Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 2 1882. THE LOST FOUND. "The Bohemian Girl" Number Two , Kidnapped nt the ARO ot Eleven Brtmnht Homo nt Twenty-Six- A St. Paul Girl Whoso History Itoad Ltko Uomnnco. St. rmilOlobo. Fifteen years BDO , when St. 1'nu VTM A much amallcr plnco than it i now , an honest , hard-working Doho mian named Frank Kohout , came hoi to live. Ho WAS accompanied by hi Tfifo and seven small children , two o thorn being boys and the rent girls , th oldest of the girls , Antpnia , being cloven years old. The children wen all pretty , nnd Antonia gave promisi of developing into a perfect model o feminine beauty. Kohout was devoted ted to his family , and , not wishing to BOO thorn in want , took the first work ho cnuld find , which wa& in tbo capac ity of a deck-hand on a steamboat , The name of the mate under whom ho shipped was Skclton. Skolton had a wife and family in Kock Island. By a chance the eye of Skelton foil upon the beautiful .Bohemian girl , Antonia Mid ho resolved to kidnap her. 1 amounted to nothing elao , us this his tory shows , and deserves no botto name , for it was through the work o Skolton that Antonia was lost to hoi family for fifteen years , and finally given up as doad. Skolton took advantage of Frank Kohout'a ignorance of the English language , and through nn inUirprotc induced him to part with Antonia , under dor a premise to procure her a comfortable fortablo homo with a family in Itocl Island , who would roar her na ono o their own , and give her the benefit o a good education , In the simplicit ; of his heart , Kohout entrusted hi little girl to the mate , who took ho to Rock Island and placed her charge of a fcmalo inumo toachur o moat ungovernable tompur. The mu oic teacher had a daughter of her own whom olio treated well enough , but i was not BO with Antoniu. The uln'l was sent to Bchool a portion of th week merely to make her forgot liu native tongue ; but after school huura when other children were taking rue roation , nho would bo compelled to d menial work , and would ruceivp haral treatment , no matter how faithful ] she might perform the arduous tank assigned hir. Antonia grow homesick and whenever over Skelton's boat cimo in she woul' acarch him out and plead with him t take her home. Meantime Antonia' father was miseing from the boat1 crow. The mate seemed , all at once to got into a dilemma regarding Hi betrayed little girl , and after iiiakiii and breaking promises to tsko ho homo , ho disappeared from Hock la land and his family with him. * The child was at u IOBJ what to do She urged her cruel mistress to writ homo for her , and received lying as aurancos that ho request had beet complied with. Bogus lottora , pur porting to liavo como from her parent were road to Antonia , and bogu promises iniulo to Bond her homo Ono day her mistress struck her in th face. This was a little too much fo the sensitive creature , and when nigh came on Antonia slipped away in tin darknoaa and obtainad employment ii the family of n jeweler. She etil sighed for home , and wrote three letters tors to St. Paul , but tnoy all cam back to her from the dead-letter ollico and this led her to believe that ho MM3tc--iJ jiurope. " "blio kiiow lljoi were poor , unacquainted with tlii English language and in ovary -vay un fitted to institute n syatomutio aoarcl for her. As for her , it had boonyoan ainco her own language had booi apokon in her hearing and she had entirely forgotten it. An arbitrary rule of the Bohemian tongue changes the spelling of names whoa berne by feinafo members of a family , by ad ding an extra syllable. Thus the name of Kohout , when signed by any .femalo of the house , is spoiled Kohoul- ova. With this peculiarity of Bohemian mian grammar Antonia had n&ver boon made acquainted , and it was natural that she should follow the English idea and address her father by her own name , which was the only fragment of Bohemian that she couk remember , and that imperfectly. Ilonco she loft a vowel out of her name , and every attempt to discover the whereabouts of her father ad- .dressed him as Kohotova. This was [ her own namo- spoiled phonetically from memory , but it waa not the name of her father. There were no Bohemians near to enlighten her , and her hope of finding her relatives burned low in her heart. But it did not entirely die out , though her family continued to live in St. Paul all the while without the means of communicating with hor. Antoniu loft the jeweller's family and lived with an Irish Catholic priest , Father Roles by name , for two or three years. The good father aeemed to take an interest in her , and had her educated by the Siatora of Mercy. She next lived with the family of Mr. Pock , a railroad man , where she mot Mr. W. W. Smith of the Kock Island - land railroad , who took a great ianoy to her , and who won and married her Bovon years ago. The union was blessed with trro children , Ira and Katie , aged respectfully IIvo and nix years , with u didoronco of fifteen a months between their ages. To gratify his wife , though with mall hope of success , Mr. Smith came to St. Paul in search of his father-in- law. The city directory , of courao , could not have been blamed in this instance hod ho failed. Luckily ho ran across n police oflicor who know Mat Jollnck and Jo , Kricok. These a nion were acquainted with Frank Kohout'a eon-m-law , Frank Kriha who worka at McOarty & Vorplanck's candy factory. Frank was visited , n notes compared , and the whole party then repaired to Charlie Bmith'u col- lar-making establishment , whore the old man is employed. When inform ed that his daughter still lived , Frank Kohout was well nigh overcome by his emotions. It waa long before lie could bo induced to credit his own n senses. A telegram waa immediately sent to Antonia , who arrived in St. Paul yes terday morning from DOB MoineB. la. , via the Albert Lea route. The reunion of the whole family WM ft most fltftctlng eight and almost raised a lump in n roportor'a throat , There were wild demonstrations of joy , handshaking and embracing among the men , and kissing , sobbing and shedding tears among the women and children. It was a strong acono , and no mistake , and not the least af fecting circumstance was the inabilitj of the parents to converse with their long lost daughter , who cannot under stand a word of Bohemian , whilr both mother and father arc stil without oven a small knowledge o English. Antonia passed yesterday at UK house of her sister , Mrs. Joaio Kriha on Michigan street. She will remain in St. Paul for a season and then make her homo in Crookaton , her husbam having obtainnd a conductor's place on the Manitoba road , Grntnlmothor used to nay : " 15oy , If your blood to out o order try Uimlock tea)1' ) and then they hat to dig the liiirclock and boil It down Inkct tlcF , ( nuking n nnsty , unclling decoction now you Ret all the ctirntlvo proj > erles ! J > H up In a palatable form In lil'UDOCK Ut-ooi JJlTTKIts. 1'rlco 81.00 , trial ei/o 10 ccnt augl.dlw Correspondence of The Bco. BI.AIH , August 1. As usual Fremont mont is ahead of ua again , juat bo cnuso ono of our reverend gentlemen got himself into notoriety by a aoric of communications , in which ho denounced nouncod Sunday oxcuraions , Fromon cornea to the front thia wcok with a , acandal involving their moat promi nent clergyman. Fremont ia cnor gotic in all things , The continued wet weather wit damage sonic small grain in this coun ty , but the greater part of it is in th stack. stack.Martin Martin Kunotaon , the man that accidentally cidontally shot himself a wcok ago i atill living , but not expected to re cover. Martin Peter/ion / , n wealthy Gonna farmer and an old Holtlor ( if Washing ton county , died on Friday last dropsy.Vrifdiingtoii county alu loutn another of hur pioneer settler and ropronimlativo men by dcatl "Unclu" David Oouchman , of For Calhoun , died at his rueidonco Sunday the ! The political pot in this county not boiling very rapidly as yet , Ua DougliiH county been placed in th district it would Imvo been differen Then Wellington county would hr.v received its aharo of attention froi the many candidates. Our papers ar divided on congressional candidatoa The Pilot is apparently in favor Judge Crounae. Brother Sprague ha a dark homo for convention , but ha not yet named him. Neither Ya ! nor Orounso filln the bill with him. The teachers' institute in nesaio hero is largely attouded , there boin about sixty toanhora in attondancn The exerciser ! nro varied by an occa aional lecture by the professors. Pro ! McKenzie , of the State Normal , hero and doing excellent work. llov. and Mm. Wainright will celebrate brato the fifteenth anniversary of thoi wedding thia evening. Hir. Oeorjjo Morortlth , .Torsoy City , write * "Tho Sriuno ULOHHOM you uont tno hn had the Imppleflt effect on my dnghtor ; he hciulncho and depression of nplritn linn viu Ishecl , She In nnln | { able to go to sohou and IK ne lively tin a crlckot. I nil-ill cer tainly reconimoiut It to all my friends Prlco CO contH , trial bottles 10 centx. migl-dliv WAYNE COUNTY. _ _ _ u nrc/uU ' f 1 vu i uoalVO NortUoru Nebraska. Corrcajiondonco of Tim Dm. WAYNE , Nob. , July 29. The advancement vancomont of a county or town depends ponds upon the country and energy o ite inhabitants. Such is thoconditioi of Wayne county , located in the northeastern part of the atato in the second tier of counties west of the Misaouri river , containing 448 aquaro miles of line fertile soil , ton per con ! being the Logan valley , noted for bo ing the most productive valley in the state. The balance is generally roll ing prairie , which is valuable for graz ing , and many largo horde of cattle are feeding un ita green grass , where bul n few yoara ago the buffalo ant door fed. Thia county is being nettled an fast as any county in the state. The land prin cipally owned by speculators , ia being > ut in the market for aalo , and J , A jindley , real oatato .tgonlia offering it From ? 3 to 810 per aero and ho is rap- Jdly diaposing of it The county ia well watered by many tributaries ol ho Logan crook , forming many minor valloya oiiuslly as good us the mam Nogan valley. Farmora located back Tom the streams have line wella ol iving water which may bo p rocuroti jy twonty.liyo to aixty feet driving and a fine windmill attached makeit u very handy for watering atock. The advancement of the county since the connection of Norfolk with Sioux City by the Saint Paul 11. 11. , vliioh was about three months ago ins rapidly increased , giving Wayne equal advantagoa for the ship nent of ita commodities and trims- lurtrttioti ( being over so dear ) with its rival counties. After reviewing the true facilities of ho county , its towns are worthy of nention. As long as Wayne haa boon county Laporto haa been the county oat , with a line briok court house , ind until six months ago , was 11 n flourishing condition , when ho present town of Wayne sprang p and has boon advancing ver since , until she has become the uperior town in the county , with the ounty aoat in the near future. Wuyno situated near the cantor of the ounty , along the line of the St. Paul silrottd , in the Logan valley , ono- uartor of a mile from Logan creek a slightly ascending rlso of ground , It ia well laid out in streets , Main troot being the leading street , and eading from the depot ia well lined with pluces of business. On each aide ' 0 ro line locations for dwellings on vhicli there are many , Mr , Sindloy'a , utzon'a and Woodall'a being the finest town. There are two drug atorca in town , Mr. Farnam ia refitting his jn line tylo , but ho dooa not hinder him from doing hia usually largo businosa. The wo hardware and three general storea ro doing a largo business. J. B. Goartnor , owner of a fiuo fur niture store , has it well Blocked with now furniture of every discription making the second furniture atore in town , , The banking business is well ropro ' Rented by thrco largo banks , doing ( fine banking and real cstato business The Wayne County Review , editcc by lluntor fe Childs , practical editors afford the citizona and farmers a newsy and an interesting shoot , being seven years old , Being the oldest piper i is extensively taken throughout thi county. Professionally the town is well rep resented , having five lawyers , fou physicians and four prenchcrs , Frank Fuller , attorney at law , ia a young man of experience , having practiced ticod sometime in Burlington , Iowa haa located himself in practice _ a Wnyno with fine prospects before him Boardshoar & Cornell have a fin billiard hall , in which the boy amuse themselves in pocketing tin balls. The improvements in building th past year are estimated at 870,001 There are many fine residences boin built , and ono fine hotel at a cost o ? 7,000. The farm era report the proapecta p cropa being the beat over known in the count/ . S. P. P Virtne AoImnwlodRod. Mrs , Ira Mulliollnnil , Albany , N. Y. writes ! "For several years I have HuiTere from oft-recurring billon * headaches , dys pcptia , nnd cotnplalnU peculiar tn my BOX Hlneo using your HUHDOCK BLOOD BITTKI ! * I am entirely relieved. " 1'rlco $1.00 , tria sic 10 coutB. nugl-dlw A STKANQ13 YOUNG QIHU She IJonloa Uor Mnrrlago Tor tbo BIIK of a Young Dontlst. t'hlladclplila Hpcdal. A remarkable story is being circu luted in Gcrmantnwn concerning young working girl of that place Some four yoara ago Miss llobecc Bender Katr. came to Qornnntow from Beaver Aulloy inMonroo county She waa then about twonty-ynara ago , protly and intelligent. She ob tainfid emplojmont in Spencer's mills where she IIUM boon ever since. Ho fascinating manner attracted th attention of ono George .Tohnatono , weaver of fortj-aix. Ilo aaw an loved. In 1878 ho aokcd her to b hia wifo. FJattorcd by tno man's at tontlona the girl accepted hia offer and they became engaged. Now , lie bocca , or , an she waa commonly calloc Boaaie , had very pretty teeth. Sh was proud of them , and when any the molars showed the ( slightest sicn o decay nho consulted her dontiat , on William F. Uumon , a young man wit an amiable manner and propoasesnin figure. Bessie and Willie were to a appearances much interested in oac other. The girl was frequently at hi ollico , and ho often called on her a the house where she boarded. Mean while Johnstono continued to cour Miss Katz , calling on her on Wed tie ? day and Saturday ovoninga. Duntis llonson never called on these evei ings , and the trro rivals did not moo in fact for some time they were ij norant of the fact that the girl had tw gallants. But eventually Johnston learned of the other man'a visits , an remonstrated with hia fiancee. Ther waa , however , no absolute rupture o the engagement nnd the two wor made man and wife on a fair day i May , 1881 , they being married b llov. John L Hay of tlio Third Bap tiat church of Germantown at hia res idenco. Before the wedding Johii atone explained that owing to a. cortai circumstanced ho pretorred that th " ' ' imvwwr lilo"'tfofoWOfry'lfuTlw o repaired paired to their respective homes. TOO FOND OF THE UE.NTIST. Mr. Johnstono called on his wif on Wednesday and Saturday ovoninga as of old , and for a while hia cup o joy Boomed overflowing. Suddonl ; the cup was tipped and all the jo ; was spilled. Bo learned that Ilonson waa paying marked attention to hi wife , and that she was acting to ware the dentist as though Bho were a fro and independent maiden and not tin wife of a staid middlo-ag od man. One ; ho husband saw his little mate am ; ho dentist together. Ho oxpresaoi ! iia indignation in no mild terms , am Bessie promised that llonson'a visit should coaao But they didn't. Oi March 31 laat [ Jonhstono saw the pn ! walking in the street and and accoatoc ; hom. Ilonson Hushed. "What are you doing with thai woman ? She is my wifoi" thuudorec .ho outraged husband. "I am walking , " meekly rospondoc .ho dentist , "I am not your wife , " added Boa ale , and the couple walked away , leav ng the dazud baaband to explode hia wrath for the benefit of Ilonson , when 10 called a moan coward for atoaling , another mun'a wifo. Johnatono dooi tot know whether Ilonson know o. Jessie's being mariiod. Shoadmittoc o her huab'ind once that Ilonson hue. ironoaod to hor. TJiiu waa after the wedding. "I have accepted him"she vddod , "Tho minister who married ia wont aay anything about it. " Or May 28 , Bessie denied that she hat . over been married to Johns tun o , ox- > laining the presence of her marriage certificate by saying that she found it all made out in a book on courtship hat Bomo ono had given hor. Dr. > uy remembers the wedding perfectly , tossio on another occasion ainco the iiacovory of her nllegod intimacy With lenson stated that she had gone to liiirch with Johustono and was mar led there. She waa in a dazed con lition at the time , she sail ] , and did lot know what uho was doing , lies io'a relatives and many of her friends dmit that her reputation for truth ia ot remarkable , and to all appearances ohnatono is on the honorable side of lie affair. Beaaio ia atill determined 3 have the dentist , and denies that ! io was married. At laat accounts ohnatono waa considering the oxpe- loiioy of suing for a divorce. Not For u Fortune. "Phew" I wouldn't marry her If she'd a urtuno. Poor c'rl ' , "he'd bo nil rluht if she ook Bl'iiiM ! llixxvsou , the bokt tliini ! in 10 world for ulftiulvo brouthlug , 1'rico tcutfi , trial bottlea 10 cents o augl-dlw . EUROPEAN HOTEL , . Corner South tn J Locunt Streets. SIB ? . X.OTTIS ; xwco. , J , II. HURST. - . IProji. looms , 75o , 81.00aud1.50 Per Day An oletfint Itfstaurant la connoctoj with Ihli louse , u hero uieala are served at ruwontkle prlc w moo Jay uJ clybt , iBlic H No Whiskey. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is one of the very few tonic medicines that arc not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey , thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non- intoxicating stimulant , and it will , in nearly every case , take the place of .nil liquor , and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W. RICE , editor of the American Christian Re view , says of Brown's Iron Bitters : CinO.Nov. 16,1881. Gents : The foolish wasting - ing ofital force in husincss , pleasure , ami vicious Indul gence of our people , makes your preparation n necessity ; nnd if applied , will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. BROWN'S ' IRON BITTERS has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia , indigestion , biliousness , weakness , debil ity , overwork , rheumatism , neuralgia , consumption , liver complaints , kidney troubles , &c. , and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MHMCINE TRADE MARKTho , , OrcatTnDH MARX Engl'uhrcin- Bily. An tin- tilling cure far Scinlntl Weakness , Spormator- rhea , Iituiot- cncy , and all Ulicascsthat B iuTnc ol AFTER TAKIflO. SoINAImie ; us LoHHolMomorj , LOHS ! tilde , I'aln In the Hack , Uiinncaa ol Vision , Pro mnturoOld A KO , MI J rainy other Dlseaecs tb&t lead to Inmnlty or Consumption and a Prctna- turoOravu. .tarFnll particulars la our pamohlct , which wo dcslro to Bond ( rco I v mail to every ono , 3TThu SpcclH < lltillclna la sold by all driiKk'Ists t ? 1 per package , or 0 pack\irca ( or Jf > , or Mill bo sent free by null on re" ' Ipt ol tbo money , by TIIKOIUY 4EDIC1NKCO. , BcBalo , N. T. oc7mc-rod KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. fho Mott Succetsful Remedy ever dlacov- crod , as It In cortuln In Its effects and doca not bllater. UKAU PUOOF UKLOW. Also excellent ( or human llosh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. VVaahlngtcn\-llle , Ohio , June 17 , 1831. Pa D. J. KKKDALI. , iCo. : dents Holding your od vcrtlscinunt In Turf , Field and Farm ol your Kcnd U'H Spavin Cure , a > d having a valuable and speedy horn ) which had been laino from > ' all laments and cnlfttgoment and a largo epl'nt ' from another horse , aud both horses are to-aay Mtound u coltH. The ono bottle was north tome mo ono hundred dollirs. Rcepcetlully yo'irs , II. A. BI-'RTOLXTT , M. U. Bend for Illustrated circular giving positive proof. Prlco 81. All Drujjirlsts have It or can got It for lou. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co , Pro prietors , Enoslmrijh Kails , Vt. 80Lt > BY ALL DRUGGISTS. d-w-lv To Nervous Sutterers THE QflEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific II I ) a p08tlvo | euro for Hpermatoirhea , Somlnn Wcoknoss. Impotancy , and all dlsoioca resulting from Belf-Abuao , an Mental Anxiety , Losai ifoinory , Palna In the Back or Side , and dleeaaet Consumption Insanity an , oarlygravo 'he Specific Modlelno la being uaed with wonder ful BUCCOW. . I'ampljleta eent tree to ell. Write for them and cot full rar > llculari. Prlco , SpeclPr , tl.OO per pacVftge , or tlx pack- 1 09 for Addrcaa all ordoro to Ii. HI1ISON HEUICINK CO. Nos. 101 and 108 Main Bt. BuBalo , N. Y. Uol'l In Omaha by O. F. Goodman , J. W. Ilo'.l , J , K , lah , and all drmrktatBovgryithorc. 1 .dfcvr SYPHILIS .In.anyatago Ontivrra. Old Sores , Pimples , BOILS , or any Skin Diseases Ouros When Hot Springs Fail UITIKN , ABK. , M v S. 1681 Wo na > cases In our own town who lived at lotPprlugt , * nd norutlnally cured with S. S. B. llrCiyxos Ji UUBET. > > uu uouutuimu to Hta us anue. . WILL. UUK VOUll OH charge nothiuK 11 Write for ttrtlcultra aud cony of little Book the Unlortunite Suriotlnv A N Mi .51IOI ( Reyrnrd "til he paid to any Kii icuifat Kbo will find CXI , on analygla 100 lottle B , B. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide Fotu lead niu or any illnenU aubttanoe. cure swurrBPEOiwo co. Propt ; IK Alltnl Orrl Price of bmall elie , tl.OO , prl elio 1.76. Wi i Bold by KENNAUD 11U08. k 00 coi chime "WINE OFCARDUI" innTcca tony ( ks uud dear complexions. Mrs J. O , llobcrtoon , Pltlchu f. Pa. , writes : "I was Buderlntr from general debility , want of up- pctlto , constipation , etc. , to thrit hlfo M a bur * den ; after ulng Burdock Dlood nittcra I felt bet ter than lor j care. I cannot pralao your Hitters too much. " K.OIbl * . of HufWo , N. T. , writes : "Tour Hurdock Hloc Dlttcra , In chronic diseases o ! the blood , Ihcr aud kidneys , hare been signally marked n 1th miccess. I have used them myacll v Ith bent result * , for torpidity of the liver , and la casoo ( a friend of mlno miucrlu ; from dropsy , the cdect was marvelous. " Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , | rltessll : have been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys , and unable to attend to business ; Ilurdock Blood Hitters relieved mo before half abottlo a * used I feel confident that thov Kill entirely cure me. " Ascnlth Hull , ninghampton , N. Y. , nrltcti "I BuHcred with a dull pain thr uih my clt hint-and shoulder. I/oetniy nplrlts , appetite and color , and could with dllllculty keep up alt day. Took J our Ilurdock Blood Hitters as di rected , and naxo felt no pain since first wcok af ter uslni ; them , " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four ) cars ago 1 had an attack of bilious f over , and nctcr fully recovered. My dl catlte organs were weakened , and I would bo completely pros trated for dayn , After \tt\ng \ two bottles of your Burdock lllood Bitters thol tnpro\cment waa so \hlblo that I wasoatonlshi'd. I can now. though 01 J cars of age , do a fair and reasonable day's work. 0. Blackct Hoblnson , proprietor of The Canada I'rcsbjtcrian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Koncara 1 auRcred greatly from oft-recurring headache. 1 used } our Ilurdock lllood Hitters with happiest result * , and I now find mi pelf In better health than for ) ears punt. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' -I have used Burdock Blood lllttcra for ncr\cus and bll- loua headaches , and can recommend It to anjono requiring a euro for bllllousncss. ' Mrs. Ira JIuIInolland , Allany , N. Y , writes : "For so\cml years I have eufleted frem cft-ieiur- ring billloua headaches , dyspepsia , and com plaints peculiar to my BOX. Since using jour Burdock Blood Blttcra I am entirely relieved. " Price. 01,00 DOI Bottle ; Trla DottlonlOOti FOSTEE , MILBDEN , & Go , , Props , BUKTAIO , S ? . Tf- Sold at wholesale by lah MciUhon and 0. T. floodnmn. ( o 27 rod-mo Dlscaao la an effect , not a cause. Its origin Is within ; Its manifestations without , tlcnce , to cllro the disease the CAUBictnust ha removed , and In no other way can a euro e\cr to iffei-ted. WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND IjtVER , CURE la cstalillshed on Jutt this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys an liver , aud It strikes at once nt the root of the difficulty. The elements of w hlch It la composed act directly upon these great organs , both as a POOD ar.d RKMTORER , and , by placing them In a healthy , condition , drlvo disease and paiq from raT-ttnnnnumoranio iroub'cs caiibeu by un healthy Kldneja , Liver and Urinary Orirana ; for the distressing Dlfordoraof Women ; for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this great rpm.dy has no equal. Biwaro of Impostors , Im itations and concoctlona ald to be Juat as good. DIA B For sale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER & CO. . ° " _ Roohoator N. Y. English JRomedy .Never . falls to cuie Ncrvoua Debility. VI. tal Exhaustion , Emla- Nlona , Seminal Wcak- nesses.LOSTMAN HOOD , and all the evil effects of youth * ml follies and cxcea- ics. It stops perma nently all weakening. Involuntary losuis and drains upon the ejs- tcm , the Inevitable re- tm. sult of these evil prac tices , which are so destructive to mind and Ixxly and roako llfo mlaorablo , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nurvcs.Ilraln , ( incmorjr Blood , Muscles , Dlgeatlvo and Hcpro- ductho Organs , It restores to all the organic functlma their former vigor and vitality , ma king Ufa cheerful and en Jo } ablo. Price , $3 a bottle , or four times tl.o quantity $10. Suit by express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of prlco. No. C. 0. D. sent , except on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Letters n- estlii'- answers must incloao btamp. Dr. Mintio's Dandelion Pills nro th > boat and cheapest djepopsla and blllloua cure In the market. Sold by ill druggists. Price 60 cents. BB , MINTIV'H KIUMTT HUM HOT , NupmnicuM , Ourcstll kind of Kidney ami bhddcrcouiplalnto. gonorrhea , gkct and loucorrhca. Kor ealu by all dau&rgists : SI a bottlo. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , nSOlhoHL , St. l/jula , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. OOODMAN. Jan26-lv Hop Bittern. If 7iunn } ouiij { and ttlseictloo ur tlii'&ipii von arc rnur riua or nlm-la. old or ircrlntr frrto Iio.rhf Altli ur Uiih'ultUi . . . . i > n H boo f ( 'r.k. ' uru , rily on Hop jOlttord. \\'huervt youttrc , * nhtncvrr you fit ! _ . > iall/ from n c Dial your ; > ttm j formuf irorio ! > in ed > tli-aniinx. lou- & > < * chat lu li V mi , ' or ttlmulutlnir , WllllOUtllOJlf ( < " i timely 'IKC f t Ue Hop HcpQ ! r OlttC . o. i. o | ! arni , dUrarcl U a kbiohitk uf th" tomucA.I iind trrcilitiv eoirk , tloou.l no ? Mi * cum /ot dnibkeiinoBa li\iruinml\ \ uia o' uilum | , You will no I' ncou , c' cured I'youute Hop Bitter * - 11w o R k juul liita. 8 udi " ' ' NEVER Wrcultr , Ki"IY rn'n'y HOP Brrrrts vnvoirour life. It haft FAIL fra co. , caved hun * Bxhulo.K t- dredvr i Tironto , Oil. NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Ouro Ganrantned. Ur. E. 0. Witt Nerve and Urala 7refttment epecllla for Hiitirla , DUilncca , Convulalons Ncrvoua Headache , Mental Depreaalon , Losaol Mwnory,8 ] > crui tcrrhu , lai potency , Inv olunUry Kuiluloni , Premature Old Age , caused by orer- cxcrtlon , aolf-abuae , or oier-lndulgonce , which * to mluory , decay and death. One box will ! recent casca , Kfti h bcx contains onti motth'a treatment , Ono dolbr a box , or elx boxca for dollar * , cnt by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Wo gtiarantco nix boiea to euro any cxjo. UI with each order received by ua for nil boiou , ac- companled with live dollar ) , will lead the pur. chiscr our v.rlttea gutrautie to return the money If tba treatment do < not effrtt a cure. ! C. t. Ooodiuan , Druggist , Hole. AVhoIeaale and Airent , Omcla , Neb , Ojd'rj by mall at . dkwlr WB , MILtARl > . F , li. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Feok & Banshors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flonr OMAHA , - - - NEB REFERENCES J OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOUNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. CO WHOLESALE Boots and Shoes. OMAHA , NEB. C. TCIW DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. 3TAnyoiio contemplating building store , bank , or any other fine will find It to their ad- Mintage to corrcs end with ua before purchasing tnclr Plato QIass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. : e\ 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , N -WHQLESALE f * fl < / Jai itacdUV 3BJIlfi > ifiu iiSfa liJn On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 rarnham Street , " - - 3XTIES33. &GO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIG4KS AHD IAMAOTUEED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWJEft CO. JOBBER OF AND WIHDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LiME , GEMEHT A3T8TATK AOEHI FOK MILWAUKEK OEMKNT 001IPANY1 Near Union Pacific Depot. - - OMA FA ffB POWER AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , : UINLNU yACHlNKUY , 11ELTINO , HOSE , IJHAS3 AND IRON KITTINCS PIPE , PACKlIifl , \yflOLt8ALK AND KLTAIL.KITTINCS lALLAUAYWHn-wilLLG ! CHURCH AHD SCHOOL 8JELLS Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.