Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1882, Image 1

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( Successors to Pred Lang. )
Take pleasure in nnnoiifcing to th
public mid tbmr friends ihut they ar
prepared lo fill orders in
at lower prices tlmu over , consequent
ly wo have inodo reduction" in evei ;
'department of our business , beside
via have added nome of the lutes
brands of Dine Fancy Gracciics , an
in.lurgu varieties. Wo nro alto mak
ing arrangements to eupply our cus
tomcra with thu latest brand of
* *
only for medical purposes. Our stock
being now complete in every respect
wo invite the public to crmio mid examine
amino our goods. We always keep
Old Government Java ,
a very line lot ot
Purest Ground"nruTWSolo
Standard , Califo r nia
The very test-brands of PURE
\ Imported SWISS AND
Fine Oil and Mustard
Best brands of
Yeast Powders ,
Cream Tartar , Soda and Snleratus.
Remember wu make a specialty of
the infallible and celebrated
Tobacco and Oigar Department ,
la complete , and you can find the
beat brands in the miirkoi.
Our Boot and Shoa Department
Cannot be better stocked , and don't
you forgot tlml wo keep
Boots& Shoes
of all the Latest Styles and best
makes that can be obtained ,
Lately wo have added to our busi
ness a
which will bo under the supervision
of the senior partner , and will bu run
for the benefit of these that may desire -
sire to ship produce to ua ; farmers
that are not able to uoinu to town and
have produce for sale can ship same by
express or freight , wo will always pay
the highest market price in cash or in
goods , therefore , when you do ship
state what is needed. Wo also re
quest all that may ship Butter and
E gs to BOO that they are always fresh ,
as wo cannot sell any other to our
customers ,
& Dorman ,
Corner 13th and Jackson ,
The Scheme of tlio Southern Pa
oiflo to Gobble Government
Lands , Ventilated ,
The Claim of thw Orockera t
the Texas Pnolflo Grant
Based on Cheek ,
Extracts From tbo Report o
HOUBO Judiciary Corurnii-
too oti the Subject.
Two "inportuc- Bills Kelatin
to American Oouiinerco
Pasped by the Senate.
The Home Sots Down on A ]
Private Billa and Pfttiontly
Awaita Adjournment.
The Stnr Slowly
Tlioir L'limy Tales TkronRU
Miscellaneous Kotos From tbo No ,
tlorml Capital.
Spiel il Dispitch to Tim IIK
, 1'OKT.
WASHINGTON , August 3. The report
port adopted by thu house committe
on judiciary to-day to accompany th
resolution declaring forfeited the land
granted to the Texas & Pacific rail
road company , aftnf giving the history
of the Texas Pacific and reviewing it
relations with the ! Southern Pa-siG
company , goes on to say : The Tuxa
& Pacific , one party to the grant o
contract , have made no effort to carry
it out , having ronqunctil itbothinfor
niaily and formally , by acts and b ;
writing , there can bo no question o
the nght of the United States , tin
other party , to re&umo possession o
Iho proposed urant , unless the Southern
orn Pacific have acquired some right
by virturo of noma deed or release on
1 > ah lf of the Texas & Pacific" It i
urged the words used in the Oth sec
fion , "There is thereby granted saic
Texas ( .Pacific railroad company , i n
successors and assigns , every alternate
section , " etc. , authorized the lattci
company to transfer the lands in ques
tion , in bulk , to any other persoi
who would receive it chargiu
with the same trust , that the Southern
orn Pacific having lewived the laudi
at the time when ( they had complete *
the railroad , whiijh was the same or
nearly the sinio aa that described it
the act of March , 1871 , received the
lands discharged from trust by reason
of itsMCJlJnient Jutho. pnpimon -
We think these words describe
or words of limitation , and do not
constitute the grantee an agent ol
the United States to select another
corporation , which has porforinoc
similar work , and make it the beno
ficitny of the grant ; nor do they con'
stituco the grantee an agent to bestow
a gratuity. It I'M further claimed' by
the Southern Pacific that sections
notably section 4 , authorizing
consolidation , gives the authority
needed for the transfer. No facto
have been laid before us which show
any consolidation whereby the Texas
& Pacific IIHS absorbed the Southerr
Pacific. The prcCiES would ooom to
Imvo been reversed Consolidations
contemplated by oectiona 4 , 5 and
were these whereby other companies
wore to become- part and parcel of the
Texas & Pacific. If the Southern Pa
cific had become a part and parcel ol
, ho Texas & Pacific it would not be a
claimant here. It in further urg
ed on behalf of the Southern Pacific ,
that insomuch the company have done
what the United States oflorod to give
and granted the lands to the Texas &
Pacific if it would do it , equity requires
quires the land grant should bo trans-
erred to this. As to the request for
; ratuity , no objection can bo made
hat would rent on the sound judg-
nent of congress. But this request
a put upon the ground of a claim ,
xiundcd upon equity and good con
science. The ruply seem * simple
"cn rosH would nuvor have been jus
ifiod in oll'urin ; ; lands had it not
leomed the offer necessary to secure
he rond. Now that events have dum-
mstratod its non necessity the reason
or offering it has entirely failed , ;
ind the Southern Pacific was not
nducod by it to build. It
tot at the riqutst of the United
States ncr even tor the bandit of the :
United States. It happened for its
own purposes to build a road the
Jnitod States wanted and prevented s
lie company building it which the
Jnited States had authorized. It is
iillicult to BOO how this state of facts
ays thu United States under any ob-
igation , either in equity or good con-
cienco. These consolidations may bo
ccoptod from the fact that action on
lie part of the United States is nee-
ssary to enable the United States to
estoro this land to the public domain ,
Vhatover legal rights the parties have
an bo ascertained bettor after an act
f forfeiture than before , and none of
liom bo lost , The committee recom-
nonds the passage of the accompany-
ig resolution :
KesolvcJ , Uy the senate and house
f representatives , in congress as *
ombled , as tollows : That all lands
; ranted to the Texas & Pacific rail-
oad company under tlio act of con-
ress entitled "An act to incorporate
tie Texas & Pacific railway company ,
nd to aid in thu construction of ita
oad , and for other purposes , " ap-
irovod March 3 , 1871 , and acts
mendatory thereof or supplemental
lereto , bo , and the same are hereby ,
eclared forfeited and that the whole
of said lands bo restored to the pub
lie domain and made subject to sal
and settlement under existing laws o
the United States.
The report is signed by eight mom
ben of the committee.
Six members pf the committee , J
Proctor Knott , L. E. P yson , 11. W
Townshond , Van 11 Manning , D. B
Culbortson and N. J , Hammond unit
in a statement in which they an ,
that , "while concurring in the recommendation
mondation of the committee , the un
dorslgncd nro not willing to b
oimmittod even by the remotes
Implication to the doctrine thn
the United States might b
deprived of its ripht to en
force forfeiture of lands granted t
this or any other railroad company fo
breach of the conditions upon whicl
such urant was made , simply becaus
congress may have reserved the powo
to adopt ouch measimvs as it ma ;
deem necessary and proper to soour
the speed } ' completion of the road n
aid ut which Ian is were granted , be
can so the company , notwithstandln
a breach , may bo procosding with it
work "
Special Dl pitches to Tilt DKK.
WASHINOTON , AugustlJ The aotiiij
consul ganeral in Egypt telegraph
Secretary Frolinghuyson from Alexandria
dria that the archives of the conaulati
which , it was feared , \yoro destroyed ,
hnvo boon found at. Ciim , and that IK
Is on the way to Pott Said to at tone
General Stono's family , who Imvobooi
saved by a faithful friend , and are
supposed to bo at Ismaila.
In the star route trial Roprcsonta
tivo Page testified that ho had askoi
for increased trips on certain routes
Ho had never boon over the routes
and hia only knowledge of them was
confined to representations of his
colleague , Berry , who requested him
him to secure the increase.
The proceeding dragged ro slowly
that the court remarked that it
seemed to him they had been creep
ing to-day.
After recess Hugh T. Eggort asked
that the district attorney bo called to
the stand to identify a letter as bcini *
in Col6nel To tton'o hand writing. Ob
jection was made to its reception by
the prasucutioh , and Wilson explained
that ho propoaWto show that whim
Walsh placet ! liis claim against Brady
in Colpnol Topten's hands for collec >
tion hisiUnsounl was entirely different
from the statement ho had sworn to
in cOatt. . , : 'Totteii explained that the
letter ' .in question had long ago
pausedouE pi his hands ; it had boon
li droascd to General Brady and was
as iiiucli his' property as a letter from
Walsh would have been. Prosecution
objected "to the letter because the mat
ter had , rnot been touched upon
in Walsh's direct examination , and
long discussion ensued. In the dis
cussion Turner , addressing the de
fense , asked "Why , they did not put
Rcordell on the stand tp robutt Mo
Veagh's testimony , "
an exception to the language o f the
government counsel. . . '
Morrick "Well , note your Vixcap
tion , but why do you not put Roor-
doll on the stand ] "
McSwecnoy "Wo note another er
coption. "
The court said ho had not yet pass
ed upon4ho first exception. An excep
tion could only bo taken to a ruling of
the court.
An angry discussion followed between -
tweon counsel , which was only
brought to an end by the court in
sisting upon the maintenance of order
and directing the counsel to drop the
Argument then proceeded on the
admissiballity of Me Veagh's testimony
and it was finally rejected.
Representative Berry , of California
identified his endowment upon i
petition and a letter written by him
iolf , both referring to Redwing
routo. Ilo said ho had called very
often at the department with the
> bjoct of having sorviua upon this
route restored to six trips per week
ind was very earnest in his efforts.
Vftor an unsuoowful effort to Intro
luce the letter , the hearing was
WASHINGTON , August 3 , The com
norco committee- reported without
imoi'idmont the house bill to provide
or deductions from the gross tonnage
jf voasols of the United States mid to
unond section ' 1,153 of the Revised
Statutes by allowing deductions for
paces reserved for the crow , those
lot to exceed five par cent of theresa
rosa tonnage in steam vessels. Spaces
or michinory also to bo deducted and
pccial allowance made for paddle
vhoel and screw steamers , but doduc-
ions hero must not exceed five per
ont of the gross total. Romoasuring >
if foreign vessels in American ports
dll bo discontinued when a like rule
adopted abroad in regard to Amori-
111 vessels. The secretary of the troas-
iry is directed to promulgate a proper
calo of fees for romoasuromont of
paces named on the basis of section
,180 , Revised Statutes.
Senator Fryo said ho thanked the
ommorco committee for this bill. The
ret gun was fired in favor of the ro-
ival of American commerce. It was
volcomo music to his ear , The bill
Senator Windom , from the com-
utteo on foreign relations , reported
nth amendments the house bill lo
motid section 4,400 of article D2 ,
Uwised States , concerning regulation
f steam vessels. Ho explained its
urposo win to extend to foreign
team vessels the provision of the in
fection law now applicable to domes .
o vessels concerning freight and
oinbustiblo matter to bo carried , It
rovidod for appointment of inspoc-
ors for this purpose ,
Senator Fryo said the bill was the
econd gun from the commerce com-
Senator Sherman said some time
nee ho prepared an amendment re
lieving American rcssels engaged it
foreign trade from local t nation. 11
had no opportunity to present th
amendment , but was prepared todcm
onstrato its propriety whenever tit
could do so and believed it would it
five years secure to the United State :
one-third or one-half the ocean carry
ing trade.
Senator Miller ( Cole } , hoped th
proposition would bo offered immoiii
aloly and incorporated in the pending ,
Objection was mado. After furtho
discussion the committee amend
inonts wore agreed to , and tlio bil
parsed ,
A now conference was ordered 01
the Japanese indemnity hill
SmmtorMnrrill , ( nt' o'clock ) move *
to postponn pending order ( calendar
to tuko up the knit goods bill. Hi
modified his motion to provide Urn
the tax reduction bill bo taken un am
upon this being agreed to withoti
objection ho yielded the Ibor to Senator
ator Williams who called up the bil
to prevent the spread of plotiro pncu
monia in cattlo.
Senator Ingalls argued that the bil
was defective In matter atul detail am
suggested modifications ,
Senator Williams said ho believed i
the Lord's prayer was under consider
ation the senator from Kansas would
move an amendment.
Senator Ingalls preferred to con
eider the bill rather than the Lard's
prayer , and resumed his criticism ,
rho bill was finally postponed uuti
to-morrow 27 to 22 The vote is re
garded as equivalent to postponing the
bi'l ' until next winter.
Senator Allison , from the conference
upon the legislative appropriation bill ,
reported an agreement. The reporl
was adopted.
The tax reduction bill was finally
proceeded with and Senator Merrill
submitted a proposition to the demo
cratic side that the bill bo passed as it
came from the house with the senate
amendment extending the time at
which the reduction shall take effect
and the amendments reducing the tax
on snuff and tobacco from 10 to 12
cents a pound andallon ; ing rebate.
After a long debate the matter went
ever without notion and the senate
massed the jomi roiuluttim of the
louse providing Ho'mporarily for the
expenditures of the government.
The house adjournment resolution
was kid on the table for future action.
Adjourned. /
HOUSE l < ( lo'OEiiINOS. :
The committccmn conference on the
general dcfioionoyVbill reported n dia-
igreoment upon jho ; mileage to sena
tors for attendance at the extra BOB
sion in October pt. Further conference
once was or
Mr. QaskoyMjs. ) suinbitted a con
ference ropoMBl the senate bill for
the sale of Ktflton of the Omaha
Indian rqjBvu ion in Nebraska.
Agreed to P ' S'
Mr. RrtjpTchliirmati | of the committee
too on judiciaryY.waa granted leave to
file a report ojK iio committee relative-
to the Texas < $ , Pacific land grants ,
and to have oocjmpanying reaolutioi
placed on t
tofllo.aomtj-iyl ( jToTual views on the
The senate passed a bill providing
that the act "to authorize registration
of trade marks" shall not prevent the
registry' of any lawful trade mark
rightfully used at the time of the passage -
sago of .that act.
Mr. Davis (111.offered ( ) a resolution
proposing a constitutional amendment
; hut the president may disapprove any
items ot a bill appropriating money
and embracing distinqt items while
approving , others. Referred. '
On motion of Mr , Tawu&ond ( Ohio )
i bill passed providing that 'all chargen
for licenso'.and . inspection fou for any
pleasure vesael or y'uclit shall not exceed -
coed $0 and for admeasurement shall
not exceed 10 cents par ton.
A joint resolution pasiod < providiii |
temporarily , until August 8th , for ex
) uiiiiturc3 of the government.
This afternoon there wore many in
dications that the end of 'tho session
was approaching. The committee ? ,
when called , presented no measures
of importance , and thcro was no dis-
losition tn proccud to business on any
> f the calendars or on the speaker's
.able. . The space in front of the
ipoakor's desk was occupied by mom-
> ers with favorite measures , ondoavor-
ng to catch the eye of the speaker.
VInny secured recognition from the
poakor , but the measures , for the
neat part , failed , objection being
raised to almost every proposition ,
if tor n couple of hours "mud in efforts
o pass measures by unanimous con-
out , tbo house adjourned.
lowii. Republican * .
DEH MOINES , August 3. The 10-
lublicun state convention mot yostor-
ay morning with a full attendance ,
u74 delegates being present. At 11
o'clock Chairman Christy , of the con-
ral committee , called the convention
o order. Tlio following oflicors were
lamed for temporary organization :
Ion. Henry W. Rothort of Keokuk
lounty , chairman ; Oeo.W. . Bristow ,
'oik county , secretary. The usual
omniittoes wore selected. After ro
ots the convention organized with
he temporary oflicors as permanent
Tlio following ticket was then noin-
natod , for clerk of the supreme court ,
Joe , B , Pray , of Hamilton ) for BU-
iromo courf. reporter , E. 0 , Kborson ,
f Tama ; for state treasurer , E , II ,
Jonuur , the present incumbent , A
latform was adopted roaOlrmmg the
latform of 188C' ' , and ondosing 1'roai-
ent Arthur as a worthy Buccossor to
10 lamented Oarlield. Thoconventinn
id its wftrk smoothly , ' without disa-
reomcnt or prolnngod coftteutfl ,
AA Ua o of PoUor ,
l > eclat Dlapaiih to 'lilt UKK.
CniuAao , August 3 , Tlio habeas
orpus oiso of Win , M. Scott , the po
or pi ay or , who won $150,000 from
franois 1) , Wood in Newburg , N. V. ,
nd was recently arrested here , came
p to-day but was , after a brief con-
eronco among counsels , put ever
ntll Id-morrow , S. Colt Is aiok in
od at the hotel hero , but his presence
n court is not deemed necessary.
The Fiery Fronolimau Fires Off
His Mouth at tlio British
Marines ,
They Ride Over the Cnnal .Rules
and Laugh in the Face
of Monsiour. *
"A. FlwRrnnt Aot of Wur nnd
Violation of the Obligations
of Nouttnlity. "
The Clash of Arms Botweou
Wuglnnd nnd Turkey Oon-
The Latter Rofuaeo to Prooluiui
Arnbi Until the Ottoman
Flag Float'j'in Egypt.
Ugly Ruruora of nn Impend
ing Maeeacro of Ohrietianp.
The First Turkish Transport
Leaves for Bfirypt.
The Power * Generally Dlntrnnt
Englnnd'a Donblo
The Lords and Commons book Horna
on the Irish Arronru of Itonts Bill.
KpocUl niipntchoa to Til K ItitR. '
ALKXANUUIA , Augusts. The Eng
lish soldiers arc much ovor\\orked and
delicioncy of ollioora ia especially
Felt. Teleuraph cummunication be
tween the Ivhodivo and Arabi Pasha
is restored. Grave doubts arc on
tertuined regarding the trustworthi
nusn of the interpreters which the
English are forced to employ for lack
of better. When thofurcea move
forward tlio English will bo at the
mercy of these man , aa through then :
thu rebel authorities can obtain infer
A LKXANiutiA , Augusts. Anongiigo
mont is expected shortly , as all the
British troops have boon Ordered to
the front.
There are rumors of an Impondiii ) ,
massacre of chribtians by the natives.
Sir Charles Beresford has taken every
drecaution for sutoty and prompt sup
prcssion of any outbreak.
LONDON , Augusts. An Alexandria
dispatch , with reference to the surprise
priso of the British troops. Vednesdivy
dor a thick cover of mist 'which prevented
vented thorn from being soon , while
their horses' footfalls were doadonoc
by the sand. The skirmish has hm
the effect of chocking the Bcdouii
looters. The enemy's ' real position is
six miles away from the British lino.
Ho is still entrenching ,
SAMLKII , 7:20 : p. m. The 4Gth reg
iment moved to tlio front to-day. Ar-
abi's troops 'aro showing signs of ac
tivity. The naval contingents nut
mounted infantry was reinforced.
O'KI' roii run ruoNT ,
CoNbTANTINOl'J.K , August 3 The
first Turkieh transport loft this own
ing for Egypt. She will take on board
troops at Salonica.
ALEXANDRIA , August 3. It is por-
sittcntly rumored that Arabi lV.alix
ntends to attack Alexandria with
argo force under Toulba Pasha , Ad
miral Seymour visited Mots' for'a to
day , II u went on Lnko Mariotes and
observed the Bedouin's entrenched in
ho distance.
LONDON , August 2. Sir Evelyn
Wood has loft for Egypt.
The Potur Head ( lulling fleet has
ji'on caught in a gain , Two hundred
joutn are miasing.
Al.tXiNiUlA ! , August Jrabi Pasha -
sha linn again destroyed the railway at
klutaila , recently ropiired , (
CoNTANTiNOi'1,15 , August 3. A pro
clamation will bo issued supporting
.ho authority of the kliedivo utid de
claring Arubi Pasha i rebel. The
Htonmn plenipotentiaries made the
ollowing declaration :
"Wo have taken u lot of coinmuni.
ations of Lord Dufforin and each
ni'inbur of the conference regarding
ho point that England < is obliged to
naintuin troops in Egypt in conso-
uenco of the inaction of the pnrlo.
'ho ' Ottoman representatives are oi
ho oj > inion that the action oil the
mrt of the sultan would bo more
> ractical and efllciunt than the action
> y England. Thu insertion * of lime-
ion on the part of the portu is mi-
ounded , as after the presentation
f the identical note the porto
greud to take part in , the conference
nd dispatch troops to Egypt ,
Second , The resolution of the porto '
o dispatch troops to Eaypt was bunod
upon the tenor of the identical note
and satisfied the powora , but the utii-
ude adopted by England in uuburdi-
luting her acceptance of arrival and
! o-oporation of the Turkish troops to
he proclamation of Arubi Pasha as a
robe ) , is not in accordance with thu
itisfaction gxprussud by tlio powers. )
Third , The porto never declined thu
assistance of the powers to maintain
liu statu quo , which was passed by
? urkoy accepting tlio conditions of
ho identical note relating to future
Sjjypt ,
Fourth. Regarding the issue of a
iroclamation declaring. Arabi Pasha a
rebel the porlo hopes the conforonc
will approve of the proclamatioi
being issued simultaneously with th
presence of Ottoman troops in Kgypt ,
in order to obtain efficacious and prac
tical result whenever disorders ro
qulro the adoption of rigorous moos
tires. As the proclamation is to ex
plain the si 'nation and to impeach th
subject of the sultan , who was decor
ftbu at n moment when ninnifotint
fidelity , it muat derive its force fron
the immodmto co-oporalion of impc
rial troops , whoso ahsunco at the orn
mitigation would render the provi
sions of the proclamation barren o
result nnd the aggregation of th
present htato of thitiga. The conference
once will reeognizo in the porto n oin
ccro drslro to restore order nnd ostab
lish a loyal undorstandinj ; Avith th
AI.KXANDHIA , Auuust 3 The . ' 1811
roginuint iiiado a roconnoisanco at
Ihlfl nftiirnoon to a point live miles beyond
yond the Itamloh outposts. The de
tachmontfl ocoupjing the gates of th
town wore ordered to hold thomsclvv
in readiness to proceed to support th
mcotinoitering party in the ovcnt o
ncceseity. The rcconnolsanco < o > dn ;
was the most extensive yet m dc
The 38th and sixtieth regiments ad
vanccd in two column ? , Tlio enemy'
position was found almost abandoned
with the exception of a few vidottcs
None of their forcrs wore observable
A faw shots were fired , but no casual
tics. The lri ! Mi returned at dusk.
Tin ; iiutTitm AT SUEZ.
SUEZ , August ! ) . Several hundret
British marines diamnb.irkod and occupied
cupiod this town without rcmstancu
Tiiu marines occupied thu town to
save it from being burned.
Uan troops Hod.
CONSTANT iNoi'LK , August S Notwithstanding -
withstanding the declaration of the
Ottoman delegates , it is not gener
ally believed that the ducision regard
ing the despatch ot Turkish troops to
E ypt is llnal. It is considered cer
tain that thny will not bu Kent il
Great Britain really insists upon their
under ordtira of the English cum
nmuder , which would bu inconsist
ent with the dignity of the sultan.
The unit. in cannot openly cspouso
thociiUHjif Ar.xbi Piwlu. , nor openly
bieuk with him.
ViBNN * , August S , The Fronulon
blatt nays ; Thu proposal for establish
ing European protection ever thu
SUCK canal will bo , to u certain ex
tout , a teat of the lumoity of Eng'ii intentions. If England shuuli
ref uao to concur in the proposal , the
existing distrust will not bo unwar
PAULS , August S. Regarding thu
report that B tron Do Courcol will hi
French minister of internal affairs , i
is said the policy of thu biron will bo
abstention -from acting in Egypt , whil
reserving all rights and liberty shouU
Franco ceaseto take part in the con
. ,
mans , the under Ot'ttgn oocrotar
said thuro has been no formal pro
posals for admission of Spain to tic
conference , but there has been confl
duntial conversations upon the sub
juct. In reply to a question relative
lo Wilfred Blunt , accused of acting ai
Ar.Ybi Pasha's moann of information
concerning movements of thu En Us !
government , Gladstone stated Bliin'-
had informed him , uxcopt lociiivin ; ,
ono letter from Arabi P.iahn , wlnoti
was publUhod and cummnniitati'd tv
GhidHtniiu , there hii'l b un no com
mumcitum between thiini sineo thu
bombard mont.
Ohildurs , war secretary , infornicd
the commonn that the question
wluthor thu uiircfpondont of Tno
Daily Tulrgrnpli shoulit be t'xcludud
from thu British lines was under con
siduration. [ If was The Daily Tolo
ginpli that in the second edition ye
totdiiy told of the atampodo of the
Sixtieth rifles , during thu night attack
by troops of Arabi 1'nslu. ]
CoNfiTAvriNoi'tK , August S Do
Lessops has telegraphed the following
to Paris : I urn going to Sue1
Imvo sent the following messagu to
tlio British admiral : "I learn that
Iho third transport for landing troops
ut Sue/ has passed by the channel of
, ho Maritime canal. This is an act of
war and n flagrant violation of the
lentrality obligations , against which
[ formally protest ,
( riigncd ) DE LEHSKI-H ,
Thu following has a'so ' boon lulu-
implied to Paris by Dj Lyen pM "l'ho
ioylioh n ru ut wuv with E yji , , and
iru circulating u report that Egypt IIUH
abandoned protection of thu uairil
over which the English exercise police
urvoy , ctiti | ; under the authority of
hu khudivo , who is their prisoner.
t is urgent that thin report bo con-
ractud. Wo uru doturminod to ro
ist. "
will sit again Friday. At yesterday's J
itting thu question of protection of
hu Sutx canul was discussed. Onov ,
tuuaiun nipruaontativu , us d the laws
nnding the conforimco rccjuircd that
Turkey should first endeavor to ro-
tore order in Egyfit. Should Turkey
lot succeed in this endeavor then the
towers should undertake the task.
iafon Von Hirschfuld , Gorman rep-
utontutivo , and Burrn Yon Calico ,
Vustro-llungariun ambassador , can-
urred in this opinion , Lord Dufforin ,
'jiiglish ambassador , said ho dusirud
'urlfoy to tuko aotion on condition ;
hat thoporto declare Arabi Pasha u rob-
I , Hu aaid thu Turkish prime minister
naintuined it impossible for thu portu
o dicluro Arabi Puslm a rebel until
ho Ottoman flag was raised in Eiypt ,
rhun thu conduct of Arabi Pasha
vould bu dotorniinujl. Measures will
o taken accordingly , Count Oorti , >
talian ambassador , demanded that thy
uply of the Ottoman representatives
hat they accepted the conditions of
ho identical note bo put in writing , to
which the Ottoman representatives ru-
plied that they must first obtain the
auction of the sultan , The confer-
ncu is now awaiting fresh instructions
to the Ottoman representatives
thereon , which , it is believed ,
will not bo needed , if the conditions
of the Identical note are accepted by
BF.ULIN , August 3 The outbreak
of serious dilloroncos between Eng
land and the porto regarding pro
claiming Arabi Pasha a rebel is con
sidered almost unavoidable.
LONDON. Auijust , ' 1 The Daily
News says : "It is stated in conservative -
tivo circles that thu lords will ucaiv
the full support of thu consorvati ; ca
in the commons in maintaining the
amendments to the arrears bill.
The Standard believes the cabinet
yesterday decided to sdviso the com
mons to reject both amendments to
the arrears bill adopted by the house
of commons. In parliament circles the
prospect of a settlement of thu difference -
once between thu TWO houses is ro-
gauled as hopeless.
PAIUS. Angtut S. D < > Fi-djcfiict
absolutely declined to join any mill-
Utorial combination , The chamber of
noputio * mot tn-day , but adjourned
until Satinday pending formuionof
a now ministry.
_ It ia said Senator Lo Bland is de
signated premier
ST. PF.TKJISIIUIUI , August 3. The
imprisoned Kyrullow 1ms dia-
closed a long list of newly planned
schemes against the emperor and cer
tain high i ( licifila , and immpilmttily
after hi ) revolutions the imperial pros
ecutor accompanied Count Tolstoi ,
minister of the interior , to the impe
rial pakcj at Potorhaff , where nong /
counsel was held in the preaui.iu of
the czar. The prisoner has since 'icon
better treated.
Bloolciiic thn Gnma-
Sjico'nl D HjntLh to Tim Unit
DuiiM.v , August 3 The circular to
bo issued by Parnoll , with n view to
ohuoking the operati iim of the land
corporation company , it aUo signed
l > y Dillon , Davitt , E an , Gray nnd
Mct'arthy It will bo sent t lirouili-
out Irulanu to obtain pigniituros to n
requisition asking the lord mayor of
Dublin to convoke a meeting during
the exhibition week for the purpose of
inaugurating a national fund tor the
relict of the oviotud tenants. The
circular states that thn organizition '
will not bu : v pplitical ono , but that
ovictionn will be increased if tlio ten
ants nhnll bo loft dcfciuctnss in tlio
presence of a wealthy company.
Dyuainito Dcstmotiou.
Special DHpa ch to Tim llni.
TniiisTi : , August S. While the
Society of Veterans were marching
through the Corso yesterday to salute 1
Archduke Charles Louis , brother of
the emperor , a petard was thrown
into thu ranks and several men in
Counootinc Two Continent-
\ -
with wires touching at points on the
Mexican and Central American coast * ,
crossing the Isthmus of Panama , and
rxtonding along the wosturn 001181 of
South America to Oallao , announce
that their lines will bo completed and
thrown open to public use by thocloso
of the present mouth. Connection
will bo madii at Gulveston with the
Western Union Telegraph company ,
and nt Callao tvith the Trona Oi > nti-
nuntnl and Eisiern tolegrnph ayutoms
of South Amurica , so that the two
ontinents of th.j western honu phero
will bo in complete communication.
After the
f.l--\l | | Olrlltcl | ) 10 "I1B llKK.
WASUINOTON , August 3. Govern
nent counsel in thu star routu casca
mvo signified their intention of pioso-
uuting the newspaper men whoso articles -
clos have already bm > n brought to the
I'.ttntion of Judge Wylio.
Iiiilinun UomooratH-
b'poclal DUpa'.cli ta Tin HK .
INDIANAI-OLIS , August 3 The In-
lianu statu democratic convention mot
icsterdiiy. The convention wna
Billed to order by W. U. English ,
shairman of the central committoo.
English in his addresu stated that ho
was not u candidate f > r ru eluation as
L-hairmiin of the uommittou , or for
tny other oilise. flundnclcR , cljair- of Iho coininitteo on resolutions ,
roportud a plutfdrin , which was unatii-
nously udoptud. It reaflirms domo-
raiiu doctriiiiM and condemns the ro- parly.
Thu titato convention made
lie following nomiimtiona , uf-
er whtcli it adjourned : For
atornoy general , Francis F. Herd ;
loik of the supreme court , Simon P.
Sherwin ; supcrintondant of publio in-
truction , Jno , W. Holcomb ; judge
if thu supreme courtof the First iudi-
iul district , Hon. W , E , Miblock ,
vnox county ; Second district , Judge
W , Hawk , Floyd county ; Fourth
istrict , Allan Foller , Allen county.
Diiinuj ; d in Ohio ,
jicclal Diujaicli toTiulliK ,
CIIKMOO , August 2. Farmers
long the Licking river in Ohio have
Rurally lost all their crops , A num-
f live stock were also drowned ,
Tbo Denver Ezpotitiou.
peclnl Dispatch to The lief ,
DENVKU , A"gus'i ' 3. There was a
oed attondaiicu ut the National Mill-
ng Exposition to-day , visitors being
or thu most part from different points
n Colorado. Some eastern people are
trriving , but the great crowd from
hat direction is not expected for a
ivoek or two. The disorder , incident
o the that week of all expositions , is
uing rapidly removed , and all oxhib-
ts will bu in place in a tow days ,
joading business men are making
reparations for a monster barbecue
m the 24th inst. , to which all the busi-
lun men of the country are invited ,
Phis promises to bo one of thu most
ntureeting and enjoyable features oi
ho exposition.