Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1882, Image 1

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    i i
( Sncoessors to Fred Laiig. )
Take pleasure in announcing to the
publio and ihcir friends that they nro
prepared to fill orders in
at lower prices thnn over , consequent
ly we have made reductions in every
department of our business , besides
wo have added some nf the latest
brands of IHnp Faucy Groceries , nnd
in largo vnriottcs. Wo nre nlio mak
ing arrangements to supply , our cus
tomers with thu latest brand of
WW AMm A VU ? 0 > * nta. 3 BP s'j '
only for medical purposes. Our stock
being now complete in every respect ,
wo invite the public to come nnd ex
amine our goods. Wo always keep
Old Government Java ,
very flno lot of
TQHQTI f'h ' To
no 39
Jdpll blllldlljia.
. Purest Ground and V7hole
Standard California
Canned pried Fruits ,
The very best bwnds of PURE
J *
Sv" JK TT > > " Q < l ,
Importad SWISS AND
\ ' \ Fins Oil nnd Mustard
Best of
Yeast Powders ,
Cream Tartar , Soda and Saleratue.
llemombor wo make a specialty of
the infallible nnd celebrated
Tobacco and Cigar Department ,
Is complete , and you can find thu
best brands in the
Our Boot and Shoe Departmr-nt.
Cannot be better stocked , and don't
you forget that wo keep
Boots & Shoes .
of nil the Latest Styles and best
makes that can be obtained.
Lately wo have added to our busi
ness n >
which will be under the supervision
of the senior partner , and will bo run
for the benefit of those that may desire -
sire to ship produce to us ; farmers
that arc not ublo to eomo to town and
have produce for Halo can ship same by
express or freight , wo will nlwaya pay
the highest market price in cash or in
foods , thoieforo , when you do hhip
atate what ia needed. Wo also re )
quest all that may ship Butter and
Eggs to BOO that they are nlwaya fresh ,
as wo cannot sell any other to our
Heimrod t
& Dorman ,
Corner 13th and Jackson ,
A. Feeble Attempt to Shift the
Respoiisibi'ity of the Passage -
ago of the Harbor Bill.
The Action of Congress Consid
ered a Severe Blow to Party
Success in the Fall.
The Vote in Both Houses-
Van Wyck nnd Valentino
Take Opposite Sides.
The Judiciary Committee De
cides the Texas Pacific
Land Grants Forfeited.
The Chief Organ Grinder of the
Star Routers TTxplatna How
He Warned His Broad.
His Nye Pookot Rognlntoa ilia Cur
rent of His Drains In
A Variety of Other Mnttors From the
National Capital.
Epccltl DlspUcho to TIIK BKK.
WASIIINOTON , August 2. The general -
oral fooling nmong the unprejudiced
nnd thinking men is thht to-day'a
work/has been n bad one for the re
publican party. Even the nion who
voted for the pissago of Iho bill over
the vote , or many of them , admit
that it is bad for the party , > but say
they did not dare to vote against it ,
as their districts had largo interests in
the passage of the bill. Democrats
are delighted with the result and are
on high feather this afternoon.
Srcclal DItpa'ch to TIIK BKK.
WASHINGTON , August 2. The eon-
ate bill nppropriatini : § 100,000 for n
public building at Leavenworth was
passed. '
Consideration of the sundry civil
bill was resumed.
At 1:55 : a message wns received
from Iho house , informing thu senate
of the nction of thnt body in passing
the river nnd harbor bill over the
president's voto. Pending business
was suspended and the veto message
road. A vote was immediately taken
upon the question , "Shall the bill
jass , the objections of tha president
: o the contrary notwithstanding. " The
result was , yeas 41 , naya 1C. So the
Dill passed. The following ia
Bayard , Blafiy >
3nmeron , ( Pa. ) Davis , (111. ( )
[ ? rye , Ilaie ,
lurriaon , Hawley ,
[ ncalls , Locan ,
Merrill , 1'cn-lleton ,
Platt , Rollins ,
Saulabury , Van Wyck.
; ? Harris , KIUwiKj Lapbam ,
and Beck , who announced tnai may
would'have voted no , were paired
with Groomo , Johnston , Fair , lamar
and Hill ( Ga. ) respectfully , who were
absent. Garland , in the afiirmativo ,
was paired with Edmunds , in the
negative , and both were absent.
Vance , who would have voted nye ,
wns paired with Mitchell , who was
absent. Sowell was also paired.
Afttr the vote was taken Lapham , who
lias responded in the negative , ex
claimed thnt ho had overlooked the
fact that ho was paired , and withdrew
his vote , and..Van Wyok , Pendleton
and Saulsbury , whose votes had not
boon recorded , voted in the negative.
This made the result as above stated.
The sundry civil bill waa proceeded
with , and Senator Sherman , from the
library committee , reported an appro
priation of $8,000 for the purchase of
u sot of supreme court records and
briefs balancing to the estate of the
late Senator Carpenter. Adopted.
Senator Hoar , from the same com
mittee , reported an appropriation of
$35,000 for the purchase of manu
script papers of Benjamin Franklin ,
nnd the hooka , etc. , of the Franklin
collection belonging to Henry Ste
vens , of London. Agreed to ,
Voorhoos , from the same commit
tee , reported an item of $20,000 for
the purchase of the original letters ,
letter books nnd military mups of
Count Do Rochambeau , dating from
1780 to 17'Jl These included 1,520
letters from Washington , writtim dur
ing the period in which the count
3ummanded the French troops eo
aptr.itiug with Americana in tlio revo
lution ; chat thvso related to the con-
luct of the war , ami very fuxr of them
liml been published. Agreed to.
Sun.itur Van Wyok allied attention
.o iho chtuigo niauo by the senate com-
mttco in the appropriation of $150-
100 to enable the president to carry
Jut the provisions of section 1751) ) , Re
vised Statutes , to promote civil Burvico
reform. By unaccountable moans the
vord "reform" lud boon stricken out
.ltd the context amended to read ,
'To promote dlicioncy in the civil
lervico , " etc. Ho wanted to know if
.ho committee were apprehensive
hut the money now voted might go
nto the fund of congressional assess-
nent committees. [ Laughter. ]
Senator Allison explained the
mraseology had been changed to con-
brm with the language of the present
italute ,
Senator Dawos moved to nmond to
lireet that the money shall also bo ap-
lied to introducing , as far a ? prc
ictblo , competitive examination as u
noans of ascertaining qualifications
or admission into and promotion in
h civil service.
Senator Plumb did not want to have
understood that competitive exam-
nations wore the only tests and
novud to insert after the word "ex
amination" the words "and proper
lihtribution. "
Both nx ti ns wore agreed to.
Senator Allison , from the appropria-
tion committee , reported nn item ap
propriating $200,000 to moot the ex
tra expenditure necessary by the bill
roorcanizitig the letter carrier system ,
providing for promotions from the
§ 800 to the $1,000 grade , etc. Agrectl
An amendment prevailed empower
ing the governor of Utah to nppoinl
officers to fill vacancies in the terri
tory caused by the failure to olccl
successors to the present incumbents.
Senator Logan moved nn appropria
ntion of $10,000 for transporting the
remains of ministers and consuls dy
ing abroad , while in the discharge ol
their duties , to their homes for inter ,
mont , and for reimbursing those , who
incurred expense on tins nocounl
within the last two years. Agreed to *
Pending adjournment n fetf mem
bers in the chambers crowded around
the space in front of the president's '
desk , and nionnwhilo the chair sub
mitted house amendments to the bill
ordering certain printing. , '
Senator Anthony rose to speak upon
the subject , while Senator Conger ,
who had moved to adjourn , insisted
upon the question being stated upon
his motion.
The chair ( Davis ) awarded the tloor
to Senator Anthony , nnd when thai
senator had concluded declined to ori'
tortnin Senator Conger's motion ,
which wns then renewed , nnd stated
that Senator Anthony was entitled to
the lloor until the pending bill was
disposed of.
Senator Conger protested against
this declaration as in violation of his
rights ns n member to have his motion
Meanwhile the bill pissed and the
chair then awarded the lloor to Sena
tor Williams.
Senator Hoar declared that in ignor
ing Senator Conger the presiding
officer had boldly deprived a member
af his privilege , nnd nftor some exhi
bitions of fooling on the part of nil
concerned , the motion to adjourn was
put nnd carried.
The president's veto on the river and
harbor appropriation bill was taken up
nnd n yta nnd nny vote ordered. The
vote resulted , yo-\s 121 , nays GO ,
follows :
Thomjwon ( Ift. ) ThomiMnn (1C ( ? . )
Thorns * , '
UN . V. )
The announcement nf pairs by the
clerk was accompanied by no state
ment as to tha way which the paired
members would have voted , but it
WAS stated On the floor that McCook ,
Maroy , Prescott nnd C. ssidy would
have voted in the negative , and
PAcheco , Thomas , Russell , Frost ,
Martin , Covington , Muldrow , Hooker
and Jitney in thi ; Aflirmativo
The bill granting a pension of $ . ' ) ? a
month to soldiers who lost an arm at
the shoulder , pawed.
A joint resolution passed authoriz
ing Lieutenant Commander Sigsboo to
receive n decoration from the govern
ment of Germany , mid Joseph 11
Ilowloy , president of the centennial
commission , to receive decorations
from the governments of Spain and
Japan ,
Air. DunnollMnn ! , ) , from the com
mittee on ways nnd moans , reported a
bill providing that claims for redemp
tion of 2 cent documentary stamps
may bo allowed by the commissioner
of internal revenue. Passed ,
The speaker called on committees
for rcportsy but no measure of the
slightest public importance wan re
ported. Two roll calls followed on
the proposition to pay capitol police
onemonth's extra pay , and it wits
finally agreed to. Adjourned.
SpocUl Ultpitclioi tq TUN Bin.
WASHINGTON , August 2 The state
ment published some time ago , to the
ellec' that the secretary of state received -
coivod a note from n minister in this
city commenting upon the eondnot in
Chili of TreBCott : It has boon learned ,
while the note referred to was by no
means as objectionable ns reported , its
tone was not agreeable to this govern
ment and the Chilian minister , upon
a courteous request that ho should dose
so , immediately withdrew it.
The house judiciary committee to
day further discussed Knott's resolu
tion to declare thp forfeiture of lands
in Now Mexico , Arizona and Southern
California , granted by congress to the
Texas Pacific railroad company ( relin
quished to the Southern Pacific rail
road company , of Californin ) , and to
provide for their restoration to the
public domain. Thoio was but one
member who opposed the paesago of
the resolution , and it p.wsed ; yeas 10 ,
nayn 1.
The discussion developed the fact
; hat the conclusions of the members
n favor of declaring the forfeiture
were based upon various constructions
of the granting net. The committee
meets again to-morrow , when it is un
derstood that meubpra will file their
oasons for their Action.
At yesterday's Jieoting of the com-
nitteo , when Novrall applied to bo
leard , Representative Townshond
( Ills. ) moved that .T. J. No wall bo
permitted to submit a statement
which ho desired to make , showing
his reasons why the grant of the Texas
Pacific road should bo forfoitnd , and
in explanation of the charpea made by
him , that the grant was obtained by
fraud , n.nd ia connpquontjy void. Hob-
inaori'BTdBi ( yiwi-rto K"tP no- * '
hearing inat > ? , .uoly.'i Th.i latter mo
tion prevailed ayes , Messrs. Hoed ,
Ilobinson , Norcross , Taylor , Payson ,
McCord and Hammond 7. Nays ,
Messrs. Knptt , Oulbortson , Town-
shond , Manning and Converse 5.
Aftoi recess the cross-examination
of Buoll , editor of The Capital , be
gan. Ho said ho had purchased his
controlling interest in The Capital
from Don Piatt in March , 1880 , for
610,000 , ( 'eneral Brady furnishing
the tnonoy. LIe was asked if ho had
not told Walsh , in July , 1881 , that ho
had paid Brady in kind for this
money. Ho said ho had some con
versation with Wftjah , but thought he
had told Walsh ho had not piid him
for that act ; lirady did not hold hin
notes for the loan , but had since sur
rendered them to him. Ho admitted
that ho assumed charge of The Cap
ital upon receiving money from Brady.
Ho did not think it a singular thing
for him to apply to a comparative
stranger for money ; perhaps he | i
might have represented to Brady that
the paper might bo made uecliil to
iiiin , Ho had resigned his position .
is printing cleric because of his scru
ples about the law.
Merrick Do you. moan to tell the
jury you surrendered this $ 'J,1GO
alaeo for a $10,000 fee ollurul by
Walsh ?
_ .
Witnc'BS said ho wished to stvuro , , .
noney with which to purchase 'i'Jio
lipital. Ho did not know Urndy )
ivhen ha resigned nnd did not then
3xpect to borrow money from him.
Witness said Siiulabury had ungugud
lini to write nn argument for him
vhon n proviso was nbant , to b ? in-
lertoddiscrimiiiatingHgainuttho Sauls-
jury contrao'a , He hd drawn upon if
jaulsbury afterward for tlutauuorvices
jut the draft had been returned pro-
csted. Ho hud not told nowspupur
non generally he would blow up the
vholo thing nnd u > vo aw.iy the con-
orn generally , 13rady included , if
Jaulabury did not pay tliia bill. In
act ho said ho know nothing to tell. | ) (
Capital to Gon. Brady , receiving in
eturn his own note and had then
iontinued in the position of editor.
Vitness said ho had written many
irticles on the star route matter for
L'liu Critio and The Capital , always on
he side of the defence.
Morrikdimpito objcctionsof thu do-
'onto , read from these articlea , The
ending created much amusement in .
ho court room , even Judge Wylio
uniting when a particularly stinging
massage referring to hiuuolf waa read.
A'ilaon said ho expected to show
hero was a newspaper controversy
rowing out of this matter , in which
Jiu defendants had been in thu min-
rity , Ho would also show that New
fork pipers criticised his honor
On redirect examination witness
mid none of thu defendants except
lirady vero interested in either The
Jritic or The Cipital.
Thirteen largo volumes of records
of orders made by Postmaster General
Key were produecdnnd certain orders
in the same wore offered in evidence
by the defense. Adjourned.
The secretary of the interior decides
that the desert land net requires more
than mcro conducting of water upon
the land to which title is sought.
Irrigation must thoroughly prepare
the laud for production of an agricul
tural crop. T , o secretary of the interior -
terior nlao holds the only bar to n
person who has already filotl nil entry
to n homestead grant , from filing another -
other and different entry , is section
'J201 , revised statutes. The decision
of the secretory of the interior is
when parties have settled upon land
nnd made entry , if the entry is afterward -
ward cancelled by the deputy for non
compliance with the law , still the
purchase money must bo refunded to
the settler , If it appears it wns his
honest opinion that his residence was
legal within the law.
The dccroMo in the Lewis will case
was signed by Judiro Nixon , of Now
Jersey. The amount to bo nppliod to
the national debt is $ Dti8r , > 89. This
will bo done by cancelling bonds or
nssigning them to the nocrotary of the
The house committee on npproprin-
lions has decided to defer nction on
the adjournment resolution until the
sundry civil bill have passed tlio
The president has approved the not
rc ulnting the carriage of pns.songo *
by son.
Robcsoii and Atkins , nro nmong the
house conferees on thu naval bill.
The testimony in the star-routo
trials was unimportant.
lloport of the Poruvlnn-Culll InvoBtl-
SucciM DlfpnUh to TIIK Hsu.
WASIIINOION , August 2. At n
meeting of' the house committee on
foreign nffuirs , yesterday , a report re
specting the results of the recent
Oliili-Poru investigation wns unanim
ously adopted. After reciting the vn-
rious house resolutiona which led to an
investigation tlio report , nays that thu
committee is ot the opinion that the
missing papers from thu files of the
stnto dt-puiiiioiit were not of such n
character or important ns to furnish
motive for puiluining them
from the tiles , Juit that 'they
suggests greater caution in the future.
After rehearsing the condition of the
South American stntua and thu differ
ences which led to the war between
Chili and Peru , etc. , etc. , the committee -
too next rafur to the private interests
which iKcimu so conspicuous , "Cachet
and Laundrenu , " claimants , and the
"Credit Industrial , " representing Iho
Peruvian bondholders , were oxoed-
ingly anxious that the United States
should interfere on behalf of Pern , in
order to preserve her autonomy nnd
enable her to discharge her pecuniary
obligations. The committee findsthut
neither patriotism nor international
policy had anything to do with them.
The committee also finds there wn
no truth in the allegations of Shiphord
aeuinat Hurlburt and that W. II.
flurlburt'a testimony' relieves lila
brother of all suspicion nnd that there
is no evidence on record of approval
by this administration of the project
of the Credit Industrial in nil its de
tails , nny more thnn there line been
by its predecessors , and that it finds
that Blame's instructions to Hurl-
hurt wuro us guarded ns thoseof
Evnrts to Ohristiancy.
Thu committee dismiss us unworthy
of any aurious or further considera
tion ot nny charges made and nsk ( o
bo diuchargod from further considera
tion ot the subject.
Io Unify Irishmen and Uloso Up the
Rnnktj. g
l Dispatch to TIIK HIK. '
August 2. The Herald's
Paris cable BIIJS that Michael Davitt ,
Ima just been closeted with Patrick ; Davitt is determined to
inuintuin thorough unity in thu Irish
irty and will leave to-night for Ire- n
laud to co-opcrato with Dillon , Purnell
mil others in forming nn nnti-eviction
n itiiiition. . Ho also tukea stepa [
.owiird the formation of a now homo }
naiiufneturo and labor movement.
Thu Djtily News understands that
irrangemeiits have been made for a
Hihtpononunt by the commons of n
jonsidoration of the amendmeiils to
.ho nrronrs bill adopted by thu lords ,
he object being to a ( lord the lords tin
| ) portunity for receiving thu aituu-
ion. The News euyo , tliia ia more n
ban necessary einco the government
IUH decided in the event of the lords
loruisting at once to proroguu purlin-
nont and suinmonn now Kession with- ;
tut delay. It in poaniblu that n com- n
irumiso williuul. touching the jirmciplo
the bill. It will ho effected on thu
econd nmendmuiit.
An Indian Robollluii.
ixilul D. ] > atci ! tu Tim IIKK.
CIIIUAOO , August 2. A dispatch '
rum Indian territory indicated that
ho tribal outbreak nmnng thu Creeks ,
ordering on civil war , has occurred.
I'hu two factions are the Chicotu nnd
ho Ian do partieH. dipt , Scott of
he Chicotu military service and
nvcrnl followers were killed lately by
ho Laiidu parly. Chief Chicota
hereupon oidered till able bodied
uen in thu nation to turn out and :
mpturo the murderers , and -100 ro- jf
ponded and nro seeking the J/mdo
enJe/.vons in the interior near IC.iu-
.ilia. Kuporta of thu result may
lome ( o-mglit or to-morrow. ;
Tlio Koiitutliy rioud.
j.cclal DUratcti to TIIK llrx.
OJNOINNATI , AuguHt 2. Further
mrtieulara about the Kentucky Hood
how that u number of liven were lost ,
ear Mayaville , u negro and his wife
uid mother were drowned , also n tain-
ly named Boga , a womiui mid her
nothtir and five children. The man
tavod hiinaelf , A family named
lUrnea worn drowned near
ter , Ohio ,
A Peculiarly Harmonious Love
Feast at tlio Oonforenco
of tlio Powers ,
Russia , Turkey and England
Explain Their Positions
Brie tty.
The Latter , However , Insisting
on the Rebel Proc
Tha Brltiih Plohot I.n Thor
ou | > uly Soaroil nn l Una
For Idfo.
The French Onblnot Pnrtlnllr
Kiintzotl ,
UUpntchei to TIIK IKK. !
CONSTANTINOPLE , August 15 , It has
been delinitoly resolved not to send
nny troops from hero or from the Dar-
dnnella to Egypt , but tlirno battalions
will Icnvo Salpnicion Thursday.
Tivonty-sovon ships nro being prepared
for troops nt the nrsenal , The total
naval force consists of fifteen war ves
sels. The Porto has intelligence from
Suez thnt the British are projecting
its occupation.
LONDON , August 2. The Daily
News is informed thnt the govern
ment poseesacs evidence of the com
plicity of the porlo with Arabi Pasha
both before and after the lattora as-
aumption of active hostility toward
England and the Khedive nnd docu
ments on the subject may eventually
bo submitted to parliament. The
same paper believes the porlo will ac
cept ns the conditions of Turkish in
tervention the i&sunnco of n proclama
tion by the porto declaring Arabi
Pasha n rebel nnd placing the Otto
man troops under command of Gen.
Sir G.irnet Wolaoley.
MAUSEIU.KS , August 2. The French
mnn-of-wnr Sartho , now nt Port Said ,
has been ordered to Toulon to em
bark supplimentnry troops already on
board for the Lsvant , n\vnl division.
KOMI : , August 2.-It has boon
learned that Ricciatti Gnrnbaldi is
enrolling volunteers for the expedi
tion to nid Arnbi Pasha but the move
ment ia not likely to aucceed.
ALEXANDRIA , Auguat 2. Arabi
Pasha has Ordered n troop of cavalry
to i escort Stone Pasha's family to
lainaila. Stone Pasha is greatly re
lieved thereby. The rebel camp has
been moved live miles nearer , with
the outposts two miles in advance of
the main body.
BKULIN , August 2. The czar and
sultan have exchanged autograph letters -
tors dealing with tlio Egyptian ques
tion. ) . " /
It is stated that England has pro-
poHed that the Turks should take the
offtjnsiyo against Arabi Pasha , while
the British force ahull remain in ro-
acrve , thus affording England n guar
antee of the Porto's good faith.
Spain , Greece nnd the Netherlands
will bo invited to co-opcrnto in the oc
cupation of the Suez canal , Tl.ily will
take the initiative in proposing in the
conference the collective occupation of
the Suez canal.
ST. PBTEKSIIUUO , Auguat 2. Rus
sia consented that Onov nhould renew
hia ' attendance at the conference only
when the porto announced bin roadl-
ncHa to send Turkish troops to I'Jjypt ,
A 1'IOKBT HOW. j ,
ALEXANDRIA , Augunt 2. The mar
rinea from the Inconstant , Ijufonco .0 .
nnd Invincible , landed nt Gnbori nnd cj :
iroro convoyed by train to Moles , cjfi
which they occupied. A scare took
ilaco last evening. There is n. clump
f trees on thu Swoetwnter canal about
the center of the British linn of out x
posts , which wus guarded by a com-
iany of the COth Rifles. Thu men
yore duly posted there last evening
md cautioned by Mujoi General AH-
ion ns to the necessity of maintaining
ibsoluto stoudlnonu and were ordered ,
n oyent of attack in force , to fall back
order on the barricaded
loiifie by the Hide of the
Tiioso iimtruutiona wore
ipparently fully understood , and the
unornl left satisfied , About 2 o'clock
thu morning tin- enemy suddenly
ippeurml on the left of the outpost
vith infantry and cavalry. They had
tpproached very rapidly nnd unob-
ervod , nnd before the men hod time
o cheek their advance , they charged
ho clump of trees nt a great pace.
L'ho lillea fired a tiinglu volley , and
hen broke nnd irji down the bank of
ho canal. Thu outlook would aeem
o have been very defective , and wnrso
till , the rntreaiiiig troopa iiegloctod
ill orders concerning tlio rallying point
mil never stopped until they had
euched the fcrtilied water works hill ,
iboul u mile distant Four of them
iven ran till they reached. )
amp. They spread all sorts
ridiculous rumors , such as
hey lout nil eomnuleu , had lust soon
Major VYnrd mirrounOud by thu in
jimmy , and similar nonsense. A
oinpany instantly moved forward to
.ho bank of tlia canal. The enemy
md apparently not fallowed the
Fugitives fur , but had taken the rillos
they had thrown away in their ilight
ind secured their reserve of ninmuni-
Liwi ,
LONDON , August 2. Sir Garnet
Wolsoloy started for Egypt tliia
morning ,
Arabi Pasha has ordered houses ob.
noxious to the rntives in Caho to bo
burned , Nineteen natives , nho rc
fused to recognise the authority of
Ar.ibi , Imvo been shot nt Cairo.
PAUIS , August 2. Do Lessopa tele
graphs ho has made no protest ngninst
the ontrnnco of British mon-of-wnr
into the Sue ? canal , but ho protests
ngninst infractions of the company's
regulations , committed by two vessels
after entering the cannl.
ollioial statement is published that
llussin never ondoraed the Anglo-
French dcmoiutrntion in Egyptain
waters , but OH the contrary declared ,
although not wishing to oppose , eho
would never onconrago isoktod nc
tion. This continues to be the stand *
point of Russia , who aims to induce
Gront Ihitnin to join in the European
programme nnd combine her Action
with that of the Porto.
Ur.iti.iN , August 3. It ; B reported
the powers are willing to loaro the
Kgyptian ciucstion ns distinguished
from the question on tlio Suez , canal ,
between Turkey mid England , subject
to the final assent of Europe.
y.-i.- > i.iniiauri.K , AltgUst 2" TllO
British ambassador has sent another
note to the porto , insisting upon the : l
issuance of a proclamation declaring
Arnbi Pasha n rebel nnd stating that
otherwise the landing of Turkish
.roopa in Egypt cannot , take place.
Ho still hopes the proclamation will
be nindo before or at the moment of
the nrrivnl of Turkish troopa in Egypt.
Nine vessels , with nrma and amuni '
tion and 1,800 troops , will leave
Thursday or Friday for Egypt.
At the Kitting of the conference to
day , Onov , Russian representative ,
nnd Said Pasha , Turkish delegate ,
made declarations on behalf of their
respective governments. Lord Duf-
Forin explained England's nction nt
tUositndrin. Ho said the forts had
lieon destroyed solely ns n measure of
defoMse , nnd the steps which followed
were necessary for order. England's
solo object was to restore peace and
order , to secure free navigation
of the Suez canal nnd restore
the authority of the khcdiyo. While
reserving the liberty of notion , , events
night render it necessary for linglnnd
to nccopt the co-operation of miy
power ready to give it. Lord Dufleriu
said : "Wo also nccopt the sultan's ,
nid. Wo toi bo
friendly nro glad re i
lioved of uncertainty regarding the
real intentions of the sultan , caused
by the decoration bestowed upon
Arabi Pashn , nnd wo still require that
ho now bo proclaimed n rebel. "
apodal DUjiatchoa to TIIK Him.
ST. PETEiuswma , August 2. En
gineer Melville and Seamen Noris and
Nindorman , of the Jeanette crow , ar
rived at Bolsk. They bolioyo Lieut.
Ohipp and companions perished in a
snow storm.
LONDON , August 2. William EVoi-
halt , who was convicted of publishing
aeditioua libola in connection with , the
Phoomx Park wardens , has boon
sentenced to three months imprison
ment nt hard labor.
PAKIH , August 2. The mporfc that
the ministry will comprise several
members of the late cabinet is con-
firmed. The following miniatora ro-
tnin their ' portfolios : Cochery , minis
ter of posts nnd telegraphs ;
Tirard , ininister of commerce ;
Maby , minister of ngriculturo ; Groil-
hill it , minister of war , and Admiral
Aiiirrguiberry , tninistor of marine.
Nxtliing is yet decided in regard to
thu nlnution of thi ) remainder. Prosi-
juin Grovy had n conference on the
mbjct this evening with Senator
Yellow Jnoli.
3pda < Ii | ) alch to Tin HKI.
GALVEHTON , August 2. There is a.
opnrc ( from Miitumoras that there are
iver 'tOO cases of yellow fever in the
ity. The sanitary conditions fright-
LOHEDO , Tex. , AugusS 2. The
lumber of cases of yellow fever to-
light is 100 ; aix. fatal casoai are ro-
> rtcd.
OIIIOAQO , August 2. A dispatch
rom Austin nays : Private reports
rom Brownsville state the yellow
over has btxikon nut there , I > r.
Jwo.irin , state health ollloer , is satis-
ied of the foot , and fearing an opi-
lumio luiu started to investigate the
lisease. The death rate at Mkvta-
noraa is i > reater than at Havana.
N : \v OIH.IUNH , August 2. Yellow
ever lias broken out hero. There WAS
mo death from thediaoago last night.
Roilpatk'ii Dupatcli to Tim llus ,
LONDON , Auuust 2. Richard Kol-
ny , proprietor of The Irish Herald ,
iaH been BUinmonpd with a numinous ,
inder the prevention of the crime act ,
hargjntf him with publishing an article
written by Jamoa lledpath , cncour *
ging tlio murder of landlorda.
Intornatloiial Rifle Mntcli.
piclal Iliiutch | to I'll * ItKf.
Nitft' YOHK , August 2. At a meot-
ng of the National Rillp asaooiation
Ilia nfturnoon , the following cable dia-
atch was received ; "GioYornmont
orbids voluncoera wearing unilornm
ibroud , Natch impossible unless
omn i permitted to shoot as civilians
special uniform , with n distinction
iiadgo. Telegraph if you agree. " A
resolution of ncquiosancu wns accojd
ingly passed and the reply cabled.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex
celsior Roof Paint , " was patented May
21th , 1881 , nud lottora patent num.
ber211 , 803 , Any person found or
known to tamper with the manu
facture of said paint vvttl bo punish
ed to the full extent ot hw. No person -
son hua any authority whatever to sell
receipts. HAWT.HOHN & BRO , ,
Lancaster , fa ,