Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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Specla1 iMspatihei'o TUB Ilir.
NEW YOBK. July 81.
Governments were irregular atd in the
main JfaJ per cent lower. The lirg t
transaction * in ral'.rovl bond * were To *
& I'-cilic first ( Rio Grande division ) nt
01@.iUthe next In lirie second cnn nls
at ! Ktai < 4 mid the licit iaMilwaukioA
St. Paul firsts ( Southern Minnesota i hh.
Ion ) at 10SJ. S.ilei of other i sue wore
small and it continue * to he ditlicnU to till
round orders ( or any of tha choice hsuus
of the old road * at anything like current
quotation * .
The stock market opened rather strong
but it oi > ti became apparent active clfotU
were to be made to bring nbouS a down
ward reaction with as Httlo loss of stock
ns po ! bl9. The result of fluctuations up
to about 1 o'clock wa ? a fractional decline
in active stocks and a larger one In some
of tne 'pecialUos. The determination of
s one leading speculators to force a down
ward icactloti In the dock market WM
fully developed in the last hour , when as
nn aid to the movement the rates for call
loans on stocks were bid up from 3L' ( 3.J to
8 per cent. , Mid this notwithstanding that
o-tnorro * the treasury begins the pn. > -
metit of $18,500,000 cash. The -lock
market lu the last liour was freely sold
down , chiefly on short sales , tad it was
given out the market was to be kept weak
swd unsettled ror a day or two more. If
in th ? main it i < to continue a "full mar
ket , " then such reaction as ia promised
will work infavorof highorptlccs. Among
thosi anxious for reaction mid working for
it is the belief In higher prices eaily In
August. The lowest prices of the day
were made about 2:10 : o'clock , from which
time until the close there was a fractional
recovery ami the market closed strong ,
Money was active and lomed upon from
3j(5.8 ( per cent per annum and down to 4 ,
closl ng at 6@0.
Prime mercantile paper , 5(5,0 ( % .
Sterling exchange bankers' bills steady
at 4 S5J ; sterling exchange , demand , I SSJ.
G's ' . 1011
5's ' . luH
4i'a . 114S
Pacific IV * of 1S93 . KtO
Tne following were the cloiini ; bid1) :
A lams Express 138 Kansas & Texas -10J
A&Tli tu L S &M S..I14
Preferred. . . . 78 Mich Cen . US
Ani'-rici.u . . . . 01 Mo. Pac . Ii5 (
BCU& N . . . SI X J C . 7'J
Northern Kxe. . 4S
COSI 0 . 15 Preferred. . . . S ! '
Ccntial Pm : . . ? f ortlnve"tcin . .137
0 & A. ilS'lS ' Preferred. . . . 151
Preferred..140" XYC 133
CB . & Q . . . .133 Ohio & Miss.
/ < c r X'i Prolerred .
78 . .
D &K G G1J Pacific Mail 4i ( |
.EriePreferred. Panama . 10o
Preferred. . . , P D & i : . . 37\
r w & c 130 Pic 18
II & St J . S3 Kock Wand. . . . 13.5
Preferred . Snul'Vin . 0-
Hailem 205 St. Paul. . . .120
Illinois Cent id " Pref erred. . . . 13H
I 11 & W "HI StPM&M. .131
LONDON , July 31.
The Mark Lane Express review of the
British grain trade says :
TJie weather was unfavorable until the
clcue uf tha last week. Hardly any home
grown wheat was offered. What remains
i ) i's per quarter higher than foreign.
Trade iu foreign is checked by finer
weather , largo supplies and the report of
declining prices in America. There were
some ocasion l concessions to buyers.
Flour dull and quiet but compara
tively steady.
Oitn declined became of large arrivals
off the coast and trade was quiet ; there
werh four fresh arrival- , and five sales ;
f out cargoes were with ir.iwn.
Wl.oat'on passage closed with a clown-
v v ad temiency.
Salw of Jinglish wheat dnriqrj the week ,
10/2. " quarters nt 50 * psr qnurtur , against
1320 quarters i.t 17 * Id per q-tartT In
the cuir hpondimj vuo' * ofldf-t j
Clcrtrli fi Hotfio Ci
1. HTON , , 'llI.V M.
Tie following is thainnnnt tutil "f
rosrexchungtM nt t.vuiity- le.winx
cleariut ; huuues in lli9 United State' ,
twenty-five for l'ie ' wi-ck endiiiyTilly " \ )
and one ( fivuHVille ) fo" tue week undine
July 31 j total , fl.S'Ja.JUli.SJU fmlatdof
yew York , SSOy.Ol.'i.'Ji ) . " . , Coljiubm
aud 1'urlhin 1 not iuclu l d in tin-
totals. The exhibit this wuilr , while not
shavvhi , , ' .my ioni.xrk.tbli > fains at the lead
ing bin intm ii-'iiti'i * . i. . h'ill qtiltH
factory one tin I'omp.ircd wiili tr.u
voniliui ; week of last yr r , nbotvin7 a
nt all rut vciyfi.-w le tiling piiiutn
i I'hn uir rti.atfl clenrini < * for Oiti w-etlc
jiwt rjlnselis Ol,2.3,8IO RtW , a ninstSI-
L'.W.ft'iS , ( in iu the pre.iuu * vvcok. Cow-
vek f l t.
jiirel wivli thdumro-jiouditig ve < -
joir tha ohariiiK * h w n pircer.ta ii.f
i iMij i uf ' . ' . "i per ffnt , n itmit a i/yi
i iMitn ti or inci j tf < if I. ) htt wi = k nnil
Si . ' tin iiiiM'iu * ViPtk. Kw il.v il U'i '
cnntlnne to thoiv u
* .
\Iniidny i.vt'iiliiB , . fnly ! > l. I
Thuo'ilv luncn ruportul iu Ilia umikcl
t ) day uin afullnws ;
Ky i ( Uolirifdl'1.
Ouru .ito'iuiJ ' It.
\VrflWU' . fiwli Wo. 2 83j ; ru U Nu.
{ 1 , bOo , K-ltfltc'il , 503.
DAHl.liV. Oarh No. 2 , 83c ; Ao. 3 ,
.J , CiMh , f'2o.
: X No. a. ' ! ij ) <
"jTA.Vi'ci'UtOKSOorn,5iwi0oni. ; ; . > .
ftO ; .
frrtrtuM nnd Provltlpns.
POTATUK3 - I0j p'.r buh-l.
O.N'ICIN'H ifi CO i'or ' i'Ufhel : uovv
luruo ffinwii , | i-r rioz l uiiulit , 15'i2iJe.
1'IH PLANT fil pmnd , Ic.
I.KTTl ClPer : ilu hovl , ICJj55o. ( ,
NIJtA' 'i'oMMOKi 1'er lioar , c'LOO
'jJUTTIUt CJ.oif . nmnuy , lb .
MKAJ'S H.JI'H KICln akfa i haoon.
15e ; clear b suu , 13jdj nhoulosin , Uc ; dried
. . . _ , _ _ ,
* * - | i j * | * > * - -
3 2Jj h y. (1 OWs 0 0 i > er ton ! Iwilcd , 10 00
chopped f * d , 1 ( Wi ilitijij * ! ! ( , n , 160
, 1 Oft jj r owl ; straw , i Oi ) jitr tone
o ; 5-00 b latl.
Orooare1 Wat.
1UMiK yili Ufnniu 1255
11' . Ufa
-ir , Ho B ! ,
o , Pie , prime to choice , U c : O'd ' ent-'i '
'IM ; 2Ci(32Slc ( , Mocha , 28ic ; Arbuckle > ,
TKAS .Gunpowder , good , 4r@35 ;
Chrlce , 00@75c ; Imperial , good , 4 ( @ 45c ;
f > -lt 50@75c ; Young Hyson , good , SG@
JOc ; choice , 65c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
) fat Japan , choice , G0@7oc ; Oolong , goc-d ,
J5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
( ood. S.'f ? lOc : choice. 35,4i > c.
NKW PICKIiKS Medium , lu barrels ,
J * 00 ; do in half bbl * , 5 23 ; smalls , In Ibis ,
ll CO do , in half bbl ? , 700 ; gherkins , In
bbls , 13 00 ; do , in half hbU , 7 03.
WOODEN WAKK T'vo hoop pullf ,
1 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20. TnV , No ,
1 , ft 50 , No. 2 , 8.0 , No 3 , 7 ' 0. Po- !
nocr washboards , 185 I'ouble Cr wn ,
2 SK > | WellbucketH , 3 eO
IilJAD Wnr , $1 G5.
VINKGAU Pure apple oxtrn , llio :
, mro apple , 13c : Prussine wire annle , ICc ,
dL'U AllS-Cut haf. Ilo : Cnnhed
lie ; Granulated , lOJc ; Powdered. 11 ;
Fine powdered , lie ; Standard Cotfee A.
0c ; New York Confectioner's Standard
\ . Ojc : Good A , 95o : Prairlo Extra C. ! > c.
11OPK Sisal , J Inch Mid larger , lOjc ;
14. Inch. 111. . .
CANNED GOODS-Oystan. , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , S4 W : do 1 11. . ( Field1 ? ) ,
per c.ase , 2 75 ; tlo 2 Iti ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 " > . Lobsters , 1 Ib per < lo7en ,
1 HO. Tomatoes , 2 80 ; do 3 Ib wr
I'osc. 3IX * ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per case , 310 ; soaked corn , 210 ; del
l ! HI ( Yai mouth ) , per cite , 313 ;
tiring bc.ini , per case , 2 10 ; Lima be'im
per cate , 1 85. Succotash per cnio. 2 00 ,
Peas , common , i > er eae , 2 CO ) pen * , choice ,
per cnse , 3 15 , lllackbcrrie , ' > , per once ,
210 ; straw berrii.-p , 2 Ib , per > vof2GO ! ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per cane , 3 2J. l.nti-
ion' , 2 II > , per case. 215 , liartlett
pears par care , 3 00 © 1 CO. Whortleberries
per case,240. Kgg plunift,2 , Ib i > erotev ! 75 ;
Groan gagcs,2 Ib per case , 2 75 ; do choice , "
tbpor ca e 1 50,1 ine Apples , 2 Ib , perc.ia * ,
00g5 ( 7(5 , Peaches , 2 5U per C.IRO , 3 10 :
di > 3 Ib , cnsc , 1 " 0@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
otvtc.250 ; do pie , (5 ( Ib , per dimm , 3 50 ,
t'-AliT. Dray loads , JMJT bbl. 1 05 ; Ash-
.on , In a-u ) ks , S 50 ; bbls dairy IK ) . 5s , 3 f 0
HOMINY Now , $5 00 per bbl.
SODA Uwlght'a tb patient. f2 85 ; Uo
end do , ? . ! 85 ; Church' * , 8S3 ; Keg foda
40 Ibfl , Ifi oz , fls
lojbo\CB : 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Gs , loo.
JvlOK Carolina , 7iG58o : LouUlana , 7
@Sc : fair , 6g , i ,
SVIIUJ'.S. auuiir hoitfc , bb 3 , 5Ho Shall
bl ? , o7ckego , U gallon r $23(1 ; choice
itlilo ayrup , 53c ; naft bbUi 5oc ; kega , 82 50 ,
ST AllOH. 1'e.irl , 4ic ; Silver Glens , 8J
SJSJc ; Corn Starch , 8i@9c ; Exc-olnior
IIM , 7c : Corn. 7Jc.
SPICKS. Pepper , 20 ; Allnplce , 20.- ;
> loves , lOc ; Nutmegs , Cl 005c0aim ; ,
Mace SI 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , DOc ; roumt
cones , 57.C-1 ! ; square casoi > , S.10
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 33 ;
Kirk's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 SO ;
Kirk'a white Husniau , 5 23 : Kirk's
jEutoca. 2 15 Kirk'a Praiiio Quean ,
(100 ( cakea ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 35.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 310 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' '
Ijo , ! CU ; Jewell lye , 276.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in crtso , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Uall , 2 doz. in cane ,
1 00 ; Anchor Hall 2 doz in case. 1 50.
FIELD SEED Bed clover , choice
now , ? 0 00 per bushel ; mammoth elm nr
new , ? 7 00 ; white clover , new , SM 00 ;
si alfa clover , new , 812 50 ; alsike , nuw ,
31300. Timothy , good , now , S3 00 ,
blue grasH , extra clean , SI 50 ; blue crjrs ,
clean , SI 23 ; orchard grass $2 50 ; rea top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80c ; millet , German , SI 00 to $123 ;
nungarian. SOc.
HKDOKSEED OMge orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 95 00 ; oiago orange , 10 bushels or
over , $4 50 ; hnney locust , per Ib. , 33o ; per
100 Ibs. . $25 00.
FIS.i Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbli ,
v i 23 ; j.Vo. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 7 00 ;
No. 1 white Cab , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family
10 Ib kitf , Fuc ; New Holland herriug , per
keg , 1 35 ; Tlussian sardines , 75c : Colum
bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorgVi
Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codr ttj
9Jc ; boneless fifh , 5ic.
MACICEUBL HalfbbiismeBsmackerol ,
100 ) hs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex 'lore do ,
100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat fmnL/do , 100
Ibi , G 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 es shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 7oc.
P12ANUTS Koastea , choice , red Ten- , lOcper Ib ; fanoy white , lOic pcrlb ;
ran- white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goods.
UKOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Doott
FfcSJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7e ; Cabot W ,
7c ; ChittenaiiRo A , GJc ; Ureat Falls F ,
Me ; Ifoosicr , Uic ; Honest AVidth , 8Jo. tn-
iian Hoiid A , SJc ; Indian StamUid A ,
" V : Indian Orchard d. w. , Sc ; Tjavvn'iire
i , Vc : ; Mystic Hivtr , Vic ; I'ciiunt A ,
Shavvmut 1 Jj , 7c ; Utica C. : < \ < \VH..Ims
ctt B , 7Jp ; do A , bic ; do W fS , 3JI Jo ;
rntt 151 ! . die.
K1XJO Jii-'i 'WN COTJ'ONS Alloiidjle
I 1 : 7ic ; A'n-itor ' ' ! - } , Si > ; Ai/yln 1-1 , 7-fc ;
At'ui ' tie lil , . iii < s ; li.Mlt'or S'.I'H X 4-4 , , 'c ;
Uennlngtoal , t' c ; Jiuckeyo S. 1-1 , fijcc
Indiuu Oi' . % ' il A \ 0-H , ' I.aiotii.iO
VJ , 8'c : Jji-lii n K 1-4 , ! ) ri , ; ; L < utiii.lo 4.4.
Vie ; t'eppiifii N HO , 7c : do ( J 'ij , 7i > . ; do K
Arj , 7 t ; do 1' .ij , SJc ; Powsitt 0 l7j'o ;
Wftlllrtlltt'l 1-1 llic
m.KAiuri > COTTONS A iit < wcop
ain li 1-1Oicjllliicki'touoAA In peiialSfo ;
dodulialf bli'ithnd 1.4,1'c , , 1-4 , S3 ;
KiiK-litj 1-1 , ! ) U-Viui ; < if th"Lo < i,10 ; ilu
F.'illiClvtn \ fndian HctdHhruuk 1-1 , I2o :
Lon-lale. lOc ; do ainibiio ! > 7 , 12'c ; Ne -
V'i ik 'v'ills ' 1'Jic ; Peu'iot A , lOe : IV inirtl
j.G IVills , lt'4c ; Poc.ihoutnj 1-4. ! ljo ;
'oints , ) ! 1-4 , aic ; L'tictt , lli'i Wjtiitiitta
O X X , I2Jo. ,
UbCKh ( Colored ) } ! : lirov.ii ,
c ; do C , .liitl' ; Jw doA Bliipt-e
exlift heivy , ll o ; IndlaiM A
* A l.n.vii , lr > c.
- nmt uf&K A ( ' A I.1 !
do XX lil'.e ! O , 'Ifijc ; Annwicl.l 11 ,
J c ; ' 'laiei.ioi't J" U , lojc ; Cone-tci a e *
.n , I'/Jt , ; iliiii.Utciu u. llau LewiHUiii , \ .
0 , i < ; Mlune.i'ilu 1-4 , 21 v ; Onioifa huyti
utra-l-l , iffic ; I'carlJJi i * 2 , lOlo ; rut-
nun , XX Muo etripe , i'Je ; bctucket S
lOJo ; .lo rit5 12t ; Yoomftii's blue 29 , ! ) c
iJKoIMrt. AmnilciMk , lilui'cnd tironn
! F -j AidijvcrIJ > Uii , nc , ; ArlingX
iitii Scotch , ISJoj Curiinril OOO.'bUie w
nown , Yiic ; di. AAA , An do J3i ; ( ' . . X 'ti-
Ici ilo i Ur ; iliyniukfr'H biuo i.iul btitvui ,
) Jc ; Myntlc JJiver Ol > lii | n , I iJj-f Pc.u'
lUvur , blue und blown , Uo ; l/1ica vllle , J
lilutj and brown , ! 1c '
CAJUJHIC" Ji-.rnanL f4c ; Kdd tone
liniuK , 24 inch dnijlilcv uc $ l < : ; Uurtier A
lu/dl , fijo , .MHiihatt.iii b'n. > e &ui-h ,
ort dn CM ; do ilii7o < ) , , VV ) ; 1'eiiuoc
- " c ; l.o kfinixl I ; id tinith. tic ,
fJilSKT ( ! .lEANS-AiiMiii , P
' ( ; nattfvii , f3 ; Clurtndc'j , ( i cl.'t ; ntr
i i'u ciattcii.-i , "Hi U-iUovi-el , ( / - ; fndl }
74 : } Narrtjjtiwi'tt , tiMiiriJ\idn ,
. . . . .ii , ' -Sc : Oiif-ntsl lite ,
GljJNUHA u * Aifi' oa ( , ' , 12)o ) ; Amor.
Vcii ; ilreiiJ Oi1 Aifiylc , l'tt ( Atlantic ,
k.'uilworth , 'fija ; Plun kett , 101 ; ' Sun'
ati , h
COTTONADKS Abhervillo 13Jc
Ai-Jte , 50s ; Auicrloan , He ; ArtUibu , 20c , ;
Ct'u > 1)nc ) T , l-'jio ; Clarion U aud T ,
ttoue , iJ tj ts. ntuuket. 1U ; Noripwoil ,
Ificj OiMnu I > aud T , 13o ; H jJ , 16ii
Sium-x J2c : Ti" . i. 1icVfccliu > ct libfii-
U C J . W12ic-oT ; ( nkl , 12tc ; Yeti
{ jl/viu Naiikiu. I' o ; d.i.chwVj , triw iiuia
f uuy , l'4 _ i < Ui , 8
42 , llo' ; Tnitof tlw J ona"loT.27j. ; Now
( JeW , iluj do'fi7 , i&vt UUos M , U5o ; ilo
do iS , 17c
Olc ri and Tobkcco * .
CIGARS , So 'u , 816.00 ; Connecticut ,
S23.00 ; Mixed , S33.00 ; Seed Havana ,
Ml.fV ) ' ClejirllavAna , $75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Ilnlo ,
2t Ib , tJOcj Our P ope , first < iunlity , C2c ;
Star , txitridf , 24 Ib , butti , GOc ; Horse Shoe ,
pounds , 2J Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds 21 Ib , butts , CO ; Army and Navy ,
jxiuiuK fioc ; lullionJiKiund ! , 59c ; Loril-
lant'a CHmar , ixiunds , bOc.
FINE CUT In pails. Hani to Boat ,
7 > c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ;
Favorite , Coc ; Uocky Mnuntain , GOo :
( ' " vncy , 5.c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil
Pjtlihs O. 8. , li Ib boie ? , per Ib G3c ; Ixiri-
lllard'a Tiser , Kit' Dl.imoiul Crovn , OCo.
SMOKING All nrades Common , 2Ho
33c , OrAnulit d lUackwolls Durham , 10
o7.51c ; Dnke * Durham , 1C oz , Kic ! Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz. 40 ; Seal of N
ka , 1(1 ( or. , 3Sc ; 1/nie Jack , i c ? , linen
per Ib , S1.35 ; Jtirl-urpa' Pnck 2 oz , tin
n , ' . B c : Do Tail t'.nc.
Pnlnts Olliand Varnlihoi
PAINTS IN OIIi While lefwl , Umnhn
P. P. , r e ; white lead , St. Lout" , pure , G $ < - :
Marville * green , 1 to 5 lt > cans , 20c
French ine , gu" ! ! 12c ; French zinc ,
rod seal , lie ; French ylnc , in varnish tvtst ,
20c : Trench zincc , in oil awl , llic ; Haw
nti-l burnt uiubcr , 1 Ib cr.n * 12o ! tnvv nnd
burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brovva , 3-
tv fined lampblack. 12c ; ciucli black , l"c ;
i"ory black , ICc ; drop bliok , 15c ; Prunsiau
blue , 30o ; ttltraninrine blup , IPc ; chromo
green , L. M , d D , , Me ; blind and shutter
L , M. & 1) , , lOc ; Palis grcon. 18o
JtiulU'i rod , 15ct Venetian red. I'c ; Tuscan
ilrv , 22cj American Voruilllod , I. A P. , 18c ;
ciirome yellow , It , , M. , O. & D O. , ISc ;
yellow ochre , Do ; golden ochre , li * ; patent
Tlryer , 8c ; r/rainintf colon : llsht oak , dark
oat , walnut , chestnut imd tub loc
Dry ° nlnt
White lead , Oic ; I'renou 7lur. lOe : Pnrig
whiteing 2 c ; whiting gild-jr * . I ? * ;
A tilting conUc ; lampblack Gorman ,
town , 14c ; If mpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pnis-
Bhn blue , 55c ; ultramarine , iPcj Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , bunil , 4c ; umber , raw ,
Icjsicnna , burn t , -Ic ; sienna , raw , lo
Paris preen genuine , 2" > c ; Pal is green com'l
20clivomo green , N. Y. ' 1'Oc ; chrom-
green K. , 12c ; vcrmilllon , Kug , , 70o ; vermillion -
million , Ainciicn , 18o ; Indian tvd , lOc ,
n-ae pink , 14c ; vcnutiuu road , Cookson's
9iu : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; roi lead , 7ic ;
chron.c yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2c _ ; ochre , American , 2c ;
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; Jchiijli brown. 2 c :
Spanish brown , 2jc ; Prince's mineral 3c'
OILS 110" carbon , per gallon ,
11 Jc ; 160 headlight , per gillon.
12c . ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , IGc ;
linseed , raw , pcrgallon , i ; linseed , boilo I ,
per gallon , GOc ; lard , winter sti'ct , per trill
ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 83c : No. 2 , 75c ; castor ,
XXX , per gallon , 1 ] 0 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; sweet ,
per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. 11. , per gallon ,
1 55 ; fiith , W. ] j.per gallon , GOo ; ueatnfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5o ; lubri-
eating , ioro , per gallon , 30c ; nummcr , loc ;
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , SO ; sperm , sigml , per gallon , 80ej ter-
pentinc , per gallon , Coo ; n-iptha , 71 , per
gallon. ISc ; fir. 17c
VARNISHKS KarrelB per wllon.
Furniture , extra , ? 1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SI ; coach , extra , $1 10 ; each , No. 1 ,
31 20 ; Dumar , extra , $1 75 ; apan , 70c ; as-
phaltum , extra , 83o ; shcllao , $3 50 ; hard
oil finish. SI 30
Dm ? * .
Carbolic , 60e ; Acid , Tartaric. GOc ;
Coptbia , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Susattnn per
Ib , 14tj Calomel , par Ib , 75c ; Cinchoiudia ,
per oz , 5103 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ;
Dover's powdert , , per Ib , ? l 10 ; Kpson :
lalts , par Ib , Sic ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
3Sc ; Lead , Acetate , pnr Ib , 24c ;
Oil , Caitor , No. 1 , per gal , * * 1 15 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8100 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal. SI 50 ; Oil. Origanum. SOc
Opium , 84 50 ; Quinine 1' . It W. & It. it S. ,
per , 02 , § 22 5 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib
? 175 ; Salacm , per or , lOc ; Sulphate ol
Morphine , per oz , S3 85 ; Sulpnur Hour ,
par Ib , 4c : Strvchnine. ipr o ? . 31 23
Heavy Hnrdwnro Lut.
Iron , rates , * ? 3 40 ; plow bteel , special
cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; special orGermanGc ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , aet.
2 253 ( 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , eawed
dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75e ; enuare nuts , per tb , 7@llc ;
vvashcrf. per Ib , 8@18c : rlvetd , per Ib , He ;
coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleivble , 8c ;
iron wedges , Gc ; crovvhara , Gc ; harrow
troth , 4c ; hniEosiioes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7tjt < < c ; JJurden's horseshoes , 5 50 ;
Hurdcn's muleahoes , S 50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; 13uck shot , ? 2.10 ,
Oriental Powder , kegs , ? G0 } : lo. . half
kogo , tJ3.48 ; do. , quarter kf-gs , ? 1.8S ; lllast
ine , keif ! . 83 35 : FUHO. ucr 100 f * t riOi ; .
BAUHJJD WIHK Tnr tot , 'l p i
100 ; iu lens than car l < ii > , s 55 per lUil.
O..1 : RI > | ' ' , HWO tn 4LV ; hemlock fu'fl , 2 < < f' to
T-c ; bc'oi ok I.IK , Me lo 100 ; cuiinsi ,
O.'o t" SOcboiiilin'k csilf , S5o t i 1 20 , hftn-
loci : niMur , 2c. ! ! to 2ic ! ; oa1 ui per. 2lc ;
al'isitor ' , i ( HI In T 30 ; calf kid , 32rm ;
t'uibun kid , 250 t < > 27" > ; oak l > ii ) , We u >
1 W ; oak cilf , 1 " 0 to 1 3il ; Kicnch t < iu ,
I 10 to 1 55 ; KiKiich u'llf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; iua-
cetta , , r > 50 to 7 flinings ; , (1 ( (0 tn 10 r.O ;
rniiiutitr4 , 9 HO to 1050 ; 15. I. . TSl ire w 30c >
to 33c ; poliblo 0. D. M iroccn. 3"iu ; wni-
3 rt ) tu 3 00.
II AT * V I1 . * * ' ' " * '
" 1 ! . wlitf ' l" t'H
j ] yJ MI l Hi * * j j fi - * ri > * ir u n | t Oy x > H *
I. . , DOc ; No. 1 Olii i .ml : , , ? Hc : No. 2 do ,
i(5c ; No. 1 Milvnukee o7c ; No. 2 do , 34c.
Horsot and Mulcr
The ) mcfkrt IK brhk.iutl all ri.tlca arc
jellin/vi'ftl nt slight advance in jnitOB
Thi1 neiuvj'j for gmxl hoiHrb em-poji1 Ui
: itituidiiaiy. ! Prtcci ruuijc ; a. , f ol-
Kiiiomngle < 1ri\ortf , ? 1.0. to 3W.J Vxtra
dralt IIOIT-J * , dJ7f > . to 2W , ; f'ouimon 'Ira.T ,
bin-OH , 8KO. tn ICO , ; Kxtrn liiii/i hcn-ou ,
UllO. to 125 , ; C/'iitiiiiinn lu on.t CniTi Iiotsen
yuO. to $100. ; Kitni plujpi , * i'0. t-j 76. ;
Oumiuou iilngN , (520. ( to JK ,
] \Uni.S. ; 15 to Uij , Imuda ( eitra ) , * V2
tn 150. ; Hi to lit bhiiiJr. , jJlOO , tu llO.
II to ] 4J h.iuitH , 73. lolOJ.j 134 to 44
hand i , ffd. tn 7"i
LI uon.
ALCOHOL Ih7 pn-oi. 220 per win-
Cjllui > ; oxtni r.ihfiindi fpiiitii7 ! ) , 'wii ,
1 'JO 1-cr pii i | ( { hiliiii ; tnjilo roliiiixl Hiiinls
) h ? | .i mf , 1 24 per proof inlim ! ; iv-ilifliliuj (
u tliLlwi , 1 I'lltV 1 r . ; tir.e lil > nded , 1 OiV
2 fiO ; Kriitiwhy bourbojin , 2vHMit7 ( < 0 ; Ki u
lucky and Pornikvlvanl i ryu-i , Uii/700 ( /
K/t\ > JMhrt Imported. * il ( WgCJiJthi ,
douifhtic I met 1(0. (
( ilixfi Ia. , ) rs l. I MH'gb 00 ; iJniiutl ,
IUIMH luip'irtcft , 4 5 ( > sfi
En I. 2 ( Xlcr j oil ; Jun.eita. 1
pnr own ,
' Amsfbta , caw , 12'JOfS ,
CJPO. 4 ttf ) < S10 00
\ ViNLShiun wiin , p r ctto , G 00 ®
CutaAt' . , pcrratu , I 00@7 W ,
V/o iULtn ) lumiiei , utn wnd liiiiKtfli on :
.ire i.t Miruha i't the follnv/iui ; inid. " :
nii'lnr , 621 0" ; Itft. . , $ -2 ( III
TI MhKUH ft. an I uiul'ir. 82.J f ( ) .
u\ir.i : ; ( AMJ Jorrr-H ft. , uo-i ;
. ( ft W , ur h.t § - ' ' 50 ; 21 ft. , * X ro.
1 .t.c IN Nb. 1 , 1 BIM ii in. , bi'i W ;
fT-i. i ij'-'u ii
, niiT'X } ; ' ( No. 1 ( Vud loifimin
hocni \ Mf "J , Nu. 2 , $17 00
f.rO'.i ! D. fKtOO ;
U' in. O , > ; f."i ( ( / ; 12-ui. JI , > ) ( l 0.
I'APKJl Straw pu/HT , ii'oHif ; p.t ) " r
ic ; dry KOH..I uaiier , 7o ; u uiillu P.IIOI , ll t , ;
unw * ( ujist. * < ;
COAly Ut.mlxjtUt J Maokfruitb , fl/ :
Jlorria Ida , Him * ) uiy , $12VJ. ; . , .
lump , 0 . ' . \Vbitcbruut ; nut , f > 0 : Xowit
lump , W 50 ; Iowa nut OfUocl ) ; Spring
3.S ; Anthracite , nil al/oa , 12 ( )0@12 CO.
KAIfiM Jlatw , 10 to ( J0t , 3 UO.
MMK Perbanel.Sl IB ; bulk pe cuu.
3r > o Ctment , bbl , 91 75. Iowa pl..atfr.
bid , frl 00. Hair i. r bu. 3fc. Tarred
felt ICO lb , S3 00 , Straw Luard , CO.
Wool ,
: .U'rfuo tuiwaa oJ , light , 11 f ltto ; hsavy.c
intdium on waihed , Unlit , 18(14201
chdce , U2c ; fair , 8Cw ; tob-diug
w. , 2Jc ; burry , bl ok : > nd ouUed voo
Hldel Fui , Etc.
niDKS 'j.rutt Vutch * hide ,
o < rod 7 0) ) bid * . , tttao wdt. p rt euiyd fc
' fi o , < ik ; dry dint , tmiunl lidBHodrv ;
calf uud kip , l'2f/a'14y ; dry it It hl'W.tiound ,
10ClB * ' - lfi. . "J'i fc.Kircllo ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Itis , per skin , 5Cc {
crecnjeltJ % 50(1491 ( 23 ; green lamb kin ,
Jl S3il ( 50 : damaged hides , Iwo-thinl rate ,
mil uporctl and onf trrnb. ola fd two-
tLlrds raUs ) branded hides 10 per ecnt. off ,
Coon nkins No. 1. I5c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
20 , ; No. ! , lOc. Mink , No. J. 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 8 , 15o : No. 4 , cc. Fox , No. 1 ,
ROc ; No. 2 , 23 j. Skunk , No. 1. black ,
Kic ; short ittrit > o , 40o ; narrow stripe 25cj
broad * trlx | > . lOo. 'Callow 7c.
Ohtnngo Protlnon.
CHIOAOO. J ly 31.
Flour t ; Mt > t nnd vvrak.
Whe t IVniMid itctivp , nnd urif"-
Into nrlvinced , HKnlar , JbJfjrlMi. ' f < r
.lidv : DfiVc for Angu t ; 07c } for Svptcni-
bcr ; ! l7Sj for October ; IWtStldlo for the
.ii ; Nn. 2 rfd winter , tf > J@ti's ! ' firc-ch ;
JffiTOs for July ; No. 2 Chlr'vaii ' spring ,
1 HO bid for caMi and July ; U Jc for Ait
Corn Active but weak ; a btnvy rain
vtnrin ha ? prevailed In IOWA. Wlvcmnln ,
Minnrxit'i nnd Illinois for ih pmi
twenty-four hours , and ciirn , which nr < > d
roiti , nticnr-d ncirly h cent loner : 7"'f'i "fis
fnrca li : 7I3M74JC for Sept'intmr ; , Si- |
for October ; ( HgCgCOfa for the veit ; re
jected , 70c.
O.its Active , firm and hichor : ti''c f r
ca h ; CaWiWcor ( July ; 383ff,38jc ( for Au-
tu t ; 3lg/ciiilc : { for Scptombei ; 31 0 tor
Ortobcr ; 3ljf tor the yc'ar.
.llyn Stonily and unchanged ; Ode.
H irley Ste.uly and unchanged ;
Vli\ Seed -Hood demnnd for future de
llverj ; 1 2i (
Huttcr K lcr , but not qtiolably
low cr.
Iiower graJcs have dcclinoii ;
I'urk Unsettled , but generally low or ;
2000(2)2015 ( ) for cn h ; iO ISJfMO P > for
Augusi ; 2023@2027J for S > plii.1ior ;
111 12i@lU 35 for October ; 18 70@IS 75 for
the yo r.
InrdClosed al 1200f21202i for c sh
and Augmt ; 12 15(3)12 ) 171 f 'r ' SaiitBiiibi-r ;
12 22J@12 2"i for October ; 12 00 foi the
year ,
Whisky Dull and heavy ; hollcii in
order to sell seem nuwillliig to nntke con-
t reights lUtcH on corn to lltiir ta , 2J
Whrat Itegular , fairly active and
liado htghi-r ; iHUbii' ' ' for J ih ; ' .H ! < for
AiiBUst ; Sl'tJiSlTja lor Scp.embor ; 07S' '
lor October ; ! ) ( ijo"for , the vcar ; No. 2 red
winter , DSJc for cash ; HSS@l)8i ) | i fur August -
gust ; ll'JcifJl 00 lor September ; No. 2
Chicago spring , unchanged.
Coiii-lrn'fcUlar : ) lor August ! 7I8 < !
for September ; 73Jo ; for October ; ( il o for
tlio yrar.
Oats Unsettled , but generally hlijh * r ;
lli@0 o bid for cash nnd July ; 3S\o \ for
August. ' .ulj(13"c for September ; 3lg- for
Octnber ; 31 for the y oar.
Pork -Active , firm and higher ; 20 2 >
for August ; ' . ' 0 I2J " , for September ; 20071
tor October ; 18 II "A for the year.
fjiid C.vsh higher nnd options stov'y ' :
12 0" for Auaml ; I220@IU2- i for Sci- |
tembci ; 12 2r\12 30 fjr Oowucr ; 1205
for the jeir.
Uoc'ts. Shipm'U
Flour . H.500 ( J.OOll
Wlieat . 21)7,000 ) 273,000
Corn . 3111,000 IM.fOU
Oat * . 71.COO II.OIH
Itye . 12,30' ' ) 500
IJuley . l.OCO 5liO
Now Yorli
Niw : YOIIK. July 31.
Wheat -Cash lots J < 31 higher ; optiuui
opvuud i@lc better and aftervvariis lost the
advance- , closing stronger ; nugraded KJ riiip ,
100 ; No. 2 sprinir , 1 12 ; iinwraded ic-d , ! I5
@ 1 12 ; No. 2 red , 1 12@1 12J ; ccitificatu- ,
1 13jijl 13 J ; mi\ecl winter , 1 10 ; steamer
No. i white. 1 10.
Coin Cash firm ; opened lo lower
and subsequently recovered most of thu
decline , closing linn ; ungraded , 83l
No. 2,8l c.
Oat bii'ottlcd ; mixed weatetn , 8015
72c ; white western , 70@7io. !
jLgg8 Fresh , quiet aud steady at 22@
Pork Nominally unchanged.
Ueef ( Juiet and ( irmly hold.
Ii ml Prime steam , 12 03.
Butter Dull and u changed.
KreV Shipm'td.
Wheat . ' 307,000 tOJ.IiOO
Corn . . untie 14,000
0 its . 4'J,0 0 none
J\fii.WAi.ivi.i : . ,
Wheat Virmor ; No. - ' , ! Illc-nh ; July ,
I olA' iibl , iyf , Seplt-inlii-r , ! ; tJu ; Nn. 3 ,
80- .
Ojrn St , udy nnd ccircu at 77 ! ; if' '
j-- < ul , 72 j.
1 1 cU 1'irin ftt ORci
1'yo 1 inTaiiil iiiicli in M d.
liarioj Sli'cnger ut 72j ,
Tux'pnutluu htnrkit.
Wii.jiih'iiiov , \ . C. , July 31 ,
TnrpcutliijSternly .it IOU- .
Ijivors-ool > 'rivlt n ,
I iv Kiti'OQ ! , July 31 , Winter , Us 4dulCs ; spring
' '
J'j'llll U1IO.
I'K.mtA , July 31 ,
hijh in MM ) , 75@75iu ;
( Jit- , l/till nnd low.'i ; No. 2 white ,
Jyo ! InuctiK1 : No 2. lli'i.- .
Iligluvnu < --Unjlunn'i , . at 1 II ,
KnuNiui Uity F
KA.\S > A rnr-ruly 31.
W.init Mnrktit. uloiih ; Iv- ' , 1 oault ,
'U'RS'.io ' ; N , , 2 , 7H1''ijM ' ! > ir ; No. 3 , 7lo )
n" . 7'Jii usltul.
( 'uin "Quli't ; Nn. 2 mixed c'.xdi , IfCo
nfkiiii ; , Milm nt llm.
( at " , . li , Hie hi I 3 fluked ,
Ko Nor2 , 4Ho | bill ,
, H City J/itvnhlouIc
Jv.iN'.u till , .Inly 'II.
.f ; in iikeL u'ui.k , i innut "i'i I'1' ' , '
lutiK' it er > - , i.ver.iX'i MIJ t" 1 21JI poniidn ,
; S5iii/5 ( 15 ; I-IIIIIIH > II , 2 ; V'i ) , i 00 ; Texas
ii" , 322ir / : 10.
lln , > iin.ciii'-1 | : ' . -.S : ) ! | i.ti "I ;
( iiHUic luuur , but fuA t } n VVLIO iii&
aud tii y raisin ! fciim ( > ; WinjT S'l.
ToLtliO. July 31.
Sturdy ; ntw No - iail , ni'it | or
Jnlv. 1 12A ; , 1 Ol.Sjptuinbtr / ; ,
1 02
Corn Steady ; high mlxud , MJ.-j No , y ,
spot nr JuU. 7 u ,
O it Dull utiil noiiiiii i ! ; No. " ,
St LuuiN JMv Stt/iclc.
, Sr l.uti' , July III ,
Oiktt'ii ' Jtoofipt' , 3iOUiii'pli1 ( ; liif !
demand ) l < ht i nil pncu , viu t.i ( iirniintr | >
mainly gra > H Toxatin unit I idiniix , lor
CiHiiilii7 grail-s of v\hicli Hi. i ntn v/i
2ifirf'i375 ; g i.d tu oiii-c-- , JO ( j t i"i
iiitivccowH ami hcifi-i' . , .in M I dll ; g.M
ni.tiv. H , 1 OOfOif ) fid ; ti , l > hi | ii ( { st.tcr' ,
if iilleied , v/uilld I nilli 0 'm ' 7 - i
Sheep Hu'.ti , ; ! . , a , itil , i-liiuini'ntH ,
'iOl ; fair to uh. . tto aU i' , J fX(2Jl ) ( 50
Dii.fAiu July 31
Th' Tiff \pr-i' Ji'tiroul i < | irl' :
Jn-ii-l | ; utljitn , O.UKijKiil.jn iidtwt ; , IC-0
d U nu I Klo 11 * ' t , VHI > ) /1 > r niUiil , 7 3r
h 15 ; tl.lpx , iluil , uut ui.imU cl ht 7
and eli ) cti won ) . .
C ittla Uouelptu , G.O'Oj bhlyinai. .
1,000 ; traile q'litt. mnl blow iind v Itie
to oh if t , i > 2 ' ( V/ii UU ; uuiuitiun to fur
4 60 ( f5. 75 ; bulclniM , wikj uom
limn to fair , V ! OUy l 09 ; mu limn to WMH\ \
'A 5 < J ® } 25 ; ttookum uiil fwden dull ra2 7' '
26 ; raiiKe u ti le In full mjuily ( ul ol
10j Oevlinii ; TOZAII ) , 50110
n Iiulf Imwdj. 87fi4t 1 50 ; Ajiifr c * "
4 ? ® 560
SUwn Jf = it > t500 ; iii.ioi.'iiU , nuns
U.ltluh cj' ' . ' ' ; a ' - iii ( ii in. ' Jour
jul ttlt , fuij-ly I v ia'i- | l n'tilik , ] J\
Guarantee iVianufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection.
irrtcnt are rather dl couragcd c < iicornitig
ho ( .hrvp trnilcjulc's Ix-jng lunorthnn
st weak \\lth heavy Mipp1ie .
Potrolouni Marliot-
I'lTTsiifiui , PH. , July 111 ,
Petroleum Active : Unlitd cflitlfic.iles
ve.ikcr ; elided nt Hlcj reliuvd , llOJe tor
'hlladi'li hla delivery.
Nnw YOIIK , July ill.
Pctroleiim-Pyc. (
Ci.tvii.VMi , < ln1y PI.
Petmlsuin Sleadj ; Standard white ,
10 * toH , tltijc.
Council Uln3 Mnrhot ,
Cocactt , ULUFKH , .Inly 31.
Klour Cioltlen sheaf. 8 30 ; undo Ironi
'C\MR winter wheat at Crv utid Mills , 3 00 ;
e t Ivantias lir.niild , 8 ( Xit8 ) ( f.O ; lirnham ,
t 00 ; rye tl mr , S 00
Corn Moid-1 70 for white : yellow , 1 (10 ( ;
urn ch ] > , -S 09 poi ton ; corn and oata
hop , 3'2 00 i > cr ton ; chop , 83 CXI per ton ,
Wheat No. L' . 7oe.
Corn No. ' . ' , 0j.
lljc Nuw ,
llarloy None.
Oils None
I'llUITS-Mlnckhcnles , lf > o per box ;
pplrs , 2 Ti053 00 | > er bai rcl ,
IJroom Corn 81Htto. ( )
Hay Looire , 7 UOg'J ( 00 ; baled , 75 or
Wood 5 00@G 00.
Wool lfi@yri.
Huttei1 Creamery , 20c ; In rolls , wrap ,
ncd , Kiu ; rolls nut wrapped , 1'J o ; mixed
colors , 10l'-'lo.
Uggs 1 "o.
OnloiiH 30o per dor. .
Uvo ClhlckeuH 2 00i"J ( 25 per dozen.
Potatoes Old , out of m.irki't ; new ,
o.Oabbngos KUftriOs per dor.
Tnniio * 4U@50o tier bushel ,
IilVH STO -C-UtUi-Cxtia , 3 00@
U 0 Vtial C l\i-s-5rOGI.(1 00. Hogs
i50S)700. ( ) Kheop I HO.
Sa\oiiioiiBynnilonIir Hilt illroiit from
inwoslilp iiiOiiipth by rail at thu
oait lie s'ltto ' ci-tli prltu to lliistcrn points.
U-in-lin TY.i ] : l SALTCI ) . .iclniw L'lU.MIch.
Tlio Iron Moil ,
Spoolil I ispitili toTllK lu. .
Ciitc.Mio , . .Tiiljill. . The annual con
vention uf the Ainilgiuimtod Iron and
Stool \VorVura nioets hero to-morrow.
\bout 2i )0 dtduj-ates from all parts of
the country nro in town.
The "Hawthorn Ccntunnial Ex-
ct'ltior Roof Psxint , " was pitontod May
24th , 1881 , iutd Jottora pttont nuin-
jor 241 , SO. Any person found or
known to tamper w ith the nuxnn-
[ uottiru of said pixint will bo puiiioh-
cd to the full extent of lavr. No prr-
BUU Imu any authority wimtovor to soil
. I'd.
"IH'nllior n ) i HIIXAIU ' ucil mi nnnifnl ] k-\f
llllll LiMlirn lliu IJ | > C > < i " 4 lit ' Iu' ( nil Hllll
nu rulon aii'l li > n < nu'iil iqipil uti n n ! tin
[ tin * trir/ji'H , IH , , f , \o 1 h Ic i il ( JoiOh , Mr
i | M In1 , ( ov itu I PIU liutkfM , tutil H nfth
iult'it U Ilktun J lium.u -li-1) irn ) HAVI
iimiir liLatv 'Initnik' hi f ltl < li\tli jii'liLi in
lv < 111 9111 II lUtlulf * nt ( lilt IllUt II Dnt'tlltiOII
n .iv lin K'"l''l ' > ' "Hi " < ' 'i'il an in.MI uili
to ri-nt ov r , i < iitlui i-v ti illiiunp. flui'mli
of inli'.lo in J-ul'uj ara llmhi ) . " < i mill 119 rnnly
In ii It'll N ulitinur tliL'tiI" a u-iftlt piilut. Wo
HIM irt'ipu , iiu.ft . vln'l Ijj iicugiliu"in -
i-iui'l ' fonillul ul ) i | iti-ii lit ioil a , ni nr > roi- |
j libilli'.t.rii frJiui . ' cHii Oftvii'o il.uctti ! .
ni "iinpU itli iinlluir : tnt > r ur uiilk rtoNl
lntltr o 1\ ( J-M > Jii Illi ) rn'iliil
i lit t.v , af2ll > _ _ Ijoiiiuni , ) Miifuni3. )
'Mirio courioj ; open 10 |
Al.'AUP ! i I > > 'c ' I "l rtijillsi GJvo.
u 1 1 i f tiui , n , lei , > UK' fir I in IIU-H.
FKUnY lloi Jj tfi-iiiiimiy lor S mu
I u 'ILM ' lin'li ! | > ; ivi I In biiiirv nuil lii'illifll-
-i "t i-itiijtlj , Mill in ix ii , t < f'o >
in n mil tlmr Ir.lniufs ni li.i n lit , ' ) ivc.n. Oi
Ij-.ko J'Hlnui" '
air Inijmt - . ' .finlii I W , IBrli A | | iJto |
PRBftT. OriivCiOll'Jjiiuo Foi'iwl , IM.
_ J\
l i C1IHCUI"C1 ul the liuiik iM r Pulttucli-
me liiklltiittfi Fro . N y ' 1 hit < il iLbtf'UHii. ' ' < r-
liiriHilnioi In Ainnrii i Ivixl tuiaiiyM \ > oi- |
t iiilior lltii 'llw lo.'it-'r < < ' IS'J Ojfllil , * J
li-t ( t tliu 'ranu in t i tin ) | u I r yiurj , lil ,
t un | < inl i i > .jnlto u nrt if tuJ > i rniilro |
llio , iXPO'lKrt. Itt , AllIlU >
I 1 > i1 * n r > 1r viir
tin it I Ilit-uw nlliiK ill ( hi. ( nn'ru't ' , w il on-
lirli dili'iii'iwi'li ' ' il " ' > iiiiutu i'liliwiiiii
( It fiMIH'I'lf t > " .HII" ll i X'l H 'C.II ' ! ' till. AOTK
, i' ru.l.l uimr I s .vniri t.
'In ui I ui1 Cn ' Vi'ir , t IIHIIV itluila'lit
inl' . , i H JUJ'I I n'll ' > rorkti.
limuiiveil to Ho. 811 Hsu Si.
j > cnilcr inV
, V iEMMKH ,
llm ruj otcl oU aut iiiw ijiiart' r > .
C3 'O 1'iK a : 3-.W O iS 'JJ. ' .
Jn Km ' N 'V ' likcl : ,
l'rch I'oultry un i v | jiiivlvnjM | on
i id Ui-H'i '
' ' ' '
142U DOUuLA. i.1'ii.iiK'i'
6 u lUwlwxr will ( too
or Mtuliuuuuil fur
C1R,1 nilCHQO , KT
irivo OinAtia rnweitier No. J , 8SO : . m , Ac-
i nuiilatlon No. 4 , 1'O rp. in
/irlveOmah1 * Vawivntcr Xo. 1 ( S0 : p.m.
i tirtn-iltitlon No. n , KWOa m.
IKA nvAni t on noinn ii'ir.
, , II. 0. k 3.1 A ui - 4 61i. . in f ; IC. p. m ,
' .AN. w. , 7:10 : a. in. 8:40 : p. ra.
. , H.I. * r. , 7:4 ( > . in. HM * . m.
. . U.Bt. J. fe C. U.l < w\eB alh:2fl : . BI , on.l7:4 (
o ) . Atrlroo at It t ul tt fii'JD * l. m , and 6:12
vf. , W. L. JL ( ' . , iMvnikl ! ) a. ra. ind 8:40 : p.
Anlfcn a tit. Louis t 0:10 : a. i.t , and 7:80
W "T OR BOffltW"1 .
'I ' , h U. 1) in or ] tzrrd > eHl5 m
U. * W. Lincoln Kxyrc'e 0 ! I5 p. m.
. I1. Ovorl\nd Hxpri ! i , 12U : p. ui.
0 , ft K. V. lor LltiMln , 11:45 : a. ui.
O , ft\l V tnrOscoob , CMOu. ru.
U. r 'nii.'l > t No. 5 , oo : : m.
0 , P t re'ichr , No. , ( JiM . iu.
J. V , IrolKl.t No , 13 , 2ffl p. in.
0. V. freight No. 7 , 0:18 : p. ni. emigrant.
. . 1' . Denver rpro- , 7:3 : ( > p. m.
0 , ? fielvlvt No 11. 11:30 : p. ra.
U. V Of Mil frrlthtfr:35 : p. ir. .
4M lVtlMKKflW HUT 1H1I
n A W 8 on p , in , U.OO a tu. 7:10p. :
V. & N. Yt.H:4.\ : . m. V
r > U. 1. A 1' , 9 : tr > n. iu. 9:0 : p. in.
* C. , SU Jco & 0 (1. ( . 735 ! a. m. A(0p. : ra
AtllVIKll raPU Till VM AMD
0 , a H. V. from Lincoln 1MW p. m.
U. F. I'.i.-inc Fvpic/w S .S p. m.
E ; ft U. Do' tcr rCiptc o-i 4M p m ,
u' * U. tiiiu-um lxprc ! ! ltO : ui.
U , ! ' P tivor eiprew , 7:26 : n. m.
U , P. Fictirht No. li iiW P. ro.
U. P. No. tl IAO a. m. Kmlz anl
VI. P. frel ; lil No. 14 , liH ! : p. m.
U. r. No , 8 U:00 p. in ,
VI. V. No. 12 1:15 a. IB.
17 , 1' . L > 4.ivc.r ( inlKht , 1:10 : a , in ,
R , J ) H. T. i.nlxcil , nr. I'M p. in.
IIUUIIT V ! f8 tuir l-KS OVADA A l
I f vr Uu'tic A. o. . 0 , U:0i : , 10 , ( < 0 ul ll'OO
n . , 1 : X'BO , ' 0fi , 4:00 : ami fi.CO p. ic.
\jr P , , .vil U li J < ct Sif , 0S5 : , 10:26 : and
: ( . A. , l"i : , W55. 3:2t. : H.S5 nJ 6:25 : p. ra.
Din % j he lUiirniy lenvca On ha at 0:00 :
.Bit U oo . iu. ; 2:30 : , 4. M an 1 5CO : p. iu. Lnavea
oanrll lllutfn at u6 : and lliii a. in. ; J:35 : , 4:35 :
oJ 6:2C : p. m.
i hroiiK'h iinl locil paetcnacr trains between
mivtu and Council UlulTti. iv vo Omaha n:16 : ,
4,5 , 8:60 : . in. ; 3. < 0 , 6:1C : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive
ui > h 7:40 : , ll-.Su , n : .ri a. in. ; 6iO , 7:06 : , I'M ,
p. ro
Miacouri I'flcific trains will depart
ami iirrivo ns follows , Omaltn timu :
Arrive. ) > imrti' .
KxpiCbH . 7ir > n. in. ( i"M : ji. in ,
Mull . 7:20 : p. in. 7:10 : n. in.
Trains leaving 0:55 : p. in. und arriving
at 7M5 n. in , 'rill have Pullmnii
alocpora _
n ii't\
mull. ( U'tx. ci.0.11 : .
a. m. p. in , a. m. \ > . m.
3aic iroiN. W . U.OO ilCO : fSO 1:40 :
oh'fi'iito ' , 11 J. ti i-.icino. ii'oo ooa : BSK : ttiio
Dhtf.x.0 , u. i o. . . . . .11:00 : : co 6io : ! ! : iO
uKUl . . . . K:00 : 5:30 Z :
Zloi'iC'tv th IWinr. . BCO : BSJ : MO
Un'rm clflj . 4OU : 11:10 :
Oaahatll. V . 4:00 : 11:10
.nM. liiNeb. _ . . . _ . . :00 : 8:10 :
0 nana It faloux City. . . . 0:00 : 7:30
U .t M. Lincoln . 10:8 : ? 8:00 :
J. J. Lincoln , ! < imd y. . 1EO : 11:00 :
] . P. JjionvcrKxii . M.-OO 8SO :
} . , Uloni City 4 St. 1' . , .11:00 MO
tocol malls ( or Utxtout Iowa Itavo hat ano a
daf.vlji : 0:30 : a.m.
O.tlio open 3imd y ( rum 11 in. to 1 p. m.
BES1B8S8 Dii'ectorv ' ,
tci nod Ho bttitte.
JOHN t. KrOAOOlI , oi > jionltn I'oii OKcr.
W U. UAI'TLKTV D17 Uouth 18th UtroflJ.
l.i chitccto.
ilK.C < S3 . ' . ' jSirDI.UiSOHS , AHClimrOW
Ur i : Crcl ht-jn Jllock.
A. T. DA Hi. I * it Itpfiro Z. f.ilrhl.
bontt nnu
J.Hirb t > KfNi ! 4. CO. ,
ME r-jstt a ShaeJ. A RooJ .i/crti-al
iniK1 work on hind , torui'r utti and liarr.ur.
tllOH. BRIUKEON , IJ. E. itit. Will unit
t9f. )0th "tifot , T n
t Mir prlcu.1. lU
LAHKIMltU Ml.nil'ftOtilfdr. 1.117 iMtt
.VNf A HOHKOKDKR , ti-i. un ! > ! fl.l K
i ; iwo In Wnlim'il ivt"ll ;
! If ) , unil llnruw t
in u Ulli ,
K i'O.
f.,1 , t/I
P. riXljv , imv r.orch it .a Oninia , ? rtr L
, i 't' ' "nr.r.riiit IKJP iml 'lOVM
/il P.'j.f tiiliu.a Illuik Cot. IfilhA DciUo
ury ( Jui tk Nuicn , l.tb.
JOHN II. ? % / > MlMAHl < k CO.
> iK uty i"&m jiou , isi ) mil m
"O1. ! i-nr 't ' ' ' V Jnii oi"t
HAUilK't ISIigirnhnci I
IUWK 101V > iTrffi % > "ifl O Uti ) .
Hoteli . l !
N UOUfii : , I' a. 0 ! j , 1 % urubniu it
HOTTI , . K. WlH.ilV" ' ' .
Ui.Ul Uut. Iluuiul
t Ml II ml n i , ) 'fcs JJ y , V * . i tif Koi.fe.
< ! '
fn 1 1' , , . a < 'C.
i UM - . . ' , .irw 4uUi.ijJhl U ii.4/J f.-iui
, MtlU lK > MgftV < i'tku * .i. a p-ii
* ' -nt.
i , Uuri. CC
| ij Bt. i , fl
UO < Bt , . ! > fn.
UQU1 MAM 10 ( M. bat um t.
uui Wl..i-
> r. I ; H'
, U " U
. I'.En.-IIOM ) , lUeannil Mtttl.
a \\nit Lima and Ramtmt.
V ntltV wrnrr 8tli i Blf.
Lntiipi nct tlUmvaro
ucn n.mgiK st.
ftillor * .
0/i o ! oiif n3)i ( i.p'itif MornhAnt 'j it rr-
V -In the t l" t iliw'rni ' ( nr flptln ? nd I
7r > - > i ! for itor.tU'inen'ii wctr , Btjll h , ilut bl' ,
tr i | ( > PP li vnr 170(1 rorinin utrct.
MllllnBry. ATJI
HI'S 0. A. niNORK , Whilo.w'.r'r.M ncUII , f n
jv Oojvlt ! n crcAt varldty , / pbvrj , Ciril DoirJf
uoMnry. Oloxrn , Coticts , tte. Cheapest Hou i n-
IbiiVc'l. . rurcLiwon v < < ' 0 poi cantOrl.R
hv U.ll. UN Fifteenth Street
Hour nnd Feed ,
JMA1IAC1IY " MlLLfl , Btl > tii.l r rnhim lit. ,
t. HTKVKK8 , 51(1 Ixtwcnn CumlnK anl Ii
f A. JJoSIIANi ; , Corn 3,1 ml Ciimlnc Sttoeti.
H rdwuto , Iron and Steel ,
OLAK A LANQWOHTHYVholcute , 111 nij
113 16th ttifitl
A. UOLMK3 come 16th * nd CnlltornU.
Harneii , Saddlot , &o.
0 SVEI8T SO 18th St. bet FainHunef. .
A. llonnRlmo , tiUr.tu , cut now en , icodc , ooqneM
etc. N. W. cor , 19th anil Dourlia itroeti.
Orron tlou o 17th nnJ Webster street , for
1'lintn , Iloii'iuota. Flottcrn. Vlorftl tlenlznii ftc.
Oornlco Workt.
\Vi-jtcin Uornlcfl UnrUn , iUuuix'tumrt lion
L'arnlco , Tic , Iron auil 8ht KcoOin ; , OrJora
trom Miy lo.nllty ( iroiuptly ux-aifJ In the be < l
iinoi. Ftciurv nnl OHIi-o 1V1H Hartley bt.
C. artOirr , I'ruiirioior.
,1 k nlrfnl Iron Cornco ( , Wlmlow C pe , etc. ,
launitarturo , ! iul nut up In nnr ptrt of the
countrv. T. MIN1IOMJ 11(1 ( Thlrtooath street.
Oommiiilon Mcrchenti.
JOHN a. \ U. Llt'.lllt DoJuu Btto > .
D U. DKKlinri. Far clctilli
incnt In D.illv nnil finklr.
Clothlna and rurnlihlna Qoo < * .
OHO. It. 1'KTKUUON , Also Hats , Cpl ,
Ulinoa Motlnnn iul Cutlcrv , Ml H. 10th street.
Uhow Cnao Manufactory , |
0. J. WILDB ,
U nuAturtr itid Oincr ! In all kinds
| irlilit Cuj.u , d1317 Ctca Bt.
KHANK L. UUUllAllD , iiroprlotor Omaha
Uliotr OtaomatiulMtory , 81d South 10th itrcct ,
uctwccii Lo-ivciiM-nrth and Uaicjr. All
nrarrtntod fltst-oai ! .
ovet arici inware.
A. llUHHtSlER ,
Ucili r In 0(0708 * LU 'llnwaiti , nud MwiuUcta '
u ( Tin Hoot * anil Ml UluJt uf Bulldlov Wnr > .
Odil fellow 'lilocli
J. TiONHKR. 11109 \ nnsiw HI oml rnrt nc .p.
ID Ine now brick block on Douglas Etriel , hM
] a > t opened ft moot clejaat Bcol Hall.
Hot Lunch from IU to IS
over'day ,
'ilirtf 3 878 Inth Street.
So di.
J. F.VANa , Wholoinlo and Ketatl Boed D tail
Uctttlvatort OdilFolln.-i Uall
12 Ulxtontlit > tluul.
r Mr.ijoclc Hill. flrpt-dniWorkni ! rtctopl-
, Qaa cud
) ' . W. TAHVy & CO. . ill ) 12 at. , hot. Fmnham
ad Doutilw. Vi'nh ( jrjii.p y jtLiir.ilivl to.
II rH'ZH ItiOK. . oualii Utreol.
Qhon ttoreij.
IH.I 18th & litll
. ' . ! l. UlfliA T > L U. , llnoin Nn t , ( ! lclhtOP (
; | ; CL ! ( , JMi .I'ri'.ir.
I' . H ) , -KNHIhO. . U t > . Muwnle Blncli.
C U < ? , M J-1 , > . ; i- ! f' * opu
Jiti.itt H.-H ) Aiirbl S.7 loth nii
. _ _ Kf _ ' ' [ MWJU Uiiilziairft > .
. ' . i.1' . ' . II H'J Hai.rlnBt. , flaw aod
il ? .irLli. w , IJ * i Kmn
C " < " 'il ' i"v. . narclra
C. KM i i" 1' . . fi-nev
Are iukriowlflilgcd to ha the ,
best by ca'l ' who have put them
toil | Ul 0 1 tOSt.
AIIAl'l'KI ) 1O
BAI-NT L0018.
Eiorcy & Bradford ,
Mum ri rl ui U utxl uipdlum
ftuuiiuti iu i rii ! I' vUl I'i and
bt tl,4 iu III Ij ( irnl ut l ) 41 moat
xtu i lie a'i 1 uti iit'tiil < p rkiftiZ
Our ii c > . ( il , ! ' I'.Y ' TIMU , a'O y-
iai il < . ' ! i > u > . Tur'T. Hepiti
V IT t W . II JCJ 1
< Mrt p-v tl * f p II iljlil. BUttf *
jjj . , . . .i , rtr l ( rtir.u ,