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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1882)
THE PAlLf BEE-OMAHA WEDNESDAY , AUGUST * , ! i & OCX The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware 'House 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET , OMAHA . NEB. - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DKALKK N Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Fariiham St. Omaha Neb. Wholesale Lumber , lo. 14D8 Farnham Street , Omaha , M ) , THE MOLINB STOVE They nmko a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and have this year plared In the market niof the MOST ECONOMIC AND MOST SAlISFACTOUYSTOVESeverraade. They make botn Plain and extension top , and guarantee all their Roods. The agents for the company are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters X o ? xi x , ra. GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , fc- HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. \ - 1211 FARNAM STREET. Ofi/IAHA / NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKIHC , is only attained by using Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVEfl DOORS , For sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS , IjulMn&ely I DIRECTORY OF LEADING VVESTEB8 HOTELS , ARLINGTON. SARATOGA HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSE , OITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE- , GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOU36 GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , ENO'O HOTEL , CXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , MORGAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , OITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOI EL COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , DAGNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKINB HOUSE , DALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE WOODS HOUSE , DOUGLAS HOUSE , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINGTON HOUSE , NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE WIN8LOW HOUSE AURORA HOUSE CROZIER HOUSE AVOOA EATING HOUSE CENTRAL HOUSE FOSTER HOUSE WHITNEY HOUSE DEPOT HOTEL , LUSK HOUSE. DOW CI'Y HOUSE , JAQQER HOUSE , J. Q. MclNTIRC , J. S. 8TCLLINIUB E.MANS , JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL CHENEY It CLARK , J. G. MEAD , . ,8EYMOUf7 , P. L. THOHP , A. O , OAAFIPER , W , MAYFIELD , e. irronEY C. L. ENO , O. B. HACKNCY. FRANK LO/JLL , C. L , OFTUUU , QWAN & BCCKLIt , CEO. CALPri , O. M. REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , 8. BURGESS , Dl A "wTuLIAMS , MRS. M. E. CUMMIN08 , J'L. AVERY , J , W. DOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , CHA8. BAGNELL , < VM , LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , B , F , STCARNS , JOHN ECKERT , J , 8. DUNHAM , J , T. GBEEN , J M. BLACK & 8ON , i A. T. POTTER , a. MCCARTY , M. B. JONE8 , O , R , ORO7'ER , D , W. ROCKHOLD , Capt. JOHN FOSTER , E. HAYMAKER , O. L. CHAPMAN , J A. LUSK. W. H. MORTO , GQRE& 60 , . TOWS. Lincoln , Mtifc. Mllford , Ner. BROWNSVILLE Neb Otrcmaburv : Me Louitvllle Ul lr , Nah. Nellgh , Neb Nabratka Clty'n n -eplnxWatorNo Hardy , Noli. Or * nwood , Ha\i- \ Clarlnda , low * Eremort , V b' Ashland , N'tb Atklnion , Qulda rtaci , No , Orcston , li. Cxlra , la , Atlantic , la , Audubon , U. Noel , la. Marian , la , Corning la Stanton , tlurllnaton Jur lon , M Dl nchard , In. Bhenandoah , la , Dayld City , Neb OolleKoBprlngt , li. Vlllltca , l . Malvern , It , Ida Grove , la Odebolt. la Otceola , Neb , Olarki , Neb. Bedford la , MarjtvllleMo Norfolk Junction H b Sevvard , Neb. Auroar Neb , Sidney , Neb , Avoca la. LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak Lewli a Grliwol Dunlap , la , Logan , la. Dow City , la , Drnlion , la , THE bUEZ CANAL A Graphic Description of a Visit to r Pftrtof Egypt. St. Louis Rcpilbllcfln , A rcprcsontntivo of the Republican dropped into the auditor's oflico at the City hull yesterday afternoon and found Air , Martin , the chief clerk , busied with the monthly pay-rolls prop - p rntory to paying the employes olt'on Monday. The following conversation ensued : ' 'Air , Martin , ns you have been through Suez canal several times , I thought you might give mo n little do- criftuni of it for thu benefit of thu readers of the Republican and in con sideration of the very important posi tion that portion of the world has now assumed in the eyes of the read ing world,1' "Certainly , " ho replied , "so for at my recollection serves mo I will en deavor to give you n description of it as it appeared to mo the first titno I wont through it. After coaling at Malta wo steamed down the Mediter ranean , over the smoothest sea and bluest sky it over was my happy porto - to see. It was about 5 o'clock ono morning when wo first saw the light- liouao at Port Said , rising above the horizon about two points on the star board bow , and about 8 wo entered between two piora which guard the cn- Iranco to the canal and stretch far out nto the Mediterranean Passing n Turkisk frlgato and a French ram wo slowly steamed close to the loft-hand shore and andMADK MADK FAST TO A UUOT. No sooner were wo fast than the Arabs swarnud on board nnd soon coal was coming over the side and "nto the bunkers at a rapid rate froti barges alongside. On the left hand ' a long distance stretched con sheds , for this is the great coaling port of stoami'rs bound eastward , there being quite a difference in thu price hero and at the other end of the canal. On the right was the town of Port Said , while in front , lost far In the desert , appeared the c.\nal , the grand est engineering feat of the age. Just fancy the amount of labor when it was necessary to carry the sand a mile oft" into the deeort and at thu same time prevent the surrounding sand from drifting and rolling into its lace. Just take a handful of sand up out of a pile and see how quickly ho hollow is filled up and you can lion form HOMK iniU OF Till ! UNDKUTAKINO. \v.ii told out there that thu English ivbandoned the work through inability o obtain laborers at any price , and hat thu French only succeeded by onvict labor. That the soldiers stood ; uard and a refusal to work was in tantly followed by a shut , and that very foot of the canal is a monument o some poor devil , sent in short order o the Arabian paradise. However .his . was , the canal was finished and s to-day the only route for steamers the east. About 1 o'clock the pilot : amo on board and in a few minutes wo loft our moorings and steamed into ' .ho canal. The channel has about wenty-six feet of water in it , and which is only kept at that depth by Constant work at the dredges and by trongthening the sides by sinking ock and walling up the sides , where hey tire the most threatening. On both sides the embankments rise up to a height of ton or fifteen "oot , and are composed of the dull irown sands which stretch away on both sides AS FAH AS THE ETE CAN SEE , the horizon shrouded in the blinding glare of the heated air rising fforn the burning sands till the eyes ache and the heart sickens at the dismal mon strous scone. With what relief wo turn to the canal stretching like a blue sparkling ribbon and feast our oyeu at the sight of a station looming up a half inilo ahead with its little cottage , its shrubbery and trees planted right in the midst of n desert and drawing life from a soil which has boon brought a hundred miles to make life endurable to the station-master , banished away out here , hundreds of miles from hia own fair Franco , for who else but a Frenchman would ovorthinkof bring ing his garden with him , with its ilow- ors and trees , out hero in this wilder ness of sands ? \Vo tied up tor a few seconds to lot ono of the largo P. and O , steamers pass us ; for every vessel must give way to the "lloyal Mail , " except men-of-war , which havu the right of way every where. The "canal" is not wide enough for vessels tu piss each other , DO every quarter of a inilo or BO there is a wider place for tying up and the vessel reaching tbero first makes fust to the bank and ALLOWS THE OTHER ONK TO PASS , except in the case of a vessel carrying the mail or a man-of-war , both of which go light on through without stopping , except during the night. ' 'On the right hand side runa a track , and I was startled by the familiar sound of the tuigino whistle , and the next minutu a train swept on by at the rate of forty miles an hour , while over head , " 'Like btihiKK of ghofltH The tei'xrnili ! | IM > -R ' Game quickly lrooihij | [ by , " "I noticed on the other bank a vor- tihlo caravan , ouch as one reads about and ticca HO much in picture' ] of the uroat desert liuinus and cumola and the old mun all wrapped up in his white cloths , with thu same long rillu , with itd crooked stock , whijh I have soon duplicated on canvass till I felt an inclination to extend a hurid and Bay , 'How nro you , old boy , " for old acquaintance sake. And then I thought WHAT A DIKHKItKNOE between the two bunks. Hero thu railroad , the telegraph and thuro the old Arab traveling us his father and his grandfather and his grout-grand father had a hundred years ago ; a century separated by this narrow stream. "At dusk wo tied up , having made about 80 miles , as wo were only al lowed to go at 'alow1 through the canal for fear of injuring the banks. The next inornlni ; found us on our way and soon wo were threading the crooked channel through the lake with the town of Ismuilia broad off the port beam. After about two hours' etuam- itiK at full speed wo again slowed down and entered the other part of the canal and again passed through between the same brown banks with disgust and only enlivened by thu stations , with their few feet of sur rounding verdure , and occasional steamers bound to the westward , TOO KEW AND F All JJETWEEN , Which wo pawed or which passed tu , until wo finally stoan ! 4 into the Gulf of Suez about Gro in tin ) afternoon. "OfTon our loft gleamed the hotm > 3 of Suez , and hero wo loft our French pilot and took up a native I'ed eon pilot , black as coal and nitito as one of syhynxcs which adorn his native des erts. "Uoforo us the Gulf of Sue ; widonad into the Hcd sea , and I voril believe when the anchor came up BOIU of the moil expected to find ono of th wheels of Pharaoh' * sunken chariot afoul of it. In another hour we won steaming down these historical shore of the Red sea , with Mount Sum dis appearing in the distance , and on our left the identical reck which , at the touch of Moses * stall' , yielded water for the thirsty children of Israel. "At the boiutiful city of Adea with its white stone inolo reaching on into the sea , wo dropped our pilot ami were soon soon steaming across the In dian ocean for Ooylon. Arnicn7fc5alvo. The BKST SALVK In the fforld for Cut * Brul sc , Sore * , Ulron , i.alt Klitiini , F ( vor Sored , Tetter. Chapped Hands , Chii blnliin , Co run , nnd nil akin eruption * , nut1 l > o IU > cy ) cures jiHos. It is guaranteed tt ho nAtisfnctfon or nunioy refunded ? 'rlco , 25 centfl per box , For M le by 0 , F. Goodlimn Mo"ultlngTJbnB. The lions are moulting now , nnd eggs will soon begin to fall ( ill in mini bor. The hen has two ditliculttcs in ! ior way during the period of moult- ng , ono of which is to procure food best suited to servo the purpose of iuppljring now feathers , nnd the other s the temptation of the owner tusutul lor to market. In her defence it mny bo stated that the process of moul'ing , or feathering , is but the preliminary proceeding for n now season. During moulting the food should bo varied. The composition of feathers is diiler- out from that of any other portion of ho body , nud she should have , ns an nddition to her regular food , plenty of ulpluir , charcoal and bono dtiAt , as voll as a little moat occasionally. Corn s not desirable , but wheat , oata , nnd chopped vegetables nro excellent. While the lion is moulting she will not lay , for she cannot supply her wants during this period and produce eggs at thu snmo time ; but judicious feeding will hnston her work and en able her to resume laying sooner. It is not wise to sell the hens that moult now , for the han that moults early begins to lay early , nnd if she will bo sure to lay all through thu winter , when t'ggB are high ; but should the hen not finish her moulting before the .von th or becomes cold , but few eggs may bo expected before oprtng. Much hotvover , depends on the treatment of fowls in order to gut eggs in winter , but no amount of good treatment will mnko a Into moulting lion profitable. For oi ga in winter kooj ) the curliest pullets and early moulting hens , and push them forward as rapidly ns pos sible by a varied diet. Fortunes or farmers nnd Blo- oliuntcs. Thousands of dollars can be saved by using proper judgment in taking c.-xro of the health of yourself and family. If you nro bilious , have Hnllow complexion , poor appetite , low nnd depressed tpIrltH , nnd generally debilitated , do not delay n mo ment , but go nt once ; nnd procure n bottle tle of those wonderful Electric Bitters , which never to euro , and that for the trifling mm of fifty contfl. [ Tribune. Sold bvO. i1. Gnoilmnn. ran CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Polutt Enit and outli-E sr. THE UNUCOJU'UiaKa Nearly 4,000 miles Sol 1.1 . Smooth Utool Trucks All conncctloiiB nro luado In UNION DhPOTO t haa n National Iteimtatlon 8 liolni ; the rent Through Car Line , uml In universally conio.lcJ to bo the FltlEHT EQUIPPED Hull ro&d In the world for all cloiwii of travel. 1 ry H mid von will find trnvollnt ; a Inxurj Instead of a > ilficomort. ( Through TickiU vli rlils Culfkratcd Line foi Bale at all olflcuu In thuViat , All Information about llatos o Fmu , iMccpIni ; Car AcocmmoJivtloniTimo TableA.C. ! . , wh ri cheerfully ( riven by aimhlnln to T , J. POTTER , HJ Vlce-1'roN't & Uin. ManagerI'hlc&k'O PERCIVAL I OWfcLL , Don. I'ttMiuivcr Agt. Chicago W. J. IJAVKNI'OKI , Ucn , AKcnt , Council Uliifls. II , 1' . 1) JISM , , Ticket , AKt. ( ) m u morn-oil ly I m PERISHABLE PERFUME. Kurray & Lanman's Best for TOILET. BATH and I ANDKERCHTEF. SELTZE "Only DyipepBla , Doctor , " Bald a natlunt to Abernethy , "What would jou ba > .T'Ba'd ' the Krcat Buricooc "the pUgue } ' Indlgoitianlt the BOurco of countluii tnorlal ' litaion. Chock It early wlthTikiuNT'w HBLTZRH Ai' and LH Cijio t once Iti present avonlix aud Ite ptobiblo oooio'iuencea , If nraloctej. HOLD 1JV ALL DUUOOUTli. . Si MONITOR OILSTOVE Improved lor 1882. TI1K 11EST AND ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE 8TO1LOVK IN T1IK WORLU. Every housekeeper fools thu wixntof soiuotliiiig tlmt will cook the dnily food nnd avoid thocxcosaivohmt , ( hint , litter nnd nshoa ofn conlnr wnodstovo , THK MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO IT , better , quicker nnd ohonnor thnn nnyothormtmns. It lathoONLY OIL STOVE mndo with the OIL RESERVOIR ELEVATED nt the bnck of the stove , nwny front the hont ; by which nrrnngomont ABSOLUTK SAFETY ia secured ; as no gna can b gonorntcd , fully twenty nor cent more heat is obtained , the wicka nro pro acrvod twice ns long , thus Having the trouble of constant trimming mul the oxpcnso of IIOVT ones. EXAMINE THE MONITOR nnd you will buy no other. Manufactured only by tha Monitor Oil Stoyo Co , OlBvolandO , Send lor doscripttvo circular or cal on Jr. Rogers it Son , ngenta for No > brasltn. D. M. WELTY , ( Snonnnnor to D. T. Motmt- ) Manufacturer anil Dialer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HOUSE OLOTHING RoboH , Dusters and Turf Goofls Mrqffe ? J.i . H. Ill.l , t Co.'d " The Best in The World , " Ordcra hollcltod. OMAHA , NEB mo ly MORGAN PARK MILITARY ACADEMY , A Christian Dunlly Scliool tor Iloja. I'rijinrcs orC'olltKO , BciPiitmc Kill iol or llualnrra. Hontl to Oapt. BD , N. KIUKTAL.OOCT Principal , MorrK'in 1'nrk , Cook Co. , lit. , for catalogue. JlWdtnw _ TTER5 lie concurrent teatlinonyoftho public ami hem eillclnal prn'u.nlou tint HoUettcr'a tilnm- ch IWtcrsI aincilliliio which ithloui ruiilta I eeillv fo't ' , llnroiifh and benign Ht l lo rcct- ) hpj'llurillHordcT , It ImlgorntcH thefcoblo , con- uirs Kidniy anl bladder rompialntB , and ban- cm thocomahidciricoof tlioso itcivorlnc from nffrlillni ; dl'iiiHcn Morco\or , It la the ( , ' ' J jicc'lb ' forfuvcr anil RKUO , Vnt Hkiu by all ilriiKiflaUandilcalorflKeii Jl teal H ig-41 TF lurray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Suml Portable Engines , FOR ClU'.Alir.KIKH , TAIIM HILLS , Priiitiiiu nfflco8f Ktc. , OA Specialty , DJio Larguat Iron Working EBtabliah- inont in thu Btuto. MAM'riCTTIlKUH ' Of Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. Plio Howard Automatio Out-Off Steam Bngino , forilrcnUr. 21-lm RewardBil Oil , flio Story ol the Sowing Maoliino , A handsome little ptmphlut , blue aud yild eve with uumeioui cngravlniri , wlllbe ( GIVEW AWAY o ny aaalt puion calling for It , at any brinck r aub-otttceof The Hinder Manufacturing Oom- iany , or will bo Mint bj mall , post l"Md , to ny peraon llvloz at a dlil n-o Imm our ctllcci Tlio Singer Manufacturing flo , , Principal Ofllce , 34 Unlou Bquare , KKW YORK , THE JELM MOUNTADT I AND IUM M kMivwMiil JL JLi Mining and Milling Company. Wotklng Capital * , plltl S tock , $1.000.001 , r r Vuluo ot bh rr , t- STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLB Minoa Locntod in BBAMBL MINING DISTRICT. I > n. j. I. THOMAS , rrretdent , Cummins Womliu. WM. K. TIIVTON , Vlco-frnld n , CnmmlM , VTj-omlni K. K. UAUWOOD , Secretary , Cummlni , Wyoming. A. O. liUNN , Trourorer , Cummlor , Jifjomlo Dr. / . 1. Thomas. Louis Miller W. 8. Bramel. A. 0. Dunn. N. lUrwooJ. FnnclnLpMcni. Oeo. II. r Ioc. Lcwli Zolmao. Dr. J. C. Watklnr , moll Em OEO , W. KKNDUiti , A'l'.tmlul V < ont tat 3 > la o ( 6 a311" ! " I PULLEYS E. M. MAXWELL FREMONT NEB. . . , , . , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following advantages nro claimed tor thin Pulley : IT is HTiiosflKn and moro durable , owing : 1. To the abcenco of nhrinkngo ptniinx. 2. To the incroincd mun- lierof aritn II. To the fnct that the rim lit much stronger than tha cn t rim. IT m lIKTTkll 1U1.ANCKI ) . ll 1H MUCH MDIITKIt. IT tiANTH IIIMINd. IT IK CIIKAPKU. Then ii no danger of brcakn o in biuitlliiih' when phipied ] IOOHO.Vhcn uhlppul IOOPO they thtrd-clas frellit instoul 'f lirsl-clafK anil the wcisht fa ate ( jenerallv ncceptcd a - < ( ; - , an only one-hull that of cast Pulleys the fnit hl i ptill fnrtlicr reduced. WR OUAUAKTEB TIIKM to perform catUfactorlly any work from the lihlc ! ; > U to the heaviest. SI-MT Pui.l.inH from li ! to IS mclii'H iliampter only. Pulleys of wider face than 18-lnth are provided with two bets arms without oxtin. Wo supply each Pulley with two Bot-sciows without extra ALSO I Hot PoMefl Shafting OUR CLAIMS. What we claim for our PATENT HOT PouaiiED SHAFTINU Is : Int. That it In round nud HtralRht. 2iIt \ can bo accurately rolled to any deaired pmiu. ( 3d , That its suifnco hclni ; composed of nwi-notio oxldfl of Iron obviates any un due tendency to runt or tarnlnh , while it at the uamo time iivoH ono of the boat journal or hearing unrfncoa ever discovered. 4th. That it will not warp or uprinj , ' in key eentiiiK. nth. That it in made of the very best of refined Ktoclc. Vor further prvrticulurn , prlco list and diacountc , Bcud to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry nnd Machine Shop , Fremont , Nob. (880. ( SHORT LINE. BS8Q , KANSAS CITY , 3t Joe & Council Bluffs U fill OHM Direct Line to ST. L003S AND TUB KAST From Oiuahaand t.lio f * A trains leave IJ. ft M. Popot , Omal > i' " . e ia bi twocn Oi kiu > A . "lr , tail but ono between OB NK'iV YOIIK Daily Passenger ? ruiw t'ABTKHN AN1 WKUTKP.N VH I.1H with J.KH ) OHAllUEa Hid IN ADVAHOK < ' I1 OTI1KII I.lNKf- tlr line li oquippoil wu. ullm r , P Uos Hlccplnif C rn , I' laoc t' y < > iwf , Mil < i' Bfcfety Platform and Coupler , mid ' > uitbriiii. Wi si fnjrnouw" Alr-l r V tartict thai jour tlckcl niui ) \ in &AM' , CITVr.T. JOUni'H ft QOUNC'I ' > < ( ' road , via BI. Josnjih nJ Kt. Loiilk Tlckcti for ulo at nil coupon . . . t i.- . Weal J. IMlAl.v-JiiJ C DAW EH. Hon. 8i | it. , flt. > i MI"i " A UCD I'aos. andTlckot Act. , Ht. Jdtwpli , I'u AXDT liounritcki'l Aj-oct 10SO fturnliain b ff l " > | | / 1'S ' > Sioux Gift A Mfit THE BIODX OITY ROUTD lluna Hell J Triln through from Council Blutla to Bfc. Paul Without Ohtnco Tlinci , Only 17 Hour * IT K KUU'lf. mo * OOONOIL BLUFFS TO T. PAUL. H knd all point * In Horthum lout , lllnti * . U mi I > koU. Tbld line li oi\.lj.r | . * l'h Jo lmi-ic . 'd Witlnghou 5 Autonj tlo Alr-b : ku end klll < rit.tfor Couulni mil Ilnffvi : uid toy aPKKI ) . HAr-KTV AIJI ) COUXOHT ! i unnuriimocJ. Pullnitn Pulnvu filtciila 0 i runlurouxh WITHOUT CHANUKlwkwwn Situ ( ilCU/and ft . I'mJ , Vl Council Illiiff * nl Hloux City. Tralnulune Union I'ocino Irnnjtur t C'uiiii ell llluffs , at 7:8C : p. m. dally on Arrival of Kcrisii City , St Jj cjh end Council Illuffii train f oi Ibo fconth. Arrhlnif t Hloiu Cltv 11:80 : r. at. and at thn Nrw Union UojioJ nt ( if. I'nul Hff : IUN'UOUKS IH AOVAWDK or HCUI'JH. fcjrilu.nemt r In the Moux City youHetfc'lhroufc'h Tialn. The Hhorteet U 10 lh Qu'cliwtTlmo and n Coinfoitublo hlJ In th ThrouuL lw ! < I'Ctwioii COUNCIL IILUKKH ANIJ SI. I'AOL. rtSTw > that jour Tlckntii roiwl vU thi "Hloni City ai.'I Pacific ! UlliC4i J H WATrJEH , . It. 11UCIIANAN iiniiurlntunclcnt. OoQ Past. An'ont P. U. UOBINBON. An'tOon'l I'va , Af't | , , MVaour ) Valley , la. W , K. UAV1H , Koutliwwt.riiAfint , III nl ) > ' THE KENDALL PLAITIN& IAGHIE ! J3 > .TXrX3i ] ) EESS-y > KBRS' ' OOMPARIOH , li plalU roui l-.Tol a n Inch to v Utli In ttn coiri'i-ut ftslU or Unoat nl ki Jl doott all kliujn and tylob of | Ultlng lit f . No lJy that doou her own drowi-maklDK cat iflorU to il < i without one 01 nlco plallloir I neiciout ' . ( fABhlyn , If oeu It iwlli Itiwll , V' I " wbluic , OlrcularB or A o t > tcrm wMi t - OONQAR & CO. , CblawO 5OOO ! AND TflE Uf Omaha. IIuj ] iiir On , , of I'lovlilunco , II I.ft fo whhh la anlocil In wrltlnir to h "abtinlutelibunjlar jnoiif tut aiurlail of Ih rly lx lioura continuous itnd n dmturliml a'buk "Illi the Una of uuch toolminil apiillvaiiLtHiiHa burglar can employ , ' illniipructlcAily uncentllilotial May , Ililu V.uuk iLtlriHU tlioroufli test nmdo upon lti\t \ mfu , and In OOHO of failure to eland It , the liink will | ju at llburty to purchase any other taf and may return this to the manufacturer * . Any | tty la at liberty to undertake the attack wlio will furnish uillsfactory lioinl to piy at ilaniajo to thu Halo , In canu It In not entered In the utlnulatud time. TneCorlhu Company agrea In wrlthit ; to dopoult with tlila bank the eum of 86,000.00 , upon the nlnnlni , ' of an aKreoment above thu uald sum to lie p'nooU ' within the lafe nnd to bo forfeited to the pirty oporatln In cone It la forcUly opened and ili-i contents ral > dtrneiml IIKNKY W. VA1K8 CaehlB. DR. CLARKE " " JxJfitst St. LoulB. la etlll trcat- t hitf all 1'IIIVATK. NKU- S VuUH , CllllONlO and Spcelal DIsciBca , Spurnm- tonbica , Impotinoy ( Kox- ntl Incapacity ) , r'oinala ) i.rnsi' , rrc UllllculUca , itc. jtC"l ( e8.6en25 cens ( hi itampn ) to ] ) < y cxprcu. on a "valualila work" entitled of Womin , ote. Worfc on CIIIIONIU DmrAKri ) , ono BUinp. tdTVIctlma of Bull-abiwu or 1'rUato DUcaHu , Hcnct iutanipa for CBLKimATKl ) WOUKSOII Nvrvous and DUumo. CoiiBaltatlon porBOiully or by Ictlor , KHKi ; Coiisu t the old Doctor , T1IOUSANDH C'L'HKD. Oltlco In ( julet. private , rcBpcctalile. place. You ecu uo one but the doctor. Dr. 1 Urko li the only phyelclin In the city whovm- la'itv currH c no piy Maillclnca tout every whuro. lloum. a A. M. to H r. M. Aucntafor the Ufa Tlmca an * TroacborouB ? sNoBBB wntu. by JaniBj KK only life onthorlicil by her , and which will not bo a "HiJOd aatllhuader" Btory.such aa ha been anil will ho dublljhoJ , but a true I < lfo by the only lurson who U In posnoaiilon of the facto -a fal Wul and devoted wife. Tiuth li rooio Ir.torcntinir than fiction. Atrunts should apply for territory at OHSO. Bond 75 ctf. for Sam ple Book. J. H. OUnmbov0 & Co. , St. Ijpnlii. < < FAST TIB1E I In Kdlng Eas < t ke the niiiiiago&Iortliwest- BPfl - * - - f- Trains leave Omaha S.10 p. m. and 7:40 : a. 10. ? ! , . , . ? ou'll. 1DUtUL. . Tto- kut Anent. llth and Karnaui sta. J. BKbL. U. I ? . Aallav Bei I "t. or at JAME8T. OLAHK. ANTI-MONOPOLY LEAGUE , Icairue , ooiiUlnlng ktatemt.Dt of prlotliil * icdii oJ preccdure and lustructlomi Iww to c he will Mwnt on application ta O..U. cfile , m * -i _ _ _ % r.v. Vnr > 1BA fitamr * . fill ' 1\ \