Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1882, Image 8

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i . TllEDAlLYi1iE---UMAiIA MONDAY JULY 31 , 1884
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I In the 'SVest , Have received pci' steamer , City of Pueblo ttnothei' shipment of FINE CIGA1s. .
Max Meyer & Co's. ,
cx Xa
M d. by Cubain1 at I'ctor 705 , Ponnl Itrli , New Votic.
Ew4.3n : E' X XJ.'Xc L11
U. 8. Killikinick Sc1 ot N. 0. l'uck
. D. (3. Blackwull Dur1iin Swtl of Nubrta Old .Judgo
oia StyJo Duke Durhai 1no Jack Vanity Ftir
Mecrchautn Dtirliatu Pride Dog Tail Sweat CatporAt
iticlimond Oem Turii1i Mixture Old Ru ,
Wynuit's Cut niicl Iry.
: E1 LHt.T 3 !
Our Rope , Our Rod Good Luck , horse Iiioo Goldeti Rub
Cliniai Bullion Ariiiy Navy. Sear brands
and they will give a inb1ba cxlii
bltkii Ofl Friday avcnluu next , when It
expected a gentleman , who b. tliorouihIy
concrfian with the Eyptir.n prob
bciii , will deliver a .luort addreis on the
umhJcct. 4t11 fricncl4 and strangers are cor
diahly invited o attend.
-The morning levee orTudgo llencko tubs
morning will ho an bntoresthuig 0110 ,
-Aiiextrru trahui Oil the Union Peccbuic
ycsterIay IIftCrIICOn broligilt. in teit card of
-Oiio of the hiuavIt rains of the canon
% Yfts that % VhuihI fell between 1 atitl fl a. in.
yoserday uiiorniuig.
-iiio C. 11. & Q. was torty fico iiiiiiiitei
late yesterday , nui'l the west irnunil U. P.
mall Lraiui an hour behind tbnie ,
-It bs sair. that. them has been no rain
at Sfdno3' for elovcui d 'ys. Omaha , on the
contrary , Iiai had eboveit rabtis In one day.
-'l'hie trahui for ICitisas City via the K.
C , , St. .100 & 0. II. ) ( Will herealter
loaxo Omaha at 6:50 : a. in. b steal of 7:23 :
as formerly.
' special c'r bailed with the axhibi
of the lJnboi Pacific land tbepartuuicuut for
the Denver oxiio'IUon , w.oi sent one On the
lenvcr trabn Iat night.
- 'rho LTnbon Pacific bmiil ibc iiio to
\VaIloo occurs oiio wecic Friui next Situr'
( lay , nod ProI1lbeM t' ) he a delight fob altair.
'fho hey tleicrve Mice 's cvt'rytiine.
-Thu oven ad traiui west ye4erday
carried ten heavily Ilnhlell cars , and the
east 11)00(1 traIn , No. 'I , brought iii thu
IahI1o number , of the latter , two vero
" ( ijulkeyS" loaded with fruit.
-A couple of very Pretty little gir1 ,
about .1 mlii 6 years of iio reipeotivoly ,
were brought to police headquarters yes.
torLbny afternoon by Ohhicor Buckley , who
fotuul tlieiii wandering around lost in
North Omaha. Doimty Marshal McClure
oxorised a fatherly care oyer tboiii until
evening , when Officer ICaspor arrived
recogt.Izod them as ho1oii7ng to soiiio
acquaintances cif his iii South Omaha 1lIl
very gallaiitly oicortoil them hioiiie.
-Tue i. & Ill. Athletic association Iiae
sccured grouuii1i at the head of theGrecn
Ktreet car track , on the site of the field of
the 01(1 "OlulahiM. " Ohhiers are elected as
follows : l'rcshlcnt , ( i.V. . ltoldroge ;
Vice Picshboiit , Ci. D. 1)orman ; Secretary ,
C. E. Funk ; 'lrt'isiirer , , JulIIcs U. 'i'aylor ;
Iirector , 1' . S. IitstIsV. . ihiudall , ] t.
Id : . ' . [ 'aylor , A. Moiitirioreiiey.
-Mr. Charles U. lliitit , who took tlio
ngeiicy of the colebratni I iavtIuirti's Ceii
teuinlal ) xcelsior hoof l'aint , for the city
of Omaha , is doing a thriving iiuslness i > II
the genuine merits of the artielo. lie hES
fixed upa large uiuiinhcr of leaky roofs and
with good aatfsfactboui every thou' I Ic
vatrauits all woric and thou article Is on
dored by all thu leading iioii of the Coon-
try. I"Ir. IIIIIIt 10111 fl hraii new Wagon ,
horse and harness , ciii does all work
IirooiitIy aiicl iii first class iihiaiie.
-A 1119)1 named Johnson , who drives a
tealli for J0i111 ( reeii , the stoito iiinrry
1(11111 ( , met with a lucky accident itbciii S p.
In. Saturday , in tiriviuigover the gutter at
the bnterbectlon of Flullalu nuid 10th , the
$ obt. tbnew you of thu huge stones , upon
vhi ichi ho sst , oil IIIitI becoming cots ogled
I u thie lines J41121151111 [ ru in thu IIIIIII % lith
the rock IZI ti)1) ) of bliti , lied the street
IX (01 paveil lIe VOflhl have been crushed to
tloth , htt as it uas ho ritii very little
'l.unnged except by the coat of iiiutl ho izot.
-Mr. 1biborg of 'l'ouith street , who va
a Iraeicr.t ) shiphiulhiber In Phhhtubelphuia , Is
consiructbng a stoalner , on the levue , for
Mr. it [ , Meltuius of 'I'wenty.fourthi street.
'rho stenuier has foUrtoeul feet beam and Is
seventy feet froni stein to stern , It vilt
draw about 00.3 foot of 'ater light and
three feet latulixi. Its proportions are hue
aud the craft prIlotses to tie trim titl
' 'scsworthy , " ! ' 1r. IoIhaus will use I
for carrying wood and produce from point
Ici point "ii the tI s rIver between this city
and Yaiiktoii.
-eo , 11 , Bertha ii , the crink vii
IIIStIO such a disphsy In Omuiha tlsrco years
ago 111111 wound up his brilliant career
assaulting Mr. 'r. v. ! Fibbles. then on the
Iferald , has been ordered by the district
couuiiuisiouiers of the 1)strict ! of Cjluun.
bla to he released fF0111 the wrlc ( blouse1
and trlnsport.atboiI to Vlttslnirg fnriIshc1
111111 wIth the ini1erstauitiitig that it he
caute I ack to \1(5hIItIt In lie YOUlLI 1 0
agabi , seist tO \VlshIllgtOfl ( asyluiiu. lie
w.s cotifineti ill the work houts as the
luau "who s'uuld 1ivu eliot ( tiIteau , if Li'
hal been able to borrow a Pistol during
the trial. "
'idu ( coin thu wild flowers of thi
FAR 1A5lII ) YOS1i1'L11 VALLEY ,
it. it , the zoost fritirauit at perfumes ,
? iIauuf.icturetl by 11. 11. Shaven , San
Frauciaco. F'oz8alo UI Onuihu by \ % '
. \Vliitebou.u and Kennama .iiroa. ,
t Co ,
We make a specialty of the following brands and can assure
the trade that we can offer them such i ducernents in price and
and quality as to warrant them to pay c sh. List of our compleie
stock we furnish on application.
Ilitiitl Macb .1. T. C. Silyor Piuau Daily rnows Combination Omaha Club
Comfort New Stock Surpris. Frontier Favorite Ornauizent
Solon Shiing'o ' Now hirith Light Grand Discovery Unxcolled Sultan i\t. M. & Cu's Al
I ebraHlsa El Comerico Plow \Vestorut Beauty Honeymoon Leader
Same as List
c I r E
\IiIIitY Boulevard tuicum No. 1.2. Richmond Geni Laurel Wreath Old Judge
Opera l'ulflu Sport Veteran BoLe Durham CArporls Stophania
hecius Between the Acts Blackwoll Durham
Oven Bays of Sufforiiig and
starvation Under a Burn-
illg Situ ,
A. Farewell Letter Written
at the Gatee of
The Struggle for Life and
tlip Btt1e with the
The Diecovcry of the Body
. and thU Frontier In-
. qUett.
Ijomistakeinbie ProDf of the
Identity of tne Re-
Interment lii the Sand Hille
and a Rude Monu-
mu nt.
.n Mo.iongor Sout to Io.urroottho
IFidy for Burial at Home.
The Graphic Story of Mr. I. . McCoy ,
the Scout.
On the 8th of August , irr. William
Aust , a wealthy and popular business
milan on 16th etreot , loft his family
and nfFairi in the city fr a trip to
Deadwood , to settle up a mat-
tar of bug standing which
involved iioarly two thousand dollars.
Ho was at the time in apparurilly
good health , with every prospect of a
longlifo ahead of him. Over a week
had elapncd since lila departure when
the startling flOWO was received by Imis
friends here that ho had leaped
froiui thu sttwo , at a point
west of Sidney and had
b3011 wandering , timid iscovored , on thu
vast and ( IcilOlato P1ifl ofrestCrn
Nebraska for five d iys. After aoiiio
uncoetniumly niid delay' by reason of
uumsatisfactory con firination of the
report , Mr. L McCoy , proprietor of
the ( hiult house , in Shiull'a addition ,
was coujimnissionod by the lCnigiits of
Pythmir. of which Mr. Aust was a
member , to proceed to Sidney , take
"Ii the ( ) trail , and if Possible us.
cover time inissinmz man or ide romaine ,
Mr. McCoy is an old scout ,
fammilhiar with time country in
winch tIme tragedy took placu
imuid withal exactly thu moan for so mi-
portmumt a mmftsaiomi. Time umoblo hearted
111011 Oil time frontier ralliud to his as
siataumco readily and stood ready to
render aImy service , imo.vevur dithjrumt
or arduous in the c.mtmsu of hummianity ,
amid the result of the otfort wims the
discovery of tmo remuammia on Friday
witiiitt ii ah.rt iitstitumc of limo statloit
at Snake Crock , which could have
boou seen by the tiuifortimimate mmmliii
had he chinihod tli ridge half a
mmiibo froni time Pmmit at which
ho expirod. 'l'hu ( ) mmmcii in amid
about Snake Crecl % and , in.
cahity mae uumaniumious in as-
oribimig tln death of Aust to time iummo- :
tiumi of time stage uanmp.smmy's sorvamits
1111(1 attacher ,
Mr. McCoy roturmied from Sidmo ) '
yesterday , nuLl fromim iiimmm we bo.mrmm the
graphic details of the horrible ahFair ,
winch are hurt , givumi :
Aust left Oimuyunmmo on time 10th
iumst , having pruviousiy written a
letter , bearing the saimmu date , to him
fimimily , which waa thu last comnmnumj.
citiomi : over received ( ruin Imimim mimitfi
muter imis death , On the 11 tim of .July
ho loft Sidney , being booked by stage
fur Dadwoot1 , There is mm tusti.
unony to show that lie hmati beum
drmukimmg to excess , although his au
tiumms iveru ruimmarked as "rather
luer. " At Moore's Itinch , out titt
Platte , ho got omit of the stage amu
cumluring time hiousu called her a
of lemonade amid treated the boys to
5(11110 CIgars. lie appeared perfectly
rutiommul at this immime. amid ii
payimig for time stuhi' hiamidt'd
uier the exact ohmsuigo froui
time silver lie had iii him pocket.
Am to his subsequvn fate and ao
tions there are numnorous and coats-i-
dictory atatomnont. Time driver of
time ntagm , emi being interrogated by
Mr. McCoy , first maid that Aust had
jtiIm11)Od offabout two hundred yards
troun Snake Creek statiom but afterwards -
wards , on being more cosoly questioned -
tionod confessed that ho did not know
whioii his passenger did get oil' . There
was no other passenger emi the stage
and when Smmako Crook was
reached the driver jempod right
on ; and weimt into time house to got his
lunch. lie made the remark while
catin that ho had a crazy man in the
the stage , but soomi to kayo given
himself no trouble to look after him ,
amid on coucitmclir.g his meal , mnounted
to his cent , whipped Up the horses and
left time station cmi a run , never once
looking into the vehicle to moo if his
pastsolmgor was there.
It is doubtful at what point this
driver actually did discover the loss of
liii passenger , but olmu thing is cur-
tam , and for this ho is very nmuch
blamed by Mr. McCoy , that he nuver
notmfiod the superintemidout or ammy of
time attaches of the stage line of
the fact that Aust had disappeared
until live days nicer the occurronca ,
when all hopes of tindimmg or stying
tha ummfortumrnto inami were ivohl night
exhausted. lied he taken the commi-
muomiest precaution , as ammy disinterested -
ested party evoul might have beemi ox.
1)CCtC ( to da , aimd m.otitied either the
111011 about the station or time at c.f-
imien iii that vicinity ; had Ito even stint
back word by the next stage that his
111511 was missing , all hands unite iii
saying that there would have been
a general turnout for a search and
that Imo wou'd ' have boon found in a
few hour's time and would have today -
day been in all probability , alive and
well , Even after the hasty notifica.
tions seimt in five days after time affair ,
no systematic organized search was
The probabilities are that on bay- '
lug the route travelled by the stage ,
Aust wandered CIT toward the sand
hills , some five or ton miles. He had
only crossed time ridge and reached
the foot of time hills when found. Ills
boots were soimie what mu dowit at the
heel and as ho sank in thoyioldimmg sand
at every stop they must have begun
to hurt him and he pulled them off
evidcmmtly wont on , forgetting that lie
imaJ left timoni. One was found a bolmg
way front his romnams and the oIlier
was hot discovered. Ills hat , also ,
was discarded jut time wanderings of
his 1011013' trip amid then his coat.
Time forimmer was found five umiibea
away , time latter was mmcl seoui at all.
Left in this conditi3ml , tramimmg over
the prickltiy growth that covered time
plaiiis , his foot becnmo swollen and
festered by the following day ;
time hot mmiii beat dowmi
upon his uumcoverud head amid added to
time confusion of a iimumd already tot-
turing. At ; last , five days after ho had
bocim lost , alone on the ridge , lie took
his notes amid PtP05 trout his peckets
minti with a leumCil wrote title short
mmotu :
Jui.y , Tug ( no 1 ito ) 1882.-I ii vs been
carried aSVLt } ' one evemdn. fromim Oumialma ,
ummy hoiume , 1111(1 they got iiie to a Place 1 m1t
mmot know Fouutl out in the imioriiing it
was a great territory I lmayo notli'iir to
e it or drink Iii live (13y5-I can't sty s'ben
I can get. any. I say good bye to you all
nimd Imupu you will ito well.
( Signetl ) \V31. At'si' .
Mr. 1ieCoy timiu.lcs the writer lived
two nays mifrcr this. At I ist timt e
otes attacked huumi , f death inul mme
milready resotiod htiiii front time horrors
of 1mb situauomm. lie us iiontly lma a'
teriblo struggle fiommi soimw cause , fur
thu gm-otiimtl about luimii iviis torn amid
beaten itt mm circlu which tooLed like
time aruula in a circus tmmt ,
On the 23J. Mr. McCoy loft Onmalirm
I armed with a letter frommi Mayor Boyd ,
imitroduciimg huts to Liout , Schuyber.
IIt ivuui iiersotmallY acquainted with
time ohlicti- jut comnimiammd , amid wlmemm hi ,
arrived at Sidney was furmmislmud with
a detail , cozmamstimmg of a aerguamit amid
pri'attl , ii , aid in looking for Ammat ,
nuid the varty left Sidney omm 'I'imesdny
immurnimig , ulmaciuig foi'ty.omghit mmmdcii time
first daty. 'l'hey , thou struck across
thu sand and couiing across a crowd of
cowboys loarmiod that. a coat had boemm
muummd about immibe is ti-omit Ibm mmmdi.
Proceeding to time station , time party
was joined by three of tIme stockumwua
iumtl mime stiatreit commtimmued. hero it
was learned that a line now imat hind
been fuimmul about five itmibos away amid
wormm mute time statiomm by a cowboy ,
who was told that it belonged to a
denil mmmamm , and wimo otlbrcd to give it
UI ) to anybody who claimmmed it. Abeu
two amid a hiatlf or three iiiiles ( rout
the station the body of the mmm'ssimmg
mmiait was found. lie lay cmi time east
side oftime sand hills , z-ueliuiiimg on his
right aide , imie head resting aim the
right imanti and time face turned
toward time east. Thu romuniuma were
clad mu vest , pants and the usual Imu-
dercbotimimig amid presented a terrible
appesrammco. Time Ilesim was entirely
eatemi from the left aria amid right beg ,
only the naked bomiem being left. 'I'itu
face was equally disfigured , not a parr -
tide of flesh being left except
whom time hand han protected time
right side ; the papers and note given
lay ii few feet away , amid the ground
presented ike rippoaranco of a strug.
gte described above , The papurs and
documents known to have been in the
1)OSSessiOfl of the deceased , wore all
found intact. In his imatch pocket
Was $23 in silver and gold amid his
imandkerciiiof was found in the left
paula pocket. Tue 1)Ody was swollen
and in an advanced state of decompo.
sition1 presomiting so horrible a sight
that oven those accustomed to suci
things turned sick.
A nmessoriger was ( lispatched to the
staticim LU notify the omen there mind
they moon arrived on time spot. The
body wa.s turned over amid the vest
cut tiff , miftor which an iuiformual inquest -
quest one lucid ever the romnaimms. A
grave was dug in time ioimely spot and
die body , deemed immipossiblo of rts-
mitovud was eiunmittud to the eirth. A
piece of scuttling was obtained ( rein
the much aimd put un ate a headstone
to mark the spit , and his mmiission being -
ing accomplished Mr. McCoy left with
the Bai proofs of thu deith of Wil-
hiatin Aust iii his poaseutaton. lie p -
viousy arranged with parties jut Sul-
new to take up the reimmaimme aumd forward -
ward tiiciii vrheti the inutalic c 111 a
should arrive , the body hmaviuig boumm
wrapped in a new govoennierit i-il in.
kut lurniahed by nit olhicar f.n' the
1 rpose.
Upon tlit-i rccuit j ( the news in thia
city , rr. II. Niemmman was soimt by the
Knights of Pythiiaa , of which Mr.
Aust was a member , to bringtiie body
to this city , leaving on Saturday
night's Donyor train , with a inetalmc
casket from undertaker Jacobs , for
Sidney. It is not probable that ho
will return before Thursday or Friday.
Mr. Aust being entittod to $3,000 in.
suraitce , it is necessary timat the re-
hums be brought back and iduti-
titled to secure thi3 roiet to the
family. He loaves mm wife and two
children , the former being nearly die-
traded at ; the tern blo caiarnmiity which
has overtaken her. The fanilly of the
deceased is left imi good circumstances
as Mr. Aust was it man of good prop.
erty , and held a $3,000 bemuefit iii time
ICuights of Pythias order The deceased -
ceased was also a member of the
Onanita fire department aima of the
Mucunerchor sccety , mmd was a very
popular maui in the circle iii which
ho moved. The occurrence has been
OflU of time saddest which hits tramis-
pired in Ommiuia for years past.
Another Attractlvo Museum or Curl-
oeltues en route to Omaha.
. Tisu Baa had the pbeasuro yesterday -
day of a call from Mr. Charles A.
Davis , of liatchellar and Doria' litter-
Ocoamm Show , which will appear in
Onmalma , in all its overshadowing vast.
11085 August 18th. Mr. Doris is a
'ery gemitluinaimly advammco man , amid
if the nina lie represents , mnnkes as
t'o'd an impression as ho does we
hrtl'e for themit a immotmumnental sue.
' [ 'fits Oh'e tue 'J'nimu S cI .Eiil. 8 ii Pays :
'I title superior orgutmmia tteui dines
its t'lugumgiiuiitiuum lieu' . Ot-'tl'JiI t. 'I' ' o
ir na-lit lnca tyilt ha givemi to a
a' ii t % 0iIL.a. i'ibo. ( (
l ochm.'It m' t ; Dr is it si' . ' imia i. a bi'iL
liii ' . ) ( iii Olii''t.u l'ti. ' rsre
( (11(1 ( 'X'tiI aI'ti a oltigiuti specini I ,
time .m' lye mmiii uCtilO iiuraattmes ) , tim. ,
I iiti high atammidard of time ring pm rf.iriim.
amcu , chmatlemige the adunimatiumi of all
mimameaumimuuit goers. 'I'iuu oxcutltmrmt order -
dor immamutaiumeci has excited a great
detil of favorable comnmnent. No cii--
Cu. , hue ever appeared in this city tiit
hue iirawmm mm bettor class of people , mmmmd
Ito show has ever given more general
satiaactiomm. IIiihic Christine , thu
famous "Two-Headed Lady , " is Quo
of the inincipal attractiomms , By her
lady-like an(1 iuitulligemit niammmiur , aside
frommi her peculiar formation , she Immis
inmulu imumberlems ndmirera here ,
There iu no question but that Batch-
oiler & Doris have nimu of the moat
miovol amid intorcisting touted oxhibi-
tiouis traveling , mind time unusually
large business done hero ohows that
time public recognize thu fact.
* * ( ( Every truth has two sldtai
look at Imoth before coummmnitting QUi-
self to ci her , " KidneyViirt dial-
lommges the closest acrutimmy of ita in-
grediomits amid its grand reaults. I ;
has mmothmiug to fear fromu truth. Di : .
tore lila ) ' disagree as to tim best mimetim-
oda and romnodie , for the cure of comi-
stipation amid disordered liver nmtd kid-
noymm. But those timat have used KidS
ney.Wort , agree timat it is by far the
boat mnedicimmu known , Its actiomi is
promupt , tlmorough mind lasting.
\VtrTEn-A good m.commmt.hammd
bicycle. Address box X , Coumtral
City , Neb , 10.3t
Max 3Y1eyer [ & Co's. ,
c :
cf , ,
c :
ttstlo in five ditferoum1 prey . ' mu atyes mind. sizes , are miiammnf.tcttmrei l ' mit
the choicest of Tobacco.
_ _
iTE : zJL1 : ,
ElariL to Beat Favorite Foimmitauti Golden Thread
Daisy Fancy ltoly Mountain Cnarmmi of the West
Old Style Golden Thread Solace Tiger
c ,
E..orihlnrds French flappe Scotch Smith
Gail t Ax'a " Gail & Ax's Maitaboy
Coponliagon Immmportod Lotzhcck
rieVe guarantee all goods In give thoroumzhisathsftctiomi or 0159 lowe thmimi roturnI at our exp3mis , we paying oxpreis charges. A felt limio of l'laying Cards , l'a'or Clii,3 , , Optical Geode , Field Glasses , Compasses , Stationery , Toilet Articles , Barber Supplies , etc etc.
"iWo are GomieralVostern Agemmts for TIlE OIIIEN'FAL POWDEIt MILLS.
The Daily Bee.
Satur IHV Mornint. July 20.
Weather toport.
I t'ho following obscrVAtiOflM are taicemi at
the seine iiiuuitemit ( if time at all time tatbomis
named. )
V'Ml DgPA1ITttltT , U. 14. SnnaAa Samu-
vmci ; OMAIIAjimiy 30. 1882. ( Il ! p. in.
.i. .
a 9 U U"
" ° . .i--c '
aTsrmoxs. . .9
- i2-
_ _
lJencr. . . . . . 211.70 87 ? F 'rcsii Cloir ,
daytona . . . 29.77 84 V Frpi ) Ialr
iVM. attic. . . . . iU,81 PuT SC Fro4i Far
Ilatte . . . . . . .29 , ( ii 77 l"rcsh Utoir
Omaia.2).OS . . ) (8 N lrch Clotiuty
YnnktOii . . . . 30.00 72 I Frch I" . Ir
1cl4 Moines. . 2tdsi ( 8 .smz : I.mglit Terat'g
flacnporI. . . 20.1)11 ) ( ii l 1r sO Lt I
St. i'aut..10.07 tIlt 1 llrls4 La lint , ,
at , I.oul , . . 2O.U ( ; 75 miii I'rut , ml miami
Sloortucaci. . , . . 8ti.0'2 75 m : Pr .n Cloudy
Vlicei . . ( ) 73 aI rruli FsIr
IilSuMck. . . . 2 ( .111 7(1 ( SI l'rcsl , l'nlr
imuforui . . . . . . 12.eS : ) t1) ) se roh C1or
. . . . . . . . I4 e i"ioIi Clatr
IcuIwOol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assliulbotlie. . 2) ) 77 . lull aSY . Frtuh . ( muir
iittctr 9 leot 0 lncho above low watur mark it
Omibs , 5 fuct 0 Inches \'aiiktnri ; Mlilsstppt ,
ri tcot ii iiclius at I , % C'rosie , ned U luutC iuictue
a , flubcqtie.
-3 , C. .Jncibs sent a Motali Came for
the body of % Vmim. Aust Satmirda ) .
-TIme Christian cimtmrc'm ivill hold no scr-
tIcui diriumg , time unontim 01 itiigiist-
-The Mueminerchor pIcnic Ii postponed
until next Sunday on account of the bad
-Miami Ilardcubergh is holding her class-
Cs in elocution Lvury rimorning at St. Barn-
abmis schooL
-Two cases of intoxication caine before
Judge hleuoko to-jay and both mimen wore
discharged for good cause.
-It ; is the style now to exhibit big corn
ta1k and the boss sarmiple muborns the
front of J Blake's Place.
-A buggy broke down in the middle , cmi
15th street Saturjny and left time dri-
cci- sItting between thu two axle 1mm the
-Tim secoud nuinual iicuiiu of the aim-
clout order of lhlbeinlitna will be held at
at liascall's varlc. Saturday , Aupit. lZth ,
1882 , -
- TheVcstermi Uniumm folks expects to
get into get Into their new quarlers lit the
Omaha Nattiuual bitimic bulidiughy Suptemii-
her 1.
-A. neighborhood quarrel on Commvcmmt
street has resulted in a s'nraumt being is.
sued fur Maggie Basset , for disturlaluig time
-Viva wagon loads of hester. SVOrO soimt
ont Friday , billing the country for ilnohu-
her & Iorls' circus , wliico whit appear iii
Omamaha , August 18.
-v. v. Cole's Shows will sell athnis-
muon tickets at a slight advance above the
usual rate on the day of the eximibitiomm mit.
the Missouri 'aicific ticket 0111cc , Paxtoim
ilotci , corner ihim and Farnuima htrsot.
ileuci-ved seats can Lu had as mmovo also.
-1verybody will be glad to soc the ope-
Ia house opemmed till again , itmail , utotwithm.
atammdiu , it is dg days , po0ii1i wiil turn
out rim imiassu to greet tim faunoitu. actor , J ,
] C , Emnmmmott , i'Itu , appears at iboytl's next
ivtck iii "Fritz Iii Ireland , " "Ihie dates are
Fuiday and Saturday.
-Feeney &Commnolly have leased for a
turin of years , ii mite for a mnaguiticeut now
store oii ifitia and Burt , 'l'hoy irovose
erecting a mplendiil two story building , 2
feet by 00 feet , miami will coimimmmeiicc opera.
Lions iumme&llately. It. will be cue of the
fimmest slice stores hi the dry ,
-Memmibers t'f thulboard of Trade tteslrimmg
to go out the excursboum to Momitammaa nit
'I'hursday next , minust miotify time secretary
on embefozo Itlouday the 31.t of July ,
A meeting will be iaelti this oven-
tug to make final a.rrangemimemits , anti cer-
tificatce will be Issued to secure tickets.
Itmomas Gibson , secretary.
-Mr. Luke 0 , 1tthh1ehj , thewell-kmmoivmm
Jobtirintur , is time Ihaivy father of a Pair
or bcamnciug boy babIes , total weight nine-
teemm 1ounds. They arrived at bibs residemmco
on south Tenth strict Sate-malay ammil as
it Is the .eveimtii vuir ( if twimma that lies pot
in an appearance km timid utigimboriiootl lit
the vast I-ear , It cre4tetl consIderable of
a sensation. Lots and hmuusas lii that
.rIgbborhmood will lii the future cozuimnauci
a fabulous irice.
-Mr. Pewey , of the thrum of Ilewoy &
Stone , who recently traveled tim Eg'pt and
Turkey , bu-ougimt iare assortument of
views of EgyPt timid the surrounding countries -
tries with him on his i-turim t Omnaba.
Ito lisa kIndly lent all those views rofe' ' .
ring immediately to Egypt to the
Y , M. 0 , .A , of this city
. . . . -
- 05.- ' -
Allothor Offloor Transforro from
thil Pupartinout1
The Troops Under Orders to
A telegramia was rcc3ived at limo
headquarters of the department of this
Platte in this city , yesterday , from
Adjutumnt-Ueumermt ( Brunt , tmamiaforring
Col. Mart'imm , Adjotatit-Gommeral of time
tlupartmnetmt of tIme Platte to fhma tic-
partmnent of Arizona , iii conipuly with
1tin. Crook , Col. Royall timid otimera ,
CtI _ Ihartirr viI1 heave carly iii Sevtemmu-
'our amid it iii unclorstisod that thin
tratuisfer is niade in arerduico : with
his own wishes.
MO'iNO OitiE11S.
\\rti bearim trtnmm Adjrri'.nt ? 'I. L.
Foote that the trooii at Fort Omaha
are under imiarchiuig oriere , in comiime-
qUemmca of which time "drtns parades"
tit Fort Omaha arc disconiiutied.
These attractive features will be
greatly missed and will probably b
resunied when the atltire at Fort
Oniahia 1)ecomno settled OtiCO inure ,
thmouizlm it utppesrs Unit sonic of time
dignitaries of time armiiy oppomo thmemn
cmi general vrincivles.
SPECIAL OliliiltS.
TIme following special orders have
boon issued from the headquarters of
the dupartin2mit of thie stab , Fort
Omaha , dated July 29 , 1882.
'Phio following nautmed recruits enlisted -
listed at D A , Russell , Wyo. , are assigned -
signed as follows : Henry McKay to
company 0 , Fourth infantry , John
P. Mackey , comnpany C. Ninth Iii.
fantry. Recruit Mackey will be sent
to his statiomi on the firaf favorable opportunity -
portunity ,
Recruit Jacob Schamil , enlisted at
Fort Omaha , Neb , , is assigned to
troop II , Fifth Calvary , and will be
sent to his station on thin first favorable -
ble opportunity.
Corporal Timomuma S. Liurmb , conipa-
0 , Ninth Infantry , is relieved trom
duty as hospital steward of time third
ciass a. F irt Omaha , Neb , and will
mnIort to hiis coiiipeiuy commander for
The rifle matcim for limo departmnciit
of the Platte , beglima on August let ,
Tuesday next , at Fort Ommiaha and
couitiniie tb-co days. Coimm petitions
will be Imeid at 200 , 300 , ammd600 yards.
Time twelve marksmen making the
highest ogmogato scores will coneti-
tute time department team , mmd to that
niarkanman making the heat aggregate
score will be awarded a gold modal.
Lieutonamit Carpenter , inspect or jut
thu departmiiemmt , ctnmducts tire
In ttchics.
The following prizes will be aNsi-cl-
at limo contest :
To No. 1.-Time deparinitimit
gohi modai.
1. , Ni , . -One silver immiting o.ise
( VII cii , hiy Max Mnyer $25.
'I , . , , , 3S to ,
'I'll N . .1st ; .
'lit , 5 $5.
'i'o I nus umtt'l , $1 worth of j'JOl
ttiui.i I.j ( t it , ratige ut iritich Imis ijw
Uci "C tii Is in idle.
strtm , the eumlielit tho-'rn wdl Pu pini
a , , , sil fur .mli who wush to iJtrtici-
little. 'L'icktit fur 200 , 3)0 and (100
ii-d' , tmii CCLUa cacti ; mitiy be obtain-
4 , , t Limit. Immgltllt ( , who will roduemmm
buit's cyn tickets at 9 a. iii. tue fol.
lowing clay. . 'tmnnmutmitiomm for 1)001
shtootmmmg t ill be supplied on the
br , . uumd
hE.tNmSC'Mit oIm"r ,
Capt. Jim. 1' , Quinn , of time corps
of engineers of thu ilimitod Staten am'-
imir , is lie huts beemi fur a long tiumme iii
charge of the Mississippi riyer mmmi'
provemnents : it ; Plum Point , amid svas
traimaferred lately to Oimmaima , was , on
time ovonimmg of ida departure for this
city , greatly sumrpri8ocl ott rcceivlnt. .r
imaudsomegold ivateht and chain heir-
imig lila mmi000gremum cmi tIme outer race
and hi full mtauno Ott time mmusid , The
following letter actummpatmied tim pres-
eimt :
I'LIJM PoINt' , 'l'emum. , Juuto 1(1 ,
1882 - Capt. , Taniee i. Qumiumi , Corps
ot Engmntuors , U. S , A. ; Dear Sir- ;
'Fits undersigned have a duty to per.
forimi witio ' partakes more of time
character of a pleasure. We arc a
commimittee appointed by the cmmmpboyoe
umidtir you at the works of time Misaim-
sippi river imuprovemmiemit at Plum
Poimmt , Ttiiimi. , nr.d as such , ium view of
your boimmg called to autotlmer depart-
niomit , and as an expression of our re
gr.3t . and sorrow mit your leaving us -
and to express our aimicere admiration
for ycu mmmd our toatimommy to your
kindness , efficiency and thoroughness
jim the conduct of the work intrueted
to your chargo-wu desire to present
to you a watch and chaiu , , engraved in
such mmmaumier as may recall to yomi
hereafter time times vheui we wore eu-
gaged togcthmor on the old Teimnessee.
That your future may be bright and
happy , and that you may meet time
just reward of good labor well done ,
ma the earmiest and heartfelt hope of
your many friends.
Smncorely yours ,
B. 0. Htitumio ,
The Arrival or the Nine Consolidat-
odSbowo In Omaha.
Cole's nets' nine consolidated simows
arrived iii Omaha ycoterday mnorming
0mm their own apecid train of mnamiminothi
cars , hmavmng crossed time Missouri at
I'htttsmnouthi and coumie in om two
trains over theB , & M. The trains
were sidctricked near the B. M.
freight depot and the Skews disomn-
barked during the forenoon , the aighit
attractinie hmuudred3 of visitors ,
The strcttts were iii horrible condi-
tiomi frommi the heavy rain of Sunday
muorniup , mind imiade it decidedly bad
for utemi and horses. It served , lmow.
over , to show the good material of
Cole's ou'fmt. All day bug the heavy
% 71t05 and 'agons u'oro aeon passing up
Farnamn street , and ccrtaitmly a firmer
lot tuf horses was never aeon
with auuy show. They were
hamidsomue , fat and evidemmtiy well
kept , amid miotwitliatamiding the deep
mud , prarmced up tIme sitroets with
their loads as if they were traveling
over Nicholson pavememmt.
Time olophauits were a central figure
in the cavalcade , and espeamally the
biggest omie , which bouts up like a
man-of-war in fleet of
- - a fishing
amacko. This im the largest ani-
mmii that over made its appearance in
Omaha ,
A couple of accidents occurred which
were annoying if not serious. One
heavy van went tiirough the gas pipe
trench in front of time Slaveit house ,
on Tumult street , and the load had to '
bo tranelurred amid lime vami loft there
alt day. The ticket wagon met with a
atimmilar mishap 0mm Sixteenth strust.
The street parade will be looked for
with unusual interest , : iimil thn aiiow
this aftcrmioomm will bu laugeiy at-
ArtIc1e of IncorporatIon Flied With
the County ( Aerk SaturDay.
Articles of incorporation of time Nebraska -
braska Tehe1ihiomie Cornp'tny wore recorded -
corded iii the county clerk's ohliec to-
dilly by Jj. II ICirty , J. J. Dickuy , S ,
LI. H. Clark , Thomimas L. Iflnibatl amid
J..8. W. Gammuett ,
Time general iiaturo of the business
to be trmumsacted will be :
1. To build , cstabhimli , maintain ,
operate , leas , pu.diuasu or otherwise
acquire and usu telephone and tebe-
graph hues and syatcumis 1mm amid be-
tivecIm cities ammd tdwlms 1mm tIme br..te of
No rtak.i amid otiutim' Status ammi Tori-i-
tories WeSt o time Mmssmasippi river and
of nil rights , franc .isu ; jmuwera , and
uses perlimmmmirmg timeroto ,
2. 'I'o eastambliasim timId mmiaintaimm sya-
tenia of imuesseilger service for carrymmig
amtd deuivcriiig imiessagea , orders , pack.
ages , paireels or omimer articles of that
kind within tue cities and towns in
the atites and territories atoresimid.
3 , To imianufacture , repair , buy and i
sell amid deal iii tolegrapitue , tcl-1)Imonio
and other electrical mmpp.mratu , aimatC-
rial and supplies.
Time capimuit stock is fixed at $250-
000 in attarea of $100 eoii , subject
to be increased to $300,000.
'I'lme iumcorpnratioxm rtmns front July
1st , 1882 tu .July let , 1039 ,
'l'he highest. ammtoummt of indebted.
ness to be miteum'red at any one timmie is
$15,000. -
A president , vice president , aecro-
lacy amid treasurer , will control limo
affairs of time comimpany , togethmom- with
Ii hearth caf live directors fromim ivlmicht
the oIiiora nammmed shall be chosen ,
Oiiataa iii to be the jirzrmcipal place
of husimuLRs.
O'Glic'cIY-Jn this city , July 30th , at 6
p. mu. , Michael O'Gt&dy , aged 10 years ,
Funeral wit : take jlOco frommi the real.
demmeti , Jones street , hetweea 'l'mvelfuit and
Thirteenth streets , at 2 p mu. , agtimt itt ,
) i'rkmmds are Imiviteti to attend ,
- -Several immtomiated itien st-crc ho 1ced
in the hotel tie McClure yesterday. Quo
was " 'cosey" O'flrien , said to he time slick-
ent viclc iodket in the country. Atmutber
ivuis a colored moan of advanced years , who
was jIcked imp by officers Jiaser , Gorman
and .Jacobsen , on .facksoustreet , misatJ0h. : .
lie had walboweti about in time mmu.c uitil
he was illrt Personified , amid wm hineled
witimtous be gtting bite in ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -