Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Inflated * krti ! ftro looming ! '
I'enUn manye li n color which keeps It
fifror In the world of fusion.
Oachemlre i > * ttorn band * nro qnlto I
favor , and T likely to bo more no M tb
autumn approaches.
"Send me nil the dreses n woman liji
worn In the course of her life and 1 wil
write her biography from them.
And then we drew our clinira neat to
pettier like two achool children , one know
ins the lesson nnd teaching It to the
Black failleo , satins , poplin * , watered
Bilk , nnd also thinner materials , uch ns
grenadine' , ftlk gauze * , nnd lulle , arc ftl
in high fashion.
A Baltimore man put his ft ) in aruund a
etrnnse lady to help her on n tar , nnd nexi
time he wanted to pee the hour he found It
was no o'clo I : with him.
A New Orleans girl , suing for breach ol
promise , plnces her damages at 31. J"ho
allowed him tu hug her but imce , and then
he spoiled a new lace collar ,
A fcirl whoncU out to look sraceliil in
hammock has an much work on hand
the man who tried to bo languid with n
uv-log following lilmdo n liill.
lllghlecn women met together at Whltoj
watirVis. . , nnd prayed for rain , ana
when the rain descended Reventooti of
tlicm ncreamed beca o they hail no urn
India ? .
Auconllnn to ti recent decision In Iowa
Ih-'girl cun retain any preconls made her
by lover whom she give * the cold Bhako.
Jewelry for that state will be made very
light after this.
"Swtet iiixtcen" la all bosh when rcler-
ring t a girl. At that ago slio U thoMog-
e t and mod impudent of any period of
her life , being lee old to spank and not old
enough to box her mother.
A Jersey City woman thought to trap
her husband by flirting with him on the
street , and when he had given blmtoli
dead awar he felt ao cheap that ho tried
to drown himself in eighteen inches of wa
ter.The thing now for city girls rusticating
in the country Is to whittle miniature hay
racks out of white wood nnd Bond them to
their admirers in town. Thin probably
flignifiej "Come and make hay whllo the
aun shines.
A nice ju-'ge , when asked why ho hod
allowed a totally unnecoisary Iemalo wit
ness to take the stand and testify , said : "I
knew that it was not mccmary , but I saw
thnt she had a new bonnet and was striv
ing to show It. "
A fetnilo lawyer of Milwaukee v/ould
not cease repeating question * which the
judge had ruled ottt , and wis threatened
with Imprisonment for contempt. I'lion
she went out of the room in tear * , and in
fused to reappear in the trial.
A Kentucky lover , who swore by the
ereat horn spoon that ho'd like to die for
his girl , stood on the river bank nnd aw
another chap pull her from the water , nnd
never even offered him 1C cents reward.
The "laiit sweet thing" In crime is a girl
burglar , or "burglarc , " 17 years of uge.
She committed the offense In Brooklyn , in
order to got the mcaniol purchasing linory
t' wear to Coney island. Instead HIO ! got
twelve months nt another island , called
Ulackwoll'B , where no finery Is worn.
11 am ashamed of the effeminacy of my
sex , " said a female orator. "Look nt
your fripperies and superfluities ! Why ,
for instance , do you need paranoia , when I
never used one ? And a pet minx nn
awercd : "Bcciuuo you arc on the shady
tide of life. "
Beails arc ai much thqngo on over. In
almost every shapennd in every shade of
color they glitter on dress , wn p , fjltivea ,
parunol and slipper. Thla mania is qtlito
< a rroAt abroad ai with us , judging Irom
the appearance of a Parisian costume
ilately arrived.
At a fair of the Congrcgntlouallst church
at Palestine. Texas , forty young women
gave an exhibition drill with fans , showing
how gracefully and bewitchlnglv these ar
ticle can bo used. Then the fans were
sold by auction , the prices depending on
the oopularltyof lt contributor , the wliolo
prolit reaching $350.
Of all the modes of bonnets Introduced
In the beginning of the aeason , the one
which hao proved the moit popular U the
trim llttlo French bonnet of last year , In
vaiious modifications : the capote , the
iauuty llttlo princess , and a shape much
.resembling the Marie Stunrt bonnet , but
not so pronounced In Its pointed dent upon
the brim.
" 'Georgia Cracker , " nnd the 'Western
Iloonior , ' nnd I have for you Rnmo of the
cxpierslonsof the "Down-east Yankee. ' I
have recently been vlailiiu the mount tins
of Maine and Now Hampshire , and while
enjoying the sights myself , collected HOIIIO
of the Bounds for you ; they are In this
book , " nnd she handed mo a small memo
"You can lug that off with you" i
mind you , and not tote as the ( southerner
would nay , nor tack , a Jii western man.
"Why , how you talk ! " I responded , as
my eyes fell on that quotation in thu llttlo
book , "Yen , " laughingly , HIO rejoined ,
"that is cne exprecblon of fcurprleo , nnd I
want to know IB another , with there ! sure ,
and du tell I for mild exclamation of won
der. "
Tlio ehort skirts for the summer arc trim
mcd at the edge with voluminous ruches ,
chicorecs , thell plaits , coqulllon , and the
like , either ot the same or a different ma
terial. Many skirts nro trimmed nearly
to the waist nil nrouud ullkc , nr have dlf <
fcrent arrangements for lliufi out nnd back.
Buparatod by panels. Those trimmed all
aruund are Invariably ncc < mpaulcd by the
Spanish ecnrf tied at the back , and draped
at the extreme edge of the pointed bodice ,
or juMt under the bntquo which fall over
the skirt.
Blcovos are excessively nhort , and ( ; love
corrunpondluly ; long. lrcss sklrta nro
Hhrinkluj upward , buiug nliort enough all
around to tlUpiay the Imndsomn tlntod
aud embroidered stocking , as well as the
shoe. Boots nro seldom worn with even
ing dresK , and satin is tliu fiworltn matorlal
for the vc rv fas' ( unable Beatrice sandals ,
many of which have floral designs painted
on the front , nnd occasionally along the
sides as well , A iirctty foot looks tut
better with n Hat decoration than to bo
heaped up with bows , rosette ? , and huge
buokles. Hut when then ) Is little or no in *
atvp , and the foot has no arch , the add !
tlon of these loops nnd clasps is , of course ,
an Improvement ,
It is getting to bo quite the fashion this
summer to wear the waves of fabo hair
over the forehead which but a short time
ego were looked upon by most ladles as too
stagey and wlg-llko to be endured , Kveu
thBO who Wirs obliged by the scarcity of
their locks to 'Witch "
own resort to a ,
which they twisted in with their own back
hair , had still ttrung dislike to anything
in the hhape of coiffure or bandeau for the
front of the head. La lies who find it im-
| ) OM lhle to keep their own tresses In crimp
nt the seaside ire , however , taking to
these tubstituttn , one after another , after
overcoming a very natural prejudice
agaimtt them. These artificial waves
and suort water-curls are now made BO
Ingeniously that It Is almost Impossible
to tell who does und who does not wear
them ,
Wllhelmj hsa returned to 1'uropo from
Australia ,
Rice's Surprise Party will produce n
burkbfjue operetta , entitled "Queen of the
Clrctm , " next season ,
Mile , Ifouke von Itabarz , n Hungarian
planet , pupil of Llzt , chose to make her
American debut in Chicago.
Managers Maurice Gran and M , 1) ) , propose to join forces for a ttpod-
ally campaign in Mexico.
Jiteph Murphv begins his season early
in BepUuiber , HU nuccess lust year was
the greatest he had ever achieved.
. J , 11. Kosewuld will bo the conductor of
the Abbot Opera company and Mine.
Julia Kotcwald will remain with the corn-
' 'Mary Andersen , " i yi the ungallaut
Cincinnati Gazette , "has got the para
mount qualification of successful acting
big mouthing , ranting declamation. "
Atmee wa nearly forty when Jim Fisk
imiiorte < l her over here In 1870 , Now the
will masquerade nrotu/d the country as
gushing young thing of twenty-five ,
Alice Gates brought back from Part
n lot of now wardrobe and new oi > era
with which she will strive to regain los
popularity. Her season opens in Boston
August 21 ,
Stratus' opera , "The Queen's Lace
Handkerchief , " is founded on incidents in
the llfo of CrevantcR , * nd Sancho I'anza
and Don Qulxato are personages in the
drama ,
Might thousand * lx hundred nnd thirty
singers from nil parts of ( termany have
already announced their Intention of tak-
ng part In the German Singers' festival , to
> e held nt Hambnrg.
Mini Clara M , Spence. who has done
wrll In "Hazel Klrkc , " will have a chance
logo forward during next reason. Her
namiger will place her In two or three
other characters.
The Life of Ole Bull , which Mrs. Ole
litill ti writing , will contain , besides a
steel of the great violinist , sov-
iral enxravlng * from pnntooraphi , show-
ng Mr , Bull' * rrcthod of holdlug the vio-
Lawrence Barrett Is considering an offer
o lead n great revival nf Julius Ciciar ( ai
? aslus ) at the Lyceum theater In London
when Mr. Irving comes to America. Mr.
iarrott has been having a glorious visit In
juidon , whence ho goen to Paris anil
hcnco to Stratford.
The Italian opera troupa of Mr. Maple
on , lien led by Mine , Paltl , will' follow
bout the same routine as IU predecessoro
inder tbo satno management. The first
ubscrijition Beaten In Nrw York will be
ucceedcd by a nine weeko * ton * . To
onto , CanaJii , will bo visited for the first
line , arid the company will appear mi
iltherto iu Boston , Philadelphia , Chicago ,
it , Loulrt , Cincinnati , Jtaltlmorc , Wash-
ngton , Uuffalu nnd Pittcburg , As unual ,
Iso , opera will be given once n week in
iruoklyn. nnd the su'mcription book will
> e opened there very soon.
(3o ( Awayl
.onilon Society. )
Vlth a bumpy swish and a curdled roar ,
Sweet Mary's churn goes drumming ;
Toung Kcubcn leans on the low hall-door ,
And hopes that tlio buttcr'a coming ;
'hen sighs and sighs , and drops his eyes
What words can Ins feelings titter ?
O , drop down In the churn , he cries ,
"And make mo Into buttorl"
he routs her hands , nnd gnzing stands
At xound of hU words' vagary ;
'hen pllos the staff with a lightsome
laugh ,
" 0 , go nwayl" saya Mary ,
f n mnidcu'it word means aught , they say ,
The opponllo nemo l In it ;
0 Hcubon finds in her "Go ttway ! "
A "just corno in a minute. "
1 hop' , " snys he , "I may make so free , "
With a grin arid a nervous ntuttur ;
My answer should bo to your cant , " nays
Bhc ,
"If I could but leave the butter. "
[ Is arm on the shelf that holds the dolf ,
lie looks ncroni the dairy ;
Shall I go to her tide ? Shall I dare her
prldu ? "
" 0 , KO away ! " saya M ary.
lo takes the hint , and ho takes a kiss ,
With feiUH and inward quaking ;
lie does not take what hu takes amis * ,
Nor Boem iu nn awful tuklng , *
iwcet IclsafH ho taken BO loud und fatt
That ho takes her breath campletely ;
lo tnkos her tigiit in bin arms at last ,
And xtill she taken It sweetly !
The heart of thu boy U wild with juy ;
He 1ms won her hid bride , his fuirv :
'I'll go outright for the ring to-night1' !
"O , go away ! " BajH Mary.
The Hev. Joseph Cook Is now in China.
The Kngllsh clergy list contains 20,000
names , being a gain of 0,000 iu the last
wcnty-two > card.
There are thirteen Baptist associations
n Maine. They contain 257 churches ,
with a total membership ot 20,037.
The llov. Jumca Freeman Clark has
icard Siiurgoon preach lately In London ,
and it In sttd that ho waa not delighted
with him.
The Lutheran church rhowa the largest
icr contago of growth cf nny Proto-tant
denomination iu New York namely , 400
per cunt.
The revlxioii of Luther's ion of
ho bible id oxuected to appear soon. Six
ecu of the original revisers have died tirire
he work begun In 18C > 3.
The ] lev. Charles L. Thompson , 1) . I ) , ,
if Plttsburg , has received n call to the
Second Presbyterian church of Kansas
City , nnd has aooptcd ,
The tenth meeting nf the national con.
'eri'iiL-e of Unitarian nnd other Christian
churches will Iu hold at Saratoga Springs
in the week beglmilrg September 18th
next ,
Mexico has proved a very encouraging
lold for the Methodists mid thu Prcsby-
crlans. Nearly one-third of the foreign
mission members of the Presbyterians Iain
hat country.
A memorial church is to be built nt
Siiiros on tlio Jlhlno to commemorate the
Hot held there In 152) ) , whou six Gorman
irinces and fourteen towns obtalno I the
lame of "Protestant * ] " for the members ol
the now Kvaugiillo 1
A clcrgymnn nt St. Jotoph , Mo , , toltx
ils people tlut he would as noon nee them
ilnying poker a base ball. He says that
ktun keeps the score. Thin Is n fearful
llg nt thu reporters.
Theological rtflection ! ' 'Yes , null , " said
irudderJohiiflng , "Kf do descendants of
la rooutrr what uiowo 1 nt Peter wat to
nako n iioho ebcry tlroo n He la told , der
vnuld be such a noise In do world dnt yor
couldn't hoili de hens cncklo "
List Wednesday Mr * . S. 1J. Hayes , of
. 'eorln , hcirdrxvhipnod Mr. W. A , ] te-d , uu
tuclinneor , for reflecting upon her bibav.
or ut a revival nieetlnjr. When Mrs.
iLtyua Kt-Ulier harp thu little angels on
ho small clouds might better climb fur the
rear seats ,
Were the Iowa liquor law to ho strictly
enforced no wino o > uld lie obtained for
communion hervicea , as there In no excep.
Ion to the prohibition. The churches are
n < . quandary in to their duty in the mat-
er. nnd it IB likely thai In umst iustanceu
mfermented grapo-julce will Lo usoil In.
tend of wine ; but thn Presbyterians of
Vlnton hayo voted to defy the law , unJ to
rdemuify the druggist who sells to them.
A Council Blulfrt little boy swore a swear
nd hU mumuia washed his mouth with
oap and water , Again , on the following
lay , the youngster aivore ngalu. His
nothcr hoard it und hu know It ; uu lie rune
o the kitchen , made tome soap-suds and
.rank thfin. The doctor arrived iu time
o save him , and now , his mother bring
frald to wanh bla mouth again , the little
UBI Bwears like n pirate.
At n recent morning service at Mr.
Jeecher's church a young lady fainted and
was carried into the lecture room , and lay
unconscious BO long that an uther request.
: d Mr. Needier to call f or u Burgeon , which
10 did. Proceeding with the Scripture
cadlng for a few minutes , and perceiving
10 response to hit call , he looked up wlthn
uerry twinkle in bin weather eye and ro-
narked : "Is there no physician present ?
hen the patient will probably recover. "
\ml uho dkl
It I * related of n Maryland deacon whose
icaehes first in the Now York market
liat , having cormmuy at his farm house
ue eveniug recently , u terriiio thun.
ler-storm tuiuo on and hook things up
worse than un explosion in a crockery
tore. Everybody was thoroughly fright-
uwl , and dlre.tly after a. blinding Hwh
1 , ° , ° f V10 , vl lto anxiously naked ;
Friondi ) , don't you thiuk we had bettor
: neel and ask for protection ! " "No ,
Urother Jones ; no , " protested the deacon ;
"I have ju t had a lightning-rod put on th
house at an expense of S3G , and I propoi
we hold oft and give her a fair ihow to c !
business 1"
An clTcotlvo medicine for kidno
diseases , low fevers nnd nervous proi
tration , and well worthy of a trial , i
Brown's Iron Hitlers.
( Snooeotor to D. T. MonntO
Manufacturer anil Dealer In
Saddles , Harness , Whips
Moa , Dusters and Turf Qoods
OE3CKI".riONH. !
Agent foJat. . IU Hill A Co. ' *
"The Boat in The World. "
Ordero Solicited. OMAHA , NEB
me ly
, ,
And all Polutt Eoit andWouth-Entt.
Nearly 4,000 inllcfl. Solid Smooth Stool Tracki
All ccnnectlona are inado In UNION DbPOT8.
t haa a Katlonal Kopntatlon 8 bolni ; the
real Through Oar Line , and la universally
conceded to bu the FINEST EQUIPPED Rail ,
road In thn world for all classes of travel.
Try It and you will flnd traveling a Inxurj
natoad of a rllacnmfort.
Through Ttcketa via rhla Celebrated Line foi
sale at nil MM con In the West.
All Information about Rates o Fare , Sleeping
Car Accommodations , Time Tablea , iic. , will If
cheerfully given by applylnlnic to
2d Vlco-l'res't & Gen. ManaconCblcago.
Oon , Pasacn or Art. Chlcairo ,
Gen Agent , Conncll UluDi.
11. I' , DUKLL , Ticket Agt. Qmaha
"Only Dyspopil.i , Doctor , " ulrl a patient to
Miorncthv.Vh t would you haver said the
groatpuntuon "the pUijiie ? ' Indirectionli tbo
lourco of counllrnrnorlal ulicnn. . Check It
onrly wlthTAnruNT'H UF.LTZXR Ai'KiiiKiiTanil ci
capuxt atico Hi preHon' , asconlcs and Its probable
cjn umonces , If ncirlcctoJ.
Embody now 1882 Impr > vemonta. Mor ,
prnotionl Iwurun ; Cost loss to Lceii In
rder ; Ueo loan fuolt will gitu more heat
nd a larger volume ol pure air t' n any
uruace made ,
Sold by HEUOE Y & lilt ADFOHl ) , Omaha , Noli.
J the Ranaielacr Polytech-
nTo Initltute , Troy , N. Y. Tlioul tett nicliieer >
UK school Iu America , Next term begliiii Hep-
iMiilicr 14th. Thu roltt r for 18S2 contains a
iitol tlio trradtutea ( or the p t 65 ytar , with
heir poultloni ; l o , c > uri t ( tudy , ri | Ulro ,
uicnta , esiHingon , etc. Ad'lrou '
. iTtwIiii
10.1-0 Oirontor ,
: ' 33
Murray & Lanman's
DlauK uieraoennip roles ( or the antl-moupolt
( Avue , containing nUtemunt of principle met-
( da or procedure and Instructions how to organ-
to will Ixxiut on application to U , 11. ( file
Jclroy , Nib. Knclota ttamp , niH.l
A great many people are asking
what particular troubles DROWN'S
LITTERS ii good for.
It will cure Heart Disease , Paral
ysis , Dropsy , Kidney Disease , Con
sumption , Dyspepsia , Khcunutism ,
Neuralgia , and all similar diseases.
IU wonderful curative power is
simply because it purifies and en
riches the blood , thus beginning at
the foundation , and by building up
the system , drives out all disease ,
A Lady Cured of Rheumatism.
Daltimore , Me ! , , May 7 , iBSo.
My health w much ihatterecl by
Rheumatltm when I commenced
taking lltown's Iron Uillers. and I
scarcely had ttrenpth enouch to at
tend to my dallv nomehold duties.
1 am now mri ! the third bottle and I
am regaining strength dally , and I
cheerfully recommend it to all.
I cannot > ay too much In praise
of It , Mrs. MAUY E. HKASII BAH.
173 1'rulmanit.
Kidney Disease Cured ,
Chriitlansburg , Va. , iB3i.
SulTerinz from Vldney disease.
from which I could eet no relief , I
tried Ilrown'i Iron llittcrj , which
cured me completely. A child of
mine , recovering from scarlet fever ,
had no appetite and did not seem to
be able to eat at all. iRavehlmlroa
Bitten with the happiest results.
Heart Disease.Vine
Vine St. , H.inijburfT , Pa.
Dec. a , 1881.
After trying different physicians
and many remedies for palpitation
of the heart without receiving any
benefit , I wasadvised to try llrown's
Iron Hitters. I have used two bottles
tles and never found anything that
Cave mo so much relief.
For the peculiar troubles to which
ladies are subjcft , BROWN'S IRON
BITTERS is invaluable. Try it.
Be sure and get the Genuine.
Kn gllah rcm-
edy. An un
failing euro
i for Seminal
Woakncsp ,
rbca , Impot-
y , and all
follow ag a
oH-Abmn ; EB LOBS ol Memory , UnlvcriM Lnssl
udc , I'Aln In the lUck , Dlranow of Vision , Pro
maturoOld Ace , and many other Diseases that
cad to Insanity or Conbumptlou and a Prema-
ure Oravo.
CTPull particular * In oar pamuhlot , which
wo dojlro to end ( roe t v mall to every one.
tS"Ihe Spoclfl i llcdlclno la lold by all drugtr's'8 '
t $1 per paclcaKO , orO pack iitcs far 85 , or will
o sent frou by mall on rce Ipt of the raonoy , by
ddrortlng TlIKQiUY MEDICINE CO. .
BuOalo , N. T.
To Nervous Sutterers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
U la pOEillvocutu ( or Mp'.rmitoirtiua , Eoicln *
Woonoem. linpotancy , nod Ml dleouja leaultlog
rim Sc'-Abut'O , fci Mcul&l Anxiety , Lo si
VIeinory , Pulm In tbo Hack or Side , and dlsrisea
- ' " " Oiat load to
intaclty an ,
The SpeclSc
Umllelna Is
bsinj tuiiJ
with wonder *
r. rcphlots
Vtrtlu 172 tu3 ! > led fet fall
1 flea , S lS ? , W.tM [ tt twckije , or lx pack.
po for trv.U ) Auirtffl iJI urdcro to
KOF. 101 and loa Mtln St. Biitl lo , K. 7.
SoM In Omaha \ 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Doll ,
J. K. Inn , nnd nil J n 'glitsovirywb.i e.
Ouros When Hot Springs FniJ
UAVIRM , ABK. , May . 1831
We have cases in onr own town who lived al
Hot Springs , ind were finally wired with H. S. 8
MflflAlllinN A MBBUT
TV Vou uouut , come 10 mu u anab WILL
OU11K YOUK OK charge nothing 11 Write foi
particular ! and copy of llttlo Book -'Uttu/i
in tin Unfortunate Suffering
Bl.OUO Kou-arU will Do pun 10 ii )
ch'iufitu bo will find , on analysis ICO tottlo
B. S. B. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide Potu
llum or any ulnonl substance.
Frlco ot tin-all die , f 1.09
Urge lite 1,7S.
SoW by KBNNAltn HKr , , of
O I r "
St. Louli. is still treat-
Inir all I'UIVATIC , N1UI-
VoUS. OIIUON 0 and
Special Dlseueu , Sprrnia-
torihaia , Itnpottncr (8ox ( >
nal Incaiaclty ) , Fotuale
Iii > easiiH , Irreguliriiua ,
DltllculU'es , etc.
t&Ladlessend S5 cent >
( tu taiuu | ) tj p y exprcsj
chariros on a "valuibli
work entitled "Dbatioi
of Women , etc. " Work
311 C'liROMC DisKAsvi , one stamp , JjTVictln
3f Scll-abuie or I'rliato ' Dleoaso , send 2 stamp *
[ or CZLIIIIKITEU WOHKH on tr\ou < and i-cxtnl
I Isctsca. Contultation personally or by letter.
b'HKK. Oontu'.t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS
JL'HKD. Oilleo In quiet , private , respectable
ilace. You co no ono but the doctor. Dr.
lirko U thu only physician In the city wbow r-
a'lU curi'a or no pay MeUlclncs tout tM'ry
nhere. Hours. B A. M. to B r. tt. d&wly
"v"ka aud clear comuluxlona.
Mrs J. O. HobcrtAon , PitUourif. 1'a. , writes"I :
M rudcrtnfr from general debility. Aunt of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , so that ll/o o * iv bur
den ; after uslnir Ilurdock niooil Hitters I felt bet
ter than lor years. I cinnot pratie your Ilittcn
too much. "
ll.OIbb * . nt nufl.lo , N. Y. , wrlt d ! "Your
Rurdock lllct Hitters , In chronic diseases of the
blood , ll\cr a.J kldncjj , have been nljnally
marked with success. 1 h > e utcd thorn myfcff
vlth best remits , for torpldltt- tholhcr , and In
cn o of a friend nf mine miucrliijr. from dropsy ,
the effect WM man clous. "
IlnicoTurner , Rochester , N , Ywrltcs : ' !
been mhjcct to scrloui disorder of the kldnc > s.
anil unable to attend to business ; Ilurdock Dlood
Hitters rellcMvl mo before half a bottle WM used
I feel confident that they will entirely euro mo. "
Ascnlth Hall , Hlnjthampton , N. Y. , wrltcc :
"I Buffered with a dull pain thraiigh my oft
lunir and shoulder. Ix5 tmy spirits , api > ctlto
nnd color , and could with dltliculty keep tin all
day. Took } our Ilurdock Illood liittcra M di
rected , and ha\c felt no pain since first week af
ter uslnv them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N , Y. . writes : "About
four J cars ago I hid an attack ot bilious feor , and
ne\cr fully reco\cred. Mv digestive organs
were weakened , anil 1 would bo completely pros
trated for days. After i lnj ? two bottles ol your
Ilurdock Dlood Hitters the ! mproicment was no
vl-lblo that I was astonished. I can now. though
01 j cars of age , do * fair and loasonablo day's
C. ItUcket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , wrltw : "For Years
I suffered ercatly from oftroeurrinheidnclie. ; . 1
used your Durtlock Illood Hitters with happiest
rramltt , and I now dud mvclf In better health
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ! hav
used Burdock Blood Hitters foe nencus and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone
requiring cure for bllllousncss.
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
'For several years 1 h > e suffeitd fiem ct-icur- (
Ing bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com-
> lalnt peculiar to uiy BCX. Since using your
Ilurdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
'rice , BI.OO oei Bottle ; Trli DottleilOOtt
FOSTEE , MILBURN , & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by leh & Mcllahon and C. F.
Ooodruan. ] e 57 cod-mo
Dlscoso Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin l
within ; Its manifestations without. Jlenco , to
euro the disease the CAtisumuat bo removed , an
n no other way can a cure ever > o effected.
mclplo. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
fall diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys nn
\er , and It strikes nt once at the root of the
Ifllculty. The elements of which It is composcc
ct directly upon these treat organs , both as a
'OOD at d nitsiOREB , and , by placing them In a
.calthy , conditlcn , dtIvo disease and pain from
bo system.
For the innumerable troub'cs caused by un-
calthy Kldnojs , Liver and Urinary Organs ; /or
tie distressing Disordcrsof Women ; for Malaria ,
nd physical derangements generally , this Rreal
emi dyhai no equal. Beware of Impostors , Iny
Atlons and concoctions said to bo Just as peed
For Bale by all dealers.
HH. . WARNER & CO. .
me _ RoohcHtor N. Y.
The Great Lngiish Kemedy
iNcvcr falls to cuie
( Nervous Debility , Vi
tal Exhaustion , Emts-
Jens , Seminal Weak-
HOOD , and all the
livll effects of youth
ful follies and execs-
tcs. It stops pcrma
ncntly all wcalicnlng.
involuntary losstu and
drains uiwn the sys
tem , thr Inevitable re-
Kiiltof thcsocvilprac-
CC9 , which are o deetruetl > to mind and body
ndinako llfo miserable , often leading to Intunl-
y nnd dcatb It strengthens tlio Nerves , Drain ,
'mcmory ( Blood , Muscles , Digestive nnd Kepro-
luctlvo Organs , It restoroa to all the organic
unctions their former \igor and \ltallty , ma
Ing life cheerful and enjoyable. 1'rlco , ? 3a
otllo , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by
ixprcss. sccuro from observation , to any address.
n receipt of price. No. C. O. I ) , sent , except
n receipt of > J1 as a guarantee. Letters rj
Besting answers must Inclose fitamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
, ro thi best and cheapest djsjiepsla and billions
uro In the market. Sold by ull druggists. Price
iO cents.
DB. MiNTin'ii KiUNsr IIKUEDT , Niirnrncvu ,
/'urcstll ' kind of Kidney tnd bladder complalntc.
onorrhca , gloot and loucorrhca. Far sale oy ell
'Kleta : f J n bottle.
7180llvoSt. , St. Louis , Me.
For Sale In Omaha by
0. r. GOODMAN.
llr If > ou.irn i ma , 'U ' jo' ]
* innn ot li-v
Un ovdf rnuV
jrour dtitlc-s a\ol < * wort , In re'
tun * brain nerToan *
Hop Bittcru , ifcU u.u Hop B.
If TOU are ynuiiif ncl I
ilnciiUon ur ill'slpal If
rltd or slBRle , Did or | - < ounisuvrnr (
poirlvtaltU or 1 * - - ' 1 1 tie uu a ijod c
ntsn , nly on o pi 'Bitter * .
AVJiuoTer youari * .
wlienerfr jou fifl . j from > m >
tliat your u t mJ 1 format Klone
needs cleuiumi ; . tori-1 pttlbcasa tliat uuKlit
tilt or tlmnlatlnir , h ve l" * ii prmenttic
I br * tlm lr unecf
tnke Hop HcptiUterr
Bltte' * .
O.I. O
r.rtiMnui tffoin- U an l jolut ,
ftaln > , < llse > ie
unit lrriWt
nf th Homacfi , HOP l > l curu 'Or
h.u-tU. Mood , druukttunuii <
Utir 01 nt rfw I OBCO'
JTou UI no
rlop Oltt r
3l t . S
fi > w < j < mtcdti7 NEVER Ciruultr
at It may HOf BIlTUt ,
nva your
lire. It hat rra coAT
caved nun *
AT n > DUOcU
_ .ACnrw Ouornutcod.
Dr. K. 0. Went1 * Nerve and Ilralii Treatment
A spoclflo for Ilyeterln , Dltzlucss , Convulsions.
Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Lota of
UoinorySperoiatorihcD * , Impotenr > , In > olunUry
Kuiltwtoni , Premature Old Afo , cautcd by ovcr-
oxcrtlon , self-abuse , cr over-iuduKcnce ! , which
lead > to ualbery , decay and death. Ono box H 111
curt ) recent cases. Ka-h box contains one month's
treatment. One dollar a box , or six boxes for
five dollar ! , * eont by mall prepaid on receipt of
price. We guarantee six boxoa to euro any cage.
With each order received by us for six boxes , ac
companied with flve dollar * , will send the pur.
chaser cur written Kitarantue to return tbo
itoney If the treatment dot not eO ct icure.
0. t. Goodman , Dru let , Sole. VVb lci I and
rccul Afent , Otuita , Nob. Ura > n by mall at
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peek & Baushers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour
, - - -
cr.Gr. O O
Boots and Shoes
Window and Plate Glass.
* 3TAnyono contemplating btillnlnij storc.b&nlt. or any other flno will and It to their ad-
> antago to corns end with \a before purchasing their 1'late Glass.
. o. : MoRGkAbT : ,
1213 Farnham St. . . Omaha , N h
: , COAL & LIME ,
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
- - " 3XT3ES1S.
Fire and Burglar Proo
j O .
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Wear Union Pacific Depot' - - OMAHANB
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
ium , j mgnng ,
Cor. Faruam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.