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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1882)
* * * THE DAILY BEE ( falAIIA WEDNESDAY AUGUST 2 , The Daily Bee. Wednesday Morning , Aug. 2 \Vonthor Koport. (1'hfl ( followJnR observations nre taken ft the R me moment of tlment all the station Hirer 8 fc t 9 Inches bo > o low w t r mark at Onaha , &fcctfl Inches at Vanklon ; Mlitlsslrpl. t ftct' 0 Inchci at Ii CrosM , and 8 foot 1 Inches a' Dubuque , LOCAL BREVITIES. Boson tella ttiobcst anil cheapest moat "i'rltz" nt Doyd'o Friday midSatur day night * , and a UK crowd nurc , The Southwest mission chapel will bo runnved this week to Twentieth and Ma The regular meeting of the Oinnha Land League will take place this evening , at Kuony's Uall , The box office will open nt Uoyd's this morning for the nalo ofrOBcrveti feats for Joe Hmmctt'a season hero , Lieut. B. F. Hancock passed west to- terday with 35 recruits from Davld'ajaland and Columbus Barracks for western posts. Secretary of War Lincoln and Gen. Phil BhcrMnn will arrive In the city today - day en route to tbo Yellowstone Park. Ladles of Grace mission , North Oma ha , will give n sociable Wed lie "day evening - ing nt tlio Sunday school room on Klug flttcet. A wreck occurred Momlny noon on the Omaha & St Paul road near LyimR , in which three freight cars were ditched , but no t'Creons were hurt , The Omaha Teamsters hold their regular meeting at Tivoli hall on Wednes day , the 1M , at 8 o'clock p. in. I5y order of T. J. Quick , secretary. The Academy of Music will open on 10 Saturday nlglit with the regular company which lias lecn nut on the road for Rome , time going as far as North 1'latto. Geo. Cnnficld , proprietor of the old reliable Canfield houno , lias an unique way of province the excellence of his table. Ho gives optical proof of how a man loika after spending a few minutes In his dinIng - Ing room , Major Joseph If. Taylor , of the department partmont of the south , with headquarters at Newport Barracks , 1ms been ordered to thd department of the I'latto to relieve Affilstant Adjutant General , Major J , F. Martin , trannfcrrml to the department of Arizona. L.O. Knowold , Ibol3th street Dry Goods Man , has commenced grading his lot on St. Mar } 'a avenue for ( he erection J of his now store building 1x50 , two story high. Contract for the buildings baa just been let and things arc going to bo pushed right ahead to bo ready to open up for the fall trade The "devil' * In ono of the dally newspaper - paper olliccs of this city got up nt a very early hour Monday morning to too Cole's circus como in , and consequently lost part of his usual sleep. Monday night ho was sent to the telegraph office for " 30 , " and having got about ten sheets of the copy started back. When ho had been absent from the office about two hours an expe dition wan organized to search for him and ho WM found sound asleep at tbo foot of the Btairo of the Wcntern Union office. Mr , P. O. Duulmm , of Fremont , called at our sanctum } csterday left a sample of choice No. ' ! " wheat , grown on th o farm Mr. Jerry Mitchell near Hooper , Nob. Mr. Dunham informs us that Mr. Mitchell has eomo 210 acres of this wheat , and says it will yield G I bushel * to the aro. Ho alsc has 80 acres of oats and 105 acres of corn and a largo crop of potatoes , of which Mr. Duulmm speaks of an being the finest be has seen In the ula'o , M. II. Judd , land agent of tbo Union Pacific railroad company , departed on Sunday evening for Denver , over the Den- vcr short Hue , acompanloil by his wife. Mr. Judd took with him a baggage car which was completely filled with products of western Iowa and Ntbraskn farms , which ho will place on exhibition for the company at tbo Denver oxpoxltlou , pnd whidi will make a very line exhibit. Mr , and Mrs. Judd .will remain in Colorado for three Weeks or n mouth. Dr. GroHBinau , who attended Frank Slavik the man injured Monday after noon in ColpeUcr'n hinibci yard , tblnkutho patient cannot recover , aa ho is a unn of 6D years old , nud his injuries arc very nevero bestilo. Hols at lilu homo nuur Uoyd'B i acking huuu. George Itcdmap , living nut on Slier- man avenue , Hold his fi e dapple grey h orte "Lion" Monday to Cole llron. for ? 250 , which ia a remarkable price to be paid for a work horsp. A dapple gray stallion was purcliated by the name com pany for eiOO , anil will be put in training to-day. ISoth were paid for entirely In silver dollars and half dollars. On account of the sad death of our be loved brother , William Aiut , the singing society , Omaha Maenncrchor , has resolved to remain in mourning for the period of thirty days ; therefore be It known to all our friends and the public In general that the picnic which was to bo held Sunday , the Cth inut , , h postponed until furtb.r notice. The committee. SLAVKN'S YOSEMITJ' ] COLOGNE Made from the wild ( lowers of ih wit rAMKu YOBKMITK VALLEY , it ia the moat fragrant of perfumnt. Manufactured by II. IJ. Slavon , H in Franciico. For Halo in Omaha by V , J. Whitehouio and IConnaia Unr , , & Oo , * t THE LOCAL LEGISLATORS The Oity Printing Awarded Thf BOG Another Year , Important and Interesting Monthly Report. A Now Firemen's Honao to Bo Bnl on Tenth Street- At the regular mooting of the citi council last evening , thovo were present ont Messrs. Baker , Bohm , Oorby , Dunham , llonnun , Kaufmann , Lood- or , McQuckin , O'Koofi ) nnd Thrnno. PETITIONS AND COM IUNIOATIONS. Prom Acting Mayor Herman , approving - proving certain ordinances. From same , appointing J. A , Mo- Shane , 0. F. Davis nnd 0. Turner ippraiaora of damages from straighten ing North Omaha crook. From Chief Engineer BuUpr. The citizens have subscribed $505 for jtlio erection of n hose cart house on Tenth street , between Fnrnam nnd Douglas , on the site of No 2's ' old house , The council is asked to ap propriate ) $1,000 , which will enable the department to build a two-story brick house. Ilefcrrod to the com mittee on fire with power to act. From D. IJ. Bcomor , in regard to sottlcinont of certain taxes. Referred. From the Northwestern Light and Power company , asking permission to erect poles and wires along the line of the public highways of the city , for the purpose of carrying on the bus iness of furnishing light by moans of electricity. Referred to board of public works. From the city marshal , the monthly list of prostitutes : Six keepers of houses and thirty-throe inmates ara reported. Ton loft the city , or other wise escaped fines. Referred. From A. McQavock otul. , asking for a change of grade on Thirteenth between Dorcas nnd Onatollar streets. Granted. The monthly report of liquor deal ers nnd druggists doing business August 1st. Iloforred. The report of the cases in the police court during the month of July was referred. The monthly report of the city physician for July , showing novonty- nine deaths and tiixty-sovon births , was filed. _ The report of the atroot commis sioner for July : Expenditures , § 3,012.89. Referred. The paving petition of paving dis trict No. 2 , Tenth street , between Douglas nnd Maroy , was referred to the board of public works. The petition of F. W. Gray ot al. For the opening of Twenty-sixth street south of Fnrnam was granted. Resolution , by Dunham , to appoint tpprnisors for assessing damages or iho opening up nf Sheridan street From the northern extremity to Far- num. Adopted. From the acting mayor , appointing J. D. Pratt , W. R. Bartlett and JT [ I. Brack in ns appraisers. Confirmed. From P. M. Mullen , ot al. , asking .Irnt the intersection of Johnson and Nevada streets bo put in good condi tion. Referred with power to net. From Wm. Rawitzor , asking $100 damages for horse killed at recently graded part of Twentieth street , in Shull's addition. Referred. From D. Harney nnd others , pro- csting against construction of a sewer on St. Mary's avenue , botwooon Sev enteenth nnd Twenty-fifth streets , for various masons. Referred to commit- co on waterworks and Bowerngo. From John Wilson nnd others , pro- .eating against ball playing nnd other ( tmusomoni's on Sunday in vicinity of lorthorn terminus of street railway , lleforrod to committed on police with lower to act. From Ignaco Schorb nnd others , asking that Eighteenth street bo jradod so as to relieve petitioners , property from overflow of water. Ro- 'erred. From Charles Turner nnd others \sking that alley in block M7 bo lirouglit to grade. Referred. Bids for curbing nnd guttering Douglas street from Sixteenth to Nineteenth , were referred to board of public works. IlKSOUmoNH. By Bohm , That city engineer pro- MTO ordinance establishing grade of Douglas street , between Twonty-fillh uid Twenty-sixth streets. Referred to stroota nnd grades committee. By Daiihnm , That city engineer re port plan for lluming , ciilvorting nr otherwise carrying the wutiir from it lioint about five hundred rent woof , of Twentieth short on each dido of Fur. iinm to Two'itioth Mp-i't , eoitlh t llarnoy , thuiicu cast on Hariicy to Nineteenth. Ad ptii ! . Several aidywi'k re o'u'ionu ' \ \ . ( , . adopted. By 'JhiMim , Tlu . the tf" t O.IM- miiuionor put HIvonth sin tt t.n.-- ) in passable emuM-ior. Adi-p ! . By Hcrnuii , That , thu eiily cli'ik advertise f.r iwnnty elaya for 1,000 feet of rubber huso. Adopted. By normaii , That oommilteo on fire purcliavo Iwn li.iau carts. Adopti d By JCaufiiiin , That board of public worliB utivovtisu for proposals to gnulo Tenth street , from south line of Pierce , in south line ot nlluy ju-xt south of Pierce to fu'l ' width of strcyt. Adopted. By.McGuckin ; That board ot pub lip works immediately advertise for bids to fill or drain the pond of stug- nant water , lot 3 , block 122 , etc. Adrpted , By Corby : That board of public works appoint three appraisers to nppraiso damages to property , in bli'ck D nnd E. canned by layini ; pipe in said blocks for Iho Waring system of sewerage. Adopted. By McGuckin : Thnt the Major 30 requested to defer the signing > f .ho ducd of the etrip of land on L'Oth street , south side of Fnrnam , in ordr : o exmnino were thoroughly into the propriety of Hulliuir the sumo for prio * mined , 81,200. J'lacod on file. By MoQuckin ; That the city at. ornoy frame an ordinance amending 'paving district No. 1. " BO as to reid 'paving district No. 1 , which ahull comprise Oth street from Douglas to hoU.P , froightCdopot , " and u'eo ' unending district No. 0 , to include Mlh street , between Howard &m Dodge. Adoptee ) . By O'Kocfc : That the services t special policeman to guard pritonern bo dispensed with , and that ho bo pu on regular force , if competent Adopted. By Kaufman : Requesting board o public works to advertise for twi weeks , for proposals to fill the wash out on 10th , near Hickory. Adopted By McGuckin , Lcodor and Kauf man : That pay for laborers on street * bo $1.87 } P r day. Adopted. By McUuckin : That u hydrant , bi placed at Twenty-seventh and Farnuti streets. Referred to committee 01 wotor works. By O'Koofo : That the board ol public works advertise for work ol construction of mains for the Warinp system from the present tormina point northerly ns for as the appro printion will admit ; also , for material and pipe laying for laterals between Dodge and Chicago streets inclusive , and that the city engineer submit ni ordinance creating necessary districts. Adopted. By AIcGuclin : That the strcol commissioners clean the gutters or Farnam street , from Ninth to Fifteenth toonth , and also to clean the streets. Adopted , IlEPOHTS OF COMMITTEES. Judiciary Recommend election ol 0. V. Gallagher , 0. D. Uiue nnd Jaa. Ross ns directors of the public library. Adopted. Judiciary That building ownon within sewer districts 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , connect with sewer mains. Adopted. Streets and Grades That utrool commissioner purchase 100 cubic yardt of broken atone at $2.25 per yard tc repair Farnam street. Adopted. Streets nnd Grades--Recommend ing payment of $454.22 for grading of Tenth street. Adopted. Strootsand Grades ThatThlrtoonl.h jtroot bo graded from Mason to Wil liam. Adopted. Streets nnd Grades That city on- ujnoor report at next meeting on con- Jition of Farnam street in vicinity ol Twentieth. Adopted. Streets nnd Grades That matter of Park avpnuo grade bo referred to the city engineer to report next meeting. Adopted. Strootsand Grades That commu nication of R. L. May bo filed. Adopted. Streets nnd grades : That ordinance aa to size and shape of gutters and crown of streets bo passed. Adopted. Streets nud grades : That certain grading bo done on St. Mary's avenue. Adopted , Streets and grades : That thu city attorney report ordinance nt next neoting changing curb line on Capitol avenue to thirty feet from lot line on each side from Twentieth to Eleventh street. Adopted. Streets nnd grades : Same with rof- > rcnco to Burt street , from Twonty- L'hirel to Seventeenth. Streets nnd grades : That the Bur- ington & Missouri railway bo allowed 13 grada Farnam street , provided they jgroo to build an "ovorcrossing" on or joforp January 1 , 1885. Adopted. Railroads , that the Union Pacific ilaco planks between the railroads on Slovonth street , and that the culvert 10 not put in at present on Twelfth. Adopted , OIIDINANCBS. To amend section 3 , of chapter 24th , f compiled ordinance , to road ; "Com- > onsation of the iurnkoy shall bo § 75 ior month. " Referred to judiciary ommittco. Ordering the paving of district num ber eleven. Passed. Appropriation ordinance for months > f Juno ami July was read , the total ! isbursemonts .amounting to ever § 28,000. Passed. Changing grade on Thirteenth , bo- , woon Oostollur. and Dorcas streets , 'assod. An ordinance relative to dogs and > ther animals running at Inrgo in Hanscom Park. Referred to judi- iary. Providing for a judgment index , 'nsaod. Compelling parties to rnako sewer onnoctions. Passed. Relative to size and shape of gut- era and crown of streets. Passed. IIK80UJTIOJ B. By Kaufman : That the street commissioner - missioner take up the stones trom the reek on Tenth street , nnd fill Tenth treot to its full width. Rotorred to ommittco on streets nnd grades nnd ity engineer. Uy Behm : Thnt the city ndvortising or the month of August bo given to THK EVJJNINO BEE nt the price offered by THK BEE Publishing Company. Adopted. Adjourned to Tuesday next at 2 ) , m. ' 'SPECIALS. " vhnt it Gouts to Travel Llkou Lord The parsnQ through thin city , and ver tin ) various railroad lines uf u lany " juci.vlt ) , " or in other iviueis 'uJ'tnnr. nnd other private cais , char- tmd ! ) pcicoiiBof ondli'fca ir.ciuis or ox.uuue i lluofcj ! 1,0 ojunnou nu 10 uiror.ot ) tlm1. Ihn foDowii g r.fornmtum in rttrnici to tlm chargi-a fur u or , n eluding uervici'B of a con. ductor , porter m d tvovaitora will be interesting ; The Pullman company ohURCS § 85 a day for the 1100 of u car , which in. eludes the services of n conductor , a cook and two waiteis. Boaldos this , the person hiring the car or in faot any cnr must buy eighteen full tick- eta of the railroad line over which the car passes , for hauling it. The car is usually attached to n regular train , and , if a special engine is secured , which is rarely the case , the cost is greatly increased. Provis ions nnd liquors nro supplied by the Pullman company nt cost , or the pur- son to whom the car is let may stock it himself. Sleeping cnra arc let nt the rate of § 05 n day , including a conductor nnd porter , und hotel cars at § 7fi n day , including it conductor , oook nnd two waiters. The Pullman company also has two huntini ; nnd liBhing cars. One is named the Davy Crocket nnd the other thu liaak Walton. The charge of thi'co ' oars is § 35 a day , which includes jook and waiter for each. Tln-io : ars nte provided with kennels frr Jogs. WANTED. A good aocond-haud oloi , Address box X , Central , Neb , 1j.3t RULE BRITTANHIA. St , Ooorgo's Day Celebrated al Hanscom Park , A Brilliant Success and an En thusiastio Crowd. Speeclif , Manic , Dnnclnc and Goo ( Time Gonornlly. Yesterday ono of the grandest pic nica that has been held In Omaha foi Botno titno past was thnt gotten up bj the St. Oeorgo'e aocioty at Uascorr park. Shortly uftor the hour fixed foi the commencement n largo and fash' ' ionnblo conoourao of people asaomblcd in the park , and as the day grew oldoi the crowd incrcaaod , and probablj reached over eight hundred persons , The mem bora of the aocioty pre aontod a very elegant appearance , nnc each ono were a badge or hia breast. All the arrangements had been made with great cnro , and noth < ing occurred to mar the complotonoa ! of the proceedings in the slignteat degree - greo Among thoao present wo noticed - ticod someof our oldeat and moat prominent citizens. Wo rnfrain from giving any names , for the list , if at all complete , would bo very lengthy. The exorcises commenced with a truly patriotic rendition of that plo- rious old anthum "Ilulo Britania , " after -which the preaidotit , Mr. W. II. Oarloton , delivered a very fine oration tion , which waa listened to with marked attention. "Gome Whcro the Lilies Bloom , " by the Misses Stev ens , Mr. W. Stovona and Mr. Tremaino , waa next on the pro gramme , which was excellently exe cuted. Messrs. Johnson , Lanyon , T. Bonnor and Taylor then made eomo speeches of five minutes' duration , which proved to bo very entertaining. Mr. Ed. J. Hadrill sang "Tho Guard Saip" excellently , and ho waa loudly applauded. Some inoro spoeohos by Messrs , Rothwcll , J. Bonnor , Dove and Live- soy wore then given , and Mrs. Parker - kor treated the audience to a beauti ful song. Great interest was evinced in. the exhaustive osaay , delivorcct Jin clear tones and in a very Impressive manner , by Mrs. Jane Latoy. Frank Stockdalo's recitation re ceived great commendation , and the song by W. O. Sanders creator ! grrat enthusiasm among the auditors and ho was vociferously recalled. That popular speaker , Mr. W. J. Broadbent then stepped forward and delivered nil amusing and ofi'ectiyo speech occupying fifteen minutes in delivery. The live minute speeches of Mesara. Ballingor , Midgoley and Powell dcscrvo a word of praise , and "Two Merry Girls , " by thoao charm ing vocalists , Etta Bonner and Nellie Stevens was everything that ono could wish. wish.Tho The 'solo and chorus entitled "Cousin Jodediah , " was a success , as waa also the recitation by Mr. Shop- hard. Mr. Taylor's vocal effort and Mra. Eayro's reading wore both good. Miss Wolf made a decided hit with her roscitation , and the well-known duett , "Larbord Watch , " by Mr Stevens and Mrs. Barnacle , received many ocomiums. A few more short addresses' by Messrs. Hadrill , Gar diner , Layter and Lonnsburry wore then made , and "God Save the Queen , " and the "Star Spangled Ban ner" by the baud and guests con cluded this very enjoyable part of the programme. After a short interval the picnickers disposed themselves in various parts of the grounds , where they refreshed the inner man ( and woman ) . Having satisfied their hunger , which had been stimulated by the open air exorcises , they ocatterod in various direct'ona , where they spent the remainder of the day in such innocent games as cricket , croquet , lawn tennis , grace- hoop , swinging , foot racing , etc. Many of the visitors , however , preferred dancing , for which ample provision had been * made. Irvine's famous or chestra supplied Eomo soul-inspiring music at different intervals which en livened the festivities. Judging from the faces of both old and young , wo can safely conclude that the entertain ment was a brilliant succces and every body present had a glorious time. THK BEE wishes the St. George's society ovety success. BII/L AND Buffalo Wllllfttn Seokoth Ye Company of Slump Bull. Hon. William F. Cody , who ns Buf falo Bill is inoro familiar to the gcr- eral public than a poatugo etamp , ar rived on the Denver trnin yesterday and took up his quarters at the Mtllard. William is on his way to Furi. R mdall for the purpoio of se curing the services of Sitting Hull as a member of his troupe during the com ing seanon. This , of course , will be the greatest attraction ever put on the road , exceeding if possible , the excitement created by Buffalo Bill's firit appearance on tlai mimic stage. Sedentary Taurus aa a h'ar raiser in His poworo uf "drawing" are peculiar , and belong to no particular school known to the theatrical world. Of course his rule will incline to the heavy villain part , sauced with all the ferocity of the real Forrestian tragedy. Wo predict for this now theatrical star a brilliant suc cess. Buffalo Bill has engaged for hia regular trip .in entirely now corps of irtists. None cf the last year's com pany will appear with him , except Julo Keene , the irrepressible dialect samodiun. Old Omnipresent Ogden , .he bueinosa manager of Williams' : heatrical affairs , will of course remain. The play for the season is an en- .ircly now one , written by Charles Foster , entitled "Twenty Days' Pledge ) f Buffalo Bill. " It is suid to bo the inest play Bill has yet apppearod in , rhn company will open in Milwaukee Vugust 3lHt for three- nights , The bllowing week Chicago will bo d - ighted , and subsequently a westwttiU rip will bo made aa far as Dea Moitum. Men St. Louis will bo visited durh'S ' ( ho Veiled Prophets' ' carnival wock and afterward the eastern cities cAlice upon. "Buffalo Bill's Pledge' and the first appearance of Silting Bull or the O. P. side will give the Q. to un < ending linea of popular excitement. A BLOODY SCENE. An Insane Man Tries to Butt Hia Brains Ont in His Dell. Horrible Gaping Wounda and Streams uf Gore. The Dogpornte Resolve of n Man Who Thought HoVnito Bo Hun u- The encounter between Mr. John Bell and the suppoaed burglar , at the residence of the former , on Park Wilde avenue , waa detailed yester day. After Ha incarceration In the county jail it waa discovered that the man was really inaano ; that ho came from Chicago on Sunday and boarded at Kuccrn's hoto ) , on Thirteenth street , where he was known as Anton Liska. From the first he showed signs of insanity , and then Kucern kept him up stairs during the nighf until 3 o'clock , when Liska managed to es cape and jump over a ton foot fence nd into the crook , going over to Boll's 10UBO. Monday Liaka continued to show evidences of being a "crank , " say- ng all the time that oomo ono was 'allowing him and that ho was going to bo hung. Ho declared ho could see them building the scaffold through the bars of hia window. Ho slept aomo in hia cell Monday but Tuesday morning waa no batter. The jailer , Mr. Joe Miller , came down town about 8 o'clock to file a complaint againat the man to bring before the board of insane commissioners , and at that time ho seemed a little moro ra tional and asked to have some tobac co brought to him. Miller concluded not to file the complaint until ho could learn if the man's condition waa the result of liquor. Soon after ho loft , ono of the pris oners who was in the hall heard a heavy thumping in the direction of Liska'a cell , and went 10 see what was up. As he approached .th door he saw Lieka running toward it from the far corner of his coll. The insane man had evidently concluded that ra'hcr than hunp , as hia hallucination had convinced him ho might do , ho would butt his brains out against the prison walls. Ha had his head lower ed and as the witness ncared the door jammed the top of the skull against the sharp iron corner of the door post. Ho then returned , and repeated the operation again and again Once ho passed his hand ever the top of his head and swept off a torrent of blood upon the floor and soon after , with another terrible - riblo jam fell back stunned , but not wholly insensible , for ho continued to beat his head against the cruel iron by using the muscles of his neck , The prisoner who witnessed the bloody scene telephoned down to the court house , and anon Jailor Mi'lor ' , Deputy Sheriff 0'rowoll andJDr. Chad- wick appeared on the scene the cell door WPS throw : open niid the man picked up and transferred to another cell , his own being covered with bloou. Here ho was laid out on an iron cot , and for fear of a renewal of his paroxysms , was manacled and shackled down while his wounds wore exam' ' ined. They were found to consist oi six great gushes , which extended from the forehead to the crown , and looked as If they had been deliberately carved with a butcher knife. It was impossible to sow them up , as they would , the doctor said , immediately pull apart. When the patient rallied ho talked more sensibly than ho had done since his arrest , and said hia wounda did not hurt him. Dr. Chadwick said ho would recover if the inlLimmatiou and erysipelas could bo kept off , but it is a bad month for such wounds. Liska asked how many had been killed in there , and said ho could stand as much as anybody , and if ho gets well his word will certainly bo made good. He is quite a young man and very halo and powerful. Ho wus resting tolerably well when THE BEE reporter left , but Jailor Miller thouuht it would bo a advantage if ho could bo moved > o a better place , and that his chances for recovery would bo greatly increased. SJLVEK WEDDING BELLS. Mr. anrt Mrs. Fetor Johnson aurprlsod by Their Friends. On Saturday evening last , July 29 , the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnnon , 1213 Cuss ntrcet , was the fceno r.f a delightful uil'iir , being the celebration of their twenty-fifth anni vcrs-ary. The couple LKVU bt'cn in Omaln for thirteen jourc , having come trom Swe den to Nebraska , and they Imvo a host of fiionda , who , on the evening in question , took them by surprise , in vading the hauau to the number of 80 or 100 , iUid prosonltid them with a very fine full ton set of silver , purchased at Max Meyer it Bros' , establishment. The presentation was made by Frederick W , 13urimw.iv , the well-known black smith in the U , P shops on behalf of the friends , A bounteous supper had been brought along and the evening was passed in feasting , dancing and coni'ratulationa. The only daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. Johnson , is Mrs , John M. Peterson , the bosa painter in the U , P , shops at Evanston. Wo trust the happy couple whoso union was celebrated so pleasantly will live to enjoy u golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs , Peterson sent in a iluo ( silver to * urn to their parents. Capital Hill Concert. The Bavarian band will givn an- ithtr ono of their delightful concerts \t the usual plaso on Capitol hill .Ilia evening , August 2d , begin- , \ning \ at 0:30 : sharp and lasting till 7:30 : The following is the programme : 1. Don't Make Noise . . . .Smltl 'I. Arle HosamU St. Domingo. . , Uonlzett 3. Lea Slrenz Waltz Waltnnfe 4. Concert Overture , . . .Kaliwodi 5. OrAiul Selection , Pntlence liowmat C. When the Leaves I5etin ? to Fall. . Ferozz 7. Mascot Quickstep . . .Krnh AN ANCIENT ORDER. The Annual Picnic of the A. O. H. August 10th. By a combination of unlucky typo > graphical errors and misunderstand' ings , the date of the second annual picnic of the Ancient Order of Hi < bcrniaua lias been considerably mixed up. up.It It will take place on the lOih day ol \ugustandnsu8Unlvull bo given in n style that will muko it pleasant tc all who attend. The A. 0. U. com' milteca do things up light and tht-ii picnica tro among the notable oventt of each year. TRAVELING MAN , A. 'No. 1 , tnnn vtantedto sell In Colorado , Utah , Wyoming , h lisas , Nevada , and the entire wont. A complete Mm tit Knit Gocdi , consisting In part of MKU'S socks , Indies' , illMes' and Children' ] Leanings and Blockings , LiUlcs and Gentlemen's Double ami Single > Itttrm. JIUsci' and Chll dron's Mittens , Cardlgjn Jackets , Scarfs nnd Cops , nlio GERMAN FULLED MITTS AND STOCKINGS. Address stating age , experience and reference to Ju28-lw.m&B Detroit , lllcli. SPECIAL POTICE8. NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , for , Sale Loet , Found , Wanto Boarding , ILC. , will bo In serted In these column ! once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS J > r lino. The first Insertion never law tban TWENTY-FIVE OENTd TO LOAN MONtY. IONF.Y TO LOAN Call at U\w Omce of D. M L. ThcrnM Boom Q CrcUhton BIok. kTO LOAN At 8 ptr ccntln- J tfrtsl In surcs.of ? 2Krt oud upwards , lor 3 to E year ? , on arst-clsr.ii city end farm property. BKMIB EBJII. ESIATJ ni LOAH AOCSOT. 15th and Dauclan Sta. HELP WAHTED. Vl/ANTHD A house li the weft end of the VV the < ! ty , containing nbout six room , with stable ndcanlapd room attached. Mut' baxo water nnJ be convenient to street car. Ad dress J. P. II. , Metropolitan hotel. nug2-3t WANTED Ito lahle an I experienced man. Ono used to bo scs and wording arru el place. Deference n quired. Apply at uorllicaat corner of 19thand California streets. 053-t- E. WAIJKLI.Y. WANTED AircnU ti follclt for tlv } Bctrolt Mutual ItcnoRt A'sselatlon of Detroit. Mich. GodInducement".to tbo light p riles , llonoy to loan nnd loanj n cotlatcd on liberal term- . Inquire of N. U. Buck , Agent for Ne braska , Room'218. ISlh street , upsulra. 1HD-7" WANTfcD 100 stone masons , 75 toims. 1EO rock mo . Ship Situr.lay. WaeeH from 2.0 to 84.00 p r day. 75 scams 85 00 per day , nquiro of J. W. Bundle , cor 10th and Dodge treets. 945 * A flrst-claisinioteook at tbo H. WANTED Charles Hotel , Harm y street. Apply on the premises. O'JLtt WANTED A plrl to do ffononl house work In a family of two. Reftn ncea required. Apply to COS south 18th street0442 * TTTANTED Sewing glrla to learn Iho Kelljgg VV French Tailor System of Dress Luttlnir , now being taught at liilO Mlllard Hot"l Block Cutting done t ) test , alau custom cutting done n shortest i oselbla time. Patterns cut to order. nd At warrant d by MIH. BOND , General Agent for Kellcgg Tailor System of Dn si cutting , P28-4t WANTED An cxper'enccd ' girl to do gen eral house work In i mall family. Ittfcr- cnccs requlnd. High wcgis ghcn. Call at 114 Sou'hlDthSt. , city. 010-tf WANTED A flrst-cbss girl mu-t lo good cook , washer nnd Ironcr. Vfngn 84 00 per week. Itqulro at Leo , Fried & Co's , or at lloj olllco. (134-tf ( "ITTANTKD 500 privy vau.ts , ulnks < ind ccns W pooln to clean with Bariltnry Vault and Sink Cleaner , the best In uco. A. K\nun Si Co. . residence 1200 Dodge street. Onuba. At once , a first ( .lass carriage WANTED ' h. Steady work and gcoj wages. Addrc e , F. J. Snouncr , Atlantic , Ia 923-3 Good hamcss-makfr and < ar- WANTED trimmer Steady work. Oo d nagcs. AARON DEATTV , U02-1 Aurora , fob. Two or three rooms tu'tuMe fo WANTED ] ) : .u ollkc. dJntf Lr. 1'crtr Bee ofllco. 609-tf " \TITANTK1J Tpn teams to work on r'lorcnc VV Cut-On. Wages 43 60 per day. 877-tf MlrdMKI.I VIVflKNT. 1 AA MEN WANTrD At Fiflrcnco Cut-Off , Ll'lnine mile1) i" rth cf 0 < mha. Wages J1.76 per diy MITCHELL VINCENT. 330-tf M1CELLANEOW8 WANTS. A NfED 7bout AugU8tl51ahrusooll"or fi rooms , on line o ( btrcet railway prefer red. Address "llouto , " Bee Ottlco. aul-tf RENT HOUOE3 AND LAND. KJST V pleasant furnli lied 10 in fcr FOB two goatlemen. Inqn re a' 1012 Jallfornlait cet 059-tf IlENT Kurn eho I rojcn. App'y at 103 FOU South itrcct. 0512 * DENT 7wo rooms and ki rhcn In new FOH , with h rirant watercorner I3lh and JallfornU streets. Inquire a' No. C0i North ISthmrtct. 052-4- IUCNT A brick lioii'u with 8 rooms on FOR , between 20'h niul 2'nt ' street ) En [ iilrool V.'m. K. Morrli. cier Statu Bank. 010-2 * POIt KENT Ono neatly furnlfhed room , uUh prl ilO0 ! cf a JainlLg par or. 1S13 Uclmtcr ' .root. _ _ _ _ _ _ 8t2-tf RENT Nit elr fcrnUhet ! room , corni r 151 h 310 and la > eniiDrt itrtvt , north wat corner. Hi : . T A Inr o plcacai t lutntslicd couth Fait , with closet , good lo.irJ n xt ilrcr , | > py ) 1311 L'a-e Btreet. U27-U poll KENT In good location , rl\ rooms , up- L1 stalls. Enquire Jot-n Johnson , tt , E. cor- ur Faniamana ilth. 031-tf RENT A p'oifant furnlched room on Poll rirnt floor , unu block from street car , at ! 4t3 Harney street. 01l-tt ( [ TtOR BENT Four room ( .ottago , largo lot , 0 tiouth 17th , August Itt. J L. Weltbana , 60 Farnani btrect. 9C5-If BENT N. E. corner 10th and Dav enport W4.1 [ T10B BENT Furnished haunt f icven room > , U to tmall fiinlh. 1'OSM ) slon Augu > t Ut. Ad- rots "Furulebid1' JU'o otllco , Sal-if BENT Brick store Ir quire at Dm/ FOB , coiner 10th and Douglas sts. 520-tf BENT Uou o of 0 rooms , newly plus- FOR and p.lnttd. | 1S CX ) ] wr munth. iorth of 16th street bridge on IS h Direct. Can- enlcnt toihopn Applr corner 12lh aid How- rdstreet. Newspaper Union. bS7 > lf H NT Two new dwellings and two other FOB * in deolrabl * Ice lily , by UcKoon , lo. KU DougUa street. bl7-tf ron KF-NT Fu-rushed" ro m at 1810 Ftrnam ree . urto.ufor cemUman witn rjtcr- tncs , 1312 Dodso strest between IStn and | W I IlENT One plcasint roo-n , 1 If desired. 117 south 17th strret. 86itf L9TS tor leMe * ' t25-M I1" nnum , each I,0' ? ! ' ' " " ' ft'0r n8e Gro e ' ! ! u1' adj Inlng Hanscom P rk on the welt. fl o mlniitc-9 walk from 8 net cars , ilotcy ran b obtained to build with , by persons leasing thwo lots at regular ntff. JAMES F. MORTON. U On premises , olllce 1S15 Farnam Strc 6 FOB BENT Xew cotUgo , six roomr , rear houce , head bt. M i > ' a\cnuo. 809-tf WM. McCANDLIsII. I OR HENT-Furi Ishcl room with board ; JL' mcdmn Impra.tmnrit4 , a few table boirJers can bo accommodated , at 1718 Lodge street. (151-tf ( "VTINE HOUSES FOR KENT SmtH and Urge , JLl two totitelvo rue s each ; ono or to new ones with all modern convenience ) . Ono of 12 rooms , snltablo lor boarding and room renting. 17th and DoufclaskU. DEJI1S , Acei.t. Jo23-tf 15th and Dou . T70K IIEN1 Hoarding house well I i 1 JU Inquire 103 10th street , alto3 rorr 'n corner ol lith ! and Douglas stroat. 1 , i' ' . , prcml in. TjOB BENT Two nicely turnlshotl south roema J ; rciU'Qnttlile prlcM , 2013 Cm > etrcet. 3 ! < 2-t WO FUBN1SHED noutn rooms for rent. S. W. corner 19th and Davenport. 300-tf FOB BENT A 7 room house and 4 stall iUbloon Convent strict , mar Ht. Marys a > cnuc , Bent 1(21.00 per month Enquire o Baiker llrothcrs , I'm olllco. 60i-tt rOB UENT-Furnlshed front room with board. 1 COS North 17th st. 031-U j > OH nENT-Furclshed room , 1723 Douglas ! _ street. 4&l-tf [ TlOtt UENT. Two now elegant houses. In- . L' qulro at Peterson's Clothing e ore , near II. I1. 1 " - 692-tf KKWT X N. ii. co.- . lath tJ Dtilj . T710B RKNT Nicely furnished rooms with 01 J } without board , lleasonable prlcon. 2019 C'Ufl 8t. Tnn n ' rpn SALE _ " " F 6TT"aALE A good fmillvhora * . Luycy and so * at harness. Apply at 1818 Karnim street. O.'l-it FOU SALE A five aero lot ntiel good house ono mile north ot Barrack * Inquire on promises or deo. II. 1'otcrson , No 60 , 10th ettect. 847-Im" c. SCRKNJON. FOU HALE A Rood family horec , pheaton buggy acd haraces very cheap Apply to cr address C. P. S.locrs , Fo.t Onvtbn. Ul2-2'Jj "T1011 SALE Dray horse , harness and top L tuggy. A raio chaLco for a faulty. Ad- edces "Hand Leader1 Fort Ouiaha. PJ9-6 * Traon SALn Housoand lot 31x300 foot on Cal. L KoinU street , tastof Sacred Heart Cement. $ .00. JlcCAOUF , . 930-t ; 0iposll | po t j HOUSE and lot for BilvNo. . 025 street , near Cutnl g. Inquire C' ( ; r store , corner 10th and Jackson streets. 8H5-a'25 T IOIt SALK A ffocd jnvlni ; Rrorcry > u irujs JJ en loth street. S.ulsfaetory rensnin for eelllnp ; . Address " 0ti. . U. , " 2113 L'a\unnrrt s'rcct. fSl.M _ FOR SALU Entire Erocery i toeV and fixtures , thrci Ilplit express toims and wmoin. Seven a rca of land with house , Larn an ' other In ) iroie- mcuts. four lois on corner loth and liancro t trcci. Jniulre N.J SMITH , 840-tf Corner 10th and Leavcnworth. FOR SALE Hou o and cjrncr lot , at $1,050 , bargain. McCAOUE , opposite P. 0. FSItf story bullJina ; for Ealo at a bargain. Lo cated at north-east corner of 17th street , and Capitol avo. Must bo moved on or before August 7th proximo. DCS1IS' 770-tf Agent , 15th nnd BKAlTriKUli LOIS 60x160 feet each In Ilanscom Place on street car line. Best lots n whole addition on very caiy tf rms and at a Rrcat bargain. Ilsuia' ajcnt. 15th and Douglag streets 315 tt O UAHOAIN' , ono larco brick houte , and ono largo frame house , with full lot on Caeo near J6th street. Fine chinco for Investment , rent f.r J70 per month. Call for full particulars , on BEMIS , COO tf Agent , lEtli a d Dou Iae ftu , ' TTI OTEL FOU SALE. The Arlington House JJ. First class ; all furnished. The only hotel In town. The cheapest property In the stato. Has all the traveling men. Will bo sold cheap on terms to suit. Enquire of E. Fullo , proprietor , Arlington , Washington county , Nob. C63 u TiOK SALE Or will oxen * KO for Omata pro- jC percy , an Improved sec on of land adjoin ing a station on U. P. B. B. i ! . DUNHAM , HH Farnuam St. , Omaha. 7 0o ; : > i I BICE FOB BALH. B BALH.ESTABROO 203-tf ESTABROO I d T71O11 BALK The Pen'ULAK HOTKL , Jenoa JU as the BOYS' HOME. This house Is c - trally located , has south and cut front , ufj surrounded w th flno shade trees ; contMnr' s'ceplng rooms , has Ice bouoo. laundry , i H. , . room , ic. Has a world reputation and a better patronage than many houses of twice Its capacity. Price 85,000. For particulars 'J. dress , A. A. SAWDEY.Ued Cloud , fteb.66M' 66M' BALED HAT At A. I ! . Pander1 > < ! St 1013Un < cov8t. Cl9-t MlaOBLLANIOUS , ' / AGENTS for Nebra'ka. Kanuii mid SI'FCIATAGENTS ' the INDUsTlilAL LIFE ASSOCIATION of Indiunarolls , Indiana , wii ch has stood the test ol I lav , ] u\a all losses In full ; stronftiy Indorsed bv the he-t iusurai cc autharl let ; ttorouglly cstabllihfd , taslly worked , anil 1 < not on the co operutUo or old line plan. Liberal contracts made with incr- L'i'll : tucr.ti at a compensation of from two Ihoutand to three thousand dollars per jcar Addresi 1NDU-.TB'AL ' LIFE ASSOCIATION , No. 70 East Market street , Jndlananolls , Ind. July23-lm7. LOST A pup B'\cn months old. Very large. Colcr , Ihcr and ulnta , Ono fere i'g pecklcil. A liberal reward wl'j ' be paid for his ntum to Unison I ivcr Houso. D37-2 A Jersiy cow , ) ello ' and white. wilh short turn .n hern , largo white spot on forefoot , long tall and wllto at end , A I'b- eral reward wi 1 bo paid for her return ro M , A. McNaniam , B. 14th strut. _ 03SU EDWARD KUBHL UAaiSTER OF PALUY.WilBY AND .CONDI . nONALlBT , 491 ! Ttnth Jilie'ct , D * f--en Ksrcan TJIarocv. V/1II , wl.h H"s fcU cf ( rit irt ! n lylifta. obt ln ( or any i&i t , g'.vim ot tr t3kt 1111 ! pri-K-nr , and en ccrUlu conditions ! u tbu lu 'me. L < < ot id Kio < ! 5 piule td irJor ri > rn ( Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol p y , strength and uholesomeness. More eccno iltMl thin the ordinary kinds , and cannot b M in competition with the multitude ol o at. short weight , alum or phot-fhatu p--uiltrl donly In cans. KOIAL UAKIMO POWOH CO. , 6 Wl bt , Nuw York