Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Tuesday Morninp , AVEC. 1.
Bj Carrier , - - - - JO cciitij'ir wcok
Dy Mall $10.00 per Year
Ofllco : No. 7 Pearl StrooL , Noa :
Broad wny.
M. 0. OHIFFIN , Hamper City ClrcuUtion.
Q. W. Tl I/TON , City Edltor.1
SlicirniUn irnlccn pliotcgraphn.
The 1'resbytorlans nro to have nnodnl
thli rcnlng nt the residence of AlrR , S , H.
Smith , on Seventh utrcet.
L. I ) . Cousins liai n car load ol cobs
for palo by the wogon load , Andrew him
nt P. O. box 789.
A number of fine i > l noi nnd orgatn
to rent nt Mticllcr's I'alauo Music Hnll.
Seaman has removed his paper , hook
nnd fiUlioncry Block to No.
next door to Harkuca. * , Urcutt & Co.
A goodly number if colored citizens )
nro planning to go on an excursion to St.
J < c , in honor of Jmancipation ! day , this
rmrnlng. Jf
Kvciything and everybody hero Is now
miljje'ct to llccnso except lootlihckn and
ncwaboyn. lloxv they managed to cacapo
is a 'mystery.
There only ono Mire way ofire \ -
venting oacapcs from the city calnbooHc.
That Is not to put any urisoneis in thcro.
Cbnrlcs Nicholson , the noted fire lad ,
now pula his weight on ono foot , ono of the
engine ) horses having stopped on the other.
Mueller lias bought the finest 1 t
( about ono hundred nnd fifty cases ) of loyn
nnd holiday goo-js over brought to the west
for his wholesale trade ,
Permission to wed has liocn given to
Arthur Day and lluxella Miller , both of
this city , and to Virm. H , Cross and Jennie
1' . Wickwham , both of Silver Creek.
Wagner & Myers have shown much
enterprise and taste in refitting 1'liu-nlx
hall , It being now ono of the mcxt com-
inodloun , convenient and attract Ivo resorts
fur the thirsty in the city.
There id little need for able-bodied
men now to go from house to IIOIIHO
bogging bread. So iriauy improvemenU
are going on in Council Bluffs that men
have little difficulty in obtaining woilt of
some kind , at Hjmo price ,
A very do-irablo plcco < > l [ jropcrly for
sale , on south sldo Sixth street , iu the
block oppoalto the new Opera House , on
Bioadxvay. Front twenty feet. 1'rico
three thouxnnd dullars , liiiijuiro at ] ! IK :
Wo think it about time The Council
BlulFs Glebe should quit buing a tuiulcr
for The Nonpareil , ns the editor In now
operated Hko a jumping jack by J. W
Chapmnu , f Pngo Cuunty Democrat ,
A. dclcxato convention of the national
greenback-labor party of tha Ninth Iowa
congressional district is to bo held ut the
court houio in this city to-morrow at 11
o'clock to nominate u candidate.
Frank Mann was a very drunken man ,
nnd wan therefore taken to the calnbooxo
in ntylo , stretched out in the bottom of an
express wagon. His rldo o > ftt him GO cents
extra , inuking the coiU $8.
Those , who'lj attended ' the muslcaj
' recital given by Mrs. George last Friday
I' r ' ' evening expreds thcmsolvca an highly de
lighted , The progress made by her pupils
in proof Bufliclontof her skill as a toucher ,
while ns n musician she is acknowledged
to taho n high rauk among those of thin
Thcro pccm1 * to ba much diversity of
opinion among the attorney ! ) of thin city ns
to what effect the govcrnoi'H proclamation
lias on I ho prohibition ( jucstion , no mo
claiming much for It , otlierj that It hoi
little practical effect.
Jl Mnjor A , Kailroad AndcrHon can
yet enough votes to elect him they imint bo
made between now and November , The
men who will vote for him nro too few and
for between juit now to encourage a hopa
that tho'"gallant" ' will "get there. " Hast
ings I'lalndoalcr ,
The long hunt fo * Tom Collins N end
cd , Ofllcer Ciiaick found him. Tom was
\cry drunk nnd W.IH placed In the cala-
IJOOFO. Yesterday morning he denied being
ing drunk , but in the afternoon witnesses
appeared , wlm proved hn W.IH mistaken ,
and the line amounted to $10.60 , his ob
stinacy having Dwelled the usual amount.
He bad liquidated so much the night before
fore that he could not liquidate the flue ,
nnd wns sent back to stay until such time
! *
u as ho could break out.
The council Inn placed the liconsa for
/ ( circuses BO high as to IIP almost prohibi
tory , nnd the nentfmcntlias been expressed
that it would be better not to havocirciues
coma here , as they tnko no much money
out of tha city. Yesterday Colo'd circiin
was i Oiimlm and actual count WJB tukun
to tee how inuny known Council IMulfn
people went over there , The tally showed
210. Now it can bo roadlly seen that the
-policy of keeping all tha money hero by
keeping circuRes nway In nonsense so
long as eliowa nro within such onuy roach ,
and every ono who went to Omaha yostor.
day spent moro than the ulntplo clrcui
ticket amounted to , Theuo narrow guago
financiers who favor a policy of drhiug
everything away friin Council Ululfs for
get that a dty without attractions can
draw in very few ] > eopla and very little
money from tlio surrounding country. It
Is n foolish idea that two partners In bust-
nctd can make money by locking them-
eclvea iu a room no that none of the uiouoy
nlready iu their i > ockeU can get away , It
is no l u foolish to hem a city , < > r try to ,
fie that not a dollar ahull get beyond tha
limits ,
Tbut WUlto Tend.
It having boon stated in last Batur
dny'e Nonpareil thut a ( { ruat natural
curioeity , in the form of u while toad ,
had been captured luai Thureduy
night , wo undertake to state tliu par
ticulnni concurning ita capture. TJiii
wonderful toad hod already buon
aroused on ita peaceful journey by B
party , who tried , but in vain , to
turo him , but succeeded in driving
him into the light with eticka , and
not knowing ita value , let him go with
out further pursuit. Boon after we
came along , nnd knowing the value f > f
such u being succeeded in captnritii/
him in a two bushel bran bag , which
wo procured of Hob Arndt , nf tin
- ll-known firm of F. Arndt & Son
Triumphnntly shouldering it wo pro
ceeded home , and waited _ until the
next morning to brincr to light onn of
the rarest curioritics of the atjo. Hul
not as dtated in the nbovo named
paper , it wns not n common toad ,
which had nccidcnlly fallen into a
flour barrel in some grocery store , but
a genuine wliito toad. Any person
having an interest in such natural
curiosities cm sco it , as it will bo on
exhibition next Saturday under the
management of a young dry goods
clerk near Kiel's hotel. Thu curiosity
is BO great a ono that it has been
deemed worthy of having some dis
tinctive name of its own , and hoticc
has been called Jacob. "J.ieob" will
receive his friends , therefore , next
Saturday. ' P. K.
A Convention to bo Hold Here Next
Thursday Other Conven
tions Cnllocl.
Tliu following call includes several
meetings of the Farmers' alliance , in
cluding ono to bo hold hero next
Thursday :
District alliances will bo hold in the
congressional districts of Iowa bulow
named , at the times and places stated ,
viz :
Otli district , Ojkaloosn , Tuesday ,
August 1 , 1882.
8th district , Orcaton , Wednesday ,
August 2,1882.
'Jth district , Council HlufFs , Thurs
day , August 3 , 1882.
llth district , Sioux Oity , Friday ,
August 4 , 1882
Each alliance , grange , or other so-
iuty of farmers , and each voting pro-
inct , lit invited to send three dulo-
; atoi. Oflicera of local societies are
oquostod to scouro and announce
uitablo places of meeting.
County limes conventions for the
ounties containing the nbovo county
eats will bo held at the same time
nd plttcon to organize county alliances
riicro they are not nlready formed.
All are invited to attend all the
loolinufl. 1'Apurs circulating in the
bovo districts or counties please copy.
Stnto Lecturer.
Ho First Hooa Anderson aa a Devil
nud Than cu nn Angel.
The Nonpareil man after being
losotcd with the "gallant" major un-
il the morning'a dawn greatly dis-
urbed the swuot ropoao of all good
itizcns with the startling monomtini-
! il shriek of a mad man just recover-
ng from ono of his demented par-
xysms "ouraknl eureka ! eureka !
ho blarstcd bond is explained. " Then
ho littla uditor of the Atlantic Men-
cngcr and liub of the Ilurlun Hub
chimmod in , "mo too" Master John ,
i'ho littlu editor of the Atlantic Mca-
ongcr , who , by the way , grow up bo-
ere ho was born and hence Cuuld not
ollow Urcolcy advice , speaking of the
ho opposition to Anderson enys : "Ilu-
lublicnim who are talking of voting
tgaiiibt Major Anderson should stop
uul consider for a moment the great
issues that ttro ut stake , and lot our
readers ponder them well before they
allow themselves to bo deluded by the
vaporinga of disappointed politicians. "
This is not only copied in The Non
larcil , but boas John rolls it under
lis tongue ns u swcut niorsal.
ow this littlu manipulator of
ho MoBscngur flourished in
Atlantic about the year 1870 , when
; ho "gallajit" major wanted to bo dis-
rict attorney , and had this to say of
Anderson , ( It will bo perceived tin *
vord ' ' ( ( allant" was not used then. )
"Tho Nonpareil , in regards to thereof
> roof produced by The Afeaaonger ,
fallowing that Anderson was not a fit ,
nan to bo a republican nominee for
any oHco | , clous not dispute a singlu
'nut , but onduuvors to dispose of the
damaging uviduncu by slurring at UR.
Wo ask The Nonpareil to stnto
whether , in view of the immorality
and enormity of Anderson's conduct ,
.hat paper is still supporting Major
Anderson ? Does that paper believe
.hat , in view of the general demand
'or competent men of irreproachable
character , the republican party can
afford to put up Anderson ? Can it
countenance the candidacy , knowing
that tlii'Jj forcing of such men on the
mrty of honest men ! Does not The
Nonpareil know that , iu the event of
Anderson's nomination , the opposi
ion would huvo brought to light the
widmicoof Anderson's bad charncfor ?
Wo ask thut papur whuthor it is not
the duty of a public journal to
icquuint the people before i : is too
late of the bud character of candidate -
datoV ? are not acquainted personally -
sonally with Anderson.Vo merely
jive the public undeniable facts ol'
ilia conduct. " [ Atlantic Mossuni-or ,
April 20,1870.
Will The Nonpareil please copy ?
Tlioy Want Law.
When J. T. Olark took the position
of general superintendent on the Mil
waukee & St , 1'rtiil it was generally
oxpcctid that some ono would very
soon bo appointed to fill his pluco on
.ho U. P. , and that parson would bo
Robert Law , division superintendent
at Cheyenne , The judgment of the
public cm this matter is that Mr. Law
iould till the place made by J.
1\ Clark , and the judgment of busincun
non on a question of this kind is not
: ar from the mark , Men hero who
liavo business with the U , P , road ,
know just as much about such men as
S. H. H. Clark , J. T. Olark , Mr. Yin-
ing and Mr. Shelby , as do the stockholders -
holders in lioston mid probably moro.
Such men muko their mark as has Mr.
Law , and the public know it ,
nrlulat'd Dlaoaee. Dlivuutoa.
Dowurn of the stufl that prutonds to
euro the o discuses or other eoriour.
Kidney , Urinary or Liver Diso&oes , an
as they only relieve for a time nnd
makes you tun timcu worse aftorwardf ,
but rely solely on Hop Hitters , the
only remedy that will surely and rr-
manontly euro you. It destroyu nd
removes the cause of the disease so
.flectuully that it never returns ,
A. Well Known Citizen Insulted De-
CO.U8O Ho Rofusocl to Pntronlzo
tne Emigrant HOUHO.
Yesterday M , Gentry , the man gt -
of the telcphono oflico in this cl < y ,
had occieion to look after
"downed" wire , and while at the
transfer , wailing to cross the bridge ,
sauntered along by the emigrant
house and sat down , talking to n man
for a few minutes. Ilo says that
while thus peaceably employed ono of
the attaches of the emigrant house
came along and asked him if ho didn't '
want breakfast. Ilo atkcd him how
much they asked , and being told 'Jo
cunts , replied that ho guessed ho
would wait until ho got over to
Onmha. On thus learning that there
was no chance to got a quarter out of
him , he was told to get off the plat *
form and move on , and denounced
in words moro forcible than genteel ,
Ho insisted that it was a
public place , and ho had a right to bo
thcro so long as ho bchnvc.d liim elf
and did not interfere with anyono.
Move ho must , however , and ho nays
they pushed him out of the chair and
ibiieud him in every way , until a po-
iceman in the employ of the U. P.
found out who ho wns , when apologies
were mndo. The treatment which ho
relates indicates , however , what sort of
a show a man will have who is poor
uul friendless , and does not pntronizo
.ho house.
If Nearly Dond
after taking some highly pufTod up
stufl , with long testimonials , turn to
Hop Hitters and have no fear of any
Kidney and Urinary troubles , Height's
Disease , Diabetes or Liver Complaint.
J'hoso diHcasi's cannot resist the cura-
iivo power of Hop Hitters ; besides
it is the best family medicine on
Crop Notes Base Ball Anderson and
Ills Congressional Claims.
NiorIn. : . , July 20 , 1882.
Tn the Editor of Tin : UKE :
The two weeks of warm weather ,
ust past , has madu corn prospects in
this vicinity loom up fifty per cant ,
but the rain of the last three days is
making it very bad for harvest , and
; here will bo quito a heavy loss in
small grain. List Thursday I saw a
stalk of corn that was taken from * ho
Hold of E. E. Harris , which measured
six and ono-hilf inches in circumfer
ence , two feet from the ground joint.
Mr. Harris' stand of corn was a little
too thick , and ho found this stalk
while walking through the fiuld thin
ning it. out.
The heaviest thunder storm of the
station visited this place Thursday
morning. The hcuao of J. C. Whit
ney was struck by lightning and thereof
roof badly shattered , though none of
the family wuro hurt. I have heard
of no very serious damage from the
The increasing business of the
Rock Island railroad at this place has
necessitated their putting in turn
tables here.
Thu Milwaukee road is laying a
a side track hero. The new rood
takes on a great many passengers on
the east-bound train at this placo.
Our athletic young mim have organized
izod n biiso ball club. They received
their now suits Friday. The boys
have a good strong nine , and think
they can "lay over" most of the clubs
in this vicinify. A very siicctssful
party , under the auspices of the club ,
was had at Par-noil's hall , Friday
ovoning. Music wai furnished by
Glenn's band , nf Council Bluff * .
The sontimcnt against Andnrson for
congress iu inci casing in the repub
lican rankn , and if Anderson hta : the
intorestn of the party at heart instead
of purely his own personal aggrandize-
muiit , ho will resign the nomination.
Othorwiio dotoat btures the party in
the foci- , and the Ninth district of
Iowa will bo represented in congress
by a democrat , and our party loaders ,
who claim to have only the good of
the party , and people at heart , should
BOO this before it should bo everlast
ingly too late. I think there is not
the least shadow of a chance of his
being elected , and if ho was it is
questionable whether ho would bo
permitted to take his seat in the face
of the postoflico bribe bond.
The now Masonic order hold a pub
lic installation of its first eot of oflicors
on Tuesday ovoning. After the cere
monies were over those participating
repaired , to the residence of H. Men-
do ! , where n feast lit for n king was
spread. The occasion was a very enjoyable -
joyablo ono to all who wore prosont.
_ _ _ _ - _ S A. M.
1C. L. Shuguit has returned from a short
ii > .
Major J. 11. O'lirfen is in Jthe city
W.K. lUvIj , of the Sioux Oity & Pacific
road , U at homo ayuln ,
tleor e T. Phclpc , of the Oeden house ,
it rapidly famine In hnalth ,
Joe A. linker , of Uatoholler & 'lavi '
big circus , wni here yesterday.
Col , A. Cochran has returned from hit
ranch in Little Sioux ami taken up life
uRalu la the city.
Smith Mcl'heison , nccompnulod by J lies
Miunlo MuPhoNLU , of Keel Oak , wore In
the city yesterday.
J. It.
lluchanan , general passenger
agent of the Sioux City & I'ncifia railway ,
was In the city yesterday.
J. P. Kliuhall , who Id with J. W.
Squires i Co. , returned yesterday from
Minnesota ami reports a pleasant trip ,
John Dohauy , i : q. , returned yesterday
from Minnesota , where ho hna been look-
inn after lumber fur hi * new opera hon e.
Mlsa 13. K. Flagi ; , a jlster of the late
Mra. Agnra Northrup , will leave here on
Wednesday evening for Lake Mlunetouka ,
to snend the re t of the eumnier , She
has been vfoltiiu ; In the family of . K
Andrews ,
For aged men , women , weak and
dlekly children , without a rival. Will
not cause headache , Brown's Iron
A Llfo thnt Spanned the Years from
the Enrjy Days of the Republic
to the Present.
Col. John 0. Hamilton , son of
Alexander Hamil'on. died recently in
the Commodore Stockton cottnr-o at
Long Hrancb. in the ninetieth year of
his nge. Col. Hamilton was born in
Philadelphia in 1703 , his father , Altx
andor Hamilton , being then secro arj
of the treasury. Ho w.xnabout t vt-lvo
years of ago when his foUier wns
killed in a duel with Aaron Burr. Ho
entered Columbia cfllego M > OII afrer
his father's death , and ai pradu.Vod
in 180'J. Ho studied law , and was ad
mitted to the bar when lu bncimn of
ago , Having inherited an ample for-
tunn , ho retired to pnvalo life i.f er
practising law a fi" ? jmr , and from
that time until h fnw years ago de
voted himself tf literary work.
Col. Hamilton wns a firm bcliuvir
in his father's theory of government ,
and nearly all his works related to his
father's services in the formation of
the ' United States. In 183410 ho
wrote the "Memoirs ( if Alexander
Hamilton , " and in 185J. published in
seven volumes the "Works of Alex
ander Hamilton. " In 1858 ho published -
lishod two volumes , entitled "A
History ot the Republic of iho United
States ns Traced in the Writings of
Alexander Hamilton and his Con-
temporaries. " Ho took an active
interest in poli'ics ' , buing a federalist ,
a whig , and since 1800 a * , trent ? ad-
lierent of the republican party. Mmiy
vears ago ho was an unsuccessful can
didate for congress in ono of the dis
tricts of Now York.
Col. Hamilton married when young
the daughter of John Cornelius Van
don lleuvel , a wealthy Now York mer
chant. His wife died in 1872. Nine
children by this marringo ore living.
The sons are Alexander Hamilton , of
Tarrytown , N. Y. ; Gon. Schuyler
Hamilton , Charles A. Hamilton , judge
of the supreme court of Wkonsin
and Wm. G Hamilton , vice president
the Mexican Telegraph company. His
daughter * * are Elizabeth , who was the
wife of Gen. Umiry W Halleck , and
iftor his death married Gon. George
W. Ciillum ; Mary E. , wife of ox-
Judge Charles A Peabody ; and Charlotte -
lotto A , Adelaide and Alice , who nro
unmarried. , Ihs youngest brother ,
Philip Hamilton , is living.
Ili body was buried iiom Trinity
church , of which Ojl. Hamilton nan a
life long member.
72 Piiitu STREET ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , July 8 , 1881.
U. H. WAiufhU & Co : SIMFor
twenty years I have boon i.lihctcd with
liver complaint. I tntd various rem
edies , but" received no benefit until 1
commenced the use of your Safe Kiel-
noy and Liver Cure , which gave mo
permanent rolicf.
augl-dl EDWI.V A. OASTOK.
The Sevontoon-Yoar Locusts.
L'\Ingstcn ( N . Y. ) Itcpuli lean.
AH v.'o intimated lant week , the lo
custs have done their work and dis-
Hppcarud. In places vyhuru they have
been numerous the twigs of the trees
are found to bo plentifully marked up
by the females in depositing their
eggs. They make with their oviposi
tor a crease through the birk and
even into the hard wood of the twig ,
as nearly as possible in a straight
line , avoiding any little lump or ex
croacoiico on the bark. In some
places these creases are as much as
six inches in length. At regular dis
tances of about a quarter of an inch
in the crease are punctures as if made
with a scratch-awl , extending almost
to the center of tliu twig , and at the
bottom of each of the punctures are
deposited fifteen or twenty eggs , or
purhaps more , of about the siza of a
hair and about ono-sixtcenth of an
inch in length , BO that each female ,
by depositing several hundred eggs ,
although she apparently kills ho welt
by the uilorl , makes ample provision
for the reproduction of her kind ,
A true assistant to nnturo in restor
ing the system to perfect he.ilth , thus
enabling it to resist disease , is Brown's
Iron Hitttw.
HOTKJK. hpeeial MlvcrllBcmunU , euc as
Lout , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Hunt ,
Watita , Hoarding , eta , will bo Inserted la this
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS I'EK
LINK ( or the flrst Insertion and FIVE CENTO
PElt LINK ( or each 6ul > 8ciiient | Insertion
Leave ndv crtlscrncnta at our otllcc , No. 7
Pearl Btrect , near liroad ay.
WAN I ED A man hnv'nif n tioroujli k
e lire Iiismium * lni lncss.
0 , U x M'2 , Council Illuttj , Iowa. jai"U
WANTED A good , c nifctfiit drl none
other i od luplj ( or gcn-ra luvi.twom
Mrs. T. E. C\ln , 42.J oiuiliatcniil ktruit.
TTTANTKD.VflW. . ii an eaor o-Io in.lo or
Yl foai. I" airri.t lin > or > tov h i > ! > 'iw u id
, to tai orili'r < ( or ww pull allo-i
The Jiuli cation * nr. > n andar I. and BOH a. ' fltln.
Our lennxnreiiLetnl an I egin nmko ( run tU
to 10 peril y , > cr c'.f I'liisoiin ' tornih.a'JdiujM
Woiteru JiobK Cciii * > n y , Council UuT ( Iiun
_ _ _ _ Jv-lU-K
\ \7"ANTED Evcryl-odv In Council IlluOn i.
YV to take Tim l5 n , zO centa jwr wtofc , dc
Iverwl hy carriers. Otllco , No 7 I'tarl 6trc t
To ( my 100 toil * t > roum cdrn
WANTED ( urtlculara ftddrcim Council .UluDi
Hroom 1'uctory , Council JlluOa , Iowa. GiJStf
For Sale and Rent
| HALF The o caiHBt IODBO and lot In
FOt . A ily ; to U. Ilone , No. 14 llrcaJ
X'H PALE Two cUlin * In Niljru-U , clioip ,
b > Odvll&Day. JjZl-lw
riOIl SALE A red Ir'th tetterdrir. 1 > carold ,
J1 tliorcuiihlv jard b-nkm. ulll sell chtaji
Addivu K. I1. O , b x 1042 , C. ) ! . Iowa.
: \ 8ALK Ilcu'ltiful resilience Iota , 000
1 tacb ; uotliliiL-down , and f-Jiicr'uonlh ouly ,
nj > lS-U
' i 8MOTIIKHS , CounHl
H'AHCOUKT oxi rrsu. Ordi ri Iclt at Koaton
Jet store , Main strut. Count-1 M\\tJ t or J 0
Klllot1 , 1SW FarriMU ttrfct , Oauliu , will rreilre
uompt at'cnt on. j'Ktf
OTlLUAHKAD-OrcatiuceoM , C ll and ou
O new uucssorlrs mid iim-lintnt o ( pictures
kenbvlhero'Ub'o ' ' gelatine troiuldo
at the KxccUior Oalltry ICKlMalnetrcct.
. W , U I'ATTON 1'hyilclan nd Oculliit.
DK. cure any caw > o ( orecjw. U U only
a matter o ( time , and can cure gcuvrallv lu
rom three tc fl\e cok It uiakev noilmir-
unco how long dlicAifd. Will ttralcbten crotn
eye , 0 | > erate and remove I'tyrfRlnmi , fto. , nil
ln crt artlflclal eyej. Siwclal attention to re-
Facts forth Knowing
A new crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 7os
Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of
fered at Too COc
Very Fine Young Hyson , equal
to that ofljred at 81.00. . . . . . . . Too
Wo Mean Juat Wlnt We Say ,
16Maint.andl5FoarlSt. ,
Council Blnffs , Iowa ,
Ofllco and Works , Main Street ,
\Ve give special attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will receive prompt attention. A general M-
eortmcnt of
Brass Goods , Belting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Goko , Coal ,
President ,
All Shippers and Travelers will fine
peed accommodation and reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Pittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On JBanoroit or ( Fourth
J. M.
I he Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Employ the best lircml linker In the Weft ;
a choice hind ( or CaUcti and Plej.
llrcaJ iltllvcreU to all inrtj of the city.
Bleb Out QJnss , Fine French China ,
Stiver Ware &e. ,
MRS. h. J. 1 r lYl. D ,
yii"dwi.v C..imiiH RInU .
TIIOS OfrlCMt l M 1-rHKV
32 : VU 3 23:33 JrtSS ,
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1866
Dealers In Korclct. and Domestic Kxihanie
andhome _ securities. _
( Ute Veterinary Surgeon V. 8. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity ,
All ol the b Bt I'hys'ciiim In Council Uluda and
eurrouadlu < u
813 South Ualo Strerl , Council DIuQi.
New house and newly fitted up In flrst clam
U > lo. Ueala at all bourn. Ice cream and lemo-
nlo every vveolng. i'rulti aid coult-etloncrie
Broadway , and Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Burdlette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all. TJ
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
third off. Agents wanted.
o Oorrespondenoo solicited ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Willow greets , Council Bluffs.
Mirrors , Upholstery , Bopairiug , Etc , . Wood find Metallic Coffins.
No. 430 Broadway. Cor. TSrynnt St. . Council Bluffs , Iowa.
THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY None but first-class Bakora
employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &a. , delivered to any part of the city. Our
Wagons run all day.
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
y ° H < * " ° s * ffc r * .
Ji : C.5 CJ >
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landn
and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE. over Savings Bank , - OOUNTOIlj BLUFS
Brockton , Mass. , July 13 , 1882.
Z. T. lindsey & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. :
Dear Sirs : Eeplying to your esteemed favor of the
5thiu t.'willsaythatitisaf1iotthattheadTOuceinthepric8
of Cnlf Skins , Sole Lt-atlier , and most every kind of Sho'e
Stock , taken in connection w th the adva. 03 for labor wo
have been obliaed to concede to workmen , has increased
in no small degree the cost of manufacturing. .Notwith
standing which fact wo are pleased to say your o.'der ,
given us early in the Ba&sou , will be filed at t\e old prices ;
and we hopci by being diligently alive to the requirements
of i lie doma1 d for a really first-class article , to supply you
* ith a BE.rlER line of eoods than we have ever given you
hn'eto'ore. ' ( ur purchase of both French and domestic
I alf Sk us , as we'l ' i s a large supply of 0 k-tanned Sole
Lr-iuli- . wore maoo very early in the season which , being
boui-bt at Ibjmer prices , rehuves us in a great degree of
the iucreaFed o i of production that many manulaotureis
arooblLtd to sustain in filling their orders taken early.
Your wh'le rrder for the coming fall season is well in
Lund , and will be shipped at an early date. Wn des're
to call the attention of those-who use our goo's , through
the medium of your house , to our new styles in both Hand
and Machine Sewed work. Our Frenoh , Medium French
and Lot.don . Too goods are all maoo on entirely new lasts
and new patterns , which we feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation and the approb ttioa of your customers.
With the improvement we have made we expect to furnish
a more nearly po feet fitting shoe than ever buoro , Wo as
sure you , gentlemen , that wo will endeavor to give all your
order our prompt and careful attention , and with these
assurances we trust to merit the continuanoa of the many
favors you have been pleased to bestow upon us , and ,
awaiting your further commands , wo are
Respectfully yours ,
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholeaala and lUtill Detlcn In
Hos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.