THE DAILY BEJii : TUESDAY , AUGUST 1 1882. LANQTBYAND NILSSON. % Tbo Actress and the Singer whom Mr Abbey la to Brlnff Across the Atlantic. New York San , Mr. llotuy E. Abbey , the threatri cftl malinger , arrived from England yesterday. Ho lies engaged Mrs Langtry , the London professiona beauty , and Mmo. ChrUtino Nilsaon the pnma donna , for Atnorican tou next season , and Mr. Henry Irving for the season nftor lliat , besides leae- ing Mr. Irving * Lyceum Theatre fo the period of the actor's abtunco from London. "What is your own opinion of Mrs Langlry as nn actress ? " Mr. Abbe } was asked. "Sho is not a great ono , " ho replied plied , "and could not stand criticisn as such ; bntaho is perfectly nt case on the stage , notably ladylike , and ao unassuming that she gets the goot will of an audience right away. At least that has been the cnse in En gland , and she has drawn tremen dously during her provincial tour in that countty. Of course , there's no foretelling the result of her venture hero She will sail for Now York , September . ' 10 , and probably open Oc tober 23 , but at what theater haa not been decided. After her season in this city she will make n round of the largo cities , playing in 'Sho Stoops to Conquer , ' 'Tho Unequal Match , ' 'Rosalind' mid 'Tho Honeymoon.1 The supporting company will como oyor with her. I should Jmvo prefer red an American organization , but , aside from the diflloully of ( totting ono together at this latu day , it will bo bettor for Mrs. Latmtry to bo nur- rounded by actors with whom she i familiar. She ( a little more than an amateur , you know , and must bi given uvcry possible help in the ordeal of facing a strange people. " "What is your opinion of Mra. "Langtry as a beauty1' "I do not think she will disappoint reasonable expectations , though some of her charms are of no practical value on the Htngo. Her wonderfully clear complexion , for instance , has to bo painted over , and her beautiful hair might ns well bo n wig. If she i greatly admired by American audi ences as 1 hope nnd expect - it will not bo bcciuao she la the moat beauti ful woman on our stngo , for she is not , but because she is the most beautiful and winsome. She all the while line a manner of wishing you to like her , and of doinf her best io ulcuso , I think she is the moat unaffected lady like woman I ever saw , on or off the tago. " ' I suppOHO her husband will not uc- .company her ? " "No. Her traveling companion -will bo n lady distingulflhi-d in London ipoliio society , but I am not ut liberty .to divulge her nnmo. " "Ponsibly Mrc. Libouchoro , wife of the editor of Truth ? " 'My lipa are sealed , positively , liut I'll toll you the nnmo of n celebrity who is to como along. Kuto I'attiaoi ) , the jjvcnilo nctrt'BS of the company , is n protege of Emily Faithful , who will make the tour with her " "How much do you really pay Mrs. Xangtry ? " "A high price. It is easy to believe - liovo that much , when it IB considered that she is a great financial success in England , nnd has by no means ex hausted her popularity there. But people would have no reason to credit the figures if I gave them , and 1 would have to multlphy them by two in anticipation of your readers divid ing them by two. " - " What nbout Nilsaon ? " "Sho sails October 14 , and is to fling fifty times through the country in concerts and oratorios. The com pany is jiot completed. A younc Swedish nobleman , who haa stint ; with Jxilsson in 1'aria , \ \ ill probably bo the tenor , and Del Pupnto the baritone ; andtlie ISouton Quintette olub will bo the instrumontaliatn. " "Uow ia Nilieon's voice ? " "Not im girlish an it was ton yearn ago , of course , but rounder and fuller. 1 heard her in London. She appeared in deep mourning on account of the recent deuth of her husband , and will do the Bainu huii , Tno black waa ex ceedingly becoming , along with her Jicht hair and delicate face. " "And Irving ? " "lie doesn't come until Iho fall of 1883. lie has given up his contem plated trip to Now York Uiin summer. . 1 have taken the Lyceum Theatre , London , to mnimgo while ho is here , and during his subsequent tour in the Ecgliah provinces. My plan is to in troduce American atari ) nnu companion to London. That is about the nricioat of my proposed ventures. Don't you think so ? ' Portimo * or JfrtriunrH anil Mo- char too. Tlioukands of dollars cnii bo saved by using proper judgment in hiking cvru : uf the health of yourself nud family. If you are bilious , have snllow oniniilcxlon , poor appetite , Jew aud depre sed fpirlte , and generally debilitated , do not delay a mo ment , 1'iit go at oucej and procure n hoi. tlo of those wonderful Kluctrlo Hitters , which never fall to euro , and that for the trilling mm of fifty tonU. [ Tribune. Sold hy 0. .K. fiooihiinn. Vlowlnu Hid Treasures. Jfcw York Cor. I'hilndulphta lUcoiil I wont with a frii nd to the vaults of the Safety Deposit coinpany on Thurs day .to help clip oil'Bomo coupons , You know wbat thvao vaults uro. Places wlioro Wonted bondholders keep their stocks und bonds and other val uables in little fwfos with combination locks , that moth nor rust may not cor rupt , I'or thiuvca broaV through and t * u al , Wlnlo wo were Bitting there I looked up und saw the strungutt und inust forbidding'looking person coin ing down the aisle , llo were a high- pointed fur cap nnd a coat buttoned np to his ahin. A short thick board and mustache almout hid hia face from view , As he came nearer to mo 1 rcaognizd Captain Costontcnua , the tattooed man , Vfo could not help aturiniat himiLiieemod so nuocr for ono of Itanium's curiocitits to bo looking after his etocka and bonds , llo did not acorn to object , und BO my fiiend roado toniu i'oaeant ' rcmnrk to him in Italian. Ho wu quite ready to talk , though lie dooa not cpciik vry ilumtly either K'viioh , Italian < T Kngliehbut ho apcaka tlio two former I bolter than the latter. Ilia entire conversation WBK about money , show ing that ho had a Urcn eye for the almighty dollar , IIo haa boon in tliia country for nix years , nnd receivt-j , when on exhibition , 8100 a week atnl liis gxpcisp ( , Then hoaollahisphoto- pl and a life of himself , from which ho makes a good percentage , In the six years ho has managed to save a good deal more than his salary , And ho has invested money judiciously , The only investment ho has that docs not pay is diamonds. Ho is passion- ntcly fond of this precious stone , nnd has nc/mo fine specimens in his enfo. Ho seems to have n savage's fondness for ornnmont , for lie was loaded down with jewelry. Around his neck ho wore n long , massive gold chain , fast ened nt the throat with njoneled slide. There was evidently n watch on the end of the chain In his p ckot. Then ho were another lievy gold chain ncrtfm hia blue flannel shirt , on which Bovcral twenty dollar gold pieces were hung. On his wrists were gold brace lets of curious vorkttnnahip , and ho were twelve plain gold rings on his hands , two on each third nnd little linger and two on each thumb. His handa are very well nhancd , nnd the dark tattooing aet off thu blight old of the rings , A silk scarf of many colors waa tied around his waist. Al together , ho looked Ilko a pira'o. ' Free of Ooot. All 1 ersotiRinhlng to tent the meritu of a great reniody one that will positively c'tro Consumption , Coughs , Colda , A nth- ma. UrouchlUf , or nny nlTccllnn of throat RIIU lungs uro rcrjUCBtivl tj call at 0 , F. Goodman's Drue Store anil get a trial bottle uf Dr. King * * Now Dlscnvcry for Consumption , KIIF.E or COST , which will hlmw you what a regular dollar-slza bottle will do. WHERE ! 13 OLIVE ? Ho llns Dleapponred nnd It IH Thought Una Boon Klllocl. Special Coircanondcnco of the lice. PLUM CHEEK , Neb. , July 29. I. P. Olive , the well known ranchman , is missing Ho 1ms not boon soon for aotno time and no ono seems to know what has bccomo of him , His wife lias loft Plum Creek. It is surmised that some of his enemies have secret ly mndo wny with him. It would bo nothing surprising if he haa fallen nt the hands of un assassin , na n bitter Feud existed between him nnd other [ mrtk'K. Grandmother used tx > aay : "Hoy , If your Wood is out of order tiy Hurdock tea1' ; ' mid then they Imd o dig Iho Burdock nnd boll it down Inkct- ; le , mxkliig n nnoty , nmelllni ; ilocoction ; iow you get all the curative propeitiea put ip In n palatnhluJorm In BuiinocK Ul.ooi ) UlTTEHH. I'rlctfSl.OO , trial duo 10 cents. DINKELMAN. Features ofo. Prominent Little Oontor In the Republican Valloy. l/'orrcspondcnte uf THE IIK. BFNKKUIAN , Neb. , July 28. IHn- > < elman , Nebrnakn , formerly known na Collinnvillo , is located in Dundy coun ty. It can hardly bo called u town as ; huro nro only two stores , n hotel nnd ) oatolico ( besides the rnilroud build- ngs , At the aamo time it is a very mporlnnt trading point , und ia n con- or mound which uro located aotno of ho moot prosperous live stock men in ho state. Thus far no aottlera have attempted to tnko possession of the nnd , and cattle uro ullowcd to roam at their pleasure and food on the bundnuco of grasa. As might bo ox- looted th a ok men will make slror j ; m efl'ort us poauiblo to keep the homu- teadora out , nnd it will bo to the ad- vanttgo of nil concerned if they nro cope out. There is too little ruin fall md too milch hot wind to make furm- ug productive. The soil iu not na well dnptod to farming us grazing. There will pcrhnpa bo n timoj when tlila jart of the country can bo mndo very ) reductive , It will bo better for the ottlcra to occupy it first. Hot winds uivo become Icsn frequent nnd leau do- tructivc intholtopublicnn Ynlloy , the nrthur you uo east. Aa thu prniriu > ccomcB covered with foliage the soil does not become so heated by the nun , va whim protected only by the bullalo ; rnss , and as n matter of couruo the itnionphoru romniua cooler. Dinkclman promixea to grow in im- portancujus a shipping point for live itock. Stock ynrda nro being built , liaving four ahooln. The town derives itn nnmo from Guorge Dinkulman of Denver , who owns l.ifgo herds in the vicinity. Prominent among thor r .u > chin on whoso horda focd in the yalloy arid along the creeks tlmt ( low into it , are Dinkelman , Ynil , Daven port , Buck , Hegler , Yun Slyko , Woodnrds , Olive , Wilson , Smith , Nel- BOH nnd Bird. John King owns n grocery nnd gen eral merchandise store nt Kinkolmun nnd does an extonsivu buaintas. The , ) oatcllico ia located in bin building. S 0. Taylor , a brother of County Clerk Taylor of Culbertapn , is a elorlc in the store nnd in Mr , King's nbsonco lias chnr o of thu busineus. F , Scott ia proprietor of the hotel , n comniodiotia three story building. At present ho haa n largo number of rog- ulnr bonrders besidra ucconimodnting n great many transient viaitorn. The railroml station ia under the olllciont mnnngcmont of 0. E. Una- kin , who poaaossus the conlidonco of the company or he never would have been placed in such a dilllcult nnd ro- aponsiblo position. So fur ns can bo lenrnod nt presmn stock has done oxci < odingly well thia leneon , nnd if the markets Mil only keep up the profits will bo largo , Spcnking of markets calls to mind thu Pact that Denver is rapidly losing ita reputation ns being nfirst-oluas market Tor horscA. Only n few days go n man returned fruu there briiminu back his hold of ponies , na duty wi.uld not bring anywhere nonr their ronl vuluo , lie reported that n ear load uf Missouri horses arrived there about the Hnmo time na ho did , nnd the uwnor was obliged to soil thoui for less than they were worth in Missouri The horses were na line ns nny that could bo found in the nmrkt't. nmrkt't.A. A. 0. D. Ocorso Meredith , Jereey City , write * : "Thn HriUMi UumoM you sent mo hna bad the ) mpilci ] t elFoot on my ilngliter ; her llciulncha ami deprosalon uf spirits Ima van- l h i , She U again nblo too | | o tcliool , am ) U na llvvly na a cricket. I th ill eer- tnluly rvcoiiiniend it to nil my friends , I'rice 60 ctnts , trbl bottles 10 c'tmU. nugl-dlw A Hotury Harnraor Tlint Strlicoa10O Ulowb a Mlnuto. ( CHktouCal. ( ) Herald. Dr. W. T. Urowno , of Stockton , Dal. , haa recently perfected u rotary [ minnier that promises to revolutionize those branches ) of industry in which the hnmmor plays an important part. It consists of n series of hammers ar ranged BO that their faces extend beyond - yond the periphery of n wheel and strike a sliding rod , to which is adjus ted n drill , n , hnmrntr or n quarlz crusher , or whatever duvico is needed to accomplish the dctircd wotk. When thcso hammers strike thu drill the matihinu now on exhibition ii fixed to drill rock they * lido off out of the way in Mio most rf marknblo manner , without perceptibly doc.reasing the ve locity of the wheel. They spring into position aguin and never miss ono stroke. The machine now in operation con tains eight hammer * , nnd ono man turning it can deliver 400 powerful blows a minute Two pieces of rock show the work that the machine does drilling. In frees tone a man drills an inch n minute , turning the machine leisurely. A ratchet turns the drill a imnll fraction of an inch nt each stroke , and all the driller has to do is to turn the crank. In granlto rock from hnlf an inch to an inch can ho drilled in n minute. The individual hammers each weigh 'eleven ' pounds. Turning the wheul forty revolutions a minute the tn&chino deliver * 320 blows of sixty- six pounds each ; fifty revolutions give 100 blows of eighty-two pounds ench , and fiixty revolutions give -180 blows of ninoty-ono pounds cnch , nggreg.v ting over twenty n second. Vlrtno Aolmnwletlcod. Mr , Irn Mnlhollnnd , Albany , N. Y. . writes : "For Rovf ral years I have suffered from oft-recurring billoni hoadncho * , dys pepsia , nnd complnlntfl peculiar to my BOX. Since uning your llunnocK Bt.oon litiTKtis I nm entirely relieved. " Price 81.00 , trial size 10 cents , nugl-dlw Supplanting Ohio. Bptc' ' l. Reforrinn to the nomine lion to-day of Hon. Morritt L. Joalyn , of Illinois , for assistant secretary of the interior department , a western republican said ho thought Illinois was faring pretty well in the distribution of the moro important oflicca of the executive de partment. In this connection , this Kontlcnmn named the following : Hon. llobert T. Lincoln , secretary of war ; lion. Morritt L , Joslyn , assistant scc- retnry of the interior ; Hon. H. 0. I'urchnrd , director of thoj United States mint ; Gon. J. 0 Hamilton , surgeon general of the United States marine hospital service ; Hon. Green B , llaum , commiEsionor of internal revenue ; Hon. S. P. Hounds , public printer ; lion , James S. Dolnno , dep uty second comptroller of the treasury all rcaidonta of and ap pointed from the prnirio otnto. Of this last , ho said , Mr. Hounds waa appointed nor s loly or ehieily bo- cnuuo ho was from Illinois , and waa strongly backed by tt-o aolid delega tion in congress from that etato , but for the reason that his administrative tnloiits nnd thirty years' experience in all departments of business pertaining to nn imtnonao printing house pre eminently fitted liiin for the position , arid that Mr. Jonlyn owoa hia ap pointment in a largo measure to the fuel that he ia an old and intimate poraonal friend of Socrntary Toiler. Not For a Fortune. "I'liow" I wouldn't marry her if sho'd n 'ortunc. Poor g'rl , nhu'd be nil right if eho took S I'lil.Nii UI.OSSOM , the best thine in ; lie w-Tht tor offensive breathing. Price JO cent ? , trial bottles 10 centH augl-dlw Of Omaha. Ila ) purchased ol the CorlltsSato Iinulacturln ; ( Jo. , ol Providence , H l.imfo wlii'h Is KUar- antoud InrltlnK to b "abnoltitely burglar proof ( or a period ol thirty-six hours continuous and u dlttuibitd ataik * with thu IMO o ( such tools und apnllcancisasa burglar can employ , ' and Inn practlca ly unconditional wny. This Kink d lrisn thorough tot n ado upon thlx n\ta , and In cue ol lalluro to stand it , the bank will be nt liberty to purchase any other nad nnd may return this to tliu manufacturers. All ) party la nt liberty to underUUe the attack uho nil ! lurnlsh stlUractory bond to piy al < laiii't | ) to tlio 8af , iu case it Is not entered In tbi ) Hllimlatul timo. Tna Corliss Coinpany n rae In writing to ilopoult with this baul. tbu sum cl S OOO.OO , upon the shr.ln | ; o ( nn ngrcoment abo\o llu paid mnn to bo p'acuilltbln the i-ufo nnd to bo forfeited to the pirtv operating in case It Is ( orcloly oponml nnd hi contents rab .tmcto.l . IIKNI'.Y W. YA1is Ca ldf. rJ f 413 PERFUME , au nacBsuaajui La array & Lanman's flOBIPA WATER , Best fir TOILET. BATH and. AWMiBJEHIlE lOIIH HTiBLIU , IXIMI tiOIKCf , t'lf'I'JllU. V'tC ' I'fK- W. U , Uvuiiin , duo. nd I'ICM. THS NEBRASKA PJTOiOTUEDfS 00 Lincoln , Neb. ' ; MANUFAOTUREIIS OF Corn PlivmorH , Hrrrowa.Farin Kollora y HnUoa , Cuouot , hiloviitlug Wo are prop- roil f da Jab work and nauutao tiirhiL- for ether [ " .uiUw. Aildrst nil or Jcr < NhlJltASKA MANUrACTUUINQ CO Lincoln , Neb. EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner South and Locust Streets. J. II. HURGT. - - .Prop. Rooms , ? 5o , 81 , 00 and § 1 , fiO Per Day Au elegant Iu ! Uurnnt li ronncrted ullh this tioutc , w hijro uioals arc * rt d at rcnocnlilo iirlcm [ icon -lay aud nljjht , mlu-u ; No Whiskey , t BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is one of the very few tonic medicines that arc not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey , thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be .1 non- inloxicating stimulant , and it will , in nearly every case , take the place of all liquor , and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G. W. RICE , editor of the American Christian Re view , says of Urown's Iron Bitters : Cin.O.Nov. 16,1881. Gents : The foolish wast ing of vital force in business , pleasure , nnd vicious indul gence of our people , makes your preparation a necessity ; and if applied , will save hun dreds who resort to saloons for temporary recuperation. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia , indigestion , biliousness , weakness , debil ity , overwork , rheumatism , neuralgia , consumption , liver complaints , kidney troubles , &c. , and it never fails to rencldr speedy and permanent relief. QUAY'S SPECIFIC UF.BICINE TRADE MARtflhu " 'e TIld JBB MARK Engliph rem edy. Arum- cure > ( or .Seminal Weakness , S \iurmator- rhca , Impot- tncy , ami all follow as a .noquonco o : AFTER TAKINQ. 8olt-Aui ! o : as Low ) of Memory , UnUcnal LIMS ! tudo , Pain In the U.vk , DltniH'aa of Vision , Premature mature Old Aiju , tnii man } ' ether Diseases tlmt load to Insanity or Couuumptlon nnd n Premature turo Qravo. jtSTFiill pnrtlcularj In our | mmnhlct , which wo desire t fend frca t v tnall to every onu. i2TTho SpctID c Medicine Is sold by at ) dtuggUts at ill per picltaio , or 0 puckivcs lor 65 , or will be sent free by mall nu rci" hit of the money , by nddronslns TUECIIUY IKDICINKCO. , Buffalo , N. Y. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Cha Mott Succeiiful Remedy e\or disco- . erod , as It Is coruln in Us clTccts and dtei not blUtor. RKAU PROOF HELUW. Abe omllent [ or human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYHIOIAN. WoBhlnt-tcnvlllo , Ohio. Juno 17 , 1831. DB n. J. KK.NDALL. Si Co. ; Gouts Heading your ixl vertlaomeut IJfiTurf , Field nnd Farm of 'your Kendall's Bpavln Cure , n d having a valuable and spoeilv hori > o which had been lame from cparhi for cljjltcon months , I ecnt to you for bottle ty ux ) > rcB , nhlch In atx wcelu removed til latncucs and cnlnrjomcnt and a large splint from another horeo , and both hones are to-aty ni sound ag coltn. The ono bottle was worth to one hundred dollan. Respectfully yo'irs , II. A. H 'UTOLKiT , 1. D. Send for Illustrated circular giving- positive proof. Vrlcol. All Dru itlsU have it or cun get U for you. Dr. B.J. Kendall U Cc ; , PrO- prlctoia. Enoaburch rails , Vt. SOLt ) BY AIili DRUGGISTS. d w-tv _ To a ervojs Sutterers THE ORfcAT PUHOPEAN HCMF.DY. Or. J , 13. Biiapion'a Specific U I ) i pOfjttTocuio lor y ] Tuini3i r he , Seiiilni Vtchr.u . Imtwlarcy , und all dloifKFS < 'c iiilHa ; Soll-Aliuoo yntal . I , from - , a < 4ns.cty , < era y , I'nini. Iu ti. U ; i 5jil ; < v < " 'J dl.ic.ifei that lead to v onpumptlcu inwnlty n urlygrafe iho dpoclflc tlu.llil'jc' la bcloif t.ctd Mrlti woudor. ful fcuupt'C. . _ _ _ u tit tree to ill Wrilo foi tacci tfiil cr l ( ml ? r- tloulaiit 1'rlca , fitwclflr , < l.CO ptr pa < * tj ( ° , cr < lx part- a es for 43.00. AddrcM all ordrra to I ) . niUSOH ilKUICJXX CO. Koa. 1C4 and 100 Main t. UuCalO , N. V. BoM Iu Omaha by 0. F. doodmau , J. W. Uoll J. K. lib , aud all ilinrtl ( t < o\crywho . i I Uw Old Sores , PlniploB , BOILS , or uuy Skin Diseases 3uros When Hot Springs Fail IUVSRN , ARK. , May 5.1831 \fo have c ei In onr own town who fired at Hot Spilngy , ntulvorodn lly turi-d with tj , B. 8. tlrOtuunN 4 UUKKT. Ir tuu iiouiiiuouiu lotiv na aimt. . CURB VOUK OK charge nothing 11 Write foi particulars and copy of little Book o th Ul.tHW llnwavd > u J pi o 4n > chtmiet who will Sml , on anil ) ill 100 tottlo U. S , II. , one particle of Mercury , lotlldg ? ctai llntu outsr Mineral aubatanco. BWIFT BPKOIFIO CO. Prnpl , Vtltv of Small iL8 ) , L03. TIIC u'.iu ' $1.76. BoM by KENNARP H 08. A CO " ANTI-MONOPOLY IHaim inrniDcnnip role * for the aotl-iuon ) > olj tasuo , coiitaiulutf uUtommt of priiioiplo met- xdi of preccduro ami limtructlcnn bow to oryan. ro ntll Uncut on ppllrotlon to O.JII. ( ! le , Slcircy , Nib. Vncloee itamp. > nH Mrs J. O. Itobcrtaon , ntlfbur ? . P . , write ? : " W.M eurtcrlnz from general debilltv , want of ap petite , constipation , etc. , fie that fj/o vag a bur den ; nfter utlni ; tiurdock niood Illttors I felt bet * ter than for ) care. I cannot pralae your Hitters too much. " Il.Olblw. ol nutfalo , N. Y. , writes : "Tout Hurdock Blo * lilttcrs , In chronic diseases of the Wool , liter \nJ kidneys , hrne been ( tonally marked with IIUCCCT ? . I have tucil them mj self with licat rcsulUi , for torpidity of tholHcr , nnd In ra > oof a frlcml of mine eulfcrln from dropsy , the cdcct wivs tairvclous. " Kruco Turner , Kochcstcr , N. Y.irltc9 : 'I haxe been nubject to Bcrioun disorder of the kl'hicya. ' and unable to attend to burin : Hurdock Ulooi Dlttcra rclioxcd me before tiaKabottlowM used I feel confident that ther 111 entirely euro me. " Ancnlth Hall , DlnRli mpton , N. Y. , rltcc ; 1 suffered with a dull pnln thrmiRh mv cfl ineanl shoulder. Lost my uplrln , appctltt ntiil color , and could with ( lllHculty keep up all day , Took j our Hurdock lllood Hitters M dl- rccti'd , and ha\o frit no pMn slnco Orst week af > tcr lining them , " Jtr. Xoah Hat * * , Elmlra , N. Y. . nrltci : "About four v car * aico I hail an attack of bllloi fci cr , and never fully recovered. My dlKcatlvo or ane were woaVcncdnnd I ould bo completely pros- [ rated for djn. After ii lnR t o bottles of your Uurilotk Rlood Bitters the ! inproxcinentvoa BO \lslblolrmt I was astonUhod. 1 einndM.thoi li 61 years of fe , do a fair aud liuwnnablo day's work. C. HI wkf t Robln on , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , ont. , writes : "Forvcars I stiller ol fjrrcatly from olt-recnrrliie headache. 1 vucd your Hurdock lllood Hitters with happiest results , and I now find ru' rclf In better health than for yean past" llrs. Wnllaco , Dnffate , K. Y , writes : ' ! ha\e used Hurdock Hloo l Hitters for nrnxtu and bll lous headarhes , and can rccomraend it to anyone requiring a curs for bllliousnoas. ' Sire. Ira JIullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : 'For several years I huvc niSeicd ficm clt-iecur- tins billions headaches , dyspepsia , and com- ilalnts peculiar to my scr. Since ualni ; your Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely rclloed. " Prlco , 01.00 Dai nettle ; Trta Dottlos 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBUHN , & Go , , Props , BUFFAI.O , H. y. fold at wholesale by Ith McUahon and C. F. Tnndman. Je 27 cod-me an effect , not n cause. Its origin la within ; its manifestations without. Itrnco , to euro the disease the CAl'SRinuat ba rcmo\ed , and n no other way can a euro ever Ic effected. "WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND LIVER CURE t ? established on Just this irlnclplo. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. if all diseases arlzc from deranged kldneyi an Ivor , audit strikes at once nt the root of the difficulty. T".ie elements of which it is composed act directly upon i hcso great organs , both as a yooD aod RESTORBR , and , by placing them In a bcalthy , conditlrn , drive disease and pain from the system. For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un- icaltliy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for , he distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria , ail' ) physical derangements generally , this great rein dyhai no equal. HE ware of impostors , 1m- tatiocs and concoctions said to be Just as good. 'RNMtfS SAFE AETES tor sale by all dealers. HH. . WARNEU & CO. . me _ Hoohoatoi- . Y Tiie hngiish Eemedy Never falls ts cute . Debility , Vi. tal Exhaustion , I'mls- slons , Humlnil Weak- nosscsLOSTMAN HOOD , and all the evil elfccts of youth ful follies and execs- ion. It ctops penn.i liently \\cakenlnir. . Involuntary loss sand drains upon the sys tem , thnc\ltablo ! re- suit of these uulprac- ; lccs , nhlch ere so dcstruc'ivc ' tn mind and body end make Ufa miserable , often leading to Insanl- y nnd death It strengthens Ilia Ncrvca , llrain , memorjf Blood , JIiisclcs , l > lite tlvo and Ilepro- dtictho OriraiH , It restores to all the organic ittictli-ns their former vigor and vitality , ma- Ung life cheerful and en jo ) able. Price , S3 a bottle , or four times the quantity ? 10. Sent by express , secure from obscnatlon , to anyaddrcsa , on receipt of price. No. C. 0. U. sent , except on receipt of dl as a Kuara tio. Letters re questing answers muet inclose etamp , Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills nru tl i best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllou * cure In the marlat. BoW by all druggists. Prici' DO cents , PB MINTIB'H KIUMIY HKMKDT , NFPRBTICDM , Cures III kind of Kidney and bladder complaint ? , onorrliut , glret and leucorrhca. Kor calu t > y all buggigtn : $1 a bottle. KNQL1SH JIKDICAL INSTITUTE , 7180HvoSt. , Ut. Louis , Mo. 1'or Sale In Omaha by C. F. 'JOODJIAN. Jan26-lv ' .out dutlft av. nluht wurk , ti > < tUi > ulaut ft1 < I - hraiti ni rrt A Hop Uitttrc 'Jit Hop 3 If jouur yorjic fiitrcrlnv fijuiM. ' ' Hi.'itHnii or li tiuu t 1' > ' * u an ni rice or ilnelc. old or nr , nutfi rh.9 Ir i pu rl > rutb ur lunuulrn on A ivt ' i new , n ly ou Hop ' IIM your nreiscloamlntr.tou Inur rtlniulutlnt ; , nltboul { ntoxttallng , taUr. Hop BC NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Car * Dr K. 0. Wcttt'D Ner > e and Ilralu Treitraenl- A Bicdtic | for Hysteria , Dizziness , Convulsions. Jervouj llcaJachu , Jlentil Drprrublon , Loin of ii > rnoryBrcruiatorrhusa. Inj potoujy , Involuntary nilulrui , I'rcmnturt Old Ajco , caused by orcr- eitlou , ecll-abuue , cr cm-Indulgence , nhlch eadg to misery , decay and death , OnebozuiU uro recent catua. Ka b box contains cue month's refitment. One dollar a box , or ilx bo in ( or vo dollars ; tent by mall prepaid ou receipt of irtce. We guimnteo six botu to cure any cue. Vlth cacti order received by ut for six boxes , so cwpaulcJ u 1th Qve dollars , vill Bond the pur- chaor our urttten irturaiitea to return the mnncv If the truatmett dot not u3'ct auurc , C. f. QooduiKD , 1'r.ii- ' " ' ? ! , Solo , \Vhc.ltsAlo and vKUl Avnct , Oiusba , KfiC. OtJ'tj by D Ul at rikulv W.D. MILLARU. F. 11. JOHNSON' MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission aud Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Pock & Bausliors Lard , and Wilber Hills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES' OMAHA 1NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. j.j.BRO"W"isr&OO : ; SAL V loots and hoes OMAHA , NEB. O. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. 3TAnyone contemplating builulng store , bank , or any other flno * ill find It to their ad. vantage to corns end H Ith us before purchasing their Plato Glass , C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - - - HEB. IE1. O. iOLESAL 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , -WHOLESALE aa < On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , ran -DEALERS IJS- Fire and Burglar Prco 1020 Farnham Street , AND JOBBERS IN t Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and 'r * All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of OIGAES MFACTURED TOBACCO , SgBiits for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO. JOBBER OP AND I EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA r A. WAKEMELD 1 JaJkt V W Eaf 3ufJjJi-Btfc dLoiUSidbJIJUr AND RETAIL DEALEB IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , 1VJGLD5NGS , UftsE , CEMENT . , . aatrKIcs. AOEHI TOU UILWAUUEE CKMKNT COUUAN71 Near Union Pacific Depot. - QMA g POWER AND HAND "ITT TWIT EflBAv Ffjf * Mi nfi Hiiai Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HALLADAY WIHD-PJ11LLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor. Faraam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.