THE DAILY BEE-OM.AHA SATuRDAY , AUGUST 5 , FINANCE AND COMMERCE. A Spec'at b.epatch i to Tint Bin. FINANCIAL. NKW YOBK , August 4. DUStNE.13 OF THK WEEK. Buslnesi for the p et week wan moder ately relive. Tfre number of southern and werteru buyer * la the market was lar * ger than II > IH ! at this period of the year , An implosion hat Icen industriously ci culatfd that , owing to the strike of freight hatd'etc , dilliculty was anticipated in shlipim ; goods by the tnmk lines. Hence therhie been fears that ordets for this tnntVet would bo restricted. Thh iinjire- fiion H au utijti t one. No dilliculty what * ever is being experienced in shipping all freight nITering , nnd New York merchant * are confident of their ability to promptly fillo'l nrdrrttentthtm. In gtxiu , after a rapid decline in the later i. . tt of last week , prices gradually advmred until Thursday , when they reached nlmut the highest figures of the week fur wheat , and the market wal a fraction below the highest rates. Corn showed a moderate decline and recovery , without wide fluctuation ! ! , The July cor * ner In < ut was settled up without any material dilliculty or embarrastment to any patties concernd. l'n > t lr > tim hai been somewhat irregular , though fluctuations have not h'cnnide , the market having been Influenced by reports - ports ai to the increased or decreased flow of certain wells , MO.NEY. Govcr inents were unchanged for ex tended G' ? , 44'd and 4's cautions , and wo. > k and J per cent lower for extended 5'd and 4's registered , Railroad bonds were irregular on a fair volume of business. State securities were without feature. The stoek market opened lets actlvethan yesterday , pries i fluctuated , and up to 1 o'clock lower prices ruled , Northwestern stock * , which "ooomed" yesterday and the d.iy before , being down 2g@2j ; oth- ttockj were n fruction lower. Shoitly after 1 the lowest prices thus far wete madtt. la the last hour the general mur- ket bec.une strong , and closed with many storks near the highest prices of the day. A feature uf trie transactions was the buying for investor * of divldtnd paylrg tnucka , Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy advanced to 137J , Illinois Central to 141 , Union Pucitic tu 118J. and Chiogo & At- Untol43J. The transaction were 21,000 thatea of St. Paul & Omaha , 7,000 Chicago , Bur linxtui & Quincy , and 20,000 'Texas. Money 2J@3 per cent , closing at 2@3. Prime Mercantile Paper 5@G per cent. Sterling Exohanga- Bankers bllLj were steady , 4.S51 ; demand , 4.88 } . OOVKItNUEXTS. Yo'tcnlar. Toda ; < 5's lOli 101 5V 101 + 101 = 4i's 114 § 1141 46 * 120ft 120J Pacific G's of 1895 130 130 BONDS. CentMl Pacific 11G1 116J Erie aecouda * 97i * 98 Lehigh & Wilkesbart e 108 108 Louisiana consuls : . . . GS G8 Missouri O's 110 110 St Joseph Ill 111 St. Paul & Sioux City firsts. .Ill 111 Tennessee 6's 57 56S do new 57 "Union Pacific lit mortgage. . 117J 1104 - ' do land grants..114J lll do sinking fund..123 120 Tirginia G's 31 25 do cousolsG'a 59 5'J do deferred 12 12 Texas & Pacific land grants. . G8673 do K. U. div. . . . 8V 87 BTOUKS. A lams Express 139 139 Alton&Terre Uouta 13i 138 do pfd. . . . 80 81 American Express 91 IH Burl. . Cedar Rjpids & North M ) fcO Canada Southern 64 f 04 Col. , Uin. & Ind. Central. . . . lltf H Central Pa ifio 9. " > a 9 GhoMipeake i : Ohio 20J l ! " > do 1st pfd. . . 3b 3S d ) ad pld . . 204 2G\ Chicago & Alton 1U4 14 do pfd HO 110 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 1 4 137i Chi , St , L. & iNew Orleans , . 78 78 Clu , . S.ind , & Cleveland 57i 55 Clevo , , Col. & Cinolnnati. . . . 87 86 Deiinvare & Hudson canal. . . . 154 15 Del , Lack. & Western 138 * 1383 Denver & Rio Grande 63 Erie 40i 40J do pfd 81 8l | Fort Wayne & Chicago 134 131 Ilaimibul& at. Jo cph 85 83 do pfd. . . 9J ! )3 ) Harlem 21)5 ) 203 Houston &TeX4H Central. . . . i > 74 Ud Illinoi dntral 140J 1404 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 4UJ 4-J Kansas & Texas 41 * 40J Laka Erie & Westeru Utf 40J Lalie Shore & Michigan So. . .117 110j ; Louiavillo & Nashville 74tf 74 Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 71 69 Marietta i Cincinnati 1st pfdiO * 1G do 2d pfd 0 9 Memphis & Charleston 47 50 Miehig.n Central 101 10 j Mi-souri Pacific 10GA 105) ) Mobile & Ohio 22 21,5 , Murrin & Esex 125t 1 2Sr shvillu & Chattanooga 63f GJJ > 'ew Jersey Central 79 79 Norfolk & Western 6Gf 5UJ Northern Pacific 60J 4'J do pfd 9li 90 Northwestern 14U 143 do pfd 105 15 ! ) , New York Central 1371 137 ; Ohio Central l l 18 : Ohio & Mississippi. 3'4 40 do pfd 110 llo Ontario & Western 283 27 Pucfio Mail 46f 4G Panama 165 165 , Ptoria , Decatur& hvansv. . . .17J , Pittsburg & Cleveland 138 138 Heading 01 CO. Hock Island 136J 13H Ht. Louis & San Fran 42 do pfd. . . . COS 01 do 1st pfd 09 ? 99 St. Paul & Milwaukee 123 | 122 do pfd . ,134 130 St. Paul , Minn & Manitoba. 132 tit. Puul & Omaha 621 61 do pfd 111J 110 Texas & Pacific 53 62 Union Pacific. 1181 118 United States Express. . . . . . . 73 71 Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 38J 3S9 do pfd. 68 67 § Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 129 129 Western Union Telegraph. . . 90 69 $ East Tenncitee 11 IU do pfd 20 ] 194 Caribou \ \ If Central Arizona 4 4 Excelsior 1 1 v/ Humestake 17 184 Little Pittbburg 1 1 Ontario 30 3Gf 10 Quicksilver 104 do pfd 45 45 SllverCliif J 3 Standard IS 13 ( Stttro if i Robinson 1 1 South Pacific 13 12 Minneapolis & St. Lmis 33 } do pfd. G8j Ottered. COMMERCIAL , Omnbn Wholmnlo Market OrnoE or THK OMAHA Bur , 1 Friday Evening , August 4. / No chnngts reported In the morket to day. Local dr ln Dealing * . WHEAT. Cft-Oi No. 2 , 85o ; cash No. t , SOo : rejected , 50c. RARLKY. Cash No. 2 , 83c { No. 3 , CGj. CGj.RYK. . Ofth , f.2o. COllN. No. 2 , GOc. OATS. Civiiu one. STUfil'.T lUUOKS-Corn , So DO ; oats , SOo. Produce and Provlilonj. POTATOKS-250 per bushel. ONIONS-SI M@t ) "fi per bushel ; per doz bunches. 15@20c. NK\V TO ; > tATOK3-P r box , Sl.OO ® 1.25. 1.25.KUTTEU Cholco country , 12@l5c. UUO8 Scnrce , 10@17c. MKATS Hams , 16@M5c ; breakfast bncon , 15cj clear bason , 13Jcj shoulders , Oo : dried beef , ICc. FLOUIIJOBUINCJ miCK-i t Minnesota patent * , 4 70s .Tuck Frost , 4 75 ; Shiuvnce fancy , 3 76 ; California "I'lonecr,1 3 7o ; Triumph , spring , 3 J5 ; rye flour 3 2' ) ) rye , Graham , - M ) ; xvheat Ornhatu 3 23 ; hay. 0 00@G 60 per ton ; baled , 10 00 chopped fectl , 1 GO ; chopped corn , 1 50 bran , 1 00 per cwt ; tra\v , t OJ per ton loose ; 5 00 baled.Grocers' Grocers' Llat. CHEESE Kull Ureittu , 12c ) Part dleltn. lOjc. UHAN3 Imported Gorman GO per bushel. UUKKEK. llio , lair , lie ; Klo , good 2c ; llio. prime to choice , 12&e ; Old Rov't Javn ; ! Mis)28ic ( ) , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbucklo'B , 15.c } , TKAS .Gunpowder , good , 4.ri@55 ; 'hclco , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , f > -e , S0@76c ; Young Hyson , ejood , 8G@ 30o ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , )5c ) ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , goitl , 3040 : Oolong , cbo.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong , jood. 35 < a40c : choice , 35@45c. NEW PIOKLES Medium , In barrels , 8900 ; do in half bblfi , 5 25 ; malls , In bbln , U 00 do , in half bblo , 7 00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 13 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 00. WOODENWAUE Two hixip palls , 1 95 ; throe hoop palls , 2 20. Tub * , No. 1 , (160 ( , No. 2 , SCO , No 3 , 7 BO. Plo. eer washboards , 185 Double Crowu , 90 ; WcllbuckctH , 3 50. LEAD Bar , 81 65. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , ICc : uro apple , 13c : PniBginir uuro auolo , IGc. dUOARS-Out loaf , lie ; Crushed .c ; Granulated , lOJc ; L'owderod , 11 ; ino powdered , lie ; Standard Coffee A. ! o : New York Confectioner's Standard , OJ Good A , Olc ; Prairie Extra 0. Oc. HOPE Sisal , 4 Inch and larger , 10.Jc ; Inch. lljc. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib Ficld'n ) , per cose , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , or cose , " 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cose , 75. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen , 80. Tomatoes , 2 80 ; do 3 Ib per case. 300 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) or casa , 310 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do th ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 315 ; ring beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans or case , 1 85. S'iccotash per case. 2 00. 'oas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , er case , 3 15. Blackberries , 21b , per case , 40 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 GO ; aspberricB , 2 tb , per case , 3 20. Dam- ona , 2 III , per case , 2 45. Bartlett leara per case , 3 00@4 CO. Whortleberries er caae,240. Egg plums,2 Ib porCi-seV 75 Ireen giges,2 : Ib per case , 2 75 ; do choice , " i per case 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : 0 3 tb , case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per . uiu.250 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen , 3 50. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 03 ; Ashen on , in sac kg , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , 3 BO HOMINY Now , 55 00 per bbt. SODA Dwlftht's tb papers. 32 85 : Do md do , ? . ! 85 ; Church's , $1 83 ; K g Eoda CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8s 5cboxcs ; 40 Iba. , 16 oz. , Cs , 15o. RICE Carolina , 74@8c ; Louisiana , i @ 8c ; fair , 6@CJ. S YRUP8. Sugar house , bb s , 65c thai la , 57c ; kegs , 4i gallon T $250 ; choice able syrup , 53c ; half bbLs. 53c ; kegs , 82 50 STARCH. Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 8 ; @ 8Jc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Excelsior iloss. 7c ; Corn. 7Jc. SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , SOc .Haves , 40c ; Nutmegs , ) ? 1 0025cuas8ia ; taco $1 00. MATCHES Per caddie , SOc ; rounc ascs , S7.65 ; equare cases , S5.10 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 35 Cirk's satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard. 3 80 Cirk's white Russian. 525 : Kirk's Sutuca , 215 Kirk's Prairie Queen , .00 cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk'a magnolia , 4 35 , LYE American , 3 iO ; Greenwich , S40 : Vestem , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 CO ; Lewis' ' ye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , n cote , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cane , 1 50. FIELD SJ'ED Ked clover , choice u\v , SG 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover ow , § 7 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 , 1 alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , new , 1300. Timothy , good , now , 83 00 , luo grass , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue grnrp , .can , 31 25 ; oichard grass $2 50 ; red top , loice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , Do ; millet , German , SI 00 to $1 25 ; lungarian. SOc , HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to ushels , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or ver , 54 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , Jl.'o ; per 00 IUB. , 525 00. F19 J Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , ' ) 25 ; A'o. 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls. 7 00 STo. 1 white Dsh. in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family 0 Ib kitu , 85c ; New Holland herring , per eg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines. 75c : Colttr" In river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorpV Jank codfish , 6c ; Gen. boneless cod.w. c ; boneleps fish , 5Jc. MAOKEKEIv llalfbblif mess mackerel , 00 Ibs , $12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do. 00 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 bs , G 00 ; mcits mackurcl , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 \ro. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No , 1 shore 2 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Hi do 75c. PEANUTS Uoasted , choice , rod Ton icsee , lOopor Ib ; fanoy white , lOJo peril ) a' white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted Dry Qoodi. BHOWN COrrONS Atlantic A , 3. Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanto A , 8c ; Boot FF , SJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W cChttenango ; ! A , Oic ; Hreat Falls E 8c , ; Hoosier , Ojc ; Honest Width , 8 c. In nan Head A. HJc ; Indian Standard A Jjc ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8jc ; Lawrence , li , 7cj Mystic lUver , 74o ; Pequot A , SJc Slmwmut LL , 7c ; Utica O , 5Jc ; Waclms ett B , 74c ; do A , 81o ; do E 48,12ioj Wai cott BB. 8&c. FINE BROWN COTTONS-Allenda' 4-4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc Atlantio LL , CJc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c Jennlngton 0 4-4 , CJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , CBc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8ic : Laconla O 39 , 80 ; Lehigh E 4-1 , 9c ; Lonsdale 4-4 lOc ; PeppcreU N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do 1 86 , 7Jc ; do E 39. 84cj Pocasset O 4-4 , 7Jc Wamsutta4.4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androsco ein L 4-4,94cBlackatoneAA In perialSVc do do half Ijluoched 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8j Fidellty4-l , OJcjVrult of theLoom.10 ; J catr brio 4-4,13o ; do Water T wintf 1 OJo ; Grea FalUQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk -1-4 , 12c I nsdale , lOc ; do cambric 87 , 12o ; New York Mills. 12ic ; Penuot A,10c ; Pepperel N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc Poeasset 4-4 , S c ; Utlca , lie ; Wauwutto O X X. 12Jo. IJUOKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown 8c ; do O , drab. UK do XX utripea an plaids , 12ic ; do XXX brown and drab stripes and plaids , 124c ; Arlington fancy lite ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy 12loj do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Hive brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana brown ! ! < < Xepouset A brown. 15c. TiUKliNUft amoskcag A U A 32 19c ; do XX blue 32 , 184c ; Arrowanca , 9Jc ; C'laremont B B , 15jc : C'onerttfjga ex tra , 174c ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lewtston .i lOJc ; do 8S 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoakoak , blueand bronn IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 15ic ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown. 121c ; do AAA , do do 131 ; doXXto do do 14 4c ; Haymaker's blue and brown , 9 c ; Mystic Hirer DD stripe , ICic ; Pearl lllver , blue and brown , 16c ; UncAsvlUe , blue nd brown. 14 Jc. OAMBHICS-Barnard , 6Jo ; E < ldy tone lining , 24 inch dtmblp f ivco , Sic ; Uarncr A glazed , 5Jc ; Manhattan clove finish , Sic ; Newport do Gc ; do glazed , fijc ; Pequot do 6ci Lockwood kid finish , Go. COHSKT JEANS Amotr , 8cAndros ; coggin satteen , 8Jo ; Clarcndco , GJc ; Cones o 'gn 6f > ltcen % 7c ; HMlowel , Be ; Indl J Orchani 7Jc ; Narrigan8ettimprovfiio Popperill Batten 9ic ; Hockport , 7Jo. Alloiid , CJc ; American , Go ; Arnold , 7c ; Bcnvlck. 4c ; Cocheco , 7c ; OJcj Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnoll , GJ7c ; Eddystono. 7c ; Ubucostor , Cot Hannony , SJc ; Knickerliockcr , Gic ; Mcr- rimac D , 7c ; Mystic , fijo SPTAFUC * , Gcj SouthbridfTO , Cc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl * bore , file : Oriental Gic. GINGHAMS Amoikoag , 12Jc ; Amon- ke g droas 1'J ' ) Argyle , lOJc ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 7Jc ; Kcnilworth , Sic ; Plun kclt , lOJcj Sus sex , 8c COTTONADES Abborvllle Ifljo Agate , "Oc ; American , lie ; Artlslan , l0c ! ; Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Deccan Co. stripes DatulT.lGc ; Key. stone , 13Jc ; Nantuekot , 19c ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T. 131c ; Royal , IGJi WROX , 12c ; Tloga. 12c ; Wachusott shirt- < ? shocks , 12jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York. uln Nankin. 12Jc ; do , check * , etripes and ncy , I24o : do. 8 oz , 20c. SllEKTINGS AndroscogeInlO-4,274c ! j 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental 0 1 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; New ork mills 08 , 35c ; do 78 , SOo ; do fiS , 22Jc ; cmbroke 10-4 , STic ; Peijuot 10-4 , 28fcc ; do 4 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc : Pcpporell 36 , 29c ; 0 67 , 2tc ; do B7 , 18c' Utica 9fi. 85c ; do 8 , 22Jc ; do-IS , 17o OlK r nd Tobaccoi OIGARS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut , 25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Haua , 50.00 ; CloarUavana , 875.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 4 Ib , GOc ; Our Hope , first quality , 62c ; tar , pounds , 24 Ib , buttsGOc ; Horse Shoe , ounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , ounds , 24 Ib , butts , CO ; Army and Navy , rands. 55c ; Bullionpounds { , 59c ; Loril rd'a ' Climax , pounds , GOc. FINE CUT In palls. Hani to Boat , ic ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ; avorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , ( iOo : ancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50o. In tin foil atlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c ; Lori llard's Tiger , 65c ; Diamond Crown , GCo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 3c. Granulated Blackwolla Durham , K T 61c ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 4Gc ; Seal ol forth Carolina. 10 oz. 46 ; Seal of Nobraa. a , 16 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 cz , linen bugs or Ib , 81.35 ; Marburps' Puck 2 oz , tin " 1 , 6 5c ; DOR T all Goc. Paints Dili and Varnlihei. PAINTS IN OIL White lood , Umahn \ P. , Cic ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6J i tfirsMlles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o 'rench zinc , nstn seal , 12c ; French zinc ed seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish assc Oc : French zincc , iu oil asst , 15c ; Raw nd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and urnt Sienna , 13c : vondyko brown , 3. otincd lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c * ory black , 16c ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian lue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrom reen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and Bhutto reen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green. 18o mlltin rod , 15c ; Venetian rod. 9c ; Tuscan rt , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , 18c hromo yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D O. , 18c ellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , lf > ; paten ryor , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dor at , walnut , chestnut and ash 15c. Dry ° alnt White lead , GJc ; French rinc. lOc : Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders. Ijc v. hi ting coinl , lie ; lampblack German own , 14c ; If mpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prun- ian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke irown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ) umber , raw lcsienna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 2Tic ; Paris green com 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vcrmillion , Eng. , 70c ; vur million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc OHO pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cooksou' TSos Venetian red Ajn. , IJc ; rod lead , 74c hromo yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome ye ! ow , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , So ; ochre Trench , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 24c panish brown , 24c ; Prince's mineral 3c OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon 40 ; 150 headlight , per gallon 12jc ; 175' headlight , per gallon , IGc inseed. raw , per gallon , VI ; linseed , bollo- ' > er gallon , COo ; lanl , winter str'd , per eal on. 1 00 ; No. 1 , 83c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor XXX , ppr gallon , 110 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; sweet > er gallon , 85n ; cporm , W. B. , per gallon 1 55 ; nab , W. B. . per gallon , OOc ; noatsfool extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , C3c ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; olden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3nc ; No 2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur iiiiittno , poc gallon , 55c ; nnptha , 71 , pc all on , 18cf * > r , 17c VARNISHES Harrela per frallon furniture , extra , 91 10 ; furniture , No. ] > 1 ; coach , extra , § 1 40 ; each , No. ] SI 20 ; Damnr , extra , SI 75 ; apiwi , 70cos ; > haltum , extra , 85c ; ahellaa U3 50 : bar iil finish. SI 30 PAPER Stra\v paper , 2jc ( ; rag paper c ; dry goods paper , Gj ; tnamla paper , lOc news paper. 8c. Heavy Hardware Lilt Iron , rates , $340 ; plow steel , specia cast , 7c ; crucible , So ; special orUorman.Gc cast tool do. 15@20 ivagon spokes , set 25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , sawo ! ry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ach , 75c ; square nuts , per Hi , 7@llc vashere , per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie M\\ \ \ chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 8c ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; harrm xieth , 4c ; noraeshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; aprin teel. 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 51 iurden'H muleshoes , G 50. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 32.10 ) reutal ! Powder , kegs , 80.40 ; do. , ha tegs , 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 551.88 ; Blast x , IcoBrf , 83 35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet 50o. DAUBED \VIIlE-In car lots,8 3'J pe 100 ; in less than car lots. 8 55 nor 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to COfc ? , 4 00. Leather. Oak solo , 38o to 42c ; hemlock sue , 28c ! 5c ; hemlock kip. SOc to 100 ; runner i5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 120 ; lion uck upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak upper , 24c alligator , 4 00 to C 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c Greisen kid , 2 50 to 275 ; oak kip , SOo t 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30 , o 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 35c ; simoi 2fOto300. HARNESS-No 1 Btar oak , 42c ; No lo , 39o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ; No. 2 di 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 31i Horse * and Mulei. The market is brisk and all grades are idling well at illKht advance in pilcos. The demand for good horses exceeds the mpply considerably , Prices range as ( ol. ows : Fine single driven , 8150. to 800. ; Extra Iraft horses , 8175. to 225 , ; Common draft lorsen , 8100. to 150. t Extra fann horses , $110. to 125. ; Common to good fann horses $90. to 8100. ; Extra plugn , 800 , to 75. ; Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 151 hands { extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; 14 A to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ; 14 to 144 'lands , 875. to 100. ; 134 to 14 hands , 60. to 75 LI uon. ALCOHOL 167 proof. 2 20 per wine gallon ; extra California spirit ! ) , 187 proof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 121 per proof gallon ; re-distilled wthkies , 100@150 ; fine blended , 160 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 G0@7 00 BRANDIKS Imported. $6 00@10 00 ; domestic 1 40@4 00 , GINS Irc.iorted , 4 50&600 ; domoHtlo , 14X5300. ( ! HUMS ImjKirtod , 4 50@8 00 ; New England. 2 OOW4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 CO I'EAOH AND APPLK BRANDY 1 754 ( 00. CHAMPAGNES Importett per case , 2300@91 0Atc9rltJ ; , case , 12 00 ® 1000 , Ol ARETH Per case , 4 60@10 00 WINES Rhino wine , per case , 6 00 ® 10 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , Lumber. WIIOLKHALK. We quote lumber , atn and shingles on ? aib at Omaha at the following prices ; JOIST AND HOANTLINa iG It. and under , 821 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00 , COAIi Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blossburff , * I2 ! Whltobrciwt lump , 86 M ) ; Whltebrwwt nut , $6 50 ; Iow lump , 86 50 ; Iowa nut f8 50 : Rock Spring 88 ; Anthrsdtc , all itw , 812 00@I3 50. LIME Per barrel , 8115 ; bulk pa on * . 85o Cement , bbl , 81 75. lows planter , bW , 82 00 , Hair per bu. S5o. Tarred felt 100 Ibd , 83 00. Straw board , 83 Cl\ TIMBKRS IB ft. and under. 322 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , $2300 ; JC ft , $24 CC , SS ft. , 827 CO ; 21 ft , , $27 50. BKNOING No. 1 , 4 aud G In. , 822 00 ; No. 2 , $20 00. SHEKTING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . 818 CO ; No. 3 , 817 00. STOCK BOARDS , 12-ln. D , 82300 ; 12-in. C , $35 00 ; 12-ln. B , 840 00. Orur , DRU SAND CHEMICAL Acid Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartnrlc. OOc ; Balsam Cop.tbla , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sa safran , ) > or Ib , 14c ; Calumet , i > or Ib , 75c ; Clr.chniiMiit , per oz , $1 Ooj Chloroform , i > cr Ib. 100 ; Dover' * powdprs , tier Ib , 81 40 ; Kpjorr lt , per Ib. 8Jc : Glycerine , ptiro , per Ib , 38c ; Ix > .vl , Acetate , ivr Ib , SJIc ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per h- l , f > ) 15 ; Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , $100 ; Oil , Olive , per pal. SI 50 ; Oil , Otiganum , POe Opium , 84 50 ; Oulnlno P. A W. A R. A H. , thir oz , 822 ( i ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib 111 00 ; Saloctu , i > or ox , 40c ; Sulphate of Morphlno , ficroz , 83 85 ; Sulpnur Hour , per 11) , lot Strrchnlno , uor oz. $1 a"i. Wool. Atcrlno ttnwaa oil , light , 14@U'c ; heavy.o @ 18l5c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@i20l wilirxl , choice , 32ct folr , SOc ; tub-ding and w. , 2 Sc ; hurry , blackand cottod woo Hldei fun , Etc. HIDKS 'jireen butcher's hldo , G@G\e \ cured 74c ; hides , green salt , part cured 7c hides , tile ; dry Hint , sound , I3@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@14c ; diy salt liiiUw , omul , 10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . lO llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 lb , poi skin , 60o ; greou pelts , 60@81 25 ; green laliih sklnc , $1 2150 : damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and ono grub , classed two- ILinls rate , ) branded hltlos 10 per cent. off. Coon skins , No , 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. , lOo. Mink , No. I , 60c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 16c ; No. 4 , 6c. Fox , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , G5c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 26c ; broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7o. Ohloago ProauoB. CiucAciu Augutt 4 , Flour Steady and unchanged ; common to choice spring wheats , 4 76@l'i 75 ; com * tnou to funcy Minnesota , 5 00@7 23 ; fcalos ratlier hlglnrj 99Jo for AtiaiMt ; 98J @ 'Mo fur September ; 09o for October ; i)8c ) for the year ; No. 2 red winter , 1 O'J for ca h and August ; No. 2 Chicago spring , 1 2001 23 for cash ; 1 01 August ; No. 3 Chicago spring , ! ) 6GJc for the year ; rejected , 7li'c. Oats Active , firm and hl bur ; old , CGc ; now , 4J\c for cash ; 41j41io } for August ; 3Gt@3G3o for Septembei } 3G ( J3GJlo for Oo. tober ; 35j@35go for the year. Rye Steady and unchanged ; G7c. Burlcy-Strong and higher ; 89s. Flux Seed -Steady , with a good demand. Butter Steady ami unchanged ; cream ery. 19231c ; dairy , 14@2Uc. Eg s Steady , with a linn do nnnd ; 20 > i , Pork Unsettled , but generally lower 20 5020 51 for cash ; 20 50 for Augui > t 20 574@20 60 for September ; 20 67J@20 7t for October ; 19 10@10 15 for the > e r. Lnrd-Unsettled , but gi'ttf-rallv higher 12 17412 20 for cash ; Ii27l forSetitom ber ; 1235 for October ; 12174ftl220 for the yvar. Bulk Meats Market easier ; shoulders 9 CO ; short ribs , 12 65 ; short cljnr , 13 10 Wld kySteudy and nspliatiffed ; 1 It ! Freights Rates on corn to Buffalo , 2 lioAltl ) . Wlieat Firmer , but not quotably higlier. Corn Irregular ; 7Gi@77.Jo for cnsh 70 0 for August ; 76jo tr September ; CG the year. Oats Irregular , but generally higher 50o for cash ; unchanged for August am September ; 3G c for October ; 35Jc for the year. year.Pork Easier , but not quotably lower , except 19 024 fur tll ° yeur. Lard Uusatiled mid lower ; 12 25 foi August ; 12 2 (5)12 ( ) 274 ' < > " September ; 12 33 for October ; 12 124@12 17i for thi year. Hea'tH. Shlpm't Flour G(00 , ( Gr.0 ( Wheat ! H(00 , ( 3'J1OOC C'oru IU COO 2D9DOC Oats 32,000 iG.OO Hye 2hO ) 2 , 0i Barley 1.7GO 2,40t Marhot. COUXOIL DborirB , August 4 Flour Crj' tal Mills goldnn sheaf , 8 30 best Kansas br.imlrt , 3 00@i : CO ; Graham 3 00 ; rye ll.jur , 3 00. Corn Meal I 70 for white ; yellow , 1 GO cornch p , 28 00 per ton ; coin and oats chop , 32 00 per ton ; chop , 3,1 00 pur ton Wheat No. ' _ ' , 75c. Corn No. 2 , 57J. Rye Now , 47 ( ; 50a. Barley None. Oats Nouo FRUITS-Blackberries 15c per box apples , 2 50j3 00 pf r bairel. Broom ( Jorn 'IJCgjOc. Hay Loorto , 7 UUfejO 00 ; baled , 76 e bide. \Vood-5 00@G 00. Wool 15@25. Butter Croaim-ry , 20c ; In rolls , wraj ned , IGc ; rolla not , wrapped , 121c ; mtxe colors , 10@124c. Eggs Ifiet. Oniotm SOc per ot. 1A\o Chickens 2 23@2 50 per dozen. Potatoes Old , out uf market ; new 4C@50c. C.ibbagea 23@IOc jier doz. Turnips 40c tier btisliel. LIVE STO 'K. Cattlo-Extra , 300 ® 350 Veid CulveM-5fiO@1 O'J. HO.-H 7 007 25. Bheep-3 50. New Yorlc Z < ivo Stoolr. NKW YOIIIC , Aufeunt 1. The Droveru Journal Burcuii reports ai follows ; Beeves Recelit [ , 3,000 ; opened wea and cloned heavy at | c lower ; common im live * , Texan and halt Ijroed Colorado stock , aud fair to good native steers were tcarce , unit were sold early at ubout former fig tires ; extremes , 8 75@'J 50 per cent foi Texas ; 9 00@10 CO for Colorado Blears 9 25@14 2 1 for native steers ; general sales nutiveu , 1 000@13 00 ; exports , 100. Sheep Receipts , 9,000 ; sheep mlei fairly steady at 4 OOM 00 per cwt. fo cauimon to utrictly prime ; lambs drooped couldn't be closed out at a decline of 60i per cwt ; early sales of choice lambs wet made at 8 00 per cwt ; closing figures fo poor tn choice were 5 60@7 60 ; six car loafs of sheep were taken for exportation Swine-Receipts , 1.900 ; firmer for llv hogu at 7 ? 0@8 bO per cwt. Milwaukee Produce. MIMVAUKKK , August 4. Flour - Quiet and uiii-hangcd. Wheat Market easier ni d tame ; No. 2 , Milwaukee hard , nominal ; No , 2 Mil waukee , 1 17 ; d" . for Am-iint , 99Jo ; defer for September , 'J9ic ; J . for Ojtober , 09 | i No. 3 Milwaukee , K'.o. Corn Higher and bcflrcc ; No. 2 , Til rejected , 7lo. G3c. for iScpfcinber. Peoria Produnef I'KulUA , August 4. Com Active and firm ; high mixed , 01atf7o ; mixed , 7 lfffl704a , Oatn Firm and hlijhcr ; No , 2 , white , Hye-Hteady ; No. 2 , G7o. Highwlnei Untliiingcd , 111 , Rrcts , ShlptH. Wheat . . . . . 950 950 Corn . 22,0'JO 6,000 OntB . 8,000 0,000 Rye . 450 Uirley . 275 1-'M Trolicht & Bunker , CARPETS&CUBTAIN GOODS ST. LOTJIS , Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In spection to their Unsurpassable Selection , Now Yorlt Proelno * . NBW YOKK , AtiRiiot I. VlntirWrak ; Kiiiicrlino ktftto western , 3 H0n4 IO ; common to c o I r\trn , 4 fiOdi ) 5 10 } good to th .loo. . ft 2Ti8 M ; wlillo wheat cxtrn , 7 0 > ( iflH M ; extra Uhb , 4 00 ( d)7 ) M > 8 St. l.oul , 8f)0j JUnnwotn pntont ln > cc , 7 i'i ! ( 8 M. Wlionl Ojicneil J@ifjlilRlior , but attpr. unnl bocninu weak iitul ln < t nuwt of the nilvniico , closlnt ; dull nnd henvv ! No. 3 during , 110 ; titntrndcil toil. 1 00@t 17j No. llo. , 1 llfitU Hjj dtoftinpr No. 3 ron. 1 1(3)1 ( ) 111) ) ! No. 3 icil , 1 ir-ifitll 111 ; cor- 1 ilii ( ll 17i tlellveriHl ! old No. 3 d I ir J [ No. 1 red , I 18 : itihod winter , Ui@l'i" \ nirnilcd whlto , 1 ! ( ) © ! 1 IJ ! n. a whlt. % 1 17 } Nn 1 white , 1 18) ) No. red. for AUKUU , 304 000 Im , mild nt 1 15 31 Ifij , cloallitf ni 1 ICjj do. for Soiitoiu- cr , 5)1,000 bu. sold ut 1 15l 111 , cimtiiK 1 18 * Corn Opened l@Jo bolter , but nflor- 'nr < 'i ' < lice nno wt'itk nnd hint ino-t ot the ilvnticc , cliisltiB hopvvt UiiKrndcil , Mil © i'icj Nil. 3 , 8iJf ( 80Vtn ! lore , K8@88lo lolivertd ; No 2 for AuKiint , 80Ja.8iio ( , losing nt Sfl oj do. for Scptinuber , 8."n © 'lVc , cloiliig nt MJuj do. fur October , 8S' 5o , closing nt 8Tc : do , for November , 81 .HIJC , clHlllkMlt81C. ( Oi U bto.iily : mixed western , G01jC8c ) ; hlto wiw trin , 7i'ii78o. ' ( ! HayQulot , but Btemly ; OTi@70o. lUrloy Finn nnd unihniiKeil. Stipur Stondy nnd fnlrly ntvive : fnlr to 'good ' rcfinlnir , iiuoteil nt 7 : i'l7jjo. ( ! AIoluimM ( Juiet , but ftcndy. llico Quiet , but firm. TAliovv Rlnrkct dull nml woik ; 81@81o. ll mln-Stcndy ; 1 Wi@.JOO. Tiiriientiiio Higher nnil tlrinjIfilo. . I'Vosh wuitcrn , quiet but firm } 'ork Active nml firm ; now IIICBK , 22 00. Hoof Dull nnd Wink , Out Mo.itsDull nnil ii'nniml. Lrd Wo.ik ; prime ntrnm , IB DO , liuttcr Qtilot , but firm ; ll ( )2lc ) Cheese - Firm ou tine ; western Hat , ( i ® .Oo. Itee'K Shimn'tn. ; inur . 11000 I..IOO 1811,01)0 ) 8l , lK ) Corn . 41,000 7,500 ) . \la . 10.0 0 1.300 Chicago Iilvo atooli. Ctiii'Atio , Atigtift 4. HnssRecuipU , 10,0o : ; uliiimienls , 5,500 ; tMicially aumn atid linn ; mlxcil , 7 3T © 10 ; gn > .il to clioico Rhltiping 8 1U@8 GO ; Ight , 7 35S8 ( 10 ; Hkipi , I W&7 20. Cuttle Receipt1,4 , SCO ; shipments , 3,100 ; irlsk market , Miry active nnrt sbadobiKher 11 around ; exports 730@800 ; good to lioico shipping , -107 00 ; o million to air dull , 4 506 ( .0 ; butcher * ' stronger , 25 ® I 50 ; etockers and feeder * , 2 75 ® 25 ; ran o nc.lvn and strong ; Tuxans , lOc igher , 350(5H ( 2. " > . Sheep Receipts , 0 0 ; uhlpmonts , FOO ; trnng and fairly active un good to prime 2."i5 00 ; medium , 3 50r ( $ 1 00 ; common o fair , 2 5 > 5@3 30. St. juouli IToduon. ST. Louis , wi heat Opened higher closed dull nnd iwcr ; No. 2 reil , OI53C" ' ' " lo , cloHlnu itinlilo iir Otmh ; Jl | > o tor Au u-t ; ! 13o for Sup- ember'l ; 00"fur October ; ' -'lijo ' for the year ; No. 3 red , ! ) © ! . u. Corn Dull ; jT > J@"lio fur cash nnd Au gust ; 7lc fur .September ; ( Hi/ for tlio year. O.i H Higher ; 13Jml5otnr ( cash ; 3Slu r Atttr t ; 31 | c for the year. BurluyNo miirlat. flutter Quiet ; dairy , 15@22c ; creamery , JOC 2lc. WliiHky Hteady ; 1 15. Pork li'iiui } 21 ITififl'il 30. Potroloutn Market. I'lnHiiuiii ] , I'n. , AiiKtist I. Petroleum - Actl.n ; United certilic.itcH , irret-uUr ; cliwed at ( JOJe ; rolincd , Ci2e ( lor i'lilliulel ) hln delivery. Ci.i.vr.i.AND , Aiigimt I , I'etroleiim-ljuiet ; ( jlijc. NKW YOIIK , August I. I'olrolcum Q'tli-t ' but firm ; .LTnltod , i/c ! ' / } cridc , 50Jc ; rofined. 87c. KnnBiin City Prodnon. KA.NHAS Cur , August 4. Wlinat Weaker ; No. 1 rod , bSfi8Uc ! ) nr c.iHh ; 8 . ( o for Aiitmt ; Nn. 15 rtd , jlJ SJju for cash ; 8l'ifj8lo ! ( for Augunt ; ilc fur rfoplcrnbiT. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 70 0 for : a h ; 70c for Niiptcinber. OuU-Slow ; 334@3.Sc ) for cash ; 27o bid or September. Butter Finn ; ] li)17e' ( ) . Egjjs Uiiiihungtd ; Me. Jlecp'it Ship's Wheat 31,000 : WrOO , lorn l.OOJ ; iono Wool Marknt _ Bimio.v , Augiiat 4. Thora has been a Hlundy demand for woil , HnlcHdftlio week iiggregatH two mil a lialf tiiilUmiH. PrlceH were well SIIH- ulii'-d for line combing and delulno seloc- .ions . , but clothing graded were nut , no Hun , Liverpool Hroetnoe. I IVKIU'OOI. , August 4 , Broadstuir.i-qiitit Wheat Winter , 0 * 3d@N7d ! ; Hprlng , Corn-Stioiiy ; 7 * 2d. rjni * T ha o money nml onlcr salt illrcct from UnL I un.vtuiililji promptly by rail at thu owcst iioinlliluiaih prli-o to all woaltrn poln's. ( J in-lm TVLKIt dALTCO. . HaitlnawCltv.Mlch SHQBTUHE 1880 , _ OITY , n TIII OUT to ST. LOUIS U D TIIK KABT S'Votrj o-ju-ha and the West , A trainIravo II * M , Dvpot , Guuuot Neb. Nc vn-.i e ui t * ' , lotwoon Om t tad ai. uoali , .ii.l liui > , ( between OUAIIA nd KW YOBK. v ct-senger T rains KAV < " . , - : < rtttJWUhYiilUI CITfXU wlOi 7.KS1 C'rJAltdU 1.71 ! IN ADVANCE oUM "lllK' UNKH Jt/ ! ' U ixUpiwil | ! with allQtn "n\i \ o KhtPlrn : ' ' ID , H Uce I > y Oo ohM , UII er'i fut'Ut'urm -nil Cunplei , nJ the celebrilw ) .Veu/uKiiou u Air li ke , . . , . . liVaeo fihrt > mr t.v'sc * in&dl VIA ivAKKAB WVT. . JfWKI II * COUNCIL BLUKJfE B .ift'J , vl fit. 'o n | h uil 01. 1/mlo. Tlc Vi i-ft ' > S.i it t'.l ( Xiuuon lUtlODilntbl WJH. i. IT.'BAKNAKD , C. JOAi/U' , Oca. Blip * . , fit. Joseiib , Uot i 31 PUI. w.fl Ticket Atfl. , Hi. Joseph , Wo. AKUT BoitDU , Ticket Art | > n , 1020 ITinUum tti4it > W , J , ; i < ui OKT , Ocasitl Ai't/ul , > \.i I f II Sioux ( Sty a THE SIOUX OITY ROD l'l ' < Itnm Sollit Tt ln Ihtouch dotr Council Blutlo to St. Paul Without Ortnnao Tlmo , Only 17 Mrura IT IP THK niionTita norrrK COUNCIL BIiUFFB TO n. PAUL , MINNBAt'OMt DUI.UTI1 Oil KIHUAt CR tnd kll In Nntth tn . lllnno , . . I1U Bl polnti 111 A * ' * * ! ' 1 in Illttn. Kkiilul- * t > nr.vl Dakota. This line III eqtilnXHl with Iho Imvrot nJ WosttnghotMO Autamatlo Alr-brako unit Mill * Platform Cnnt'lor knit tln.for : ami ( rr BI'KKU. BAFKTV AND 001 FORT 11 nnninuMm ! . Pullman I'nlim rllce'iilng Cit rjn throtiRh WITHOUT Oil ANOK botwocn Km ( ItCltyand 81. Paul , via Ominrlt DIllH * ii ! Sloui City. TrMnn leave tnlon PiuMAc TtanMei at Oouti ctl tllnfto , at 7:35 p. m. dilly on Arrival of KarmO City , lit Jmoph aii'l ' ( JJimrll UliiB * train ( row th * South , Arriving at Hlcut Oil ) 11:38 : r. m. , anl ot the New Union l > m il * Hi. Pnul t U' ( noon. rKN IIOUIlll IK AI'VANOR OK ANY OTI1KB KOUTK. MTKouitmhir tn tftkln ; tlto Ulocn City Ho ill you rot n Thronqh Train , The Khnitoul Llns Ihu QtilckoiitTlnio anJ Oomloitable lllil * In th Thtouiih Carn liftwcon COUNCIL 11I.UVTS AHB ST. PAP1. frirtiea thil your Tickut * iciJ rli the "Stoai ty and 1'ii inc KallroaJ / R. WATTJ.K3 , . . HUCUANAN VniierlnUnilcnt. Gen * Pnw. A enl P. K. UOniNttON , Asn'l Oen'l 1'ars. Ap'l. , W K. IAV1H , ? oii i Ml ru Accn't , " - Oniinrl TO WHOM IT MAY CONOEHN. Notion U Inroby Klu tint on ttio 4th itnycf oAuinliir A. 1) IHjO , Klk'ii Cnrny | > urolmioil tiiulillc-nlMthofnllaoliiKilocrlbcil real cslato , ultiiuto.l In , Douulnn county , itntu of Nol - l > iai , , to-ult : North ililitj-t'lnt | foot at the mst oiio-thlril ( it lot four In block t o liunilroil nnit IH y.oiio , ( n H-l d-ct , c ) let 4 , bbck Uil ) ( or thailiy Uxuiul 1S7H. Ihoonlil rlli'ii 0 ii'ylllitrimnil a Trcanifcr'rt ilcoil upn sulil rtM cstttiu on of nt rr Wo4tli ilnyct .November , A. t > 18Si , ( ho llino of TO- ilc'iiinilon haMni ; then expired unlesaieJiiiiptlon bu iniiliitii llio iniuntliiiu. iltf r.I.l.KS CAUKY : S1SAL15D PROPOSALS. Kortlic l.ijlnn o ( Lnlcral ( ilpoj In the \Vnrlnc sjstciu o ( sowcmtro. H'ft v jirnp en o will lie rocoUoJ by Ihu under- s' nnluiilll AtiKUHl It'tn , IHSif , ntl'J o'oiOwk non fur th ' lnjliitf of latcrnl pl | > u ami lurrlnnliiK nm- torlnl r r tiuno Letucin u. tUo an Oh c-gn Htn. , Incluxlto In ncorilttiico ltn phi/a aiulrnocincn tlonnon llio In the olllcj ol tlio llourd ot Public works llio bonril riser icj the right to reject any all bun. JAIIFH tiur.tuinos , Chair i an llc.iril ol mlillc Wor > 8. Onmlm. Aug. 4 , lxs'2. naft cod 2n' SEALED I'llOPOSALS For lajliiff nmliu ln | > ropDB il .oxtonslon ol the < > nui g i-js omot fc\\cr Ke. M'Blcd | > rupotula ulll hu ri-ccl\cd by ( ho unicr- Bl.n il until Au u < t IHih Ih82at 12 o'clock noon , lor llio li > ln/it(21(0)T-o'llimi ( ( ) aid Kl\o Hun dred lool ol Illtcun ( id ) In It tilpo anil s x livnil- nd ( .GjOJtcct of tHulMi ( la ) Intli jlio. ( inoru or Icni. hniiio to bu Inld In lu' ' | ih planb nndrpcc flcntiongon llio In the olllco uf the hoard of public wnrkfi , Iliii loard rcJcrjCB IVo light ro icjw.t aiw nml al.hldj. JAHKSCHKIUIITOV , Chairman llcatd ol t-ubllu Works. Omaha , Au 4 , IbSJ. aiiKt coil i SKALED IMIOPOSALS Tor thu lllllnir of n pond of utaunant water Hcaicd | iroii.HalM will bu ric. Ucd hy thu undi sKlll'i ' until Aiuini Istli , lbH2 , nt 12 o'clocx no n , for the 111HK \ i f thu p ii'l ' of tt nnnt walir on lot ( I ) DUO , In block ( IIKfJ ) one hundred and nliietj-llnoo and olio half , 'Ihu l > u r.l uf pulillu nor lib ruicrio tbuililit to ri'Jcc : buy anil all bliln.JAMKSCItKiallTON. JAMKSCItKiallTON. Chfltrman Hoard of I'ublicVarkn. . Oinaln , Aiiint-l8ijJ. ( nl cod 2v SEALED PROPOSALS for nilliiK the Winhuiit on Tenth utrcct , near Hickory Ulrica. Kculcd proposnln ulll ho ro thud hy the under- Untd n til u'clockSnoan , Anoint Ibth , Ib- ) ' . ' , or llo filling of nwmlioiilon Tenth iitieo ncir lleVnry itruut , In ncTOidnnuulth , pluns and ipnillluatlona on llio In the olllco of thu hoard of The loaiil rcn rvos tin iluhttn reject any and ill blilu. JAMKdCUIvKHI'ruN , Clialriimn Hoard of 1'ubllo Work * . Onialu , Altuiut 3 , J8 ! " 4 o.l . Vtt ! PROPOSALS FOR JIUBIJEIIUOSE Boalnil iiropwnli wlllbo reached hy thu niidur- , zni'd until AiU'imt 24th , 1WW , ul lit oVIock nt loon , fcr the fiirnluhliiif of 1000 foil of rubber 1010 for Uiu tlty of Omaha. Said IIOHO iinmt bo of thu U'ry hit > t > | iiallly mill mhftt | to til" op irotal of thu chief of ths firiiilniiirlniuit | ! end the iiomiiiltlioof tlio city courcll on "Uro" 'Ihu rlht ( to r.Juol uny nnd all lild < la ie < rn > d. J.J. UaJMVKlT , auif 1-101 City ClorU , P110UATJ5 NO CIGE. Htato of Nohrauka , Uonulvi County ea : At a County Court , hold at the County Conrl Uoom , In and for tald County , July 27th , A. I ) . IBS * . I'rtnont , A. M. CHAUWICK , County Jiid ii. In the matter of thu catato of N. P , Isaacs , do UlHUll. On ruidlnK and mini ; the petition ot T. W. r. llkhariB , a'linlnUtralnr d hoi c i un of until ontati > , pi iIng for iliuicttlcinoi.t aiu allowaucu ol Ma ufciil'it Ih'udity ' Hud Ordcrud , Dial Anoint VBth , A. D. 1BS2 , M 10 o'clock , in. , In uiilL'iiud for hearing aMd poll , tlon , when all persons Inturcntod In Buld inattai may appeal at a County Court to be liuld , In anil lor Bald County , and Dhow causa why the prayer of petitioner nFiould not bo granted , and that no tlco of the pendency of nald petition and hearlm thereof , ho given to all poraoni Intoruatod In Bale inattur , hy publlahlni ; a copy of thiiordo In Tin OUAIIA 1)AMV UKH , a tiuwumper prmtud Ib nali County , for foui nuccosul vo wuekii , prior to mid day ol hearlmr , lAtruocopy.l A. M. C11ADWICK , J)31-4t _ County Jiiditc , PROPOSALS. For IJrieluo Oouitraotion. Healed propoialu will bu rccchtil by the un derailed until katurd.y , the mil day of An KUst , 1H32 , 12 o'tlock nojn , for llio comitriictlo. of n hrldtto acnu. North Omaha creek , 1101 Gnml K on Baundern gtroit according to iilaiii and riivilDu tlo'm on flloln thoolUco of th * llouid ol I'ulilluVor.n. . II di to l > o atcompinloj hy the flgi.aturut cf nrcpouel iiiMluD'ho In Ih iMjnt f thu aw.nil.i of thu contract , will enter ter Into bond * ulth the city uf Omaha In Ihu bum of 8500 OJ for the faithful oxucnlton o ( the work af ruualdaicordlri ; contract. Thu Hoard of I'unllo Worki reserves the rlfh to ru.cct any and nil Mdn JAilKS CIIKIOHTON , Chalru.i > n Hoard uf I'utlluVorki , Ult. b' . WUHJUUHR. Physician and Surgeon CIIKOHIU WflKABKd , IUIKUUAT18U , Ktu. , A Hl'tCl AL'l Y. Medlclnun fnrnbhod at olllco. Advlcoto th | > oo Olll NV career I'Jth a > id Varna m btrcci our BUta liank Omaha , Nub. S. KAL.ISH , THE STAR TAILOa 1 Door W , of Oriiioksliank's , lias now tt cJinpIetn stock of Spring Oooili ccn i\\ag \ \ of r'runcb , Knullnh anil tbu bust 1) rue.tier , likvilcvar tiolouit. INRCEASE YOUR , CAPITAL. $10 Investors of urn II and medium n'nount.1 In ( train Prothhni and Stock * M fully t > rntectl M mint i xtoii Ue and Influential operators. Our iiifco iifiil , ( illy trloil , old cs- tftblli ml tilai. TRY IT , Kcpartd tent Hookly , dl\Idnd > | > jtd month ly Send nt once for explanatory clrculnrn nnd put record , PRKU I ) | Idcnds | utd dnrln ; past thirteen months on this fnna ? G0.71 | > cr Khtio , AtdrtM Kt.KMMINO tt STOCKS MKItIANIi ! | > rxlul 143 L&S&Ho j-o want n loc\l iticcnt In d > | nn cxrn toun Exo tlcnt Inducements uIUU Hood ivty to .1 ro'nn ] < llilo , enter * | > r t\ng \ mnn , tor term , " " " "QRATEFDL-COMFORTINO. EPPS'S GOGOA. BREAKFAST. "lly a thor tiih knowledRo of the n&lurtl Uwi nhlch covcrn the operations of tU'o tlon And nutrition , nml bvnctteful nppllcRtion ol the fltio properties ofvoll leo d Coco * , Mr Eip h i > p ovdcil cur lrcakf at tnhba nlth debent'ly lUvoioil biuciapo which may m\o miny heat v doctors' bllln tti \ by the Judlclnti so of inch articles of diet ( lint a , constitution n\y Do RMiliully hiillt up until utranK enough rnitUt ev < ry tciuloncv ta dl ea o. Hundreds . Biibtlo malAillei nro lloatlnn ar uml ui ready ontUckhcrcir thcro In a weak point. Weir ir > y CHCapo iimtiyofital shift by keeping : ou'- clrci well fortlDcil lth pure blood and n prop- tly nourlnhoil framo. " CMI 8or\lco Oarctto. Made idni | > ly with boiling water or milk. Sold n tins onlytb ( ) and Ib ) , labeled JAMES EPPS & CO. , Uotucoopntblo CtiomiHta , London , Samuel G , Davis & Co , DRY GOODS JOBBERS IMPORTERS , Washington Ave. and Fifch St. , i ST. LOUIS , MO. bittti , tsifu i/- ; . . , _ i * g/o / ! ' ; r.r'Vrl . t * JS"L J J ' ' " ' ' * " " 5srTt i'"t * ' " " ' " ' * V ritj ; : CQH Ulll.I , ( Kl fur i Orlllr-.Win"i"r ! ' " if"liii'MiVtiMl'1 imctU liln Nt-w On V > il > ' > . IC" 'M ron li 9 ' ! < u . A" ' - f'lUVty I.u "nlr. V Biunmor mo thceo Stui'L tr'Uipi"i | , . < Tlipeo celebrated stoves for sale by [ Mercy & Bradford , Oinuha , Nob. 29 1m MONITOR OILSTOVE Improved tnr 1H82. THK I1KST AND ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE HTOILOVK IN TUB WOULD , Every huuaukoupor fools the wantof noinothing tliat will cook thu daily Food nnd ix void the uxcossivoheut , dust , littar andnahos of n coalorwoodatovo. TUB MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO IT , butter , quicker and cheaper titan any other raoanH. It is the ONLY OIL STOVE made with the OIL RESERVOIR ELEVATED at the back of the atovo , away from the heat ; by which arrangement ABSOLUTE SAFETY is aocurod ; as no gas can bo generated , fully twenty per cent moro heat ia obtained , the wicks ara pro- Borvod twice OB long , thus saving the trouble of constant trimming and the oxponHo of now ones , EXAMINE THE MONITOR and you will buy no other , Manufactured only by the Monitor Oil StovoOo , OlovolanilO , Send tor deacriptlve circular or call jn M. Rogers & Bon , agents for No. braaka * BOMcu , Mr'.4 ' . 1'ieililciit. Vlea 1'iw'l. W , S. Diinniu , i > cc. andTreaa. THE NEBRASKA IiNUAOTUEI& ] ? CO Lincoln , Neb. MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters , Hrrrowa.Fnrm Rollers Utvliod , Bucket , nUiinid , o . nro prop ruil to ilo Job work anil uuuufao turln. for other lurtlea. 'bt all onteH onteHMANUFAOTOWNQ CO Lincoln , Neb _ t'Ottj UK ti tin iiii yui i't > * ' BLAUjv DRAUJvT " tlie be : . liver wetliciuu i *