Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1882, Image 1
' THE OMAHA BEE TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WFPJTl'SDAY MORNING. AUGUST ,2 18,2 38. \ I < Jk HESMRO ( Successors to Fred Lang. ) Take pleasure in announcing to fhc public and tlmir friends tlmt they arc prepared to fill orders in GROCERIES nt lower prices than over , consequently - ly wo have made reductions in every department of our business , besides wo have added itomo of the latest brands of Vina Fancy Groceries , and in largo varieties. Wo nro alto mak ing arrangements to supply our cus tomers with thu latest brand of BRANDIES , AND WIHES. only for medical purposes. Our stock being now complete in every respect , wo invite the public to como and ex amine our goods. Wo always keep CHOICE BRANPS OF COSTA RIOQA , Old Government Java , AND ' ? " i I I a \ety flno lot of Jap iirfe Purest Ground and Whole Standard California Canned * Dried Fruits , The very best brands of PURE SYRUPS , Imported SWISS AND LIMBURGER CHEESE. Fine Oil ivid JIustard I T WinR T Beat brnnls of I Yeast Powders , Cream Tartar , Soda and Saleratus. Remember we make ft specialty of the infallible and celebrated SCHUYLER SNOWFL&KE FLOUR OUR Tobacco and Cigar Department , Is complete , and you can find the boat brands in thu mtirkot. Our Boot nnd tbos Department. Cannot be better stocked , and doa't you forgot tlmt wo keep Boots & Shoes of nil the Litest Styles and best makes tlmt cun bo obtained. Lately we have added to our busi ness a SHIPPING DEPARTMENT , which will bo under the supervision of tha eoiiior partner , nnd will bo run for the benefit of those that may do- Biro to fillip produce to us ; furmern that are not able to come to town and have produce for sale can ship same by express or freight , wo will always pay the highest market price in cash or in goods , therefore , when you do ship state what ia needed. Wo also request - quest nil that may ship Butter and Eggs to see that they nro always fresh , as wo cannot Boll any other to our customer * . Heimrod Dorman , Corner 13th and Jackson , THE VOKTEX OF WAR Into Which the Nations of Eur ope Are Being Eapiflly Drawn. Russia Jealously Watching Actions by the Nile. While the Latter Dooldos to Chrittlaniae the Na- tivoo Alouo. "The Protection of the Canal" Plea Uebd to Cover Plans of Conquest. Italy , Franco and Austria Hos tile to the Brnieh Pro gramme. Plunder and Pillage Still Pro gresses in Alexandria. The Rebel Ohiot Vicorouely Fortifying His Several Strongholds. Various Items of Foreign Glutolli- KOIICO. And Increasing ? His Stores oi Mur derous { Machines and Men. Special Dispatches to Tim BEE. HOSTILE TO ENGLAND. ST. PETEUsuuna , July 31. The Russian press with the exception of n fowminor , journals continue hostile to England , and are firmly persuaded that England will have to account with Turkey as well as with Arabi Pasha. CONSTANTINOPLE , August 1. Ac cording to intelligence received from a diplomatic eourco , the action of IvUBsia it late to tin ? porsoniU initia tive of the Czar Aksindur , who is dissatisfied with Glartstino's ' repeated declaration that England would under certain circumslancus undertake alone the tusk of restoring order in Ejypt. RUSSIA'S CIRCULAR. CONSTANTINOPLE , August 1. Rus sia has sent u circular to the powers embodying the substance of Onov'a declaration to the conference. The cultan sent word to-day for Sandison , secretary of iho British legation , de claring tha Lord DuQ'crin'a demand for a proclamation for Arabi Paslm as a rebel concerns the conference , and advising him to confer with the Ottoman delegates on the tmbject. TURKISH TKOOl'8 TO OO , The porio is negotiating a loan of 100,000 Turkish pounds and contract ing art equipment of 0,000 troops ifl > arr < jxv.jW. . --TEpygl . -n contingent of tro6pb , rill stn.t for. Alexandria to bo employed as a guard to the khedive. PROTECTING UKU SUBJECTS. ALEXANDRIA , August 1. Tholtalian government has refused to surrender to the British court martial tholtaliana employed in the Egyptian police charged with leading the band of Greeks and natives engaged in sack ing the town. SHAKING Ul' THE POllTE. MANCHESTLU , August 1. The Lon don correspondent of The Guardian says that ho understands that if the Turkish expedition starts without the aultnn previously complying with the conditions demanded by England , Admiral Seymour will bo ordered to convey it buck again. ALEXANDRIA , August 1. No hope of good results from negotiations bo- twoe.i the Khcdivo and Arabi Pasha. THE RAIIULE MARCHING. A largo number of the worst claes of Bedouins are marching from Maricut towards Alexandria. Zotki Pasha , a more popular and less fanatical man , has been appointed governor vice Rifaat Pasha. SURVEYING THE GROUND. A deputation of notables from Caiio who came hero to ascertain the true atuto of uff.tira return to-morrow via Kufr 131 Davur. The French gun boats sailed to-day , the consul-general of Franco having been ordered to withdraw the tntiro fluot from Egypt. TIIK I'LOT THICKENING. HEULIN , August 1. The refusal of Italy to co-optiito ) with Kngland in putting down Arabi Paslia may bu taken as reprcponting thu altitude of Germany and Austria. High author ities t Berlin lUBort that llus-iia ia about to quit her passive attitudu in favor of one directly hostile i < > BritUh pretension in Ejypt. PLUNDER AKI ) LOOT. ALEXANDRIA , August 1. The state of the town is causing serious diequiot The natives who remained uru incen diaries and the majority of those who returned are looters , looking alter their conccalud plunder. It is impos sible to mistake the bitterly hostile at titude of this class and the native police. Fears in regard to the failure of the water supply have subsided. The number of Christians mur dered it Damanhour Tantnh and JHihalla is now estimated at 550. BUCKING THE REBELS , ALEXANDRIA , August 1. The qov- srnor of Aesioot , with 2,000 men , ia holding the town for the khedive. Asaioot is a capital and the largest ci'.y ' in upper Egypt. It ia the most important military station south of Otiro and controls communication with Darfour and Zenaar. A LONELY I'RISONER. A rebel official telegram sayn Mid shipman DeClair was taken before Arabi Paaha , who ordered him sent to Oiiro and bo well treated , lie is now comfortably lodged there and h a boon allowed to write to lolativcs. Arab ! Pasha ntfered 300 for the head of MoricoBoy. FEEDING REFUGEES. LONDON , August 2. Telegram from rebel sources nt Cairo states that the rebel government is maintaining re fugee * from Alexandria. Native journals comment favorably upon Mr. Brlght's resignation of the British cabinet. THE COST Or THE FXVEDITION. In the commons last night the gov ernment consented , after n IOUK dis cussion , to modify Ilnrtinqtou'a mo tion approving ( ho dispatch to Egypt of 5,000 men with n reserve of 1,500 mtn , so ns to loayo the question of cost of the expedition open to future discussion. It is stated the iovornniont is ne gotiating for laying n cable from Alexandria to Port Said. A MEASURE OP PRUDENCE. The Daily Nowa considers that Eng land must in common prudence pre vent Turkish troops landing in Egypt. OFF FOR EGYPT. DUIILIN , August 1. The Second batallion of the Coldstrcam guards embarked for Egypt to-day. MALTA , August 1. The Seventy- fifty regiment embarked for Egypt to day. PROCLAIMING ARVBI. LONDON , August 1. Dilko stated to-day that the Ilussian clologatd had been ordered to rejoin the conference of the powers. All the great powers had agreed in asking the Porto that Arabi Pasha bo proclaimed a robol. A PRISONER OK WAR. ALEANDRIA , August 1. The khedive - dive haa dispatched a native emissary to the camp of Arabi Pasha for the purpose of procuring the release of Midshipman DeOlair. A CONSUL THREATENED. PORT SAID , July 31. The water along this coast is very slnllow and largo ships cannot approach within four miles of Itosotta or within three miles of D.uiiettn. The fooling among the French inhabitants ngamst Do Lesseps is very strong. The English vice consul has n letter declaring that as ho aided the qovornor of Port Said in escaping Arabi Pasha's vengeance , ho hai been condemned to death , D'LESSFP'H ' DICTATORSHIP. PARIS , July 31. The Suez canal company has sent to the press the fol lowing telegram from. Ismalia , dated Monday : "Bedouin chiefs of the eastern region comprised between the Suez canal and Nile , have placed themselves at the disposal Of DoLos- sops. Arabi Pasha counselled thorn to-day. DeLessops has volunteered - od to take command , of the English ironclad to go into the country on horseback around Ismalia , to provo the country cafe , and that thcro are no Egyptian troops in the vicinity. With a passport signed and sealed by De Losaops any one may travel freely in Egypt us far aa Cairo. Merchants who had abandoned their business profit by these passports. " GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. rpccUl Dispatches toTllsDKK. \ i > "sir.AmiEAns or , UFNT. " / _ , LONDON , August 1. In cno house of lords this afternoon , on the report of the arrears bill irom the committee of the whole , various amendments of minor importance were propoaed , some of which were adopted , The bill then passed to a third reading , and will bo returned to the coni.nonp. Ono amendment , that in troduced by the Duke of Aborgprn , makes it compulsory tot the land commission , under the circumstances set for'h in the first clause of the bill , to order payment of half the antece dent arrears. THE ENGLISH HARVEST. The Times , in its forecast of the English harvest , says : "Wheat will not nearly amount to a lair average crop ; that is , it will bo no better than for the last ( iftoon years. Barley promises rather loss than an average yield. Data will bo good. GOINQ FOR THE LORDS. The Daily News Bays there ia a pos sibility of a dissolution of parliament either by Gladstone or the queen , After attacking the house of lords as being an unropresontntivochambor , and declaring that the country will do well to ask itself how far the exist ence of the house of lords , in its prun out shape , is utmsiutont with the in ternals of the realm , The Nowa aaya it hopes the lorda will give way in their opposition to the arrears of rent bill and shrink Jrom the icnponeibili'y ' of obstinacy. ( T.rKWAYO. The ntoamor Arab , with Cotowayo on board , has urnved in the Thames. HOMING OVER. The prc'Hi' ' ' < 'nt of tlio Amvtour Oars men's assoeu'iuii of AIIUTICI 1ms auiloi for thu United State * . AN EDITOR OONVIOl'ED. LONDON , August 1. W. M , Mor- toiif , printer of The Frcihoit , charged with publishing a Bbditioin li'jtil con cerning Iho mimicry of CtVoiidiali and Burke , was found guilty and sentence postponed , POLLACK UAhTLE , llonfrewahiri' , the most ancient family seat in Weal Snt ) nd , burned last evening , Leas uatimalod nt 30,000 , KEEKING A OAIIINET , PARIS , August 1. Preuidont Urovy conferred to-day with the presidents of both chambers and with Say and Ferry , but BO far nobody haa been en trusted with the formation of a cab inet. Paruoll'H Kjcchl I ) upatili to Tun Urn. LONDON , August 1. Parnoll has is sued an urgent whip to the Irish mom- bora of commons to oppose the amend ments made in the house of lords to the arrears rent bill. A Fire nt St. Potoraliurc. Fpoclal UUjatch to TiJK lih.K. ST , PETERSBURG , August 1. Fifty houses and a wooden tiridgo have been burned on Kreatovosky Island in the Neva , ( mo of the islands on which this this city ia built. GUARDING THE TREASURY The President Buokles to tlio Stoal-Olafl HoriJo in Oongres ? , And Successfully Prevents Tholr iltud on the Na tion's Millions. The JRivor and Harbor Bill Returned - turned Unaignod to the House. "Thus , aa the Bill Becomes Moro Objaotiouablo it Si-cures Moro Support. " The Ssnato Disposes of the Greater Portion of the Sundry IjJill. An Effort to Fix the Onto of Ad journment TJorentotl by the Hoqso. Proceedings In tuo Star Route Cases The Debt Statement. THERETO. Special DUpntch to Tun Unit. THE HAU1IOR DILL RETURNED TO TUB HOUSE. "WASHINGTON , August 1. The fol lowing is a full text of the president's message vetoing the river and liarbor bill : To the House of Ilcprracntatirai. Having watched -with much internal the progress of the house bill , No. 02-15 , entitled , "An act rmking appro priation for the Construction , repair and preservation of certain works on rivera and harbors , and for other pur poses , " and having since it waa re ceived carefully examined it , after mature consideration , I am constrained to return it herewith to the liouao of representatives , in\vhicli it originated , \\\'Hiout my signature , and with my objcctionn to its passage. Many appropriations in the bill are clearly for the general welfare , and most beneficial in their character. Two of the objects for which provision ia made were by mo considered so im portant that I felt It my duty to direct to them the attention of congress. In my annual message in December last , I urged the vital importance of legis lation for Iho reclamation of marshon , and for the establishment of harbor linoa nlong the Potomac front. In April lost , by npoeial message , 1 recommended nn appropriation for improvement of the Mississippi river. It is not necoesary that I aay that when my signature would make the bill appropriating for those and ether valuable nationM objootu a lait is with1 great rolutyanM tyi'l&QlK " under ' "TSt fin STfojfcctioii to tho"bill is that it contains appropriations for a purpose , not for common defense or general wolfure , and which do not promote commorca among the states. Those provisions , on the contrary , are entirely for the benefit of paiticular localities in which it is proposed to make improvements , I regard BticU appropriations as beyond the power given by the constitution to congrosa and the president. I feel moio bound to withhold my signature from thu bill because of the peculiar evils which manifestly result from this infraction of the constitution. Appropriations of this nature to bo devoted purely to local objecto tend to increase in num ber and amount , as citizen * ot one state find that money , to rauo which they , in common with the whole coun try , are taxed , to bo expended for lo cal improvements in another state , demand similar bonolitB for improvements , and it ia not unnatu ral that they should Book to indem nify thomsolvoH for ouch out of the public funds by securing appropriu- tioiiH for similar improvommita in their own neighborhood. Train , tu the bill becomes nioro objectionable , it secures more support Thin result in invariable and nocetaiirily J | lowi > the neglect to obaervo the constitu tional limitations imposed upo.i thu law-making power. Appropriation ! ) for river and harbor improvement ! ) , under the inlluuiiccs to which I have alhult'd , increased year by year , out of all proprotion to the progress of the country , u'loat as that haa bnun. In 1870 thu agirro ate iinpropriation was § : i.)7f ! ) ,000 ; in 70 , SO(5018 ( 017 ; in ' 80S8)7flr ! ) 00andin HI , 811,451,300 , while by the present. : itt iln ro ia ap propriated 818,74a 875. While feeling - ing every disputation to IHU.VO to thu legislature * the ri'spoiibibility of do- tormiuini ! what umuunt thould bo' ap propriated for the purpose of thu bill , HO long as the appropriations are con fined t ; objects indioitud by the grant of power , 1 cannot recipe ho conolii sion that ai a part of the law making power of the government the duty du- volvea upon mu to withhold my sig nature from the bill containing appro priations which , in my opinion , greatly exceed in amount the ncpdn of the country for tha present fiscal y ar. It being tlie usage to provide money for thoao purposea by annual appropriation bills , the presi dent la in effect directed to ox/iand / so largo an amount of money within no brief a period that the expenditure cannot bo done econ omically and udvanta ooualy , Ex travagant expenditure of public monuy ia an evil not to bo moaaured by the valuu of that money to Iho people , who are taxed for it. They sustain greater injury in the demoralizing of- ell'ect produced upon thoao who are entrusted with olticial duty through all the ramifications of the govern ment. These objections could bo re moved and ovury constitutional pur pose readily obtained , should congresa enact that ouo half only of the ajji-ro- amount provided for in the bill bo appr priatod for expenditure dur ing the fiscal year and that the sum so appropriated bo expended only for such objects nntnol in the bill as the secretary of war , under the direction of the president nhall determine ; provided that in no case shall the uxpendlturo for any one purpose exceed the num. now desig nated by the bill for that purpose. I fool authorized to make this sugges tion bccuiso of the duties imposed upon the president by thocoiiBtitution to recommend to the consideration of congress such measures aa ho shall judge nccoasary nnd expedient , and because it is my desire that public works which are in progress shall sutler no injury. Congrosi will also convene niain in four months , when this whole subject will bo open for their consideration. ( Sinned ) CiiKSTEitA. Annum. KXKCUTIVK MANSION , Aug. 1 , 1882. CAPITAL NOTES. Special Ul > | utclio9 to Tim UNK. MKttT STATEMENT. WASHINOTON , August 1. The debt statement shows a decrease during July of Sl,318iOO ( 27. Bonds issued to Prtcifi3rnilroad _ companion , interest payable in lawful money , principal outstanding , g6lG23,512 ; internal ac crued and not yet paid , $32-1 117 ; in terest paid by the United stated , $5r ,3'l4G82 ; interest repaid by companies by transportation nor- vice , ? 15,221,035 ; by cash payments , live per cent of net oarningn , $ U55- , 1)8 ! ) ; balance of intorcst paid by thu United StaUs , St7,4G8,4 : 18. TWO 1'KU OK.NT DON IIS. The adverse action taken by the Bonn to linan"o committee to-day upon the house bill to authorize the secre tary of the treaHiiry to issue § 200,000- 000 two per cent bonds , * to bo ex changed for other bonds bearing a higher rate of interest , waa , upon mo tion of Senator Albrich , adopted unanimounly. In the discussion the opinion waa expressed that no snllici- unt assurance cnuld be uivon that these bonds could bo placed in the manner and for thu purpose assorted by those who had advocated the bill , and to isauo them would in olfeot bo Dimply to ontertiiin ix proposition to inllito the currency to that amount. The bonds.undor thu provisions of thu bill. boirs or convo'ilont denomina tions , would wulily c rviWo aa our- roncy. and t'lj ' c.iinm'tt-i' fall io VtiJ ognizo any iioc.'ssily f incroaiing the volume ot pipir _ money by issuing in terest bearing notea. Till ! STAR ROUTK TRIAL. Ill the star route trial to-day Sena tor Moxoy , of Toxns , testified. Oon. Key was also on the stand. In answer to inquiries from Ingor- aoll , thu court said the real ( juestion o' trial > vaa whether Brady had re ceived money from the contractors for ordering expedition and the question of policy did not out or into it. The records of expedition orders were brought into court , comprining six largo bundles , but they were not put in evidence , Merrick said ho should have to re quest Judge Key to rennin in this city for a few days so ho might examine - amino him when records were put in. No cross-examination was army , waa the next witness. IIo recognized his endoraonrjnt on a petition for increase mid expedition upon route 38,113. lie was asked if ho had not urged increase generally upon the department , saying it would do moro than anything ulen to suttlo the pvorlaating Indian question , but objection wan made by the pros ecution and unstained by the court. ( Jon. Sherman was thou naked to detail the facto which influenced him in making the recommendations for increase. lie oaid personally ho know little of the circumstances but in hit official capacity ho hoard much of them. The Indian agent at White river agency had boon murdered , his family carried off , and a fight had ( . ikon place between Major Thornbiirg and the Indiaim. The entire country between llawlins and While river agency was overrun by hoatilea and it wai regarded as u measure of nation al importance to keep open every possible communication with the rear. OoiiHcquontly thu eatablishmont of a daily mail aervice in that section had boon recommended , lie was asked what was the effect of frequent mails upon the maintenance _ of peaceful rp- luiomi with the Indiana. IIo aaid nothing bettor onablea an officer to kuup peace than frequent communica tion with the different sections of Iho Indian country. At loaat one-fourth of the appropriations made for the support of the army was expended for courier service and to guard linoa of communication. The postollieo de partment was nlao pressed to establish and incruuBO their iiurvice. Quick communication of intolli < { once _ was thus docurod , mid commanding officers were enabled to anticipate the move ments of hoalilo Indian ? , lie had recommended tri-weokly uorvico on thu Bismarck and Kort Keogh route in tlio winter of 1878 , Bismarck wan then tlio tormiinis ot the Northern Pacific railway , and the route waa intended to , and did , anticipate the construc tion of the railway. A atago line , with post houses , constituted an ef fectual picket line , which was of great Borvico to the military foroea , They would have been forced to ostablbh a picket line at great cost if the ground had not boon covered by ntago lines. Speaking of Arizona routes , CiLiioral tihorman aaid that in that state there were 4,1)00 , Apaoho Indiana of a peculiar character. They entertain an everlasting hatred toward the Spanish race and were kept corralled by the military to prevent thorn making doprodatiuna upon the aottlora in that country. Somotirnea they broke away from their corral after the fashion of ani mals. In a recent case 100 Apachea had broken out and killed forty sot- tlora , and had escaped into Old Mexico , v/horo they had boon wiped out by Mexican troops. Frequent maila gave warning of such outbreaks - breaks and gayo the aettlora an oppjr- tunity to make a defence. Ou croaa-examination , Gun. Shor > 4 man eaid ho would prefer elow daily mails to loss frequent though faster service. This concluded the exam ination of Oon. Sherman , After rccosa , .7. L. French , ox chict clerk ot the second assistant posr.mas- tor general , was recalled. After detailing - tailing the business routine of the contract ofiico , witness was asked who was acting second assistant postmas ter general December SJ8 , 1880 , the date of the Brady-Walsh interview. Objection was made to the question but the court allowed it , and French said upon that day ho wna acting as sistant postmaster general. During most of the latter part of December ho had acted as second assistant , oc cupying the desk of that officer. Gen eral Brady did not act as postmaster Ronoral in December , that yoar. Oon cral Brady had n white boy named Ooorgo Adams as his page and witnons believed ho WRS not In the ofiico in December , 1880. It was common practice for contractors to have agent , attend to their business before thu de partment , nnd their communications were recognized as under authority of the principals , Witness was asked to identify a number of orders for expeditions in routes named in the indictment as having been made for himself. Ob jcction wi\8 made , however. Ingor- neil aaid witness having made orders honestly and without regard to pay , it would go to nhow , BO far aa the routes upon which these orders were baser were concerned , thuro had boon no conspiracy in their oxpodition. The court sustained the objection. Ad journed. CONGRESS. H'ccln | ! DUp-itdi to Tux HKII. HKNATli I'KOIIKKIIINON. WASIUNOTON , August 1. Senator Merrill , from the finance committee , reported adversely the house joint resolution authorizing the isauo of 2 per cent bonds or certificates in ex change for bonds bearing a higher rate of interest. Placed on the cal endar. The sundry civil bill was then taknn up. The committee amendment to the appropriation for current expenses nt the soldiers'homo at Tngus , Mu , , by adding a clause prohibiting the sale of alcoholic liiiuor on the territory ceded to Iho United States for the homo , was not avjioud to , nnd tluj clause wa ? stricken out , California nonatoni objected to the committee amendment in regard to the material to bo used in the cou nt ruction of Iho 17 < ] < Vk at the Mare Island navy yarJ , and pursuant to their suggestion the clause was amended so as give supervision to the secretary of the navy over the work , and directing the use of granite for the entire work. The increase ro- purtod by the committee of $50,000 , making the appropriation for tlio work § 300,000 , was adopted without objec tion. tion.Tho The appropriation reported by the committee for a now building for the pension bureau was adopted , with a proviso that the secretaries of war and interior and General Moigs select the sight upon any public reservation. The appropriation for improving thu capitol grounds , which the committee reduced from § 75,000 to 825,000 , was USad-ai jylS.OOO , and provisions for approaches and for pay ot-n inmnrcnpt- architect , which the committee had stricken out , were restored. The bill waa then temporarily laid aside. Two house amondmpnlfJ to _ the senate - ate naval appropriation bill , con cerning the completion of u \ - finished ironclads , wore concurred in Other sonata amendments wore Insist ed upon and Senators ll.ib' , Ltgan and Davis ( W. Va ) nppoii.tjd con- forces on the bill , The bill authorizing the secretary of war to deliver to the 108th Ohio Vol unteer Infantry association the blue rogimontul flag which belonged to ( ho regiment and now in the custody of the aocretary of war V.-IIP , on motion of Senator Pendleton , passed. Conaidoration of the sundry civil bill was resumed. The ponatf , aUur disposing ot seventy-six pit-in of tlio bill , made an agreement to fiiuuh it to-morrow. HOIJHi : I'ROCKKDINH.S. Mr. Robeson , from the committee on appropriations , reported back the naval appropriation bill , recommend ing non-concurrence in all Donate amendments , except to ampndmuut Gl , relative to monitors , delaying their completion until n report him boon made to congress by the advisory board , The committee recommends concurrence in this amendment with an amendment providing the report shall bo transmitted to congress by the secretary of the navy. Amend ment 03 waa a verbal amendment , Consideration of thu senate amend ments wan then proceeded with in the house before boiug aunt to a confer unco committee. The following imiomlmonlH were concurred in : Reducing from $20- 000 to $15,000 Iho it em for contingent expenses in thu bureau of equipment and recruiting ; reducing from $10,000 to $35,000 the item for transportation of onliutod men ; providing for ap pointment of a commission to report upon the adviaability of selling any navy yards ; reducing from $20,000 to Slfj.OOO the Appropriation for con tingent expenses of the bureau of modioino and surgery ; providing that nothing iu thin bill contained ahull de prive the secretary of navy of author ity to order repairs of ahips damaged in foreign watoraj providing two Htoam cruisera , authorized to bo constructed , shall not cost moro than the amount estimated by the late ad visory board , Reducing from $2- 200,000 to $1,000,000 ; the appro- priaiion fur the board of oteain ongi- noorinu ; reducing from $1,000,000 to $400,000 , Iho amount to bo applied tote to the completion of the Mianto Mon arch and launching other monitors. The amondmenU relative to monitors were also cincurrod in , as recommended mended by thu committee on appro priations. Other amendments were nun-concurred in , Mr. Williams ( Wis. ) , chairman of the oommitteo on loroii > li all'a'rs , sub mitted a report on the Chili-Peru m veatigatiou , Placed on calendar , Mr , Williams ( Wis. ) , from the conference - feronco committee on the Japanese indemnity bill , reported the committee - too waa unable to ngroo. Further conference was ordered , Mr , Anderson ( Kan. ) offered a resolution elution for final adjournment of con gress at noon , August 4 , 1882. The motion to refer to the committee on ways and moans was lost. The demo crats unanimously voted with Ander son , and a few republicans against reference- , desiring to como to u direct vote on the proposition. Mr. IlAtidall thought congress had boon hero so long and done ao little it needed some such spur aa the adop tion of this resolution. Mr. Hiscock replied that congress had been hero done so long and so much ho was perfectly content. Ho moved to refer the resolution to the committee on appropriations. The yean and nays were ordered , but before the call began a noisy dis- cuision arose as to the propriety of agreeing to the adjournment resolu tion. The resolution was then referred - forrod yean 1)0 ) , nays 77. The committee on printing reported back the sonata bill appropriating $ G- , 781 ! 24 for printing and binding the tenth census. Mr. Anderson Kansas ( ) offered an amendment striking out tha clause which _ changes thu manner of dis tributing the reports. Rejected. The bill then passed. The sonata bill for printing 5,000 copies of the official report of Atlanta cotton exposition was defeated. At this point a message was re ceived from the president announcing his disapproval of the river and har bor appropriation bill , and the house immediately became attentive aa the clerk read the document , which was ordered printed , The reading was only once interrupted , and that waa when n hearty laugh greeted the non- tonco , "Thus , as the bill becomes more objectionable , it secures moro support. Beyond this , there was no manifestation of approval or disap proval of the president's action and ns soon aa the reading was concluded the house adjourned. THE MINING EX HIBITION. A Grand Holiday In Donyor The Big Show Opened With a Loud Fjourlali. Thu Koiivor Expedition. Special DUiuitcli to Tim UKK. PKNVKU , August 1. The National Mining exposition opened to-day at 12 o'clock. Nearly every wcatorn state was represented. Military from Lead- 'villo , llio Grande and other towns ia the state participated in the oponintj exorcises. The city is crowded with strangers lion. Wm. D. Kelly , of Pennsylvania , ia now making the opening address. THE DETAILS. The National Mining exposition was thrown open to the public to-day , and the ceremonies were of a character be fitting such an event. All day yester day and during the early hours this morning , regular and special railway trains brought largo crowds of visi tors , until the city was filled to over flowing. Denver preaancoJ a Itolidajj appearanca , business being for1 the most part suspended , and vato , were gaily ana Douuciiuny decorated with national colors. The procession moved at one o clock , marching through thoprincipalntroota. The sidewalks , windows nnd roofa along the route were thronged with thousinda of spectators. The oxer- cirfea nt the exposition building opened with playing "America" by the band , followed by prayer , and Mien " [ fail Columbia , " which waa received with ohoora. Many Jiatinguished per sons occupied the platform , lion. . D. Kelley was introduced to the vast audiunco , and delivered the oration of the 11 ay. At the conclusion of Judge Kollcy'a address Hon. II. A. W. Ta bor , president of the Exposition aiao- cialion , made a. brief speech and form/illy / declared the exhibition open , and Blurted the machinery with his own hands. Diamond Cat Diamond. Special Dlapatcli to TIIK Dm. NEW YORK , August 1. The charges of Kelly , the bookmaker , against Wal ton , "tho Plunger , " are being exam ined by committee of a rucingassocia tions , Kelly's affidavits are in sub stantiation of his charges that Walton hud fixed the trainers and owners of horses. There iu a specific charge that Walton endeavored oven to bribe Iho trainer or rider of Marathon in the race with Ilospador. Walton and Kelly appeared before the committee. The latter reaffirmed all the charges. The former emphatically denied their truthfulness Crook ia Coming , Special Dlupatch to The liee , TUIWOK , July 31. The Star's special advices from Guaymas , Sonora , aaya : From a courier who has just arrived from the district of Sahuanapa it is learned that it is reported that at Cunoral the Apaches have killed twenty citizens and nro depredating and massaoreing the inhabitants. General Rosa has loft Ilormosillio with a large force of regulars for Elvas , where it is said a band of 150 Apaches are preparing to make n raid in Ilor mosillio to liberate- the squaws recently - contly captured by Colonel Garcia. The people of Sonora are rejoiced to know IhatGunera ] Crook is to assume command of the military forces in Ari zona , and feel that it moans the subjugation - jugation of the Apaches. Rniusiu the South , Spccltl IMHpUtli to TIIK Dim : CINCINNATI , August 1. Specials rp- port very heavy ruins last night in Kentucky. Great damage to cropa and bridges is apnrnhended. A Fulso Ropot. Special IMtpatch to TIIK Du. VAIL , Iowa , Aucust 1 , The re ported failure of T , Wagner is not true. His assets are ample for all lia bilities , Ho is closing the drut > busi ness because ho does not understand it , his eon , who had charge , having ; loft him.