THE DAILf BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY , AUGUST 1 , 1832 IEID &c OO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware ilouse 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET , OMAHA - - - WnOLKSALK BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND U HAIKU N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Qmalm Web. & Wholesale Lnmber , go. 1408 Fariikin SteentjlfflaJia. . M , THE MOLINE STOVE IManufacturcd by TheymaVo aspcclaltj of COOKING STOVES , ami ha\o thh je r pla od In the marltet nioJ theMOsT ECONOM 0 AND M br SAVISKACTORY STOVES \cr made. They mak Plain and extension top , arid guarantee all thUr % aotli. The agents for thu toinjiiny are. PIERGY & BRADFORD , -DEALERS IN- Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters HOC JB ± BBT I1 33 X. P3 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 PARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKifJG. is only attained by using BARTER , Stoves and Ranges , wirn WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For a.ilo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS , Jull-m&clv DIRECTORY LCAUIt4b rt8ihU HOTELS. PROPRIETORS rowy ARLINQTON. J. C. MclNTIRb , Lincoln , Neb. 8ARATOQA HOTCL , J. 8. STELLINIUQ Mllford , Net. MARSH HCUSC , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Otromihurz NU HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL LoulBvllle OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Hlalr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MCAD , Nellfh , Neb GRANOCENTRAL E.I8EYMOUR , Nabratka Olly/Ner MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Woepl.iK W.itor.fn1 COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPCR , Hardy , Nch GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Draonwood , Mct > COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. STOREY. Clarlnda , low * ENO'O HOTEL , E. L. END , fremont , Vcb * EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , t\ib METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVtLL , Atklnton , Nib MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUUD , Guide Recd , Nab SUMMIT HOUSE , (3WAN & BECKER , Oraitun , la , HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. OALPH , Exlra , la , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , In , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE. MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , Doming , In. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J/L. AVERY , Gtsnton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , BOULWARE , Burlington Juritlon , u COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Olinchard , la , PARKS HOTEL , F. M , PARK , Bhenandoah , l , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Doyld Oily , Neb BAGNELL HOUSE , CHAS BAGUELL , College Sprlngi , In COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllico , li. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvorn , Ir , BALL HOUSC , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F.BTEAHN8 , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKEHT , Oiceola , Neb , OOUOLAt } HOU8F , J. 6. DUNHAM , Olfirkj , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T , OOEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M , BLACK & CON , Marjivllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A , T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Mtb WINSLOW HOUSE a. MCCARTY , Seward , Nob. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar Hea. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. CROZ'CR ' , Sidney , Neb , AVOCA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD , Avoca1 la CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis a WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Crltwol DEPOT HOTCL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la. LU8K HOUSE. J A , LUSK. Logan , la , DOW CITY HOUSE. W. H. MORTOM , Dow City , la. JACGER HOUSE , GORE& SON , Denlion , la , AN OYSTER FACTORY. Queer Woi k In Ono of the Towers of the t'ulton Market , New York Time * . In the upprr story of tlio northeast toner of the now Fulton Market building there hns been established , within n few ( lays , the only ojeler fac'ory in the United States. Those o ) sters are brought into being ctuo- fully nurtuicd and cared for , and there they nny bo seen swimming n round in tanlcs , looking as happy this warm weather as if they wore not being raised only to bo boiled and eiituu. Prof. Rico , who , in popular parlance , "has the ojstor down fine , " is there experimenting under the pntronigo of Mr. E. C5. Ulackfotd. Mr. Ulaek- furd predicts the ultinmto ex turmination of the ojatcr tribe , unless that intelligent nnimal cnn bo propagated and reared nrtilicalty , and ho hopes , ho sayn , bringing them into thu world scientifically , to bo nblo to produce them in such large numbers and at so little coat that oyster Mows will bo sold for live cents. There is no trouble about propagating oysters Una has often been done , and is easy enough. It is the baby ousters that intiku the dilliculty. The young * filers toss around in the tanks as lively as possible till they are tire or six daya old. Then they die. No body lias ovcv yut been ivblo to propa gate oysters artificially and rear them to oysterhood. Nobody has even kept them alive for a month , ex cept by Featuring the ap.iivn in un- conlined salt water , which is so near the natural process that it can Imidlj bo called artificial. What Trof. Htce is trying to find out for Mr. 13lack- ford is how the young oysters may be raised and kept alive and hualtliy un til they are big enough to eat. When a Times reporter elim' od the winding stairs loading to thin tower yesterday ho found Prof. Uico earn estly watching the movements of n frisky young oyster that was owim- ming about in its tank. The tiink was very diminutive , bointr nothing more or hs * than a drnp of nator. The oyster had not jot reached that dignified condition in which hu might be seen with the nnktd eye , but had to bo looked nt tlnough n microscope. With the maehino arranged to magnify to about forty diamclors the oyster looked about the aizu of a tlcn. "How largo ij ho in reality ? " the reporter nsked. "Uo is growing nicely , " Prof. Kico icplied. "Ho is only n day old , but ho is already almost ns largo as the point of a needle. " Uo was swim ming round and round , having asott of go-fts-you-pleaso match by himself , and about him were swimming dozens o other mounters , some of them of remarkable appearance. All t'lis ' within the Hinted space of one drop of water. Tlio young oyator was the leviathan of the lot. The other creatures were haidly 11 tenth of hi-i size. "Hero is an oyster Mr. Blaukford ha1 ? just brought up , " said the pro fessor. A line , healthy specimen ot u male oystur , about three yearn old , I should judjji from that to livo. Tliey sometimes grow to a peed eizo in the tirat Bummur of thuir oxinti'iico. In the following apiitig they aio htirdly any larger , I will dissect this folloiv to show you whutan elaborate sort of animal an oyster is. Do you too his heart beat. " Sure enough , just behind that hard part wo sometimes call the eye waa the little rascal's heart. It was a small grayish Hack about the oh ? of n largo pea , and it was beating away furiously , about tnenty pulsations a minute. TJiia was a very slow pulse under the circumstances , considering that ho had just beun wrenched out ot his shell and at minute had the point of a pitir of aciasora poKea down his throat. "Hero uro hia L'illn , " the professor continued , raising with a tiny pair of forucpa the thin rowa of fringe run ning down 0110 Hide. "Under this gill nro a l.irgu nnmbor of tiny hairj. lie npuns his shell and the v.'ulcr pours in , carrying in with it the small objeotb on which hu fei'da. Thesn ob jects are ciuilit in the hiirs , bc.lw < imi the gilln , .itnl cannot eaujpe. They are pushud along by u muscular move ment to Inn mouth. Hero is his mouth , and you sue it is lai o enough to swallow a good morsel of food. " The mouth was at the end of the soft pulpy phr/ , und was laigo enough to n'vullow a lly. The professor then , with the point of hm SCIHJ ra , opened the oyster's stonnicn , in tlio middle of the soft part , and tlienco traced the intestines , which run the upturn entire - tire length , turning buck in their course and running ulong hm inner side , "Ii that his eye ? " the reporter nak ed , pointing to the largo hard ptrt. "Oh , no ; that is muscle.said the professor , laughing. "That is the niusclo with which ho holds his two flhella together. It is very powerful , considering itHuizo.llo'liasno eyes , und is totally blind , of course , Hu has no eara nther , and can only hear in n general way , or thoough saiibntion. That is , if you lay him on a boird and strike thu board a oinurt nip , ho ev idently knows it1 ' All this time the Professor WAS dis secting the oyster , laying bare his mouth , which la covered with HUVB , und exposing the interior of his stomach ach , his intestines and ( ill of Inn mus- cli's The wretch's little heart kept beating BO hard , the reporter was in clined to think ho was Buffering , and inquired whether ho had any sensa tion. "Very little , if any , " Prof. Rico re plied , slicing off another piece with the tiny shears. "I do not think that any shell Huh hns much sensation. KVOH after tins dissection his heart will continue to boat , purhapi lor two or three Jioura. I have hopes of be ing able to raisa the young oysters , but am rather doubtful about it. Wo could multiply thorn very rapidily if wo could only raito them , " While ho was talking the professor was skinning the oyoter very much as a man skins a rabbit. The flimsy sldn pulled oh" easily , leaving whilieh edi ble-looking llewh , "People don't stop to think when they are eating oyut ra thiit they are shallowing hearts , mubclfg , ttomucha , throats and intcatines. Jiut they aro. A neat-looking bird , isn't ho ? " Ko Matter "Wliat Hnppona you may icit assured that you are unfa in being speedily cured by THOMAS' Km.o- TI ic OIL , In all casea of rliouiiiutluiii , neu ralgia , toothache , etc. One trial uuly Ia necessary to prove It * efficacy. augl-dlw MST OF BETTERS lie in 1'oitoHico during Iho week ending July 20 , 1S82. OESItFJIKH. Allen 1' 11 Allen S ArimlU AV Allan J % Ambrose K O Amlorsnn II 1' Acklcy 0 T Itoucrl' C HonenO Cecil * 11 .1 F CiirlN 0 0 C-ti | , O ColTcy 0 Clnck I ) Ciinninplmin S V Cully I. AV Cowdy .1 AV Ciioncril Curram F At Carpenter 1' li Clinton J fnnitiin J G Carroll J C\nts I , 1) ConneUon G 1' Cro 4 F 13 darken A H Crane 12 DiufeeC 1 Dots" > u 0 Do Hull J 0 DoUti T A Dnford J Dotson .T C Dey I , Dlllonl' Port A C Freeman AV C FiUscrnlil J J I'lyiinV Klilicr AV Fototcr J AV Kmter It O.t ihnni K 01tU A 11 Orecn AV Gro I Green .1 11 HolUnyUi : Hcarluy D C Herrona 1' Hnttun K -HatbenT.T HifdtonAVT Harris V H Huiicu8 ) > TV T HoiwoodJ AV HoU'or.l lUrpln.TAV I lupins I'll HlllHOU 1' llortou U U .luir-ini C Jelllfon C 13 JiiliMivon 1 < Y Jncksun 1 iTolins in > T 11 ilcnnen 1C M Julicr .1 1) Jordnn U Ironside G 11 Krinipdy 13 Krhigol A It Kluiplmrv ll&Co KnllyJ A Knhrt U ICciriifs N Lindmicst A 1' I.inboiK A Licblick M huttlo .M F l.enr G 11 ljmiuct ! U I' ! McMatuuts , T McKinnc ) G F Jt Cmty C Mci arthyM McAVy J Mnckniidon J J Mhnshlfl T G \tnrtln G AV Maltby D Mono AV IJ Mattion S Mei-ahon It J Marley J \ Nulaon > T Norris F J-3 XeUon H U KioUon N Nelson 0 Norton O N > strom J Nixon F O\N'eill J AI O'Neal J O'Brien .1 0 Oslmrn F A Otiulgc K O'OiinirC i ! TitsraTJ1 Poll G 1'ickolt AV Hiclinnlnon J ItamiallAVlI Kjiidall S. Kood Kothwtll K Han liroa liiibciiatcln L lie erur .1 Sttnton ,1 N 11 Sa dstrnm II ! ' Smith II F Smith S K Simmon T SclilajterO Stillwull 1 ! St Ifoul F J.cidcl M Smith 111' Siioncor 0 13 SitnotiH D Smith 13 AV Stewart HD Sol A Slo.m A A Sliciihnrd S Tliomns J 11 'I hum M (5 ( AArnllerl-3 AVadiloll AV AVatrcu F A AVIllncr G H AV.iiw M AA'auilltn j G 0 AVnUcer G AVntw li AVilcoxOlI .1 Ycllic J LAltlKH. \iistiu MifeH II llnchyto Mra G lialeH Mm Mrn S Hunker N 13 HiU'ps Mu ( J Uratt R liUnulinnl Mrs Ij Carey Mrs 13 Crr.htreo Miw M Clark Mri. ) H Cliuich MM FC Coo Mia M J levies MM 13 Di'tgon Mrs A Jhviith Mien & Fiiieison Miss L FJi'lclier M im S Gnuicr 13 Gii'er Mii > s ] . , ttU'cn Mrs S TJ Giuy Mrs Ij HOMO Mrn.r lioylcuinn Miss A Hi > yt Mra M H .Htingi MIH M ] { ntmi L Johnson Mn , 0 .Tones Mrn A Jociiiii'in Mits C Ke lid Mrn It L'fhtt m Miss L L'.iiS . Mra .1 AV Lintou iMi < a M Morri-M'M Mrn li Mdrtisun Mra A It McKujizie Mira M Martin M A Mai tin Mi-sM Martin SIM J AV Oiiberff Miss S 1'cterboii Miss C QiiLBt iMii 0 Ilogera 13 KedMd Miis L Jiii er Mics 13 Shields ) Mm M Selbii ? Mrs J Sonthworth Mrs M Spteler M rx U SvatiBjon Miss K Splbks Mias A Thonis ] ) Hi .Mrx TluVluMtes.T Teicntt AJisa Ii ' 1'nylor Jlrs.I Tiillis Mm F W AVlnllock Mis K J AVal uco Mr J AVooilward Miua F AVatts Mra H AVelch JlrB M AAV-IU Mi t F AA'jlio Misa I. AVillianifl M rB II II THCM. F. MALI , , 1'ostmaster. Kortiliiril's Acid Phorj > liuto fur Al- Dr. P. I * . Gilmurtm , Dutroit , Mich. , says : "I huvo found il very naliafac- tory in itH effects , notably in the proa- tration iittcndittit upon nlcoholisin. " - TOO. CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETR'JIT ' , MIABAftA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluti TllKLINKCOMI'lilSES Nearly 4,000 lullcu SnllU Hinooth Stool Truckr All ccniitctloni ) are iruile In UNION DbPOTQ t luia a Katlonil Itinntatlon Mieng \ the real Through Car Line , and U universal ! ; cotuivitJ to l-o the FlflEbT EQUIPPED Kail road In the world ( or nil daw nt tracl. . Try It and you will flnd tr.i\cllutj a Iniur ) Inntc&i ol a illHcomfort. IhruUKh Tlckttii\U rlila Ce'ihrttteil J.lne lei ealo at rill nlllccj In thu U'cit. All lufonnatlon about Itatcn o Faro , bluoiilny Car Acocinum jatlona , Tlmo Tables , &c , , will bf cbuerfully ulvm liy tiiplvlnln ; to T.J. POTTER , 1J ! Vlcu-1'rvtt't & 0 n. ManatorChlcaio ; PERCIVAL LOWELL , CJcn. I'.imnui r Ait. ( Chlotro | W , J. DAVKNl'OUT , ( Jon Atront , Connill Illuff * . II 1' . lUIl.ITkka Act. morn wl ly 1 Only Dyspu'pila , Opctor , ' siiJ a iiatlont to AlH.riK.thv. "rt'lut would you liavuJ'ualiUlio KroatuurKuor "the jiliuuc'i Indl'e ) tionU tlio tourcu ol counllni. niorlul I ia < a C'huck It ceriy uitti'jAUiuM'n HKLT/.KII AIXUIKNT ami ca cipuat oucu Ui | > r > . tii avoului an 1 IU jnobiblu uouto'iucnic * . II nc.-lti tej. SOLO 11V ALL CHUOOIfcTH. ] ul21.6m -WINE OF OAHDUI" lunlcca rtny * " UH und clear complexions. MONITOR OILSTOVE Improved tor 1882. TUB IIKST AND ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE ST011.0VK t.N TUB WOULD. Kvory linusokoopor fools the wantol eoniothiiiR thit will cook the dtiily food niul avoid the excessive heat , dual , litter nntl nslios of 11 conlor wtindntovo THIOtONlTOH OIL STOVK WILL UO IT , better , quiokor and cheaper thnn nny other innium. It ia the ON LY OIL STOVF2 mndu with the OIL RESERVOIR KLKVATKD nt the back of the atovu , nwnyfroin the liont : by which nrnuigonumt AT3SOLUTE SAFETY is iocurodns ; no gas can be gonerntt'd , fully In only per cent more is obtninud , thu wicks nro pro * served twice as long , thus saving the trouble of conctnnt trinuninp anil thf expense of now oner. . EXAMINE THE MONITOR mid you will buy no other. Manufactured onlj liy tli" MoiiitorDil Steve Do. OleTolandQ. Send tor dosoniilivo circular or call on Itr. Uogorn vt Son , amenta for No- hrank \ D. M. WELTY , ( SuctioHitor to D. T. Mount ) Manufn lurcr nml Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HOUSE OLOT11INO Rouos , Dusters and Turf Goods Aifcntfcv .In * . U. Hill * Co ' ) 30 COMORO HARNESS "The Best in The World. " Or < lir < o cited , NED mo Iv MOEGAM PARK. MILITARY ACADEMY , A Chrlst'ivn Pninlly Fcliool for I)0 } I'r jinrfn IcrCo Uvu , S i-u in S li < ol or lmln ! us Scud to Civpt , ED. N. KIBK TAL.CO CT Principnl , llorruan I'nrk , Cook Co. , Ill , Ills the i " "current ! LH | | nnnynl the public and tliun ullilnal jiro't-bbii Hut llohlotltr'a htnin- acli llitti'ra I a tnoill. Ill" vhlch ih'utiH ' rteultu spued IV felt , tlntoiicli anil lienlxn llctl l < j rtct- ( jliiK'llMrillKOMkr , It lli'irntun ( tliofioMo , con- iiurn | ki.lnoj nn I lilnilili-r r-o np alnts , nii'J Inn tcm tliocomika'-intorf hose ieci\trliii , ' from cnfiililliiK dlioiHcs Mormncr , It Ii thu Ktund ejicdflc for fovtr ( iii'l nR\te , Kor uilu b ) nil ( lrujlijtH ) and ilealcrB generally Jl teal IUIIS Rewarded m , Tlio Story of tftH Row i .iuliluG. / hi > 'i1-i/n I I1 1 | .K"i.Hlii' > , unit > i i . ot covi > " ' ( ) nun i K KI r < > 'i ' ? ' . "II " ( .1 , II V kuii.l J. ) u . ) . < I lu Ijltl , l" I 'JIMMI sr aun-olfct ol Ittlinr Mm Uiduiluu . i iu. jit.ii > , cr w < I lu nint t" , , if > bi | iulil , tc nv j > ctjr IUlit' tt illst > iuo fine our l" ' < n Mftiiiifaotwriup. Cu , , Principal OHicn , ,14 Ci.lon Murray Iron Works , Burlington Iowa. Boml Portable Engines , FOR OKKAJIKUlKa , fAUM 1II1.LH , PrintiiiP Offlcor,0 , A Spooialfcy , The Largest Inm Working Eatabhsh- mont in the State. Steam Engines , ANU GEfJEHAI. MACHINERY. The Howard Automatio Out-Off Steam Engine , Beml lor UrcuUr , 23 1m THE JELM j * * w O AND l - . wjw w . . . , r ,5 v .JL4J Mining and Milling Company. Votnlng-CMMMI' . . . . . . . f OC.OCO P r V lu ol 8hrc , - . . . ( . . . " . STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mine ? Locnted In BRAM33L MINING DISTRICT , Oil. i. I. TroMAS , ! ii < ilrGt , Cnnunlnt Wj WAI. K TlVfOK , Tlce-frenlilnnt , Ciiramlm , Wycmr.t ( K. N. tlAlnuKtn , SuttUn , Cummliiii , Vjmiilnr , A. 0. tUNK , TrtMurer , Cmnmlc- , X" 3tS.XT Di.J , I. HioniM. Loult Miller W. S Kr mc1. A O Dnno. N. lUtwooil. Frunclt LCM end. O o. 1 * Falof. t.enk rolin lr J 0. W-tVlni > . 6m QK3 ht 3U it 3tj PULLETS E. M MAXWELL FREMONT NEB . , , , , , EXOLUSIVK AGKNTJFOK THIS STATE. Tlio follow inp a'lvantngen aio claimed ( or tills Pulley : IT is sinOMitcit nnd more durable , mxiiioi 1. To tlio a' ' ctnco nf nhrlnkiiia1 strnlin. 1 ! To thu incioixt'd niiin- lier nf RIIIH it. Tn Iho f.ict. tluvt thu rlnt l iniicli ctroinfor ilinn tlio rut rim , IT H nr.iTiu UAiANcni ) . Ii IH Mtttni.KiilTi n , lT AViHii niNn li is ciiKAi'Mt. Them it no danger of liical-ajje in Inuulliiur.ulien thiiiul | | liii" ) When Hhipprd IUH-D they aie geueinllv ncci-pleil a lliird-claH-frclglit inmo id of lirat-cla s , and ni the uciRht is wilv one-lull tlint of eu t I'ulley * the fr i-hi ( i still further imluctvl. AV OIJ.\HVNTII : nilKM to iiciforin t-atlsfiirtorllynny work from tlio lightest to the hoivluit. Sl'l.n 1'Ul l i.\n fn m 11 ! to 18 inclifH diaiiftcr only. 1'nlleyn of wider fiao thin 18-Inch nro jirovideil with two sols nrnn without ext-n AVe mipply each Pulley with two Bot'Fcrovvaithout e\ra chirg" . B A1 > SO- OUR OLA.IM8. Wlmt wo chlm for our I'ATP.ST Unr roimim Sn.\TiNn I' : l t. Thnt it IH rnunil nml HMtii lit. U l It can bo ncpiiratoly rolled to nny do < irc < lnuiio l ( , Hi. Tliur itH m f KO bcmit coiiiiui'oil of niuuuetlo xi'l' of tmn oliv'atni ' any duo tendency to runt or tixrnltli. wnilu it nt the 1.11110 tiinu ( 'Ivci HUP of th bt ) < t j or lionrliif ; Hiirfiiccs over dlncovcrcd , 1th. That it will not wnrp or HjirlnR in key eerxtinj , ' . 5th. That It ia inado of the xory bent of rdincil Block RsTVor further rmrticulurH , priio Hat and discount * , tend tn E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry and jSIicltino Shop. Fremont , Nob. A fomMnatlonoffro- trut-MeofJrnnrrrtivwn a palatable form , 1h llutt will not blacken tin. Irrthf0 cJiaractcriatlcof - In T litlanii > ni in iniilliiii" . 1 liavii loniul nutlilnif tu ( rtro tlio nmiluTtliat 1)B. Gh ' ilium. In CUWOM l Norvoim I'nwtraUon , 1'i-nuln liimvwiw. l y iH rwl'i. nivl Imiimi r Sf , r v ± " iSgig' ' H ffl KuM 1HHI fy In my p Jt tilt'i s nilar In tfi , natural lir/iltli fill tnnn tn , it npnUrnlilc to < li'iir < it JMlllltU , liHHH Of Afltt- tltfrrnitraHi > n nf t'lliil J'oii'rra < ' < ! . , , , . . - MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. . 213 N , MAIN ST. , ST. LOUIS. Direct Lmo to T. LOUIS A ! rn Onjuhaand the We" " . A tralr.u Uijio U / < U. fc ] > ct , OIUI'.L : N < ih , hi xr.l fi ii OKA If A ord . .n t.-r f > * .Mil . I . ! - , i / c I' ' "l.i | ' i ; .ll , ' "ir v . V > ' l , tint fcb * .u i > TV , M J' Kil h roV'lJll , ttlMtitk i Oa < , n'r * l I > l M. IjO ilf , Tlit"v | < t n'l "I'.jon o l. J P V. ' O 7/ATi 1/6. 'Scu t'niM Bt , Jotb ) { . . PH. . . i-.ifvt A8i , M. Joceh , MMf fI'.HK , Tlrt M J jU > v < Niniii , LVreiul A et.l , DR. OLARKE * ( > ' " ' " " " : sa- i JL" St Ht. Loul * . U ktlll trut- il j&yj3S _ IIIL' all I'ltlVA'IK , VU < ! , OIIUON 0 l ml DIsoiicu , H | oru.u- tonlia.a liujiotilK. ) ( Hox- mil Intaji-vlt ; ) , Kvmali ) DriaHiU , liriKUhrl leu , 1)111 mlUcH , it a. la' lAdkn.ii ( .11 25 LCiiti ( In btiiinjis ) t p yixproiii churKOi on a 'Halualil work" tnlltlid "i Uo tei jISLias-i1 of Woircn , etc. " Woilt en CIIIKIMO oiio uUiiip g4T\'M\ \ ol toll abu < o or I'riiaU.tittuMu , seiiU 8s amjiii for CKLKUIUTKU WollKHOII NirMUl Bllil ' CXUtl tAsoMui ( iuiiBultntloii pas-iiillj or li > Ictltr , KIIKJ : COHBUtllwoM 1)0 trr 'THOUSAND } } C'L'lli : . ) Olllou li quiet. ul ate , riiiuJablo | place You no no otio Wl' Ilia ilocti r. Dr. l < rkul tliuoul ) i'bulclaii ' ) wliow r- ia td cun j 01 no 1" ) ModUlnia i.ut t\ir ) wlaro. Hours , b A M. to B r u , d&wly Amenta for the M ( Tlmti nd Trcuoliormu Hi only lll authoiUuii by her , aud which will , ) t bo a "Wood a a J Thunder" utory , luch au hat l < cen wid will bo Uublldhud , but utruuLilla b > the only portQii whu la In pofcfos.lon ol tlio lactu a laUhml and do\otod wlfu. Tiuth U more ( Hctlou. A.cnts ibould apply lor territory at ' > n-o. Stnit 76 cts. for 0 m pla Uook. J. If. Churuliem & Co , ytJLouiv , Mo , a TFfB K/OUX OITY KOHTE. Hum n Itnlld Irnln T/.joivb frcii. Oouunil ZJJu.'lf ' n. Qt. c.iir.ii > Tlri1n , Only 17 Houru it in UII.KJ ) IJJh. Jit UVKt iivJirr GOUNCJLi r'uDFF" CO T. PAUL , UINMKAfuLIM Dill Uil ) OH Blf .M'.CH end all poifi.i lu Korihiiiii Icwi , Jllr.uiKitinil Dk/otA Tlili llnf | j pn-ilj r l v/llh t > c HiproveJ ' , VeitiilG' ! | ; jo Antomttlc Alr-br kc do tllllt VI j Hour' l\i inlnr an. . ' Mutter Mid lot M'EKP. 8.WinY A.S1 > COM/CKT It uneurpn" e'l I'ulliran PiJr.m hliii'i'ln U i iimthrouj. Wi'f'f'Jin ' H'iA vtir 1 Uwtcn Knn BtiC'tyiial 'I Pi\l , i'v ' . ' "iincll B'.iff' ' nn1 ; i.u ! > L'llv Crwlnil'tv i uii 'i fjLil , danHvi vt Cum. 'II Cluf ! , t I'M ( n 'till' , r , trrUil of Kr.nttc Oil ) , Ct J n.f. u.i C'runil illtlffi It&lu frora tl.o , 'C'JU irl'lriii' i. C'l11 fD p. m. , ipJ r'.l > O.tJ. ' .it , t . , Hi fnul it 1IO ; l veil rex i/ir i > rk n \ v , . : or AHY OTIIKB it. L..IIU i.jt ooj. ! i.'lt > Bout > ojtcl r. Thrnujtli Trt'a 7) < ii Shoituat > the 'julriiit ! lime > nd A iioii.rpttaMn Hldo In Sb Throuulin botvuuii COUVUlti HLOKf. ) AM ) UlI'AUL. . j/8cn thit your 11i + > ti ) riwl * l the "Slon > ci : r.riJ t'ui'l'.o lUIc" ! .J J a. WA'ftLRH , . K. liCOUANAN Jlln'rl ittnilinl din' 1'PHI. AK'int v 15. IKMINSON Ant 0 n'l Piwa. AK'I. . Ul * : url Volley , la. W It. OAVIb , HoinhwiutemAsint , I ill > i I t IfV THE KfcMDALL FLAITIIS lACHIffi 1 It.lalti | roui I'.Jot a u luch to r tilth In tiiu ( .ami 1 1 1 loitu cr llnost i Vs II Uooe all kin J unil dtylou of j Ir.ltln lu ins. No lady tlut dcoj btr own diuaa-mualni , c q iflord to do without ona ni tilco iilalirri ; I ] novirout oJ laotlon , If uoe i It uvlla itiulf. Foi , filrcularo cr A i-ul tirra j mldresa OONOAU A 00 , A.I i , < . -i r I > IIMI ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ! Base Ball Club. H. il M , Club , AU 'U8t 6 , Jub imiii Chili. Aunuat 12 CHOICE CIGARS. Importcid i iicl Domostlo. Fin mi Soluotlon luTowu. Vi'looH to Suit Everybody. From Hall'n Dollar Down to &J- . Schroter & . Becht's :