Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Fnb'.i hed every morninp , orcept 8nnd r
Khe on.jr Momaj ! > womlng rtallrt
Dno VIM $10.00 I ThroflMontb , S3.0l
flit Months , 0.001 Ono . . 1.00
rilrl WKEKLY BKB , published er
rjr Wednesday.
OneYeur 82.00 I TliroaMontbi , . 6) )
HlxMc th . , . . 1.001 One k . . 20
or Newsdealers In tliel'nitcd Stntw.
OCmnKSruNDKNOK All Commnnl
Utiou * lelntlni ? to Newn nnd Kdltorlal mat-
en clnuM bo nddrewed to Uw EDHOB or
BUrflVKHH LKTTKI18-A11 Dtislnem
totters and Ilf-niittanwa should bo m
dreseei to TIIK UKK L'tmusniNa COM
* AKY , OMAHA. Drafts , Checkfl and rent-
oBee Orders to bo mtido payable to Uio
o.-dot of the Company ,
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , .Props . ,
El RO3EWATEU , Editor.
Ir in the early railroad lobby which
catches the first congressional worm.
AUOUHT is the month for political
conventions , nnd wire-pullers nro be
ginning to reap thn harvest of their
PIUZE fighting pays better than
preaching nowadays , and nobody need
bo surprised to neo the Ilov. Talmago
jump tlio platform and mnko a display
of muscular Christianity.
ttEnnns not pledges arc what Ne
braska voters * must look to in nomi
nating candidates at the coining con
ventions. Pledges are cheap , and
their best guarantee in consistent ac *
tion in the past.
IT begins to look nn if the proposi
tion to place General Grant on the
retired list haa boon finally retired
It has boon handed over to the tender
mercies of the military committee ,
and will peacefully slumber in a
pigeon hole until next winter's ses
SOMB enthusiastic democrats are
mentioning the name of Horatio Sey
mour , Jr. , as the coming governor of
Now York. If it comes to the pinch ,
Mr. Flowers' ' railroad friends will see
to it that "tho proper man" ia placed
in nomination.
THE bill for the aalo of a portion ol
the Omaha Indian reservation has
passed both homes of congress and
needs only the president's signature
to become a law. The measure wil !
open up for settlement a largo tract ol
land in Northern Nebraska.
YKLT-OW fever has crossed the line
from Matnmoras to Brownsville ,
Texas , and the south is beginning to
shako over the possibility of another
epidemic. Nothing but u rigidly in
forced quarantine is a certain proven
tivu against the spread of the disease
" \ViTit the tariff commisssion dawd
ling by the sad sea waves of Lon
Branch , the Utah commission placidly
ruaticating under the ohndow of the
Wahsatch mountains , nnd the navy
yard commission junketing along the
the 00.101 in a government steamer ,
the vncatiui of the commissions prom-
jses to bo n long and happy one.
TIUDK ia picking up in every auc
tion of the country , mid advices from
the great wholesale contort ) supori
that merchants are pouring into the
citiei to buy nnd compare rates with
largo jobbers and to arrange for
large credits in anticipation of the
full trade. It takes a good deal o
food and manufactured articles to
food and clothe 53,000,000 pooplt. ,
and purchase in the next six mouths ,
on the utronpth of our heavy crops ,
will give n big profit to producer * ,
while the whole country will reap the
Valentino lm been in coircsa ) | throe
yearn ami u half , mid In all tlmt time ho
never introduced n nlnxlo bill to relieve
the fanners from nny burden. [ lire ,
What sort of gronnd-do-vn , God-
forsukon constituency has ho been
represent inn ? Are they paupers ? Are
they bvggnn ? What uro the burdvte
thpy bear ? Ilavo they not c
oat ? Ilavo they not enough to
Are they not making money ai
riching the state and themselves iry
year ? They are better elF finunnully
than ho is many of them ; and at the
end of the year they hnvo u larger sur
pins than a congressman can iiccumu-
late , even with economy.-7f [ < y > ti& .
lican ,
Have they not enough to oat ? Have
they not enough to wear ? Are they
not contented and happy with their
present lot ? Are they not bettor off
without caio without responsibilities
than wo are ) This was the logic of
the slave driver in defense of the
negro slavery.
The God forsaken constituents
whom Valentino has misrepresented
In congress for nearly four years are
neither beggars nor paupers. They
are free American citizens , who resent
aa nn insult the intimation that they
are no better than serfs. Valentino
conies before them as a candidate for
a third term , and they Jmvo u right to
ask , What have you done for us that
wo should honor you with such n
trust for two inoro years ? TJio very
first interest this bogus friend ol the
farmer exhibited in hia God forsaken
constituents was shortly after his elec
tion to congress , when he lobbied
through the state legislature a clean
itenl of $1,800 in payment of services
as district judge , which ho never ron
diriid nnd for which Judge Griflby hat
already drawn pay. The fainou
back pay steal was ono of the first o
those "unexampled" attempts to reduce
duce the farmer's burdens of whicl
his henchman now speaks so npprov
Whit has E. K. Valentino done
in congress to reduce the burdens
under which the producers of th
country are suffering. What tncasur
looking to n decrease in taxation on
imports or n reduction on intcrna
revenue taxation has ho supportcd
Is it not n fact that ho advocated tin
creation of aho tariff commission
which is reducing the burdens o
taxation by airing their heels
by the sea shore and draw
ing there pay with grea
regularity. The only measure witl
which his mme has boon connected is
n proposition to increase indefinitely
the expenses of the government pop
per nass bureau which has never boon
n dollars worth of practical value to
our farmers. This "unexampled1
scheme of Vul's "unflagging interest *
won received with such a shout o ;
ridicule throughout the country that
it never became a law nnd now lies
pigeonholed in the senate. But whal
the people of Nebraska charge up to
E. K. Valentino moro than his sins ol
commission or his sins ol
omission in his congressional
career. Ho has failed to voice the
opinion of the people of thia state on
the great issues of the day. Ho has
constantly aided the great monopolies
of the country by refusing to ally
himoolf with their opponents. His
voice and vote have invariably boon
found in favor of every scheme for in
creasing the public expenditures. Nol
n single measure looking toward
reduction of the farmer's burdens has
originated with him or received his
oupport in the house. lie lion failed
either to make opporlnnitica or to
seize them when presented. Moro
than ) BOVOI years ago n Nebraska
congressman introduced a bill into the
housu to compel the railroads to pay
their taxesand by unflagging porsovor-
once succeeded in aocuring its passage
through the house. Although the
monopoly tools succeeded in killing
the measure in the senate , Judge
Orounso'a efforts were appreciated in
his own atato , nnd in 1874 the Repub
lican fitnto convention emphatically
endowed in their platform the Crounso
land tax bill and sot the seal of their
approvnl on his exertions. A year
Inter , in 1870 , the eamo member ol
congress drafted and introduced n bil
to reduce the tolla on the Union IV-
cific bridge by ouo-half of the
existing rates. The bill was referred
nnd favorably reported from the committee
mittoo OP commerce. But Mr. Fry
now senator from Muino and at tha
time the loader of the Union Pacifi
lobby on the floor of the house b ;
moans of his peculiar and well known
arguments made it appear that eucl
reduction was unnecessary nnd wouh
bo detrimental to the government in
teiost in the Pacific railroada and tuo
coodcd in killing the measure.
What bill looking towards the re
trictton of the monopolies , the
enforcement of their contrac
obligations or the relief of the
farmeru of thin ulato fren
taxation which ought to bo but no b >
the railroads has E. K. Valentino ud
vocatod. Where wan he when Andersen -
dorson , of Kauaaa , was making his
hard fight to compel the Union PC-
cllic to boar Its olmro of taxation or
its uutaxod lundt ? What oupport dit
ho give to Judge lleagan'a measure
for railroad regulation > vlieu it was
before the house ? And what sin-
glu instance can his committee
clerk oito where Vul. has spoken or
voted against the interests of his
masters or in behalf of A constitu
ency , which , through botli political
parties , has time nnd again demanded
relief from the exactina of the monopolies
nopolios ?
The only change ia the situation of
affairs in Egypt during the past week
has been the ni rival of fresh troops
nnd supplies in England , the depar
ture of the Indian
contingent , the oc
cupation of Suez in the name of the
queen , and the slight skirmish on
Wednesday night before Arnbi'a on-
tronchinonts , six miles from Alexan
dria. The result of the skirmish is
not satisfactorily known. The rebel
chieftain taunts the English with cow
ardice , and as n correspondent of The
London Telegraph writes to the same
tlTeot it would ncom as if there
mutt huvu been BOIIIO ground for the
complaint. Every day ahowa that
the rebellion in Egypt ia assuming the
character of n great national uprising.
The forces of Arab ! nro estimated at
70,000 in number , with daily addi-
ions. The national council , held on
Wednesday at Cairo , upholds Arabi
ley as minister of war , nnd calls upon
the poeplo to repel the invasion of the
country. How widespread is Arabi'a
support among all clauses may be aeon
rom the signatures appended to the
> rocUmation of the council , among
which are included two princes , the
Coptic patriot , twenty-eight civil
) ahas , nine vicars , and thirty judges.
With auch baokora , Arubi has become
uoro defiant , and dares the English tea
a contest , announcing himself as the
chosen iuatrumont of the sultan in
maintaining his authority In
Against the ambitious designs of foreign
oign usurpers.
Turkish diplomacy is again show
ing that its chief feature lies in ju
dicious procrastination , The porto
declines to issue a proclamation do
daring Arabi n rebel until after th
Turkish troopa have landed in Egypl
To thin proposition , which certain !
smacks of Ottoman equivocation nnc
suggests the possibility of treachery
on the part of Turkey , Lord Duf
forin , the British ambassador to Con
s'-antinople , refuses his assent , do
clinlng to accept any such proviso
The impression prevails that there i
a secret understanding between th
sultan nnd Arabi , nnl England evidently
dontly has no intention of leaving
it at. open question whether the Turk
ish troopa upon their arrival in Egpy
shall take the field with or agains
Arabi , The fooling of irritation be
twcon the porto nnd England seems to
bo on the increase. While the Brit
ish ambassador , Lord Dufferin , inista
that the sultnn shall declare Arubi n
rebel against his authority , the miltai
demands from the British govornmen
explanations of what ho calls the un
necessary severity of the Britisl
forces ut Alexandria , nnd declare
that while ho is always glad to can
aider the ndvico of the conference , ho
will do nothing to please England
The withdrawal of Russia from the
conference was abort , and the liar
many of its members once moro
seems to bo ro-ostablialvod , but whn
end the mooting will accomplish ia as
yet extremely uncertain , unless it bo
to afford the porto a longer delay in
making up hia mind whether ho wil
consult his own intoreata or the wil
of Europe.
Do Lesscps ia making nn egregious
asa of himsolt in his wild shriek
against the violation of the neutrality
of the Suez canal and hia opposition
to his temporary occupation by Eng
lish men of war as a base for lane
operations , lie oven talka of organ
izing a troop of Bodoulns to oppose
the stcpa taken for the protection o
the canal. Hie course is ridiculed one
condemned by all the Europeans n
Port Said , end Admiral Conrad has
tolevraphod to the French govornmen
a complaint regarding Do Lossops * behavior
havior as inciting disturbance amonj ,
the natives , nnd rendering the aitua
tion moro critical and the British ad
mirnl'a task moro difficult than i
would otherwise bo.
The defeat of the French ministry
ia the direct result of the Egyptian
complications. It moans that the
French poop'o are opposed to war nnd
condemn the policy of interference
with England outlined in the first request
quest for a credit by the Do Froycino
ministry. French people have n horror
ror of African expeditions , which has
not been lessoned by the badly man
aigcd affair in Tunis. Twenty thou
sand men , it is said , were sent homo
sicic with African fevers as the rosul
of the Tunis expedition. The people
wore heavily taxed for Tunis , witl
nothing to sho.v for it. Then came
the speculative crash , and moro mono ;
was lost , until ut last they grow dos
pcrato when frcali tnxea vrero threat
cued for another Afiiein nlFiir. The ;
aho have an indefinable dread i
Franco intervenes in Egypt that tlior
may bo u Moorish uprising , involviii ]
grave complications. In addition to
thia the German epcctro rose before
then } . The Paris correspondent o
the London Standard , in .1 letter writ
tun aoino weeks ago , said : "Rightly
or wrongly , the prevailing impression
in Franco ia that Germany would take
an unfair advantngo of French intervention
vontion in Egypt to involve her in
complications on her eastern frontier.
I beliuvo that apprehension to bo
wholly groundless , but that it prevails -
vails in the country and in the chain
her ia not a mutter of opinion , but ol
fact. " Thus with the country pulling
ono way , nnd Uambettn faction and
the very logic of events pulling the
other , M. do Froycinct had no resource
source left but to demand a rote of
confidence , and the result of that vote
implies that England may go on with
tier work alone , as aho has been doing.
The emigration clause in the arrears
Jill which has recently passed the
British house of commons by a vote
of : )25 ) to 20 , if taken advantage of to
.ho fullest extent , must prove bone-
loial in a great degree to the over-
jurdoned tax-payora of Ireland. The
rates levied fur the support of the
> oor have boon very oppressive for
nany yoara , and the ovila of the ays-
torn of poor-house protection have
rowu in proportion to the increased
demands which have been made upon
t. Buildings for the shelter of paupora
mvo boon extended until moat of
those in the citiea have assumed the
appearance of well-to-do villages. It
wna originally the intention of these
who framed the work huuso law that
the institutions established under it
should bo to u considerable extent of
nn industrial character , Able-bodied
nnmtcB hove been required to perform
iglit tanks nt stono-breuking , but thia
a almost the only form of industry
iracticocl. The consequences attend-
ng the maintenance of thousands of
iion , women and children in couipar-
itivo idleness are not difficult to un-
[ oratund , Husbands and wives are
oparoted , and when their children
each the ago of maturity they are to
a largo extent found to bo incapable
of goina into the world and providing
for themselves. The clause intro-
troduced by Mr. Trovelyan empowers
the guardians of the poor to borrow
money at 3 } per cent to promote emi
gration , 1 ho effect of it may not bo
immediately felt , but in a few years it
will certainly bo availed of by many
of the Irish people , who willingly to
work it only given the opportunity
will seek hornet through it's aid in
now lands.
All European advices apeak less
favorably of the foreign crops than
they did a few weeks ngo. Cold nnd
fronts from the beginning of the sea
son hnvo been particularly trying in
England , and little moro than half a
wheat crop is expected , A succes
sion of storms have beaten down the
standing crop and placed the low
lying districts under water , nnd un
ices the weather proves more propi
tious the ruin of the cntiro harvest is
According to the official returns
Germany employes in mines , factories
and other establishments where mar
ketable goods are produced with the
help of steam or other power 1,030-
OOOmolca nnd 345,752 fomalea the
total number of separata establish
ments being 03,554. Of the peraons
so employed , 08,513 malea and 37,290
fomalea were born in 18CO or later ,
while 233,070 malca nnd 111,036 fo-
maloa were born in 18G1-C5. The
female laborers predominate in the
textile industry , in the paper business ,
and in some branches of leather work.
s than five work people nro em
ployed in each of 59,089 establish
ments , nnd over 200 in but 1,073.
The tendency ia toward a rapid in-
creaao of the largo firms , nlthoutjh
popular opinion and the government
encourage the smaller houses.
The mothoda used by the English
journals to keep their readers m immediate -
mediate communication with the bom
bardment of Alexandria Boom to have
been perfect of their kind. At Malta ,
1,000 miles distant , though words were
inaudible through the telephone , the
thunder of the pieces waa distinctly
Land taxation in Franco , if a writer
in the A/alion is to bo bclinvod , is ox
cesaivo. In addition to the regular
land tax there ia n tax on doors and
windows , a personal tax , registry , and
stamp duties , nnd a chnrgo that ia
uaually paid'in labor , but which should
properly bo included in any eatimato
of the chorgoa on land , for it amounta
to a tax on land , and in the rural
communes falla almost wholly on agri
cultural Innd. These tnxea nre also
subject to change and increase bo-
cauae the lands on which they are as
sessed are also charged with the cen
times of the communes. Thou in ad
dition tnero ia a charge on the occu
piers of land in the shape of taxes on
conaumption , which ontera into the
burdens of taxation borne by the agri
culturist. To sum up , the report es
timates that at least one-fourth of the
income derived from the agricultural
land ia taken in taxea , a proportion
that is much higher relatively than
that supported by land in citiea and
towna. Nor does thia give any idea
of the inequalities of taxation among
the different communes , aomo being
taxed at n rnto thirty times as great
as others.
Cormi ) > onJonco of TIIK tiic.
The Touchers' Institute of Wobate :
county will open August 7th at Re <
Cloud. The meetings will bo hold in
the now school housu. Arrangements
have been made for the accommoda
tion ot visitoia at private houses as
well as at the hotels. Ono of the
moat interesting features of the insti
tute will bo a series of lectures.
one who is interested in educational
matters should fail to hoar these lec
tures. The course has boon arranged
aa follows : W. W. W. Jonea , state
superintendent , Tuesday , August 8th ;
Prof. A. L. Funk , Thursday , Auguat
10th ; Prof. S. R. Thompson , Friday ,
August llth ; Prof. G. W. Reed ,
I'lisdiiy August 10th ; E. 0 Ilawloy ,
I2sq. , Thursday , august 17th ; Ella
McUrido ( elocutionist ) , Friday , Au
gust 18th ; E. B. Fairliold , L.L. D. ,
1'uoaday , August 22d ; J. A. Camp-
) ell , Ejq. , Thursday , August 24th.
Mrs. J. A. Campbell will act aa con
ductor of the institute.
Arrrangomonta are being made for
an excursion from Haatinga to Rod
Cloud and Potter's Grove , to take
ilaco on Wednesday , August Oth. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold for half the
regular rates by the B , it M. railroad ,
A special train will leave Haatinga at
i30 ; a. m. nnd take on passengers at
Ayr , Blue Hill nnd Cowloa , arriving
at Potter's grove ut 8:30 : Tha grove
s largo and shady and ia situated on
ho loft bank of the Republican
Ivor overlooking the five valley * of
Cedar , Dry , Sappa , Deer and Elm
reeks. The river at thia point is
, bout 400 foot wide. The citizens of
led Cloud are putting forth every
tfort to make the excursion a success.
) ne of the great features of the day
will be a base ball tournament , pur-
icipatod in by Beatrice , Rod Cloud ,
Inaings and Bloomington nines.
The Hastings nnd Red Cloud bands
vill be present. Every thing seems to
> redict a very enjoyable affair.
George Meredith , Jersey City , writes ;
The Srm.NU ULOSH-JM r u ent me has
tad the happiest effect oil my daghter ; her
icadnchu ami depression of spirits haa van-
elm ! , Bho U ogalu able to go to school ,
ud la aa lively na a cricket. I ahull cer-
oiuly recommend it to all my frieudu ,
'rice M cimU , trial bottled 10 rents
JUe Party Boss.
( A Vlck bur preacher gives lib congtfgnt.on
some good athlcj. )
Do politician , sho'g ye bo'n ,
Ia crooked , like de die rum's ho'n ' ,
En like de fheep In mo' way < ,
He'u mighty han' to plunder 'roun' ,
Ain't keerin' much 'bout on whore
groun' ,
Dei o hit's betwlx' twi dayi ,
En sorter pa } a
Do ole ram bah-h-hV'bout ' nuffin'tall ,
Des want * to hear de fool oheens b.iwl
Out : "Hurrah ! bully for you ! '
De politician do likewise ,
Kn den we 'plauda him to de skie * ,
En say , "Dat'a de gospel true , I
Yer know wo do.
lint after while de ol rum's done ,
Son.o ) omjfjcr Miecp kill Mm for fun
ln ! walk m de le > d. Truth , chile
De party bosi rule * but low days ,
dome ytither feller limkci de ratio
Ka gee * for de public M'ilu ,
] " .r little while.
So I gibs dis Mce to sheep en man :
Yer do yer gazlu' while yer can
Ho.ttn tlo public jiiutiir' free ;
Kaza ifter whi e yer'll hear de news ,
You'il hab to ( buck yer rulin' chocs
Git 'way I'm de June nprle tree
Enlcf'hitbe !
Ballade or a Coquette.
She wears n moat beta itching bang
Gold curls made captive In a net ;
Her dicBsca wltn precition hang ;
Her hnt observes the Rtyliah set ;
She hoa n poodle for a pet ,
And drlxos a dashing drag and pony ;
I know if , though we've never met
I've seen her picture by Sarony.
Her praiaes all are fraught with filnng ,
The very latent she c n get :
She fcinga the songs that Patience sang ,
Can whistle airs from "Olhette , "
And , in the walt/e , herhaps might let
You squeeze her hand with gems all stony ]
I ktiow it , though we've never met
I've seen her pic uro by Sarony.
Her heart haa never Ml love's pantr ,
Nor know a momentary fret ;
Wont never wound * her with hii fangs.
She liken to run papa in debt ;
She'll emoko a slender cigarette
Sub roBa with n favored crony :
I know it , though wo never met
I've seen her picture by Sarony.
Princes , loware this gay coquette !
She haa no thoughts of matrimony :
I know it , though we've never met
I've seeu her picture by Oarouy.
Oh , I long to see the love-light
In your deep brown eyes so true ;
And I long to hear your footstep
Ere another oTening'rf dew.
I long to hear that loving voice.
Sweet music to my ear ,
And I Ion j to proai those loving lips ,
That are to me BO dear.
I long to see my darling ,
'Twould make my heart so light ,
And I winh that he were c miog ,
Comint ; homo to me to-night.
Ohl I love him so much better
Than I ever did before ;
I've wondered that 1 thought "twn
In the happy days of yore.
Woman Who is Laying Pipe for a New
TB E very color of the Diamond Dyei
ia porfuct. See the samples of the col
orud cloth at the druggists.
equalled for brilliancy.
for all diseases of the Kidneys and I
It ha spcciilo action on this most Important
organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and 4
Inaction , cumulating the healthy secretion 1
of the 13110 , end by keeping the bowels in frco J
condition , offcoUne 1U regular discharge. 1
HJ | > l < k 3 a If you ore suffering from j
IWldlarlcU malariahavothoohllbi , t
are bilious , dyspeptic , or constipated. Eld-1
noy-Wort will surely rollovoft : quickly euro. J
In this eeaaon to clcanso the System , every V
ono should take a thorough course of it. ( SI ) 4
Genius Sewarded ,
OK ,
The Story of fche Sawing ianliino
A hiri'tamM ' Itttln t.vuph'.o' , blna and ffl
cove with -maerciit * nrra'lmp , 'Till bo
to ny auult pe.f > ia calling tcr It , ut &LV bncc !
or 6UD-oHMuf ! Tun Sn ! r Uvi'ifacinil'i ; ; Ocm
pany , or " 111 bo sent hj mall , pan paid , tt
Uvluj. it a dlutaoto frjra our office !
TheSla&or taifafifcirmg Oo , ,
Principal > iHci , 34 Union i-'quaro ,
Of Omaha.
[ faa purchased of the Corliss Safe Manufacturing
Co. , of 1'iovldence , It t , , a s fo whl"h Is guar
anteed In writing to b "absolutely burglar
proa/ for a period ot thirty six hours continuous
md u disturbed a'tack wllh the use of such
: oolsand applicanccs as a burglar can employ , ' {
and In a practice ly unconditional Hay ,
ThU bank detlrts a thorough toit inads upon
hl < nfe. and In case ot failure to stand It , the
i nk will beat llbnrty to purchase any other
safe and may return this to the manufacturer ) .
Any party l at Iho-ty to underUke the attic *
who will furnish siiU'actqry bond to pty al
lAiiniro to tbo si'r ' , In ciau It It not entered In
ho stipulated time. TniCorlissCouipiny a/rce
n wilting to deprolt with thin ban it the sum ol
5,000 00. upon the signing of an agreement ;
aboro the said sum to bo p'acoa ' within the
ale and to bo forfeited to the pirty operating In
case it la forcibly opened and iht contents rab
tractod 1IENKV W. YATES Cashlr.
General Undertakers , (
Bet Farnam and Don liiK ,
Motallk , Wood and Cloth Ckncrod ;
iniUntly ou hand. Orders from the countrj
OTllclted. and promptly attendo * ' * " " 'lit
Base Ball Club ,
11. A U. Club , August 5.
Uubuque Club , Auguit 12
Houses ,
Beautiful building eltea on Shorm n avenue
16th Btrcet ) south of Fonpleton'a and J. J.
Brown's residences the tract belonglrg to Sena *
tor Paddock for BO many \oars being
853 feet west frontage on the venuc ,
br from SCO to 650 feet In depth ,
running eastward to the Omaha & Si. Paul U. B.
Will sell In strips of CO feet or moro ( ront&o on
the avenue with full depth to the railroad , will
acll the above on about any terms that purchaser
may desire. To parties w ho will agree to build
houses coiling 31200 and upward ! will sell with
out any pnjmcnt down for one year , and 6 to 10
equal annual payments thereafter t 7 pel cent
Interest. To parties whc do not Intend Improv
ing Immediately will sell for cne sixth down and
5 equal annual payments thcroaftur at 7 per cent
Choice i acre block In Smith's addition at west
end of Farnam street will ( tii o any length ot
tlmo rcqulredat 7 per cent Interest.
Aho a eplcndl J 10 aero block In Smith's addi
tion on eamo liberal tcr no foregoing.
No. 305 , Half lot on near 20th
No 304 , Lor nn 18th street near Paul , 81200.
No SO. , Lot 30x2SO feet on 16th street , near
No 299 , Ono quarter acre Burl street , neat
No 297 , Two lots on Blonde near Irene street.
$260 and $300 each.
Ho 290 , Two Iota on Georgia near Michigan
SSrect. 81200.
No29S , Twcho choice residence lota on Ilamll-
gfn street In Shlnn's addition , fine and eighth
60 to $500 each.
No 291. Ucautlful half lot on St. Mary's av
enue , 30x180 feet , near Bishop Clarkson's and
20th street , $1500.
No 292 , Five choice lota on Park avenue , 60x
160 each , on street railway , 8300 each.
No 291 , Six lota in Millard & Catdwcll'a addition
on Sherman A\cnuo near Fopplctou'a , 8300 to
$160 each.
No 2S9 , Choice lots on Park avenue and Btrcet
ar line on road to Park , $460 to $1000 each.
tto 286 , Eleven lota on Dcca'ur and Irene
streets , near Saunderu street , $376 to $150 each.
No 282 , Lot on 19th near Paul ttrcct , $760.
No 281 , Lot 65x140 feet near St. Mary's avenue ,
and 20th street , $1600.
No 279 , Lot on Dccatur near Irene street , $325.
No 278 , Four lots on Calawell , near Blunders
street , $600 each.
Mo 270 , Loton Clinton street , near shot toner ,
No 276 , Four lots on McLellan street , near
Blonde , Itagan'a addition , $ 25 each.
No 274 , Three lots near race course : make"
No 208 , Beautiful corner' acre lot on California
street , opposite iiid adjoining Sacred Heart Con
vent grounds , $1000.
NoCo , Lot ouMa > on , near 16th street , $1,360
100 ots In "Credit Fonclcr"and "Grand View'
additions , just south-east of U. P and B. A M.
i-ailroad depots , ranging from $160 toJIOOOcach
and on easy terms.
Beautiful Hcsidenco Lots at a bargain v cry
handy to shops jlOOto t"W etch , 6 nor cent down
nd rt per cen t per month. Call and get plat and
ull particulars.
No 260 , Full corner lot on Jones , Near 16th
street , $3,000.
No 254 , Two Iota on Center street , near Ciim-
Ing street , $ JOU lor both or $600 each.
No 261 ] , Lot on boward , near King street ,
No 219 , Halt lot on Dodge , near llth str'joo
No 217 , Four beautiful rcelJonco Iota tica
Crelghtou College ( or will separate ) $8,000.
No 210 , Two lota on Center , nuir Cumin
street , $100 each.
No 246 ] , Lt on Idaho , near Cumin ; street
? 52fi
Aoi45 ! , Beutl/ul / corner aero lot on Cumin ?
near DUtm f trout , mar now Convent cf Siurcc
Hcitt , $1,600
No. 244 , Lot on Farnam , near 13th street
$ J.7 0.
No 243 , Lot CO by 1 on College etceo
near fat. iUry'a at umc , $700.
No 241 , Lot on Faiuam , near 20th ettoe
No 140 , IxjtEOby09 feet on South [ avenue
near Mason street , 050.
No 239 , Corner lot on Burt , near 22d street
No ' . ' 38. 120x132 feet oj Homey , near 24tl ;
street ( will cut It up ) f 2,400.
No 234 , Lot on Douglas street , near 25th
N 232 , Lot oiTPior street , near Bcuar
O.Vo 227 , Two lots on Dccatur , near Irene strce
S O'J each.
No 1S23 , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman avenue
nuo ( Ifith sticct ) , nea Grace , $2,400 , will divide
No2JO , Lot 23x6ret on Dodge , near 13tl
street ; make o offer.
No 217 , Lot on 23rd near Clarr. $500.
No 218 , Loton Hamilton near King , $ S03.
No 2u9 , Lot on ibth street , near Nlcnolo.
NoC07 , Two lot * on 18th , near Pacific etrest
$1,600 ,
No .04 , Beautiful mUcnco lot on Dlvtsloi
strcot , near Cumlng , { too.
No 10JJ Lots on 16th street , near Pierce
No 10 : ? } , Lots on Sauudcrs street , new Seward
ard 00.
NolU4 ] , Tno lots on 22d , near Oraco street
No 192 } , Two lota on 17th street , near white
lead orks , $1,050.
N 188) ) ; Ono full block ten lots , near the
harr tks , $100.
No 191 , Lots on Parker , street , near Irene
No IS3' Two lots on Cans , near 21st street
fgllt edge ) , $6,000.
No IbO , Lot on Pier near Seward , $650.
No 170 , Lot ou Pacific street , near 14th ; m > k
Nol63 , Six lots on Farnam , near 21th street
2.400 to $ J.B50 each.
No 103 , Full block on 25th strreot , near race
curse , and three lots In Glic'i addition , near
aundero and Casnius streets , $2,000.
No 127 , lot on Ibth street , near uhlle lead
orks. $525.
No 122 , 123x132 feet (2 ( lota ) on 18th street ,
near 1'oppltton'ii , 81,800.
No 113 , Thirty h U aero lots In M lard & Cat.
Iwell i additions on bhvrman avenue , Spring and
Saratoga streets , near the end of groeu street
ar track , $850 to $1,300 each
No BO , Lot on Chicago , near 22d tieet ,
fl,8iX )
NotW , Lot on Caldnoll street , near Saunders ,
No 6 , Corner lot on Charles , nca < Siund-
lets street. $700.
No 75 , 60x82 feet on Pacific , near 6th Btrcet
No 60 , Ightecn lota no ! Ist , 22 J , 23d and
Jauodcrs streets , near Grace and Siunekrd street
irid.-e. $500 each
No d , One fourth block (160x133 ( feet ) , nea
ho Content of f'oor Clalro , on Hamilton street
ta ho end of the rod street car track , $1,050
Lot No t > , on Marcy street , near 9 th strejt
16th ana uoagma Street ,
Can Be Handled By a Boy ,
The box need noxcr bo tVicn off ( he wagon ant ]
all the bcllcil
Grain and Grass oed Is fc
It costs leg ) thin the old ct\lo racks. Eiery
standard wigon Is told with our rack coraplo e
Or buy the attachment * v pplv thorn to
jour old wagon box. For ink I Nebraska in
J. 0. CI.AI.K. Lincoln.
MANNIVO& iliws , Omaha.
FRPD VPDDK , Orand Island.
IlAoaLKTT &URRKX , hint'iies. '
CHARMS tcimonitrn , Columbuj.
8FANOOLK& FUNK , Hell ClOlld. Blr i
C. It. CRANK .t Co. , Itcd Oik , towu
It. Vf. HrssRL , Olcnwoo' ' , Ion t
And every Ilrst ck i dealer In the wist. A k
them for descriptive circular or sand direct
to us.
J , MoOalluin Bros , Hauuf'g ' Oo. ,
Oince , 21 Wo < t Lake Street , Chicago.
They furra sail other 3 for csy rldlmr. istylo
and durability ,
They are for sale by all Loading Car
riage Builders and Dealers throughout
the country.
For sale by
Henry Timken ,
Patentee andBuIlder of Fine Carriage ,
3C.O1TXS , - - HOCO.
Every Corset is warrautoJ satis
factory to its wearer in every way ,
or the mouoy will bo refunded by
tbo person from whom it TTOS bought.
The only Comet pronounced by our loiullncr physlclani
rot Injurious to tlio wearer , nnd endorsed liy loillu as
tha " most comfortable and perfect flttiug Coreet erer
L" * ° '
PRICES , by Moll , PoDtuno Paid I
Health Prcicrvlnic , 1.DO. Hclf-A.lJu.tlni , 1.SO
Abdominal ( extra henry ) # 2.00. Nur ! ng > * 1.50
Health 1'rcicrvlnff ( flne coutll ) $9.00. 1'arocoa
Bklrt-Huppartlnii , # 1.00.
For lalo by leading Kctull lltnlcrs CTerywherc *
CIHCAGO COltSKX CO , , CUlcofo. U.
Are acknowledged to bj the
best by all who have put tbem
to a pra 'tie d test , ; - . *
MFD & mi COAL ,
Pinny & Bradford ,
la ' Uke Uir
( Mcago A ffor
Trains Ka\o Omaha S.10 p. in. and
'or full informstloit call on II. I' 1 > UIHI : > , lie.
ut Agdiit. llth awl Farnain sta J 11KU > , U , 1' .
Ull ayDvpot. oratJAMhST Cl.Al'K Cenetal
2BCXJ2K , S3-3C" J3
Corner South and Locmt Streets ,
J. If. J1UUST. . . ; Prop.
Rooras , 75o , 81. CO and 81. 50 Pir Day
An elegant Keitauraat Is iouiiecto'1 with thli
ou.e , w here i-eil * are He i aimuuiblc iTlcei
eon Jay and nt.-ht , uild-m