Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1882, Image 1

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    * \ir \
- / JL
( Successors lo Fred Lnng. )
Take plrnniro in annnu-c'ng tn tli
public mid thpjr friends tlia- they af
prepared to fill orders in
at lower prices than over , consequent
ly wo have made reduction * in over
department of oar business , beside
wo have added some of the l.ttcs
brands of luno Pauoy Grocerieq , niu
in large varieties. We are uUo mak
ing arrangements to supply our cue
tomera with the latest brand of
M > >
only for medical purposes. Ourstocl
being now complete in every n-spect
wo invite the public to come and examine
amino our goods. Wo always keep
Old Government Java ,
a \ery fine lot ot
Japan (
Pureuti Ground and Whole
Standard California
Caeed pried Fruits ,
The very best brands of PUEE
Imported SWISS AND
Fine Oil and Mustard
Beat brands of
Yeart Powders ,
Crpam Tartar , Sodd and Saleratus.
Tlomember wo make a specialty oi
the infallible and celebrated
Tobacco and Cigar Department
Is complete , and you can find the
best brands in the market.
Our Boot and Shoa Department.
Cannot b better stocked , r.nd don't
you forgot that wo keep
Boots & Slices
of all the Latest Styles and best
makes that can be obtained.
Lately wo have added to our busi
ness a
which will bo under the supervision
of the senior partner , and will bo run
for the benefit of these tluu may desire -
sire to ship produce to ua ; farmers
that are not able to come to town and
have produce for nalo can ship same by
express or freight , wo will always pay
the highest market price in caah or in , therefore , when you do bhip
state what is needed. Wo also re
/ quest all that may ship Butter and
Eggs to see that they are always fresh ,
as wo cannot sell any other to our
& Dorman ,
Corner 13th and Jackson.
Gongrtrs Disposing of Importan
Bills cat a Lively Eato.
The Ns.vnl Bill Patched in Mnn
Plncea nnd Passed by
the Sftmte.
Tae Pro ipeob of E < tiy.djourr
merit Brightened by the
Day'd Work.
Holluiaa and Hiscock Succoo
m Shelving Geuoral
The Want of a QuorutgCotE
trie Republioau o'
Compromiao. P" " " "
Hiiuclrcds of Rioli nmi 'Poor Dad !
Ulttoii 1 > 7 the Rocotit Stiil-
Matters of Gonornl Interest From tu
National Capital.
Special Di pitchci to TIM Eitr.
" \VASIIISOTOX , July 31. Ex-Senate
Mitchell , of Orogoiij appeared aa wil
nena for the defense in the star rout
trial to-doy. Ho testified ho had fri
frequent conversation with Urady cor
corning extension of mail aervico ii
Oregon. In many instances ho hai
presmited pfctitious to Brady and h.ii
ondoracd and urged them on him. II
would do the same thing apain undo
similar circumstances. Ilo iiovo
recommended an increaao or expcdi
tiori except upon the n quest of con
aiituunciea. The sitfnors of the peti
tions \vero highly respuotablo citizaiiE
Upon cross-examina'.nn witness sail
the expense of the increase never entered
terod into his mind when ho rocom
mt'tidod it. lie only took care of hi
own region Ho hud nothing to d
with the contractor ! ) .
Valentino , of Xtbraska , testified h
had culled almost daily for some tini
upon Urady in connection with tin
incru u > o of mail facilitica in his see
tion. Ilo underatood his peopli
wanted fast and frtqtiont mails. II
did not always obtain the increas
sought for , being mot with the ob
jection that the receipts were toi
Secretary Teller was the next wit
ness.Toiler said he waa a mail coutractoi
ind knew witness Walsh ; ho line
hoard a portion of his testimony , anc
read the remainder.Vitncsa was
naked if he had over given postal
drafts to Walsh , but the question wai
objected to by the prosucution. It
the argument "which lollo uilfMngor'
jell said it might como to 'light thai
Peterson had paid Walsh as his attor
tiy , but that General Brady know
nothing of the transaction. If thpj
: ould prove Peterson had never paid
the money to Brady , ns testified bj
Walsh , it would certainly destroy tin
; oundation of that statement and tend
: o discredit the entire conversation ,
A. long argument followed upon tint
point which was interrupted by tin
jsual recess.
After reco&s , Blisa took up the ar
; ument and said if fho evidence waf
i3mittod tha government would havi
; o produce documentary evidence
vliich would BIOW the disposition ol
.ho draft wns totally inconsistent witli
: ho story which ho assum t i'otbrEOi :
vould toll.
John L. French , chief clerk in the
jfiico of the second assistant pjst-
naster general , t stilled. Ilia cvi-
lenco boio on the customary practice
) f contractors to form combinations
'or certain contracts and let contracts
30 given to ono o the combination
vho socrectly represented the clique ,
lo then yuvo a long description ol
outcs and said that it was a frequent
iccurronce to clnnge the service un-
Icr the contract after execution. Ad-
When the bill placing General
3rant on the retired list Was reached
n the hoiuQ this afternoon there wae
lonsiderable of a flurry noticeable on
ho fluor. Holnian objeited to con-
iderin ' bills on the spuakor'ri table at
,11 , , and to carry hia point made a
loint that there was no quorum. IJol-
nan and Hiscook were appointed tei-
ora. When.thoy took their places to
imke a count of the house , Iliacuck
irger him to withdraw his objection ,
aying that the republicans would not
ry to pasa the bi 1 this season , and if
.0 would withdraw they would allow
b to bo sent to the military committee
rith the underutandHiig that nothing
lore of it shou'd bo heard this eoason.
'o this arrangement llolmun , who
id the democratic oppoaition.coiiaent- .
d , and after a vote was taken to lay
; on the table so as to give all who
esircd a chance to make a record on
lie bill , it was referred.
The fever for dabbling in mining
tocka of any and all kinds which was
a prevalent hero for the past year has
amplutely died out. About two years
[ p stock of about ono dozen mines in
low Mexico , Arizona and Mexico was
) ld hero in very largo quantities.
Ireat returns were promised to the
ivored few who put the ball in
lotion , A splendid profit was paid ,
'hey ' spoke about it and their friends
ashed in to get some of the eamo
ind. A majority of them have ro-
alvod nothing but anHossmont certi-
catoa sin en. There are batkctfuls of
lining stocks now offered , for sale hero
t h'gurea loaa than one-twentieth of
hat was paid for it , while others are
tiling to give it away , Col. Bob In-
arsoll is loser to the extent cf § 30-
30. Others have lost in proportion ,
ut those who can least bear the loss
re a number of employes of the
government , department men nn
women , who bought in small amount :
having boon caught by the exaggerate
and captivating arguments of tli
the wealth of mines that wcro cii
culatcd so freely about that time.
Ono of the sights on the lloor ot tli
house to-day , writes a Critic reportoi
wns a close conference between Con
Rressnien Hobeson aim Hosucsatis , th
former , who evidently was itruiug a
interview , entwined his arm aronti
the neck of the old war veteran on
whispered into hid oar with us nine
gush and confidence- one oohoo
girl whispering to another.
The general Impression to-night
that the river and harbor bill will 1
approved and that the president wi
scud a mcasapo to the hotiso to-mo
row giving formal notica of his a ]
proval , but expressing the intontid
to exercise discretionary authority i
the executive in directing the oxpem
ituro of the money appropriated.
Secretary Folgcr wilKiegin to awni
0 per conta in exchange for aurrondo
ed bonds of August. All applicatioi
received on and nftnr tn-morron * wi
Vin opened and tiled away in reguh
The oeiiatii to-day concurred in tli
houao amendment to the bill original !
introduced by Senator Hill , of CoU
rado , providing for the extension i
service on certain mail routes and f <
temporally service on mail routi
where contractois fail to perform th
required service.
The conference committee on th
Japanese in enmity fund to-da
practically agreed to allow 5 per con
interest on the amount involved. Th
proposition will bo laid before the rt
spcctivo houses for action to-morron
WASHINGTON , July 30. Bill pn
venting counterfeiting or circulalio
of such securities of foreign govern
ments within the territory of th
United States , panaed.
A reaolutton directing the commit
tee on pensions to report a bill grant
ing pensions to those who have lee
an arm or log in the service of th
United States was referred.
The naval appropriation bill prr
ccoded with. Voting on the bill t
begin at 3 o'clock.
An amendment waa adopted requir
ing the secretary of the navy , itisteai
of selling condemned vessels to re
port to congress at the next acssioi
auch vessels as may bo unfit.
The advisability of empowering th
secretary of the navy to close tiseluu
navy yards , tranftlor puiishable store
and property to other j .irda , und ru
quire him to report the facts in oacl
c.xso to congreas , waa discussed b ]
Senators Bayard and Plumb , as ti
the e fleet which the concentration o
the civil establishment of other yardi
at favored points might have iniluoac
ing elections ; Senator Plumb main
taining it could-have no olleat on tin
opprdprfftlion for the civil force in th'
the yards was ridiculously inadequate ,
Senator Bayard contended that ox
soptions should be in favor of tin
plant on machinery companies , whicl
involved millions of dollars. Ho re
yarded the provision as having the cf
Feet of crippling the yards , and thii
would be injurious at this time , whei
tfo had a navy behind us and the prob
xble creation of u new one in tin
Senator Allison deprecated strikitif
jut the provision a.3 it would involve
i loss of the proviso which the sonatt
jommitteo had inserted in it , prohibit
[ ng oily deficiency being made hereaf
.or for the civil establishment.
Upon the suggestion of Souatoi
dale , the senate agreed to insert tin
ivord "perishable" before "property.1
Senator Bayard moved to strike on
; ho item empowering the uecrotary ol
.ho navy to close uselesi navy yards ,
.ransfer perishable stores and proper ! }
; o other yards , nnd directing them tc
eport the facts upon win Ji ho acts ti
Senator Beck called attention to the
( xponsiveness of the navy yard civil
istablishmunt and remarked he novoi
ixpoctod to see the party in powei
viilingly consent to the abolition ol
ho yards , They were now willing tc
lo this , and ho was willing to stand
) y and assist them. Thoreforu ho
avorod the provision and opposed the
Ssnator Bayard'a motion [ irevai.'ud ' ;
: eas 31 , nays 2t
The appropriation for payment of
nbor in ecjuippitig vessels , etc. , in
lavy yards waa increased ? DO,000 ,
iiakmg the total $750,000.
Senator Plumb moved to insert a
iroviso repealing all laws providing
or promotion und increase of pay on
ho retired list. Agreed to , after as-
uranco that the proviso would not bo
A number of proposed amendments
r-oro ruled out upon a question ot or-
! or. The bill was reported to the
enato and all the amendments in the
ommittco of the whole were concured
D , except onoofl'ored , by Senator Buck
educing the appropriation for finish-
' ) % the Miantonomuh and other iron
lads from 81,000,000 to g-100,000 ,
nd stopping further proceediilga un-
or contracts of March 3 , 1877. Upon
liis K eoparato vote was demanded ,
eaiiltinc ; yeas 31 , nays 23 , So the
mondment was retained in the bill ,
ill votes in the negative were given
y the republicans ; Senators Camo-
m , ( \Vis. , > Ingalls , Sherman , Van
) ck and Davis , ( Ills. , ) voted aye
ith the democrats ; Kolloi ; and Sowoll
are paired with Lamar and MoPhor-
an , respectively.
Senator Miller ( ) moved to fix
10 number of lieutenants at two
undred inateid of two hundred and
venty-five. Not agreed to 24 to 33.
Senator Bayard moved to strike out
F the item giving the secretary of the
avy discretion to place oilioora when
ot at sea on a furlough as well as on
lave of absence or waiting order pay ,
10 part relating to furlough pay , He
kid that in other grades oflicera re
vived tvro.thirda , but when on
irlough only half pay , and that this
was au arbitrary discretion which ha
suinetitnis been abused. Ho In
stAiicod a case within his kuowltdg
in which an ollicer had been cut dowi
hilf pay for giving testimony the secretary
rotary did not liko. The motion un
adopted , 27 to 2(5. (
The bill then passed on a viva voc
vote.House bill restoring Fort Bcnto :
military domain to tlib public domai
and for other purposed , passed.
On motion of Senator Allison th
sundry civil bill was taken up. Th
bill was read for action on oomiuittc
On motion of Senator Confer V\
appropriation of § 23,000 for lightei
buoys WHS amended to prohibit th
payment of any patent right until th
light house board has approved th
kind of buoy with its price , and th
amount already charged ,
After twenty oiio pages hai bcei
disposed of the bill was laid aide un
til to-morrow , with the expectation
that it will then bo completed.
Senator Alliiion , from the coiifoi
mice on the legislative npprnpriiUioi
bill , reported disagreement , and
new conference wts ordered. Ail
The bill restoring Fort Bontoii mili
tnry reservation to the public domain
passed ,
The president approved the orde
permitting the shipment of a suitabl
supply of liquors to Sitka , Alaska , fo
medical purposes during the prevalence
valence of measles and scarlet fever
Jlr. Rice , from the committee oi
foreign affairs , reported a joint reso
lution providing for a now mixed com
mission in accordance with the treat1
of April 26. 1800 , with the Unite !
States and Venezuela. Referred ti
committee of the whole and leavi
granted the minority t.o file a minorit ;
Air. Harris reported back the join
resolution instructing the secretary o
the navy to convcnoa court of inquirj
to investigate the circumstances at
tending the loss of * the steame
Joannolto. Calendar. '
The hoiiBo proceeded to considera
tion ot business on the speaker's table
The senate bill to provide for tin
disposition of Fort Larned militar ;
reservation , passed.
The Bonato bill for the retirement o
Gen. Grant having boon reached , Mr.
McKouzie ( Ivy , ) moved it bo laii
upon the table. Lost , yeas 77 , na > i
83. The bill was then referred to tin
committro on military alFairs.
Mr. Doerim ? ( Iowa ) , submitted t
conference report on the Creek orphai
[ und bill , which was agreed to.
Mr. Iliscoch , chairman of the committee
mittoo on appropriations , reported i
joint resolution appropriating SGO.OOt
to supply the deficiency in the appro
priation for fees ot the United Statei
district attorneys. Passed. Recest
was taken ; the evening session to bt
for the consideration of pension bills
The naval appropriation bill was received
coived from the senate. The amend'
monta wore ordered printed and re
f erred to the committee oil appropria-
t'njna. The house thpj -tftr-Pn"sinj
fifteen pension bills tvnlr tuvoral bilh
giving condemned cannons for monumental
mental purposes , adjourned.
A. Million Dollars Worth of Proportj
Destroyed Several Lives Lost.
Special Dispatch to 'IUK IlKK.
NKW YOUK , July 31. The lloui
mills of Ilecker ifc Co. , burned this
morning. Two hundred men employ-
L'd in the building ran for their lives
ind it in believed all escaped.
The wpico and Hour mills of Sawyer ,
Baera & Fiahor , also burned. There
is an ytt no voriOcation of the report
that six lives were lost. Ono fireman
wai af'iioualy hurt , and two others
Dvercotno by heat.
At least fifteen tenement houaos op
posite were destroyed , and the oc
cupants had to ily for their lives , as
; ho fire burned with great rapidity
uul fierceness , The walls of the flour
nill fell in , killing two firemen. Four
'actory hands perished in the flames.
[ t is reported a number of these ro-
liding in tenement houses across the
itreot were unable to escape and wcro
imong the dead
CiiUMflo , July 31. The manager
> f the Chicago branch of Heckor it
3o.'s mills saya the loss on the ma-
ihinory and buildings alone of the two
nills , if both nro destroyed , will reach
? 1,000,000. The stock is estimated
it § 125,000 , The insurance will not
iover the Ions
l > -c'al D Pii-itthcs tu TIIK Kir.
PJIOVJDBNOK , R. I. , July 31. An
ction for breach of promise has been
irought by llattio A , Enu'ley against
jovi Wilson , claiming $50,000 dam-
gcs. The father of the girl has
irought action , alleging seduction of
ii daughter , and ho also claims dam-
ges of § 50,000. It neemu that Wil-
on and the girl had lived together as
nan and wife , nnd when they arranged
eparation the girl , over her own eig-
lature , acknowledged receiving ? i"0-
00 , wliich she now denies having ro-
oived , and assorts the receipts were
raudulontly obtained.
CINCINNATI , July 31. A remark-
bio case of dishonesty haa just como
u light. The late Gco. F. Daughty ,
ecrotary of the Cincinnati , Now Or-
aana & Texas Pacific Railroad coin-
any , uttered an over iasuo of $400-
00 of stock of thut ro d. The over-
isuo was promptly turned into cash ,
ut the stock in some way lias boon
lanipuluted back to himself ,
TOLEDO , 0 , July 30. FV. . B.
.rmitage , ropretiontativo in this city
f the mercantile agency of R O.
Iuiui it Co , , and formerly of Bt.
louis and Kaunas City , is behind in
ia accounts und bus left the city ,
'he ' company has offered a reward for
is arrest , The amount of hia dcful-
ie not yet known ,
Russia Divides tlio Eastern QUBS
tioii and Closes the Con-
foroncB ,
Refusing to Consider any Quoe
tlon Boyoud Protection
of the Canal ,
Too Eastern Wnr Otoud Ate
o } 31oody HUB in
Consequence ,
The B.Mio nud Smow of Egyp
Petition the Porte in
Arnbi'd Bohalf.
Report * Ctmonrnitii
Matter * t\t the Scat ofVnr. .
TUo Irlab Aronra of Honla Bill PUSBO
by the House of Lords Goii-
oral ForoiRii Mows.
Special Di'p.Uches to TllK BEE.
jawaib ( inspired journal ) publishes ni
article severely blaming Arabi 1'ash
na being the cause of the present com
plications in Eijypt , and declaring i
ho dnofl not aubinit it will bo nocessar ,
to proclaim him n robol.
Otiov , Russian representative , in
formed the conference that Uussi
considered the Egyptian question di
vided into t\vo distinct parts and tha
ho was iiiBtcuutud to participate in tin
deliberations only when the qucstioi
of the Suez canal was under din
cussiun. In coimcquei cj of tin
dcclnr.Uiou the conference is con
sidered terminated.
Tim I'orto roccivcd n petition aignci
by 2,000 Egyptian notables , request
ing the sultan not tn ratify the dis
missal of Arabi Pasha by the khedive
PAUIS , .July 31. The chatnbor o
ilepnties , at the suggestion of u r.xdica
member , adjourned to awnlt the form
ition of a now ministry. It is believe <
President Grovy will have 11 confer
unco to-morrow with the presidon-a o
both chuinbora with a view to tin
formation of u now cibinct.
ALKXAMUUA , July 31. The khe
live hua authorized the British to oc
supy as much of the Suez canal a :
Llioy think necessary for the oxpulaioi
} f rebels ,
Aiubi Pasha has authorized tin
Ueilouma on the canal to obey M
DnLcsaups. All persons furnishcc
with permit trom DoLesaops nri
illowed to proceed bo Cairo. ' Tin
khedive has telograpod for 200 Italiat
uul 40 Swiss policemen to protect tin
: ity. The Spuniah inm-clnd Xaragozi
proceeded to Ishmaila.
ALKXANDUIA , July 31. Midship
nan DiiOhiir , of the ironclad Alex
indria , Bout to Ilnmloh Saturday
uorning with a niessngo , IMS not since
) eon heard of.
It is reported the garrison ol
Ujoukir surrendered to the British.
SOLD our.
Arabi Pasha isauod a manifesto do
ilaring Ivhodivo Tow file had sole
Sgypt to the British and retired t < .
nglaiid. Arabi thurufcro ordered
ho people to obey him until the
irophot enlightened him to find i
worthier khudivo.
Murders are constantly occurring in
'ailwny trains , Mobs search every
rain for Christiana.
Arabi Pasha has made proposition !
ooking toward peace with the kliodivo ,
i'ho latter , however , has answered
'No terms will bo acceptable except
inoonditionnl Biirronder. "
It seems that Midshipman DoOlmii
topped beyond the lines and was
uken prisoner.
The commandur nf the German
; unboat Moowe , at Port Sa'd ' , has
icon instructed an no account to land
ronpH , bur. if nocoAiary to take
iurmttn subjects aboard lin vo nol.
MADIUD , July ! ( ! . A treaty Inn
icon concluded between Spain and
Jhill ,
HAVANA , July 31. During the sea-
on there wcro I'M fires in the oiiio
oldutwenty incendiary and twelve
f unknown origin ; sixteen incen-
iarioa were captured.
LONDON , July 31 , In the com-
ions the motion made by Gladstone
n submitting the vote of credit ,
Tonday last , that three pence bedded
ddod to the income tax for the latter
alf of the year , was agreed to ,
LONDON , July 31. In the house of
mln this afternoon on a motion for
oing into a committee on the Irish ar-
uars of rent bill , Earl Campurdown ,
boral , asked for aomo oaaurance tiat |
0 further important changes relative
1 contracts between landlord and
jntinta in Ireland be proposed.
Lord Oarlingford , lord of the privy
eal , mid ho could answer allirmative-
, - , The present bill , lie Bind , was not
precedent for changes in the land
Marquis of Salisbury moved an
mendment , the efl'ect of which would
o that the landlord could rotuao his
imsont to the tenant applying for ro
of under the bill , in cases where ho
isbelieved in the tenant's inability to
Lord Oarlingford opposed the
uiondmcnt , Ho said the result would
bo to utterly stullify the government'
land legislation.
Marquis of Lnndsdowno ( liberal ) am
Lord Derby ( liberal conservative ) op
posed the amendment.
The amendment carried , 120 t <
15. The roll-mining clauses of the at
roars bill were agreed to and the houa
Auciint.stior CHOKE'S ADVICE ,
DniUN , July 31 , Archbisho ;
Croko , speaking ntKmly , County Tip
porary , a-Jviaoil Irishmen not to emi
SK > cl ' nitpttch to TIIK linn.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 1 , 1 A. M. In
dlcitiotiH ! or upper Mississippi am
Missouri Valleys , fair weather
variable winds , mostly easterly ; sta
tinnnry temperature mid pressure
The rivcra remain nearly stationary
Yollowr Jaoh <
Sl'CChl 0 xjutcli to Til it 1IFK ,
LAUP.IIO , Tex. , July 31.- Surround
ing pointn hnvo established ttric
( niar.inlino against Brownsville am
Mntamoras. Several deaths oecurrei
Sunday from yoljoxy fever.
TUo Deputy CT. S. Mnrabnl Stnnda Ol
n Dnuucon Mob.
Thiro were an unusual number o
drunkn last night , not a few of whoi ;
were landed in jitil during the oven
ing. Two or three lights also occurred
Ono of thcso were at the rcstauran
on Douglas street , between Twolftl
and Thirteenth. The baligorcnt Slo
cumb was landed in jail and broke
couple of chairs before ho could b
calmed down. Mac was cqml to tin
emergency , however , and undo hiii
surrender unconditionally.
The worst row was that on Twolftl
street , about 11 o'clock , ever the ar
rout of a young nun named Connolly ,
who tvas on a hii > h old drunk. Ollieoi
C ! rady undertook toearront him , anc
was surrounded by a crowd of rough )
bent on rescuing the prisoner , A1
thia juncture Deputy U. S. Murshal
Knuik Crow , who is as plucky aa ho is
good looking , appeared on the scene ,
and , neeing the otliccr's danger , drew
a ruvohur on the crowd and stood
them oil' until O'Ur.uly got his man
away. It was a very neat and com-
moi.dable pleco of work , and M r.
CrowHhowed that ho was made of the
right oort of timber.
Qonornl Crook to Rocolvo n Forinn !
Farewell on August 25tb.
On Priday ovcning , at a little im
promptu supper given General Orool
nt the residence of lion. Ezra Millard
It was determined to give the retiring
commander of the department of tin
Platte a public banquet before Ins departure
parturo for hio now field in Arizona
This resulted in the following correspondence
respondonce , which explains itself :
To General Ooorgu Qrob , Oiu&lia > . . ,
DKAII GKNEHAL : Tiio'uhdcrsignoc
are n committee roprcaenting many ol
your friends who desire to moot yoi ;
with kindly greutini/u before you dn <
part from among us. Will you there
fore ploaao name a date upon which it
will bo convenient for you to recoivt
it their hands the testimonial of n
public banquet ut the Millard hotel in
this city ,
llospoctfully yours ,
0. F. MA.vnnusoy ,
G. 0. BAHTON ,
E/.ltA MlI.t.AUD ,
Chairman ,
Omaha , July 20 , 1882.
IPnt/iiH DIJIT. or TIIK Pi-A-rru ,
Co.M.MANDINO CJlINI/ Ornoi : , >
OMAHA , Nob. , July 30,1882. J
I'o lion. Fzrn Mlllnnl , Juclxu I ! . Wnkcloy , ( Jen-
cralO. K. Ja'iiler ! oii , Dr. Oto L , Miller , Tlioa
i. . Klnilmll , cuij , 0 , U , I'nrtou , Kti ] . , Ilcrnmn
lioiiiil/e , rH ( | . , C'onmilttcu :
GKNTLKMKN : In reply to your favor
if the 20th itiflt , , asking ma to name
the date upon which it would bo con
venient for mo to receive at the hands
} f my Omaha friends the testimonial
) f a public banquet at the Millard
totol , in thia city , I have the honor
, o name Friday. August 25.
I fool it incumbent on mo to Day ,
jontlemon , that I can in no luinso con-
itrno this honor as personal to tny-
> elf , but fuel that it in moro strictly
ntondod M an oxprcsalnn of your sat-
afdction with tlio manner in which
, luj work ot military administration
\M \ boon curried on by the ollicorn and
non whom it has been my good fort-
mo to command.
Tha mutual confidence and ploui-
int relations existing at all times
lotweon you citizens and the military
.uthorities . prompt mo to ask that you
ioncedo to all who have served in
hia department , and to noun moro
reely than myself , the right to re
oico in the era of prosperity in which
Nebraska and Wyoming itro now
ilcHsed , and which is rapidly advanc-
ng Omaha to the front rank as a
; rent commercial center ,
Again thanking you for your cour-
ray and astniring you of my regret at
teiiig obliged to sunder my connec-
ion with your city , I remain , very
inceroly and truly yours ,
Brigadier General ,
Dealings tn Poultry.
A newly inarriod man complains of
ho high price of "duuka , " Ilo aayn
iis wife recently puid for thren of
horn a duck of a bonnet , u duck of
dross and n duck of u parasol , [ lo
uya Huch "dealings in poultry" will
uin him ,
Doano'd Donation.
Doano College , Crete , has just re-
eivcd a gift of 8 rt,000 from the
state of J. 0. Whitin , of Maaaachu-
etta , No conditiona nro attached to
ho gift. A good beginning for tlio
fork of increasing the endowment
rhjch is to be vigorously pushed this
oar ,
Ooultl MOVGS to Inorea&e Dis Pile
liy Ontting Down Fxpenses ,
Nnmeroua Official Changes to
be Made in Mis Weet-
orn Linee.
Eastern Froiglit liliioi IimuRurnto
n Now Fonurioun Rule ,
Which CnUBoa Quito n Commotion
Among1 Merchant Shippers.
Gould's Fronlm oi
Special Dispatch to Tim lU
CinoAoo , July 31. Vice President
Hopkins , of the \Vabash roncl , wont
west , thin morning , with a view , it Is
said , of making numerous changes in
the management of Gould'n western
roads. It is reported A. A , Talmago ,
general mmmgqr of the Minsouri Pa
cific , will retire' , and 11 M. Uo io will
bo general mMingcrof the Missour
Pacific , Iron Mountain and Interim-
tioal t Great Northern. On the Wa-
bi\Hh John 0. Gixult is to bp invested
with further powers , and is again to
bo maile the responsible head of the
system. It is generally understood
that other sweeping changes will bo
made , ofliccs consolidated , and other
economic agcncu- * como into direct
it. Now Rallroud Rule.
pocUl Uli-intch toTnsIlKK.
CniUAdo , July 31. A mooting of
freight , agento of lines running cast
wan hold hero to-day , at which it was
decided that hereafter shippers should
bo charged S2 per car for loading i-rain
at city elevators in addition to the
regular freight eharcos , and that the
men bo not furnished to load the cars
at the packing hounea and stock yards
at Bririgopoit. This the roads have
been doing for two ycara , but they
now maintain it is too heavy a tax mi
them. Thia now rule , which will go
into efl'oct to-morroy , will create
iiiiU [ ) a commotion among shippora ,
und concerted action to defeat it is
thought probablo. _ _
Tbo Denver Exposition. llh ) | Ui ! to Tun IlKK.
Dn.NVKit , .Inly 31. All the details
al the programme of ceremonies at
tending the opening of the National
Mining exposition to-morrow have
been arranged. They embrace a ,
pirado of military and oivio sociotith ,
oration by Hon. W. D. Kelley , ol
Pennsylvania , n formal starting of the
machinery by Lieut. Gov. N. A. W.
Tabor , president of the association ,
and throwing open the gates. Mr.
Kelley arrived this mor ing and was
mot at the station by a party of rep
resentative citizens and escorted tea
a hotel. Exhibits are not all in place
yet and there ia some little confusion
and disorder , but all will be straightened -
onod out and working smoothly in a
few days. _ _
( 'Go ns You
Special Pinjin'ch to I'nr DRI.
BOSTON , July 31 The ix days' '
go-aa-yru-please pedestrian match tie-
gan yesterday morning. Seven thou
sand people witnessed the start.
Buvon men started , aa follows : Harri-
inan , Hughe , ' , Hart , Noromac , Du-
fristio , "Old Sport" Campana' and
jallaulior , of Montreal , who entered
ts "Unknown. "
The Hod Rlvor Country.
A aorio3 of pupora on "Tho Now
Northwest , by E. V. Smalley , opens
riipliicnlly in The August Century ,
ivitli a description of the Dakota
tvheat region , and facts , like the fol
lowing , of great interest to persons
looking now homes in the west :
Nowhuro else in the United States ,
iinlcsa it bo in the distant and little
mown valleys of eastern Oregon and
Washington territory , are such largo
argo cropa of wheat raised with such
unall expense and auch certainty of
iticcess year after year. The grain is
lown lute in the spring , as soon as the
lot suns of the northern latitude have
Iriod the soaked lands , and grows
vith marvelous rapidity. By August
t ia fully mature and ready for reap-
ng. All the farm work ia done by
nachinory , The plowman ridea upon
he aulky plow ; the grain is sown
vith a drill or a broad-caster ; the
Raping machines bind the sheaves as
hey move ever the ground ,
uul the threshers do their work in
lie fielda driven by portableateam -
iiigincH that burn the utraw for fuel.
[ 'lie grain is hauled at once to eleva-
era at the nearest railway station ,
ind then the whole farm equipment
if apparatus is left standing in the
iolda until needed the next year.
Except on the big "bonan/a farma , "
iwned and operated by capitalists , it
t rare to find any shoda for implo-
iionta , or , indeed , any farm-buildings
nvo a little b.iro box of a dwellinga ,
.lid u rude stable of boards , aod and
traw , to shelter the horses from the
rinter blizzards. The rod barns of
ho bonanzi farms nmko a great show
pen the wild , vacant prairie , but
liey are not much larger than thrifty
'onnaylvania farmers , who till a hun-
red acres , build to house their cropa
nd stock.
Ic is within bounds to say that , tak-
ng ono year with another , a profit of
un dollars an ucro ia inudo on the Rod
liver wheat-landa , after paying all ex-
muses of sued , eultivntion , and mar-
: eting. The great merit of this mag-
lificent grain-field does not lie wholly
n Ha richness , however. Its struc-
uro is peculiarly favorable for the
runaportation of its product to the
.eaboard , Two hundred and fifty
nilt'fl of rail transit bringa the lied
liver wheat to Duluth at the head of
uako Superior , from whence there ia
vater-carriago all the way to New
fork harbor , Dakota seems to havn
jeen fitted by nuturo for u vast , per- ,
naiient wheat field , ' ' 'ho conditions
if climate and soil exist for producing
ho best grade of wheat and the larg-
iat average crops harvested for a
uccesaion of years in the United
itatee , except , perhaps , Washington
Territory ,