Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
PabHRrttd every morning , except Efandajr
Vho on.y Monday morning dully ,
Doe Year { 10.001 Three Montha. , S.OO
MX Months. o.OO I One 1.00
WEEKLY BEE , published ev.
ry Wedi-eoday.
Ono Year. 02.00 I ThreoMontha. .
1.00 I One
or Newsdealers in the United State ! ) .
OOimESPONDENOE All Comrrmnl.
ittions relating to News and Editorial mat-
an should be nddrcsnod to the EDITOB or
CHE ) ! rr.
tetters nnd Itcmlttnncoa should bo nd *
VAirr , OMAHA. Drnftfl , Chocks and 1'oflt-
ffioo Orders to be made payable to the
rder of the Company1 ]
IliQ BEE PUBLISHING 00 , .Props .
IT is going to bo a people's cam
paign in Nebraska , and politicians tire
just waking up to the fact.
TUB Pennsylvania railroad , with a
capital of $83,880,000 , reports gross
earnings of 875,182,972. And yet
railroading as n rule doesn't pay , if
wo are to boliovc the organ grinders
of the monopolies.
Nebraska comes along now , and
wants to adopt a prohibition amend
ment. 'Tisn't whisky that kills people -
plo out in Nebraska ; it's cyclones. Lot
the legislature stop the whirlwinds ,
and the people can dodge the saloons.
Or , not dodge them , as the case may
bo. [ liurlitiyton JJniiltyc.
'Tisn't cyclones that kills so many
people over in Ion a , Its oour mash ,
New YOHK financial journals are
predicting that the balance of trade
must immediately tarn in our favor
and that the export of specie for trade
balances will shortly cease It is gen
erally admitted that Great Britain
must depend moro largely than over
before upon American supplies , and
gold may bo expected shortly to move
again towards this country in payment
for brcadstulTa. Our magnificent
harvests will bo ample to feed our
own people and half the world besides.
THERE is some talk among demo
cratic politicians in Now York of put
ting B. P. Flower , now a congress
man from that state in nomination fur
governor next fall. It may not gen
erally bo known that Mr. FJowor has
made a vnst fortune out of hia manip
ulation of the Chicago , Minneapolis
& Omaha road. Ho would undoubt
edly bo a Flower who would bloom
for the railroads and that ia the sort
of a candidate Yanderbilt , Jowott and
Gould could contentedly support ,
IK this nation , the right to vote , no
cording to the purport of the conatitu
tion , is inherent. It is not secured
by any act on the part of the voter.-
If the right to vote is inherent in
this nation , then why cannot women
vote now ? Why cannot boys vote ?
Why is this right inherent only in na
tives ? If the right to vote is not secured
cured by any act on the part of the
voter , then why require the voter of
foreign birth to foreswear allegiance to
any monarch or'potentate as the con
dition precedent' to his acquiring the
right to voto.
THIS republicans of this , the First
district , will moot in convention at
Nebraska Oity to uonunato a candidate
for congress five weeks from this day.
Up to date no stops hava boon taken
toward fixing the day of primaries or
calling the convention. Mr , Isaac S.
Hascall is chairman of the Douglas
county central committee and ho
seems disposed to keep the
call back to the lost minute. Nearly
every other county in the district has
taken preliminary stops by convening
the committees and calling the con
ventions. Inasmuch as the coming
convention will also bo called on to
name delegates for the state convention
tion it is high time that the commit
tee bo called together.
It takes at least ono week to notify
members in every precinct of the
county , and the voters ought to Imvo
from twenty to thirty days notlco for
the primaries. But wo presume Doug
las county republicans will have to
possess their souls in patlonco and
await the pleasure of Mr. Isaac 8.
TUB smart Aleck that edits the lie-
publican , in the absence of Mr.
Brooks , has struck another mare's
nest. Ho lias discovered that the
telegraphic columns of TUB BUB teem
with sensational lies. The lynx-eyed
youth has actually boon dumdfoundod
by the glaring headlines over the
telegraphic columns about a bloody encounter
counter bet won the British and Arab !
when not so much an a skirmish had
taken place. If the smart Aleck of
the Republican had taken the trouble
to read the full text of that blood and
thunder telegram ho would have din
covered that he had only struck an
advertisement concocted by a blood
thirsty grocer on Farnam at root , who
fires his artillery at the pyramids six
thousand miles away ,
To avoid the possible fatal effects
which such sky rocket advertising
might have on the weak minded and
rattle-brained wo have forbidden , in
the future , the insertion of such decoy
coy advertising at any price.
The passage of the river and harbor
bill by both houses of congress over
the president's veto marks the con
clusion of n gigantic steal which has
boon denounced from the outset by
every loading journal of the country.
President Arthur , in his message ,
pointed out clearly and concisely the
grave objections which forced the ox-
oculivo to refuse his signature to the
measure. A largo number of the
items of appropriation met with
general approval because they wore
in the line of honest and
economical internal improvement.
i Such were the Mississippi and Mis
souri appropriations , and those for
dredging i and improving the great har
bors 1 on the sea coast. But of the entire -
tire nineteen millions donated by the
bill moro than ono half were intended
to distribute the treasury surplus
where it could neither further the interests -
torosts of commerce or increase the
facilities for internal transportation.
Streams which for half the year ate
dry , and during the other half moro
trout brooks were classed as rivers de
manding extensive improve
ments and frog ponds and
crooks which could never bo
made available for public use came infer
for a largo share of the funds in the
nation's strong box as great rivers
which aid in transporting the agricul
tural wealth of the west to the sea
board. The responsibility for the
passage of the measure must bo borne
impartially by both parties. The vote
upon the original adoption of the
measure was fairly divided among re
publicans and democrats. The south
ern senators and representatives who
uinco the war have been constantly
'in favor of the old flag and
an appropriation" were a unit
for any measure which would
tap the national treasury for the ben
efit of the south. Scores of members
of congress who bolivcd the river and
harbor bill to bo a steal , voted for it
to save items in which their constitu
ents had a personal interest , Two-
thirds of both senators nnd congress
men lacked the courage to oppose a
measure which is denounced by the
universal oonso of the country as n
fraud and swindle engineered through
congress to assist the political chances
of its promoters.
There is ono lesson which is taught
by this successful raid on the treasury
which ought to come homo
to every voter , and that it is the con
stant incentive which a largo surplus
revenue offers to congressional job
bery. It is safe to say that no con
gress would dare to vote away nine
teen millions of dollars collected by
taxation from the people it the treas
ury had not 'bl'ch 'moro than equal to
the "most extravagant demands of the
national legislature. An unadjusted
tariff and oxhorbitant war internal
revenue taxes are drawing from
the producers of this nation ono
hundred and fifty millions annually
moro than la oufliciont to maintain
the gavornmont nnd moot the
requirements of our interest bearing
debt. The cries of the people for re
duced taxation have been mot by congress -
gross with A long and strong pull
upon the treasury , and a cold indiffor-
ouco to the demand for tariff and
internal revenue revision. Mr. Glad
stone assorted some months ago thai
no other nation but this would boar
with patience the tax impositions
placed upon it. It ia a serious ques
tion whether patience has not ceased
to bo a virtue , and nothing will bring
voters to a moro realizing sense of the
necessity for a reduction of their bur
den than such a spootaofo as that
afforded by the extravagance and
cowardice of the present congress in
its dealings with the treasury surplus.
JAY UunuELL is receiving a great
deal of unmerited abuse which should
fall on other shoulders if deserved < it
all. Mr. Ilubbdl is acknowledged to
bo above the average of average poli
ticians , or oven congressmen. Ho is
a graduate of the University of
Michigan , clean handed , with brains ,
education and a good record. Mr ,
Ilubboll's crime consists in being
chairman of the congressional com
mittee , which thinkn that ofllcohold-
era ought to bo willing to contribute
toward the expenses of the party from
which they reap pecuniary benefits.
There are a great many people , not
politicians , who agrou with them.
IF the coining elections for congress
auccoud in scraping oll'n few barnacles
from her keel the ship of state may
give a better account of horaolf next
y ° ar- _ _ _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Noriuu publialicd elsewhere in
our columns contains tlio announce
ment of the reopening of the State
university nt Lincoln , on September
12th , with u full corps of professors
and instructors. With no personal ,
knowledge of the now incumbents ot 11
the chaira vacated by Profosaora
Oliurch , Woodberry and Emerson ,
TUB BBK hos every reason to believe
that the choice of the ri'gonts has fillI I
Ion on competent und oiliciont men
who will give eatiafaction in their now
positions and uid in restoring publ
confidence to the institution
There is uvory disposition on the e
part of the people of Nebraska to BUS- 11
tain what is intended to bo the liua-1
of her educational system. The fail
ures of the past have resulted from a
refusal on the part of its management
to recognize the spirit of that system
aa unscctarlan and progrescive. In
the recent changes there ia strong rea
son for the belief that a now era is
about to dawn for the state university ,
and that no cfbrt will bo spared to
place it on a par with sister institu
tions in other parts of the country.
Congressman Valentino is now pos
ing before the people of Nebraska as
the farmer's friend. Ho has been
chairman of the committee on agricul
ture for about eight months and ho
has laid the country and the farmers
under everlasting obligations in caus
ing congress to vote a largo increase
of taxes for the bureau of agriculture.
The appropriations for gathering crop
statistics have been raised from ten
thousand dollars to eighty thousand
dollars , and a corresponding in
crease was made through Val
entino in the appropriations
for experiments in raising
buttonhole bouquets in the botanical
gardens and dissecting potato huge.
As the result of Mr. Valentino's la
bors aa the friend of the farmer the
commissioner of agriculture has boon
able to transplant several political
barnacles that have been hanging
around Washington to Europe , where
they will vegetate at first class hotels
in high style at Uncle Sam's ' expense.
The seventy thousand dollars squan
dered on these barnacles will of course
bo imposed in taxes on farmers , and
they should thank their friend Valentino
tine for this blessing in disguise. Os
tensibly the department of agriculture
was created and is maintained for the
collection and diffusion of practical
information on subjects connected
with agriculture. AD a matter of fact
the main business , of this department
is to give employment to rank political
weeds that grow so profusely around
the national capital , and to supply
congressmen with rare and costly
bouquets for their wives and mis-
tresso . There is also a garden sauce
bureau that invests and squanders
thousands of dollars of the people's
money In the purchase of worthless
flower and garden seeds , which are
placed at the disposal of congressmen
who want to distribute taffy among
their constituents at Uncle Sam's ex
Incidentally the agricultural depart
ment affords a lucrative position for a
bug gatherer , who spends hia leisure
hours in dissecting grasshoppers , potato
tate bugs and other insects. The late
Mr. Ledue planted a quarter of
a million of the farmers' money
in cultivating tea plants and silk
worms. * Mr. Valentine , the farmer's
friend , has made a desperate effort to
induce congress to raise the salary of
the overworked commissioner of agri
cultural from § 3,000 to § 8,000 , a year ,
but the bill which he championed still I
hanga fire. For all these efforts Val-1
ontino now comes to the front aa the
fanner's friend , and his admirers ask
that ho bo returned for n third term.
But Nebraska farmers take little
stock in fancy agriculture. They do
not relish paying taxes for magniGcont
bouquets to ornament the persons and
tables of congressmen. They have
never asked Valentino to raise a purse
of $70,000 for gathering statistics in
Europe through political seedlings
that do not know a cabbage head front
a pumpkin ,
Where was Mr. Valentino aa the
friend of the farmer in matters of
legislation ? How did ho vote on pro
posals to reduce taxes and lift the bur
dens from the shoulders of the pro
ducers ? Valentino has boon in congress -
gross three years and a half , and in all
that time ho never introduced a single
bill to relieve the farmers from any
burden. As representative from Ne
braska , ho knows that millions of acres
of railroad lands in this state are ex
empted from taxes , but ho
has never lifted hia finger
to right thia great wrong.
As former registrar of a land oflico ,
Valentino know that Peter Schwonck
and other land ofiico rogues had made
it a practice to impose on homestead
ers , but this "farmer's friend" has
done all ho could to cover up the
frauds and whitewash the rogues.
Take the record from the day ho
entered congress until now and nearly
every vote ho has given has boon in
the interest of corporate monopolies ,
jobbery and reckless expenditure. At
all times the railway monopolies have
looked to htm us a staunch supporter ,
but now , just before tlio election , ho
ia passing as a friend of the farmers.
Well might our producers exclaim ,
from all such friends good Lord de
liver us.
PoBtolllco Quangos.
Postofllcu ohniii'es in Nebraska
during the weekending July 1C , 1882 ,
furnished by William Van Vleck of
the postoflico department.
Established Colin , t Holt County ,
Goo. W , Harker , postmaster ; Star ,
Holt County , Mary J , Hoiar.
Discontinued Grant , Nehama
Postmasters Appointed Austin ,
Sherman County , Henry Gardiner ;
Lavinia , Holt County , bam'l. Spear ;
St , Devon , Nomaha County , Andrew
J , Hitter jr. ; Willow Crook , Saundora
County , Win. W , Hicks.
Names Changed Hesperian , Webster -
ster County , to Burncido ; Xenin , Dal
las County , to Woodward.
Postmasters Appointed Groploy ,
Dalowaro County , E. H. Ouminga ;
Sivoatland Center , Muacatino County ,
J , B , Honnnkur ,
The Railroad Strikers Already
in the Field For Val
entino ,
The Bold and Brazen Deed o.
McDonnell and HIB Men
ot North PJatto.
The Country People Barred Oat o
the Primal-ion toy Short
The Trick Condemned by All and
Now Primaries Called For
August 10.
Correspondence of The Bee.
NOIITU PLATTE , August 2 , 1872.
There will bo a doublo-header from
Lincoln county again this fall. LM
Tuesday the republican county contra
committee mot to call the primaries
and county convention. Mr. Ma
Connell , the U. P. maste
mechanic was Micro with onougli
railroad employes to control the
action of tSio committee. A
call was brought in with dates already |
filled out for primaries to bo hold
July 29 , from 5 to 7 p. M. Mr ,
Thomas Patterson moved to change
' the time of holding the primaries to
August 10th which was voted down.
Ho then moved to niako it August
12th which was voted down. Ho
then moved to change the hours ol
holding the primaries from 3 to 4 p ,
m. , instead of 6 to 7 Pm. . in
North Platte precinct , as this precinct
is 48 miloi north and south , and many
of the voters lived from 20 to 30 miles
from the voting placo. This was also
rejected. The time fixed enabled the
brass-collared brigade to bo out in ful"
force , and barred the people outside o :
the town from taking part in the primaries
marios , since they had no opportunity
to know that they were being hold.
The call was not published in the loca
papers uutil the very day they were
held. The design , no doubt , is to fire
the first gun ot the campaign for Val
entino. It is a burning disgrace to
the state that such a farce can be perpetrated
potrated or countenanced. It ia i
repetition of the political frauds tha' '
have bcon committed in Lincoln
county by the railroad faction time
and again. In order to got an hones'
and untrammolcd expression cf tin
party , a call has boon issued for pri
inanoa to bo held throughout the
county , on August 19 , and a conven
tiou will bo hold by the delegates then
elected that will send represontivea to
Fremont and Omaha. J. W.
FliEMONT , Nob. , August 2.
To the Editor of THE BEL :
"I have gathered thy children together ,
even as n hen gatbcreth herchijkena undei
her wings , and you would not be com
lortcil. Behold your bout > e [ aloft unto yoi
desolate. "
Such will prove tilu " iTltl'mum o
Valentino & Oo'a. future aspirations
and progress. For it is said there i
a land beyond thoi Elkhorn called
Ouming ( , a land that iloweth with milk
and honey , and some rye whisky , and
the bosses of that land said unto on
another :
"We must again raise our chie.
priest , 'Val,1 to congress nnd renown
and of course look for the multitude
to pay him the tribute , oven if ho per'
sists in his evil ways. "
Now some of the brethren will be-1.
como sorely perplexed , and they will' '
say unto ono another :
"Lot us hie unto Fremont where
the wise men 'will sit in. the temple o
fate , wo will make known unto them
our grievances ; and pur lamentations
will surely bo hooded , in spite of corporate
porato wealth and aggressions. "
And so it will como to paas that the
wise men in the temple will hearken
unto their sayings , and with , ono
accord say :
"Surely there ia just cause for
relief. " Lot ua give it unto thomj"
"And the favored sons of toil jwill
depart rejoicing , and the wise prbph-
ots of Nomaha and ot Seward will
marvel , and witn ono acclamation say
unto ono another. " j
"How is this ? Here wo had shek
els of silver , and shockols of gpU to
contribute in behalf of th
P. & B. & M. , and none found
way into the gateway of the tonjplo.
Thus with ono hand wo intondot to
place a penny in the urn of povc rty ,
but with the other dragged a shill ng
And so it will como to pass ; oy
will summon the logal'lighta from the
land of Douglas , from the lam of
Lancaster , and from'Old Otpo , , nd
hold a conference , and dunng its rear
gross question them closely and 1 : ar-
ken deeply unto their ; sayings , arnd
lo and behold ! when it1 shall bo is-
covered that none of the lucre oroi ised
the turbulent Platte , the prophets ill I
wax wrathy , nnd they will crjj in I C.
mournful strains , in silent COIKI rfe ,
\vith ono accord , "MoneMone , Tetol , '
Upharsin. " And BO it came to J--- lass !
that tha wise men from up the Ilk-
horn left the temple , weeping Ilknd
wailing , and would not bo comfoii od.
Combinations of Capital and Lnjjor
The Hour , Juh 29 ,
Wo hear a good deal in these ays
that flavors of envy , hatred and milieu
on the part of the poor towards the
rich , of labor towards capital ; jind
much moro that is expressive of popu
lar indignation so-called (
against - no-
nopolioa. At the aamo time , the
strikes indicate wide-spread discontent.
The immediate cause of this dit on-
tent , which leads thousands of im i to
throw up the work on which thejldo-
penu for their daily bread , ia undojbt-
pdly the largely-increased cost of liv
ing. But flie decreased purchi ing
power of money , although the in no.
diato , is not the sole oiuso of tin re
newal of the old conflict boh en
labor and capital.
Of course , these revolts of hbor
against capital are a rourco of jj-eat
evil , and the strikers are thoinalvea
usually the greatest sufferers , { hey
seldom gain their objects , and jvwi
when they do succeed the ndvantag
is merely temporary. Nevertheless
while strikes are to bo deprecated
they cannot bo ignored. Combina
tions have put up railway charges and
the price of everything they have
touched , except poorer. But human
endurance of wrongs has its limits.
Labor is now unhappily arrnyod
against capital on a scale never before
known in the United States , and thi
1 conflict may not really end until labo :
has secured a larger share of thi
profits of industry , although thi
strikes will terminate without refer'
once to this ultimate rosult. But
capital stubbornly resists all encroach
mcnts upon its power , privileges and
purse , and the struggle wit *
therefore bo a long ono. Thi
need of organization to meet organ !
zation is felt , and hence , howovo
mistakenly , strikes are resorted to
and anti-monopoly leagues are used as
vehicles through which to express pop
ular protests nnd indignation againsi
those who use their power nnd wealth
to oppress and defraud the people.
The true remedy , however , lies in
legislation. Lot a people's party , rep
resenting labor and all opposed to
monopoly , bo formed find such candi
dates for elective ollicca as moot their
approval bo nominated and elected
and the tyranny of r/reat corporations
will soon bo overthrown , This , too
will bo a safety-valve for the diecon
tent of labor and indignation of the
anti-monopolists. Of ono thing wo
may feel certain , that if the evils so
loudly complained of are not cor
reeled , or at least mitigated by legis
lation , there will bo great danger ol
this being sought through force. Ho
sort to this lost would , of course , bo a
great calamity , and therefore it can
not bo too strongly deprecated ; but
popular passions , when once aroused ,
are , as all history teaches , not easily
stayed. Whenever capital is de
throned in the halls of legislation and
the people are honestly represented
if that day over comes wo may
expect to BOO the fortunes such
as those made of late years
rendered moro difficult of acquisition
thereafter , and those that already
exist made to boar a larger share of
the public burdens. There would ,
indeed , bo danger of such taxation
swelling in confiscation. Wo may bo
sure , too , that the powerof individuals
and corporations to combine for pur
poses inconsistent with the 'public in
terest would bo jealously curbed and
regulated , thus making railway and
other corporations the servants of the
people instead of their masters , as
they practically are now , and prevent
ing those unholy combinations or
cliques to "corner" the necessaries of
life and make havoc in other ways
with the welfare of the nation and
other people's money , in order to add
to their own plethoric hoards.
The popular protest against mon
opoly , whether practised by individuals
or corporations or , as is generally the
case , by combinations of both , if not
loud is deep. It is inspired by (
sense of injustice ) suffered nnd a de
sire that justice shall bedono "though
the heavens fall. " There are times
and cases in which public opinion is
liable to become moro omnipotcn
than law , and when it does so in thi
country where universal suffrage is
the true palladium of our liberties
the popular cientimont will soon be
likely to ciyettttize itself' into law , far
sooner , indeed , than in any othoi
country in the world ; and although wo
are a law-abiding and long-suffering
popple , the time may not bo far oil
if the abuse of wealth and power is
allowed to go on unchecked when
patient endurance of wrong will bo no
longer considered a virtue , but a re
Correspondence of The Bee.
The crops in Phelps county are better
tor this year than over before. Smali
grain is all harvested and farmers an
happy. Rye yields in some instances
sixty bushels to the acre. Wheat wil !
average twenty. Corn is growing rap
idly , There is a largo acreage and a
heavy crop is expected. There is
likely eight thousand acres of broom
CTH in the county which promise ;
well. Politics begins to receive at
tontion. D. H. K. Whitcomb , county
judge , is highly spoken of for legisla
tive honors. J. M. Iliatt , of Alma , is
being pushed for senator.
The University ,
The fall term of Nebraska university
will open Tuesday , September 12th ,
1882 , with a full corps of professors
and instructors.
For information or circulars apply
to Prof. fl.E. Hitchcook , dean of liter
ature , ecienco and the arts , residence $
corner of S and 16th streets , Prof , S ,
II. Thompson , denn of Industrial col
logo. Miss Ellen Smith , principal of
latin cchool , who after August
6th , may bo consulted at her real
dunce , No. 1201 , coiner N and 12th
streets , or Prof G. E. Howard , seci $
tary of fasulty , residence No. 160 J S
street , between 15th and 16th.
H. E IIirciicocK , $
Dean of Faculty.
Free of Coat. $
All persona wishing to teat the merits of
niT > ett remedy ono that will posithely
C'ire Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Acth-
ma. Bronchitis , or any affection of tin -U
nud lungs are requested tl nil *
. 1" . Goodman's Druij Store ivi I if " ' (
trial bottle of lr. King'H New 1)1no1 n
for Consumption , niEE or COST , wliio ver
HIOW you what n regular dollar-size h will
will do. hntflf. $ .
Samuel C , Davis & Co ,
Washington Ave. and Fifth St. ,
Houses ,
Beautiful building Bites on Sherman venue
10th etrcct ) eouth ot Foppleton's and J. J.
Brown's residences the tract belonging to Senator -
tor Fatldock for 80 many years being
853 foot west frontage on the avenue ,
by from 360 to 6i5o feet In depth ,
running eastward to the Omaha & St. Paul R. R.
Will sell In strips of 60 feet or moro frontage on
the lucnuen Ith full depth to the railroad , will
ecll the above on about any terms tbat purchaser
may dcslro. To parties who will agree to build
houaca costing $1200 and upvarda will eell with
out any payment down for one } car , and 5 to 10
equal annual payments thereafter at 7 per cent
interest. To parties whcdo not Intend Improv
ing immediately will Bell for cno sixth down and
5 equal annual payments thereafter at 7 per cent
Choice i aero block In Smith's addition at wcs *
end of Farnam street will f > l\a any length of
time required at 7 per cent Interest.
Also a splendid 10 acre block in Smith's addi
tion on same liberal tcr no foregoing.
No. 305 , Half lot on near 20th
No 804 , Lot on 18th street near Paul , $1200.
No 302 , Lot 30x280 feet on IGth etrcct , near
No 299 , One quarter aero Burt street , near
No 297 , Two lota on Blonde near Ircno street ,
$2U ) and $300 each.
No 290 , Tno lota on Georgia near Michigan
SSrcet , 81200.
NoZOS , Tnclvo choice residence lots on Uamll-
g n street In Shlnn'a addition , flno and sightly
GO to 9500 each.
No 294 , Beautiful half lot on St. llary'a av
enue , 80x180 feet , near Bishop Clark sou's and
20th street , $1600
No 292 , the choice lots on Part avenue , BOx
160 each , on street rai'way ' , $ SOO each.
No 291 , Six lots in Jlllhrd & Caldwcll'a addition
on Sherman A > cnuo near I'opploton's , ? 3COto
21M each.
No 239 , Choice lota on Park avenue and street
ar line on road to Park , S450 to $1000 each
No 285 , Eleven Iota on Dccatur and Irene
streets , near founders street , $376 to 8160 each.
No 282 , Lot on 10th near Paul street , 8760.
No 281 , Lot 65x140 feet near St. Mary's avenue ,
and 20th street , $1600.
No 279 , Lot on Decatur near Ircno street , $326.
No 273 , Four lota on Calawoll , near Saundora
ctrebt , 6600 each.
No 270 , JWton Ollnt-- ) street , CWUT shot tcmw , ,
Ka 275. Four lota on HcLellan street , near
Blonde , Hasan's addition , ? : 6 oich.
No 274 , rhreo lota near race course : make
No 203 , Beautiful corner aero lot on California
a'.rect , opposite and adjoining Sacred Heart Content -
tent grounds ) , glOCO
No Mo , Lot on.Mnon , near 15th street , $1.350
100 ota in "Credit Foncier"and "Grand View'
additions , Just south-cast of U. P and B. A M.
( -allroad ucpofs , ranging from 160 to $1000 each
and on easy terms.
Beautiful Residence Lota at a bargain cry
handy to shop1) 100 to i250 each , E per cent down
nd 8 per con t per month. Call and get plat and
uil particulars.
No 260 , Full corner lot on Jane * . Near 16th
street. 83,000.
No25J , 'J wo lota on Center street , near Cum
in ? street , $900 for bath or ? 500 each.
No 261 j , Lot on Seward , near King street ,
No 249 , Half lot on Dodge , near llth etr' oo
No 217 , Four beautiful residence lota near
Croighton College ( or will separate ) $8,000.
No 246 , Two lota on Center , near Cumlng
street , $400 each.
No 246) ) , Lit on Idaho , near Cumin ? street ,
Ho 245 , Beautiful corner acre lot on Cumlng.
near Dutton street , near now Convent of Sacred
aeart , 31,600.
No. 244 , Lot on Farnam , near ISth etreot ,
No 243 , Lot 66 by 1 on College street ,
near St. Mary 'a avenue , $700.
No 241 , Lot on Furuam , near 20th street ,
No 240 , Lot 60 by 00 foot on South .a venue ,
near Mason street , $650.
No 239 , Corner lot on Burt , near 22d street ,
No 238 , 120x132 feet o J Ilarney. near 24th ,
street ( will cut It up ) $2,400.
No 234 , Lot on Douglas street , near 25th
0. -
. N 233 , Lot on Pier street , near Ecnnid
ONo 227 , Tno lota on Decatur , near Irene street ,
$200 each.
JTo 22J , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman mo-
nuo (10th ( etiLCt ) . nea Grace , $2,400 , will divide.
No 220 , Lot 23xOret ou JJodgu , near litth
street : make an oiler.
No 217 , Lot on 23rd nearClark$500.
No 216 , Lot on Hamilton near lung , $803.
No 20U , Lot on 18th ttroet , near Nicholas
No 207 , Two lots on ICth , near Pacific strtat ,
$1,600 ,
Xto'JH , Beautiful rosHcnco lot oil Division
street , near Cumlng , $ jOO
No 19JJ Luta ou 16th etrcct , near Pierce ,
Lota on Sauudcia street , noir Sew.
ard $600.
NoJUlj , Two lots on Kd. near Grace street ,
No 192 ! , Two Iota on 17th street , near white
lead orks , $1,050.
N 1 188) ) ; Ono full block ten lots , near the
barracks , SICK ) ,
No 101 , Lota on larker , street , near Irene
) . >
.So 123' Two lo'a ou Cam , near 81st street
Milt tJge ) ,
AD IbO , Lot on Pier near Seward , $660.
No 170 , LotonPaciflcetreU , near llth ; make
Her. i
ii'olOa , Six lota on Faruam , near 2Uh Etrcct
> ,400toi ,850tach ,
ijho J03 , Full block on 25th atrreet , near race
ourso , sud three lota In GUo' aidltlon , near
au ndero and Cassiua etreeta , $2,000 ,
I\o 127 , I ot on Ibth ettott , near whle load
orxo , $525.
Ha 1L-2 , 123x132 feet (2 ( lota ) on 18th street ,
near Poppletou's , $1HOO.
No 113 , TMrtj hull aero lota In JI lard & Caldwell -
dwell addltlona on Sherman avenue , Spring and
Saratoga streets , near the end of green street
track , $860 to $1,300 each.
No 89 , Lot on Chicago , near 22d tiett ,
No 83 , Lot on Caldwe'.l street , near Saundera ,
No 86 , Corner lot on Charles , near Saund-
diis street , 8700.
No 7S , Bixb2 1 eet on PAcltte , noir 8tn street
No GO , ightecn lota in 2I t , ° 2d , 231 and
Sauaden atrceto , near Grace and tUundcru strict
bridge , $500 each
f o 0 , Ono fourth block (180x133 ( feet ) , noa
Convent of Poor Claire , on Hamilton tioet
ra ho end of the red street car track , $1,050
Lot No 5 , ou Mtrcy etrcct , ueir Oth btrejt
r ,
16th ana jjougias Street ,
2JJ3E3 3B
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
The box need ne\er bo taken OH the wagon and
nil the lirllc.1
Grain and Grass 3oed Is cave
It costsIcai than tlio old ft\lo racle. Every
etardard wagon Ii tnld with our rack complete
Or buy the attachments Ar > pplv them lo
your old nagon box. For sale I tfrhraakn bj
J. C. CLARK. L'ncoln.
MANKIND Si IlFSS , Oftaha.
FRKD HKDDK , Grand Island.
IlAooLBTT & GRKRV , llatnis. !
CHARMS hcnroDr.itR , Columbus.
SrAKOOt.E& KUXK , lied ClOUd.
0. II. CRAVR & Co , Red Oak , IOHU
L. W. RtsiRi.aicnwoo' , low *
And every flrit cli'8 dealer In the went. Ask.
them ( or dcscrlptho circuhr or Bend direct
J , IcOalltim Bros , Manufg Oo , ,
1 Office , 2J West Lake Street , Chlcipo.
They eurpats all other a for e sy rldlnc. style
and durability.
They are for sale hy all Loading Car
riage Euildcrs and Dealers throughout
the country.
For tale by
Henry Timken ,
Patentee nnd Builder of Flno arrlaif a ,
Every Corset is warranted satis
factory to Its -wearer In every way ,
or the money will bo refunded by
the person fromTvlionrltTvaB bought.
The only Corset pronounced by our leading phydeLans
not injurluu * to the wearer , and endorsed by ladles aa
the " most comfortable and perfect Biting Corset ever
PRICES , by Mall , PostitffO Paid I
Hcnlth PmcrvlnB , 1.50. Sclf-AdJuAtlnjr , 91.80
Abdominal ( extra heavy ) $8.00. Nunlne , tl.BO
Health Prciei-Tlnic ( flno coutll ) $8.00. Paragon
HLIrt-HupporUnit , tl.GO.
For tale by leading Jtctull Dealer ! everywhere.
CUIOAGO CORSET CO , , Clilcuffo , HI.
Are acknowledged to bo the
best by all who have pwt 8hem
to a fra vo.l test ,
Piercy & Bradford ,
Sealed prop'&i's ' vtill be reccltod at the
County Clcrit'a orfioa until hatur'aj , Auust 1U ,
1882 , atUo'clitk ] ! IP for iho er Ulon of
A combination Lrd.o nf 71 feetapMi , tobe
built over tha bl ; fapiHIon a ; or ueir ilr ,
James McAnlv'ii
Aba one mm'InatUn billgo , 9 feet span ,
owr L ttle I'jp hi'ii , near Aiulro.v fcorcnun's ,
Ineec , 10 , tup 16 , r. 12
linn an i suetin Mlona ran bo seen at County
Clerk1 , ) offlcc.
Alto one ma * Inat'on br'il < uOter Txmer Mfc.
InrnrUcr , olHJfcot tpui , lu ftc 13 , tup , 16 ,
1'artlea protioslrtr 'or Hill bridge , way accom
pany tbclr LI U wltn plans and tpcclUcatlona of
lha njht torcje.t trj or all tils liberty
Uy order of the Uoard of Couity fouimls.
llouerj. JUHJriUU.Mr. . cou