TJbni ) JJAJLLT TOIJ&.JLJL-A. O , ICO. ' The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Thuisdnv Moruine , Aug. 3 , 'Wonthor Boport. ( I'he followms obfervntion * Are taken Ihe nnme moment of time ftt all the sUtlo nitmed. ) WAH BKTAnT , u. S. StoNAi.SKn. TICK. OMAHA , Aug. 2,1S82. ( l45p.m. RlTtr 8 leri It Inches abote low water mark i Onaha , 6 ( eet 0 Inches at VanktODJ Mlntsolpp 4 lect 9 Inches at ta Crosse , and 8 foot 8 Inchi at Djbuque. LOOAL BREVITIES. 7he Missouri 1'nclfio trnln arrive- kbont two hours Into yesterday. E , AV. SImcrel removed law ofiico Int Darker Block , 15th and Furnam atrcotfl. The arrests Tuesday composed tlirc trampg , who were fired out of town jet tdrday by Judge Boncke , If any rcipoctablo family dcslrci t adopt a nice little girl baby , they can ilni one by Applying at No. 005 , North IGtl street. The remains of the late William Aus are not cxptctcd in Omnhn before Satur any , and the funeral will take place oi Sunday. By an error the KansM City trnlr. wni made to leave Ornnhn at 0:50 : a. m. Instcne of arriving nt tlmt time. The hour fo ; leaving ia still 8:25. : Another liouao was broken into Man day night by burglara. It wan on Soutl llth street and the gang won n part of tlm' ' following the circus. There wan a nocial gathering of tin members end friends of the Christian church lust evening at the residence of the pantor , corner 10th nnd Farnam , These curiouo to know wh&t the average ago attendance at a circus h may bo grail tied by the statement that ! > ,170 were told on Monday night by Colc'x ticket Keller , Mr. lllchaids. Lfoka , the man who tried to brain himuel ( in the county jail Tuesday ii doing finely , and it Is thought will on lib recovery bo n < t Bane OH any ilian. Ins teat of killing himntilf ho lion cured hlnisoH , Trunkn , Bngc , Satcholn and Pocket books , at a largo reduction for the noxl thirty dayn , to make room for now good * at MarholI'R Trunks Kmporlum , Millare Hotel Block. aul-tucs-thun-Bnt-tf The Hocctto society of thia city cole bratcd Emincipatlon day by giving t grund ball at Standard hall. The guests Trim assembled In la'go numbers , had r good time generally and did not break U [ until breakfof day. The ladlea of the First M. K. clmrcl z give an Ice Cream toclabla on Thursday day evening , August 3dlfat the renidonci of H , Stevens , corner 25th and Davenpor Btrcots. All cordially invited , and a gooe Umr will be' enjoyed. The finest specimen of fruit wo Imvi noen this season Is a peach grown in tin orchard of Mr. Herbert Lemlng , of Soutl ; Omaha , being ono of a family of 21 raised on the rame tree. The tree is three yean old and come from a Now York nursery , Tho-splendld special car "Columbia , " of the Hock Island road , went west at noon yesterday , on route to Salt Lake , Its passengers weio Mr , 11 , 11. Cable , vice president nnd general muuager of the Hock Island , and his f airily. A complaint was filed in police court yesterday by B , Haas , sup rintondent of HaiiHcoui 1'ark , chnrgintr J. L , Itice with lellhiR lemonade , etc. , at the park Tues day contrary to the monopoly by the city council in buch cases made and provided , At the meeting of the fiiemcn < i ' Ebglno Co. No. 1 , held Tuesday rexolu. tlona. were adopted to attend the funeral 'of the late Wm , Aust In a body. A com. mlttee was also appointed to present the bereaved wli'oiv with a certificate of hln memberHhlp. Mr , Aust was an honorary member for many years , A fire I'roko ' out yesterday in a small ihanty'tltuatcd Lcarller'g distillery , from which a telephone mcssaga was s nt toNe No , 3' homo. The department answered promptly but before they arrived at the pot the fire was put out , The building was only a little scorch-id on the the iu- elJe and the lens docs not amount to any. thing. thing.The The concert given last week by IVof , Walther , tueintrd by MU * l/unnie Anni'd and the pupils of thn profiHstir , was a rnurktd succeer , though not as regards at tendance , no trjjrtt ti nay. The few who were bravo enough to vrnturo out through the rain were elellghtcd , especially with the singing of Mr , lUtf , who 1ms n mug. v nificcut bin il oi oolco. . Wo hope to have the pleasure of hinting him foun again. Mr , Charles 0. Hunt , who look the agency of the celebrated Hawth rn'd Cen tennial Excelsior Koof Paint , for the city . of Omaha , It doing a thriving business on the genuine inerlf | of the article , lie hut fixed up a largo number of leaky roofs and with good tatftfactlon tevery time * Ho wairanUall work and the article is en- doreeel by all the leading men of the coun try , Mr. Hunt has n bran new wagon , hone and harness , and does nil work promptly and In first class uhape , Wnl&SaMf. Jctse Davis , an Individual ccuuectcd with Cole's circus In tome capacity , w a arrested Monday e > enlngatthe initl atlcu of tome of the clicus men , on the charge of stealing a valise and contents valued nt ? )0 ) , The men prcmhed lo appear on Tuesday with witneaiea to prosecute the case , No one appeared and on the tUU- went of the prisoner that that It wet a c immon trick resorted to by the circui- men to get rid of fellows who had becoir.e useless to them and avoid paying thrtr ularle' , U e judge dtsdmiged tl e accuse , THE SEPTEMBER SHOV Meeting of the Board of Mai agers of the State Fair. Plans Per the Mercantile at Mechanical Hall Ac cepted. Blcj-olei , Balloon * nnil Eqaofttrini The board of managers of the slal board of agriculture hold a mootin last night in room nine of the Millar hotel. Present : Hon. Ed Mclntyre , t Seward , president ; lion. Chria Ilarl man , treasurer ; Major D. II. Whooloi of Plattamouth , secretary , and Mcssn Dunham , E. 0. Gronnoll , lion. Ilobl W. Furnas , Lewis A. Kent and Gon'i J. 0. MoBrido. On motion Messrs. Iloman and Me Shane were granted the privologo c running vehicles into the grounds o : the snmo terms allowed the street rail way company. They arc to pay 841 for & "slip , " to bo used by not mor than five teams and to avoid obstruct ing thn passage way between the sec rotary's office and other ofilcos. A special premium of $50 wa offered for the best display of poftorj exhibited , the manufacturing procos to bo illustrated on the grounds The first prize Is $35 ; second prize $15. $15.On On motion of General MoBridc , th plans submitted by 0. F. Driscoll , fo a Mercantile and Mechanics' hall wore accepted. The resignation of W. J. Kenned ; aa superintendent of class 10 , waa ac copied , and lion. G. W. Liningor selected lectod to fill the vacancy. I'OLIC'E KOIICE. The president , secretary and cacl member of board of managers are tr recommend four members of the police force , and the superintendent of police may select eight additional members , all to bo paid at the rate ol § 2 per day of 24 hours' work. HALAUIES. ho following salaries were fixed ; First assistant secretary , $4 ; other as iistants , § 3 per day ; first assistant treasurer , 85 ; ether assistants , § 4 ; assistant gatckcopors , 84 and § 3 pei [ lay , Henry Masterman waa selected at exit gatekeeper. 1'IHll EXHIBIT. The state fish commissioners wen requested to make a display of the work accomplished in their depart ment. The silver pitcher , offered as a spe cial prize by The Nebraska Farmer , will bo given to the best fat ox. MUHIO. Several propositions for furnishing band musio for the fair were received , but none were very satisfactory. Il is probable that the banel of the Fourtl ; infantry icgimont will bo secured , m it will bo located in this department by the time the fair begins. It it also possible that the boys' band , ol Tokamah , said to bp a remarkably tint uvenilo organization , will bo present ono or two clajs. The board decided to visit the grounds to-day. I1ALLOON AfiOKNHION. A communication was received from Prof Robinson in regard to arrange ments for a balloon ascension , but no iction was taken thereon. The pro fessor is to make an ascension at the Minneapolis fair. IIIOYCLES. A communication was received from 3. II. Imhoff , of Lincoln , in regard to i bicycle race or races. It was de- : idcd to olfor throe prizes , a silver nodal , bronze medal and a diploma 'or the best bicycle riding. The on- .ranco foe will bo fifty cents , and not ) vor fifteen contestants may outer from my ono town. NKU.IK IIUIIKK. A communication was received from Nellie Burke , the equestrienne , dated it Milwaukee , July 27th. She do lirod to make u iiO uiilu race and a five nile hurdle race , Miss Taylor also to > articipato and wanted $2,000. The > onrd decided not to make any con- ract with her at theno figures. MlhUELLANKONB. Wm. O. Leo , of Detroit , Mich. , olioitod ttiu privilrg ) of publishing ho score card and progrnmini ) Hu erred to Mr. Dunham with power t , ct. ct.Tho The question of fe.r . j/o for lhe > M.i uala on the < * r ui/i / ) w.m duouravd 'eforred tliu huiuit way. Mr , M. Tel I'M iri'i.i.iiiuon Lo put \ \ \ , L cigar atrttnl m il $ vo a pt iz * t. . i-ae-li lurclmscr wu * eUt > i > n < el on itui gri-iuut hat it would In n imo rf ei'iuiico. Mr. Ilarlnun i-nxl hu h'ut ' In on of bred § 2,600 cosh for tliu oxcluaivo mvilugo of BI IOIIK liter on the ground. Another mru b-i suited that ho had wen oll'cn d S3 10(1 ( for n cimilar nriv. lego for a v lu-t-l of fortuno. 15olh vero refill fd , The b'jard ndj jiirnod at midnight , OMAHADK1V1AG PAIUC. i. Qontlomon'B Rondator'a Unco eat- urdny , Au u8t 12th. Ono week from Saturday nest , An. ; ust 12th , there will bo a lively and ntoresting race for gentlemen's road tora at the Omaha Driving Park , each lorsu to bo driven by his owner , and o owner's bugpy , The entries nt present include Jacob Schninor , Henry Hornbergor , T. 0 Drunner and Donnia Cminin haiii , > nd there will probably bo others , Three prizes will bo ollored , aa fol ows : First prize , $20 suit of clotln fj ccond prize , $ U > suit of clothes ; thiul ) rizo , § 10 whip. The gate money wi'l ' ) o divided also between the winiu-rc. Real Estate Trunnfora. John L. McCaguo , real eatato agent ind conveyancer , reports that the Jol- owintr dooda were received lor record A the county clerk's oOlce on Friday and Satnrday , July 20th and Augu 1st : | John McBride to Annie McBrid lot 8 , block 1 , Shull'a addition , $2. Herman Lrf-nnord to Jerome Pentze lota 42 and 43 , Redick'a second add tion , $1. Daves Cunningham to Thorn Mortimer , the n i of section G and o of nw I of section G , town 1G , rani 11 , $2J32,80. : Warren A. Way to Liwreni Wyor , the o i of so , j of section , ' town 14 , range 12 , and w i " of sw and so | of aw J of section G"town 1- Mngol3 , $8,00 , ( . Elizuboth Stoner to J. II. Prat the w A of ao I of section 28 , townll ? 9GO , MORTALITY FOR JULY. The City Physician's Report of Birth and Deaths. The report of the city physiciar Dr. P. 3. Loisenring , for the mont of July shows a total of 79 deaths. Of this number 10 were in the Fire ward , 24 in the Second , 10 in th Third , G in the Fourth and 11 each i the Fifth and Sixth. Five died i the hospitals , This would make th annual death rate per 1,000 , 2 708 It ia a startling fact that of th total number of deaths Cl were children dron under five years of ago , and 4 ! children under ono year. Sixteen o the remainder were under 25 years o ngo and two were over 70. There wore 40 males and 39 females males ; white , 77 ; colored , 2 ; single 8 , widowed. 2. Interment : Holy Sepulcher , 17 Prospect Hill , 31 ; St. Mary'a , 4 county , 17 ; removed from city , 5 Laurel Hill , G ; Gorman Catholic , 3. Causes : Suicide 1 ; favor , 5 ; puerperal poral diacascs , 1 ; diarrhea , 20 ; chrobii diarrhea and dysentery , 5 ; alcholism 1 ; phthisis pulmonalis , G ; heart dis ease , 2 ; muralimua , 1 ; hytlrocephalus 1 ; moningith , 5 ; convulsions , 4 ; enteritis teritis , G ; premature birth , 2 ; acci dents , 2 ; drowned , 2 ; etc. Of the births , G5 were white and ' . colored ; 29 inslo and 28 fomalo. Om pair twins. EMANCIPATION , The Coroner 8 tone Laying ane Double Ball. Tuesday the corner stone of ( he now A. M. E. church , on Eighteenth ivnd Webster otrcots , was formorlj laid by the pastor , Rev. R. Rickotts. Rev. Mr. Stewart , pastor of the M. E. church , delivered a abort addrose on the occasion , Quito a largo con course of colored pcoplo witnessed the ceremonial , which was very im pressive. In the evening a magnificent ball was given in Masonic hall , under the [ kuspiccs of the Rough Ashler lodge , A. F. and A. M. , No. 74. Mr. A. ICirchafolo acted as chairman of the committee on ar rangements , and ho managed things so efficiently that everything passed off beautifully , and the mem- bore and their friends had a splendid jollification. It ia expected that a large sum will bo raised as the at tendance was unexpectedly large. Lewis' Excelsior band furnished some lively musio and the dancing waa kept up till an early hour in the morning. The ladies present were arrayed in all the colors of the rainbow , and they made up a very pretty rfoture. They were a few white folks at the assembly which made a very pleasant variety. Great credit in duo to the committee for the great pains they took to render this affair a sue- jess , which it proved to bo in every sense of the word. The committee jomprised Messrs. A. , Kirchafolo , [ chairman ) , W. W. Porter , Thomas Campbell , C. S. Clemens , Benjamin Fulton , and W. H. Butler. The la- 3Ies , too , deserve a word of praise for .ho highly efficient manner in which ; hey managed the refreshment dopart- nont. A bountifull spread waa laid > ut and everybody present partook of ho dainties with great gusto , The Indies who formed thia Coinmit- .00 . were Mrs Xirchafole , Mrs. Bruce , Miss May Martin , Mrs. Geo. Bowdeti , Mrs , Frankie Washington , Mrs. ieor io Porter , Mrs. Marion and Mra. N. II. Butler. I'D LTON-PHILLIPS. i. Plousant Woddlnsr on 18th and Harnoy Street Tuctdny iiuothur couple joined ho auiiy of il e married in i.uiilw , Tno hiftli conttnctitig patties iVcro JJue Dobt.ii : Fultui 1.1 d Mr 0 1 , Puillipn , Thu vuduinjf Uiuk plua > , t'lio nuidriioi ) of a brother of the iriiUIHr. . iK-njixmin Fulton. Rev ilr. ( Mlnii.of Ihu A M. K , Oliuroli.'ihd ' ho miiitul leanut iuUt u'clik in ho ovuninj Tli It ij.y pir ivill Uko ip thuir iiblduncv ii.i Liutnuy and b'h btrouis. The ull'air WSH qiui u private iw lie ooleiiiii/.itiuti ) uikiiig iliceintliu ircscnce of u few frioiidannd ro'utive'a L'liey have the good nixtteQ ut a largo irole of friunda , whet wish thorn malth , wealth and long life in their low pa-tnorship , Brletht'a Disease , Dlnbotce. Buwarn of the stud that prutondn to iuro thoao diseasus or other serious Ividnoy , Urinary or Liver Diaeasca , u ia they only relieve for n time and nakos you ten times worse afterward ? , ) Ut rely solely on Hop Bitters , thu > nly remedy that will auraly and per- uaui'ntly cure you. It destroys ml oinoves the causa of the disease no . 'flectually that it never returns. "LITTLE PHIL/ * ao Vlalto Omnhn on Hl8 Way to the National Park. The two elegant special cars of the 3hicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Jmalw road "Sioux " " , City" and "Bus- ness , "arrived in Omaha yesterday vith a distinuiahed parly abe > ard. Thu 1st included Lieutenant Gmeral PJnl Sheridan , Inspector General Sacket' , 3ol , M. V. Sheridan , uiit-do-camp 10 3euoralSheridan ; Gen. Anton Stagu , of the Western Union telegraph con pany ; Col. Strong and Oapt. Rhode two Chicago railroad men ; Capt , V P. Clark , < f the Second cavalry ; Su goon Farrard , U. S. A. j John McCu lough , the actor , and Mr. McCullougl managing editor of The Globe-Derm crat. crat.They were met in Omaha by th officers of the department ot th Platte and driven about the city , v'u iting the headquarters building am other places , and returned to th west bound train at noon to leave fo the Yellowstone park. They go ns fa aa Green river by rail and thotico b ; stage to Fort Washakio , 150 miles There they take horses for the parl and proceed as far aa the western tot minus of the Northern Pacific in th azddlo , 400 miles. They return b ; Bismarck and St. Paul. MILLARD AND MATRIMONY A Caae In Which True Love's Cours Ran Roughly. Quito a ripple of excitement wa stirred up in the quiet precincts of th Millard hostelry yesterday by th appsaranco of a strange and dccidodl ; rustic looking couple. The male portion tion of the twain was tall , ungainly a a home made cradle , brown as a board ing house slap jack and verdan enough to answer for a banner on i St. Patrick's day parade. His fcmal companion was below medium heigh and quite fair to look upon. Al though not exactly a Uazol Kirki such as the stage presents to the pub lie , still she would pass for a dust ] miller's daughter or a farmer's mos industrious child. The young man hat the young girl firmly grasped by th < hand as if fearing alio might bo blowr away by an Omaha zephyr or disap pear through a hole in the sidewalk , The couple walked into the Millarc hotel as leisurely as if strolling amid the cowslips anil daises. Gentlemen sitting promiscuously around did nol seem to disturb them in the least. Neither did the fact of the existence of a hotel clerk without a diamond larger than a locomotive headlight. They walked up to the elevator en trance and the comrnandcr-in-ctiicf ol the wooden balloon very politely gave them a celestial trip. Through the upper rooms they wandered in listless Iciouro , and gazed with aston ishment at the numbered doors , like shoddy in an art gallery , and with perhaps os much knowledge of the ob ject ot their examination. Finally ono of the attaches of the liptel enquired the "desires" of the visitors and was mot by a question in return , "Ain't this the court house1 A negative answer brought forth the information that the couple wanted to 3ot married , and were in search of the license man. The more mention of [ patrimony brought Lyona , the lamb like head ot the cigar stand , on the icenp. The very word marriage , is uagic for Lyons , und ho just wanted : ho ceremony performed right .lien and there , aa if it : ould bo done as simply as xtstor on a dead wall. Better coun- icls prevailed and the couple were 'urnished a guido to the office of the ; ounty judge. The functionary waa lot found , and again the parties re- urnod their hands still joined , the owur arms being elevated at an angle if forty-five degrees. It Booms aa if t cotillion was just about to bo tarted and these two were the head louple , and only awaited the musio to triko up and the caller to aing out , First four right and left- " At present writing they have not > rocured a license and the first niatri- npnial ceremony at the Millard ia till unperformed. This ia really too iad. Nothing ia so auspicious as a nuriiago in a now hotel. No first- lass house should bo without one , 'specially ' when the parties are boauti- ully and wonderfully rural. Then hink of the anxiety of the parties by his delay. The county judpo should te lined for the wear and tear of their icarfc strings. Crioliet. A cricket ; match , in connection with ho picnic party of the St. George's ocioty of Omaha , was played at Hun- coin park on Tuesday afternoon bo- ween Mr. Shepherd's side and Mr. lodgott'a side , the former winning ttor A hard fought game by 17 runs The following is the ucore : 'nrkcr , B. Heaton 5 ' ' . . . . . Ucho'oau , St. llodgett'ii IS. Heaton..23 Ihenhonl , B. Bracer 18 Yhltehmwe. 0. Bracey , B. Hurst 8 reston , C. Trnct-y , B. Hurst 3 iurnncle , not out I ! 'leming , B , Hurst 0 itrlblluff , B. Hunt 1 jnnyon , C. Trdcey , B. HoJgctts 1 lowe , B. Hodgetta 3 Muib , 0. Stiimey , B , llurot 2 ixtraa , 8 Total t 7.r > ! MCO. ' , run out 1 itepjny , B. Howe , B. Jliclile.iu 3 I-MOM , U Shepherd 1 l < ii i-t" , B. Shepherd 8 lu-nt , B Iticlmleau K , S lii Hntf , run out 0 V.cey , B. Shepherd 0 'ntnaliy , B. IWlcer 10 liidtinlJ , B. Uictmlcaii 1 ' ileoner , run out 2 tuthwull , B. llichalt'i.u 1 Ixtinn 1 TcUl. . . . . „ . _ . . 58 loraford'a Acid Plioiplmto AI- ooliolimu. Dr. P. P. Gilmurtin , Detroit , Mich. , uj's ; "I have found it very fiutisfuc- Dry in ita ctl'ccU , notably in the prot- ration attendant upon uleoholism. " aiigl-ditw-lw MeHsra. Land& Co , have a fores of ten 1011 at work an the KnterprUe and Indus- : Io of Oinuhawhich from the promptncm [ our buElue ? 'inon'in midlng aid promises i \ii out at au early day. Kausus City ud St. Joe have both issued a tliuUnr rork this year ; a copy of the Ktuuns City ork and n work by Messrs. Lund ia b < fore 9 , and mo can readily Bee that the bt.tti * . led and general hiitoiy of Mesira. Laud'd ' rk la iiioio complete and gives the coin- icrclal and nmnufacturing etatus of the ity more fully , Buoklm'h Arnica Balve. The llKBT SALVE In ( lie fforld for Cute iruUes , Sores , UJceri ) , toll llheuui , fa et Sorra , Tetter , Cbajiped Hands , Cl > il Inlns , Coras , and nil vkin eruptions , an ottttiveJy curcc-illeB , It U guaranteed IL Ive satUfactfou ur money retiiuilw ) , 'rice ' , 25 cent * per box. For Wklo..b7 O1" " . ' , Goodman CLARK'S CHEEK , The Boneral Manager of tl Union Pacific Makes a Moderato Demand , The O. , B. & Q Must Build n J/ ore Lines in Colorado. A Sorionn Rnllrond War [ Declare Imminent. Them haa been so much talk c late concerning the difllculty oxistin between the Union Pacific and the 0 13. & Q. in adjusting terms for th Iowa pool , that the following fror The Chicago Tribune will prove pat ticularly interesting , The reason that the Union PaciOc Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , am Atchison Topeka & Santa Fo railroad have been unable to complete th proposed arrangement for the forma tion of a pool on the business west o the Missouri river to Co'orndo point is not because these roads have bcui unnblo to agree upon per contagos am a division of business as horctofor reported. The details of the pee hare all been perfected , the per cent agea agreed upon , and nothing I wanting to carry it into cf feet except the signature o the Union PaoiGc. When UK negotiations had nil been concluded a the recent meeting at the Qrand Pa citic , and the agreement was presentee to the general manager of the Uniur Pacific for his oignaturc , that gentle man refused to sign it unless the Ohi cigo , Burlington & Quincy would plcdgo itself not to build any more roada in Colorado. Although the Burlington has no intention ot ex. tending its line in Colorado , it refused to make any pledges that would pro. vent it from building or acquiring now roads in Colorado when it should find it advisable to do so. The Burlington people emphatically declare that they will never accede to Miy aucli unjust demand as the Union Pacific makes , no matter what the result may bo , and they claim to bo in just as good a position if not a better ano than the Union Pacific to make a light as they have but ono line to take jaroof , whilotho Union Pacific has to take care of two. Besides , they eay they have their own line all the way From Denver to Chicago , while the Union Pacific only runs to the Mia- louri rivor. The Union Pacific pcoplo say they ivill never go into a pooling arrange ment on Colorado business unless the Lurlington does pledge itself to build 10 more roads in Colorado , and that f they find it necessary in order to : arry on a successful fight with the Burlington , they will either acquire me of the existing roads from the Vlissouri river to Chicago , or will > uild a new line. It is not likely , lowever , that this assertion amounts o anything more than a throat. To icqi'iro ono of the existing roads bo- ween the Missouri river and Chicago s a harder job than the Union Pa- ifio people may think , as there is tot a single line the stock of fhich is not quoted at par. Mr. 3oulet made and effort once before to ; ot control of the Rock Island and orthwestern Roada , but was signal'y ' lofoatod in his attempt. The North- fcstorn has since passed into the lands of Vanderbilt , and ho will no loubtheldjonto itjwith a vise-likogrip. | Pho Bock Island is also held by par larties who will not sell out. The oad which the Union Pacific might ; ot is the Wabash , but this property rould no doubt prove a white elephant n its hands. To build a now line is qualiy impracticable , as there already nero roads between hero and the Missouri River than are needed , and ho construction of another line would irovo highly unprofitable. In any event it is hard to sco how , road between the roads west of the Missouri river can bo avoided , unless ho Union Pacific should at the last noment recede from its position , as ho Burlington will under no consid- ration give such a pledge ) as is do- iiandcd by the Union Pacific. It is oported that the war hau actually pmmencod and that the Union Pa- ific is already cutting rates between ho Missouri river and Colorado at ompoting . points. - KEDDINOS , Russia Salvo has proved its fllcionoy by n test of 75 years' constant , se. Try it. _ _ WANTED A good second-hand lioyclo , Addrcaa box X , Central ! ity , Neb _ _ 10-3t ILAVEN'S YOSEMIl'E COLOGNE rlndo from the wild flowers of th AH FAMED -YOSEMITE VALLEY , L is the most frjyrant ot perfumoa. ilunufacturcd by II. B. Slavcn , San rancioco. Fpr ( ulo in Omaha by W. . Wlutuhousa mid Kimnaio Bros. , s Co. _ A. LKGAL 'ho Assistant Attorney tlenurul of the United IJim. J.uni's K AlcOammon , aesiat- nt gi nuial of the United tatca and t'X- United States rnilroad oinmiabioner , arrived in the city yes * jrdny Jrom Washington City , on auto to Ban Fiaiicitco. IIu YIPS no- ompitniid by his femily , and Mr. J. I. Johnston , of Washington , and Mr. I. 0. Listor , of Philadelphia , both iwyora of note. The object of Mr. McCammon's recent visit to the coast is to pur. hase supplies for the Indians on the 'acific cpiist , after which hu will go to lie Flathead Indian reservation , in lontana , to hold a council with the 'Juthoads in regard to securing the iuht of way for the Northern Pacific tirough their lands. Mr. McCammon made a similar trip rest last year to sccuro the right of 'ay ' for the Oregon ehort line from lie Bannocks. At that tune head ad the cflico of United States iiilroad commissioner. The position i the- highest in the interior depart- lent which the government can give ) , 'ho duties uro to inspect the books , tlict'p , shops and departments of all tin railroaas subsized by the gorern- icnt. und eeo that the contracts be tween the government and the co porations are lived up to. It is noteworthy fact that Mr McCammc on the former trip traveled all ovi the country in General Manage Clark's private car , while now that I ha * retired to a less influential ofii < for the monopolies , though not a lei important ono under the govornmen ho rides in the regular 1'ullnin coaches. Whence arises this diatini tion ? SPECIAL MTGE8. ) ! xione/'B. Aa ertisement ati lx3 n , f or , ti Loot , Found , Wnsts Bosrdlnj , Ac. , will be I Mrted In thete colamns once ( or TKN CEK1 ftt line ; etch Bubsequentlnseitlon , FIVEOEN1 I > cr line. The flnt Insertion never lew thi TWEtm'.FlVK CKNTS TO LOAN MONtY. OHEV TO LOAN-0 II t L W Ufflcv Ot I L. ThomM RoomS CrtUhton Block , LOAA At 8 per centli In umiof $2,600 nr upwards , lor 8 to 6 years , on Ortt-clasa city an farm property. Bums RIAL KSTATI and Lei AOMOT , 16th and DoucUs 8 Is. HELP WANTED. ANTED. , Olrl about 12 to IHjoar oM , t tike ciro c ( child , Inquire at 013 Jacl ton street. 0 n.Wcdrl1. 001-21 - Udy at Grand Centri WANTED-Younjr SU 950-2 Boarders at 110 South 13th SI WANTED ? ! , 00 ; iliofurnlsicd roomi , Fran : Davis. 08Mf At Mcrrltta licstaurant , 100 WAVTKD & street , a good washer am Irotic' . D05-4) ) A first clau moulder c ( stoid ; WANTED , A permanent job and irooi wagM to the right man. Moux tlly Fumpani Iron Works , Sioux City , Iowa. 90J-3 Agent ) to solicit for the Uctrol WANTED llcneflt A siclitlon of Detroit lllch. Goad Induccnipnti to the tight p rdci Money to loan nnd team ncsotlatcil on ilbcra tcrm . Inquire of N. It , Buck , Ag-nr.t lor c brailn , Hooin % 13 , 13'h itrcct , upsialra 949-7 * 'ANTKD 100 itonomajons , 76 tcims , lj ( ( W rrck mo , ShlpSntur > ay , Wairo * Iron : ? 2 CO to $1.00 per tlav. 75 sinm < $5 00 per day Inqu'root J. W. htindle , cor 10th nnd Ddg < street * . A ilrst-cU a mi at cook nt the st , WANTKn Hotel , Morn-j Apply or I ho premises. 936tf A girl to do Reticnl houie work WANTKD ol two. Itelti'tiiccs required Apply to COS Btutii IBth street0442 _ * - glrM tolevn fho Kclhgg French Tailor System ol Dress Luttlnir , pow bctDR taught nt I'/IO Millard Ilct'l Block uttlu Joneti tct , tlaj custom cutting done u shortest i o-wlblc time. l'i' terns cut to order. Dd nt wa-rant d by Jill * . 110ND , icncr&l Agent for Kcltoeri ? Tailor 8 j stem cl lns ; WANTED An c.\pir creed girl to do pcn- ornl house work In imall lamliy. Btfcr- incca ieUlrid. | High wtgca gl > cn. Call at 114 ! ou h luth St. . city. _ OlO-tl ITrANTED A nr t-cliS8 flrl mint Ic ( rood VV cook , washer mid honor. Wnget ? 4 00 itr week. iLquIro at Lee , Filed & CO'B , or at IcioUIci. 93t-tl tTf TANTKD COO privy vau.ts , sinks And cess W ixiolo toclian with Sanitary Vault and link Cleaner , the beet In use. A. Kvana ft Co. , cnldcnca 1200 Dodco ptroot , Omahn. At one , ' , a Hrst nasa carrla.'o WANTKD . Steady work and good iacs. Arid re e , F. J. Snouper , Atlantic , Ia. 923-3 CT7" ANTED Tno or three rooms su'table ' fo YY iihytlciais cilice..JJnes JJr. I'crtr lee olllce. 690-tf ANTKIJ Ten teams to work on f'lorenc W Citt-00. Wages S3 50 per day. 377-tf MirnilKI.I.VIvnENT. , B1EN WANThD At Florence Cut-Off , 100 nine miles i"rth ol Oi-sha. Wajos 1.75 per day MITCHELL VINCENT. SRfl.K SITUATIONS WANTED. NTED Work as second girl In pr'rito V fimily or liijht hanascwi gddrcsi , e ! . irB. , BRKolIlco. 0:7-lt MICELLANEOUB WANTa IT/ANTED Ahouso it the nctt end ol the VT tho. i Ity , contiliiltig about six room" , Hh stable and carriage room attached. Must ave water and be convenient to street car. Ad- rcss J. P. H. , Metropolitan hotel. aug2-3t [ TTANTED To buy a ret ol cirpcntcr'a tools , I V second hand , but mu t bo in good c ndl- on. Inqu ro fJrtccry ttorc , A. Brown , fJuming rcct , bctnccn 20ih nnd 21st. 0.8-3t -To rent , home o' JO or 12 rooms. r Must bo In good locat On. .VcO jue , op- olto I' . O. 9GO-4 [ TTAXl ED Vbont A"ultutT5 , a hcuso ofTor r Y 5 rooms , on line ot fctrcot ra'lnay preter- d. Address "House , " Bee Ofdco. aul tl FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAUD. TtOR RE 'T I.nrgo IIOIIB < > , 12 roiras , new. < Uoodlocati n. McCzguo , orposlte I' . 0. 959-8 70R RENT Three lurnlshtd room'fcr h'Ufc- J keeping ; alsj a piano. 113 North 13th St. 955- 1 7IOR RENT V plaapant furnlih d ro--m for J onocr tw gojllemcn. Inqn ro ar , 1912 altfoinhtt cot 'OSMf 7IOR RENT Kurn'shct lojji. Apply at 103 J South itrcet. 651 1 * ! 70R RENT Large rirm , with board or table 2 boar ] give , 180R California steret. IRtl , KENT 1 wo rooms and kl chen In now i * home , with h drant water , corner 13lh ami allfornla etrcits. Inqulra a , fio. COS horth lthi > rct . 052-4- [ 7IOR RENT A hr'ck l.omo with 8 rooms on rass , bftwcon 20'h and 2l t streets. En- uiroo ; Wm , K. Morris , ocrtilate Hank.9I62 9I6-2 * WOR KENT "no neatly furiilehnl room , with [ } prlil'o.o cl ai Joining parlor , 1813 Webster r eet. 012-tl IjWR RENT In good location , llvj room , up- P stnlis , KnqulrdJohii Johnson , . K , corer - er rnrnam ana llth , D31-t ( CT K RENT A p'owa > t furnlthid rsom on I ? th llrst ( loDr , onu LI'u\ from street ear , nt IC3 llarney street , Olfi-tl TtOR RENT Four room eotfjige , lar o loc , J routh 17th , Augiittt Ut. J L. U'olrl am , BO r'anittin felrcet. 9 5-tf 'TtOR RENT FurnUhid homo f > cvcn rnom , ' 11 fnmll lainiiv. fos slou Aiiu | > t l t A'- resl "Kuri Isbtd * ' ticu olllco S:4-if OH KENT Uriel , { tore. Ir quire at Uru.- J rvorc , cornet ] 0th and DougUd 8t . 620-tl 7,011 RKNT ! Tcu c of 0 rooms , newly pls - 1 tertd and p In'rd. $15e > per muutli. orthol 10th sucet urldn'O on ID h atnat. ( 'on- > uleut tohops /ilf ) ; corner 1'Jth ai.d Ilnw. rdstrutt 181 it T10R HINT Two new dwellings anl two ether } dwc'.lhgn In desirable leu lit } , ey McKooii , o. 16M Uought fctrott b7-tl IlKNi' Fu nished room n. 1U1U Furnam BC2-tf 1UHMall Drcomlor ueulliman with refir * < cnce , 1312 Dod.o street between 13th and th. H7-tl _ _ 7IOR RENT One pleasant roo-i' , with board ( If dcslrid , 117 south 17th utrtet. 8C4-U A ALOTrf lor Icasa lit $25.00 per annum , eaeh Ul ; lor a term ol joirs , at "Ornire Qrovo lalu" adjoining Ilan eom P , rk on tha wo.t , n minutes \ulk from a net can. Mo , ey ran i obtained to build with , byjcrsous . . 0 i p roraUcs , ofllci 1615 Farn iu street .TINEHOUSE3 FORWENT Small and large , M two to twelve ruou s each ; ore or two new itu with all modern comuilencoi , Ono ol 12 > emi , suitable lor boarding and room renting , th and Douglas bU. I1EMI3 , Agent , 15th and Doutilat bts. nWO FLRNiailKUsoutn rooms for rent. U L W. corner 19th aud Davcniort. SOO-tt Eon RENT no-vdlng house well faralsbM. Inquire 1OT lOt. * ! street , ! > 8 rooms ithe corner oi lilh and Douglas stres , . Inquire cu pr > ml . -r/ FOR RENT 1 wo t.lcely ItirrMifd fouth r'i rs rentable pliers , iioia Cam i.titet. 338 171 K UENT Furr.lshe-1 room with b ari , J ; modfin Irnproim r.t , a leviable oo'r can bo accommodated , at 1718 Ledge meet. PORRKNT A 7 room house nd 4 stall tttbloon Convent street , near bt. Marys avenue. Rent J21.CO ti-r month. Enquire o Baiker Itroihcrs , CMOItlce. CGS-tf FOR RF.NT Furnldhed front rcomwtthhoaril , C03 North l7th St. C31-U POR RKNT Furtlshcd room , 1723 bou Us "troV. 4M-U FOR KEN I. 1 wo now elegant houses. In quire t I'tterson'a Clothluc B ore , near II , ' ' "et. \ . E92-tf on ttrii i luib.cjmij ruurua over < * * 81 -ils'Eicb .nsN , B car. Itlh nd DoJg T710H HKNf Nicely furuii notl rotmu with oi JC without boarcl. Keasonkble prlcop. 2018 CasaBt. ' > ' ° " _ _ _ _ _ FOP PALE rriil ! urnlnirefonn H 1417 Howard strtct T7IOR SALE Cheip , 48-Inch " .Uindaid Col. JL' urrbla bicycle , Rood AS new. Fcrpart'ctilars HUdrets I' . 0. 110X820. lilalr , Neb. 902-6 FOR SALE A good Ii mlly horsp , buiy and sot at harness. Apply at 1818 Farnim Btrett. gsi-st _ " 1710R SALE A flvo aero lot and good houeo JL OIIQ mlle north of Batrack * Inquire on premises or Ofo. II. I'clcison , No 801 , 10th ttrcet. 047-lm * C. Sonnxtox. _ _ PORALE A good lamllv harso , pheaton buggy ar.d . harRcsgry cheap Apply to er address C. f. B locrs , Fo.t Omaha. 912-2 * "T710R HALE Dray horse , harness and top C t'"Kgy. A M to chat ee lor a f ami y. Ad- dices "L'and Leader , * ' Fort Omaha. Pg-6 * T710R SALE Hou o afd lot 31 300 feet on Cal. L llornlt street , eaitof Sacred Heart Cement , 8cOO McCAGUK , 830-t ; Opposite vostofflcc. HOUSE and lot for galu , 'No. ' 925 Montana street , near Cuml g. Inquire Cigar etorc , cirner 10th and Jackson streets. 885-a2D FOH SAL1 Entire grocery I tock and fixtures. thrccHIght express tcims and wagons. Se\cn rcn ot land lth housebarn aniothcrln prove- moate. Four lots on corner 10th and Bancroit street. Inqulro N. J SMITH , B40-tf Corner 10th and Lcavtnworlh. FOR SALE Hou'o and corner lot , at Sl.CH ) . bargain. McCAQUE , oppoilto P. 0. t3Uf story bulldlni : for ralo at a bargain , Lo. TWO at north-cast corner ot 17th street , ind Capitol ave. Must bo uiocd on or belorc August 7th proximo , UtMI s' 770-11 Agent , 15th r.nd Donglas. n IX BEAUTIFUL LO 1 8-60x150 Icot each In O Hanscorn I'laco on street car lino. Best lots n whole addition on very caiy terms and at a ; rcat bargain. BEHIS' agent , 15th and Douglai streets O BAkom , one Iar < o brick home , and one argo tratno house , with full lot 01 Cans near 15' ' h itroit. Fine ch nco for mvpftmcnt , rent I r $70 > cr mou Hi. CM lor full particulars , on BEMIs , COO tl Apcnt , ICth ri'd Douglas its. HOTEL FOR SALE. The Arlington Ilouso First c'ass ; all funilshed. The only hotel ntown. The cheapest property In the state. las all the traveling m > n. Will bo ( old cheap on onr.B to suit. Enquire of E. Fulle , propiletor , Arlington , Wnsnington county , Neb , 6fc3 tt I iWl' ctALib or win uxt.n& ( ! e ror Omaha pr > - I ? percy , nnlnprocd8oc on ol land adjoin- ng a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM- 'aruhim St. , Oraah * . 720 Pm1 RICE FOU EALfc. B EALfc.ESTABKOOIC ft COB MOK ALK I'ho I'OHULAi : UOTEL , known t ? aa the BOYS' II011E. This house la cof- rally located , has eou'h and east front , and II urroundcd w th duo ehade trees ; contilnsthirty Icepln - rooms , haa ice bouse , laundry , taniple oem , io. Has a world reputation and a letter patronefjo than many houses ot twlco Its apaclty. Prlco ? 5,000. For particulars ad * roes , A. A. SAWDEY , Kcd Cloud , ftcb.E51M E51-M DALEO IIAY At A. U. Sander' Fe H V , D 1018 Ilirnov St. 9l9-t MiaOBLiLANIOOS , r OST Fhlpplng b-ok lu leather caee. Finder v U will please return to 916 Uoug'a-itrect ana \ , ccelvo toy lor h.s trouble. II. U Gould. > . OSO 3 1 f OST A pup seven months old. Viry largo. Lj Color , Iher and ! white. Ono lore I'g. pecklcd. A liberal row rd will be pa id for his cturn 10Hudson 1 Iver Houso. 937-2 il'KClAL , AQEM'b lor Kobra ka. Knnsu ndl 5 Missouri to represent the IKUUaTRIAL ilFE ASSOCIATION ol Indianapolis , Indiana , u'eh has stood the test ol tlm , pi's all [ asset n full ; strongly Indorsed bv the noit Insurance uthori IDS ; uorougtily cstablUhcd , easily orkecl , and I * not on the cooperatho or old no plan. Liberal contracts made with i tner .1 etic agents , at a compensation of from t 0 - / loneand to three thousand dollars per year v ddrcsi INDU-TR'AL LIFE ASStlCIATi , S o. 70 East Market street , Indlonapolls Ind. Iuljr28-lmo. 'ITRA7ED A Jersey cow , yeller and white. j with short turn in hern , largo white epot 11 forefoot , lonir tail and wl Ito at end. A I'b- ' ral renard xU'l be paid for her return to M. A. IcNamaia , H. 14th ( rett. 03Stt 5DWAED KUEHL AOIBTUR OF FALUYeTSWY AND CONDI lONALIiiT , 40 < ) Tenth 51 root , nctwe n Karnntr idKarner. Will , with the aid /.urii'Mi . drlts. ohlat.-i for toy one n 1-lim'o at ir\i nft t < \ S'lcont , acd on cettnlr coidltloni lr t-1 ci ' ire. DfotiuudShooa n ' .e If irder ruf're ' Absolutely Pua-e. This powder never varies. A mortcl ol p , strength and wholesoicencss. More econol lc l than tha ordinary kinds , and cannot b' ' Id In competition with the multitude of a et , bbort weight , alum or phosphate powdtrf doitly In cane. KOTIL IUKINO POWO B nj n v/f st w Yotlr RAVELING MAN , A. No. 1 , man wanted to cell In Colon lo , Utah , yotulng , i niibas , Knatla , and the entire e t. complete liiunl Knit Uocds , cotsibtlngln l ' Men's clocks , Ladles' , Mlcres' and Clilldrt : g. Ingi and U ocklugs , Liidlev and Uentlcmii jubluand Single A ittcns. MUwjj1 ' " en's Mittens , Uardlgin Jackets , pi , alto ERMAN FULLED MITTS AMD STOCKINGS. Idrejs Mating ago , eipcrienccnnd ns'trc1 e ( a ju20-lw > m& > Dttiolt , iiicU.