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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1882)
. . - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - TT : IT THE DAILY BEE---WEDNESDIALY , AUGUST 2 l82. _ _ _ _ 7 'F , / , ; I p rnriw xi. a. c. aci,2 : Sz COMMISSION MEROHANTS ; City Mftrket , ConeLI BJff , Iows WHOLESALE FLOUR 1IOtTE , OeneaI AgeLt for the Ce1ebrttd Mills of IT. b. tuh & Co. Golden gIe Flour , Ltonwoth nnd Queen Ileo Mfl Sioux Fatle1 Dakota. . Peferenc5. , Smith CrIttnden , Council fl1utT , 1. : Et H - : - _ . , s-HiAMAN- , W'IOLESALI AND RTAtL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFPEi , IOWA. - TITLE ABSTRAOT . 0 F F IGE. % T _ W. C. .U' X X , X u& Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEVANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - N N IOWA. I-I _ TAESO1 , 15 North Main Stroot. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. floftdy.fltte.J upper. , In c1f skin anI kip. Ok rnit Ilcinlock 80L1 LEAThER , ind al Ooclg ppertaInIn tothohoo trada. OodRo1d r. cheap iIn thoEzt. ¶ Er ll. riJDItRI' ' I'JE ' ' ILbINERY STORE FOIt STYLISH SPitING MILL1NEItY PATTEtN BONNETS AND OIIILDItEN'S HATS A SPECIALTY , 105 South Main Street. - - - - - Council Bluffs Ia. wI&E : &J E That naver rcqulro crIiiipIti at Mrs. .3. J. (100t'8 ] 1nr Store , it priceR never bcfcro touched by ny other ) ialr deacr. AIo i lull limo 01 wItehe , etc. , st rcatIy reduced pricun. A1o gold , 911ver and colored ucla. SVae nido from l'dIee' own br. Do not tail to cnl before ; uirchaalng cleowhare. All goothi warrantc.I a rqirceiited. MRS. J. J. ( OOD , 2 Main stree. , Council BluiTh , 1own Bethesda . BATIIIII HTJE ! At Bryant's Spring , Oar , Broathvay an Unioll 8t. COUNOIL BLUFFS. PlaIn , Mellcatei , ' . .por , Electric , i'Iunge , Doucli , Showcr , hot end Cold Baths. Corn. petent nab and fernalo tur.e and attondantB alwaya on hand , and ( ho bc of rare and ntten. ( Ion given patrons. SIOCtal attntton given to bathing chlldrcn. InycBtlgatlun aud patronage eoUcItodDR. . A. II STUDLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Bttidey : Tratrncnt ot chronic dIcaeos made a epevlalty. 11 A n (1 UEMOVED without ( ho TD I drawing of blood or use of U & ii knife. Curc lung diecasee , A TJ1' fl9' 1' Fits , Scrofula , Liver Corn. plaIit , Dropy , itheutna. 1 U lvi 0 A S tlsm let eoras , Fever , Eryslpclas and 3lcrcur- Salt Itheurn , Scald Head , Catarh , weak , Iitaincd , anc1 granulated Eyes , $ crofuloue Ulcers and Fe- rnao Dlseaos of nil kind , . Alee Kidney and Vonerlal distiasee. Uo.norrhoId or i'ilce cured money refunded. All dlgeaecstroatetl upon thoprIncIploofeget. able reform , without the use of mercurial pole- one or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished who desire them. ilernia or Rupture radically cured l ) the usa the Elastic boLt Truqe and Plaster , which has superior In the workS. c CONSULTATION FREE. CALL ON OR ADDRIS Br.R. RiToe and F. 0. Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. LIVERY , Feed. alla a1e $ tab1os 18 North Firet Street , Banquet's old stand Council Uluff , Iowa. V.IbLALID SMiTH. Prop. w. D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of llerncopatby , consulting Physiolall aild surge Oil , Office and residence 615 WIllow avcnuo , Coun- ci Blufle , Iowa. SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Counoil Bluffs. Extractingand flhliuF a specialty. Flret.cias , work guaranteed. DR. J. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SUROEOL 051cc , No. ii Pearl Street. IIoui , . 0 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. in. , to 5 p. m. flcldenco , 120 Bancroit etreet. Tuiephoulo connection Mitts Ccntrai 0111cc , F. 1. SEYBERT M. 0. . . , . . , PIIYSIOIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Oflico No. 5 , Everett Block , Broad. way , over A. Loulu's Restaurant. ' Joroliants [ Rostauraut J , A. ROSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway . .nd Fourth SLreet. 000cl accommodations , good fare and cour. teous treatment. S. E. MAXON , - . zt x "i'j i ci " . . 0111cc over savings bank. OOUNOIi BLUFFS , . . . Iowa. REAL ESTATE. w. a. Jame , in connection with hi. law and Ollcction buelnese buys and soils real astatu. I'&eono widhing to buy or sell city proport ) call at ) stolflco , over Jlnshnoll'd bock store , Pearl ' .treet , - EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ol the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broadway , CouncilBiuffs Dcedudmortgago. deawa&nd acknowl .ud ; , ; -k ; -T- HAFI COO D& WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactured - ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own ilair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices auaranteed. MRS. 0. A. BENEDICT , 337 w. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa MRS. E. J. HARBJNI hi. B. . Medical Electrician AND GYGN EOOLOaIST. Graduate of Electropathic Inetitutlon , Phila. deiphia , I'onna. Offlue Dor , B'raathvay Glenn Ava. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Thu treatment of all disease , and poinful dit- Scuttles peculiar to femalee a specialty. U. G. TIPTON , Attoruoy & ouiisellor , Office over First National Bank , Council Bluff. Iowa. YII1 practice in Usa .tato and fodcra court. court.FRESH FISH ! same and. Pu1try , Can always be found a fl. DANEHV8 , 1343 Upper Broadway JNO. JAY FRAINEY , Justice of the Peaoe , 314 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs1 - - Iowa , w. B. MAYES , Loalls ailEoa1Estato , , Psoprictor of nbstract of Pottawattansis county. 0111cc corner of Broadway and Malt. streets , Council Blutre , Iowa. JOHN STEINER , M. U , , ( Dcutsehcr Arzt. ) ROOM 6 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. 4ecaseaofwo.ncn and children a paclaity. p. j , IONTGOMERY , Ii ! . B. . Fit DxsI'ENSAIY EVEItY SATUIIHAY. Otfico In Evcrett'e block , Pearl trout. lIcall deuce OS Fourth street. 015cc hour. from 9 to 2a. in. , 2 toland 7 o8pm. Council huff , F. 0. OLRK , PRAOLCAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the poekStflco. One of ( ho oldestpatitioner. in Council Bluffd. tiatia i3faction guaranteed In all cases DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EVE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DII. CIIAItLES DEETKIN. 0111cc over dru , toro , 414 Broadway , Council Bluff , , Iowa , Al dbeasei of thu oyu and ear treated under the mout appro oil method and all curt guaranteed. JOHN LINDTq A T T 0 R N E V'-'AT- ' L A W. Will practice in all Stabs and United State's Courts. Speaks Oermau Language , . - - - - - - A STRANGE STORY. The Unforttuiato Inratuat.ton Which n Memphis Lady Entertains for t Wofl Known Gontioman , Mmphig ApPeal. Tito trangost thing In tito worM is a woman's itilatuatiots for a usan. It does not necessarily require oncotir' ageinonL It may bo rebuffed and nr gued with , but it grows oii apace , feeding upon itself. It is 1mpossLhli to account for. What Is this sub'lo maghiotislu that makes a woman for' got her dignity and love thu mail who tsov.r coil return lior love ? \Vliy this peraistouco iii a hopeless cause ? Is it soinotiting within her that looks bo' 3'OIlI nitfavorablo surroundings and a conviction that It will bo all right at 505110 time ? \Vhatover it may be , it Is futile to speculate upon. Every day wo BOO Wotnoll Who hare romalitod faihfu1 to their ideals , disappointed 01108 iatietitly waiting for time to cor rect all mistakes , and poor Infatuated creatures . that hope against hope. flow many such mistakes are itiado Iii the world , AN flFATUATSl ) LAB\ ' . Tltoso moral speculation. are occa slotted by thu contemplation of a strange CflBO of Infatuation-and yet not strange when we consider woniati's heart-tlmt dorelopodyosterday. Con. sIdrablo CXCItCH100t % as occtts'iotied on Carolina street , Fort l'ickoritig , by the report that Mrs. Dora J , Sharp , widow of the late Judge J. L. Sharp , had tried to commit suicide by peison. lug : IiivosliatIoti ahowcd tint at- tOfll1)t to have boon trlO. Tim cause of the attempt lies In that pare of nature - turo that is stranger titan fiction. Mrs. Sharp has been the victim of a moat remarkable infatuation , and from it lOtS resulted atifroring to Itor- self and groal pain to a worthy gon- ticinait , Capt. Robert M , Leech. About two years ago she niot this geit- tiotnan castiahly , and PELL V1tV MCCII IN LOYF W'ltll ; him. lie , howovcr , did not rc- ciprocato , ill fact , for seine tinte ho was totally unaware of her fooling toward - ward hittit. Uc was very much sup- prini'd when Ito begati to receh'u tcii. dot letters fron her. 'l'hese ho always rotursied , and In fact did overytliiiig ho could to dircouago her , lie coii- ccivcd the idea that perhals she VtB HOt of sound mInd. A short tissue ago lie imppenod to go to church with lita daughter and a lady. Mrs. Sharp saw ililU. Shortly aftesrward alto BOIIt for hint to cotiso to her. She reproached him bitterly for going with the lady to church. Ho didn't know what. to snake of it. She asked hint to look over her deed and other papers atiti Boo if her estate was all right. "My dear madam , " said lie , "if I wore to undertake it I would be twice as long as anybody ol.o , and I wouldn't kiiow any Intro about it when I was through than I did at first. You ought to get your lawyer to oxatiiiio your estate. " 511Sf WAITEI ) LOVE , This did not suit her at all. Silo wanted him to examine the papers. Thinking that perhaps also was pushed for nioney , ho offered to hnid her any iliofley. She wanted his love , and Silo wanted him to niarry her. She had plenty of property. At the word marry , ho thought it time to leave. This was not the end of it. She sent him costly prelonts , which ho ro- turncd. She gave lila little girl a liaiidsome diatnotid pin , whichi ho had returned. Mrs. Sharp thought some one was fllterforitig in the matter , and was keeping her lottora and presents froni hiiii. Day before yesterday she met ; liiiii on the street , and again pleaded with him He told her , as gently as he could , that she ought not to go on that Way. She said she WAS GOINO TO EILL IIEIISF.LP. Ho told her laughingly , not to do that , as a coffin would cost $100 , and it was too expensive. Ho did not suppose for a moment that she would do it. She said that ho would see she loved him bettor than he thought. She had made her will iii his favor , and asked him to take care of her sister. Yesterday ho was VERY MUCM IIOIIIUFIIID when the isews was brought to him that she had really attempted to take her life. The affair is very lamenta- ble. Capt. Leech Is very much dia- tresried about the matter and is afraid that his position should be iniscon- struod , but Ito has acted , It seem. , iiiost iiouor.ibly throughout. Ho says ho entertains the highest respect for 1rs. Sharp ; that she is a lady in every 501150 of the word , but that she is a monomaiiiao on this subject. The captain said that on his honor his relations - lations with her had boon only those above net forth. Froisi last accounts Mrs. Sharp was improving and was OXleCtCd to to- cover. ro Matter What Happens you mna' reMt asatireti that you tire safe In being speedily cined by 'J'irois' Eeaio- l'tIC Osa , III all cases of rheuuiatisn , , sian. ralgia , toothache , etc. One trial only is necessary to iroe u.s eulicacy , augl.dlw Japnnose Fans. It , Ic. M. thus writes of " , Japaucao Fariu"in l'uck : "Some kind.heartcd person has scoii fit to imiako us the rc cipient of a present ofa dozeii Japan. 050 faiss. They are not worth misueli more tiian a dollar at the outside ; but it is tile spirit of the action and not the mnono.ary value of the fans that causes our chaste souls to experience beatific thrills and warble the follow. lug little warble : "Thefaus are beautiful to look upot' . Each one is a pastoral In itself. l - quisitoly colored and daintily figured , they fill us with an isiofflible desire to strike a wild passionate pootI' out. burst. burst.Vo " \Vo can't toll exactly what the pio. tures mneasi , or what they arc intended for. "One fan has a blue background ; on it there is a grcen.faced man ait ting on a pair of yellow scissorsbruah. Ing his boots with a muskrat , while drinking lsrown buttotfiles tint of an inverted mattress. "Iii the background there is a raft. climbing up a tree to catch a couple (51 wcod.dovoswho are playing sovon.up , tOzi the other side there a boat , whose sails look like a lot of table. clotiut in distress. It iu floating on tivard a mountain that. rooms to be afraid Jof the inami who is drinkisig brown butterflies out of an iuvertetj mattress. "The muskrat who is being used as a hat.brush looks as thought lie would like to be up in thotreo playing seven- tip with the wood dovos. "Tlio tree acorns to bo yorning to take the place of thohat and be brush. od with a muskrat. Then the boat. is trying to steal across and fool with the butterflies , whoso yearning countmi. atIcos betray the fact thsatthey are dis. satisfied , and would rather be the 151st. tress auth be drunk out of luau be themselves auct be wahlowed by a green-faced tisati sittIng on a pair of sciasors brushIng his list with a musk- rat. "Tue scissors ovldontly desire to got over by the raft , amid stretch their legs apart , smith dance all over the deck of the boat that seenis to have frightened ( ho niountain. "Tiso pictures oil the other famia are unintelligible to a Century Illagazilmo. Cover extent , but they are , novorthie. less , very pretty. Horsforel'i , .Acid Phosphate for atl- coliolism. Dr. l P. Gihinartin , Doiroit , Michi , , says : 'I have foutict it very satisfae- tory in its efFects , notably in the 15205. I ration attendant upon alcoholism. " nugl.l&sv-1w T1I STATIi. O1' JALISCO. Conaitlon of Thluoa in a P.ocnn ( Commonwealth , Sass Vraiielsco Chronicle , Captaimi Dodd Smith , the recently npoiiltod Commsul at San lIla , , where he has boost for about six mmiontlis , is nonin ( his city cmi oflicial btiiiies atsd v1h1 return to tlit scotia of isis duties on August 0th. Previous to Captaimi Smith's apomutiimoiit the United States was only represented at San Bias by a Vice-Consul. During a conversation with a Chronicle reporter yesterday Mr. Similtit gave 801110 Imxtorestiimg facts Coilcotisihig the ilaco , , its people and its growing linportiulce. Time State of Jalisco , he said , which is about the size f Texas , is time rich. cat iii mineral amid agricultural resources of amsy in Mexico. its capital is Guadalajara , the Coimsuh at San BIns lmvtng jurisdiction over ( ho whole state amiti nppointlmmg Vieo. Consuls at time capital atmd at Tepi.m. The state lisa a population of CiO ( ) OO ( , iziving 20,000 to Sums Bias , 16,000 t ) Topir , ant 100,000 to ( intidalajara , the latter presenting more tIme appear. slice of an American city titan tIme others. It has several street-ear hjimu stud Its highways are lit with hiunps burning cocoa oil. San Bin8 situated oil the bay of the satiso name , lou. also hues , but its buildings are far inferior to those of Guadalmijarit , being mostly adobe or log cabins coy- ered with plaited cocoa leaves. Time old town of San BIas was on a hill aloinimg to the sea an vas built. in 1624 , but the now one oUt some fifty years simico is 011 a flap Iloar tins bay. 'I'iie bulk of the trade , which is that of a imnue coinnlercial mart , is iii cotton , sugar , tobacco , muesci , coiree and rice. CENTItAL AMERICAN TRIJNIE1t STORMS. "It is a mistake to say that San BIas is unhealthy , " said Mr. Smith : "any locality visited by such terrific thunder-storms as it is during the rainy season must have a clear , brac. big atmosphere. I have known the claps of thunder to break windows by coilcuaBioIIs , and on one occasion I saw a looking glass broken in pieces from the saiuo cause. Until a person becomes accustomed to the thunder' storms ho is likely to imagine the end of the world has come. The soasomla there are the santo a here-wet and dry. Our wintoror-wotseason , however - over , begins on the 2tth of Juiso amid ends in the latter part. of December , bu during all seasons tim heat. suffers no material change. " "I have heard the rainstorms float people tell and the sand flies oat them up dowsi there. How is that ? " "When the raimi comimes down , sometimes - times , " mophied Mr. Smith , laughing , "ii ; gullies up the ground some , but I never hoard of any one being LILOWR. ed. The gnats along the water' edge at San Bias are quite voraciou' , but 80 they are on the San Jomquims. Farther inland , however , they aru uii known. They do smot , as Artonums \Vard said of the Tennessee mnosqui' toes , vary iii size from a canary bird to a goose , but they are small gnats , amid not very troublesome generally. " A 111011 COYNTItY. " \Vhat is done with the land in time Interior ? " ' 'Well , riot much of anything , it is splendidly adapted to agriculture , amid tim hula are full ot mines that missy be bought for a song. I know of lands thitit will produce $200 a ton that may be bought almost for a warble. There are others yielding from $800 to $ iroo a toss , " "Do you have any rovolutiosma down thie'reV' "Yci'y seldom. The nato lisa two political parties-tlio clorictmla amid tito liberals. The clerical party its op pocd to the railroad timid to the immni- gration of ( hringoos. 'rise iibcral party , which at present cositrol , the stiliirs of th state , with l'rcsident Gonzales at Its head , favors nil sorts of imlrovelnonts , esp.icia1ly foreign inminigratiomi arid railroad building. Sonic time agt the ohorloals stoned time engineers of time i1oxfoami in Sii Bias , but they no longer at emnpt outrngs of that kind , and are no longer allowed to wear a distinc. tls'e garb. " ' $1 have hoard that Jalisco was vohl supplied , amnoiig other Liming. , with irzgauds 1" ' 'It ' has booms infested with robbersi , 'I'lio immost. recent party of brigands was Ioaada's , a native cutthroat , who omm joyed iimm oavlallo faimso for many years , About. fifteen miommLbs ago , however , he was killed , and since that time time authorities have sue. cooded in obliterating his followcr , not. one of whoni now remaIns , " IIAILIIOAI ) IItILOmNa. spoke of the Mexican Central railroad , What progress is it musk. mug ? ' "I'hmo .rahisco brammcii of thin Moxi. cami Central will eventually roach San Blas. 'I'Ime hue starts frommm the City of Mexico , proceeds thiomico to Leon , through .tcatecis to ( luada. lajaru , to 'i'eplo amid San BIas , It i hOW completed to within 300 ruitess f Guadalajara , but all work was stojipeti about a mouth ago by the r. ny season , Laying time trsck will cean 11501100 again ems Noyonmbor 7th , At San Bias time survey for the roati hiu.s been completed , and all proparatior.u made to open a statmoll tiit're. Ti material and supplies are to coin from England and Amnerica , The ieo. plo of the state are looking for trade with San Francisco as a result of time conslructhoms of ( ho railroad. " "low IOmmg before this litmo will be comnisloteel through to the son ? " . "Imi about three years , Anticipt- mug this result real estate has already atlvnimcod 20 ler coat iii value in S.p lhlas , amid is rapidly going up. Time lay of San Bias is not a large OIW , but is protected at ( lie sotmthormi cud by a s1sit of Mmmd , At ( lie point at whIch the pier , rithimilug front time towut into the bay , 015(15 , time water is twenty-one foot deep , which will float a pretty good shIp. Time railroad isco- pie propose to build a breakwater from the ninimi land below San lila , , which ihI greatly increase the liar. bor facilities , 1mm addItion it is pr' lOSCd to turn time Santiago river from Its course through a slough at time lower end of time bay into tIme bay , whicli viil increase its area asid eloimihi at tlmat. poimit. " For aged imieui , women , weak timid sickly chiihiiromi , without a rival.'ihl miot cause headache , Brown's host 'era , Glad to Moot it Gentleman , flrnko' . Travellets' Magasine , "May I open the wimidow for mmsmssI" politely iimqtmired a gentleman ( f a youImi lady on tIme Northern Ptcl- tie road , as lie saw her tugging at a sash that lint ? miot yet. recovered front the preceding winter , She giared at itimmi a imiomtmeiit , amid gave a rtmltmctaiit coiieommt. "Folks cami't be too careful who they speak to or 1ICCL'jt favors froumm , " sue rentarked , after a long pause. ' 'That is very true , ' replied tins gomitteimsasi , quietly. ' 'Arc 'oti a Ilostoit drumimimier ? " she imiquired. ' 'No , I nut not , " he answered. ' 'A. hotel clerk ? ' "No , mint a hotel clerk. " ' ' 1 of that " said site ' 'I ant glitch , ; never lot a drnitmstor or hotel clerk speak to . ' actor ? ' ' 'No mile. Iilaybe you're nit , tier nit actor , " ' 'That's ilrist'chstasi she exelaimited , elmowlug her dimples and beconming ntoro and snore confi eiitiRl. ' 'If mist actor aliouhi sjoltk to mime I'd die.'liat. . is your lnmaimmesisV' ' 'i'm a bar1eciser , and l'imi travnmlhmg \Veat to get it 'J1urritoriat divorce fromtt ills' wife , ' ' Oiiiaimied time gt'iitloimiaii. ' 'Oh , l'sii so ghntlF' giggled tins gui. ' 'Itencli doivit amy satchel ; there's a bottle of whisky and a Ilitek of car(1s ill it. i'll ilay you mist ociti gaitme of Osli - fosiiii lttck for 5 a cormiuri I 111cc to mueiit getmtieiimeim , stunt I know' 'out wiitst i : HCL' 'Ciii. Ask that bald.hoaded diii. for across there if lie's got a corkscrew , vihl . " you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Free of Coab. All I'ernl idting to test. the mnerita of a gient reiuteihy-omto that will positively 01510 ( ( ) miBilti.tli . , , , Coughs , Clds , , 4th- , .iI : , I iroticlil tie , or any .iIrectliii of tin-oat anti limugs-aic reqimeetcil to call iii. 0. F. Goodmiiaui's 1)risg Stro , amiti get a trial bottle of Dr. hCiimg's Now 1)l.covery feeS Couistisiittioim , Fmtmr : OF cost , vliIcli wilt 5110W YOtI what 11 regular dollar-size bottle will do. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Evil of InbroedIrs. Tim order to keep faistilios ( histilict mummy breeders resort to the practice of close breeding , the result. being time ruin of somute of our isiost desirable atraira of stock. There are sonic oh. jecta to be obtained by inbreeding , primicipal nistomig which is the tondeimey to perninimont ly establish certain qutil- itiems ; but this is immoro timait balanced by time frequent. reveraiomitochmaractor- istics possessed by mine roimiote asiocs- tot. Nature revolts at- tIme attpuipt of mini to reverse hot laws , and a linmit to such operatiois is placed soostor or later , Especially has this been sioted in the canes of many celobratwi aid- simals. For inatiatsco , time Tenth Duchess of Oneida , which sold for $27,000 , at the Now York Mills stile in 187J , viis coimiphotely barremi. The Duke ( bulls ) of this famnihy arc almost worthless for goitoral stock purposes , ani outside of tIme poaaioil of what. is terimmod a "royal pedigree" possess very little merit. Time great race mare Fasimiomi , who , years ago , boat time reiiownod Boston , tiio sire of Loxlmugtomm , in one of the best four-mile-heat races of that time , disappointed her owners wiLls her oflpring , for they brad Imer to her lmalf brother , Marimmor , several tinmos. Once she was bred to Bommimie Scotland , the produce beimmg the colt. D.uugeroiis , asmd he was considered a very good ommo , but Fashiomi was then at nit uxtreiiitr ago , aria liar best days were over , Mammy of the Varsaoiit. mmmerinoes have beomi bred too close amid the effect is easily seen ; at'd time Suffolk - folk brood of hogs Ii s been almuostex. tormnimmateI by irmbrcodimmg. Iii fiet , this breed Immus bccmmia so tender that Limo breeding of timommi is oxpummaivo. 'L'ime heaping together of fauiiihic mirimommg the mshiortlmorn breeders hurt Ioemm fr.tughit vitht great evil to that breed as it chitsa , chmaiimiemhimmg tIme price to farmers sri(1 injuring thu aimimnids for public eatiunatiosi for guises-al Ilur' pocus. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I flr.ptlst Miulstor'H Exporlonco. I omit ii Baptist I'd ' hisistor , suit loforo ) I eremI thought of keing a cler'yminmm , If gradS tinted In tricilluimie' , iimm left a humaratlve i tic's for issy present IrtIfbeIomt , hO . ' . . cam. ago. I w.s for ummammy i".rs a sufferer from .imimisy . ; . ' 'Timolms' ECfiCOThIl ( 0mm. emiral mile , " 1. % 'a5 tils' , tromalsiod with loaro. ness , suit ' 1'Imt.mna' . Jcictrlc Oil always ru- hove I moe , r1 ? ' wife suid chilith hail dI.ii. . then' attn ' "I immna. ' Eclc'ctnlo ( hit cured them,1' and hi taken lii time it will euro stiveil tliri&t omit of temi , I mu coufidcnt It Is u cure f''r tim umiost ol , , tjim ate cold or c smigh , and if any one will take a small tensleloti anti half fill it witim time ( Iii , timid tiu.u llscO thti ti nf of the s ii'fl ' lii one rios. tn I amid .1mw tlm * . ( ) II out ( .1 . ( l.a . suiouu I itt , the Iiosii by sriltlimig as liartl us they can , mutitli thu Oil I'iln over Into the throat , amid mractlcu that twice a w.'olc , I tlon'r cars 110W ( ) ITPumSI'e theIr iioatl mniy be , it will eloami it ( JUt antI cure their catarrhs , Fr deafness amid earache it has done woudors to mimy cestalim knowledgt' . It is the emily mnedicino ( liiljb'Ol Pitteilt mttCliCIflO that. I lucite over felt ltkorocumnmnuzitllmig , for I tell OU tittit I would nut lie without It in soy hiIsso for ally consftieratleum. 1 sun stow bullerIlig with a Plfl like ri.euniatismmm . Iii n.y . might , limb , amid umothimmg roltevea inc like 'i'homnat' liectm Jo OlJ. lzE , P , CItANg , augl.d.w Curry , Pa. Is A SURE CURE for nil dIseases of the Kldnoys urni -LIVEI It haaspecliloaatlon onthlsmostftnportant organ , onabiing it Id throw oil torkt1ty aild Inaction , stimulating the healthy soorettoli oftio Bile , ansi by keeping 11.0 bowel. in ( too condition , OtPoct.1n4C Ite rgular dI5CiLlfl5 , I # ] a ar a. , Ityou .taatyotItochI5i aroulltrIrg ( corn , arc hhlious , dypept1o , or constipated , Kid. noy.Wort wUui.urum.yru'40v0&qUiCkiYCUrO. ScUd. season to oloaueo thoByitcm , every onosbouid takoathorougico0tUO0it , ci ) SOLD BY DRUOCICTS. Price $1. To the oiliiiliOPS of Oarriago &uggios1 I have a complete stotilc of all the Lats $ ylei of Orriages , Phaetons and Opea and Top Bugge , Consisting of The Celebrated Brewater Side Bar , ' The Hamlin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mulihalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Also the Old Reliable Jfliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetoi. They are ii made ci the best ma' eriah , and Under - der my own supervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of purchasing - chasing to call and examine my stock. I will guarantee - antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFSjf. _ - IM ' ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WIlOLRSALl AID ItETAIL DEALEItS IN bAaKA-MNA , LEIIifiII , BLSBUR ANI ) Arri , IOWA ' COALI CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. . Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yiirda Oor , Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue' , Council Binfib. _ _ _ _ I , _ 1'iAvNE. : 0. B. MAYNE GOUNOft BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY - MANIJFAOTUItE . . ' - . . is BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , . ' CORN MEALICRAHAM FLOUR AND CHOPPED FEED.I i The Very Beet of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Hlghent Market Pries Paid for : Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley ' , - I 18 : R , 0 0 M C 0 R N I . 1' . - ' Parttee Wiehing to Sell Broom Corn Will Please Send Sample. ' - S _ MArNia : o 1'f 1Irs , J , E1 Iotoa1f aurs / [ , Belle Lewis Are now dea1ln in nil ilrid. of fain-y pools , uct. . as lace , , Embroideries , failcs' Undorwea of amm ir.crlptIons. AIe ( , unrolls erchlet , , hotS. . in slik anti lion. . lioso of all lsale threat , ) hns , ticuille , , &tc. We . tIle lauic , wIll call am ! see our stock 0 ! geode at 5313 liroaJway Enforo jig eiseMlcro. & 1.0110 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ go _ METCALF BROS. , -WIIOLKSALII II1AI.F.ltS IN- ( Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. S CHICAGO PRICED DUPLIcfATEI ) , - . , cc-TThrcJxx. tJ95 - 'I wDo'S LAUNDRY. OIl Avonno B , No , 1002. ( NKA'c t.ROADWAY. . ) CIotIos , gathered iii' sad delivered PromPtly , Best of Satisfaction G-uarantooi. Lost Cloture made good. NO BETTER LAUNDRY WEST OF OHOAGO. [ . ) . T. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway , LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. TItle lauiidry l.a. Just Isuon opened for mist. aces , and we are miow riara1 to lo Is miidry york of all kimils ai.i , . go ira'teu , satIsfactIon , A i.i.cclalty . made of hitiu work , such as cohere , usC. , Ihsio ehlrte , etc. We want uvcryboiy to gisuutli trial. LARSON ic. ANDERSON. , 1 ELJMtJ5OJHON K. 5. HI1IYOA1(11 A. W NTitKKT l'rvotdcni Vlcu.i'rce t. Cashier , CITIZENS BANK of Uouuotl Blufis , Organmcd uimdot the iav. of thu State of Iowa , i'aiilupcapltai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7bo'Q Authorized cellital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ( ijQtj Interest i'-ld on tluio , iem'aeit. . Icatt , . lesised Oh thu Prhticillal chIc. of ( Ito ( Jolted Status amid Eurojiu. ShU.tal ) , .ttentlo'i rivet , to coIltlormd amid coreaiideIiCu with Irommml.t . returise. omsacroas. J I ) . F4niuutiomi , I-i , 12. tibmigart , J , ' 1' lied , Y. W , Ysdlaco , J. W. htodfor , 1. A. Smiler , A , W , Stret , Jyldtf : _ _ L _ _ _ -A : STARR UucU , ' ; HOUSE , SIGN , ' AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANaINO , KALSOMINJIffi ANB ItAINlNU , P .I _ Shop-Corner Broadway amid Soott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectione ry , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco , Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in season , 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffs. One of this best aecond-class Hotole In the Weatistho . S BROADWAY HOTEL. ' A. E lilt4VN , l'rol'riet.or ' , No. . r5i aiU 530 ltroadeayCounchl hiluffjIow. , S a'ablo supplied with the beet ( ho market at- fords. ( Iced rooms end tlret.class hod , . Terms Icr ) ' roaeouablu. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son. FIllET CLASS 1IOTF.1. AT REASONALIMI l'RlCF.4. , TIIANSIENTS ACCOM MO1)ATED IlylF.L ( , FOR SAI.E. GOOD REASONS lOft SELLING. S' ) : : : : , : , .