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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1882)
THE DALLir BEE--OMAIIA SAlTJKDAF , AUGUST 5 , 1882 &D OO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware LHouse 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET , OMAHA . NEB. jr. - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND IIIULGK X Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Feb. ZROTIB : holesals Lumber , Hi , 14 ( F Fauliani Street , malm , M , THE MOLINE STOVE v&D Manufactured by They make a specialty ol COOKING STOVES , and have thli jcar placed In the market n i ot the MOVT UCO.VOM O AND SIObT SA rlSKACToBV STOVES cor made. They make both Plain ixnd extension top , and guarantee all their goods. Tlio agcnta ( or the company arc. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALEUS IN Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters HOC .A. KT IT XS 3Ci S3 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , \ HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. v 1211 FARNAM STREET. _ OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using Stoves and Banges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For aalo by MILTOK ROGERS & SONS. < - TVr A TCTA u jiill'iniclv " DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. PROPRIETORS TOWNt ARLINGTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Nebt 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E.MAN8 , BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , etromburj N * HALL HOUSE , A , W. HALL Loulivlllri OITY HOTEL , OHENEY & OLAI7K , Qlnlr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. G. MEAD , i Nollgh , Neb QRANO CENTRAL ? . SEYMOUR , Nabratka Clty/Nob MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P , I. . THORP , WeoplnKWater.He COMMERCIAL HOUO ! : A. O , OAARPEH , Hardy , Neb. QREENWO'JD HOUSE , W. MAYFICLO , , Greenwood , Neb ] COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clorlnda , low * ENO'3 HOTEL , C. L. ENO , Eremort , Ket1 EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , r\"c.b. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QIIUUB , Outdo Recd , No . 8UMMIT HOUSE , HWAN & BECKER , Orncton , It , HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO.OALPH , Exlra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BUROEB8 , Neola , It. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. wLLIAM3 | , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS , M , E. OUMMINQS , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'L. AVERY , Stan ton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Juritlon , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Ol-inchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F , M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DACNELL HOUSE , CHA8 , BAQNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINSHOUOE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , I * , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F.6TEARN6 , Odebolt. la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb. DOUOLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks , Nob. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GBEEN , Bedford la , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J M. DLACK & SON , MarjivllleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nib WINSLOW HOUSE Q. McOARTY , Seward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. 0 , JONES , Auroar Neb , OROZJER HOUSE O. R. OFIOZ'ER , Sidney , Neb , AVOCA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD , Avoca' la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Cap ) . JOHN FOSTER , Lewli a WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Grltwol DEPOT HOTEL , O , L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la. LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUSK , Logan , la , DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow City , la. JAGQER HOUSE , QQRE& SON , Denlion , la , RIDING WITH THE RANGSRS. 11Y COL. < 1EO. W. RYMONIIS. The present ranger torvico of Texas is nn outgrowth of the perilous times which marked the dawn of independence - dependence for tlio Lone Star ropub lie , The nuigor commands of the struggling revolutionists wore com posed of thoBo heroic spirits who tnndo a choice between liberty or death , nnd Mexican thraldom , nnd valiantly ac cepted the former alternative , They achieved liberty , but many mot death death in horrible form bravely facing the fee as did Crocket and his courageous bind in the Alamo. Dur ing the late war the Texas rangers made for themselves an undying re cord for heroism nnd courage. No better troops w or faced nn enemy. When the civil insurrection was quell- ml , nnd the great natural resources of the southwest began to attract the attention of immigrants , and capital sought investment in the Inng Star sUtu , the legislative power of the state wisely encouraged both Eiatorn Texas , rich in timbered and funning lands , WPS soon thickly settled by the rngor horde of rostlonsfottuno-suekera , nnd the advance iunrd pushed west to the | re t plains. Lvttlo Bottloiuunts and isolated ranches sprang up along the river nnd crook bottoms , nnd in the fertile canons wherever untor could bo found , Thcso pioneers hid oiib great enemy to contend against an enemy pitilcsn , bloodthirsty , cun ning , bold Lo ! Not the poor Indian of poutry nnd romance , but thojjronsy , dirty savagi * of the plains the Indian of real lito. They overran the western bolder , well armed und superbly mounted , robbery by trade , who did not scruple at murder if human hfu stood between them nnd n good bunch of liorao. So bold did these red ruflinna become that in 1874 , dur ing the administration of Qov. Rich ard Coke , now United States senator from Texas , the legislature appropri ated § 300,000 "to protect the border counties by suitable police organiza tion under direction of the state , " and under the supervision of Win Steelc , adjutant general , the present ranger acnico was organized under the name ot "Tho Frontier JJxttalion of Rangers. " Maj. J. B. Jones com manded the battalion , which consisted - od of six companies of sovunty-fivo men each. These companies were 3lliccred as follows : Ono captain , two lieutenants , three scrgo.ints nnd four corporals. The original number has been decreased from time to time un til at present the total ranger force , including ollicors , is 120 mon , scatter ed along the frontier. Until 1870 the rmvatca received S-10 per month , cor- ralb § 10. sorgo.vnta § 50 , lieutenanta 570 , captains § 100. This was exclusive of subsistence for themselves and iorago for their horses ; the men fur nishing their own arms , ammunition , liorsca and clothing. In 1870 the pay of the privates was reduced to 30 [ ) or month , and that of corporals to 535. Eastern Texas , which contains the bulk of the population of the state , needs no ranger protection , nnd the members of the legislature from that section are many of them op ppsod to the service and advocate its disbandmont. In 1870 the legislature appropriated $300,000 for frontier protection ; in 1878 , § 180,000 ; in 1880 , 5140,000 , each of these appropriations to pay the expense of maintaining the service for two years. So much good work has the ranger battalion done on the frontier , in ridding the state of predatory bands of Indians , that Con gressman Upaon , from the Boxer dis trict , introduced a bill in congress during the proaont session to refund the state ot Texas out of the national treasury the aum of $1,000,000 , which oho had expended in Itting out ranger expeditions against the Indians. This bill passed both houses of congress , and received : ho signature of the president. It was "eared by the friends of the rungois : hat the opposition to the service in , ho eastern pirt of the state in the ircaent legislature would prevent n 'urthor appropriation , und the .aliuns would bu disbanded. Since the passogo of the above mentioned relief ) il ) , hiwuvor , thoirsinking hopes were revived , and it is believed that the icrvico will bo reorganized nnd a much argor appropriation made by the log- alaturo for its maintenance than over jefore. There are still miny Indians n the "Panhandle , " camped in the leop gorges and canons of the Unudn- ope Mountains , From these secure otrcats they issue forth at irregular ntorvals to prey on the white settlers n that section of country lying bo- .ween the Pecos and the Rio 3 ran do. The present adjutant general - oral of the state , W. H. King , an old confederate soldier , io nriun ing to mass the available ranger 'orco In the state and proceed against the Indiana in person. When the war opuria lively time * mav ba ox- Deott d , rivaling thn bloody epoch that narked the Ohiof Yictori > t's brilliant und reckless dash uloii' ' , ' the frontier. At present the six ranger cjinpanies ire stationed as follows : A company , Dap tain G , W. Baylor commanding , at El Paso ; B company , O p'ainS , A , MoMurray , at Colorado City ; 0 corn- > any , Captain Geonjo Arnngton , on lied River , in the "Panhandle ; " D company , Captain L , P , Soikor , Un- aldo. E company , Captain 0. L , Nov- II , near Fort Davis ; F company , Cap- , MIT. . L. Ogolsby , Oaka , on the tfouoro * . Three of these companies , A , C and E , are in the Indian coun try , end are constantly battling with Lo , The other three companies are jn special duty. B company is pro tecting the Texas Pacific railroad from train robbers , a rquad of mon riding on every train : D company is keeping the "navvies ' straight on the ( lalvoston , Houston & Ban Antonio railway extension , the track ot which is steadily Hearing the Pecos river , and the F company ia doing fugitive work. It is impossible in rn nrticlo of this description to give oven a synopsis of the innumerable deeds of daring per formed by the rangers since the or- utilization of the frontier bittalion. If the history of the service is over written it will fill a good-suod volume. They have proven a terror to the In diana , and have been the means of breaking up many predatory bands. In fights with the rod robbers they have always had to contend with overwhelming numbers. In 1875 the rangers had two battles with that bloodthirsty ruffian "Lono Wolf , " IIP id chief of the Comanchos , in Los V lloy , York county , near the little villagti of York boro. About thirtj rangers mot n force c f upwards of 201) ) Indians' and vanquished them In the first tight the rnngOM Imd two mot killed and twenty or thirty wounded , In this battle the Indians were securely intrenched in a deep canon , but were rouloc from their stronghold nnd put to tlight. In the second fight the rangoti killed five Indians , mooting n force ol about 100 with only twenty men. Ono of the Indians killed was Rod Wolf , who proved to bo a white man upon examination of the body. When Victoria , the great chief of the Mes- culoro Apaches , swooped down upon the frontier at the head of 250 war- rlorii , splendidly mounted nnd armed , n detachment of rangers from Com pany A , under command of dint. Baylor , started out in pursuit. They struck his trail and nfter pursuing him about three weeks they were joined by ton mon from Company U , under command of Ltoutoimnt now Capl. Novill. NovilPa command had also struck the trail of ft poit'.on of Victoria's band , and for about ton days prior to joining Cnpt. H.iylor n ere close upon the heels of the red men , who were headed ton ml the Rio Grande. The Indians had lift behind them a trail of murder ing settlers nnd burning ranches all along the rond. Before the rangers overtook Victoria his mam body had crossed the Rio Otando. In Mexico they were mot nutl dis persed by Mexican soldiers , under command of Gen , Tonnssas. Victoria was killed and about seventy of his warriors. The remainder of his band scattered. A few small parties re- crossed the Rio Grande , to bo mot by United States soldiers , nnd were killed it captured. The remnant of the bnnd managed to reach thu Devil mountains. They arrived thither by i circuitous route , crossing the Rio lirando into Mexico nndrocrosnmg in- : o Tixus between EiiHo Spring nnd ) uitman Canon. The El Piiso > t Fort Javis stogo rend p.usoc through Quit- nnu Canon , nnd at the mouth of the canon the Indians mot the stage. They killed the driver nnd one songor and drove oil the stngo hoises , A few hundred yards up the canon the mini halted , killed a mule nnd cooked sonio of the flesh. The rangers were crowding thorn clopo , bo ng only a few houra behind , did the Indians pushed on to lain the friendly shelter of the inoun ains. For fifteen days they dodged imong the onions of the Sierra Di.i- ulo , and every hour the circle of rAiigora diow nearer Ono morning ibout daylight the Indian camp was discovered , and the rangers , with loud rcllu , charged upon the rod men. Six moks were killed nnd one squaw and ; wo papooses capturod. Many of thu 'iidinna were wounded , and with tightened yells ilcd and hid them selves among the rocks. In 1870 a detachment from K nnd D companion , under command of Lieut. Dan W. Roberts , mot a party of Co- nunches , under Little Bull. The ran ters , after u hot battle , kil id several of ho bucks und captured the chief , llu was taken to Austin , whore ho at- rncted n great deal of attention. Jittlu Bull was tried for his many : rimes and sent to the penitentiary or twenty-one years Confinement and hard labor broke him down , how ever , and death granted him a reprieve nsido of two years. Many small > unches ot Indians have been rounded up by the rangers , nnd largo quantities of stolen stock recovered. When the Frontier Battalion was organized the border counties of Texas were the homo of countless bands of desperadoes and outlaws , who robbed rains nnd stages , stole cuttlennd iprses , and occasionally , by way of diversion , killed n few men. The angers attacked those banditti in ihcir strongholds and "rounded up" whole binde. Sam Bass , the "Iving of the Cowboys , " was making himself i record as a bold and reckless robber when the lancers began to ooorato , nit it was not until 1877 that ho and iis gang ciuiio to Texas , after robbing a train on the Union Pacific railway jf 500,000. Baeo began operations n the Lone Star etnto by robbing n rain on the Texas Central railroad near ; Ioquitto , where ho realized $20,000. L'hid robbing \vas followed by others of lesser importance along the line of ho overland atagu route , between Dallas nnd Fort Worth. Ho was bold , lashing and reckless , and the rangers md some dilliculty in rounding him up. Corporal Wm. Scott , of B com- mny , was detailed by the commanding oflicor , Oapt. Poako , for special duty , ind instructed to join BASS' gang. lie lid so , and participated with them in a train robbery. Previous to the robbery the corporal sent word to the company to bo on hand at the point of attack on the train , but the rangers arrived on the spot too late , The nighi after the robbery the guiiK topped at the house ot "Old Han Collins , " in Dallas County ) ollins had thrno sons with Jass , und hi ) house wa a requout rendezvous for the outlaw Jorporal Scott was with the pun ) . About midnight IVako's rangers reached the house and attacked the looping robborH , Scott occupied a room with Pipes nnd Ilerndon , two of ho gang. When the rangcis broke ipon the door of the house , ho "pulled down" on his roomnutes w > th hid Winchester , and made thorn both pris oners. Both were tried in the United States court , nnd upon conviction of robbing the mails , weio sent to thu > onitontiary at Albany , N. Y. , for the orm of twenty years each. llorndon s still in confinement. Pipes was shot and killed about a your ago while rylng to escape , After the loss of lioso two men , Bass and his gang 'took to the bush , " and it was not until late in Ma , 1878 , that ho rangers overhauled him n Denton county , on Silt Crook. I'ho band were at dinner in a bushy hicket when the rangers charged .horn ana they ( led purcipilately , caving their horswi and eaddloj. Two of thu outlaws were slightly wounded. "Arkanuis .Johnson , " Bam Bats'lieu- onant , showed fight , and Private N. L. Jinkins ( the original Buffalo Bill ) shot him through the heart , A fuw days alter this fight the rangers ar rested one of Bass' gang , named Jim Murphy , Ho was suut to Austin , und , being pressed by the commander of the battalion , Major Jones , to bo- ray Bass , ho was accordingly set at liberty , and after regaining ho band gave information which resulted in the "round up" of the gang at Riund Reckon July 10 1878. The story of Bw' death is n familiar one. In the records of E company I find the following montioi of thn Round Rock MFair : "July 18th Lieutenant Reynolds nnd nine men loft cmp to go to Round Rock to meet Mnj Junes nnd assist in ef fecting the capture of S m Boss and party who were expected there to rob n bank. On the llHh previous to Lieut. Reynolds' arrival , Baso. Carnes nnd Jackson came into Rountl Rock , nnd their arrest was attempted bv Deputy Slierilfs Grtinos and Mooni. Bass nnd party killed Gaines nnd wounded Moore nnd tied , pur sued by Major Jones nnd Pri vates Connor , VVnro nnd llnrrold , of Compiny K , Frontier BUtnlion Ware killed Barnes nnd llnrrold wounded Mass , but Bass made his es cape with Frank Jnjkson. On the 20th , Sergt. Newell nnd eight mon of Lieut , Reynolds' squad wont in pur suit , captured Bus nnd returned to Round Hock , guarded him until the 21st , when ho died from the ullocts of the wound ho received on the 1'Ui ' , " Thus ended the ciroorof the cowboy's idol , whom they have iinmortitiiEcd in u rude ditty , the refrain of which is : Ho tir t cnmo out to Texan , A cowliny for to lie , A kinder hearted follow \ m Bcnrcoly oxer see. Of thu llvu r.uigora principally in- atrumontal in breaking up BaaV gnutt , ono only is still in the service , N. L Jinkins ( "HulKilu Bill" ) , who in at Inched to company B. Scott is work ing on u railroad , Connor is herding sheep , Ware is Shurih" Mitchell : ounty , and llnrrold commands n bat talion of Mexican troop * in the slalo of Ohihunhui. From time to timu iftcr Buss' ' death members of his bind were captured in different sections of ho country , until now only ono man , Jim Underwood , is atill ut large. Ono > f the loss notorious gangs broken ip by the rangers was the 'Scott-Conloy" gang , in Gilks- > io county. Scott Cooley , the oader , was once n ranger. Jo killed n man while in the scrvtco and deserted. After remaining in concealment some time , he got to gether n band of mon ns despurato as limsulf nnd sot up in business ( ia n cattle stenlur. Ilia doprmlc- iotis were principally among thu Our- nans. It is enid that ho killed no ess than twenty mon , OLCO in Fredericksburg - oricksburg ho killed n German deputy her ill' , scalped thu body , nnd uitli thu gory trophy in his hand piradud the itreuts , llu would enter a naloon , brow down thu scalp nnd demand drinks for the pirny , whioh worn ilwajs forthcoming. After remaining n the town nil day ho left nnd n larty i\a3 raised to follow him. io killed povenxl of hit pursuers , ] ut lie rcat to flight , and rode leisurely off. Corporal 0. E. Robinron , Corn- > any E , and n oquad of mon , "round ed up" a portion of "Billy the lud's" ; ang , in Tom Green county , on the . 'econ rivor. Ono of the desperadoes was the terrible ' 'Mysterious Dave , " vho is wanted for murder and robbery n nearly every utato nnd territory west of the Mississippi river. "Mys- oriolis DAVO" eecapud from the jail at H > rt Concho nnd n ttill at Inrgo. The rangers captured thu noted des- ) orado nnd murderer , John Wesley larding. Thov broke up the "Peg licg" ganu of stage robbers in Man- arc ! county , nnd killed nnd captured , ho "Josio Evans" gang , of "Lincoln county war" notoriety. Jesse Evans wus a partner of the notorious "Billy . Kid" for several nnd .ho years , par ticipated in all the battles of the cow- ncn in Lincoln county. Of the other bands "rounded up" by the rangers may bo mantionod the "Dick Tutts" gang , in Travis county ; the "Bill llodding" gang , in Llano county ; the 'Taylor" gang , in LimposoH county ; , ho "King Fisher" gang , in Mouriok county ; the "Bono Wilson" gang , in 3rath county , and hundreds of indi vidual operators The rangers rarely 'ail in capturing the men they go after. Ringers , an n muni thing , aru young FuxatiB who adopt the lifo from love of ndvonturo nnd uxcttcmont. There xro representatives from overystutu in ho union in thu ranks , however. While on duty the r.mgor is a formid able looking object in his frontier Irt'ss and broad-brimmed sombrero , no lieuls ornamented with great Mexi can spurs and his belt bristling wilh roapons OH'duty ho is n good look ng , plensant-naturod follow , with a. determined gkam in his flishing eye , ho only r minder of the field always with him. When ho visits the "sot- .lomontB1' . which journeys are made whenever ho is fortunate enough to ct a furlough lip is usuilly thu lion > f the day , und is obliged to light over tin battles for the benefit of his rionds and admirers. Ho rarely dee .his . unless strongly prcKsed to do so , 'or ' , like all bravo men , the ranger has v modcnty about recounting his own deeds. Around the cnmp fire , however - ever , in thu midst of ) iin compiiiions , m brushes up his recollection and spins nuuy u j aru of pcnloin ndvun- urjand -oklotfl daring. The mrvico ms n fnciimtton for him which hn finds t diflijuli to ovnrcom ? , niid many .ingcrn in the ranks to-tiay xnliBtod vhen thu battalion waslirel orgum/.jd 'romotion is usually in the line of luty , and nearly nil the men coin- nanding compuiina now were unco > rivntc in the ranks. When in camp ho ranker lives well , aclling his extra rations , and wi'h the money thus ob- .lined purchasing many little luxuries n the way of canned goods , preserved ruita , etc. On the scout ho makes e. icarty meal oft salt moat , broad and coduo , rolls hitnsolf j in his blanket , with only the canopy of Heaven for u out , and Bleeps soundly , lie seldom Buffers from ill hottlth and is never roubled with indigestion , Ho lout ! M ho gats plenty of water for himaolf and horse ho never troubles himsulf about thu food problem. The great ilains ever which he rang03 teem vith game , und ho has no dilliculty in jotting plenty of venison , wild urkey and buffalo , Ho cooks his neat in u primitive manner over a lire of bullalo chips or mitquitto brusli , washes the repast down with often .lines indifferent water , und makes up or any deficit in the meal by diuam- ly picturing to himulf the good hings ho will have when camp s reached , us ho Blrolchos buck on his jlankt't and lazily pulls his pipe or cigarette. Ho is happy when fresh nuittn "eigri" is plenty , and positively lilarious when a ' 'round-up is mude ind the order "ohargo" is given. Vith a ringing cheer lie dancee down upon the fee , and every crack of his carbine means death to an enemy , If hq Indiana are strong in point of \ AHD afriiV fcA/ft * * * * t * VTr * * * * M * MfTr v > DM : B JL mJL * J W m Mining and Milling Company. Vorklhi ; CVl'lUl . . . . . . . , - isoo.ooa ItMSiAck , V luc ot SturM , - - - ( - . . . 125 , STOCK : FULLY PAID CJP AKD NON-ASSESSABLE Located In IJRAMKL MINING DISTRICT. OH. J. I , THOMAS , I'lmMrnt , OummlniVv WV. t : TILTO.N , Vle < > .Ptt llpnl , Cnn nin * , Wjromlnt K N. IIAUVVnUt ) , Mrctrtkiy , Oi nin , M \ i-mlt jf , * . 'J. IjUN , Ttniwairi , 0'iininlnf ' , | Df. J. I. Thoiu i r.cnil > Mllltt \V llntnel A n. DnnB. N. U wlp Zolmm. mel Cm OKO . ! V , CK ; V , , \ i > i. t < 3r Si' ' i 0M > .i n ' ! .ir 1 1 o , % > , . that trill not Matltrit tl , , forliarartrrl ttro } ntlicr < rnu ) > rri > tirnta > iit. . : lnmyinirii | a < > l Uiyrn " . - - 'nil ' Ui ( nVn Inn rvMiltfl tfiAt Hii. GKNll.KMLN . IV ' . - lnr w ii > l Nirtotw l'n l - < lim , I rmalu IhtNumi. Df-i pnl , in.l lmi iTpr. lyitiililIan of thnMnkl\Illsiiwrl M n mixlj IIM , In mr Mmd , U > A. | minin wimdnrlul ctinvi. Ciuv th t h i . ilmnnnol nur tni t pmltHiit | > lir ki rw h TO jlolilwl tu Miin crral ml Inromtinrablo rrmnl ; I iirrtenlx U In lin'fi.rvnro Ui HJ lrtmi > rtixu ( lon m lo. In furl. Mich & compmiml M 1)'L HAIIT > U'H IIUIN Tcwioli nc- . comiUr In Ilir l > ri > ctln' . Pit UOIiltUI' HAM11K.I.S.11M AV h Atn , M l m | Mci.Nnr. t" ' natural tifalt lifHl tnnf In ] tirrron filttfin , > ak iiiy V { f apntirahtri to tlrticrali JMillltl/t IAH * of , lt > pr-\ \ tlttlrotrnHan of Vital ] lrrrs m : f JmimtfneeJ MANUFACTURED BV THE DR. HAKTEtt MEDICINE CO. . 213 N. MAIN ST. , ST. LOUIS. THUS PATiIT lOEHf ELEYi E. M. MAXWELL FREMONT NEB . . , , , , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following mlvnnti gcs nro claimed fur llil 1'nllnj : IT is HTliONnKll nnd inoro durnlilc , nwlii ) * : 1. To tlio ill unconf Hhrinkngu Rlrniiih. li. 'In tliu Incioinvd mini- JOT < if nurH 3. To the fnct Hint the rim ! < inmli itroiiKti ilmn tlin ciit. ritn. IT IS [ IKlTtll 1IAI.ANCKI ) . IT 1H MUL1I I HlllTHt. ll HAVI H II I/11NO. IT IH CIIFAl'MI. There ,1 no ttungurof bienlm u iii Imndllni ; wlini Fhiiitil | | IOOK.Ilien Hhlpiiid IIIOPO tli y nro gonotnllv ncccplcd an tlidd-clnn' frul lit inntuid of lirDt-clndx , nud an the ucight fa only unc-lihlf Unit of ciiRt ViilloyH the fr iRht l Rtll | further reduced. WK OUAIIANTEE THKM to perform mtlpfartorlly nuy work from the llijhtect to the heaviest. Srr.n I'ULLMH from 1'2 to 48 inchex dianutcr only. I'uHcyH of wider fnco than IB'-lnth nro provided with two ( t8 urnm without oxtia irn. W o supply each I'nlloy with two pot-ucrowa without extra clmrie. ALSO- I for Patent Hot MM OUR OLA.lM.t3. Whnt wecUlm for our PATENT HOT rousiiii ) SHAFTIMI is : ] t. Tliut it [ H round nml HtriiKht. tid It can liu acciiiutuly rolled to any < lo ireil nu e. : U. 'I'luir itH ni fiico boiiiu coiniioiud of nmnnotiu , xiil.i of Iron ohvlnto < any un due tendency to rut' ' or tnrnthh , wnilu it at tin same time gives one of tlio host jiiurnal or lienrhiff xiufiicuH o\er dlnnivuruil. 4th. That it xvill not wurp or uprinj , ' in lcy HentltiK1 , Mil. That It in made of the \eryi'nt _ of rcfineil stoclt furtlu < i pirtlculurH , price list antl diacuuat.feuil to K. M. MAXWELLS Foundiy nnd l\lmhini > Slujj , Froinont , Nub. and ahon fight , hu boconua inttuiiiurphoicd into u doinoti nnd ohortB no introy. Ho kninvH from ex- wrii'iiou that doatli ia thu bust Indian : , nud hu m not uatmliud whuu in uttuuk id lu.idi ) on u buiiuh of bucks f ho returns to camp without novurnl Bculps dangling from hia saddlu. Ono rangur whom I It now W.IB born ind raiuud in ono of tlioau duup cnnoni whioh owoup duivn from thu > ruat ulknli plains to thu bunks of thu ) rnokinh J'eroa. Ho haa fought fn- diana oinou lui was ublo to hnndlu a riflu , and ono of a family of SLVJII or oiiht ; boyd and girls ho in thu only ono viio has usotpcd thu Btulping knifu of hu rodnnin. His mother was shot ind sualp d whun ho VVIIH a baby in .ho . cradle , und thu eiiitor who wuu nurd ihun n iiiothar to him nun uur- nod n4iiiy on thu Naddlo of u luvil when hi : luy panting nnd PBS , mmndcd in hulf-do/.u.i plucji- , nutcnk from lous of blood tiur , lie WOB loft for ( lend , und could unlj jruiithu , \ terrible cunso u uiuut hn would-bo murdurLTfl as they galloped away. Ho afturwards loarncd Ihu ate of that duur uinlur , UofuHiiig to ucrifico her purity and wonmnhood fcr ho hellish gratification of JILT captor , ho was coolly disumbowulud arid lunjj up by the lieula to u black jack reo. > Vhon this brother , Btill weak rein hr.U > hualu'J woundo , etartcd upon ho trail of thu red doyils ho cuino upon the Hhrunkon body of his inur- lured titter utill swinging from the ruo-liinb. Hu buried the attenuated orm BO deeply loved , unda ook later oined thu rim guru Ho is utill u 'oung ' man , butfricf { hasuid | ( hia face und silvurtd his hair. Ho nuvor niilis , und micnis to Iiavu but ono ibjuot in lifu , to kill UB many Indiana a poseiblu , Ho eparca neither old tor young , chief nor bia\o , KJUIUV nor Kipyuust. Ia it any wondur that hois IIUH murcik'FS , or that the stock of iia curbinu ia thickly notched with the .ally . of his dead enoniiufc ? Another anger of my acquaintunco nouiiib o inhurit hii fondnuua fur the crvicu , and ho will probably bo a anger when ho diea , His grand- uthor was u ranger when Texas wus a tloxiciin province , and died beside 'rockott in the Alamo , His father prang to the dofoneo of the Blurs and > ar0 , ut the head of a company of 'rough riders , " and the morning sun dssed hia dead face upturned to the ky on Ohickauiaugu'a field , This ranger , with a ranger pedigree , is ono of the boat mon in the service , and liau iilromly dinliiiKuiahud hiinaulf by many nets df heroism , To particular- i/.o uuy individual act of ranger bravoty would bo to do every other ranker an injustice Livint ; in the midal of dangui , a man is not long in tinmirvico before ho buconies the hi ni iif somu daring adventure. Ilia dv < n\t \ of bravery are of eiich u'luntluea number that ] > est j'uctu history will full to notice oven the moro proiuinunt OonsciLiitioub- ly dciiiif > his duty and during nil danger - gor , ho jiavus the way for the onward inarch of Unit irream iiilo tulo of civ ilization continually rolling toward the nutting nun ; and when hm lifu work IH ended , und the d dully bulltit of the red mini putH out iliu livlit of his ) oiiny , bruvu liu- , IIID comrudi-H will litt up tin ) lifok-na bi'dy ' with tender li indn und ' Ou the rntky l-au1 K of I'ccoa Tluv "ill lay liimdiiwn to rc t , With lila kimpnclc for a pillow , And liia t'11" ucrous hlx linait. " Woman's True Frioud. A frienit in need is a friend indead. Thla nonu can deny , u pec ially when usaihtancd ! H reuilored when one In ton-ly afllictod with , diueane , muru iiartlcnlarly thoee com- plalniH and wunkucHBea no common to our fomula poiiuliitioa , Jivory woman uhould know that IMuotrio ItlttoiH are woman's Irnu friend , and will poxitively roatoro her to health oven when all other remedies fail , A siiHjlo trial always proves our as sertion. ' 1 hey nro pleasant to thx tnate , unit only coat fifty coutu u bottlo. Bold uy C. F. Oooilman S200.00 REWARD ! Will bo paid for the detection and con viction c-f any person Belling or deal ing in any boi-us , counterfeit or imita tion Hoi' JJrriKHH , especially liittozs or prepuiutioiis with the word IIor or Iloi'K in their nunio or connected therewith , that is intended to mislead nnd cheat the public , or any prepara tion put in uny form , pretending to bo the same ua HoiUimits : , The gen- nine hove a oluater of GKEKN Hoi'a ( notice this ) printed on thu white label , and uro the purest und best medicine on oarlh , oupccially for Kid ney , Liver and Nervoua Diseases. Bo- wnro of nil others , arid of all pretended formulas or rt-cipes of HoiIhrrans published in pupors or for sale , us they nro frauds and swindles , Whoever - ever deals in any but the genuine will bo prosecuted. Hot * BITTKUB Hro. Co. , jy224m lloohoater , N. Y-