THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA WEDNESDAY , ATJudST 2 The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morninpri Aug. 2 , SUBSCRIPTION HATES : Fy Carrier , tr week Dy llall $10 00 per Year. Ofilco : No. 7 Poorl Street , Nenr Bread v ? F. II. 0. CiIUKFI.V , Manner City Circulation. H. W. TirVTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Shcrrnden makes photographs. The excavation for the McMahon block Is proceeding rapidly , The city council mceU next Monday evening In regular session. Ulchnrd Stack , for being drunk and disturbing the pence , now lies in the cala boose. L. B. Cousins IIM n cnr load of coba for fuilc by the wagon load. Address htm at P. 0. box 789. A number of fine planoa and organs to rent at Mueller's I'alacoMuBto Hall. The Presbyterian folk held a pleasant nocial last evcnlntr at the residence of Mrs , 32. If. Smith on Seventh atrcct. Seaman has removed lila paper , lxx > k and stationery stock to No. 40G Broadway , next door to Harkncsc , Urcutt & Co. Mueller ban bought the finest lot ( about one hundred and fifty canes ) of toyn and holiday goods ever brought to the west for his wholesale trade. The juvenile band Is gaining In skill and musical ability. Their playing In the park Monday oycning was appreciated by the public greatly. Prof. J. W. Akera lectured before the teachers' institute Monday night. His address was worthy of a larger audience , The Union Pacific * and Council llufln ! nine arc to have a lively contest Thursday afternoon , The feeling which has sprung up about the recent engagement of the Leavenworth Keds will give peculiar zest to this contest. Officer Cuslck , after serving faithfully , &nd zealously at the transfer , haa been re lieved , and aligned to up-town duty , \vhilo OOlccr Sterling will now take his place at the transfer , who will bo equally vigilant In tcclng that no abuses are al lowed to exist , Peimits to wed were given to George Cook , of fJt. Louis , and Mary Ann Swa- ney , of tliis city ; to Carl Peterson and Augusta Cranston , both of this city ; Fred W. H. Forest , of Plymouth county , and Ella Jones , of Milwaukee. A letter has been received from John Wilsun , Philadelphia , anxiously Inquir ing for traces of his uncle , William H. Wilson , who came west eight years ago , and H supposed to bo Bomewhero in Council ttlutfs. A very desirable piece of property for eale , on south sldo Sixth street , In the block opposite the now Opera House , on Broadway. Front twenty feet. Price Hires thousand dollars. Enquire at BKB .office. One man was kicking lustily at the po lice station yesterday ahout being robbed of 8260 In one of the gambling places of the city. The chief advised him to go borne and iot sobered up , and then enter complaint , it appearing that he lost the uuoney at the game , as ho claimed by a crook l deal. The Catholic boys band have arranged for another of their popular dancing par ties at St. Joseph's Academy hall on the ICth lust. The tickets are only fifty cents. With good mimic , and all the needfuls for a good time provided , there is no reason why the dance should not bo as pleasant as any of the series Riven , which is saying ; much. "Texas , " the darkey who Is always in trouble , and never Rooms worried about it , was yesterday arrested for raining a row at William Pearson's bou > o in Pierce street , It appears that Pearson was try ing to drive away a white girl named Stoncstrect , and that Terns , who seems to bt > u npeclal favorite of the girl , picked \ \ \ n billet of wood to defend her. Ho will have n hearing next Saturday , George K , Gardiner tells a hard story about one of lib boarders , George W , Jj'ojd. ' Ho claims that Lloyd skipped yesterday without paying for the ten days board ho had trusted him for , and more still , stole one of his coats und took thai with him. He says that Lloyd Is also wanted at Atlantic for Healing a load o wheat several year * ago , and to get out o the scrape where it occurred ho tied to the mountains , and has just returned oaly to go to stealing again , Nellie Harris , who gained some no toriety by shooting at Mm , Irving u Strcetsvllle , has raised another row , thotigl with a different woman. This tlmo eli used no powder , but clinched , Bcntchw nod bit her victim , tearing elf her dross celling her teeth in her urm , uml poiUbtat , oil one eye , A warrant win Issued for he arrest , but has not been i mi In yet. I has been but reconttythat &lio v iu releaset from jail , where she has been confined t await the action of the grard jury for he shouting ecrape. Bhe was let out on he own recognizance , anJ pr.miUed to belmv herself , but nils ceems to have broken on * agalu. She has a month which U as vll aa her teuijxr , and it vutild hive bee just as well if uho had been kept behtui ' the bara. Changing Drivers. Bovoral changes Imvo boon iimdo i the fire department , Charles Niche eon , the driver of the Blull' Cit stoaiuer , having retignod , Ilia plac hoa boon filled by John Madden , wit has boon the driver of the Blull' Git lioso cart. To fill Mud don's plac Oliver Heigh has boon appointed Thcao chunges Imvo boon made by th fire department committee of th council , und it is believed by tliei that the department will bo made mar cfliciunt , rather than IOM. Th changes take effect at ouco. IJAHIUED. WAltK , SMITH. August 1st , at tl midtnce of the bride's father. Gio , ] Smith. Eta. Her. P. T. lire. e utlicU tlug , Mr. W. N. Waie aud Mica 1. J J Smith , both of thli city. A MORNING BLAZE. A Burning ; Bfirn Wnitoa Pp the Firemen - mon and Citizens , Yesterday morning nb ut & o'clock ' the lively ringing of the fire bolls aroused many of the citizens , nnd called the fire department to duty , The fire proved to bo in a small barn nonr the corner of Gray and Pierce streets , the snmo 1 > ing the prop erly of Mr. Griflhh. The flames lad such n headway and the material ou which they fed were BO combnsti- ) lo that little could bo done beyond otting them burn until they quit for ack of moro fuel. The loss wan a comparatively small ono , nnd the causa of the fire is still a mystery. THE BLOODY SKIRT , t Pospoaka Some Foul Doocl or Mys terious Doings. A strange discovery has boon made n the northeasterly portion of the ity. In a rather unfrequented piece f woods there was found hanging upon some brush n fancy balmoral kirt , which on inspection woa found o bo saturated with blood to such an xtont as to indicate that some mya- orious nnd unnatural event had oc- urrcd there. The police know of no woman being missing , or of any affray n that section of the city , in fact , ro at n loan for any clue to begin heir dotcctivo work. They seem atisficd that some crime , either igainst womanhood or motherhood lan been committed , but who , or why , r when , nro questions that are un- olvcd. GATHERED BY THE POLICE- The Nature and Number of Arrests During July. Chief Field has completed his ro- > ort for July , showing the total num- icr of arrests to have bcon 82 , or 2 ! ) CBS than during the previous moilth. The following shows the nature of the flenses : irunk . 10 itsturbing the peace . 12 eating hotel . 3 Vagrancy . 2 mint ; over lire hose . 1 Vwsault and battery . 1' Violating common carriers' ordinance. . 1 lapo . 1 hooting on street . 2 litnlnlng property under false pretenses 1 'eildling without license . 1 Mtccny . 5 nmalcH of houses of prostitution . G oiling liquor . 1 \ t driving . , . 1 "eoping Hiloon open Sunday . 1 Undo On Honor. Ono of ttio most worthy manufac- uring enterprises in the city is the arriago factory of n. S. Ilattonhauor , n Broadway. The work being turn- d out thnro is certainly such as does rodit not only to Mr. Hattonhauor nd hia corps of skillful workmen , but o the city from which such excellent uggiea nnd carriages roll forth to nil jarts of the country. Ho haa built ip a reputation for good work , BO that rhon ono gets a carriage or buggy vith his name upon it , ho can rest as- urod that it is made on honor irotighcmt. Ho makes even his own odiec , and in a manner which in ures their lasting for years. In such lines os those , whoa BO much shabby rork is glossed over and sold for oed , it is indeed a credit to n city to o able' to boast of a manufactory vhoBo work will aland the closest crutiny nnd the longest wear. Some f the buggies nnd carriages made by Mr. Ilattonhauor years ago , are still n use in this city , nnd they apeak for homsolvos as to the quality of the natorial uaed nnd the Bkillfulness of ho labor employed , Brlght's Dleonao , Dlabutes. Bowarn of the stud that protondH to euro tliono diaeaHea or other serious Kidney , Urinary or Liver Diseases , ns IB they only relieve for n time nnd nnkcs you ten times worse afterwards , nit rely solely on llop Bitters , the only remedy thnt will surely and per- nanontly euro you. It dcatroyH und removes the cntmo of the disoaao so cllectually thnt it never roturua. A. If , Silvcrthorno and wife , of Kear. ley , Neb. , are In the city , stopping at the Ogdcn. F. V. McKUv.Vn , of Coming , was In the city yesterday , Mrs. 0. 1 ! , Dk mxl her son Kddle , < f Chicago , are In the city n u viril to Mr , and Mrs , II. C. Gano John J , Munell , no.v of Omuli , oi yesterday Blinking hamli with Cmtmi llluUafrteiuli. George 8. 1 ! , lrl ! t in , uf tuo , Iniiv v | I ( Win. ) Machlno omul iiu > , win in lliu cut ) , interviewing the nKiluultunl iii.iumii men. I Ion , L. H. IJjHrr , nl Logan , ii the city yoitenlnj , i nil hi * name In amou ; , these picsicd to tlui front an probable nouiineon fur iMtuui'M by tliti democrats o this district. M. Cnil/tr , of Atlantic , I w , wa amoni ; the cullers at Tim liitu c'lllco yes lonlay , P. Hellmuth , of Deniiison , who runs a largo nml popular bakery there , was in th city y CD tf nifty on buslntna , Mr , I'd. Clinton is reported as having Buffered another relapse and aa beln very low , The infant child of Mr. aud Mrs Clrns , liurle is reported as not very dan gerouuly 111. MI s Hatlle Klf , of Cakalooea , who ha been spending a few day < with Mm , J. G Tipton , ic turned homo yesterday , A , HarrU , the most enthusiastic green backer In the state , and ex. mayor o A \ oca , u in the city for the purpose o attending the greenback congressional con ventiou to-day. Thomas O. Meredeth , the hotel keeim of Marur , is In the city aul will becoin one of them at the greenback cougrcs convention to-day. A true assistant to nature in restor ini ; the e > stem to perfect health , thu enabling it to resist disease , ia Brown' Ion Hitters. THE ! CITY WALLET QhowBtho Bhokolfl Dropped Into It During July. With the closing of ono month and the opening of another the accounts tire being fitted up nnd balanced. The f otinga of fines and costs paid into f o superior court during July proves ' i bo $1,937 , which amount , of course , en not include the fees nnd costs in vil ciiBcs , but in police business nloiio. It does include , however , ono tcm of revenue which Is virtually siloon license , though it is officially declared to bo the amount of bonds 'orfcitod for non appearance of parties , o nnswor to the charge of Bellini ? in- .oxicants in violation of the prohibi tory ordinance. As there were sixty or moro BaloonisU who thus paid $25 each , it will bo seen that the bulk of the $1,000 collected by the police court cnmo from that source. The licenses for peddlers , etc. , amounted in July to about $300. I'horo are still many othora to take out licenses , nnd the dog tax must bo mid now , aa the penalty hangs ever > no'o head on and after to-day , The saloon men have the iirat ton lays of tha month in which to pay heir $25 license for August. The complaints will bo made against them , t once , nnd they nro expected to file (25 ( each for their appearance. The text day the cases will bo called , nnd hey not being there , the money is orfoltcd , These who rofuao to obey ho prohibitory ordinance , or to pay lie $25 , may expect warrants to bo orvod on the 10th It ia understood hat n number that paid last month do lot propose to pay this month , prefer- ing to go out of the business. It is expected that the number will shrink hia month to about fifty , nnd there Is lomo kicking among others , who fool t to bo asking too much to require hem to pay $25 n month , when the ity cannot protect them from others irosecuting them , if they choose. BNOLAND'8 FAVORITE GENERAL. His Hairbreadth 'Scapes by Flood and Field The Hpura Ho Wears Were Well Earned. Utica Herald. Sir Garnet Wolouloy , to whom has icon assigned the command of the iritiah forces in Egypt , hau had n > rilliant and successful military career. lo is an Irishman by birth , though of Cnglish stock. 11 o was bom in the iounty of Dublin in 1833. his father > olng Major Wolaoloy of the Twenty- iftli King's Oivn Borderers. Ilia amily desired him to enter tiio mill- nry service , nnd hia own inclinations lovelopcd in that direction. Ilia mine was put down for n commission vlion ho was only 14 years of ngo. lo entered the service in 1852 aa on- ign in the Eightieth regiment , then engaged in the Burmese war. The 3ritiah forces had just mot a ovorao nt thu hands of Nyattoon. ? o retrieve this disaster , an ox- ictition was formed , which followed ho Burmese loader to whore ho had ntronchod himself in an nlmost in- cccaaiblo nnd impregnable position. Snsign Wolsoloy was ono of the two oflicera who led n storming party against , the enemy's works. Hia biog rapher Bays : "Lieutenant Taylor led ho mon of the Fifty-first , nnd , when VI a j or Holdioh called for volunteers of lis ovrn regiment , Wolsoloy iinmo- liatoly roapondod , and though "Vnuch hakon by his accident ( ho had in a > rovious attack fallen into n pitfall iropared by the enemy ) , ho offered to end the storming party. In a few ninutos ho had hastily collected such of hia mon na wore within call , and wan ready for n second actompt. The wo young officers , without n mo ment's hesitation , made a rush up the nth loading over the breastwork , fhich was no narrow , that > ut two mon could ad vance together. Almost at the same nomont the two leaders were shot luwn. Each was wounded in the loft high , Wolneley the loss severely. Ho was so badly hurt , however , that ho sent back to England. Recover- ng after several montha , ho was post- d for n lieutenancy , and in 1844 ho vent into the Crimean war. In oper- itioi's before Sobimtapol , Wolsuloy vvns twice wounded , but not incapa citated. A third und terrible wound AI received in August , 1855. Wolso- oy , who had boon promoted to neap- intiicy for good service , was in charge if n sapping party , when a round shot uruuk n gabion filled with stones , iCAttering its contents with terrific. violence , killing and wounding many , unong them Captain Wolsoloy , who received an ugly and terrible wound. llo wns aided to the doctor's hut , and the surgeon who ox.uninod hiinntldof the mwrly unconcKiun oflicur : "llii'au dead 'un. ' Tnis roused the woundvd i Olcor , who rutortvd , ' I i m worth ( ( dd nmnj ( K'.ul uiun yet " This a'1- en nd uttuntlon i his cisc , which v , HJ n bi d onu lli ht-u'l and body pro- ( rulnr- * , 'tiit ' I'l'M/d llo od froni nnny woundi Jiun In t'io ' flt.nies which had Btruck linn , b't.i'p 'rttcmt'iita ' Hero luibul- iion nil ( HIT hu fuelni.J lii loft Ullfl'k ll.lll bt'fll ulllionl ' ' (111 ( ( ' ) ] > nw.iy. The doiuur lituultd , probing thuuund \ , thnt liii > j uv bone ivna BhntteKtl , but Woleok-y uiutiu him pull cut the substmicu in l > h inoatti , when n Urge Btonocmioitw.iy Thu surgeon then lifted tip unt Pitched Iho cheek. Both ol his eyes were completely cloaed , and the injury to ono of them was si surloun that the Bight haa boon permanently lost. Not a aqimro inch of hia face but TTHB battered ant cut , while his b-jdy was wounded 1 ! over , just na if ho had boon popnoroc with email Bhot. Ho received also a severe wonnJ on his right loij. Hit next appearance in actlvo service was in the great Indian mutiny , in 1857 , in which ho won fresh distinction , nnc ; from which ho came homo a lieutcnanl colonel , llo then took part in the operations ngaitmt China , serving on the Btall'of Sir Hope Grant. In 1801 ho was dispatched to Canada to or- ganiiso a quartermaster'a department in vio\r of possible complications with the United Statee. Ho found little to do , nnd passed considerable time in the ftatos watching the operation * of the Union nnd Confederate nrmltw , llo retornod to England in 1807 , ant in 1809 published his "Soldier's 1'ockot-Book for Field " - Service , n work which is authority In the British aurvlce. In 1870 ho was aont ngain to Canada to suppress the troubles in the Hod river country. In 1874 , having Attained knichtl oed and the local rank of major general , ho was ap pointed administrator of the govern ment of the Oold Coact nnd com mander tf the forces. His operations against the king of Ashantoo , whom ho compelled to sue for pence , have been the subject of high prai o. His services in that fuld won for him and his command a glorious welcome on' returning homo , and for Wol- scley , by special general order , the full rank of major general for distin- cuished services in the field , " Ho IIHH since boon called upon in impor tant junctures , as in Natal and Cy prus , but has directed no operations in the fiold. Hi appearance in Zu- Inland was after the hard fighting was ever , but under his direction the .rouble thorn was concluded and a ioutonant gonnralcy rewarded him. [ Its campaigns have all boon success- 'ul , and his appointment to the jommand in Egypt will inspire confi dence in the field operations of the British If Nearly Dead after taking some highly puffed up stuff , with long testimonials , turn to [ Ion Bitters and have no fear of any Kidney and Urinary troubles , Bright's Disease , Diabetes or Liver Complaint. L'heso diseases cannot resist the cura- ivo power of Hop Bitters ; besides t is the best family medicine on earth , A Rock thnt Is Poisonous * Mlddletown Argus. | The rook excavated on tha West 3horo railroad near Milton , on Came ron & Fagnn's contract , where the big accident occurred last Wednesday , has a very peculiar quality. It is poison ous as the ivy and some other vines , ho slightest scratch by a piece leaving i troublesome running euro. The thing s quito a now experience to railroad men , and it leaves the wounds to these njured in the accident all the worse. Rojuvciiutocl. 72 PEHU STREET , \ INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , July 8 , 1881. j II. II. WAIINEU & Co : SIM-For .wenty years I have boon aillictod with ivor complaint. I tried various rem edies , but received no benefit until I commenced the use of your Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure , which gave mo permanent relief , augl-dlw EDWIN A. OABTOK. The Iron Mon. ipcclal Dltpatch to TliK linn. CHICAGO , Aucust 1. The Amalga- natod Association of Iron and Steel Workers met in secret session this norning. Every section of the country is represented and nearly 300 delegates are present. President Fewott made the opening speech. * * . * "Slowand steady wins the rooe. " Steadily , but not slowly , Kidney-Wort s distancing all competition for uni versal popularity and usefulness. This celebrated remedy can now bo obtain ed in the usual dry vegetable form , or 'n liquid form. It is put up in the alter way for tbo especial convenience of these who cannot readily prepare it. [ t will bo found very concentrated and will act with equal efficiency in either ? orm. Bead advertisement. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisement * , euc aa oat , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thla column ot the low rate of TEN CENTS PEK LINE for the flrat Inccrtion and FIVE CENTS ( PER LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave adv ortUomenta at our office , No. 7 t'carl Street , near Urottdwny. Wants. I ED A man having a thorough knowledge WAN edge of lire insurance Imslnos3 , AddrtsaF. O. II x 322 , Council Bluffa , Iowa. Jul > 25 WANTED A good , cimpotent girl none other need apply for gcmrai housework. Mrs. T. K. Gavin , -12J Bouth bccond street. . U'mi n > an cnorrctlc mile or foni.1.1 mjcbtlnocry towofhpln Io Dnd Nohra l > o , to tai-e ordcrd for raw publ cation * . The Jiuli leal Ions am standard , and noli at tight Our luring are liberal , ano gin < a nutko from fJ lof 10 peril y. 1-cr clnnUrcand tcrma address Wcatcru fcock Company , Council II uffa. lona. Jy.liMf - ' In Council Bluffs lo WANTED-Eieryt'Ody centu | > tr week , do lUered by' carriers. OHicc , No 7 t'carl Street near Ilroadnay. To buy 100 toiH broom corn WANTED addrcei Couni.II Bluff * Broom Factory , Council Bluff t , Ion a. 05S-29tf For Sale and Rent JiOll SAI.V Thee inmst house and lot In _ J town. A' lyto II. Howe , No. 214 Broad- w y. J > 20 neil BALK Two datum In Nclraiku , cheap , 1 by Odill & Day. J8Mw SALE A red Ir bh Better drp , 1 yuir old , FOIl ' > ard In km I1I eoll cheap AddroM B. 1' . 0 , b x 1W2 , C , 11. Iowa. neil SAIK-Bca'itiful residence lota , JfiO i' f th : nothlliir don n , and 83 j > cr month only , V KX-MAYOll VAUCUfAN MlBcollnneouH. 1 I s'lOV . ' & H&IOTI1KI18 , Council Illnff. . I'l mo Oiialmoxr.i | . OriliM left at Uottot lu > uifiitHIu str tt , Coun"l tiuOii | , or J C' M'liit . U05 Kitnikiii utrcit , Omaha , will rt < ci.ho | t'iinit utlcnton , J)15t' now ucitiiinr.'tB and eHclmcns | of pictures luvrnb thu ro'Uh'o ' ' gelatine hromlilo at thu Hni'loior Calltrv 10.Maluiilnit. | . W. k 1'ATION 1'hjBlclun and Ocullnt. DU. cure any ciw of ere ejo\ It U only a matter of t'tno , and ran curu Kenerilly lir from thnu Ic n\e eok < It uiakvn no differ euce how jonK dlscasul , Will itralghten eron ejua , operate and ieino\u I'tyr-vminH , ttc , , aud tuovrt attltlclal eyca. Special attention to re- inotuin tadenorma apS tf Sullivan & Fitzgerald DKALKHS IK GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Crockery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Al o tftndt for the follow log linn of Steamship Companies : Cuuard , Anchor , Qulon , American , acd Stile Htoauuhlp Companlen. I > 3E" 1C 3 r'or iala on Dig Bojal Bank ol Ireland and Uank ol Ireland , Dublin. Ihow w o Intend to Mid for fili'inU to any | > art of Kuropo will Hud It to their ii.ureot to lall un Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AaKNl-S , 343 Broadway , Council BluTs Ia Facts forth Knowing \ . now crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 75c Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of fered nt 75c COo Very Fine Young llyeon , equal to that offered nt $1.00 75c Wo Mean Just What We Say , EOSTOI TEi CO , 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Elnffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Ofllco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo glvo special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general ue' eortmcnt al Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Coal , OHAS. HENDEIE , President. MAIN STREET , FEED AND SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find peed accommodation and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. " " "Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Pittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fonrth Streets- ) J. M. PALMEK , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the beat Ilrcad Baker In the West ; lao a chotco hind for Cakes and Pies. Bread dolhcrcd to all parts of the city. MAUIIEB < Ss OBAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qlaet ) , Flno French China , SHvor Ware &c. , g < 0 BROADWAY. . CC-UNClf. lir.UFra , IOV7A. MRS , H , J , all/IOfl , M , Df PHYSICIAN AHD SURGEON , 222 Prondwiiv Counoll BliifTVi- OfflCEE & PUSET , OB Tk 3VIC3EJ tWS , Council Bluffs k Established , - - 1866 ltH tn Forclc a-tl Uoiostlc Exchange iiav eccuiMei. INFIRMARY ! T.J.CADY.IJ.J.S. . , ( Ijito Vctrrlniry Surgcou 17 , 8. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the Oity , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFK10SNOES : All of tbo b,8t f hyi'ciauV ' In Council Bluffi and Burrouodln t u . MRS , J , P. BILLTJPS , ruowKTOii or RESTAUBANT& EATING HOUSE , 813 South Walu Btrctt , Council Uluffi. Niw houi aud Bowly fitted up In fint clan ill | . ilcal * at all hours , lev crtam and kmo- \ lti oTdiy creulug. FrulU u.d cent ctloncrl * HARNESS , OBCUTT & GO , Broadway , and Fourtli Street , , Council Bluffs , low ? . rrmr-2-Rm J. O IE CHICKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. Importer and Dealer Jn MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- third off. Agents wanted. Correspondence solicited. d. MUELLER , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TJ O Ell Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and Blow greets , Council Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Bepairing , Etc , , Wood and Metallic Coffins. NoT 430 Broadway , Cor. St. , Council Bluffa , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-class Bakers employed. Bread , Oako , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S..MAYNE , ever Savings Bank , - OOUVOILi BLUPS Letter. Brockton , Mass , , July 13 , 1882 , Z. T. Lindsey & Co , , Council Bluffs , Ia. : Dear Sirs : Pieplying to your esteemed favor of tbe 5th inet. , will say that it is af-iot that the advance in the price of Calf Skins , Sole Leather , and most every kind of Shoe Stock , taken in connection with the adva .cefor . labor we have been oblieed to concede to workmen , has increased in no small degree the cost of manufacturing. Notwith standing which fact wo are pleased to say your order , given us early in the season , will bo filled at tbe old prioes ; and we hope , by being diligently alive to the requirements of the demand for a rpally first-class article , to supply you with a BE L'TER line of coeds than we have ever given you heretofore. Our purchase of both French and domestic Calf Skins , as well ns a large supply of O'ik-tanned Sole Leather , were made very early in iho season which , being boueht at former prices , relieves us in a great degree of the increased cost of production that many manufactures are obliged to sustain in filling their orders taken early- Your whole order for the coming fall season is well m hand , and will bo shipped at an early date. We dos'ro ' to call the attention of these who use our goo is , through the medium of your house , to our now styles in both Hand and Machine Sewed work. Our French , MoJium Fronoh and London Too goods are all made on entirely now lasts and new patterns , which wo feel sure will moot with a just appreciation and the approbation of your customers , With the improvement we have made we expect to furnish a more nearly poifeot fitting shoe than ever before , We as sure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your order our prompt and careful attention , and with these assurances wo trust to merit the continuance of the nrmv favors you have been pleased to bestow upon us , and , awaiting your further commands , we are Respectfully yours , STACY , ADAMS & CO. C. A. BEKliK , W. HUNYAN , W. BEEBE C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale nnd lUtall Doalern In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Noa. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.