THE DAILY BEE OMAHA TUESDAY AUGUST 1. The Daily Bee , OMAHA. Tues wiv Moruint , Aujr. 1. \Voath or ( i'hc followinp observation * are taken the Mine tnomintol tlmeatalltlie static nnmcil. ) WAn ] ) F.rAimiKNT , U. S , KlONALSlR. VICE , OMAHA , July 31,1882. ( litSn. m. * I. mnws. z Denver lf ! Cloudy . fll.SJ l.lKht 0 oiidi ' Wai aklo , . , . . ! . ; 6CI Freoh Clc.r Platte , ' Cleir Omaha i 75 A Ll'jiit K lr Yank ton . . . , 23 DO 73 C IMm DCS Mollies. i 29.93 76 Nlt Par DavcnporU. . til. 91 70 iN'W Fresh St. I'ftiil. . . . i ro.r-4 i.s NI ; -loii'ly ' St. Louli . . 2J.04 ( 0 NU Lljht | Klr 1 , . 30 01 ro NI : Ll < ht lijoinly Vincent . . . , 33 1,3 vr , i : K'ht , 23 Ql v loir Uuford . . . an. PS Ilrlek Clcir Cluster za 7j NK LUl.t . Dcadnocil. . Awltiiuolnc. 20.78 Fair , River S.lvtt 10 Inche * above low water math > O-nihi , 5 fcctR Inches at Vnnttf > n ; JIlMls l | ] . 4 ffck 10 Indies nt 1,1 Crow , and 8 feet 3 Inchc a' . LOCAL BREVITIES. The grand ball nt Iho Central II ! to-day 1 ? in commcmorntlon of Kmac clpatton dny , Tha Annex Tent with W. W. Colo1 show is worthy of n vliit , nnd drew crowd nil day while here , The rogulnr meeting of the Omnh Land I.cnguo will take place Wcdnesdn ; , ovonlnK , nt Kuony'a Hnll. The second annual picnic ( if the an clcnt order of Hibernians will be held n nt Ha'call'n park. SnturJay , AtigiHtlOth 1882 , The proved meeting of Iho Sotitl Omnht church or nnir.ution took plnci t Hascftll'n I'firk at 7 o'clock last evening A larRO and fine boiler h being put Ir ' the basement of Union Ulock j c Btcnlay , bj Jlr , J , S , JfcCurmlclt , the proprietor , bcin Jntcmlrd to heat the tutlro building by Btcam , M well ns to mipply Citrry'ii bath roo'ns with hot wntcr , SnniplcB of the LTi year ' Sheet" as. phnlt pnvcncnt nro lo be men in the win dow of Millaul' * Hank. TLe , thermometer nt Mnx Jlcyer & JJrr > , , 'the Jewelers nml Oticiatis | from 12 m. , Sunday to 12 m. , yesterday indicated the following : I'l in. , 08 = ; 2 p. in. , tS ! ° ; 7 p. m. , ; 0 p. m. , j 7 a. m , , lil = ; 10 a. in. , 08 ° ; 12 in. , 70 ° j 2 p. m. 72 ° . The Mclr.tyro nnd Heath Minstrels nre Raid to bo Btrauded high nnd dry nt North Pintle. It is reported tliat their baggage wns nt iiclied there Saturday ovui- ing , and that tlicy were nfiuld they would have to walk homo. It is hoped that they will get nut of the difficulty nil right ns they are fir > t-clim panjile , The circus people did not make the ' M u l parade ycBterdny , em account of the terrific mud H ith which tlioy had tuch an experience on Sunday. Tlio xtreeta were crowded with people all forenoon , who were greatly disappointed at thfJ'falluro to parade , for which , however , the pro- riotora certainly can be blamed by nobody. Mr. A. Andrren , of the firm of An- drcen & Vallen , left yesterday for Genoa , Neb. , to put a , Sergeant & Greeloy time lock on the bank afo there , mnnu. factured by ibis firm , who nro agents for the lock named. Mr. Andrcen is n jolly , whole-Houkd man , who in as good at mak ing friends ns he is nt mdking safes , that Jsto say he can't bo beaten by anybody. Dean and Mrs. Mlllspaugh have n re ception for the Dean'rf parishionera and friends on Thusday evening next nt their residence on St. Mary's avcnuu. There will bo no invitations exrcpt from the church. They both hope thut nil connected - ed with the parish will give them the pleasure of meeting them nt this lime. , Ono tramp , four plnin drunks , three disturbers of the peace were marched up to the police court yesterday mid Judge llcneko dealt out to each lux portion of jubtiso from the general fund. 'J he "vug" went tip for ten daytj three drunks went up for tSIO nnd coats ami one ha ] his case continued ; two of the disturbers of tlio peace paid und the third went to jail. AI- though thn batch was n goodly ono it panned - ned out light for the curious crowd which always infents this tncrcd precinct at ! ) n. in , A nwnljcr of Iron-mouUcra and labor ing men generally , skilled nnd unskilled , assembled Saturday night [ to give n recep tion to Mr. John Qulnn , delegate to the national convention ot iron moulders' un ions of North America , on his return from the national convention of that body , re. cently held at Brooklyn , N. V. A mini- 'ber of HpeechtB of n congratulory nature were delivered by the delegation , Including Messrs. Walsij , Killen , Norton , Lmnb aud a number of otbur labor men. After tlio Bpetchea Mr , Qulnn replied In his usual forcible and happy manner. Tlio usual toasts and sentiments Lclng drank and re sponded te > , the bovs adjourned , A German laborer employed In Uol- poker's Ininbtr yard had both leirs broken yesterday aftoruoou by the fallng of n pile of lumber. Tha left leg was broken In two places and the right in one. The Wlthnell houbo cloned its doors ln tt night to transient pntrona , and when the managers npaln appear us candidates for favor with the traveling public It will bo In their elegant new quartern In the Pax. ton. The Witlinell wa opened directly after the Grand Ctntral fire of September Mb , 1878 , aud has been tha leading house 'In the city ever since , until the opening of the new MHlard. It will be remodeled nuduted s headquarters for The Herald. Tto Dca Molu g Newn of a rcct-iit date says ; "L.8. Meek , uho 1ms been nt Oinalm for the past few dayK , returned yesterday , lie reports the cropi looking much Letter west of Atlantic than in Hit * vicinity , especially corn , which protulMi a fine crop , During Ida visit he was /etcled by hit friends on what they called a rare dibh. This was prlnclpiiby competed of boiled crawfith , His friend * ate about n hundred itpitce , but lie fell eilf on neiy few , These crawfish nre caught ia adja < ctut creek * and are dropped In Li-illng -water while alive. If any of our city epicures - . cures wish this dainty diib , call ht tlo old ' . Tirol ! on Ir . " mlf _ , ARE1Y CHANGES , Transfer of Regiments and Oor panics in the Department of the PJatte , Reeultinfffrornjlho Reorganiz tion of the Staff and Line. What Companien will Corupot the GarrJBon nt Ft. Omnha. Cole. Ludinqtou nud Dr. Son ore , Like tuo Ohinese , " /list Go. " After the 1st of September , c which date the various orders free : , ] \o war department go into effect , tl department of the Platta will scarce ! jo recognizable so far as tiio personn of the posts is concerned , by old res dents of Nebraska nnd Wyominj 2ol. Murritt , of the Fifth cavalr ; caves for West Point. The hoae quarters of the various regiments wi bo changed , the Twelfth infantr ; which comes from Arizona under con mand ol Col , Wilcox being atationc nt Ft. Russell , the Fifth cavalry ri moving to Sidney , and the Fourt infantry , under Col. Cnrlin taking u their station nt Omaha. Ft. Niobrat has been made a regimental hone quarters , nnd the headquarters < Ninth infantry , under Col. YnnVoasI will be shortly ordered to that poin Major Gentry will command the posl Of the companies of the Ninth , no1 at Ft. Omnhn , only ona coinpunj that of Capt. Jtuncon , will bo transferred forrod to Niobrara. Capt. Uny's com pnny will bo nssignod to Fort Me Kinney nnd Cnptnin Loo's com pany will remain for th present at the Omaha barracks Jompuny E , under [ dipt. Pollock , wile ; o to Fort lluasell , as well also com miiy I , commanded by Capt. Meats The three companies of tlio 4th in an try ordered to Omnha nro 1) ) , com minded by Capt. Quimi , with Lteuts iailuy and llowlund ; O , under Cixot 'oivull 'and Llcuts. Mason and An [ mo , and K undot ) Capt. Ncidy , will jtcuts. lirown und ilailin. Major 13. luosey of the 9th infantry will rontnit it Fort llussoll. On the 2Gth of August Genera 'rook loaves for Arizona , nccompanim iy his nido-do-ciunps , Cnpts. Roburti nd Bourke , Adjutant General Mar < in and ( .Col. Uoyni who has been or orod to his regiment. Oon. Alnrtin' : uccessor will j > robably bo Colone /orbin. Other changes in the depart lent stall * may bo immediately ox * cctcd. Chief Qunrtormaator Ludinj ; . on hus been notiQod that ho may L-X < ct n tranfor at any momunt , and ) r. Somors will probably bo tranefor- datnn early day. General Wilson , f whoso removal there has been some ilk , will happily bo spared the truoblo nd oxponeo of a transfer and the oili- inl order is not likely to hit for the resent any other department officers ban hose mentioned. Thoi headquarters building will " rcnr an unwonted appearance" when ho changes referred to have taken ilnco. In place of the piebald piety md fragrant atmosphere of war nnd tgarottes which has pervaded the front f the third story , wo shall have the lood nnd bluster of General Howard , 'ho mild nnd delicate accents of ! npt. Bourke blandly commenting on lie topics of the day , will doubtless ivp place to Bomo liory tongued and 'hiskorod nid-do-camp of the com- landing general , who will doyoto lore time to the study of the Ameri- m Indians and less to the nrduouu utics of his position , nnd who muy o , perhaps , n bettei draughtsmtn : ut by no meantt as r donbtablu n uly killer. Col. RoyAll , who was recently taken ar an .inspector "onoral of the Pull- ian Pulaca car line , by an esteemed Vyoming exohango , may bo super- odud by a comradu in arms with less hysical vigor , nnd moro than thirty ours of active service ; , but take it nil i nil the general verdict is that a joro popular , ijontlemanly nnd ofll- lent sot of ollicora thnn these which mst shortly bo roplncedMh the do- artmont of the Plnttu cannot bo nthcrod togothur in the whole corps f the nrmy. It is to bo hoped in 10 storeotpyed language of the Army orders" that "No other olll- ; ra than these muntionud can bo isignod without manifest detriment > the service , and no other changes ir seine time to como will bo recorded i the department. T1IU OCFICIAI. OltDKlt. HEADQUAUTKIUS UKCAUIMKNT OF IK PLATTE , OJIAIIA , Nob. , .Tuly 1(1 ( , 582. The following changes in the ntioim of olliccrs nnd troops are or- jrod , the movemunls to take place as ton after August 1st , 1882 , as rnuticablo : Col. Wesley Morritt , Fifth cavnhy , relieved from duty in this depart- out to mmblt ) him to comply with 10 rrquiromunts of gunornl orders o. 78 , parftgruph 1 , current series uadtiuartora of the nrmy , udjutnnt Mieral's ( iflico , Hoadquujtfcrs and band , Fifth civ- , ry , witl proceed to Fott Sidney , ob , , np 'tako station thereat , llea'drnaartura. band and companies , U ard K , Fourth infantry , will rococd to Fort Omaha , Nub. , und iko station thereat , Uwidquartore , band nud company , Ninth infantry , will proceed to ort Niobrara , Neb , , and tuko station icront. Upon their arrival in this depart- ent , the headquarters and bnnd , welfth infantry , will proceed to Fort . A , lluesell , Wyo. , nnd take Btation icrcat , Major Isaac D. Do Hussy , Fourth ifnntry , is assigned to the conmiund ' Fort D. A. llusull , Wyoming. Major William T. Gentry , Nfiith ifantry , is rollovcd from duty ut ort Omaha , Neb , , and assigned to Jty at Fort Niobrara , Nob. The camp nt Ohoyonno , depot , Wy. mag , will bo discontinued , und iho irrleon thereof will report to the immandiug ollicor nt Fort D , A. mull , Wyoming , for duty at that > st. Company I , Ninth infantry , will proceed to FortD. A. Uaisoll , Wyoi ing , for diry nt that post. Ono troop , Fifth cavalry , to bo do iqimtcd by bn pokt commindnr , w proceed from Fort Niobrara , NTeb. Fort D. A. Kimoll , Wyoming ai tnkn stHtion therrnt. Company K , Ninth infi-nlry , wi proceed to Fort McKinney , Wyomii and tuko station thereat. HI'EUIAL AliMY OUDEHt. A court marfinl ianppoinlc to meet nt Fort Larnmiu , Wyo. , c the 7th day of August , 1882 , on soon thereafter ns practicable , for tl trial of Privnto John Mangel , con pany K , Fourth infantry , and sue other prisoners ns may bo brought , bi fern it. Da ail for the Court Cnptains.Toh W Hubb , Fourth infantry ; Jncob f Augur , Fifth cavalry ; llorncoNeidi Fourth infantry ; First Lieutenant llufus P. Brown , Fourth infantry , an Robert London , Fifth cavalry ; Se < end Lieutenants Fred W. Fnstei Fifth cftX'nlry , nnd Lorenzo L. C Urooks , Fifth cavnlry. Second Lieutenant Ebonpzer Swifi Jr. , adjutant Fifth cav.ilry , judtio ac vocMo. A greater number of ofllcers thn tlioso natnod cannot bo asiomblc without manifest injury to the service A general court-martial is nppointo to moot nt Fort Omahn , Neb , , on th 4th dny of Augurt , 1882 , or n < < see thereafter ns prnctiblu , fur Iho trial c private Thoman llii hoi , company C Ninth infantry , und such other pnac ncrs us may bo brought before it. Ue'ail ' for the court : Captain Samunl Muinon , Ninth infantry nn < Leonard iluy , Ninth infiintry ; Firs Lieutonnntrt Thnddoun LI. Cnpron Ninth Infantry , Jamoi McB. Stombul Ninth infantry , nnd John A. Baldwin Ninth infnntry. Second Lieutenant Gcorco P lmor , Ninth infnntry , am ChnrlcH P. Stivers , Ninth infantry First Lieutenant Morris 0. Footc adjutant Ninth infnntry , judge ndvo cnte. cnte.A general court martini ia nppointci tc meet at Fort Thornburgh , U. T. on the ! ) th day of August , 1882 , or ni soon thereafter ns practicable , for the trial of Private John Kell , companj II , Sixth infnntry , nnd such othot prisoners ns may bo brought before it , Detail for the court : Captains Hnnv ilton S. Hawluns , Sixth infantry ; Daniel H. Murdock , Sixth infantry ; William 0. Shannon , assistant aur' ? eon , U. S. A. 5 First t ieutonai.ti Uussoll II Day , Sixth infnntry , and Oharlea L. Gurloy , Sixth infantry ; Second Lioutennnt Lynmn W. V. Konnon , Sixth infnntry ; First Lieu tenant Alexander M. Wethorill , Sixth infantry , judge advocate. A general court martini is appointed to moot nt Fort Robinson , Nob. , on the 7th day of August , 1882 , or na soioh thereafter ns practicable for the Irial of Privnto Patrick Freeman , troop 11 , Fifth civalry , and such other prinonrra ns might bo called before it. Dutail of the court - Major Edwin V. Sunnier , Fifth cavalry ; Captains John li. Babcock. Fifth cavnlry , and ( Ufrcd Morton , Ninth infnntry ; First [ jioutennnts Charles H. Wntti , Fifth : uvalry , und William B. Drowsier , as- listnnt surgeon ; Second Lieutonnnts Sdwhi P. Andrus , Fifth cavalry , and hriatopher C. Miner , Ninth infantry , iudgo advocate. A general court martial is an- jointed to meet nt Fort Douglas , U. P. , on the Oth day of August , 1882 , or is eoon thereafter us practicable , for ho trial of Private Julian P , Djylo , Company E , Sixth infantry , and auch ) thor prisoners as mAy bo brought bo- bro it. Detail for the court : Mt j. Edward 3. Bush , Sixth infantry ; Capt. Jacob ? . Muiison , Sixth infantry ; First Jioutenants Charles G. Penney , R. J. M. , Sixth infantry , and Thomas J. Townsend , Sixth infantry ; Srcond jioutennnts John J. Shaw , Sixth in- antry ; First Lieutenant William H. I. Crowell , adjutant , judpo advocate In compliance with 'instructions rom headquarteru military division of ho Missouri , dated July 27 , 1882. Japtnin Edward M. Hayes , Fifth cuv- Iry , is detailed to inspect beef cattle , n bo delivered under contract at ihoshono and Bannock ngoncy , Wye- ling , for tlio Indian norvioo , during ho current fiscal year. Upon the recommendation of his ompany commander , Privnto Thomas lugan , company G , Fourth infnntry , rho recently ourrendered ns a do- ortcr , is restored to duty without rinl. That Husband of Mine. IB three times the man ho wns bo- ire ho began using " Wells' Ilonlth lonewer. ? 1. Druggists , AT BOYD'45. Welcome Midsummer Entortaln- raont nt tlio Upora Houso. On Friday and Saturday mights , ext , nnd Saturday afternoon matinee , lie famous nnd justly populnr coined- in , Fritz Emmctt will npponr at toyd'a opera house und his advent fill bo hailed by n generous attend- nco ns the public ia weary of picnics , huroh sociables and parties nnd want change , The Denver Tribune nays if Emmett : "Thentro goers dote on Emmott. 'hey like to BOB the happy , merry , igouioua , innoeont Gorman. They rill hnvo nobody but "Fritz. " Em- lott cannot play any ether part. It my bo "Fritz , our Cousin German. " 'Fritz ' in Switzerland , " or "Fritz in roland , " but it is the snmo old 'Fritz" ' with u different background , 'ho ' Inttor lias boon the most popu- ir. " BUILLIANT IMPRESSION. .notbor Attraotlvo MuHQuni ot Curl- osltioa on route to Omnua. THE HKK hnd the pleasure Sunny - ny of a call horn Mr. Charles A. lavia , of Uatchollnr nnd Djris' Inter , 'conn ' Show , which will appear in 'malm ' , in all its overshadowing vajt- CBS , August 18th. Mr. Doris in n ury gentlemanly advance man , nnd f the man ho rupioaonts , makes i jed an impression as ho docs wo rodict for thorn a monumental auu- DSB , The Ohioigo Times of July 8th Fays ; This Bupcrior organization cloies s engagement hero to-night. T.vo jrformnnooa will bo given to-duy , 'tornoon and evening. Montra. atchellor & Doris have made a bril. Hani imprceaion in Chicago. The ra nnd fxtensivo zoological gp ecimer the attrnotivc museum curiosities , 11 thn high standard of the ring pc-rforr aiicoj , challungo the admiration of i aniusoinont goers , The excellent c di > r rn.iintairiul has excited n gro denl of fuTorablu comment. No ci cus hns cvur.ippo-tred in this city th ( ma drawn n better olnsa of people , HI no show hat ever given moro g 'iiot natisfaetinn. MiTli" Chriitinu , tl famous "Twri-llemlfd Lidy , " i > < n of the principal attractions. li > h < lady-liko and intclliurn } tnannt r , usii from her peculiar formnii"i > , ho h made nu.ubfriecs ndnnnri her There h no question but , Uaicl ollor fc Doris hnvo nrio i f the tno novel nnd interesting ti-tiied exhii- tions traveling , and 'lio ' unusual lnriu { business done luuu plunvs th the public rrroijiiiz tht fact. PROMISED DAMAGE SUIT Mannwoiler Says He Will Sue tl " and "Herald" for Damages. A Reporter's Opinion of Ver SonBitivo Public MOD. The following communication froi Mr. II. Mnnnweilor waa loft at th olllco yeateiday with the rcquci that it bo published : [ > Vn App ai to tlic I'lilillo. ) Mr. II. Mannwoilor declares th Btatomont of The Republican an llorald ns utterly false and unjust un will answer them properly in a day use so with n suit for damages. Having been nttncked by The Rt publican nnd Hornld in their Satin day's ' edition In a manner unworth of papers of their standing , I here with request the public to Jibs tail from judgment until the exact fact nnd particulars will ba properly explained plained by the proceedings in th courts , Muunwhilo I beg leave to stnto thn the final sentence of the court wil prove that I am as much to b blamed for the uupkaennt occurrenci is the worthy ( ? ) editors of the abovi nontiotied pupcrc , who in futur iliould hot so hns'ily ' throw mud 01 inybody un'csa justified , and who ii 'act would do b ttor to sweep tin lirt from their own doorrf. H , MANN WEI LEU. Mr. Mannwuiler's indignation mai bo of the chanictur known us "right : ous , " but he might look nt his difli sulty in a more philosophical manner tt is a common thinir for people to go nnd when a. nowspuper ha-j unychhif .o say about them on the local p.tge , md generally these who nra' fdsi iod Buy the least , and. vice versa L'ho tacts in the Mannwcilur CHSO won lUfllciont to warrant the uao of hi : inmo and if the item had notoccurred 10 late in the day THE BEK would have ioiua in the same category with tht ither papers , nnd hence probably hut i law suit threatened it. Mr. Mann veiler m.iy bo as innocent as the pro rcrbiul unborn babe , and if so , he : an got satisfaction in the propoi ivuy from nny decent journal by ex plaining the circumstances , The ocal editor of TUB BEE has no sym. > athy for those who aoek redress in he courts or by brute force for items phich come up and are published in a egitimnto mnnnbr. Life is too short , upecinlly n roportor'a life , to bo both- red with such proceedings. No one ilso is responsible for this diversion rom the news line except the writer , s none but the reporter has to bear ho brunt of inconsiderate kickers. SHOW BAY. Immense Crowd at the Circus Tne Uovml Amount of Petit Thlovlnir. Colo's mammoth , nine consolidated hews hnd a bip dny yesterday , not- 'ithstnnding the fact tbat they were liable to give the street pirude aa nnouncod , in the morning. The canvas wns pitched on 18ih treot , north of the second bridge , on huge field formerly a garden. The icnlity wns somewhat out of the way ut the fact was that while ordinary hews can find room enough on Capi- al Hill to atrotoh their tents , Cole has 3 got out on the plains or somewhere 'hero ho will have lots of elbow Dom. Both performances were given to rowdcd houecs , and it is no imngina- ion , but the plain truth , that the big .nit had to bo closed in the evening i it would not accommodate ihp iiormouB crowd which rushed to Bt-i- lie nine consolidated bhoiva , Ilun reds wore turned away , nnd at length rraiiRemonts were made to awoiiim'- ' ate the disappointed ones by opt-niou p the monagoria tout to them uiui llowing them to see the collection ol casts aud birds , which nlono in n ight for n life time. Tt ii worthy ol otico that the attendance of children csterday wiu the largest ever known i the city , und in fnct Colo's nume as in the mouths of the juveniles for ooka before he arrived. The ticket inn , Mr. Richards , sold 2,375 tickets > r children ut the nfternjuii p.-r- > rmunco ulono. The balloon nscen- on und nil the other features were ivou ua udvortisod und Cole will iwaya be sure of a hearty reception i future by the ratified people of 10 Gue City. During the rush nt ( ho ticket wag n i thu uftornoon two or thruo partita oru relieved of their watches , but oputy Marshal McOluro und Mr , ' { hards soon oloanod out the crooks id no further losses wcro renirtod , Cnpltnl U11I Concert. The Uuvnrifui band will give nil- her ono of thuir delightful concerts thu usual pluo on Capitol hill to- orrou- evening , August lid , begin * iig at 030 ; ahnrp and Instiiii * till 7:110. : lie following ia the programme : Uou't Make a Xolso Smith Arle Hosamla St. Uotuingo.DonUettl Lea Blreuz Waltz , . Waltumel Couwrt Overture Kuliwocla Grand Selection , Patience fiovvnmu When the Leaves 15enlu to Fall. . Fen ul Mascot Quickstep. . , , , .Krahl BURGLAR AND BELL , Ilia Well Known Drnggist Pr scribes for a House Breaker , Ho UBBU a Pistol Instead of Pestle. In the twilight hours yosterdi Mm Boll , the i opulnr Tenth Eire diuynist , was culled upon to prcacril for ft Btrnnao customer nnd on the Is tui'n utU'iiiptcd 11 ght the druggi travo him two Ic.idui pills that we mure fiiiniihr to thu pistol than tl Mr. Hell resides in a double hoti on I'nik Wilde avenue , nnd behvc < 4 nticl 5 o'ii ok yisterdty 1 \'M MvnkiM > i J b > ti he. iso < brenkiiiij LHF ! in the M'chf of his dwelling. IIo immediate ! arose nnd ran down atsvir.vjuat in tin to sue u man disapponv down thn oc Inr. Mr. Hull closed the door up ; the intruder nnd locked it until 1 could rutnrn to his chamber and pn euro his clothing and at the sanio tiir his revolver. 1 f o hnd hntdly finishi his dressing when a lady named Mr Mathotva , who rcsideo in the other d vision of the donblo house and wl ; nleo had been tvtrr.ictcd by the brcal ing of glass , calkt < l to Mr. Hell tin the man had escaped through the cti lar window and was beating a hast retreat. Bell dcccittidcd lo tlip gnrdon Fence once , and Dotting u glitnpso of th fugittvu nbout twenty feet iiway , fire two shots at him. Tno man droppei and b 'jr cd hta pursuer to fire n more. Ho was then captured , nui Messrs. Salliolrn nnd Thomaa 0. Kitr ball , Jr. , who reside in the neighbor hood , arrivim. on the scene , the prh onor was oecurnd and the police noti lied. They arrived in a short Urn and the man wnu taken to hoadquar tors. Ho gave his natno as Anloi Eisko ; said ho came from Chicigc and waa boarding on Thirtecnthstroc _ near the bridge. On his person WA found SU.oO in silver. IIo had no shoes on when captured having loft them nt his boardmir hous where they wo > o subsequently found Nothi'ig had boon taken from Mr Bpll'a residence , and the peculiar cmi duct of the man indicated that ho wa not well btlanced in mind. So it was deemed beat to have hin examined by the board of oxmninon of iimunicrsona and awn it thei opinion btforo any police c mtt < x uiuiimliuii. The shots tired by Me Bell did not strike the run away , but his escape waa ; narrow one , and ho should noi bo allowed to run at largn when then is u liability of his becoming n t.irgut for pistol pr.ici ico. Tno prisoner jrnvt no explanation of his presence izv Mr. Boll's house llo oQ'ected an entranui : through a small kitchen window b } ' raisin ; ; the a\vuif > ing frame. It was ihf fulling back of the frame and the substq'u-nr ' breaking of the gliwo that ijavo LIIO nlarm. This little episode muai not bo con sidered a proot that the popular peatlt professor of Tenth street in not u good pistol shot. On the contrary he is an ilarm boll a regular fire boll with a revolver , but ho does not like to make end en pills so early in the morning. DIED. rOHNSON In this city July 30th , nt 12 in. , Itobert Patrick , Infant son of Charles and Elizabeth Johnson , need four and a half months. Funeral from the residence at 3 p. m. , KEDDINGS , Enesia Salve has proved ita iilicienry by a test of 73 yean > ' constant ise. Try it. PEBSONAli. \V. A. Rogers , of Seward , is in the city. II. II. Hake , of Green lliver , is at the lletronolitan. H. D. Hill , of Beatrice , ii in the city. II. G. HiKginB. of Cincinnati , It at the iletropolitau hotel. Mitchell Vincent , Usq. , of Onawa , la. , lie Florence cut-off contractor , is at the Jreighton. Mr. C. Salmon , chief cleik and pay- naster at the Florence cut elf , was in the ity last ovcniiig. 0. II. Smith , of PJattsinoutb , was nt the iletropolitan last night. Misa Xerv.i Mormn is a guest at the iletropolitan. Thos. Glynn , of Atchuon , Kansas , is at he Metropolitan. S. C. Ueebe , edltorof the Ouster County jeailer , was In Omaha jestenhy , en route rein Chicago , wherj 1m h.vl been to jiur- haso material fo hid ullice. Mr , iieaim , .ys hU coiinty Inn very biiyho lurve. , H. U. MilUrd , fill : > r of the 'ity Xoupaiiu ! , cinue t O n.ih , yjloIty u s u tije ciruui. J. J.Sevilr , Kearney ; Jjo. ] i 't-k * , i. IS Uruninger , U , U. Mill.r.t uud J. li. Inldeii , ( Jentml Chy. L. Glhiiort ) , 1'latu- loutbjV. . F. 1'o.t , I.iicolu ; dio. Dj 'einpli' , liliir ; Thou , llyau and f.imily , tubert lly.m and family , Ml Tlllle Wag er , l.inuuln ; D. S. Curt , Dautrlco ; C. C , IcXUh , II. Uplinger , Widnerj J. II. lun nto nnd lady , Blair ; B K. Kobinsun ' 'eUnmahj A. 0 , Smith , F , J. Fried , A. ieckman , John F , Noleuu and John A. waneou , are the Nebrnskniia at the 'relghton ' houte. Among the Xobraski people nt the Illlard hctel last night were the fol- iwing ; Dr , W. S. Uichoy nml wife and lisa Mamie Mchey , A. Wright , J. P. loriut ; an I wife , I'latUmoutli ; Mr. and Ira II. N , Boineis , Uyrauie ; II. K. lark nnd F , A , Harinou , Blair ; 0 , 1' . launi , D. . Hull , JJ. M. Lip'fy , D. wider nnd Lee lialley , Lincoln ; Jay. M , hrUiiian , Keinulm county ; L , F. C.ilkinn , ftirinout ; Kolert Curry niul tvtfa nod J. f. Price , Peiu ; Mason CJresg , F-hbury ; tr. A. Meers , Albion ; Miua Hickuinn , 'ccumseh ' ; W. II. Fuller , David Cit > ; II , . Lebenuauu and K. W. Robbiiif , Fro. n'lit. IIou , T , M. Munjutlta , of Lincoln , Jjin IB city. T , B. McMurray , tax agent , nml J. A , IcMillen , traveling auditor of the U , P , md , were west-bound passengera yis relay , Cbaa , S , Howell , of the Register , Wheeling , Va. , is in the city nnd called TllRliFEOflKo. Kx.Delcgate Dwney , of Wyoming w n the city Stindav. Mr * . VanXuslrand has returned frj Denvtr. O. llcetl Clark , of the firm of O tto Chapman k Co , wholesale ml Hnery New York City , is at the Millntd. SLAVEN'S YOSEMI 1'E COLOGNJ Mndo from the wild ( lowers of tl FAH FAMEII YOSEM1TE VALLE1 it M i he most fragrant ol : perfume Mu-ti.hctured by H. Ji Slavnn , S.i Francisco. For sale in Omnha by V J. U hitehonse nnd Konnaio Bros it > jO. WANTED. A good s ond-han bicyolo Address box X , Ujntn City. N b 10 3 TRAVELIHC \ Xo. 1 rn-.r. > anted to sell In r0lora4o , t-10 ycniln ? , , j i uj , Nevada , ivtirt the rntlte wa A complete lin . . .f Knit UOOQS. c : slstlne In tia ( .f Veu' < tv i , Lxlics' , Mlwcs' nnd Children Ings n .J S ojllrgs , Lidln nml Ucntlciii- ub'eaiiii Single * Utcrm , iil.scV ntnl Chi ircii1 * Mittui * , tarJIgui Jackets , Si.nifs i C i , al o GEUrilAN PUX-jLEO MITTS AW STOCKINGS AOJros statlnt ; age ci vr'cnccncil ' rc'crerce I juCC-li .mJo Detroit , Juich. SPECIAL JtOTICE Adv crtlncrnent To tc n , Kcr , St L < wt , Found , Wants Ueardltic. &t. . will beli Bertod In thc columns once foi TEN CUMT Vcr line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVBOENT per lice. The drat Insertion Qcvtt ! cw th TWENTY.F1VB ( JENTS TO LOAN MOM > Y TO LOAN Can IA L-vw drr.ce o ! I L. ThomtB Ho inO Cielehtoa ElocJu AHA70 1'AA At S pci eontli ij\l. \J\J\J ter-st In Bum ot C2f'M ' IK I'.O , for B to B yrts , on city r.a farm iiropctty. Unxis Ksita K ri7n unt ) toi ) . 16th anrt Dout-hi fit.i WANTED xN'Tf'D A firs'li ' snuntX3o ! < atcrcM Charhs lluttfi , Hani } str er. Apalyoi iMiniauD. 03tt A uirl to do hems"ml. . a' 007 WANTCD 20lh struct. si31 1 \yATJTED Man to tvVo ca c ri team. Horn * 5. on I lock. SilO-31 A girl to do gener.t hou-o worli WANTED of tno. Ilefir.iucj reUlreiI | Apply totOi south 18th fctrecf CU-2 * WANTED SevvlnfTdrliroIeitn h Kfll-m Prencli P.vilor oj tem ol Ire * < utlinir , nn\v ucin 1 ; taujht at laic Miltiril lltt-I lllock u tijpj-iuti test , nljj custom euttln * done u slirtcst otillile time. IVtcrns cut to ontcr , ml lit vva'ra'it il by MU . liDN'I ) . Jcneral Agent for Kcllcgi- Tailor Sjs'cm ' ef Dr ss cutting , _ f2C4t WASTKD An cxper creed girl to do gen eral house work Intmall fauuiv. Itcfor- snccRrequlr.d. High v\nKes given. Call at 114 Jou'h lath St. , cit- . 010-tl VTrASTKD A flr.t-clasj girl must le eood \V coo , washer ivnd inner Wnt ( $400 > r wcnk. liqui.u at , Filjd & CoV , or at la t otllu" . 934-tf TEAMS WANTED To work on the Oregon 200 ( gen Short Line. Wares 85.00 per day. ii. MANNWKU.M ; , 733-tf 11 Urcct , near Farnam. IATANTED 600 privy vau.te , einks and cete Vy pool * to clean with Sanitary Vault and ilnK . . , . _ . . . , . . , the best In uin. A. Evans & Co. , , uodj-o Btreeti Omnha. WANTED Immediately , a second girl to as sist a baby. To a cavabls girl WBITCS ' 4 perivceK. App'y at O.I. Jl. T. P-trick'u , launilcrs street , near Grace. 017 3 t W ANTCD At ones , a first < iass carriole b'aiksmllh. Steady vvcr < and ciol A'ldrc B , F. J. Snoupe- , Atlantic , Ta 923-3 rr rATED ItO men to work on the Oregon YV Shtr Line , bhip road yuly 31. y H. MANNWEILKIt , 013-31 * llth street , no rFivrnam. ll/'ASTED / Gicd bar i -mikir and Jar- \ \ riajo trimmer StiaHy ork. Go d > ajis. AAllO.N BEATl'V , K > 2-1 Aurow , Net ) . KD Tnorr rhric ronnis su'tilJle ' fo WAN 3 ell. i.c. iddiiBb Dr. I'crtr ! ec ollice. . 69tf , , . , u A girl lor Bent-mi li > V V Apply nt No. 311 17th street , I ct. Uaven- o-t and v lilcago. 620-tf ETTTANTED Ten teams to work on Moreno V V Cut-Off. Wages S3.60 per day 377-tf MirntiEM vivrr.NT I AA A1EN WANTkD At Fmrcnco Cut-Off , IM I / nine miles m rth rif Oo ha. Wages 1.75 per day MITCHELL VINCENT. U.1-K SITUATIONS WANTED [ TllRST-CLASS DRY GOODS SALESMAN [ . ' dl fii 8gcd Aujtutltt. A No 1 r fere-ice , nrito city iufualntanec. | Adirces for ihrcr day * . iilesman , " liceotllce. 0 031 * nT7"ANTUD Atltcatlon to do gener 1 houej- V ) no k , by a Danl-h girl , Just landed , 'p- ly b'candanavlan Iloiel llth street. 020-311 RENT- HOUSES AND Lftf.D I'KNT A I r'c'c house with S rooms on ; _ ' < ii's b tv\ee iOh nml 2'ft ' etneti. En- olroo Win t. Mrrls , i vur Slatft Bank. 940-2 * TUX ' f .V T ' ne ' ia'lv ' furnished room , with 1 pruio e < fa jili.l jr | ni or IfcH Webster eai : C42-tf Tl tr' mj"JTv h'u u o fmr r-oms. Good ' i-.i.rfi Ijn Cui.llign e.tte 17th and v.ti > > e t . Kmiulre ui J. 1. lie' am' , i t l\ s > tKr. OlMf HKVT M ff'irrilh \ d room , corn rl lli r nnd ' nvfiiii it'trtu : , icrli corner. Ji 3t UK T \ hive p'ca-ajt lurnialieil bouth from , vvlih c'os.tit , oed Lo-rd nixj door. ylEUCft-l s reei. 027-11 TlOil HEM1 * A nlcolv furnished font room. _ ' Apply W7JN. 17th street 03231 * iljll rIKNl I'i good locatlin , llv j room. , up- j stnl's , KmiulM Jorn JoLnson , t . K. car- ir Fnnmtuanu 14th , 031-tf 7IOK RENT One ri in , sult\tlo fornq ol.'ico J V , W , corner 13th and Harney strceU , RENT Large rjom. with boar ! or tible J boariglvei , 1S3S CalltaruK etsrct 18 tt KENT A p'eita t fiuniihul room on tin tlrat ( bar , ouu bl c'i from ulrce-t evir , at 1(3 Harney sirtet. 01l-tl TWJl HEKT F ur roTQ cottage , UMO lot , 1 pouthUth Autiibt 1st. J L. VYuMaiu , SO tlrect. B.'S-W 7 > iH IIsNT Houss ulMithtce roomiand I r0'o . ' b . uient. Sll bjulli 17th ttrtct. hctt I.CO per mouth. Apply on premUcs. C07-tl 5ARNTOHCST X. E corcer lO'.h and Da- J enrort. 801-1 J10R RENT Kurnljntd housj'f Ecven rooms , ' to ( mail fimlly , ros o.slou AUgu > t lot Ad- ess "Fur l htd" CfO office , 84-tf I Oll RENT Brick ftore Iiqulra at Drug ! btore , coiner 10th and Douglas sts. 620-tf 1011 RENT Hou e of U rooms , uc < vly plas- 1 tcrcd and p.lntcd. * 150U per month , irtb of 16th street bridge ou 13.h trect. Con- nlout to Bliopj Apply corner 1-th atd How. littreet , Ne i' pcr Union. SS7-tf \OR RENT Fu nuhed rocra at 1610 F rram t > ee * . Newhime with fiv * rojf , and EORRHNT impra cments , full lot. Uquire on 17th Itrcet betn-ecn Mcho'a anu P r.l me ar.d . onc-t.alf blocks from sticet ca line , slt-29 * JJ URNISII'Drcoraior centl into refer- I1 ence , 1312 DodjC street betvro n 'Sti mid 14th. 677-tl Oll RENTO.i pleasint ron- * > , with biarel i 1 If desired. 117 south 17thstreet. e54-tf LOTS tor Ifflso at $ 25.03 I'-'r Annum , rftch \ firateimof JOM , ftt "Or ntr Ore o i.1 ndjflnlne Ilanicom P..rk on the e t , fl r > mlnntfs nslkfronn net cars. Moi cy nn lie ohtaineil to rmlM with , bycrcons leasing tlic.c lo' n't } fl r ft s. J'MES P. MOUIO.V , t f T prmlai' . OH. : ; 1515 Fftt.nm atreit KS.NT Two n'.w < UclllnsanJ tuo ether Ingi lnilwlr.i''lolfc Hty , by Mcrtoon , ai7-tl IlhXT Sew ci-tU 'i , six room * , rear I oi : < v , lipij bt. MAI > ' < avenue. KU-tl W.M.MCC.VNDLUH. f'.iK IIEKT Enquire at M. W. Ken- HOUSE ; ' itore , 13 h liciwcen l'arn\m aud lianicj. 769 tt 71 K 1IKKT Fur l > hol room with ' . . . ; ? nuiltrn Impr > cm-nt < , ft tow table < id inn be ni.ccnimu-.aieJ nt 1718 eukc 'r ' i B5i-.t _ llOUSi : 5 roil UCNT Smill ana lnrtc , NINE to twelve roojB each ; onoor tno new untswith ail tuoJcrn convculenie * . One ct 12 rcoii.s , iiltablo tor boardlni ; niul roam rcntliiKi 17th nnd Doughs ftj. 1IKMI3 , Asent , Jc23-il _ Itth nnd Douglas bta. KENT Hoarding hsusa vcll lurmshcd. Inquire 103 10thstriHtal ! o3 roo'ns Mine corner 01 12th nud Iouil.t3 ) stroe . 1 qul't ID ytrtnl i > . _ U SI I ltt ? T Two nicely furnlshrf t outh r'cms FOH - > ; onalle ytlcrs. Suia Ca attcet. 3Jt mWO FUKNlHltEusoutnrooiin for rent. 3. J. W.eorne. lit ! ) and Davenport. 206-tl IUXT : A. 7 room house riul 4 stall FOIl on Convent strict , near sr. Marys nunue. Item J21.CO I'T moutli. Enquire o Uaikcr Broihcrs , ca olHce. 6'Jb-tl ' T710R RENT Furnished front rootavUthboud. X1 C03 North 17lh St. 631 If rjlOR REST Furrlshed room , 1723 Douglas J street. 404-lt J7IOR RENT. Two new elegant house" . In- 1 ; quire at Peterson's Clolhluc a ore , near tJ. 1' Dcp-'t , 692-tf MOP. KK.V1 / 'lirtiieiira f an jie ( e .C ch nlj'KjcJionp/ . K cot. f > > , morn. I OU I'.ENT N'MljJu ' ioom with 01 I ; without board. H li pt'ccc. ' 11018 CiiaSt. + Q if FOH BALE FOH S-ALE A Rood fimllv lnrc , ji'ievton buygy ard harrc B\ry eluay Apply to or addrtM C. e. S ioerp , Fo.t Uui-ln. Ui2-2'a SALE Diay horcc , harness and top F cpy. Arareclutco lor a family. Ad dress Uand Leader , ' ' Tort Ouiaha PJ9-5 * 'T110R S < VLE Hou > ni ,1 It 1 33x350 'eet on Tal-- L Ifornh eticet , ir.-tof fc'.icrcl Ifeart "cnvcnt. ilcCMtUr , 90-t' ? Opposite uostotCcc 3 HOUSE and lot fosilc , rNo. 925 M ntana street , near Ctm i ; , ' . Impairo C ir ttore , 2 rncr ICthand Jackani street' . Ki55 F l'H ' SALE A pjcd pavln Kroceiv i u n.ess en lOlh sttcut S.i isfactury tiBSin- for inir. Ad r ss " 0t > . U. , " 2143 J'avunp ' rt et. ssi-tt FOK. SALS' Entire groccrv itocV and nxttircs. thrce isht CNprcps teims and wagons. Ecven t res of hnd with | jou3 < * , lia n an < other Ic prove- ucntd. Fourlos on Cjin.r 10th anJ Bancroft trect. Inquire N. J SMITH , MO-tf Corner 10th ni.d Leavi nwor'h. PlOn SALE Hou e and crncr lot. nt 31.050. IJ birpatn. lIcCAOUU.cppoiIte I' . O. fcSJtf riW'O story bui'dlnsc ' 'or falo at a bargain. Lo- tatcd at north-eas" corner of 17tli ftrect , , M'l Capitol ave Muit be itovod onor before iugust 7th proximo , BtillV 770-tf Agent. 1'th Dcnglas. IX BtAUTlKOL J.O IS 50x150 feet ea'hln J Hansoom l-liice on street cir lino. Best lots n whole addition onciyca < y terms aud at a : rcat bargain. Bnviis'aicnt , 15th and Doughs treeta J17LKND1U i-r01-EllTy F5K SALE At a J BAhQAix , one lar e brick house , and one irgo frame house , with full lot on CaRa ne rl5th trei t. Fine ch'nce for lnv tmi > nt , rent f r < 70 cr month. Cill for full particulars , on EEMIJ , CCO-tf Agent , IBtha-d Douglas sts. FOR SALE. The Arlington Housa aOTEL c'ass ; all furnished. The only hotel j town. The cheapest property In the state , las all the traveling men. Will bo Bold cheap on ; rn-s to suit. Enquire of E. Fullc , proprietor , .rllngton , Washington county , Neb. 663 tl Q1OK iSALh ur Hill excba ge for Oumna pro * [ ; pcrty , an improved sec on of land adloln- iif a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNUAM , 1111 AnihamSt. . Omaha. 720 Stu TOR t'AL * . . < 3RICK KaVAKilOOK tl ODE. / h me PUHULAK HOTEL , Known L1 83 the BOYS' HOME. This hotuse is cen- rally located , lias ecu h and crjit front , and la jrroonded w th fine tbaie trees ; cent ilns thirty eeping room ? , has Ice house , laundry , sample loin , &c. Ha * world wde reputation and a ctter patroninto than many hem e of tnlco Its ipacltj. Price fn.OOO. For particulars ad. rcss , A. A. SAWDKY , Keel Cloud , fteb. E5M1 i _ E5M1r ) HAY At A. IT. gander' Ftfil Ht 3ALK1) Harr.cvHt. alB-t MIUOELLA.NIOUS , > I'iCIAr , AGENTS for Nebraska. Kansas and 5 lllswuii to represent the INDUSTRIAL IFE ASSOCIATION ef Intllanapolls , Indiana , n'ch liai stood the test of tioi , pus all losses i full ; strongly Imlirscii by the v > o-t Insura'cce uthorl ies ; thorougi ly cstablUhcd. easily orked , nml I not o'l the o operative or old no plan. Liberal contracts undo vviih ener Mn a etti nt a compensation o ! from two lODEand to three thousand do lara per jcar ddci8 < IM1U-TR AI , LIFE ASSOCIATION , 0.70 East Market ftrect , Ind'diapolls ' , Ind. " OST A pup seven months old V y large. _ J Color , liver and vvhitu. One fure Frg iccklcd A liberal reward wi'i le paid for his .turn ixillulsoi fiver House. _ 037.2 TUAYED-A Jers y cow , yellow and white ) 5 with short turn -ii hern , largo white cpot i forefooMontr t ll arrl write at end. A Ifli- al reward wi 1 bo paid fir her return to M , A. cNamaia , S. 14th k'reet. 03Stf 3DWAED KUEH.L AOISTER OF PALM t'STKUY ANu ( lO'DZ [ -AM8T , IPS T .nfj"t , -s-r-iMn VHrcxm Will , wit : , sue uid o' u , obtftlu ( or * nr one t glantc M ; . - ill prncent , and oc o.jimn rorilltiosr tn > h la ire. BcoU ta i 'ihl * ; n rt / > ! > ! i rff \ . if' \bsoutely ! Pure. rhU powder never varle * . A marvel ot p strength and whoUsjmeneaj. More econo 1 thin the ordinary kinda , and cannot b 1 In competition with the luul'itmlH nt < n t , short weight. aJura or phosphati donly In cans. Ro Wi St. , Now York