the ohot- RUIIS fuiniOicil trnin hnniU Im-t hail any > ti.luc todii with bringing abotit this state of cAlmue 3. The Milw-uike * man \\lio knocked n burglnr doun with n shoo Is just solfi'li enough of hl own cliarnctcr In como out and explain that the shoo belonged lo hi vifo. I'nglUh bull ilosa ncll all the way from 50 iti SU',000 , but perhajn that's an good n WAV tota the money at to pquandrr it In biniiiR mcmbtira of ttatu legltlaturen on this side. Out ol twenty Xow York doctor * who were suited to give on optnlunof icowater , seventeen dcclnrcd it nil right aanbovcr' no. The other three ha\o all the practice they t. kc care of , Most iR'oplo who \if-it Xlagara Knlla are di 'pt > olntcd in the roar , They expect to hear Romothing like the \olco of a chair- inth nt a ward caucus. The gas comiMiiy of Augusta , Oa. , Imi lowered the price of gis four dilft-rent timcH xlnco the war , nnrt that , in ) , \ \ lih ut being kicked into it. Some queer things happen down Bouth. > lust the minute an Iowa editor tuna for oflicc , up stnrtR n barber or sliocumker nn n rival candidate and beats him out of ight. That's why Towa editora always carry such a heart-broken expression. A New York Btono mason WIVD ho can supply the truilo with J'gyptlati obelisks "ooklng to be 0,000 jearu old for STi.OOO n ihaft. The price is certainly reasonable for the time ? , und one obelisk is aa good as another. It cost this go\ eminent over 5150,000 last year to let the Tndiani experiment on fanning , and the said Indians riiiscd nlxnit fifteen cents' woith of corn and n million dollars' worth of yil ylt A Milwaukee drug clerk wns whipped for putting whisky in a prohibitionists Boda , and the next day lost his situation because ho lulled to comprehend the Big- niiictuico of an it.lhientinl citi/eu's wink. A Spolllnff Match. Tcxai SlflloKS. Stand up , yo teachen > , now nnd Bpcll ; Spell phonakistoscope and knell , Or take somn rimjile word as chilly , Or ganger , or the gmlen lily. To npell auch words OR syllogism , And InchrymoeB and syiichionlsin , And Peutnteuch and i-nccliuriuo , Apocrypha and cdandinc , Ii i tiferuuri and cecity , Jejuna and hotncoptMiy , Puralysia and chloroform , Rhinoceros ntvl pachyderm , Meteiiipsycliobiii , gherkins bisque , lit certainly no en y ti > skl JCaleidoHCoimand J'eunessee , Kunschatkn and di pen ary , Dipthoni ; and erysipelas. And etiquette and sassafras , Infallible and ptyalifin , _ Allopathy and rheumatism , And catuclyiim and beleaguer , Twelfth , eighteenth , rendezvous , mtrl- guour , And hostn of other words are found , On English and on classic ground ; Thus , Uehring'a Strait , and Michaelmas , Thertnopyla- , Cordilleras , Suite , hemorrhage , jalap , and Il.wana , Cinquefoil , and ipecacuanaha , And liappahanuock , Shennudonh , And Schuylkill , and thousand more Arc1 words that some good spellers misa In dictionary lands like this , Nor need onu think himself a scroyle If some of thcto his tiforts foil. NOTES. The agricultural college at Hanover , N. II. , will admit women pupils at its next term , who will be iven u apcual cuurso of sUidy , including butter and cheese niak in , ami d tirying in nil its branches. Pictorial art in one < > f the best nnd most thorough means of education. The prin ciple id becoming moro and more recog nized and uudertoo < i , aa is evinced by the introduction of object teaching in the schools of the country. The colored teachers of Ixmisvillc pass the mine examination aa do the white t.'acliers and do as much work afterward In consideration of tho-o factn the ncliool b > ard has at list ctpiulized their salaries , only two members \oting against the reso- llltiQIl. Since the introduction of the system of ueU-M'verninent at Amherst the average Hcholnrehip of the coUe 'o issaid tobemuch higher limn fonrerly. The faculty are not opposed to Fecret societieH , but encourage them as nllies of good order. A spirit of initnline.s and Helf-relinncolias become pre valent in the college. The question of industrial teaching in the public schools is not yet a settled one , in ppite of many loud pri cl-Jinutinns. It may well beconsideied if it bo worth while to add anything to the already crowded course of instruction. It is hardly wise to promote superficiality. Special techni cal school * , however , cunnot bo advocated too heartily. Instruction in the principles of finance , in tbo financial history of our Government , in the history of diplomacy , of political ideas mid methods of local govprnermont ; in theories nnd methods of taxation , politi cal ethics , social ccieuce , meteorology , his- tniical developments of educational sys tems , economical development of mineral resources , and public scientific Minev , U herexfler to bo given In the School of Poli tical Science of Michigan University. It U gradually becoming impressed upon the public that to learn u few timple things intelligently and with the freshness of interest und liking is better for a child than to commit to memory in a perfunc tory fashion a host of things which inspire it with nothing but wearinei's und a desire to gut through quickly and be done with it. Exact teaching mi ( Fused with honest enthusiasm is the boon which the future will bring. The growth of public opinion in this direction has within the last two or three years been ast nishlng. The Tribune congratulates it self that it has been - . conscientloin factor in this change. An excellent teacher in northern Iowa lately gnvo up ) the practice f bin profes sion and has become a farmer. In com menting upon thU item The Dea Mofnrs II gUtereajH ; ' 'Amongall the profesaiomi the most poorly paid and at the same time the oue requiring almcitt equal prepara tion with almost any other , i < < that of teaching a country school. The salary usually paid for such work , a work of the highest order of talent , is wonderfully meagre when compared with the qualifica tion * n quired in a successful teacher. The ( mme amount of study , and the same amount of ability , whl < h make a man a succetaful school teacher at a salary barely suflklent to support himrelf in a comforta ble munnir , would , if expended In the Btudy and practice of law. or medicine , or agriculture enable him alter n few years to travel at leasonhle xueeduloiig the road to wealth und independence , " Grandmother ufifd to say ; "Hoy , If your blood Is out of order try Jiurdock tea ; " and then they had to dig the liurdork ami boil it down inket * tlett , making u nasty , emelllng decoction ; now you get all the curative properties put up In u. palatable form in BuunucK lii.oon lirmiw. Price 81.00 , trial size 10 cents , nugl-dlw McCOOK.THB PUAIK1E CITY. A Driof Uovlow of the Enrly Settlement mont nnd Development of Rod Willow County. Corspomlcnceof the lice. Among the now towns brought inu oxiMonco by Iho completion of th ( Denver line of the B. it M. JlcCook , Neb , , has suddenly sprung in to notice , It is located in Hod Willow county , nnd is about equally distant from Denver , Colorado , nnd Lincoln , Neb About the Oth of List May the Lin < coin Land company laid out the town into thirty blocks and started the boom. The railroad promised tc mnko it n division station , nnd the building commenced nt once. The first building wns orcctod on Mndison street by 11 , 0. llidor. Frees & llocknoll are running n lumber yard nnd hnvo furnished the greater purt of the building innturial for the town. They hnvo n ollico , 10x24 , n portion of which is tompornnly occupied by the bank of MoUook. Their lumber yard ia very convenient nnd is complete in itself , W. 0 , La Tcnrotte donls in hard ware , ntovej , iinwnro , oto. Ho wns formerly located nt Oulbortnon , where ho wns very populnr among the busi ness mon , llo will build nil addition to his store in the fall. A gonornl stock of merchandise is kept by llnydun & Co. Mr. Daniels hns the nmnagoinont of the btisinoas , wlitch fact nlono ia n sure guaranteu thnt it will bo n SUCCORS. 1. J. Stnrbuck hns roiuovod his Inw business from Indinnoln , nnd mil in the future mnko McCook his home. U. Churchill is the proprietor of the Indinnoln house , nnd i making it ngrucnblo for the boys , llo is fitting up the basonii nt of his house for n billiard p.irlor. A Innro number of dwellings hnvo been erected nnd ninny moro nro in process of construction. The Lincoln land company hnve sold lots amounting to about $40,000. The citizens nro very confident thnt they will hnvo the county sent before lone. lone.Tho The settlement of Rod Willow county wns commenced about ton ycnra ngo. The growth of the popu lation was not rnpid , us there wn still ' too much' unsettled land farther east tint wns churning the first attention of the pooplo. In 1878 it wns estimated thnt there wcro only nbout 900 people in tho.county , but during the next two yenrs the population rnpidly increased to over 3,000. Stock men composed the largest portion of the population. Thousands of hund of cnttlo hnvo been rnisod in the county nnd it is duo to the profits arising from this particular line of business thnt the county hns ncquirnd so much wealth. At the present time homoitcadors nre rnpidly taking possession of the land nnd the cattle men nro being pushed further west. Tiio soil is similar in composition to pthoc'ipartn ni TJo- publican valley , f It will make' good farm land after it has been subdued , but the first yonr or two a fnrmor could not expect to raise much. We are inclined to the opinion thnt , like Hitchcock nnd Dundy counties , it is best suited to stock raising. So far as It has boon tasted , sheep have been found a profitable invest ment , and it is quite likely that the number in the county will bo largely increased within the next year. McCook is compelled to depend largely for its future support upon the settlement of the public lands in the county. It would by no monna bo n bad plnn for the citizens of McCook to form nn association for the promo tion of emigration into the county , and for the protection und assistance of settlers. A. 0. D. Virtue Acknowledged. Mra , Ira Mulbolland , Albany , N. Y. . writes : "For several years I have suffered from oft-recurrinc bilioux headaches , dys pepsia , and complaints peculiar to my BOX , Since using your ItuiiDOCK lil.ooalilTTKlts Iain entirely relieved. " I'rico 61.00 , trial size ] 0 cents. nugl-dlw PADDtING THEIR OWN CANOE. Correspondence of The Ueo. liupubltcan valley is out-doing her self , and is regaining all thnt eho has lost in the past. Not only nro her crops the finest that have over boon rnisod in Nobrnskn , but even her girls are coming to the front und are worthy of the admiration of the world as examples of wonderful energy and perseverance. Two young ladies , Annie and Lizzie Klunlc , aged twenty and Boventeon respectively , have dur ing the present renion < all the work on their farm , whbh is located about three miles wcit of Oxford , liuing thrown upon their own re sources and compelled to look out for themselves , they took up n chum and have supported thommilmi and mother from the products of their labor in the field , This summer they huvo plowed and put. in about forty acres of corn , doing all the work themselves. Besides this they have gome nmnll ( jrain , They do nil their own mnrkoting and , in fact , nil the various lnndn of work that pertains tea a farm. Their farm is kept up in the best of shnpo and in that respect would compare very fnvornbly with the farms adjoining theirs. On many accounts women are not fitted for hold work , but hptv refreshing it is to see those two girls making their own way in the world , after contemplating the painted doll babies who are so tftou found loading n vapid uxiatonco in the draw ing room while their mothers do all tfio work. No Matter Want Happen * you may rent assured that you are safe In being upeedlly cuicd by THOMAS' KCLKO- n 10 On , , in all canes of rheumatism , neu ralgia , toothache , cto , One trial only is necessary to pro\e its eflicacy , nugl-dlw SocrotH of Uotj-al-Tln. The Hour. The Ilas-el-Tin palace has huon de stroyed by the Uritish fieet. There are thousands of mun und women lying buneuth thobluo waters of Alex andria harbor , who' , if they were alive , would by no moans regret the fnct. Innumurablo tales have been told of the dark deeds donu on the Hotphorus , which rolls over the ru- mains of thousands who hnvo falluii victims to the sack , the bowstring , or thu cup of poison ; but that fair pal ace , which but a tow days ago looked upon the strnnga Ltko ot Mnraotis or the ono tide , nnd upon Iho fnmoiu lighthouse of I'hnros on the other , has in its time sent forth intvny and many .1 mysterious boat containing impassive eunuchs who were bound to send to the bottom of Alexandria Hay women nnd mon who loved not wisely , but too well. Tnko it ns ono will , nn Oriental hnrem ia n vile spot , full of ciimo , selfishness nnd intrigue , and of nil eastern harems the Pnlnco of lUs-til-Tin ( the Crtno of Fign ) wns not one ol the limst vile. * # * "Slow nnd steady wins the rn.'o. " Steadily , but not slowly , Kidney-Wort is distancing all competition for uni versal popularity nnd usefulness. This celebrated remedy can now bo obtain ed in the usual dry vegetable form , erin in liquid form. It is put up in the Inlter wny for the especial convenience of those who cut not readily prepare it. It will bo found very concentrated nnd will net with equal elllciency in either form. Ui-nd ndvortisi'inont. Armcn tfnlvu. The UKST SALVE In the vorld for CnU rulM's , Sow , Ulcer * , t-nlt llhcuni , Vo ver Soren , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil hlaina , Coino , and nil t > klu eruptions aiu * positively cutVH > ilei , It ! guaranteed U give natii < f.ictlon or money refunded , I'rlee , 25 cent * per box. t-'or hnlo by O , K. Goodman Murnt Hnlatoil'a Advlco. To the inquiry : "Which is the nest correct wny to nsk n young lady to tnko your nrm , nnd which arm nro you to oll'ot ? ' Murnt llnlstud replies ns follows : Well , ask her to tnko your nrm ; do not grab her by the elbow , Volt might gently nnd softly inquire , "Will you tnko my nrw ? " It is rather sol emn to say , "Please tnko my nrm" unless you nro nfrnid she is nbout to got hurt , nnd you nro substantially nsking her ti aavo hcr.uilt. In thnt wny you may , without impertinence , show n tender solicitude. Aa to which nrm to oiler , other things being equal the ono next your heart. It you nro taking her out to dinner , something willdepend on the location of thodining room nnd your plnco at the table. If you nro on the street , the safest rule is to tnko the outside plttco so ns to servo ns n body-guard ngninst run away ] ioreo3 , The presence of n few boys with velocipedes or tricycles on the sldownlk might chnngo the situa tion. Above nil things preserve your composure remember thnt yon nro a good man nnd bear up bravely. Hertford's .Acid. Pbonpliato for Al- ooliollini. Dr. P. P. Gilmnrtin , Detroit , Mich. , says ; "I have found it very satisfac tory in its ofl'ucta , notably in the pros tration attendant upon alcoholism. " Hllltl-fl W-lw Pusnu , 1'hlMolpMi Units. Edward L. Wilson , nn artist of Philadnlphin , just returned from Egypt where ho frequently mot Arabi Pashiij thus describes the rebellious , Knyj > tinrjI'Picturo a tall , hcnvy tacod man , sullen , swarthy , with only a pretty clear eye to soften the gener al harshness of expression and a black moustache to hide a not particularly finely-carved mouth. His legs ureas unattractive ns his face. The under pinning looks too frnil for the rest of the body. Ho is a bulky nrm , not pussy or Fulstnflian in girth , but a broad , thick-chested fallow , built on iho lobster pattern. Tuko him from his heavy head to luu spindle legs , Arabi Pasha reminds ono moro of a negro than thu agreeable and pleasant- faced gentleman one meets among the Arabs und Egyptians. " II IB dross wan slovenly on this oc casion , und his manners were brusque and anything but attractive. "Tuko him all in all , " said Mr. Wilson , sum ming up his impression in eight words , "you would never notice him in n crowd. In fact , " iuid the speaker , "he has the air of a person who re gards himself na u very big Indian , nn opinion n stranger would not be likely to concur in by any moans ut the first blUbh. " A Vexed Ulerftynmn. 1Cven the patience of .lob would become exhausted wore he a prnachor nnd endeav oring to interest his audience while they wcro keeping up an Incrci.iimt coughing making it impossible for him to lie heard , Yet , how \ ery easy can all this bo avoided by simply uxing Dr. King's Now Discove ry for Consumption , Coughx and Colds Trial liottlo * gucn nway at C. F. Good- n JI'H drnir Htoro FORTHE PERMANENT CURE OF COWSTBPATION. No other dliciuioU BO prevalent In this country aa Constipation , nnd no remedy lias over equalled the celebrated KIDNEY * WOItT an a euro. Whatever the cnnrc , howovcr obatlnato the cane , thin remedy n 111 overcome It. Tins dlstronlni * complaint - plaint la very opt to be complicated with coiutlpallon , Kl Jury- Wort itrcncthcna the weakened partn nnd W quickly curca all klnda of men even when p pliynlclnna nnd modlclncn havol > cforoflill- cd , t ITIf you liavo olUior of tlicno 1 roubles Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Sotnl Portable , FOR C'HKAilKKIKB , riHH MILLH , Printin" Ktc. , Spooialty , The Largest Iron Working Kstabliuh- ment in the btuto , MAMrACrUKKHMOl' Steam Engines , AM ) GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Uut-Off Steam Engiuo , Hfml forjlrtul < ir. 211m MOHGAN PARK MIV/JTARY ACADEMY , A Chrlntlwi Family School for IlJju. I'nj'aren IrrCoilcgu , U icnilllj Nfhiol in Iluuliuiw. Hue o Oupt , KD , N. KIRK TALCOIT Principal , MorrK H I' rk , Cook Co. , 111. , lot c&t&loxuo. JIUJlOw To the Consumers of : Garriaos & I have a ooiplata stock of all the Labjsb Stylaa of Carriiges , Phaetons and Opea and Top Buggies. Consisting of Tne Celebrated Brewater Sida Bar , The Harolin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. " * ; The Dexter Queeu Buggy and Phaeton , 4ho the Old Reliable JBliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are all made ot tha best materials , and un der my own supervision , I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to call and examine my stock. I will guar- antea satisfaction and warrant all work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCILJLUJFFS , IA. _ . .9 ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLES AL15 AND 11ETAIL DEALERS IN LAGKAflMA , LEHI&H , BLOSSBUE& AND ALL IOWA COAL ! CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Oflico No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards OOP. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffa. . T. MAYNE. 0. E. BIAYNE COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL/1GRAHAM FLOUR AND CHOPPED FEED The Very Beat of Brooms Constantly on Hand.SThe Highest Market Price Paid for ' 1 Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley Parties Wishing to Soil Broom Corn Will Please Send Sample. l & OO. Irs , J , E , letoalte and Irs , Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all klndaof fancy goods , such ta Laces , Embroideries , Ladles' Underwo * ot all ilcscrlptlona. Also llanilkcrc.hlo/e / , hoth In silk and linen , hose ol all Hindi , tbroau , plna , nooilloa , itc , Wo hope the laulca will call and ecu our stock of Koods at 6BO llroauway before go . 1'JK olnewhcro. . METCALF BROS. , WIIOLKSAM : DKALKHS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. OHIOAQO PRICES DUPLICATED. RUDQ'S 'LAUNDRY. fn Avenue B , No , 1902. ( NIUU IIKOAUWAY. ) Clothes gathered up and dolhcruj jiromptly , Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lost ClothtH inulo good , NO BETTER LAUNDRY WEST OF CHICAGO. j. or. _ STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , ThU laundry hujuithoen opened ( or Imil- IIIW8 , and wo are now pnparcil to do Uiridry i ork ol all kind ) and guua'itoo tatlatactlon A pnclolty inulo ol line work , micli an colUn , tulU , llnoihlrti , etc. Wo want everybody to Kit o UK a trial. LAUSON & ANDKUSON. _ J 1) KUMUMHiOV , K , L HIIIIUAHT , A , W BTIIMKT , rrJilclunt , Vlco''rc t , t'auliler , CITIZENS BANK Of Couuoil BlullV. Organized under the lanv ol thu State of Iowa. I'eld up capital . $ 7EorO Authorized capital . 20UUOO Interest | ttM on time deportltt. Dmlta Usutd on thu prlnviptl cltluu ol thu United BtaUn auU Kuro | > u. bpuilal ntti'iitlon v\\un \ to collottlong and coirmiuuileiicu with prompt ruturoa. J. I ) . Kdnmnihon , K. I , . Bhuicart , J. T , Hart , \V. W. WtllM * . J. W. Hodlor. 1. A. Jit Iir , EA. W , Street , j J > 7dtJ STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. TAPER HANGING , KALSOMININQ AND GRAINING , Shop Corner Broadway and Soott Sfc HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season , 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffa. Ono ot the heat Bitond-cUaa llottla In the West In the BROADWAY HOTEL. A. K JMWWN , l'rO | > rUtor. Nos. 631 and 630 Uroadw ay , Council Illutla , low * . Table suppllcJ ulth the heat the market of * lorila. (1 od rooms and Ur&t-claai hodd. Tcrnia \try rcfttonablo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son. KIUBT CLASS HOTKL AT HKACONABLK I > IIICK-I. 1UAN8IUKT8 ACCOMMODATED 1IOTKI. rOH 8ALK. GOOD HKA80N8 FOK. HELLING. \ B. .