THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SATURDAY , AT VUST 5 The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning1 , AVK. 6. SUHSCUIPTJON RATKS ! By Carrier. flccnt..pef _ . week , By ll ll $10.00 per Year , Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. M.O. OUIFFIS , MinafrerClty Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Bdltor.T M1WOK MENTIONS. J , Mueller's I'nUcc Music Hall , There has been fourteen miles if water mains laid In the city. Shcrrndcn makes photograph * . The out-Rolng t'nln cattwaid tliis nf- temoon Is oier the Clilcago A Northwest ern roiui. Lixt evening Mr. and Mr. N , M. Pusey gave pleasant party In honor of Mil * Jcnnto Baldwin , Ono lones'iino sort of a dnink , giving the name of Wilson , was yesterday fined in the superior court $7.CO. L. B. Conslns liai n car load of cobs for tale by the wngon lead. Address him nt P. 0. box 78'J. Seaman lias removed Ills paper , book nnd stationery stock to Noi 405 Broad way , next door to Ilnrknesr , Urcutt & Co. The finest Itwilo Palace west of Chicago cage Is J. MuellerV. Through the busi ness energy and fair dealings of this homo their rales lately , oven more EO than the past , have been enormous , Avery desirable piece of property for nnle , on south fildo of Sixth street , In the block opposite the new Opera House , on Broadway , Front twenty feet. IVIco three thousand dollars , Kmiulro at Bii : : office. ' Mr. and Mrs. 1'lnmor entertnnlcd n goodly company of their friends at their residence about eight mites from the city on the asylum road , A number of ladles and gentlemen from this city joined In the merry time. It In reported that porno ponies being herded on the bottom , nro trou led with the IVxas Itch , and others having horses in that vicinity nre Rotting nlnrrnod lest It spread. The authorities nru to Invest- ! gate. Joke llogerp , ccmplalncd of for violat ing the common carriers' ordinance by running 'huston to th baao ball park , ha1 demanded n jury , nnd his cato has accord ingly been sot down for the September term , II. C. Ayrci , if Hnstlnffn , the chair man of the greenback commlttoo of this congressional district , tends word that ho hat just received a dispatch from 11. D Sperry , cf Hed Oak , saying : "Dr. Hut ton accepts the nomination nnd will nniko a vigorous canvass , " Marshal Jackson has started nn OK exposition at thu city building , The starter consists of ono stulk of corn from his corn Mold. It mensur.-R r.boul ten feet , and of course there ura otheri in the field that are tailor yet. CompUlnts were yesterday ontc i against the runners of the Ogdeu house , C.oy house and Emigrant homo , for not taking oat tbo llcnncs required by the or dlnanco , costing 815 per yew , It Is understood dorstood that tbo hotels , since the enact ment of this ordinance , are to stop the "runner" business entirely , but thli wll probably not last any great length of time , A pleasant party of friends weto Imp. pily entertained at the residence of Mr. and Mrs , K. L. Shugart , > n Thursday evening , the gathering being In honor o : their nleco , Miss Mollie Crossluy , ol Princeton , III. Yesterday morning Tom MoDonalc was ugly drunk and fighting with the watchman at Uoero'a warehouse , and sue cecded In pushing the latter against Homo bundles nf barbed wire. OIHcor Clougl arrested McDonald , nnd the unruly ouo was In the afternoon fined S'.UiO , that be ing 82 extra for the light mldcd to the plain drunk , Henry Altholf , who has been out 01 ball to await the action of tbo grand jury be being charged with Indecent exposure of pcrton , was yesterday brought Into Justice Balrd'd court by his bondsman Theodora Bosch , and delivered up. The bondsman began to get a little nervous about the probability of the young man skipping , end hence preferred to have hin looked up , Justice Abbott was yesterday busy with the Hois family , In the case of Mrs HOBS against Martin nnd Mrs. ( Jallaghor in which certain household goods were in dispute. Mrs , Jtusa warmed up to th situation as usual , and made things lively about tha court room , until the justlc would itund It no longer , and kept the tall BO far as posjlble within the bounds legitimate testimony. A saciod concart Is announced for to morrow afternoon by the Bakotnper Bros at Younkerman's gardens. As usual , they expect to bo patronized by a very largi number of our muslo loving people. Tha1 "Ltetle German Band" ( Bohemian ) wil furnish the inuilo. This of Itself ought t be sufficient to draw a very large attend ance , It Kd Clinton , whose eevrre llnosj ! for a in mth past has cawed many friends to watch with keen anxiety Its progress urn remit , passed yesterday morning out o Buffering Into rest. lie was the von o Mn. MarcelhiH Clinton , at whose homo on Myuitor street he died , He was a member ber of the fire department and was wel known , especially among the young met of the city , The funeral services are t8 be held Sunday afternoon at U o'clock , under the auspices of the lira department. On next Monday , one thousand five hundred extra coplos of TIIK DAILY BE will be circulated in our city , ThU nuiu ber , In addition to the veiy large rrguU subscription Hit , will pie eut to our live active busines men , the best opportunlt of bringing th lr warm before the peopl ever olfeied to them , Calculating si persons to a family , Tnc DCK on Mouda next will be read by over fifteen thouiam mun , women and children in Guunci Bluff * alone. Business men doclriug t have not Ice u appear In that issue nil please tend them to thin office before Bat f urday night , i UEDDI.VGB , Huesla Salve ha proved ita efficiency by a test of 75 year * ' coustau tue. Try it. TERRIBLE TUSSLE , T. A , Walker and Family Have a Bloody Battle With a Stranger , SomoT/hat Mixed as to Whether the Follow in a Burglar or a Crank. Ho Will bo Kept Looked Up For the Present , Yesterday morning , at nn early iour , there was < m exciting and rather > loody conflict at the spacious and clotcant homo of T. A. Walker , in the oiithorly extreme of the city. About daybreak Mrs. Walker was wakened by hearing nome ono in the ard , and supposed it was the man ringing the morning supply of milk. Iho wont to the window of her room , ) ii the second floor , and looking out nd down saw a man stooping down , nd asking him what ho was doing ho follow looked up at her so that she aw his face distinctly. Ho replied , , vith a slight foreign accent : "If you ot mo in collar , I give you two lollar. " She replied , "I'll give you n ovolvcr , " and started to got that weapon , which was at the head of the > cd , On returning to the window , ho saw the fellow just skipping nruund the cornnr. Sirs. Walker , hough she heard sonio onu coming up ho stairs , and she and her husband , who is pretty well on in years , took u ook about tha premises , ho armed with a gun and she with a revolver , and finding nothing , they returned to lioir room and wont to bed , supposing that the follow , whoever it was , had gono. gono.When Mr. Walker arose for the day ho wont to the cellar way , and RH 10 unlocked the door to open it , it was suddenly pushed open by a man on the other side. Mr. Walker tried .o catch him , but the man struck him xnd was in turn struck or kicked by Mr. Walker and knocked down ntairs , falling in a heap at the bottom tom of the cellar. Mr. Walker called to his wife to bring him the revolver , and when she came to the spot the man had reached the top of thu stairs apain and had Mr. Walker by the throat , while a lierco struggle wus going on. She could not shoot with out endangering her husband's life , the two were HO closely giapling ouch other. The follow , seeing the revolver ver , clutched her hand uUo , to keep her from shooting , and wlrilo they were thus struggling two of Mrs. Walkers eistura , who hvo with the family , caino to thu reacuu. A ilorco contest wus kept up for a long time , Mrs. Witlker thinks for an hour , but thin is doubtless far too grout an estimate , the exciting events making the time acorn longer than it really was. la the struggle , however , the stranger fought hko an infuriated boast , and yet cunning enough to kcop turning the 'revolver , which Mrs. Walker still clutched , first directing ita aim toward ono , and then another , to frighten them , and all the time trying to got it away from the woman. During the contest the follow thus besot by the old gentleman and the three women , hold his own pretty well until ho tripped on bit of carpet and fell , three on top of him and the other , Mrs. Fannie Williams , using a picco of board to belabor him over thu head every time he tried to got up. She at last started out to call the neighbors , and succeeded in attract' ing the attention of Mr. P. P. Youifg husman , who started toward the houao to see what was want ed. The fictrco intruder in the meantime had broke loose from the to who were trying to hold him , and was escaping on the run through the or chard , when ho mot Mr. Younghus- man , who caught hold of him and throw him down on hia face and held his hands behind him. The follow cried : "For God's sake , lot up ; I've had enough of it. " Mr. Younghus. man called for Major tioollnur , a guest at his house , who came to his help , and they tied the stranger's foot and hands with rope , loaded him into a bu y and brought him to the po lice station , The Walker family were all more or less scratched and wounded , but the old gentleman suffered most. Bo- Bides the flesh wounds and severe choking which ho received , ho had ono rib broken and two tooth knocked out. Mrs. Walker had her hands badly scratched and bruised and was bitten by the eavago fellow several times , tliure being ono such wound on each arm. Mrs , Walker's nistoro , Missus Lottio and Fannie Williams , were not so seriously hurt , The follow thus captured had the mien and manner of a crazy man , lie gave hia name as Herman Dietzo , and talked very wild and discontented , Ilia head was badly cut up as the re sult of thu conflict , and the blood had flowed over his face and clothes , Dr , Hart was at once called in , and thought the man to bo insane , but the Walker family insisted that ho must bo playing it. Mrs. Walker wus cer tain that the man whom she first saw outeido the house was a difleront one , and must have been a partner of thu ono. The man who was outside was round faced , had a black moustache and were a Scotch cap , while this man had no beard , and his face was long and thin , She was certain they were partners in burglary. Tlioau who brought him to the station sate that ho boL'ged to be lot off , ant promised not only to pay them money tor letting him go , but promised to reform , and never bo in such a scrnpo again. Tne follow when found in the house had his coat , hat and boots oil , and thesu articles were found in thu collarway , but tha hut wua un old and very Binull soft felt hat , evidently a boy's hat , and altogether too small for the prisoner. The captured man was pronounced by the phyeioians as being sick and uot exactly utraight mentally. The insane commissionera examined into his caao somewhat. From the fellow'a wild talk was gleaned hia name and hia claim that ho was a Prussian , hud been in this country eight years , had lived in New York and Indianapolis , mid for n wrek or so past hod boon in Omaha , whtro ho worked nt 1m trade , that of u baker , for Mr. Weiss. He said that he hod the fever about three weeks ago , t nd had been sick tn bed , In his pocket was found n card upon which was written "Dr. Luiainrim ; , ollico corner Sixteenth nnd Dodgu streets , " and it was thought possibly ho had bee * under his treatment for some ailmnnt , David Moltaz , the poll tax collec tor , recognized him a having boon to the city building thu day before , ask ing for woik , Oa said that ho could not dig on the water works as ho hud been sick and was still weak. He wanted to got aomo lighter work , and talked then aano enough , It was decided to keep him If eked up in jail until the qaestiun of his sanity can be determined more satis factorily , The Kltppity Kiappor The Nonpareil evidently needs n rudder , a balance wheel , n governor , or something to keep it steady. It flips and flaps with every passing iroozo. As soon as the railway pool nado its recent advance ot rates to Council Blufld , which has caused ouch strong protests on the part of the city's staunch business men , The Kon- > roil expressed the following opinion : "As will bo seen by a glanc'j the low utato if nindrs in reference to rates w II not prove detrimental to Council UiuH'i , but will really prove a jonofit. " [ Nonpareil , July U3. A committee of business men owarm * od about the Nonpareil ollico with righteous indignation , and ttio very text issue it whirled again nnd thus tumbled over thu other side of the once : "It IB a direct stub at our commor- ; ial interests. It ia a discrimination HO palpibly unjust that the Nonpareil s comstraincd to buliovp that it will never bu allowed to go into effect. " Nonpareil , July 25 , It then sank into silence , neb know ing what to do , and waited to see what it was bast to Hay next. The action of thu late state republican convention , taking anti-monopoly { rounds , forced Major Anderson to take a Htand , and drove thu Nonpareil to speak again. It d.iro not go far ther in ita advocacy of the railway in terests as against the interests of the people , nnd so says : "Whatever afluuttt Council lllulfa nnd western Iowa directly , allects the prosperity of the whole atato indirect ly , and when it became known that , the lown "pool" had leaned a now tiirill from its star dumber in Ohicago the people determined to resist the name , because it was nought by thin now rate to rob Iowa by making it pay tribute to Nebraska , Kansas nnd Mitt- 6ouri " Nonpareil , August 4 , What next ? BUDWEISEll BEER. B. H. & Co , the wide uwuko and export bottlers of Gtriao'a cele brated boor , hat nlso taken the gen eral agency for Western Iowa , for the sale of "Budwoiser" bottled beer. It ia almost unnecessary to state that this famous "Budweisor Beer" is manufactured by Conrad , of St. Louis. It has a national reputation among beer drinkers from California to Now York. Wo concratulato Mr. Conrad in securing so efficient agents at this important shipping centre , and have no doubt but their sales will bo very extensive. Success to the new agency. Thu first shipment of one car is just received , with more to follow in quick succession. PERSONAL. C , J , IlnKoman , of Davenport , Is In the city. city.V. V. W , Maralial , of Omaha , was in the city yesterday. J , I' . Uar itz anil wife , of Mclrose , la , , visiteil Council BliitFri yesterday. K. J. Doncckun , of Iowa City , win nmoui ; the arrivals nt the Ogdou house ycutordiiy. George T , 1'holpi , of the Ogden house , la now to try n California trip in the hope of bettering his health , a hona in which many frieiula join , Mr. Herzman and family expect to leave to-morrow for New York , where they will make their home. Mr. Harz mun hns been in business here for about twelve yearn , having come hither from the city to which he now returns. He has had Uw | and ( bwns , but the balancu la now in his favor. He has disposed of his proper ty interests and takes with htm a hand' Bomn reward for the years ho has been en < Ked In bnslneis hero , lie has not been without si mm enemies , lint in leaving be says that he forgives them , anil IXH for hU friends hu shall remember them with due gratitude , Ciurt Got It. Diabetes , Bright'a Disease , Kidney , Urinary or Liver Complaints cannot bo contracted by you or your family if Hop Bittora am used , and if you have already any of these diseases Hop Bitters - tors ia the only mudicino that will pot * itively cure you. Don't forgot thin , and don't KOI some puliud up stutf thai will only harm yon , Tuo Llme-Kiln Club. Detroit Kree 1W. Brother Gardner blow his nose with a report that Bounded like the explo sion of an Ohio river excursion ntoamor , gave hia shirt collar a lift which made the stitches crack , and began with : "Bownr1 of do pollytishunl If ho inn bluck , go outer yor wuy to shun him. If hu urn white , lock yer donhs un' load yi-i shotguns. " * The old man paused hero to look into his desk for piece of slippery- elm , nnd Waydown Boboo took ad vantage of thu opportunity to riaa and inquire ; "Does the chair refer to u white man named Seeker Jackson ? " "Yes. do Clm'r refers to dat worry pusaon , " replied the president. "Fur do las' fo1 weeks ho has bin do plague of my life. I understand * dat ho ktil- korlates to run fur state senator nei1 fall , and ho am now tryln' to make hissolf solid wid dn cull d element ; an * furdor underatan' dat hu hoa petisli- II dia club fur membership , an * dat ho am buyin' rattle-boxes , tin whit tles an' mouth-organs fur cull'd babies in order to gain do esteem of dcir pa- rienta. Gem'lcn , 1 desiah > . " At that moment the Bounds of a wrangle were heard in the anto-room , a struggle took place , nnd the voice of Seeker Jackson waa hcatd crying out : "Let go of my hair or I'll call the police 1 My platform it : 'Throo ' dollars lars a barrel for flour , eix hoops on n barrel and a horse and carriage to take the laboring man ID his daily toil I" At a signal from Brother Gardner Samuel Shin and Givoadnm Jones passed out , and in two or three seconds ends after there were eounrls of break ing glass , a bumpl bump ! nn the stairs , nnd then a voice floated up from the dark alloy , saying : "You can throw mo down stairs every nipht in the week if jou want tel All I ask is that > on vole solid for Seeker Jackson on election day " "Pollytickf , " softly observed the president , "means lyin' , stealin1 , eheatiii' and swindiii' , It moana dog- radnnhun. It tncni.s loss of eolf-re- spcct. It means whisky , drunken- near , fluhtin' , stabin' and rollin' in do mud. Keep out of pollyticks. Keep away from pollytishuns. If dia Seeker Jackson attempts to enter do sactod portals of dis hall again do keeper of de passwOitl am hcnh-by authorized to pulverize him an' to Bull de palveri- zaahun to do r.ig man at two cents a pound. " \EAlt THIEVES. They Capture Some N w Olothos , a Little Cash and a Watch. Yesterday 0. Pratt diacovtd that ho bad mot with a loss by nnonk thisven. Hu found that they had taken from liis room at his brother s whora ho boards , a now Fuii of clothes , his watch , and sonio money. Ho had not had occasion to use the property for a day or two , and hence could not tell how or when it was taken , but found them gene yesterday when lie had occasion to look for the clothes. Ho has started on the rounds to BOO if ho can gut any trace of the stolen goods. Ji nswor T lils- you find a c.iao of Bright's Disease of the Kidneys , Diabetes , Ur inary or Liver Complaints that is cur able , that Hop Bitters has not or can not cure ? . Aak your neighbor if they can. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIA1 NOTICES , NOTJCK. Special nUmtlecaientti , buc a < g Iioat , Found , To Loan , For iialo , To Kent , Wants. Boarding etc. , ulll bo Inecrf.ccl In thl colnraii ttt tlio low ratoot TEN CENTS PER LINK lor the nrbt ll.sortion mid FIVE CKNTS PER LINK ( or each subsequent Insertion. Lcavo ailv crtlacmonta at our olllce , No. 7 1'cul Street , near Hro.'ulway. Wurt9. ( ANTKD A girl f < r gencrU housework in W nma'1 family. Apply 810 rlxth Atenue. An experienced hu lnca n-an WANTED atcrnndtlioiouijh to.k-kecpT do < ln > - < to get aomo lal.Mlcd losillm In Outsell c , Mc\v Yorker , Bio ollico. I KD A man hr.v'nfr a thorough kuowl- WAN nro insurance Lualncss , Address P. O. liox UH2 , Council UlufTg , Iowa. juljSO A BCod , c-nipetfnt Rlrl none WANTED need apply ( or gen. rn hou worn. Mrs. T. K. Cb\In , 42J o-.ullitxccnd ttreot. . Wn want an ononc'lc male or WANTED. In rvcr tovvnh p In Tow and or > ra Va , to tal o oiikrs for new inibl cation- . The puli cations nro aiandarj , and tun at eight. Our lerroanrollbcial nn.i Dt'inminaKo from 3 toSlOpcrd y , Kcr clm'hisnna torinnaddress \Yc ttn. IH.CK CcsuponyCouncil II uffu. lona. Jy-10-tf Everybody In Couticll Bluffs lo WANTED to tuko TUB Ktn , 20 cents per \icek , do llvcrod by carrion. Office , No 7 Pearl Htreot near llroadivay. To buy 100 tonn broom corn WANTED addreau Council BluH , Broom Factory , Council Bluffs , Io-va. 63-2&tf For Sale find Bent ITIOH HAIjK The c coptst house nnd lot In 1'town. Aoplyto H. Hone , No. ' . ' 14 Broad way. Jy20 * FOK BAI.K Two claims In Nthraiku , cheap , by Odell A. Day. Jy24-lw "I710U HAI.K A red Ir'sh settcrdru , 1 jenr old , .1 thoronshU jnrcl Ij-ukcn. will sell cheap Addrc-H S. 1 * . O. b X 1012 , C. I ) . Io tt. . Ju'yS-lm ' SALi : llca'itllul rctlilenco lots , SCO FOK ; nothing down , and ? 3 per month only , by KX-MAYOK YAUOHAN. ! ' ap3-t' MlBcellaneouB. & H1IOT1IEHS , Council Bluffs HAHCOURT and Omaha exprcsi ) . Orders left at Boston 1'0'k ' store , Main etr ct , Counr'l ' Kluffs , or J. C. Klllof , liCS Karnun itrcct , OmMiasill rccelvo prompt atlunt on ] y6f QTlLli AIIKAD-OrcatkiK-ce-s. C llonl nee O new aocc8scrlCB and specimens of pictures ta enl ) llio re'l ' lie L-elatlnu bromide procecj , attliii Kxccls'or Gallery 10,1 Main street. U. W. ! < . PATTON-l'hystclftti nnd Oculist. D Can euro any caw of xoru cyo * . It I * only u matter of time , and can euro ( 'uncrally in from three tc flvo wtcke It inakiii no difference - enco how Ionic dlsoascd. Will etrtlithten cr < n eyuB , opcrnto and remove I'tyri-trimim , ito , enJ Iniert artldclal eyes Special attention tn ro iiiovnni ! toileuormB np.'i-if Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DKALEH3 IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC A'IO nenU lor the ( ollo Ing- lines of Steamship Companies : Curmril , Anchor , Oulon , American , aid Stito SlfAir.Bhlp Co in | nnlcn. ao z , .3e"x > s For > ale on the lloyal Bank of Ireland and Dank ot Ireland , Dublin , Those W o Intend to wild for friends to any part of Europe wilt llud It to their uteretttoiallon Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343jroadwayCounoi , ! BluTs Ta. THETfcNOALL PLAITIM MAGHIE I DBE88-1TAK8R8' ' OOHPAHIOK , II pUito icu Jt.lof a o Inoh to iridthlnthttconeiit fcltjcr tlnwt el lldoedll lhd nd tyr ! olliltlLg In ute. No My tut ) doc her ovm drcsn-maklrr etc iflorJ to do without one u olco pUltlnir li noterout of fi/hlon , II ittn It Mill lUell , Foi Michlo.i , Cluultr ) or Ateol'a ttrui BJdiwi OONOAR A CC. , Cblcacol Facts forth Knowing A new crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 75o Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of fered at 75c COc Very Fine Young Hyson , equal to that ofFered nt $1.00 75o We Mean Just What Wo Say , SOuTOITEHO , 16 Main Gt , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Eluffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , Mi AND GENERAL MACHINERY Ofllco ana Works , Main .Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo gtvo special attention to Stamp Mill ! ; , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL EEPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general eortmcnt of Brass Goods , Bolting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Goal , OHAS , HENDftIK , President M&IN STREET Liv ; AND All Shippers nnd Travelers will find good accommodation and roaaonablo charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass lutings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Hreets. ) J. M. PALM.KK , DEAr.KK IN REAL ESTATE AN 3 LOAN AO-BNT , COUNCII- PFFS. IO"WA. I he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN SX , Employ the best Dread Baker In the West ; alto a choice hind for Oak us and Ties. Hread delivered to all parts ol the city. MAURER & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Glass , Fine French China , Sliver Ware &o. , 310 BHOADWAT. COt'NOIli BLUFFS. IOWA. MK8. n. J. J u . ML , D , PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON , 222 HnmavK.v ComiciO TIIOH. OtriCKIl W II M 1THKY OFHCfdi , & PUSEY , Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealcri In Forel b anil Domestic Exchange and tnuio securltlct , " INFIRMARY I T.J.CiDY.ID.J.S . , , ( I.ato Vctrrlnary Surgeon I. S. A. ) Tbo Only Veterinary Surgeon in the City , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER B LOAD WAY. RBFKrajNOES : AUoMhobiet I'hjeolai * In Council Bluff * and gurroundtn > . MRS , J. P , BILLUPS , PROPRIETOU Of EESTAUBANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 South Ualn Street , Council Blufls. New houie and newly fitted up la first din ttt It. Ueall at all hour * . Ice cream and lemo- atie every evening , Fruits aid vonfectlooerle HARKNESS , ORGUTT & GO. , AND CAEP1T HOUSE. Broadway , and Fourth Street , , Council . J. ER'S CHICKENING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot IM : tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJ Importer and Dealer in TJs MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- TJi third off. Agents wanted. i O Qorrespondonos solicited , J. MUELLER , o COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and fillGi greets , Council Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffina , No. 43i ( Broadway , Cur. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH WAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None bub firat-class Bakoro employed. Bread , . Cake , Pica , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wngona run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. RE AL E STATED AG E NT , \ Haa For Sale , To vn Lots , Improved and Unimproved , nlso , Railroad Lands and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYME , over Savings Bank , - OOUN'OILi BLTJFS SUMMER SHOES. ' . We are Offering Special Bargains in 111 Ends of Summer ' * OES I SLIPPERS. " 1 WR GARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF li-KT 3ES ' ' III THIS PART OF THE WEST. * / Z. T TKTTWF V JL &T 136 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , , W BEEBB C. A. BEEBE' & CO. , ' FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,