Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Mondnv Mornitif/ , July 31
DT Currier , - - - - - gOcrnti > | nr ctk.
Dyilill - - - - - - $10 00 jut Yc r.
Office : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Ncmr
M. G. GIUFFItf , Manager City ClrcuhUn.
H. W. T1LTON , City Edltor.5
Sherrnden mules photograph * .
A No. 1 piano cheap , for palo nt
Crcquclt teltf , Wagr > ll ! Velocipede ? ,
Jlyclclcc , Hftbycnrriagec , Hammocks -
nil very cheap nt Mueller's.
Hcrzman la close out.
The Presbyterian pulpit wns occupied
yesterday by Kev. 1 ! . 11. llcrron , of Mont-
zuma , I own ,
Household turnlluroamlcarpeU chcnp
nt Hemn.iri's.
The growth of grafs In the park Is no
rapid that it kecpn the lawn-mower on the
move most of the tlmoto keep it tritnmcil ,
and even then it is not kept In the bent of
conditions ,
CountcrK , shelves and show caftcschcap
nt Hcrznian'fl.
L. B. Cousina 1ms a cnr load of cob *
for nalo by the wagon load. Address him
nt P. 0. box 780.
A young mnn in very poor health
crfino in from the wcjt the other day , nnd
utartedout cnnlwnrd over the C. , 1) . & ( J.
In the mottling lie was found to bo dead
ia hia berth in the sleeping cnr.
A number of flno pianos nnd organs
to rent nt Mueller's 1'alaco Music Hall.
It is expected that the committee font
from this city to Chicago to see about the
advance in freight rates will secure a con
fcrenco to-day with the magneto of the
pool lines and enter their protest , whether
it dot s nny good or not.
A Very do'irnbla plcco of properly for
sale , on south nklo Sixth street , in the
block opposite the now Opera House , on
llronduny. Front twenty feet. 1'rico
three thoupnml dollars , inquire nt Ur.i :
it The rnin has interfered grently with
- 3 the laying of wntcr pipes , nnd nlso causeB
many complaints nbout horses' le s being
cndnngcrfd by traveling on Btrcots where
mains have been lately Inlil , the dirt not
being tramped solidly , nnd when wet being
HO soft as to breuk through easily.
The free delivery of mail liy the cnr
rier system in now promised to go into
operation October 1. There has been
much delay in getting the promised carriers
started , but UIOPO who hnvo not numbcro 1
their homes nnd places of busincw , nro
barred out from complaining. Lot the
delinquent ! put the numbers up , nnd then
howl if Uncle Sam don't uatno to time.
On account of having disposed of my
real e Ulo in this city with the vlow of
removing to New York , I request nil per.
sons having bills against mo to present
them , and thoto owing mo to settle forth
with. K. IIutzsfAN.
The Hnrrlaon County News In speaking -
ing of Council Bluff < says : "Tho Nonpareil -
oil , the old paper there , Ims always lacked
in character , enterprise nnd stamina. It
has been vacillating nnd light-weight , not
In any degree meeting the requirements of
the principal railroad center nnd city in
western Iowa. It genius to have Inckod in
those essential features necessary to estab
lish n metropolitan journal whoso solid
foundation la the approval and best inter
ests of the country it is meant to repre
sent. " Nonpareil phase copy.
Sovornl Drvmliu and Disorderlies
Tuko u SuUdon Crmngoof Venue -
uo From the Cultibooso
to the Brush.
Yesterday morning thoao who wore
locked up in the city calaboose , took
sudden and unexpected loiivo through
the baok door , anil escaped tlirough
tlio rear yard , going no ono knows
where. When the escape Was discov
ered the rrfar door wai found wide
open , nnd the lock which is alleged to
fasten the iron bar across the door ,
Jmd disappeared entirely. Just how
the prisoners nmimucd to get the lock
oil * is not known. Thoao who thuaoa-
caned were John Dennis , urreatod for
being drunk , an unknown locked up
for a like offense , nnd Jnmea Taylor ,
was arrested for having u Saturday
night fight on Broadway near Bryant
Htrcol , Thpy were slirewd enough to
wait until they had boon
furuiihcd tlioir breakfast at
the city's espenao , a pecuniary loea
to tlio city of sixty cents , which' the
chief inournoth greatly. Thoru was
ono other prisoner in the calaboose ,
but ho remained , being one-half para
lyzed and the other hulf drunk , nnd
theioforo not in U o bust condition to
jnigrato. The name given by this
wretched old man ia 13. J. Wells. Ilo
was picked up on Main street Saturday
night in u halt-craned condition and
was sull'oring so yesterday from hia
many ailments as to render shelter
much moro donirubln to him than
Two other persons oKJiped Satur
day. They were Frank Milcholl , u
colored gontlunian , and Charles
Jones. TJioy were put at work on tlio
streets in default of cash to pay the
fines assessed against them for drunk
i enness. They took advantage of
Tj their position to escape from the
overseer ,
These ctcapca of prisoners are
getting so comn.on that when u man
is put in the calubooeo drunk , precautions
cautions are taken to keep him from
tumbling out of tlio rickety old
lock-up. It needs hcrdly to I to
bioathed upon to ' 'open cosanio" and
leave a chanca for eecapo ,
Brigbt'u Disease , DlubutOB.
Dowarn of the stud that pretends to
euro those diseases or other eorious
Kidney , Urinary or Liver Diuoascs , as
as they only relieve for n time and
makes you ton times worse afterwardr ,
but rely solely on Hop .Hitters , thu
only remedy that will surely and per
manently euro you. It doutrovH Und
removes the cause of the disease no
eflectually that it Lover roturns.
r i
Some of the Exponeoa nnd Difficul
ties Which this City Must Moot.
The frequent ntid copious raina this
ecason have called the nltonMoii of the
public in n very practical way to thi-
dtfectivo drainage of the city. In tin-
blully portion of the city there nro
auch stoops mid pitches that the water
rushes down , tearing out improve-
inonls , making gulloj-B , and washing
away fillings , an that in that portion
the city , there will bo needs bo rouch
money spent bcforo any permanent
nowcrago can bo secured. On the oth
er extreme tlicro are the bottom lands
and flat portions of the city , which
have not incline ) enough to drain in
any direction. It will cost much to
sccuro a good system of sewerage for
such portions. Then there is the
cruel ; , which is a natural
sewer , but it nvr rllows and washes
cutting nway hnV.a and frequently
causing much damage. Tins , top , will
bu a causa of constant oxponsu in the
years to como as well as now. Thu
putting in of water works increases
the nocd of having all sewers built in
accordance with aomo system. The
council has about decided upon a
plan , so far as Indian creek is con
cerned , by which its banks will bo
kept intact , and its How such as to
make it a great oowor for thu city.
Much of the city can bo drained into
this , but n largo portion cannot. It
ia thought , by thoao capable of ju-Jg-
ing , that the district south of Broad
way which can bo drained into the
crook will not reach south of
First nvenuo. There then re
mains the query , what can bu
done with the largo portion
of the cily still further south 1
There is no incline for natural
drainage and it is too far to the river
to carry sewerage pipes and ynt in
cline enough to have a How. It hns
been puggcstud that the only way will
bo to form n great reservoir or cess
pool and then pump it from there
through pipes into the rivor. Then
there are bottom lands which must in
time bu drained. However the
matter is looked at it appears as a
great taak and an expansive one , and
while it cannot bo accomplished in a
year , or in aovural ynnrn perhaps , yet
something mutt soon bo done to ac
compliah it in part. As soon an the
water works are put in operation the
necessity for sewerage will bo oven
moro pressing than now , and whatever
over is done should bo done in ac
cordance with some pununvl system ,
winch should bo decided upon soon.
The citizens will have to face the fact
that it will require much money
during the coming yearn , and instead
of investing it hap-luizird in tempo
rary experiments , it should be placed
from time to tinui in permanent form ,
ao what work ia done may lust for
years. Tlio sewerage and drainage of
the city are important matters and
Urowitig moro ao daily. They should
therefore bo carefully considered and
wisely manugcd.
A Brother and Bmtor After Thirty
Years tioparatlon Konow Com
Mrs. J. B. Stacy , of this city , has
for years supposed that her brother ,
Jno. Butler , was among the dead , They
became separated thirty yoara ago ,
and durrfti ! all tnoso years she has
never hoard a word from him , and
long since gave him up us dead A
few days ago nho was on n visit to
Koohuk , and there learned that her
brother instead ol being dead was
alive , and was living in Pleasant Hill ,
Mo. Shu wrote at once to him , and
Saturday last she was delighted to
receive a long letter from him. From
the account of his life during thoao
years as stated in thin letter , it ap
peared that ho waa in St Louia dur
ing the war , at n time when she was
there also , thus brother and sister being -
ing in tlio same city at the same time
unconscious of thu nearness of the
other. The joy at now finding thu
whereabouts of u brother , whom she
has supposed dead , proves a very ac
ceptable bit of sunshine to ofl'aot some
of the unpleasant notoriety which her
homo lifo has gained of late , on ac
count of the alluu'ed cruelty of her
husband and his diaaoluto habits. It
is understood that husband and wife
are now reconciled to each other ,
which will bo still another ohnngo for
the bottor.
Douf ua a Post.
Mm. W. J. l < niif ( , Delliany , Out. , Btatoi
lliat for fifteen immtlm rite wax troubled
with a illsoiiBo In tlio enr , canning cntlro
ilcafiu'du. In ten minutes nftcr unlnj ;
TIIOMAH' KmuTiuo On. , hlio fmmil relief ,
and in a short tlinu the wna entirely cured
and her hem ing i entered , jy.S-dlw
Another Loclgo ,
The Ancient Order of Druida , that
claims to bo the oldest order in ex-
iatonco , instituted a grove in thin city
Saturday evening , known as l ottawat.
tamio Orovo , No. 23. The following
oflicurs were elected for the ensuing
term :
Noble Arch W. 11. Vrtiiglmn.
Vice Arch J. W.dolf. .
Secretary Theodore Hessoll.
Treasurer James A Herald.
Inner Guard John Nicholson.
Trustees K. llosocrans , F. L.
Bokempor , Dr. John Stoinor.
Outer Guard Charles Patterson.
Hight Bard Charles Berghausor.
Loft BardU
- - , lloaocrjus.
There are about l.DOO Druids in
lowu , organized in 23 years. There
are nbout 100,000 mt-mbors in En
gland from 0,000 to 8,000 in St. Lou-
w with ono of the finest halls in the
United States , and likewise well
joprcBonled in other cities. The
lodco organized hero , starts out with
about six'y nuwibors.
The ollicers of thu nnwly organised
ledge are inatallod by Special Grand
Deputy Randolph Oloiidy , of Burlinu-
ton , un earnoat andetljciont worker
If Nearly Dond
Ufl < taH'nf ' ) some h'Shy ' | '
stuff ? , P"11'0 * " 1
, with long testimonial * , turn to
Hop Bitters and hnvo no fear of any
Jvidnoy nnd Urinary trouble , IJricht'n
Disease , Diabetes or Liver Complaint.
'Jheso dint-uses cannot remst the cura
tive power of Hop Bitters ; boiides
it is the beat fumily medicine on
Hondorehott Is Hold for Assaulting
nnd Robbing Newton Other
Caeca Before the Court.
In the superior court Saturday
James Hendershot had his examina
tion , on the char o of u&aaultift ; and
robbing J. Newton , a farrntr living n
few miles from the city. Newton was
on a sprco hero and fell into the com
pany of Hondcrahott and other ? . It
appeared , from ono witness named
Gardner , that Hondcrahott nnd New
ton entered Iho bar-room of the Union
avenue hotel and got como drinks , for
which Newton offered in payment a
§ 10 bill. Ho was given back a § 5
bill and the rest in silver. The bill
ho slipped in his vcfit pocket. While
standing there Gardner saw Ilonder-
shott slip the $5 bill out of Nowton'a
pocket , and an he winked to Gard
ner ho told him that he would
have moro than that bcforo morning.
Gardner did not interfere , fearing
thrt ho would got into R row , Liter
in thu evening Ilondorshott returned
to thu hotel and asked Gardner for n
room , Ho told Gardner that a man
had been knocked down and robbed
on the street , and seemed in n hurry
to got ( o bed. Soon after the ofllcors
came and arrested llondersholt , New
ton having told his story how ho was
attacked , knocked down and robbed ,
and claiming that Ucndershott was
ono of the parties. There was another
witness , who had Been Hondurshott
and others in a saloon with Newton.
The latter ssid ho wouldn't treat
again because ho had no money.
Another ono in the party eaid ho
know better than that , for ho know
ho had d$50. The xritncss had then
told Newton , who was pretty full ,
that if he had that amount ho had bet
ter go homo and to bed , intimating
that ho miuht lose it , or bo robbed of
it. At this Ilondorshott became very
angry , and insisted that the man could
take care of his money without any
such advice. There was only § 5
found on Hondershott , and as
his companions wore not found , it is
not known how much they got , but
Newton claims to have lost about SCO.
Judge Aylisworth decided to hold
flondershutt for the grand jury , fixing
hia bonds at S.'IOO , in default of which
ho was locked up in j til.
There wore four § 7 CO drunks dis
posed of on Saturday in thu superior
court , they bning Frank Mitchell ,
John Dtmnis , E Downing , Chailoa
Jones , They wore all booked as hav
ing no "tllV'ots" The whisky having
its usual effect.
Stillman Bats was complained offer
for kicking the door of S.idio Richards
pluco on Broadway , and using obacono
and abuaivo languajjo.
Charles Smith w.m arrested by ofli
ccr Sterling for larceny. It wns
claimed that ho was the one who broke
open a trunk : it his boarding house and
atolo thurofrom § 1.25 The evidence
was lacking to prove that ho was the
oni' , there having boon others who
had acca o to the room where the
trunk waa. He was therefore dis
A Grlovanco Committee from Coun
cil Biuli'd Cnlla upon the Iowa
Trunn-Llnoa MnnaRore.
CblcrijOTrllilino Jill , 20
It was stated in The Tribune a day
or two a o that tlio merchants ot
Council Blull'i felt very indignant on
account of the Western railroads load
ing to that point advancing Council
Binds freight-ratoa to the same figures
as the Omaha rates , which heretofore
were from h\o to five cents per 100
pounds higher. It waa also stated
that the merchants of Council Blufl'd
had appointed a committee to como to
this city and impress upon the railroad
managers the injustice they have denote
to thuir people and induce , if possible ,
to reconsider their action.
This committee , consisting of five
prominent Council Bluffs business
men , arrived here yesterday and called -
ed upon those nuiingi'M who huppentd
to bo in town. They were referred to
Commissioner D.uiiels , of the Iowa
Trunk Lines' ' Association , with the
request to luy their grievances bcforo
him. They were closeted with Mr.
Daniels for some time , and tried to
convince him that j usticu required that
tlio now rates bo rescinded.
The committee claimed that the
action of the Iowa trunk lines was un
just and unfair ; that Omaha could
not in justieo demand the same rates
as Council Itlulla business had not to
cross the brideo , nor was it subject to
the bridge tolls. The fact that on
wwtt bound buainoj-s from Council
Blull'j the rates woio to bo the uamo
as from Omnha did not cqunlizo mat
ters , because the purchasers had to
p y the freight rates , and not the
Ommnianionor Dmiela informed the
committee that ho waa powerless in
the matter , and that thu only relief
come from the manugors tlitimsolvoc.
Ho promiaud to use Inn best ollort to
bring about n mooting between the
manugors and the committee to have
thu dilllculties discussed. Afterward *
Mr. Daniels called upon the ollleors of
the Iowa trunk lines to got them to
agree to a meeting of the commit-
tee. It ia understood that such
a meeting is to be hold Mon
day. Judging by present indications ,
the efforts of the Council Blulla business -
ness men to have the Iowa trunk lines
rescind their action will bo of no avail ,
as the manuKurs of these roads declare
their determination to carry the new
rates intoellVcl. They say that they
cannot do otherwise , or oleo .hoy
would looao their Omaha business , as
the Missouri Pueiuo and other roads
got into Omalin without having to
cross thu Council Ululfo bridge , and ,
these roada being able to muko the
same rates to points on the west side
of the Missouri to points < n the east
side , they would cot nil iho Omaha
business. To make the ratea all alike
to both Bides of the Misiouri was the
only way in winch the toads could
equalize mnUeis without gottiii" up
another railroad war. The Council
Hlufl'a peoulo oflsot this arrangement
by pointing to thu recent decision of
the Trunk lines Advisory Commission ,
which found that
nearer points are en
titled to differential rates , and that to
do otherwise would upset nil laws of
competition ,
A true aselaUnt to nature in restor
ing the ay-stem to perfect health , thu *
enabling h to reaist disease , isBrownV
Inu Bitters.
D. A. Stnrrett , of CUtngo , fcpent Sun
day at the Pacific.
M. H. Ilcnlitjneimcr , a St , LouU
mercantile dcout it in the city.
C. L. Howe , the St. Loiili \ Inecjar man
Bmiled hl sweet'.it at the Ofden yester
J. L. Hnwe , of Chicago , wns ono of Hie
here-are-jou'a who spent Sunday in the
Will It. Merrit' , the wMl kn-wn Uea
Molnes tourist , ip'nt Sun-lay at the O -
den ,
MrK. Charlea Traytnn , of DM Mnlnes.
M among the guest * at the Ogdin hume
ye tcrtUy.
Tin fnmlllar face of H Howard George ,
of The Chicago HcriJd , wai seen here yes
tcrdiy ngRir.
H. N. * OB OOI ) , of Chicago , was one of
the upper tens in the pool irath ral at the
Ogden Saturday c eninif.
William Bertram , of Chicago , represent
ing The Mining Review , rested over Sun-
y here , bcforo proceeding to Deu\crto
write up the fxpaaltion ,
H. K. Seaman N moving his extensive
stock of stationary etc. to the l.irRO Btore
room adjoining Harknes * , Orcutt & GSs. ,
cm inlildlo ISroadw. y.
Miss Floietco Uolter ia thin week re
ceiving a pleasant vhit from her friends ,
Mlssei Amelia and Mary Pashe ) , of Coun
cil DlunV-Harrison [ County News.
Among the Homkmm items in The
Muctl-nia Tribune 11 tlio following : ' Wo
learn that the family of Mr. 0. II. Stock-
well will leave \u this week. Their
future homo wi'l ' be Council Blulti ) , Mr.
S , ia in the employ of the Milwaukee rail
road company. "
The Macedonia Tribune , with many
"iff , " says : "Mr. A. W. lliekman , of
Council UlufJV , candidate for tlio ollice of
clerk , nmdo us a pleasant visit on Tues
day , accompanied by Mr. Knox. Mr.
Uiekiunn is a pleasant gontleniau , has held
a prominent petition in the postoflico for
the past five yearn , and will undoubtedly
mnke an cllicient officer if elected , nnd
them is no d mbt of his election if he gets
nominated. "
Jamea Frniney , the well-known fashion
able cutter and merchant tailor , has re
turned from Now York , Chic-iff" , and
othercantern iitcs : , wheio he has been
purchasing a very lurgts and well assorted
stock of goods. Ills numerousfiiemls will
bo pleated to know th..t ho oga n com
mence < business on hia own account , Kor
yeara hohixH bten the tllicient cutter for
Obcrfelder & Xewnuinu. Ho will occupy
tlio store now being vacated by U. E.
M. II. Bens in , of Des Moiiiej , has been
spending few days in the city , looking
after the interests of A'len ' ft Co. , shirt
manufacturers of that place. Asi te from
being a right lively salesmen , he is n mar
vel ia handling the Imruionicuin. Ho has
two mouth orxans , one which he use ) iu
selling ehirlp , the otlier in making music
for hu fririidj. On the latter mouth or
gan he has gained great skill , ac'l cnn beat
that littld Uernmn baud all to pieces. No
joking. IIo's n good one.
Oacar Allen , of Marsha Hewn , ono ot
the oldest and liveliest firemen in the state ,
spent Sunday here , making the Pacific
house his headquarters. Mr. Alien was
president of the Firemen's State nssoci
tion at the tiiuo the tournament was held
hero , and was so well treated while here
ou that occasion , nnd formed auch pleas
ant acquaintances , that ho revisits tbo
city as often us possible , and ia always
heartily welcomed.
For ased men , women , weak and
sickly children , without a rival. Will
not cauao heudachu. Brown's Iron
Cannot BlullV Free Delivery.
National Aiwocl.itcil frcj .
WASUINOTON , D. 0. , July 29. The
free delivery system is ordered at
Council BlutFd , Iowa , October 1st.
Homfnril H Aold PhonjiUnto
is beneficial in inebriety and in many
diseases whore the nervous system ia
unstrung. 5d&w-lw
KOT10K. Special advertiBcmeiitB , euc ns
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Silo , Tu Hunt ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will Lo Inserted In thU
column at the low rate of 7 N CENTS I'f.K
I.INJ ; lor the first Inoertlon and FIVE CENTS
PUR LINE for cuch eub iKUci > t Insertion.
Leave adv ertlacmcntg at our clilcc , No. 7
oil Street , ncnr Hroad y.
TT7"AN < "EI ) A man hM 'tig a thoroi'sh li : o 1-
> V uc'jfoof llroliiKuimi' ! ' luiilriots. Aillr. tsl' .
0. U \ az'J , Council Jllutrj , Iu . Jjlj-JU
A g' > od , c mretuit vlr
WANTKD I d in jily for Kenrn h'ni.iworiv
Mr . T. i : . l.u\ln , ISa avlnhiMU nil
. W win 5ii cnc > o-lc ni.lo o-
WANTKD. < m > cr io i lt p 1 ' . * n id
oiTAiia , to taiooiilcrj/or IHW i'Ul.1 ailon
The pub'cat ' loi'Bnr" nnimiari , nnd ton a * fi h * .
Our i rm fcrulil.cral an' t-w * make frini cJ
toflOpcrd r. l < ir clfi'lunann tcnim inlili
Wosltrru Buck Cuiil'tiliyCouncil H'liflu lr
' ' ' , a
" \\TANTEU Krvryhodr In Council niutr a
YY to taku TllK U < B , 20 cenu Jier nink , dc
Ihored by carrier * . Oillco , No 7 Pearl Strcat
near Uro.Cd ay.
To buy 100 tons bj-poin com
WANTED attdriua Council llluU'
Uroom 1'i.ctorCoimill liluBa , Iowa. 85S.2Jtt
For Snlo nnd
I7IOH HALF Thou cap-tit IntbO anil lot m
L1 town. A-iiyto II. llowo , No. SU Ilroail-
I7IOU fi/kl.i / : Two cbliua la Nibrailm , cheap ,
L1 l > ) Odcll &l y. J)2Mw
7\OH HALK-A red lr li rctti-rdcf , 1 1 car old ,
1 thotcushlv jard bikfii. will tell ihcap
Xddrc * ri. I1. O. b X 1042 , C. 11. Iowa.
jn SA1.K llea-itiful resilience loU , SCO
each : nothlui ; down , anJ Sipcrmontti onlj ,
' & 8MOT1IKUS' , CoiliioH lllutfj
HAHCOt'RT i'Xf n . Onler Iclt at EpiUu
l'u torc , Mslu ttr it. Counr 1 Wull * . or J. C.
Klllot' , 1JC5 Farucm > trcct , Ounha , will reecho
attcntoii. " *
QTlLUAIIEAI at ucces8 Csll ami i-e
Jj new ccc oris nnd | Hclmciii ! ol plcturu
taktub/lhero'lab'e ' gi'latlno troudde j < rocc f ,
at the Kin-Utter Cialltry lOlMaluntrcct.
. W. L. I'ATTON-rhyiiclan and OculUt.
DK. cure any ca oj on > ey . only
a mittcr of time , ud can euro general v in
( rom three tc D week-It maVt no differ.
uco how lonu' dUcascd. Will itralgbteu cro
ey 8. ojicrato ind rcuo\e I'tyrtclunn , etc. , nd
Iniwrt artificial eyes. Special attention to re-
uou'tng taJew onus. ps-ti
Facts forth Knowing
\ now crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 7uc
Fine Japan Tea , tqual to that of
fered at 75c COc
VWy Fine YOUIIIJ Hyson , equal
tu that offiied r.t $1.00 75c
Wo Moan Jtiat Whit We Say ,
16 Main Ft , and 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Ofllco and Works , Main Street ,
Wo nlvo special attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting FurnacBS ,
uill rocclvo prompt attention. A Kcneral as-
Bortrucnt of
Brass Goods. Belting , Pioing ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Mo , Coal ,
All Shippers and Travelers will fine
good accommodation and reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
Eubbor Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancr > ft or ( Fourth streets. )
J. M. PALMhK ,
I he Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Kmploy the best Oread IJakor In the West ; nlso
a choice hind ( or Cakes and Plea.
Bread UcU\eruil to all i irtB at the city.
Rich Out Qlnsd , Fine French China ,
Silver Wnre iic. ,
JflBB , H. J.1 L..O.N. . M , JJ ,
2JJ2 < iroinlw. y ' _
as . -
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1866
Dealers In ForiU'u ard Do nestle
and h Jine eccurltlts ,
T.J.OADY.MJ.J.S. . ,
( I.ato Yi.t ilnary Surgeon C1. S. A. )
The Oiily Votorintiry Burgeon
iu the City ,
All ol the b at I'hju diiib In Council DluOa nod
aurtoundlu v u
613 South Main Street , Council U ufli.
New house and newly fitted up UiflntcUsi
Itt le. Mealf t oil hour * . Ice cream and Ictno-
atie every cvcnluj. Frulta and ctilectlonerlo
A TV1 W % rf4 A * 2J > re"t > t'i B1S1 T"FP IFVif * 2 ° 3
and Fourth Street
Broadway , , ,
Council Bluffs ,
n n
c ujz.azszai'
3 ?
Burdette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all.
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
third off. Agents wanted.
Correspondence solicited
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
rasa us *
1 , : i ' = 583 * , " SS
Bluff and Sillow greats , Council Elnffs.
ilirrors , Upholsterj , Bepairing , Etc. . Wood nrd Metallic Cofilns ,
No. 436 Bromiu-ay , Cor. Bryant St. , Council TJluH'a , Iowa.
'I HE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY None but first-class Bakers
employed. Broad , Cake , Pica , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. , Our
Wagons run all day. Nil
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
and o number or. Well Improved Farma , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYKC , over Savings Bank , - OOUVOIL BLUFS
Brookton , Mass. , July 13 , 1882.
Z. T. Lindsey & Co. , Council Bluffs , Ja. :
Dear Sirs : Eeplying to your esteemed favor of tie
5thiost.will say that it isafaot that the advaiioe in thoprice
of Calf Skins , Solo Leather , and most every kind of Shoe
Stook , taken in conned ion w th the adva 03 for labor we
have been obliaed to couredo to workmen , has increased
in no small degree the cost of manufacturing. Notwith
standing which fact wo are pleased to say your order ,
given us early in the sar.son , will be filled M the ofd prices ;
and wo hope , by being diligently alive to the requirements
of the dema' ' d for a really first-class article , to supply you
with a BE i TER line of eoods than we have ever given you
hei eto'bre. ' < 'ur purchase of both French and domestic
Calf Skins , as well ; s a large supply of 0 k-tanned Sole
Lcath-r , were mane very early in the season which , being
bouelt at fonnc-r prices , relieves us in a great do roe tf
the inoroased oj.4 of production that inuny manufacturer
areoblixcd. to sustain in filling tlioir orders taken early.
Your win lo order for the coming fall season is well in
bond , and will bo shipped at an early date. Wn dos'ro
to call the attention of these whj use our goo's ' , through
the medium of your house , to our now styles in both Hand
and Machine Sewed work. Our French , Medium French
nnd London Too goods are all uiacie on entirely now lasts
and now patterns , which wo feel sure will meet with a
just appreciation nnd the approbation of vour customers ,
W ith the improvement we have made wo expect to furnish
a moro nearly po-foot fitting shoo than ever btfojo. Woas-
sure you , gentlemen , that we will endeavor to give all your
order ou' pnrnnt and careful attention , and with these
assurances we trust to merit the continuance of the many
favors you have been pleased to bestow upon us , and , i
awaiting your further commands , wo are
Respectfully yours ,
C. A. 11EEBE , W. nUNVAN , \f , DF.EBE
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale aud lUUU Doilcru In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,