Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morning , Aucr. 3.
Dy C rilcr , - - - - - 20 cent * per week
- _ . . - . - flO.OO per Year
Ofllco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
M. O. G1UFF1P , Hinder City Circulation.
H. W. TJL.TON , City Editor. 1
Bherraden makes photograph * .
The new fire alarm boxes will proba
bly bo put In to-day , at IcMt some of them.
L , B. Cousins hasn car load of cobs
for fale by the wagon lead. Address him
at I1. O. box 789.
The farmers' alliance is to hold a con
vention hero to-day ,
Don't ' fall to take In the base ball game
this afternoon.
Xeolft tent ono of Its citizens to the
jail here yesterday to spend thrco days for
disturbing the pc co.
Seaman has removed his paper , book
and stationery stock to No. 405 Broadway ,
next door to HarkncH , Orcult & Co ,
Water pipes are being laid in the
vicinity of the corner of Eighth street and
Sixth avenue ,
Justice Abbott yesterday tied the knot
which made Augusta Grnnstlan to become
Mrs. Carl I'ctcreon ,
Mueller has bought the finest l-t
( about ono hundred and fifty canes ) of toys
nnd holiday goods over brought to the west
for his wholesale trade.
Nettle Harris , the Strretvlllo shooter ,
has not been found by tbo.oflicorR , who
want her for another assault. It is said
that fho has skipped.
Thomas 13rown was yesterday lifted
out of the common list of dnmks , by
being noted as the only ono before the
superior court yotorday , He was not
chsrgeJ extra , however for the distinction ,
A very tleilrablo piece of property for
sale , on south side Sixth street , in the
block opposite the new Opera House , on
Broadway. Front twenty feet. 1'rlct
three thousand dollars. Enquire
The saloon men nro coming Into the
city clerk'n ofl'ico In goodly numbers and
depositing tbo S25 ball alias HCCDKO for
August , Marshal Jackson last month
threw elf his fees In cases of delinquents ,
but hays ho will do DO no more , and thoiu
who don't pay before the 10th will have to
pay his coats at Icaat ,
It Is not to bo wondered at that nr
rests are few In number. There la little
use In the police running any prisoners
into the calaboose , unless they are so
, drunk , that is the prisoner , that they can1
not roll on" the floor nnd tumble out of jail.
The calaboose can hardly hold n xobcr
Complaints was yesterday lodged
against Mrs , Ileiman , who lives on KlKhth
street , between Avenue C and D , charging
her with cruelty to animals. It Is claimec
that ebo has been nnnoyod by Jogs prowl
ing about her promises that she used ho
water 'In driving them away , and thus
scalded two canines horribly. The owners
of the dogs evidently mean for her to g 1
rcdrtss in some other way than by cruelty
to the animals ,
Last Monday evening the many
friends of Miss Cora Marble gave her a
pleasant surprise in honor of her Nineteenth
teonth birthday , at her homo on Tenth ar
onue , After recovering from her nurprino
all were'enteitained in a very agreeable
manner. Music , dancing and vnriou
garnet were indulged in until a Into hour
Mlm Cora wus also the icciplont of man ;
elegant presents from her admiring friends
0. F. lleleler , having got mad abou
the way a friend of his dropped a fat ro
of money In n game the other night , In
terftred , and was promptly cjoctec
from the room. Yesterday , in sweo
revenge ho entbred couiplahjt ngalim
Dau McGlnnlcs and lilx doalfir , John F
Brown , charging them with gambling
Brown turned the tablea by entering com
plaint against Hei.ler for gambling. S
the war 1ms opened. The cases will b
beara to-day ,
This afternoon tbo Union 1'nclfio nln
tnndCoupciljltiirt * club nre to have
Bpeclalgtmo at the base ball park of th
jotter. The amount of Ill-denervcd alms
"wlifclii has been heaped upon tlio Comic
Bluffc club by basa bnlllsts of Omaha ha
t lined up the boys hero and their friends
nnd they w 111 do nil they can to win th
honors of the day from their strong com
potltorn. It will bo a lively game am
worthy of n big crowd ,
Tlio "colonel" has returned from hi
eastern trip , and finJs thaf there is n largo
number of autl-Andenon republicans that
be supposed , Ho becomes nlauned am
cracks his whip In a threatening way n
ho jelps for the dhalfected onun to get hit
Hnr , "We would not wish to our WOIH
enemy n WOMO fate politically thau th
bolting of Major Audouon will induce
No one can ho expected to he honest UIH
trusted by the patty who betrays It In th
houra when co-operation agalnit tho'jmb
Ho enemy U peculiarly dunirable. Tli
gratification of reungo iniiy be sweet , hu
thu copec < | uenco will be bltUr " Tli
"colonel" mu t judge others by Ills ow
timidity if ho fancier that biicli threat
coming from him will frighten any one
He and hi * heuchuiau lm\o forced Ander
eon upon the party by unfair means , am
then bv use of bonds and all only got hii
nominated by one majority. Now till
, unuio Chapman boa thi audacity to crac
lib whip over the back of the party , niu
Uneaten all who will not milmilt. Th
threat uill scare no o'e , and only tteems t
make the "colonel" ridiculous. Of con re
Chapman in desperate. He mutt gecur
the United State * uiaralmUhlp for auothc
term , or take u terrible tumble , but m hi
desperation he ohould have a little mor
judgment than to try to frighten voters t
support the military vin he has net up.
It Nearly Dead
after taking some highly puffed u
etuff , with long testimonials , turn t
Hop Bitters and have no fear of any
Kidney and Urinary troubles , Bright'
JHjuaso , Diabutca or Liver Complaint
Thuio diseases cannot mist the curative
tivo power of Hop Bittirs ; betide
it is the best family medicine ot
earth ,
The Greenbackors Nominate a
Candidate For the Ninth
The Convention Peaceful and
the Platform n. Stir
ring Ouo.
Tbo Doing * In Detail.
In nccordanco with tlio published
all the greenback-labor party hold a
onrontion at the court house In this
ity yesterday , nt 11 o'clock , to nom-
nato a candidate for the Ninth congrcs-
ional district. II. 0. Ayers , oE The
Tastings Plaindoalcr , called the con-
ontion to order , and road the call ,
'horo ivoro about twonty-fivo present ,
lie number of dolcRnica to which the
onvcntion was entitled being forty-
wo , by the state distribution.
Mr. Ayers , in his opening , made a
> rlef speech , in which ho declared that
lie issue was one aa vital as over , and
hut while the groonbackors had boon
mi > roprcBonted and abused , yet they
1) ) aid fool no mnlicn toward their vil-
ilurs. It was the fata of all reform-
re. It had boon charged that the
rocnback party was simply the out-
omo of hard times. It was tlmo that
mrd times had caused the people to
tudy questions of economy nnd
nance , but the principles which the
> nrty advocated were as essential to
iinea of proeporty as times of dopros-
ion. The greonbackors had won
ow successes so far as office-
jetting was concerned , but they
roro not after spoils , but were sup-
> orting principles which they believed
ight. ilo hoped that the convention
vould nominate a man of clear rec
ord , one who hnd not bought his noin-
imtion , and that the action of the
nnvontion would bo harmonious nnd
Mr. Ayers , by the request of the
commlttoo , then called Mr. Koolor ,
of Fremont , to the front as temporary
chairman. Mr. W. 0. Codwoll , of
Jarrison county , was chosen temporary
ary secretary.
On motion of Mr. Stanley , of Oass
county , a committed of three were
chosen on credentials , these appointed
> oiug Mr. Disbro , of Oass county , Mr.
Potter , of Shelby , and Dr. Sperry , of
i&On motion of Mr. Buxtctn , of Ilar-
: ison county , a committee was named
HI permanent organization , the fol-
owing being chosen : Mr. Harris , of
Avoca , Mr. Stanley , of Lewis , Mr.
Llenslmor , of Mills.
On motion of Mt. Ayres a commit-
.eo of ono from each county was
chosen on resolutions , as follows :
Audubon , .
Oass Thomas Meredith.
Crawford , .
Fremont Henry Birds < ill.
Harrison S. P. Euxtin.
Mills H. 0. Ayres.
Montgomery George Dennis.
Pottawattamio Mr. Harris.
Shelby Dr. Cartlioh.
An adjournment was taken until
1:30 : p. m.
On reassembling in the afternoon ,
the committee on credentials reported
the following number of delegates
present :
Harrison county , 8j Pottawattamio ,
4 ; Oass , 5 ; Mills , 4 ; Shelby , 2 ;
Montgomery , 0 ; Fremont , 2.
Audubon and Cnuvford were un
The committee on permanent organization -
ganization repotted la favor of making
the temporary olllcora permanent
ones , which report was adopted ,
On motion of Mr. Stanley , of Cass ,
the conynction proceeded to ballot
for candidate for congress from the
Ninth district.
Mr. Stanley proposed the name of
II. 0. Ayors. M. H. Ooltry , of liar
risen , presented the name of D. P.
Wilson , and urged him as a farmer
worthy of the position and represent
ing the labor interests. Dr. Sperry
said ho believed in putting in n
farmer , that the conflict was between
labor and capital and labor should bo
represented ' in the legislative halls.
Xonoa Brown also urged that labor
should bo represented and its rights
protected. In view of these
facts ho presented the name
of Abraham Harris , whom ho
described not ns a fanner , but a
butcher , who had spent time nnd
money in winking for the principles of
the party. Mr , Meredith WAS in
favor at Mr. Harris on unmu moninlu ,
but did not bclievo in putting such
good material to the front to bo
slaughtered , and doiibtul whether lie
wau eloquent enough on the slump to
contest with tl u i < 'l < qui > nt pul < eis ol
other parties Mr 11. U. AyuiH ,
stated that hu hud itn < i < iM why ho din
not care to hiuo Inn i < itmu mod , ; n i :
why lid did not u.uo to nmkv tm ! HID
Ilo did not wniti ilu >'ij'iou ii
understand that hu \\i\at\ \ dinner , 01
at Joust that Unit v.'tia hid priuctpa
business. Ho did eomu farming , bui
thu newspaper liueiiicaa was his chiel
( ino , with oci'uacjiiuully u little dash al
the law biiMim * tin proneutrd tin
immo of Dr J H , llutton , of Hei
O.\k , who while ho wns u profosslona
man , yet ho was n laboring man. Mr.
Tuft urged the name of Mr. Ayurs.
M , H. Ooltry and Mr. Taft were
named as tollers. The first ballot
which \yns an informal ono resulted :
Harrison county Wilson 1 , Ayres
: , Uatton 1.
Pottawattamio Harris 4.
Oass Ayres 4 ,
Mills Ayres 4 , Hatton 1.
Shelby-llutton 4.
Montgomery Hattnn 7 ,
Fremont Harris C.
The total showed U5 votes , and 18
necessary to u choice , of which Wilson
received 1 , Ayrcs 11 , Harris 10 , and
Hatton 13.
A motion to make Dr. Hatton the
noiimiuo by acclamation and unani
mously , was made by Mr. Harm , and
withdrawn by Mr.Harria.owIng to ob
jections being made as to the action
being too hasty. A formal ballot was
thim taken , roiulting as follows :
Harrison Ayres 4 , Hatton 1.
Pottawattamie Harris 4.
Oass Ayora 3 , Hatton 1.
Mills-Ilatton 6
Shelby Uatton 4.
Montgomery -Wilaon 1 , Uatton G.
Fremont Harris 0.
The total gavn Hatton 17 , Harris
10 , Ayres 7 , Wilson 1.
A second formal ballot was taken
resulting :
Harmon Ayers 3 , Harris 1 , Hat-
.on 1.
Pottawattamio Harris 4.
Oass Uatton 4.
Mills Ayora 2 , Harris . IHatton 2.
Shelby Hatton 4.
ont emery Harris 2 , Hatton C.
. ' uttinnt Hatton 0
This gave Dr. J. B , Uatton 22 ,
\ . Harris 8 , and Hi 0 , Ayers 5.
The nomination of Dr. Hatton was
lion made unanimous , which called
ourth the first applauao the convon-
ion had indulged in.
The following platform was then
udoptcd , as reported by the committee
fippolntod for that purpose.
1. The national party of the Ninth
congressional district of Iowa , in con-
'ontion assembled , heartily endorse
ho platform of the party as adopted
> y the state convention ntDosMoincs
on the Oth of Juno , 1882.
2. Wo denounce the repeal of the
o-called granger railroad law , fixing
maximum rates in this state , as an
dious crime against the state , where-
> y n wholesome measure of protection
o the people was stolen by republican
loliticiana at the instance of a railway
obby , and for the benefit of railway
corporations ,
3. Wo declare that the creation of the
railroad commission of this state was
n base and shamful fraud upon the
looplo by which their vital intoroata
Toro surrendered into the hands of
railroad tools ( called commissioners )
mid for their pretended services by
, ho railroada , bribed with railroad
lassos , having up power but the
itwor to draw their pay , and with no
nclination to correct-railroad abuses ,
or relieve from railroad wrongs.
4. Wo therefore demand that the
governor shall call an Immediate sea-
lion of the general assembly and
recommend the abolition of this ab
ominable railroad commission , and
the restoration of the old law , fixing
maximum tariffs for railroad freight
and passengers and for the enactment
of ouch other legislation aa the pres
ent emergency may require and the
icoplo generally and urgently do-
5. Wo demand that all corporations
"or pecuniary profit shall bo required
to pay taxes , like private individuals ,
on the actual value of their property.
0.Vo demand congressional legis
lation to regulate commerce anvnig
the several mules' ' and from the na
tional and state legislatures such
measures for railroad control as will
prevent discrimination againat per
sons and places , and secure reason
able and impartial charges for rail
road service , based on the cost of con
struction and equipment , with liberal
pay for the labor , employed in the
performance of such service.
7. Wo pledge ourselves to go before
the people of this district and thor
oughly expose the railroad abuses
lieroin denounced , and that wo will do
our utmost to convoy to the public
the information upon these subjects
which the old party papers studiously ,
persistently and wilfully concoal.
8. Wo invite the co-operation of all
raon to assist us in cstablir hing antimonopoly -
monopoly principles , and in public
afiajra the rule of equal rights to oil ,
and special privileges to nono.
The following were chosen aa the
congressional district campaign conv
mittoo , ono from each county :
Fremont Henry Vincent , of Ta
Mills H. 0. Ayers , of Hastings.
Montgomery William Hall , of Rod
Cass Daniel Stanley , of Lewis.
ITPottawattamio John A. Churchill ,
Council Bluffs.
Harrison W. C. Cadwoll , Logan.
Shelby J. W. Cartlich , Harlan.
Crawford Wm Anderton , Vail.
Audubon Gapt. Hanna , Atlantic.
The convention throughout was as
quiet and peaceful as a aummor'a day ,
and was about as devoid of enthusi
asm. The work being thus accom-
plishcd , it was decided that in case
Dr. Ilattcn should decline to accept
the nomination , the committee should
have the power of naming another
candidate. The convention then ad
journed , }
The committee hold n brief mooting
lifter the close of the convention , and
oltctod as their chairman H. 0. Ayers ,
of Hastings , and as secretary W. 0.
C. dwell , of Logan.
INDIANAVOLIH , Ind. , July 8 , 1881. J
II. H. WAUNKK it Co : SIM-For
twenty years I have boon olllictod with
liver complaint. T Irird various rein-
cdios , but rociived no benefit until I
commmicpil the IIBU of jour S-ifo Kid-
y and Liver Cure , which gave mo
imanont rn.ief.
Ol v Knwi.v A.
DonlH In Dirt.
The following traimfern of titles nro
it-portoil ad tiikcu from the county
r i-i r.a ! by ,7V. . t-quii" A On , till
i f ijrlo mil vH.itu uiul loan
Shunirto 0. TiRh-r , lotl in l.look
S'U ' , KvHifti'rtiiOdi-iuii in city ? 2s8 ! 50
F , 0 Glcason to John MuOalliiin ,
Jot 10 in block 28 , Mullm'n sub. city
S , A. Joiu-8 to J. M. Mtiion , lot 23 ,
in Hanthorn's addition to Lni-ulund
& 500 ,
J. A. Oopelond to E. Ivelmy , lot 11 ,
in Hanthorn's addition to Lovohmd
0. K. IVrkina , trualoo , to L M.
Arnold , n w \ of no } and o A of n o
} of 17-75 39-Sl.nOO.
M. D. Hardin to H. E. Hardin. lot
4 in block G , Ourti & llamaoy'a ad
dition to city $550 ,
J. Mueller to 0. Straub , lot 2 in
block 10 , and lot ? in block 20 , Burn's
ndiHtlon to city § 3 JO.
18. Bartlett to (1. ( Smith , lots 5 and
0 in block 14 , Walnut-880.
Ooorgo F. Wripht to B. E. Kelly ,
lot 0 in block 1 , William's first addi
tion to city500 ,
J , T. Bigclow to 11. Kaid , lot t in
Biuolow'a addition to Walnut § 100.
J. H Arnold to S. Caldwell , so }
of n o ] of of 17-75 39-81,000.
School district of Boomer to S ,
B'llonmn ' , part of a o j of a w } of 23-
77-43-S16. *
Tired of tuo Ties.
The circuit court ia to open hero on
the 14th iuat. There arc already 222
caaoa docketedand among them e iiurn *
her of divorce cases , most of thorn
having been brought over into this
term , but among the new casts nro
the following :
J D. Gault vs. Ellen Gaalt.
Emma M. Hammond vs. J , Q.
Charles Warner vs. Emma Warner.
F. A , Conner vs , Marietta Connor ,
Furnoy Widener vs. Harriott Widener -
doner ,
Ella Lyons v , John W. Lyons.
Win. H. Button vs. Mapgio But
Hon. W , F. Sapp has returned from his
aetorn trip ,
D , Kvnns and wife , of 121 PASO , III , , nre
among the guests of the Ogdcn houso.
J. II , Hilts and wife , of Vernon , Oncida
county , Now York , are visiting * the city ,
Ex-Alderman Churchill intends Blurting
outh to-day , expecting to visit Chattan
ooga and other point * , and will look after
the stock for bin pump factory ,
Judge Aylosworlh improved llio dullness
of court yesterday to pay a vidtto Omnlin ,
Ilo expects within a tiny or two to start on
a inoro extended trip to Dakota , and will
jo absent a week or ten days.
Dr. Stnton's father , from Ithaca , N. Y. ,
Is in the city on o visit to his BOD , and vx *
pcctft licforo returning home to go to Col-
orad * Springs to visit another son located
The genial countenance of II. F. Strlck-
ling , representing the wholesale house of
Sherman Bro.'s & Co , , called on bis many
business friends hero yesterday. Ho. Is
very boastful of as pretty sample
ever "traveling man" carried.
James A , Jackson , one of the cattle
kings of the west , a brother of Wills Jack-
Bon , is spending BOIIIO time in the city and
meets old friends on every hand. He is
thinking of again settling here , and mak
ing Council Bluffs once inoro his home.
His son , Arthur Jackson , is with him ,
A true assistant to nature in restor
ing the system to perfect liuixlth , thus
enabling it to resist disoauo , is Brown's
Iron Bitters.
Not To-night.
Detroit Free Prog.
Somebody hit Elder Toots in the
neck with a peach-atone and ho awoke
and offered n resolution to the effect
thab America entered her solemn
protest against the action of tho.Bril-
isb in Egypt.
"Da ruttolushun am entirely out of
order , " replied the president as ho
tosaed it into the wood-box. "What
goes on obor do sen am none o' our
bizneca 'tall. If do British want to
lick do Turks , or do Turks want to
lick do Britiah , dnt's nufliu to ue.
Elder Toota ! "
"Yes , sah. "
"Has you got a cabbage patch dis
y'ar ? "
"Yes , sah. "
"Dan you 'tend right to yor cab-
bngo an' lot de British government
'tend to Egypt. When you cum to
our mootm'a remember dat you have
do asthma 'an' doan' try to talk too
loud nor too much. "
The older sat down in ono time and
three motions , nnd in forty seconds
had resumed his nap.
NOTICE. Special adrertlscmentd , sue as
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Rent ,
Want ) , Boarding , etc. , will bo inserted In thli
column at the loir rateol TEN CENTS FEU
LINK for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS
PEIl LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion.
Leave odv urtlsementa at our ofllco , No. 7
Pearl Street , near Hroad ay.
' "I I7"AN ' UI ) A man rm\l g a thorough kro 1-
VV ot'geof flro insurant business. Addrrssl' .
O. Bex 1)22 , Council UlulTii , lona. j ill ) 20
WANTED A good , e.niFctfnt girl none
ether r.ccil n ) ply for gene ral houtcworu
M . T. K. CaUn , 423 S'.utli beccnd street.
. \Vn\wnt an cncrrctio nwle or
WANTKD.Vnwnt > lownh p in Itwau < J
Not < ra < ) < a , lo tal c oidcm for new publ tallon * .
Tlio put ) 'cations ' nr. mandnrJ , and toll at tight.
Our turniK nre liberal , BUD K < 'H make frcm ? J
to S10 per J y. Fc r elfi Uis and termx. aOdrow
AVe ttru Hook CcnirnnyCouncil 1 ! nEffl. Inua.
Kvcrybody In Council lllutts If
WANTBD finii , 20 cents per wick , ilc
Ilvurvd by carrion. Ofllco , No 7 1'carl Street
near llroadnay. '
To buy 100 tons broom corn
WANTED * addrom Council liluff ,
Droom Factory , Council UluQa , Iowa. 668-2Dtf
For Sale and Rent
SALE The c eaptut IIOIIBO nnd lot In
FOR . Aptly to U. HOMO , Ho. ill Broad
w y. JyZO *
OH SALK Two claims In Ntbra < ka , cheap ,
byOJell&Day. Jj2Mw
8AI.K A rcil Ir'sh Better drj , ' , 1 ycnrold ,
Fen snrd li i km. will neil cheap
Addles S. 1 > . 0. b x 1042 , C , 1) ) . Iowa.
Ju y8-lm
OI ; SALK Ilen-ittrul residence lots , ECO
oath ; nollillii ; down , and 33 per month only ,
HAlKOUAT vx | niu. ( Jnlcm kit at Uottu
lu 8-tre , Jlaln ttr ct , CXJUIIP 1 lOuffa , or J. U.
l.lil-t , 1216 Karnuni itrcet , Omaha , will rrci'ho
ivcniut at'cnt on. jylt * t
. AHK.An Great nicce . Cull tn4 see
STILI. accessories and qnclincns ol plclurer
taveiib the ru l&Vo ( jilallnu liruiUdo ]
Bt the Uxrrli'or CUIltTV 10 lilttlnefriut.
. W. U 1'ATTON I'hjslclaii and Oculist.
Dll. curj any cttbflo ! i-oro ej < M. It U only
a matter ol tmo , snd can euro generally i
Irom thrco tc tlvo cuk It mnkcu no differ
cnco how lout ; dUeawd , Will ttralKhtcn cnft
eyes , owrnto ml remove riyr 1irl"H.h , ttc. , and
tncoit artificial cts Eicclal ) attention lo ro-
innxmii : tailoworiiis njij-tf
Sullivan & Fitzgerald
Crockery , Glassware ,
Aim o tents tor the follow liii' lines ol
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , American , and State
Stcauuhlp -
XC. J& . 3E "OPS
for sale on Ilia Royal Bank of Ireland and Kank
ol Ireland , Dublin. These w o Intend to MIII ) for
frlrii'l * to any jurtol Europe will find It to their
n'.erett to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , Council Blufs , . la-
Facts forth Knowing
A now crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 75c
Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of
fered at Too GOc
Very Fine Young Hyson , equal
to that offered nt $1.00 Toe
Wo Mean Ju&t What We Bay.
16 Main Stand 15 Pearl St. ,
Council fluffs , Iowa.
Ofllco and Works , Main Street ,
Wo glva epscla ] attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will receive prompt attention. A gcnoral as
sortment o (
Brass Goods , Belting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Coal ,
All Shippers and Travelers will find
peed accommodation and reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
_ Proprietors.
Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. )
1 he Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Employ the beet Dread Baker In the West ; also
& choice hind for Cakes and Ties.
llrcad delivered tn all pirtu ot the city.
Blob Out Qlaatj , Fine French Ohlna ,
Silver Ware &c. ,
MRS , H , J. fJltVIUlV , M , D. ,
222 I3rondwn.v Council Bluff * .
Council Bluffs , Id ,
Established , - - 1856
DoiUri ii > KcrtUu il Do title I'.xch
and h Jiuo nccutltles.
T.J.CADY.ID.J.S . , ,
( Ute Veterinary Surgeon IT , 8. A. )
The Only Vetoiinary Surgeon
in the City ,
All of tbo beat I'liys cUnti In Council liluRi and
gurroundln < . .
818 South Main Street , Council Dlufli.
Niw house uid ne ly fitted up InflntcUM
Uil . Mcil < at all houti. Ice cream and lemo-
l\lc c > er > ' cvealnj. FrvlU cd confcctlonerle
Broadway , and Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , lows.
. - mAr-2-Sm
Burdette and Western Cot 3VI
tage Organs. Prices reason -s-f
able ; terms to suit all. TJ
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one- S
third off. Agents wanted.
a Correspondence solicited
Guarantees the Best $1.50. $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and fillow Sreets
, Council Bluffs.
Mirrors , Upholstery , Repairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins.
_ No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blufla , Iowa.
THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-clasa Bakers
employed. Bread , Cake , Piea , &c. , delivered lo any part of the city. Our
Wagons run all day.
_ P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
and a number 01 Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUNTOIL BLUFS
Trade Letter.
Brockton , Mass. , July 13 , 1882 ,
Z. T. Lindsey & Oo , , Council Bluffs > la. :
Dear Sirs : Eeplying to your esteemed favor of the
SthinBt. , will say that it isafaot that theadvaiico in theprice
of Calf Skins , Sole Leather , and most every kind of Shoe
Stock , taken in connection with the adva oe for labor we
have been obliaed to concede to workmen , has increased
in no small degree the cost of manufacturing. Notwith
standing which fact wo are pleased to sny your order ,
given us early in the season , will be filed at the old prices ;
and we hope , by being diligently alive to the requirements
of the demard for a really first-class article , to supply you
with a BE LTER line of coodsthan we have ever given you
heretofore. Our purchase of both French and domestic
Calf Skins , as well as a large supply of O k-tanned Sole
Leather , were made very early in ihe season which , being
boueht at foimer prices , relieves us in a great degree of
the increased cost of production that many manufacturer
are obliged to sustain in filling their orders taken early.
Tour whole order fjr the coming fall season is well in
bnnd , and will bo shipped at an early date. Wn des're '
to call the attention of those who use our goo-1 ! ? , through
the medium of your house , to our now r.tyles in both Hand
and Maoh ne Sewed work. Our French , ft'odium French
and London Too goo JB are all made on entirely now lasts
and new patterns , which wo feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation and the approbation of your customers ,
w ith the improvement wo have made wo expect to furnish
a more nearly pe feet fitting shoe than ever before , Wo as
sure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your
order our prompt and careful attention , and with these
assurances wo trust to merit the continuance of the minv
favors you have been pleased to bestow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , we are
Eespeotfully yours ,
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Retail Boilers In
Nos , 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,